mine Bt a Bcoumtr.—The mehheetts, “Times* relates the lent at the retom of the SixthiMriawt 18 *engias juatedgfor water aMheNozth wsT •odßithe girls df StaWpwnbftMii Z*}’ MM«b the Ihwn the Ipdocmtpted the few «4wtte« of thTw B* prolonged and indnextoiMfii k ibe blushing girls submitted^iThT?- ,<0 l*ble and becoming grace.” Cool ' bt Bejarxtt wav AEjptsrED.—TV* lean, Washington that the real cause of ett’s arrest was his'disclosure to the plan formed by McClellan of tnajung vj s oisance in force into Virittala? 4tngGen. Johnson's six thousand atea Hbb larger force. If this be true, we not for the late sadden retreat of the n that neighborhood. They feared the at thus disclosed to them. Header, have yon seen Prof. Wood’s ■lisemeut in our paper. Bead.it; Uwm tsl yon. ' ’ 1 PECIAL NOTICES. To Consumptives. And those a&icteil with PERSIA, NERVOUS DECIRITV, HEART DISEASE, FEVER & AGUE, OB , CONSTIPATION. sndcwigiKyl, cuw seven ty-five yean old, baa fc r derated liis time to c urlug Jus ParislKarerm aad tbV l,N*w York of time dreadfnlcom plaints. »hMi "»rry nds and thpnmnds to an untimely grave; I felted to core al t who hare applied to him far rt , d believing it to be a CbriatiasHl duty to reUero '«•**. as well as atboaie, he will send totboae who it, a copy of Prescriptions used, (Free of Chaise) n.-ctians ftr preparing and using the-same. Ato a Diet, Bathing, Ventilation, nsd ExneiaelfiV thc >ey will End them remcAeaa ■-«—-f-rfhmini. A'ali dlneaact of the Throat and haagS/PvtST and Constipation, Hears Dieeaae, Dyspep#!, Ketroni and Yeraaie Complaint*. and he hopes every one will send for a copy, as it will cost nothing, and .Hiring should apply before it is tub late. These ’lii.it cn- ti-t t! by the most .mini'll t Physicians in . Pari-, and Xvit Turk. Those wishing them will t.Uttvss * KEY. DU. CILAMBERtAIS ii,’W.-ly. WillhunsLnrgh, New Turk. Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine. iLl%\U’B CASKEUIXp cures Patril Sore Mouth, CANKEI 5 1 XT-: Vlirrs Sore XippU's, ELPEAXTS CANKEKTXK cores Clcerited Sorts. lI.PRAC'i CAXKKIiIXE cures Cote; J.I’KAV* CANKKKINK cures Bun»i>. EI.i'EAITS CAXKKIIINK cures Sores. U‘EAV*J= CAXKKIi'.XE cures Clwppei! Lq>,s. J ? i*EAt"S ('.VNKKin.XjE cores Uh*rat<«l Gnnis. M'KAU S CAXKEItINE is tl« best Purifier of tjtc .f snjftUifii; kuoiru. , CANKEIUXE cores Canker jii Thnat. or Stb-.muv , rncultrug from Scsrialiha r 10VCW. 2, if rcu.tl iu r vrlute ttethr-nsb.tfie CAX T. r-»nr‘<lc->ifv# will 1*? resltowf, -Mo pledge ..) .Uwt-it I- entirely free Inmiabatla pofe, dunces, and emu I* given to an infeat with perirct It trill ; the teeth and keep the gams free It , is; Ajiioilv efficacious R>r nursing tote In all the thoasunia r mwlir-s thathar,.beeup u t Hie cure of tli- various disease* above.none tin • CnniM'riue. Sold by ail drnggUte. frits 26 •rl-ttii,'; J. BCKBIU,JKX), Prprivt.rK, B 3 Maiden Law, K.r. i!i in Altoona,by (i.W.KKSSLEn. i’ on those who are in the enjoyment of perfect (r opjcotlr lure nc d to hare recournsto tonic* c;iv~i of .Usrase. We are nover-too well snooted t fit tumults of “the ilia that Sindt skheir to.”— invigorator they mar hud is noSTBPTHt’S BIT t Kwikine that cannot he taken regularly without tairtr au-1 .laaiicdy to the eyatem. At this vea- lictilariT, the strongest man is not "proof, against arta. in certain sections of tbecoontry. Jaall i Strer and ogoo, the Jmm, lm Bore potent than ' of ■iniaiae, while the moot dtggenjps caeca of ■n r rn-W to its wonderful properties. Those vhe Nt the medicine trill never useanotber, fat say of nda which the Hi«tetur Bitters professes to sub thoae who’ hare not m«A. the experiment, vre recommend an early application to toe Bitten, r they are stricken by diseases.of the digestive A#-toW by druggists and SSaln* eveiyvrberv. jtfmlviulisaaenl in another eotmnn. «take great |»k*teore:ia calling Uio attention of rsjoiiu of Ifro£ Wood’s Rotor*- W aiul Blood UcaoTatar, in another column o '. it is seldom we. take any notice of poteatned l nv omootTefraia o=*icc lutUe ttffiicud.ua well « oaraelte*. We Susi Ute progress of this ssacejtsflrst in i ie the pahlic, cui&jEe uc sniped that there & i tuc for cleaning the system and renovating the ■ r l« compared tror: Wood's dt-hinty, after naingenu ;* sea. iu ltf»cscia! cffiwts. We bare- along. ac >• with the prepriowr, and know him to be ri;fe uf medicine; aiu3 anything coinponadedhy rvly u;>oo.ae U-ing just what it I* f&- (*h Wc ail skk or well lo get a * in pleasant to the* bialr-, and ta tLa lu; re refrain from further as any one bottle, will as to its effect. To Consumptives. "rriser, having been restored sohealth inafc* l *?ry simpU resnedy. aftcr havingjofiered sev with a severe long sflfrctioß, and tint itroad dts* apiiotw-is anxious to aakekapvxk.io his fellow * means of core. 10 desire it be nail Dead * copy of the presort p- Of charge,) witii tlio direction* for prcpftrtef be tome, which they will find ft nm con for s. Anmrv, Bboschttis, 4c. The only object o! the Prescription is tobeoefil.tb" d spread infjnnfttion which b« ooocelMe *o be dhd he hopes every sufferer will tty hift nine* cost them nothing, and may prove ft bless' ri£- !£ tne proscriptfoo wfll please ftddten. Brf. EDWARD A. WHBOS,. Kings Card to the Suffering. —i r- lVm; Cu»eroTe, while laboring a* a mlsrtoatrT w enrol of Coußajnption, wbenall ethery* B * >j a recipe obutood fan • leaned be not efty of Jcddo. Xhfareripetics SB*** l b-s who were nXeriag from Ouß»m»P*b>n. kre Throw, Congbe and Odds, and tbedeHlKT >'«pnnkis consrd by ttuoe diaonfcn, ' eitbove, J wfll wid flili wA*’ gjdu borne wilii me, to allwbo need it, &*« “I ■ Addrra - BBV.WM. COSGROVE. *3B, Stolon ATopjhs, _ Bro*lj»,N.t- Qptepjro E*k*u.-« or m VtaVf ilwtotoratonnaUplCTMtid aoUtowtoW 0 ' toutory- j&to aptauUdunearto flwr* I*' 1 *' ► to Wltoh ttie tencMe bnsinaa ojf toe to**] *“®«to «<* »•» retoBTOM. Bto toB«P» ef attraction! toe -***» fltoitWtoa end Totolu, »Mixfcctto«lto«» : ibeiuty ad *—Mltty nf flu iaitlrjwN *”* «“«<*» «r toe Vt, adltotiy Mi to»«sada ne sold. We refer, to !»,*»• Ana toe Brawa Atoaf%tojS> to J r ?t on ' X 99 803 end AM Ohtottn* to ▼ •rUMdiMe. T“»to«tol •Mention to tod edrerttotoffli* QKrdiMMMd Seed riitodhr.’* 1 *“■ ?ra weaktoaraad «eoc»l *tWS*J <*•«• I' tt; B atoßara*. ovafeto ieo, totnlaw toeßUiouQiten, etotoftoto!* NtotowtofeJ ntw tetlftMr<to *4 ‘■toWigllt- vt3tub!e » Tomk ■h* ModMtf wry iitntod *„» in «***£* SMtH. . , , -;ii . stora Critef. ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE. MAILS CLOSE. Vftj- Vetera Through.^. . -.stem Througtw..~ •*■ MAILS ARRIVE. i thiJayeborg-.-.- < °° A. M. and 0 20 P. SL Western Through 4 40 A. M. hasten. Through 7 10 “ w wtero Way ** A- M. intern Way 0 30 P. M. Oiricr Homs During the week, from C 45 a. m. till -'•r> p v Ua Sundays, froo fi 45 till 745 a. m. * w JOHN SUOfcMAfiKR, V. 31 railroad schedule. on AND AFTER MONDAY. jr.VE 10, IMI. wr.rt-edTn-.in East arrives 4,40 A.M., leaves 4.45 A. 31- ‘ “ West “ 7,10 A.M. “ ;;tOA. M. , .. East “■ tUWP. M. “ 8.50 P.M “ West 7,55 P.M.. .“ 8,10 Pi M. “ Ewt “ 11.00 A.M. “ 11.20 A.M. “ West “ <L3U P. M.. “ 0,50 P. M. Tl.« HOLLIDATSDCRG BRANCH connects with Ex . S Train West, and Mail Train East and West. P I VDI AN A HI: WCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown A Al,mmodati..n Trains East and West. Express West, and J»st Line and Mail train East and West. local items. [ Sword Presentation!^ It having been ascertained that the Rev. R. W, Oliver, Rector of St. Rake’s Episcopal Church, of this place, was commissioned as Chaplain in the Array of the US g. and would leave early this week, n number of Masonic and personal friends assembled in the .Masonic Ball for the purpose of bidding him farewell and pre senting him with a testimonial of their respect and esteem. The meeting being called to order and Mr. Oliver being introduced, the Chairman made a few brief remarks upon 1 the circum stances "which bad brougbt them together, and concluded by announcing that Dr. W. R. Findley Lai been selected to give expression to their feelings on the The Dr , advancing from the sidebf the Hall and bearing ft beauti- : ful sword, sasb and belt, addressed him as fol lows:— Uu crtnd Sir anti licluved Brother: l our brethren of the Masonic order, and other of your personal friends ontsidc of that •• mystic circle,” have heard with the highest-gratifica ta-a that you have been commissioned, by our Government, a Chaplain in the Federal army. .Must assuredly, sir, to serve in that army, in ay position, is sufficient and ought to fill the Measure of llte ambition of any propeijlg; in traded lover of his country. F,or, since time regain never has there been organised an tinny ;.i which was eutrustfed such momentous inter vais ami responsibilities for mankind, as that aieiv which is now presided over by him whom ■we delight to call “ the greatest living General.” l'j that army, under God, is cutrusted the mighty work of maintaining that Federal Union end that Constitution of Government which alone can insure civil and religious liberty to our people, and which alone have been and mast continue to be a beacon-light'of refuge to the oppressed ahd down-trodden people of the Old World. It is. sir, of the utmost importance that the citizen seldiurs composing this army, accus tomed, at their homes, to. worship God and re verie religious instruction, statedly, on the Sab bath day, and to enjoy the consolations of the appointed ministers of God, in their hours of Sjirow, sickness and death, should not be de prived of these spiritual comforts while far irvm home, and fighting the battles of liberty and religion. To you, sir, most fitly 7 has been assigned a pan in this benificent work; and to yon, we feel assured, we may look confidently fur an example which will put to silence those who foolishly oppose the appointment of religious counsellors for the soldiers. Pardon me, sir, while I say that very high | qualifications are necessary to constitute an | eficient Army Chaplain. First, nud above all, ' profound and ardent piety, and entire devotion ! to the “Great Captain of Salvation" and every- ! thing else subsidiary to his service. And then i the Chaplain should b? upright, off hand, with j neithef drawl nor twang in his voice, nor cant . in his speech, nor that sort of odor of sanctity j which is often carrier! like the perfume of a handkerchief, and which tho dullest sense never ! mistakes for anything natural. ; ! The Chaplain should make himself acquainted j personally with every man in-his regiment, and j win his regard and respect, by being interested, i not merely la his spiritual condition, but in his 1 health, physical comforts raid amusements.— , the less religion is made to appear the Chap- ; lain's trade, and tltc more he acts the part of a ; genial friend and adviser, proviug'in himself , the operation of Christianity upon character, ; the more certainly will he accomplish/the pur- : poses of his office. Himself setting the exam- j pie of bearing exposure and fatigud, and of : cheerfully enduring a soldier's life, its priva- 1 tioas and its dangers, be can consistently urge ! them to do so. Thus to a commanding officer i he would be an invaluable aid—securing disci- 1 pllne from an intelligent and conscientious un- j derstanding of its necessity; and many a sol dier, instead of leaving the army a grade lower j in the moral scale than when he entered it, ; would return to the- peaceful pursuits of the i citizen, a better man in all respects. Is not ! euoh a service worthy of the Christian minis- | tor’s highest ambition and most strenuous ef- 1 forts? We feel well assured, my beloved bro- j ther,-that this will be your ambition and effort, j Heretofore, in your peaceful and holy toco- ! God, you have wielded only the spiritual sword. In yonr new position you will accompany yonr regiment to the field of battle, to afford the consolations of religion to the wounded and dying— to hear the last message and close the eyes dimmed by the last, mysterious, unknown agony. Bat while doing so you may be placed in each peril from the enemy as to require the aid of a material weapon ; and that yon may be properly prepared and alrmed for such an emergency, lam appointed by yonr friends to present you this sword, confident that it will never be drawn or wielded, bat in the cause of Justice and Bight and the Christian religion ; and that you will remember, what yon have elsewhere been taught, that if ever you shall find yourself over a disarmed and prostrate foe, “its point shall trend downwards.” Upon receiving the sword Bro. Oliver thanked the donors as well os'his feelings would permit. He was much overcome by emotion, hut said tlitt in tendering bis'services to the Government be was acting under what he conscientiously believed to be a sense of'duty;; he believed that at this time, when our Government was about being overthrown and our flag dishonored, d wan toe imperative duty of every one to step forth, and, by every means that God has given him, uphold that Government and protect that bag. He alluded to the length of dime he had been a resident of this place, and to'the many attachments he had formed among the eitiiens, assuring them that though far away hie mind vould oft revert back to the many friends he bad kft behind. The smoke of nut obscure from his tpiud's eye the rroicm ■rauce of the famiUar facet now around birt, 10 40 A M. 700 •• 7 OO A.M.and 0 00 P.M G 00 I*. M T2O « hot tbs thunder of artillery drive from his ro collection those kind words of affectionate n | gardjmtspaken by friends, tried, true and trus 1; ■ '"' r I %:»th* manage:* of the Fitfs ty pheahonld -ever ;remember them; and n ST''' YJ'H-voaJ.J.Hy*- ■ ■ '.-.-on -’> oe :Ov-j !:sit w tlo -;jij‘ors in mntter ; how arduous ffis duties might be, tbeinf employ made u practme ofemberxeiing a welfare and'happiness should bo a matter oa jgreat paction of the -money rvovivtid as lore from daily suppUtetion at his Master's throne ipassenger*- on their respective triiins. Mens- Qo alluded to fee Word, and remarked thtr •• ? ,,c , e {oT tl,e hr •tyn.-fjuT ll W'• V „ . ““ the guilty parlies, ana alter a great deal of ne trusted he would nerer be called upon to :j patient watching the company was put in pos use it, except as a badge of a soldier, but that, ; i 'ssion of certain facta which left no dmtbt that should the necessity arise—should in God’ l - t,ie Ba3 P lc ‘ on entertained ef their dishouestv T e wie t * compelled to draw it, he would endeavor. 1t..; pony that six at least of the conductors running make such a use of if that the donors would tu Crestline had indulged in the *• knocking not be ashamed of Uwir gift. down’ game to a liberal 'extent, and desirous. ?*****.?"** “ *t£2?SS f&'OVSiSSX meaning or the Dr. s last remark. He woufc leged guilty parties to justice, T. I). Messier, endeavor to live up, to. those sublime charges Auditor of the Road made ipformation before and teachings of the Knights of thetemnle- i V‘ JcrTn! '. n Nicholson charging them with crobex snd.haWg:doneso.wouidhave the aJL tion of believing that, ho had done bis whole Alderman Nichols >n, as soon as possible after duty to his God, his Country and himself. the complaint was 1 made, issued warrants for Each one present then proceeded, personally ‘ he arrestor the accused, which were entrusted f . . > 11 x. .. ~■ to oracer bharpe for execution. Messrs Ross. V affectionate farewell of him, and the Sherburne ane Jenkins were token into cuatodv aeuUng then adjourned. . lo day. and gave bail in $5OO on each charge * for their appearance fur further hearing some time tins week. Tlie balance of the accused ore yet at large, but it is probable that they will enter bail for their appearance this evening or tomorrow. Besides the parties proceeded against, here, a number of arrests were made on the other end of the line, and the prisoners sent to Chicago Tor trial. The parties were all passenger conductors, and previous to their ar rest bore an excellent character. It is needless to' eny that the defendants both here and at Chi cago, deny their guilt in tulo, and state that when fhe time comes they have no doubt about being able to make their innocence manifest We trudt for their own sake they may, but from the nature of tße evidence against them, and the pains the company must have taken to ferret out their peculations, it looks os if they were to have an op hill job of it.—fills hurijh Chronicle , 30 Ih ult. RsasLATioN Umfobhs.— Officers frequently arrive in Washington wearing emblems not au thoriied. The army regulations, issued by the War Department, requires:—First That gen eral officers and .officers of the General staff— the General staff embracing the officers of the Adjutant Generpl’s Inspector General’s Quarter master General’s subsistence, and other General departments—wear a button having a spread eagle and stars, and a plain border. Second. General officers are to wear no trimming on their trowsers. Third. Officers of the General Staff nod Stoff Corps—the Staff Corps compris ing Engineers, Topographical Engineers and Ordnance—are required to wear a gold cord one eighth of an inch in diameter, let into the outer seam. Shoulderatraps for all of the fore going to be on dark,blue cloth. Fourth. oQu eers of artillery, infantry, riflemen, dragoons and cavalry, and their regimental staff, wear a i button similiir in shape to the staff bhtton, with out the stars.-or border, and with a letter on the shield to designate the arm of service. Fifth. The colors of cloth for officers’ shoulder straps aad cord for trowsers, arc required to be as fol lows .---artillery, scarlet; infantry, light or sky , blue : riflemen, medium or Emerald green ; dra-i gobns, irauge; cavalry, yellow. Anoornxr.u Court. —Judge Taylor held an Argument Court iu this place last week, during the sitting of which the two <7cn(/eme7i(Daughin baugh ami Kays) convicted of larcency at the July Sessions, were sentenced to the penitentia ry, the former fur three years and the latter for fifteen months. The prisoners were taken to Allegheny City, on Thursday, by Sheriff Funk, who informs us that the officers of the prison were much pleased to see them—especially Daughinbaugli, with whom they were wel! ac quainted, he having already served two terms in their institution and one in the Eastern Pen itentiary.—Standard. Sesd ko Intuition Mbs.—Recruiting agents should be careful to send on no inferior speci mens of humanity for Soldiers. The cause is worthy of our best men. On arriving at Wash ington all recruits are subjected tl> a medical examination; and all who do not pass the test are unceremoniously rejected. This is impera tively necessary. Otherwise the ranks of the army would be butdened with men who would •be of no earthly nse. As it is, it would be im possible to find a finer body of men, physically speaking, in the world, than those composing the army of the. Potomac. Fai.sk Repost. —Whereas, some evil disposed person has circulated a report that the Company under Gnpt. Henry Wayne has been disbanded and his men placed in other Companies, I desire to say that such is not the case. The company is filling up rapidly rind.; will be attached to the Regiment of Col. Power. GEORGE 11. 6WIN, 2d Lieutenant. Altoona, Sept 4. Good Fbtit Jam. —-Fruit being scarce this year, wc advise our readers to embrace the first opportunity to procure ‘whatever can be had in the market, and then go to R. A. 0. Kecr’s and purchase the celebrated Rockingham Fruit Jars which are now acknowledged to be fur superior to either tin or glass, as they.are much easier kept clean and are proof against rust. Soldibb Dead. —Rather Gibboney, of Capt. Holland’s Company, Idtht’cnna Regiment, died at bis father's residence in Duneansville, last week. His disease was fever, contracted while in the army. His remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse of people, mclnding the military. Wtig, i ilth ult. '* Eoocet— Miss Kllic will please accept the thanks of the Junior for that magnificent boqnet received a few enenings since. Flowers are emblems of innocence, and we regard a presen tation of them as a compliment. Proceedings of Council. A regular meeting of Council was held Au gust sth, 1861. Present—A. A. Smyth, R. Greenwood, Dan iel Laugbman and & J. Mervino. Committee appointed to make a settlement with the Gas and Water Company, reported pro gress. (ftmotion, an order was granted to L. W. Hall, Esq., for services rendered in the year 1860, as attorney for the board, for $5O. On motion, on order for $43.13 was granted to Messrs. McCrum & Bern for printing from July Hth, 1860, to July 12th, 1861. On motion, an order for $2.87 was granted to Marshal McCormick for hauling for the Bor ough. The following orders for labor on streets wbre also granted: One to W. W. Snyder for $32 50,- one to John Haney fpr $17.00, one to John Mc- Cormick far $23.25,; one to Daniel Coyle for $25.00 and ono to Charles Meloy for $26.00. On motion, an order for $337.98 was granted to the Penn’a Bail Bond Company for half the cost of building sewer, as per contract. ? Adjourned td meet on the first Monday in September, ’lB6l.— Exlne! from the Minnta. Wholesale, Eaabczaliiiaent. TO MV FELLOW CITIZENS:—I hereby an nounce myself as an Independent Candidate for the office of Sheriff of Blair County, and if elected will endeavor to discharge the duties of said office faithfully. FRANCIS McCOY. llullidaysburg, Aug. 15, 18Gl.-te. DIED. Xoar.Williamsburg, August 14th; MARGARET FOCUT, wife of OiMPge Foeht, ag(*l To year?. 11 months nud 5 days In Williamsburg, on the 23d. of august, JACOB DUCK. aged Tl years. 6 mouths, and 25 days. In WiHinni-jiirg. august 23d. ANNA ELIZABETH, child of John and Mary J. Hoover, aged 2years, 11 months and, 13 days. In WilliamsburgrAttgust STth.BCRRTHULL. son of Jo *rl*h Uiggihs. t‘gi‘rt In years, 1 mouth, and 11 davs. In Williamsburg August 31st. HENRIETTA ELIZA BETH. infant Daughter of Harrisou and Margaret Gur such, aged 5 month* and 20 days. BOARDING.— A few respectable Men wJU he leraished with Hoarding by JOS. IIASLKTT, on Branch gtreet. opposite the Macuiuc shops, jrt-pl. s.—lt -fc ORNAMENTAL TREES, 1- sukuiw. hoses, buds, fn.m sn.-is H. .n-..im ,W*S c,lt;bmieil ItOCUGSTKit The undi-r.ilgnod ha* boon appointed an Agent for th* Pale of the aU>vc-uanit*l arti* j( rlc* l’erft>ua wishing any of thorn will do well to call ami examine tji« catalogue. t;£» All orders will he promptly attended to. J. 0. ABLUM, Agent. AU>inifi. Ang 2~ . isr.]._U* w XTKD. men: are wanted ] 0- L Liberal w g:v--;i. Arpiy Aug. 22. I*U Outbreak in East Ward! * *T"!"•£• CLAUDSAND AT ’EM I” We d 'n’t want you to kill anybody, but we want you to get up and go at aud carry away some of the choice GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CONFECTION ABIES, Cigars , Tobacco and other Articles, ju*t opened to tilt- public, by WILLIAM S. PERCTVAL, at their fitore-roiMn on the cormr of tin* alley Ickes' building. in Hast Altoona. Theywi 11 keep constantly on baud u g'Knl supply of nil kind- of Groceries and Confec tionaries, Cigars ami Tobacco of the best quality. all kinds of Provisions, eucb us Hums. Shoulders, Sides, Jb'inh, Flour, Fo**d. *.*tc , etc. They invito a.call ami a tml of their goods, lecling con fident that they cau please both iu quality and price. AugMSol-tf ’ . . THE HEROES OF PEACE, AND TUe Heroes or War. IP ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, 2CE\r YORK. U now publishing, In addition to other portraits, the celebrated collectb >n knows in Europe and America as 1 Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Gallery, ■ in wftbfb is included Portraits of nearly all the PROMI NENT MKN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Davie,. : Oca. Beauregard. Floyd, and n host of other confederates, i Price oi Portraits $3.00 per dozen- Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, can! size, and in stereoscopic form, ALSO, Stereoscopic View* of Scenes in Paris, London, and in other parts of Kughmd ami France;-in Scotland. Ireland, Wales; Uolhiud, Switzerland, Spain, on the Rhine, | in Athens. Kjy pL Turkey, the Holy Land, j China liidia. Cuba, Ac., ad infinitum. Ova Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Art the Greatest T Vbnder of Vie Age. These arc taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving of leaves, or the march of an army, docs not iu the slightest degree affect the taking of these view. Tbej' arc sold for s3jop per dozen. ; , We hatw also on hand and manutactnrn the largest as> ‘ sortment of Stereoscopes, PlrotographioAlbums, and. Pho tographic Materials in tbo United Statoa,and perhaps iu / the world, j Catalogues, containing lists of our Portraits, Views, Stereoscopes, Ac., sent free by mail, on receipt of a stamp. £. AXTUOXT. 501 Broadway, near St. Nicholas, New York, AugS-ly THE ROOT & HERB DOCTOR, FROM PHILADELPHIA, WHO HAS HAD 30 YEARS CON STXxT practice, can J>e consulted at the Altoona HouSdjMr. John Wood’s, viz.:— On the lih of June, the Wi of July, and the *lth of J nffiut —he will tlien vacate for 3 months. Notice will be given iu this paper when he commences hi* Winter's Term again. He traits id! diseases that flesh is heir to. lie iuritea all females who may be suffering with diseases peculiar to their sex, to call ami examine his new mode of treatment, as thousands bare been restored to health who hare been abandoned by others. lie is in possession of perfectin' stmmcnls fur Bounding the lungs and chest and is there fore able to determine the exact condition of the vital or gan#—consequently can treat such complaints with greater safety and certainty than it is possible for those who guess at the disease and experiment for Its cure. He believes thatfor er- ry malady, there is found In our soil a sure ami never-failing remedy. * Patiento can receive treatment for $5 pe month, except lu cases of Cancers and Tumors, they vary from $lO to $lOO. Examination free; DR. W. U2YIXGSTON. 5, B f —See Handbill*. [May 8. '6l. GOAL. NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY 1 family to get in their .apply of coal for the Winter, and the snbrcribhr would therefore inform the citfiensjrf AHoomi and vicinity, that ha i> prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of A.N’THB AOITK and ALLBOHKNV BITUMINOUS COAL. He will sell ft by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv credat the door of the purchaser. JW Yard on the North side ofithe Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. • It. It. MYBBS. Jtrty«s, J I for the United States. J.OUN SHOEMAKER, Altoona. Pa. BCERHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS HOBLAXB REMEDY FOB ©TSFSFSL&, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, X.ITBB VOBPLAIH, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And tt. nrioM *ff«ctiou coonquest upon m diaorelered STOMACH OR LITEB, f“V“ Addity oftte Stomach, Oollckv Pilw, Dwpondtncy, Co*ttTvn«*, Blind and Bleeding Pile*. In *ll Ncrvum, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affection*, it ha* lu numerous instance* proved Ugblj beneficial, and in otters effected a decided cure. This i* a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly ■deotlfic principle*, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Beerbave. Its reputation at home pro dnoed Ita Introduction hen, the demand commeneiDg with those of the Fatherland scattered over tte face of this mighty country, many of whom brought irlth them and handed down tte tradition of ita value. X u note njfrriii to Hit AmtHm* pubUt, knotting Oat iu truly wonderful mnUnnal otriutt auuf he adcdowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons There constitution* may have been impaired by the eontlnuoui use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally Instantaneous In effect, it finds its nay directly to the soft of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in feet, infusing new health and vigor lit the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to ’find title a beverage whl be disappointed; but to the sick, wuak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, po&scssed of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY I The Genuine highly concentrated Boerhere'e Qollind Bitten b pat up io helPpiat bottles only, and retailed at On Douaa per bottle, or six battles for Fits Dolubs. Tbe great demaud for title truly celebrated Medicine has Induced which the public should guard -pH Beware of Imposition. Bee that our rum. Is on the label of erery bottle you buy. *%& l^ U p < sS£" Uy - » SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JR. & CO. MABCPACTCBINO |harmarfutists and (Ehmurfs, PITTSBURGH, PA. For «alo by A. KOtSlLAllooiia. April 18, IbOO-lamly. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. R. O. A. KERR Has just returned from New York city with & beautiful assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR THE LADIES, consisting in part of Tod /*• Elf. Japanese. Pchho Strips, * Di Chcvrcf, Irish Pfplins, Ifucalt, 1 Lcrdlax, EbUtrdr. Crape DflkQt, Larons. Silks. <fc. INDIAN SILK SHAWLS, a bvnutiful article, cheap and fashionable. STELLA AND PRINTED SHAWLS. A large assortment of the prettiest PRISTS ever brought to the town, so acknowledged by comi»etent judge*. Ladies’ Trimmings in endless variety. lie calls special attention to his beautiful assortment of QUEENSWARE, which is acknowledged to be the ibrwt complete of any in the town, and sold at prices defying competition. Iron Stone sets for $4.50 —Tea Sets for $3,00. BOOTS AND SHOES, directly from New York, and bought from first hands, BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL. INGRAIN, LIST, HEMP AND BAG CARPETS, OIL CLOTIfS from I to 2 yards wide. His stock of GROCERIES i« complete in every respect, and will ee sold at as low a figure a* any house (his sitteof the city. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES at dower prices Ilian they can be had elsewhere. Good Curriftire* for $4.00 and $4.50, and Spring Carriages for $5.00, just m good as heretofores..ld for $B.OO. Wooden and Willow Ware in alm-'st every variety, together with all the outfit of a first class store. [May 9, ISGI-tf WHEELER &, WILSON’S | SEWING | I M ACHINES. | . gp g R. A._o. KERR, § ALTOONA, PA., S? g: Agent for Blair County, g. S.NOSIiM V M3I33HM These machines are admit to be the best over offered to the public. amt their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that In the last eight years. Over 14,000 More of them Macliine* have l»eun sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals hare been awarded the pro* prietors by different Fairs and' Institutes than to any oth , era. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed ! for them. They are now In use in several families in At | toon*, and In every case they give entire satisfaction. | The Agent refers thoKe desiring information as the eu- I perlority of the MacliUiCß, tn Cob Jebn L, Piper, Her. A. | 11. Clark, George llawkeswortb, Benj. F. £o*o, and & 11. ' Turner, Bsqrs. i The machines can be seen and examined at the More of i the Agent, at Altoona. I Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new ; stylo Hcmmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot j and now style nenuuor—sss. No. X plain, with old style I llemmcr—s4s. (March 21,1861-tf. Dll. CALDERWOOD offers liis Pro fesslnnal Services to the citizens of Altoona and | vicinity. Office on Virginia Sired* nearly opposite C. J. ; Mann's Store. RkF ERENCES: \ J. B. Lcdes. M. D-, Huntingdon. Jxo McCmocn, M. D., u X IL T. OdriTT, 41 Pittsburgh. Rev. J. B.Ceiht, Birmingham. Rev. Thomas Stevenson, Tyrone City. Jacob Burley, « c. G-cicm “ 1 W. Bcujjrr. “ I M. 11. JOI.LT. " I Altoona, May 9th, ISCI-ly* $55,00 Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commercial School in the Country. Upward of twelve hundred young men from twenty-eight different States, hare been educated fur business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employed as Book Keepers ot salaries of $3000,00 per Annum, : immediately noon graduating, who knew nsthing of ac counts when they entered the College. 49* Minister’s sons half price. Students enter at any. tlihe, and review when they please, without extra chapgd. For Catalogue of 84 pages, Specimens of Prot Cowley's Business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large engra : vkwr ofthe College, Inclose twenty-live emit* in Postage i Stamps to the Principals, JKXKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, fa. ' Altoona, Jan. Zl. "01-ly. ONL Y PBISPA B A TION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence and Patronage. FOR STATES* KX.JDDOK?, CLKROTIIKf, Indies and Gentlemen, in all parts'of the world testify to the efficacy of Prof. 0. J. Wood’s Hair Restoration and gentlemen of the Prose aronnaniinone Inits prase. A few testtuouiaU only can be here gives; me circular for more, and it will be impossible fer you to doubt. 47 Wail street, Xew York, Dec. SbISM. GuenonsYour notedf the 15th inst, has been ro ccivevl* ajiing that job hM b(«rd that I had been bene fitted by the nee of Wood'# Hair Eeatorativo, sad request ing my certificate of Che foot if I bad no objection to give it. 1 award it to you cheerfully, because X think it dim. My age is about 50 yean; the color of my hair auburn, and inclined to curl. Some five or six years since it began to turn gray, and the scalp on the crown of my head to lose its sensibility and dandruff to form upon It. Each of these dtagrtvabUtUrs increased with time, and about 4 months since a fourth wae added to them, by hair falling off the top off my headland threatening to make me bald In this unpleasant predicament, was indueod to tjy Wtaxi's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the tailing off of my hair, fur I had realty no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored, to Its original color except from dyes. 1 was, however, gfoatly surprised to find after the ose-of two bottles only, that not only was the falling off arrested, but tlie color was restored to the gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and daudraff ceased to form on my heaJT very much to the gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation 1 was induced to try itJ Fur this, among tlie many obligations I owe to her sex, I strongly recommend all husbands who value the admi ration of their vires to profit by my example, and use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very respect folly, r BEX. A. LAVENDER. To 0 J Wbod A Co., 444 Broadway. New York. My family are absent from tile city, and X am no longer at Nt». 11 Carroll Place. Siamaston, July 20rh, 1859. • 7V> Prrtf l O J Wind: Dear Sir—Your Hair Restorative has done my hair so much good since I commenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to the PUBLIC of its effects on the hair, which are great* A man or woman may ba nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your ** Hair Restorative,'' the hair will return more beautiful than ever; at least this is my experience. Relieve It all! Yours truly. WM. U. KENEDY. P. S.—You can publish the above if you like. By pub lishing in. our Southern papers you will get more patron age south. I see several of your certificate* in the Mobile Mercury i a strong Southern paper. W If Kenedy. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Prttf. O J llbocf: Dear Sir—Having had the misfortune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects of yellow fever, in New Orleans in 18. M, 1 was induced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no words can express my obligations to yon in giving to thcaflticted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. Thu Kcatorative U put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: largo, medium, and small: the smalt bolds *£ a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per Ornt. more iu proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per tattle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more iu proportion, And retails for $3. 0. J. WOOD & CO.. Proprietors, 441 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis. Mo. For sale in Altoona by A. ROUSH and ti. W. KESSLER, Agents, and all good Druggists anil Fancy Goods Dealers. July Ist, 1801-lyeow Cheap!, Cheaper!! Cheapest!!! Huzza for north ward.— Tlie undersigned would respectfully Inform the citizens of Altoona and the surrounding country that lie has routed the store room formerly occupied by Jacob Burkhart, on Virginia street, near A. McCormick’s store, where he id about opening a Grocery, Flour, Feed and Provision Store. lie has jdst frturued from the East where he has been selecting hi* groceries with great care and baying exclu sively for cosh, which enables iiim to dell as low, if nut a little lower, than ai.y house iu the place. lie would therefore say to all who wish a good article of groceries, and at a low figure, to cull and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. His stock consists of Huts and Caps, Men and TP«mcn’s Shoes, XoUonsofcdl Vinds. Extra Family Flour, Superfine, Com Meal , Rye and Corn Chop. Extra Lotcring Syrup Molasses, GO cents per gal. Golden 4 ‘ . ** 45 * •* *• Pennsvlvania “ “ 55 ** “ t( Baking . “ • « “ White Crush Sugar 11 ~ 4 ’ “ lb. White «• 10 “ “ “ Refined “ .10 “ ** “ Best Brown “ R “ u “ Cuba “ 7 “ “ “ Bio Coffee 15 to 10 “ “ « Best Imperial Teas 90 u “ “ 2nd quality “ 75 “ “ “ Black “ 50 “ “ “ Koala and Castile So.ip, Babin*. Figs, Almonds, Fil berts. English Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Mackerel, Herring, Lake Trout, Dairy Salt. Cheese, and everything that is necessarily kept in a good family grocery. April 4, ’GI-tf.] ' , J. A. SPRINKLE. Wliat s the Xeivs? TTT'HY THIS, SUBSCRIBER f f has just received and opened a large and beauti ful stock of SEASONABLE GOODS among which mav be foundthe following FOR TIHiE Xi.A.3DIES : Fancy and Plain, magnificent and brilliant styles of Spring Silks, Black Silts, Norwich Poplins, CliallicDe Lai lies, colored and figured Brilliants, French and English Chintzes, English and American Calicoes, Ac. WHITE GOODS. < IVe have In this department,,Linens, Laces, Edgings. Cambrics, Brilliant*. Niinsooks. Jaconetta, Lawns, Mull Muslins. Ladies Fine French Collars, Cndertdteves. of which we respectfully ask a thorough examination in order to satisfy Ladies that we have these goods better and lower in price than the lowest. Mourning Goods; This line of goods is very ample in every department. Hosiery: and Gloves. I Silk. IVooleu Cotton and Linen Hope for ladles and gentle men, and nn endless variety for children. Ladies and gen tlemen's Kid. Kid Finishes. Silk and Gloves. Call and see our far famed "Buck Gloves.” DOMESTICS. Muslins. Flannels, Blankets, and every article in the Do mestic line of Dry Goods, htjarger quantity and In more complete assortment than; ciin be found la any house in the interior of Pennsylvania. We have also a fine assortment of ; CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, " together vhh» fall stock of Groceries, Queensucare, Hardware, s a*id all the et ceteras of acountry store. Mny9,lBdl. * J. B. 111 LEM AN. LADIES* WINE. SPEER’S giffBCCI WIXE, OF CDLTITATW PORTUGAL ELDER. EXCELLENT WlNir FOR FEMALES. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD USE SPEER’S SAMBUCI WINE. Cl BLEBRATED for its medicinal, and ! beneficial qualities as n genuine Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic and Smfortflc, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, and soma of Use first families in Europe and America. SPEER'S SAJIS VC 1 WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists and , Physicians as possessing medical properties superior to any other wines in use, aadan excellent article for all weak and debilitated perawm.Sttdthe aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladies and children. A LAJdIES’ WINE, because it arid not tntoaUnate as other vines, as it contains no mixture of spirits or ether liquors, and ia admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, aeft and beaHhy shin and eSmpbsxion. Nous genafneunlseetHs signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, S.J, is over the cork of each bottle. MAKE ONE TOTAL OF THIS WINS. ' 1 . A. BPEKR, Proprietor, Office 208 Broadway, New York. fiS-For sule by A. EOtail, Altoona; GKO. W. PATTER -80 Jf aad 080. A. JACOBS, IlollMaysburg; and by W. NOWUN 1 00., Tyrone. tje27-ly GLEN-EOHO MILLS, GERMiUfTOWN, PA. .MhOAIMUM <& CO.. iiaNgpactukbes, IMPORTERS & |THOLEBALE DEALERS IN TBUJBKU* V. B*du*4.,. —.XitattxgNUM*. KCOXJSS, ’ Prwprteiort. P£» Pd»t; . March T, ISttt-Iy i y -; . s "They go right to the Spot." INSTANT RELICT! STOP TOCR COCCI! I pttbift took breath ! strengthen took voicki SPALDING’S. Throat Confections, ARE GOOD FOB CtWUJyUES, GOOD FOB LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLICSPEAKES3, GOOD FOB SINGERS, 60(H) FOE CONSDMMrm. GENTLEMEN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFJECTION& CPILDBEN CRT ItTB SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS, t_ir Tboy relieve a Cough Instantly. *S“They dear tlio Tlirost. ♦J-Thcy giro strength and Toluttn to tlie Totw, lmpart a delicious aroma to tho lotath. AS*They an daligbtftit to the laalr. A* 1 " They are made of simple herbs, and.con harm no one. I advise every one who has a %°S b - or a Husky V«icr» or a Bad Breathe or any difficulty of the Throat, (o pet a package of my Throat Coufc'ClioD*, they you instantly, and yon will agree wHb me that u thcy go right to the spot/* Yon will find them very useful and pleasant while travelling or attending public meetings for staling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one pack age I am safe in saving that yoawilf ever afterwards con sider them indispensable. Yon will Had them at ths Druggists and Dealers in Medklnes; PRICE TWENTV-FITE CE^TS. My signature is on each package. All others ore coun terfeit. A package will bo sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Cento, Address, HENRY C. SPAMrtNfi, Ko. 48 Cedar Street, X*w'York, NemusHeadache Headacbi& By the use of these Bills the periodic attac k* of Aerrou or sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken at the commencement of ap attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained.- They seldom fail In removing the Xausea and 2fatdachc to which females arc bo subject. They act gently upon tho bowels, —removing Costirencss* For Literary Men , Students, .Delicate Females, and all {arsons of sedentary habits, they arevaluable as a Laxative iinprovieg the appetite, giving tone andryar to the diges tive organs, and resturipgthe natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CKPUALXC PILLS are the result of lung investiga tion and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time (hey have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether in the nervous system or froth a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with pc fact safety without making any change of dwet. and the absence of any disa greeable it easy to administer iActn to children. BEWABF. OF COOXTEUFEITSI Hie genuine have fire signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each Cox. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box a lii be sent by mail prepared oti receipt of tbs PRICE 25 CENTS. AU orders slionld be addressed to IIENHY C. SPALDIKO, 48 Cedar Street Xew York Not. IS, ’OO.-ly.] Maso.ntille, C<(nx, Feb. 5,1861, Me. Spauhxg. Pie : I have tried your Cephalic PUIs, ami Ililc them to well that I want yon to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these arc lor tho neighbor*, to whom 1 gate a few out of the ilrst lant I got from yon, ' Pills by mail, and oblige Yonr obedient Serrant, JAMES KENNEDY. Mb. Spalding. Sm; I wish you to Send mo one more box of yonr Cephalic Pills, 1 have received a great deal of benefit from them. Yours, KewHTtmily. MAKY ANN STOIKUODSE. Spbcge Cexex, Ucsiinodo.n Co, Pa, Jan. 18.X561, H. C. Spalding, Sxb: n Yon will please send me two boxes of yonr Cephalic Pills. Send them immediately. Kespecffnliy yonr*. wore . ,• , JOHN B. SrSIONS. — 7 *«« need one box of your Palt, and find then Prom the Examiner, XarfaU, to. Cephalic Pill* accomplish the object fop which they wero made, lix.: Cure of headache in all Its forms. I Front the Examiner, Xorfoth, fa. \ wMSTaSSm?* 11 " n,ore ,U *“ a thousand cast's. From the Democrat, SL Cboed. Jfinn. Ifyon art, nr have been fronlded with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Piihk) so that yon mar hare them incase of an attach. 3 From the AdverSter, Phmtlenee, R. T V® “ M *° ** a remarkably eflectivo remedy fortlie headache, and one of Ihc very lieat for that very complaint which has ever been dlscoveS. From tie Vetitam B. B. Ornette. Chicago, In. Ce]dllfe l rai». eDjWr * Mr ‘ “ a onrirwUed From the Kanawha Valley Star. Kanawha. Vit. W« are sure that persons raflferib s «Jlh the headache, who try them, wilt stick to them. Prom the Southern I'uth Piader, itVw Or'iam, La. Try them! yon that ere afflicted, and w« are tore that yonr teetimony can be added to the already numerous list that baa received benefits that ho other medicine can nrc doce. * IS. A eiogle bottle ofBPALDIXQS PREPARED SIDE vriU Bare ten Ume< ita co«t ' SPALDING’S PREPARED OLDS! SPALDING’S PEEP ABED GLUE 1 SPALDING'S PREP ABED GLDE! mspAicni r A.Shich ix Ton SUtb Sixe,”.®* nleat iiyw FnntttoM, Tc»ys, Cndary, 4c> BPA&PBWS PEKPA&fiB OU»l SATI THI most ECONOMY I *. It* »J*r»j» ready, esd ap to tbi u cssm> jm EVBBT H0C38.” S. B.—A Bra* ecKmpjuefaa emcfa Bottle.! Price 2* cts UEKBY C, SPALDING, Ko-ISOrterSt) K.T. IXaveepobd, Pa, Feb. C, 1801,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers