€|t Ifltea Cribmte. ALTOONA, PA. Tfipsmy, OCTOBER 24, 1861. ' Wlmto parties are unknown to us, our rule lor ad- T»ftt>lwgja payment in advance, or a guarantee fruMEflUMoara persous. .It is therefore useless for all such *> #*»d|ia»dTerUwa«ntB offering to pay at the end of three QffefeTtfcore advertisements are accompanied WIQ£tM«OHey. whether one, five or ten dollars, wo will advertiser the full benefit of cash rates. «. M- PETTIIVGULI. & CO., Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street* New York, and lOAfcata atreet, Benton, are the Agents for the Altoona the most influential and largest circulating NavNpapers in tho. United States and the Canadas. They niff MtthortKCd to contract for ns at onr lowest rates. A Pay of Thanksgiving’and Praise. Stinaslbaniit, ss. OMd by the atAhoritjf of the Commonwealth of A* r ifivcsia, ASBSZW G. Cvbtix, Cover hot of said Com ■_ rnmw <9o*. ; . • PROCLAMATION. pBWU>i Every good gift In from above jatul comes ®°w» to us from toe Almighty, to whom it is meet, right ondjwe bonoden duty of every people to render thanks for HU mercies; Therefore 1, ANDREW G.CUUTTN, Gav •nor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do recoin* ttjnd to the people of this CopfiuouWcalUi that they , set ®tiauiia2, baj* o£ Xobtmbtr nut, “ » lUy ofwilfmn Th.mk«givlns to God, for li.oring pre- corn and watered our farrows, and blessed the labor* Of tho husbandman, and crowned tho year with Ilia goodness, In the increase of tho ground and Uie gathering In of thefralU thereof, so tliat oar hams arc Ailed with plenty - And for having looked favorably on this Common* J woUthsud strengthened the bars of her; gates ami bloesed tnechUdroo within her. and made men to be of one mind, add preserved peace In her borders; Beseeching Him also oa tohalf of these United States, that o.ur beloved country may have deliverance from these great and apparent dan gnu whefewith ehe is compassed, and that He will merci fatly still tb? outrage of perverse, violent, unruly and re bellfoos people, and make them clean hearts, and renew a a spirit within them, and give them grace that they may soe tho error o'" their ways and bring forth fruits, mectfbr repentance, and hereafter, in all g»dlir.c-«* and honesty, obediently walk in His holy commandments, and in submission to the just and manifest authority of the re* public, no that we, leading a quiet and peaceable life, may coothausUy offer aula Him our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Grow under my hand ami the great seal of M SMtPA W 1 the State at .Harrisburg, thin sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, s ~ .■—. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, andof the Commonwealth the eighty-sixth. BTTflxGovDttoa: N - ELI BLIPER, j&crrfnry of the OmmontceaWt. Secretary Seward's Circular. In another column we publish a paper forwarded by Secretary Seward to the Governor ef each; of the loyal States. It *■ has created considerable excitement in some, quarters, the nervous portion of the northern people imagining that it fore shadows avrar with Great Britain. While it is necessary that every seaboard State shoatd take immediate action in the .mat* ter, and see that her defences are in a con dition for any emergency, we think, the Secretary did not mean, to intimate that the defences would be needed foi the pnr- pose attributed - . True, our affairs with England, so far as regards tlu: cotton in terests, are not in the most amicable state, yet il cannot be denied that the majority of the people of that country sympathize ' with the Federal Government, and only await a fitting opportunity to express it. This Opportunity would be given by the head of the Government yielding to the demands of the cotton speculators and adteupting, officially, to interfere with the blockage. We cannotjtbink Her Majesty so short-sighted as to allow herself to take any part in the matter. Canada is not ns loyal to the Queen as she might be. It Squires coaxing and kind treatment to her where she is. Her sons would not, we feel sure, obey a summons to take up arms against the people of the North ern plates. They are too closely allied in feeling, and ike tics of confean gpnity; jurd if the time comas when-the Seders! ,government and Great Britain entef into conflict, it is reasonable to pre sume that the majority of the people of Canada will deem it a fitting time to se- codefrom under the care of Uncle Johnny. If England recognizes the right of the Southern States to secede, she most give tpjpsnadn the saurb right. England does lose Canada, and will be very careful of her action in reference to our (Kfficnlties. 'We think there is no present dshg&r of a war with England. A liAKGE Contract.— Stephen Crom weU,pf Camden, Ohio, has made a eon itafli by which he is to ,famish one hun dred *nd fifty thousand cords of wood for the Ohio Central Railroad Company. T.hc —- i i - Pi«pniH.^ o of this contract can be under BALLOONING- IN THE Arm Y.— The per- : Tn ® New Balloons. — Professor Lowe is con <'°ntraot ca “ be «nder- iection of the organization of the army by * truct,n «« m four new balloons for we take into consideration the Gen. McClellan, since the Bull Run affair', fc”one“»« ,1 £ ne 7 T 3 from ***** it makes a pile four feet high and attracts the attention. of every military ; widest*anScUdinJlLe than two hundred and fifty-seven man who visits Washington. The. im- .j are about one hundred feet from top to bottom’ Ihdefl lpng, and requires the delivery of A very curious calculation has been ;P rovein cht in cavalry and artillery are won* i material is of strong brown Pongee silk, —-Mi. -*■.« V"». : r ' i" lS **;**«■••• : u„„. His bullooQingarrangemeDts, 100, i S uSSLS' I*ll _— “• “« regular allowance of room that, is re- .will eclipse anything of the sort recorded i and *illreceiv'e three dollars a day till their rank .rZHNSYXVANIANS TOR Keniccky.— quired for a soldier to stand upright, with in military history. It was only the other and pay shall he definitely .established. consisting of three his musket at “shoulder arms,’’ and placing % , that B ave an account of La Moun • Volnnteeis> left them in close single file, it would require •£*“’! baviD i, cu * ae *°P?. which bound f"*® 8 FaOM Ab.boad-W6 learn from good i ’ ■ " require him to the earth, and hanging for half an I authority (New iork Pott) th at certain foreign : hist, to the whole roadway from Jersey City to ,hour over the enemy’s damp. Now we i bffere * Mr ’ Ch » M .««c Secret® - i reinforce Gep. the Capital to form $e line. If the same! understand he has made a night ascension, I loan of tbluS’ Stated G* v h “ ndred mil,i ? n I . ■ 'Gen. troops had to be reviewed, it would take ali a ? d tbafc he bas actatdly gone up at mid- and a half per cent, interest™lt would I fal&P experience and railway, train, going’at the rate of sixteen : Qlght «» d *»>»»» ™ ew of ever f th ins in ‘ hat the fulmihations of the London Tima have i .v • t > . •- ■ propose, and obtained spine valuable infor- ! Dot Bu °ceeded m frightening any body, for our mJes aa hour, over fourteen hours to pass f m Stion in respect to the number and move- j ZnXl ood f as T eve f U was abroad » aad the I «riHf charge, should an opportunity offer, along the line of soldiers. Ucuts of. therebels, as sedn by campfires.' to j Capacity of the Country to Sustain | Gen, B. F. Butler made! a epeech War ' ' j Yt, a sliort time since; Ho Dr> Alfred j> Q^S aof the 2nd ; said that if any foreign nation dared to lii-| Regiment New York State Militia, was at terfere in our intestine war, we would the battle of Bull Hun, and was one of ! cease dealing with -southern traitors as j the prisoners captured by the Rebels and ! erring brothers, delicately and tenderly, I taton t 0 Richmond, whence he returned .i i it • ; a few days ago. Ho states that the Rebel ; and should arm every loyal Union man, ! Wouade( f am ° ountcd t 0 acar]y 5, 000 and i ,S,rtu and South, both black and white, ' their killed to 600. Twenty-throe sur i hbnd and free, 'until treason and its abet- i geons, including himself,--with a number 1 tors are exterminated, and the meddlesome 0 f our meb, were allowed to return to the ■ world was tavght a salutary lesson. This 1 the day, after the battle, for i .. . . y , , i the purpose of- burying the dead; they sentiment was received with overwhelm-; wcr / th ‘ ec days thus employed. Upon I mg plaudits. . " | comparing notes, they found our dead to ’ i ' f, ’*** ‘ ;be about 300, and our wounded that fell j House Contractors Bitten.-Y e , into the hands of the Rebels, about 600 . : learn from the Huntifagdon papers that which, with those that were taken to Wash. j several contractors who were buying up ington, made the total the same as Gen. I horses for Camp Crossman,” at that; McDowell’s report. As early as 12 o’clock I place, have had the greater part of their ;f. the of batt ' c the .Rebels were ma \-■ , , “ . .. king preparations for a retreat/ The 2nd horses rejected by the : inspecting agent. R egimeiit !ost 150 mcU- . Tbe he ld the j Only one horse in ten, in some of the lots, s position at Stone Bridge, receiving the :and not one -fourth in any lot, was ac- fire of thc Rebels from early morning till ; cepted. - ; - o’clock, P. M , and were so close to the j . ; enemy that for-the first two hours almost FIfiHT AT FRWARIVS FERRY evcr - v 3b ot from the Rebels killed—giving inwni A 1 aifUAmia J'JhKKY. the y urgeoll but little to do till a detaoh rAl RAVCD VII a c ■ meat of our troops had made a detour of | UUL BAlktg KILLED. ; tbc encmy > s wing> outflanking them, caus ; VICTORY IN MISSOURI ius them to fall back >whcn their shots j . ’ j began to have a less deadly effect. At ! THE POTOMAC BXiOCEADEX). 0 clock the regiment was without am ■ ! 7TT7 1 munition, and unable to continue the fight. 1 r f f U cl GT ° X ’ ° C ■ While at the farmhouse called Oakland’s , -Gen. fetoue crossed the Potomac tins temporarily used as an hospital, attending rFdwffiV 1 * 6 P< Oi C TxT n - to wounded soldiers of loth amdes, and Wand "Srt| an f er ? am ‘ ' v!ule ‘ a Kebel Colonel was ■aeßJßHrrn'- the sons Wand. Skmmshing began between hands of the Surgeon, a detachment of DUU ! berS T Dcbel cavalry rode up and fired into the J? 1 ? to "° s oom “ aud as . cari - v , as windows, killing four of our men and two 7 -S' mo [ ni u n S’ and coutm- or three of their own. Dr. Powell and ued without.effeet until about fare o clock assistant rushed out, Waving tbe surgeon’s in the afternoon, when large reinforce- sasb to show the nuture of “he placefwhcn men s of the enemy appeared upon our • ORe of the cavalry dclib ki ft Q tV ’ *** Bbot h « down; and the Si f ? TCS a\ ahe .-\“ l0U . interposition of the wounded Rebel colo forces engaged numbered about eighteen I)c i was ne cessary to save them from fur hundred and were attacked by a force thcr outra „ cs . J “ “ ..supposed to bp from five fo ten thousand. our lijeß in Richmond are in an exceed- I Attl.is juncture ColoUel Baker fell at the ing ly destitute condition: some bavin- I head of ns regiment, gallantly cheering Ins had their clothes cut off them when wound" ' men to the conflict. Just before he fell cd> havc notbin but n blanket ?o cover ,ho dispatched Major loung to General their uakcciuL , ss • and tbo conii|J „ c , jla i >_tonc to apprise Inmof the condition of' weather trill finrl ..in „« n i e ®*.i • 1 ; j• . -1 weacner win nna then in need ot cverthini: I afla r; • Stone immediately pro- : iu tbe way of c i otbin „. The arc QU I ceeded in person towards the right to take accouut a f lowed to | ooL f out of t J be ff ° ind “ command, but on account of tbe confusion ; ,• . > , ’ I created by the fall of-Uul. Raker the right ! l et s Z the seutr l '"‘i • a, “ * a. 1 *! 1 •» cue sentries, ono or two liavino' , wing sustained a repulse with considera-; becn sbot by tlleln wbilc the Do , tor , y; - A *■ * j there, j • General Stone reports that the left! ,- , , . I rf° 0, ?, or l e? i and wiH hold "beef twice a day; fresh ! t' 101 ', 0 arriaou s Island and ap- cents p Cr p oXmd ga i t be cf an j bacoll ' wnnt S c if 1 I S t tro "=' rel, ; f ? rcem y ts I cents. Our wounded had nothin- but nitheXht Thc 0 thcir bla,lkets aDd th « hard floor tosleop to P f ‘ OD ’ but h,tc! >’ sonie thc “on were cl brom- tto w a “f w: be : ablcd to procure canvass and boards, with i:K nl • J p lde : Which they had made about 100 cots, that i P r U •“ ?° - nC ,'!? ° have addud t 0 th£ir comfort. Thc Doctor i Wed G P“ ns y ,Ta “ ia » bavin g re- speaks of thc wollien being more insulting cmvcd it at the hands of Governor Curtin j and offensive than the me ° u _ on& decen ° t ; as commander of a Cal.fonua regiment. ! !ooking woma „ coming t 0 the sentries bccr _ i 1 1 lot Knob, October 22—The follow- ; ging them to cut thc throats of thc pris ! ijfig dispatch was received here this morn- , oners. There were 25 or 30 .deaths daily i ing, and forwarded to head quarters at St. i among the Rebel wounded for some time ■' Rod’s- ‘‘Field of Battle, Frederick ton, Oc- i after the battle, and it was of general re tober 22—In company with Colonel Plum- ' mark among the Rebels that the d d I -mer a command, we have routed the rebels | \ankees did not die so readily. j under Thompson and Lowe. Thc estima- ■ ’ j ted force pf the enemy was 5000. Their c- c, j and con- | Bbc"™f Bi.ck'onnd^S I U neii principally to the First Indiana Cav- ,is supposea to be the smallest and youngest if j airy. AVe captured four heavy guns. Lowe, [ not tllc bravest soldier iu the service of the U»rr j the rebel leader, was killed. Major Ga- 1 , teJ St:Ues of 'be Indiana troops. When he cn | vatte and Captain Dayman, of the Indiana : ‘f/.f , he W 3,3 , 3 but c ! s . ht but he «- ! n 1 r 1 -,i 1 ■ 1 1 . labited such a spirit of Patriotism and so Cavalry, were killed in a charge on a bat- ; s t roQ g a desire to serve bis country, that he ■ ter y. 1 over persuaded his parents to let him go. lie j ' Washington October 22d.—This 1 ®” 1 l i , sted in lhe twenty-first regiment, Col. Me fnorning Commodore Craven, flag officer ! R w|iew he ! •- A r r> . 1 1 , now is, ana so attached 13 he to thc service tb it I Pl the Potomac squadron, reported to the | he refuses to come borne on furlough, at the i :puvy Department that the Potomac river j earnest request of bis : mother, telling her that lis effectually closed by the rebels. i I,e baJ too much work to attend to! He for !' Yesterday he* discovered a new battery t' warded Ma two month’s pay, and what he accu l n at Matl r Point> 1 "MrSs o?r«. e conipletcly blocks navigation even if the ! to sixty dollars, which is now invested in Treas pattenes on this were of no effect. ; ury notes. An army of such Liliiputs would * j »oon overcome tbe -fiery ardor of the chivalry. , The Fremont Trouble. —lt seems to i H . e is a drummer boy. Just as he was leaving jie an established - fact that General Fre- j 7 ltbtli e regiment, an elderly gentleman spoke |iIO.NT i, really .o be removed. ‘ The | Z | b* ,ar g CB made againstbun were aorwarded ; was his promt reply, “ 1 am going to beat thc j .to the President friends of Mr. ; an( i be drummed out of camp to the, i he has been villainously persecuted be- the ‘‘P°8 ue ’ s March.” There is great ;cause some members of tba Cabinet are tbik'mX of punishment." 1 ' « jealous of bis popularity ; and that when cruel and barbarous. In nearly every encamm all investigaton takes place he will make 1 mcnt soldiers are tied up to fences and wagm jtheso things manifest, and show a cleaner their offences labelled on their record than any other .officer pf -his rank h^,^ 313 . 0^,^ 0 ’ 33 - It is certainly a very humil in the service. I' * Some persons, whether timorous or Un informed, have shrank back soinewhat aghast at the prospect of a §500,000,000, loan, with the possibility of hs being doubled or tredled by a continuance of the war. Such'persons may be reassured by comparing bur means and probable ex ertions with those of Great Britian in her tremendous struggle with France and the half of Europe, for twenty three years, or from 1793 to 1816. We condense, and Set down in the nearest millions a few of the most prominent statistics of that con tinental war. At the commencement! of that war, en tered upon by England against the princi ples and wishes of at least one-third of the nation, the population of and Scotland was somewhat less than ten millions. Ireland may be “ counted out” as being disorderly and re quiring a guard over itself rather than furnishing men and money for the strife. During these twenty-three years, the whole outlay of the British Government was §8,500,000,000 —or, stating it in more stri king form, eighty-five hundred i million dollars —more than double the whole prop erty value of Great Britain then, and near ly as much as that of the United States at present. Nearly ■ one-half of this enor mous sum, or §4,183,000,000, was: expen ded on the war alone, viz., §1,924,000,000 for the army; §1,641,000,000 for the navy; §355,000,000 for munitions of war; §263,- 000,000 for subsides —in plainer phrase, for hiring foreigners to’do their fighting. The yearly outlay, in all, averaged §370,- 000,000, and for the war, which ; was al most continuous,. §182,000,000. And this immense expenditure was not, as in our case, made athome, so that the money merely passing fi;iom hand to hand, would still remain in tlib possession and active use of the nation ; on the contrary, a large part of it, probably more than one half, was laid out and permanently lost in con tinental purchases. Yet, under the pres sure of this tremendous load, England struggled through the contest, not only with steps staggering, except in two or or three years of bad crops, and in the fixed suspension of specie payment by the National Bank, but with a large increase in the sum total of her wealth, and; an ad vance in almost every brtnehof industrial! exertion. - ! We are twice as able as England was to carry on the war, even of that great length and of those huge dimensions; ibr our population—saying nothing of the neutral States—Lf.che exact doable, and our wealth more than the double, of England in 1793. Specie from all quarters pours ia upon us in .a ceaseless flood; the money of our banks and capitalists lies idle and rusting, and our-imports are greatly redpebd; our exports of breadstuff's are much- larger than ever. Under these circumstances it is clear that we can, if necessary, incur and comfortably carry a debt of one thou sand or even two thousand million dollars and pay it off interest and principal, a. d. 1900. Intelligence from our Mexican minister is to the effect that the Mexican government has asked for a loan from our government of from five to ten millions. Mr. Corwin regards it highly important just at this time that Mexico should have the money to pay interest on her English debt, and thus release her from her pro sent embarrassment. The A". Y. Herald's despatch says: 11 Our Government is de termined to stand by Mexico at ajl haz ard’s and protect her against encroach ments by foreign powers. Our govern ment has addressed communications to England, France and Spain, to know what their intentions are, to which no response has yet been received.” Lord Lyons has addressed ;a brief circular to her majesty’s consuls in the Southern States, enclosing the" following as embodied in the official note of the Sec retary of State, namely, the law of block ade, which docs not permit a vessel in a blockaded port to take on board a, cargo after the commencement of the blockade, will be expected to be strictly observed by all vessels blockaded by the naval forces of the United States. Lord Lyons in structs those consuls to take this law for their guidance. The Babel Lofts at Bull Bun. An Apologue. We take from the Atlantic Monthly the fol lowing admirable apologue, so peculiarly suited to the tlmcs/the significance and moral of which almost every one will be prepared to appreciate and apply. The well known apologue of “the Clock and the Pendulum” is known, wo presume, to most of our readers, and has been considered ns one of the best in ourj language, but the au thor of the following, if he has not eclipsed his exemplar, may at least congratulate himself upon a very close approximation. *• Uncle Sam,” it is true, is quietly keeping his “grinders” in motion, but woe be to those who shall be placed under Che “upper and nether millstone,” under their active operation: Tub Front Teeth and the Grinders —Once upon a time a mutiny arose among the teeth of a worthy man, in good health and blessed with a sound constitution, commonly known ns Uncle Samuel. The cutting-teeth, or incisors, and the eye-teeth, or canines, not nearly so many all counted, nor so large, nor so strong 4s the grinders, anti by no means so white, but on the contrary, very much discolored, began to find fault with the grinders as not good enough company for them. The eye-teeth, being very sharp and fitted for seizing and tearing, and standing out taller than the rest, claimed to lead them. Presently, one of them complained that it ached very badly, and then another and aunther. Very- soon the cutting teeth, which pretended they' were sup plied by the same nerve, and were proud of it, began to ache also. They all agreed that it was the fault of the grinders. About this time, Uncle Samuel having used his old tooth-brash hyhiclT was never a good one, haying nojitiffitess in the bristles) for four years, took-ffliew one, recommended to him by a great number of people ns a homely but use ful article. Thereupon all the front teeth, one after another, declared that Uncle Samuel meant to scour them white, which was a tiling they would-never submit to, though the whole civil ized world was calling on them to do so. So they all insisted in getting out of the sockets in which they had grown and stood for so many years. But the wisdom-teeth spoke up for the others, and ' “Nay, there be but twelve of you front teeth, and there be twenty of ns grinders. We arc the strongest and a good deal /nearer the mus cles and) the joint, but we cannot spare you.— \\e h-sVc put up with your black stains, your jntTTping aches and your snappish looks, and we are not going to let you go, under the pre tence that yon are to be scrub bed white if you stay. Von don't work half so hard as we do, but you can bite the food well enough, winch we can grind so much better than you. We belong to each other.' Von must slay.” i'Lereupoii the trout teeth, first the canines or dog-teeth, nest the incisors or cutting teeth, proceeded to declare thomselres out of their sockets, ami no lunger belonging to the jaws of Uncle Samuel. Then Uncle Samuel arose in bis wrath anti shut bis jaws tightly together, ami swore that he would keep them shut till those aching and discolored teeth of his wont to pieces in their sockets, if need were, rather than have them drawn, standing, as some of them did, at the very opening of his throat and stomach. Aud now, if you will please to observe, all of those teeth are beginning to ache worse than over, and to decay very fast, so thatii'will take a great deal of gold to stop' the holes that are forming in them. But the groat white grinders are as sound as ever, and will remain so until Uncle Samuel thinks the time has come for opening his mouth. In the moan time;they keep on grinding in p quiet way though the others have had to stop biting for a long time. When Uncle Samuel opens his mouth, they will be as ready for work as ever; hut those' poor discolored teeth wil be tender for a great while, and never be so strong as they were before they foolishly declared themselves out of their sockets. SwottD Presentation- to Gen Anderson.— The sword voied Gen. Robert Anderson by the city of Philadelphia was presented to him at Willard’s Hotel, Wednesday evening Mr, Cuy ler made the pesentatioa address, and the Gen eral responded in a patriotic reply; but his lady aiterwards, in the presence of the committee and other friends, made the most touching speech of the evening, when she said,' “ To turn his back upon his native State was . the hardest duty al most he ever had to perform.” The follow ing were tho remarks of Air. Cuyler; ‘’The city of Philadelphia has charged me to present to you a sword, suitably inscribed. I need not say the duty is agreeable to my feelings. The City of Philadelphia is desirous to encourage loyalty and patriotism, and to place on record the,distin guished event which forms bo bright a page in your history. As jou' receive this sword, you receive a token of her regard, with the assurance that she will ever hold in grateful remembrance your past efforts in tho cause of liberty. We hope to hcarof yourspeedy restoration to health and return to the field of duty.“ To which General Anderson made the follow ing reply: “I receive from you, sir, and through you from tho city of PhiiadelDhia this beauti ful token of your regard, with feelings that words cannot express. I shall if Providence re stores my health, be rejoiced to be permitted to use it in defence of my country. I thank you. air, and my friends in your good city, for this very valuable token Of your regard. " Our Relations With Foreign Powers. A. Cabinet meeting was held on Friday morning. The principal subject of consideration was our foreign relatiocs. It is gratifying to know, says a Washington telegram, that the tone of the la test dispatches from the other side of the Allan tic is much moro favorable to the Government than it wasafew weefcsago.and also that through out the diplomatic corps, in Washington, a more cordial feeling towards the United States has been recently evinced than at anytime since the beginning of the insurrection, and, there is ex pressed in that circle a greater confidence than ever before in the ability of the Government to suppress tho rebellion and re-establish its thority throughout the whole extent of the Union. A Washing to Traitors. —Tbo U. S. Mar shal of Connecticut gives official notice that nli persons who attempt to entice soldiers to de sert will be summarily dealt with. He rounds off his proclamation with this suggestive state ment:—“Fellow-citizens, this war must go on. it you can not help to prosecute it, yon shall not prevent it with impunity. Toryism is a disease,(though hereditary in some) requiring a strong remedy, which will be applied to some persons hereabouts before they are ready to toko it. Gov. Morgan in Washington. — Maj. Gen. E. E. Morgan arrived in Washington on Friday* morning He brings the assurance that New 1 ork will have one hundred thousand men In the field before the close of this month, and that the Empire State is prepared to furnish a quarter of a million, of men, end the material aid necessary to equip and maintain them. She will do her share in' clearing the land of rebels and the sea of pirates, and slow the Union that, as she is £ rat and most prosperous in peace, so she will be first aind most glorious in war. Reader, have you seen Prof. Wood’s advertisement l*| our paper. Read it: it wIU interest yon. ■ ii , Circular from the Secretary of state V DrIUJITJISST 0» &TATR, ) I WasutiWros, Oct. !■*. 1861: , k I To HU Exatlauy,.tht Governor of the State cf Hem Turk.- ' I Si»;—The present insurrection bad not even 1 wealed itself in arms, when disloyal citiiena | hastened to a foreign country to invoke their in ; terveution for the overthrow of the Government • and destruction of the FcderaT Union. These | agents are known to have made their appeals to ! some of the important States without success ■ i It is not likely, however that they will remain contented with such refusals. Indeed it is un ! derstood that they arc industriously emleavorinj , to accomplish their disloyal purpose dy degrees ! and by indirection taking advantage of the cn bsrrasments of the agriculture, raanufacutres t and commerce, in foreign countries, resulting | from the insurrection they hare inauguiated at 1 home. They seek to involve our common coon ; try in controversies with States with which eve i ry public interest, and every interest of man ! kind require that it shall remain in relations of ; peace, amity and friendship, j lam able to state, for your satisfaction, that ' the prospect of any such disturbances is now ■ less serious than it has been at aqy previous pe ; rind during-the course of the insurrection, it 1 is nevertheless necessary now, as it has hitherto ; been, to take every precaution that is possible | to avoid the evils of a foreign war to be super | induced upon those of a.eivU commotion which jwp are endeavoring to euro. Oue of the moat | obvious results of such precaution is that our 1 ports and burbots, our serfs and lakes, should ! be put in conditou of complete defence. , for any nation may be said to incur danger in tern ; pestnons seasons, when it fails to show that it 1 Ims sheltered itself on every side froni which ; the storm might possibly come. The measures which the Executive can adopt 1 in,this emergency are such only as Congress ; has sanctioned, and for which it has provided. •The I’rvbident is putting forth tEe most dili i gent efforts to execute these measures, and we 1 have the-great satisfaction of seeing that these j efforts are seconded by the favor and support i of the loyal, patriotic and sell-sacrificing people 1 arid are rapidly bringing the military and naval forces of the. United States into the highest ] state of efficiency. But Congress was chiefly i absorbed, during its recent extra session, with i these measures, and did not provide as amply as could be wished fur the fortification of our . sea and lake coast. ; In previous wars, loyal Stales have applied ; themselves by independent and separate action ; to support and aid the Federal Government in I its arduous responsibility. The same dispo.d -i tion has beau manifested in a degree eminently j honorable, by all loyal States, during the pres * out insurrection, in view of this fact, and re ; lying upon the increase and continuance of the ; same disposition on the part of the loyal States, | the President has directed mo to invite your consideration to thc ! subject of the improvement and pcrfectiorrof the defencesjof the State over i which you preside, and t 6 ask you to submit the ; subject to the consideration of the Legislature, : when it shall have assembled. Such proceedings by the State would require , only a temporary use of its means, and the ex -1 penditure ought to be made the subject of coa j ferer.ee with the Federal Government. Bein'’ ■ thus made with the concurrence of- the Govern i'ment for geuerl defence, there is every reason j to believe that Congress would provide for its | reimbursement should these suggestions be ac -1 ceplcd. The President will direct the proper j agents of the Federal Governments to confer i with you, and to superintend, direct and conduct | the prosecution of the system of defence of your Stale. 1 have the honor to your obedient ser vant. •'» (Signed) WILLIAM H. SEWABI). A Vktkius SoLDina.—Among the men cabs ted with Capt, Williams in Johnstown ia an old soldier who has already seen nineteen years and three months service—having served nine years in the British service, ten in the United Stales serv ice, aud.tbree mouths in the recent volunteer service as a member of~the band of the 3rd reg iment of volunteers from this State, He has also * four sons enlisted in the United-States service two in Col.' Campbell.s Cambria County' Uegi mept and two in Capt. Williams’ Company.— 'ihc name of this veteran soldier ia Elisha C. Bennett. He is over 45 years of age, and last week married a second wife half his age, who will accompany him in the campaign upon which wowill soon enter. During his term of service ia the British army he visited the West Indies and Canada. His first enlistment in the U. S. service—from 1839 to 1844—was spent princi pally in Maine and Rhode Island, at Newport Barracks. Daring his second term he passed through the Mexican war, in Gen. Taylors di vision of the army, participating in all old Zach’s battles,-from Palo Alto to Buena Vista, and re ceived his discharge at Newport Barracks, Ken tucky, in 1849. ills entire nineteen years and a quarter’s service was put in as a musician, hut he entered the public service for the fifth time as a private in the ranks. We nre pleased to shy, however, that since his enlistment with Capt. Williams he has been assigned, the posi tion of 2nd Sergeant, and will remain among us lor some weeks yet on recruiting service for the Company. We question whether a similar in stance of faithful and persevering public service and devoted patriotism can be found in the land, oven in this most prolific era of patriotic exam ples. Pass around the name of Elisha C. Ben nett—the man who has already given nine years to the country of bis birth, ten to that of his adoption, and now gives himself, wife and foav sons for three years more to the support of tha government. —Cambria Tribune, Over.tiie Falls.—A terrible casual!} 1 hap pened at Niagara Falls on Sunday. A youug plan about eighteen years of age, clerk for ■T- T. Murray, started from the French landing on the American side to go to Chippewa, and after having traversed in safety nearly the whole breadth of the river until near Chippewa Creek, was lost to the view of those that watch ed his, perilous passage. The boat was seen shortly afterwards by persons on the Canada shore, driving through the rapids above the brink of the Falls, right side up and empty. — It is therefore supposed that the occupant either leaped or tumbled into the river above, and was Swept over the cateract. His body has not yet been recovered. Peices of the boat Were found below in the afternoon. Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine. DR. VELPEAU’S CANKKiIINE cnres Putrid SoreMontii PR. 1 ELPLAITS cnrtt Sore Nipples, PR. A I.LPKAU'S CANKEIUSE cures Ulcerated Sores PR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE cures Cuts. t A. M. <* Bart “ S.au«. M. ", .< AVe.it <• TV. 1«, M , if.ll “ Kart “ 11.00 A. Jl. .< «>,t *■ 6.30 V. 11., Tt>» HOMADAYSIU- UO BRANCH enmvvt „„U Train Wort, ami Mail Train Ea-.t anil AVi p INDI ANA BRANCH TUVINS cinmft with Accommn.latlmi Tvahn Kart an.l W.'rt, K.\i>r.-s K«rt'W*i» ami Mail train Kart ami VAtn. OUR APOLOGY. For some time post wo have bee Uing our readers that if those wh debted to ns would come forward tic up, we would, on or about tin October, show them something no in this section of the country. -V first of October has gone by, and not announced our show as open Course you want to know the cai to begin with, wo would say that arid most important condition of th upon which wo promised to fur exhibition, has not been coinpli viz ] but few have called to set bills, and thus supply us with th to purchase it. Now it is not.ti peeted that we can got up a sho looking at without money. \Ve ’ **on tick,” for it, and could not go tick” if avc Avoula. Again, the go who is engaged in getting up tin tion has given us notice that he faaA'e it completed in .loss than si: from the Ist inst., which -will be a Ist of December. De!iii<(ueut fri • have stiU time enough hit to set accounts and get in to see the sh<» first day that it is opened to sped Come right along, and make no settling up. Hm show' is cuminj must have the money to pay for li. delay payment because the tini weeks in advance. It will be u ye arc aware of it, and then you ti about not having paid us—at i ought to. LOCAL ITEMS WISfRR AXlt THU Poult. —Re bc!i< are those in our midst who represent i! as being miserably poor, and beg’cab from door to doOr, wllo arc not nedess there art a few wbo nra rc Ul;/ pwr. the help of those who are in better e oCs. To discriminate between these t requires more lime and trouble than ■ care about giving to the matter, am. deserving are coldly dismissed from > door to pass, with aching heart-, r where they will likely fare no belt! one case impudence, and the know they are not in want, prevents them ing the rebuff: while, on the other 1 ■ lute want of the necessaries of life, that they shall not be .obtained. maV doubly painful. There is n vast diffe tween the professional and the access cltor of alms; and our people owe it selves dud the cause of humanity to these cases. Wo arc sure that none c sens would dismiss the really needy f door without in some way relieving in but they should be certain that the; helping to keep in idleness those win to take care of themselves. Winter is always a terror to the “ the poor,” we do not mean those comfortable, homes and an abur.dau necessaries of life, and who complain themselves poor, because the times and they cannot speculate and do bu as grand a scale as they did when t good and money plenty. We have to this kind in our midst, and they wou to be-thankful for what they have, !e conie when they shall have reason to When we say “the poor,” we mean si really poor; men who have to sujm selves and their families by daily who are out of employment and can and whose families are now suflferit likely to suffer for want of food, and their inability to pay rcnt. shaU be t to contend with the biting frosts ami piercing winds of Winter; such are poor. God only knows what will i auob during the approaching Winter. God save the poor! God save th Save the poor from want and starvau the rich from selfishness’. 'Help lu remember that God is the friend of truftip Him! Help the rich to rem their riebes were not given them to 1 while their fellow beings are abiverin rad'dying of starvation'. God belj do our duty; to alleviate, as fax a the'sufftrings of the unfortunate, wish for fortune, without the pride, and miserly spirit which usuailycoi But we can all do something for the have them in our midst; every ut haa them. Let ns do our duty. ~ BQLWe regret to learn that Klink, of Newville, Cumberland co en a brief visit to his friends’in week before last, lost his two child ‘hwta. • Ihsy died within two d .Other. - WT’lf D O foryonr paper, p.w, 7 So A. 51. S-S.I 7 00 A. M. and