The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 31, 1861, Image 3
1 ' r * ll I “WwfitSEi I Si ss* m Site hMiart.t»SJS5 < gg* «y s* i a^&ss&iSWl to wll m low it notTsSall r* tGiPr I iltoe. He smU thnSjii i*** 1 42 1 «4ue their Ml rSSSSBtt to «n 1 hi*, new stock | Mtfiedthat hacsa gtfSSSJfjHshs, | of the best luhUtyeel^iS^S* 6, l i Gooda at Old Xx&mT* I , Mia’flrai6W,^ j|| i- 3 ™" aton Dtlaiut «-SS£"H tod Defenses, all ami, at SrZ J® 1 Mf, Omettoga and Aimiout yard* for $l, LancatUraitd‘ ] i Gingltanu /row Ifl .far - all tixM Flannel /row 2g to i J «jr Sheeting Muilin 12V ctt to/row 6^to cto/aSk, rid J«« o/ ewrjf | land Bhoet; Women, • i Show; IJaia sad Cope, "ShMCkj. s Coffee at 17 flen se White, Sneer 11m. j ; Imperial, Y. Ojior and-lK£2 8* i «t».; Odarand Wfllov WtSSrSf** ' •>• A. SPBAskSl”’ J EST ARRIVAL OP WINTER GOODS OMAN’S STORE BRIBER INFORMS Rig Übe public generally, that 1m beautiful abutment of . w ID WINTER GOODS. Bee. extent uid variety, ban InUlair county. Particular DRESS GOODS a Sitkiy CheUlies , ifereye*, ChitUss, DeJkfictf Orttpcif Sfcnofe, ifaMltßa*, CmfersfeecM efc anrf Ribbons, Collars, Bami d Curves. Hooped Skirts, Skirt* . v Zacs JKft*,rfc., tfc, fTLBMEN’S WEAK, limorea, Teetlnge, Tweed*. .. mid do troll to Can Is for Boj*. ■ u ** ■rare. GUMWare, QoMnnran, W~j i Clothe, CarpeU, *c,ln innaZ mot tall to plena*. ' ' OOERIES. s la more extensive than mt, tai iva Coffoo, Crushed, Loef ud . uhl Black Teas; Mnhww,a,^ nl'llc tor the ray liberal patresax '.hope* by strict attention to fcaS. u> please, to merit a oootlnnaacs of ' of all kinds taken in 3. B. inZiKMAN. EXCITEMENT 'SE SMITH* &! ISIGNED WOULD RE uoonnee to the cltlxone of Altoona ry.tltal bo baa just relumed beg STER STYLES OP > Sc CJ-A.I*S. arc of the very beet rtlectkn, ; shape, for both old and yodag; ’UKSI EURS! Id Misses’ Kart Is the beet ever kmsistins of every variety, which suit the times. J ! people call and examine bis stock, that he can- acrid, them away re m chase of such an article a* they snee of having looked anon the u. Cape, Furs, Ac, ererexblUM <>ppotiU the Lutheran, Church, T JESSE SMITH. and Fifty Dollar PER PRESS! iOVJS SUM IN CASH » of my superior NEWSPAPIR Irircn by hand with ease at ths 10 SHEETS PER HOUR, n a colored poster down, and do rlinder Press In the world. Is a form with two rollers of 26 3,000 lb«, and cau be put up and iary printer. ten done on this press. In pam* s cut of It, tod will y to tlioee who hare not received wrCrom them. ng* this advertisement, to the Hog me a paoer containing lb ptt of their blll towards payment ordered after one year from Sep ird within. One year, $2O wfll 1* ordered within six months |3O within three months,-$4O wUIU IMES AND WAR PRICKS ur Interest, to communicate dfc sat the press to beilM repre* unit s can easily find out ftr yon Kr in New York. For further A CAMPBELL, No. 16, Spruce street, N. Y- IGH SCHOOL! ILLER, Principal >ESSIpN OF THIS itnee on MOST)AT, Hot- *&■ on of Prof. Miller u no ne«o»- »ful Teacher 1* amtoraunUt other*, that - the school iB " I Mtitfurtloo. »-V OF TWEyrr WZKV. h-«raph,. Competition, , Mental and Adnuieed 1 7, Trigonometry, Latin ... lOO itiou to be nude moaM) Is ft* FOOD offers his Pro* i the cltiaen. of AUoonn t** l a Strut, near), oppotlt* C. -• IZXCES: Huntingdon. •», “ ■ PitUbotgh. miogham. [»os, Tyroot CRy. WANTED! Tit p«r Month, nail nffJWM*' e a eoMMfadea. LEAD AND i -st] . - iSSaa* PPORTBEB, Trw- fornafeni ' ' ’ : o.y. iaajßtW?! lOLOONBB, .mft ' loß * t OTH, SHAVING, hJpruMMf nt ■ il) EYE s-tt] ; " DABD i-tr. i •wm jUtooim Cribimc. ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE. MAILS CLOSE. Eastern Way .Veitwn Way HoißtojaJ™**-■•■ Western Through.. Extern Through.. MAILS ARRIVE, _ „u. w ,hnru. 7 00 A. M. and 6 20 P. M. - **w- E"'" 11 r ugh nooa. m. y ..“ 0 30 P.M. nmez HoBM During the week, from 8 43 a. M. till . to Sundays, from 8 43 till 7 43 i. si. jMr.Jtwuo j, JOHK suOBMAKKU, P, M RAILROAD SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1861. E«,'re* Train K«t arrives M» A» ; leaves 4.43 A. M .. “ -8 30P.M. “ 8,50 P.M f,,t << S “ 7.35 P.M., “ 8,10 P.M. “ 11.00 A. SI. “ 11,20 A.M. M»il “ .< 6.30 P.M., “ 0,50 P.M. irm.LIDATSBDRG BRANCH connects with Ex- The_* w M t. and Mall Train East and M est. Gnu'll BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown omnoMi at lonT rain a Hast and IVest.-Expreas « and y„ t Line and Mail train Easl and IN est. _ OUB APOLOGY. For some time past we liavc been prom ising our readers that if those who are in debted to us would come forward and set tle up, we would, on or about the first of October, show them something never seen in this section of the country. W ell, the , first of October has gone by, and wchave i not announced our show os opened. Ofj coarse you want to know the cause, and, , to begin with, we would say that the first and most important condition of the terms, upon which we promised to furnish the exhibition, has not been complied with, viz; but few have called to settle their bills, and thus supply us with the means to purchase it. Now it is not to be 05- pected that we. can get up a show worth looking at Without money. We won’t go “on tick,” for it, and could notget it “on tick” if we would. Again, the gentleman who is engaged in getting up the exhibi tion lias given us notice that hg cun not have it completed in less than sixty days from the Ist inst., which will be about the Ist of December. Delinquent friends, you have still time enough left to settle your accounts and get in to see the show on the first day that it is opened to spectators. — Come right along, and make no delay in settling up. The show is coininy, and we must have tKc money to pay for it. Don’t delay payment because the time is six weeks in advance. It will be up before ye are aware of it, and then you’ll feel bad about not having paid us —at least you ought to, LOCAL ITEMS. The Sweet Little Man. [Hew is a very appropriate poem, respectful ly dedicated to the “ Stay-at Home Rangers,” The truthfulness 0 f the picture presented will not bo questioned, and the point will be easily arrived at. Let all the “ sweet little men” read, it:-] Now while the soldiers arc fighting our battles, Each at his post to do all that he can, Down among rebels and contraband chattel?, What are you doing my sweet little mau ? All the brave boys under canvass arc sleeping, All of thorn pressing to march with the van, Far from the home where their swtot-heartt are weeping. What are you waiting for my sweet liltlo man ? You with the terrible warlike moustaches, Pit for a Colonel or chief of a clan, You with the waist made (or short belts and soahc-i. Where are your shoulder-straps, sweet little man? Bring him the buttoulc?s garment of woman, Cover his face, lest it freckle a.pd tau ; Master the Apron-String Guards on tin; common, That is the corps for the sweet little man. Give him for escort a file of young misses, Each of them armed-with a deadly rattan; They shall defend lym from laughter and Miscs, Aimed by low boys at the sweet little man. All the fair maidens about him shall clustery-1 Pluck the white feathers from bonnet and fair, Stake him a plume like a turkey-wing duster; That is the crest for the sweet little man. 0, but the Apron-String Guards arc the fellows! Prilling each day since our troubles began I “ Uaudlo your walkiug-sticks!” Shoulder umbrellas!’ That is the stylo for,the sweet little man! Have we a nation to save! In the first place Saving ourselves is the sensible plan, ■Surely the place where there’s shooting’s the worst place, Where I can stand, says the sweet little man! . Catch me confiding my person with strangers 1 Think, bow the cowardly Bull Runners ran! lu the Brigade of Stay-at-home Hangers 1 Marches my corps, says the sweet little man! Such was the stuff of the MaUkoff takers, Such were the soldiers that scaled the Uedau; Truculent housemaids and blood thirsty Quakers, Brave not the wrath of the sweet little man. Yield him the sidewalk, ye nursery maidens! fiauae guipent! Budget, and right about Ann- Fierce u a shark Id a school of meuhadeus, See him advancing, the sweet little man! When the red flails of the taUle.ficld threshers Beat out the Continent's wheat from its bran, While the wind scatters the chaffy Scccsbcrs, What will become of our sweet little man? When the brown soldiers comeback from the borders, How wfU he look when his features tbeyscan? Uow will he feet when ho gets marching orders, Signed by bid lady-love* Sweet little man! Fear not for him, though the rebels expect him— Life is too precious to shorten its span; Woman her broomstick will raise to protect him; Will she hot fight fur the sweet little man? Now then three cheers foi the Stay-at-home Ranger, Blow the great Fish horn and beat the big'pau! First in the field that is farthest from danger Take your white feather plume, sweet little man! J®- The Blair County Whig, of last week, in speaking of Gen. Sherman’s body guard says;— “It was originally intended for-General Rob 1 ert Anderson, and the suggestion, coupled with —■a steam biscuit-bakery has been pnt in oper ation at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands,” Why the tuggeetion should be coupled with a tleam litcuit bakery, at Honolulu on the Sand wich Islands, is more than wo can understand. Will our friends of the Whig explain. lO 40 A. M, ■7 00 “ 7 00 A. M.and 6 00 P.M. ... 6 00 P. M, .: 7 20 BS* We copy the following paragraph from a correspondent of the Pittsburgh Post, who is in Col. Blacks regiment. We arc informed by one who was present, that CopL Crazier, and not Capt. Patterson, was in command of the pickets. It will be seen that the “ Blair County Sharp-Shooters” are getting a touch of Picket life. Two or Three days since, companies B and M, Captains Patterson and Crozier, were detailed from onr regiment to go out on picket, about two miles from camp on fhe Lewinsville road, north of Fulls Church. Capt. P.nnd Lieuten ants McKee and Salisbury, with Capt. Crozier aud Lieutenants Potts and Murray, with their men, responded promptly aud reported them selves tp Col. Skillan, of the New. .Vork Four teenth, who was in command of a.battallion of picketers from our Division. Capt. Patterson was placed in command of one hundred and fifty men, and daring the three days the boys were out they bad a good time. While out, one of his command captured seven cows, sup posed to belong to a secessionist named Sher wood, and reported them to Captain Patterson. The Captain was disposed to consider them con traband and drive them into our camp, but when a woman presented herself and stated that her husband was absent from home, and that these cows wore the main support of several children, the Captain caved in and permitted 'the woman to send after the stock. A great many other little incidents occurred while we were out, but as 1 have not time to note them and you have not room to publish them, will let them go. ; For the Altoona Irihunc. 'Mountain Brigade, !'. V., 1 - Cash* Grossman, V Oct. loth, 18G1. J Messes. Editors :■ —Wo send you a card of thauks to the kind ladies ofTipton, and to Mrs. Lieut. Holliday in particular, for -the magnifi cent present of comfortable clothing Which they sent us. May eternal sunshine light up their pathways, and may,misfortune’s Withering blast ne’er reach them. . JAS. CUOWTIiER, In behalf of the Company. ■ Mas KxiiLKD. —Oa Friday Evening week a man apparently an Irishman, whose name is unknown, was killed by the Fast Line West, about three miles above Mifilintpwn. He was sitting on the track, and was struck by the cow catcher. The train was stopped and the man was picked up, still breathing but was un concious. He was taken to Lewistown and medical attendance provided, died on Satur day at 11 o’clock. He was burled iu the I’oor House grave-yard., He was apparently about 40 years, of age. , Nothing was found about his person to indicate Lis name or residence. A Curiosity. —Our old friend, Joe Metzgar, brought to Our office, this '.Friday) morning, a stalk of cabbage containing seventeen well shaped heads, and iwo or three in embryo.— The centre head is large and sound, and several of tho outside ones are lit for use. It was raised on the farm of Andrew Hartman, in Sinking Valley, Can any one else produce such a tutus natures? Jgjg“A heavy press of job work, lincl the ab sense of one of the editors and our journey man at Court, fur two days, will account for the late appearance of our paper this weeji, and the want of attention to the different depart ments. OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE. We have received a long letter from our old friend, Jas. T. Moore, of this place, now iq campon Meridian Hill, 'near Washington City. He says their regiment (Ist I). C. Vols.) has been under marching orders for ten days, but where- they arc to be Sent none of them know, The &ays arc quite warm for the season, but the nights are quite the reverse. They have plenty of good wholesome food, and warm wool en clothes, with the exception of bed-clothes. — There is but a single blanket to each man.— The boys from this part of the country, whose names will be found iti the list below, are e.ll j in good health. They arc well contented. The only dissatisfaction manifested arises from hav ing to remain in their present camp and not be ing sent over the river along with the main body of the army, lie speaks in terms of praise of all their officers us Being kind and courteous in every respect. In; speaking of the grand reviews which take place there every few days, he says they arc pleasing to specta | tors put very fatigueing to the soldiers. lie I then adds a muster roll of the company, which Iwe publish below. Any .letters or packages ' forwarded to them should be directed in care of j Capt. Eodicr, Ist D. C. Vols., Washington City. : Mustek ROLL. C. If. Rodier, Captain. John M. Clark, Ist Lieut. James W. Uigg, 2d ” Robert J. Clark, Orderly Sargent. Chas. E. Laub, 2d ’!’ Oscar Beatty, 3d Samuel Stewart, 4th y William Wilgis, Ist Corporal.!' John Smith, 2d “ John Barnacle, Sd “ ! Jas. Reed, 4tU “ Wm. Ambrose, sth “ Thos. Coleman, 6(h “ I Wm. Bresalcr, 7th “ Samuel Paul, Bill : “ Brown, William Maurer, Abraham Bowman, Veter Maurer, Isaac Burns, John s Moyers, George Bowman, Samuel Mohr, William Black, Sanjuel Meadvillc, Joshua Cassiday, Geo. IV. Moore,'James T. Cassiday, David .O’Brian, Thos. Cherry, Alfred Philips, Patrick Carter, William ;Qaarry, Levy Chrissman, Harrison Rutherford, James Chnrtiors, Wm, Higgle,-Martin A. Cook, William Read, William J. Decker, William Rigglejnan, Jonathan Davis, John P Smith, Adam Delaney, Daniel Sneatli, Robert Garrett, Jacob Smith, r A.L. Glunt, William 'Sharer, William Green, Franklin Snyder, William B. Garret, Adam ' Sivels, Ezekiel T Hocffer, Alexander Bonders, Christopher Hollingabead, John Sherman, Robison Hopkins, Wm- M. Steele, Newton Hubert, Ficholas Thompson, Huston M Houck,. Marshal Wright, Levy Hoover, John Wright,; John F. Hall, Adolphus Williams, John Laybold, John Webb,: John B. lowther, Samuel Webb, Henry ggk, Header, hare yon seen Prof. Wood's advertisement in our paper. 'Read it; it will interest you. The Effects of Civil War, —The division of families caused by the war, particularly in some of the border States, is painfully illustrated in "two instancies. A Louisville correspondent of the Cincin nati Commercial writes as follows ;■ —Capt. Henry Clay, who has just received a com mission as Assistant Adjutant under Brig adier General Richard W. Johnson, is a young man of fine abilities, a West Pointer, though, not a graduate, and of undoubted and strong Union sentiments. His posi tion is a very strange one, and is one among the many romantic stories of the day. His grandfather was the sage of Ashland, and his father died at Buena Vista. His uncle, James B. Clay, is a secessionist, now under bonds to appear for trial for treason. Another uncle, Thomas, in the U. S. service, is responsi ble for the appearance for trial of James B. Clay. A brother, Thomas Clay, jr., is on the rebel General Beauregard's staff,— His sister’s husband, with whom young Clay resides iuj this city, has lately enteied the U. S. servipe with two other brothers, for the war, and now comes young Harry’s turn, and lie accepts the unsolicited com mission which General Johnson has ten dered him. Here is another example ; John J. Crittenden has one son who is a Brigadier General in the rebel service. Another son is a Brigadier General in the army of the Union, but holding his com mission from the State of Kentucky.— Another holds the rank of Captain in the Federal army. John J. Crittenden him self, at the agp of 70, bears arms as a pri vate in the Home Guard of Frankfort. B@U The Peuusylvania Railroad Company has dcclarud a semi annual dividend of three per cent, out of the profits of the last six months. The dividend is clear of State tax, and payable to ! the stockholders on and after the 15th of this month. SPECIAL NOTICES. To Consumptives And those aflliclcd with DYSPEPSIA. : NERVOUS DEBILITY. HEART DISEASE, FEVER & AGUE. OH CONSTIPATION The undersigned, now seventy-five yearn old. had for years devoted ins time to curing his Pariahonur.i ami the poor in New York of thehodreudfulcoinplaintiu which curry thousands and thousands to au untimely ■'grave; ho has seldom failed to cure all who have applied 1o him lor re lief, aud believing it to bo a Christian's duty to relievo .tboe abroad, as well as athouu*, he will fitful to those who require it, a copy of Trcserptiuns used, (Fu-e of Charge-;*, with directions for paring and using the same. Also rules on Diet, Bathiug. Ventilation, and Exorcise fertile Soil;,they will find these remedies a sure curefirCousum* tion, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever raid Ague, Constipation, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debnity, and Female Complaints, and he hopes every one 'filleted will tend for a copy, as it'will cost nothing, and those suffering should apply before it is 100 late. These Prescription are used by the most eminent Physicians in London, Paris, and New York. "Those wishing them will please address REV. DU. CHAMBERLAIN. Nov. 15,’60,-ly. New York. Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine DU. VELPEAU’S CANKEUINE cures Putrid Sore Mouth DU. VELPEAU’S CAN KERINS cures Sore Nipple?. DK. VELPEAU'S CANKEUINE cures Ulcerated Sons DU. VELPEAU'S CANKEUINE cures Cuts. DU. VELPEAU S CANKEUINE cures Burns. DU. VELPE AU S CAN KERIN E cures Sores. DU. VELPEAU'S CANKEUINE cure. Chapped Lip*. DU. VELPEAU’S CANKEUINE cun* Ulcerated Cum?. DU. VELPEAU’S CANKEUINE is the host Purifier of the Drouth of anything known, DU. VELPEAU’S CANKEUINE cures Cmker in Mouth, Throat, or Stuoinacit, resulting from Scarlatina r Typhus Fever?. Ladies, if you delight in e white teeth,.use the CAN KEIIINK. and jvur desires will ho realized. Wo pledge our word that itis entirely free from acids and all poiso ous substance.-', nlnd can be given to an infant with perfect safety. It will preserve.the teeth and keep the gum? free from ulcers. Iti is equally efficacious for nursing sore mouths, lu Jill the thousands remedies that have been put forth for the nine of the various diseases above, none can equalthe Caukerine. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents per bottled - J. BUUUILLACO., .Proprietors. 03 Maiden Lane, N. Y. For sale In Altoona, by G. W. KESSLER. To Consumptives, The advertiser, having been restored to Ju-alth in a few weeks by a very, simple remedy, after having suffered sev eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis ease consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers tho means of cure. To all who desire it he will pend a copy of the proscrip tion used (free of charge,) with the directions fur preparing and using the same, yhich thdy will find a sure cure fur Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. The only object ol the advertiser lu sending tho Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to b t . Invaluable, and. he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy, as It Will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tne prescription will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburph, King? County, New York Oct. 4, ’GO.—ly Military Uniforms. —There is, perhaps, no department of military business in which there has been a more marked improvement than iu the clothing of soldiers.— Not since, officers and privates were clad in garments which were almost skin-tight. They wore leather stocks, which were worthy of the name, for they kept tho wearer jn tribulation; while th*ir padded breasts and tight sleeves made volition a matter of great difficulty. Duriug the present war, such of our volunteers us pro cure their uniforms at the Drown Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhill & Wilson, Nos. 693 and 605 Chestnut strset above Sixth, Philadelphia, obtain clothing that is perfectly easy, substantial and becoming. Tho firm named hrve gone largely into the business of making Military Clothing, and their facilities enable them to fill tho largest orders In tho shortest possible time. A Card to the Suffering* Tlxa Rov. Wm. Cosgrove, while laboring as a missionary in Japan, wai-cured of Consumption, When all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing 1 in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe haS cured gr*jAt numbers who were suffering from Consumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervou- depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of beneUtting others, I will send this recipe, which I brought homo with me, to all who need it, free of Charge. Address REV. WM. COSGROVE. 439, Fulton Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y. Prof. Woood’a Restorative Cordial and Blood Repo j vr I? TT ,r P f PT XfY'' IP'D’C vator, for the cure of general Debility, or Weakness arising > LI. i; i/J X 1. Xlv VJjJilv O from any cause; also, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Night | ApNPR AI, NEVYS AGENCY Sweats, Incipient Consumption, Liver Complaint*,Bilious- i ; ucss. Loss of Aprotite, Jlwwlc Meafoien in till stages ; also | No. 1, ALTOONA HOUSE. to prevent the- .ntraction of disease, is certainly the best | g c |, 00 | BOOkS, Blank BOOkS, and most agreeable Cordial Tonic and Renovator ever of- : fered to the afflicted, and so chemically combined as to be : STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES, the most powerful tonic eu*r known to medical science i r r—, * o rp y— v * v Reader try it. It wiU do you good. IVe have no hesitation, ■ T * iUoALiVjU, In recommending it, since w« know it to he a safe, pleasant | TOYS & NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY, and auto remedy for the diseases enumerated- Seeadvcr- • CONSTANTLY ON XIVND. lisemcnt! October 24, ,15*61. MARRIED. On Thursday evening, the 24th in«L, by Rev. A. 11. Sembower, Mr. WM.W. BURBANK and Mia* SUB FIG ART—both of Altoona, Pa. On the 24th iost., by Rev. C. I*. Ehnmfeld, Hr, FRANK LIN M. CHERRY and Mi m MARTHA HOOK—both of Altoona, Pa. € On the 15th last., by Rev. S. Berlin, Mr, WILLIAM STIFFLER end Mi as EVE CLAPPER—both of Umton township, Blair county, Pa. DIED. Id this place, on the 23d iost., CLARA KOZBLIN, oldest daughter of Zachari&h A. and Sarah A. Neff, aged B years, 8 months and C days. Our little Clara, 10. is deadS The cold aud lifeless clay Must make in dust Its silent bed, And there it shfiU decay. But, Is Clara dead? Ah, uo—-she lives! Her nobler spirit flies To worlds of bliss, where Jesus gives The life that never dies. Near Williamsburg, on the 7th Inst., SARAH, daughter of C. D. and Martha Sparr, in the 10th year of her age. In Williamsburg, on the Bth inst., THEODORE, sou of Mrs. Catharine S hollar, aged 7 years. - Near Williamsburg, on the 9th inst., Mrs. ELIZABETH ACKER, aged 76 years, 10 months and 12 days. In Williamsburg, on the 15th inst., MARTHA ALICE, doughter of Mrs. Catharine Sholler, aged 9 y. and 24 d. Near Williamsburg, uu the 15th inst., JIENKY 8. EIHuLTZ, aged 24 yeors. 4 months aud 14 days. lu Williamsburg, ou the 18th hist., JONATHAN BEANS, in the 66th year ul his age. NEW 0-00 IDS FOR FALL AND WINTER, JuM Arrived and Now Being Opened at McCORMICK’S STORE, IN TUB 01. D PLACE. WE respectfully invite Purchasers ta call aud examine our stock of Fall and Winter Goi*is, as we think they will he found, upon examination, to compare favorably uith -any oilier assortment in the place, as well in quality as in price, although we are not prepared to say (an some of our Brother Chips havej*aid.) that some descriptions of goods have n«*t advanced in price, for in doing wo would come in contact with the intelligence of the 'people, as every boy of six years old knows better—thu* we cannot sell domestic goods ut old prices, unless we buy au inh-rior quality. We have a lull assortment of G.nids. embracing all the usual varieties, each -as FRESH. COFFEES. TEAS. SU GARS. SYRUPS. SPICKS, AC., to make up the full FAMILY GROCERY. AUo. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Ac., ic., with a general assortment of Ready-made Clothing, FOB MEN AND ROYS, Bom a flue dress coatVdowu to a monkey-jacket. . / . . . Also, a lull assortment of HARDWARE* ' VEDA 11 WARE. QIEENSWARE, CROCKERY WARE, d-C’., dC., drC. And as to ■ DRY GOODS, our assortment incomplete; and as we have adopted the CASH SYSTEM, as hear «,s wc can. we are enabled to sell ut much lower pin e* than when w<- gave a general credit. We tlu rt-fmv Iwl vejy grateful to our friends and a gen erous Public for the very liberal patronage h-ivtufore given us and hope, by strict attfiition to business and a full determination to pleas;* our patrons in prices and qualities, to retain flu* s-arue—util! adhering closely to an old motto— "Q : u’rt: and Si.inil Pri.fitsP [Oct. Gl, 'Ol-lf] OLD STAND, North Ward. THE BEST EMULOI lIEXT FOR AGENTS l S TO SELL 11. H. LLOYD & CO.’S Elegant Sew laps ami Charts FOR THE TIMES. Phase see New Trice List aud Circular before en gaging elsewhere. A specimen of either < f the following will be mailed, post paid, for GO cents. The whole five for $l. u Our NEW MILITARY MAP OF THE BORDER AND SOUTHERN STATES. ENGRAVED from the most reliable Government and other sources, in accordance with the mast recent information, on a very large scale, is the latest and MOST CLEAR, COMPLETE AMD RELIABLE, as well as the CHEAPEST MAP EXTANT. Iu its preparation, especial attention is given to the position of Troop?, Forts. Railroads. Ri-ers, Distances, Harbors, Sea Coast, and sill Towns, huge and small, cither already important, or likely to become so in the future.— Size 34 x 44 indies. Price 50 cents. ' / EQUESTRIAN MILITARY PORTRAIT GALLERY REPRESENTS Thirteen of oar most noted Field Generals on Horseback, In two groups, very large, besides the IPads only of jcceral others. Cl''HIS CHART is pronounced by all who I' Imvc seen it to give ihe best Likenesses of our lead ing Officers yet engraved, and to be altogether tho most BOLD, SPIRITED AND ATTRACTIVE work of the kind yet issued. No pains are spared to make the coloring and finish as nearly perfect as possible. This splendid new Chart is now; all nady. Size'-SSx3B. Price 3U cents. MILITARY PORTRAITS, MAPS AND ABUS. THIS MOST ELEGANT WORK IS READY. THE LARGE, SPLENDID HEAD PIECE exhibits a soldier iu each of thef uniforms worn iu our army, protecting the .Shir* and Stripes with Muskets and Rifted Cannon. In the foreground are Zou aves trampling on tho Rebel Flag, and a serpent under neath—--the./fay being plainly shown. Under tills are cor rect portraits of Generals Scott. McClellan, Lyon. Hutlur, Fremont. Dank?. Sprague, Prentiss, Dlenker. Wool. Rosen crauz, Burnside, Dis. Sigcl, McDowell, and ComnuKlore Stringbam. Cols. Corcoran. Meagher, and several others. At tiie bottom is a new Map. just engraved. 14 x 28 Inches in size,'showing tho whole of Missouri, Kentucky, Temres hoc, with parts of Kansas. Arkansas, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, according to the-latcst information. The Border of this Chart is composed of Military Figures, showing fourteen positions for the Muskets, according to llnrdfre’e Tactics. \ ttw.This Chart can be had with tho Military Map of Virginia. Maryland, etc., in place of the Map of Slissouri, Kentucky, etc. Size 2S x 38. Price 30 cents. THE COMPLETE MILITARY CAMPAIGN CHART. npiIIS large and carefully prepared work £is ready with many recent additions,and nowcontaina a very distinct MapofVlrginiaand Maryland. 14x27 inches. A small Map of tho United States;- with Secession Line, very clear Maps of tho North Carolina Coast r,nd Bull Bun Duttle Field, with explanations. Aiso, distinct Mft.p* of the District of Columbia. Mississippi Diver. x ew Or leans vicinity; Unround vicinity; Savannah and vi cinity; Cb“*.**.eslun and vicinity; Mobile and vicinity; Galveston and vicinity; pen?acula Day, Fort Pickens, etc., etc. Size 28 x 38, Price 3d cents. New Political Chart for the Times. CHART has large, life-like En graving* of Lincoln and all liis' Cabinet, and of General Scott, Gen. Butler, Gen. Anderson, Col. Ellsworth, Hoad-Piece with Flags. Washington, etc. Map* showing the Free States, Border Slave States and seceded States and Territories, in different colors: Salaries cf Officers, Statistics of the .Election of 1800, Census of 1860, and other things to make the Chart attractive and useful.— Size 2S x 3*T Price 25 cents. 32X. Be careful to address* ’GI.J [Oct 31, ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admipfctra j turn on the estate of -JOSHUA UOOPEU, lato of Altoona, \ Blair co., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned ; residing a* aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves j ind‘d»ted-to said estate arc requested to make immediate ! payment, and those having claims will, present the same 1 duly authenticated for settlement. • I joiin McClelland, Adm'r. j Altoona, Oct. 24.18C1.-8t H. 11. LLOYD £ CO., 25 Howard street, New York. ONLY Pr'jEPABA TION WORTH? OP Universal Confidence and Patronage. FOB STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMEN, Indies and Goutteniflii, in all parts of the world testify to the efficacy of ProL O. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, and gentlemen of the Press arc unanimous lu its praise. A few testimonial* only can be here given: see circular for more, and U will bo impossible lor you to doubt. - v - • 47 Wall street. New York, Dec. 20,1858. ORtruottsYour note of the 16th inst., has been re ceived, saying that you had heard that I had been bene fitted by the use of 'Wood’s Hair Restorative, and request ing my certificate of the fact if I bad no objection togivoif. I award it to you cheerfully, because I think it due. My, ftge is about 50 years; the color of my hair auburn, and inclined to curl. Some five or six years since it began to turn gray, and the scalp on the crown of my head to lose fta sensibility and dandruff to form upon It. Each of these disagreeabilitics increased with time, and about 4 months since a fourth was added to them, by hair falling off the top off my head and threatening to make me bald. in this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try Wood's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest tlio falling off of my hair, for 1 bad really no expectation that gray hair could ever b« restored to its original color except from dyes. 1 was, however, greatly surprised to And after the use of two bottles only, that not only was the felling off arrested, but the color was restored to the gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my head, very much to the gratification of my wife, at whoso solicitation 1 was Induced to try it. For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sex, 1 strongly recommend all husbands who value the admi ration of their wives to profit by my example* and use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, ben. a. Lavender. To O J Wood A Co., 441 Broadway, New York. My family are absent from the city, aud I am no longer at No; II Carroll Place. Siamaston, Ala., jnly 20th, 1859. To Prof. OJ Iffoxf.* Dear Sir—Your Hair Restorative has done my hair so much, good since I commenced the use of it, that I w ish to make known to the PUBLIC of its effects on the hair, which are great. A man or woman may lie nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your “ Hair Restorative,” the hair will return more beautiful than ever; at leaSt this ia my experience. Believe it all! Yours truly. WM. 11. ‘KENEDY. 1L S.—You can publish the above if you like. By pub lishing in our Southern papers you will get mure patron age south. I see several ol your certificates in the Mobile J/ercury, & strong Southern paper. W U Kbxedy. WOOD’S lIAIK RESTORATIVE. - Prof. QJ Wood: Dear Sir —Savin a had the misfortune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the.effects of the yellow Ibver. in New Orleans in l&ol, I was Induced to make a trial bt your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed* My hair is now thick and glossy, und no words can express my obligations to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. - FINLEY JOHNSON. The IU-sturative is put up in bottles of three sizes, vi/: large, medium, and small; the small holds \A a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medtutn.liolds at least twenty percent, more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 4U per cent, more in proportion, and retails fur $3. 0* J. WOOD A CO-, Proprietors, 411 Broadway, New York. nnd'TM Market Street. St. LoußrMo. Fb» sulu in Altoona by A, ROUSH and G. Wl KESSLER, Agents, and all good Druggists and Faucv Goods Dealers, July Ist, 1861-lyeow * : NEW FALL GOODS. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO. Invite attention to their LARGE, VARIED and HAND SOME assortment of . _ • . NEW FALL GOODS, Embracing all tho NEWEST STYLES in SILKS, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS. EMBROIDERIES, and FANCY DRY GOODS. Also, a full nssonrat nt of MOURNING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, lIOSIEKT, OLOVES, MITS, ic. #tf-This stock is’ principally T. W EVAN 3 & CO/3 OWN' IMI'OKTATION, having ” been selected in the best European Markets. expressly for their own Retail Trade, and will be found unsurpassed fur Style,• Quality, and REASONABLE BRICKS. Nos. 818 and 820 Chesnut St., BELOW CONTINENTAL HOTEL, J y UILADKirmA. X, B."—Wholesale buyers will iiud it advantageous to examine this Stock. [OctK-2m.] REG R UIT S WAW T E D ron the CAVALRY COMPANY Belonging to tlie 2d Eeg. Pa. Volunteers, Pay Ranges from $l4 to per Month. Rations furnished from the time of enlistment, and clothing and equipments procured as soon as mustered into service. A recruiting office for this Company has been opened at tho ALTOONA HOUSE, ALTOONA, where all persons wishing to culbt iu a good cavalry company will receive all necessary information. Ist Ljiut. GEO. W. BOGGS, J Recruiting Officer, Oct. IT.-It* Late of tho U. S. Army. US. ARMY.—WANTED iMME • DIATELV. FOR THE TWELFTH REGIMENT U. S. INFANTRY, REGULAR SERVICE,’a lew more nblo bodied meu, between tho ages of eighteen and thirty-five. Pay ranges from $l3 to $23 per month, according to the rank of the soldier. Each man will be fhruUhed with equipments, ample clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel*aud medical attendance free of charge. Tho pay of each soldier commences as soon-as he is enlisted. Dy an act lately passed, the term of enlistment has been changed from five to TUlltiE YEARS, and every soldier who serves that time is entitled to 8100 BOUNTY from tho Government. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government has wisely commenced lo promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to all. - For further information apply at the Recruiting Office, on Virginia street opposite Lowthcr’a Store. Altoona. Llout. J. S. CAMPBELL. 12th Infantry, U. S. A. Recruiting Officer. CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON. rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN i FORM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that his CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STOKE, ia always supplied wuh the very best articles fu be aud in great variety, lie has also au OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in which ho will serve up OYSTERS in every the season. FRESH-BAKED BREAD d PIES always on hand . lie f« at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies, Ac., for pic-uics and other parties. He invites a share of public patronage, believing that be can render full satisfaction to all. Remember, his store and saloon Is on Yirginiaatteot.two doors below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI. Altoona. Oct, 10,1861-tf ON HAND AGAIN—WE HAVE THE pleasure of announcing to our customers aud all others, that w© arc on hands again with a largo aud varied stack of FALL GOODS; and as our old stock was beautifully cleaned out. those who feel inclined to patronize us w»H have the advantage of selecting from an almost entirely Q NEW AND FRESH STOCK 61 poods, which wo feel confident will be sold as cheap as the ch;»p«,st, Wo particularly Invite our lady friends to cull and Examine our splendid line ol Dress Goods, &c , Which we think cannot fall to please. 1 J. & J. LOTYTUEIt. Altoona, Oct. Oth, 18Gl-3t. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. —JAMES McELWEE, having returned to'Altoona, and opened a ' K Plumbing & Gas Fitting Establishment on JULIA STREET, adjoining the Banking House o Wm M. Lloyd & Co., respectfully solicits the patronage of the many friends and customers lie had, while in the employ of W. M. Ogclsby, Esq., somo two years ago. Lnad. Iron, and gulvanized pipes introduced. tor Water and Qa* purposes, at short notice, and !n the most ap proved manner. Gas Fixtures and everything connected with the business furnished and put up on reasonable terms. [Oct. 10, ’6l-tf.] CAUTION— NOTICE IS HEREBY given to all persons not to purchase a judgmentiote, given by me to William Carr, for the sum of $2OO, the pay ments on which arc to be made monthly, vte.: —$20 per month—■cnmnu'iiHng on the 15th day of June, 1863, as I am determined .rot to pay the same unless compelled by law, never having received value therefor. MARGARET MARSHALL. , Altoona, Oct. 17,1861-3t* WANTED. 1 A A JQUNEYMEN ARE; WANTED X \ f \/ to make Army Shoes for the United States. Liberal wages given. Apply-to JOHN SHOEMAKER, Altoona, Fa. Aug. 22,1561 ELECTION. —The Annual, Meeting of tlie Stockholder!! of the “ ALTOONA AND CLEAR PIKLD PLANK ROAD AND TURNPIKE C 0..” will be held at the office of the Secretary, tn Altoona, on Monday, I 1 jVowmher tth, 1861, af 2 o’clock P. Mm ihr the pnrpone of : electing A President and Board of MAnagera for the ensuing I year. O. W. KESSLER, Sec'y. 1 Oct. 21, 1561-2 t Bilious Affections, LIVEH COMPLAINT. SICK HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA, AC. JAWE’S SASATITE HLU, A MILS, PROMPT A KITECMV* RIMIDT. THEBE is scarcely any disease in w&fch purgative medicine* an not nquhrod; ud aqßh Btcicneu and anfferfiiK might be prevented wereth mj man generally need. N 6 jwroon can feel well whilea agn S.bH of body prevalfcr beeMee, It non gemma Miooe and unon fetal djeeuee, which might be avoided i) the timely and Jndicibne nod of pfoper Cethat tie ntedkiaee. Convinced of (he totrectneen of theee viewe, JAYNE’S SANATIVE FILLS Are recommended with the greatest confidence, experience having demonstrated them to he Ur superior to. any other in nee, being more mild, prompt, pafe and naiJono to their operation. While using them no particular care is in quired, and patients may cat and drlnjt.flh pnjde AgevQl not impair thorn, as to always readily dissolve So the atom ach. .In small doses they are alterative lad gently Ins, live, but* in large doses are actively cat Cleansing the whole alimentary canal Irani all putrid, irritating and fecal matters. , , For DYSPEPSIA, these Pille are really an invaluable article, gradually changing the vitiated secretions Of the Stomach and Liver, and producing healthy getion in those important organs. In casus of long standing, a euro will bo more speudilv effected by using, in couiqucUoD «Hh the Pills, either JAYNL’S ALTERATIVE or TOKK) TUB MIFL'GK, according to directions. For Liver Complaint, Uour, Jaundice, Affections Of the Bladder and Kidneys, Fevers, Kc-rvou*pesB, |>isvOA£s of the Skiu, Impurity of the 81-hkl. Slk Headache* Costiveues*, Piles, Female Diseases, and Billions Anecti»>ns, these Pills have proved themselves cmiLeutly aucoraalul. All that is asked fur them is a fair trial. - . , As these Pills so eminatiy sue* cesaful In removing, diseases of the Liver, Dyspepsia and diseases of tho s Sblu,Z have thought it advisable lv a*Jd tho following remarks on '' LIVER COMPLAINTS Tht* is a disease much talked about,but__at tho taui j time very imperfectly initkTaTuuX ’ ' Properly'speaking* every derangement of the Liver or Billions ty.Htcm U;v Liver Complaint, Liu the peculiar state of tho Liver to which 1 now have reference is a CArom'c JJll'clion. and usU-hJIv arises from a torpid or congestive state of that important organ. Sometimes the hilo U de tlcient in quantity, or vitiated in quality, or both those states prevail at the same time. Sometimes the dtaeauu is owing to obstruction in the duct pipe which Convoys the bile from the liver into the bowels; This ohstruciiou is very frequent, and is usually caused by the pipe being clogged up by thick tenacious slime or mucous, nad some times by gall stones. The tiie Is then thrown Luck into the gali-bhuider. w here it is absorbed by ni'.ni'.Uv'ns small vessels wljuli rorrvey h into the Thoracic I)uct. a pipe that runs up along flic spine, and terminates, in and emp ties UseJf into the large vein of tho lot shoulder, near ila juucti u with the veins *>-f the bead and neck, and thcuco the bile is conveyed to the heart and becomes mixed with the blood.' The bile in this manner being diverted ftom its proper coarse, and circulating in a part o f the body where it never was designed by nature, produces much evil, and often disastrous effects upon the health of the indi vidual —because, for want of healthy bile to mix with tho half-digested food, a complete separation never lakes place between tho.chyle (the milky liquor which forms tho blood) and those port! ous of the food designed by nature to be ejected from the bowels —for tho bile,.when present, purili-s and separates tin* healthy fr. m the unhealthy por tions. in the same manner that isinglass or white of eggs separate wine or cider from their impurities—and, conse quently, the very fountain of life is vitiated and coiruptcd. Costiwncss prevails—or alternately cottivencts or diar rha-u— wind in the. stomach and bowels, uud the patient is often annoyed with worms, and frequently with tho piles. The coarse particles of the 141.. thus mixed with the blood, more or less obstruct the pores of Hie akin and small blood vessels, and hence give rise to various diV«-»sc» of the skin, such os erysipelas, cozcnm. itching*, small watery vessels, blot chess tumors, pimples, scarfii.eb*, bulls. Pore eyes, sores and, ulcers of various kinds. The skin is more or ■yellow, and (when the disease is of long standing.) Very tfu/'C, and,has a disagreeable, dirty* grexisy appearance, and sometimes there is a perfect jaundice. The wfufcoi the cyra also has agreed or yellow tinge, MOKE OK LESS bile is strained from tho Mood in its passage through the kidneys, and, by its acrimony, pio duces- pains iu the Lack, and scalds and irritates all the urinary passage*. Some days the passage of urine is pro fuse, and natmal in appearance; at other limes it is scanty, and the desire to evacuate Is frequent uud urgent. Some times the color is nearly white and milky, but usually it is high colored, red or yellow, with a rank, offensive odor, and sometimes it is bloody. The tongue is usually more or loss cosited with a brawn scurf. There is irritation, and frequently chronic Inilam matiuij of the inner surface of the stomach and bowels, with (i‘tenderness on prepare, and a soreness along tho lower edge of the riL.-u SOMETIMES THERE 13 A LOATHING of food, and at other times there is a voracious appetite. There is often a feeling of chilliness, and coldness of the foot and knees* and along the inside of the thighs—sour or bitter or.icta-, tions, and ii spitting or throwing up of the food after eating. There is a feeling of oppression across the stomach and chest, as if'pressed down by a weight; troublesome and often frightful dreams, low' spirits, languor, want of ener gy, melancholy restlessness aud discoutcutoduess. dreami ness of mind—timorousuess and a great deal of trouble, and a disitositiou to magnify everything, sometimes great] wAtchrallness and m inability to sleep—at others great drowsiness, weariness, and disinclination to motion. ; • AT TIMES THE FACE is flushed, with more or. less fever, especially at night or iu the afternoon. Sometimes violent colics, and wandering pains in various parts of the. body. Frequently there is a short hacking cough, with a huskiutt-B of the throat, and sometimes a very severe,• dry* and hard cough, which is often mistaken for consumption.; This cough often commences in the latter part of the night or early in the morning, and lasts for hours, frequently,, producing nausea aud vomiting. If there bo any expecto ration, it is a tough, ropy, tenacious phlegm, which «d -kererto everything it touches. There are also frequently chronic pleurisy pains in various parts of the chest, which Miifl about from one part of the.breast or side to the other. Sometimes abscesses form iu the liver, and pressing up ward on the lungs, produce constriction and cough, and breaking, discharge their contents into tho lungs,, whence. it must be ejected by expectoration, or the patient lade-' strayed. Some pcrKons are troubled with .spasmodic twitches in various parts of the body,Bometime*.£sljutns«e and sighing, difficulty of breathing; reading or talking" producing weariness. THERE IS A BEATING *£sSAri TION near the pit of the stomach, with palpitation and • fluttering of the heart; profusion of dandruff and 10w.0.f the hair; indeed,'to sum up Iu a few rtllur, * dirty, greasy appearance of the akin, a fetid* tinge of the white of the eyes, an aching' jtin acroas tho kidneys and hips, with irritation or Hat lb * discharging, mine—a sensation of fullness or disTfeOston across the ab domen. with tenderness on pressure—lowneae of spirit*, frightful dreams, acidity of stomafch, with otherdyraptio symptoms, billions fevers, billions colics and blltous dtor^ ! rhoca and dysenteries, obstinate Custiveness, Intermittent and remittent fevers, jaundice, fever all [..originate from th« same cause—a dtranacdMatt of th* 1 7irer. \ iclent remedies always do more.harm than etied: by a persevering use. of these pllfc, all that cua'bo desired will be accomplished. . . THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT is to ghe the PS. t i e , n Vt CTory Hl 6 ht ,°“ S° i;J S tc bed, from two four Saga pßls; or enough ot them to insure one and übt moro tnan two evacuations from the bowels next-moriiluSL— The dose of the Pills can bu increased or dlmtafehta Vf pleneun-s so as to produce the above effect, and their uso should be continued until a euro is completed; and also, at the same time give the Alterative threo times.aAaY lain'S to ,l '° dirccti ™ s . unless there Is a want of auB£. ’’'ll l "onhness and debility or symptomsof «£■ Sr 0 ..' 11 v" ,le lr' the Alterative, give a tefftpoonfnl ’.niS'.n c , rn,lf “ t : p ’ (nilse.l In a little cold water;aM»we«t mmltnilfH M ,h ,bp,aste, “ l ' on> liair aa hour before each rtmild he e- h symptoms »» r -moVed; and 1C there snouia be c„„gn, or oppression nboat the throat or chest, men -, TO tho expectorant as often and in such d u ees na may be found necessary to quiet the cough and make ex pectoration easy. - - ■> ■ TJie Sanative FWs, and all of DU. D. JAYNE’S ramila Medicine*, are sold by 0. JAOQARD and Q. \\\ KESSLER Altoona, and by Agents everywhere, from whom may aim be obtained, gratis, Jaym't .VidicciV Almanac and ftrtrfs to Health, containing besides a valuable calendar* a Cata logue of Diseases, together with the symptoms by. which they may he known, uud_tlia jproper remedies for thoip COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BEOHCHITIS, ETO* JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT Has been for Thirty Yfcars the Stand'akd REjfEbr, RECENT COUGHS AND COEDS, PLEURITIC PAIKS, arc quickly and effectually cured by its diaphoretic, soothing and expectorant power. ASTIIM Ait always cares. It overcomes the spasmodic contraction of tho air-vessola.and by producing free-ev pectorntion at once removes all difficulty of breathing. BRONCHITIS readily yields to the Expectorant. It subdnes the luflnmpvatlon which extends through tho wind-tubs, prodneeat free expectoration, and soppreojee at once tho cuujr> and pain, COEMPTION—For this Insidious and fiscal disease no remedy on earth has ever been fonnd so effectual. It .obdnrs the inflammation, relievos tho cough and pain, removes the difficulty of biftallitae, sad produces ah essy exiMMJtorntion, whereby all irritating and obstructing mut ters are removed from tho longs. ' ■ WHOOPING COUGH is promptly relieved hr this Ex pectorant. It ahorteus tho duration of the disease one* half, and greatly mitigates the suffering at the patient. 1“'01 PULMONARY COMPLAINTS, In CROUP, PLEU BIBI,etc.-it will be found to bo prompt, Safh,pleasant, and reliable, and may be especially commended to BfcKls rsas. Txacrkxs. and Smoots for the relief of hoareenees, and for strengthening the organs of tho voice. This KiricToxatcr and all of DR. D. JAYNE’S JMfty sold By C. JAOOABD and O. W. STS? SUER, Alt--cm. and by Agents everywhere, fsep. St-fat.