The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 24, 1861, Image 1

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:e gazette.—
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VOL; 6.
O, . V
New-York Benevolent Infirmary,
'kSSf MU* r'rtmliwi of Uurau,
length -and biradtjj '‘JL j pro fe*ud Wyiicians,
&^cai& HC t eu/of .—da annually
are some of tbe diseases we cure, not only
Cousumptmu and Can«rs and
fcj'"Jaundice »udLi«t Comidaiu t. Seminal Weakness,
f -Hptions;but will furnlah when rciue.te.l tho very heat
in 0«r own Laboratory un
, iuecareof able Chemists. and are. the moat reliable
e „„ oT«dence. including all the .recent discoveries.
kl To all addressing us hy letter, containing full mmouut of |
aviiintoma and appearances of disease, age, occupation, Ac.,
(tmpwmsain tpe■ . with advice and directions |
lor cure, Yuy fees sent us iheu sending for advice will be |
devoted to furnishing medicine for the poor. In all cases ,
m'Jitine can be sent by mail or express jf desired. Si nd ,
r one “r more of our works ami jmlgetorymirsclves.
Also imblishcd at the Infirmary, to aid these objects,
J mw'r symptoms, diet, bathing and exercise. Price 50 cts.
V work oil the cause,, symptoms and treatment of all
ro uulailits peculiar to the sex, ou marriage, Its duties.
Xrt on and its results, on Children, their ills, and on the
prevention of conception, with Invaluable Instructions to
ilitai ou subjects of a private tiuturc. 1 nee -o cents.
The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion,
V book for tbe old and young, embracing the I athob gy,
Prevention and Cure of all Diseases of the b rmary and »c.v
u,l Organa, amluxwaruing voice of advuce and counsel, silib
a, to be found in no other work. 1 rice do cents.
It srubsea nil tile Humbugs. and the various Tucks to
cutlXltck aud well. It illustrates the plans of .be
Quacks and Rogues to dupo every one. It guides the uu
;“rv through UTc, and shows up every swindle of the age
it -hiitt-i how all kind* of> Food, Medicine*, Liquors and
t'o'st sie aduuerafed, with the means of detecting the
frauds. I’rice 2?ceuU.
Ver every family, having over 1000 receipts on Cooking,
Preserving. Dyeing, Cleaning, Sc. How to plant and what
i, ike best to raise. How to core animals, advice to house
; formers and mechanics, on 1000 subjects of inter
est Price 25 cents. Worth $lO to any one.
for those who wish to get well from that awful disease,
a full description of all the' remedies used lor it, with »
careful statement of the results, and other useful informa
u *n. Price 10 cents. ,
Tlic information in them is not to Ik- found in any works
published, nor obtainable from any other source. These
ivfcs are published ou flue white paper, and beautifully
Any of the above works will ho mailed free, oil receipt of
price, in stamps, or money; or the wdiu.c in a hauj aouiv y
blmml volume for os* poiiilt. No family should be w ith
out them. TUev are illustrated with beautiful cngra> uiga,
and contain tho'condeusod experience of years.
Aoexts Waxtep for the above works, who cun makeplso
a month. Send for a circular fur agents.
To the young ol both sexes suffering from secret habits
prostration of mind; low of power; nervous debility; loss
of sight; wakefulness;, love of solitude; eruptions on Die
face, ic. .Send hfjort «is too lute .- before you suffer
incurable damage to both body and mind.
To females who want ta/t , pltaiant and sure remedies
for Irregularities, Obstructions, Whites, Ac., scud to us.
We are cofrriuitel tliat there are mail}' parents of ncrofu
lout, consumptive and condition to whom a iiu
meruiu offspring only brings suflmng ami poverty. ii»
6UCI» weWould say write, and we will send information ol
a sure, well-twted, and never-failing Preventive.
We will mail free, to any one applying for it,
It is a largo au<i beautiful paper, ami contains the most
valuable information ou Spermatorhma, or Seminal Weak
ness. ~TUa cause, effects.ami care, allowing the awful ef
fects of the disease, !
Ou all other diseases of the sexual Organs, a full expla
nation of .the origin of Syphilis, the means of prevention
nud euro.
On Consumption, that fearful disease.
Ou theXiver, H«wt;3tooiach and bkm. |
Ou Female Complaint** . »
On the various Schools of M(,*djciue*.
Ou the modes of Treatment »jow i.ractUod.
Ou the Valle Treatment of Disease*.
On the various Medical Humbug*. ‘
On the Physiology of Marriage.
Ou the Common sense of Medicine.
On Diet, Exercised, nud Ablution.
How the Physician should be.
How to prevent Pregnancy.
And many other things. Sext> fob it.
This Journal should bo in the hands of erery one.
J. Kcssell, 31. D., A. 31., Chief Physician, fe. 8. 3lonats,
Surgeon. Dr, J. Boyle, Chemist.
Office in New York, 1M Chambers street. .
Grace iu WilUamahurgli, South Bth and 6th streets.
Correspondents win please enclose two or three stamps
lor return postage, and address
DR. A. BERNKY, Secretary. ,
Williamsburg, New York.
(Box 141.)
Sot. 15,1890 .-ly
STANT? practice, can bo consulted at the Altoona
House Mr. John Wood’s, viz.:—On the Till of June, the
WAmOuly,and Ote :th nf August— bowill then vacate for
* 3 months. Notice will bo given in Hus paper when he
tmiawM hl» Winter's Term again. .. ...
Hwtreats all diseases that flesh is heir to. Uo invites all
females who may bo suffering with diseases peculiar to
thetr sex, to call and examine his new mode of treatment,
as thousands have been restored to health who have bo*n
"abandoned by others. He is iu of
stromeuts for sounding the lungs and chest and *“ Jk're
ton able to determine the exact condition of the vital or-
CMIS consequently can treat such complaints with greater
KdetT and certainty than it is possible for those who guess
at tho disease and experiment for its cure. Ue believes
that for every malady, there is found in our soil a sure
canflcolve treatment for $5 pci month, e *“P‘
In cases of Cancers and Tumors, they vaofronjJlO to
$lOO, Examination free. DU. W. I*>WOBTON.
N. B.—See Handbills. l Mn ? *• B 1: -
. XXQ located permanently in Altoona, rvapectfally
off«r» ht* services In the different department* of
Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry.
Office nearly opposite C. Store, Virginia
toona, ?a. »fMay IP» <»*•»»_
PLE, next door to the Post Qfflce.
Teeth extracted without pain by the Current Electro
M <^i. C gtad«ntgantcd. [Pec. 23, ’5B-tf.
Wall Paper and Border.
XjL of the
Jt£t received, which will be sold cheaper than ever by
Marqh 21.18G1-tf. J. * J. LOWTUEK.
Per nunum," (payable invariably In advance,). $1,50.
All paper# discontinued at tUe expiration of the time
paid for.
1 insertion 2 do. 3 do.
Four line* or loss $26 $ $ 60
Ouo square, ( 8 Hues) ; i J 5
Two “ (16 “ ) 100; 150 200
Th£c '* (3 « ) 150 200 w 2 50
Over three weeks and I«m than three months, 26 cents
per square for each insertion.
3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
Six Hues or less 160 33 00 $5 00
One square, 2 50 * 00 7 00
Two ** > 400 600 10 00
Three « 5 00 8 00 12 00
Fouf - eoo ,1000 u w
Half a column M 00 14 00 20 00
Ouo column ,-14 00 2o 00
Administrators and EsccuUirs Notices 1 10
fierclnitits advertising l>y the year, throe squares,
; with liberty to change, ••• •; lu
Professional or Business Curds, not oicooauig a
linos with paper, per year. ............... a w
Communications of a political diameter or individual in
terest will be charged ftccording teethe above rates.
Advorlisemen ,s not marked with the number of inspr
tions desired, will be continued tiU forbid and charged ac
cording the above terms. . i
Business notices five cents per lino forevery M^rtton.^
Obituary notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a <1
Select ||ottrg.
[■file following bountiful liumt were written by Hie >»•
niinktl Ur. E. Yuati-a Kecac, »ml publUhwl in the .Vefiio
ditt PrtUilanl, a few months since. Stalniing: in tue bouse
consecrated by affliction, and now shadowed by sore be
reaveriient, their exquisite tenderness ami pathos » H
recalled to our mind, and at the sight ut those little ones
twice orphaned “in tender years.” we wept for those,
ycanning Ihought of wliose futurity had brought eoniL
times smiles and sometimes tears’ to a father o loi mg
.heart.] — Jkdtiviurt Patriot:
Saturday niglttl Alone 1 sit
In studious mood before the fire—
A pleasaut 'hook — tlie burner lit—
What more could studious man desire ?
A moment since, niy merry girls
Went hounding forth in childish glee—
Those laughing eyes, those roguish curls—
Oil, they areworth tlie world to me!
They climbed and clamored for the kiss—
The good-uight kiss that all must ebare,
The signet-seal of household bliss,
Before the whispered, evening prayer—
(The "now I lay me down to sleep;”)
So soft mid meekly said—
May angels guardian watches keep
Around my darlings' peaceful bed.
Life with my pels Is sunny morn—
For them each day new glories glow, ,
For them now buds of bliss are born, ■
Blue skies for them arcb all below.
They wake with gladness in their eyes—
They feel no care—they know no ill—
Each-morning brings some sweet surprise,
Which dreams, at night, make sweeter still.
My prayers are with them while they sleep—
My prayers go with thein while they wake
They are the jewels which I keep
And cherish for my Mary’s sake.
Yes. doubly dear they seem "to mo
Now; mothrrkss iu tender years,
And thoughts of their futurity
Brings sometimes smiles and sometimes tears.
"Nor loss heloyed the form that stood,
In pensive silence near my chair,
Just blushing into womanhood, [
My eldest daughter .grave and fair;
Her wave of lit’ l ? with softest glide :
IVas sunlit, till'one cloud of woe,
With spreading margin far arid wide,
O’ershadoWed all that lay below.
And ho—tbe hoy that bears my name;
So full of pranks and mirthful lore—
I see so much to praise—to.hlairic —
1 kuow not wldch he needs the more;
Ills scorn of study, love of fun,
His r"ckless fc roviug, wayward will.
Leaves patience sometimes quite outdone.
' And yet—l love the youngster still!
Hdctt IPiscdlauj).
A modest and exceedingly pretty young
girl, plainly attired, entered one Of the
goldsmith’s stores ;on- ‘-street, and
seeing, that a gentleman was engaged with
the proprietor, she shrank timidly aside,
near the door, until he should be at leis
ure. The assistants were also occupied
with customers whose dress and appear
ance showed them to belong to the class
of the rich, and she was suffered to remain
j for sometime standing there before her
1 wants could be attended to.
The gentleman, who was a due, noble
looking person, with remarkably polished
address, seeing her waiting, courteously
stood aside, saying to the goldsmith:
“ Do not occupy yourself With me now,
Mr. Broochard; I can examine these
watches by myself, while you see what
this young lady Wants, who has been wait
ing so long and patiently to speak to you.
“What do yomwant, Miss t” asked the
goldsmith, with a look that conveyed re
proach to her for interrupting him while
engaged with a customer of more impor
. The girl hesitatingly approached to the
counter, and taking irom her bosom a gold
olasp, bent over to him, and said in a low
trembling(voice, I: ..... .
“ I wish you would be so kind as to
keep this and let me have seven dollars on
Low as she spoke, her soft trembling
tones reached the ;ears of Cpl. McHenry,
the gentleman who was present, and he
turned to observe her face, and hear the
reply of the goldsmith to this timid and
painfully uttered request. The goldsmith
took the clasp scornfully, between his
fingers, and throwing it down, said sharp
ly to her
“ This is no pawnbroker’s shop, girl,
and if it was, that thing is not worth two
dollars!” i
. .11. C. DERN,
“ It is of inestimable value to me, Sir;
indeed it is the only valuable thing I have,”
said she earnestly, and her cheek slightly
flushed at the rudeness of his reply.
“ I don’t know what you may value it
at,” he said with a cold laugh, glancing at
Col. McHenry,, whom he saw severely
eyeing him, but I would not like to give
you six shillings for it.” i
“ But Sir,” replied the girl unconscious
of being overheard, “ I must have seven
dollars and I have no other way of
getting it, I was in hopes, Sir, that you
might let me jhave the sum on it. I will
certainly come back and take it up again.”
“ I tell you,” answered he angrily, “ I
keep no pawnbroker’s shop, go to the
Jews.” |
“ They wept give me but two dollars,
and I want seven.”
“ And so you think to get it out of me,
do you ?” ; j
The youngj girl was about to speak
again, but as iif not knowing what further
argument to prgc hesitated, and was turn
ing slowly away, when she checked her
self, and thus again addressed him :
“ Sir,” she said, in a thrilling tone of
earnest entreaty, “my mother is lying
dangerously ill, and our rent is due at 12
o’clock to-day, and the person we sew for
having disappointed us in our pay, I have
no other resource than this. Oh, Sir, will
you take this clasp only for a few days,
and I will then repay you ?”
Mr. Broochard felt that Col. McHenry’s
eyes were upon him, awaiting an answer,
and as he wished him to think him a man
of business (which meant in his notion a
man without a heart), he answered sternly:
“Do you think we arc simpletons, to
throw away .money in this way ? If you
have nothing more to say, just stand aside
for customers. Well, Colonel, what do
you think of these ? They are the latest
importation, full jeweled, and warranted
in all points. I will sell you the one you
just laid down for one hundred and nine
ty-five dollars.”
The gentleman, however was not heed
ing him, but watching the young girl,
who was leaving the counter with a heavy
drooping step, and approaching the door.
Her face had struck him for its sweet, in
telligent loveliness, and her modesty had
for him an irresistible charm'. But her
plea of poverty, deeply interested his feel
ings, and enlisted bis sympathies in her
behalf. He had silently watched the pro
gress of the interview with emotions of
contempt for the. one, and pity for the
Her hand was on the knob of the door,
when advancing toward her:
“■yon asked, I believe, for seven dol
lars?” he said with a gentle interest in his
tone, that at once awakened a hope in her
heart, and again brought light to her eyes,
and the hue to her cheek, as v she answer
ed :
“ Yes sir ; but I should not have been
so urgent.”
“ None too much so. There is a ten
dollar 1 note I have ho smaller bills.”
“ Sir you .are too kind ”
“Not a word. I am happy to do you
a service.” *
“Take the clasp, sir; though I am
ashamed to offer it to you, since the gen
tleman says it is so valueless. But to mo
it is as valuable as life, and I foolishly
thought it must be so to others.”
“ J do not want it, child,” said McHen
ry, feelingly putting her hand aside, while
she urged it; upon him',
“Indeed, sir, you must take it; for I
shall feel in : some degree under obligations
to a stranger, besides I wish to call and
redeem it. Will you give me your ad
dress, sir?” and as she spoke he still de
clining the jewel, she laid it on the show
“ Oh, no matter, but if you insist, it is
the United States Hotel.”
“ Thank you Sir; you can never know
the blessings to others, that will follow
your kindness to me to-day.”
Thus speaking and looking upon him
with an expression of gratitude in her
tearfhl eyes, she left the shop, forgetting
the clasp, which she left on the show-case.
“ Will you look at these watches now,
Colonel McHenry ?” superciliously asked
the goldsmith without raising his eyes.
“ No, Sir,” answered the gentleman,
sternly; and taking his gloves and cane,
walked from the shop of the avaricious
goldsmith, who, too close to risk a trifle to
relieve the wants of a poor family, had
probably lost a large amount by, the pur
chases his wealthy customer might have
made, as well as his own self-respect, such
as it was, for avarice always sinks into its
1 shell before the broad sun of benevolence.
« Now there goes a man who throws
away his money upon vagrants, while I
keep mine to support my family,” said the |
goldsmith, looking after him. “He
thinks me a miser, and I think him a fool.
0, here is that clasp after all. She left it
for him oln the show-case, and he was too
proud to take it away if he saw it Seven
dollars! It is not worth more than five.”
He opened ; aahe apoke, and taking a sharp
instrument, tried the firmness of the gold.
“It might have cost twenty dollars.—
[independent in everything.]
Ah ! what a star of diamonds within it ?”
he exclaimed, as in working about with a
point of steel he discovered the cavity.—
“ Twelve large -diamonds of the purest
water! This is indeed valuable,—Let me
see—they are worth at least 8500. What
a fool to ask so little ? No, no, she could
not know its worth either, for she would
not have let it go for so small a sum, or
else asked for nearer its value. I suppose
she was ignorant of the cavity, which I
detected by accident. She has stolen it,
and never will return for it.”
“ Ah, ah,” Abraham Broochard, thou
hast made a good evening’s work of it,”
he said excitingly to hirixself.
Then looking around among his shop
to see if he was observed, he carefully, yet
with a cheerful look, locked the, clasp in
his private drawer, and taking out the key
places it in his pocket.
He had hardly done so, when Col.
McHenry re-entered, and without speak
ing or even looking at him, cast his eyes
upon the show-case for the clasp j which
he recollected, after going out, the young
girl had laid down, but did not take up
again, so he returned back for it. Abra
ham Broochard was very busily engaged
in replacing the watches in their doeskin
coverings and preserved silence and igno
rance. At length Col. McHenry spoke :
“ That young person laid her clasp on
this case, Sir- which I neglected to take
up. It is a pity it should be lost, she
valued it so highly.”
“ The clasp, 0, I have not seen it Sir.
She took it up again.”
“ Did you see her ?”
“ Yes. 0 yes, I had my eyes upon her,
and said at the same time you’d never see
your ten dollars or the clasp again.”
The gentleman eyed him steadily an in
stant, and then glancing around the show
case again, as if in search of it, he quitted
the shop.
Several days elapsed, and Col. McHen
ry had quite forgotten the circumstances
we have just narrated, when as he was
leisurely passing along the street, he felt
his sleeve suddenly pulled by some one
-running behind him, and looking around
he beheld, with a cheek glowing with the
pursuit, the girl ho had seen at the gold
smith’s. '
“ o,'sir, I am happy to have found you,”
she said at once addressing Lim, as he
stopped and with pleasure listened to her.
“I was at length enabled to get my pay,
and by other work have earned enough to
repay the ten dollars you kindly gave me.
You don’t know the good it did —the suf
fering you relieved —the evil you timely
averted. Here is the money, bir.”
“ Nay, my good girl, I do not want it.
I made you a present of it at the time, and
did not expect you to return it. lam,
however, glad to find you have a disposi
tion to do so, and that I am not deceived
in my estimation, of you.”
“ You must take it,” she said, with in
genuous earnestness, *‘l should be dis
tressed to be under pecuniary obligations
to an entire stranger. Besides, Sir, I
should be very glad to have my clasp if
you please.”
<• Did you not take it from the case
where you laid it down ?” he asked with
much surprise and suspicion.
“ No, Sir —indeed sir, I hope it is not
lost. It was given me by by ”
“ By a sweetheart,” added he smiling.
‘‘ He is now dead, Sir,” she added with
overflowing tears.
“ You do well to value it. I- did not
take it up. Are you sure you left it
there ?”
“ Yes Sir, hoping that you would take
it and keep it until I paid you the money.”
“ Well, my child, I have not got it, but
I believe the goldsmith has.”
“ Let us go to him.”
On their arrival at the shop, Mr. Broo
chard denied having seen it since shs
went out, and said he saw her take it with
her and place it in her bosom as she, left
the shop. The young lady turned pale,
and was inconceivably distressed.,
« Come with me, and I will find the
clasp for you,” said Col. McHenry, offer
ing her his arm, and leaving the gold
smith’s shop with her.
“X do hope I shall find it, Sir,” she
said, as they walked along. “It was
Robert’s last gift. It was given him in
Cuba by a rich lady whose life he saved
by rescuing her from the water. He was
a sailor, Sir, and had little to leave me but
his memory and my clasp. Oh, Sir, if it
is lost I shall never forgive myself for of
fering to pledge it. But, Sir, our extrem
ity was very great.
Col. *HcHenry stopped with her at a
justice’s office, and briefly and clearly
made his complaint, and in a few minutes
Mr. Brooohard was brought into the pres
ence of the magistrate. He appeared to
be in great trepidation, was pale as ashes,
for he had been taken, without warning,
j from behind the counter, leaving his shop
in charge of his assistants. Col. McHen.
ry and the young lady being sworn, de
posed they had last seen the clasp on the
show-case, where each went out and loft it.
The former further affirmed that he had
not gone three steps from the door before
he returned and found it missing, and no
one in the vicinity but the defendant.
The goldsmith was then called up to ;bo
sworn, as to his knowledge of the facts.
He approached the stand where Use magis
trate held the Bible, and laid his hand
upon it with a perceptible tremor of his
whole body: - but love of money was
stronger than the fear of the law, and he
took the oath. It appeared Us if he would
sink through the floor when he took it,
but the moment he was done he recovered
his audacity.
At this moment an officer, who, at the
suggestion of Col. McHenry, had been pri
vately despatched by the justice, 'with a
search warrant to the shop of the gold
smith, now entered, and placed something
in the magistrate’s hand, after whispering
to him. \
•< Bid you ever see this gold ornament
before?" asked the magistrate,-holding
up the gold clasp before the young lady’s
’ eyes. .
« Oh, it’s my clasp!” she cried, spring
ing forward.
“ Yes—it is the same,” answered the
“And did you ever.see it before?” de
manded the justice sternly, holding it in
the direction of the goldsmith, wh6 had
seen it at the first, and was appalled with
fear and consternation. Instead of reply
ing, he uttered a wild hysterical laugh,
and fell at length in convulsions on -the
floor. He was, a few weeks afterward,
■taken from his prison and tried for per
jury; hut his reason forsook him, and
instead oft the prison, he is now raving in
a mad house. Thus was avarice and pat
rimony, and indifference to the suffering
of the poor punished in this life. The
acts of this selfish man show all how ac
quisitiveness, wrongfully directed, is fatal
to its possessor.
Col. McHenry proved to be a bachelor,
and though a little turned of thirty, his
heart was keenly alive to all the finer sen
sibilities of our nature. He could feel too
for the down trodden poor, and sympathize
with the unfortunate. To this truth none
could better attest than this young friend
of the golden clasp; for ere two months
had waned she rejoiced in the euphonic
title of Mrs. Col. McHenry, surrounded
with all the appearance of wealth that a
grateful heart could enjoy or even wish.
Her poor afflicted mother was well pro
vided for, when she recovered her health
and happiness. :
Tue Cow Bell Dodge.— rebels '
have resorted to an ingenious way,of luring
our men into their snares. It is known as
the “ cow-bell dodge,” and it was yory suc
cessful for a time, especially with newly
arrived regiments, companies of which
were placed on picket for the first time.
Approaching within thirty or forty yards
of our outposts and concealing themselves
in the woods, they commence the irregu
lar tinkle of a cow-bell. The uninitiated
picket, not suspecting the ruse, and not
reconciled to drinking his coffee without
milk, goes out to obtain a supply from the
supposed cow of some Virginia rebel, flat
tering himself that he has got a ‘‘big thing
on Secesh.” Not until he finds himself
surrounded by a half dozen or so armed
rebels does he learn his mistake. In
Richmond are nearly a dozen of our sol
diers who are probably now regretting
their ready credulity and appetite for milk.
An Indian Outruns all England.
—•The Indian pedestrian, Dcerfoot, was
challenged to contend against the three
most-celebrated runners in England, viz:
Mills, Brighton and White. The race be
tween these men came' off on Monday,
Sept. 22. Deerfoot appeared on the
ground in a wolf skin with a feather in
his head-band and tinklng belts around his
waist. The Indian went to the front at
the distance of a mile and a hajf, amid loud
cheers. White then tried toie cover the
lead, which he gained but failed tp retain,
and at three miles bad to succumb. The
remainder of the race between Mills and
the Indian was very exciting. There was
not a yard between the two at the seventh
mile, wh?n the Indian forced the pace, and
on commencing the eighths went right
away. : The Indian finished at his leisure,
and ran the ten miles in fifty-four minutes
and a quarter.
Youthful Prisoners ; or War.—,
Among the prisoners captured by the reb
els on steamer Fanny, and Chicamaoomaok,
Hutteras Inlet, were George W. Garber
and Hen ry Hines, of Lancaster, Pa. The
former, who is about fifteen years of age,
was an attendant of the Colonel of the In
diana regiment which came so near being
captured at Chicamacomack, the lat
ter was au attendant of the Captain of the
same regiment. Young Hines, whose age
is given as sixteen, is not yet fourteen.—
Both these youths are sops of very re
spectable parents of that city, and about
four weeks ago left home without the con
sent of their parents.
»Ike,”'said a rusty old heathen of
the desk, “ bow do astronomers measure
tie distance to son ?”
«Yfhy,” replied the young genius,
they calculate one fourth the distance*
and then multiply by four.”
The desk-worm fainted.
Two of three weeks agd adouple o/fien
from an Illinois regiment in Misiwuai»
started out to pass a fewhoura iq « scouting
and hunting epzedition. Asthey did not
return, a squad of soldier* was sent OQt Aw
next day in search of them. After goidg
a few mHes, the soldiers met a person wk 6
informed them that, at a place which ho
named, he had seen two men UfcO tSodd
they described fired on by a dozen snoods*
siouists, who were prowling through Uudt
region. They went to the place ana found
one, and only one, of their lost comrades.'
His legs and and arms had beeU out off
and laid across each other ripen' his body;
bis head severed from bis trunk, was'Sdf
upright uponhis chest: and the figurel9,
the number of his regiment, were marked 1
with his own blood upon his arm*. Dver
the mutilated body of the victim, the sol
diers knelt and swore an awful oath to
take no prsoners. The secessionists are giv-‘
ing to this war a most apppUing chaprCtcf.
As a contemporary justly remarks, the
transforming power of the terrible evil
wh'oh has broken out like some terribfe jietf.'
tilcnce. among the people of the United
States, converting individuals supposed
to bo civilized into barbarians, seems (d
have no likeness in history; the cruelties
it has suddenly engendered can find no
parallel except in that Sepoy rebellibn
which made the Christian Worid shudder
as its details became known.'
A Dangerous Plaoe to Live —The l
Union men who live in the regipn of
Fall’s Church and Bailey’s Cntes Roads
are now returning to geo a view of their old'
possessions. Nearly all the buildings, arS
destroyed, the most of them burned doWtf
by lawless troops of the federal army.
A Connecticut gentleman who owns a
farm-house and small estate near Fall's'
Church, rented it the last spring to'a loy
al Virginian. He went over a day or two'
since to look at his tenants. The family
has remained in the dwelling through all
the troubles of the picket Witt
scarce a day has passed for a. ntonth that
they have not witnessed sanguinaty
scenes from their windows. The building
lay between the pickets,-neither party ven
turing to it. On one occasion a federal
soldier, venturing down to the well for
some water, and was shot down by a reb
el bullet while drinking. There thO body
remained for a day or two. The houSO’
itself has been pierced with bullets, blit
none of the courageous family
Getting a Wedding Coat.—Ainotrg
tbc anecdotes related by Dr. BuahncH*, in'
his sermon at Litchfield, illustrative of* tup
Age of Homespun, whs this: —One of the
aged divines of that county, still living/ .
was married during the Revolution, bat
under singular difficulties. There was an
obstacle to the wedding which seemed’ fit'-'
surmountable. He had no wedding doit,
nor was wool to be had to make one,.ahd
it was in the dead of winter. Tdt air par
ties were ready, and ho was anxious to bo
married without delay. At last; the tooths
er of the intended bride discovered the
difficulty, and promptly had some of her
sheep shorn and tewed up in hlankett' fa’
keep them warm, while of the wool she
spun and wove a coat for her intended
son-in-law. i
Powder and Bales. —Let an'cient or
modern history be produced they will not
find a more heroic display than ' the reply
of Yankee Staniogton to- the British'oom~
menders. The people weth piling the
balls which the enemy had wasted, when 1
the foe applied to them :
“We want balls; will yon sefi the at - ?” i
Yankee Stonington replied:
“We want powder; send ns powdery
and we’ll return your balls.”
The Comedy of Life. —The World is
the stage; men arc the actors; the events
of life form’ the pieee; fortune distributes’
the parts; religion governs' the - perfor
mance; philosophers are the spectators'/
the opulent occupy the boxes';- the pdllre*"
ful the amphitheatre; and - the pit iff for
the unfortunate; folly composes the mu
sic, and time lets fall the curtain. v
I@- John J. Crittenden has giveii up
all idea of “ compromising” to end too
•war. He says we must have no half tray
measures, but must for once demonstrate
that we have a Government, by reducing
rebellion to submission-, and punishing the
ringleaders of tbemOUstrons crime.
Winter Peovibions. —The Chinese
are a queer people to 1 go. to A
gentleman at Canton writes thata nergn
bor of bis has jufit hud in h» winter pro
visions—a hind quarter of a horse and
two barrels of bull dogs.
fanny Pern says that it ja frst “
sensible a move to get yithout
courting, asrto attempt to snooced In bum*
ness without advertising.
ler Xbe philosopher Fmw
«though s jnan without moheyM
raim with nothing but fipooey »• *” P?®P
or" ' ' ”
(*. ft
* .
NO. 38-