HARD TIMES made easy; Good News for the Unemployed! 1000 Chances to make Money! ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON* AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED!!! All pfcr?ooa desirous of securing an Agency in this New Enterprise Should send on their mjme* fit once*, enclosing aSccnt itauip lo pay pustule, ami receive by return of mail A PREMIUM C T -A_ L O C - XT E Containing OUR INDUCEMENTS, Which afford A BARE CUANCE TO MAKE MON E Y without mk, together with FULL particulars Relative to this NOVEL PLAN! To insure prompt and satisfactory dealing, direct all rdwrs to . GEORGE G. EVANS, II UTTER’S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, JVo. 51 Market St , llarrixhurg, Fa. This establishment is chiefly devoted to the manufacture of Blank Books for Banks, County Olhces, Railroad Companies. JjMjhifMt and private individuals. In all cants \\\v ut£SS&S& very best of stock ami wovkman-diip may be rolled upon. Blank Bouk.s printed, paired uml bound to -any desired pattern. .ShcrhVAttorneys ami Jiutiees of all sizes, made and maler. Tri-omual and Yearly Assessments. Duplicate:-. Ac.. Dr county purpo sc-3, printed or plain, rnlc-.t :v.\ beynd-to dialer. County Dockets made of the best lin-n pirpcr. Librarians, and other*.'dc-dring to have tln-ir Books well bound and at moderate prices, should givens a call. News papers Of th** largest sizes. Harper's Weekly. Gleason's Pictorial, Ballou-s Scientific American. London News, bound to order, and in any style required. Harper's Month ly Magazine. Knickerbocker, Liaekwood’* and Graham's Magazines. Gndev’s Lady's Book. Lady's Repository, Petcr eoo’a Magazine, Piano Music, Ac., bound in extra .styles.or the mum plain and substantial half binding. Reject Pam phlets,L»w Ma.ra7.ines, Pamphlet ia\rs, bound in good,Li brary style, at wry moderate prie-s. persons having a number of volumes to bind, will receive aliberal discount. Binding can safely be s*nt to ns from a distance by Ex press, and all work entrust d toonrcarvwill be sjw-.d dily executed, safely packed and returned by Kxpresi.— All work warranted. Addwsi I'. L. HCTTKU. Ihrrisf-unj, l\u A DERX, at the 7W : o/mr Other, me my agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will give informa lion in relation to binding, and receive ami return books free from e&tra charges. Dr all who cut.tut tbc-lr work to my care. {March 21. ISOMy JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! T would, mippctfully hi forll) in 5’ claim t.> j-uM attention, as a F.udayiiaW Tailor, ns : Because I keep an exr. lent apartment of Cloth Cnwlmercs, Vestings an Trimming*. U'hi* lu who esnmiiied,ulwa>s please. Because. jny work made up in a manner tin takes down the counti and gives all my customs a city, appearance. Becanw I am no( infer!* ns a Cutter to the best i bo-found anywhere. Because I.mg cxperkm in my business giYfg m rutin* control uvit it. on I nm not ck : pcts. 50,000 rolls at 0, 6 and 10 rents. Windoa Curtains, Fire Board Prints, T , , , „ , Tester Covers, Ceilings, ic? for the Striped Front. Altoona, March 7,1861-4 m. Wall Paper and Border. An unusually large stock ; of the LATEST SPUING STYLES, wiU bo 8011:1 draper than ever hr Marchigl, IWI-tf; j. * ‘j. LOWTIIER. PURE WHITE LEAD AND'ZINC i «4° P‘ ro!Uk ’* Yellow, Par U Grocttr dry gronad oil at ri-tfA KESSLER^ SPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER KJ rn»f)K«aU at y-U.j . KESSLER'S. •BD Ciie-tuut Street, Philadelphia, PROF. L. MILLER’S HAIR INVICORATOR! I An effective, safe and eco- NOMICAL COMPOUND. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its original coh.r without dyeing, aud preventing the hair from turning gray. you Preventing baldness nr,j curing it, when there is tin? I«a*i particle of vitality or recuperative eu- erav remaining. EOIt’REMOViNG . SCVRF AND and all cutaueoiw affcethna :it tho Scalp. FOR BEA VTIPYING Tllß HAUL imparting to it an ixu equalled glos* and brilliancy, making it «oft and silky in its toxtuiv imil causing It fu curl readily. ITio great celebrity audlht* increasing demand lor this unequalled preparation, convince tho proprietor that one trial i» ouly uecesaary to BrttUfv a discernliig public of its mipoiior qualities over any other preparation at present in me. It clttinscs the head and sculp from dondrujl and other cutaneous <> tla- hair to grow luxurii-nt ly. anil gives it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where the iiair in loosening and tinning, it will give strength and vigoV to tin* ruots, and restore thegre-wth to those part; which have become bald, causing it to > ield a/ruh c**rerin{j of hair. There are hundreds of ladles ;and gentlemen in New York who have had their'h;tir restored by tho use ot this Invigorntor, when all oilier preparationsdmd failed. L.M. has.iu his possession letters .innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually prevent the AmV fr»m turning / until the latest period of life; ;rud in coces where the luvir lias al ready changed its color, the u‘e of the Invigorator will with certainly restart it fo it - original hur. giving it a dark, glorsy appearance. As a pyridine fur the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly recomni- -nded. having an agreeable fragrance; and {he great lacjlirius it affords in dresei/ijj the /mir, which, when moist with the Invigoratm* can be dressed in any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the ladies jw a siand'.ird (oiht article which mm** ought to In* without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being. ONLY 25 CENTS per bottle, to be hiid at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. ; • L. MILLER lepnid call tin* attention of Ptwents and Guardians fo the: use of the-lnvigoratur. in cases where the childrens* llair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the f .uudation for a go&i n/uair, as it removes any iijapu* ritios that may have beenim* connected with the scalp, the removal t»f wJiich-is necessary both for the. health of the chihl. and fho fhture upiK-eirance of its Hair. CAUTION. —None genuine 'without the far simll-* I.'>ULS MILLER being on the outer wrapper ; al.*o. L. MILLER'S lIAT II INVICJORATOILN'. Y. blown in the glass, r. Whot. •.-ale Djijjuf, 50 Dey at., and s.»M by all the princi pal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. 1 also desire to present to the American Public my Hew ; and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAITI DYE which after years of sci.-ntihe experimenting I have brought to perfection. It dyes Pluck or Jlnuvn instantly without injury to the I!.ur or-Skin, warranted the beat article of the kind in existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 2d, »60-ly fiO Iky St.. Xcw York. AUCTION GOODS YliiiY CHEAP AT McCormick's Store, in East Altoona ! ■JUST OPENED A VERY LARGE fj and complete assortment of Spring anti 'Summer ti-vajs, cuiuiating of British, french and American Dr\ Goods, .selected with grcaUoaro to suit this region of coun try. In the line of Ladies Dross Goods for quality and price, they will surpass.. Mantillas, Duxtrr.*, Shairh, TT/t/O Goods, Em broideries, Irish' Linens, Linen Ilandktr chiefs, Hoopskirts* Clothes, Cas si/nercs. Kentucky Jeans, Vrinls, Ginylmms, 'Muslins, Flan nets, Etc., Etc. Boots A Shoes in all their vari.ais make and material for Men Si Buys* ns Well as Ladies, Mi>-es and Children. Heady Made Clotting', n full assortment {*> .-ult the season, with Katin Caps, Um brelbuj, I'avasoi.-. Curpets, Oil; Cloth*. Malting, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs. Tin Ware. Quevnsware. Hard Ware. Stone Ware, Market Bu.-kel--. v'.inl: Buhl ' 11. Brushes, Clothes Linos. with all article- necc.- .ary to make up a fall a;:- .surlment'to meet the wants of the people. ALSU, a Complete FAMILY GROCERY, which will have our tpegjal attention, Erst in buying and selecting ill-- bgst, and fi'e-hest articles as well as keeping it up at all times. Conics of'the very best and richest varieties. T 33 jfL. S , Black and Green of the l>\sr quality and flavor. Sugars .good and cheap; common Brown at 0, good at S cents, common white* ID cents.: Syrups and-. Baling Molasses, from the best Lovering-.at to the lowest grade ;>.t 40 Cornstarch, Pry d Peaches. Dived Apples. Farrena. Bacon, Dryed Beef, .Mackarek IDrring, Luke Fish A Dry Fish. Window Glass. Uill'-icnt siZ'-s. Air., all of which will be sold very low for ea.-di. or exchang'd f.-r Pr-dm** l . Always uil iaind, a Ha’.l- cel-braicd Iron Plows. Persons visiting t >wn .would do well before making their sek-.gions to cull anil examine uur stock. fi' we will In? jdea.- 1 -1 to sec-. them free ot charge. Very thankful fur past fivers, wc re.-qwctfully s dicit a continuance uf pub lic patn-n.i^e. Altoona, April ISth. T?Yd.[f. LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. HHHE ITN DEIISIGXED HAVING 1 purchased the right for Blair county, ot Tolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine, arc now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to those peivon* ilu-aighout the cutintv who dedre a LA 808-SAVING MACHINE. Tills machine in got up on an entirely new principle, and i>* Considered, by these who have seen it in use, the best that has ever been brought l>eF»ro the public. Among the many advantages of this machine over all others may the following: Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to got out of order. 2/7. Its speed, which astonishes alike the operator and the Jk«-r on. CnL The facility with which it adapts itself to the bulk or qantity of clothes desired to Ik* wafelnnl. ■ith. It washes equally" well the finest and lightest fabric «*r the coaise-st and heaviest, such as bed-quilts, comforts, blankets. Ac. ■ t > • ’ • We the undersigned.;hereby certify that we arc now using Tollaast’s Improved Washing Machine nml are ful ly satisded that it is a Very excellent article /if the kind : combining ns it does great speed with little labor, and per forming its work; in the most satisfactory manner. We therefore chfurfV.lly recommend it to all who desire a rf-al '■ibor-saving washing machine. JOHN WOOD?. EMILE TIETZE, MICHAEL CALVEIiT, THUS. MrAULKV, JOSEPH G. ADLUM. DANIEL PUICE. It. A. 0. IvEBB. HAT & CAP EMPORIUM, JESSE SMITH, Proprietor. All the latest styles of .HATS and CAPS constantly on hand. It is the determination of the proprietor o r this Emporium to keep up with the times ami fhdhious, and to do this Jo? spares no expense. lie has ju3t received his supply B|gßm* SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS, gH among which .will he found styles and ties to suit the tastes of old or young. or fashionable, . . To give tho names, colors, qualities and styles of nil his goods ir. this line, would only confuse the reader, and lie would not then understand or appreciate tin.- diversity and magnitude of his stock.' It must be. seen to ho believed.— (Jo and sec Jesse* if .you want to see a live hatter and n fashionable stock. .. ■ He has also a fine assortment of CHILDREN’S HATS and FLATS, to which he invites the attention of solicitous mothers. At hi« store they will find something which will excel all their neighbors in the way of fashion and beauty. Go, mothers, uud examine and select from Jesse Smith's stock. Store on Virginia Street, opposite the Lutheran Church. May 9, ISCI. J, G. ADLUM, NOTARY PUBLIC. ALTOqMA, BLAIR CO., PA. Ctm at all times be foimd at the store of J. B. Hilcman. Cctober 1. 1b57. : ROBES! ROBES! Just recelv<*4 a fine lot of Buffalo Holies, which *wc will sell ut from $4 to $lO a piece. Two doors below (ho Post Office. M.“ THOMPSON, Agent, Jhii.B,lSCl. • TfOR.SALE.-i-A HOUSE AND LOT, L desirably located in the Borough of Altoona. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER. Altoona, Fob. 9,1560-tf. TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM II .ado, Sharing Cream, Toilet Soaps. Ac. for sale l.y *-»•! o. IV. KESSLER. All the standard patent MELICIRES AT ! l-if. KESSLER’S. McMIXN & DEUX. Altoona, li'air County, J\i MOFFA F ' S yEH r stock cf LIFE PILLS and PHOENIX BITTERS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS rpH-ESE MEDICINE HAVES NOW , HI LEM AN’S. mid during that time ba\a inaintahu’d a high character in : rpHE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS almost every part of the globe, for their extraordinary and 1 J_ customers, and tiio public generally, that he has just immediate power of restoring perfect health lopersons suf- , received a large and beautiful assortment of FALX, and winter goods. The following are among the distressing variety cf hu* ; which, for magnificence extent and variety,-bare never man diseases in which the • before been excelled in llluir county* lenticular attention VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES ' i is invited to our otock of DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and sec- | LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, onci stomachs. ami creatine a flow of pure, healthy bile, in- Such as Mad: and / Sills* ChaUics, Jkirges, Brilliants, stead of the stale and ucritl kind ; FLATULENCY, Loss or ; Lawns* Ddaincs, Vhintss* Ihßcpss, Crapes, FrinU *, Appetite. Heartburn. Headache, Kestleseuww, 111 Temper. 1 Cntpe and SfiWt Shawls. .VaatiU-us* Vmkrslttctsuml Anxiety. Liingonr, and Melancholy, wliich me the general Jlrntry. Jl>nn kerchiefs* KiU (t'lnvts* Hoped Shifts, Sfo'rt queue.-of its cure. . ■ ! * ‘ivg, Lavs MXis, (&.,(&. COIsTH KN !'.»>. by cleansing the whole length of the :n* • *-«/-% t> r 1 Ti 1 V'PI 'P’MT'WO T\ T 1? »t> testim?* with a solvent process. and without violence; all , X 1 \JXt VJXjIN J. m WXbAilj *"??• *•** 1’0" rl? costive within two days. i We , mve Cloths . Cassim-rea, Vesting* Tweed*. Ji-atu, 4c. lls EUs ol all kinds, by restoring the blood b. a rrgu- 0 f latmU-s would do Weil to call and examine our lar circulation, through the process of rcsiurattoa in each . tofk ofWi mer Goods for Bovs. ra.is, ttndtrn- thorough solution of all intestinal ob s ..ruc- . shwA Hardware, Glassware, Qncenswato., Wood \f" »• . . , . nirrlTVl [ and Willow Wan*. Oil Cloths. Carpets, ic., iu any quantity - I l .te Li:u hare been knot™ toemroEHELMA- I uud at ;ce , tkat cannot fail to please. Tlt.u permanently jn three week*, and GOXT in half that ■ r * time, by removing Lnd liiflammatioU from the muscles and. | GROCERIES. J ; , . • , . ~.: Onr stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and DI.UI .lap e. ml kiui.s.by freemgandstrenv.them gthc . „ sisM , r.io and Java (.'offiw, Crushed, loaf and N. 0 kidmys and bladder; they ■op.,-raW most d.-h K htfttl! } m . & Y U . and Black Teas; Molasses, Sums, important organa, nud hence have ever been fuuud a , r; .. ■ y ’ 3 . 1 3 certain iviui-dv for the wo: at cast-s of UKAViiL. ! ft.’ , l ‘i r *•„*,. ... , . Also WOIIMS. I.v rtislodeiUß from the turning* of the 1 , 1 I l' , “j 7 l* 1 .■ P a ‘ ro . D!l e? bowels the Slimy matte, to'wlHel, these creatures adhere. i u 1 1 ''.v strict attention to bnsl- SCCRVV. CtI’KUS. mid INV KTKUATE SOUKS, by the I Jiff ““ c, « l '- a "' r tJ 1 !kisj > to ment 11 oontlnuanco of p*Tfi-ct purity which these LlFii give to the . * U /V C !‘. t» i - . . , . , . . , Llood. and all tin- hmnurfl. " r ** c ’; lintr > \™duce- of all kinds taken in exchange for. StXmiif.TlC KUUI’TION? and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by : u S their aitcrativo iU-.-ct upon the fluids that feed the skin, \ ‘ and the nmrbid slate cl which occasions nil eruptive com- ! plaints, sallow, cloudy, and other Uisagreeauli-complesioiis. 1 Tii*' iis<- of these rilln (Dr a very short lime will vlVcd an \ <;ntlr«' cure of SALT RHEUM, am! a nrrikingimprovement 1 in t!m* clearness of the skin. COMMON' COLDS and IN-! FLUENZA will always Lc cured by one dose, or by two iu • the waist cases. FILLS.—The original proprietor of these medicines. was | cured of Piles, of Go years standing, by the* use of the Life j M-'dioimalone. \ FEVER a: A OLE.—I-Vrthis scourge t f the Western coun- j fry, these medicines will he found a safe. speedy and certain ,- remedy.c.- Other medicines leave the system subject to a re- j turn of the di-ca-e—acute by these medicines is perma- J neat—trv them. !)•■ sati-lb-d. and be cmvd. i im.LIOUS FEVERS am* LIVER CoMPLAINT?.—Gen* ; oral d> idlity, ks> of app-tik ami dl-ea*. * of females—.the j nr dioim-s have b--.*n used with the most bemiicial results ! in cases of this {lnscription:—Kings Evil .and Scrofula, in* r its worst f Tin.s. yields to the mild yet powerful action uf , remarkable M«Udm-3. Niplil' Sweats. Nervous Du- ! . .nmiirmd'vmTv n A Ar hiaLy. NcrvoU' Complaint.) of all kinds. Palpitation of the I ( ' lilh Ai IM PKO V IhlS X IrS COOK- H-avt. Lainters’ Colic, are speedily cured. \ IT 3NG STOVES. • MERCURIAL constitutions COXSCJirnoX OF SMOKE AMD GASAXD S.TVIXG have became impaired by tic- injudicious use uf Mercury, ; s OF FUEL. \\:1I find these n:> d;c:us.H a perfect cure, ns they never fail ; The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the public tn eradicate from tm* system all the effects of Mercury, in- | N KW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING finitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of tar- ; Cooking Stove*. recently patented; which is destined to su dapan.ia. 1 ,>crccdc all others, as it requires 1 ivpmvu and sold by W. B. MOFFAT. ; ONK-Till’Kl) LESS FUEL OC.> Broadway. New Turk. ■ than other proves and is more easily, quickly and ivguhu [jejit. 1J,l&CO-ly. j ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas nri.s<‘.s front this * | stove from the fact that it is all consumed ere .it can es- TJATENT KEROSENE Oil CAR RON ; ca i' e - Tl “' r '' is 110 “ O,,Uc from «sthat mii-teLam I OIL I =, r and often jimmying exhalation is also consumed iimide of r,; f ' ,/ n’.’/lr',. cr T•, c, , . r, : the stove Neither is there any *langvr of Hues onhim- L nru UiCa i.t hinutj/, SumpliChy safety or Economy. : n,«ys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar lessened by. 1A... - y je-rson desiring to obtain the very best and cheap • tin* gas arising from coal fires. es{ pc* taule light within their leach, should call at the Versons wishing b* purchase stoves arc invited to call at store ..(fthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before the store of the subscriber; iu the Masonic Tempi*, and ex purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon- ! amine the above stows. JOHN SHOEMAKER, ■ £. : &; A-jcnt fuf JJh'ir Onwtif. XO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. j N. Ik All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Lih I hat they emit no oileiislve odor while burning.' • FtoW-s on hand. (Aug. 1-, ISGO. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed.- ■ ! L 4th. That tin y arc easily regulated to give more or less ; FII’ST AHUIVA.L OF Ml.. That" they burn entirely free from rim-ko. T ! gP T?, T TST (3- (3- O D T~> <3 Oth., 1-liat tl..- ILrht .0 at Ua-t J 9 jkt c~ut. dumber than i WVJJJO any otlu-r light now in common use. j ATT 1 TTIII 1 'XTr^TnklT'T Tin =e lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Sfn- ‘ AX XiiHi ih-nts. Mtyhanic.-. Fcamstr.*:- vs, F.trle r ie c -.HaUs.Cliurclies. ! TTTF UA VV TTTQT iV Stole.*, Hotels, ami are higblv recommended fov family US .*. i VV * 11A V UV AiN The burner of the Garb ui Oil Lamp can lv attached to !. T T unusually fine Sleek of Goods suitable for the old .-ide. hanging nnd tabb.* fluid, ami oil hjmi.s. at a small : ? (,;isc> »* So Auction trash, but regular good Goods at wry expense, and wili-an-wer e\vrv juirpos'.* of a new lanp. i prices. TVe deem it unnecessary to the prices We guarantee perfect satisfaction iu all cases, \ of:i & nrticb.-s in an advci tisvmeiit. but only ray that *.vc Aug. P.b JSGMf.] (}. \y, KESSLER. ! Clin Ul;, - J v, ’ il sell iwo‘l* :it fnif prices vj any other house ' ; in the place. We Lave, as usual, a great variety uf GROCERY, PROVISION, j LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. AND j Tn this department we think we can say we have the best WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE.’ ; w ‘“"l 8 * ,la “’; u^' io », in ,' ,f _ i Bice.: av.a Ixiucy Silks, I npUus. Lv. MortUns, Jirncht 1 N IVEIiSIj-N hi) W OUiJ) IN- 1 GrisaUlu, <\da -1 I'OliM tb,. puMk- that ha. vnrch.«!ia the interest I ' VHl ■of A. MILUUOX is, the 0n,.-.-ry »u,l I’rovi.iuu.Storvhero- j luu,L< ' anj ti-loro kq.f by th.’ui u:; Vir-:i,i;i stm-t, l.rlow I ~ Qf „ >'/«•■ <“•' O'!! fjyvw. \ wb. r.- 1... will Ciitiimf the uuJ Will keel, cuu- . A 1;0 ' ? anil Aim)..:-; hhjwl., Dusters. Ipirry. sl.tntlv en him.! a lurgv eopt.lv of i u '" v ,V, C ' ,! ; : “'' i ;, “ l1 Llu '"- ,t,in,, “" r anil 3 full *'** L-i.f-u him. , IMriTl v, ls .....-r td ad Lmdi oi- noti.,;is and 1-ancy Goods. Umbrellas large fLde.t. HA.,,*'. k and small. Boots and ifhues. Carpets. Oil Cloths and Win- DRIEDBEEF. Flail, rf ALT, MOLASSES. COFFEE, TEA, duw Sha.le.s Wall Paper and Border, Wood and Willow SUGAR. SPICES. CONFECTIONARIES, W are. Ilardwiue, Oui-eu=ware, and everything usually kept in and Provision • Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., &c. tit'..--. 11l I ‘>l ul.ich lr* ivr-i.f- in.-.ili fr..in tli.* m’-'I I mi uiri r V.’r li;itc alsjon hiin.ls ;i very luryc and superior stock of western cm. mi.l will m-11 at the m-.st rcasmii.hlo prices. ; „ ~ ‘ ■ llavioy recently obtain. 1 license tn sell liquor by whole- j FA Nil JcA GROOERIEb sale. 1 will keep constantly .ill hiu.l a large n-eoitmeut ot .„l Gmt! :/ ffmVceJ /Vice.-. Sugar J ami Svnips Ly the li.|ii..r* ..f ih-best .|ii:ilitic? to be leu!. , barrel at a small advance. " 1 tv-p et ally e„ u -,t a sl.are of public cii-tmin | \y e take Ibis occasion to return our sincere thanks J u.> i_. .-v in. J. BElvlvlm II 7.. to the people >.f’Alt"oim and vicinity for the rliare of their ~ : i patmnuge ln-retof •i\-received, und invite them loTlroii in SOAIETHIAG NEW. : and yce our new stork whicli we f.-el cohfiJent will please. ry II E SUBSCRIBER HAS J UST ! Altwn e' A|iril I9 ' J - - J - howxiiKß. A wh " rc ~B I>urd ‘ ilit ' l a ; Stoves, Till & Sheet lom Ware, BOOTS &c SHOES,! SPOUTING, &C. Uroqans, (Waiters,' Scl, !ft j : 0 ' : 1 ,r,l ‘- I '’^ p( •' T -.gV. **' 1 1 f Kjy • fully inform the citizens of AltoonaStffir’v which lie )r. prejt;ir*'d to offer to thecitizwis of Altoonrwind ; and vicinity that Im !•:■ e]>3 rou j l;intly on hand - vicinity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from : largo of imj, Pitrlor . OfUce. the manufacturers fVir rush, ho jTejmrod to sell at prices i Sh'-p t>f all stjdc? and sizes, to stilt the H 'J4 that will defy C‘inii>etitii.in. All tint h<* is that the wants of all, which lie will sell at low prices, on reason people will call and examine his ttock before purchasing able terms. elsewhere. Ho also keeps on hand a largo stock of Tin and Shfd- BOOT? and SHOES made to order on the most rca- Iron Tilnv. cons Ming of all articles for culiuarypurpuaes— fconable terms. Al-->, repairing jiromptly attended to. Cud &utilrs. Slur? /Vp.\ t fc. Don’t forget the place, two doors below Po.-t Oiricc. He has also purchased the r’ght of sak* iu Blair countv Jan, 11, IbGl. M. THOMPSON, Aytnt. of 11. Y. JONES’ r ANDS ! LANDS ! ! LAN DS '! ! I.MTUOVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, I J Tl.;- iimbrr.liruuil is pripiircl t.i l.Hiat., LAND WAR- ! Wl nllly to f hn *? D ■UANT.< in thu Omalmiud Ncb.askn Citv Land Ollic s.- ; by «wry farmer, butcher ur tb...« ( I'Vftlfl , ‘T t Ca, Vr' V ,' ,P ".'“ 4 '>« , r -r" > rKU SS - rL ' iU '" : OT. Particular aM-.-ntlun j«i.l to pnttinsr m.Sl*oCTl\tl. fctaivrftlli, bin ltv° f ‘ U lL y l - 0)i ’ UO " m cither in town ar omnliy. Jpuntiir,- palmed and put up Loner. all of which will he sold at the lowest prices, gept. C. ISCO.-tf. • ! All work ordered will be made up in the Very best stvlc | according to the latest fashions, on short notice, j Kov.l.lSOtMf THOMAS EIAVAY. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOXA. PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., UOLhWAYSBUnG, PA., (Late “Bell, Jack % ES and DYE-STUFFS.* By strict attention to business, and n desire to render snt isf;u;tinn to all as regards price and quality, lie hopes to merit and-rcceirc* u share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied ou reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [I-tf. WM. S. BITTNER, DENTAL SURGEON. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM PLK. next door to the Post Office. A Student wanted. OYES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw ni«;h and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT announ ces Hi tho pu.Jc. that ho is ready to discharge his duty ua au Auctioneer whenever called upon. (jan. 2 ’of>. p ROCERIES. A LARGE AND \ complete assortment of Groceries have ju*t Wen ro ceived at tho atom of . ' J. B. IiILKMAX. Abdominal sup3>orteks 3 Tms aea and Shoulder Braces for''sale at l-v£- Q. W. KLiSLUIUS. I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB _J SCRTP.EK -would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- i fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate his friends uml M patrons in a comfortable manner, und 1 1 enP* will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and Ins Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. IT is charges are as reasonable a* those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not he complained of by those v.ho favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to-dosorve it, he throws open his house to the public ruul invites a trial. I have just received a stock cf Mo. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses. together with n lot of the best old Ryo. Whiskey to be found in tbo country. Altoona, May fiT, 1859,-ly] JOHN BOWMAN - . Blair county insurance AGENCY.—Tiie undersigned, Agent of the Blair Comity Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, UuihU xngt. Merchandise, Furniture and 2*roj)rrii/ y of every des ctiptioti, in town or country, at as reasonable as anv Company in the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack & C,, .in„. 27, -6Wf D - *• CALI.WJ7LL, Agent. T YCOMTNG COUNTY MUTUAL X j. FIRE INSURANCE' AGENCY.—The undersigned agent of tho Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company.]? at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fi/e Buildiitffx, X'arJiandtst, 'Furniture-and Frojwhj cferm description, in town or country, at as reasonable rate* 15 any company in tho Shite. Office in tho .Masonic Temrh:. Jan. 3, ’SG-tfj JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. [Pec. 20, ’oS.-tf. I^LOUII.— THE BEST QUALITY OF FAMILY iLOUII for sale, Wholesale andßetail Aj ii‘; T s? , B r. *, J - SHOEMAKER, Dec. 11,1806-tf. Masonic Temple. Hardware of all describ tions ju-G tcceivcd nud for pal' bv oct - 15 ‘ t( 1 J'. U. UihEMAN, STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors anti isAUßfucturars of lIOS* TKTTEU’S CELEBKATED STOMACH lUT- T i:us can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and cl«itemt. generally of the Coital States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point •will speak more powerfully than ’volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it fs evident that during the coming year the consumption will .reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and tiro sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country whose the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy iu all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by' extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Billers, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to bo as enduring as lime itself. Hosteller’s .Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague anti various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to slate confidently that the “Bitters” are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, .and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that lone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health, it operates upon the stomach, liver, anil other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition csscnt ial to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. J. IJ. HILLMAN Elderly persons may use the Bit (ers daily as per directions on the bottle; and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent, as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women wiio have experienced the benefit of using tlii-4. preparation while sull'ering from stomach, de rangements and general debility ; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned till deleterious drugs anti fairly tested (be merits of this article. A few Words to llio gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them tank tinder the trial; The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mot iter, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive din ing the summer season, the wear of body, and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Hitters to all other iuvigora lors that receive the endorsement, of pliyai .shins, because it is agreeable to (bo taste as well as certain, to give n permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion,; loss of appetite, and all’diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, ami nursing mol iters, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos teller's Celebrated Stomach Billers a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hostkttkk’s Ci;i.hduati:i> Stomach Bitteus, aiid see that each bottle lias the words "Dr. J. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters” blown on (lie side of the bottle, and stamped op tlie metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. 'OS' Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER It SMITH, Pittsburelv-I’a., and cold by nil clruEnists, f.TJoeers, and dealers generally throughout the United Stater, South Amo rica. and Germany. • For «ijr I>v A. ItOUSII, Aliuoaa, Pa. Sept.-At. JStW-ly. £ S a 3 § .-3 s cis s: s ~ < JP v t M -=> P t-~4 «i cl = | £ o %^% 5 S sgll O K *3? •__J v: t-i v -3 * -< S 3 'S *-« o E-I < n rh o 5< o « g =s i - a P^J<|'3 r 1 "' •£ ■**! ~—- •) o CO h § u: g s H o - < C. r q^=2^: I—l 2 Q J_H 5, - -h & a = OOa"s'|. is GROCERY AAD BAKERY! The undersigned announ ce to (lie citizens of'AUooiia mid vicinity tliat be Inis just received u largo invoiceo of. Fruit, Confectionaries, Nuts, Spices ! tt!lJ «*>•<'»« fj r ebildron ic. v ex|irefsly for tin; Holidays, lie will also keep always uii bund n g.wd stocK of iilnin uud fancy cukes, of his own Juamifucture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C., always on band at all seasons of the yepr. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS, GOOD WHITE' WHEAT FLOUR, EUGKWUET iXOUU, COKX M.KAL, &C M always in store unci for sale in largre or small quantities. Call, examine and pries .my stivk and von will find it as good «nd cheap us any in town. Dec. 20, ’GO-ly.J JACOB WISH. Literary Emporium aind News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. The subscriber continues to keep constantly on hand all tlm best literary papers nud penodicals. daily papers from Philadelphia, New York tint! I ittshurgh. together with a good assortment of Books. All hand hOUI ia tl|is place and vicinity always on '“L of Cuafoctionorlos, ami knick knacks of nil kinds for children.. A)so the tost Tobacco i Segura to bo bad in town, together with a Hue assortment of field ?v d r.U p ™ cil, > ? ol the Lest Jo wclera as iMU Jewel- ry. We receive oar goods from the heat Gold Jewelry Muq, ufiicture'rs iu the States. The following is onlv a partial list of our immense slo'k TAKEX'OVR CHOICE iVU $1 EACH. TAKE YOU 11 CIiOICP FOR $l. Large Size and Splendid Cameo Sets, General Retail Prices, - lK> do , Lava do Do do Carbuncle do Do Ladies’ Enamelled and Coral do Do du and Cnrbnaclu do IK> Jo and Ruby do Do Gold Cluster Crape Setting sets do Do do dv* Va>iMlo do Do do do Jet Sets, do Do do Black Mosaic do Do do Gold Stone Mosaic do Do do Calico Sets. do Do Ribbon Twists* with brilliaatj, do Do Roquet Sets, new style. do Do*Enamelled Cluster do do Gold Thimbles, do Diamond Pointed Gold Pens and Cases, doz. Silver Plated Stotts, Sliver Plated Mugs, Over UHK) other ditfereut sKJfa Ladies’ Jo,uclrv; M- .L;. lions, all styles, patterns and sizes; Locked of every script ion: <>uM I'ens, 1-t karet, with Sifter Y.\\ Holder; Hold I'l-ucils. SU-eVo Huttons, £r.. ic.; Cur al, t'amcoaml Hand Hracelel-s: Gents’ Vest Cliai;:.-, warranted tc* wear for teu years without chaiunn*,- ceKr, and will stand tho acid—they are usually sohb’by Jtvreli-rs as solid gold chains—all nnulo iu Paris. You can fciky your choice for .$1 each. Ladi'-s’ nndGents* UiuudChaiai, $1 each, usually sold by Jewelers ut from $o to £:io cadi: Ladies’ and Children's Nock Chains, beautiful patters, Armlets, brilliant, onatmlhd and ruby settings; Credos plain and onam-dlcd. for each, retail prices from s.’> to S-’J each. Every style a:ni variety of Jewelry and tkdra lib* goods for $1 each. This sale, at the above prices, will continue long enough t>* sell off our immense stock, which was purchased a great SacritKo'.from Muuufocturcrs win have failed. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOlts\ KA C/f. SPECIAL XOTICK. tallow TO SEND ,MOXKY...£Sr lit. W*rito your tiam•*. plane cf !b“'idviu-•. (.Vunry .uid State. plain it/ni iliJi.a-i, wc can nuke out -.f iW Mi'irkx, Seal all letter* wivji WAX. a* scaled with or wafer.* can be cadly op“iU’J—tby. consent-* lakeuout and ro-snaled. Attend to this, and wo will bo rcsnon.sllilo •for your money. ' * i.\DL'CEMK\TS TO AGENTS, Any person acting as v. In) will send time sloO. we will give a (L*M Hunting C;ne Wutdi, c vtra •• •* (iol;i Lever Watch. •Silver Watch. , ' .nicks selected freratho above Li-l at .. (( A Ward; an-! tli'J Ouu Dollar Kudu IVr.suiH l»y mail urns/ saul $1 aud 10 ccnt-> i'j jHf.t.ig-' stajiips. GIVK US A TRIAL. All coniunsziications uiuh be lo WILLIAM FLINT* No. SOT Market SireeL X’hilaaeli.hi.-x, I'u Altoona, March 7, ISOI-Cm, HHO THE PUBLIC.—T H E SU B -1 i?CKI HKU (having taken thef'Htablishimustheroli fere owned byianui*-! L Frit-.'.) wimlil ro.-pec* fully an- n uoumv to the citizen* of Altoona; aml vicinity, that he has icniuvai his ” WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Pf^Sj TJX, sm:t:r-iuox iv.iin: t f- srorz: stojci:, to the new building on Annie street. between Harriet anl Adeline stin ts. Ku;*t Altoona. w N here he will ktvi-cm-tant is* on h.in’l a large of everything in lii.i liuv, which he w ill iUspc.se uf on reasonable tejins. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up on short notice, lie also manufactures hEALi.D 1i:on Spouting, which is said to be much superior to cal var.ui-il >heet*lron or tin. lie has also attached a copper-smithing room to lib taMishment amt Mill keep on hand au assorlnieut of cap per ami brass kettles. Ac. All kinds <>fJ >l* \\\n k promptly attended to. A share cfpnldic patronage i* respectfully i> vc premia, where ho will keep a largo assortment of Gold and Silver Watched, of American, KngUdi ami Sv. Ks man ufacture of the jm>>t celebrated makers, in addition to which will bo found always on hand (and made to onkrUn extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silver I‘latahvaro, together will) a general assortment of such piud' ;vS UIH usually kept in a hrst-chess Watch and Jcwelrv Stuiv. The patrmw of O. Oourtul. and those of tin- sitbseril.-r. together with tilt- imbue generally. are invited to call, ami ' tla-y will receive a article for their limner. A. 1 am ilctunuined to ilr> a ea-h business. guod. will i,e sold rerv low. ‘•Small rr'Jlls am! Quirl- is the matte of this Establishment. LEWIS' I!. UUOOMAI.I,, Formerly 0. Oauad. No. 1-iS X. Second St., cor. of Uuarrv, PhihdL JnneT, ISOO.-lv. *’ THE (HIEAT QUESTION WHICH now agitates the mind of every person jy is, where can 1 get the best article fur iiivMß money! In regard to other matters, the sub scrihcr wnnM imt attempt to direct, but if you MB want anything in the line of * HOOTS on SHOES he invites an examination of his slock ami work, tic keeps constantly on hand an assortment of Hoots, Shoes, Gaiters. Slippers, 4c„ which he offers at fair price-. He will give special attention to ruUm work, all of tvnich Kill be wannnte-.l to give satlslacti m. Suite hut the best worknien are employed .. Uemember my simp is on Virginia street, immediab iy opposite Kes.-ler's fling Store. September;!, m7-tfj“ JOHN' 11. KOREUTS. Bakery and Grocery Store. rrUTE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON JL STANTIA' on luuui Fresh-Baked Bread. Cakes, &c, PEED, BACON, FLOUR, GROCERIES, A!«i, a choice lot of SKOAHS ami TODACCO. JACOB RINK, : Nov. 10. BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. rpilE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCE -I the citizens of Altoona au-i vlciuit v that lbc\ havj opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP On J ILIA STKKKT, 1 door above ll'tutcr*! Tin Shop, BxA AH>xma, where they will keep on hand a good of Hoots and Shoes of thrir own Manufacture. . Particular attention given to making Ladi's" Oxutersy dx. They invite a share of public'patronage, Ufl* iug satisfied that they can render entire satisfaction. Altoona, Jan. 10, J Ol-lf JOHN SIDNEY IVTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE - Journal of Crime ami Criminals S< in its Iwellth, Year, nml is widely circulated tlio country, it contains all tho (treat Trials. Crimin '! Cases, and appropriate Editorial* nn the some, together v id information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in an} other newspaper. tfS-Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for fcix mouths be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their nftim* and the town, county and State when* they reside plainly-) To G. AV. MATSKLL S CO, , rl iJilor i l-iop'r. of New York I'olU-c 10 -‘ f l X(K Turk City- Boots and shoes.—the v.v dersigncd has now on hand and win - da. ■spa cheap nt his store in the Masonic Ten.pie, WB a viwnn .a COlnp i ct ' assortment of BCKtTo WT AND tenOhS moiv made, or made to outer. » Overshoes, Ladies'Sandals. Gum Shoes, Ok Soles, and everything in Ms lino of business, of the best quality and on tho moat reasonable term - custom work warranted. ; Jan. 2, ’5O-tf.j T~ UMBKU FOll SALE. J 80,000 SHINOT-Kg, 50,000 LATHE?, jdU oil ktiuh of BCII.DIXG MATKUIAI.S. lower than Hi lowost, for Caeli. Apply to Joll\ SHOKMAKKH PINE AND LAUD OILS, CAM |)l»cnc t Burning Fluid, Carbon OU. 4c., at Jao.V66-tf)' ON HAND AT McCORiIICK’S Store —A sjiloudiJ of Readv-Mule f! e'eV' tall and see. * Kpv. KESgLKU’S. WHO ARE FORCED TO, SELL. v WUO .VUE FOKCKU TO SELL. WHO AUK FORCED TO SELL. STEPHEN WINTERS. liginla Street, below Amiie Street. J. SAOEMAKKR. MoCRU VOL. 6. Sew*Ti And difoted to fane* Od io tbe relic aic Mid Vltuleu „dowed,to length Mid btl Urußt, Extort* o through which perish. . , Thu fiUattta; »t the Inflnaur Consumption uln, Dyspepele, TozuorUf Juiuid awluUdlnMcu whuteWCMiso sire Joy to then! Our rdlu It to •crlptlont; hut medicines nttln Thee* remedl d«r tbe cure of tMiro to scienc Toulleddree* symptoms tod a w* will write » lur cute, Any daroted to torn medicine cun l>< lor one or m Alto publish" THE F C« nlalnlng 41,51 ptseascs in all causes, eyniptor the la and th A work on lb complaint* pec abortion and iti prevention ofc them on snbjec The Gem A book for tl Prevention mu b>l Organs, an an to be found THE It exposes *1 entice the sick Quacks end 1U warv through It shows bow i Hoods are tulal frauds. Price THE Fur every tu preservingpDy U the best to t keepers, brute est. Price 25 THE For thoeo w a full deacrlpt careful statom tlou. Pried V The informo puhlUhe-i, n»'i books are pub bound. Any of the price. Id atom bound tolqqu out them. T nod contain tl Aqkmts Wa a mouth. Be To the you prostration ol ufktght; vi\l face, Ac., Ac. incurable don To Female? fur Irregular! We are coo luU3 t cooflura; meroui offkp ouch we wont a sure, welbt We wIU THE JO It is a larg< Taluable info neas. TUa ca fecU of the d On all cthc nation of the and cure. On Conauu On the Mr On Female Ou the vnr On the m>. On the P:U On lire »ac On the PH On the Cot On Wot, E How the P Slow to pr And many Thin jouni J. Bosssu Burgeon. I) Office In N Offlca In Correepoi for return} Not. 15,1 POCC T7QU.A ili cant.. waterproof SIEAM IS SAJLB ISOS not Forgra COLORS Black. «-Onej cityin tit* Cired»n,4 Uuafa & id IG -•Uaettad or isa*i Bth for pio-u «n.