SARD TIMES MADE EASY! SoodpNews for the Unemployed! 1000- Ghances to make Money! ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OP WATCHES, SILVER-PLATED WARE, TO BE DISPOSED 01' ON AN ENTIRELY NEW ORIGINAL PLAN! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED!!! AJI persona desirous offWoiring au Agency in this New Enterprise shonhl,«ond on th-dr nanus J?t onc-g cncJrvsing a A cent ituiiip ro pay pustule, and i\ ceivc’by return uf mail A PREMIUM O-A.’i 1 A.X.O GTJE C-mi«ioteg OuVl inducement?, Whid A RARE CHANGE TO MAKE MON E Y without risk, together with FULL PARTICULARS BeUilivj to this NOVEL PLAN ! To Insure prompt and ratisfacfory' dealing, direct all onUra to GEORGE G. EVANS, lIUTTEII'S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, JVb. 54 Market Si., Harrisburg, Pa This establishment is eh icily devoted to the manufacture of Blank B«n.ks far jrfaTnYrn Hanks, County Offices. !kii!r".faj>rnfa-nfa.n and private individual- 1 . In all ca-.-; the xvry best of stock run! workman- hip may fa* .relied upon. Blank .Bonks print--.!. mm;od and 1■ ■ <;i 11 .1 to arty 'desired pattern. SlicrilW, Aim-may.-; and .In tie.. -> Dockets of all size:?, made and ruled to onlx Yri-cnnial r.TsI Yearly Assessments, Duplicate .fa-., far county ptirpo bcs, vriuted or plain. ruJo'l an«l bonsai to viab-T. CVnnty Dockets ma! a i mon.nato pncas,*lu.-t;U papers of the largest sizes Hirer's Weekly. (ilea-wu'.' Pictorial, lUHous Scentiile Arm-rf'-vi. Lmnb.u X*ws Pound tt> order. and in any sty M ri-ijuir- >!. Harp. r*s Month ly Magazine. Knickerbocker. Blackwood’:? and Graham's Magazines. Go.lvy’s Lady's r**i<*k, l/idy’s Repository. I’i tor aon’si Magazine. Piano Mu'-bn , f :c.. bound in ercligi r-ly!e-.or the more plain and substantia! bal. r binding.’ Pem pli’lor3,l,aw PamnM-r laws, bmindlH good Li brary .stylo, at vary modm-aM pre--n Per-mf- Paving a number of volume" ‘o Mad, will ree-dvo a iiber.U-ui.-connf. Binding can saftdy be sour b* m fr.iiu n didamm by Im press, and all work eutru k,d to our ear? will be ep-.-d -dily executed, safdy pack-el and rcturn-'d by K.vpv-es.— AM work warranted. Address F. L. lIUTXLU, Ifirrid.-urp 1' t3UMcCRITMiI>.i:uy. at tbe Tr.'lnr.v: Ohirc. nr- my agents for Albina, and vicinity. They will give informa tion in relation to binding, and revive and return b.-ok, free from extra chargor-,,for all who ent.nst their work to sny care. f March ‘dl.lSdl-ly JACOB SNYDER. TAILOR, 1 The'Hero of One Hundred File per Month / I would respectfully el forth my claim to puMie. attention, xs a Fa.-hinnable Tailor, aa follows: Because* T Uw'p an excel lent assortment of Cloth?. Cassimcrcs, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examinodgiiwayplease. - B-causc my work is ?sado up in a manner that take? down the country and gives all my customers a city appearance. Because I am not Inf rlor aa a Cutter to. the best to bo found anywhere. Because long experience in my business gives me entire control over it. ami 1 am not dependant upon any oro tolift me unr of the suds. Because I am still -m thesinnv -id/- of f.ijkv. andlhore forc ray Lute as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call nn me, in rh«-com t room .of the ‘’Brant House/’ Give me a trial and you will goawav pleasd. Altoona, May 20-Dm• JACOB jSNYDER. SPRKfI or ISGI WALL PAPYRI WALL PAPER! Thb Largest Assortment and Lowest Trices in • Pittsburgh. Como .and see. WALTER P. 3ffAUSUAI.Ii, •A o, 8/, Wood Street^ , (Soar'Fourth, at the 01.1 Stand,) Has for sale beautiful French, Germap & Atner- IC:*U WALL PAPERS, For Parlors, 1 Halls. Chambers. ChnrchcL 30,000 rolls at 121 (Jets. 30,000 roll., at C, Sand 10 coni,. Window Curtains, Fire Board Print.?, —, Tester Covers, Ceilings, we. look Ter tee Striped Front. Altoona, March 7,1801-im. Wall Paper ami Border. An unusually large stock of iho LATEST SPRING STYLES, J M t^,°Sie^ wiu •“ 801,1 cllra l" ;T «.an ctw Ijt March .1, ISOI-tf. J. & j LOWTIIKI;. ’ white' lead and zinc ~ clra? 1 —■ P Sfe-B Jry SPECTACLES. AND eye PRESER TO?, for sale at ... rutj ; eeSSI.EK’S. JEWELRY AND AND d. afford 43 d Chestnut Street, - Philadelphia. ' it-iv--- tlr.*lr Isook-< v.vll ?Vi ' u> a ■:r*Jl. X'i v.--- lodg< PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR IMVSGORATOR! I An effective, safe and eco- NOMINAL COMrOT'NI*. FOR RESTORING GRAY JIMJI to Ur original color without dyeing, and x>rcM tlm hair from turning ; Rrnf. ' • . ' FOR' I 'REIN NT [NO BALDNESS, ami curing it, when there: is the lo.i-t {'article oMitalily or rccuherusive en- ergy rc-imujjlng. FOR REMOVING- SCURF AND DANDRUFF, uu dull cutvu-ons- nXlVcticns at Hu* Svdp. FOR UF.AVTIFriNC TUN lIAIN. imparting to it an un equalled gltk'= an*! brilliancy. making it sou and silky in ltd texture ;snil caumug it to curl readily. ; The groat celebrity and tlm iner a.-ing demand tor tlii i unequalled preparation. convince the proprietor that one trial ia only npec-s.-ary b> -aiisly a di-c-aning public o \ it-, enperior qualitie;? oyer any ether preparation at present in use. It cleanses the head and scalp from dnudrnj}' om( other cutaiicoiij du-ca.v.., came- tin- hair t*> grow Inxurient ly, anti gives it a rich, soft, glossy !lexii»b- app-.arance, and ab=» where tho hair is Rescuing and tinning.. it will give strength and vigor to the mat*. ami restore the growth to thu-c parts which have become Laid, causing it i-j yield a fresh cornlßQ of hair. There are hundreds of ladies ami gentlemen La Xov York who haul- had their hair restored by the mo M'this Invigorator. when all other preparations had f.iib.-ik L.M. has in his’pos.Tossiuii letters innumerable testifying to the fibovo uctfrom per .-on; 0 f the highest iv.-poctahility. 'lt will ctk’Cltuilly prevent Hie >uuV /run turning (/rat/ until the latest period uflife: and in cas.-s where the hair has al ready changed,its color, the nee of the Invigorate: will With certainty re-jiiojr it (•> its urh/idnl h:o:. giving it a dark, glossy appearance As a perfume for the toilet ami a Hair Restorative it : is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; ami the groat laeiliti'-s it aP.uiaL Sii dre-'sin;; (he h> !/.-•, which, wm-n mulct with the Invigorator can bo dressed in any required form so a.-, to preserve its placc,-Avhothef plain or in curls— h. i.c tho.great demand for it by the ladu' ,vs a standard ivikt aAicf: which none ought to be without, as the price placed it within the reach of nil, being. ONLY 25 CENTS per battle, to be had ut all respectable druggists and perfu mors. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the use of tin; 1 nvigoralor, in cases where the childrens* Half inclines t-> be we d:. The u-o of it- lays the. foundation for a ;/o>:n !-.• O'l t>fhau\ as it removes any impu rities that may have b-.-coine cmimcted v. itli the so.dp. the removal of winch i / i y Doth Lr thu health of tin child,"am! the future appearance of its Uair. CAUTION.—None* ;r-.-:unne without the iac himib-LOUIS MILLER being on th-- ormr v.rapncr: aLu. I>. MILLER'S IIAIR INVUhjRAB'R. N, V. Mown in tin; glass. Whphvalo Dipo*. 5U 3> ; y ft., and .sold by all the princi pal Merchants and .Druggists throughout the world.' .Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. 3 also dc.- iro to pre.-.-.-nt to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIU DYE which afb-r years of deit-ntine i ';pi-rhm-nting 1 have brought to perfection. p: dyes black or Drown in.-tanily without injury to tin--U. dr. or. Skin, warranted the- best article of the kind in exhuence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 23. *OO-1y AUCTION GOODS VKIIY CHEAP AT McCormick’s Store, in East Altoona ! TEST OPENED A VERY LARGE and complete of Spring and Summer Good** consisting of Briti-di, French and American Dry Goods, selected with groat e.nv t.* suit thi.- region ofcuiin iry. tu the line of'.Ladr-s, Dress Goods for (paddy and price, they will surpass. Mantillas, i)ustoy t Shaicls, White Good?, Em broideries, Irish Linens , Linen Jhndkcr chiefs, Hoopskirts, Clothes, Cas simercs,: Kentucky Jeans, "Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Flan nels, Etc., Etc. Th'M.s Shoes in all their various make and material fur Men & Roys' as, well as Ladies, Misses and Children. Ready Made Clothing, a full assortment to-.-nit the season, wirh Uals. Cap.-. XJm brMlap, Parasols-. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, brooms, Buckets. Tubs. Tin Ware. Queen.swarc, Hard Ware, Stone Ware, Market Baskets, Zink Rubbers. Brushes, Clothes Line.-?,' Ac., with nil articl -s nee,’-.-ary to make up a full as sortment to meet the want; of the people. ALSO, a complete FAMILY GROCERY, which will have pur,special attention, first in buying and selecting the.- and iTv-dic.-t article- as well as keeping it Tip at all times : . Cufl-ms of thesve-ry best and richest varieties. TEAS, Black and Green of tho best quality and flavor. Sugars good and cheap: common Drown at 0, good at S curls, common white 10 .cents. Syrups.and Faking Molasses, from thobesi Lovenngs r E_;to the lowe-t gr.idr at 4u rents.' Corn.-tareh, Lry'-d Drycd AppU-s. Earrena, Ranm, DiaVd Rer-f, .Ala ,!:,.r- 1. IL-rnng, Lake Ei.-h a Drv Eiih, Window Gh-.u di;V r ,ni alg-.;. g]J ..{* whhh v. ill be,-old very In'.vaor ea. I;, wi grhanp-d L r i'redi;e •. Always on h ind. Spew S: Halls ceb-biv.A ,1 Iron pp.e.vs. -. I’--Vs-en •v! dim;: town would do v.-ell 1-. fore jnaking tin ir seb ■: lion - ;o rail and examine ~,ur stock. as We a ill be- pbuß.'d I - se- iheia f»- u { charge. Wry thankful f.-r past favors. wc iA-.ipocli'ally solicit a continuance of pub lic patv-mage : Alt-man. April Imh, Ivdd-tf- LABOR-SAVING ■WASHING MACHINE. The undersigned haying parcha-Ed tlio rl 0 l;i. f. r I'il;*ir county, ot 7 Tolhurat’s Improved Washing Machine, arc iv-i’-v niannr.a-runay th.Ei at Altoona, and inhuul ‘to •■■apply them to those p -r.-oi!.- throughout the county v>ho a LAHOU-ckWING MACIUXIk This machim? is u:> on an tnlindy ir-w jiriuelphn anil i> -mn'idvred, by v.ho ba.vo :i it in use, tin best that has ev.-r he-an biv-u ;lit he f>ro tiro puMH. tho mnny.advantayv.-: u'i this machine over all ethers may he m-. ntion.-d the jhll-nviny : 1-d. dm .sinndicityhd’ construction, makiuc A almost im possible to yet out of > ;\V r. '2/J. Its S|H.ed, a.stonhha.s alike the operator and the looker on. IW. Tho facility with which it adapts ir.-o-lf to tire bulk or qautity of clothes »h sired to ho wee-dad., ' • 4h’u It wash*.-: .-/pully well the finest and or the com .vest and heaviest, sUoli us bed-quilt.', comfort; l , blankets, Ac. Mc.oum:,'a Dim::, . Altoona, Vais 0.-mUj, I\i. ■ W<-the iniil- heiohy certify .that we -arc now U'tny Tolhur>t*s Improved Washing Hl.oeh::t - and av-‘ ful ly sati-m :d that it N a very e.\w limit arth-h- of the kind.: ootnldnin-aa it'daes yrcat'-peod with littlo labor. and ivr forming \x< work in the most mamur. We therefore chea-fnily y--ro:ni:ie:id it to all who de.-Iru a real 'abor-se.vinq machine. .7011 X WOODS. ' FAITLII TIKTZF. MICH ALL OALVFHT, TIICS. MnAn/KV: . JO.SKPII «t. ADL.CMV DANIEL PUICId. It. A. 0. KFKII. HAT & CAP EMPORIUM, JESSE SiuITH, Proprietor., A LL THE.' LATEST styles OF J. 31. HATS and CAPS con. tuiitlv .«n hand. It fa tho demrm:nati., mothers, and examine and select from Jo-ao Smith"'s stock. ' Mwi 07i nrginia Sired, owosile the Lutheran- Church. May 9, ISCI. J. Gr. ADLUM, NOTARY PUBL 1C . ATiTCjOXA, PI.AXII CO., PA. Can at all timr.-, bo. found at the store? of J. B. lineman. October 1,1857. ' I >ores; robes; Just rccoived'a Jlno lot of Buffalo Bobes, which wo will sell at from $4 to $lO a picc<». Two doors below the Post Office. 31. THOMPSON, Ajent. Jan. 0,1861. 5 J -- 17011 sale;—A HOUSE AND LOT, -X- -desirably located in tho of Alloona. Api Ur JOUN SUOEMA.KEIi Altoona, Fell. 9,13i10-lf. Hair oils, colognes, pom adcs, Cream, Toilet Soane'. &c. for solo In *-■O, G.V. KESSMSR. , All the; standard patent .MBPICINBS AX x-tr. .KC3SI4JU - S. Depot, .id D-:-y St.. Nuw York MOFFAT'S LIFE FILLS and PIKEXIX BITTERS. These medicine haves now :he public :'-*r a pcri--d of thirty year*, ur.u during 'n:\t-:::::;• Law maintained :i kitf. chamc-rer rn alm.>t every part thr globe. for their extraordinary and immediate ;”‘wcr of restoring perfect health suf fering under nearly everykind of uireksc to which the Lo maji-frara*' is Liable. The following are among the undressing variety of hu man (Uscrrin which the' VESETAELE LIFE MEMCIXES aro well known to bo intalHblo. DYSPEPSIA, By thoroughly clcan?ing the first and -oo mul stomachs, nml creating a How of pure, healthy bile, in stead of the - tale and acrid kind ; FLATIT.KNCV, L-ss or Appetite. Heartburn. Headache, III Temper. Anxi-’ty. Laugour. and Melancholy. which are the general sympti.'ms uf I>yspop«ia_, will vanish, as a natural corsa’t queucc of jr> cur ;> . CGFTIV KX ESS. by de.'ir.'sln:; the whole length of the in te.stincs with a m 'vent process. ami without vi>dcitc--: all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FKVLKF of all kinds. by restoring the M<>»d t-> n regu lar circrdr.tioni through the \ :veo-s of respiration in such ca-es. and tin- thorough s ration c-fal! intci-tinal ob.-truc tion in «>:l;er<. Top Life Medicines have boat known t-< cnreHTIIXMA- TlS.'t permanently in thi\e weeks, raid GOVT in half that 1 i;ne. by removing K,,-al inflammation from the miwlvsanU ligaments of the j'-iur.', I‘ItOI’SIES of all kinds, by frednemnd *tr' ngtheningtho kidneys and Mad creatures adhere. SCTiIVY, Uhrrus, and IX VKTMUATi: S«‘ili:S. hy tl.o perfect purity whhh thc.-c LIVE MEDICINES give to the blued, and all the humors. SCoItIUTIC Kitl’moX? and HAD COMPLEXION'S, by their alterative ufa-et upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive cum plaints, sallow, clmt-ly. aml elh-r di- tgr.'-ai do complex ions. The use of these Pil's for a v<. ry short time will eLVet itn entire cure of SALT' KIIKfM. and a striking improvement, in tin-dearness of th-.- akin. COMMON CuLDF and IX FLUIiXZA will always be cur.d by one do.-.e. or by two in the worst ca-e-. PlliJ,?.—Tii-- vri'-'in:'.) j• -r of t’..v;o :nrTik , S;it.-.* ; . wa? cure:! of Pill-.', of ;;J. VvMla h!: 1 1! ■I i ML'. l-y the UrfO of til'.' hi f-' Mt uicill’ > JI] 11 :1 • ‘. i-v? try. rli- in - (liri;i* Wr.-l/m -:iT". spM.-'ly :• n»l cvit;vin .-y-tviu suS'j.ct t«> i\ ro iiU'dicinc-i is cr.iv.!. UIM.IOt’.S Fi:vj:!:< am- I.IVFK C 0 Ml’ h AIX T th —Gen- eral hehUity. of appetite r,ml (li.u-.i-.c- of f.-n-ul* ? —the nualiciuos have been with the me.-t ; i:*l vaults in cases of inis ih senprioa :—lvin *,-? r.vil ami tsrvofnla. in it.-' forms, yields i,.> the mild y.-t powerful action of these ivmarhable Meuieim. m Xiyht SweatXervou- I)e -hiliiy, XVrvov.s Ceenplahit ; of all hinds. Palpitation of the Heart. I’.; !ti!. rs' Colic, are spto.dily cured. MLKCTiI lAL DTSKAclm.—Persons who--? oonsf Put 1 >n ■ have I.:vi>y For snlo by oil Druggl.-l ■T)ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON X OIL LAMPS 1 -• Inriwhdin StnvpUcif-!! S'tfiiy or Economy. Every perron d< .->l l in g to obtain the best and ohcop fs: portable light within tledr reach. rhouhh call at the store m the urnhrsin'ncd and examine lhe--y Lamps belhre pinenticing ehowh.-re, and W' pledge our-elves to demon- Htrolo 1-f. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explo.-don. -■•h-S- i hat tli -y emit Ha often-ive 'Eor while burning, oil. That they are very easily trimmed. 4ili. That they are ca.-ily regulated to give more or less light. fjlh. That they hum entirely free from smoke, bth. That the light is at least oo jar cent. cheaper than any utlur light now in common Those kopje, are admirably for the use of Stu dents. Mechanics, S-am-tia sse.;, Ikutori.'s. Halls. Churches, Stores, Hotel', and are highly recommended f**r familv use! The burner of t;;o Curb,.a oil Lamp can he attached to old side, hanging and table llnid and oil lamp-*, at a small expense, anti will answer ev.-ry purple of a new bmp. TW guarantee perfect satiofacliun in all cases. Aug. IP. U. W. KKSSLEE. Gnovmiv, rnovisio^ A N t> WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. r rHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- X I’OKM the puldie tliat lee has purchased the interest of A, MI LLTIION in the C ornery and T’rovision Stordiere tof.-re kept by them on YirginlnVtjvet, below Caroline St., win-re he will continue the business, and will keep- con stantly on hand a-large supply of I’LOUK, lIAM? ; £HOULDEUS, SIDE?. BKIED BEEI-, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COl-TEE, TEA. SVC All, SPICES. CONFECTION AK T KS, and everything UMni’.ly l: v pt in Cowery and Provision gt-wi'-. all of which he r< ceives fresh fr-cn til■> <-a>b rn and w< ,'t- rn cities. and will .-Oil at the most rea-mncble prkv.-i. Having w-ccnlly .-brAined license to -el] 11.-pmr by v.hojo -ale. I will keep on hand a large ■ II at pra-a th\t will defy competition. Ail that lie a-dcs is that the P-; ;, nq airing prompt! vat {■ r.d; d tie hon'c fhrp-t tlie place, two doors Mow Ollhv. Jan.d, Vadl. ■ M. THO.Ur.E, nest door to the Post Office. wanted, OYES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw Lic;h nn.l hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT .xnnomi- ■ ces to tho that he is ready to discharge his ilyty ! as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. [jan. 2 *56. i fN ROGER IE S. A LARGE AND; complete assortment of Groceries have j'nst been ro- ; Ccivod at tho of J. R. HIEEMAN. | ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, This-1 aai SliviiUcv Uracca fur enk at i 1.-tt- 0. IV. KSESLEirs. 1 W. r>. MOFFAT. X 5 Broadway. Now York (rkpt. 13.' ImA'-Iv [Doc. 23, ’iS.-tf. iVWir STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT H i LEM AN’S. Toe subscriber informs ms customers, and the public mm raliy. that ho has just receive.! a largt. ;md beautiful as.vnuneut of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. whlclt, for inagnlnconre. i xtejil and variety, have never before been excelled in Flair couniy. Particular attention is invited to our stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS., sue?t as Eaic’r >:::d Fancy XT.-s, CtiaUK*, /A-tv/?.-*, TiriHiarMy Livens. I 1 iaiurr, vhiu::.'\ /L/>V-;al (//x-pys. Prints, CVu/v uad X.VfIV A-’,-aic's. .V-‘■."V'T;.*. F/;’K'rslr>'vUiirs, Hand kerchiefs, Kid (d'ave'. S’irf*, *S7;fr*- iry. 'FUc. tic. FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Vdehave Cloths. Ca.-.siuv'rcs. Votings, Tvnvds. Jeans, Ac. Heads of families w. uM d.,- well to call and t xamiiie oitr sl ,: ck ‘.•r'\\'int'.:r bb.e.;:> f-rllevs. Lee'ts. Slio-s, Hur-lw:'.: - :'. Gle.'Sware. Q;!' ,, : , ns?wart*, .Wood and Willow Ware. Oil Cloths, Carpds. Ac., iu any quantity and at prices that cannot fail to please. GROCERIES. Our j-tocTv of Groceries is mere extensive than ever, and cuii.-mts uf Uio and Java OMVe-, Crushed. Loaf nnd.N. 0 ?u;gnrs; Gre< ii. Y. H. and Hack Teas; Muluskcs, Soaps, Ca»dle«. Fait. Ft-h. Ac. Thankful t-> the public for the very liberal patronage ner-jtofer-j ivc-dvc hhe h.'ji'-s by strict attention to bmi ne.-s. and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same;- :, V- Country Pro.luco nf a]| kinds taken In exchange for Gu«!> at market prices. ° Oct. do. ISG'.i. RE AT 3 33 PROYEMENT IN COOK \T INi! t-TOVKS. vo.YSL-.’irno.voi''s.voKK c.isjxp sauxc of fci:l The sul.vTnK-r takes ph-ar-ur.* in olTcrincr to (In' pul-lie NEW UAsS AND £Mko as that unpleasant an-.l often annoying exhal itiou is alsu consumed inside ..f the stove Neither ss-'theiv any danger of Jlu.-s or*ltim ik vs closed with .-not or the mortar loOsched by the yas arising from coal fires. Persons wishing to purchase stove? are invited to.MHI at the store of the siih-eriher. in the Masonic Temple, ami ex amine the above stoves. JOHN SIfOKMAKHU. ;l joy 111 air f>,nii'n. N. B. All kinds of Air-t:p;t, Parlor Cookim: ami StuVes on haiul. [Alt','. Pi, 1-SO'h FIRST ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS AT THE “ MODEL.” WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED. AN unusually hm; Stock j Jb'dvy.d Prices. Sugars and Syrups by the barrel at n. small advance. x i: *\\ e t.-dm Jhi i ocea'ion to return ov.r sincere thank* to the people i. f Alio an and vicinity for tie; share of til-. ;r patronage heretoiV-reTvcdv.-.1, an>l invite th"i;i to drop in andi -,ur new stock which we feel c- a.;i I-.-n* will ph-a -e. Alt. mu. April IP. J. w ,7. LOWTIIKiI. Stoves, Tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SPOUTING-, &C. Q HTGG WOULD KKSPEOT-ja,l fully infor;:i tins citizop of A;o- i:ui^£^rv mill U"i:i!ty tTmt li-- CMii.-t.oitly mi luml lar~«* O-iic-- uvl Shr-p *S7/ ■' •.•. all -tvlv- ami si/, a. lu .-;at llr waam of all, v, Ii::1i h- will at low irkv aM ' tn a; •. He ahm ki'-'jH rn hand a large stork of Tin nn4 -X’ ]:‘c:i II if /■<'. ivn-'Mip.r of all article j mr culinary purposes- Owl tevUl-t, /'<>•, u ■which need-; only to ha soon to be apprecia and .dmuM be po: -. -sod by cv. ry farmer, butcher or those ro .'is.mabie tonus. fapril 14,185D-lv “ii.rORE GOOD NEWS ! -Lti- The und«-migm.d lias just received from the Hast a largo and varied a-sornm: nt of FALL .-lA7> 1 VJSTEII GOODS, cm'.si.diug of; Cloths, Cassimeres, and vesting, FINE AND COARSE OTEBCOATS, {IjY /£.\ material fu- If EOVS’ CLOTHING. ■pm iy : r-’ (IKVCS rUKNJSHIXO \-$\J 1 \\.\ sucli as- Vr.di r.-ldr!«. Draw.-m. Sus* _.--*.-T3l pend*, rs. Xcok-l fes, Ilandhvrehi<-f-i i.’V-' - S.C.. Ae.TTUI of which will be sidd at {ho lowed pri-vs All work win 1.0 ina.l.- „„ j„ v „ rv K-dVIvU-.;i-hi-ms, i,!i .ilir,-,-; * • Knv. l.loW-tf THOMAS KIAV.VV. Exchange iiotee.—tiie sue- SOUIV.HU would ro-perffullv in form tlie p-uldic that ho has n oant fv re- A fitb-d the above U-b-l. and is nmv‘pr«*- %b pare.l to ;:.-,.o.nimo.daf.« bis friemb andStr?sSrS* patia-ijH hi a emaf-rt.dde manner, and I \ o * ffFr wdl spare im p>ain - in making it an agreeable home ibr all Rojeurmu-.-. lib TaMewill always Imluxurpm-dY supplied fVma thy marlmm of Mm country ami cities, aiitl his liar ull‘ U u itli Ippiors oi choice brands. Hi- clmrco-s are as r.uwimhk. na ofunyotlif-r Hot-Via th« i-lac-o, an-1 he l-io-i -ao-ta-l tiioy can I-O comiihiinwl of hy tliV.,ic who fat or him with their cm* tom. Ivxpeotidg to receive a share m pnolie patronage, and fully intending f> down*- it. he cp-n l„.i house to the public and invites a trial.' I have just received a stock of No. 1 French Brandy, tor medicinal pnrpo-es. Alsou largo sfr.,-k of excellent.TV lues. for n'mdiVhml pnr jinsivi, ti'-otlu r Willi :i hit of tl-3 host oij Uyu Whislu-v to ho found m tlio r.inntry, Altoona, May t. 7, 1«5L1.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. 1> LAI Jl C OUNTY INSURANCE Agent of tlio- Blair vomty Mu,ml lire Insurance Company, Is at ail times ready to insure against loss or .lamagc by (ins UniM *»!»,3TrrchitMi*t.J\miilure and rmjvrt't. of even- .Ins cription, in town or country, at ns reasonable rates as any Company in the State, Oilier with Bell. Johnston, Jack .4 ' “ D. If CALDW-ELB, Jjen.'. Jan. 27, ’59-tf Lycoming county ''mutual FIRE IXSUUAXCK AGESCY.-Xlie under.-i-ncd of tin' Eycc.ming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, if at all times- ready to insure nsain,-1 loss or uiiina—e f,y Inc Jluikhiojs. XWchamlbc, Furniatre nnrt Fi-non-l,? „f enn ttfwnptioii, m town or country, at ns reasmialdn rates aV any company in the State. OHieo in tile Masonic Term-le Jun. 8. 'JiV-tf] JOHN* SHOEMAKER, Ijmt ' pLOUU.—THE BEST QUALITY OP •j“- FAMILY TLOUXI fur sale, Wholesale amJKotaH neJJi ■ j. shoemaker. ■ Dec. 11, Isjo-tf. Masonic Temple. Hardware of all DESCRIP- Iiom just received and for eale In yct - lj - u ! J. U. lIIL-EM.VX, STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors ant! manufacturers of lIOS TKTTEU'S CT.LKHHATED STOMACH HIT TKIIS can appeal with perfect confidence to physician? and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained arepu l.-uion heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of: Hostetler's Stomach Hit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million hot tics. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of tho country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Hitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Hitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined as enduring as time itself. Hostetler’s .Stomach Hitlers have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Hitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure.: It removes all morbid mailer from, the stomach, purities tho blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and. energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. j. n. iiTLier.AN Elderly persona may use the Billers daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will tmd in it. a stimulant- peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We. have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who hare experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under I lie advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There arc certain periods-when their caves arc so harassing that many of .them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially■ if she he young, is apt to forget, her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer.the Bitters to ail other invigora tors that receive the endorsement, of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom wo have particu larly above, to wit: sufferers from fever and agtu\ caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and ail diseases or 'derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their oWn physical welfare by giving io Hos tetler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the piany imitations or counter feits, but ask for IlosTHTTnu's Crlubratku ■Stomach Bitteks, and see that each bottle has the words “br. J. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters 7 * blown on the side-of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature’ is on the label. • • ► Prepared and sold byHOSTETTER& SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Azno rica, and Germany. r-.r Fulo hy A. AUooi.n. ?a. IsOO-ly.. oil sr s -3 cn reason GROCERY AYI) BAKERY! r P HE irNOERSKiXEI) ANNOUN- J_ _‘V."'to lli*.* dU/ojjj (.f Alt.iona nu-.l vicinity that ho h:n just roooivt-.l n Inrso iavt.kvo of Fruit, Confectionaries, Nuts, Spices ainl notions f.,r ,rhiWr<-i,expressly for the Uoli-Uva. Uf will k«|.»lwnd vicinity always < m C ,H lro !°a , t ’ f -P'">foctionavi«;- an.! knick knarlea o. Ul kinds for children. Also eho best Tobacco & So-arn to bo had in town, together with a fino assortment of Odd and Silver Pencils, Odd Rings and other article of Jewel! r ). Call and examim*. : jr VETTTXTi f.T’ July 3,. 'd«.,y. ; WfeBjERN INSURANCE . TEU&T COMl’AN\. —lnsurance on Re-dor personal property will, ho eflectcd on the most reason-dd,, * Marcel'’lVT nt4i " «» ~ls cflico in Anna St -larch 1., ItioO. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. T EYES PREPARATION FOE EX- IdiPi-'iiinalinc RATS, MICE. ROACHES, ANTS a„,l ce3 for'Sic lit The Dni^Rf 1 * 1 iU P u ' So umlcr nn y Jan. S, D 5 ? t0r ° 0f G * W ‘ KK SSDEn. HAIE, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, l iUut, Snail and .Yju aiah Britain;. at HOSTETTER’S WM. FLINT! WM. FLINT! WM. FLINT WM. FLINT! r WM. FLINT ! WM. FLINT ! N’o. s,-,7 MARKET, tfi). tor MilutvV No. SO7 MARKET, So. SU7 v\»k* So. HOT MARKET, So. 807 pnir.ADEi.pnTA, • PHILADELPHIA, , PHILADELPHIA, PA. PA. PA. TEEMEXD Ors S. l CElFir}; $lOO,OOO WORTH OF’JEWELRT ALL FDR ONE DOLLAR EACH. ALarpoamt S;.!nMK! Assortment of Jowrliv OF CHAINS, RUACHLHXS. CAMEO SET?, ,4,. " : i A trl all stylos of French I’hitou Chains, GoM aia'l pp. , Jowolry. ■ Wo do not hoop or soil any "tit. -rift or pal van;-,....! .... t. Oat s i.s what uro sold h> tho best Jowoiorsua J./ ry. Wo recciv&oor poods from the best GoM Jewelry ulacturcTS in the State?, * WHO AKE FORCED TO SELT* WHO ARK FORCED TO SELL. WHO AUK FORCED TO SELL. The following is onlv a partial list of our >• v TAKE yOLX CHOICE EOIi "■* $1 BACH. TAKE TOUR CHOICE FOR $l. Large Size ami Splendid Cameo Sets, General IRtail i’vicos, - - - - - - Do do Lava do 'jVj ‘‘ Do do Carbuncle do st "" Do Ladies" Enamelled and Oral do - , K [ I»o do and Carbuncle do Do do and Ruby do l»<» GoM Cluster Crape Setting seta do Do do. do Yiiso do do J.V) do do Jet Sef?, do Do do Black Mosaic do Do do GoM,Stone Mosaic do Do do Calico.Seb*. do Do Ribbon Twists, with brilliant*, do Do Biwjuet Sets. m*w style, Jo !>•■> Knamellcd Cluster do do Gt.M TRimbles, do Diamond Pointed Gold Pens and Cases, Vj do;'.. Silver Mated Spoons, Silver Mated Muirs. Over 1000 other (lith-rent sly lea Ladies* Jewelry; y.o ■ Hon--. all stylos, pattern.-* and sizes;‘Locket-* ,»f i v.' rv K.-rij»t iv»u ; UoM Pens, 14 karet, with Silv.-r - Holder; Cold Pencils, Sleeve Duttons, Stu.vo.. ” al, Lava, Cameo and Land bracelets; Cent-' V. -;, warranted to wear lor ten years without tAvw , and will stand the acid—they are usually s-M l, v j ;. v ‘ as solid gold chains —all made ia Paris. V..n ( your choice for <\ each. Ladies' and Cent-*' Si each, usually sold by Jewelers at from >to • Ladies’ and Children's Neck Chains, heamifal ro.*; -V Armlets, brilliant, enamelled mid ruby settia->; Cr - -, pi iin and enamelled, tor $1 each, retail prie,> S-d each. Every style and variety of Jewelry and .v ■ r > ble goods for $1 each. This >ale, at the above pricey will contimi l lor ■- ...v to sell oil our immense stock, which was pm, ha*., ’, v' j great Sacrilice from Mamifoeturers who haw ] S" take yon: choice foe each. ' Ist. Write your name, place of Ke-i-jenoo. Count* vy Stale. ’plain and distinct, as wo can make ae/h,',: - b./'•• I’n't ai'irl.s. v ' ‘ ' Seal all letters with WAX. as Envelopes s.-aled with nr wafers can be easily opened-i-the e-eis.-n;-* {:ik-n ami re-sealed. Attend to this, and we will he ix->j>oi,-il f>»r your liiuUey. INDUCEMENTS TO AOENTS. . Any pei-son acting as Agent,who will Send u-at-s.' time. *lOO, we will give a Cold Uuutinc Caw Wat h. < \» $.V>, «• “ Cold Lover Watch. .523, ;; “ Silver Watch. A Watch and the articles selected fretn the ;tl»jyo Om- Dollar Each. Persons ordering stumps* - (HVE US A TIUAL. All communications mu-t I"' aiMn-ssoil f.i WILLIAM FLINT. No. 807 Market Ntv, t. IMiilaL'liiliia. i 1 Altoona, March 7, ISGI-Gm. TO THE PUBLIC.—T H E S V 15- S?CKI lil'.R(having taken the (‘stahli.'hnuntln: - ; f:• owni'il by Samuel 1. Frii-a-A would reapt-rffully an- n novuico to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. -fcTA that ho has removed libs ’ JSPTtw AKD RETAIL ffefc r/x sheet-tro, v t;:i re & stove stork. to the new bnlblin;' on Annie* strict, between linn I-t •;:! Adeline streets. Kast Altoona, where he avxll kot pc oi-t:• •• ly on hand a assortment of every thirl" in l[- h. which l:o will dispose* of on reaHonable terms. EOOFING & SPOUTING put up On short notice. lie also manufactures I;: 1 .:.’ Ikon Spoutinp:, which is said to bo much superior to _u vanized .-beet-iron or tin. lias also -1 a ropi'K'r-snutliln:: to 1. an. I ',viil k.-.-p on han-I ;m por ru; : ,l bras< k'-tti: 1 .-. Ji All kitnls ..<]•>}> work promptly attona<*<.l t*r \ ftliaiv of puMic p:itron:i"e is r<‘sjvctfisllv STEVIIUN WLNTEK.r Alto inn, A ns. l«li. ISS>. PHTUADELTHIA WATCH AND .TEWKLUV STOUR „ -w-s® O. COXKAH. FOUMKK OCCUPANT. Js(IS&&P No. I P X. 2,1 St., corner of Quarry St. (£sa£j£iii6S?l Tie' UUll 'l'.iynC'l (k.s tca.-Vil till. abe,Ve i «KSeSSGgI"a pren.i-es, where he will keep a large assortment eM ■!! anil Silver Watches, of American. Engli-h an.l Swi-s to ntaetnre of tie- meet rclel.rate.i maker-, in-a.Miti a r which will 1.0 found always onlianil (andinn.V■ t■.. ri ; ■ extensiva variety ~f Jewelry, Silvcrand Silv-r (.."ether with a general assortment of ,-neli g.v»l- a; x , u.auilly kept in a (Irsf-Class Wald; e.n l Jew,dev SI. re. The patrons of O. Conra.l, an.l those of the sn! together with the public generally, are lintn-d to cell, i ! they will receive a goo,l article for their money. A- I v. determine,! to do a oil Imsiness, gooils will i. ■ -.11 ■, ;. love. ‘•Sm-in Pfrjlo ami Qaa-I,- I, -:’ p the n-.ett. of tie''. Establishment. LEWIS U. UIIOOMAIX, Formerly O. Conrad. No. 11- X. Second at., cur. of Qnarrv. Phi!'.h, June 7, l«(k>.-lv. The great question which now agitates the tnin.l of every person .. .at is. whore- can I g.-t the best article formvSjß money 1 In regar.t to other matters, the sub-lM wonM n,.t attempt to direct, but if you Hi want anything in the linc of giv BOOTS OR SHOES Ik invites an examination 'of In's storl; nml :ic keeps constantly on 1m ml ;\r. assortment ofR,. ' Gaiters. ,«tippers. .to,, which Ik off.™ at fair i.ric He Will Siva spa, -ini attention to ciKtaai wait. :■:! ! M-l:i; l! will l.e warrant.-', to ahv satistu-tiaii. .NVn-l.ata ' 1 I't 1 't workmen arc oinployc.l itamamber my -Imp is . m Virginia Eh-vt. imm-ii.: ’.j opposite Kessler's I)n;" Store sa-pt.-mlior .1, ’57-tf] •Bakery and Grocery Stove. TUI-: SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CO-V STAXTLY on lum.i Frcsli-HaUcd Rrcad. Cakes. &f. FEED, BACON, PLOUE, CtROCERIES, Al.-o, a chuico In; ..f Sl'GAl’.S aau TOfiACCA JACOB RINK, N.'.v, 10. BOOT & SHOE ESTABIISHHESI. r PHK UNDERSIGNED ANNOt'Xi* ,L to tho citizens ofAltoona anil vldnitv tlia: i!;-' i ■ opened a * BOOT AND SHOE SHOP On Jl LI A STitEET, 1 door cJyjvc IVint- i'f Tin Si . ■}'• t- '■ Aliena, wlu-rc they will keep on baud a ,1 aWtc-- °f ami bliocn of their men ntihw/urltrre. r ..; J * Particular attention given to making Ln-l- •’ > ’• o.mcrj. o.c. Ihcy invite a share of public patron ~ *' HiS -"Ui«>t of BOOTS WR AND SHOES, ready made, or mado to order Ira _ vershocs. Ladies'Sandals, Onm Shoes Cck Btiefc. ihl't' “l" 1 W*l’hioofbnTincSnf the host quality and on the most rStsSle t.-riao Y custom work warranted. 'y Jan, d, 'sli-lf.] j SAOK>L' KI;!: ' Lumber for sale. 60JK)0 SUTNGLKS, VMlOft LITITEi 1 . fft! 1 "f BUILDING MATERIA LS. lower tln'| y lowi.t, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SIIoEMAaiA PINE AND LARD OILS, CA3I Dhemjj Burning Fluid, Carbon OU. &,c n at Jan. S, *sfr-tf} ’ KJ^Sbnn*?- ON HAND AT HcGOKMICK’S —A splendid assortment of Ready-Mad- Lou nod sec. J KuV . KESSLER'S, Rt’ECLAI. NOTICE, t /.lIO'U’ TO SEND MONKV-C7 by mail iuksl tcn-1 $1 oii'llO o-j JOHN’ 11. UOIUIHT Virginia Street, below Annie st: VOL. 1'M...,' Now A ail f iUion oj M »&4 to the i AIC Atld VIX eolo««i. u U&ftlk «w prvg*, S*b tbrottfh wl ' potlkb* . *■ Xbo At Ux« l&flc Oonaamp •la. Bmp*? Tumort. uvdaUdlM whatrrar ci giro j« tat Oar rala lortottona; nllfclMlA Vbaaani iat thacan know a to » Tu all a
  • tfcO. Frl &• ia*A atbUihed eoofclat* bonhd. Any of one*, Id § wood vol «*(them. tailcoat* * month. Tc* tfc« proct ratio of sight ; tee, Ac., Incurable To Fern fcr Irregi ■We ore Imc, co®s aetoni c wb wo d atom, wi We wil THE It to ft 1 valuable M*». Th teteef tl On all < OAttOQ of nhd cor*. Oa Con On the Oa T*r On the On Ibe On tho On Cue On the On tho On Die How t How t< And oa ThU J< J. Hos Surgeon. Oftee Ofßee Corre« fur rclnr Nov. 1 PO E» w&t*»r pr JTiM.I LAI For COLC Black. city In Ctenb & I T 1 cosn •nppl tratwi attach of all Be i fctpic $*° D Ban doors and