The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 03, 1861, Image 4
\ btoftottr coves ' TDKin TOUR BBRATBI ■tknOTHHH BJDB VdlCEl SiiAIDING’S Throat Confections, . ......i. .. . abb !fPpDrOS: CLERGYMEN, e|9<n> POE LECTURERS, ttOODFOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, ' GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEMEN BPALJ)ING’B THROAT CONFECTIONS. . SADIES ABE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRT FOR- SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. AWH>*y'r»neTo gCongh lattantly. clear the Throat. AW They glee atrengtii and volume to the voire. Aaf They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. AWT bey are delightful to tbe laele. ' AW They are made of simple berba, and can ham no one .. fadvU* .very one who has a Cough, or a Husky Voice •r « Bad Breath, or: any difficulty of the throat, to get a P**»gc of my Throat Confection., they will relievo yon laatatrtly, and you will agree with me that “they go riglit to the "pot.” Yon will And them very useful and pleasant •hUo treVehjng or attending public meeting* for atilliug JSmr Congb-or allaying your thirst; If yon try one pack affi'aafein saying that j’nn will ever afterwards con-* aider them indispensable. You will find thus at tbe -Drtiggists and Dealers In Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Ify P%n*turtfj|s on each package. All other* ore conn ferfelt. A package wm*ba aopt by moll, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Ceuta. j AOdreea, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 4S Cedor-Street, New York, McrvousHeadache Ifeadteto By the use of these Pills the periodic attack *W Strvou or tide Headache maybe prevented; and if taken at the Commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain ABd sickness will be obtained, • They seldom Ct!J In. removing the jVhiuea and Headache to which fenhdes are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Costiventss. Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits,' they'are valuable ass Laxative, improving the appetdf, giving tons and vigor to the diges tive organs, and rcstoringthe natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investiga tion and carefully conducted experiments. having been In sae many years, during which- tune they hpre prevented pud relived -a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a derangc-d state of the stomach. They are entirely ’ vegetable in their composition;, and may be taken at all ’ Mines with pefect safety without nuking any change of dim, and the absence of any disa grteaUe taste renders it easy to administer them to children. REWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The gen nine have five signatures of Henry <3. Spalding on each Sox. sold by Druggists and all other Dealcre in Medicine*. |SBoz will be sent by mail prepared on receipt of the PRICE 25 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to s HENRY C. SPALDING, 4 $ Cedrtr Street New York, Not. 15, ’60.-1 .v.] Mb. Srim-io, ; ' ' .Sib. 1 h»TB triad your Cephalic Pills, and IHH tttm s« xccU tbat I want you to solid m** two dollars worth more. . *Wt of these are for the ueighbora, to whom I ears a fjw out of the first box I got from you. Send the sUlfc by Blail, and oblige f . Your obedient Servant, i i J JAMES KENSCEDY. Us. SiMuuas '' “ Sis. t yOU ,0 ,c 0 ona more box of your' Cephalic rail, lhatt received a great deal fj benefit from, them Yours, KespoctTuily, ' iIAKY ‘ANN’ STOIKHODSE. H. O.^ALDwS :EZ “' Hosn * ac ’ o! ' Co-. Pi -) Jan.lB,lBol. .'. ' Sim:. ° f>oarce = ihaiic Respectfully yours, _ _ 1 • i ■ JOHN B. SIMONS toed one box of ymr Kttt, and fnd them f'nm tht Exmiinrr, NorfoVt, fjp. ..W 10 ™- accomplish tbo object for which they were *Me,Tte.r Cpre ofheadache iu aiUu forms. T Frtm the £xamitttr\ SYurfJJe, Pa. “ ore ttaa a «■«. , Xrtnn the Democrat, Sh Cloud, Mmn. If yonarc, or hare been trouWcd with the b-adaelt. SS.SiS&iSSUS. 1 - «“* *»» Pram thi Advertiser, Prmiaenct, J!. I Tha Cephalic Pills arc Battl to he a remarkable i,'td remedy for the headache, ami one of the very beat for that tey frequent complaint which'baa ever bconlLort r^! From Ot Western X. X. Coptic, Chicago, Jn oc^Sl Cad ° r9 * Mr ' SpMil,s ’ aad hh aariralied _ From the Kanawha Yulia, star. Kanawa, r« with «»«■«**!». Fran He J t nUiem JVUi Finder; Xn, Orleant, La. •JEPlife 11 * 1 yoa tt,at <iro afflicted, and wa are aure tWt sunhT* tin, *? y ?? b * <u,l,ea to the already numerous Ifst waived benefits that no medicino can fS A wm «« ten uL«» LI,I -l <}s spared GLUE wm vare lea umerits cost' «umial}y.*£ft SPAipiSfl’g XMiEPdRKD I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SPALDING’S PREPARED OLCEI «»* TU lumi ' ■»-“ A Stitch ufTuci S*tm Mtatmrfor rearing Pumltoro, Toy., C^£ et t SPALDING’S PREPARED GLXISI a««l no liouaebold c.m afford to lt * « ,w ‘y» «*>r, Wd np to the.tkUos ' “USEFUL IN EVERT HOUSE.” *• *—A Bnuh *ecomryiea each Bottle. Price 25 C (e , HENRT C. SPALDING, No/lS Cedar St, N. Y. -CAUTION. m.Ft." 0 ?’ 1 f**,»“e*>Ptlßgtopaint of ®y prepa- *™ km prepared glue, w. «tb« we ewtadßsg 0M» Masostiux, Coxa., fob. 5,1561. IUvrEroKD, Pa., fob. e r lB6l, CAMPBELL’S 8i» : Hundred and Fifty Dollar NEWSPAPER PRESS! T?GR THE ABOVE SUM IN CASH J? 1 will ftmjieh. one of my superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that can bedriven by baod with Me at tbe rate of SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR, on any kind of a Job from a color*) poster down, and do ■ 1U work u well aa any cylinder Press in tbe world.' Bed 31 X 46 inches, rouea form With two rollers of 26 Z 42 inches, weighs only 2,800 ca n be pat ap and eet running by any ordinary printer. I hare iseued a specimen done bo this pm, in pam phlet form, containlng a cut of H. iud will take great pleasure lii sending a cqjiy to those' who have not received it, on tho receipt of a paper from them. , Any publisher inserting this advertisement, to the amount of $lO. and eebdfrrg rue a paper containing it, will be allowed the amount of tliejr bill towardepaymeut ou one of my presses, if ordered after one year from Sep tember 1.1861. If ordered within one year, $2O will be allowed for the bill; If ordered within six months $3O will be allowed. And If within three months. $4O will be allowed for the bill THESE ABE WAR: TIMES AND WAR) PRICES. Ton will find it for your interest to communicate di rectly with me.'M l warrant the press to be : 11 I repre sent it, which yohr merchant cui* easily find out for you if you are a total stronger in Jew York. For further particulars pleas* address A Nc. 16, Spruce-street, T. Sept. 19,1801, What s the News ? , WHY THIS;, THE SUBSCRIBER his just received and opened a large and beauti ful stock of seasonable goods amoug-whiefa may be found the following FOE THE XUk3SXESS : Fancy and Plain,. magnificent and brilliant styles of Spring Silks, Black .Sljks. Norwich Poplins, GhallicDe Laiues, colored and figured Brilliants, French and English Chintzes, English and American Calicoes, Ac. WHITE GOOVS WebaveinthU department. Linens, Laces, Edgings. Cambrics. Brilliants, d-uconetts. Lawns. Mull Muslins, Ladies Fine French Collars. Undersit eves, Ac., all of which Wo respectfully ask a thorough examination in order to satisfy Ladies that wo have these goods better and lower in price than, the [lowest. Mourning Goods, This linn of goads is very'-ampin 'ln every department Hosiery and Gloves. Silk, Woolen Cotton anil Linen UoseTor ladies andgcntle men. and an endless variety for children. Ladies and gen th*njeu’_s Kid. Kid Finishes, Silk jtnd&ldc Thread Gloves. Call and sou our farflamed - Buck l Glares.” DOMESTICS. ; Muslins. Flannels. Blankets, and 'every article in the Do mestic line of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and in more complete assortment than can be found in any Uoiubda the interior of Pennsylvania. 1 We bavd also a fine assortment of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, together with a full, stock of Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, find nil the et cetcras nf a country Store. May 9. IS6I. J. B. JITLEMAN. LADIES’ WINE. SPEER’S SAMBIiCI WIIVE, OF CULTIVATED PORTUGAL ELDER. EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALES, EVERT FAMILY SHOULD USE SPEER’S SAMBUCI WINE. /"IEJ.EBKATEp lor its:medicinal and \J heneflciitl qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic. Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed hy eminent plivsi ciaus, and some of the first families imEurupe and America. SPEER’S SAMBUVI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists and Physicians os possessing, medical properties’superlor to any other wines in use. and an excellent article fur all weak anil debilitated, persons.and the aged and Infirm, improving the appetite, ucd boneflttinp laJieaaud Children. A LADIES’ WINE, became it will not Intoxicate ns other wines, as it contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is admin-d fur its rich peculiar flavor ami nutritive .properties, imparling a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. None genuine unless the sigualure of ALFRED SPKER, Passaic. N.J., ta over tho cork of each bottle. make onk thial of tbts t vixe. _ A, SPEER, Proprietor, Ofilco 20S Broadway. New York. A3*For sale by A. R »US'T, Altoona; GEO. W. PATTER*- 9 EO - Hollidayaburg; and bv W. NOWLIN A CO-, Tyrone. [je27-ly WHEELER &. WILSON’S I SEWI.VG | I MMHffllS. | J R. A. O. KERR, 3? e ALTOOJfA, PA., 5" § Agent for Blair County. SiNOSTIM ** H3H33HM These machines are admit to be the best ever offeml to-the public, and their superiority U satisfactorily established by the fact that iu the last eight years, • Over 14,000 More of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactarod, and more medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different Pairs and Institutes thaivto nnv nth ers. The Machines are warranted to do nil that isclrmii' d for them. They are now in. nao in several families in Al l0 wA a ’ * n CVer y cas i’ they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refer* those desiring 'information as the sn periurity of. the Machines, to Col. lehn t. Piper. Rev. A B. Clark, George Uawkesworth, Bebj. F. Rose, and E. U Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass font an. 4 now style Ueminer—s6s. No. 2, oruameiital bronze, glass font and new style Hemmer—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style liemmor—s4s. f{March 21,1861-tf. Dr. caldebwood Coffers his I’rd fcssional Services to the citirens of Altoona mid vicinity. Office on Rijnnia Strut, Pearly opposite C. J Mann’s Store.. - ! ! J. B, Ruder. M: f).. Uantinndon. Jno McCulloch, M. i)., - -. H. T. Coff«, , : •* Pittsburgh. Rev. J. B Ciust, Birmingham: I Bev. Thomas StETEssos, Trtone City. Jacob Burlet, - u C. Girnt, : ’ j< ' W. Burlet, ■ “ M. .11, Jolit, ii Altoopa, May 9th, ISBUly* i ' WM. S. BITTNER, dental subgeon. fAFFIGE IN THE MASONIC TEM \Jf PLE, next dor.r to the Post Office. Teeth extracted without pain b/the Cuwent Electro- Magnetic Mifehme. M9* A Student wanted.. •' [Dec. 23. ’68.-tf. Wail Paper andi Border. An unusually large stock : of the ; . LATEST SEEING; STYLES, Jnst received, which wlu bo cold cheaper than ever hr ■March 21,1861-ti; ■ £ A J. LOWTIIER. I UMBER FOR SALE,; J 60.000 SHINGLES. 56,000 LATHES, ndd alikinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. Tower than the lowest, tor Cash. Apply to JCSIN SHOEMAKER- PURE WHITE LEAH AND ZINC Paint, also Yefiorcr,Paris Green. Iry ana prmmd oil at : > KESSLER'S ABDOW INAL SUPPORTERS, Trus eea and Shoulder Braces for rale at . I ~t f ; 0- W. KESSLER’S. Hair oils, colognes, pom adea, Sharing Ctttun, Teflet .Soaps, Ac. for sale by l-tf.) ! G. W. KESSLER. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Paint, Saab and Tafniab Brofhra at IQPEOTACLES and EYE PRESER- K 7 renfcr ealeat -i- [UttJ | KBSSLWB. THE HEROES OF‘ PEACE,- The Heroes of War, E ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, • NEW TORS, to now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known In Kuropo mul America aa Brady's national Photographic Portrait Gallery, In which is Included Portraits of nearly ail the PROMI NENT MEN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. David, Oen. Beauregard, Ftayd.ond a bust of other confederates. Price of Portraits $2.00 per dozen. Can he sent by zualL Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form. Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London, and in other •parts of England and France; in Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Holland, Switzerland. Spain, on tbe Rhine, in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Laud, China, India, Cuba, Ac., ad infinitum. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Greatest Wonder of the Apt. These ore taken in tbe fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving of leave*, or the march of an army, does not in tbe slightest degree affect the fkking of these views. They are sold for $B.OO per dozen. * We have also on Hand and manufacture the largest as* sortment of Stereoscopes. Photographic Albums, and Pho tographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world. . Cat&Xoqcss. containing lists of bur Portraits, Views, StereOaCopes, sent free by mail, ou receipt of a stamp. U. ANTHONY. 601 Broadway, near St. Nicholas, New York. AngS-ly Cheap ! Cheaper!! Cheapest!!! Huzza for north ward.— The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and the surrounding country that he has rented the store room formerly occupied by Jacob Burkhart, on Virginia street,' near A. McCormick's store, where he Is about opening a Grocery, Flour, Feed and Provision Ho had just returned from the East where he has been selecting his groceries with great cure and buying exclu sively for cash, which enables him to sell as low. jf not a Utile Tower, than any house in the place. Hu'would therefore say to all rho wish a good article of groceries, and at a low figure, to call and examine Lis stock before purchasing elsewhere. His slock consists of Hats and Caps, Men and TKmai's Shoes. Notions of all kinds. Extra Family Flour , Superfine, Corn Meal, Eye and Corn Chop. Extra Lorcring Syrup Molasses, €0 cents per gal. Golden “ « 45 •• « Pennsylvania “ i( to “ “ “• Baking “ S7]-.< “ White Crush Sugar ** lb. While •* 10 “ u •• Refined . “ 10 “ “ « Best Brown (i S “ “ “ Cuba •* ; 7 « n «» , Rio Coffee 16 to 16 «.* « “ < Best Imperial Teas 90 “ “ “ 2nd quality ** 75 “ “ “ Black “ 60 “ “ « Roaln and Castiln PoAp. Raisins, Pigs. Almonds. Fil berts.,English Walnuts, Cream Xuls. Mackerel, Lake Trout. Dairy Salt, Cheese? and everything that is necessarily kept in a good family grocery. April 4, 'CI-tf.J J. a'. SPRANKLE. WASHING MACHINE. The undersigned having purchased the right fur Blair county, of Tolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine, are now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to tiuw** persons throughout the comity who de«dre a LABOR-SAVING MACIII.SK. This machine ; is got-up on an entirely new principle, and is c-nsidered, by those who have seen it in uae, the best tjiat Inis ever been Drought Ik*fore lh<- public. Among th*f many advantages of this machine over all Others may be im-iitioio d the. f blowing : !•>*• 'lts simplicity of construction, making it almost im pos-dbh- to get out of order. 2*7. Its speed, which astouMics alike the operator and th»* looker on. Zrd. The facility with which it adapts itself to the balk or qautity of clothes ih sired to be washed. itU. h wuslk'S equally well the fino-l and lightest fabric or the. coaiscsi and heaviest, such ud bed-quilts, comfort, blankets, 4c. We the undersigned, hereby certify that we are now using Tolhnrst’s Improved Washing ‘Machine and are ful ly satisfied that it is a very excellent article of the kind ; combining as it doc.-* great speed with little hibor. and p-r -forining its, work in the most sati-faclory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real "‘ibor-savimr washing macliine. JOHN WOODS. MIOIIAKI. CAI.VKI’.T, JOSEI’II G ADLCM. K. A. 0. KEKK. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HE- J. SPKtTFI’LLV ar uouuce to the citizens i Alt»K>iiaund vicinity th; Id* luis just received supply of STOVJi; of all Pulttrns, such a ('ook. Parlor, Office an Shop ;Stove3, which h win sell at the most mi* tenable prices. A larze supply will always b» kept on hand. TJX AXD SUEET-IROX WARE, in great variety, ulwayß on hand. ' HOOFING- & SPOUTING put up on short nonce. lie also manufactures Leaded Inox apoutimr, which is said to be much superior to gal vjmizvd sheet-iron tin. N ll<* bus attached a copper-smithing room tn his es tablishment ami n il! keep ou hand au assortment of cop per and brass kettles, 4c. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. A sdiare of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Store on Annie street, belweeu Harriet and Ada liue streets, East Word. Altoona, Sept. Ist, 18C1. HAT & CAP EMPORIUM, JESSE SMITH, Proprietor. ALL THfi LATEST STi'LES OF . .HATS and CAPS constantly on hand, It Is the determination of tbe proprietor 6 r thin Emporium to keep up with the time* aiul fashion*. and to do this he spares no expense. lie has just received his supply |^HBt SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS. among’which will bo found stales and ties to suit tlie tastes of old or young, plain or fashionable. To give the names, colors, qualities and styles of all Jus goods U; this Hue, would jnly confute the reader, and he would not then understand or appreciate the diversity and magnitude of his stock. It most be seen to be believed. Go«nd B<o Jesse if you want to sue a live hatter and a fashionable stock. lie has also a fine assortment of CUILDTIEN’S lIATS and FL’AX.S, to which ho invites the attention of solicitous mothers. Arhls-etorcthey will find something which will excel nil their neighbor* in the way of fashion and henutv. Go mothers, and examine and select from Jesse Smith's stock. Slnrr'fm Virginia Street, opposite the Lutheran Church. May 9,1801. GXiEN-ECHO MILLS, GERMANi'O »\V, PA. McCALLUM & CO., MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Carpeting, Druggets, Oil Cloths, MATTINGS, &G. WAREHOUSE, No 609 CHESTNUT STRERT. (opposite the State PHILADELPHIA. |nmr2l,’ol-ly. TiLGQXATt V. Rhoads,.. Charles Sailob. REVERE HOUSE, (IaTBBaOLE HOTEL,) Third Street, above Eace, N PHILADELPHIA. BHQAPS&SAILOR, Proprietors. TERMS, $1.25 PER DAT. Marcli.;7.lBol-ly J. G. AI3LUM, NOTARY PUBLIC. ALTOONA. BLAIR CO., PA. Can at All timoa bo fouud at the store of J. B. IlHeman. October 1.1857. SALE.—A HOUSE AND J OT, JL dfcaintbly located m tbe Borough of Altoona. Ani Iv JOUN SUOSMAJUIII. KESSLER’S. Altoona, Fob. 9.18b0-tf. ALL THE STANDARD PATENT tUDICINBS AT l-tf. KESSLER'S. a:-d ALSO, Store LABOR-SAVING MoMIXX k DEUX. -d?/oona, B’air County, I’d. KM ILK TIKTZK. TIP'S. McACLKY DANLKL PRICK. STORES, STEPHEN WINTERS. AUCTION GOODS \VBUV CUKAP AT McCormick's Store, in East Altoona ! JDST OPENED A VERY LARGE and complete assortment of Spring and Sommer Goods, consisting of British, French and American Dry Quods, selected with great care to suit tills region of Cottn* try. In the Hue of Ladies Dress Goods for quality sod price, they will surpass. Mantillas, Dusters, Shawls, White Goods, Em • broideries, {risk Linens, Linen Handker- chiefs, Boopskijrts, Clothes, Cos simeres, Kentucky Jeans. P tints, Oinghams, Muslim; Flan nels, Etc., Etc. Brats A Shoes in all their varinns make and material for Men A Boys* as veil as Ladies, Misses and Children. Ready Made Clothing', a full assortment to suit the season, with Ruts, Caps, Um brellas. Parasols. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting. Brooms, Buckets. Tubs. Tin Ware. Qneenswaro, Hard Ware. Stone Ware, Market Baskets. Ziuk .Rubbers. Brushes, Clothes Lines, with all articles necessary to make up a full as sortment: to meet the wants of the people. ALSO, a complete FAMILY GROCERY, which will have our special attention, first in buying and the beet, and freshest articles as well as keeping it up at all times. Coffees of the very best and richest varieties. * TE^S, Black and Green of the best quality and flavor, 'Sugars good and cheap; common Brown at 6, good at 8 cents, common white 10 cents. Syrups and Baking Molasses, from the best Loverings at to the lowest grade at 40 ceuts. Cornstarch, Dryed Peaches. Dryed Apples, Forreno, Bacon. Dryed Beef, Mackarel, Herring, Lake Fish k Dry Fish, Window Glass, different sizes, Ac., all of which will be sold very low for cash, or exchanged for Produce. Always on hand. Speer & Halls celebrated Iron Plows. Persons visiting town would do well before making their selections t<> call and examine our stock, as we will be pleased to see them free oi charge. Very thankful for past favors, we respectfully solicit u continuance of pub lic patronage. Altoona. April ISth, ISCI-tf. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! T would respectfully «m forth mj puM attention, ;u* a Tailor, ua follows; ItecuiiHc 1 keep an exce lent asoorlnu-nt of Cloth; Cassimcreg, Testings nn Trimmings, which. whe: examincd.ahvays ple.^e. Because my work ■ made up in a maimer tin lakes down the counti and gives nil my customci appeui'uuci*. I am not iuferh as a Cutter to the best be found anywhere. Because long cxpericm in my business gives n entire control over it. an I am not dependant upc nny one tnlift me out ■ the suds. Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there* foio n»y taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me. in the corner room of the "Brant Ilotwc.” Give me u trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona. May 20-5 m JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON Oil. LAMPS! , £ nr^aUdin Fcuufy, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Ev..y person desiring to obtain the verv best and cheap est pv.. table light within their reach. should call at the store ... theTindersigm-d“and exajnim- these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, ami wo phdge ourselves to demon strate ?>V* That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. -'I. Hint they emit nti (•Hejisivt* u.’or while burning, 3J. That they are‘*eryr-jisily trimrn-ai. ith. 1 hat they are easily regulate-l to give more or less light. sth. That they free from *mok* L'tu. Ihat the light is at leajit 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. ------- • > r iu >. tt^v. These lamps arc admirably adapted lor the use of Stn «Unt*, M<*chiinic!*, Sosmi-tt.-s-ws. FacU.ri.-s. Hall*, Churches, fctoJffi. lIuU-ls, and arc highly recumimndcd for family u*e. Tin.* burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can bo attached to old side. luiDginsr and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, pud will answer every pnrpo 3 * of a new lanp, We guarantee perfect satisfaction iu all cases. An*. 19, 6. W. KESSLER. GROCERY, I’ROTISrOY, a d WHOLESALE LIQJTOB, STORE. r PHK UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- J| FORM the pnMb’ that ho lias purchased the interest of A. MILLIRON in the Grocery aiijl Provision Store here toloi e kept by them t»n Virginia street, below Caroline St when* he will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on band u supply of ' FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DP.IED BEEF. FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFER TEA, SUGAR, SPICES. CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery'and Provision k totes, till of which he receives fresh from the custom sind w extern oil icn, uiid will sell at the most reasonable prices#; Hii\iug recently obtained lireime to scdl liquor by whole sale. 1 will keep constantly on baud a. large assortment of liquor* of tho best qualities to be had.‘ : i respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12, 1860.-Cm. j. BEUKDWITZ. SOMETHING NEW. Th e subscriber has just returned from tho cast where he has purchased a very largo and fine stock of BOOTS S c SHOES, Brogans, (Waiters, &c., which he is prepared to offer to thocltfr-na of Altoona and vicinity at v?ry low prices, Huvins purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, he ia prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he a-ks i* that the people will cull and examine his stock before nurchfwiue elsewhere. - * © £?-•» ROOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Hon t forget the place, two doors below p.-st Office lBOl. M. THOMPSON, Agent, Lands i lands i i lands in Tilt undersigned is prepared to locate LAND IVAR RA.NTS in tlia Omaha ami Nebraska City Land Offices. Good selections can now bo made near tilt large streams and settlements.' The Lands of tills Tci ritory, now in Market, are of tho best quality. <S9„ Selections carefully made. Loiters if Inquiry re quested. ALL'X. F. McKINNEY, July U, 1859,-tf ° REiPOUi ’ C “ S COUn,y ' N ' Ttr - references: Her. A. B: Clark, Altoona, Pa. TV m. M. Llotd & Co.. Bankers, Altoona, Pa. McCrcm £ Hern. Editors. ** Tiros. A, Scott, Supt. P. K. R„ « H, McMubtrie. Esq., .Huntingdon. Pa. S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLAIR CO., PA., WII.L PRACTICE IN THE SEVE counties KAL Cu ' lrtS ° f Blair ’ Cambria and Hunting Jon Having had several yeiirs’ experience in the practice of the Law, ho expects to merit public patronage. STREET, 3 doors above fho Post Office-, W. M. LLOYD & GO., ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., ItOLLTDAYSBURG, PA , IBACTm {Late "Bell, Johnston, Jack £ Co.”) Drafts on the principal CUio«, and Silver and Gobi for sale. Collections '} o ™y* received on deposite, payable on demand, Krb Sd! ISS9 ° r np ° n tin ‘ e ’ wUh i“‘erest at lair rates. Gw. KESSLER PRACTICAL • DRDOoJST, respectfully announces if to the citizens of Altoona and the public erally, tlmt he still continues the Drop on \ irginta street, where he keeps constantly F and Retail, DRUGS, HM MbWCINtS CIIKMiGALS. OILS, VARNISH- ML,I3L LS and DYE-STUFFS. ■ » iy , strict nttf ' , ' iun to business, and a desire torender sat itnu tion to nil as regards - price and qjialitY, he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians apd merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance prompt) jr attended to. iMiysicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-t£ O YES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw nji-h and hear. JOSKPII p. TROUT innoun- COS CO the p-1-.ic, that he is ready to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon? f JS,. 2-50, /^.ROCERIES. —A LARGE AND cVed StSH?" Wt A'E IK STOCK. OP FALL A2nD WINTER GOODS AT HI LEMAN’S. rrflE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS, HIS 1 enstotnsrs, and tin pnblic generally, that be bos Inst rocehred * lotr. and boantifnl aseortman t of FALT. AND WINTER GOODS, vhleb, tbr magnificence extent and itofcty. bate noter before been excelled in Blair county, particular attention is invited to Our stock of LADIES’ DRESS (JOODS, Such as JMadi cndPmcjr Silks, ChaUiek Bsrepft, BriUianU, Latent, PHain&s, Ckiatzs, Dtßeacfi i Vixip'i, Prints, Crape and SUV a Shawls, MtnUmis,: l r fideysl»msan4 JJbtUrjy'Bonntls and ttihhen*, C-Wuss, Hand- Ki4 Glovtt- ffaojxti SHris, Skirt- s injy t Mitts, tfx. FOR; GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Wo hare Cloths, Vestings* [Tweeds, Jeans, Ac. Hoads of families would do well u> call and examine our stock of Winter Goods for Boys, Boots, Styma, Hardware, Glassware,, Queensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Carpets, Ac., in any quantity and at prices limt cannot tail to please;' GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries is more extebsive than over, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and JP- O Sugars; Green, Y. 11. and Black Teas; Molasses,Soaps, Cat'dles, Salt, Fish, Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage ocretoforc received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness. and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. .. *** Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Oct. 25,1&00. f •'l K \T ING-BTOVE3. of smoke axp gas astd savjkq OF FUEL. ' The subscriber takes pleasure in.offering to the public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING < Cooking StoVc, recently patented, which is destined to su percetle all others. as it requires' ! ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL 1 than other Stoves and is more easily, quickly and reguhit ; ly heated. No unpleasant smell of gas arises from tins stove from the fact timt it is all consumed cro it cau es cape. There is no from smoko as that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of . the stove Neither is there any danger of din s orchim ■ iu*y» becoming clogged with soot oriqe mortar loosened by ; the pis arising from coal Urea. I Persons wiwhing to purchase stoves are invited to call at ! the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex ! amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, ; . Stic Ai/cnt for Blair dainty, i N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking anil Egg j Stoves ou hand* [Aug. 12, l&tf. FIRST ARRIVAL OF sPßinsra goods AT THE “ MODEL.” \\r E HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN f T unusually line Stick of Goods suitable for tin* Season. No Auction trn-di. but regular guwd Goodsat wry low mice?*. We deem it unnecessary to parade the pnec-s of a few articles in an udv. but only sty that we cun and will selkgH*d« at as Cur price* as any ether house iu the place. Wo haw, as usual, a groat variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. In this department we think we can say we have the best assortment to be fd”ud in tin* placed consisting in "part of Black and Fahey Silk.*, Poplins, Lustres, Mordlas. firn*h< Ai\ibes<{iu.i, VulticiUis, f'uhi- Irian.*, Chalir*, Delaine,*, Drl<f<}rs, Lnvrllrr.. Bril- UanU, Oiuyhaou, Prints and ‘a fall Uut of Domestic Dry Gooils. : Also, Stella and lh*rop* Anglais Shawls, Dusters. Hosiery. Gloves Collar# and Gulf*. Magic Ruffling ami a full stock of all kinds of notions an J Fancy Goods. Umbrellas largo ard small, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Win dow Shades. Wall Paper ami Border, Wood and Willow' Ware, Hardware* Queenswarv, Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., &c. Wc have al.saou hand, a very largo and superior stock of family grooekies at Greatly Reduced Prices. Sugard ami Synips by the barrel at a small advance. ttdp W e take this occasion to return Our sincere thanks t<» tin* people wf Alroor.rfaml vicinity fur the share of their patronage heretofore received, and invite them to drop in and st*e our new stuck which wo feel confident will please. Altoona, April 19. J. I J. LOWTHER. Stoves, Tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SPOUTING. &C. SR 10 G WOULD RESPECT • fully Inform the citizens of AltoonaSESs. and vicinity that he keens constantly on hand aMfesssrf large assortment of Ogling, Parin', OJllce ancfßfSSsfc .Shop Starts, of all styles and sized, to suit'the wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. He also keeps op hand a largo stock of Tin and Shea- Iron Ware, consisting of all articles for culinary purposes CPai Saddles. Stave Tip. , da. He tho r'ght of sale in Blair county, of It. V. JONES .* a , IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs only to hi- seen to ho apprecia an d should he possessed by every farmer, butcher of those requiring such a machine. ; «2, particular attention [ aid to putting up SPOUTING either m town or country. Spouting painted hnd put up 011 the most reasonable terms. fapril id lss»-ly MOHE GOOD NEWS! . " The undersigned baa just received from Hie East u large and varied assortment of , FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths;* and VESTING, material for FINE AND COAUSE, OVERCOATS, material for BOYS’ CLOTHING, GENT’S FCiSNISHING GOODS, such as Undershirts, Drawers, Sus penders, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs •' 4c .4c., all of which will be sold at th.e lowest prices Nov. l,lBC9*tf THOMAS EtWAY. Exchange hotel.-— the sub- SCRIBRR would respectfully^ln form the public that ho has recently;re- A fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre pared to accommodatehis, friends And patrons in a comfortable manner, and wl’l spare no rains in nmkiiig it nl>(rrccHldc bom* f'r all fiv.?,','Vi ' y ? Tll ’ llc w 'il always lid luxuriously supplied 0f . ,, ! e c °untry and cities. and his Bar i' 1 q, '. nr,of cl,oicB bral > d »-’ UU charges are as rensonnhle ns those of any other Hotel in the pl'iee/aml ho fi^th h t5 y Cnn D . ot bc ““PWliwlpf by those wlio ? a,etT cu3tom - Fxpectingto receive a share thr£n a,M, full * intending to deserve it, be throws open ills house to the public and invites a trial; , rHcelTcd n «“»* of So. 1 French Branily, for medicinal purposes. Atonlargo stock of excellent Wines, (br medicinal pur- ° f ““ to Altoona, May 27, 1859.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. Blair county insurance rS I*' 1 *' a Y >gent of the Blair X£~ : LJJ' X V V ? ¥in Itwnranc ® Company, is at all to i nau ™ *«wnrt lew op damage by fire, Build- F**™ture and Property, of every den -5v£ t, ? n * *? t a. wn or °° untr y’ at “ reasonable rates as any in the State Office with Bril. Johnston, Jack * inn. 27. ’59-tf * *' Agent. IYCOMTNG COUNTY MUTUAI INSURANCE AGENCY!—The undersigned M«dl tiramMfehl 1 !* M,,tual f ,ro I I""™ 1 ""™ MtHinst lots or damage by fi e AiifoiKjTS, Mercbandue, Fumdwrt and Bt-ooertw at *»*•. description. In to am or’country, at Ja^W.r. the Stot * - , indhe c ££,* Jan. 3. ’io-lfl JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent LOUR —THE BEST QUALITY OF Aldy to AIIIW FLODK fut Wholesale andllclail.— 'fSR H AIU>» AKE OF AU, DUStmip. AlUmi just ree«lT«d tail «br Mlaihjr BUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, Alto BLANK BOOK SAHQFACTORt No. 64 Market St, Merriiburg, 1 Tills establishment is chiefly devoted t. tha imaiiftetnra of Blank Book. Ibr Boom, Grant; Office*, Railroad Cumpanha, and private individuals. In all cases v<wy best of stock and workm&nehip >097 fa relied upon. Blank Books printed, paced and bound k any desired pattern. Sheriff’*, Attorneys sod Jq «*! Dockets of all sites, made and ruled to order. Tri-ennjl! and Yearly Assessments. Duplicate. Ac., for county sea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. Coemt Dockets made of the best linen paper. Librarians, and others, desiring to have their Booklet!) boundond at moderate prices, HhouliLftivs us a call. p&pen Of the largest sues. Harper** Woekly. Gfca*ctf Pictorial, Ballons. Scientific American, London flee, bound to order, aud in any style required. Harper's MaJh ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Black wood's and Magazines, Oodey’s Lady's Book, Lady's Repository. peu sou’s Magazine, Piano Musk. Ac„ bound in extra »tyi«* the more plain aud substantial half binding. Select lw Ehlets. Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound in good Li. rory style, at Very moderate prices. Persons h:irini»i number of Volumes to bind,'will receive a liberal discount Binding can safely bo sent to us from a distance by £» press, and all work entrusted tooorcarewiilb* dily executed, safely packed and returned by All work warranted. Address i*« L. UUTTEH. Etrrufyufy AD£RN,at the Trtinttu Office, arson agents foi Altoona, aud, vicinity. They will give tion in relation to binding, and receive ami return Itocks free from extra charges, for all who ent.ust their work u my care. [March 21,18dLiy J. B. niLKMAX. Pays tho ortMre cost for Tuition in the- mo*»t pnpnlsrv*! Commercial School in the Country. upward cf twelve hundred young men from t\v on ty-eig ht' f} j ffr r« u t States, have boon educated for Unsino.-a ‘here within thj pa*t three years, some of whom have -been tmpLvcd u Book Keeper* at salaries of $3000,00 per Annum, Immediately uj»pn graduating, Who knew nothing of sc count* when they entered tho Cdlego. '•! InMer's sons half price. Student* »r-fcr nt irr time, ond'ri-viow when they pleaso. without . xtro olixrjt Fur Catalogue of Si pages, Specimens of i'Df. yi Dullness and Or: amenta! Penmanship, and a l irj.c u;‘n- of the College, inclose twenty-five cents In Stamps to (tie Principals. JKNKI.NS i SMITH, Pittsburgh Pa Altoona. Jan. 21, '6l-ly*. The undersigned annoux ce« to tho citizens ofAlt«>onft and vicinity that ht has jU't received a large invoiceo of Fruit, Confectionaries, Nuts, Spices ani notions for eliildrcn expressly for tlio Ilnlidar. Ho will also keep always on hum! a good stock of "plain and fancy cakes, of Uis own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C„ always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butler, EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, * n s *°r°.**lc in Inrcc nr small 4uantJttPs. Call, ex imm'e i\nd prico my Block and you will flai it n« good and cheap us &nyiu town Dee. 20, '6O-ly.J Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. The subscriber continues to keep constantly on hand all thcbcst literary pipcraao-i periodicals, daily paper? from Philadelphia, Nets- York and Pittsburgh. together with a good assortment of U»k?. All ban 1 ascii in this place and vicinity uUajs or Also, a choice lot of Confectionaries, and knick knucki* of all kinds for children. Also the best Tot-wreu 4 to be had in town, together with a fine assortment ..f Gold and ulyer Pencils. Gold Kings and other article 0f.1 f, «r.;1-ry. ry. Call and examine. j| Fj-TTINGH’ AUoonn. July 20, ’OO-ly. .Vo! 1 Mima llmt. rPHE GREAT QUESTION WHICH ,JL now agitator the mind of every person w, where cun I get the best article for mvWflk money? In regard to other matters, the sub scnber would not attempt to direct, but if you want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES he invites an examination of Uia stock and work. 3e keeps constantly on hand an assortment of Boots, Sfco.i. Qalters. Siipjwrs, Ac— which ho oflVrs at fair prices. lie will give special attention to custom work, all oJ wnich will be warranted to gin*satisfaction. KonebuttU beat workmen arc employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler's Drug Store September 3, ’57-tf] Bakery and Grocery Store. The subscriber keeps cox- STANTLY on hand Fresh-Baked Bread. Cakes, it. FEED, BACON, FLOUR, GROCERIES, Also, a choice lot of BEOAHS and TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Nov. 10. National; police gazette- ThU Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is if Us Twelfth Year, and |s widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all Urn Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together wiU Information on Criminal Hatters, not to be found in other newspaper. , ' $2 per annum; $1 for six months, t« . f*s , *7 c « subscribers, (who should write their naff* Ma the town, county and Statu where they reside plainlyJ 11J} To O. W. MATSKLL & CO __ . _ Editor & Prop’r. of New York Itolice Gazette. 15 - tr l. . Turk City Boots and shoes.—the un deralgned h«a now on hand and will .a «il cheap at lilaatoro in tlie Mawmic Temple" lj| AVD g siioHs en ~ |, .l'' t * °*'' rtment of Boore AND SUOJSB, ready made, nr made to order Overslion, laidire* Bandnta.Onm Shoe*. Cork Solw, and everything in hia line of bnainen. of terms. Ail Jan. 2, ’56-tf.] western insurance n^iL^ N ? TRUST COMPANY.— Immrance on B»l« . JJrjJJfrtjP I'!* *** •® fc * c d on tho,moat rcsowM* U R.T nta iB A ' t « ,,a “ l>t> office to Ann. SI. March IT, IS.W. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent T EVrs preparation for kx ug. J* ATS '' MICK - Roaches. ants. J£.‘ i nneer in its “0 under any circumrtM "s ■'£ 5jJ e jJ»ho »«g Store of G. W. KESSLER Pine and lard oils, cam Burning Flow, CUrbon OU, *e_ At oun. R &C-Afj KJBSSLER’S- QN HAND AT MoCOHMICK’S Store $35,00 GROCERY AYD BAKERY! P.UCKtVHET FLOUR, CORN MEAL, iC., Thfdnia Street. below Annie Strwt CO 3} M S I * «.S 1 oa ; b» . c 8 « W gl I £< Pit «i gill SI a=|i C o ss s 3 ■ > W M =5- S’S P wfg-cs --j CO <J=c-|2 (HS “a~ 5 •q g I' ~ * HSI-jJI ■—* *. -3 OO* J 5 JACOB WISE. JOHN 11. ROBERTS. j. saoemakeb. Vi iv’il iv;K ■slrl ~y-*9 S&4 r-.f V.dr . • iIoCBUM &>1 VOL. 6. c. ■ 4.1 I i,-H«WiY«rk Be A,if V . £STAR Ami dcTotcd io Tht Omu* fu*w* {flMtioiCKnowlo tiM-to the mlul of thow i ziie and V irulen t Disorder endowed, lo anable the *U itnxtli tod brradln of > JtaqM* wd 4p* ttUloU tkttlftttd* Mb. -♦The Wlowlug m some at tfct lnftrttunr but (a «! - jfeaftomftfoa and £Sm£^ir ! awl all «»**• <»f HK «r whfeWt cauw or whntei cite Jay to ibo afflicted lyr t •‘Ottf rule U la charge r»' scriptKmtf; but will furnb UiciliclnM nl the m These remedies are pre; Air ti» caw of able Ctu’i fcapVO to sconce, iitclmUi ' To all addressing m by symptoms and apprarana yritea candid r.t lor cure, Any fees sent it if* medieiarfoMi W fcuf b fit lor ono or mow of out Also published at tint li the pamii Containing simple remedl l>Ueu3cs in nil its form; eauscs, symptoms, diet, h‘ tub ladies* . AND TUB HI Veil A WoHt Oil tho CHU-H!. M complaints pvwuliar to t abortion and iU results ( prevention of conception, them on subjects of a pr»t The Gentlemen’s AND PHI A book for the old ami prevention and Cure of s»i usd Organ*, ami a warnm; a* tv be found in uu other THE GLID ro» It cxpoitca all the'Humi outtce the skk uml weH. Quacks ntu! Hogues to dti; wary through Uk, ami di It shows how all kinds > tVooita an? adulterated. \\i frauds. Price 25 con L*. TUB HOUSK PLANTAT For every family, bavin Preserving, Dyeing, CleAn is the best to raise. How keepers, farmers and non; est. Price 25 cento. Wu . TifK CONSI For tboea ’who wiab to a full description of all t careful statement of tbe r tion. Price 10 cents. " The Infomation to th« : published, oor.obtaiuabb books are published uu h. bouiuT. ' Any Of the above Work; price, in Mumps, »r mun*> botiud volniue for ok* tj i odt them. They are iltu aad captain the cumteiv .'Aacrw tTmu> for ti a nfontli. Rood for ach To the young ot both ■ prostration of mind; hn.- of sight; Vukefolncrta; I free, Ac., Ac. Send Ut- r incurable damage to hofl To Females, who wuut for Irregularities, Obstn: PKEY We arc convinced Umt low, consumptive and db merous of&pnnfe only b such we would say write, a sure, well-tested, and i»« We will mall free, to ai THE JOURNAL It is a large and beaut i valuable Information on i ness. Tha cause, effects frefs of the disease. On dl other diseases of tuition of the origin of Sy and curb. On Consnmptlon, that I pa the Liver, Itairt, St (hiTamale Complaint*. On the various Schools On the mgdes of TnAti On. the False Trvatmeu On the. various Milieu I Oirtlie PhyKadogy <>r >J On the Common sense < On Diet, Fxercl-Kv, a in. Howtfre Fhysieiftti aho How to p reveut Pr«gw< And many other thing’ This Journal should bo J. Kedmi, M. 1)., A . S Surgeon.': Or. J. Bovle. ( Offics In New York, 15 Office In CorroappudcnU will pi for return postage, andu (Box 141.) Sov. 15, ISOO.-ly THE ROOT FROM*? TITHO HAS I ff STAXTpractict Rduse, Hr, John Wood 1 * Sfft o/July, and tA« TIA « 3 months* Notioa will I commences his Winter’s He treats all disease* t females who may be snf , their sox, to call and exa as thousands have been » abandoned by others. 1 sfcrnments for sounding t lorn able to determine ti gans—consequently cuu safety tha U and «p<t xnaf 6r ererj maladj, t i and BcTW-taning tinned I in iutatSSßism and Iv $lOO. IJcanUnatkm fre S.fe^qgwHandbiH. : .)COSV; & IGE or: 3*KB BUBSC L FORM Ae citizen npeS»Hrt;si «upelW4»ftffiAaTery variety. nIL ii ijfSmnSStoji ?%&£*'*****