The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 31, 1861, Image 1
i*S flt ia chiefly j Blank Benkafc. : j urlira, ' 5 and fulnd to 1 1 d and bunnd to lutes paper.' ■■" ■ * toriringto have thab-»~v, i lca.lM«M«lm«»i»» ‘ W** m. Harper's WeewTgJJS?* ,= Uflo American, ,J *ini hf 1 ! i Book, Lady's Kepodtor^S* ■dc. Jte~ bound taetmjffifj) ntial half binding. a T 1 rct rfc f lUUfdilet laws, bound in M/nSTL ; ante prices. Penou to»S>T - id, will receive ailberat dwSf It to IU from a distance bv V,. I trusted to'oorcarewQibe Maa? tni and returned by ixmE”' drew F. L, .at the TrSjunt OOce.aitaiw. Ichuty. Tlier will giteinfcoil {. and receive and return Ida, j ! brail wbo tiiUnut their wwti. I March 21,USl<ly oq - j p ; m m i *|||J ; B; S- !=i|t v : Bmi *gssS-?i : JBi ta<so|f sK( : '§£» It J a >3,00 uitiuti iii tin* uH»t popular laA -I in U» Country. t.from !>>r linsinew here withintfc* i !:om havu.been employed u l*er Annum, nlip knew uothiHg of !(■ Collegr, price. Student* enter nt any lileaee. without extra charge. SiH-cfam-na' of Pro£ fowler’. -t.iuuu.hip. and. a lagp wm. twunty-flvo ceuta in Portog, -t S3IITII, rittiburgh, p*. M) BAKERY! IGNED ANNOUN- Altoona and vicinity that lio itoiceo of «i««. Nut*, Spies* wpitoly' for thelltHkUy*:. oh hand a good stocked aumuhteture. 3S, IIAISINS&C., of tho year. r. Molasses, Balfer, rk wheatFLom, 1, CORN MEAIi, *C, n I urge or small qnuititk*. my stock and you rrill tsd u Icvrui jaWw wise. m and News Depot SEGAU, TOBACCO, & VARIETY IRE. BR CONTINUER y>«d »*ortraent uf Book*, IV i'lace and riclolty tlionariei, and kokk .fcawkt n> the beat Tobacco H .Septs' ritli a anouaortraeatcfCMU I and other articles oTJejul ' h, rsTTVtem. Mi. I AUvma t^tu*. UiSTION WHICH of ererj <- it article for . ■natters, the . bnt if je* OEB i oC M* stock sod nuk:- u-. iMortnmit ofllwtiiWiuk >' offers »t tUr ptic«*. S«o to eiutoni work, kilif rr aotfaftcUou. Sb&tMtth* 'iigini* street, imimvUftd/ JOHN U. BOBKBX*. rocery Store. feR KEEPS CQN- \ cad, Catc«, lie. IT, PLOim. ' • :iues. IARSinA TOBACCO. >B KINK. tract, below Annie ICE GAZfin®.-^ Crime and dely circulated tlw Great QraNWj i**» f re 4 aot to be bum; 41 Tor six o shouM vriWtW^iW .•asiatff 8 r<rtPuUc#Oiwte. :" - Siw ; WES.—THK^- liaad and win ~■ mt of Ba&.toortertVr^fcas-i-... i Show, Can ofbtudttaau It noioMm JMfjl*. IN INBm » «* Miiewei D OILS. »RM«3j uf j&fsM v • _ ' •• • >1 . 'i S - . ' •< ■ } - ; . . * , , . McCRUM & DERN, VOTj. g. I AND fy ' MI C 'JPSEK. - Rew-York Benevolent Infirmary, 'ESTABLISHED 1856. I in.l ileW'toii to 7Vic of Akdical Be/orm; to the Af f swn of ifaitarf ■Knoxkdyt for JAe! ■ } mi it) tho relief of those* nulTermgand Afilictul with Chro ;ii vS To tills etui tbid Infirmary is j n l!we<l to enable tbe *ick and guttering throughout tl.o ; * a *p,4 breadth of our laud. to avul-I tho/oiJonowj^ amf Ignorance of prifcsscd Pui/gtaaus, ; Uu-i-mgh which thousands and tens of thousands anaurtll) ; following are some of the diseases wc cure, pot only t oluariuory but iui.ll porta of our conutry: , Poiisuiuptiou and Pulmonary-Complaint* lever!;, Pvt of . ~ia Eye and Ear Disease. Cancers and other Temeis ‘jaundice aI.J Elver Complaint. Seminal W eaknvss, alldiaeaaesof the Urinary and f««al Organsfrom tva“»r cause or whatever hatore. Our Object will be to to the alliicted by effecting In nil cases aspmly cure, cbirrnlois■ to drama nothing foradvlce and written pre ,-rii.twui: but will furnish when rep-tested tho very beat ine-'iclhM at tho lowest r ites. TKve remedies are prepared In our own Laboratory, un , C are of able Chemists, and aro the most reliable w'.nn to science, including all the recent discoveries. To all addrculng tj'.by letter, containing full account of ~ ;,. , n s a id appe.iriUices of disease, a-... occapatiwn. Ac., ffe’wiil wtlt*a candid rtply. with advice and direction, f * *aro. Anr f**M m*Ut ns when .or a'l'»c« xv * *» h'-‘ <‘C'- -iV> fun. Hliing imaliduu fir tin* poor. In Ml case? p’Xinv can be f»«l by.mall nr cxpiy-.s if desired. Send , :1 or more of our' works and judge ray,.ursehed. ■ ' vis , published at the Infirmary, to aid these objects. the family physician, 1 "!..'!’svniotouis, diet, bathing and exorcise. Pi ice Wet.,. THK LADIES- MED [GAL FRIEND. TfIK PHVSIOLOOV OX MAPIUACE. i ■ \ W urk oiKhc cuus*. s.uujjXjww and troutmout of all • • im-ULnt.* i'.t-cuiiar to U*,o rvx, ob marriage, it.’ dmi H.i>ruuii ami iU rtwulu. on Children, their ills, uuu oa tin,- t.MT«*aliyn ttfconception, with InvaluH»h‘ Inctiuctiou-, to |j, e ia vu subjects of *» privuto nature. I’rice 20 cent?. Hie Genllemen’s Medical- Companion, AND PIIIVATE ADVISER. A W* f-r the old and young, embracing thePathulrgy. rrcTt-niiou aiul Cure of all Diseas'-s of tljo. Urinary-ami sex* u> > o r -.ujit. aiul a warning voice of advice aud counsel, such as tu 'S' found In UO other work. Ducu-25 cents. the guide and guard FOR EVERY ONE. It exposes all the Humbug., and tli>> various Tucks to entice the sick ami well. It illustrates tlio. i> ans of the Quacks uiii-Uugues to dupe every, one. It guide* tho nu- Jsrv through liK uml tdiuws up ivory swindle of tlie age. It fiwwsbo'V all kinds of Pood. Medicines, Liquors and Hoads are adulterated, with the means of detecting the bauds- Price 25 ceufc. THE HOUSEHOLD AND FARM, PLANTATION AND SlUtl*. g. Vat every familv, hiving over 1000 receipts oti. Cooking, Pic.-i ring. Dyeing, Cleaning. Ac. How to plant and what is the best to raise. How to’curc animals, advice tuh-mse kccu' rs, farmers and inechauica. on loco subjects of inter est. Price 25 cents. Worth *lO to any one, THE CONSUMPTIVES ROOXC. Kor those who wish to ge.t well from that awful disease, . lull description of nil the- remedies used, with a careful statement of the results, and other useful ir.fornia ti ill. Price Pi cents. , , , , The information in them is-not to he found in any works published, nor obtainable from any Other, source. These books are published on Hue uud" beautifully bound. . . Any of the above works will ho mailed free, on receipt of pricer in stamps. or money; or the whole in u handsomely bound volume for one dollar. No family should In* with out them. They are illustrated with beautiful engravings xml couiaiu the condensed experience of years. . AoEStS WANTED for the above works, who can makeslso a month. Send for a circular for agents. To the young oi both sexes suffering from secret habits; pnvßratiun of miud; lass of power; nervous debility; loss of sight; wakefulness; love of solitude; eruptions on the face, &c., &c. Send hejnvt it is too hi U ; belorc you suffer Incurable damage to both body and mind. To Females who want ?o/e, ptwtLmi and wt remedies for Irregularities, Obstructions, Whites. Ac:, send to us. PJEIEV ENTIVE. Wo are convinced that there are many limits of scrofu lous, consumptive and diseased: condition t*> wlmm a nu merous offspring only brings snlhring and poverty. To such,wo would eay write, and we will smul information of a nure, well-teste*!, and miver-filling Pnr.Vr.Niivi:. Wo will mail free, totuiy one applying for it. THE JOURNAL OF ME]DICAL REFORM!’ It is a largo and beautiful paper, aim contains the m<nt valuable information on apermaiorhica. or Seminal Wcuk ue«&. Tba cause, effects and cure, showing the awful ef fects of the disease, On all other diseases of the Sexual Organs, u full expla nation of the origin ,of iSyphilis* the hieacs of atul cure. Oa Consumption, that fearful disease. On theXlvcr, Heart, Stomach ami Skin. On Female Complaints. . On the variotM Schools of Medicines. On the modes of Treatment how practised. On the False Treatment of Diseases. On the various Medical Humbugs. On the Physiology of Marriage. On the Common sense of Medicine. On Diet, Exercises, and Ablution. How the Physician should be. How to prevent Pregnancy. And many other things. Sext> fob it. This Journal should be in the hands, of every one. J. RcassLL, M. D., A. M., Chief Physician. S. S. Morris, Surgeon. Dr- J. Boyle. Chemist. > Office in New York, 154 Chambcnrstrcot. Office in WilHamsbnrghf South Bth and sth streets. Correspondents will please enclose two or three stamps for return postage, and address DR. A. BKKNKY, Secretary. Williamsburg, New York. (Box 14L) Nor. 15,1860.-ly _ __ THE ROOT & HERB DOCTOR, FROM PHILADELPHIA. WHO HAS HAD 30 YEARS CON STANT practice, can be consulted at the Altoona House, Mr. John Wood’s, viz,:—On the 7 th of June, the tthof July, onrf the 70i«/h? will then vacate for 3 monthkSpNolice.wlU he given in this paper when bo comiuMicea 'hla Winter’s Term again. - He treats all diseases that flesh is heir to. Uo invites all female* who may bo suffering with diseases peculiar to their teX, to cull and examine hi? new modi- of treatment, a* thousands have been restored to health who have been abandoned by others, lie Is in possession of perfect in struments Ibr sounding the lungs and chest and is there ftr**kble to detehfilto'.tlie exact condition of the vital or cans—t^seaueuuycanireatsuchcomplaints with greater safety ami Wtafocg tfcanlti* possible for those -who gitesn at the disease andwdxpbnment for its cure. lie believes that for every malady-there is found in our soil a sure anti neror-falling remedy. Patients can receive treatment for $5 pe month, except in cases of Cancers and Tumors, they vary from $lO to $lOO. Examination free. Dll. W. LEVTNGSTON. !F. B.—See Handbills. s » ’6l TDEISTTISTT^^T- T IRVIN STEEL, D.,1). S , HAY * IXQ located permanently In Altoona, respectfully offers hi* «ervlc«3 in.the different departments of Surgical anil Mechanical Dentistry. OBhetmrly opposite C. Jacgard’a Store, "Virginia st.» AK loom, Pa. [Mfty 16, WM. S. BITTNER, DENTAL SURGEON. Affice in the masonic tem ‘PLE, next door to the Post Office. extracted withont pain by the Current Electro magnetic Machine. Wall Paper and Border. A N UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK Ol oftho LATEST SEEING STYLES, Jail mritiJi which will be sold chewier then bv z\. USUr. J. i J. I.OWTUER. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE C. DERX, PUBUSUERS AKD PROPRIETORS. E. B. McCKUM, Per annum, (payable Invariably in advance,) $1.50. All papers discontinued .at the expiration of the time paid fo^. isav3 or advertising \ i insertion 2 do. 3 do. Four line* or Icpb $ ’25. $ 37)4 '$ One square, ( 8 lines) • •••• ; 5 2 , tst o 22 Two ’ “ ao “ ) 100 1 BO 2 00 ThreO; '* (24 V ) 1,30 2 00 2 50 Over three weeks ami lean than three months, 25 cents per square for each Insertion. 3 months.. 6 months. 1 year. Six lines or lew $ 1 50 $ 3 00 $ 5 00 One square 2 50 4 00 7 00 Two i. . 4 00 6 00 10 00 Throe » v. 5 00 8 00 .12 00 Four « 6 00 10 00 14 00 Hialfift column 10 00 14 00 20 00 One c01umn..... 14 00 25 00 40 00 Administrators and Kxecutors Notices * 1 '5 Merchants advertising-by the year, .three squares, . with liberty to chanfeo, • .1° w Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding* 8 linos with paper, per year •••;•/•• r ” , 00 Communications of a political character or individual in (crest will be charged-according - to the above rates. Advertisemen .a not marked©~number of inser tions desired, will be continued tUI-finrbid and charged ac cording fo the above terms. ' _*> Business noticos five cents per lino for every insertion. Obituary notices exceeding ten linen, fifty cents a square lpoetrjv THE RISING OF THE PEOPLE. Poem delivered before the Phi Prta Kappa Society of Bar vurd (fnivfrjiiy. ' 4 i,V LLDr.IIKiS JKFfKRSON.CCTLKE, Tim ruar awakes the land; the flfo Is calling shrill; ' Ten thousand starry banners Mate on town, and bay, and hill; Our crowded streets are throbbing with the-soldier** uica- snred trump Among our bluded cornfields gleam the while teifts*of the camp. The thunders of the rising war Inish Labor's drowsy hum, And luavy to the ground the first dark drops of.battle come. The souls of men flame up anew; the narrow heart ex pands ; And woman brings patient faith to nerve her engcr.hands. Thank God! wo ure hut buried yyt, though long in trance we lay, Thank Godl thc fathers need uoEblush to own their tons to-duy. Oh I sad and slow the weeks went by; each held his anxious breath, : ' t Like one who waits, in helpless-fear, some sorrow great as death. Off! scarcely was. there faith- in God, nor any trnstln tsap, While fast along the Southern sky the blighting Shadow ran, It veiled the stars, oiic after one; it hushed the patriot’s song, And stole from men the sacred sense that parteth right from wrong. Then a red flash, the lighting across the davkiiess broke. And w ith a voice that shook the land tho guns of Sumpter spoke; Wake, sous of heroes, wake! The ago of heroes dawns again; Truth takes iu hand her ancient sword,andcallslicr loyal Lo! brightly o’er the breaking day shines freedom's holy star; • Peace cannot, cure the sickly time. All hail, the healer, Wurl That call was hoard by Plymouth Rock; *t\vas heard iu Boston Bay; ’ Then np the piny streams of Maine sped on Its ringing way. : 1 JJew Hampshire's rocks, Vermont'*! green hills, it kindled into flame; Rhode Island fell her mighty- soul bursting her little frame: ' i The ylmpire city atm ted up, her golden fetters rent, And. meteor-like, across the North the fiery message sent; Over the breezy prairie land, by bluff and lake it ran, Till Kansas bent his arm, and laughed to find Iliimselfa man: • ■■ Then on by cabin and by camp, by stony wastes and sands. It rang exultant town the sea where the Golden City stands. ' And whereso’er tho summons came, there roso au angry din, As when upon a rocky coast a stormy tide conics in, Straightway thc’fathers gathered voice, straightway the sons arose, ' With flushing cheek, as when the East with day's red cur- rent glows. ■ \ Hurrah 1 the long despair is past; our fading hopes renew; The fog is lifting from tho land, lo! the afleient blnel We learn the secret of the deeds the tsireai have handed down, • To fire the youthful soldier’s zeal, and tend h|e green re- nown. ‘ W'ho lives for country, through his arm feels all her forces flow; ’Tis easy to bo brave for truth,' as for the rose to blow - Law,fair form of Liheity, God’s light is on thy brow, Oh! Liberty, thou soul of Law, Ucd’s very Kejf art thou. Ono tho clear river’s sparkling flood that clotiies the bank with green; t And one the line of stubborn rock that holds the water in- Friends whom weeannot thiuk apart, seemingeach other’s Twin flowers upon a single stock with equal grace that grow. OUI fair ideas, we write your, names across ■ our banner s fold; '• For you, tho sluggard’s brain is firo; for yon, tho coward bold. Oh! daughter of the blooding past! Oil! hope tho proph- eta saw I God giro ns Law in Liberty, and Liberty in Law! Fuli many a heart is aching With mingled Jby and pain. For those who go so proudly forth and may not come again: And many a heart Is aching for those it icaics behind, As a thousand Under histories throng in upon the mind. Tho old men bless the young men and praise their bearing high; Tho women in the doorways stand to wave; them bravely by. / On® threw her arms aronnd her boy, and said, “Good bye, my son; t i Ood help thee do the valiant deeds tliy father would have done.” ; One held up to a bearded man a little child do kiss, And shall not bo alone, for thy dead love and this.” And one, a rosebud In her hand, leant at asoldior’s sido; “Thy country weds then first,” sho said; “lie I thy sec ond bride.” Ohf mothers, whsn, around yonr hesrths yo count your cherished ones, 1 And miss from'tho enchanted ring tho flower of all your sons; ' ■ Oh! wlvba, when o,er the cradled child ye bend at even, 'lug's fall, • * ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1861. And voices which tlsp heart can hear across the distant call; Oh I maids, when in the sleepless nights yo opc the little case, And look till ye can look no more upon the proud young lace, Xot only pray the Lord of Life, who measures mortal breath, To bring the absent back unscathed out of the fire of death; Oh I pray with that divine content which God’s best favor draws, That, whomsoever lives or dies, ho saves hia holy cause I So out of shop and farm house, from shore and inland glen, Thick os the bees in clover time arc swarming armed men ; Along the dusty roads in haste the eager columns come, With flash of sword and musket’s gleam, thobngleaud the drum. Ho! comrades, see the starry flag, broad-waving at our head; . Ho! comrades, mark the waving light on the dear em blems spread. , \ Our fathers’ blood have hallowed it; ’tis part of their re- ncwn; And palsied bo the catiff hand would pluck its glories down! * Hurrah! buurahl it is our home where'er, thy colors fly; We win with thee the victory, or in thy shadow die! Oh I women, drive die rattling loom, and gather in the hay; 1 For all the youth, worth, lovo and truth are marshaled for the fray. Southward the hosts uro hurrying, with banners tvido uufmled, where the stately Hudson fluaU the wealth of half Flow \ Die world; where, amid the closured isles, Lake Huron’s waters gleam; From whore the MissUaippl pours an undiluted stream; From where Kentucky’s fialds of corn hand lu the South- ern air; I - From l.road Ohio’s luscious vines; from Jersey’s orchards fair; From where between bis fertile slopes, Nebraska’s rivers run; From Pennsylvania's Iron hills; from woody Oregon; Ami Massachusetts led the van. as in the days of yore, And gave her reddest blood to cleanse the stones of Balti- more! OIi! mother*, sinters, daughters, spare the tears yo fain would shed; Who seem do die in such a cause, yeeannot call than dead. They live upon the lips'of meh, in picture and sung, And nature folds them in her heart, and keeps them safe from wrong. Oh! length of days is pot a boon the bravo man prayeth There are evils worse than death or any war— Oppression with his iron strength fed on the souls of men, And License, with the hungry brood that haunt his ghast ly den. But like bright stars that fill the eye, adoring hearts ye draw; Oh! saervd grace of Liberty; oh! majesty of Law! Uurrah! the drums are beating; the fife is calling shrill; Ten thousand starry banners flame ou town, and bay and The thunders of the rising war drawn Labor’s peaceful hum Thank God that we have lived to see the saffron, morning come — The morning of the battle call, to every soldier dear! Oh, joy! the cry is “forward!” Ob. joy! the foe is near! For all the crafty men of peace have failed to purge the land; ; Hurrah! the ranks of battle close; God takes his cause in hand! Hfkt llliscdlani). SHAVING A MILLIONAIRE. Lot any man become immensely wealthy by his own exertions, and straightway you shall hear numerous anecdotes illustrating the means by which he attained his rich es, the' effect they have upon him, his disposition of them, or his sayings peculi arities and eccentricities. Astor, Girard-and Billy Gray have fur nished illustrations for many a clever sketcher. We heard a few clever anneo ddtes the pther of Billy Gibbons, a New Jersey Millionaire, one of which we give our readers. It seems that Billy, while in a country village in which he owned some property, stepped into a barber shop to get shaved. The shop was dull of customers, and the old gentleman quietly waited for his turn. A customer;who was under the barber’s hands when the old man came in, asked the knight of |the razor, in an under tone, if he knew who that was, and on receiving a negative reply, ho informed him in a whisper that it was “ Old Billy Gibbons, the richest man in the State.” “Good,” said the barber, him for his shave.” Accordingly, after the old man,had that operation performed, he was somewhat surprised upon asking the price to be told “ Seventy-fivel cents.” “ It’s my price,” said he of the lather brush, independently, “this is the only barber’s shop |n the place, them that comes into it must pay what I ask.” To the old pi,an this was rather a knock down argument, for ho drew three-quarters of a dollar from his pocket and paid them over to the barber and: left the shop. A short time after he was in close con versation with the landlord of the" tavern hard by, and the topic of conversation — barber-shops. “ Why is it,” said he, that there’s only one barbershop in town ? there seems to bo nearly enough work for two.” “ WolHUere used-to be two, said the landlord, till; last winter, when this new man came up from the city and opened a new shop, and as everything in -it was ft-eph and new, folks sort of deserted Bill Har rington's shop which has bgen going nigh fourteen years.” “But didn’t this Bill do good work ? didn’t he shave well and—cheap ?” “ Well ps for that,” said the landlord Bill did his work well enough and cheap [independent in everything.] enough, but his shop wasn’t on Main street like the new one, and didn’t have so many handsome pictures and curtains, and folks got in the way of thinking the new shop was more scientific, but,” said the landlord, stroking a chin sown with a beard resem bling screen wire, “ I never want a lighter touch or keener razor than Bill Harring- ton’s.” “ City fashions—eh!” growled the old man. “So the new man’s city fashions shut up the other’s barber shop.” “Well, not exactly,” said the landlord, “though things never seemed so well with Bill after the new shop opened; first one of his little children died of fever, then his wife was sick a long time, and Bill hud a big Dill to pay at the doctor’s; then as a last misfortune his shop burned down, one night, tools, brushes, furniture and all, and no insurance,” “ Well,” said the old man pettishly, “ why dont he start again ?” “ Start again 1” said the communicative landlord, “ why bless my soul, he hasn’t got anything to start with.” “H —m —m ! Where does this man live?” asked the old man. He was directed and ere long was in -conversation with the unfortunate tonsor, who corroborated the landlord's story. “ Why don’t you take a new shop ?” said the old man, “ there’s a new one in the block right opposite the other barber’s shop.” “ What?” said the other, “ you must be crazy. Why that belongs to old Billy Gibbons; he’d never let one of tjjose stores for a barber shop, they are a mighty sight too good; besides that I have not got twenty dollars in the world to fit up with.” “You don’t know old Billy Gibbons as well as I do;” said the other. “ Perhaps not,” said the barber. “ Now listen to me. If you can have that shop all fitted up rent free, what will you work in it for by the month ? what is the least you can live on.?” “This proposition somewhat startled the unfortunate hair-dresser, who finally found words to stammer out that perhaps twelve or fifteen dollars a month Would be about enough.” “ Pshaw!” said the old man", “ that won’t do —now listen to me —I’ll give you that store, rent free, and engage your service six months, all on these conditions : You arc to shave and cut hair for every body that applies to you, and take no pay ; just charge it all to me, and for all your services I’ll pay you twenty dollars per month, in advance—pay to commence now,” he continued, placing two ten-dollar bills before the astonished barber, who; it is almost unnecessary to state, accepted the proposition, and was still more sur prised to learn- that it was Billy Gibbons himself who had hired him. In a few days the inhabitants of that village were astonished by the appearance of a splendid new barber-shop, far passing the other in elegance of appoint ments, and in which, with new mugs,' soaps, razors and perfumes, stood a barber and assistant ready to do duty on the beads and beards of the people. Over the door was inscribed, “William Har rington, Shaving and Hair-Dressing Sa loon.” The people were not long in ascertain ing the privileges of Bill’s establishment, neither were they slow in availing them selves of them, and it is not to be won dered that it ,was crowded and the other deserted. The other held out some weeks, suspecting this free shaving—(for Bill kept his secret well) —was but a dodge to entice customers' away, who would soon be charged as usual; but at the end of six weeks he found Billy working away as usual, charging not a cent for his labor, and having money to spend in the bar gain, he came to the conclusion that he must have drawn a prize in the lottery or stumbled upon'a gold-mine, and was keep ing a barber shop for fun, so he closed his shop in despair and left, the place. Meanwhile Bill Harrington kept on, busy as a bee, and one morning liis em ployer stepped in, and without saying a word, sat down and was shaved; on rising from the chair, he asked to see the score for the six months past The'barber ex hibited it, and, after a careful calculation, the old man said: “ Plenty of work, eh ?” “Lots of ’em,” said the barber, “never did such a business in my life.” Well,” replied moneyrbags, “ you have kept the account well. I see I have paid you one hundred and twenty dollars for your services—all right, and there were throe hundred and thirty dollars charged for shaving all that applied; now, this furniture cost one hundred dollars, and it is yours. You arc also to-have this shop, rent free, six months longer, and after to-day you arc to charge the regular price, for your pay from me stops to-day.” This, of course, the bai&er gladly as sented to. “ But,” said the old man on leaving, “take care you never cheat a man by charging him ten times the usual price for a shave, for it may be another old Billy (ribbons. “ I’ll charge fta?* Money and time have both their value. He who makes bad use of the one will never make good use of the other. Providential Escape from Starvation. The Memphis Argus gives the follow ing account of a providential escape from starvation, by a gentleman residing in Lauderdale county, Tenn., near Hale’s Point; Last week ho was out hunting in a largo bottom in his neighborhood, when he ob served a wild goose fly out of a cypress stump, which was some twenty feet high. His knowledge of the habits of these geese led him to believe that the goose had a nest in the stump. On the outside of the stump were a number of vines, by which he pulled himself up to . peep in and get possession of the eggs. After he had succeeded in gaining the top of the stump, he discovered a large number of eggs some six or eight feet down inside. He supposed the nest was on a firm foun dation, and he, accordingly let himself down inside, but, when he struck the sub stance on which the nest was built, ho discovered that it had no foundation, and that he was sinking to the bottom of the tree. i; .■ The inside of the tree was rotten and would not bear his weight. Now ho was in a dilemma; five miles from any habita tion, inside of a stump twenty feet high, with no prospect of any assistance, and with nothing tq subsist on but the eggs; he screamed and yelled until he was nearly exhausted —no one coming within hearing distance. On the third day after his ac cidental incarceration, two gentlemen were out hunting and came within hearing dis tance; They Were very much frightened at hearing a man groaning inside of the stump, and for some time they could not reconcile themselves to what it meant; but having learned that Hie gentleman had been missing from home for several days, they were soon satisfied that it was no “ ghost” inside the tree. They pro cured axes and soon liberated the prisoner. He swears that he will never attempt to rob a goose nest situated as that one was aqam. “Sermons in .Stones.” —The follow ing ate the mottoes on two highly finished blocks of marble, ordered by the Legisla tures of the respective States, and now in Washington awaiting their places in. the Washington Monument: N “LOUISIANA, Ever faithful to the Constitution and the Union.” “ TENNESSEE, The '.Federal Union—lt must bo Preserved.’ ” Could:, our Federal army desire any stronger- motives to do duty than those suggested by those who thus untrammelled expressed their sentiments before the arm of tyranny sealed their lips ? Tub Enchanted Flowers. —The fol lowing pleasant trick has been lately per formed by the celebrated magician, Herr mann, in a fashionable private circle : Hermann, having brought along a great quantity of artificial flowers, invited the guests in the room each to take one. Then, walking around from one person to the other, he took each flower only for a mo ment between two fingers of his right hand, and, gently breathing upon it, re turned .the same to the owner, when sud denly all the flowers were changed into natural ones, scenting the air with the most delicious fragrance. JSS&* Was not that rather sharp iu old Dr-.Enimons, when a certain well-known s pantheistic physician, intending to make 'way: for a thrust at his theology, abruptly asked, “ How olfl are you ?” , “ Sixty, sir : and how old are you ?” was the quick re ply. “As old as the creation, sir,” res ponded the other, quite promptly. “Then you are of the same age with Adam and Eve?” “ Certainly, sif; I was in the gar den. when they were!” “ Indeed 1” re turned the Doctor, “ I have always heard that there was a third person into the garden with them, but I never knew before That it was you.” The discussion was closed. The Golden Hole. —It is said of an Indian; that whenever he got into a bad plape in a swamp, where the ground was too soft for safety, he put up a stake to mark the place. Thus he not only avoided the danger himself, but be kept others from falling into the same snare. Might not every Christian learn a lessotl from this rude son of the forest, not only to guard against his own false steps, hut as. he prays, “ lead us not into temptation,” to be careful to remove temptation out of his brother’s path ? What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they ate joined for life —to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, and to bo one with each other in si lent, unspeakable memories at the moment of thp last parting? —H —Learn in childhood, if you can that happiness is not outside, but inside. A good heart and a clear conoieno© bring happiness, which no, riches and An cir cumstances alone ever do. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Rather Slow.—The Oswego Time* tells the following story at the expense ■of a railroad conductor: “On the two o’clock slow freight and passenger train from Syracuse, the other day, werei a lady and her son, a youth of good dimensions, the latter traveling on a ‘ half ticket.’— Afteri innumerable stoppages and delays, in unloading freight, and the like by which tho patience of passengers is usually ex hausted long before they reach the city, the conductor made bis appearance for tickets. Glancing at the pasteboard re ceived from the boy, he looked first at him, i then at his mother, and then at tho ticket, •, and remarked that he was la large boy to bt, riding at half fare;' ( I know,’said the lady, ‘I know ho is,- sir; but thett he’s grown a good deal since we started ” ” B®, The following annecdote is told of the President by “ The Boston Journal s” “One of the soldiers in the Vermont regiment to which private Scott,' the sol dier sentenced to be shot for sleeping up on his post, belonged, relates an incident , which shows in a strong light the kind hearted character of our President. Scott was to be shot early in the morning. On the afternoon before, it was decided'' to pardon him, but the plaice of his confine ment was six or seven miles from Wash- ington. President Lincoln telegraphed to the officer in charge of the execution, but getting no reply, and fearing that his message might have miscarried, he went himself after dark to the encar - intent, to- iicamp make sure that all was right.” There are no Trifles. —There are no such thiua: as trifles in the biography of man. Drops make up the sea. Acorns cover the earth with oaks and the ocean with navies.' Sands make up the bar in' the harbor’s mouth on which vessels arc wrecked ; and littlcrthings in youth accu mulate into character in age, and destiny in eternity. All" the links in that chain which is in all, and around all, wm can see and admire, or at least admit, but the sta ple to which all is fastened, and which is the conductor of all, is the throne of Deity. Sir Walter Scott wrote .—The race of mankind would perish did we cease to help each other. hVom the time that the mother binds the child’s head, till the mo ment that some kind assistant wipes the dew of death from the brow of the dying, we cannot exist without mutual help. All, therefore, that need aid have a right to ask of their fellow mortals, and no one, wher has in his power to grant, can refuse with out incurring gilt.- ISf An intelligent lady whose little boy was beginning to swear, anxious to express to her child the horror of profan ity, fait upon a novel plan of washing out his mouth with soap suds whenever he swore. It was an effectual cure. The boy understood bis mother’s sense of the corruption of an oath, which with the taste of the suds, produced the desired result.' The practice if\uhiversally adopted, would raise the price of soap. „ A Great Attainment.—Ruskin says: “ Speakingtho truth is like writing fair, - and comes 1 only by practice; it is Jess a matter of will than of habit; and I doubt if any occasion can be trivial which per mits the practice and formation of such a habit. To speak the truth with constancy and precision, is nearly as difficult,. and “perhaps as meritorious, as to speak it un der intimidation or penalty.” An old white haired gentleman,- named David McFarland, Sr./ who was a soldier in the war of 1812, walked into banking house of Russell Hinckley, of Belleville, Illinois, one day last week, and unrolling paper after paper of gold and silver until be had counted one thousand dollars, requested Mr. Hinckly to send it to the United States Government to aid in in the prosecution of the war 1 A Gem from a Persian Poet.-—The heavens are a print from the pen of God’s perfection; the World is a bud from tie bower of his beauty; the suit is a spark from the light of his wisdom ; and the sky is a bubble on the sea of his t power. Nature forgives do sin, no error. She lets off the offender for fifty years, sometimes j but she catches him at last, and inflicts the punishment just when, just where, just how he feels it most. ; It is a pious and valuable maxim which says, H A judicious silence is al ways better than froth spoken without charity.” "■* Something must be left as a test of the loyalty of the heart—in Paradise, the Tree; in Israel, a Canaanite; in ns Temp tation. ; r *How did you like your visit- to your Sweet heart ? Qh, I don’t like the with which I was received: by. her father. —-—lf a man qheata, yoa once,hjaißo him; if a second time, bisme yourself- m 3 ♦ . r' NO. 89.