: go **ght to the Spot." WHUmP RELIEF? STOP TOOII COCO 11 , j BVHIFY TOOK BBEATHI ':«KXSSPHEN TOCK VOICE! Throat Confections, P|(tt JD&. GtiSRQTMEN, ‘ iWWD BOR LECTURERS. tWOD yOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, ' * _ «OOD for singers, ; GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES . . OENTLEHEN CARRY SPALDINQ'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. lAMB ARE- DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CPILDREN CRT FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS, relieve a Cough instantly. -••“The) clear the Throat. five strength and volume to the voice. *wTbey impart a delicious aroma to the breath. -,■l Tiny aro delightful to the tasle. 4W*They aro made of simple herb*, and can harm no one 1 advise «wry one who has a Cough, or a Huiliy Voice . »T» Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a of my Throat Confections, they will relievo you teataotly, and yon will agree with me that “they gn right to tb* epot.” Ton wilt And them very useful ami pleasant while travelling or attending public meetings for stilling Jhar Cough or allaying your thirst. If yon try one pack am safe In saying that yon will ever afterwards con- Mar them indispensable. Ton will find them at the SnoUta and Dealers In Medicines. '■PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Ig Ugnattre la on each package. All others are conn sent hy wail, prepaid, on receipt of «“y WfflW. Address, 1 • - HKNRY C. SPALDIKO, !?o. 4S Cedar Street, Sew York. Nervous Headache Meadaehe. By tbt -Use of these Pills the periodic attack. of.Vervow er tidi 'Meaijuehe maybe prevented; and If taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickncM will bo obtained. fail in removing the .Vuusat and Headache to which females are so subject. ; They act gently upon the bowels,—removing Coitmr.css. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate females, and till persons of sedentary halils, they are valuable ns n Laxative , improving the appetite, giving lane and vigor to the diges tive organs, and resloringtheuaturalelaeticityaud strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investiga tion and carefully'conducted experiments, having been in pae many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating In the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. . They arc entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with pofect safety without making any eliango of dirct, and the absence of any dial, greeable taste renders it easy to administer them to children BEWARE OF COD.VTEKFEITS I The genuine Lave flro signatures of Henry C. Spalcline on web Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will bo sent by mail prepared on receipt of the PRICE 25 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to UENT.Y o. SPALDING, 48 Cedtr Street New York Not. 16, ’Up-ly.] MiSu.wkrE, Coax., fob. 5,18C1. Üb. Spauixo. Sin: Xliavo tried jour Cephalic Pill-, and lia-t than so uni! that I want you to nendme two dollars wortli more. l*drt of these arc for the neighbors, to whom I care a fcw out of the first box I got from you. SutJ the tills by avail, and oblige Your obedient Servant. JAMES KENNEDY. Mju S»ilßiN3 Ba. Ff families would do well to 'call and examine our stock of TV inter Gobda for Boys, Boots, Show,-Hardware, Glass wahj, Qneeuaware, Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, ic., iu any Quantity and at prices lhat|aiinot fail to pleawj, . • GROCERIES. Oar stock of Groceries id more extensive than ever, Mid consists of Kio and Java Coffee* Crushed, and N. 0 Sugars; Green. Y. 11. and Black Teas; 3Jolaeses, Bdaw, Ga*«Jleo,- Salt, Fish, &c. 5 Thankful to the public for the verv liberal pntrotitoe acretnfore received,*he hopes by strict‘attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. *** Counter Produce of all kinds token in exchange for Goods at market prices. Oct. 10,1861 Hello! Tills Way Kefgbbor! NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- J «pectfally inform the citizens of Altoona and aur rouading country that lie lias just returned from the east, where he has been selecting his stock of Fall and Winter Goi.ds with the greatest care nud exclusively for CASH which enables him to sell as low if not a little lower than any house in the place. He would therefore a;iv to nil those who wish to purchase their Fall ■ and 'Winter Hoods to call and examine his new stock before,purchasing Olse vthere. as he feels satisfied that he can give entire satiafctc- Uon. His goods arc of the beet quality and very cheap, All Cotton Goods at Old Prices! His Stock consists hf Tool i's' Dress Goods of every variety thud* and color, from a plain Delaine at 12 cents, up to Plaid and Plaid Delaines, all wool, at 25 and 37}0 cCs., Figured Dsjainesfrom 12U to 25 cts., Jitrsian Cl .the, ioncstoga and American Prints 10 yards far $l, Lancaster and Domestic Ginghams from lo in cts., all wt.oL Flannel from 25 to 3'H-cts., heavy Sheeting Muslin 12U cts., Pleached Jtii/lin from- 5 1 ; to \l'/, cts.. Satinets all moot Tweeds and Jeans of every variety and price-. ■ Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes; Women, Misses and Chil dren’s Shoes; Hats and Caps, Rio Coffee at 17 cents, While £ugar 11 ctH.. Brown Su- Kttr from Bto 10 old.; Imperial,Y. Ilypou jtml Black Tea*’* t>yrup from CO to Co cts.; Cedar and Willow Ware; Flour „„ J- A. SPUANKLK. October Cd, IS6I. . GREAT EXCITEMENT AT JESSE SMITH'S!- r PHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- J| §PECTFULLY announce to the citizen* of Altoona and,surrounding country that ho has just from the city with his FALL & WINTER STYLES OF A* HATS Sc CAPS. His Stock of Uats and Caps are of tbo very best selection, of evciy style, color and shape, for both old and young. FURS ! FURS' FURS ! His stock of Ladies and Misses' Furs is the best ever brought t<* this place, consisting of every variety, which will bo sold at prices to *uit the times. All he a*ks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that ho can send them away re joicing, if not in th« purchase of such an article as tHey wanted, at the remembrance of having looked Upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, Furs, ic., ever exhibited in this town. ~ storc nn rbyinia Sired , ounostle the Lutheran C\hurr.h. ■dQct 3,1861. JESSE SMITH. ALTOONA HIGH SCHOOL,! Prof. JOHN MILLER, Principal. I'IIE FIRST SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL will c uumenco on MOXDAi\ Nor. 4th. : The established reputation of Prof. Sillier as tin accom plished scholar and successful Teacher is a sure guarantee to parents, guardians ami others, that the school will he so conducted as to give fall satisfaction. TERMS PER SESSJOX OF TWEyT?*TVEEKS, For English Grammar. Geography, Composition, Natmal Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic. .Geometry, Trigonometrv, Latin ' a«d Greek.. * $l2 50 For German or French... „ 5 00 For Music ‘ 5' O 0 ~ 49“ Payment of subscription to be made l iwnUdy to the school Directors. CAMPBELL’S Six Hundred and Fifty Dollar NEWSPAPER PRESS! 17OR THE ABOVE SUM IN CASH £ I will furnish one of my superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that can he driven by hund N with ease at the rate of SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR, ou any kind of a job from a colored poster down, and do its work as well as any cylinder Press in the world. 3l X 4ft inches, rolls* a form with two rollers of 20 X 42 inches; weighs only 3,31)0 lbs, and can bo put up and set running by any ordinary printer. * I have issued u dune ou this pres.*, in pam phlet form, contajuiug a cut of it. and will take great pleasure in sending a copy to those who have not received it, evthe receipt of a paper from them. Any publisher-inserting this advertisement, to the amount of .$lO, and sending mo a paoer containing it, will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment on one of my presses, 4f ordered after one year from Sep tember 1. 1801. If ordered within one year, $2O will be allowed for the bill, if ordered within\six piQnths $3O whl be allowed. And if within three mouths.'SiO wilt be allowed for the bill " THESE ARE WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. will find it for your interest to communicate!di rectly with me. ns I warrant the press to be »11 I repre sent it, whloh your merchant can easily find ont for you: if you are d total stranger iu New York, For further particulars jtfeaso address A CAS{IPRELt sept. 19, IU. X °‘ 16 ’ Sl ’ rUCU itrWt ’ X - */ DR. G ALDER WOOD offers bis Pro fessional Services to tho citizens of Altoona *nd' vicinity. Office on Ftryinuc Street, nearly opposite Ci J., Mann’s Store; ■ 1 R E PE R E N CE S J. B. Lcden. M. D., Huntingdon. JifOxilcCtruoca, M. D., . u 11. T. CaprET, “ Pittsburgh. ■s .R'ev.J. B.Crist, Birmingham. Kev. T'tov&s Ststxssos, Tyrone City, Jacob Buhlet, »* C. Gutee, - « W. Bnttzr, « M. U.'Jollt, « Altoona, May 9lh, 1861-ly* s2sl] EMPLOYMENT! [s7sl AGENTS WANTED! We win pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expen se*, to active Agents, or give a communion. Particular* sent fro*. Address Erie Sewing Machine Company 1L JAMKS, General Agent, Milan. OhtO; ; * r * Jppt. 12-ly.l - PUKE WHITE .LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green, Yellow, Paris Green, dry and remind oil at (1-tt] KESSLER’S; A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS,Trui iI. *cs and Shoulder Braces for sale at ' ■■ ■ 1-tf * ~ G. W. KESSLER’S;; Hair oils, colognes, pom odes. Shaving Cream, Toilet Soaps, Ac. (or sale by ' - G.W. KESSLER. Hair,, hat, tooth, shaving. Paint, gash and "Varnish Brushes at : ; • V KESSLER’S;'* QPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER- Kj vers for tale at il-tf.] KESSLER'S; ALL THE STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES AT I-tf. KESSLER’S;. I Blanks of all description^ executed at ttia oljlc, ■ I WHEELER & WILSON’S j|. SEWING | *3 ■ r~ & S A. O. KERR, g « ALTOONA, PA,, S? § Agent for Blair County. J SiNosiim ** H3l33haH These machines are admit to bu the best ever (iftVrcd to the public, and their superiority is satisfactoril} established by the fact that in the last eight years, | Over 14,000 -More of these Machines hare been sold than of any oilier man nfactiived, and more medals have been awarded the pro* prietors by different Fair* ami Instituted than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use! In several families in Al toona, ami in every case they giy« entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the sn- i penority of the Machines, to d)l. John L. Piper, Rev. A. R. Clark, George Hawked worth, Benj. F.llose. and E H Turner, Esqrn. i The machines can be seen and! examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. i j Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new stylo Ilemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new style Hemmer—sss. Jro. S, plain, with old .stylo Hemmer—s4s. . . [March 21, ISCI-tf. J. B. dIILEMAN, THE HEROES OF PEACE, 17 ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, _J» NEW YORK, in ndW publishing, in addition .to other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe and America as Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portrait* .of nearly all the PROMI NENT MEN OF AMERICA, liot excepting Jell’. Pavia Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates' Price ol Portraits S3.UO per dozen. Can be sent by mail. ’ Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, amt iu stereoscopic form. ALSO, Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London, and in other parts of England and France; in Scotland. Ireland, Wales, Holland. Switzerland. Spain, on thy Rhine, in Athens. Egypt. Tut key, the Holv Laud, China, India, Cuba, ic., ad injiuiium. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic •Views Are the Greatest Wonder of the Aye. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving of leaves, or tin* march of an army, dots nut in the slightest degree affect the taking of these views, They are sold for g&Oo per dozen. We have also on hand and riianutacture the largest as sortment of .Stereoscopes, Photographic Albums, nud pho tographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world. . Catalogues, containing lists of our Portrait*, View?, Stereoscopes, &c. } sent free hy mail, on receipt of a stump .E. ANTHONY. 501 DrorulWav, nem dt. Nicholas, New York. AugK-ly WASHING MACHINE. r P lIE UNDERSIGNED HAYING A purchased thu rmlit for Blair county, ot Tolhurst's Improved Washing: Machine, are now manufacturing them nt Altmma. and iab.-iul to supply them to th«.«»* persons throughout the county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. This machine is got up un an entirely new principle, and is considered, by those who have seen it in use, the best that has ever been brought before the public. Among the many advantages of tins machine over all others may bo mentioned the following: Isf. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to get out of order. 2t/. Its speed, which astonishes alike the operator and the looker or. 3rd. The facility with which it adapts itself to the bulk or qautlty of Clothes d. sired to be washed. Wi. It Washes equally well the flnesfand lightest fabric or the coaisest and heaviest, such us bed-quilts, comforts blankets, &c. Wetlio undersigned, hereby certify that we are now Wblu-; TolhurstV improved Washing Machine and are ful ly snti»fi*d that it K a v,ry excellent article of the kind ; combining a* it does great speed with little labor, and per terming its work in the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real abor-saving washing machine. JOHN WOODS. MICIIAKL CALVERT, dOSKTIf G AI)LI*M R. A. 0- KKUU XIOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY ii family to get in their supply "f cc.nl for the Winter, nml the subscribhr would therefore inform the citizens'nf Altoomyhml vicinity, that he is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a «np> riiir article of ANTHRACITE audALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. He will sell it by the Train. Car. or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv ered at tho door of the purchaser. £3“ Yard mi the North side of the Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. U. R MYERS July 2.5, ISOI.-tf. Cabinet-Making and Carpentering. THE UNDERSIGNED have opened 1 a shop of the above description, at the Corner of the Alloy on Caroline street, between main and Virginia Sts., where thfiy will manufacture to order, all kinds nf CABI NET FURNITURE', and will also’contract lor putting up BUILDINGS 1 of all descriptions, finding all material. Ac. 49“UOFFINS made to order on shortest «oti*e and in 'any style rte ired. By strict attention to business they hope to merit a share of public patronage. Altoona, Sept. 20.1801. GLEN-ECHO MILLS, aemi 'ii\ro ir.v, pa. McGALLUM & CO MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Carpeting, Druggets, Oil Cloths, MATTINGS, &C. WAREHOUSE, No 609 CHESTNUT STKERT. (opposite the State House.) PHILADELPHIA. [mac2l,’iil-ly. Tu/inais V. Rno.ves ...', .'...CHAtars Sauob. REVERE (LATE EAGLE HOTEL.) Third Street, above Race, PHILADELPHIA. RHOADS a SAILOR, Proprietors. I - - TERMS, $1.25 PBB DAY. March 7.1861-ly J. G-. ADLUM, NOTARY PUBLIC. ALTOONA. BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all times be fbund at the store of J. B. Hilcman October 1,1857. ' IT'OR SALE.—A HOUSE AND JOT, . desirably located in the Borough of Altoona. Apply ** _ JOHN SHOEMAKER. Altoona, 7»b. o,lB6h Si Dry Fish, Window Glass, different sizes, St c.. all of which will be sold very low for cash, or exchanged for Produce. Always on hand. Speer Sc Halls celebrated Iron Plows. Persons visiting town would do well before making their selections to call and examine our stork, as vre -will be pleased to see them froe oi charge. Very thankful for past favors, wo respectfully solicit a continuance of pub lic patronage. Altoona, April ISth, IS6I-tf. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully set forth my chum to fmblic attention, us a F.ishiouablo Tailor at* folio ivu Because I keep nil excel lent a.->orUnent of Cloths. Cassimeiea, Vesting:) ami Trimmings, which, when examined,always please. Because my work is mad!-, up in a manner that takes down the country and gives all my customers a city appearance. Because I am not inferior aa a Cutter to the test to he found anywhere. Because long oxperienct in my busineHg gives im entire control over it am I am not dependant upon any one tolift mo out of the suds. E.-aiuse lam still on the Bunnv side of forty, and tliure tde 1 iny tiL-te ns a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in tho corner room of tin- •'llnust House.’* Guo me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 20-6IU , JACOB SNYDKU. PATENT KEROSENE OK CARBON Oil. LAMPS! L'HT.ooled in I}canh/ X Simplicih/ Snf.-(y or Economy. Kv. ,y perron dc.iring to ol.lah. the very l.en and cheap est po.taMe light within their reach, .li.mlil eall at the store ,rthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing ekewlum, and we pledge ourselves to demon- Btiiite Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. “4* e,l^£ ti'* ollensivi-odor while turning, dd. 1 hat they are very eaGly trimmed. ■lth. That they are easily regulated to give more or Lobs light. *^J 1, Ul£ they burn entirely five from smoke, tth. That tlte light is at l.*u*t 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common us**. The«e lamps are admirably adapted for the u?o of Stu dents, Mechanic,!*, Seamstresses. Factories. HnlN, Churches Stoics, Hotel.-, and arc highly recommended for family use Tiie burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can he attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small rxjreDsc, ami will answer every purpose of a now hum Me guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cas-.n. Aug. w, iSSS-tf.}» g. w. killer. GROCERY, PROVISION, A X J) ! WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE rPHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- M FGRM the public that ho has purchased the Interest of A. MILLIKAN in tlmGivcery and Provision Store here tidore kept by th- m on Vnginia street, below Caroline g t whore ho will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOCK. HAMS, SHOULDERS* SIDES DRIED BEEF, FISH. SALT. MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES. aiid everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision all of wbl-h he rvcoives fresh from the eastern ami ~ Cities, and wPI poll ut the most reasonable Having recently obtained iie«. U sc* to sell liquor bv wboie- I will k- .*p constantly on hand a large, asaortmobt ol liquors of the best qualities to be laid. 1 reqe'ctfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12. ISbu.-Gm. j. BEUIOWITZ. SOMETHING NEwi THE SUBSCIUBEK HAS JUST returned from the east where he has purchased a very large aml tine sb-ck of BOOTS Sc SHOES, Brogans, Waiters, Scl, Wliidi lie i, prepared to offer to thecitfevtn of Altoona and vicmjty ut v-ry low prices. Having purchased direct from the nmnnfneturers f., r cash, he j f prepared to sell at prions that will defy competition. All that he a-ks is (hat the people will call and examine his Monk 'before purchasing elsewhere. * ■ ° BOOT?* and SHOE? made to order on the most rea son.. ide terms. .Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don l forg. t the place, two doors below p.-.-t office 3. ISGI. M. THOMPSON, Agent. LANDS! LANDS!! LANDS!!! The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices Good Selections can n„w he made near tin large streams and settlements. The Lands of this Teldtory, now in Market, are of the best quality. tO?.. Selections carefully made. Letters >f Inquiry re quested. - ALKX. E. McKINNKY. Oreafous, Cass County, N. Ter July 14, 185D.-tf REFERENCES: Rev. A. D. Clark, Altoona, Pa. Wm. M.. Lloyd & Co„ Bankers, Altoona, Pa. JlcCmnt Jt Derk, Editors. “ Tims. A. Scott. Snpt. P. K. It., “ j D. McMlrtrie, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. s. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE RAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties.. * Having had several years’ experience in the practice of the Law, ho expects to merit public patrcua™e. Officu_un ANNdE STREET, 3 doorsabove the Post Office. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., 'tIOLLIDAYSBUHG. PA , £B^S2ro2,£S3o^S3 a {Late ‘‘Bell, Johnston, Jack Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Cold for sale. Collections “£?*• received on deposite, payable on demand, Feb 3d 18M W UP ° n tiai °’ * lth in,etM ‘ at &ir ratee GW. KESSLER-—PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces tf to me citizens of Altoona and the public geh-49m&, orally, that ho still continues the Drue business \g9BP on lirginia street, where he keeps constantly “ssr 14 oils ’ var - nisu: By strict attention to business, and a do*irc to render sal oa“aa rc^ ird/i P rice quality, he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage, son , 3 n Ci a" 3 n , nd mer <* rats "“PPlied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. I hyaicians prescriptions carefully compounded. (1-tf. O y ES! O YES! GENTLEMEN ' ' draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH P. TRODT innoim. cea to tlio public, that ho is ready to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. fjau.2’Sdl'* LARGE AND ofOrocarieeimye^^rn. RE AT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK -17 INQ STOVES. COXSWUPTJOA’OFSXOKE AJTD GASAXD SAVING OF FUEL. The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to tho public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su percedo all others, as it requires ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other stoves and Is more .easily, quickly and regular ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from this stove from the fact that it is all consumed ere it caiKes cape. There is no trouble from smoke as that anplcasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of tho stove Neither is there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened,by the gas arising from coal fires. • Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call.at the store of tho subscriber, In tho Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above gloves, JOHN SHOEMAKER, Sole Aycnt for Blair County, N. B. All kinds of Airtight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [Aug. 12,1856. LADIES’ WINE. SPEER’S SiDIRICI HIKE, OF CULtIYATiip FOUTUGAL ELDEU. EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALES. EVERV FAMILY SHOULD USE SPEER’S SAMBUCI WINE. (IELEBHATED for its medicinal and J beneficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic; Plan-tic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cian*, und some of tliefirst families in Europe ami America* SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE is noun, mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from ccltivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists and Physician* as possessing medical properties superior to any oth.-r wines in use f and an excellent article for all weak ami’ debilitated persons, ami the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and beuefijting ladiesand children. A LADIES’ WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it contains no mixture of spirit*; or other liquors, und is admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tom- to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. Noue genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of ouch bottle. MAKE OK£ TRIAL OPJ7I7S WINE. A. SpflKß, Proprietor, Office '2OB Broadway, New York. sale by A. ROUS I. Altoona; GEO. W. PATTER SON and GKO. A. JACOBS, IlolliJavsburg; ami by \V; NOWLIN A CO., Tyrone. V [je‘27-ly FIRST ARRIVAL* OF SPRING GOODS AT THE “ MODEL.” WK HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN; T T unusually line Suck of Goods suitable for the Sea-on,- No Auction tnudu but regular go*>d Goodsat very biw prices. We deem it unnecessary to parade the prices, of a Tew articles in an advei tlsenient. but only say that we can and will sell goods ut as fair prices as any other house in the place. W-e have, as usual, a great variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. In this depr.rtmi nt we think we caii say we have the best a.is.iriment to be found in the place, consisting in part of Rluck and Fancy Hills, Poplins. Lustres, Murelhts, Brnchc Arabesques, Valencias,flnsaillc:. Oi?«- Orians. Ci’ut lies, Dchegcs, Lordlx* . Bril liants, Ginghams, /.axons, Clint:*. Joints, and. a full line of D-un*stir Pry Goods. Abo. Stella und Barege Anglais Shawls, Dusters, Hosiery, Glnve- Collars ami Cuff.-. Magic Ruffling ami a full stuck of all kinds of notions and Fancy Goods. Umbrellas large and small, Boots and Shoes. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Win dow Shades. Wall Paper and Border, Wood uhd Willow Ware, Hardware, Queeuswjue, Childrens Fancy Gigs, &0., &c. We have also on hands a very large ami superior stock of FAMILY GROCERIES at Greatly Reduced Prices. Sugars and Syrups by the barrel at a small advance. We take this occasion to return our sincere thunks to the i»tropl« «f Altoona and vicinity f..r the share of their patronage heretofore received, and invite them .to drop in ami h»m> our new stock which we feel confident will please? Altoona, Anril 19. J. A J. LOWTHER. Stoves, Tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SPOUTING, &C. C HIGH WOULD RESPECT-jS-_ k J • fully inform the citizens of Altoona JSBBv and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand a BBSS large a—tirtrtient of CooHirg . I\wlnr, Otjicn rt.’niy®BgD Shop Stores, of all styles and sizes, to suit the ™ w auls Of nil, which he will sell at low prices, on reason aide terms. He ahm keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Shirt- Inm liner. ci insisting of all articles for culinarv purposes CfKil Stov f* I iff\ ! ,ur <' ilasi -d the rght of sale in Blair county, of U. v. JON K.S* IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an inventien which needs only to he see,, to be apprecia. anil should he possessed by every farmer, hatcher or those rtqnnnig mu li machine. Particular attention p.-dd to putting up SPOUTING e.ti.. r m town or country, Spouting painted raid pnt* up on tin- most reasonable terms, fajuil I t. 1855-ly Moke good news ! The undersigned has just received from the East a largo and varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consi-tjng of Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vesting, material for FINE AND COARSE OVERCOATS, material for BOYS’ CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, such as Umjershirte.- Drawers, Sus pciulers, Neck-ties. llamllMrchiefa Sc Ic., all of which will bo hoH at the lowest prices All work ordered will be made up i D tbo very be«t at vlp a l°ov‘ tttest fchions - on -hnrt Lt fcV Nov. I,IBOJ-tf THOMAS ELWAT. hotel.—the sub- SCHIBEIt would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- 1 fitted the above Hotel, and is now’pro- Av'rt>T IS pared to accommodate his friends amlfllEEßS**- patrons in a comfortable manner, and he^SHSMSr ri'L?“ re no £? in J i" mnki “S ll «n agreeable home fOTiaU Mourners. Ills Table will always be luxuriously supplied the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar mb;.! with liquors,Of choice brands. Ills charges arc as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who filter him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share ot public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open hla house to the public and inviteai trial. f rcccivpd a atock cfNo - 1 French Brandy, fur pnrpoßos. rod 1 ? 0 / 1 I:l lf’ stw:k of excellent Wines, for medicinal pnr- ° f th ° bMt E > u WW *V * Altoona, .May 37,1869,-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. COUNTY INSURANCE G Mu^lrSe e g“«S ,Z S& tO , « damuge'hy fire. Sudd tuyf, Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of cverv dra cnption, in town or at as reasonahle rates mi any Company in the State Office with Bell. Johnston, Jack A Jan. 27, ’59-tf i ®* *' CROWELL, Agent. Lycoming county mutual . INSURANCE AOESCY—Thc undersized at nll t «m th ° L> J O T l l s M " tnul tro^llf uiranee Compamvfr at all times ready to Insure against loss or damage by fe e Buitdmgs, Merchandise, Fin,lure and PrompT description, h. town or conntry. at as rSk « Stato -,. offi « i» the Mason c Temp" Jan. 3, 56-tf | JOHN SHOEMAKEP., Agent. Flour.— tiie best quality of FAMU.Y IXOURfur sate, Wholesale andßetail. u issn-tf ’ J - shoemaker. Dec. 11.1858-tf. Masonic Temple'. Hardware of all descrip tions Just pecoired and for aalo by ;! J. B. HIIiBMAN. T UMBER for SALE. K sSs‘s? lowest, for Cads. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER' BUTTER'S i STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTfiftv -iVo. 01 Si a r fit t St , />„ W ”‘l establishment is chiefly dcVotoa u I the mannfn.-tnre of Blank Books fcr •# Brinks, County Offices, i'aiiroa'i S|m shit private individuals. In Ail caws tb«fcS?iS® very best of (tuck and workmanship may be iEEw relied upon. Blank Book* printed. Hand ..a any desired pattern. Sheriffs, Attorney* m Dockets of all kite*, made and ruled to ordsrTrtii?* and Tearly Assessments, Duplicate*, *e, fc r oonn«»? ,, fc so*, printed or plain, rated and bon ml to otdat XU* Dockets made of the host linen paper. ' Librarians, and other*, desiring to hare their R~.a bonnd and at mofterate prices, should give nsacalLv** papers of the largest sizes, Harper’s W«kh m ,r.*\ Pictorial, Ballon#, Scientific Ametlaao, London «S* bound to order, and in any stylo required. Harper's ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and Magazines, Godey's Lady’s Book, Lady'S Bepositorf pS' son’s Magazine, Piano Mimic. Ac., bound In extntsMa the mute plain and substantial half binding. Select tJ* phleta. Law Magazines, Pamnhlet laws, bound Inreaif' bfary style, at very moderate prices. Persons harisT number of volumes to bind, will receive n liberal (lUcomi Blading can safely be sent, to os from a distance br«J Stoss, and all work entrusted toonrcarewillbosnia lly executed, safely packed and returned by Eztiw?* All work warranted. Address tf. L. IUJXTWL* ifiirrt«i.kry,A w York and 1 ilfshu to<:etlioi- With a good assortment of Book?*. All ban 1 °°- Boo,:8 USvd lQ and vicinity always on Af A, in- a ??''' ! ot Confectionaries, and knick kr.scki of, all kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco S S-ari to he had in town, together with a flue assortment of doM and hilu-r I cncils, Gold Rings and other articles of Jewel ry. Call ami examine. 11. PKTTINOER. .AUoonu, July 2C, ’6O-Iy. JVb. j AW>cna UljUt6 _ GREAT- QUESTION WHICH .JL how agitates the- mind of every person "here can I get the best article for mrHO money? In regard to other matters, the seriber would not attempt to direct, but if you want anything in the lino of ISUOTS OU SHOES , he invites an examination of his stock and work. .fe keeps constantly pn hand an assortment of Boots, Show, Gaiters. Slippers, £c., Which he offers at fair prices. Hel will give special attention to custom work, ill o< wnich will ho Warranted to give satisfaction. None but tb* best workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Kesslcr’a Drug Store September 3, ’ST-lf] Bakery and Grocery Store. The subscriber keeps cox- STANTLY on hand Fresli-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c. PEED, BACON, PLOUB, groceries. Also, a choice lot of SEOARS and TOBACCO. v . ■ JACOB RINK, Nov. 10. j ; Virginia Street, below Annie Street. ■jVTATIONAE POLICE GAZETTE.- oJ' 'at Journal of Crime and Criminals I* ia its Twelfth Year, and in widely circulated throughout the country.’ Jt contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorlalson the some, together wilt Information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in soy other newspaper. , $2 per annum; $1 for six months,« *** subscribers, (who should writ© their unmet amt tno town, county and State where they reside .. 4 . „ To O. W, MATS ELL * CO„ -. . _ editor k Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette. 2foe York City. Boots and shoes.—the un dersigned has now on hand and will ,-cdh rJiriL P 3 h Bt , nre ln the Masonic Temple, MB AVt) B snoi^ S ’i ca ; ,y '" ado > ur to order, 2T. " h f' l * dipB Sandals, Oum Shoes, Cork Soles, and ererj-Uiing In his line of business, of Muslim wo D: l“ 7 &n ' l ™ thB mo3t reasonable terms. AH custom work warranted. Jan. 2, ’56-tf.] GRfcAT WESTERN INSURANCE AN ' D TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real « tcms hl T'\ l on the moot rcutmiW* JlLtth I? “ ta *" Altoona h'» office in Anu» St. March IT, 18SR JOHN shoejjaKEß, Agent. T EVI’S preparation for ex- RATS. Mies, ROACHES, ANTS, w4 c^rnrS.r^lo 1 i* otxr in 1U °M tinder anyolreiuiuU* j'° r lo s^ thc D ™fiStore of O. W.KKBSLKR. pINE AND LARD OILS, CAM ■dan-feST 1 ”* Ofl, O n hand at McCormick's sto« $35,00 GROCERY AYD BAKERY! JOHN H. ROBERTS. CO £ i ms ; ? PS.S A’i J o« \ *1 i tj £ a . ? j-j <3 ct PQ O Sj*.2< f Si sl S § iNi* 0§ g . £ P 5 »os 2-a «o|S “-g cq^=3-S| S w i's 8 6 2 ° a. 9 S s ls“* iJ S; I** & » »—I e* as. „ J 5 OO s J. 2 JACOB WISE. J. SAOEMAKER. * hToafftt'*: & #» V: • V DI G 4 f k KD . - ■ i , i : €v wV M I C ijrrc* Sew-Tork Benevolent Infln *BTiwa«wji«gLV,.. s&rffSiMi Msg St£?MSSjS tgffgh wUch thouenndonnd «#■» or ttoww *re •oMttof thedtooMeewoei ConeumpUpu nud NMMyy,CMW»^ t UrerComi.UUrt, *““1“ « wblS^tuw. u-riptioai; hnt will furnUh when requested tl mJuci**** lit the lowest f*m» - f , nee properod In our ow , thaCATO of ible SwnW*. nud kMWBW«I»«*. IndotUßg «« *S ■n. ,ii g.UrfjMilng tti hy letter.wuhiwWffM ..SrtMMMdnwarnieos of dh«Sp< J.im“riwVSa Ir.ply, *IU« ?***£ Scare, Any feoj tent n» when tending iyn dented to furnUhing medicine for medicine cut bo eont by mail or oxpreee if ** lor ono or mow of our worktnndlodge*> AlaoOublUhevl at the Inhuuary, toaU ftee the family physi tssi-wms ss’stst Miixto** nyiuutoiua, diet, tatlilug aud ixqttfeae. THE LADIES’ MEDICAL F AND TUB PHYSIOLOGY ON MAKW A wdrkou tUft lywptotiw and treat uecuHiiv to tlto sex* oD uwrrfci® abortWn aud \u results, un ChUditn. tWf HU prevention of conception. with lutalnahlo I»< tU«« on SuljccU of a private ualirv. JYlct - The Gentlemen’s Medical Con AND PRIVATE AUVI9KR. A book tw H« old ami young, embracing tli PrevelJlkin ami Gun- of all I)l««u«i of the In, u3Organs, »',a a warning vulceof a.Uke»«-I, ae to be found in no other nark. Price A 5 eei THE GUIDE AND GUJ FOtt ETEZT OS*, tt expose* all the Uumhagk and the verb. , n tUtorickand well- It illustrates Uw (tack* and Hogue, to dupe ever* one. t g w-usthtough life, and shows mi It tfiowa how all kind* ". f Medicine*, Goods ore adulterated, with the mean, ot . fraud*. Pride 25 eentt. the household and fa PLASTATIOS r iAND SHOP. For every bmily, having over WUO «eel P l. Preserving. Dyeing, Cleaning, dc. UoW to pi te the heat to nhe. flow to core animal*, ad kwpua hmuen and mechanics, uu IuOO stth. Worth $lO to any on*. Sag CONSUMPTIVES BO For thoee who with to get well front that i a fail description of *U the remediesneed aUtemunt of tho results, and other o tor,"' Price 10-eeota. .. , , The information in them is not to he found BUbUawd: nor obtainable from »ny other .a TOoki published oo Sup white aj * kt Anyofthe above work* wUI bo mailed fins , prlcefin stamps.or money; or tho hoiiadvolume for os* poEtth. No fomily • oat them. TUe/are illustrated with hoantif and contain the condensed experience of yea Anion WAXtsn for the above works, who . a month. Send tor a circular for agent*. ' To the young ot both sexes snßering from tUuMraiftoß of mind; lon» of power; nerruu of sight: wakefulness; love of eoUtUde, cr lto>e' 4e, Sda Won it U too life; hcl Incurable damage to both body and mind. To Female* who want *g/r, ano for Irregularities,Obetructious, Whltea, it. PREVENT* VI We atn dofavlnfced' that there lire many pa loufc coogumptlvii »ml UUtased cprolitUm t meratts offspring'only bring* suffering an inch we would say write, and we will send a rare, well-tested, and never-foiling PBXVX: We will mail line, to any one applying foi THE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL It 1* a targe and beautiful paper, and con valuable information on Spermatorboea, or i item. Tba cause, effects and turn, showing , feet* of tho disease. ; ■ On ail other diseases of the Sexual Orgaro nation of the origin of Syphilis tho mean* *°OhSonaomplipn, that fearful disease. On to Liver, Ilcntt. Stomach and skin. OtrlNDato (torn plaints. . On to various School* of Medicines. On the modes of Treatment now praclUw On the Falsa Treatment of Diseases. Qn the various Medical Uumbngs. On the Physiology of Marriage. • Oft the Common aense of Medicine. OK Diet, Exercises, and Ablntiou. Uow to Physician elioubl be. Kosr to prevent Pregnancy. ' j And many other things. SEsn roitT. Ttalsjonroal should be in the imnda of ov y. si. A. M., Chief Physician Surgeon. Dr. J. Boyle, Chemist. I Offlc* in Sew York, 151 Cluunbcra street ’ OlBeOia Wraiamsbnrgh, South Stb and Correspondents will please enclose two 1 for retom postage, and address I WiUiaiuflbni (Box Ul.) Not. 15, 1880-ly THE BOOT & HERB from philadelphw WHO HAS HAD 30 YE STANT practice, can he consultej House. Sir. JoUn Wood’a. vli. ;—Oa the J ZlkafiufS, and the Itk nf Augvtt— bewil 3 month*. Sotieo will be given in this contmencee hla Winter'* Term again. Be treat* all diseases that lle*h ta beir t Female* who may l,o suffering with atm their mx, to call and examine hi* new mo aa thousands have been restored to healll abandoned by other*. Be is in poeseeei atrnmonta Sw sounding the lungs and rt tee able to determine the exact conditio nna— consequently can treat inch eompb aafetyand certainty than it la possible in htttn disease and experiment fcr Haei that tor every malady, there is tmnd t tes»e$» P In case* of Cancers and Tumors. U>*y , llM.'Tncaminatlon free. J)K.». IT. Handbills. X>B3STTXSTI f IRVIN §TEBL, D. I p| • ISQloeated permanently in Art o&tdUaaervioeslntbe different depart Sargical and Mechanical C. Jaggard's Btm W. 8. BITT iEAL SUS CE IN THE MAi mm&ss® «Ksl j> :/.*•*■ • •*’>%••■•• **- -V y