The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 12, 1861, Image 3

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    ibh DstTtt.— On the arrivol of Uuaaoit
i tbe Pennsylvania Railroad At BjHjja.
m Thursday laat, a gentleman l» the
t Jffit*. OO desoendiag .t&m&H-jik*
’ the com. foil down Mtd fantaftly «.
Be resided at that place is ttaf fiunUr
ion-inlaw, Dr. Alter, and dud bom on*
seme relatives in Perry county.
.Reader, lave yon seen Prof. Wm4’«
iacment in our paper. Read it; it will
it you.
SNS^V.V.NV*S^y, >W^
To Consumptive*.
And those afflicted with
ndewigno*!, now seventy-Ave yean old,* bu for
cvoiod hi-* time to coring hi* Varlahoutra and the
New V-jrk of these drcadfulcoroplaints, wWch carry
ni* iviid ihou*amla to on untimely grave; he bag
{ailed to cure all who have applied to him for ro
i I't-iicviug it to be a Chriflian’a duty to relieve
road, as well m ailiome, he will send to thooe who
it, a cepy of Proscriptions used, (Free of Charge),
rcclionn for preparing and using the nine. Also
tilticti JUthing, Ventilation, aud Exercise for th#
ey will find these remedies a sure euro for Consuu*
(Tall diseases of the Throat, and Luogt, Fever nnd
utmstlpaUou, Heart Disease, Dyppepula, Nervous
, nnd Female CompiainU, and bo hopes every one
win wend for a copy, as It will cost nothing, and
Soring should apply before It is too lute. These
ktion arc used by the most eminent Physic leas lu
Paris, and New York. Those wishing them yrlU
fc,'CO.-Iy. ' • WUliamEburgh, Kew Vjwh.*
Dr. Velpeau’s Csnkeriue.
VPEAI”S CANKERIN'* cum Petr id SonMoMk,
JHSAtTS CANKERINE cures Sore Nipples.
_4*EAC'B CAN k ERIN E ckrcs Ulcerated Sons.
jPEAV’S CANKEKINE cures Borxiv
BEAU'S CANUEIiINE curct Sore#.
I.PKAU'a. CANKERINE : cur*a Chapped Up*.
.PEAC’.S CANKERINE cufm LlcoratoJ
J'EAVd CANKERINE is the boat rarlfler of
i tii.vtlilDg kuowii.
.PEAU‘3 CANKERINE care* Canker lo '
.Umar, or icaultiog from Scarlatina j.
.. if y-.»u tlulijjbt lu « white teeth, xxso the CAK»
r<ud dmrvs Will he resized. We plo4j|e
: liuit'it U vu)ir\.i> free fre-m acid* and all pot*o
Mi.ccy. end cao Uo «rlreu to an in&st with perfrcl
i i will the leeth aad keep the gumOfkm
crb. It 1# cquallv cQicaeia6» mmiug
iu.a’i ihc UiuUdauilm rtmotlles thathovoUveuput
the rnrf uf the various «lUcase#i above, none can
Ca& 3-jld by all droggivt*. hKv Sfi
r Mile. J. DruiUtt ACO^
• -V Proprietor*. 93 Malden 3C. y,
i« uf b) il> M
you tLoie '\bo are ia the eujoyiuett of perfect
r» -jucntly uiito need t S hare recoutvo to tonic*
> lives of disease. Wo ar*> never too well armored
the assaults of theilli that fle«bU ksirte.**---
inrigorator they in Uo3XJSr(Sfc’&*£X
medicine that cannot be taken resrfarlj.wlthbftt
t'ility and fUuicity to the iyaten£ this ho*
icularly, the Wrongest man ia not proof ngnlnit
HA, in certain ecctiousof tbe couatrr. Xft *1)
everand ugno t tho Bzttcks is more potest than
of quinine, while the moat dasgerbwcciiaof
»*»r yield to its wonderful properties, Thdee who
rf will never u=e another, lor any of
the Iloetctter Bitten profesteft tcgreV*
tiii'ifco who have made lh« experiment,' we
Kcwmipeud an early application to the Bfttecs,
cjthoy are stricken by diseases of the dlpltita
j»rSold by diuggifets and dealoia everywhere,
o advertisement In another column.
'(Stakegreat pleasure m falling tha »ttort)qo pf
ire to the advertised *at of Prof. Wood’s Boa tor*.
Sal and Blood Renovator, in aaothpr cokotna O'
r. It Is seldom wo take any notice of patent toad
it we cannot refrain {romepeatjngof thlsCoSfflot,
lustWta the afilictu) ns welt os onrseivea, w>
cbed tbe progress of this Cardial since Iteftrstfc*
n to the public, and v.e are eaUefiori that
o o»? for cleaning the system oud reOoTfttfcf the
at can bo compared with £rot Wood’i
eutftajng from geiifral del&uty, after osiQf OA*
1) t'’cU» beneficial t-ifocte. We bare a Jpflfcjftfr*'
C* wfth the propi-ktor, aud kuow bim tobeakfttal
leccc of medleluu; acd an jibing compoao&d hy
public can rely upon m bemg just what ft tollK
ted. We would advise ail sick or well to get •
U fc pleasant to tbe tafttcyami exhUanttagtutk*
But wc refraiu from further comment*, M any
r utiu£ ooe bottle* will bo satisfied m toltoeffttfs.
'To Consumptives.'
having been restored to health is* few
■-2 very simple remedy, idler having suffered ••*-
i with b severe lung affection, and that lirswd die*
eruption—ia BDUoiu to make known to hisfellow
the means of care. ,
iho desire it. he will kuS b copy of the prestrtp
(free of chargoj with the dlrecclpu forpr*p*|thg
! the same, which they will find a »nt« cors fer
i-'-v, Asthma, Kuosoimi, Si', ’ lie only object ol
liter h. sending the Prescription is to bvuftfit the
tod spread information which he concehrea to be
r. rod he hopes every sufferer will trjf his retne
pH coat them untiling, and may prove ablosrtng
wishing tnc prescription wOl please addrtee.
King: County, New Tork
Card to the Suffering.
I. Bfm. Cosgrove, while laboring as a mUshmsr/
W a# cured of Consumption, wheuall Otherßieihe
, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician
t the gnat city ofjeddo. Ibis toefpeba* chltd
■h-r» who wero snfferiug from Consnmplion,
k Sore Throat, Conglis and Colds, and the debtlitf
ns depression caused by tUOee disorders. ,
lof beneHttiug others, 1 will send thlsrseips.
•ought homawith me, to ail who need it, fees of
Address o* -
133, Pnitoo Awnoe. _
i Gmai Clothiso Eaeoaic* « tn Camp—
ii» possesses the m«t epleadld Clothiajfa
* country. Ufa ejjiendldas regard* jto f*!*'
ire in which the hametashMlaess of (pa Mtrt*
trandacud, uvd splendid ii rasp***
li tieililiw and rapt resources. Bat to lt»l» -
::>e( attractions «n,fnt, the elegance pflfao
i i' OuaUtaata qaiSaattt*, maaufacturedthaf* •
fradisaaity aaddaraUltty of the material*.***
m mtoellimoe of the St, K&d lastly the mod*«i*»
tUksh thegoode ar* Kdd.We refer, la tUr *«*•
“.KSV’iJ!? ,h “ Aa Brown Stone CMhWf
tkhm*wo«», Soi. WS and eot aiesfaenS
fa. PhßadrttiMa. ■ :
sor yaadanhaow, it fa ant often w* notice*
iicin* of any kind, bat there is somethin* *>
t Seatoratire CordW of p«(f. Wood.
flthal,ftat we step aside from oar tamiv*?'
nameodthl* sctentlilc tonic Cordial torfpm*
no doobt doaU that i» cUim*d:W|fc"||*
repntalioa of the inrnatorfafatffW’
lieefiw tW,-bni w» hare tried it, aadJsWfa' *
*fa4 **«#Bfrtatt fay toning tqtttoVaftlM.
I onaWing them 4o perform oil their
InrtUapMiM ftttenttop to the sdifttW*#*
.*mr*<H O**U
Wtrjrfcratii' ead
-• A -7' -•ir'' ' i-“'.Tf< :
2Uloona Crilmiie.
. *
Tsstera W»T
V,-caern wav
WeiUTO ThiXiUgb.
astern Through.
Holl g » « A. 31. and fi JIP.M.
rt*wt« Hocus Daring the week, from C 45 -a. m. till
. L fv « on Sundays, from 645 till 745 a. m.
i .rr.-si Train East nrrivoa 4,10 A. M., I«ivm 4.45 A. M
M r ■■ West “ 7,10 A..Jti “ 7JoA. M.
a East « 8.30 P.M. “ K,50 P. M
.. West “ 7,55 P. 31.. “ 8,10 P.M.
mi " 11,00 A.M. •• 11,20 A.M.
h r, IToal “ 0,30 P, M., , •< c,50 P. M.
~ nOLUDAYSBURG BRANCH connect, with Ex-
Train'We«L ami Mail Train Eiut and West.
1 INDI IN 1 BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown
liammotiation Trains Eait aud Wat, Express West, aud
fsit Lias and Mail train East and M eat.
KinJ patrons; it is a lon£ time since we
have addressed you on the money subject,
and vre feel sure that the files of our paper
will bear us out in (he assutiou that we
have dunned less in the last three years,
than any other publishers in the country.
In fact we have but once asked, through
our paper, for money in that time. The
reason is, because we> do hot like to be
“ dunned,” consequently we do not like to
dunn others. ' But we now want money
lor a particular purpose, and if our pat
rons who are in debt for subscription, ad
vertising and job work, will pay tip, we
. ill have enough to accomplish our pur
sue, and that purpose will be beneficial
i j our subscribers and patrons as well as
ourselves. Now wo_ .don't want one ot
,ejr patrons to withhold the amount of
his indebtedness thinking that all the rest
,rill pay up and it will make no difference
-bout his mite. If this hi; the case we
r h;iil not succeed. We want all that is
due us. If our desires., are acceded to,
i ijiupil} , wo shall effect our purpose by
.the first of October, at which time we
shull extend an invitation to our patrons
that will astonish them. We arei in ear
nest, friends, and-if prou come up as you
should, we will, at tho time appointed,
show you something never before seen in
this section of the country. Your bills'
are all made, out, so there nerd: be no
delay. Wm, G.Mur
ray, of Huilidaysburg, has been authorized to
raise a regiment for the war, and desires to have
il filled as early as possible. His abilities for
the position are referred to In the communication
from liollidaysbiirg, in another column. Our
jeung friend, Pat. Walsh, is now enlisting men
lor a company styled the ‘‘Murray Guard,”
which is to bo attached to this regiment. We
should like to ace the men from Blair county,
go together in companies and regiment*, if pqs
-1 '.ole, asttc would then know bow many men
the county has furnished, and if they obtain
credit, Use county they represent will receive a
rightful share of it; Many who have enlisted
from are scattered here and there
iu companies and regiments throughout the
State, and some out of it. From all accounts,
those who went out of the State to find a regi
ment did not fare very well. Belter enlist at
i.erae, boys, under Captains and (llolonf's that
vou know. -
J®* Captain Hamilton's Cavalry Company,
v.liicU was formed in this ami Huntingdoncoun
ties, did not cater Young's Kentucky Regiment,
as was intended, but disbanded at Washington
city and the men from this county went into one
of the .companies of the District of Columbia
i uluutecrs. Lieut. J. M. Clark of this place
has been appointed Ist Lieutenant of tbe com
pany and James W. Rigg 2ii Lieutenant. Lieut,
lligg is non in this place recruiting for the com
pany and desires to obtain JO'meu. As the l)is
f ■~t V ihnii. frs are immediately under the con*
'.tu! of Congress, it is likely that those who cn
;*Sl in companies and regiments formed therein
>, e well provided for.
fncasEs ran tbe WAE.-*->Vho,will go? A
company of Ttachtrs is forming for Col. Irwin’s
llegiment and a strong delegation from Rlai{
county ia expected. Lot the 'expectation be ex*
ceeded, even. Let every Teacher (constitute
himself a Committee to forward to the.Counly
Superintendent, or to John Dean, the names of
all whom he foioica will enlist. The Lieutenan
cies are to be given to the counties furnishing
most men. A. G.'DICKEY,, of Lewistowu, Pa ,
More Boqcets.— Our “carrier” desires us to
deader' Iris thanks to Miss 11. for sundry splen
did nosegays presented to him during bis weekly
peregrinations. Also, lo the little Miss who
visited, our office on Saturday last, gayly
attired in Union costume, with a magnificent
bouquet “for the little boy who carries the pa
pers.” llcst assured, girls, your memories are
indelibly engraved on the tablets of Sammy’s
The Blaib County Sharp-Shooters.—This
“crack company,” under command of the gal
lant Capt. Dick .Crosier,, is now at Camp Kapp,
Washington City, and we axe authorized to say
that- there is still room in the ranks for a few
ttore good men. This is an independent rifle
company, and presents a splendid opportunity
for the hardy sons of Blair to distinguish them-
Wires in the service of their country.
Hon. L. W. Hall left for the Weal on the
sprees itiaafff eaterda; morning, to be absent
ot three or four vteek. He intends visiting
i-eatU;Ly and Missouri, »c beUtveJ
.... i 10 40 A. M.
7OO “
7 00 A-M auJ 0 OO P.M.
C OO P. M,
720 -
\ Capt. R L Hurre.ll, of this place, ia at pro
sept engaged iu raising a company to enter Col.
Murray’s Regiment. Capt. H. is in every re
spect fully qualified to command a company,
haTing\hocn connected for some time with the
Juniata 'Rides, previous to their entering the
; three months service; He is uow ready to take
i the names of any who are willing and anxious
: to enlist in defence of their country,
i Wc are pleased tq notice the appointment of
i another of our citizens, Alex. M. Lloyd, as
I Coriimissiorier of Subsistence for Volunteers)
with tho rank of Captain. Capt, 1,, served ids
country duting the latikthree mouths campaign,
ns Captain-of Co. 11. 3rd Penun. Regt., in a
I manner reflecting great creilit upon himself, and
I should lie accept the; appointment, we are con
| Sdcut he will discharge the dtjties in a manner
|as highly creditable. : L \
Independent Candidates.—We notice that
Thaddeus Ranks, Esq., of 11 ollidaysbarg, is an
Independent candidate for tho Legislature.—
Francis McCoy, of the same place, and Wm. A.
flake, of Williamsburg, ore Independent candi
dates for Sheriff. Enos M. Jones, of this place,
is on the same ticket for Prbthonotary, and W.
H. Percivnj, of this place, is a candidate for
Coroner, irrespective of party.
HoLLtDATSBuna, Sept. 7, 18G1.
Messes. Editors :—We (in this community)
feel partially the effects of tho present war that
is noir agitating our Nation, in the unusual de
pression of business of all kinds. There arc, it
is true, somcdittle doing, but scaicely enough
to furnislMjmploymont to half of those in this
community whose dependence is upon their
daily labor. lam sure that, had the laboring
.men their wishes gratified, it would be that the
war would speedily end. As they look forward
to the approaching winter, their hearten#doubt
sicken at the dreary prospect now before them—
their families dependent upon them, nnd they
out of employment. May wo. not at present,
take their wish as our own, nnd heartily desire
for the speedy close of the war. ,
Watson, Deunisfph & Co.’s furnace is still in
operation, but will “blow out,” I believe, ns
soon as they have used their present stock of
material. Ido not know whether this stoppage
will be for a brief period or not, but should they
stop for any length of time it will throw out of
employment quite a number of men, whose only
dependence’is their’daily labor.
The repairs to the Chimney Rock Furnace tiro
still going ,on, and I hear it intimated that the
proprietors intend starting it. Should-they do
so, it will bo doubt make our town somewhat
more brisk. . s .
The war is tbe coiatluual topic of connersa*
tion, at all’times aml in all places.
Our townsman, C 6!. Wm G. Murray, has been
authorized to raise a Regiment of
Tho Cul. is yrell known in this section of the
country, and will no doubt speedily rally to the
support of that “ 01*1 Flag 1 * quite a number of
tlic young and "bravd sons of "Little Blair.”—
His military abiiitictrhavc been tested—lie has
iiecn service in the lute wnr with Mexico—in
which hc*wjvs promoted to the position of Ist
Lieutenant, in the ITtii Regiment of Infantry in
the U S. Army. True, shcull we lose him as
a citizen, _wc will feel assured that r.ur country
has in her defence a.brav.e and noble sou. His
Regiment it to bo camped near Huntingdon.
Local items of interest nre xctf scarce con*
sequent!)* I am obliged to be brief iu this letter.
\ I W; ;
At> the Lutheran Pareounpc, in this place. May 11th,
1359, by lU-v. Jacob Stock. TUOMAS S. CU*cMNGiIA3I,
\ : U. S. Navy, to Miss KA’fE J. WIDENS ALL, formerly of
OIK ARMY (MBESPOXDMCE. u ;f ; u « „- l ltl tl ttl v
; Our remlurs will no doubt Imagine that the cake accom
« ~ ' y _ \ ' panyiug the above notice, which wc received last week.
Camp XUn*. Washington. D. C.,l\ i v , , .. 7, ... r , ’
q , _ .i on >\ h R * been a long time on the way. If it waa forwarded at
*“ , tm ei fcl * i \^ ; tihe lime thu uit*rriitgo took place. Be that aa it may, it
M LSSKS*. McC-PCM &I)£RN —lierc-- ■ w-ix* just os fresh and delicious as though it had been new*
tve are at last, safely quartered in camp at th.e baked. In loium, we hopo that the leeliug* which
City of Washington,'* About four months past, . the union -.four young iVienda may ever remain
, ' • -unchanged and that they may live long to enjoy each oth»
we started for this place, and were only pro- : ■ \ . r J J ° v J
• 4 j r era sac let v.
vented from arriving here at that time, simply ;
because we could not do so, by reason of a s»K j
perior force arrayed against us. Now, things I
are different. This time ye were permitted to
proccol oh'our jourticy without the least resist- !
ancc. On Thursday afternoon I arrived in liar- ,
risburg and soon after joined the company, then
quartered in Camp Cameron, about It miles
from the city. This camp consisted of a fejv .
men, portions of companies, under Capt. flicks, '
another under Capt. M’Anally, also Capt. AVaynfr,
and one or two other smaller squads,-all ended- j
voriug to fill tip their respective companies be- 1
fore proceeding to Washington City. Ocr coni- i
pariy started for this place on Friday, the day ;
following. We armed in Baltimore the same I
evening about 7, o'clock. On passing through.
1 the streets, on our way to the Washington depot, |
; wc were frequently greeted with hisses, but rio '
! .attempt wps made at violence. Oneof the boys j
l allowed they were afraid to attack our company. ■
I After waiting at the, depot all night for cars, we
! were enabled to start on onr way to this great
centre of attraction about 8 o’clock on Satur
day; morning. After partaking of a soldier’s
dinner at the depot, we started to camp, which
is just nt the edge-of the city. There are none
biit Col. Biack's men here, consisting of ten ;
companies of the line and two flanking compa- |
nies, including ours, msmberingin allovcrl.lool
men. Col. Black scorns to have conceived a fa-1
vorable opinion of .tbd, “.Sharp-Shooters.” and
assures us that we shall realize our full expec-j
tation—that we shall receive, in a day or two.;
pur rifles, vrtth sword bayonets and accoutri
roents. He also says that he intends us to net
as a flanking company of skirmishers to bis re-'
| giment. So far ns lam informed in regard to
the drilling qualifications of the men here, it is
my opinion that Company M. under command
of Capt. Crozicr, is the best drilled company in
the camp.; That advantage is, perhaps, owing
to the fact that - our company is composed Of
three-mouths men. We have .already received
our blankets and Overcoats, and hourly expert
the rest of the clothing. As soon ns we are
properly equipped we expect to start for Fort
| Corcoran, about 7 miles from this place, in Vir
ginia. Vfe arc composed of a set of first-rate,
“gay and happy" fellows* and I have every
confidence in curability to do full justice to opr
patriotic calling.' Bo far as I am capable of
judging. Company M is composed of about the
■ came"material the "Juniata Rifles” were in the
three-months service—ve bad soma cowards
|M«n, and I think we have some how/ however,
time and experience will demonstrate that.
To-day -tny friend and 1 took a stroll into the
icity, and the first place wo found ourselves was
ju t the Patent Office. We were completely mye
tifiad and astonished by the rare and carious
, objects that there met our gaze, and it is useless
i to attempt a description, as w.c could neither
■ enumerate the one thousandth port of the nrti-
I cleg, nor describe any we could enumerate;
j suffice it to say, there is an abundance of ma
-1 tcrial for the most profound and contemplative
• mind for years of study.
| On Sunday last my before-mentioned friend
; and I took a walk about 3 miles out the Park
road, viewing the different encampments on the
: road, when we encountered one of our old roem
hers of the “Rifles.” He told us he was at
; Inched to a company of cavalry, from Milesburg,
: und insisted ou us accompanying him'to camp
: and partaking of his hospitality. We did so,
; Rod 1 assure you, gentlemen, we enjoyed our
i selves in truly soldierly style.
■ '\ell, McVsrs. Editors, my time is short and
■ experience is brief, and as I have mentioned
about all I can, I am necessarily compelled to
j close. Foi - the information of persons writing
j to members of our company or regiment, I
I wjould say to them, direct your letters as fol
i l0TC! = ■ Care of Cnpt. Crozier, Company M of
j Col. Black’s Regiment, 2d Scott Legion, P. V.
I Very Respectfully Yours, &c. Blais.
j An Incident at Cbbsson. —An affecting In
i cident took place nt Cresson the other day on j
I the occasion of the arrival of the train bearing 1
' Lyon’s remains. The moment the cars !
stopped, General Anderson most unexpectedly j
appeared on the traiu, and shook hands with j
, the etjeort He said he was stopping at Ores- |
' Boh, and could not allow the occasion -to
I without taking a final farewell on earth of the 1
. remains of so bravo a soldier and excellent offi I
j cer ns Gen. Lyon The General then passed on 1
; to; the coffin, and, bending his head above it, 1
' sajid with a trembling voice: “We could ill af- I
; foyd to spare so courageous a soldier at this time, 1
: America needs nil her heroes now.” As Gen. |
Anderson was leaving the car, Airs. Plummer, I
. wile of Capt Plummer. U. S. A . one of the j
escort, and wounded at Wilson’s Creek, rose
from her seat, saying she Would be most happy
indeed, to know the hero of Fort Sumter. The
General cordially grasped her hand, and gal
lantly replied, pointing to the Captain: “Von!
need not seek, my dear Madame, to know he i
roes when you have so brave a one in him ,you I
have chosen for your husband 1” i
i figg" The official vote on the question of rati
fying the new Constitution of Georgia foots up
as follows: For ratification, 11,497 ; against
j ratification, 10,637; majority 860. From nine
comities there are no returns, and in others,
only one or two precincts voted.
■ To Mr FrtLOW-CtTizcNS: —l hereby annonnee myself m
an lotlepemleat candidate for the ofiles of Sheriff of Blair
County, and if elected will endeavor to discharge the du
ties of said office faithfully. . FRANCIS iIcCOY.
! Uollidayohurg, August 15, IS6I-tc*
Eds. Tcidc::d:— You will please announce the name of
ENOS M. JONES, of Altoona, as au Independent candi
date for the office of Prethonotary, at the ensuing October
election, irrespective of party. IdANT CinzsNS.
Sept. 12, ISOI.-to
:I hereby announce inyselt as an Independent Candidate
for the office of Coroner of Riair County. and if elected will
endeavor to discharge the duties of said office faithfully.
Altoona, Sept. 12, 1561.-to
In Williamsburg, on the 24th ult.. TITIAN, son of
Chiistopher and Llizabeth C. Metz, aged 14 years.
Near WiHian»ihaig, on the 31*t pU.» JAMES 11.. sonof
Joseph a”d MargHrct B. Ake, aged 0 months and 21 days.
In Tipton, this county, on Tuesday evening. Gdinstant,
Mr. dOUN' McVAUIjJ;N, aged 65 years,and 11 mouths.
! At T»la residence, InVatharim*' township, pn Tuesday, Sd
Mr. UCOH.FLUUsUS, aged ♦»?.years and 6 months,
j" In this place, on tin- f-Vh Inst., Of Typhoid Foyer. JOHN,
ton of John W. and\Mury Uouper, aged 2 years, 10
paonths aud 3 day®. \
Little Johnnv ilumhersvswectly
In hid lonely, iiitnfow ued,
Pelting storms ami tempest*
Cannot reach 1m little baud. ''
\ s
Sweet affection drops a tear \
O’er the place where Johnny lies;!
Angels whisper *• look up yonder ■’
Pointing upward to the skies. \
Pat away hia little play-thtnga— A
Yonder lies bis little whip, l\
On the table bis little whistle, J \
Oft he pressed it tp his lip. \
On tho window lieu bis primer—
So the chair cu which ho sat; 1
On tho uivil iu yonder corner ;
Hangs alone hi* little hat. -
Ob! remove sod mementoes,
Lay them carefully away ;
Christ he thou our consolation
In this dark and gloomy day!
$2513 EMPLOYMENT! [s7sl
Wc will pay from *25 to $75 pci* month, and all expen
se*, to jiclive'Agent*. or-give a commission. Particulars
sent free. Address Krie Sewing Machine Company, R.
JAMES. General Agent, Milan. Ohio.
Jept.l2-ly.-l i
Postage stamps ofthenew
lesin* Imve liecn received at this office and will be
exchanged for the Old Jwue np until MOND \Y EVEN
ING. tlid Ifitli instant, after which time the Old Issue will
not be recognised in the prepayment "f Postage nor ix
chanced. Bu onlrr of the P. 6. Dtpartmmt.
. G£o. W. PATTQN, P. M.
Altoona. Sept. 9th. 1861. . ,
' SIIRDII3. ROSES, BUDS, 4C- from Jtlßlfc.
alias Hoardmau’s celebrated ROCiIBSTEiIjHBSB^
The undersigned has been appointed an
j Agent f«»r the sale of the Hbove»named artl
ties Peranus whiling any of them will do
well to aUl’Qud examine the catalogue.
I t£3» All orders will be promptly attended to.
i J. 0. ADLUM, Agent.
j Altoona, Aug 27, .
Blanks of all descriptions
.auetly »ul exjwdiclourly taeoitw! at tlrti efflse.
R. O. A. KERR ,
Has just returned fi£om
New Turk city with * beautiful assortment of
consisting In part of
ToQ De Fte, Japanese*
Fthho Stript, Dt ChccrUy .
Irish Ducalt,
LarxUas. ■ Fblardi,
Crape ZkDege, v Lawntj Silks, (k.
a beautiful articles cheap and fashionable,
A large assortment ofthe, prettiest PRINTS ever brought
to the town, so acknowledged by competent judges.
Ladies' trimmings in endless variety.
He calls special attention to his beautiful assortment of
which is acknt wh*dgoi to be the' most complete of any in
tl\e town, and sold at prices delving competition. Iron
Stone lets for—Tea Sots for §3,00. *
directly from Kcw York, and bought from first hand.,
OIL CLOTHS from 1 to 2 yardt wide.
Ills stock of
is complete In every respect, ami will so sold at as low a
figure as any bouse this side of the city.
at lower prices than they can be bad elsewhere. Good
Carriages for $4.00 and $4.50, and Spring Carriages for
sy.oo, Just as good as heretofore s„ld for $B.OO.
Wooden and Willow Ware
in almost every variety, together with all the outfit of a
first class store.' [May 0, 1861-tf
jjg R. A. O. KERR, ag
j|\ ALTOONA, PA., S?
Agent for Blair County. ®.
[SiNOSIIM 18 83133 HM
These machines are ADMIT
to ba the best ever offered to the public, and their
superiority'!* satisfactorily established byAho fact that in
the lost eight years.
Over 14,000 More
■of these Machines hav*- been sold than of nny other man-
J ufactured. and more medals have been awarded the pro
i prletors by different Fairsand Institutes than to any oth
; era. The Machines are warranted to do all that Is claimed
| fv*r them. They are now In use in several families in Al
[ toono, and in every case they give entire satisfaction.
I Tho Agent refers tlmso desiring information as the an
j periurlty of the Machines, to CbJ. John L. Piper. Rev. A.
I B. Clark, George Hawkcsworth, Benj. F. Hose, and E. U.
j Turner, Esqrs. • ,
j The machines can be seen and examined at the store of
j the Agent, at Altoona. , t
i Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated* glass foot an- new
j style llemmcr—s6s. No. 2. oruamcntaKbrouze. glass foot
| and new style Hammer—sss, No. 3, plain, with old stvle
j Hammer—s4y. [Maitb 21, IBCI-tf.
Tbc Heroes or War.
9 NEW YORK, is noW publishing, in addition to
other povtra ts, the celebrated n known in Europe
and America as
Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Gallery,
in which is included Portraits of nearly all the PROMI
NENT MEN OF AMERICA, uot excepting Jeff. Davis,
Gen. Beauregard. Floyd, and a host of other confederates.
Price oi Portraits s3.uo per »k>zeu. Can bo sent by mall.
Scenes of the War for the Union,
are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form,'
Stereoscopic Views ofScenea in Paris, London,and in other
part/ of England and France; iu Scotland. Ireland,
Wales, Holland. Switzerland. Spain, on the Rhino,'
In Athens. Egypt. Tu- key, the Holy jLaud,
China, India, Cuba, Ac., ad infinitum.
Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views
Arc the Greatest Wander of the Age.
These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the
rushing of water, the moving ofleavea, or the march ofan
army, docs not in the slightest degree affect thetaking of
these views. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen, i
We have also on h*i\nd and manufacture the largest as
sortment of Stereoscopes. Photographic Albums, and Pho
tographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in
the world.
Catalogues, containing lists of our Portraits, Views,
Stereoscopes, Ac., sent free by mail, on receipt of a stamp.
£. ANTHONY. 501 Broadway,
AngB-1y neat St. Nicholas,’Now York.
pays the entire coat for Tuition in the moat popular and
successful Commcrcfal School in the Country. Upward of
twelve hundred young men from twenty-eight different
States. have been educated for business here within the
part three years, some of whom have been employed as
Hook Keepers at salaries of
$3000,00 per Annum,
immediately upon graduating, who kliew nothing of ac
counts when they entered tho College.
49* inirter** sons half price. Students enter at any
time, and review when they please.* Withoiifextra charge.
For Catalogue of 84 page*. Specimens of Prof. Cowley’s
Business and Or> amentid Penmanship, “and a large engra
ving of the College, inclose tweuty-fivo cents in Postage
Stamps to tne Principals.
JENKINS * SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Altoona. Jan. 24, *6l-ly.
Outbreak in East Ward!
| t VJ We don’t want you to kill any body, but wo
Jjsrapt you to get up and go at and carry away some of the
Cigars, Tobacco and other Articles, .
just opened to the public, by
! Slon.‘-r»Kim on the corner of the alley above Ickes*
j building, in East Altoona. They will keep constantly on
j Wane! a ©k*l supply of all kind-* of Groceries nd Confec
: tionariea. Ciirarn and Tobacco of the best .quality, all kinds
j of Prowions. such as Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Fish, Flour,
| Feed. etc., etc.
They irvylte a call and a trial of thoir.goods, feeling con
fident that'they cau please both in quality and price.
' ’AugS.lSdUtf
Dll. CALDEUWOOD offers his Pro
• fcsstonal to the citizens of AUoona and
vicinity. Office Street, nearly opposite C. J.
Mann’s Store. \
.r J. B. Lube*. My 0.. Huntingdon. '•
Jso MeCui.iocnyM. 0., *•
11. T. Corff.T, \•* Pittsburgh.
Rev. J. B Cbist, Birmingham.
Kev. Thomas St evtwfpv, Tyrone City.;
Jacob Buiobt, \ u
0. Gcter, \ u
W. BDRIKT, \ “
m. n.jou.T. *• \ «•
Altoona, May Oth, 1861-ly* \
revere, house,
Third Street, above Race,
RDOADS &5.41L08, Proprietors.
) March 7, ISCI-ly ; ■ \ *
i WANTED. : \i
i J ‘ *Vr to make Arm/ #»» tipife. ‘
T 9 precisely what iu samo Indicates, far wlrila plaaftmt to
A the taste, it is ravhrifring, ila rarity and strength*
eniug to the vital powers,. It abqrsyivifisa,i*JuifaWs*Pd
renews the blood in all its orfcgiaal purity, and tints re
stores and renders the system icvulnurabU to attacks of
disease*. It U the only preparation ever effaced to the
world iu a popular farm so as toj be within the ranch Of all.
So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the most
powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted so or fo act in
perfect accordance %cith tfmlav to/nature, and hence tooths
the i ceakest ftomach and tone up the digestive organs, and
allay all nervous and other Irritation. It is also perfectly
exhilarating in its 'effects, and yet it is never fallowed by
lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely
of vegetables, amt those thoroughly combining powerful
tonic anil soothing properties, and consequently can. uover
injure. 'As a sure preventive and cure of
CosscMPtwy, Baoxciiina. Imuoestion, Dyspepsia, Loss
or Appetite, Fainthses, Naavors lawr ability,
Necralou, Palpitation or tbs ll east,
Melancholy, Night! Sweats, Lax*
> a cor. Giddiness, and all that
WEARNESS, axim*-
. Also, Liver Derangements or torpidity, and Liver Com
plaints. Diseases of the/Kidney, or any general derange
ment of the Urinary organs.
.i~ It will not only euro the debility following CHILLS and
r FEVER, but prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic
influences, and cure the diseases it once, if already attacked.
Travelers should havda bottle with them, as it will in
fallibly provent anyddcterloUs consequences fallowing
upon change of climate iud water.
As it prevents costiveheas, strengthens the digestive or
gans, It should be in the hands of all persona of sedentary
XodiW not accustomed to much out-door exercise should
always use It.
Mothers should use it, for it iia perfect relief, taken a
month or two before the final trial, sho will pass thu
dreadful period with perfect ease and safety.
There is too mutate about it.
And tq you w» appeal, -to detect the Ulnoea or decline
not only of your daughters before it 6b too late, but also
your sous and basbauds* for while the former from false
delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than
let their condition be known iutitne, the latter are often
eo mixed up with the excitement cf business, that If it
were not for you, they too, would travel iu the sumo down
ward path until it is too latc to arrest their fatal fall. But
the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently
appeal; for we are sure’your never-foiling affection will
unerringly point you to PHOF. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE
which should always boon hand in "time of need.
0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and
114 Market Street, St. Louie. Price |1 per bottle.
For sale iu Altoona by A. 110 USU, Agent, and all good
Druggists. i [June 27,1861 r 1ye0w
Cheap! Cheaper!! Cheapest!!!
Huzza for north ward.—
The undersigned would respectfully inform the
citlkena of Altoona and the; surrounding country .that lie
has rented the store room formerly occupied by Jacub
Burkhart, on Virginia Street, near A. McCormick’s store,
where he is about opening a
Grocery, Flour , Feed and Fi-ovision
• He has Just returned from the East where he has been
selecting bis groceries with groat caro and buying exclu
sively for cosh, which enables him to sell as low, if uot a
little lower, than any bouse in the place. He would
therefore say to all t]hx wish a good article of groceries,
and at a low figure, to call and exaxuiuo his stock before
purchasing elsewhere. N
Uis stock consists of . • ■ ,
Uais and Caps, Men and Women's Shoes, Sotionsofall
kinds. ,
Extra Family Flour % Superfine, Com Meal, Rye
and, Corn Chop .
Extra Lovecing Syrup MoUiaee. CO cents per gal.
Golden 4 ‘, M 15 u ** *•
Pennaylranla 14 44 55 44 44 4 *
Baking ? ‘V 37W “ 4 4
White Crush Sugar , N 11 44 •» lb;
White 4 * . 10 “ 44 «'
Befiued ‘1 i 10 44 44 44
Beet Brown 44 ’ 8 “ 44 44
' i Cuba •.<? *
Uio Coffee 5
Best Imperial T«a»
2nd quality “
Kodn and Castile, Radius, Figs, Almonds, Fil
bert*.. English Cream Nuts, Mackerel, Herring,
l<ake Trent, Dairy Salt, Cheese, and everything that is
necessarily kept in a good fiimily grocery.
April 4, ’SI-tf.] •" J. A. SPRANKLE.
Whats the News?
T T has Just received and opened a Urge and beauti
ful stpek of\ . ' ' !
among which may be found tho; following
Fancy and Plain, magnificent and brilliant styles of
Spring Silks, BlackSilke. Norwich Poplins, CliallioD®
Laincs, colored and figured Brilliants, French and English
Chintzes, English and American Calicoes, Ac,
tVe have In this department. Linens, Laces, Edgings,
Cambric*. Brilliants, Nainsook*. Joconetls, Lawns, Mull
Muslins, Ladies Fine FreucbCoUars. Uudcrskcves, derail
ofvrhich wc respectfully aska thorough examination in
order to satisfy Ladies that we have these goods better and
lower In price than the lowcst.A
Mourning Goods.
This lino of goods is very ample, iu every department.
Hosiery ]a n\d Gloves
Silk, Woolen Cotton and Linen Hoac ladies and gentle
men. and an .endless variety for children. Ladies andgen
tlemcu’s Kid. Kid Finishes,Sflk and Lisle Thread Gloves.
Call and see bnr far famed ** Back Gloves.**
Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, and every urtidie In tfih Do
mestic Hub of Dry Goods, In larger .quantity >nd in more
complete assortment than can bo found in any house In
the interior of Pennsylvania. - *
We have also a fine assortment of
together with a full stock of
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware,
add all the et cetera* of a country store. \
May 9,1861. , , ;< J. B. HILEMAN.
(CELEBRATED lor its, medicinal and
J beneficial qualities as a gonniuo Stimulant, Tonic,
Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi
cians, and some of thofirst families in Europe and America.
is not a mixture or manufactured article, bni is.ptrro. from
ccltivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists and
Physicians as possessing medical properties superior to any
other wines in use, and an excellent article for all weak and
debilitated persons, add the aged and infirm, improving the
appetite, and benefitting ladle* and cbfldrqg.
because it will not Intoxicate as other wines, as It contains
no mixture of vpiritsor othqr liquors, and is admired for
its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting
a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft
and healthy skin and complexion.
None genuine unless the signature of
ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, K, J.,
fa Over the cork of each bottle. i
; A. SPEER, Proprietor,
Office Broadway, New York: .
43*Por sale by A. R»>US*T. Altoona; GEO. W. PATTER
SON and GEO. A. JACOBS, Uollidaysbarg; and by W,
NOWLIN A CO., Tyrone. : [je27-ly
v McCALLUM do CO.,
Carpeting, Druggets, OUCloths,
th« SbHeHoMoQPHILAPBLPHIA. [mo^Bl-jy,
fomlly W ntln their mpiily of cool forth. Winter,
BaAth.nbKribltrvnnldtMr.foze Inform the dtixenOof
AUooaeand,, tbil he 1. preptfrd to rapnly theou
oo abort turtle.. vltoetoMttorartjeleof ANTHBACXTi
•adAwnfficnclaamMße coar. B,»uiMU«t
or by theh«|fr>
“They go right to ft# Spot"
CfSttSl man stop tocr qodbsi
Throat Goafoetleaa,
■ *««
A® - They relive a Cough instantly,' •
A®* They clear the Throat.
A®"W>oy give strength and volume to the rote*.
Ad t They Impart a delicious aroma to the LreattT.
AS* They are delightful to the tails.
A®*Tbey ore made of simple herbs, and can harm no one.
I advise over; one who has a Cough, or a Busk; Votes,
or a Bad Breath, or an; difficult; of the Throat, to get a
package of mj Throat <Jonfectioqa,;they will relieve you
instantly, and you will agree with me that “the; go right
to the epot.’* You vlll hud them rcr; useful and pleasant
while travelling or attending public meetings fur stilling
your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one pack
age I am sale in saying that you will over afterwards con
sider them indispensable. Yon will 4nd them at the
Druggists and Dealers In Medicines, 1
My signature is on each package. All others are coun
A poc&ag. will be cent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of -
Thirty Ccuu. Addroae,
Nervous Headache
By tho use of these Pills tho periodic attacks of Strvou
or sick Headache maybe prevented; and if taken at the
commencement of an attack Immediate relief from pain
and sickness will bo obtained.
They seldom foil in removing tbo Aausca and HeodacKs
to which females are so subject.
'They act ,gently upon the bo wcla,—-removing Cbrtitvu&f.'
For Literary Hen, Students, Delicate Females, and all
persona of sedentary habits, they are valuations a Laxative,
improving tho appetite, giving tone aud tipor to the digee
live organa, and nrotoringthe natural elasticity and strength
of tho whole system.
7 a ti a
Uto i® *• ** •«
00 “ *« “
The CEPHALIC PILLS are tho result of long investiga
tion and carefully conducted experiments, having been in
use many years, during which time they have prevented*
and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from
Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or
from a deranged state of the stomach.
u a u
60 “ « “
They are entirely' rentable is their composition, and "
may bo takes at ail times with pefect safecy without
making any change of diret, and thcabsaicc qf any dua.
grteabU taste rcJidc** it easy to administer them to children.
The genuine ha?e five signatures of Uenry C. 'Spalding CD
each box.
No. 48 Cedar Street, New York
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines.
A Box will bo sent by mail prepared on. receipt of the
All orders should bo addressed to ..
48 Cedar titroet New York.
Kov. 15, ■60.-ly.l
Masostiux, Cosy, fall. 6,18D1,
Ms. Erauroo
1 bare Cried your Cephalic mis, and Jlikt ifcm so w<U
that I wont you to send me two dollars worth more. ■
Part pf the*) are for tho : neighbors, to Whom 1 gars a
few out of the tlrst box I got from you.
Send the Pills by mail; and oblige x
. Your obedient Servant,
lUvraroßß, Pa, r«b. fl, IMI.
Mu. Bfiiniso
1 wUh yod to wml mo on* more bo* «r year Corbsllo
ruio, / hurt r«r<irsrf a gnat deaf ofbvuftt from then.
Youro, EoopectfaUy,
B»»ccs Cua«, UcsnKQDOS Co, li, Jan. IS, 1891,
H. a SMunya.
,&*: ..
You will plwiao send m« two boxes of tout Cephalic
PUU. a»ud them immediately *
_ Respectfully yours.
haveuudone Dot of yat3°nut, mljta3l(lkat
From the Examine, Norfolk, Fa.
Cephalic Mile accomplish thfcfcjectfor which thee were
made, via.; Cure of headache in all Its Ibnns.
■\ From the Examiner, Norfolk, To.
IJeJ; hate bees tested la more than a thousand caeca,
with entire cucedie.
From the Democrat, St. Claud, J Ktm.
If you are, or bare been troubled with the headache,
send for a box. (Cephalic Pills,) bo that you maebai*
them In ease of an attack. ’
From the AdtA-tiser, Providence, S.
The Cephalic Stile arc said to be a remarkable effective
remedy for the headache, and one of the very beet for that
eery frequent complaint which baa over been discovered
From the TTalem K. S. Ouetle, Chicago, 18.
We heartily endorse Sir. Spalding, and bla unrivalled
Cephalic t'iila. \ “
From Hit Kanawha VOHey Star, Kanawha, Fa.
Wo arc sure that peraone nitTering with tlio headache
■who try thorn, will Mick to them. '
From the Southern Btlh Finder, Xtta Orltant, ta.
Try them ! yon that aro afflicted, and wo are aure that
your teatlmeuy can be added to the. already nnmeroullot
that haa received beneflta that no'other tuedtciue cae pro
duce. , \
•R. A einglo bottle of SPALDINGS PREPARED QLCE'
will save tea time* ita coat aunaaliy.*td
bat* m mcnti
** A Bnttg ct Tno Barn Km.”jy
Ae accident* will happen, even in weD regtilited fcmi
llo*,it tovery deeltable to. have aome cheapandcrrrre
utent way fcr repairing Cro&ery, *O.
moeta all such emergencks, and do bonaebold oanaSfard to
be without it. It iaalwaya ready, and up to the
point.' '■ ‘■
■S. E.—A Bnaß tenAnUi each Bottle. Price 2Jct»
-SfiWRY C, BPiuiINQ,
TOT* f*' ***:■*& r&mff?-