SARD TIMES MAB E,: E AST ! ®oott Sews, for the Unemployed. I 1000 Chances to make Money 1 ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OP WATCHES, SILVER-PLATED WARE, SO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW ORIGINAL PLAN ! 2,600 AGENTS WANTED!!! All persons desirous of securing an Agency in tills \ New Enterprise Should send on their,names at once, enclosing a 3 coot ftamp to pay postage, and receive by return of mail. A PREMIUM CATALOGtTB Contfttaiaff OUR INDUCEMENTS, Which afford A RARE CHANCE TO MAKB M ON EY without risk, together with FULL PARTICULARS Relative to'tlas NOVEL PLAN! To Insure prompt and satisfactory' dealings, direct all rdert to GEORGE G. EVANS, BUTTER’S V STATE CAPITOIA BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, JSo.. 54 Market St. , Harrisburg, Pa, •Xlhia establishment's chiefly devoted to I the manufacture of Blank Books for mfmfmkmi Banks, County Offices, Railroad Companies, and I private individuals. In all cases the best of stock and workmanship may bo MM mimm roliod upon. Blank Books printed, paged and'bound to any desired pattern. Sheriff’s, Attorneys and Justices Dockets of all sizes, made and ruled to order. Trl-ounial and Yearly Assessments, Duplicates, 4c., for county purpo sea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to ordure County Dockets made of the host linen paper. Librarians, and others* desiring to have their Books well bound Mid at moderate prices, should give os a call. News papers df the largest sizes, Harper’s Weekly, Gleason’s Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American*- London News, bound to order, and In any style required. Harper's Month ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and Graham’s Magazines, Godey’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository, sau-’s Magazine, Piano Music. Ac., bonnd In extra styles, or the more plain and substantial half binding. Select Pam phlets, Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound in good Li branr style,very moderate prices. haying a number of volumes to bind, will receive alibcraldi.icpunt. Binding can safely be sent to os from a distance by Ex press, and all work entrusted to our care will be apeed dfly;executed, safely packed and returned by Express.— All work warranted. Address „ ¥. L. HUNTER, £ JTarrisbMry, &x y tft-McCKUM A DEUX, at the Tribune Office, are my agents fo»-Altoona. and vicinity. They wiH give informa tion In relation to binding, and receive and return books free from extra charges, for all who ent.ust their work to my ooce. < [March 21,:1861-1y JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Eero of One Hundred Fits per Month / T would respectfully - forth my claim to pub. attention, as a Fashtoaah) Sailor, as follows: Because I keep an-cxc lent assortment of Clotl Cassimeres, Testing* ai Trimmings, which, win please. Because my work made up in a maimer It takes down the count and gives all my customs a city appearance. Because I am not infer! a« a'Cutter to the beat be found anywhere. Because long experiem in my business gives n entire control' over It, at I am not dependant opi W one tolift mo out the sod* BflCftPw I am atm on the sunny aide of* forty, and there* wre my taste a* a Cutter and workman unimpaired. CMI on me, in the corner room of tho “.Brunt House.” Giro me a trial and you will go away pleased. , Altoona, Mdy 28-5 m JACOB SNYDER.' SPEING OF 1861. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! The Largest Assortment anil Lowest Prices ini Pittsburgh. Pome and see. WAJLTER P. MARSUiLL, Ab, 87, Wood Slrecl T . (Near ftranh, at the Old Stand,) SaS for oale beautiful French, German & Amer ican WALL PAPERS, —Jor Parlors. ’ Hails. Chambers, Churches, ' '' ■ - " Lodges, 50,000 rolls at cts, 50,000 rolls at-6, 8 and-XO cents. Window Curtains, Fire Board Prints, • ~ , -Tester Corors, Callings, 4c. Look for the Striped Front. 1 Altoona, Harch 7, XB6l-4m. Wall Paper and Border. A N UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK A ' . ■ of the latest spring styles, wUI ** *°ld cheaper than cser by March ”, J. * J. XiOWTHKE. IiMJ&E WHITE LEAL ANL ZINC jjfc rwSSh-Jjfh Chroma, Green, Yellow, Paristireen, dry «*»«* [l-tt] H*SBLKB ! B fiPjTOfILES AND EYE PRESER ” TO».«*d»»t u-ttj rWTOWt. &' ; JEWELRY AND AND S*-\ • ’ X% Chestnut Street, .Philadelphia. prof. l. Millers tftfttt INVICdRATdRM A N EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND EGO- J\ NOHTCAL COMPOUND, FOB RESTORING QRAT HAIR to Its original color without dyeing, and preventing the hair from turning BALDNESS* and curing It, when there is. the least particle of vitality or recuperative et£ ergy remaining. FOX REMOVING SOTRF AND DANDRUFF, and all cutaneous aff&cticns at tho Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR , imparting to it an un equalled glow and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its texture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing demand tor this unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary ioaatisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation at present in use. It-cleanses the head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causes tin? hair to grow luxuriant ly,and gives it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance,. and aiqo where.the hair is loosening and thioing, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, »nd restore the growth ‘ to those parts which;havo become x bald, causing it to yield a fresh covering of hgir* Thero-are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New York who have had th£lr hair restored by the use of this lovlgorator; when all other preparations bad failed. L. M. has hr his possession letters innumerable testifying UktJie above facts, from persons Of the highest respectability, wilLeffectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair has al ready changed Its color, the use of the Invlgoratoi will with certainty restore it to its original hue* giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair. Restorative it is particularly recommended, having an .agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it affords in ' dressing Otehair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can bo dressed In any.required form so os to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the lad|ca as a standard toilet article which none ought to be Without, as the price places it within the reach of all|- being. ' ONLY 35 CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. L, MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of the Tnvjgorator, in cases where the childrens’ Hair Inclines to bo weak. The use of it lays the foundation for n.good ofhair, as it removes any impu rities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and tbo future appearance of its Hair. • CAUTION.—IIone geiinhie without the fee simile LOUIS MILLER Doing <m fh« outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER’S HAIR Y. blown In the glass. Wholesale Depot, 56 Bey St., and sold by all the princi pal Merchants god Druggists throughout tbo world. Liberal discount to purchasers by tho quantity. I also desire to present to tho American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID IIAIII DVE which after yearaof scientific experimenting! hare brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or Skin,; warranted the best article of the kind in existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Ang. 23, ’6O-ly. v Depot, 06 Dcy St., New Tork. AUCTION GOODS VEUt CUKAP AT McCormick’s Store, in East Altoona ! JUST OPENED A VERY LARGE and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of British, French'and American Dry Goods, selected with great care t 0 sn *l this region of coun try. In the llnfc of Ladies Dress Goods for quality and price, they will Surpass. : i Mantillas u J)usters, Sftawls, White Goods, Em- broideries, Irish Linens , Linen Handker chiefs, IJoopskcrts, Clothes , Cas siinercSi-Keniuchy Jeans, Vrints , Ginghams, , Muslins, Elan mh, Etc., Etc. Boots k Shoes In all their various make and material for Men A Boys’.as.-well as Ladies, and Children. Beady Made Clothing, a full assortment to suit tbo season, with Hats, Caps, Um brellas, Parasols, Carpets* Oil Cloths. Matting, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs.. Tin Wan*. Quconsware, Hard Ware, Stone Ware, Market Baskets. 2ink Rubbers, • Brushes, Clothe* Lines, Ac., with all articles necessary to make up a full as sortment to meet tho wants of the people. ALSO- a complete FAMILY GROCERY, which will have our special attention, first in buying ami selecting the and freshest articles as well na keeping it up nt all times. Coffees of tho very best aud richest varieties. ? • T 33 .A. S , Black and Oreep of best'quality and flavor. Sugars good and cheap; common Brown at 6. good at S cents, common white 10 cents..- Syrhps and Baking Molasses, from the best Loverings at C2}4. to the lowest grado at 40 cents. Cornstarch, Dryed reaches. Dryed Apph-s. Farrena. Bucon. Dryed Beef. Mackarel. iterring, Lake Fish W Dry Fi»h, Window Glass, different size-*. &<*.. all of which will be sold vAy low for cash; or exchanged fbr I’r due l . Always on hand, Speer i: Halls cel-hraled Iron Plows. Persons jrwitmg town ' would do well before making their selections to call arid examine our stork, as wv will be pleased to see them free of .charge. Very thankful for past favorsl wc respectfully solicit a continuance of pub lic patronage. i. Altoona, April ISth, LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. Th e undersigned haying purchased the right for Blair county, ot T'olhurst’s Improved Washing Machine, are now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to those persons throughout the county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. This machine i-< got iip on an entirely now principle, and is considered,, by tboso who have ei*n it in use, the befit that has ever been brought before the public. Among the many advantages of this machine over all be mentioned’the following: Ist. Its simplicity of Construction, making it almost im possible to get pnt of order. 2tf. Its speed,'which astonishes alike tho operator and the looker on. - 3rd, The facility with which it adapts itself to tho bulk or qantity of clothes desired to be washed. 4 th. It washes equally i'ell the finest and lightest fabric or tlie coai seat and heaviest, such os bcd-quilu, comforts, blankets, Ac. ; We the.undersigned, iheroby certify that we are now uslng'Tolhurst’fflmproved Washing Machine and are ful ly satisfied that It is a Very excellent article of tho kind ; combining as it docs great speed with little labor, and per formlng its work In the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real ’abor-savlng washing machine. JOHN WOODS. i * EMILE TIETZE, MICHAEL CALVERT, THO?. McAULET, JOSEPH G. ADLCit * DANIEL PRICE, R. A. 0. KERR, n : HAT & CAP EMPORIUM, JESSE SUITS, Proprietor. All the latest styles of HATS and CAPS constantly on hand. It is the determination of.the proprietor o r this Emporium to keep up with the times and fashions, and to do this ho spares no expense. He has just'"received his supply SPRING AND SOMMER HATS AND CAPS. among which win be found styles and ties to suit tlie tastes of did or young, or feshioualile. To give ths names, colors. qualities and styles of all his goods in this lino; would duly confuse the reader, and ho would not then understand orkppreciato the diversity and magnitude pf hiastock. It must bo seen to be believed. Goonjlseo Jesse if you want to see a live hatter and a fishloimble stock. - He bus also a fine assortment of CHILDREN’S HATS and FLATS, to which ho invites the attention of solicitous mothers. At his store will find something which will excel all their neighbors |n tlv war of foshion and beauty. Ob; mothers, and'examine and select from Jesse Smith's stock. Stare on Virginia Street* opposite Vie Lutheran Church. May9,lB6L* ; t J. Gr. ADLUM, NOTARY PUB LI C . CO., PA. Can at all times bo foudd at tho store of J.JL Hiloman. October 1.1867; T)ORES! ROBES! Jlv Just received a finolot of Buffalo Hobos, which w« will sell at from |4 to $19% piece. Two doors below the Tost Office. 1 M. THOMPSON, Agent. Jan. 3, .1861. I? OK. SALE.—A HOUSE AND J OT, . desirably located in ibe Borough Of Altoona- Apply JOHN SHOEMAKER. Altoona, Job. O,IBGO-tf. SAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM- IdM, Sharing Cream, Tallst Soaps. 4c. for I O.W. KJESStER. All the standard patent JttWCIKJS AX ; 1-tf. KK33LWPB. McMTNN k DERN. Altoona, Blair County, /b. MOFFAT’S j LIFE PILLS and PHffINIX BITTERS. | irpHESE I MEDICINE H AYES NOW j i been bcfofe'tho public for a period of thirty year*, | land daring that time bare maintained a hlgb'charactar m j i almost every pdrt'of the globe, for their extraordinary ana . immediate power of'festering perfect health to persons euFj, •faring under nearly every kind of disease to which the ha* , i man frame Is Babte. \ I ■ The following are among the distressing variety cf bo- j irnnn diseases in which the : - VEGETABLE LTFB MEDICINES | lure well known to be Infolllblc- t I DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing Uie first and sec ond stomachs. and* creatine a now of pureTbeolthy bile, in stead or the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY; Loss or Appetite. Heartburn, Headache,. Restlessness, 111 Temper, i Anxiety, Langour, and Melancholy, which are the general wymptoma of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural conse quence of its cure. i, COSTIVKNESS, by cleansing the whole length of the in with a solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. j ;. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu- ; lar circulation, through the process of respiration in such cjo-es. and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruc- ; tion in others. x . J ' The Life Medicine Jiavo been .known to cure RHEUM A fPJSST permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints-• ; DROPSIES of all kinds,' by frecingnnd strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a Certain remedy for the woist cases of GRAVEL. , Also WORMS, by dislodging from the - turnings of the towels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere, i SCURVY, ULCERS, aud INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and Ali the buniora. I * SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, the morbid state of wiiich occasions all eruptive com plaint's, Billow, cloudy, and other disagteeaole complexions, j The use of these Pills fur a very short time will effect an phtire cure of SALT RHEUM, aud u striking improvement Ip. the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and IN FLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. ; PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was | aired of Piles, of 35 years standing, by the uso of the Life j alone. \ > I •' FEVER & AGUE. I —For thin scourge of the Western coun try. these medicines wjll bo found a safe. speedy ami certain i remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a re turn of the disease—a cure by these medicines is perma nent —try them, be satisfied, and be cured. BILLIOUS FEVERS ane LIVER COMPLAINT?.—Gen eraI debility, loss of appetite and diseases of females—the medicines have boon used with the most beneficial results' : ln cases of this description:—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous De bility. Nervous Complaints of all kinds. Palpitation of the Heart. Painters’ Colic, arc speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Menu ry, will find these medicines a perfect cure, as they nevor-fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, in finitely-sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sar gapariVl*. : Prepared and sold by For sale by all Druggists, PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! ,Unr t &ah'din Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy . ' T.Tofy person desiring to obtain the very best ami cheap qst portable light within their roach, should call at tho jftdre of lh»'undersigned aud examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge, ourselves to demon strate ■ l**t* That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explain. , 2d. That they emit no oflonsi\e,odor while burning. 3d. That they arc very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. Mb. That they burn entirely free from smoke. Cth. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than rttiy uthfr light now in common use*. ■ These are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories. Halls, Churches, Stoics, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. Tim burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp i can be attache*! to i>M side, Imaging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every .purpose of a new lunp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction iu all cases. : Aug. K*, ISoS-tf.] 0. W. KESSLER. GROCERY, PROVISION, A X D WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. Oniik undehsi jNkd would in- J, FORM the public that ho has purebred the interest of A. MILLIROS in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St., where bo will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR. HAMS, SHOULDERS,. SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT. MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, ■SUGAR, SHOES, CoXFKCTIONARIES. and everything urnally kept in Grocery and Provision Store-, all of which he receive- fresh.from the eastern and VfvhbTU citic*. and wilL-»ell at the most reasonable prices. . 41 -v-iug n et nily obtained license to sell liquor by whole- M»le. I will kW-p c->T)j*f..ntlv on hand a large assortment ol Il'jimr* *d* *?> b.-t qualiti'-s fo'b- bad. 1 r. -'•-licit a -I.ap- »-f rmMic custom. .lulv :r. !U. ' J. BBUKOWITZ. SOMETHING NEW. F I ’UK .SI RSCRIREU HAS JUST ;j| r> tunn'd tram the cj:st when* be Las purchased a very l.u'-t- ami !im»vt<u-k of BOOTS' Sz SHOES, Brogans, ©alters, whieh hr is prepared to offer to tbreitiz'-n* of Altoona and ■Vicinity at v-.-ry low prices. Having purchased direct from th- inatudactarer-i f<>r cash, ho is prepared fo soil at prices Hint will defy competition. All that he a*ks is that the people will call and examine his slock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOT* and aIIOES made to oi'der on the most roa -«>nalde terms. Al-o. repairing promptly attended to. Don't forget the place, two do-rs below Post Office. Jan. 3, ISUI. M. THOMPSON, Agent. rANDS! LANDS!! LANDS!!! J The undersigned is prepared to locat**LAND WAR RANTS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices. Good selections can uow, be made near tin large streams and settlements. Tin* Lands of this Toi'itory, now in Market, art' of the best quality. ; &2i» Sefections carefully made. Letters cf inquiry re* <m«ted. ALEX. F. MoKINNEY. - OREAPOUrf, Cass County, N. Ter. JulyU, 1859.-tf references: . lU‘V A. B. Claus, Altoona, Pa. >\*Mx 51. Li.otn A Co. v Bankers, Altoona, Pa, McCrum & Dkrx. Editors. “ JTnos. A. Scott. Supt. P. R. R„ « ~D. McMurtrie, Esq.. Huntingdon, Pa. S. M; WOODKOK. attorney at law. > ; Altoona, blair co., pa., \\7TLL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE -1 1 KAL Cram of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon Counties. -Waving had several years’ experience in the practice of Jlici Law, ho expects to merit public patronage. ’ > Office on ANNJK STREET. 3doors above the Post Office. I Sept. b, 16*50.-tf. \V. M. LLOYD* GO., ALTOOXA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., HOLLIDAISBUIIG. PA., (Late “ Bell, Johnston, Jack $ Co") ■ Drafts on the principal Cities, ami Silver and Qpld for sale. Collectiotiß ipiuie. Moneys received ou dejjosite, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interests at lair rates. Feb. 3d, 1859. /TV W. KESSLER PRACTICAL # DRUGGIST. respectfully announces a .. P terthe citizens of Altoona and the public: enully, that he still continues the Drug bn Tlrglnia street, where ho constantly unhand,for sale. Wholesale and Retail. DRUGS', MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VAKWISU ES and DYE-STUFFS. f ■ 11 j 9 By strict attention to business, and a deairo 1b render sat isftction to all as regards price and quality, ho hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. • I physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable forms, and all* orders from a distance promptly attended to. I Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. WM. S. BITTNER, DENTAL SURGEON. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM PLE, next door' to the Post Office. 45P* A Student wanted- [l)cc. 23, *58.-tf. DYES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw ni«rh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT innoun the pn.,.ic, that he i* ready to discharge his duty as ffn Auctioneer whenever called upon. fjan. 2 *56. /'ll ROCERIES. A -LARGE AND V X complete assortment of Groceries have just been're’ cplioil »t Uje «tor!i pf J. B. MILKMAN.; |A BDOMTNAL SUPPORTERS, Trus-1 XX. wi shd Shoulder Brace, for sal* »t 1 [ !*«• 0. W. KESSLER’S. ! W. B. MOFFAT, 235 Broadway, New York. [Sept. 13, ISGO-ly. K&W STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT HI LEM AN’S. The subscriber informs his easterners, and the public generally, that ha has just received a large and beautiful assortment of FALL AND WINTER QOODS; » which, for magnificence, extent and variety, have, never before been excelled In Blair county. Particular attention is invited to our stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such at Black and Fancy Silkt. ChaViex , Brreget, Brilliants, ■ Lawns, Delaines , ChinUs, Deßegcs, Crapes, Prints, Crape and Stella Shawls, Mantillas. Cndersleetes and hosiery* Bonnets and Kiltbont, Collars , Hand kerchiefs, Kid Gltnts, Hooped Skirts , Skirt ing, Laar Mitts, <£c. FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Wo bare Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Ac. Heads of familfas would do well to call and examine our stock of Winter Goods for Boys. Boots, Shoes, Hardware. Glassware, Qimoaswarc, Wood and Willow Ware. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., la any quantity aud at prices that cannot fail to please. GROCERIES. Oar stock of Groceries id more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed. Loaf N. 0 Sugars; Green. Y. 11. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soane. Ca*<Ues, Salt, Fish. Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage Heretofore receded, ho hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. *»* Qountry Produce of &}1 kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices Oct. ‘25, ISOp ' ri RE AT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK ■ vT INO STOVES. CONSUMPTIONS'OF SMOKE AND GAS AND SAVING 1 OF FUEL. : The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to tho public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING ; Cooking Stove, recently patented, which ia destined to su i perctde all others, as it requires • ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL i than other Stores and ia more easily, quickly and regular j ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from this ! store from the fact that it is all consumed ere it can es cape! There is no trouble from smoke as that unpleasant ; and often annoying exhalation Is also consumed Uiaide of I the stove Neither is there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by ; the gas arising from coal fires. I Persons wishing to purchase stores are invited to call at thefctore of the subscriber, in the Masopic Temple, and ex ■ amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, j SJc Agent for Blair C>unfy~ L N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg ■Stoves on hand. 4 [Aug. U, 1850.' FIRST ARRIVAL OF spriistg goods AT THE “ MODEL.” WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN unusually fine Stock of Goods suitable for the Season. No Auction trash, but regular good (foods at very low prices. We deem it unnecessary to parade the prices, of a few articles iu an advertisement, bnt only say that wo can and will sell goods at a« fair prices us any other house in the place. We have, as usual, a great variety of LADIES’ DRESSGOODS. In this departnu ut we think we can say we have the best a>sortmrnt to be form! in the place, consisting in part of Black and Fancy Silks,-Polina* Lmtrts, J/oreUas, Broche MrizamhiquK'S. Arabesques, Valencias , Grisailles, Oila brians, Ch't-Uus. Delaines, Delryes. Lardlas, Bril liants, Ginghams, Lawns, Chintss, Prints, and a full line of Domestic Dry G-m*ls. Also, Stella and Berego Anglais Shawls, Dusters, Hosiery, Gloves Collars and Cuffs, Magic KuQlipg and a full ?tock of all kinds of notions and Fancy Goods. Umbrella* largo and small. Boots and Sloes. Carpets. Oil Cluths ami Win dow Shades. Wall Paper and Border, Wood and Willow Ware. Hardware, Qucenswaru, Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., &c. Wv hare also-on hands u very large and superior stock of FAMILY GROCERIES at Greatly Deduced Friers, Sugars and Syrups by the barrel at a small advance. ■Gxr* W<- take this occasihn to return our sincere thank* to tin; people af Altoona ami vicinity for tho share of their patronage heretofore received, and invite them to drop in and 9-'e our new stock which wo.foel confident will please. Altoona, ApriU'd- •' J. AJ. LOWTHEK. Stoves, Tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SPOUTING, &C. Q RIGG WOULD RESPECT fuIIy inform the citizens of Altoona am) vicinity that In* keeps constantly on haiid A HEssT large a.***irtmem of O-oking. Ihrlor. osce Shop Stow, f. of all stylos and sizes,-to suit tlio wants of all, which- ti£ will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. He also keeps-on hand a largo stock <»f Tin and Sheet - Iron IfTtre. consisting of all articles for cjilinary purposes— CW Scuttles. Store Pipe. dc. • lie Ims also purchased the rght of sale in Blair county, of IVV. JONES’ ' Jt IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFEU, an invention which need-only to bo seen to bo appTecia an d should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. 153 U Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and nut up on the moat reasonable terms. faprll 14,1369-ly More good news ! The undersigned has just received fr<?iu the East a large and varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, iiuateriul for FINE AND COARSE O V E E C O A Tsl material fur | BOVS’ CLOTHING, ! GENTS FUIINISIII.Na GOODS, ; such as Undershirts. Drawers, Sus ■' peudors, Neck-tic*. Handkerchiefs - : Ac.. Ac., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ! All work ordered will be made up In the very*beBt style, j according to the latest fashions, on short notice. 1 Not. I,IBOU-tf THOMAS ELWAY. Exchange hotel^*—the sub [ SCRIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- ijMj fitted the above Hotel, and Ls now pro- £ pared to accommodate his frienda patrons in a comfortable manner, and hoiS§ESflßs - spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied Irom the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. !Us charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, and he fi'els satisfied they can not bo complained of by those who * or Jv. m with their custom. Expecting to receive a share o! public patronage, and fully intending to deserve It, he throws open his house to thwpubllc and invitee a trial. _ I have jmt received a etocU of'No. 1 French Brandy, n>r medicinal purposes. J Also a largo stock of excellent Tt'inee, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to bo found In the country. ■ * Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] Blair county insurance AGENCY.-The undersigned, Agent of the Blair vonaty Mutual Eire Insurance Company, is at all times roadr to insure against loss or damage by fire. Build- Furniture and Property, of every dos enptron, in town or country, at as reasonable rates aa auv Company in the State Office with Bell, Johnston, Jock i CALDWISM, *** Lycoming county mutual FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned agent of the Lycoming Mutual Firo Insurance Company, is at all times ready to ipsnre against loss or damage by fiie Buitdingt.Ferchandui, Furniture, and P.vperli of evt'. description, In town or conhlry, at as reasonable rates os “? th 6 state - i ffice in the Mai&mic Temple! Jan. 3, ’66-tf| JOHN SHOEMAKER, jigmU Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY floor for sale, Wholesale andßetail Al i™ r 5 ~ J- SHOEMAKER. Dec. 11,1856-tf. Masonip Temple. TTARDWARE OF ALL DESCRlP ttonsjort received and by Cct. Ibff] ’ J. B. UILEMAN. STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS fKTTKU'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TKRS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens {generally of the United States, Because the Article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A f6w facta upon inis point will speak powerfully than, volumes Of bare assort ionor blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetler's Stomach Bit ters for tlie last year amounted to over a half milliou bottles, and front: its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bot tles. This immense amount could never have been told but for the rare medicinal properties contained iujbe prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of tlie country where the article is bcst ltnown, whonot only recommend the Titters to their patients, but ftre ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stoihachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. Thi#is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts: in tlie way of trum pel ing the qualities of the Tillers, but n solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to he as enduring as lime itself. Hosteller’s Stomach: Billers have proved a Godsend to regiotjs where fever and ague and various other : bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Ritters” ate, a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, And imparls renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy Indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, oud oilier.digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to ncondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. J. B. lULEMAX. Elderly persons may use (he Billers daily as per directions on the hot lie, and they will hud in it. a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, ns it is; pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent ns n tonic, and-rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced tl|c benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general'debility; acting under the advice of physicians! they have abandoned all deleterious drugs add fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There arc' Icertain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly lender, {bat the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the Slimmer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for t}'stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the syslem, and enable Ilia mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters lb all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste its well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. -, All l hose persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, -loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids,; persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing: mothers, will consult dheir own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against usiug=,nny of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hos-fErrni’s Celebbateu Stomach Bitteiis. and sec that cacii bottle has the words “Ur. 3. Hostetlers Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the'bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap tho cork, and observe that our autograpji signature is on the label. , 1 I *9" Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEK Ss BIAITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout tho United States, South Ami rica, and Germany. -For sale by A. I’.OCSII, Altoona, Pa. Sept. 20, ISCO-ly, « ; - GROCERY - ARB BAKERY! THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUN- to tho citizens ,of AHtjona'ami vicinity that he J.Jas just received a large invoiDce of 1 Fruit, Ccnfectionaries, Nuts, .Spices _ and notions for children Ac., expressly for the holidays, lie will also keep always on hand a good stock of plain [ and fancy cakes, of his own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C., always on hand at all seasons of tlio year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLO UR, BDCKWHET FLOUR, CORN MEAL, AC., always in store and for sale in larpc or small quantities. .Call, oxamluoand pries my stock and you will find it ns .good and cheap us aay la town. Deo. 20, ’6O-ly. j ' JACOB WISE. Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEOAR, TOBACCO. JEWELRY &H VARIETY STORE. The subscriber continues to Vr'l; constantly on hand all the bent literary papersand periodicals, dally papers from Philadelphia, New Tori and nttslmrgh, together with a good asaortment/of Hooka. All the School Books nstd In this place and riciiiity always oh : Also, a choice'lot of Confectionaries, and knick knacks of all kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco & Segwra * O 5, n ’ a flnc Msortlnenl of Gold n!,TI r l V nCl8 ’ P oU Ro'B B »ud other articles of Jewel ry- Call and examine. n VETTIVrtF'n Altoona. July 20,- W .ly. .Vo! 1 S,°Sic. wvomssw-- JOHN BOWMAN. -EAT WESTERN INSURANCE ' TRUST COMPANY.— Insurance on Real or Phonal property vill be effected on the most rewonable I Marchl7Tsfl9' :i ‘ tSin h ” °«“J»A?nasV j March 17, 1859. JOHNSHOKMAKKR, Agent. T EVI’S PREPABATIQJL FOB KX JRATS> MI CE. npACIIES, A.NTB, and c^ffnrSu l^? 1 ft* Me *oder «ny ckoumstro *Ja£Sl Bros Store of ;; \J}. W. KBHBh«RT Hair, hat, tooths shaving, l«iul, Sis!i sat) V»rals!;,Jlixflisi at- •*? ' ■ ■*; ;!' ■(’ KKs-tst’s. HOSTETTEE’S CO « Ms w * S _ 05 I • *3 « Oa st: . • o S ~z £ ® s « s| " a a ii ps.-f Ss|l ◄ I 2*ll a ” 3a•§ a S ” os § . g ■■ P 3 * «a I «■ Uslgts w 5 -§ S“3 2 3 3® 11 pH n <-A s 2 •S^lsis U FLIS w: No. Wr JtABKET,'^ M so. an itARisT, No. *O7 MAKKET, PHII.ADW, PQU&DtIiFi PHILADBtP TBEMEXDOVS SACSIFh $lOO,OOO WORTH OF JEW ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH. A Large and Splendid Aeaortment of Jewelry. O? CHAINS. BRACELETS, CAMEO SBt£* And alt stjtee of french Plated Chains. QoW and Jewelry, r ' a We Jo not keep or Mil »ny gilt. Wft or galrsnisej Onrs is what are sold bj tho beet Jewelers as Gold We receive onr good* from the beat Gold Jewelry \r-- n&cturer* in L lhe States, • • - WHO ABB FOECED TO SELL. WHO ABE FORCED TO SELL. , 'TUO ABE FOECED TO SELL. The follorriug b ohljr a partial lint of our Immense TAKE TOVB CHOICE FOE * $1 EACH. . TAKE TOUR CHOICE FOR $l. Largo Size anil Splendid Cameo Seta, General Retail Price*, - - ton Do do Lara do 10 to 3u .Do do Carbuncle do Bto so Do Ladies’ Enamelled and Coni do 7to % Do do and'Carbuuclo do : to Do do :• ’ and Ruby do Tto 3o Do Gold Cluster Crape 9etthf£seU do In ; u sy Do do v d.» rare do do 10 to Cu Du do do Jet Seta, 1 do ' sto 1° Do do. Black Mosaic do eto I*3 Do do Gold Stone Mosaic do 6tv VI Do do - Calico Seta, do sto U Do Ribbon leasts, with brilliants, do 6to U Do Roquet Sets, new style, do S u> Do Enamelled Cluster do \ do 10to3o Gold Thimbles, • Jo 3 to T Diamond Pointed Gold Pens and Cases, 3 to 6 doz. Silver Plated Spoons, 2 Oy Silver Plated Mugs, 4, Uj Over 1000 other different slylos Ladies’ Jcwclrv; Medal lions, all styles, patterns and sizes; Lockets of every d«- scription; Gold Pena, U karet, with Silver Extension Holder; Gold Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac., Ac,; Cor* al, Lava, Cameo and Bund Bracelets; Gents’ Vest Chaim warranted to tycar for ton years without changing color and will stand the acid—they are usually sold by Jewelers as solid gold chains—all made in Paris. Von can take your choice for $1 each**. Ladies’, and Gents’ Gnard Chain* |1 each, usually soM by Jewelers at from $5 to $3O each* Lillies’and Children’s Nock Chains, bountiful pattern • Armlets, brilliant, enamelled and mfe setting*; Cro*W plain ami enamelled, for $1 each, retail prices from $5 tv $2O each. Every style and variety of Jewelry and dutir.v blc goods for $1 each. This sale, at the above prices, will continue long enough to neU off our Immense stock, which • wotr purcluwcd m a great Sacrifice from MannEectorera who have failed. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 EACH. SPECIAL NOTICE. TO SEND MO.NKT~£» - Ist. Write your name, place of Residence, Comity nnd Stiite, plain and distinct, as we con make nothimjout of murk*. ■ . J J Seal all letters with WAX, as Envelopes scaled with gum or wafers can bo easily opened—the consents taken um and to-sealed. Attend to this, and we will bo respousiUa for your motiey. INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. Any person acting as Agent, who will aondusatona tinio SLH), wo will give ft Gold Hunting. Case Watch, extra. **' “ Gold Lever Watch. “ “ Silver Watch. A Watch and the articles selected from the above List at One Dollar Each. Persons ordering by mail iHi«t send $1 and lo cents v\ postage stamps. OIVB US A TRIAL. All communicatiOua must be addrottaod to WILLIAM FLINT. Koi 807 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Altoona, March 7, XSGr-£m, r PO THE PUBLIC.—T H E SUB JL SCR IBER (having taken the establishment berttufur# owned by Sartthoi I, Fries,) Woultlre?pectfuUy an* ■■ nouucc to thii citizens of Altoona and vicinity, thatJiQ has removed his • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CTttfo Try, sheet-11: ox 'wake a stove stoe e, the new building on Annie street, between Harriet an f Adeline streets. East AUoorta, where ho tfill keep constant* ly nn hand a large assortment' of everything in bis lint, which heUvlli dispose of on reasonable terms. HOOFING & SPOUTING pot up on short notice. lie ahto manufactures'' Leaded leox Spouting, which is said to be much superior to gal vanized sheet-iron or tin. - He has also attached a coppar-smitbing room to bis es tablishment and will keep on band an assortment of cep per siml brass kettles, Ac. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. Altoona, Ang. 16lh, 1800, Philadelphia watch and JEWELRY STORK. itfXL^f3 A O. COXUAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, No. 148 N. 2d St., corner of Quarry The undersigned lias leased the premh-os, where he will keep a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, of American. English and Swiss man ufacture of the most celebrated makers. In addition to which will he found always qn hand (and made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silverand Silver Plated ware, together with a general assortment of shch goods as ar« usually kept in a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store. The patrons of O. Conrad, and those of the subscriber, together with the public generally, are Invited to call. and they will receive a good article for their money. As 1 am determined to do a cosh business, goods will bo sold very low. ‘vS*m nil Pi'hfits and Quick Suits* 9 is the motto of this Establishment.' LEWIS H. BKOOMALL, „ Formerly 0. Conrad. No, 148 X. Second St„ cor. of Quarry, PhiUda. June 7, ISUO.-ly., THIK great question which X n °' v ngltates the mind of every person is, where con I get the best article formvl||H money? In regard to other matters, the scriber would not attempt to direct, but if you want anything in the line of Bffk COOTS OB i^HOES he invites an examination of his stock and work. He keeps constantly on Imrttl au usaortmrnt Gaiters, Slippers. 4c., which he offers at fair prices. He’ will give special attention to cnstom work, all ol wftieh will be warranted to gin* satisfaction. None but tb« best workmen hre employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler's Drug Store, September 3,^57-tf] Bakery and Grocery Store. T nE SUBSCRIBER keeps cox .1 STANTLY on haml Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, kc FEED, BACOIT, FLOUE, GROCERIES, Also, a cliolce lot of SEGARS anil TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Virginia Street, below Annie Street. NOV; 10. •BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. r pIIB UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCE the citizens of Altoona ant} vlciuitv that tho\ opened a ' BOOT AND SHOE SHOP On JULLA 1 door abort Winters' Tin Altoona, where they will keep on hand a good assortmeo* of, Boots and Shoes of their own- vuinufacttsre, tUf Particular attention given to ranking Ladies’ Sheet, Centers, dfc. They invite a »hnrc of public |uttronago, feel- Ing satisfied that they can render entire satisfaction. Altoona, Jan. 10, *6l-tf JOHN SIDNEY National police gazeitk- T'ljf ST®** Jonnwl of Crime and' Criminals is i» iw Twelfth Year, and J* Widely circulated throUßboai the country. It contain* aftthe Great Trial*. Criminal Ca*os, and appropriate Editorials on the rome,Wether wKi information on Criminal Hatters, not to be ftnind in wj other newspaper. ■ W-SuhTCripHona $2 per annum; *1 for id* month*,tc . traJ bl ' "“ b “rilxure, (who .hould write their naß« and the town, connty and Slate where they reside piainljJ \ „ To Q, W. MATBI2IX S CO, ,A_ Editor i Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette. \Xm Turk City. Boots and shoes.—the us b“ n . ow . on hand and will ,n «>e Muonic Temple, Mf AVD^lTftVfl^L I !}** 8 “""‘“•a* <>f BOOTS W fWen.hrS^ 8, i^i d Z “S3?* ur made to order, Irf” I *'*?’ Gum Show Cork fc^oruF I*l 1 * 1^ 8 ln bi * lllK ofbtudneM, of I^*S?w2!“i! ,ty * n * o,l **• mo «treasonable toms. 1* cartbm work warranted Jan. % »56-tf.] T UMBER FOR SALE. slriso,ooo LATHES, . D I J *!‘ of BOXLDINO MAXKRIXIiS. lower than «>* IQWett, tor Coan.' Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER" PINE ANT) LARD OILS, CAM f.; #*»• ri«W, C«boo 08, *c„ at KESSLER’S- ON HAND AT McCORjItCK’S Store «p!eiajiii asiorttaeijt of Bdidv-Jlade fWLSj ctu&ajltM. ■ ■ JJS® * WM * *iwr FUST t FUSTf ’LIHTt 2«- *5 Baekst iw market’ lr t, 3TiSI‘IIE.\ WIXTEB3. JOHN U. ROBERTS. J. BAOEMAKEK- ■f' .*»***•■ *£> H ,:Mi (*># VOL V- Hew- AodikTatoi A*w<4»- ««dto%n •iwfa«o4-to Uozth «kI &Sg»,Krt* (broach *hl ccrUli. ’ Th« (oilo* - *tu» laftm * Turnon, J«« •addlMM whatever eat itr^»^ Three rew« known to-eci ToaUaddi ■jmptoau mi M* wOl wrttf tar cote, Ah devoted to h medicine can for one or Alto pnblh THE Containing «l DUeaeea In cauaes, ejmp THE Lz ASP 1 A work on complaints V abortion and prevention of then on inhj The Gen A book ibr Prevoiitkm •> uilOifHi,* «• tohs s>nti( THfc ■ *0231 | Quack* and H wary through It ebon* bow Ooodearaedu freade. Prlc. TH For every <> Freetrvtog, D ia the beat to keeper*, bon eat. Price 24 THB Por thoaa'w a tall dcaeript cerefnl etatrm tion. Price 1 The Infornn imbUahed, no bank* are pob bound. Any of the price, to slam hound volume out them. II and contain th JUSCWWa a Bonn.- &•: To the you: prostration oi of bight; wak face, Ir.. Ac. iaeoraUe dan To Femnlffl U f Irregular! Wesrecou lout, conewnp memos dflrspr such wo whoU a sure, weli-te We will mai TUB JOB It lea large valuable Infer Mti' Iha cut fecle of the Ui* Op all oilier MUM of the o andenre. Oa Onnramp On the Livei On female ( Onthevarw On the mol. On thePnJs, On Die vark On the Phy* On the Cami On Wet. Ex, lion U>* pii iloi|,t4lj)r.T An.l m,ny .I Thh jonrnni J. llpniaX, Surgeon. Dr. OQcftaSti om«# in Ki: fur return Kov. 15, j POCO t^quai i u cent, chi water proof an STRAJI 80l RAIL RO.i ISO.YAI must ■ SUV IR For grain Qtnoii B DM. ,JfOw w rMJtett* Vi CfaooWa.Ae, -stiSiaAi &IQK TOBE I SSP«« ®W»WBW| T X> T nw W • DftU ovmUswn ‘oo»a, n.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers