I authorixed t° attend to the j ia. a*™ TWhwne. bittum CASK*RIim W H (E>nßttlU. *>nrarding of ihe'wt.clM.TcMhrlßß pay there- | NATIONAL HYMN. fcTOWtfUPS CAjjtyaiaE twlliin flee- ■ C 7 . for, -applying? the money to proper uses.— (Tones’. A**n.l gfe I i£S£rtf/rtr:B£- .1 "---■■ ”S*>iSi‘SriT"t“'f “™a‘“.r“ dT" 8 * ■ StVSJSSSa, «au»mrs CAtaUtJUNE cam. Vim** n— H **.«>*•£ - '"fWil ii lid 6oop h. { 8“p l »<«flly, *? forwarding the articles the m thu dark foreboding hoar pIHJPBiUrg H —r ;oooP. M. ladles tiny prepare, receiving the price thereof Onto thee tor help *e floe. eew . B **** ThroWi ‘ 720 “ Slate fend approppiatingthe money •»■ Lol onrKation-.ekyle darkened. abas Fever* t Through •}••••• 4 40 A.M. and go to work, IfcOmmjctonmthtahast hearkened— Sr tuwro Through ♦ - : 7 10 - : _ . • Father deign to-hetr our cries! *dk*, If you delight tn * white teeth, use theGAv * ...ill 00 A.M. •» . &IXE,mjrf your desires will bo rr*H*od. , I Eowdibs “Put Theocoh.’' On Saturday eve- lu this land of light and gleduwu, r word Unit It ia entirely free from Midi end All p~i— fyinct J .. M. till ning last a fewfast young men in this place When thj church hu eonght her rest, r isnheUucw, end can be given lo an InamtwHhperfc*, ; .»»•» 0u “’“ 7 ’ JOHN SHORMAKEIt, P. M ; ventilated their lungs in the neighborhood of the Shall rebellion in lie madoees jit. It wlUpfcwirvolhe teeth ■ - Methodist Chukch, seriously annoying a meet- - Sever tk. which thouh«t West; to nicer.. It to equally «fih»cieu. barnto, ■ RAILROAD SCHEDULE. 1, i ingbeihE held therein os well as insultini citi- Aa a nation re hare wandered pain. In all the thousand, remedies that have tMeaßaV ■ ~v and AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10,1801. j mg neing nem jnerom, os well as insulting cm _ . tb fcr the enre of the various disaease above! aone ean Train East arrive. 4,40A.M., leaves 4.45 A. M-| SCUfi along thestfeet. Information Was inade Yet when on our comae we’ve oondered Mas?*-. * - *i*’»iaate»SfS :: ar : SS** ■•* »*a!w**«**“*«-*<**-*-4‘ Proprietors, 93 Maiden Laos. N v * : "‘ l • West “ 7,65 P.M., “ 8,10 P. M. ;on Tuesday laM Constable Ely brought thoni up ! _ , naif in Altoona, liv G.W. KE3SIf£R. . „ «■-.» “ IIeOOArM. “ 11,20 A. M. I u^r _ « | wo yes woTeeiife-> aiioodo,.. u.jy .■ H M f; i « B,SO P. M., «-WOP. M. | jMcClellan, -who read bpy ß a . SinnM against thy light ond.loTe: Kven those who are in the enjoyment of perfect H ih, lIOLI.IOAYSBDRQ rnh frequently have \neod to have recourse to toaic JohneWn i-five dollnra each,'in the way of fines and Costs. Shining from thy court, above. reT *l n^ voa disease. We are never too yell armored ■ A ‘“Ldatton Tmlns.E»t toi West p P re« et ot J erB Q citizenB have If oppr.eelon i. the Achan” ' shut the osssnU* of * v the ills tbstflsah is heir to,”— • fl.’t Lin* RtJ Mall train £ut and W eat. • , !Jv ... , / J , eh an iovigoniUir they um.vfind in UOSTEWRE’S BIT- ■ ~ ' bVn« With the spirit of rowdyism, manifested That doth tronble now the peace, IRS-r. medicine 'thatcannot be taken regularly without '. —. a i ITC AA C some boys and men in this place, until i‘for- °? a amB a ° ] nc ° 80 and elasticity to'the eyetem. At thie aea- LOCAL ITEMS. . bearanoe has chased to be a virtue,” and. they U B,cep re P° wer cease. ilpKUi»larly,theatfirogwt iaai..la not proof ,a(gsut H TO OUR PATRONS. j now intend to flee what virtue there is ih the ! Let the eneign of our natlon e malaria, in certain acctiauaof the country, in all 1 u wua law ' Like yon bow of promise true — ■ce of fever and hguo, tbs Bimas le mote potent, than .. , . it is a ton«» time SlOCfi WC j J { Still call forth the hoart’a oblation lamut of i]nhiihe, while the moet dangerona caaea of I'v'h'- 1 pa o p tv... i r . , ~ ~ As lie fadelese etora we view. p™s fever yield to he wonderful properties. Tho«, Who H Ijavo addressed you on tile money subject, ; Fasi-Dav One week from to-day is the M- ( > , he tried the medicine willnever use another/for any of , f. i anrP that the files of OUT paper . tlona Fast-Day; Wc have not learned of. any ; ' ' f k gor ona ner. ► ailments which the Hostetler Bitters professes to tab- . . arrangement having been entered into by our i ** “ ec ’ e. To those who,have nht n»de the experinmnt. w. ■ will bear US OUt hi the assertion that We f<)r • but | clijdlyreccmuionilan early application to the BUter* ■ tave dunned less in the last three years, : preguwe {<) R wcek a „ d | —- ymSI-' *»-SoW by and*d«le« H than any other publishers in the country, i announce their-agreement from their pulpits | Eallo ! Tum Wat.—Josh. Williams has now Sec advertwemoutia another column. ■j* we J iaV c but once asketl. through jon Sunday nest! Wc hope to see the day sa- j ou “ and » at alB ® a *oo n » door to the Bank, paper. It is sehlom we take any notice of patent mod- ■ dunned,” couseiiuoutly we du not like to ' r . ghtj give thc victory in tllis coutCß t; j »««o»»odated on the shortest notice and in the es, but we cannot refrain from epeeklngof this Cordial, >.■ . juun otbers. Hut We UOW want money : therefore we should do al! iu our power to sc-! most Peasant; style. Josh always keeps up do justice to the lifiQictirtl as ii 011,33 ourselves. . , • p ~f • ' I with tliH times in the wnv of fresh ovsters yvatciied the progress of this Cordial since itsflretin- H tor a particular purpose, and if our pat- cure tlic favor of: Him, without whom we cannot ; Wllu the * “ , ,° y , ' Uictlob'fo the pnMic. and we are patisfle* that there is - who UfC ia debt for subscription, ad- expect success. Let Ml oar merchants and bust- i BU l ,cr lce c^ a » rUI a ® nu 8> con ec .in S h. ise ft.r cUauiu;; th« sj-Bteui and th« H " , ‘ 1 “ . i- t w :n mv lin we ness men close their stores and shops, and ob- < tl<mftne3 » aud aU kmdß of drinks - Call and fd, that can be compared with Pmt Wood's C«dUL- ■ a,U ‘ if WOtk > W “ . scryc tUe Uay ttS ? U w;ls Wollt t 0 Served iu ! of , oiu*auflVrins from general debility, after using one ul ’ ; j hu’. c cDOUCU lO ftCCOlupli.Sil t»Ut pltr- Li.- v.ill eec Ha.beueiichi! eff«ls. We have a long ec. H t l, a t purpose will ho Icneticinl anc,eut Mechanics’ Rifls Compasy.—A number of ouunre wiilt tin* proprietor, andknow him to be .killed | o.t, a.i r „ T , our citizens are now engaged in getting up a mill-' he reienev «f medicine: and anything competed- h, B tu our swoscnbers and patrons as well as c . .. .1. .-T AIOHT. Ir Jones, _ cowpauv tho ttboTe title. “Little t the puMa'crm'rely upon asheiug jiut what it ig ie~- .u Ni»\r vet* don’t wint one of caiL ’* Surgeon and phys ema to Jones Lye and V We would edvisca.i tick J or won .« g..: B IN ° W "f, ° n ° f °‘ ' liar Institution, at 218 West 10th stree;, iffor- i Biair” seems determpicd to furmflh her full quota rlv. I! I.pifasant to tio-t ;l ?t.'rand eihilaratingfo tho ..ur patrons to WlttiUUla Uie amouiU o* Illtrlr y A ~ 4 t h At., ) Y , will practice lit V. of “>«n for the three years campaign, as she iiu! V..- refrain fruej farther comment*,'u>ny ■ hi.. Indebtedness that all the rest (;,. on ' 3 > jj ote ] Iluntinwdon Co did for-the three months’ service. Our towns-. aa toaceffocte. H , an J w illßke U“ difference . p. l-( from -he idtii till the 2sth of September, , “ an * Isaac Hoo P er - is C.aptajn of tho above To Consumptives. , . ■ ids mite. If this Le the case tve mat. Dr. Junes’ skill is so well known iu this ■ coro PA»J- Wo hope he may succeed in cnlist w mi.-mi.cr, having Uee_ restored to heelthin . fcw ■, ;l . UCC eed. We want all that is vicinity that he.nced not add testimonials. Ho h« the proper number of men at au early day. •tvs Ui a u;ry eimpu- remedy, after havlug suffered tev* . , , aud bo in time to take part in tho groat route ; with a i,ov,cr(; idug’affection, imd that dreaddis- ' B aa. us. If our desires' are acceded to, nr ibcuil eye.-. .o move and appear Wtu- awaUe the rebe i„. ruutoiaittion—is nusiou-i to mate known to hUfijJJow .lit'' - \V 1 ’’hall effect OHV l»Ur‘so'o by ia ' cur es okl standing uiscaacs, nqu nil ’ re.su.eweaa.efcaie- , ■ ,iouii. , . '' “ ° 1 dUct-ecs of the eye and car, if curable, aea-Thekfollowing resolution was unani o nil Who ,the-Will w nd a copy of ,th. preserip. ■ ,l:t hist of October, at ulucll ItUlt . performs all kinds of difaeolt operations itt : mo(l9 i v oa „ cd bv the Alle-henv EvangclicM 1-usxUfree ofchargiv with the directiona for prepwlng ■ ... iMvifithm tn env ivi • mils „.. . . .. , , ' , , “ OU3I J passtu Dy tue Aiie h neny t-tangonc-t fiu- g»m»j. wUidi they will find a sure cu« for ‘ ' l ljl3 13 - t,ic last chance the people of Lutheran Synod, recently convened iu this' • t'MrTio.v. AsTiiMi, hs-cxcnnis. Ac. The only objkvt m lL;il will asLuUiih tUCUi. Wc Ui'tj ill cm*- this vicinity will have to consult I)i*. Jones on ' edvyrtieeri-vending the Preecript.ou is to behefltthe B i>«t. friends, and if you COUIC Up as YOU 1 »bw S‘4c of Sew York. ' Reso i vtdt That we hore by return our sincere :.»„a-l-rvaJ information which he to b, H ~, at the time amWed '' thanks to the Superintendent of the Pa. R. K . ..a„Ue, and In- hopes every sufferer will try ■ ihyUW ’ ft « W “'> 3t U ‘ C appoiUUld, Enoch Lewis, Esq., for his courtesy to the mem it will cost them nothing, and mey prove a blcsetdg. show YOU something never bclui e seen ill bera of this Synod avties wishing me prescription will pleaM sddrese. ■ B t h’ is Action of the COUDtry. Your biiU ‘ W. S. EMERY. Sec’y -real! made out, so there need be up do Xllv. KIrtVAKL A. WILSON, • Williamsburg}*, King County, New York C». 4. 'CO.—ly. ibv i>iroßMs.9-Xhcre fe, perhaps, no department wdiury .business in which there has been a more t-kml improvement than in the clothing of soldiers.— rnuny years since, officers and privates were clad in founts which werc'almoat skintight. They, wore leather ik-h which were worthy of the name, for they kbj>t tiiie fer in tribulation: while padded' breasts and it sleeves made volition a matter of great difficulty. ;btg the present war, such of our volunteers as pitK f choir uniforms at the brown Stone Clothing Hail of khitl £ Wilson.. Nos. 003 and 605 Chestnut street above lh* Philadelphia, obtain clothing that is perfectly easy, itAnilai and becoming. The firm named Jure gone sly into the business of making Military Clothing, tho.’r facilities enabl? them to fill the largest orders in shortest politic time. f.. A- our r: ;i.;-i- know, it is not often we notice a HI medicine of any kind, but there istometliiug so Lio th - Restorative Cordial of Prof. Wood, and it is so •vat withal, that we step aside from our usual prac to recommend this scientific tonic Cordial to OUTread - it w ill no doubt do all that is claimed for it. Tbs c And'world-wide reputation of the inventor U A tuflb I gUaanteo for that, but we have tried it, end know H fejthilerate and strengthen by toning up the weakened tie, and enabling them to perform all their function*' kr try it, and we fear not your verdict See adver but. ’ invite special attention to the advertisement o Wood* Restorative Cordial and filood Rtnorator, in i<>- column. For weakness and general debility, then iliing like it; it. will strengthen, exhilarate, create an (he at once, regulate the bilious system, aid dictation b short, restore the weakened organs to all their orif vigor and strength. &>: valnable a Tonic Cordial d lie in the hands of every invalid, and-in every fsm- Reader, try it. - ■ , ' • $35,00 cc*?t for Tuition in the noit popQUrftDd itapal CommenrUl School in the Country. Cpwmnl of * hundred young men from twenty-eight OS**ot f, hare been educated for busing** here |he hroc years, some of vjtofc haro been employe* *■ • . - taOOOjOO per Annum, , dlately npoh grailnatjng, who knew nothing ofac- the College. Ministers sons half price. Students enter at. SW end renew when they. please, without extra charge t.ataiogue of S 4 pages, Specimens of Rst o«rtoj> c*« and Oriiemcniul Peunianebtp, aogra if the. College, inclose' twenty-five cents to, Bbetago ft to the I'riucipato, JENKINS i SMITH, Pittsburgh,-Pa. ma, J aß - St, ’6l-ly. , ’ ' ■ ' • ROOT & HERB DOCTOR, FROM PHILADELPHIA, 7 rHO HAS UAD 30 YEARS iQQN* STANTpractice, can be consulted at the AIIOOBS i. Mr: John Wood's, v to,:—On the Ith of June, July.and the J th tfjhmut— he will then TatalMK ahs. Notice will be given in this paper whop JP: fnces liia Winter’s Term again. I reoW all diseases that.fiesh is heir to. He invitss atl m who may bo suffering with diseases peculiar to sex, th chtl .and examine hia new mode of treatment, naands bavo been restored to health who bavatwen ened by other*. He la in possession of pertoet In ents for founding the’ lungs and chest and is thsre l>.« to deterinlne,the. exact condition of the vital or -sonseqnehtly earn treat such ComplalnUSHth gSafor and certflnty thaait to posdblefor those wAaCP** disease and experiment for Its core. HeMßseM to found In ottfwJjl.JfW eahsaa receive treatment tor M pe • month. SOO*?* is of Cancer* and Tumors: they vary (issidDw fE^nlm t ton&a«- - -—See Handbills. %■ CALDBEWOOD offew Bs* f««Wl B«rrfcw -«f the clU*en» of SXUimJff} *» yttymia Strut, Marty -, . B-*FK»*NC*»i ■ r M - ®-« HunthlgOod. :■>.•■; v » J»o Hcqeiwcß, M. D,“ . i. r' ; ' . ' .-9 i. • 111, UnirUimiS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA I «i:VitTLRM ASTER-OEN EKAL;j OFFICE. ) - Harribbuho, September 10. IS'll. IVun-ylvania needs Blankets and Stockings i.u her 50.000 brave Soldiers in arras, to sqp purt the Government. bury Factory capable of making Blankets, even to a single loom, should at once be put in ep-.-rution. Liberal contracts will be given to all such. ' ■ ■: Blankets should he wool, grey.' 7 feet long, by ■ feet C inches wide, and weigh full 5 pounds, Hiom School.—We aro pleased to learn that " ith tiip letters P. V,, in black, 4 inches long. Prof. Miller, of ilolfidaysburg, has been engaged m the cento of' each Blanket. . : to open a high school in this place, and that Meetings will be needed the coming winter— . , , half-hose or socks, good sues, one-fourth pound tho Baard of Scll ° ol Directors bavc *°“* entcd l.klj. Let every mother wife and bister kuh fix up the ojd Grcenbburg school-house, by une or more pairs. N putting iu desks, &c., for the sohool-rooni. In Ui uwodauona. be formed in ca'ch county, another column- will bo found au advertisement wuh a Treasurer at the County seat, Tvithwhom r ~ 4 <he .Stockings can be deposited and forwarded to siting forth the terms of tuition, which are 'be Military Store at Harrisburg. -The United certainly very reasonable considering the’.rcpu- Miitcs contract price, twenty-five cents per pair talion and capability of the Principal. Many aa! be paid to each County Treasurer, and thus 1 0 f OUP c iti Z B U B have long desired an institution fund can bo raised to suppiy the wants of ; . , ~ Volunteer families, to which every patriotic °f tUls kmd 111 t!lls plape, and we hope they r oman in the State ciu contribute her share. ; will now come forward and give it that epeour- K, C. HALF.. ngemeiit without which it cannot be sustained Quartermaster General, P. M. In connection with the above we may state ' that Col. Crossman, of the United-States Arse- ' Bal Store at Philadelphia, has issued an address the people of the country, in which he states t--.it blankets, suitable for the array, cannot be : ba-l in the United States, Canada or Kora Sao- ! tin. and he calls upon those having any of them - ir. band which they can possibly spare, to send them in immediately, as many soldiers in the army are now suffering for want of them. The luTenimcnt cannot procure them at any price, | • 1 ii now remains for our citizens to say iln.-tUr they will do with one less blanket this ■ n or alio tv our soldiers to He out without , ! • emeu-needed comfort. The health and effi >.ciicy of our soldiers depends upon tho man ,ncr iu which they are cared for, and wc cannot think that there is a loyal family in the loyal States in possession of a blanket that would answer for army purposes, who would refuse to donate it to the suffering soldiers. The letter from Oen. Hale opens up a field ;u which our ladies can exhibit their patriotism iu a substantial manner.: While they arc con tributing to the health and comfort of the de fenders of the glorious Stars and Stripes, they can also contribute toThe support of their fami lies, many of whom wilt need it during tlie coming winter. The societies recommended cannot be formed too, soon. Wc have confi deuce enough in the patriotism of the ladies of Altoona to believe that ere another week passes around they will have formed a large society in ibis place. Think 'of ‘ it, ladies. Have not many of you husbands, brothers or friends in the army? and ennyou allow them to suffer for want of conveniences which you can supply, while you fold your arms in idleness? There should be no idle hands now. Get yoiirselves together at once, and enter upon this work.— ■lust consider the number of pairs of stockings that could be sent to Hurrisbnrg in one week', dal every lady iu the State knit one pair and have it forwarded; and then imagine the re joicing of the soldiers, and the blessings they will heap upon you. It is not really accessary that all ladies who desire to manufacture stock mgs should become members of the society - ■wornmended. They can- knit them at home, ■‘od 6en< * them in to the treasurer of the society, object'in forming the society is merely to = .I-:.': Wu have a short note this week, from our arm; correspondent, W. I. Blain, from which L we learn that the Blair County Sharp- Shooters arc now on the Virginia side of the lotoraac, in the vicinity of fort Corcoran.— .They have received their uniforms and equip ments >uud arc.now prepared for forward move ments.: They are kept almost constantly m the alert,'being either under orders to move for watd, or preparing to receive the rebels, who come very close to them occasionally. He says the ball must open this week, and they fool cer tain of having a fight. The “Sharp-Shooters'’ will dtrlheir duty. “Of CovusEi”—Our-neighbor “over this hill’ 1 • don’t liko the; mention we made of a couple of j caifdidates in ; our lust issue. «Of course," ’ upthidg would satisfy him but a support bf the Democratic candidates now running as indo pfendcnts; and, ns we are not acquainted with any,of them, “of course” we said nothing for or against them. “Of course” wo go for those who have been our friends and whom we know areigCod racfl. Our neighbor should not “mea sure our corn in bit* half-bushel,” by saying that ire aref for those who will likely pay the best. ; i; : Sad Accident. — A most sad and melancholy accident occurred on Friday last, in Bedford county. A Mr. Robert' Hutchison, son of Jas. Hutchison, £sq., of Logan township, in this county, and a couple of others were shooting mark, when by some accident the gun of Mr. UutobisQjr, .prematurely discharged and shot him in the Side, '.the ball passing through bis heart and killing him instantly. His remains were brought ito his father’s, and on Sunday interred, followed to the grave by a very large concourse of friends and acquaintances, who deeply mourned their sudden, and sad bereave ment.— liegiiler. i Coming to the Point. —For the present wo arc still in suspense as regards the future move ments of the Army of the Potomac.’ General McClellan in cautious, and wisely keeps his plans to hipiself, so that when and where the decisive blow will be struck is all a matterof conjecture, j But Of one thing we are certain, and that is, i that fioush still keeps on hand all the various : articles usually kept in good Drug Stores, such ns Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumeries, Oils, Paints, Varhiahes, Notions, &c., which ho dis poses; of at fpw prices. Give him a call, 1 Vegetables. —Those of our citizens who have : not yet laid in their winter’s supply of toma | toes him procure a good article, either red or yellow, by calling upon Mr. Duel, at his resi dence, near d\dr. Banyan’s in Loudohsvilje. He baa also a -supply of cabbage, beets, carrots, parsnips and celery. The advantage in;bnying j from home yeigetarians is, that you get overy j thing fresh.' I His tomatoes are large sized and [ smooth, and hayo less acid than most of those raised in this section of the country. SHERIFF. To Mi' Fellow-Citizens l hereby announce myself as an Independent candidate for the office of Sheriff of Blair County, and If elected will endeavor to discharge the du ties of fi.ild office faithfully. FRANCIS McCOY. Hollidaysburg, August 15, ISGI-te* PROTHONOTARY. Eds. Tribune: —You will please announce the name of ENOS M. JONES. of Altoona, as an Independent candi date for the office of Prothonotary, ut the ensuing October election, irrespective of party. Mam Cituuks. Sept, 12, ISCI.-to CORONER I hereby announce myself aa an Independent Candidate for the office of Coroner of Blair County, and If elected will endeavor to discharge the duties of said office faithfully. WM. U. PEIICIV AL. Altoona, Sept. 12,1861.-to MARRIED. On the£olli of August, 1861, by Rev. C. L. EUrcnfeld, at tin* Lutheran Parsonage in Altoona, Mr. I!. W. FLKN NER to Miss M. J. MATTERN, both of Huntingdon Co., Ponn-’a. $ DIED. On the llih hist., after w lingering illness, JACOB B„ son uf Joseph P. and Sarah Trout, aged Id years and 4 months. In Frankatown township, oh tho Oth instant, Mrs. SA KAI! LEAMEH, aged 28 years, 4 mouths and 14 days. In this Borough, on tho 15th instant, Mrs.'QANNAU E. McMINN, wife of Thomas McMinn, lu the 32d year of her age. In the decease of Mrs. McMlnn, the community mourn tho loss of an esteemed friend, the church of an exemplary Christian, and the family of an affectionate wife and lov ing mother. The characteristic of her Christian life was humility : always avoiding undue publicity and show, but exhibiting to all the depth of her piety and tho fervency ol her zeal by a Godly walk and conversation, and aiaui i Testing her confidence in God by a quiet submission to tho | afflictive dispensation of his providences. Tho same hope | which cheered in life unstained her in hrr declining days. ' Luring her protracted and painful illness, uho exhibited I no ordinary amount of cbUU-like submission to tho will of ■ God —uttering uo word of Complaint, but ever ready tossy: ‘•Thy will bo done.” For a considerable titoe before her death she seemed fully aware that her departure was at hand. Sbo looked upon death without alarm, and patiently its approach. She took especial delight in the sacred Scriptures, par ticularly in tho devotional and promissory portions, and seemed to be in almost constant communication with God. Her mind remained unclouded till the Inst —her faith firm and unshaken, and died as sbo lived, trusting in the Lord. ATTEND HIGH SCHOOL!!! Prof. JOHN MILIEU, Principal. nnilE FIRST SESSION OF THIS J SCHOOL will c unmonco on TUESDAY, Oct; Ist. The established reputation of Prof. Miller as an accom plished scholar and successful Teachcris a sure guarantee to parents, guardians and others, that the school will be eo conducted as to give full satisfaction. TERMS FER*SESSJO& OF TWEXTF WEEKS. For English Grammar. Geography, Composition, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic $l2 60 “ Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin and Greek. 6 00 « Music.. 6 00 Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School Directors, O O -A. Ij _ NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY family to get In their supply of coal for the Winter, andihe iubscribhr would therefore inform the citisens'of Altoona and vicinity, that he Is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. He will sell It by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the buehel,deliv ered at the door of the purchaser. JEg* Yard on the North side of the Railroad-upper end of Altoona Yard. H. B. MYERS. July 25,1861.-tf. s2sl] EMPLOYMENT! [s7sl AGENTS WANTED I We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expen ses, to active Agents, Or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Address Erie Sewing Machine Company, B. JAMES, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. Jopt. 12-ly.] Blanks of all descriptions neatly and expediciously executed at this office. ; CAMPBELL’S Six Hundred and Fifty Dollar NEWSPAPER PRESS! Eon THE ABOVE SUM IN CASH 1 will (smith one of my seperior SEWSPAPKU SBES, that can he driven by band with eaas at the Ate of SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR, on any kind of a job from a colored poster down, and do it* work u well as any cylinder Press In the world. r Bed 31 X 46 inches, rolls a form with two rollers of 26 X 42 Inches, weighs only &800 Iba, and can be put op and aet running by any ordinary printer. 1 hare honed a specimen done on this press. In pam phlet term, containing a cat of it, and trill take great pleasure in sending a copy to those who bare not received It, on the receipt of a paper from them. • Any publisher inserting this advertisement, to the amount of $lO. and sending me a paper containing it, will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment on one of my presses, if ordered after one year from Sep tember 1.1861. If ordered within one year, $2O will be allowed for the bill. If ordered within six months $3O will be allowed. And if within three months, $4O will be allowed for the hilt. THESE ARE IVAE TIMES AND W.£R PRICES. You will find it for yoar interest to oomnraoioate di rectly with me, aa'l warrant the press to be ell I repre sent it, which your merchant can easily find out for you if you ate a total stranger in New York. For farther particulars please address A CAMPBELL, No. 16, Spruce street, N. Y. B*]>t. 19,1861. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. K. O. A. KERR : ! Has just returned from New York cilv with a beautiful assortment cf I SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR THE LADIES, | coasiotingia part of ; Tiil Df Etr. Japanese, J'u’iho Strips, Dc CJuvrcs, Irish idling, Vucals, j LaveUat. Folards. j Crape Lawns, Silks. t£c. ' INDIAN SILK SHAWLS, | a beautiful article, cheap and fashionable, j STELLA AND PRINTED SHAWLS. j A large assortment of the prettiest PRINTS ever brought i to the town, so acknowledged by competent judges. ! Ladies' Trimmings in endless variety. Ho calls special attention to hla beautiful assortment of QUEENSWARE, which te acknowledged to bo the most complete of anv in the town, and sold at prices defying competition. Iron Stone sets for $4.50 —Tea Sets for S3.OU. BOOTS AND SHOES, directly from New York, and bought from first hands, BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL, INGRAIN, LIST, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS from 1 to 2 yard* wide. His stuck of < GROCERIES is complete in every respect, and will ee sold at as low a figure as any house this side of the city. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES at lower prices than they can bo had elsewhere. Qoud i Carriages for $4.00 and $1.60, and Spring Carriages for i $6.00, just a a good as heretofore sMd for $B.OO. I ■ Wooden and Willow Ware [ in almost every variety, together with all the outfit of a first class store. [Slay 9, 1861-tf WHEELER & WILSON’S § SEWING | IMMMIMIS* I ** £ R. A. O. KERR, g | ALTOONA, PA., ST Agent for Blair County, g. SiNOSUM ** H3I33HM 1 THESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT to lie the beet ever offered to the public, and their superiority Is satisfactorily established by the Jact that in tho Ittsf. eight years, Over 14,000 More i of these Machines have been sold than of any other man* i ufacturc-d. and more medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. Tho Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for thorn. They aro udw In use In several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. | The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of tho Machines, to Col. 3t»hn L. Piper, Rev, A. B. Clark, George Ilawkceworth, RunJ. F. Rose, and £. U. Turner, Esqrs. Tho machines can be seen and examined at tho store of tho Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and now stylo ilemmcr —$65. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and now style Hummer—§ss. No. J, plain, with old stylo Hommer—s46. [March 21,1861-tf. THE HEROES OF PEACE, Tlio Heroes of War. E ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, • NEW YORK. Is now publishing, fn addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe and America as Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Gallery, in which is included'Portraits of nearly all the PROMI NENT MEN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Davis, Gen. BeunrcgarcL Floyd, and a host of other confederates. Price ol Portraits $3.00 per dozen. Can bo sent by mail.' Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form, Stereoscopic Views of&cor.es in Paris, London, and in othfer parts of Eugiand. and France; in Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Holland. Switzerland, Spain; on tho Rhino, v in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Uoljr Land, . China, India, Cuba, Ac., ad infinitum. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Greatest Wonder of ihc Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving of leaves, or the march of an. army, does not in the slightest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. Wo Urvo also on hand and manutacturo the largest as sortment of Stereoscopes, Photographic Albums, and Pho tographic Materials in the United btates, and perhaps in the world. ' - Catalogcis. containing lists of oar Portraits, Views, Stereoscopes, Ac., sent free by mall, on receipt.of a stamp. £. ANTHONY. 601 Broadway, . near St. Nicholas, New York. AugB-1y Tilohxay V. ......Chawjw SilWI. IfcB'V'BIRE HOXJSi!, (LATK EAQI.B UOTKL,) . Third Street, above Race, ■ PHILADELPHIA. Rpu»ADS ft. SAILOR, Proprietors. TERMS, $1.25 PER DAT. ' M«rch 7.1861-ly 1 > : WANTED. 1A A JOUNEYMEN ARE WANTED J \/y to make AnriVSboei for thoUnitedStates. Liberal w*g» give., Alteon*; Ta. 22, 1961 AND ALSO, NL Y VfOKTBt or - s VsiTtfial Confidence and Patronage ; ros Ladle* and Gentlemen,; In all part* of the world tertllj to the offlcacj of Prot 0. J. Wood’e Hair pwtoraUt*. and gentlemen of the Pres* are unanimous inits py<e» testimonials only can be here given; see circular for more, and it will beta possible fcr yonto doubt. • • . 47 Wall street, Sew York, PW.SpjISW. Oistiiiu :—Toot note of the 15th iMU Wto delved, saying that you bad heard that I had been bene fitted by the use of Wood’s Hair Restorative, dnd r4qtisst« ins my certificate of the tact if I had no objection to giwt I award it to you cheerfully, because I think it doe. My age is about 50 yean ; the color, of my hair auburn* and inclined to curl. Some fire or six ysarwslnce It begun to turn gray, and the scalp on the crown of my head, to loss its sensibility and dandruff to form upon It. Each of these dlsagreeabilities increased with time, and about 4 months since a fourth was added to them, by hair falling .off &e ton off my head and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to trt Wood’s Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the felling off gf my hair, for 1 had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored , to its original color except from dyes. 1 was, surprised to find after the use of two bottles only, that not only was the felling off arrested, but the colorWaa restored to the gray: hairs and sensibility to the scalps and dandruff ceased to form on my houd, very much to the gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation I was induced to try it. For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sox, I strongly recommend alt husbands who value the admi ration of their wives to profit by my examples and use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, \ BEN. A. LAVENDER. To 0 J Wood Jk Co., 444 Broadway, New York. My family are absent from the city, aud I am no longer at No. 11 Carroll Place. Siamaston, Ala., July 20th, 1559. ( To Pn\f, 0 J liWi;; Dear Sir—Yonr Hair Restorative ‘has done inyh&irso much good since 1 commenced the use of it, that 1 wish to make known to the PUBLIC of its effects on the hair, which, are great. A mao or woman may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to yoor ‘‘Hair Restorative/’ the hair will return more.beautiful than ever; at least this Is my experience.* Believe it all I Yours truly, WM. 11. KENEDY, P. B.—You can publish the above If you like. By pub* lishlug iu our Southern papers you will get more patron age south. 1 see several of your certificates in the Mobile Mercury, a strong Southern paper. W U Kznzdt. WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Prof. O J Wood: Dear Sir—Having had the misfortune to lose the best portion of 1 roy hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in Now Orleans iu 1851, 1 was induced to make a trial of your preparation, aud found It to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick aud glossy, and no words can express my obligations to yon in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. . FINLEY JOHNSON. The Restorative is put up in bottles of-thre© sires, viz: large, medium, and small; the small holds W a pint, and it tails for one dollar per bottle; the medium bolds at least twenty per cent, rnotoiu proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bo.ttlc; the largo bolds a quart, 40 per cunt, more in proportion, aud retails for $3. O. J. WOOD & COl, Proprieiors, 441 Broadway, New York, and 114 Maikci fitrect, St. Louis, Mo. For sale iu Altoona by A. ROUSH and G. W. KESSLER, Agents, and all good Druggists and Fancv Goods Dealers. July Ist, 1801-lyco\y Cheap ! Cheaper I! Cheapest!!! ttiJZZA FOR NORTH WARD.— 1 I The undersigned would respectfully Inform the citizens of Altoona uu4 the surrounding country that he has rented the store room formerly occupied by Jacob Burkhart, on Virginia street, near A. McCormick’s store, where he U about opening a Grocer}/, Flour, Feed and Provision,, Store He has just returned from the Cast where ho has been selecting Ills groceries with great caro and buying exclu sively for cosh, which enables him to sell os low, if not a little lower, than any house iu the place. He would therefore say to all who wish a good article of groceries, and at a low figure, to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ills stock consists of Hats and Cups. Hen and Hlmc/rs Shoes, Motions of aU kinds. L'ztra Family Flour , Superfine, Corn Afcal, Rye , and . Corn Chop . Extra Lorering Syrup Molasses, GO cents per gal. Golden “ “ 45 * 4 “ Pennsylvania *• ** 66 “ 44 “ Baking “ V 44 White Crush Sugar II “ 44 lb. White •» 10 44 44 “ Refined 44 10 •• 44 “ Best Brown 44 8 44 44 “ Cuba 44 7 44 44 *• Rio Coffee 15. to 1C 44 44 44 Best Imperial Teas 90 44 44 44 2nd quality * 4 . 75 45 44 44 Black 44 60 44 44 44 Rosin and Castile Sojtp, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Fil berts. English Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Mackerel, Herring, Lake Trout, Dairy Salt, Cheese, and everything that is necessarily kept iu a good family grocery. April 4, ’Bl-tf.j ... J. A. SPRANKLE. Whats the News? WHY THIS, THE SUBSCRIBER. has Just received and opened a largo and beauti ful stock of SEASONABLE GOODS among which may be found tho following IFOIR, THE LADIES = -Fancy and Plain, magnificent and brilliant styles of spring Silks, Black Silks. Norwich Poplins, ChallicDeT Laincs, colored and figured Brilliants, French and English j Chintzes, English And American Calicoes, Ac. WHITE GOODS . We have in this department, Linens, Laces, Edgings, Cambrics, Brilliants, NaiuBook% Jaconetts, Lawns, Moll Muhllus, Ladles Fine French Collars, Endertskeves, ic^all of which we respectfully ask a ‘thorough examination in order to satisfy Ladies that wo have these goods better and lower lu price than the lowest. Mourning Goods. This line of goods is very ample In every department. Hosiery and Gloves. ■ Silk, Woolen Cotton and Linen lloso for ladies and gentle men, and an endless variety for children. Ladies and gen tlemen’s Kid, Kid Finishes, Silk and LUle Thread Gloves. Call and see our for famed “ Buck Gloves.’ 1 DOMESTICS. Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, and every articlein the Do mestic line of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and In more complete assortment than can be found In any house in tho Interior of Pennsylvania. Wo have also a fine assortment of GARGETS! AND OIL CLOTHS, together with a full stock of Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, and alhthe ct cetera* of a country store. MayO, *861; J. B. HILEMAN. LADIES 1 WINE. SPEGB’S SAHBVCI HUE, OF CULTIVATED PORTUGAL ELDER. ■ EXCELLENT WINE - FOR FEMALES. EVERT PAMILI- SHOULD USE SPEEE’S SAMIUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for its medicinal and beneficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant. Tonic, Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, and some of the first families In Europe and America. SPEER’S SAMBVGI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, bat is pure, from ccltlvated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists and Physicians as possessing medical properties superior to any other wines In use, and aa excellent .article for all weak and debilitated pcrsons.and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefltting ladies and children. A LADIES’ WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other .wines, aa ft contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is admired fbr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties,'imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over tho cork of each bottle. " ' JUKE OKE TRUE OF THIS WISE. A. SPEER, Proprietor, Office 208 Broadway, New York. ■ ASP*For sale by A. ROUSH, Altoona; GEO. W. PATTER SON and GEO. A. JACOBS, Qollidaysburg; and by W. NOWLIN A CO., Tyrone. GLEN-ECHO MILLS; GERMANTOWN, PA. McGALLUM & CO., MANUFACTURERS, IMPOBTEBS & WHOLESALE BEALEES ijf Carpeting; Druggets, Oil Cloths, MATTINGS, &0. WAREHOUSE,!*. «9 CHESTNUT STREET, (opposite the State Hon»e.}PHll.Al>KliPinA. [nmraye&y. Fruit & ornamental trees, SHRUBS, ROSES, BUDS, 40, from Bwtaum’s celebrated ROCHESTER > DRSBBiKB. -< . Th« nhderaigned hits been appointed u-BMP Agent for the nde ef the arti- I eles t Peraona.wtthine any of them wtH-do well to call sad examine / ’ fia-AllortmXwalbeprottptfyilfcmdsdto. . i : V, J. Or APtUS, J«»f-“ 1 Altoona, Aug. 37, "They go right t» tte 8pot” ISBUJIT tttlPt stop Ton oom Ci. »RZ*TBf ! .SXRKSQXBKH TOCS TSOBl£i. SPALDING'S Throat Confections, good for ' • GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOB PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOB SINGERS. C > GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVE^ ;gentlemen carry SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS- CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. relieve a Cough Instantly; OrThey clear the Throat. ' % They giro strength and volume la the voice. 4fcj“Tlrey impart a delicious aroma to the breath. - are dellghtfol to the tssle. 49-They are made of simple herbs, and can harm no one. I advise every one who baa a Cough, or a llaaky Voice* or a Bod Breath, or any difficulty of the .Throat, to get a package of roy Throat (X>n&ctii>ds, they vHU relieve you Instantly, and yon will agree with me that “they go right to the spot.” You will find them very useful and pleasant while travelling or attending public meetings fur stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst, if you try one pack* ago 1 am safe in saying that yon will ever afterwards con* aider them indispensable. Yon will find them at ths Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My signature is on each package. All others are cons* fcerfeit. A package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of* .Thirty Cents. Address, HENRY C.SPALWNG, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. NemusHeadache By tho use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Nertou, or sick Headache maybe prevented; and if taken at the commencement of, an attack immediate relief Irotn pain ami sickness will be obtained. Tiny seldom fail iu removing the Aajtsca and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels,—i-cinoviug Cbrtireaoj. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they arc valuable as a Xara&Yc, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to tSo diges tive organs, and restoringlhe natural elasticity and strength of tho wholo system. The CEPHALIC PILLS aro the result of long invostiga* tlon \nd carefully conducts! experiments, having been in use many years, during which timo they bare prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in tho ncrtoui-system or from a deranged state of They are entirely vegetable in com posit loti, and may be token at alt times with' pefect safety without making any chang&of diret, and the absence qf any dit<u greeable taste renders it easy to administer fAm to c htidren. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS f Tho gonnlnc baVo fivu signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. Sold by Drugguts and ull other Dealers a Medicines. A Box will be tent by mail prepared on receipt of tbft PRICE 35 GENTS. All orders should be addressed to IILMW C. SPALDING, 4S Cedar Street Mew YorlCi Not. IS, ’flO.-ly.} 31iroxvii.Lt, Cuss, Fob. S, 1881. Mr. SriLDiso. I hare tried your Cephalic Pills, and 1 Ule Oufa to tecrf that I want you to send rae two dollars worth tuoro. Part bf these arc for the neighbors, to ahurfi 1 gave tt few out .of the first box Lgot from yon. Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige - Your obedient Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. , Mr. Spaldiso, Sib: I wish you to send me one more box of ysur Cephslili' Pills, 1 hacereetited a great deal of benefit from them. Tours, Mespectfnlly, 51A It Y ANN 6TOIKHOUSE. Spruce Cr.RBRi Uransonos Co., Pa., Jan. 15.T591, U. C. Spalsiso. Sn: Ton will please tend mo'two boxes of your Cephalic Pills/ fiend them immediately,\ Uespcctlhlly yours, „' ’ ' ‘ , JOHN B. SIMONS. P- B.—J have vted one box of your PiUt, and find (hem excellent. From the Examiner, XorfM, Va. \ Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which the* were made, viz.; Cure of headache in alf its forms. From the Examiner, Xor/oUc, To. IJiey hare been tested in more than a thousand cases with entire success. * •owe.. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, ihnn. If you are, or hare been troubled with the headache, sonfi tor a box; (Cephalic Pills.} so that you may hara them in case of an attack. ! From the Edtertietr, Froriicnce, R. t The Cephalic Pills arc Said' to be a rcmarhablv nffhrrfra remedy for the headache, and one of the very beat forUmi very frequent complaint which has erer bean discDrtifod. From the Western S. S. Gazette, Chicago, Itt- '- t Ccjiha ent * or 80 Mr - Spalding, and MS J From the Kanawha Tattey Star, Va. Wo are sure that persons suffering with thobfautsci. ' who try them, will stick to them. * From the Southern Fbih Finder, ,Vea. Orleane, la. Try them! you that are afflicted, and vte are ran that your toeftinonylcan ho added to the already tnhner4&ll«t that has received benefits that no other medicine can ore duce. ” *a.A tingle bottle ofSPAUDINOB PREPARED GLUE will save tea times its cost annually.-^* SPALDIKQ’fi PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED OttEl sin ihz men! ECONOMY! WSPATCpi., A.Smtm a TwiTßim' As accidents vrlil happen, even in well'reguiaied fcmfc Hot, it is very desirable to have sene cheaptndertS* nlent way for repairing Enmitnre, Ton,Cr«fcerT,-4e? Bo^rtthoUtlt. “ USWUU IN ETMrt HOUSE.” N. B—A Brteh accdmpaniea each Bottle. Brice St eta Address, : r -- HENRY C. BPAIIHKO, No. 18 Cedar St, N.Y. 1 oaprlntJpW mtwm an attai poßfc imitattau „ .KEiM>m».-i. wcbm MttUßirm^a^c-ajsasr *£isttpc«j i s *awutsD %on thi mttiMo wrnpp«r; t)i other &rc cwia4Pt®S coai^ ? *• - f &V\ lUvereoSd, Da, Feh. fl, 1881. CAUTION. Jen
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers