The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 31, 1861, Image 2

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* Jftr W l**® pMtIM are unknown to u», our role lor >4-
JMIMOC i* to require payment la advance, or a guarantee
'peraonß. It in therefore uaeleaa for all aucb
“•f offering to pay at the end oft;. re „
Where advertiaemeuta ore accompanied
with Ute money, whether one, five or ten doiium, Jo win
*»»# the adrortlaerldte full benefit of ouahratea
8. M. PETTisgiu & CO.,
Aivattlaing Agents, 119 Naaaau street, New York, aud
ID State street, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona
Tribunt r *n& the most influential and largest circulating
Vewapapera Jn the United States aud tlio Cauadas. They
•reauthorized to contract for ns at our lowest rates.
A Day of Thanksgiving and Praise.
stn.nX3lfcanta, %s,
■ it 1 name a*<l by the authority of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, Asbeiw (?. Claris, Oooemor of raid Cota
WaiMAB, Efery good gift is from abovo and comes
ww to tu* from tho Almighty, to whom it in meet, right
W>a tho lioundeo duty of every ptojfle to reLder thanks
ror Ills mercies; Therefore I, ANDREW O.CUUTf N,Gov
erobf of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do rocom*
mohd to tho people of this Commonwealth that they set
. ®i>ur*traj, tit 28ti baj of Nobtmbtr ntxt,
•• a day of solemn Thanksgiving to God, for having pre
pvad oar corn and watered our furrows,'and bleaaod the
labors of tho husbandman, and crowned the year with ilia
goodness. In the increase of tho ground and the gathering
mof tho fruits thereof, so that our barns arc filled with
plsnty: And: for having looked favorably on this Common-,
wealth and atreogtheuod the bars of her gates and blessed
tho within her, and made men to be of one mind,
a&d preserved peace In her borders; Beseeching Him aiso
on behalf of these United States, that our beloved country
B»y have deliverance from these great and apparent dan
gers wherewith she is compassed, and that He will merci
fully »UU the outrage of perverse, violent, unruly and re
oelftods people, mid moke them clean hearts; abd renew a
»Tight spirit within them*, and'give them grace that they
sdhy see the error o r their ways and bring forth fruits
maet for re, wntauce, and hereafter, in all godliness and
honesty, obediently walk in Ills holy commandments, and
In sabmission to thejust and manifest authority of tho re
public, so that .we, leading a quiet and peaceable lif*, may
continually offer unto Him our sacrifice of praise and
thanksgiving. . ,
tkw Orvix under my band and the great seal of
m 1 the State at Harrisburg, this sixteenth
iffnnii f day of October, in the year of our Lord,
7~;-- one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one,
a&d Of tho Commonwealth the eighty-sixth. j
Bt thx Govcexor : ELI BLIFER,
Secretary of Vie Commonwealth.
The Naval Expedition Sailed.
The despatches from Fortress Monroe
state that the great natal expedition,
which has been .making preparations for
some time back, sailed from Hampton
Roads on Tuesday morning at daylight.
The flag-ship Wabash took the lead andfired
a signal gun, when the entire fleet, con
sisting of over fifty vessels, were put in
motion, and formed in line a few miles
down the Roads. The fleet is said to have
started out in bcantiful style, the steamer
Cahawba bringing up the rear. Now that
this fleet'has gone forth on its important
and mysterious mission, considerable spec
ulation will no donbt be indulged in as to
its destination. It is said that Gen. Sher
man, who has command of the expedition,
will not confine his attention to one port
or one State, but swill strike at several
points, and with rapidity that the
rebels will be ht a !loss to know for the
benefit of what rebel Governor to deplete
the Manassas army. One reason that the,
secret of the destination of the expedition
is so well kept is, that much is left to the
discretion of the commander, who is at
liberty to be governed by circumstances
in his operations.
35he objects expected to be attained,
sKould' this raid upon the Southern coast
be successful, are fourfold, and may be
stated thus First- To carry the war into
the cotton States, which are chiefly re
sponsible for the rebellion, and, by doing
so, to produce the disorganization and dis
persion of the immense rebel army now
collected in Virginia. Second. To secure
Winter quarters for our troops, and harbors
of refuge for our naval and mercantile ma
rine. Third: To open one or more South
ern ports to commerce, and thus satisfy
all demands and obviate all difficulties I
about the supply of cottoh aud the effi
ciency of the blockade. Fourth. To form
a nucleus in those rebel States near which
the Jongsuppressed loyalty and good sense
of the people may find safe and appropri
ate expression, and to encourage and stim
ulate this reactionary feeling, of which we
have seen such, a remarkable and encour
aging manifestation in North Carolina.
A' Thousand Union Men Hung—
The Mt- Sterling, Kentucky, Whig, of
last week gives an account of
made in that place on Monday of last week
Cjpnatj,Court week: The Whig says:
•— -Geaeraral Dick Williams, late of Texas,
Sebisfellow-conntry men a true and
narrative of the effects of secession as
Witnessed by him in a travel of some sev
enteen hundred miles, over land. Ho
teld-of some of the most harrowing scenes
of otttmges anddemon-like atrocities com
mitted by tUo fiend Secessionism, as wit
nested by himself- and family; neighbors
of bis, for no other crime than that they
were loyal to the government of their fa
thers t he averred, as a fact, from his own
knowledge, that the number thus hung
OOnhJ not have been less than a thousand
in the States of Texas. Arkansas, and Ten
noaaee! ' ■ '
Realizing thkie Condition. —The
Richmond Enquirer acknowledges that
the rebels can not defend their seacost
and that it is useless to attempt it. It
“ Our true policy of defence lies inavigorous
push for the banka of the Ohio. We can afford
to suffer raids on the; Southern : seaboard if we
can succeed in reaching with a large force, the
enemy s own thresholds and homesteads in Ohio
and Pennsylvania. Then if he lands and rava
ges onr coasts, we will invade, pillage and burn
his villages in letaliation. Until we shall have
reconquered the Southern Territory that has
been surrendered to him, and planted ourselves
right upon the border of hia own country, we
shall not be safe from his raids upon our South
ern coasts. It wouldrequire an army of a million
of mm to Unt mtr coasts in inch a manner as to
protect them from their naval excursions Ori the
contrary, 60,000 or 76,000 men penetrating the
banks of the Ohio at a few different points will
effectually secure our coast from aggression, by
giving him alarm and employment at home, and
by patting it in oat power to retaliate upon him
with a vengeance."
That is the programme’ we should like
to see carried out. Let them abandon
their sea coast and approach the borders
of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and they will
meet with a handsome reception. Their
attacks upon Pennsylvania and Ohio’s
towns and villages will not create more
alarm and employment at home for the
Federal army, than attacks upon their sea
coast will create in the Confederate army.
Distances in Missouri.—Below we
give a table of distances between the sev
eral points of interest in Missouri, prepa
red by the St. Louis Republican. The
variations from positive correctness are
thought to be few ;
St. Louis to Jefferson, ,125
do to Sedalia,. 189
do to Lexington 239
do to Cape Qiradean 160
do to Cairo and Bird’s P0int....... 200
do to Pilot Knob.... 87
dp to R011a....V. .113
do to Springfield .233
Lexington to Worrensburg 32
Sedalia to Wa'rr&nsburg ..’ 85
do ! to Clinton... 88
do to Warsaw....... 36
do to Independence 98
do to Kansas City 100
Clinton to Osceola 28
do to Fapipsville 28
Osceola to Fort Scott 50
do to Bolivar 35
Bolivar to Springfield ; 30
Springfield toCartbago 55
do to Neosho 70
do to Fayettsville, Arkansas .108
do : to Rolls .122^
do to Lebanon...... ...: 50
Columbus, Ky., to Cairo..,i 20
do to Charleston 20
Cape Oimdeau to Pilot Knob ... 60
Pilot Knob to Pocahontas, Arkansas. .108
Hard Times for tue Newspapers.—
The New York correspondent of the Phil
adelphia Inquirer, writing under date of
the Ist, has the following newspaper gos
sip :
The Tribune, like many : others ofjt Q
cotemporaries, has been compelled to sue
cumb to the “pressure of the times,” and
accordingly it makes its appearance to-day
in materially curtailed dimensions. One
of its rivals, the World, I see, chronicles
the fact with a chuckle—albeit, if it he
true that the Tribune is in a bad way the
World may well fear that it will come to
an end. I suppose there can'he no doubt
of the prevailing impression among Jour
nalists that no paper in New* York will
more than clear expenses this year, and
not a few of them; I happen to know, will
be well content if they do that.
The religious papers are not exempt
from the losses incurred by'the war. One
of them reputed the most prosperous and
independent, would probably be in a bad
way but for the crumbs that are thrown it
from Washington, “for sweet charity’s
It may be added here that the Sun
was sold at auction to-day for the sum of
835,000, to satisfy a mortgage. A few
months ago the establishment changed
hands for $lOO,OOO. \
An Important Movement Frustrated.
It is said, on good authority, that Gen.
McClellan had resolved upon a movement
upon Leesburg, in which he has been most
unfortunately defeated by the injudicious
advance of Gen. Stone. Gen. McClellan’s
plan was this: He ordered Gen. McCall
to reconnoitre from Drainville towards
Leesburg, Gen. Stone from Edwards’ Fer
ry towards the same point; aiid if the re
ports brought back proved favorable, Gen.
McCall was to move upon the Virginia
side, while Gen. Stone advanced from the
river. McCall performed his duty, and
returned to quarters; Stone, in making
his: reconnoisance, saw thirty rebels, an
insignificant number, which he proposed
to capture, and gave .orders to that effect;
but in the movement to do so, he discov
ered that the number had been slightly
increased. To meet this increase, he
strenghtened his reconnoitering party —-
still, with no intention of inviting or even
expecting a general engagement. But
the pursuit of these led to the discovery
'of more rebel troops. At this juncture,
he found himself involved in the prospect
of an engagement, and strengthened him
self accordingly. In this way, as lam
informed within the circle of the depart
ments here, he was brought into that en
gagement, which has resulted in the defeat
of his men, and in the breaking up of a
Well-laid plan for a decisive and a glorious
victory to our arms. The result has been
terribly aggravating to the commander of
the army of the Potomac. Ho however,
makes the best of it, and is now Arranging
his cards for a; move in another direction,
as confident of a triumphant success as he
is that he is in command of the army.
Brigadier General Burns, late Com
missary at Cincinnati, has been ordered to
command General Baker’s brigade.
By Telegraph from Salt lake.
The Pacific Telegraph Line hasbeen comple
ted as far as Great Salt lake City, and on Fri
day last the first' messages through from that
far-off elation were received in the States. As
a matter of record, aside from the interest which
attaches to it, we print below the correspondence
which occurred on the: opening of the line.
The first message dispatched over the extended
wire was a brief announcement of the comple
tion of the line to Salt Lake, as follows:
Foet Biumoee, Utah, Oct. 18 —The Pacific
Telegraph Line was completed to Salt Luke at
one o’clock to-day. The line between Salt Lake
City and Son Francisco will be finished in a few
Following this came a message from the Act
ing Governor of Utah to President Lincoln,
which was immediately responded to by the
President. Here are the messages:
Geeat Salt Lake City. Oct. 18, 1801.
To the Resident of the United States .-—Utah,
whose citizens strenuously resist all imputations
of disloyalty, congratulates the President upon
the completion of an enterprise which spans the
continent, unties two oceans, and connects re
mote extremities of the body politic with the
great government's heart. May the whole sys
tem thrill with quickened pulsations of that
heart, the parricidal hand of treason be punish
ed, and the entirp sisterhood of States join hands
in glad reunion around the national fireside.
Feank Feller,
Acting Governor of Utah.
The President replied:
Sir;— I The completion of the telegraph to Salt
Lake City is auspicious of the stability ami Un
ion of the Republic. The government recipro
cates yoqr congratulations.
The following dispatch from Brigham Young
was also received at Cleveland on Friday even-
Geat,S.u,t Lake City, t
rr , Friday, Got 18, 1861. j
x/on. J. H. Wade, Preeident Pacific Telegraph
—Sir: Permit me to congratulate you on the
completion of tbeOverlnnd Telegraph Line west
to this city; to commend the energy displayed
by yourself and associates in the rapid and suc
cessful prosecution of a work so beneficial, and
to express the wish that its use may ever tend
to promote the true interests of the dwellers on
both the Atlantic and Pacific slopes of our con
Utah has not seceded, but is firm for the Con
stitution and laws of our once happy country,
and is warmly interested in successful enter
prises as the one so far completed.
The Philadelphia Bulletin, in remarking upon
tie first message above quoted, says : “ These
few words were spoken over wires at least sev
enteen hundred miles in length, for the distance
between Philadelphia and Fort Bridger is not
less than that. The line coming from San
-Francisco, to meet the line from the eastward,
will be not less than a thousand miles long.—
Thus we shall have, in a little while, a telegraph
lino across our continent, nearly three thousand
miles long—probably the longest line in one di
rection in the world. We presume that the
great Scbetqe for connecting America with Eu
rope by carrying wires across Bhering’s Straits,
is still in progress, and the completion of the
telegraph to the Pacific furnishes a most impor
tant section of the work, and one that will at
once become incalculably valuable to the peo
ple and the Government of the United States.”
Brilliant Exploit of Fremont’s Body
St. Louis, Sunday, Get. 27.
The following despatch was received here
this evening :
Headquarters, in the Field, 1
Near Uarmonsville' Mo., Oct 20. J
Caj>l. McKeever , Asst-Adjt s -Gen :
Yesterday afternoon, Major Seagoni, at the
head of my guard, made a most brilfant charge
upon a body of the enemy, drawn up in'lino of
battle, at their camp at Springfield, 2,000 or
2,200 strong; He completely routed them,
cleared them from the town, hoisted the Na
tional flag on the Court-house, and retired up
on a reinforcement which he has already joined.
Our loss i.- not great.
This su.c. isful charge against such a very
large odds is r, noble example to the army.
Odr advance will occupy Springfield to-night.
(Signed) J. C. FREMONI'!
Major General Commanding.
General Frcmonts body-guard numbers 300.
[Ever since the battle of Wilson’s
will be recollected, Springfield has been in pos
session of the rebels, and they have thus bden
able more readily to keep communication open
between Arkansas and Missouri, where, until
recently Price has been operating. They
have also hud possession of Lebanon, some dis
tance north-east of Springfield, and it is said
they have collected there a large quantity of
army stores, which will of course, now full into
the hands of General FREMONT. Editor
Official Report of tub Victory.
Springfield, Saturday. Oct 26.
The following is a special dispatch to the St.
Louis Republican-.
“The following dispatch has been received,
announcing a most brilliant victory at Spring
field by Gen. Fremont’s Body Guard, number
ing 150 men:
Five milks out of Bolivar, Oct. 25—10 A.
M.—General: I report respectfully that yester
day at 4 P. M. I met in Springfield about 2,000
rebels formed in line of battle. They gave a
very warm reception but your guard with one
feeling made u charge and in less than three
minutes the enemy was completely routed by
150 men.
We cleared the city of every rebel and re
tired it being near night, and not feeling able
to keep the place with so small a force.
Major White’s command did not participate
in the charge. I have seen charges, but such
brilliant bravery I have never seen, and did not
expect. Their War-cry, “Fremont and the
Union,’’broke forth like thunder
(Signed) Ciias. Seagom,
Major Commanding Body-Guard.
Col. John M. Richardson, who rode over to
the:vicinity of Springfield last evening, says
Major Seagoni was guided to the town, from
the Jefferson to the Mount Vernon roads, by
Judge Owens. The camp was just outside of
the city. -
Maj. Seagoni was compelled to pass through I
a lane and let down a number of fence rails be- j
fore be could charge on the foe, thus drawing
their fire.
There was a good deal of fighting in Spring
field, and from the bouses, two secessionists,
who ran out of their dwellings and fired at the
body guard, were killed. }
May. Seagoni was advised of the force of the :
rebels, but he was determined to have a fight.
Col. Pearce, said to be from Arkansas, com- |
mantled one of the rebel regiments.
It is thought that the cause of that increased
rebel force at Springfield was the large amount
of plunder gathered there for some weeks past, [
which, it is slated, they intended to take South i
with them, but which will of course fall into !
our hands. 1
Abbauam Lincoln
the rebels were found dead in one heap. Maj.
Arnold arrived after daylight to the assistance
of Capt. Hildt.
The command proceeded to the point where
the rebels had disembarked. Their steamers
were just leaving, and a destructive fire was
opened on them.
The rebels left behind them, on the island,
twenty-two killed, five wounded and thirty-three
prisoners. Many of their wounded were carried
away on the boats.
Capt. Bradford and Lieut. Elms were killed.
Three of their officers were captured. One of
them is Lieut. Jaynes, formerly of the United
States marines. He is badly wounded.
Brigham Young
Gen. Anderson, who was in command of the
rebels was wounded in the arm after disembark
The enemy acknowledged their loss to be over
In addition to the loss on our side above stated,
the Zouaves lost nine killed in their camp, and
eleven taken prisoners.
[second dispatch ]
The details of the fight at Santa Rosa say
that the rebel forces, 1,500 strong, landed on
the Island from three steamers about four miles
above Wilson’s camp. Their landing was effec
ted at about 2 o’clock iu the morning The
night was very dark. They rapidly formed in
three columns and proceeded silently towards
the Zouaves camp hoping to effect a total sur
They were but partially successful in this.—
The picket guard, about six hundred yards off
discovered and fired upon them and gave the
alarm and saved the regiment from annihilation.
The attack by the enemy’s forces was simul
taneous and volley after volley was aimed upon
the Zouaves who were forced to fall back, loav :
ing the camp in the hands of the rebels
The rebels then commenced burning the camp.
Fort Pickens was by this; time thoroughly
aroused, and three companies of regulars came
to their assistance. The rebels retreated to the
boats, closely followed by regulars and a small
number of volunteers, keeping up a destructive
lire upon them killing and wounding a large
number. The rebels finally reached the boats,
but the steamers were over five hundred yards
from the beach, and our men poured repeated
volleys into the crowded mass Every bullet
told, and by the shouts and confusion of the
rebels it was evident that we had obtained am
ple satisfaction for the insult to our flag.
The regulars behaved nobly. Great credit is
due to captains Robertson and Hilt and Lieuts.
Seely and Taylor. The Zouaves were badly
mentioned, and Col. Wilson is very much cen
sured for inefficiency. Ho did not reach the
scene until all was over. The camp was almost
entcrely destroyed. The officers and mou losing
Major Newby bad a narrow escape from cap
ture, being confined to bed from dangerous ill
ness. One of Lis servants was killed and the
other taken prisoner. Major Newby shot a reb
el with his revolver, and getting out of the
house escaped through a storm of bullets.
; Wilson’s regiment lost 10 killed, 10 wounded
and 9 taken prisoners. The regulars lost 4 kil
led, 20 wounded an 1 10 taken prisoners..
The rebels lost by their own statement -350
killed, wounded and missing.
We took thirty prisoners, including three doc
tors who were released.
The steadier McClellan also brings a reliable
account of the fight at the mouth of the Missis-
The rebel fleet consisted of six gunboats, the
Ram and Manassas and a large number of fire
ships filling the river from shore to shore.
Our squadron was composed of the Richmond,
Huntsville, Water Witch, Preble, Vincennes and
the steamship Nightingale. They were at an
chor inside of the south-west pass.
The Manassas drifted foul of the Richmond,
knocking a hole in her quarter and stern, doing
but little damage. To avoid the fire of the
ships the squadron got under weigh immediately
and drifted down the river. ]
Tbc Richmond, Preble, Vincennes and Night
ingale got ashore on the bar and 1 while ashore
they were attacked by the rebels, but only one
of tbree shots took effect and that struck the
Richmond in the quarter. They were beaten
off by the Vincennes with only two guns. The
test of her armament, with her chains, anchors,
etc., having been thrown overboard to lighten
her, she beiug much exposed to rebel fire.
Not one person was killed or wounded in the
squadron |
The Richmond, Preble and Vincinnes were
towed off tbe next day by steamer McClellan.
The Nightingale was still ashore but would
probably get off tbe next day.
The steam frigate Niagara arrived at the
mouth of the Mississippi on the 14th inst.
Tbe slcop-of-war Dale was spoken on the
19tb, coming in the Gulf Stream.
A Leap of Seventy Feet.— The Wheeling !
Intelligencer says that a soldier, attempting to
escape from a squad that was endeavoring to
arrest him leaped from the Suspension Bridge
into the Ohio, a distance of seventy feet. He i
struck the water feet foremost, went down, but I
soon came to the surface, and struggled for life i
A boat put out and rescued him. after he had I
gone down the second time. Whisky caused i
his troubles. {
AST - John Brown, Jr.’s sharp-shooters, num
bering sixty-six men, passed through Chicago
on Tuesday, en their Tray to Kansas. I
FROM FORT PICKETS. The Brie Boilroad
on Col. Wilson’s Zouaves.
The Attack
The Enemy Repulsed with Great Loss I
Naval Battle at the Meath of the
Reliable? Accounts of bothEEngagement,t t,
from Loyal Sources.
We have for some time past been regaled with
rebel accounts of a fight between the rebels and
Billy Wilson’s New York Zouaves, at Santa
Rosa Island, ia which the Zouaves were badly
used up, and the Confederates claimed a gre^t
victory. Also, with accounts of a naval engage
ment at the mouth of the Jdississippi, in Which
a small Rebel fleet had played the deuce with
the Federal blockading squadron, sinking one
vessel and driving the others aground. We
thought there was a smack of Munchausen
about these accounts, aud patiently waited for
further details, which we now have, and. which
put a different face on the result of the engage
New York, Oct. 24, 18G1.
Tbe steamcr McClellan, formerly the Joseph
Whitney, has arrived from Key West. She
brings advices ‘South- West Pass to. the
14th, from Fort Pickens to the 16th. Tortagas
to the 18th, and Key West to the i9th■»•*. -
On the morning of the 9th inst., about half
past three o’clock, the rebels attacked-GotOTiel
Wilson’s position on Santa Rosa Island, 1 in force.
Company E of the Third Infantry, Capt. Hildt,
and twenty-seven men of Company A, First
Artillery—eighty-five men in all—under Major
Vodges, met the enemy above Camp Brown.
Major Vodges was taken prisoner immediately,
and Captain liildt assumed the command and
engaged the enemy. The loss in this struggle
was four killed, twenty-one wounded and eight
taken prisoners.
The enemy’s loss is much ,larger. Eleven of
i The terms and conditions of a lease of the
i Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, by the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, have been passed
. upon and concurrently agreed to by the respee
' live Boards oC Dircctora of the two Companies;
! and, acordiugito these terms and
! contract is being prepared, jointly by the solici-
I tors of the twoGompanies in negotiation, under
j the super vision of their respective Presidents;
! when framed and duly signed, the contract will
j be submitted to the stockholders interested in
i provisions for-their final ratification,
j The matter of the lease, therefore, has passed
! out of the deliberations of the two Boards of
‘ Directors, and has only to receive the formal
■ approval of. stockholders, to become invested
! with the force aud effect of law.
The decisive step in the negotiation was taken
ftSJ the Board of the Directors of the Pennsylva
rfiia Railroad; Company on Saturday last, when
1 a proposition,: understood to embody, substan
j tially, the ultimatum of the other Company, by
j whom it was tendered, was agreed to by a large
j majority vote, in a shape which,’ on Monday
: last, was formally approved ’by the nnanamous
| vote of the Board of Directors of the Philadel
phia and Erie Railroad Company.
| When signed -by the Presidents of the two
j Companies, the Specific terms and conditions of
( the lease will of course he made public for the
| information of stockholders; meantime it is said
| that the lease stipulates that;—the Pennsylva
! nia Railroad Company are to guarantee the in
terest and principal of $5 000,000 of bonds se
{ cured by a first mortgage on the Philadelphia
i and Erie Railroad, of which bonds $3,800,000
arc to be reserved by the Pennsylvania Rail-
I road Company for construction uses, under con-
I tracts hereafter to be made; that the remaining
I $1,200,000 of Said bonds are to bo appropriated
, to the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company,
to be used in funding contractors scrip, by com
promise, and in extinguishing all other unfund
ed indebtedness, which bonds, added to other
available assets, are said to be ample for that
purpose; that for equipments now the property
of the Philadelphia aud Erie Railroad Company
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company are to pay
cash $150,000, that all contracts for work or
material chargeable to construction or capital ac
count, executed or allotted by the Philadelphia
and Erie Railroad Company, are abrogated and
annulled; and that the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company are to equip and operate the Philadel- j
pfiia aud Erie Railroad for seventy per centum j
ot the gross receipts, which leaves to the Phil- |
adelphia and Erie Railroad Company, for the
use of their roadway thirty per cent, of the
gross receipts, with which to p;iy interest, ex
penses of organization, and Dividends.
The terms agreed upon are the result of long,
patient and frank negotiation, and are believed
to combine the utmost that the Peunsylviutia
Railroad Company would give, and the utmost
that the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad would
offer or agree to, the first named Company hav
ing its own credit to .protect, and the last named
Company having to trust to that, credit for
means to complete thuja” own ■unfinished road.—
From ail Pennsylvania stand points this lease
is a rosy omen' and a gladdening fact. By it
Philadelphia, the seaport of the State, will en
joy as friendly icommunica-ion with Eric, the
iakeport of the State, as with Pittsburg the Ohio
riverport of the State. And thus betweeu the
seaboard, the Mississippi Valley, and the basin
of the lubes all upon Pennsylvania soil, an iron
trunk with twofforking iron limbs, operated by
a single organisation, will compass grand results
to the people ol the State, and achieve impor
tant ends to fho parlies to the compact,'Which
could not have been secure 1 by competition: now
creditors and stockholders of both Company’s
are insured against ruinous opposition, for under
the lease, their interests are identical and their
unity unquestionable.
1 hiladephia will now indeed have on iron
arm outstretched to Erie City, a portal of the
lake basin, the fellow and counterpart of her
iron .arm to Pittsburg, tbe eastern gate of the
Mississippi \ alley — V. S. Railroad and Mining
i , Charleston Convention Members
, Killed. —Major Gavitr, the Federal offi
| cer killed hi the fight at Frcdcricktown,
; Mo., was a Douglas delegate from Indiana
;to the Charleston Convention, and also
I attended the adjourned session in Haiti
j more. Incut. D. A. Nelms, of Georgia,
j a Confederate-officer, killed at
j the Santa liosa fight, was a member of the
| Charleston Convention, and a most devb
| ted Union man. - When twenty-six of the
| Georgia delegates seceded from the Coni
I ventton, hb was one of the ten who refused
j to vacate thcir scats, but 1 remained in the
Convention Till the close. On his return
home, Nelms was accused by one of his
seceding colleagues with being untrue to
the bouth, on account of his remainingln
the “squattersovereignty convention.”—
A duel was the consequence, in which
Nelms was badly wounded in the arm
.with a bullet. When the convention re
assembled at Baltimore, Mr. Nelms
though still suffering from his wound'
again appeared and remained till the Close
of the convention.
Bight Kind of Patriotism. —Dr.
Clarkson T. Collins, a wealthy’ and cele
brated physician of Great Barrington,
Mass., declares his readiness and desire, in
defence of the Federal Government, to be
one of a thousand men, or one of three
hundred, to arm and equip themselves,—
each takiugtwo horses and a servant—to
enter the field; to give their lives if need
be, or to continue in service till the close
of the war, beqt for one year or ten, and
all at their own expense, not to cost
the Government a cent. , That kind of
patriotism has the true grit.
T HE undersigned wouldrf
oouiice tp the citizens r
Altoona and vicinity th
he has just received
large supply of STOV
o/ all Patterns, such
Cook, Parlor. Office ai
Shop Stovesi which 1
will sell at the most re?
sou able prices. A larr
supply will always
kept on hand.
*^ifSJS!? B * ntoir WAX£ - in «*-» ««*>*
put up on short .notice. Ho ilirto ihanniactures I.F-
tin.‘ ald *° ** “ ach »"P«ior to gal
• ,w“K lu,a l* > "ttnclu-d a copper-smithing room to his eis.
° nhaad a "
Ail hintls of job work promptly attended t 5.
ml'un,™ i!!! b l C P ,tron »B e is respectfully solicited.
wJr7 ’ bCtWet '“ a ” rlet •«* Ada-
Altoona. Sept. Ist, 18G1. STEPHEN WINTERS.
NOTARY public.
Cttob* iss” j UUd atth ' ,to,e of J - B. Hiteman,
Hello I This Way RelAWl
I spcctfnlly inform the citizens of Altoon. U ®l|
rounding country t hat bo liu Just returned w hi
where he he* been selecting hie stock of Fall ™
Goods with the greatest care and exclusively fa?
which enables him to tell as low if not a little if "-Un
any bouse In the place. Ho would therefor* M
those who wish to purchase their Fall and lyo., y 14 < I
to call and examine his new stock before purrw' ® : <»|
where, as ho feels satiefled that he can gire eutir. s “■*!
tton. His goods are of the best quality and very C "f c, b]
AD Cotton Goods at Old Prices
Bit Stock coiuitis of Lad Us' Brest Goods of
shade and color, front a plain Delaine at 12 air**!
to Plaid and Plaid Delaines, alt mot, at ’> *>
57) J <*«- Figured Delaines from 12U t 0 25 J**
Xursian ctotks, Conestoga and American
Prints 10 yards for $l, Lancaster and
Domestic Ginghams from 10 to
cts., 01l icool Flannel from 25 io
37 els., heary Sheeting Muslin I2le et.
Bleached Muslin from &A to rti.,'Sihiitj I
all toool Taseedt and Jeans of every ninety anlpr,.
Men and Boya’ Boots and Shoes; Women, Mlswaur*.
drou’s Shoes; Hats and Caps.
Coffee at 17
CUtis»> SERIES# White Sugar 11 els, Btc„t
gar from 8 to 10 cts.; Imperial, V. Hyson and BlarkT*
♦Syrup from UO to 05 cts.; Cedarand Willow Wan* n?
Feed, 4c., 4c. ; J. A. SPKAN’kIi ’
October 3d, 18dl. i
The subscriber informs hu
customers, and the public generally, that he Ui«
received a large and beautiful assortment of m
which, for magnificence, extent and variety, hare
before boon excelled in Blair county. Particular attenn
is Inviled to our'stock of
Such as Black and Pitney C hall its, Btrtges, BriB±
LaxpnSy Iklaim #, Chintz*, Dtßegts, Oopcs, iW
Crape and Stella Shawls, Mantillas, Undenteetttad
Hosiery, Bonnets and Ribbons, Cbtiart, Hand,
kerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Hooped Skirts, Skirt
ing, Lace Mitts, tfc.
We have Cloth*, Cassimores, Vestings, Tweedy
Hoad* of families'would do well to dill and examin »
stock of Winter for Bojrt.
Bools, Shoes, Hardware, OlaMvan, Qaesnsvar*. Vos
aud Willow Ware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., io aa; qukstih
aad at prices that caauot foil to please.
Our t4ock of Groceries is more extensive than ewr
consists of llio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and K q
Sugars; Green. V. 11. and Black Teas; MoUimaSmu
Cut'Uk'tt, Suit, fish, Ac. ™
Thankful to the public for the very liberal patrona
Heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to
uess, and uu endeavor to please, to merit a continoaoci 4
the same.
%• Cudntry Prodace,of all kinds taken la
Goods nt market prices.
Oct. 10, 1601
I- SPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Altoua
and. surrounding country that ho has just returned fr
the city with hla
Uls Stock of flats and Caps are of tho very best oelectiea,
ofeveiy style, color uud shape, for both old ami young.
Ilia stock of Ladies and Missea’ Fura is the hat tt*
brought to this place, consisting of every variety, whki
will be sold -at prices to suit the times.
All ho asks la that the people call and examine his stock,
and he feels confident that be can scud them a«a; re
Juicing, if not in the purchase of such an article as U,*r
wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon i»
handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, Furs, Ac., ever exhibits
in this town. .
J2*Sfor« on Virginia Street, opposite the Lutheran Church.
Oct. 3,1861. r JESSE SMITH.
Six Hundred and Fifty Dollar
1. I will furnish one of my superior NEWSI’APM
PRESSES, that can bo driven by band with cart; at tb<
rat* of
on any kind of a Job from a colored poster down. &eJ
itd work as well as any cylinder Press in the world.
_ Bed 31 X 40 inches, rolls a form with two rollers of £?
X 42 inches, weighs only 3,300 lbs, and can be pul up a:i
set running by any ordinary printer.
1 bare issued a specimen done on this press, in pus
phlot form, containing a cut of it, and will tafee gr«j
pleasure in sending a copy to those tfho have not ucetud
it, ou the receipt of a paper from them.
Any publisher inserting this advcrtucmriu, M tbs
amount of $lO. and sending mo a paoer containing it.
will be allowed tbo amonnf of their bill towards pave?::
on one of my presses, if ordered after one year from St;-
tcmbfcr 1. 1801. If ordered within one year, $iQ will
allowed for the bill. If ordered within six months
will bo allowed. And if within three months, <-»0 will u
allowed for the,bill
You will find .It : for your interest to communicate di
rectly with mo, ns I warrant the press to bo ; II I repre
sent it, which your merchant can easily find out fur jea
If yon are a total stranger in New York. For further
particulars please address A CAMPBELL,
No. 10, Spruce street, N- Y.
Sept. 19,1561,
Prof. JOSS’ MILLER, Principal.
X SCHOOL will c immenco on jVO.YD.4I', Nov.
, The established reputation of Prof. Miller as an accom
plished scholar and successful/Teacher is a sure gnaraat*
to parents, guardians and others, that the school will b*
so conducted as to give fall satisfaction.
For English Grammar, Geography, Composition.
Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced
Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin
and Greek |l5»
For German or French .V.’.’,.'..;....-.... 5^
For Mnsic S #
d®* Payment of subscription to be made monthly tad*
School Directors.
DR. CALDBRWOOD offers his Pro
fesaional Services to the citizens ofAltooaa
vicinity. Officoon Virginia Street* nearly opposite C.J-
Mann's Store. ;
J. B. Luden*. M. D., Huntingdon.
. Jno. McCclloch, M. D., “
11. X. CorrET, « Pittsburgh.
* Rev. J. B. Crist, Birmingham.
Rev. Thomas Stevenson, Tyrone City-
Jacob Sublet, «
C. Guteb, «
W. Bublet, «
M. H. Jollt, «
Altoona, May Oth, 1801-ly*
s2sl] EMPLOYMENT! »75(,
Wo will pny from $25 to $75 per month, «nd »11
so», to octiro Agent*, or giro ■ commission. Psrtkolsn
sent free. Address Erie Sowing Machine CompsoJ, *-
JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio.
Jept. 12-ly.]
Paint, also Chrome. Green, Tetlov, Paris Own, irj
ami ground oil at [l-tf.] KKSSLEH'i
*«« and Shoulder Braces for sale' at
Q. W. kesjleb s*
Hair oils, colognes, pom
ados. Sharing Cream, Toilet Soaps, *c. for mleW
‘""•I 6. W. KE9SLEB.
Hair, hat, tooth, shaving,
Paint, Saah and Taruiah Brushes at
kj rerafor sale at [l-tf,] KISS LEV’S-
Blanks of all description 3
neany and expadicionaly executed at this offles.
CMtarn WW ■
jr—tem Tfij..-
TmIMTI Twroogn
«5w»S! —
wguKrs W*J
— gmi:—During the week, from * i
2?! Qn g outlay*, from 04j till T 45 a.
Exjmm „ 7,10 AM.
“ « Ewt •■« *,30 P. M.
'*.!* ■* WMt « 7,55 V. M., “
“ . « K«t « AM - i
**J?* « We*t “ 0,30 P. M.,
" . ~nn inAYSPURO BRANCH connect
T&* m_f an 4 JI«1I Train E».« ami W
TRAINS Mnn«t with
aioSmodatlon Train. M and W«.«. Kxpre.
iStLlna and Mall train Eaat and W.
mails close.
7 00 A. M. w
railroap schedule
For some time past we have be
ising our readers that if those wl
debted to us would come forward
tie up, we would, on or about th
October, show them something nc
in this section of the country. 1
first of October has gone by, and
not announced our show as opei
course you want to know the ca
to begin with, wo would say that
and mbst important condition of tl
upon which wo promised to fut
exhibition, has not been compli
vis; but few have called to set
bills, and thus supply us with tl
to purchase it. Now it is not t
posted that we,can get up ft she
looking at without money. Wo
“on tick,” for it, and could not gt
tick” if we would. Again, the gt
who is engaged in getting up th>
tion has given us notice that he
have it completed in less than si
from the Ist inst., which will be a
Ist of December. Delinquent frit
have still time enough loft to so.
''accounts and get in to see the sho
first day that it is opened to spec
Como right along, and make no
settling up. The show iscominj
mutt have the money to pay for it
delay payment because the tin
weeks in advance. It will be t
ye arc aware of it, and then you’l
about not having paid us —at
ought to,
The Sweet Little Mai
[Here is a very appropriate poem, i
ly dedicated to the “ Stay-at Home
The truthfulness of the picture pren
DOt be questioned, aud the poiut wiU
arrived at. Let ail the 11 sweet little;
it:-] -
Now-while the soldiers arc fighting our bat
Each at bis post to do all that he can,
Down among rebels aud contraband chult
What are you doing my sweet little xna;
All the brave boys under canvass are sleep
All of them, pressing to march with the '
Par from the home where their sweet-hearts
What are you waiting for iny sweet little
You with the terrible warlike moustache?.
Fit Tor a Colonel or chief of a clan,
You with the waist made lor short belts an
Where are your shoulder-straps, sweet li
Bring him the buttoulcss garment of wema
Cover his face, lest U freckle and tau ;
Muster the Apron-String Guards on the coi
That Is the corps for tho sweet little man
Give him for escort a file of young misses,
Each of them armed with a deadly rattan
They shall defend him from laughter and h
Aimed by low boys at the sweet little me
Ail the lair maidens about him shall cluste
Pluck tho white feathers from bonnet an
Make him a plume like a turkey-wing dust
That la the crest for the sweet little man.
. O, but the Apron-String Guards arc the fell
Drilling each day since-our troubles beg-.
“ Handle your walking-sticks I” (i Shoulder
That is the style for the sweet little than
Have ire a nation to savel In the first pla
Saving ourselves is the sensible plan.
Surely the place where there’sshooting’s th
Where I can stand, says the sweet little
Catch mo confiding my person with strong
Think bow the cowardly Bull Runners n
In the Brigade of tftay-at-homo Rangers
Marches my corps, says the sweet little
Bach was the stuff of tho Ualnkoft takers,
Such were tho soldiers that scaled the II
Truculent housemaids and blood thirsty Q
Bravo not tho wrath of tho sweet littjLe n
Yield him the sidewalk, ye nursery maMcj
Sauaeguipent! Bridget, and right.abou
fierce as a shark in a school of menhaden*
Beo.blm a'lvauctng, the sweet little man
When the ted flail* of the tattle field thra
Beat out the Continent's wheat from its
While the wind scatters the chuff; Scceslu
What will become of our sweet little ms
Whcn thobrown soldiers comeback from
- HoW-witlhelook when his features the
llow will he fi.-ul when he gets marching c
Signed by bis lady-love? Sweet Uttlo n
Fear not for him, though the rebels expec
LlfnU too precious to shorten its Span;
Woman her broomstick will raise to pruU
Will she not fight for the sweet little ro
Now then three cheers foi the Stay*at ho
Blow the great Fish horn and beat the
First in the field that is farthest from da
Take your white feather plume, sweet
89* The JBlair County Whig, of
speaking of Qon ? - Sherman's body g
**lt was originally intended for (
er( Anderson, and the suggestion,
steam bieouitbakery has been
ktion at Honolulu, Sandwich lalai
Why the tuyfftetion should bo co
at Honolulu <
'wlofa | B more than wo can
Wfltonr friends of the Whiff expb
T 00 A. M. aiwf