BARD TIMES MADE EASY! Q*ood Slews for the TTnomployed 1 1000 Chances to make Money I ONE MILLION DOLLARS ■WORTH OF WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER-PLATED WARE., TO i)E DISPOSED OF ON AX ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PL AN ! 2,500 "AGENTS W ANTED !! 1 jfcil parsons 4**hous of an Agency in this New Enterprise Should Knd on their name* at once, enclosing a 3 cent stump jo pay postage, and receive by return oi _mail A PREMIUM CATALOGUE Containing OUR INDUCEMENTS, Which afford A BARE CHANCE to make MON E Y without rhk. togsthcr with FULL PARTICULARS Kelativc* to this NOVEL PLAN 1 To insure prompt and satisfactory dealing, direct nil GEORGE G. EVANS, HUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, Xg, 5-1 McrJat St , ZiV/vviury. Pa. rTVn is establishment is chiefly devoted to P th■-* maunftc! -‘rj of Ilian;: 11*<*»?■:= svr Banks, oeiC''s. B-uhva-lConpani- S an-3 privul-? inJiviamK la nil oao- *.h- Yrtrv hi*“t of -r.>ck tm*l u. may I" 1 mJsJf rrlfad Wank B-mk-, praitrd. nu-fd and l-v.a-.i tr. «>r;v patt-ra. Sl.-.rli:Attnm-.-ys and^Ui.t sy-s Bo'chets rf all si'.’-s. nm-J" tin.l n;’v:l t ,' Ti ;-c,:i:u:ii S.UJ Yrferly A->v--siv?nt.'. PuplLn.t.----. i-u, for *.unty r-arpn 9(M. prut-d or plain, rub.-.l and Lor *>• -.’rd-.T. Count Dc-'kv‘t-T ma-iv of tin-host Hin-rs pm Librarian?', .an. 1 , (lt-' " -' bound and at mod-rato pnc- p:(*)en3 Of tho siv. Pictorial. B-IK-n*. bound t ) orJor. r.irl in'nnv stv’.-j r- Iv Knichiabock'-r. 15:a'-kWvv.rk a!;: Giahani*-} Aagazin**. G.vU‘y f < Lady's Bo ,k. Lady'- .Uvpo-itory, Peter son? 3 Mag.iiihe. Piano Music. !:c.. bmm-i in I’Xtra or ;b-- ? move nhiia atnl substantial half binding. Select Pam phlet?. Lv.v Marines, pumnhkt laws, hound in y-;d Li brarv style, at very tu-xL-rate • >ri > s I’.-r'Ons having a number of vulum»-» to bind. will r-aadvo a Ri’jding can s.ihdv V- sent M us from a di-tancc'by Ji.v prosß, and all work ontru-.t-d t > our ear<-wiH bo “p-v.I -dilv executed. satbly p: any on» tohft me out of the fiudi. Because I am still on tin*sunny side of forte, and there fore my ta-to as n Cutter and workman-unimpaired. Call on me, in tl:e corner poom of the ‘'Brant House, Giro mo a trial and volt will go a wav pleased. Allocim. May i!S-£;n . ‘ JACOB SNVDUK. ' SITUXO OF 1801. WALL^PAPERI'WALL PAPER! e The" 1 Largest A.oortmcnt and Lowest Prices iu iT.Uburgh-. CVnic and see. IWAtTEtt I*. °JI A RSII Alfßj, Ao._ 87, Wood Sired, (Near Fourth, at the- Old Has fo,pgalc beautiful French, German & Amer- ICuU WALL PAPERS, For Parlors. . • • h*'-u. Chambers, Clinnchon. . ' Lunges, £O,OOO foils at r.0,000 rolls aiB and 10 cent?. • -Windo* Cmtums,Fire BoardPrinU.. ‘ „ - Tc-ter CoverHj“Cellicga J ic. ,C3#-Xook for the Striped Front. 7, ISGI-lui. Wall Paper and Border. A.N LARGE STOCK r\ , of the LATEST SEEING STYLES, Just roceivfjcL-. which will bo sold cheaper than ev»-r by March 21.-i«6Uf.. J. ie J. LOWTUEXI. T)URE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Jf7 ■ Paint, also Chrome. Croon. Yellow, Paris Groen, dry end ground oil at KKSfcLKU'S OPEOXACLES ANP EXE PRESER £S w» f- • ' i.M»; KESStEK’3. •? ealo at 4Cb Chestnut street, Philadelphia. r •ji’.T to havo th'.-ir P>o'-V-.l .‘•h •U:tl giv- -U' i‘. Call. N‘-•V.'.-l- rV Weekly. Glea-on's ••ri-.-'U!, London News, aired. H:ii p- rV Month- i!vi A:n PROP. L. MILLER’S HAIR 3NVIGORATOR!! An effective, safe and ego- NOMICA L COMPOUND. FOJi RESTORING OB AT HAIR to its original color without dyeing, aud preventing the hair Irom turning prav. ; FOR’PREFEXTiyO VALPXESS, ami curing it, when thereto the leas! particle of vitality or recuperative cu- erzv remaining. FOIiBXMOViyG SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and all cutaneous affrcticiis at the Sculp. FOB BEA CTUTISO THE HAIR, imparting to it an un equalled gloss arid brilliancy, making it soft and silky in ltd texture and causing it to curl readily. The* jrtfeat celebrity and the increasing demand tor this unequalled preparation. convince the proprietor that ono trial is only neces-ary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior'qualities over any ether preparation at present in uac. It cleanses thu iKad and scalp from dandruff and ether cuiaruov* dire a?ei, causes the hair to grow luxurient ly. and gives it a rich, wu, fde-.-y flexible appearance, nnd alao whore tla* hair is kso.-vniug and thimr.g. it will give- strength und vigor to the rovits. xnd rcutuve tiicgiow th to threw parts which have become bald, causing it to yield d/rxsh covering of hair. Thorn are hundred.-* of ladica and gentlemen in Now York who have* had their hair restored by the iwofthto liivigorutor, when all other propaiatlon?‘had failed. L.M. has iu his pus-es.-ion letters innumerable testifying to the above fact -a front persons oflho highest respectability. It will effectually prevent the hair fn.n turning gn jy. until tbo latest period uflife; and iu cases where tie hair lias al ready changed its color, the us,- of the invigoratox will with certainty, restart, i‘ to its original hue. giving it a dark, glossy appearance. An a perfume for the toilet and a Lfair Restorative it is particularly recommended. having an agreeable fragrance; and tie- great lacilitjcs it qlTbids in dressing the hair, which, when moist with .the Invigorator cun be dressed in any required form r-o as to preserve it* place, whether plainer in curls—hence the groat demand for it by the ladies us ft standard toilet crrticic whicb-nono ought to be without as the price places it within the reach all, being. ONLY 35 CENTS por bottle, to be had. at ail respectable druggists and perfu mers. , L. MILLER wouhl call , the attention of Parents, and Guardian? to.the «ue of the Invigorator, in cases where the childrens’ Hair incline* to b.- w.aak. The use of it lays the foundation for a head of hair, as it remove.! any impu rities tluU ni'.v have beenm.* connected with the scalp, .the removal of winch is-■necessary both lor too health of tho child, and the future appearance of its Hair. ' CAUTION. —None genuine without the lac simile LOUIS MILLKU being on the ouu-r wrapper: also; L. MILLER'S iIAIUTXVIOOUAtOL. N. V. blown iu the glass. Wholesale Depot. GO Bey SfcVand sold by all the princi pal Merchant* and DruggLls throughout the world. Liberal disoouafto purchasers by the quantity. y 1 itlho. desire t#*present to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE whlcli'after years of tcient!Ac experimenting! have brought to perfection. It dyes black or Brown instantly .without injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the best.article uf the kind in existence. . Price, Oiiiy 50 Cents. Depot, fid Dey St.. New York. Aug. 23, *wWy AUCTION GOODS TKUY CHEAP AT McCormick’s Store, in East Altoona ! TEST OPENED A VERY LARGE f y jind complete of Spring and Summer Go >d-q cond.-Lng : -Cf British, I'n-ncb .and American Dry Goods. e ■lect“d with great c ire to nit this regL.n of .c-.uin trv. In the line of Ladies Drcsc Goods for quality and price, they will surpass. Mantillas, Dusters, cihr.'.Es, While Goode, E:n Iroiderite, Irish Linens, Linen Handk\r* chiefs, ]J'jops;:ir£s, Clothes, Catf sirr.crcX, Kentucky J~ta7is, Vrinie, . Ginghams, Muslins, Flan* 1 nels. Etc., Etc: Boots A Shoe? in nil their vari-ms make and material fur Men A Boys’ as well as Ladies, Misses and Children. Ready Made Clothing, a full assortnunt to suit the reason, with TlatH, Cap*, Um brellas,' I'ara-ols. Carpets, Oil CHL, Malting, Brooms. • Buckets, Tubs. Tin Ware, (iueensware. Hard Ware. Ht«»ue Ware; Market Baskets. Zink Lubbers Brushes Clothes 'Linen, £c., with all r.nich's necessary tu make up a fall as sortment to mceUthv wants of the people. ALSO, a cc-mpleto * FAMILY GROCERY, which will have uur. special attention, first :u buying and selecting the best, and froihest articles as well as keeping it up at'all time?. CoHee-; uf tho very Lett and richest varieties. ' TZE-A.S, Black and Green of tic t c-t quality and flavor. Sugars good and cheapohcumn.K?i Brown at 0 # good at & cents, corumuu white ID Cents. Svnfj-s aji’J. Molasses, from the host Love-ring? at 02; d, to :h*.< crutn. C'-ti;.-'arch. Piy-J P-. .icTh-s. Prycd Apph-s, Funvna., E'rvvi iN-cf. H'-rrin'r, Lake Fi-h £ L’rv Kish. Window iihi*. si/> •». y-.. -.1! a which wid be -oM v-*ry h-u- ihT ca-h. ••■r oxchung- -i lor i' •'APvay.-. (in hand. Sp.-i-r y Hails cel- brat-d 1 1*. it Plow--. I’cr-i'i.c vMtin.* town w; uld Jo well Lchna- Making their i-t-h-cti"’** to : wo n-;j :-ufuPy solicit CjuGnuaiiCe o: pub lic patrenng-. Altoona. April IMa. LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. Til H UNDKHSTGNED HATING purchased the right lhr Plair County, of Tolhurst's Improved Washing Machine, aro now ;nanuf.icrnring them at Aliena, and intend to cv-.vh the:;'. U-'thow j'.iT- 'Hi throuahout. the countv who desfrt; aLA DO IV? A YIN G MACHIMh 1 Thii machine-. in out up on an entirely new principle. an-10-J C'.nti'JfrptT;by those who have scon it .in use, the | boat that has i-vr-r b.-en brought b-.Tuv the public. ; Among the niaiiy ndvantau-.-s »f this machine over all ; other.? may 1.--* nicntionej tie' following : ; Ist. Us ciinvdicity i-l‘ con.-truclion, making it almost im- I possible- to get gut of order. , j 2./., Its'h’v-.gL which astonishes alike the operator and ! the- look>-r on. ' ’ i ore?. Tli- k facility with which it adapts : or qentity of clothih-siro-i to bo wr.ah-rd ' I; waeht'S cqtsully wull tbo lightest fibril or tin* coais.-gfniij hoavlvit, fctich a? be'J-quilts, comfortn bbukftd, Ac. umUi -hep.-hy certify that wo arc 'now Ustiii: Tolhurst'a Improved Washing Machine ami arc ful ly Fati-uiod that it-is a very cxc«-Il"iit article of the kiml ; comhiiilupr r. 5 it doe* yn-at tpeed with little labor, ami per r.'i-rainyib work iu the most satisfactory manner. \V«s thereto*.» cheerfully recommend it i j all who desire a real washing midiiae. JOHN WOOES. MICHAEL CAL-VivKT, JUriirn G. ABLUM. A. 0. KKUIi, HAT & CAP EMPORIUM, JESS 2 SMITH, Proprietor, A LL THE LATEST STYLES OF /ft HATS hiirl CAPS constantly ou hand. It is tUo dotrrnuuatiou (T the proprietor o' this Er-ij orium to keep up with tho lim.-. s ami ami to do this ho .‘-pares no He has just received bis supply EBSSS?? of ... mSSM SPRING AND SUMMER KATS AND CAPS, among which will hr- found styles and qualh ( ties to suit tho tiiite.- of old or young, plain or fashrouablc. To give the names. colors, qualities anti btyl-“» of all hits goodMu tins lino, w«.mH, ; ;jnly confuse tin* reader. and he would not the:: understand or appreciate the diversity and magnitude of his stock. IV must bo seen to be believed.— Go and m-o you want-to sec a live hotter and r fashionable stock. He has also a .Hue assortment of CIIILDREN’S HATS and FLATS, to vvhieh ho invites the attention ofs.dicitous mothers. At his - store they will lind something which will excel all their iioighburs in the way of fashion- and beauty. Go, mothers, and examine and select from Jcsso 'Smith's stock. _ , Store on Virginia Sired , opposite the Lutheran Church . Mavfl.lSOl, J. Gr. ADLUM, .NOTARY PUBLIC. I , ALTOoNA v BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all tinu-h be found at the store of J. B. Uilemau. Cctober I,l>>3;T. Eobesj robes ! jliMt rcccircl a fin" lot of Bofhilo Robes, which n : will sell Ht from $1 to $W a piece. Tm ilton' below tho , Tost o«cc. , M. THOMPSON, Agent •Tan. S, 3881. ; ’ / j SALE—A HOUSE ANR LOT, X. desirably-located in tho Borough c.f Alter,na. Apply to-. JOHN' 2:UOEMAK.KU. Aitooca, Fob. ( J, ISOO-tf. Hair oils, colognes, pom 'adea, Shaving Cream. Toilet Snaps, Ac. for sale by Mf.l G. W. KHSSLHR. All the standard patent AT I-!!. KKSSLEreS. taolf to the bulk MI.MI.VS A DEUX, Au'xLh’, U' County. I\t. EMILE TIETZE. THUS. jIcAULKY, HANiEL PILICE MOFFAT'S 1 . KEW STOCK 0$ | LIFE PILLS and PHCENIX BITTERS, j FALL AND WINTER GOODS j T‘ HESE MEDICINE II AYES NOW-1 ATH I L E MAN'S. i ; rpHE'SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS j almost every part of the gtobts for their extraordinaiy and customers, and ths public generally, that he haa juat I immediate power of restoring perfect health tojwrsonssuf- , received a large ami beautiful assortment of j firing under nearly every kind Of disease to which tho hu* FALX, VND WINTER GOODS, I man frame is liable. , . The following ar** amoii'? the distressing variety of hu* which, for magnificence, extent and variety, have never , man diseases in which tho - , before been excelled lu Blair county. Particular attention VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES i is invited to our stock of ar c!^n, itiS th, first an* | LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ond stomach;*, and creating u flow of pure, healthy bile, in- Sa:h at Black and Fane-/ Silks. ChaUu'S, B> r>g testim-s with a solvent process. and without vio.cnee; all j i. V/lv \j J. .ijJ^3l l.X*l »D \> ihiVlV; violent purges leave the tuv.als coGivo within two days. jWo hate Cloths, Cossimcrov Votings. Tweeds, Jean®, kc. FKVhUSofal! hinds, by restoring ua- b <». * *. , 0 f nm-ilP;* would do v.vll to call and examine cur lar circulation, through the process of nvpirsuiuu u m.;L : glock t .f Winter Goods for ILv;-. cases, and the thorough so.utiou ofuii ma-stmai oU.-truc- . Shoes, Ilar-lware. Gt-issware, Quo.nmvnre, W.'od turn iu others. ... , ~ T» ttt’t’ \f i * and Willow Ware. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., in any quantity %• US- SMifima taw been known to euroKIILLMA- , a , pi . iCt . s Ula£ canßot f;lil to TJSM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in halt tunc ) • .. 1T ,‘ _„ lime, by removing local inllammat . and otln-r tl.';!pioe,;ulec an|dexioiis. The iiso of tliese Fills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearnc-ss of the skin. CO-MMgN COLDS and IN- ; FLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two iu j the worst oases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicine?. w;i3 1 cured of Pjies, of do yuar-i at;mding, by the use of the-tilo i Medicines alone. FliVijK *fc A'Jl.'E.—For thii-scourpo of the Western crain- | try. these medicines will Le found a safe, speedy and tv rt aiil ■ r«: in Lily, Other me .licixvs l-ave the sy-tciu subject to a re- \ turn of the disease—a euro by these medicines is perma- 1 iii>Lit —trv tln.-m. be satisfied. and be cured. BILLIOUS FI'.VKUS ano UVKK COMPLAINT;-lieu- ' era! debility, loss orapp.-xite and div-ases of females —the : medicines have been u-ed with the most beneficial remits . In cases of thin description Evil and Scrofula, in i its worst forms., yield? to the mild yet powerful action of • these remarkable* Medicine?. Sweat?. Nervous I)e- I bility, Nervous Complaints of nil kinds. Palpitation of the I Heart. Painters* Colic, are speedily cured. ; MERCURIAL DISKASES.— r*-rHonsw)jod.-‘con?t:tutiouft : COySI’MPTJOX OF SMOKE AXD GAS AXD SAVJXG have become’impaired by tl;o injudicious u,-c of Mercury, ■ 0 F .FUEL, will llnd these medicines ft perfect cure, fts they never fail ; Xhc subscriber takes pb ft'urc in ofTcrinj: to the public to eradicate from the Hynem. all the of Mercury. In* • NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING finitely sooner than the must powerful preparation of Sur- \ Coohinc: Stove, r-ccutly patented, which is destined to bu fftparilla. ‘ ■ . porcedo all others, ft* it ivjnir-s W. B. MOFFAT. • v : ONibTHIiU) LESS FUEL CCo Croadvay, New Ye-rk. : than other stove.; and is more easily, quickly and regular [Sept. 13, ISCO-ly; ;ly healed. No unpleasant smell vt gas arises frqm this I'rcpared and sold by IVr sale by all Druggists, d ‘ - ' i ttovo from tlic-f/ct that it is all consumed cro it can PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON j .1, r d)lL LAMP.'?. ; tho f-tovo Nfitht-r is thoiv any danger of lluf-n or cliirn- UnrU'-alcd in Beauty* Simplicity Sa/ify or Economy. ■ noy* Incoming doggod with toot or the mortar by LVvry pmvon dvtdnng to üblaiii the very bettand clmap ; the pai arising from coal Orci. , _ v e.'t pu/taMo light within their n.tch. »>hculJ cull nt tho i ‘Tcrsoiis wi.-hing to purcum-tc stovos ore invited to call at store uiul- Tsimied and. examine these Lamps before ' thefituiv of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple. and ex pur'cliiwiug elsewhere. and we pledge ourselves to demon- ■ amine the above stoves. JOHN SIIULMAKi-JK, strate " - .So/e A.r Blair Cuuuti/. Ist. That NO ACCiDKNTcano:cur!>yoxplosinn. ■ N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, I’arlor Cooking andKgg ‘dd, TluU they emit no of/mii.-tu-udor while burning. Stoves on hand. ; [Aug. I'd, ISod. Cd. Tint they are very easily trimmed. • ’"■'■*— 4 th. That tlay are easily regulated to give more or hsi : FIRST ARRIVAL OF sth. That they burn entirely free fronT smoko. SIPHaiHSTO- GOODS CtU. That the light is at least 5u per cent, cheaper than i anv other lurht m.w in common use. \ nTfTV 1 ** OT^T^To,.^ Those lumps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu- ! JL - 1 dents, Mechanic.-. Semnstres-e..-. 'Factories. Halls. Churches, : HAVIh JUST HECKIVKX) AN Sloioi. Hotels, and uro liighlv recommended fur faiuilv use. i W ‘ , ... ~ fZ*u. The burner of the Carl-t-u OU 'lamp can be attached to ■ >T mmsuaUy I.uo,Stcck cl t.e»ds -or the old Sid,., hangiu.; ami i.ibh; fluid aad oil lamps, at a small 1 faa»n ; Attction trash, but regular good foods at V l > expense, and writ amuac ovrv ~«rpv»e c-f a mnv laup. ihw ,V, e deem it unnecessary to parauo the .prices V,V«« p-ril-ct satidaetkm in all cases. ■ Gf 11 u "; 1,1 a “ ruiVtl tl' V ruu-ut. but only say mat tro Au- 10 G KPSSI.nR i can and wdl sell b'h-Js at as Cur prices as any other b&u*f n ' A ___ ; in the place; We have, as u-mal, a great variety of «'ROCJSriI¥, PROVISION, j) ! la ibis d-.pariimut \.• r• think w-- can say wc have the best : a---urtn:ont to be Lund in the place, can-Dting in part uf 37B.OLEoAIi.iu LIQUOR STORE. ; m<;} . csd ihuc^ i u , t . e)f xonma, Bmht HnilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- i ratwd*;, private, w* R i i.l • . .1 hnair:. Lnv'tuis, Lnl -1 DiV? ,1 !h ! ’■ ,T h “ Vn' • i ' -t l Incut. C7.W Prints, and cl A. MIU.II'.ON in t!n> Gin-. vy ami l> M..ivlivre- . ~. •-„ ~u D „ ru kv[,l l.ytlu-:,, ™ ? tr.-t, t-i«w,^.oii. !c ft.. : A| <; t , Ua , U J sh . lK j s DuVrs., Kh,-vn li-"■.!! « Bi tin, «ni.n.., luid v.,11 keep CuU- , UWv ,., Collar(> nlrf c« sto li.‘ h.-. 1, i r’j.'*i>i!lv a of pu’-il:ci^rom. .luii 'ii, j. b;;ukdwit7. SOJIKTi-Il.lvG NEW. npiiU SUDSCUIBEK HAS JUST wbm ’ 1,0 lu " ,mr “ o i Stoves, Tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SOOTS &c SHOES, SPOUTING,' &C. P.nnnn-' \rr 1 Q UIGG WOULD RESPECT jOIOItCXIK’, CUICIa, VV f., I # tu’ly the ritiimus of AltoonaS^*^* which hr- h pivp tr-d to offer to thecitizens of Altoona and and vicinity that lie keep* cou>tantly on hand v’l-inity at very h.w j ri. lira big purch:u*ed direct from , largo u.A>ort:nent of ('■'■ liuj. P.irl'-r. 0;\c? and the manufacturer* h-r ca-*h, ho in prepared to .-i-ll at prico* i .S'.'jon of nil styles and mzcm, to smir the that will tb‘fy competition. All that 1.-j n ;ks i.-> that the ! wanNof a!!, which ho will bell at low prices, on reason* p- oplo will call and examine his >tock before purchasing 1 able term 1 - - . e!--wln-re. j Ido also keeps • >*>. hand a large stock of Tin and Sho'i p;;>, IhbjlS and .SUCKS made to order on tV- most red- ! }r<>n lU:r•’. consisting of all articled lor culinary purposca— s,;iv»bb; bums. Also. repairing promptly firt-'-inh'd to. , C L al ibuh'.V.-. Afoir iVyg. if>:. Don't for::-1 the place, two do-us to low I*. jus nuuio. Moneys received on deposit'*. payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. ■ Feb. Sd.lSoO. w. KESSLER PRACTICAL \Jf • DKVi.iOI.sT. respectfully Annomirt-S /? to tli<; l itizens of Altoona and the public orally. that hi* .-till continues the Dmjc bminc-ss, on Virginia street. M'here he keeps constantly pLj on hund.'for sale. Wholesale a ml Uet ail, DH VOS, IS[?* I 9[ MKDICIMIS. CHEMICALS, OILS, YAPMSII- CS&~*6 ES ami DYK-SJUFFS. Dy strict attention to business, ami ft.des|re to render sat isfaction to all as regards price and quality, be hope* to merit uhd ivo-ive a share ot ]>uhlic patronapn Plivi-ichuis uml merchants i-uppUed on reasonable terms, and nil orders from a di-.tartce promptly attended to. Physiciaii- prescriptions carefully compounded, jl-tf. - WM. S. BITTNER, DENTAL SURGEON. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM VLE, next du'H - to the Post Offieo JtXv* A SlU'lont uaatod OYES! O YES’.— GENTLEMEN o.envrnhili ami hoar. JOSEPH P. THOUT innouu cew to the pM..ic, that he is ready to las duty as an Axtetioneer whenever called upon. i Jen. 2 ’OG- paiOCEßlES. A -LARGE AND \X complete :Lasortment of Groceries have iustbeenro coivcd at the store of J - I*. HILhMAN. . Abdominal supporters, Trua s--3 and sh:uVJcrEraC£j in ?a!s af - - 0. TV. KESSLER’S- I—t r HEAT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK- V.T TNG STOTKB. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. .M'.Ttiui’iU c» (JroiU■/ Hcductd * ban - * 1 at a sumll .luv.iiuv. £:!>■* W«- tbi-' to return our sincere to th- ( ,f Airnoua and vicinity fi*r tin* t-bary of th- ir ]Mtr- iiiiigy >• mx-ivcd, and invito thorn to droji in and o-v our new ttock. which wo foci confident will jdc.'iSi-. Altoona, Ai-ril 19. J. A J. LoWTIIKR. Moke oocv) news ! ■ Thu undersigned has Just received from the East j a large and varied aa.sortuicut of ; FALL AND WINTER'GOODS, I Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, material for FINK AND COARSE 1 O V EEC OATS, material fir BOVS’ CLOTHING, GENT’S IUUXISinXG GOODS, such us . peudtTa. Nt t i’--. }!“n.;k«Te!;iefs **—=•-'- ia„ Ac., nil oTwhioh will hi* sdi at the lowest price-. All vft.rlc'Tid will ho m:uh- x:p in the* very heat style, accoiilini t-.> tlv* I'ntcst fashions, on .short notice. J Nov. l.lSOt-tf THOMAS KLWAY. TT'XCIIANUE HOTEL. —THE SUE 1J SCUIBEU would respectfully In foriQ the public that lie has recently ro- k fitted the above Hobd. and is ir;w pr«»- pared to accommodate his friend* and patron*? in a comfortable manner, and heliftr** f will spare no p.iin u in making it an agreeable homo fur all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied Crum the markets of the country and cities, and his Far filled with iiijuors of choice brands. Ili.n charges are a a reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, am! ho Yeels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it. he throw?. op“i; his hou-e to tlic public andjnvites a trial. I have just received a stock cf No. 1 i’rcnch Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines. for medicinal pur poses. t >g th- r with a lot of thu beat old live Vi’hiikcy to be found in the couutrv, Altoona. May 27,15nh.-lyj JOHN BOWMAN. I) L A IRC OUNTY INSURANCE 1 ) AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair C-'imty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, H at nil times i-ady to insure against los* or damage by lire, Merchandise, Furniture a;id l*mp*rty, of every des cription, in town or country, at a* reasonable rates as any Company in the State Office with Bell. Johnston. Jack A Co. * D. 1. CALDWELL, Agent, Jan. »T, T YCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL I J FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—Tip* und-rsigiK-J agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fin; Insurance Company, j? at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by Jimldinys. J Frchondisr, Furniture, and Property of erftt description, in town or country, at as reasonable rate's aV nnv company in the State. Office in the Masonic Terra hv juu. 3. ? ob-tf| .JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. \d.jc. ss, ’is.-tr: I7LOUE.— THE BEST QUALITY OP FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale' andnetaTL— Apply to Dec. 11,155d-tf. Hardware of all descrip tiou? just vocohcd and for Bai* by Oct. 10-tl J -J. B. HILLMAN, J. B.'IIILEMAN. cfugaia aval Syrups by the consisting of J. SHOEMAKER. Masonic Templo. HOSTEOTEB’S STOMACH BITTERS. tn,„ ni-onrictorS and manufacturers of HOS- Tl Aru l cELEBRATED STOMACH BIT ITUS can appeal with perfect confidence to plivuciansand citdjutns generally of the United Suites, because the article has attainednrcpu taticn heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning P l ‘n<-' r y- The consumption of Hostetler’s Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a halt million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times is evident that during the coining year ■the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent p*i.■, sicians in those sections cf the country where the articled* best known, not only recommend the Billers to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in'all cases of stomachic derangements and ihe diseases resulting therefrom. This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary clforts in the way of Irum pciing the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be asiemliirdug ns time itself. Hosteller’s Stomach Billers have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be aide to state confidently that the “Bitters” are n certain cure for the B'yspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes nil morbid matter from (he stomach, purities ihe blood,,.and imparls renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it. that tone ami energy indispensable fur tim restoration of health, ll operates upon flic stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of ihe functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Billers daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a,stimulant peculiarly adapted lo comfort declining; years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the 'advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious "drags and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words lo the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under tbetrial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that (lie mother, especially if she be young, is apt lo forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for.her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive daring the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Hero, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under Iter exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Hitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians. because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those pet suns, to whom we have particu larly referred above, lo wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by' malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and ail diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated ‘invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical-welfare by giving to Hos teler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial.' CAUTION.'—AVe caution the public against using any of; the many imitations or counter feit s 7 bar ask for Hosrnrrnit’s CEnKan.vntu Stomach Bit-runs, and see that each bottle has the words •• Ur. J. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of Ute boitie, and stamped on the metallic' cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEK & BldlTII, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, arid dealers generally throughout iho United .States, South AIUG rica, and Germany. I'ur Mil-' hv A. IIOUSH, Ah' UM, Fa*. F- jit.i:-'. ISOO-ly. 2 5? g l «1 1 5 a v s t 9 Hr §3 1 S£d| §3 l ill < s ~*|l Ss g^i s rK a 55 o - a , > tCc-S'S) t3S|<|S M’4=Sil 53S1SH a j«5 a-1 S |2 l-g H 2 l|l | QO"'. Jc .2 GROCERY AYI) BAKERY! 'T' HE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUN -1 co? to tho' citizor..? of Altoona and Tlciuity that bo has ju.'t received a largo invoicco of Fruit, Confectionaries, Nuts, Spices and notjuiu for children ic.» on-nrcssly for tho Holidays. Ho will also keep always on hand a good stock of plain and fancy cakerf, of his own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C., always on hand at all seasons of tho year. Coffee. Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter. EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLO UR, BUCKWIILT FLOUR. CORN MEAL. AC., always In store and for sale in largt? or small quantities. Cull, examine and pricj my stock and vou will And it ns good ami: cheap ufc anv in town Doc. M.’CO-ly.j Literary Emporium and Nows Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, -TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VAIXIETY STORE The subscriber continues to. keep constantly on hand all thebest literai-v papers and periodicals. daily papers from Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburgh. togothef with a gx«xl assortment of Books. All the School Books ln this place and vicinity always on hand. , Also, a choice lot'of Confectionaries, and hoick knacks of all kind> for children. Also the best Tobacco & Segara to be hod in town, together with a fine assortment of Cold and Silver pencils Gold Kings and other articles of Jewel ry. Call and examine. 11. FBTTINGEU. Altoona. July 20, ’OO-ly. JVb. 1 AHoona House. Great western, insurance AXD T!’.r.'T COMPANY.—lnsurance on Heal or portonal property will be effected on the most fca?ou.-iH« toms by their agents in Altoona at bis office in Anna St March 1., 13otf. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent T EVI’S PREPARATION FOR EX XJtarminating BATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, ami Rcd-bugn without danger in its mw under any circumstan ces for sale at the Dreg Store of G. AY. KESSLER. vttQ, «4, jdv-tl] HAIIV HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, Paint, sash and Tarnish Biuahsa at WM. PL IST ! WM. PL IST I WiL FLIST mrasri - 1 WM.FIEST! WM. FLINT! So. BQ7 MARKET. N». SC7 MAailKr So. 807 MARKET, So. 807 SaSkS’ No. 807 MARKET, . No. BCC Su2EF PHILADEI.POIA. PIIELADELPIIIA, . piiikai>eu‘hia, PA. : ■ pa. : pa. i TitExr.XDOvs SAcnincK | $1 00,00 0 WORTH OF JEWELRY i ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH, A Lars* ami Splendid Anwrtmont <>f Jewelrv. OF CHAINS. BRACELETS, CAMEO SETS, And all styles of French Fluted Chaims. Odd auj i'i a . . Jewelry. ‘ Kx!n. £C*O, *‘ Gold LcVcr Watch. sjj, “ Silver Watch. A Watch an«i the articles selected frera the a' One Hollar Each Verson* ordering by mail $1 and 15 •* - stamps. GIVE US A TRTAt. All commua':c:i;Lni mu.t bo to WILLIAM FLINT. No. SOT Market rbiUJ'.'lj'liii, La Alt-.oiui, March 7, I^sl-Gra; THE PCELIC.—T II E"S U I!- |[ SfClllKEU^having taken uercr.f.:) owned by Sumu*-11. Fries.) would respectfully an- e* uounco to the citizens of'. Altoona and vicinity. the.t ho ha.-: uni .•vt.'d Uis -WHOLESALE AND DETAIL gSJfc r/.v. sasur-itiox w.uiv 't Altoona, whera.lie vviilr nn-ti;/ ly on hand a asi-.u: tmeut of everyth;:'.; ia hh Ik wbich lie will in’on r r.iounblo term-. ROOFING & SPOUTING put up on short notice, lie also ntamifactur-'S L?.»:;.T -li.on vhich is said to be much superior te £.l - shc-et-iren or tin. 11-! lias ;'.bo attached a cc>ppfr-?mitbing ,rcom to hb taLli.'biiU'Mt and v, ill ko f, p on baud an :•.? per and Li kettles, ic. A:’ <•>:'j.-’i ’.v-nk promptly aUer.-Vei te. A abai’e cf public is ryypeciPudy Altoona. Alls.loth. ICGA.1 C GA. ■PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND X JKWKLKV STOKE, O. CUN'HAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, J&SfySw No. US N. 2d St., corner of Quarry St.jS^C*cyfeKgSSK. Tho undersigned has leaded premises. where he will a largo assortment of Gel 1 and Silver Watoh-s, ol American. LngH-h and Swiss mac ulae lure of the most celebrated makers, in allitu-o M which will he found always on hand (and made to er-lerl tn extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silv'-r Plav.i war •, together xvilli a general assmvtun'nt of such it. •-■is a* arj usually kept in ;; first-class "Watch an I Jewelry Store. The patrons of <}. Conrad, and these* of the sub-cr.U-r. together with tho public generally, are invited to call, ar.l they will reeviv.* a goi-d article f>r their nmuoy. As* ! «-• determined to do a cash huMnesa, goods will ho ?:>M ry low*. Sni'rU Pv'Jitz j:!u Q>;u' : : Sides*' is the ruot’.o ef tie* Establishment. LKWIS It. BROOM All., Formerly 0. C"Utad. No. US N. Second St., cor. of Quarry, Pi-ilr.da. June 7, ISCu.-ly. The gkeat question which now agitates the miml of every person iA is, whore can I pot lh..r l est article for un'lg©- money? In regard to other matters, the enNlfif scrilu-r would not attempt to direct, hut if you gjjji want anything in the line of * BOOTS Oil SHOES he invites an examination of his stork and w. rlr. He keeps constantly on hand ah asc-ortnj^utorno"!‘-fhv 4 . Gaiters. Mippcrs. &c., which bn offers at fair price«. ‘ ' Ho will give special attention to cu'f' work, a/i which will he warranted to give satisfr.ctien. best workmen are employed lb-member my shop I*, on Virginia stre I, aameiiat ij opposite Ket. Price 114 For thuee * s full deeeript careful atotem tion. Price It Tho informs published, not book* are pub bound. iicltvi. Any of the price, in stem bound volume oat them. Tl |am! coouio tk i AoectsWa [a month- r>: L To the join j prostration os j of Night; wai ifaco, Me* *c. incurable don [ To Female for Irregular! Wo aro con lous, consume tneroua oOspr inch we wool a sure, well-te We will m& THE JOl It Is a Urge Valuable infbr boss. Thnca lUts of the dl On all other Ration of the { and cure. OnCosprami On tbe Lire On Female On the tnrh On the mod On the Vais On the vark On the Phyi On the Com On Piet, Ex How the Fh Hjw to pre And many t This jouma J. Rcifftu* Ivgeon. Pr Office In Ke Office in Wi Correspond* «r return poe <1 Sot. 15, II ppco rpQDAi JLU cent, cl eater proof a: SIEAB BO SAIL SO ISON A BOVS SBI or grain COMBS ar Mark. 4a~Ono m dtp in tbs I Jircnlan, tc. Marob 21 SOSIEOWO "'pplied wIU tartety. Us lOE ‘‘lathed lob ,f *ll #M«ra a. J. SAOEMAKEB- J w P*c»M«rlv H«w- and r THE c IC3 pHE Hctnombcr