The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 05, 1861, Image 4
i SARD TIMES MA.IJE EASY! Good BlMn tor tho Unemployed ! iOOO Ohanoea to make Money 1 ONE MILLION DOLLARS won* h op WATCHES, AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TO BE DIWoSED OP ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN 2,600 AGENTS WANTED!!! All persons deeiroui of securing an Agency in this New Enterprise Should tend oo their name* at once, enclosing & 3 cent stamp to pay pottage? and receive by return of mall A PREMIUM i O.A TA:IjO C - TJB Containing OUR INDUCE3IENTS, Whish afford RARE CHANCE TO MAKE MON E Y without risk, together with FULL PARTICULARS Relative to this NOVEL PLAN! Totes ora prompt and satisfactory, dealings, direct all rders io GEORGE G. EVANS, BUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, ND BLANK, BOOK MANUFACTORY, No, 54 Market St., Harrisburg, Phis establishment is chiefly devoted to the manufacture of Blank Books for jk». County 0 Ricos, Railroad Companies, ; private individuals. In all cast's • best of slock and workmanship way bo, MIMMr , i upon. Blank Books printed, paged and bound to ; J**sired pattern. ’ Sheriff's, Attorneys .and Justices , ,'t.i of all sizes, made and ruled to order. Triennial . V- trly Assessments, Duplicates, Ac., for counly purpo rat'd or plain, ruled aud bound to order. County ... made of the best linen paper. . , r:\riaus, and others, desiring to have their Books well ' r.atl at moderate prices, should give us a call- Nevrs ; - the largest .sires, Harper’s Weekly, Gleason’s ••jiiul. Ballous, Scientific American. Loudon News, ■ j inter, and In any style required. Harper’s Mouth* L-ir Knickerbocker,-Blackwood’s and Qraham*s ' / Godey’s Lady’s Books Lady's Repository, Peter . 'l igtzine. Piano Music. Ac., bound in extra atyle«,or re plain and substantial half binding. Select Pam* L«w Magazines, Pamolilct laws, bound iu good Li / *tyl*, at very ’moderate prices. Person*! having a .•4r ot volumes to bind, will receive a liberal discount. • iitg can saXcly-bo sent to us from a distance by Ex and all work ‘entrusted toourcarc will be speed .v executed, safely packed and returned by Express.— : work warranted* Addreoa ¥. L. HOTTER,' Harrisbwy, I\ i, :fcSuMcCRUM k DERN, at the Office, arc my •-.ntsit«-Altoona. and vicinity, they will give informa in, relation to binding, and receive and return books - from extra charges, for all who cnt.oat their work to >• core. " [March 21,1861-ly SPRING OF 1861. WALL PAPER! WALLPAPER! Zite Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices in Pittsburgh. Come ami see. WALTER P. MARSHAL!., Ifo. 87, Wood Street, (Noer Fourth, at the Old Stand,) for mIo beautiful French, Germau& Amer ican WALL PAPERS, .'urfubr,, ’ • ' Uatle. Chamber*, , Churchea I»dgM, cte. £O,OOO roll. at 6, 8 and lO cente. 19indo«Curtain., Ftrc Board Prints, " * Teetor Corer., C«illnit*,4c. for th® Striped Front, it WOO*, M*rcb7,lg6l-4m. WaU Paper and Border. A N UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK -A. of the latest seeing styles, - - wtieh will be *oU cheeper then eror by ■ ; J. *J. LOWTHEE. ' :. ; URE WHITE LEAR AND ZINC AND EYE PRfigfiß. kj*<Qi hr.iiset n.ffi .^^pCw** JEWELRY. Chostuut Street, Philadelphia. PROP- L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOR!! An effective, safe andeoo- SOJDCAL COMPOUND, EOJt XESTOJUye CHAT BATS to It« original ooi.lT without djcuiy, »ud-presenting the hair from turniug t$B > FRST2yTI!fIj SALDBSSS, and curing it, when there to the le»« partlcfc of rltalitj or ncnperatlre en fsFl?urKTx'a SCCST AJXD 2JASVSUTF, and all cmaoeoeii afffectfcns;»ttbe Scalp. TOR BEATTJFTIN6 THE HAIR, imparting toft an un aqqaDed gloss and brilliancy, making it aolt and silky in its texture and causing ft to curl rcadfly. The great celebrity and the increasing demand for'this unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial is only occeesary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation st present in nr* It cleanses the head and scalp from dandruff and other cutmec-us efimufr, causes the hair to grow luxuriant ly, and give* it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where th*< hsir is loosening and thiotug. it will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore thegiowth to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield a./V*«A cornering of hair. There ate hundreds: of ladies and gentlemen In New York who have had ttiolr hair restored by the use of this Invigorator, when all -other preparations bad failed. L.M. has in his possession letters innumerable testifying to the above foots,from persons of the highest respectability- It will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair basal ready changed its color, the use .of the Invigoratoi will with certainty rtstore-it to its original hut, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume fur the toilet and a Hair Restorative'it is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and tho great facilities it aflfonis in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can be dressed in any- required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain dr in curls—hence the great dcsmnd for it by tho ladies us a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, ffa the price places it within the reach •fall, being. ONLY 25 CENTS per bottle, to be bad At all respectable druggists and perfu mers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of the Invigorator, In cases where the childrens 7 Hair inclines to be weak. The-use of it lay* the funodatiou for~a good head of hair, as It removes soy impu rities that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which fa necessary both fur the health of the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION. —None genuine without the foe simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, ,N. Y. blows in lb© glass. Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey St., aud sold by all the princi pal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. 1 also desire to present to tho American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE which after years of scientific experimenting! have brought to perfection. It dyealßlack or Brown instantly without injury to thollait-or Skin, warranted the best article of the kind in existence. Price, Ouly 50 €euts. Depot, 50 Dey St., New York, Aug, 23, *6O-1y AUCTION GOODS VERY CHEAP AY McCormick's Store, in East Altoona ! JUST OPENED A VERY LARGE aud Complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of British. French aud American Dry Goods, selected with great care to suit this region of coun try. In the line of Ladies Dress Goods for quality and price, they will surpass. . Mantillas, Dusters, Shatcls, White Goods, Em broidarieSi Irish Linens, Linen Hanker chiefs., Hoapskirts.- ‘ Clothes, Cas simerts, Kentucky Jtons. Prints, ; Ginghams, Muslins, Flan nels, Etc., Etc Boots A Shoes in aihthnir various make and material for Men & Boys' us well as Ladies, Misses aud Children. Beady Made Clothing, a full assortment to puit the season, with Hats. Caps.<Cm brellaa, Parasols. Carpets, Oil Cloths. Matting. Brooms, Buckets, Tubs. Tin Ware# Quceuswarc, Hard Ware, Stone Ware, Market Baskets, Zink Rubbers. Brushes, Clothed Line*, &c., with nil'articles necessary to make up a full as sortment to meet the wants of the people. ALOO, a complete • FAMILY GROCERY, which will have our special attention, first m buying and selecting the best, and freshest articles as well as keeping it up at all times. Codies of the very best and richest varieties. T 33 AS, Black.and Green of the best quality and flavor. Sugars good and cheap; common Brown at C, good at 8 cento, common white 10 cents, v . Syrups and Baking Molasses, from the best Loverlngs at C2}4, to the lowest grade at 40 cents. .Cornstarch, Dryed Peaches. Dryed Apples, Farrena, Bacon, Dryed Beef, Mockartfi, Herring,’Lake Fish A Dry Pish, Window' Glass,.different sizes, Ac., ail of which will bo sold very low fur cash, or exchanged for Produce. Always on hand, Spotr k Halls .ceb'brated Iron Plows. Persons visiting town would do well before making their selections to call and examiue~our stock, as wc will be pleased to sec of icharge. Very thankful for post favors, we respectfully solicit a continuance ofpub lic patronage. Altoona, April lSth,.lBHl-tf. LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. The- undersigned having purchased the right for Blair county, of Tolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine, are now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to those persona throughout the county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. This machine is got up on art entirely now principle, and is considered, by those who have seen it in use,’the best that boa ever been brought before tho public. Among the many advantaged of this machine over all others may he mentioned the following; I*l. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to gfct oat of order. r 2d. Its speed, which astonishes alike the operator and the looker oh. 3rd. Tho facility with which it adapts itself to the bulk or qantity of clothes desired to be washed. * ’4fA It washes equally well the finest and lightest fabric or tho coaisest and heaviest, such as bed-quilts, comforts,i blankets, Ac. s McMINN k BERN,: Altoona, Blair County, /h. Wo the undersigned, hereby certify that we are now using Tolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine and are ful ly satisfied that it is a very excellent article of the kipd ; combining as it does great speed with little labor, and per forming its Work iu the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real ’ahor-saving washing machine. .... JOHN WOODS. EMILE TIETZR; MICHAEL CALVERT, THOS. McADLKV, JOSEPH O. ADLCM. DANIEL PRICE. E. A. 0. KERR. HAT & CAP EMPORIUM, JESSE SMITH, Pfoprietot. All the latest style? gf HATS and’CAPS constantly ofi band. It istho determination of the proprietor this Emporium to beep up with the times and fashions, and to do this he spares no expense, lio has Just received hid supply BBRt SPRING AND SOMMER HATS AND CAPS, among which will be found styles and ties to suit the tastes of old or young, or fashionable. To give the names, colors, qualities and styles of all his goods In this line, would jnly confuse the reader, anti bo would not then understand or appreciate the diversity and magnitude of bis stock. It must be seen to bo believed.— Oo and see Jesse if you want to see a live hatter and a fashionable stock. Hehaaalsoa fine assortment of CHILDREN’S HATS and FLATS,;to which he invites the attention of solicitous mothers. At Ills store they will find something which will excel all their neighbors in the way of fashion and beauty. Go, mothers, and examine and select from Jeaso Smith's stock. Store on Virginia Street-, opposite tfte Lutheran Church, JJayMSej. i j. G. ADLUM, NOT A RY PUBLIC. ALTOONA. BLAIK CO4 PA. Can at all time* be found at the store of J. B. Hllemaa. October 1,1857. ROBES ! EOBES ! a Jtoo to of Buffalo Robe*, which wo 7 11 * oS* ® )B to-JlOajriece. Two doors bolow the ' " ' “• TOMPSON, Agint. f’OE SALE.—-A HOUSE AND JO F, a«tna(ly located ill tlio Borough of Altoona. ■ Apply *» J. ; JOHN SUOEMAKKIt. Altoona, Feb. 9, 18uO-tf. TTAia OILS, CdLOGNES, POM JLi. *<«•, Shmlng (.Cream, TeDet Soaps, Ac. tor mile by *-‘ f l ? - O. W. KJSSBLKR. ALL THE [STANDARD PATENT UtWCIKIS Jl'l V-tl. KtigllA'S. MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS and PHffINIX BITTERS. These medicine h ates now bectThefore’tbe public far a periedisf thirty years, and during that time have maintained a high ebaracter in almost ewj part of the globe, far their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health topersons suf fering-under nearly every Una Of disease towmkh the hu man frame is liable. • \ ThefaDowtogarc aaoog the dish—lhg mb«J cCbn man dtaases in which tin VEGETABLE LfTE 3CBMCQH* are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly ekaaaing the ftrat and aao* : end stomachs, and creating a, flow w pure, healthy bUe, in- i stead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY.Loes or , a ppetlte, Heartburn, Headache, IbsUcssucss. XU Temper, j Anxiety, Langour, and Melancholy, which are the general \ symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural conse- j queue* of Its cure. I CO.STI V £N* KBS, by cleansing the whole length of the in- | testinee with a solvent process, and without violence; all ' violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu- ! lar circulation, through the process of respiration in such ■ c.ites, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstrnc- • tion in others. , ' Tlf Life Medicine.® have been known to cure RUEUMA- TlsSf permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that j time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and I ligaments of the Joints. ' . DROPSIES of all kinds, by freclngandstrenglhenlngth© ! kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these important organa, and hence have ever been found a , certain remedy for the won't cases of QUATEL. | Also WORMS, by dwludging from the turnings of the ! bowels the slimy matter to which those creatures adhere, i SCURVY. ULCERS, and INVETERATE SOKES,, by the { perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the | blood, and nil the humors. ! SCORBUTIC ERL’PTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sallow, cloudy, and other didogreeanlecomplesion*. The use of these Pills fora very short time will affect an entire cure of SALT KHEUM, and a striking improvement lo the clearness of the . skin. COMMON COLDS and IN FLUENZA will always jbe cured by one by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing, by the use of the Lift I Medicines alone. \ FEVER A AGUE.—Forthisscourgeof the Western coun* 1 try, these medicipeti will be found asafo. speedy auucertain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a re- j turn'Of the disease—a cure by these medicines is penna- ; nent—try them, be satisfied, and be cured. ] BILLIOUS FEVERS an* LIVER COMPLAINTS.H*™- tral debility. loss of appetite and dLeasee of females—the medicines hare been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this description :—-Kingß Evil and Scrofula, in Its worst forme, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous De bility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds. Palpitation of the Heart. Painters* Colic, are saeedily cured. MERCURIAL DlSEASEJff—Perseus whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Merci ry, will find these medicines a perfect cure, os they never fail to eradicate from the system all the effects of Mercury, in finitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sar saparilla. 1 Prepared and sold by For sals by all Druggists. "PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON JLT OU- LAMPS I Unrualed in Beaut;/, Simplicity Safety cr Economy. Etr*y person desiring to obtain the vary bent ami cheap est pv t Utblo light within their reach* should call at the stor* the undcralgued and examine these Lamp* before purchasing elsewhere, ami we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That very easily trimmed. 4Ui. That they are easily regulated to give more or leas light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoko. Clh. That the light i* at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. Thee?! lamps are admirably adapted for tho use of Stu dent*. Mt-cliauic*, SeauiBtre*sei», Factories, Halls, Churches, Stales, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid anff oillampo, at a small expense, and will answer every pnrpoh* of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect stttislaction in all cases. Aug. 19, ISoS-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. GROCERY, PROVISION, A N D WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. npHE UN DEI!.SI JNEI). WOULD IN v. J 1 FORM the public that he has pnrch«*«ed the Interest of.A. MILLIRO.Viu th<*Qn*cery and Provwiou £t>i*e here tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will continue tho business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS. SHOULDERS, SIDES. DRIED BEEF. FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything u-unlly kept iu Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which ho receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained IWnse to sell liquor by whole sale. I will keep constantly on band a large assortment ot liquors of tho best qualities to be had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12.1860.-flm. J. BKUKDWITZ. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber, has just returned from the cast where he had purchased a very large ami fine slock of ;■ s BOOTS Sc SHOES, Brogans, ©aikrs, which he is prepared to offer to thecltizens of Altoona and vicinity at y.j y low prices. 'Having purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, he i* prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he a-ks is that the people will call aud examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' BOOTS and SHOES made to order on tin* most rea sonable terms. A\ho, repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below t».*t Office. Jan. 3,15C1. M. THOMPSON, Agent. !'LANDS!!! J Tlio undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS iutho Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices.- Good selections can now be made near tin large streams and settlements. The Lands of this Tei ritory, now in Market, are of the best quality. Selections carefully made. Letters «. f inquiry re quested. alex. f. mckinney. Oaupous, Cass County, N. Ter. More good news : The undersigned Las just received from the East ; a large and varied assortment of A FALL AND WINTER GOODS , I consisting of ' Cloths, Cassimeres, and i VESTING, S. M. WOODKOK. j mate rial for ATTORNEY AT LAW, I 0 ™ bco ats ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA„ | OV *" C ° ATS . * ’ ! material for TITILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE-1 BOYS’ CLOTHING, f f BAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon ; FURNISHING GOOD'* Having had several years’ experience in the practice of *H cb as Undershirts, Drawers, Sav the Law, Be expects to merit public patronage. 'ponders, Neck-tiea, Handkerchiefs - - Office on ANNIE STREET, 3 dooraabove the Poet Office. *c,, which will be sold at the lowest prices. g£pt. 6, 18G6.-tf. ' All work ordered will bo made up h, the very beat atvle T accordlng-to tho latest fashions, on abort notice W. M. LLOYD & CO., Hov.i.isw-tf tuomas^lway. rnwvaThw EXCHANGE HOTEL-THE SUB- U JA.CTC Oc l\i SCRIBER would respectfully in * HOLLIDATSBURG, PA. } \ form the public that he has recently re- AjOM^^S va j vyi* s —wn s~‘ r*»y> . i .fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro jnf VS ? | pared to accommodate hie friends and■Sßi9r (Late “Bell, Johnston, Jack A Co.”) , patrons Id « comfortablenramier,andie mmSSßS^ DT> a VI rp C- /w mirn unramim 1 Will spare uo pain. m maiing it an agreeable home for all II A D XS ON THE PHINCIPAL i S'tfDurncra. His Table will always bc luxuriously supplied Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections ■ ® country and cities, and his Bar mode. Moneys received on depositv, payable on demand, DHca W4tu liquors of choice brands. Hi* charges areas without interest, or upon time, withiotereet at fair rates. • a * thoHe of any other Hotel in the place, and he Feb. 3d, 1859. i J. e «" satisfied they can not be complained of by those who — ; ; *e vor J“, m with their custom. Expecting to receive a share GW yUQQT t?p Vdp a PTFP AT.' ?i p ° blic Peonage, and folly intending to deserve it, he »V . xviLddijihXt JrxvA.v>XXL/iV.Jj j throws open lu« house to tho public and Invites a trial. • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces P I have Just received a stock cf'No. 1 Fronds Brandy, to the citizens of Altoona and the public | for medicinal purposes. erally, that he still continues the Drug business, wSBy i - Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur on Virginia street where ho keeps constantly j poses, together with a lot of tho best old Ryo Whisker to on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS, i be found In the country. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- A 4 j Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] . JOHN BOWMAN. ES and DYE-STUFFS. ' " 1 I By strict attention to business, aid a desire toreador sat- • isfactien to ail os regards price and quality, ho hopes to ■ merit and receive a shore of public patronage. t Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, , and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions c&refclly compounded. [l-tf. | July 14, 1,609.-tf BZFERCKCZe Rev. A. B. Clvek, Altoona, Pa. IVm. M. Llovd A Co., Bankers, Altoona, Pa, McCectj A »m>, Editors, « f Trios. A. Scott, Supt. P. R. R., <■ D. McMuaiaia, Kaq, Iluntingdon, Pa. WM. S. BITTNER, DENTAL SURGEON. . OFFICE 1N THE MASONIC TEM-. T YCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL PLE. next door to the Post Office. ! PIKE INSURANCE AOENOV.—The umlcraieoed W A Student wanted. [Deo, 23, *58.-tf. ! epent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company,!/ - ■ - —' ■ ’ at all timoa ready to insure against loea or daman, by fire OYES ! 0 YES !’ GENTLEMEN *tn*amliv, AnvW< ami Property Of „m; ****** v uxiiixjjiiiAiiii . dewirJptiojiyld town or comitrv. at aa reasoukhl» «■ dmw nirb andlliear. JOSEPH P. TKOCT Miuoan- ! any company in tlw State. Office in the Masonic Twnpift johm E r, w. A LARGE AND FwoHnSta^! 18 0F l j complete assortment of Groceries have Just been re ! Apply to j SFinMUinS I^'*' cytfed «t the Won) of J- B. MILKMAN. . *S£2*H!k A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trua-1 •iti. not and Eta-jMc; Sr»c=s fur win at i-tl O. W. KE3SLEK'b. • W. B. MOFFAT. 335 Broadway, New York. [Sept. 13,1860-ly, KEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT HILEMAN’S. The subscriber informs his nutoowra, Ukd tb* poblls (OMraUj, Oat iM kM J«t netlnd ■ Unt*aa(l bwtthl MioctiMßt of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, tthloh, &r iMpHiMw. extent tad v«ilatji have nanr bHbru bMd exc«tted In Blair count,, fartlciihretteotem if invited to oor atoek of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as Black (aid Hxney SUkt, ChaUies, Benges, Brißianit, Latent, Delaines, Chinlts, Dcßegcs, Crapes, JVinfr, Crape and Stella Shawl*, Mantillas, Undcnieeves and Hosiery, Bonnets and Ribbons, OoUart, Hand kerchiefs, Kid Qlcnes, Hooped Slritts, Skirt • ing, Lace Mitts, dc~, dec, FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, We have Cloths, Caasimeres, Vestings. Tweeds. Jeans,. Ac. Heads of families would do well to call and examine our stock of Wlnter Goods for Coys. Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Qaeensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., in’any quantity and at prices that cannot fail to please. , y GROCERIES. i Our stock of Groceries Is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Ixoaf and K. O Sugars; Green, Y. 11. nod Black Teas; Molasses. Soaps, Candles, Salt, Fish, Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage Heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. > ' *•* Country Prodace of all kinds taken lu exchange for Goods at market prices, Oct. 25,1860. i HEAT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK i \ y IXO STOVES. I COysVMPTWX 0E SMOKE A.VD GAS AND SA 17.Y6 I or FUEL. The subscriber takes pleasure in offcrlng to the public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su percede all other*, as it requires ONE-TUIRD LESS FUEL \ than other stoves and is moro cosily, quickly and regular i ly heated. No unpleasant smell oi go* arises from this I stove from the fact that it is oil consumed ere it can es | cape. There is no trouble fmm smoke as that unpleasant i and often annoying exhalation Is also consumed inside of 1 the stove Neither inhere any danger of flues or chlm-. : neys becoming clogged vvitJi soot or tne mortar loosened by the gas arising from coal fires. I Persons wishing to purchase stoves are Invited to call at ; the store of the subscriber, In the Masonic Temple, and ex amine tho above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Soh Agent for Blair N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves ou hand. [Aug. 12,1850. FIRST ARRIVAL OF siPißznsro goods AT THE “MODEL.” WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN unusually fine Stock of Goods kultablo for the Season. No Auction trash, bat regular good Goods at very low prices. Wo deem it unuecesaary to parade the prices of a fl-w articles iu an advertisement, but only say that we can and will sell goods at a? fair prices aa any otfier house in the place. We have, os usual, a great variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. In this department we think we can say we have the best assortment to be found in the place, consisting In part cf Block and Fhncy Silks, Jfyplins, Lustres, Morellat, Broche Mozambique*, Arabesques. Valencias , GruauVcr, Cala brians, ChaHies, Delaines, Dthegts, Lavellas, Bril liants, Ginghams, Lawns, ChinUs, Prints, and a full tine of Domestic Dry Goods. and Bvrego Anglais Shawls, Dusters. Hosiery, 01ovi4 Collars and Cuffs, Magic Ruffling and a full stock of aR Muds of notions and Fancy Goods, Umbrellas large and small. Boots and Shoes, Carpets,' Oil Cloths and Win dow Siiades, Wall Paper and Border, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, Queenawarei Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., &c. Wo hare also on hands a verv large and superior stock of FAMILY GROCERIES at Greatly Reduced Prices. Sugars and Syrups by the barrel at a small ad\ auco. . We take tbU occasion to return our tlacero thanks .to the people ef Altoona and vicinity ijor the. share of their patronage heretofore received, and invite them to drop in sec our new stock which wc feel confident will please. Alloonn, Aoril 19. J..A J. LOWTHER. Stoves, tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SPOUTING. &C. SRIGG WOULD KESPEQT- 0. fully inform the citizens of Altoooa-S^^ I and he k**jps constantly on hand & HiS9. large assortment of Cooking. Fa riot. Office and JCSKJfc j Shop Stores, of all styles and to suit the *l^s^ ! wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reason i able terms. * j He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Shed ’ Iron flare, consisting of all articles fur culiuory purposes— - Chat Scuttles. Stove Pipe. dc. i If* has also purchased the r’ght of sale in Blair county, i of K. V. JONES* • * | IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, i an Invention which needs only to bo seen to be apprecia* 1 and should be possessed by every farmer, batcher or i requiring such a- machine. j Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, : either iu town or country. Spouting painted and put up ; on the most reasonable terms. fapril 14,1859-ly * LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE Jl > AGE>CY.—TIio undoraigned, Agent of Ho Blair Oonnty Mutual Fire Insurauco Company, la at all times ready to inn are against lon or damage Sy Are, SttOd vngt. Merchandise, Furniture and- Property, at every dea- Cnption, in town or country, at aa reaaonoble rates aa any Company In the State Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack t C Jan.W..i9-tf D. I. CALDWELL, Agent. ARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIP none just r&ecnsd aa3“fbr eels by ***: j^.mu?u.N. HOSTETTER’S W* tllfl,, Sffif ~tlUn STOMACH BITTERS. SSSBK . *• •* “muww*.*’- r «** ! »gn trtiiwiti . ranilsalpHil, ' 'PA. - PA. 1 PA. I tajuaxiHua xtcaxnr Thepronrietorsabdmaßalhotameof HOS TETTER'S CEIEBRATBO STOMACH BIT- TtißS eon appeal with perfect ocmfidwaoe to physicians and obltMWgenerwDy oftk* Cnlted States, because tke srtiolahee auaiaed*repu tation heretofore- Unknown. A ftw foots upon this point will Speak more.powerfußy than volumes of hero Assertion or Masoning puffery. 'Tbs consumption of Host etier’s Stomach Bit ters for therhut year amounted to over a half, million bottles, ami from its manifest steady increase in limes past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rate medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the moat prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best.known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to ita cflicacy in all Cases of stomachic derangements aud the diseases,resulting therefrom. Tliis is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary ilibrts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid cstimutionof an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring ns lime itself. J. B. HILEMAK. Hostetler's Stomach: Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the; stomach, purifies the blood, aud imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that- tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them I o a condil ion essential tp the healthy discharge of (he functions of nature. Blderly persons <llll7 use the Billers daily as per directions ou the bottle, and 1 hey will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to tljeibowels, excellent Os a lonic, end rejuvenating generally. We bare Ibe evi dence of. thousands of Itged men and women who have experienced, the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and gcheral debiliiy; acting under (be advice of physicians, they have abandoned nil deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of Ibcm sink under Lite trail. The relation of mother and child is so .absorbingly louder, that the mother, especially if she he young, U apt to forget her own health in her extrema anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the simmitr season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity fur a stimulant lo recupe rate the energies.of the system, and enable the mother lo beat; up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Billers to all other invigora lurs that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well os certain Uv give a permanent increase of bodily siren glh. All those persons, to whom we hare particu larly referred above, to wit; sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfarmby giving to Hos tetler's Celebrated StomacirUiUcrs a trial. ' CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hostktteu’s Cblkbkatxd Stomach lltTTEits.nnd see that each bottle has the words “Dr. J: Ilostetter’s Stomach Bitters" blown ou the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH h SMITH, Pittsburgh, Fa., and sold by nil druggists, grocery, and dealers generally throughout the: United States, South Ante cioa, and Germany. Far sale by A. UOUSII, Altoona, Pa. .St‘l»t.2o,lBoo-ly. GROCERY ARD BAKERY! The undersigned announ ces to the citisenft of Altoona and vicinity that ho has just received a largo Ihrolccc of Fruit, Confectionaries, Nuts, Spices and uotlons for eliildrei, *c, for tlie ItoUdava. Ho will alro keep «Jwht» on hand a good Block of ’plain and fancy cakes, of hfa own manufacture. LEMONS, PEtTNBS, BAISINS &C n always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS, GOOD WITITJS WHEAT FLO t'R, BUCKWUET- FLOUBi CORN MEAL, AC., ’ fi tore and for sale iu largo or small Quantities. ■ Call, examine and': price my stock and you will find It as good and cheap us any in town. Dec. 20, ’6O-ly.j * JACOB WISE. Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEOAK, TOIiACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. The subscriber continues-to keep constantly pn band all the bos t literary paper* and periodicals, dally papers from Philadelphia, New York ami Pittshnrgh,to*rether With a good assortment of Book*. All the School Books la this place and vicinity always on 1 Also, a choke lot ojf Confectionaries, and knkk knacks of all kinds fur children. Alep the beet Tobacco kSc cars t 0 Ml?** town » together with a fine assortment of Gold and Sliver Pencils, Odd flings and other articles of Jewel ry.CatTand ekaminfc. H. FETTINoBk. Altoona, July 3d, \ .Vo. l Great western insurance AND TfIUST COMPANT^—lnsurance on Real or p®" 00 * 1 property wfll he effected on tho mont reasonable terms by lheir apnta-la Altoona at his office in Anna St. *arch.l7,lBsff. JOlpl SHORMAKfIfI, Agent T EVT’S PREPARATION FOR KX- BATS, JtICB,' BOAtJHSS, ASTB, and Bod>bug»wi tlumt danger lu ita use under any nircamatan- J»Z ztjiStj — bc ' a yr - KES3LEH. Haul tooth, shaving' FtlnV Baab lid Varuiau Bntfhca at —.JCX $ioo,»oo woeiii o» Jiw*tar All, KOL ON* SOLUS, MMX: A Large ud Splendid Assortment of Jewel n, Of CHAINS, BRACELETS. CAMEO SETsTT' - * And ell stjlee of French Pleiad Oleine. Quid uj pi.,.. Jewelry. ■ Wodouot keep or sell noj gat,idttorg»lT«Bi l^jIK . • Oars is what ere sold l>} the best Jewelers as OoU We receive our goods from the bast Gold Jewelrc V.. . uiecturere In the States, 1 "*•" j WHO ABE FORCED TO SELL. ! WHO ABE FORCED TO SELL, i WHO A&K FORCED TO SEEL. The following is only a partial list at'oar immense . TAKE TOCS CHOICE" FOR * J 1 SACK. TAKE TOCK CHOICE FOR (1. . Large Size ami Splendid Cameo Sets, Grnonl Retail , • ton Do do Lava do 10 ty :u Ik) do Carbuncle do s wi) Do Ladies’ Enamelled and Coral do 7to X Do Jo and Carbuncle Jo *to Do do and Ituby do . T to 30 Do Gold Cluster Cnipa Pettlogsets do io to Do. Jo doVaecJo - do I’Moao lk» do doJot&)t%. do 6 to li Do do Black Mosaic do (, Do do Gold Stone Mosaic do 6 to 1 * Do do Calico £«U, do ato 5 Do Ribbon Twists, with brilliant*, do d to U Do Boqoet Sets, new style, do &to» Do Enamelled Cluster do do lo u> Jo Odd Thitoblea, do 3 to 7 Diamond Pointed Gold Pens and Cases, 3 W l doz. Silver Plated Spoons, ' 2 no Stiver Plated Mugs, 4 & Over 1000 other different slyles Ladtoe' JoweJrr; MwUI- Ilona, all styles, patterns and sizes; Lockets of every da ecrlptton; Gold Pena, U karet, with Silver £xl«tiiua Holder; Gold Pencils, Sleeve Button*, Studs, Ac- Ac j Cor al, Lava, Cameo and Band Bracelets; Gents* Vest Chaim warranted to wear fur ten years without changing Color * and will stand the acid—they are usually sold by Jeweler* a* solid gold chain*—all made In Paris. You can take your choice for $1 each. Ladies’ and Gents’ Guard Chain*, »1 each, usually sold by Jewelers at from $6 to |3O each* Ladles’and Children’s Neck Chains, beautiful patten - Armlets, brilliant, enamelled and ruby settings; Crowu.' plain and enamelled, fur $1 each, retail prices from |5 u> $2O each. Every style and variety of Jewelry and desira ble goods for $1 each. This sale, at the above prices, will continue lorg enough to soil off uur immense stock, which was purchased at % great Sacrifice from M&oufocturers who have failed. r.iA'i; rocs choice foe $i each. SPECIAL NOTICE. *9.ROW TO SEND MONEY-#.* Ist. Write yuor name, place of Bosideuce, County tad Stale, pLtia uivi distinct, as wo can make nothin# out lUt marks. Seal all letters with WAX. at Envelope* sealed with gna or wafers can! to easily opened—the consent* taken om aud re-sealed. Attend to this, and we will be reiponiiW* for your money. Any person acting as Agent, who will aen-iuiitetw lime $lOO, we wilt give a Gold Hunting Case Watch, **jiixa. $5O, “ a Oold Lever Watch. $25, 's? u Silver Watch. A Watoh\ud the articles selected fremthe above Lut n One Dollar Each. . Persons chioriug by mail must tend $1 and IS cent* m pottage sta.nps. OTVB VS A TRIAt. All communication must be n<Urtw«d to WILLIAM FLINT. So. SUT Market S;r PLiUJvlj Lii, P 4 Altoona, March 7, l&Cl-Om. rpO THE PUBLIC—T il E SU B > SCIUBER (having taken the establishment hereto &>r% own<*l by Samuel 1. Fries,) would respectfully an* mm. nounce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that be baa removed his ‘ H3n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UHL TIS, SI/EETIJiOX WAJt£ A STO VE to. the new building on Annie street, between Harriet and Adeline street*. East Altcsma, where he wiUkcoyci.ustant ly on baud a largo assortment of everything in bis liai, which ho will dispose of on reasonable terms. ROOFING- & SPOUTIXG put up on short notice. Ho also manufacture* Lb us# Ikon Spouting, which la said to be much superior u> gal vanized aboct'troo or tin. Ho has also attached a copperas!thing room to Mi w tabltebmeut and win keep oa hand an assortravot of cop per smd braas kettles, Ac. '* AH kinds of job work promptly attended to. A share vf public patronage is respectfully solicited ST£PH£N VTKTKB*. Altoona. Ang. 10th, 1800. T>JIIUAIJKLPHIA. WATCH AND X JEWELRY STORE. O. coxßad, FORMER occcpast, Na. 148 X. *2J St., corner of Quarry The unileraignod baa leased prcroUcs, where ho will keep a largo assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, of American, English aud Swiae mac afccture of the most celebrated makers, in addition U which will be found always on hand (and made to order ao extensive variety of Jewelry, Silvoraud Sitter Platt Jwai* together with a general assortment of such goods u ai9 usually kept iu a first-class Watch and Jewelry Store. The patrons of O. Conrad, and those'of the subscriber, together with the public generally, are invited to call, tad they will receive a good article for their money. As lus determined to do a cash business, goods will be sold t*rj low. “ ProJUi and Quick Salet n 'a the motto of this Establishment. - LEWIS R. BUOOMAT.L, Formerly 0- Coo rod. No, lis N. Second Si., cor. of Quarry, FUilaii. June 7, 1?60.*1y. i "'iSj la « i cz a: ■ .2 s r** • "Tz <s. g* h i S K»» - * i_3 *3 « 53 < ea « ~ | « Q sMst PS ~ sSji 3S 3i|a i s o§ g . s P 3 * ®53 g 'Si Pa|<’|2 ill's fH | ►iStUa Hw u -a OO" '|| * 2 GREAT QUESTION WHICH now agitates the mind of every person is, where can I get the bist article foriny«fll money? In regard to other matters, the scriber would not attempt to direct, but if you * want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES he invites all examination of h|s stock un<l work He keeps constantly on hand at; assortment ofßoota, SLo*. Guitera, Slippers, 4c., which ho offers at Ihir prices. lie. will giro special- attention to custom work, sil el which will be warranted to give satisfaction. None but tb» beet workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s Drug Store September 3, ’57-tf] Bakery and Grocery Store. SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON- SsTANXLY on band Fresh-Baked Bread. Cake*, 4c FEED, BACON, FLOUR, GROCERIES, Also, ■ choice lot of SKQAKS ud TOBICCO. JACOB KINK, Virginia Street, below Annie £tro*t Nut. 10, BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. r PHE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCE X to tUo citizens of Altooua anil vldaitv that thej h«'« opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP On JULIA STREET, 1 door abott Tf inters' Tin Shop, ft* Altoona, where they will keep on hand a good asaortaes* of EooU and Shoes of tkeir own manufaeturt* ' * Particular attention given to making LddUs' GaiUn t tfc. They invite a share of public patronage, fteu log satisfied that they can render entire satisfaction. Aitooua, Jon. 10,’61-tf N JOHN SIDNET National police gazette - This Great Journal of Crime and Criminal* is i* ft*' Twelfth Year, and la widely circulated throughc® the country. It contains aQ the Great Trials. Crimtod Cues, and appropriate Editorials on the information on Criminal Hatters, not -to be found in *®7 other newspaper. £9_Bubticript!oQg $2 per annum; $1 for ilx mootln. to bo remitted by subaeriben, (who should write their •MB'* and the townj Ooontydßd State where they retide To O. W. MATShU. I CO-. ’ ■ EtHtor * Pwp’r. of K«w Tot* Police Cowita. Sk*i-York Ott- T>OOTS AND SHOES.—THE UN W Soles,«ndCTyflMaghThs»tfet.ftmriaMiurf : W ■■WSW N ? ,uau - * J*9-2i’«Mtje * ' T UMBER FOR SALE. lowert, forCsta. A'pfiyM - JOHN SHOEMAKER PS, «?Bj|^ AM rWjpANP AT SIcCORHICKS Stox*. *wwrtßwat »f Se*9f *tk^> KtSSLEft'J. INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. JOHN H. ROBgUTS J. SAOEUAK** 5- vjf ‘ V.S*#- A M«O3 VOL. Hew I And UiTota futim *f A aad loth, uicaad VU (iwleval, t< Instil ant jwyw perteb. The folio at Ihalnßr ula, Drawp TumsnfcJai and allofcfc whataecr cl glee Jaj tot Ourrotoi .criptluo.: mediclMa ai That* derthej known To oil symptoms* %vd will writ tar cure. A deTototl la f tuadlcloe c* far one or Alto pabl THE o»uUialog i DL»o*t*t In estate*. tjroj Tift] L ASD A work u CuiopUliiU abortion oni prcroatlou them oo sul The Ge A book E, Prcrentloo i ualOrtasa, oa to be foui Til It »Xpo«e« entice tbeei Ueacki and warythrou; It ahawifao Uoodj are at fttuib. Pri TH tat alary PreterrlOK, la the beat h keepera.Tan eat. Price for those ft fhll descrii careful «tat< thm.. Prlctf The inton publish*!, n books are pi hound. Any bttU< price, in ala] boned Tului outthem. and contain Aobnts V. a.month. ? To the yo prostration of sight; w> face,.4o- JLc incurable «Ji To Femult for Irragnta We art co luus, consun memos offsi such are von asure, well- Wewfllra TUB J' UfeaUrj valuable inn ness. Time frets of the t, ■ On all othl nation of tu« and cure. On Cun&un On th>Xiv On Female On the var On the me Qnthoful On the var On the Ph On the Cut On Diet, E flow the V How to pr And many Thkjoorn J. Ruaaxi Surgeon. D OflcstaN Office ip Correspo tut return Not. 15,1* POCC T7QUA 1 'j cent, c water prpof * SJKAit Bl RAtL K( IROS HOC. SU Furgrai colors« SlKk. ‘ttT'Onei eltyftMln CbxaUa,*j Maw* 21- ‘ttacSedio 4bl*»ta for pic-olc* i "Ctt f fpr