The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 25, 1861, Image 1

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    THL IUXT* Ilium.
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DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. I THE ALTOORA TRIBURE. ito see ter, for if Aere be oae class of fa-! hare sailed from it so often. ought to} oat even the customary alhwinw to lie
Q' HJERH' !n. n. sloeum, ~ s_ c, zns. males I dislike more Asa another, it is j know.” ; wenAer.
HAS JIT ST* IIETrEXED " ~ rmavaH hocsckeepeEE-” | “I presume I shall be able to find it,” | Without openiag her lii» tWUai*-
!t«irt <S? Tig.»teJgfJ'»« g tae=t s.- I p«s enc. a l «ue I “And yet," said my wife, nalickusly, * said she, *»aod lest you should not, I will I treated to a rear ajartaeaS*- faM wfeieh
CPU INF JL CllMlff CD r.ftAT\C ; « ii» ■x&xjm.s. ta» : “you freanemly wish that I were a good j bid vou good-bre now. I bare to get tie ■ she soon emerged beariuf a «rer
arnilYu Ot aUjmra tjtl UUvi/o \ • r - 4 “ ct ormam. ! housekeeper.” * children ready for the jouraey, sad must j which was hastily thrown a handkerchief
’ Hfc LAD * x i.c t .• r . 1 ~JP: I paid no attention to this remark, feat ; leave you.’ ’ I The Majur’s heart Atobbed oaa«a3ai*e2v
jttt: w, I c*ar *ur» or****—. $ 2* S $ 96 . * , - „ » _ , J. , . . _ • _ . . , f
c»t (i «» ts i 00. oommaea: ■ v tbe bent forward. as if is kiss m% bat } m h is bosom. it mw mw
-- i- '' SrU “ ta * ] i S lob IS “After aIL I don’t see tint we esn do , I amply said “ good-bye,”and, taking my jof his life. In a* other moment he shtndd
~“ls ttdajV __ - __ ! orertiirw-mietf manta, £ cena! Letter thna to remain si home. I will hat, went oat of the door into the street. ’be on his knees before her —la qtoAtr
TVT»T a y &. ; pBr ** atrc la aa t^,t . i y^.' invite a few friends to dinner, and in tie lAs I passed oat of the court-yard, ! lifted' moment she shoald fee enfolded in hi#,i»'
tsXljlv SHAR LS, : <i» ts « ts « ; evening we can isTe fireworks and fee imy eyes toward the window, and saw her brace. ; _
STELllT^v^"'is cot. oj.« ■ patcodc.*' _ j standing there. She raised her: hand to ! ( Siz,’.aud the lady, with amtrmv^lg
aitr-'V, . JiS? « if w : “-Please d<»’t ask any one to darner,” ] hex Ups, as oor eyes met, and threw sea; than the —(shewas
-iAn, ir = ' : * ii uob »». my wife reid j “ the reij thoaght of being ; kiss from the tips of her fingers. : 1 took /: erideatly disgaisiag her fefks^sj—., I he
ii±Bs' Thaaiagi in cotoaa variety. j 8,06 *i * • cbHged to get dinner op the Foanh of : no heed of the action; feat slamming the ; liere lam indebted to yoa for tie gift of
u ~ ,a ■ <a;fc ' rf < wartL&sa acTgtagag iy qh- rag. ig~g «g»a>. _ __ Jaij, which ss always a Lot day and made ' gate behind me, I strode toward tie are- a TslusLle bird: 5
QUEEXSYi ARE, ! ' excltoaeat. makes ae iH. Sdll. I! nne. When I resx-ked the coratr,l hailed ; ‘My dear Miss f tmsps-d the Mayor
1 I Wlierget dinner for yon than hare : a jsssin- cmniias,_snd was on the point j *1 beg yon wouldn't meoHoo it ’ -
sta»»faijrsis.—T t l ir. • ■ terwi*esiargsd*ra«tErv?ifc»irawnc*. :yea' gjTg s dinner sway from home, as oi stepping into u* when, chancing to! fAeaosspamed,' conturaedwe-nsy,fhf
BOUTS AND SHOES. ■ yon did the other ereniag. Two days-. look wck, I saw my wife standing at tie i a not*.’ .
-•«.? fna j£»» hiaae pus. in-. osm. ‘ s_-i=x«. lif m£o£ tSan.'''* ~ rleltoess. sash as was Toms after it, to say - gate, waring her ' handkerchief. I told! ‘I plead gailtv,’ feltered the Umi,
® alssELs! S»eP' ! '■ cf . tiie » ««, and the the driTer to go on; bnt as for ayself, 11 .bashfuHj, ' *
nrg CLOTH S : u K 2 yz-C. i-;A. *■ trouble and ears I had in wailing on yon, , walked back to the hosse. • ‘Let me make sure that Ism ri»ht, 'be
_ :; was raying entirely too much for one’ “So I forgot my handkerchief, did 1/ . fore proceeding farther.’- Aid the tesy
GRuCEPJES dinner.'’ : I asked. • j proceeded to read from the. note as. fel-
Hfto j i “Bat yoa forced me into it,’’ I re- “Oh. no,” she replied; “ this Is mine.” i lows:— . ■ ,
,jdt 1 itansd: “yon know .well enough that I *• Very well/’ I aid, “what the dense : . OI most adorable, and fragrant of cre
-~±jg s-rai. irer jrrt-ij- pgetezrc-d to hare the dinac-T--at home, and did I retam for, then T’ i ato-3 beings —’
jif yon had not trade snch ado abort “I am sure I don’t know/’ said she, i The Major sighed and made a cobth!-
■p* •• attending to it, I sh-oaid. lies, too, I half knifing, “if yon don’t.” ; ; sire asoremesl as if about to threw hi»-
Ae; 1 wocid not hare been skk, and yon wocid ' “ I think I must hare left something ‘ seif at her ieet.
" T ~ i not hare bees obliged ao at by my feed-; behind me. in she house,’’ I said, as with ; —‘‘ Whose aggregate charms c-rea ti-e
- ; side for two dap. Somehow, French : my wife on my arm, I walked up tie court : angels might ’
* diMtes newer agree with me; I presume : yard. * j The Major gasped and dght-3 again,
iit is because they are so highly seasoned.-; “it would be iike you to do so/’ my . ■‘Behold in this accompanying gift a re-
ll am cootiaced that plainer dishes, such ■: wife ccniiaaed, but what can it be 1" ; fiecdsn of your charms. Your eyes, yo«r
: as you prepare, arc healthier. Boa’t yoa ; “ G&n’t you guess YJ I asked. voice, are here but feebly imitated. ■, --Jkc
jm ' think so?” ? “ Perhaps I can/’she answered. ■ . cept the gift, aad reward, if yoa will the
m “Certainly/'' my wife answered/’ “hut; “Then give it to me.” I eoniisuea. J donor
-1 am not sure the French dishes were u- My wife bent forward, and —we kissed! The Major got ready for his Tcw»r4-
| blame so tnnth as the French wines.” : each other. ‘And this note you confess to fee yaum-'
“Now. my dear/’ I exclaimed, vou ! “ Yon will scarcely be able to. start to- ‘Of course,’repEed the aMttle
" must not attomprt to injure the reputation dny. I thing, ' satu I. nner a pause. ; tauen annek by the tone in which the in
|cf French' winefc>- for cf them- I y Wen. nor' she answered; “ I hardiy i qmry was conveyei _
„ j comparatively iitdi. I r>artookspaiißgly,# cap £?*■ ready. • i .‘And the present Itse wise 1
* however, of Oerman and Spanish wines “ ftitn Fil ant go to the twsi 'to see' *Of course. ’ - - .
g : -aiso. as well ns several American rroinc- - J c - cm*’ I added. -But to-morrow, if i ‘Wretch:’ cried the iadj. at the waste
jeons.” * I the weather remains pleasant, I trust you , time removing the haadkeeeikf, ap^afe-
E My dear, you need say no more,” toy i wi2 be rcaoj to start.” closing-—not a canary, but a p-arrotl .
- ,f “ ; wife replied; “T am satisfied. I was in j “We shall she i The Major starfe-i to Lis feet, fetit ter
error when I atenbtued yoar illness solely / _ Again I bade her good-bye. and tits ; fere- he bad reached the sidewalk, the 3d
_ ___ _ to French wines; but,” she continued. * *ttnB? cavtng reft nothing bcbm-S me, get issuing from his darr in the
n_._ 2 --’ “ ’ -'ve have not decided where wc- shall go 1 tote me first stage that came aicng, ana. Jiack parlor, tras after him with a cadeel,
to p^ ‘Be Fourth.” _ _ _ , proceeded down tews. 1 And "then and tfeereoccanodastea^lo^
A .^ a * e ’ “ reineuj y i_am A f i-p anCTiints which out did tie ftstous ftcnonal.nib
- remain at home, ana I shaei invite a tew A BHAGE °__ MiSTAK3SS .. c f of Ham«—
. friends to spend the evening with me.— ? liis2at eseiT of - s?4Eil • from whi-ch p^o'wlj
• Yto can ae,OT a? rAerever : dmtiass-o'fertanate a tonafcalioansl with h!s Tife. - .
' -^ e > gtoTtaea yea cue me, ecuaren of t-ert&i , which cajue cE on i Ail the resdt of a biffing anstalcer'ftfe
**““ a F“* 1 ‘ -, the curbstone a few days since, and was < bird frneier had seat the purchase of
'■ '■ .. v **l'cn‘:,-nT dear, sa? at other wordalcat . 'mm. a ; wire sma: "I; very near being made the sabjecicfa p-ra- 1 naturalist instead of thaa selected Ly tlw ,
I said to mv antinbie wife, in answer —sv 1 go ana see my momer. / aaeted lawsait. Wittia the last tazee I Major.— CaUjacsila JHmxc.
m a desire she expressed to go to the sea- ” '-rovtnsn; I excmnne.; mnt,romem- {dd moulder whose piysiognor j ;r —• «»».• —/ J: , ■■ v
shore, witi mv sister, to mss the Fourth ui:- 7“® -eem t come cues lor awhile. r-j r. £C:i many yaais familiar in I A BSJSCTSD T r Rf>'PQgAT. Y9OM.
cS tTc.IT. X C-UZi't Xl—p It It TT-T .-li-uit jtOii i. ii sClHil.oa. - r._y* Zj*ZiCi£‘ 'ZJiJL LX sXtC tlic/*- A ; WID6WHL ? '
and herfeur boys have demied to vi&: . *** • 1 tres, wh»§ he is so wew knows; that tie i . - ■ —•;
the seu-sihore fesfere eominr here; it is no ■’ ..... .... doorkeepers mistake, him fcr an editor and :_ A few mc-nrhs a geai iemat had
reason whv von and tout zirls shunld no. i. ■*• p» “ 3 .- j yh st—o in him in free. —fell uesperaieiy in love tat mitfortane to lose his wife, a literary.
The cthejdav h zpvesred to me as if you • Au. ** ll 1 Sf ,«» with a snarkhng eye and faandseme waist, Lay of some reputation. After grleviDg
did not care to see‘my slsmr m ah, nan. ctothes reaay, I warn As for . By peraeveraneeFurchev-.: Evs number of weeks,a'bright idiiieß--
now von want to leave home »■ co where togv at an instant s ; gooa became aequaicto-i with the cb- i terei the head of the widvfer.riie fisft
s-j.-.,. she is.. Far my tart I never could find 2 - > ? ce ‘ .' t£ , e is. if yen womd dk| ■ ject of his sadden iame, wfed was the > thai he could
, *u.-~ . .-n— nleasuri at the sca-shcre the bench "•‘7 Lank hm been, packed .-inchler of a wdd-known politician, then * serro-w, ana for tent purpose he called up* ;
!is ahtivs hot- saadv and shadeless." Then a week.” ... . , ’absent at■ Sscsamento—said' pMKcaaa be- *on a lady of his acquaintance and feqnesb
yen ger voarfeet wet, and take &M, and ’, I J Maless a J TOe , x * il } 4S =8 ! !ng sspeciaEy famous fcr hk figiuing \ed to speak award with ber/'n pnrate:—
Lave me consumpdaa and die. New, if “7. ®cr answer, and, to toe t into, and fop his highSc-ntb era nations 4 Thinking that she was ■ about to receive a
there be one place I disdike more than an- , P-?* 0 m « tb ' m £ =®^ ok . e - jof feraily honor. r ■ | -ptapmsst. the kdf prepared to iistaa whS
other, it is the ser-shore.” ; I did not
..... “WeE, then,” said my wife, “sup&ose ! iesTe 111521 1651 c , r .during which the Majerhad become a “Myrrh,' said he with downcast
■•t •TaAr/nFH."s; l iEi7ilc.i sA. we gc into me coua-rv, and pass me*dav '• samfe e J“ .hefeii am fro I said, though , £J -ast visitor, each visa having obly litto-. a* he took her hand, ■ “jonikacw myTOft.
i-i sf Wf4j--jisF- at a quiet farm-house, where we ?•= •* have hf>io.y as I had ■ heretofore spoken.; jacme firmly the bonds in which he was : •■Certainly.” (
TTTT? ■p/V\-T ! ;- xsxrv>rf fresh* milk and errs, and ail these kind IVei], my dear, tie boat leaves at- si ; held, that adventurous person began to ■ “It b not-good i«-a aa to be akoe^’
. ItUL K WT A .HERB POCTOE, ;of - • o’mot-k. and yen haye ah day in which to, consider in what mann<itwas best to' “Perhapsnan** •.-. .
5 HAT> °0 TRAILS COV. • r; 'VHia.j. jera I Hk£ io V TB I& J oar I will be a i open Ids' LaUcjSes xnih a- view ib making; -Did jog eve? gain. «f :
'■A.l'to-T, ItTOtt, s»e \\ ''S7hyTi-rtiru-^.ruri\*=c-^
s , !if ausAi know, by ‘ all those kind mngs 1” ” I 'As neat at that hour to bid yon good-by; > a similar impression upon his enchaatress. lAc marriage service whiefr requires COP
§/. : Htss. St. ini vwi/ 7* i o«t, -J.t agbed. bnt I reaEj think yon had better postf*oEe His fira ofiering. was a boquet, but not pies to cleare into each. other tul deatn ao
ys-iadj sm- ?-ji :r. 1 <£7 lip-- XXX hi- “ Why. vegetables just green from the S-’kg for a day or two, unnl yen get your ■ being posted in the language of fiowers, | Aem psrtY T
fT** garden, and mint,” she answered. new silk, and Ae children have a larger begot Ae thing all wroag'to stert with, i “I nave.” ■ -:»
~ “ Mint T I exclr'mea—“ whto should ! summer -waxdrKse prepared.*’ ! and instead of'a sytoboßas! letter fidl of! ‘T fe»ve often rcieetod upon it rnywif.-
««« **• I teint?” : “No I” she fended, decidedly. “ I wnH; expfcaadons 0 f hft pasadn, ;No» » 7 wife
, «s fdeaf*«k.i» rrs sr sirst *2sn?s T r his tt »u ir- *• ‘Whj, zss it in a julep/'" «Le said- sssxt to-4ij- 1 siiaa not require we snk. careless suiscdaa to preseat the IsdT ; aad I feei very lonefr.
eeexev. - -1 am sure I have often heard yon sneak -Leas if Igoto my aoAerV, and the : a fioral offering conveying ste&aente | “I Auuld OSak it'likeJy.'’”
...... titer tc-j wcLsaaftros. sws-jft ■ tr-c. - s;-:.te=a £TTi»T ■ Q f ulens. and if Ae mint be freshly mc-nej which yon gave me to purchase tt anything but comphmentaiy to the re-j “I think I must dessmetKag » re
___-r _ i mthered", I suppose it toAes a better jn- »iA I stiO have ; nor shall I require, any : ejpknt. He next Lied As Btoyary Has,-! aaiad tee «f her Knd coosolatioa mad' Ae
HEAU7IAN S o.m enr m—r jh«re i.« fciEai t ssrsSis m ■ ?.. >i * . ' ' mere for seme time. But X really wish,” and sent her a handsome booed volume, - memory of her Tirtiw^-”
E?OCO METAL 1C PAINT, > teis »T c=ii- car. don’t bedieveu,*’ Irepifed, “but at 'she c-caanued—her manner and tone evi- .which prove-ion inspeeAm to be prised Ae lady s hand and sigtod.
QUAL TO BHD BEAD AND ~5 per y hto, Tcm ®% Ty? £T - e2 ts it is A--- best res mb vtm have denuy softening—“ that yon were going ■ Peter Parley’s familiar stories for child- i ?he returned Ae pressure aad also snSef
i : gj Tes for : oar going ißto the et'astry.— i «iA us. I know my mother would be : ren, ana Ae Major somehow oroAer s^-> ed a teape her.
xxrjjf aortas JLT2? pxpjss. cj£ eoldjess. 1 dx /EVNJ-TA.ITT Tis i Aii£r aS, tLc eeznitrr is rot the gla2 to job. ted the girls would ; £rd hmsflf tiSir tlu* with tame of | _l, fee sm ? after a Song pause,
ipiare&r - is felted, and in this ; “Til come to: Ae ponk at oace. I hare a
UrCATTrM & CO affsits. kwWed, hot, and aboandiag j ‘‘l can’t help il,” I smd: “I wonkni ! case tlm victim fully carried cut Ae adage.' ptopiete remake. ■
W* * I wiA spidere. Syare' always small, and !go for a thousand doEare. 'Your mother :At hat he nsemd upon a vigorora es- She blushed mid emersa her face wuh
„ , _ , * IHFOETEES & 'WBQLESAIE BEALEBS IN ■ toil cas"t tun: is oae wiihool ruh-; docSii’t like aac, nor I her; aai as for ] Baali, s’aca as no Cilidel oonM withsiaai; i U , , . u _
i . r jra*»**4 and statmtr# equal to i urJ:- ; f .. IWnwwtfi (Ml flnthu i b-=g your cent against Ae white-washed : jour asters, I hate Ae whole batch of j and accordingly proceeding, to abird fen-. . ‘J 6S : * fe , 3TC , rooAnded to wnte my
u* Umber. ■ a jV. or bnoeking off tout hat Tassln" ? Aem. Whv Aey don’t get married, so . cier ?, he Acre selected * costly songster.; wire s znygoghj, Now l aure lm« imt
Srre.Ufa.OtoXteioXteai | MATTINGS; &C. , I AronA Ae law Wwwts. A Aey would have someAing else to do be- ’ whiA he duly labsaed and caused to be ; hak AHI ta fitemy aadif «a
a- -OM TgyapW* MpV .gr* sj Acre’be one place I dislike more Aaa i sides forever writing-to yen, coaxing you I eenveyed wiA a note to Ae rasies* of J 1 * 1 my *ai wp» Ac
| — ; anoAer it is Iferm-hmsm Do Aink ofi hark to Aeir old maids’ home, I can’t; his aimed. Ax Ae same time the Major L|eadmns Aaptere, I wiß gue you
.. ... .- - K u- h jiroSflj l 1 TV* CAU)EEWOOD offers his Pro- stass Ains else, can’t von T’ yimagine.” observed a naturalist who appeared to be J.tto douais. .
My wife sighed. JWte are wot^ <M, as you knew L much a fl« xtujr of «ii- {ia. mde «rf her eyre
c TrrrPPifM ADV i Ms “ litos - J . EIZ -. 1;5C1 .-. , “Why do yon kgV’l*ak«i- “ Yon ! very weE They are younger Aaa I am, ■_ Aelogy as himself, ntoh c gave Ae subject ( *tto .
; me alwlvs weetong; I aad lam not yei Amy.” no totenti-oa, liUk Ainkmgte what reunite uad Aena
T“.SSSR—JESSUSI' - ■ svsasr'-’-gtotk. . ‘kis*:i«/- 4 L’t‘ , l , S" l aS!! "hif-'S'S’h™
-vnns«ics22T,XCT ind moT 1’.tcng,&imtinth»a. D .. t be forever Toaraelf ™la*r«Kte S owned to tweaty-five Ae day I mamed j create brought Ae matter nAer ferohly auAfc to
j Irn “ C -- • i Come, have roT*oJht of some oAer ] yon, and that wS mine years ago. lam to mind. ’ prres her foefep.
ICE FRF AM f? AT ZiOM i £ place to pass the Fourth al Y 3 U hetecr judge eff ages Aaa yarn and can j The same evening Ae Ma<»f Leased, w«tt ham*. -^e.bteMC
Kn~.iETrtsS!fc , ittrfl*rrtisjlGECaXall | W. B- JeaA , £ j go,” Ae replied, “to pgr teß aa oM from a sAoobggl As bimseSf iubis best; Ire wte ‘gDtgMiriy WWJjWjgyA.. A W
I **””•«”*****-** J. j friend Ac Caknerspiaoe, up the Hudson. ; 1 see her.” . B , \ obth- pty to te^augumtoto^..
tstor pKtagg, »Aart
-t!a«iag os rate na VJBK/E -• HOUSE, doubt, hewouM bepkased to see as?—■ wiS not argue Ae point wiA yon; Iml 11 rare pofcoses »d«waeitcs- Hisgjaia
(tat* ajasax sosp.) !He lives, yon know, not fer from Ae Ote-; teS J®® »J *&a are not old maids. | tdd Jamlie W teflt M-JVM
Third Street, above See, I Sail, and we ride to A* MoaaSain i “Ax all evauts, Aey are old,” I said, fear a good Jangt- ,
PHaAotu»H<i. House inAe afternoon.” j “whatever else Aey maybe-” j ®>c Hager imjfet bd »i. wid iawi-
IftVIN STEBL, D- D. £., HAY- ISOAJMkSX|I.O»j Pre»rlct«a ; “It is not a bod Idea,” 1 smd, “but un- 1 My wife, seemingly, paid no aiteorioa ted to- He fcwwd hia oh*m»c iifeoe hi
j ... , fertansldj Ae CoJonel is wiA his regi- ; to mj bet words, but sAed: thyjnjkx, but he w» somewhat cMbd
«»J Msrd: t, isR-ij * meet, at Washington, aad I don’t think“ Where woes Ae boat start from Y' wiA hit reoejtam. He oa^rp^elTedwp
'■4,77* *" *® eH *W MWWIJ’ j ___ ___ nv j. T j^•ncKT r RTPTmvs-ha housekeeper would be pm-ttßahdy.glad ! “ From its usual pier,” I rcpSei- “ loa breshies lie ice, ud eeeorffiagly be
-a, ?1 •-’ - wr .to ~ .to see as; a£ all events i have no desire ' dohi rancaber its asaber : but you. who ! gan his importaai disdoßßre A«oee, wiA
A2* D
C fy. r K V
£ M I c
xor/ci FM.£S.
Sew-Y«i: Bowrolent Iniraary
.. arioi 13 Tie Oatt Maiau Bsfm: !•>/•
r .r jfcaisC Junmiddfr far jm TTrfciiwu r ;
•, ■ J -t t ntUfcf diDSf kiii mri. Ccr>
SsscctiflT*- Tr ri-if eaH llit: Ir.tnuts? *
s*»l? ti* set sad
isi tces&b of oar isai- w
•~£i itiertioß, sad t. r jpr^ta ?jz P?-y&s*£tt r.
ytjtii taosASBSs stir :f Lii>vasa£s
■ '£:• 8» KBU -of U»e «■••• irsr r . Itw ~i-/
, "'■* *■ ~*r.»;—r *.l: -tX. pfcTt* ' . •-«. . .-tH
‘■-*^ss3rtt:r , ”uaa rnJa-aaarr CuiEjtiiußS&. i i-T?rs. >rrr>
- 2 lye £«r iiass**- V 9 * 2 * «•-. «*«
r k 2 - « 2?TU2Ai lr £JJLZi&&.
fc <"- r tii? TrUiicj kii- -vi ‘-iZ ' iro r.
-•«'.---T fr **t.T.»- OiT CJ—iTi T T*t*. . '■’“■ -’-• "®~ J -'■- * -
. >k r: j ism a£jdfiS nr all mjw?;. j csrt,
*■ ;• ;: cliirre znCula:; ’ afrjr.r kai wr*:»ri *r>
t tt tZ; furLaib »rt;zeEii‘ iZk. Txr; iesc
TnZtsCssi wrt }rr*pi»r»L n tct c-tn £l.-
_. «,. if »ti<- Ctaais*. tad iL; =*o*t :il;i.:u:
; i.—,■».-*, ilvE*' rawr: -fi*c:Ttr^.?-
II Li»lrs«Kag *■* ifTTer'. wk-=:. jf
-> kai kjyOhZUicwT’ c-i ■»'<«• c.c.~
'». r:. wrsthd&itS *-rlr/ ta J . f.:r ; :ll.a?
; , _ j T~r f-e* sei.: tj. w •ifV-waEifc*: fjr aar.*:*- t.;, \h
' - :L -• ~t:~7 wrL - Y: r 7v»:.r. la ill XkS;.-?
- _ i'j rTtk— '•■--i^
ijitav'*’- Iw' i-. :,T lit
v. 1-yzqtja-.. dr-. i*ii-ni tj.-~r.-r ZTj~-»: t:;.
.V* 7EIE T HTSI h'L-'-’ t T : v '■! E 7; r."' .t -'t T..
or. ChZ^r-
iLi-.-rTt? i.* i. pritLSi 2iZZZTi~ J
g.- iS- -I* *•
"it Gtiikseu’s MMieal
iNT TZIXATZ ±^rzsiH.
• i-.:i irr tbs -tk tad ._ -.^rgr.
J -•■?••Csrt aTtH ICsetuse* ;-f tbt U :-'*zjur? '1 >cr■
y: * ~~ LTiZ. A *-- LTu —. -*’
•■ :•• 2L a- ceiifr iTite i2T* :-iitf..
• s im: c%TL. ‘ k
— u. tin* Hrobces, *ad tZc Ttr&at ZnZzs x-
_ sz». w~Z- It iS-astr**** af
--.Cv* iffli lijpitfS tl- -Ggpif «TBTJ 02?- It llr? ZZf
nr ~rr.*pi -Jt tad As«rfc ty s'-kj svjafl* £b? i£*.
'• io- n nr*«r jC*. tia£> of Fx>U K.ixi>roti-.«, LL'iiif: tat
.• ?&» sr* -trStk tiie saeaas af sit
Tras* al stilt-
7j: ii*a22r. Lariip ?rcr
Z*:‘J.£z. £~. E.t1. 1 iii-i
*_ *•■«•.: K_*' ” :rr -
.. -i r- --7 -i»;- '
IHT. COliSUili iii'xj; irtA’K.
■•1 lU*
t?'. iater
x tii? refill;, mi
.L li a.’t
1.- L.- lt*: ~-z. tzi* vl_' :
itr —•• t-iJ.Ti r-:srti
:_•-. _ :<r rrujiifr; cr ;:.•? i
■ Ijr :j;i >tu.lx. N* *l->Liu V■» iii.-
astes *TiSS£t ? <r tat -v.-ari:-. V'~. z~l au>.- jl j.
tr i zjtslzs 3 r
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-'T'-ruut.* At. =Ti j
-Tt " 1 riifcT thtTr tTi
rr?fcr.;-*.Txoii •3r I sw-;
- usfjir-r;; iiii Zz
HL-i. *■* vnui stj -mu- ta' wt tiJ. uXjraiaiir-i, u r
i- fci»2 rv ’“^ir-TuZ-J'UTcrrrri.
•rli. no.?. Srr*. srj fcr :t,
rsiE JorasAL of mlmcax ksfcrm.
i* - iJ-rp-'- ts-j r.:. 1
- Tua rssae, cS-.-ci,- ia.£ aTrfai *5-
~ d rai* l ? -<f *J'ii sjt_r,5 jt _r , ‘rxi.:.*. & fuZ! rrj, Ai
=•* i. afti;? xa2-E the tatteaa -aT
•iSr^T 1 star* a&c i£ 3&.Tgghi.a attoet- iw& '
ju: i>c?.
tL: rjxX rf
"children's 'carriages
Z- zL
i.: 1-ir lt fiTh:-? i:;r .
:-.lijp srzir:
•r %.r
■Til a;
t R. A. O. KERR,
| ALTOONA, PA-. ff *
§ Agent for Blair County. S j
SiNosiiM Canaan M
These machines aze admit-
::>:»£ ti.; *.?••.: iS'T'c Uv iL=-_’ '
scrfr:-:r;r» jv siiiiijctirr.; Vt il-t itrs tLkt ir ;•
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IL-&: oafcni-;: r-fjrris:;:-
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** tCTrrr f.»t Li:. i
-stj> H.«aLZE*r--£'£. ?> ■. 2. rv* , asT!>' i ®T't ?t:»!ie»*, r f-'ot
S~li S-"* 1 Cl 'ii HfiS-Ssf— £&. >C- £- 'CTLi :.'li ttTli
:TT>X.- CSr>vs:rj--, y*Sf
.-*; J . ,ru:.r. .-lit iL?-
■: imS--
iTi--i *.-‘C.e :.f vLjz. hirt vi-n
&:*fc it siJLriBS- :f
t:-xrb.'tm t
Trio fcaerr tif i£-
". it*' "rtfi. ci- :- - tht Ci&vg-:.. '
£JP“ SlliiSVr’f &C-B* l;alf JCKst- SSH&’itf. SftfT ££ ETJ
s*a% tLi- ktjit vhi's. tiify yis»s», viijKJct extra t&ergC
—i*.- r *;c Li .
Wooded and Willow Ware
Ir fclrr'
ti.:- z-zzLi i-. r
“; * i&r.-rr
o»i AigLi
Over 14,000 More
■r tlir:--* Ltr- r= iliff if tii— n— - :
hd- taiari rot-dali iar-t tfrardsd I±*r p^rcA
- Tiit7 ur- Lrsr :t ta£ in eertril itmUje? it A -
ct-si 1 tl*s pr* ir;jrf •:::..
Ti* ra&r&ge? rtfi tad reaflpaad si c-f
$2000,00 per Annum.
I :c 'C*Thi:yxs- uf S i Sj*scicj*-Tu: af Fr?-1 Or'sri-fx't
an-i OnxrarsTtfc! ?ena*3iiiipi. tes altrpt -egr**
v:tr -ji ti» isciws- tirrarr-i v= : rtt,ls m
S-tatrt.4 ic tut Pr^jirril*,
__ _JtSK'Xi i Siiim, «cx£- Xi,
l_-r t
43~ frzrz Tcxiiz Jiir ti*
G > * r l
L} f *■>-:••»•;.
rf-liar -Cirrisf-ss £ar
O'. i-‘-x Cut Ssar: r : f c Zzosze. seid !e Scm.
- >r„n lit H'-me Jubti-aL
Hrltrt l^cftrg.
TsEaetti: ii. ibisfcC r^abcrj
UtUJBiS AS BSj&tJ crsac
>«»rr is ba: sica&ci:
Tnu:-ars art aat »iti lacj float
tT*? if na2! tTtr h cirras:'
- Jjyi dfcßstt li s»t ocr f3fc!;
I* Bit tT3&r rjot di£ T-^^l
Sr-aT. suMik *srsv
li jir- scUaff* deeiaßß e&i;
Bcrire ssstni. sat: tc-aucseer
TVr>A« x 3 fdL3t£U
is scrcßf. aa£ Bst* Sawatfe*
Jb£ tisf- at LrtT*
s*ll} witk &xsa trs MKij
rcMOki ssilia ii' tie aaro..
Sqp, C 3 Ir«a*afc fcK r ' Vfcbk.
Fi~trr>,g fer aXslana'i .
fit.&atJlkz cob, criTEa
tr=c iaroftf a lie «&i££~
Let TiS;. situ. -*r 3|? tnc «k>ir*.
TTai: s La*rt £or irj ;
r:i .ziiL*. yr^r
S?>au it? Pa? ?£t FMirih ?
- r rr», «r j
. e -i A '•.*.
a girl has too many bdja
about hfc?. {hg ta<f>qHbti is— of
baoys «§“■ a- Tfefe.'’
, ft*, Ujs of a
T«ry to a tw-W MM, h&tm
•ijpr*lei aw a*4 WSUfc Sj <**
srh? is imn-iy.
" m f 2o.