rrM. FLINT! m». FLINT 2 WM. FLINT W WM. FLOW! Xl WM. FLINT I jJFiI. FLINT. 2. awr JtIHKKT, No.ißTk«»w~- m,usK&st' > ncvim 52555’ W MAKKET, No. St STJtg' PHILADELPHIA, "**•«. i PHILADELPHIA, ; PHILADELPHIA, pa! PA. TDEMESVOUS SACRIFICE *lOO.OOO WORTH OF j . ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH.' ana and Splendid Assortment of Jewel nr. rriwf ■ ■ 6P CHAINS. BRACELETS, CAMEO nd All styles of Freufch Plated Chaim. Gold r» do not keep or Mil any giltrift or galTaniaa) taiod. iis what are sold by the best Jewelers u OM jewel! pfe receive oar goods from the best Hold Jewelry Man ctorcra in the States. . ■ * W| " A' WHO ARK FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO SBtL. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL, ic following ia only a partial list of our immense iwv . TAKE TOUR CHOICE FOR $1 EACH. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $l. ■ge Size mid Splendid Camoo Sets, General RtfuH - - • • - «toit Do do lava do 10 to Do do Carbuncle do Stag? Do ladies’ Enamelled and Coral do 7 toft) Do do and Carbuncle do 7to 3ft D* Oo and Huby do . 7-io ft) Do Gold Cluster Crape Setting sets do 10 to 80 Do \do do Vase do do _XO to ft) Do do do Jet Set?, do 5t0'12 'Do. do Black Mosaic do 6to 12 IK> do Gold Stone Mosaic do 6to 12 <la ■ Calico Sets. da 6tol^ r D*> RH)bon Twists, with brilliaiits, do 6to 15 Do Boquot Sets, new style, ~ da -8 to 20 Da EnumWled Cluster do -do lOtoto Gold Thimbles, do 3 tot Diamond Pointed Gold Pens and Cases, 3 to ; 6 l.j duz. Silver Plated Simons, . o ft. Silver Plated Mugs, • ’ 400 r fr y** l “Uicr different aiyies Ladies’ Jewelry: Medal ’■ »» styles, patterns and sizes; Lockets of every, de- E thin;-Gold Pens, U karct, with aflver Exteufen ,r; Gold Pencils, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, 4c., 4c.; Cor ava, Camoo and Band Bracelets: Gents’ Vest nadt-, anted to wear for ten years without changing color’ will stand the acid—they arc usually sold by Jewelers hd gold chaius—all made in Paris. Yon can take ’ choice for $1 each* Ladies’ and Gents’ Guard Chains idi. usually sold by Jewelers at from $5 to $3O each: *>’ and Children’s Xcck Chains, beautiful patters • lets, brilliant, enamelled and settings; Crosses! . and enamelled. for $1 each, retail prices from $f ; u acli. Every style and variety of Jewelry and desn>. Oods for $1 each. * - is sale, at the above prices, will continue lengenoueh 11 off our immense stock, which was pure hoi etl st a I Sacrifice from Maunfocmrem who have'failed. ■ TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $ I EACH. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO SKND MONgY-«r IVtifr your name, place of Residence* County and '• plain uudilutiuct, us we can make nothing out mtri:. f. / A; all loiter* with WAX. as Envelopes sealed withgnm af».-rs can bfr’ Kieily ojicmjd—-the consents taken out i. Attend to this, and we will be responsible »;ur UIOID’V. INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS, y person acting aa Agent, wlm will send u*st ona -i, uv will give a O*.»M Hunting Case Watch, extra. v> '* " Gold Lever Watch. “ Silver Watch. . ■.V;»t<;h and the articles selected frem the above List at b<.>Uar Each. r-io«s oftluring by mail Must tcitd $1 and 15 cent* in g«- slumps. GIVE USA TRIAL. 'luiftmuoicativus be addressed to WILLIAM FLINT, Ko. SOT Merkel Street, Philadelphia PaL >oaa, 3larch 7 S ISCT-Cm; 0 THE PUBLIC—T HE SU B- (having taken the establishment hcrtfolbr# I. Fries) would respectfully an- ma > to Ihi* citizens of Altoona and vicinity. ue has removed his , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hft :ilKi:r-n:ox wake <r- store jsiiSaEfl^=* > »w*r ImlbWftg on Anpio street, between Harriet and 1 ji" street*. East Altoona, where ho will keep constant* hyiml a large assortment of everything - in- his Itoev j he will ilie>iose of on rvaaynatdc term*. )OFING & SPOUTING- I* < b short notice, lie also manufactures .Lcaoso* &j>*uthjg.’which i* said to be much superior to giU* ad sliH-f-iron or tin. h attached a copper-smithing room to hi* ee-' and will keep on hand an assortment of cm? wl brass kettles. &c. : ’iiiui* Hfj.iti »„i!; promptly attended" to: : mi •! of public patruange ig respectfully aolidUdl i STEPHEN WISTSBS. iop.il, Aug. IGtli, ISGO, s■■*, wliire he- v.il! korj. a large aJuortmeut of Gold ?.v« r \v atoms, of American. Knglish azid Svfiu man* ire of Clk' moat celebrated makers,"ln addition to t»!i found always on hand (and made to order) ap dve variety of .Tcwdry, Silver and Silver Platodtrm» tvr v it|i a general assortment of pud* goods M MV »» kojit'.iu a fird'class Watch and Jewelry Store. of 0. Conrad, and those of the enbacrfber f icr with the imUUc generally, arc Invited to call; and »ill red ivc a go<*d article for their money. ,Ai I aor pih' d to ih» a ca*di bm>iaes<. will bo Sold very ‘•.v.'ivj/i Profits and Quo:!.- Sales'' is the inotto of th& LKWIS R. IIKOOMALX, , Formerly 0. Conrad* i I»S SecemlrSt-cor. of Qaarrv, PiiUado. cT. IS»JO..Iy.V' _ ’■ iE GREAT QUESTION WHICH 1 ’-r i'.'.'' iit i trj * * niinil of every person - *re cop r pet the best article fitrnyMß I In regard to other matters, the ’.n»nld> not attempt to direct. but W thing in the line of ; B{H>Ts OR SHOES invite# an examination of Jus stock and work tps constantly on hand au assortment of Boot*) SLoas» Mi|)pcrs.,4r., which he offers at Air'prices, h* £ irc < *i*ecial .attention to custom work, ».-a! bt- warranted to give satisfaction, Nonelmttba rkmen art employed .* • my strop is on Virginia streot.lymrdfrtrijr ► Kessfer? Dnig Store. V fcl>er 3, ’57-t f] JOHN 12. ROBERTS. diery and Grocery Store. E gUBSCIIICER KEEPS 'CON- hand t, *l Bakc(l Bread, Cakes, Ac. PBED, BACON", PLODII, GROCERIES, 1 :o, A choice lot of FKG.\ItS and TOBACCO. ; JACOB RINK, Virginia Street, below Annie Street. c & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. E UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCE l!ie cjtiiens of Altoona and vicinity that they hava OT AND SHOE SHOP \IA STREET, \ door abort Tin Shop,sSt% KWhere they will keep bn hand a good aaeortmeo* and Suites of Utexr our» 'manufacture. , given to leaking Lddief ShM* u*% They invite a share of public patronage* fco* Ju d that they can render entire satisfaction. . la, Jan. 10, r 6l-tf JOHN SIDNEY TIQNAL POLICE GAZETTE.— ? 6r«‘ Jonro»l of Crime »mi CrimindaM* th X«f. »ad Is wifely circulated throngfcO* fl" •3L2£ t, iS',. aU • tt * P r « l Trials, ClUalod ut Hpjwooriste Editorials on lliesome.-toeetkerwt^ wnott Criminal Matters, not to be faußdlaWJ iwspsuer. . *? I*r annum; $1 for «l*roont»«,W 7,7^ ( wi ‘° write their pM*" flown, county and State where they reside pldnTj.) Edit™ aJ- : To 9- »’• matsbix & coTu E ‘" tur * of hew York Police Qasett^. . ■ A’no' TvrkCttf. AND SHOES.—-THE tfK* I'"JPS2. ccnr Ob hand and win Vn ' ln ‘ hc MixonleTemple, llfll Meortmeat of BOOTS or made-toonier^^^^. J ; Shoe#, Cork * sa m . ' J. SAOKMAM*- 9BEJ& FOR SALE. - . «M BHljyoi£S, KLfIOO I.ATHM. ■ irewft-Appiy t» j^awantScU' on!s, Ml) AT McCO •pUmlif *a«o: latent of trOf.Pft** McCRUM & BERN, VOL. 0. r.» 1 °-i / AND ° C M 1 C ADVTCE EE EE. Jfew-York Benevolent Infirmary, ESTABLISHED 18of., i nj Jevotcd to Tht Oiuse. of Medical Reform; to the? Dif fusion of Medical Knowledge for the Pretention of Disease., ind to the relief of those suffering and afflicted witli Chro nic and Virulent Disorders. To this end this Infirmary is endowed, to enable tho sick and suffering throughout the length and breadth of our land,’ to avoid the Jhisonons Drugs. Extortion, aud Ignorance of professed Physicians, through which thousand* aud teas of thousands annually , following are some of the diseases we cure, not only at tho Infirmary but iu all parts of our couutry : Consumption aud Pulmonary Complaints, Fevers, Scrof ula, Dyspepsia. Kyo and Ear Disease, Cancers and other Tumori, Jaundice and Liver Complaint, Seminal Weakness, aud all disease.? of the Urinary and Sexual Organ-*, from whatever cause or whatever nature. Our objeet will be to tire joy to tlie afflicted by effecting iu all cases a speedy cure. Our rule is tocharge nothing for advice and written pre scriptions; but will furnish when requested the very best medicines at tho lowest rates. Those remedies are prepared iu our own Lalnmitory. un der tho care of able Chemist*, and are the most reliable ' known to science, including all thff recent discoveru*. To all addressing us by letter, containing full account of lymplotus a.»d appearances of disease, age, uccuie.ition. Ac., wo will write a candid r?ply. with advice and directions v } w r cure. Any fees sent us when m-nding-fur advice will he I JoTwteil i > furnishing medicine fur the poor. In all cases mvilkino can he sent by mail or express if desired. Send uie- or more of our works and judge for yourselves, published at the Infirmary, to Hid these objects. i THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, | G attuning simple remedies easily obtained for the cure of \ pisc.'i-es in nil its forms, with full explanations of the I liout-s. symptoms. diet, bathing aud exercise* Price.V)cts. j Tin: LADIES’ MEDICAL FRIEND.' AM> THE PHYSIOLOGY OX M Alt 111 At 1 K. | A work on the cau*e. symptom* and treatment of ail cuiujilaintd in-millar to the sex, on marriage, its dolt* - *, (iboriixii ami its results, on Children, (heir ills, ami on the |.revc-nlii»ii of conception, with Invaluable Distinction* to them on subjects of a private nature. Price 25 {cuts. The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion, AND PRIVATE ADVISER A look for the old and young, embracing the Pathol- gy. Prevention and Cure of all Diseases of the Urinary and Sex ual Organs, and a warning voice of advice ami counsel,such a*, to he found iu no other work. Price 2,1 cents. THE GUIDE AND GUARD FoK IVCRy OKE. Ii exposes all Uic Humbugs, .and the various Tricks to eclire-the nick ami well; It illustrates the plans of the Quacks and Rogues to dupe every one. It guides the un wary through life, and shows-un every swindle of the age. 1: shows how’all kinds of Food, Medicines. Lbjtior* and i.eiods arc adulterates!, with the means of detecting the frauds. Price 25 cent?.. THE HOUSEHOLD AND FARM, PLANTATION AND SHOP. Vv»r every family, having over 1000 receipts on Cooking, Preserving. Dyeiugj Cleaning, Ac. How to plant arid what js the best, to raise. How to euro animal*, advice tohou*)- keepers, farmers and mechanic*, on 1000 subjects of. Inter est. Price 25 cents. Worth $lO to any one. THE CONSUMPTIVES ISOOL. For those who wish to get well from that awful disease, a full description of all the remedies Used lor it. with a careful statement of the results, and other useful informa tion. Price 10 cents. >. The information in not to be foijm! in any works jjuhliHhod, nor obtainable from any other source. These books are published on fine white paper, and beautifully byuml. Any of the above works will be mailed free, on receipt of price, in stamps, or money; or the whole in a Imml.«mic-ly bound volume for one dollar. No family should bo with, out them. Thcv are illustrated with beautiful engraving.**, ami contain the condensed of years. Agents Wanted for the alwve works, who can makesloO *a month. Send for a circular for ageuta. To the young ot both sexes suffering from secret habits: prostration of mind; loss of power; nervous debility: loss of bight; wakefulnwsVlove of solitude: eruptions on the fire,-Ac.. Ac. Send is ox> Jute; before you suffer iucurable damage to both body and mind. To Females who want safe,' pin'taut au«l sure remedies f*r Irregularities, Obstructions, Wlntes; send to u». PREVENTIVE. We arc convinced that there are many jiarents-of scrofu* biUti, consumptive and diseased condition ito-'whom a mi taerotw offspring only brings suffering and poverty. To mch we would say write, aud we will send information of a snre, well-tested, and never-failing Irretentive. We will mail free, to any one applying for it, THE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL REFORM. It is a large and beautiful paper, nun contains the most valuable information on Spermutorha-u, or Seminal Weak tiwa. Tha cause, effects ami cure, showing the awful ef fects of the disease, On all other diseases of the Sexual Organ*, a full expla nation of the origin of Syphilis, the menus of prevention' and cure. On Consumption, that fearful disease. On the hirer, Heart. Stomach and Skin; On Female Complaints. On the various Schools of Medicine*. On the mode* of Treatment now'practiced. On the False Treatment of Diseases^ On the various- Medical Humbugs, » On the Physiology of Marriage. ' On tlie Common sense of Medicine. On Diet. Exercise®, and Ablution. How the Physician should be. Slow,to prevent Pregnancy. . And many other things. Send tor it. * This journal should be in the hands of every one. J. Hi’s sell, M. D m A. Mm ClilcrPhydclan. S. S. Morris, Surgeon. l)r. J. Boyle, Chemist. Office in New York, 154 Chambers street. Office in WiUtamsburgb, South Bth and. r »th streets. Correspondents will please enclose two or three stamps, for return postage, and address DU. A. RERNEY,.Secretary. (Iloxlll.) * Williamsburg, New York. Nov, la, : BEAUMAN’S P OCO META Lie PAINT, T7QUAL TO RED LEAD AND 75 per f*J cent, cheaper—stands 300 degree heat—wnrrtntcd water proof and wit! neither lade nor wash. For •STEAM BOILERS AXD PIPES, .GAS HOLDERS, RAIL ROAD BRIDGES AND CARS PLASTER, I ROM AMD DRICK PROXTS. TIX ROOFS, MOUSES, BARXS, FEXCES, W^GOXS, \ • SHIP DECKS, PLUMPERS JOIXT.% IROX FOUNDERS PATIESXS <te., <fr. ' ' For grain ing and staining equal to Turk- ish Umber. COLORS are Umber':Brown Lake, Olive Indian Red and Black. 49* One responsible agent wanted In every town and city in the United States. Termi accommodating. For Circulars, Ac.. apply to or addsess I TSf. t. UOUPT, Maroh2V6m. No. 132 N. 4th street, Philadelphia. CONFECTION BBT & ICE CREAM SALOON. fpSE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN JL FORK the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that liia CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE, is always supplied With the very best articles to bo had, ami In event variety. He baa also an , ICE CREAM SALOON M Uched to hi* store, In which ho will servo nn ICE CUE All ' *>'ora dnring the season. 1 . r- , u *• *" times prepared to supply eskes, eandics.ic., M oth * r **rtfcs. no invites s share of pithllc istrouago, believing that he can tender full satis faction to ,w B m . cn ?' JCr ; i I>'« 1 >'« store and saloon is onTirgini* sttcet. two ■sors below Patton's Ha!!. OTTO JtOSSI. Jdentistby. IRVIN STEEL, ». D. 8., HAV (li^ltc ' 1 P*rm*MntlT tnAltdonn,re« pec tfully T 1 hl >Mrricc! in the different of o |wgical and Mechanical Dentistry. toon* ?* J op f t,9llc C. Jnsghrd'a Store,’Vtrfflnt* it,, Al ’ [May )«, ’6l-tf. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. E. B. McCUCM. jx. C. BERN PUULISIItKd AND FKOPBUTOKB. P«r annum, (payatilo inrarinWy in advance,) $1,50. All papers discontinued at tiro expiration of the time paid for. TERMS OP ADVERTISING. - 1 insertion 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or lest $25 $ 37>4 *6O One square, ( 8 lines) 60 75 1 00 Two “ (io ) ioo 150 . 200 Three '< (24 “ ) 160 2DO 250 Over three weeks and less than three months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. a . .. 3 month*, months. 1 rear. Six lines or lew.., $ 150 $3OO $5OO One square, 2 50 4 00 7 00 J. wo “ - . 4 00 6 00 10 00 J hr *° u 500 800 12 00 f t °“ r “ 6 00 10 00 U 00 Half a c01umn...... 10 00 14 00 20 00 One column 1...; 14 00 25 00 40 00 Administrators and Kxerutwrs Notices, I 75 Merchants advertising by the year, three squares, x with liberty to change, 10 00 Profe<isional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines paper, per year 5 00 CouunnnicMtions of a political character or individual in terest will be charged according to the above rates. 4 Advertisemen m not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid ami charged ac cording to the above terms. Business notices.five cents per line for every insertion. Obituary notices exceeding ten linca, fifty cents a square iMgkal ||fw:te|j. l\>r (Ur Altoona Tribune. THE SONGSTER OF THE GROVE BV J. A. ir. Little songster of the grove, Warble still thy songs of love. While the serpent lurking near, Strive* to get thee i-j hi* fear — Drawing nigh and nigher still, Till he stops thy little hill Of its note* of highest praise To the Maker of its lay*. Cruel nu»n*U-r! canst thou lake Such a harmless one complete. Who was sent to sing llis praise, Ail it* harmless pleasant day.- ? In the grove and hi the bower; 3u the sunshine and the shower; In the trees of blooming green, There its beauty may be seen. Warble still, our little friend, Till thy days -hall have an end. If the serpent come not nigh To rob thee of thy joyous gleo s High upon that blooming tree Wo may* still thy beauty see— Higher Still and higher yet. Till tlmn meet a bitter.fate. Little friend, we wish to hear AH thy songs throughout the year; Though'bchcath thy watchful eye Lies the serpent guarding shy, All thy ways of pleasant song Moving on hi* poisonous fang; Higher still aud higher yet. Now out friend has met his fate! Select |Hiscdl;ui|i. AN ANGEL. liY MAIIV A. DK.N.NISOX A little pauper-boy sat down on a curb stone and ' tried to think. His feet were bare, red, and cold, but never mind that— the chill air penetrated his ragged gar ments, but never mind that—he wanted to think. Who are these people passing hint, looking so warm and comfoitable? What did it mean, that they, should be KUppy and cheerful, and he so sad ? None of them had such-.,heavy hearts; that he was'surc of. He looked up into the cold blue sky. What was it. and who lived up there ? Somebody had once said that God would take care of him. Where was God ? Why didn’t he take care of him ? Oh !if he could only see God for one little min ute I or the angel that the good men told him of when his mother died I- Did folks ever sec God ?—did they ever see angels ? An organ-grinder came near and took his stand. The melody ho played light ened the little boy’s heart somewhat, but it didn’t warm him or make him less hun gry. He kept shivering, in spite of the music, and he felt all alone!—so despair ing ! Then the organ-grinder passed away and no one heeded the little child sitting on the curb-stone. The carriages passed by, and the carts, and a company of sol diers, but it was all dumb show to him— he was trying to think, with such a dull pain at his heart. Presently three or four coarsc-looking boys gathered behind him, and winked and "laughed at each other.— In another moiueut the youngest gave a thrust, and over went the poor, homeless, ragged little child into the'gutter. 000 scream, one sob of anguish, as he gath ered himself upland looked after the boys now running away with shouts of mirth.. Oh 1 how cruel it seemed in them —how cruel! The hungry little boy walked on, slowly, sobbing and shivering to himself. He didn’t know what he was walking for; or why he was living; he felt out of place -—a poor forlorn spirit that had lost its way—a bruised reed that any one might bleak—a little heart so tender that a look was anguish; how much more a blow! The little boy stood at last near the cor ner of a street. An apple-stand, at which he gazed with longing eyes, not far off, was tended by a cross-looking old man.—r There were cakes on the stand, and the poor little mouth of the homeless child watered as ho saw one boy after another deposit his penny and take a cake. He had no penny,; and though there vas hun ger in'his eyes, the cross-looking old man never offered him a morsel. The tempter came. The old man’s back was turned, and a vile boy at tb'e side of ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1861. the homeless child nudged his elbow.— ‘•'You takfc one,” he whispered, “and I’ll give you half.” The little child gazed at him steadily. He saw something in the bleared eyes that made him shrink—something that set his heart to beating. “ I toll you to hook one,” whispered the boy; I won’t tell, and we’ll go away and eat it.” “ I don’t want to steal,” said the home less child. “Gh • you fool!” muttered the brutal tempter, and smote him in the. eyes, his heavy hand dealing a blow .that sent the poor little child against the wall, his whole frame quivering with anguishr The terri ble blow had almost blinded him for a mo ment; a great sob came up in his “Oh ! what have I done to be treated so ? There never, never was a God, or He would not let me suffer bo- —and that be cause I refused to be wicked.” I don’t believe that ever a man, in his deadliest bereavements, suffered more than that sad little child. His heart was liter ally swelling with grief, and, though he could not reason about it, he felt as if there was a great and.sore injustice some where. He started to cross the street. A dark blinding pain still made bis poor temples ring. “Back! back! Good heavens! the child is under his feet! Back ! back !” “ Oh! mamma, it is our horses run over a poor little boy! Oh ! mamma, mamma! “Is he hurt much, coachman?’’ The woman’s face is ashy pale. “ Yes, he is hurt badly; take him right in ; don’t wait; carry him right in and up stairs. It was your carelessness; the child shall be at tended to.” There is no anguish now. Perhaps God saw that he had borne all he could, and so took the poor little broken heart there to heal. |Jow very white and quiet! “Oh ! a sweet face ! a sweet, sweet face!” mur mured/hc woma,n, bending over the boy, and tears fell on his forehead, but he did not feel them. “Oh ! the poor boy sobs Nelly, “ the poor little boy ! I wish he had kept on the side-walk ; I wish he had stayed at home with his mother.” Alas ! in this world there was no mother to keep him. The doctor came; he said the boy was not dead, but would very likely die. There was a hospital near; the poor thing had better be sent there. But the good woman would not allow that. She would care for him herself, she said; he had been injured by one of her horses, and she felt that it was her duty to attend him. Besides, it was likely that the child had no mother. Such a boy as he, with a face so sweet and girlish, so pure and loveable, would never be sent on the streets in that manner if he had a mother. Besides, (and hero her tears fell,) there was a little mound not yet green, over just such a child. No, no, it was not in her heart to put the poor wounded boy away. Let him stay, whether he lived or died. . The weary, weary days passed on. One morning the little boy opened his dim blue eyes, but ho did not know himself. His glance fell wearily on his hands.; — There were white bands around his wrists, with ruffles on them. The bed was so snowy white, too, and a crimson light fell over everything. “Dear God, I am in Heaven!” mur mured the child; “ yes, God will take care of me now.” What visions of loveliness glanced forth from the shadow behind the bed! The rich curls fell around a face of exquisite beauty; the beaming eyes looked love and gladness upon him. “O, yes indeed, there is an angel S” he said softly, “ I am glad. They won’t knock me over again ; they won’t want me to steal apples here; and perhaps I shall never die again. Now I want to see my mother.” “ My dear boy,, are you better this mor ning?” asked a low, soft voice. He turned slowly, wearily. “ Is it mother ?” he murmured. “ 0 yes,” and there were quick sobs and tears; “yes, my little child, I will be your mother, and you shall be my son.— Will you love me dearly ?” “ Yes, I do love you mother. Is this’ Heaven?” Heaven ! no, darling, it is earth; but God sent you here to be loved and cared for. See, hero is a little sister, and you will be very happy with her. Kiss him, Nelly. 1 Her rosy lips touched his pale ones, and a heavenly smile lighted up his face. The past was not forgotten, but it was gone.— No more mouldy crusts, oaths, harSh words and blows. .No more begging at basement doors, and looking half famished, to envy a dog gnawing a bone in the streets. No more fear of rude children, who never knew where their own hearts laid. No more sleeping on door-steps, and listening in terror to the drunken quarrels of the vicious and depraved. Yes, the past was gone, and in the rosy future were love, home, even God and the angels. Certainly, sweet spirits bad exor [INDEPENDENT in everything.] cised; a watchful care over that child, and guided him out of seeming evil into posi tive good. Surely, henceforth he would put his hand trustingly in theirs, and turn his face heavenward. Yes, it was so to be. The dear, teachable child—a jewel picked from the mire, a brand snatched from the burning—was yet- to illumine the dark paths of this world with his holy teachings. Like a dove who was to go forth over the waters, and find the olive branph with which to--gSrland his glad ti dings. Blessings, then, on all who hold their arms out toward needy little children, making their homes arks of refuge.— Beautiful stars shall they have in their crowns of rejoicing, for surely there is no jewel brighter in all the world, and per haps, in ail eternity, than the soul of a little child.— Wesleyan Methodist Maga zine. What is to become of love-making?— Does anybody make love these times ? Are these heavenly evenings to be thrown away in bitter and fierce discussions about the war ? Must the good Cupid put on a bobtailed coat and shoulder a musket ? Are we to resign our pleasant trees with “ one fair daughter and no more ?" May we not again sit in the shadow of the moonlight, and whisper never to be forgot ten words ? May we not walk and dream and muse again; as of yore ? Must all the sweet sounds of love, as they float on the air, be quenched rudely by “ right shoul der shift arms,” “ right flank by right face,” “ four files into line march V r — Shall not her dear head rest upon our shoulder ? Must all our thoughts be given up to “ rations,” and uniforms and bat tles ? Lovers, where are you ? There are sad faces in the Street to night, and to-night means every night.— Darling girls in couples are walking; up and down through the quiet streets, striv ing to look happy and cheerful, but ready to gush with grief at a moments notice. — What shall be done for them ? “ < He wasn’t handsome, that bold soldier boy, who went offin the 3d regiment. — Indeed, he was a very ordinary looking person. What a large nose he had—how awkward in his general appearance and manners. She was frequently ashamed of him. He was weak, too, and timid, and bashful, and nobody ever thought he would come to much. But' he had one good quality that made him dearer to her than all the world besides. He loved as a lover should love faithfully, sincerely, eternally. “My love may not be worth much,” he used to say to her, “ but its all I have in the world, and I give it to you whether you value it or not.” This he would say to her as he was bid ding her good-night, with a sigh. Well, he is gone now, and she hugs and kisses his photograph, ugly as it is. , The Xot NG Soldier Dying.—“ ]?ring me my knapsack,” said a young soldier, who lay sick at one of the hospitals at Washington. i “ What do you want of your knapsack ?” inquired the head lady of the band of nurses. “ I want my knapsack,” again said the dying man. His knapsack was brought to him, and as he took it, his eye danced with pleasure and his face was covered all over with a smile, as he brought out from it his hid den treasures. “There said he, “ that is a Bible from ray mother. And this—Washington’s farewell address—is the gift of father. — And this,” —his voice failed. The nurse looked down to see what it was, and there was the face of a beautiful maiden. “ Now” said the dying soldier, “ I want you to put these under my pillow.” She did as she was requested, and the poor young man laid down on them to die requesting that they should be sent to his parents when he was gone. Calm and joyful was he in dying. It was only go ing from night to endless day; from death to eternal glory. So the young soldier, died. In the Long Run. —There is no little of repining on the part of many worthy people, which must be attributed chiefly to a habit of forgetting some well known truths. It would be good for all to re member that in the long run, the things that now fret and annoy, will all be seen to be parts of a plan of infinite benevolence. The evils we lament will be turned into agencies for good, and the sorrows we ex perience will eventuate in future joys.— That life is the sweetest which is passed in extracting honey even from the bitter est adversities; and he is the wisest man who can most heartily confide in that rec titude of Providence, and in the final su premacy of truth and right. In the long run, that Christian will come out well who works cheerfully, hopefully, heartily, with out wasting his energies upoo yain re grets and passionate murmurings. The bird sings in the storm; why may not the child of God rejoice, too, even though the passing olouds lower ? Love-Making Extraordinary Scene* at an Kxecu ■ tion. A man named James White Was execu ted at Salem, Illinois, on The |6th inst., for the murder of Andrew J. Applegate. The “ Advocate ,” giving an account of the preliminary ■, for the ex ecution, the assembling of a large throng of spectators, etc., says: Soon after this time, the public were astounded by the re port that the convict White had possessed himself with a chain, and, armed with it, threatened instant death io any man who should dare to enter his prison. The rc- Eort was found to be true. There had een a chain strongly fixed, in the floor of his prison, to which it had become neces sary on some occasions to secure the pris oners; this chain White had wrenched from its fastenings. It was a common sized ox chain, about three feet in length, and had upon one end an iron ring nearly nine inches in circumference, and by run ning the links through the ring, he had made a heavy knot of iron. White de clared with terrible oaths that no living man should enter. .Sheriff Black made an attempt to enter, assisted by four reso lute and fearless men.. Driven to desper ation, the hardened criminal struck a tre mendous blow, which happily was but a slight injury ujdod the left hand of the sheriff. It was how proposed to eject ammonia into the face of the convict, and thus, by his temporary suffocation, enable the offi cers to take possession of the cell. This was tried but failed. The miserable mur derer recoiled; for an instant under the ef fect of the liquid, but speedily recovering himself be stood again at the door*armed with his weapon. It was now resolved to drench the cell with chloroform. The sheriff was advised to disable him by a pistol ball, butanswered that he would not proceed to such harsh measures until all less cruel means had failed. One or two bottles of chloroform were procured, and the atmosphere of the cell was thoroughly impregnated with its fumes; blankets were suspended outside the grated windows of the cell, and every step taken to make this effort successful. At first the furious wretch laughed at this attempt. It was clear that his wicked course of life had made him familiar j with the use and the effects of cbiorofonp. Indeed, he said so, and told the officers that the article they were using was Weak and poor. He evi dently was acquainted with chemicals.— In order to resist its effects, he wound bis bed-quilt around his face, went occasional ly to the window for air, and removed a portion of the blanket by reaching out and drawing it through the grating, so as to make an opening for the admission of the wind. 1 More than an hour had been consumed in these fruitless efforts to obtain posses sion of the prisoner and his weapon, and it began to be apparent that harsher means were necessary. White was heard to say —“ They have tried hartshorn and chloro form, upon me, but one has neutralized the. action of the other; they are now going to try something else.” He saw that he must ultimately submit, and though at first prepared to seU his life as dearly as possi ble, his courage and strength now began to fail. He therefore proposed that if the sheriff would give him a dinner and a drink of whisky, and let-faim live till one o’clock, he would yeild his weapon and surrender himself. This proposition was accepted, and White gave up his knotted chain through tire grating of the door.— A dinner was prepared for him, and a glass of water, with a slight infusion of whisky handed him to drink. It was the last office of apparent merey, and the sher iff willingly performed it. At one o’clock the sheriff entered the cell. White came forward and surren dered himself. His arnjs were .pinioned behind him, and he walked resolutely down the stairs of the jail, through the hall; and into the place prepared for his death. Here brief religious services were : held. The services concluded, White ac companied by the sheriff and his assistants ascended the steps of the gallows without apparent trepidation- He never faltered a moment, but examined with a critical eye, all the appliances prepared for. the execution. When Once upon the scaffold and his ankles being bound togqther, the usual white cap was produced, and he waa informed that it was necessary to put it upon his bead. To this White objected, insisting that no change should be made in his apparel. Ho wore the little felt cap with which he had covered his head from his first imprisonment. When the sheriff removed' the felt cap, and' was about substituting the usual white one, but the prisoner again objected, and with fear ful imprecations, declared that it .should not be put on. Sheriff Black, ii» a decir ded tone, endeavored to persuade the pris oner, but in vain. For nearly an hour the officers were ngaged in a struggle tp enforce compliance. Here, indeed, jw& the demoniac character of the prisonerdis played. ; He made every effort to prevent the ofitoers ftosa putting m the. white m oring, Pinioned and bound as he was bo fought with desperation.' Be 'snapped ami bit at their fingers, be leaped intothe air, he cfrqohed toward the ground, aqd for EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. some date it seeded doubtful whether he could be compelled to submit. After u severe and protracted struggle' the cap was thrown upon his bead andse curely adjusted about bis &oe, and the' strings drawn around bis neck. Nothing now remained but to put the rope around bis neck, abd adjust the fatal neeeAm With some difficulty this was at (ngd accomplished, the united efforts of four men being required for this purpose. As the sheriff drew the fatal nocee closer to its place and put the knot beneath the ear of the unhappy man, he exclaimed with fearful imprecations, “What in h—ll are yon choking me for? —you are choking me, for I can 'hardly speak." These were the last words of the wretched man. The sheriff gave the signal that all tu read; to his deputy, Mr. Schultz; in a mo ment the trigger was drawn, the drop fell and that unhappy man, so lately gling with such desperate ftuy, so lately busy with his terrible efforts to defeat the vengeance of the law, fell like lead through the draw and, hung, slightly Os cillating, a. strugglihg, violent human be ing no longer. ' Cheap Food —A New Dish! —A wri ter in one of the eastern papers says that probably not one farmer in fifty knows what excellent, hearty, wholesome food he can have directly from the wheat-field, stack, or barn. Ho says: “ The writer’s family breakfasted this morning, July the 29th, mainly upon boiled wheat. Boiled wheat and wheat gravy. Boiled wheat, and milk. Boiled wheat and maple sugar. Not wheat flour, nor wheaten groats, nor cracked wheat, hut whole grains of wheat shelled from the best heads—the larger the better—and soaked in cold water two or three hours and then boiled in the same water one or two hours, or until it is quite soft and the water all absorbed. It should be cooked while other culinary! operations are going on, as it needs to boil\ or simmer over a slow fire a good while, and caro must be taken at the last that it does not bum. How easy for our soldiers to have a change in the eternal pilot bread and salt meat rations ! How convenient would. this little item of knowledge in domestic cooking be to the wife of man; a farmer, who would gladly got up an eztra.dishfor the weary halftest-hands I , Try it. How many families are this day living on short allowance, with grain in the stack dr barn near the house, because they cannot get it ground—the mill being dried up, or bro ken down, or occupied ■ by the army, or suffering a collapse, so that no grinding can bo had!” ' r. Power op a Horse’s Scest.—There is one perception that a horse possessor, that bat little attention has bean .paid to, and that is the £ power of scentl With;’ some horses it is os aente as with the dog; and for the benefit of those who have to ' ride at night—such as physicians—Ac - knowledge is invaluable. I have never known it tq fail, and I have rode hundreds of miles on dark nights; and in qonsid' eration of this power of scent, this is m; \ simple advice; Never check your horse at night, but give him a free head, and you may rest assured that he will never get off the road, and will carry you expeditiously and safely. In regard to the power pf scent in the horse,'l once knew one of ft pair that was stolen,.and was recovered mainly by the track being traced ont by his mate, and that after be had been ab sent six or eight hours. This great country will continue united. Trifling politicians in the Sfputhj or in the North, or in the West, may con tinue to talk otherwise, bnt it will be of no avail. They are like the mosquitoes around the ox; they annoy, but they can not wound,-and they never kill” These were the words of Jeff Davis, in an ad dress, delivered on the 4th of July, 184 S, and Gen. Scott proposes to show him that he was correct. OS. Good faith is the riehMt exchequer of Governments, for the more it is drawn' upon, the firmer it is, and its resources increase with its payments. . Ladies who wish to punish their husbands Should remember that a Uttie sunshine will melt an icicle much sower than the northern haze. GoT*ajuwi!T Rauboad XaASsFOßXsnos. The Government pays for railroad ttanaporto* tion according to thefollowing re tea: Per ptuß" ganger two cents per mile, for distance Equipments, mnnitiona and supplies aeesmp* 4 ' nying regiments, thirty-four miles ot lets, tens cents per one hundred pounds; fifty miles teen cents per one hundred and throq, one hundred miles, twenty-five cents ml hundred pounda;,one hundred and^fii£»,n Tt forty cent? t*? ot i?S?.«. -—.. v. Ja ■- " ■%r M4K Ht
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers