The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 15, 1861, Image 1

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IRKET, Ko. 807 KABKm
IRKET, Ko. 807 KiBKW
IRKET, Ko. 807 MAKES.'
teemfkdovs sacrifice
d Splendid Assortment of Jewelry, ooubti.
rtylos of French JPUted Chains, Gold hQd^bttd
»i keop or sell any gilt. Rift or g*tau>ise4 tfoQda
it am sold by the Uc<t Jewelers as Gold JJJJJ
vo our goods from the best Gold Jewelry Ms
in Ike States,
imr I* only a partial list of our immense atiwv
and Splendid Cameo Sets, General Retail
OS* $S to tl
do Lava do io
do Carbuncle do
kV Enamelled and Coral do 7
do and Carbuncle do
do and Ruby do 7
I Cluster Crape Setting sets do lO j 0 JJ
d> UuVaFedo do L>toJo'
do doJetSfts, do 5t012
do Black Morale do 6 to 12
do Gobi Slouo Mosaic do 6to 12
do Calico Sefcs do 6to 12
bon Twists, with brilliants, do 6to IS
uet S«l», hew Ktybf, do £
milled Cluster do do 10to&
iiuibles, do Sto <
id Foinicti Gold r*'iia and Cases, \ -4 to G
Silver Plated Spoons, 2 00
•laUul Mug*. 4
other different shies Ladioa’ Jewelry* Jfokb
k-ies, patterns and sizes; Lockets of every de>
Jold Pens, 14 karet, with Silver Exte&tta
d Pencils* Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac n Ac.; Cor*
mco and Gaiul Bracelets; Gents’ Vest Chaim
0 wear fur ten years w ithout changing color'
nd the add—they are usually eoh) by Jeweirn
1 chain*—all madu in Paris. You cantSks
for $1 each. Ladies’ and Gents* Guard Chain*
«lly sold by Jewelers Ht from $5 to $3O web*
Cbudrcu*F Mock Chains, beautiful patten•
Uiaut, enaiueUed and ruby settings; Creese/
lainelkd. f»>r $1 each. retail prices from |5 id
hvrv styb* and varlvty of Jewelry onddesirt.'
f $1 each.
i»t the above prices, will continue long fSout'k
r limnon.-e stock, which was purchased si a
.>• from Manufacturers who hare (ailed:
:r tour choice for $1 each.
special notice. •;
if your nami'. plae* of lle.-idence, County and
:::id dutind. ns wi- can make nothing obf 0 )
iww with WAX. us Envelopes sealed with gam
i !■" *vu-ily oponed—tho consents taken 00l
Att-iid to this, ami we will bo responsible
i acting a* Agent, who will send us at oa»
iil giv a Gold Hunting Case Watch, extra.
*• Gold I.ovtT Watch.
'* Silver Watch.
l the article? selected fremtho above LUt at
•l.aiag by mail mutt send $1 and U cents in
inicatiuos mu;t bp .nMreiwod to
No. SOT Market Street.
Philadelphia, Pa
lurch 7,
IE PUBLIC.—T ft : E 8U B
ini(havlng taken the establishnieiitberetefcfi
umfl I. Fries,) would respectfully aa* j®.
e citizens of Altoona and riclaity,
♦•moved h;i
nilling on Annie street, between Harriet mid
*ts. East Altoona, where he willkeepconsUat>
large assortment of everything lu his titra,
I dispose of oar-g Lao liable terras.
hort notice. He also manufactured Ijuito
ic. which U said to be mach superior to g»l«
t-iron or tin.
o attached a copper-smithing room io hia «•
and will keep on hand uu assortment of cop . ■
»* kettles, Ac.
>f job work promptly attended to.
public patronage is respectfully aolicitcrf
mg., ICth, 1800.
itTo it*/ w;li
>lclies. of African. J.nglhh and Swttawan*
tb*' mcft rvvbrutol maUeru. fn addition t»
e f;nnd always on hand (an.! mad* to order) »o
r» r *y of .Kwulry, Silver mid Silver Platcdware,
ii u general ruwortm* «t of *uch goods, as ar«
in a firbt*c)uHi» Woichund Jewelry Stom.‘
» of O. Conrad. and those of the subscriber,
h the public generally,* are im ited to .call, «od
a gf»d article for their moncyi A* Ia»
I ■' do a cash-business, goods will bo sold very
U PrftJUi and Qui>:k fillet” is the motto of thto
formerly O. Conrad,
>. 1-iS N". Second St., cor. of Quarry* Ptolad*
■bo.-ly. - .
{Hates the mind of every ponon
an I gvt the bfc*t article for my
r-gnrd to other mwtertV the
\ not attempt to direct, but if you
ig in the line of
* an examination of his stock and work.
•n?tantly on hand ar. ofßoota*Uh- 1 ’»
I'M-. Ac., which he offers UtCur price*.
* ■ special attention to custom work, all of
> to givevutfofactiQU. Roaohutth*
: are employed
*ay i? on Virginia street,
ut’a l>rng Stor*
5, 'iT-trj
ry and Grocery Store.
-I.V r.n band •
faked Bread, Cakes. * c
auoice lot of SEOAKS and TOBACCO.
ThgiaU. Street, below Ann** Street-
itif/ens of Altoona and vicinity that they aT *
TBEEt, \ door above Winter*
■*» they will keep ou hand a good aatof*® 8
ihoee of Vizir own manufacture- - ■
uiar atteotlon given, to making JamM*
’i l>ey invite a thare of public patxon»tf*» *r**
hit they can render enure itliftfflSlgtf
*i. 10, JOHIT BUB** 1
)NAL police GAZETTE-
Iroat Journal of Crime and Crimlori* inT i
i -ar, and is widely circulated InfJ’JSisl
it contains all tha Great Trials, Q^SSi,
pmpriate Editorials on t!» some,
n Criminal Matters, not to be B»M 111
iftirms $2 per annnm: *1 fcr
y subscribers, (who atwdd write
. county and State where they
To O. W. MATBELL *«*?„
»r i Prop r. of New Tot* PoOeaOWf*''
Jftw IwP'r*
5 AND' SHOES.-*TJ®S h l^ i
ad has now on band and will
his store in the Masonic Temple.
complete assortment of BOuTS ,
I. ready piade, or made to order,
ul ies' Sandals, Own Shoea, Co;k ; :|pr
orthlnp in his Una of business. Of - ajl
liy and on tho most reasonable ttriSr-
3. SAGEM****!
£ (Uncles, 50.000 laOU®- nw
>sh. Apply to
iSb at McCormick’S^
kadid assortment of Bcad»-M^^ e^tf.
/f i: 3i i
advice feki:.
New-York Benevolent Infirmary,
[...1 Tu The Cauic.of Medic.d Hcfcrm: to tin; V'J- ,
..rMulkol K.Mlolc-i'je fuf Ho 1 ft c. r.ln.n hj Ciseyic. ■
■ rilict of those nulfrrißK aua t.iM u-t.-a with lure- ■
vimh-Tit DisonlH-s. To this lußruuiry « i
to wwhle the sirfc uiol-f ntliTiu? till' |
I!!'!",. ,i„.l l.ronJtli of our t.i 0v.i.,1 the I‘.HSiHoui :
fttun. So<l JtjrcAOtf'c <<f pfoUiifl Phyncuuii.
■ ' ■.‘u o.t i.liith lliuiissiiJs uiitl (.-os *.*l' titou.-utiut tuiiuiully I
' Th''f ilowln - i-.rc wf-the we cure, not uiily
, rv julimmr'v but in all parts of our country ;
‘"i uiid Pulmonary Complaint*, levers, hero.-
D’SPvnsiu. hveaud Ear Di~w\ Cancer. 4 and other
V.iundiceuud LiwiCoinpluinl. Suninal Weakness,
al'i'disuses of the Urinary and Sexual Organs Iruin
or whatever nature. Our object will be to
"* ..‘i'.vt.-itlieaiilicu-lbv eib-ctingin all camsaspeedy cure.
ti:;e is u charge nothing for advice and written pre
• ’•'i-jU': but will furnish vvlieiirieipiestcd the very best
the loWeot rules,
remedies are prepared in our own Laboratory, nn*
. •' .ii - of able Ch<nii.-tm and an; tin* most reliable
A' ... U'lu-e. ilu'ln.ling all the recent diseoVerleS.
“ I”’ b; u bh-.-.-dug m by letter, containing full account of
v !‘n:i'* •*. appearance? of disease, £»■. occupation. Ate..
/ . 11 v.j-0.0 a-c;uidiil r’plv. with advice and direci i.>ns
Am v f. e' M'Ul in win n sending for advlc** will be
V;*d t > hnViishi'ng medicine for tie- p.-nr. Jn all ca-e;<
il' t.m be .-eurby mail or ..-xpre>': if rI. -i;-.-d. Send
~r juM-e yf ' Wi.rk-’avl,;;idaef.iry»mi>el\e.s.
"* . pa!di-lied at the Inb nnary, to aid these objeeti-:.
f inSl'l'* !' * - Ur'll V fui' tin 1 • HIV "
s in :i!! its %vu’i lV.ll **f tls
'•ViiJ’l.’lii'. JUr.l I'j'm**- .Vj ct'
u i.t.iici
asi» ini: i-uvsior,oov ux ma kijiaoh.
i w: tin- c:m>c. symptom-? ami : uv.'itm'-iit of all
u;.L- to tlo- m s, > u marrin;tv. its «I»sjs
.i; ami itf iv-suU-, t>:» «'UIMr. n. tli-.-ir ill-, ami on l!u*
-a of Loiumjriion. with, 1 uvaluable 1 as»j notions I
'ufj -i ts -.l' .i jn-iv.t?-; nature. Ibka- ‘J.-j cciil*.
The Genlk-ineifs Medu-al ’Companion,
am* imuvat;: advismk.
-T. Jbr Uo; oi l ami yuan;,*. umbrae:!;;,' Ok* I’utlm-b ay
«.irl CiU‘‘ of all DNvas-- of tlm Lfimiry ami S--v
• c e;-*-. am I a warn! no \ u-.l\ i«v ami ronim*-!. Mi. a
,; ibuou iu no otii'.T v.oih. Drim'
uou nvunv uNi\
‘ill tlic ami tlm vru’uais Tiioh- to
siGli iim.l wall. H illustrate Ihf*' j-lan.-f of tin*
iiu.l !Cgu-s to iluj.o every mm. It tlm mi
, liit*. aji.i vhav.',- uj* i-vuiy -avlmllo of lijo
.j;v. all liitidi o« Food, ami
b ar*- aiijlt';'i. with ll;j uuus of detectinu lb
i-. Ti ico-0 (-''-ill'.
Tin-: household and farm'
i . : uaiiiy. i; uvvr luuu un CV-Aiia:,
i‘: •_ r .Vf. ll'jw t. * plain and what
, 5 ;;; : V i.) i.d ■;•. How to <*m - e animal-u ad via;- {ohwu-d
-and nifidianiis. on 10u<> of lulcr
:•.•V.’orih £ln to any unr.
TIII-I consumptives book.
i.* \v!*:> v, 1-h to £ot woll from that awful dnc-a-c,
rii ii-ju'.d all Th'' ivim-die* iwd fm il, with u
;;u of ili>' ro?ult>, and otlwr u.-wfu! infama
■ iakemaiujii in them b not r> be f>nnd in any works
ia.'i. i;*-r ••bfatuable from any other source. These
are publish at on fine white papa-. and beautifully
..f hWv.-. v.-,will be mail-d froc. on r-'Cv-ijit.if
:r. s;:unjr.,. r-r : nr tin* win.-!'.- iii ;i
m.« ikr uNim-’i.MU. Mv* t.umSy sb;b:lJ br v.iil.-
■m;.. Tii-;. ur-.' iilU'liaU i wiiu b-.mmifal bigs
J)u- <• .tl'lsis-il f.'Cii-iri»ettci* oTy,
's:- Wastmi Ta - th>. ; dbcvv walk-. who cm. yu
:i'. i£v.-inl !bt* n i ij'culm hr ugvii:-.
.t.i Ci* U.-:h lV":»i s- itl'J habit-:
:’ ,Ui r n of lala l: ol j/iv. m iiciv.Mi* y ; ’lo«
y. aUcfulij.*---.-; love* Jf i- .-iituilv ; *.‘i: iSm;
,'knd f>: ’Jet- if. ■< t--., .V, ; \ Ull suliV-J'
-!.u:u-v t.. both KnU* n\A
■. v
T ' JViml-v whu K.uit iu;-1 ;‘iri msu-.l:
r ub;ariKii.’r!.s Wlati:,. £c.. si-atl to ui.
W. rv:
■f.vih.T.l tliAl tii'.r-.' niiUiV ; uf scruf.i
t> whom ;i nu
ai- > i uh I>i aa.’. j»>vvi ry. X'.-
'.i v-siy ;us.'i v.. 1 v.iil va>l iuT-nuatiui: oJ'
uJi'l nv:,
V- - v.ii! mail fivo, u-. aa\ «ying r-.-r it.
N a Ur-ro amHj'-auliful pajo-r. aim cnntuius t*i»* mo.-i
ilo inf •i niuti-.-n i-!i ';jH-!hV;toil:nM. »>r Somhml Wi-nk-
Tl;:i oftrv-f-j um! oair. showing tlu: awful cf
•..f fli-' iliaras-*,
.ili olh;-r uf tin- roxunl Oipn*. a full c.NJihl
u ll:o of j.ikllis, the means of prevention
'■:i i •.U'i!uijrti*.n, thftt fovrfiU
•v. tii• • Liver. H*aTt, Stomach ami Skin.
; ‘ ■ i'« iu-ilo Complaint:*.'
th.* ration* Schools of Meilicine- 1 ,
!iv ui'i'lvs of Treatment »iovv
’■a :I:c.Fiibe Treatment uf Uis'-uJ.e*.
'"'a tit.- various’Mi-dii'til Humbugs.
' 'ii the Physiology of Marriage.
’•'a I'oanii-.-ti sen-a* of Medicine.
fi :. l»i- r. I'X'.'rvi-a*?, tiu«l Ablution.
l!-.v .«houbUn-. i
JI .'V to prevent Pregnancy.
* many other things. Srxn lou it.
’•'Ms journal '•houbl be in the hand* of every one.
•’ Pr-.:;;u. M. Ih. A. M„ Chief Physician. >S. S. Monr.l??,
ji!. Ur. J. Koyk-. Chemist.
~;h in New Vovk, 1.>4 Glmmb'-rs
* ,; h in Wiliiainsburirh. South Mh and sth streets.
(Wiv-pMiI.-nts will ph-aso enolyrc t'.vu cr three stamp
r-.-tun. postage. atfd it'hircsa
- ‘ UK. ’
(lUx Til.)
J[ ci-ni. du-aiHT —stnii'.U Ij-JO dogn-fs hcul-—warranted
v-wt-w i>roof.;uid will neither hide nor wadi. For'
ihox a xi> IAiuCK ntoxrs, tjx j:goe&\
dv., dc. }
F'jr graining and staining equal to Turk-
i.<]i UinLcr.
<' >I.OUS :-.rc Uail-or Uiowu Lake,-Olive Indian lUhI am!
££»Onc rr?;poaail)le agent • wonted in over}' town and
•• ty iu the* United »SlatC3. • Terms accommodating, i'or
'■.'•raiiars. ic., apply to or -
< \VM. L. UOUI'T,
No. 132 N. 4 Hi street, riulafhdphia.
i Vol'M the citizen.-' of Altoona and vicinity that his
with tin.* very best nrtlclca to be hail, and In great
’v‘L;ay. lU* has also asi
to^‘s 5n which he will serve up ICECREAM
tl tvor.-! during the reason.
f’}* a *l thnes prepared to .supply cakes, caudles. Ac.,
• ‘-''-uic? am! other parties'. He invites a share of public
: -V ' believing thatjie cun render full satisfaction to
h iimaj’v.T, hi-: store and »*ah>on is onYirgmiastteet.two
• * b-.low P;;Uou’» Hall. OTTO UOiW.
r ,r>EisrTXSTß,^r.
i'catod jiGromßeiUly in Altoona, respectfully
iu the rtiffureiil tlfpartmenta of
'’(Rgical and Mechanical Dentistry
,o )a
E. H. McCRI’M.
■ Per .iimmn. (payable invariably in advance.) $1.50.
All papers discontinued «t Ilk; expiration uf the time
3 iuskrtion 2 do. 3 do.
Four lines or less $ 26 $ $ 60
On<- tenure, ( 8 liuee). 60 76 1 00
Two * 4 (10 » ).... 100 160 200
Three (24 “ ) X] 50 t 200 260
Over three weeks and low thun;.tliree inouthf, 26 cents
per t<iu.irc for each insertion.
Six lints or less
Out Hcjuare,
Two 4i
Three 4i
Hall' a column.
One column
Administrators and Executor* Xclict-s.
Merchants advertising by the year, three dquares.
with lihcrty lo change,
Profe-aioilal or Business Card*, nut exceeding B
linos with paper, per year ; 5 00
Cciujnunications of a political Jlmvactev or individual iu
.terest will Lo charged according to the above rates.
Advertisemen s nut marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will he continued till forbid aiid charged ac
cording h> the above terms.
Business notices five, cents per lino for every insertion.
Obituary notices (-xveeding ten Unco, titty cents a square
A. EKUNEV, Uon-e-.ry,
ViUi.Uiuhmtr, New York,
•v<V>. irr. 'Virgiula tt.. Al-
icnjia or at>yerti?inq,
3 months. C months. 1 year.
$ 1: 50 $ 3 00 $ 5 00
2: 50 4 00 7 00
A 00 ‘ C 00 10 00
6 00 8 00 12 00
Skied poctni.
■mr t. a. rttiiLT.
Tl.SX —uivd ILqqtlf”
Hark! ll;o trumpet calk-? to <luty:
swl our glorious Flag'** unfurled!
The Slurs aiitl Stripes unite in 1/euuty,
Thy pride anil envy of thy world.
So K-t the Wiirld jog ulon;? : v> it will,
Wi; am ftii* the Union still:
I'or tin* Uniop; for the Union;
We arc for the Uiiinn still.
If we wish that Flig respected,
We must, answer honurVcall;
Ihity not he neglected.
Though our dearest friends may fall.
, So let the world jug. Ac
Ti.liters have betrayed thy Nation,
But wu will by the Union stain!;
Be; every patriot Seek his Station
With the gallant warlike band.
So let the world jog. Ac.
Though the KebeU have exulted
In their treason and their shame;
Yet the Flag they have insulted
Still retains its honored name.
So let thy world jog, Ac. 1
Long its folds shall float ab.ovc U 3,
Whil.’ we our battle cry :
‘•We will fight fur those wTu» love us, -
But let every traitor die/’
So K t the world jog, Ac.
IVunsylvaniaiH. fa your station
Boldly mret the traitor foe ;
Fight as bravely for the Nation
As you did in Mexico.
So ka tlif worldjog. etc.
Th**n your tianu-A drill lir-* in story,
Ami n-h'Vtl ’<•.* from strand to strand;
Then fight .lor hi’-orty anl <Jlor- .
Tho Union and your Native I,.iu I
?o let the world ji g'a’uuL: in it will.
\Yi: mo for the Union
For the Uninu; F.>r thi? Union;
M'e ure foiT the Union dill
Select lps.crl.lnnj.
“That’s a large funeral I counted
thirty-two carriages.”:
“ Yes, sir. It’s the funeral of Air. El
lis. He died very rich.”
“ lluw much did he leave ?’’
“A large amount of money, sir; I don’t
know how much; some say half a million
of dollars 1” :
‘Allid death is considered a great loss
to the community, I presume.”
“ Loss, sir ?” The man to whom I was
speaking looked up into my face with the
air of one whose mind was not exactly
clear as to my meaning.
“Yes, a man of his wealth must have
been a very useful man;”
“Useful? I don’t know that he was
particularly useful. -He was very rich,
and didn’t care; much for anybody but
“ Still, v.-itb bis amplemeans,” said I,
“even though caring: only for himself, he
must have been the promoter of large in
dustrial enterprises, through which many
were beuefitted.” ■ > i
The man shook his head doubtfully,
“ What did he do with his money ?”
“I never heard of his doing anything
with it particularly,” was the unsatisfac
tory answer. '
“ Money must be used in order to make
it productive. Was he in no business?”
“No, sir.” , ' * ;
“What then did he do with himself?”
“Oh, he was about after bits of'pro
perty that had to bo sold, lie was sharp
for bargains in real estate.”
“'Ah ! I sec how it was. Then he did
find use for his money ?”
“ In that way he did j but when a piece
of property canto into his hands, there
was an end to its improvement. He let
other people improve all around him, and
thus increase the value of what he owned ;
so that he grew richer and richer every
day, without putting his hand to anything,
or benefitting anybody.”
“ This was your million man ! And so,
all he has left arc the property accumula
“Then his death is not regarded us a
public calamity ?”
B 00 10 00 14 00
10 t» 14 00 20 00
14 1)0 2o 00 40 00
1 75
10 00
No, indeed, sir ! It is considered as
a public benefit.”
AHow so?”
“ He has a couple of sons, and a couple
of sons-in-law, who will scatter much faster
than he saved. The moment they come
into possession of his estate, it will be di
vided ; and lots of ground, which ought
to have been improved years ago, will be
sold and covered with handsome buildings
—thus giving trade and industry a new
impulse. -Why, sir, be has been a dead
weight on our town for years—growing
richer through other people’s enterprise,
and yet not adding a building himself, or
in any way serving common good.”
1 thought,” said I from the long ar
ray of carriages, that death had taken, in
this instance, a valued and now lamented
“M ere ostentation, sir. Bui nobody is
deceived; There arc plenty of idle peo
ple who are pleased to ride in funeral car
riages. Old Ellis will be put away with
a grand flourish, but that will be the last
of him. 'The black makes all the mouru-
mg, sir. i
,“Eut surely." said I, ‘‘his children arc
not without natural affections? You do
not mean'to say that theirs is only the
semblance of sorrow ?”
“It is my opinion, sir, that they are
glad in their hearts. Why not ? He
stood; hard and unyielding as iron, be
tween them and the wealth they desired
to possess. lie was cold, sour-temperca,
and repulsive—crushing out, by his man
ner and conduct, all natural affection.—
They had too much policy to quarrel with
him, of late; though the time was when
hot words, were said to pass between
“ There arc no gleams, of light in your
picture,” said I.
“ I copy from nature, and can only give
what I sec,’* he answered. ‘‘There are
deep Valleys where the sunlight never
comes, as well as bright and golden-tinted
sec another funeral,” said I> looking
towards a distant part of the cemetery. —
“There are but two carriages ;. yet I see a
long line of mourners on foot. Do you
know whom they are burying?”
“ Yes.”
“Not a rich man?”
“There is no need of asking what he
has left. It is, the funeral of a poor
.“Yes, of a man poor in this world's
goods f but, so far as his means went, he
was princely in his munificence. His
death, sir, is a public loss.’’ The man’s
face brightened as he spoke.
■ “ You knew him ?” . ,
“Yes, sir; knew him well, lie was a
ropemaker, working his ten hours every
day, and earning just nine dollars a week.
But- nine, dollars seemed an iucs
haustahle fund for good. He had no wife
and children of his own to love and care
fur. They went, years ago, to the blessed
.land where he is now following them, —
So, after supplying his own humble needs,
the rbpemaker had five dollars every week
left over for investment, lie did not put
this in a savings bank ; nor buy tumble
down houses for the poor to live in at a
rent of fifty per cent, on their cost; nor
take up lots to hold for an advance in
price, consequent oh neighboring improve
ments ’Mo; his investments were made
in a different spirit, as you shall see.
Hirst, ho paid, regularly, every week,
to a poor .woman in his neighborhood,
who had two children to support, and
who could not leave them to go out to
work in families, the sum x of three dollars,
as teacher of little boys and girls whose
parents were unable to send them to
school. Two hours in the morning, and
two in the afternoon, these poor children
received instruction. He was their bene
factor, and bers also; for it was one of his
sayings, that we must make the right hand
help the left. His means of doing good
were small, and so he made them go as
far as possible.”
“ He was a noble fellow,” said I, in ad-
miration of this poor ropcmakcr.
“ Tom Peters—yes; there was.fmc stuff
in his composition, if his hands icere dark
and bony, and if his clothes did smell of
pitch and rosin.”
“ lie has left tender and fragrant memo-
“ lie has, sir. That long line of funeral
attendants are all true mourners. There
is no sham there.”
“Ancl what else did lie do with his
money ?” I asked, growing interested in !
the ropcmnkcr. “ Ho had two dollars a i
week, still, for dispensation.”
“Yes. Let me sec! For one thing,
he paid a boy half a dollar a week to read ,
two hours every evening to a poor blind '
woman; and, in order that this reading
might not be given to a single pair of
cars alone, he took care to have the fact
known, that as many as chose might come
and listen. The consequence was, that
more than a dozen persons met every eve
ning at the blind'woman’s, to hear what
was read.' This suggested to Tom the
way in which another half dollar might
bo usefully invested. The men in the
rope-walk were mostly in the habit of
spending their evenings in taverns. Tom
[independent in everything.]
found another lad who was a good reader,
SnJ paid him half a dollar weekly to read
aloud two hours each evening, for sueli of
his fellow workmen as he could induce to
assemble for the purpose. He began with
three; soon increased to ten ; and when I
last heard of the matter, over twenty men
met together, after each day’s work, to
hear the boy read.”
‘‘Admrable !” said 1, with enthusiasm.
‘■'Admirable! I never beard of a wiser
investment. And he still had one dollar
left?” .
“ Yes.”
“ How was that disposed of?”
“In ways innumerable. I eanuot re
count them. The good which Tom Pe
ters managed to do with that dollar is
almost fabulous—not, of course, as to
magnitude, but as to variety. It seemed
to duplicate itself, like the widow’s oil
and meal, whenever drawn upon. You
were always hearing of some good acts in
which a dispensation of money was in- 1
volved. Of a poor woman helped in ma
king up her rent; of a dainty sent to a
sitk neighbor; of a pjiir of shoes to a
barefoot boy in winter; or of a book to a
child. Why, sir, Tom Peters has left
behind him enough good deeds to endow
a calendar of saints !”
So I should think, after what you
have said of him.”
‘‘And yet, sir, remember, he only earned
nine dollars a week !”
“ I remember that, very distinctly,” I
answered. “Yes, sir; his death is in-
deed a public calamity. It is no figure of
speech, to say that ‘ his grave will be wa
tered by tears.’ ”
“ None, sir, none. He will be sorrowed
for by hundreds, and his memory will he
greener and more fragrant as the years
pass by. He built his own monument
before he left us —of good deeds.”
. 1 parted from the stranger; and as I
walked from the cemetery, I said to an
other man. who stood by my side while I
looked at a fine piece of emblematic statu
ary : “ They have been burying a rich
“ Yes,” ho coldly responded.
“ What did he leave ?”
“ Nothing but money.”
u They have been burying a poor man,
“ Tom Peters.” A light broke over the
man’s face.'
“ But he had not even money to leave,”
said I.
“ But something far better,” answered
the man, iu a tone of rebuke.
“ Good acts, which, like good seed, will
reproduce themselves a thousand fold.—
Tom Peter.%,,a;aniod just ‘nine dollars a
week; and Edward Ellis, Esq.,” (there
was cutting contempt in his tones,) “was
worth, it is said a million, of dollars; yet
the humble ropemaker did, while living,
a hundred times the most good with his
money, and leaves an estate that shall go
on increasing in value through countless
years; but the estate of old Ellis will not
pass to the third generation. Tom Peters
had the true riches, sir; —the riches that
arc imperishable. People ask, when a
man like Ellis dies, ‘What property has
he left behind him?’ But when one like
our good ropemaker passes away, the an
gels ask, ‘ What good deeds has he sent
before him ?’ That is the difference, sir—
the immeasurable difference between the
two men ! One, in giving, made himself
rich. The other, in withholding, became
miserably poor; so poor that his memory
is green iu no man’s heart.”
1 turned from the cemetery with some
new impressions stirring in my mind, and
the question, “ What kind of a legacy will
you leave?” pressing itself upon my mind.
“ Let it be good deeds rather than money !”
said 1, half aloud, in the glow of earnest
feeling, and went back again into the
living, busy, stirring world, to take up
the laboring oar which I had laid down, iu
weariness, for a brief season, and bend to
my work with a serencr spirit, and, I trust,
a nobler life-purpose.
Erin go Bragu. —The following stir
ring “ Appeal to Irishmen” appeared in
"posters ever'the city of New York, last
“ Erin go Braoii.”—lrishmen, Hag
gerty must be avenged. Our gallant*
countrymen of the 60th have covered I
themselves with imperishable glory.—
They proved themselves not only heroes
but' Christian men—as generous to j
wounded foes and prisoners as they were
I invincible in battle. But how were they
by the barbarous enemy ? Let!
the fate of the gallant Capt. Haggerty, I
who, lying wounded on the field rendered |
immortal by the heroic deeds of the 60th. I
! had his throat cut from car to car by a
\ dastard rebel hand, attest. Irishmen, the
heroic Corcoran is in the power of these
: cut-throats ! Shall he meet with such a
! fate as that dealt out by the rebels on'his
i brave comrade in arms? Forbid it gen
ious of Erin ! The grass would wither
: on the tortured bosom of our green Moth
:er Isle, s should we permit it. Sous of
| Erin ! countrymen of Corcoran, to afius !
Let there be ten thousand Irishmen on
; the south bank of the I’otomac in twenty
I days, their battle cry being—Corcoran,
Rescued if Living, Avenged if Head !
cimNijm op the beach pox.
A correspondent of Wilkes’s Spirit, at
Augusta, Maine, gives a long Account of
hi§ bunt of a black fox last winter, whose
manoeuvres to escape the dogs were really
wonderful. We quote from his letter:
The fox proceeded very leisurely, as if
he know that he could outwit- ‘‘old Hen,”
(the dog.) He passed through a narrow
strip of alders that fringed the pond, and
went into a large, rough field upon the
side-hill just opposite, and in full view of
me. Here the wind had blown moat of
the light snow from the crust; The fox
now commenced “ setting a sum” for the
dog. lie would run in a circle two or
throe times, and then another on the edge
of the first, and then in the old one again,
and cross and complicate the track in every
possible way; he thin went up the hill
and laid down under the shelter of a pine
bush, where he could see thj dog work
out the puzzle. By the time old Ben was
crossing the pond, Joe had joined me. I
explained to him the state of: the game,
and, although it would have been an easy
thing to have shot the fox, wc agreed that
we would remain quiet and see the thing
Soon old Ben was unraveling- the track
He seemed to appreciate tlio state of things,
he ran slower, with his nose nearer to the
snow, and he gave tongue with a suppresed
voice. He was not once baftlod, and as he
unraveled turn after turn and crossing after
crossing, his voice became more and more
assured. Soon the fox started for the
other cud of the field, and set him another
puzzle, which he finished by running round
a large stump many times, then jumping
upon the stump, and then from that to
the top rail of a fence, and running along
on that until he came to the; road ; he
then jumped as fur into the; road as he
could, and then disappeared. I looked at
Joe ; he was in a brown study; but in
answer to my look 7 he said—“ Folks say
that animals haven’t reason.”'' I had no
answer far him. Bon soon worked the
trail up to the stump, seeming bewildered
for a moment, gave one uncertain howl,
and then commenced a set of circles of his
own. As he came up to the leeward of
the fence, his joyful cry gave notice that
he had found the trail. When he came
to where the fox left the fence, he soou
picked up the track by his “ system of
circulation,” as Joe calls it. Says I—
“ What’s the row with that flockof sheep?”
pointing to a flock that was rushing out of
a barn-yard in evident alarm; “He is
trying to mix his tracks up with theirs, so
that Ben can’t tell, t’otherfrom which.”—
The yelping of a cur, as he chased the
fox off: into the field, showed that Joe was
right. The sheep were hardly bask into
the yard before ben was among them with
his “ 800-oo!” and another stampede took
place. Bon held the track, now easily.—
The dodge was tried too late in the chase,
for the scent was getting warm ; the dog
took it breast high.
Pretty soon the fox found a hole and
disappeared under ground, much to the
discomfiture of old Bon.- I stopped up
the hole with a rock, and- started off for
a shovel and pick. We stopped at a spring
and took a lunch, and there discussed the
possibility of the hole having another out
let. Says Joe—“ Suppose you try the
war-whoop.” I immediately selected and
climbed a tall tree, while Joe took his
station on the top of a hill cbihmanding a
good view of the surrounding country. —
I then startled the whole country with a
succession of infernal yells, which my
sporting friends believe to be the Tusca
rora war-whoop. Not two minutes had
elapsed before the result'of that music
was visible. “ What the devil is that?”
exclaimed I, pointing to the crest of a
hill in the distance, and at the same time
sliding down the tree in double quick
time. I had seen something black skirt
ing along the top of the snow. I first
thought it was a crow, lint at the next
instant we both exclaimed—The black
fox 1” My yell had frightened him from
his cover, and he had started out again at
another hole. Old Ben was soon on the
trail, apparently as fresh as if he was just
from the kennel. Away he went—now
in an old swamp, now in UiOi open field i
I then among the pine trees. Wc stood
I still, with ears open, waiting to sec what
! direction he ■would take. Ben opened as
| a dog only does when he has the game in
j view. He was evidently driving the fox
| directly down upon us. Says jTp—“ What
does that mean ? That fox is not coming
back here.” Joe went over the hill, to
j command that part of the Urobds, while I
I held the upper edge. By the- time I was
| fairly located, a red fox, with Ben in close
j chase, came rushing down for the woods.
! I never was so disgusted wiclj the sight
S of any animal, and muttered between my
[ teeth—“'this is the devil’s work.” I saw
i that he was giving me a “ wide berth.”
I hut it would not do to move—(a fox will
1 not see you if you stand rtjll)—-I must
I take my chance and make the best of it.
| As; he passed the nearest; point that I
; should have him, (it was at; least eighty
i yards,) I gave him the cartridge. I saw
; through the smoke, by the' flick of his
, tail, that he was hit; ho algp; disappeared
around the hill towards Jotffe station. In
‘ a moment I heard th'e report of hb ar-
tillery ajod the whoop, which assured inc
that it had been successful. Wo won
dered how the dog had lost the trail of
the black foS aud cotne Upon the red one j
but on following the back track we were
enabled to liud where he had started him
up. He bad been lying in a thick clump
of bushes, through which the other fox
had passed, undoubted for the purpose of
getting the dog oft' the scent and putting
him on the scout of the red one. Wo
soon found the track beyond this clump,
aud Ben was again giving tongue on the
trail of the black fox. The result of ttat
chase convinced me that the black fox
deliberately and wilfully sacrificed the red
one for bis own safety. The dog bad not
followed more than half a mile before he
found him enseonsed in a hollow log. Aa
soon as he found that the dog had left
him for the red one, he went quietly to
rest. lu a few minutes what wc had been
hoping and hunting for, for years, fa£at
our feet—the most rare, beautiful aud valu
able animal of the American forest—the
black fox.
On Opinions.—For tho most part,
people arc born to their opinions, ami
never question the truth of what their
family, or their country, or their party
professes. They clothe their minds us
they do their bodies, after the fashion in
vogue, not one in a hundred ever examines
his principles. It is suspicion of luke
warmness to suppose examination neecssr
ary, and it will be charged as a tendency
to apostacy if wo go about to examine
them., Persons arc applauded for presum
ing they are right, and (as Locke says,)
he that considers and inquires into the
reason of things is counted a foe to Or
thodoxy, because he may possibly deviate
from sonic of the received doctrines. And
thus men, without industry or acquisition
of their own, (lazy as they are) inherit
local truths —that is, the truths of that
place where they live, and arc inured to
assent without evidence. This hath a
long and unhappy influence ; for it a man
can bring his mind at ouec to be prsitivu
and tierce for propositions whose evidence
he bath never examined, and that in mat
ters of the greatest concernment, he will
naturally follow this short and easy way
of judging and believing in cases of less
moment, and build his opinions upon in
sufficient grounds.—
liush HiiMon.—Au Irishman called
on a gentleman in thirtieth street, New
York, and begged for a small sum, saying
—“ The fact is, ycr miner, me wife’s jist
dead, and we want to have a bit of a wake
over her. Now, I’ve got exactly a quar
ther ov a dollar, that is all; and Docthor
Billing what lives round the corner, told_
me you were a pretty good fellow, and
would no doubt help me to the wake.”—
“ O, you’ve mistaken the house,” said tho
gentleman; “it's Mr. O’Connor, a rich
countryman of yours who lives next door,
that you want.” “ That don’t make the
lastc bit ov difference, ycr onuer. I’d as
soon have something from you as from
him. I’ve no national prejudices. Sure,
isn’t an American’s money as good as an
Irishman’s?” The gentleman was so' tick
led with this reply, that he gave I’at a
half dollar and told him he’d better try
To Make SfurcE Ueeu.: —Allow au
ounce of hops and a spoonful of ginger
to a gallon of water. When well boiled,
strain it, and’put in a pint of molasses
and half an ounce (or less) of the essence
of spruce; when cool, add a teacup of
yeast, and put into’ a clean, tight cask,
and. let it ferment for a day or two, then'
bottle it for use. You can boil the sprigs
of spruce fir, in place of the essence.
AST ItIDDASCE. —The See Journal
says that copperas will banish ants from
beehives, by putting it around where they
crawl up, and on the benches. Ifi will
also keep them away from cupboards.—
Copperas will also kill roaches and bugs,
if put iu their way.
An oUI maid, who lias her eye a
little sideways on matrimony, gays—“ Hie
curse of this war is, that it will make so
many widows, who will he fierce to get
married again, and who know how to do
it, that modest girls will stand no chance
at all.
9@uWiHiam, said a teacher to one of
his pupils, “ can you tell me why the sun
rises in the cast?” “Don’t know, sir,
’ccpt it be that the ’cast makes-every
thing rise.”
C@> John, I wish it was as much the
fashion to trade -wives as to trade horses'.”
“ Why so, Dick ?” “ I’d cheat somebody
most shockingly before night!”
s®“An ignorant man who “stands upon
dignity,” is like the follow who tried to
elevate himself by standing upon a niece
of brown paper. ; .
a man wants money or as
sistance, the world, as a rule, is very oblr
cin'* and indulgent, aud —lets him-want.
O O o »
NO. 28.