The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 18, 1861, Image 3

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    TNo Compromise the It
pprcaenting the fourth Contrr’A ’
if Maryland, returned to b.iA
visit to Richmond, Va., on
»ay of Winchester and Frederick
d several days by iodTs PoBiti “'
pressed with the belief that th'
the Confederate States
ipromiso which has not for it
nition of the Southern Confcder
Lee is at Richmond holdineV /
ommatpi. ° a
•, have-you seen Prof. Wood’s
in our. paper. Read it; ; t wiu
And thus*? a'uicl-id with
. naw seventy-five years old, has j
time to curing his Parisltonovs and p,,,
of these drcadfalcoaijdaiDts, which carry
tuisunl. to an untimely grave; he
:ure all who have applied to hint f ur re .
it to be a Christian’s duty ‘tortUcrj
til as athamc, he will send to those »ho
if Proscriptions used, (Free of Charge,
preparing and using the came; Also
ing.- Ventilation, and Exercise for tli
i these remedies a sura cuw,forCona Um ”
>« of th,; Throat and Lungs, Fever and
a, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nenvn,
!e Complaints, and he hopes everyone
for a copy, as it will cost inching, and
uld apply before it is too late. Those
■;d by the most eminent Physicians in
New York. Those wi-hiug them wiil
IViiliamsbargh, New Yurt.
tlpeau’s Cankerinc.
.‘ANKKKINE cures Putrid Sore Mouth.
’AN’KEI'.INK cures Sore Sipples.
AXKTT*IMI cures Ulcerated S w rc«.
. AMvKUINE cures Cxits. .
,'ANE nniXK eures Eurus.
MNKKfiINU cures Sure?.
\SKKIUNU cure; Quipped Up*.
cnrr=f Ulcerated Gun.?,
ASKTIiINX is the best Purifier of tli;
cure* Cauficr Jn . ti:*
:*!* rcsuUiug.froai Scarlailua or
KhS in r white teeth, rao the CS'<-
dcsir/a will be realized. We pledge
from acids and all poi*,.
:h\ '. v ix-
can \.- .civofi to nn infant with pcrA-ct
4 the t-’vth ana keep the gums fr«.-c
i-«iuaUr ' fjr iutr=ing ?om
i:ioG=aiiJs r.. :;iowics that have U-.-n *u:
-!*•'- v.;:'iC-u> vU3O»i6C3 wbovc, iii'iic. can
ii-ld Ly all -irvigs'--t-*. Price 2.1
Pr'pru-’tors. S 3 Maiden Lana, x. y,
a. by G. W. KC3SIXU.
•Q to the Ladies,
’O. r'su!atiri/. and removing cl: „>
- , lr77‘. : r c,<7;id alwayi
u-l 7 previntetire
i list '.That at some poriixl ~f If r
i in-aHciue 7* -■ Tape-nco - - (loMtn
fast ladies of Chester toW the Age-id
-v - ii 70 much bc-n.-m from iho u=o
t willing to pay $l, a box. rather thin
b,7 coultl get them no less. The in
; tho-wi pills are made known to every
t-:ll you, they are perfectly harmler
claitaed for them. Full and explicit
in each l-ox. Trice $l.OO per box
i;, Pruggiit, sole Agent for Al-
him $l.OO to tbo AUooan Post Ofllco.
:,t a:.y part of the co'.mlry {court*
f.-oo Sold alto by JOUN
aa-3 hy oaqdDruggist In every villago
S. I). HOWE,
?“l'j Froprktor, New Vork.
■ Pill- have been roiujterfmed, and uro
prices ringing from 25 cents t 075 ct«,
k out for tin-n:. The genuine, hcrcaf
guattire of?. D. Howe, sole proprietor,
s** of tliabove gcailcm-.n, am] jon Kill
icU\ aau one you may rely Upon.
R inc fU-atend for Hrstottcr's Cclcbw
hjcrj'.iHt*. I: is found to bo the on!.
f bohiy strength during a period
•.• is oalrulutf.-l to induce a feeling ci
stion. Tiie worst cater of Piarrha?a
r.y to its potent influence, Tnnuracra'
e new aiiva and well, must thank th-'
tparallcu that th«n- have notbeenswept
&i death. The Bhtcrs is recomrotydcd
ia the land. This is the best evi
booauso. a- a general thing, they
ti in favor of advertised preparation?,
ipeljc-d tu feckuowUdgo (li» claims oi
- -.mmunitv. Sold by all druggUts.
•ifigbeen restore] to health iu a few
remedy, after having suffered mv*
fr *> Jung -aiTi-otion, ami Utat dread dis
i anxious tc; make £n4wu to hie felloe
:he trill send a copy of the pre-scrip*
rg'V with the directions for preparing
w idch they will find a sure cure for
i, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of
ing the Prescription is Ip benefit th-'
Jifjnaaiion which-he conceives to t*
!*s every sufferer will try his feme
s'- nothing, and may prove a blcwio?.
prescription will please addresy.
TVilUasubaruju y
Kings County, New York
to the Suffering.
rove, while laboring aa ft missionary
f Ousmaptioc, when oilotherniears
'obtained from a learned physkhui
.:y of Jeddp. This recipe lias cure-*
■fe suffering from Con9cmpti° u ’
Cvugh? an'.! Colds, and tbo debility
o caused ly these disorders.
' others. I will gond'this recipe*
with wo, to all who need it, frc« ef
Pulton Avenue
Brooklyn, N*. V.
.cruitfo KIfPOER-M OP THE Umo3»V~
p ihe meet splendid. Clothing
Ii is splendid as regards*, the pala*
h the'unraeasc business of the esUb
•• and It is equally splendid in respect
and vast resource*. JBqf to its>p**
tr 1:3 i:TC, first, the elegance of tfcfl
‘ '.i and Youths, manufactured there;
1. 1 durability of tiio materials'. and
x ->f the fit, and lastly tlie modern* 9
oci ftr* sold. XV-.-, in this de?*
* than the Drown Stone Clothing
1- 003 and 005 Chestnut St ’
t; attoßticn to the adrerti*ew^
Cordial and Blood MinorciOTi
'■■*.aknc« and genera! tkbiUty th l "- 1
i:i strengthen, exhilarate, create bu
arc the bilious system, aid digestion
ic weakened organa t*> all their ori£'
iti. So raluabi-j a Tonic Cordial
* * "vt-rr inraljd and tu »Tery fl®
Altora Crihmc.
Extern Way .-•••
V.v-tcrn War
i^ 3 ;::u Through.
7 CO A.M. and C 20 P. 5f
4 40 A. M.
- 10 •*
it Uiidyshurg
\y~c.'t?rn Thrungli
tfcsicrfl Vf ftV •••
t&siern Way •*
Orr.iT. Horns -.—Daring the week, from 0 40 a. s:. till
■■ - a 0a ran days, from G4O till 7 40 a. m.
vv'rcss Train East arrircs 4,40 A.M., leaver 4.45 A. M’
t l! - W<-*t ** 7,10 A.M. “ T.So-A. M.
.- JS{ E.wt 8,301’. M. “ 8.50 P. M
» West “ 7.55 P.M., “ S.lO P. M.
.r. i “ £«#■: “ 11,00 A.M. “ 11.20 A.M.
“ West “ 0,30 I*. M.. “ 0.50 P.M.
Th 1 ’ lIOLLIDAVSnUUG BRANCH connect 4 ? with Ex
r-a” TrAxn West, and Mail Train Ea.-t and West.
* ‘INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS couu*>ct will; Johnstown
t o'*‘.;*;:v)J;dion Trains East an-1 West. Express West, and
V--! Liny rai l Mail train East and West.
Howto Cl'esCancep..—The Milwaukie-Dtmo- ;
tT si states that some eight mouths ago, Mr. T. '
B. Mason," who keeps a music store on Wiseon- j
sia street, ascertained that he had a. cancer on '
his lace the size of a pin. It was cut out by ;
Dr, ITalcott, and the wound partially healed.— !
Subsequently it grew again, and while be was
at Cincinnati on business, it attained the size of .
a.hickory nut. He remained there since Christ- ;
mas under treatment, . and is now perfectly
cured. The process is this: A piece of sticking
piaster was put over the cancer, with a circular
piece cut out of the centre a. little larger than ;
the cancer, so that the cancer and a small, cir
cular tim of healthy skin next to it wasexposed, j
Then a plaster made of chloride of zinc, blood- :
root and wheat Hour, was spread on a piece of '
muslin the size of this circular oucninc, and
sfb’.ieJ to the cancer fur twenty-four hours.—
i.' i removing it, the cancer will be found burnt
ibis cud appear of the color and hardness of an
o'.shoe sole, and the circular rim outside of it
wih appear white and parboiled, as if scalded
ly ho: steam. The wound is now dressed, and
the :ittsido rim soon separates, and the cancer
..■r.i;t out in a hard lump, and the,place heals
tp. The plaster kills the cancer, so that it
out like dead fiesh, and never grows
•in. The remedy was discovered by Dr. I'cll
i..*n loti, and bus been used by him for sin or
years with unfailing success, and not a
case Las been known of the rc-appearance-of ,
cancer when this remedy has been applied. ;
7 Tent Pitched.—On Monday .last, a tent was I
pitched -pn the commons, -above East Altoona, |
i.rthe purpose of holding religious services;
Ouiiy, in accordinoe with the following tiro- j
gramme. A more extended notice of the object :
c! tap tent will be given in our next. The j
nightly meetings arc well.attended: !
“Iho luion Tabernacle, or Moveable Tent- ’
Church is now open for religious service in this
i mace. WJjeu the sides are extended there will
lc room far 1,000. Come and welcome 1 ' - -
Fl? Ibt snort time the Tout can remain hero, *
'■vhl be held daily. v Oar usual services on week i
days consist of a sunrise prayer-meeting from j
10 •-» A. M ; Children’s meeting from 4* to 6J i
i; M.; and preaching from 74 to 0 P. M? 'Scr'- j
v;:-:s on the Sabbath will be more frequent.— j
I'esides the speakers in the vicinity, there will !
siio be many from abroad. ” ;
J. L. LANDIS, Si-'ji-:rint!Tidcn(.''
! laci; and Was emblematically represented ’
.'rigical and brilliant pen drawing bv i
.ctar;. Dull and Cochran, of Duff's College, ■
Ptttsourgh. The Goddess of Peace is repre- i
scaled offering the dark, frowning-mailed God !
v war the olive wreath. Besides the one are !
too emblems of peace and plenty, behind the I
-iaer the torch-bearer, havoc and destruction, |
"veathed with the ’emblem. of barrenness the i
The whoie design is eminently appro- !
priate and impressive; ami for'chaste and ex- i
cmsitely finished decorations, it is a master- i
piece of the penman’s art, which readers its !
authors in every may worthy of their position ;
m this splendid establishment, which, for 21,'
years past, has filled the same place for a com- ;
mcrcial education, that West Point has for a !
:u au e
sanitary 'one.
Rrrtcst of ora VptvsTnEns. —The three
sioaths-itime of the Logan Rifle- Rangers and
ARcona GuartU will expire on the 22d inst.,
.next Monday,) when those who intend enlist-
:ii lor three years will be granted a furlough of I
eigat days to: visit their friends. Tbo-ta who j lam able to stato, says a Washington cor
h'ivo not enlisted for the war will be discharged i respondent, that thh message was written and
« the 22d, unless their'presence should be in- ! 'f onl Pl et ? hctoT * U ™ B shown to a s , h) S lc m«m
-... . . ! her ot the cabinet, nor was. any change other
.■i.-voasabla in view of the fact that they are , than merely verbal ones made thereafter. A
now in hourly expectation of a battio. We ! characteristic illustration of Mr. Lincoln’s par
heew our boys do not want to come homo with- 1 tinlity for strong peoples phrases, may be mcn
having taken part in a single engagement, \ in this connection. When the proof sheet
7 . ‘ . - lof the message was under cabinet consideration
■i-.' vi c think they will not, if there n any pros- | W as suggested to the President that the phrase
root cf getting into one. When they do come * “sugar-coated,” in the paragraph where he
home we think there should be some arrange- ■ speaks of the Southern politicians having stu
ments made to give them a fitfm- receptio" I diously drugged the minds of their people with
owl *L *i» A A ° ; th e sugar- c onted heresy of States Rights, was
1 vl lS sOl arrangements i no t exactly displomatic, and might provoke cca
snould nc made soon. ; gorious criticism. He considered a moment and
- -j. , : replied, “Xo, let it stand; it is a word the pco-
Leq Beokkx.—On Sunday mon>iog’!ast, Aa- , pie use; they Trill know what It means.” And
**on DunwortH, an employee on the Pennsylvania ' 5O it stood. So Cautious and anxious was the
Pail Road, had his leg broken between the knee i Prudent to collect all the public sentiment
and ancle, while endeavoring,to replace some 1 S? -1 !?* s cp men arrivin Sj n
.. * ... F . lu “ i the city, that after the message was sent to the
' ' ,n tbe tra °k in the .yard at this place. A i printer, and until one o’clock of the day it was
t-pe with an iron hook ou the end was used for ; eent in to Congress, blanks were left for the
lie purpose, but by some means the hook gave ! num her of aicn and the amount of money. At
t ra i’> ot became detached, and flew out of its | I 3 , 1 . 0 last ® omeQt tllc blac ks were deliberately
• , r rx ~ , , , I filled as they now appear. The legislation of
striding Mr. D. on the leg, and producing ; Congress will cqme fully up to the recommcn
ugly flesh wound and the fracture. Dr. J. ; dations of the message, and the people will
'-•I Gca-.miU was immediately called, and reduced i soon 1,!17e the gratification of seeing the groat
the.fracture, and the injured man is now as com- i °f the Federal government terribly
... T ■ • at work to extirpate treason.
• -.sau 4 e zi possible under the circumstances. I
Wc have in this department, Lincnp, Trices, Edging,
Cambrics, Brilliants, Nainsook.®, Jaccnctts. L&wn.%3luU
l Mullins, Ladies Fine French Collars, UmlersUtve*. £c-all
I of \rhich wo respectfully aik a thorough examination in
1 order to satisfy Ladies that vre hare Urcse goods better and
£3, Almost everything that is doao by lb*' civil and ! lower In price than the lowest.
' military authorities of the United States ia called by tbo | HoXtrUinU GOO(3s»
The Position* and Tate of Run*. Scott.—ln ; sptlt,,cra cr E' n3 “ »“««£»• ®«rj day to st« ; X hia , it>o cfgo()4l ia „ Ty . aap U> in c«ry dorariment.
Si-eciai—A Special Train arrived in : » kte number of the Knoxville Whig, Parson • «*o captarc of primteeK by Cited-sm« SW|« j ffoeiery and Olovce.
- !5 last evening bringing the Board of |'®«>WDlow. who knows the Southern rebels well, i ,len ™ nc '-* as one of the moat flagitious outrages m the Silki Woo ; 50 Cotton and linen lines for ladies andgentle
hires*"— -w.i £ * . : elves us tho followhiff sicoificaat paragraph: : n *' rW M history, j men, and au endless variety far children. Ladies andgon
-31 . 3 *bo Penn a Kail | “We have reflected much upon the position! tS-WhiUt the planbiraof the South, tnraiwinoaeyfor ! ?i ° !^^ s i|^ I *2?i^S Tbrea^G,OTW ’.
--■■i Company* with their families, who hare !of Oca. ScoU, and his probable fate. The their contemplated new Government, are pledging their | and «« our far f«m^d^flnck
this opportunity to escape for a while i ability with which be plans his campaign, and . tamfc, their cotton, and their negroes, and the'women | M n , F]annpla B l»nkVtt and every article in the Bo
the confines of heated brick and mortar I tlie P aticncc wit!l which he executes his plans, : Pledging their bracelet* their rings, and their breartjdn?, ; mestic line of Dry Goods, in' larger quantity and in more
f»iid niPtmafA « f*o? Ar, e • ♦i* i , , , jWC have uever doubted, would result in the sue- ; why can’t Floyd and Thompson raise tho whole necewary . complete assortment than can bo found in any house in
m 1S lD * ; cess of the Federal arms. To prevent this vie- 4 amount at once by pledging their honor?—Prtnticc. I th‘‘j°tpri°r of Pennsylvania.
toTw- rCB ." ,n : Cnjo { ,hc * ure mountein air f *«* t? bring defeat and confusion upon ! lo parta of Germany, the anaivereary of tho i p TnT Oil OT OTI IS
. . a 7* r » View the vast superstructures j the Federal array, wo believe that tho Old Hero - batUo of Wutciioo ban been celebrated thi« year with a 1 vAKrlblb A*MJ V ll* tMU life,
their dimes helped to erect and over which : . fts3 3ssini\ted. AN c have been looking degrw of ostentation which baanffended tho French Got* 1 together with a full Mock of
‘ u j’ '-"crciec a fatherly care. - : Tbey willrcturn ’ for , 6 “ ch .* are now looking for tt— ernment. France does not need to bo reminded—at least, i Groceries , QueenSWUrC . Hardware,
"■ »W p lt» In . , Mpinl , ■ ■ I"! Z and we shall not be in the lad surprised to hear -net ly Germane- thatWat-rlco ia vet ~Drer«pS c d, end ;
• l V -Q a special tram on Saturday. of ;» •> , - ■ t , ' ° ' at t .-i »n tho ct of a cooatrr ptor^.
*" l Khin*' ic yM lr«nch » M*v 3. im. -J B. UILEMA>
j Cautxok to Mothers,— lt is a very com- Pennsylvania Lead.— We were vestcrdav
| mon thing to see mothers anti servant girls push- : shown some very beautiful ppecimens of lead
' ing along the sidewalks the little carriages in ! ?«- from the new lead mine in Xew
- . . , . . . , ■ Britain township, in Ducks county, on theiXorth
i lßlllcll tuey are P»‘“S an airing on pleas- ; branch of theNcshamingereek. Mr. Xcvmeycr.
■ ant days. An exchange remarks that the pne- .of Lehigh county, is the owner of this mice,
tice is a very dangerous one, ami is liable to do ; and is working it himself. He has taken out
1 great and permanent injury to the child. The I tons of ore, yielding ,5 to S(> per cent.
... , , , , . . „ of lead, and the present daily yield is two tons.
; V ° : 5111011 0f a chlM r,dm S instead of The ore from thi P mice is froe from
; forwards, is an unnatural one, and directly af- ■ any admixture of zinc, copper, or other metals,
' feats the brain. Some grown persons even can- : except silver, of which it yields twenty-five
: not ride backwards in a railroad car without ex- ; oun s K ‘ 3 P er ton - r ; Ncymeyer is erecting a
' • > _- . , I smelting furnace at his mine, and prosecutin'’’
penendng a sense of faintness, and to expect a ■ his wor ii s witll great T ; gor- P
child to do what a. strong adult .cannot,' is ua- j Lead has also recently been found on the farm
' reasonable, to say the least. It: is believed by : o!- Mr. lionsall, adjoining the mine above men
medical writers that infants have died from dis- ! tlone<P — Fhila. Frees.
| case produced by being ridden backwards
lO 40 A. M.
7 00 -
7 00 A. 31. end G 00 P.M.
r, 00 I*. M.
II 00 A. M,
t» 30 l\ M,
•‘Every young man who would thoroughly
' prepare himself for business, should avail him
: self of the advantages here afforded. Students
: are nor learned, but taught, and that with all
: the thoroughness and precision the subject de
: mauds, by the most skillful and accomplished
! instructors, who givc-tbeir special and constant
attention to their pupils. Every thing is treat
i ed inascicntifio and busiuess-likemamier; while
, the Penmanship, which is taught by the great-
I est living master of the art, is , unerjualod by
; anything in the country. The College is pre
-1 eminently worthy of public patronage,”
: ' A. la EAUSTUESS.
Death or Lvnr.., Dates.—The Harrisburg
papers, of Friday last, brought us intelligence
of the death of Cyrus Bates, who, for the last
eight years, has occupied the place of engineer
on the Express train between this place and
Harrisburg. Cy. was known to all our citizens
and all along the line of the road, and was much
esteemed by all who enjoyed his acquaintance.
He was a good engineer, and in his death the
Company-looses the services of one of its best
men for the position he filled.
Dead.— Wo learn that *«V. 11. 11, Baer, a mem
ber of Capt. Slink's Company from this place,
died in the hospital, at Hagerstown, on Friday
last, of dysentery. The deceased was a tailor
by trade, and worked for Mr, Thos. Elway, pre
vious to enlisting. Ho was buried at Hagers
j Notice.— The undersigned would respectfully
; announce to the citizens of this place, that he
; is forced to adopt a cash system, on account of
; the difficulties encountered in, collecting out
standing accounts; so that on and after this
j date ho will sell for cash on!;/, and shall be
I pleased to accommodate the public in their
; wymtsin his line and plan of business, a lew
: doors above the Past-Ofiicc.
IkosCitt Colleqk.— The following eslract !
from a letter of one of the recent graduates bf ;
the Iron City College, Pittsburg, Pa. speaks for !
itself: i
Dead Cody Found.—The deadbody of a man
named Mooro was found, on Tuesday of last
week, lying in an unfrequented path leading
from Springfield Furnace to Dailey’s Distillery,
Huston township, this county. Two whiskey
bottles—one full and the other empty—were
found upon his person. An inquest was held
and a verdict found that he cunio to his death
from intemperance. Since Iho sitting of the in
quest, however, facts have come to light which
render it not improbable that liis death may
have been caused by injuries received in a fight
on the 4th of July.—
Betcrned.—Mordecai McMahon, a member
of Capt. Szink’s company, returned homo on
Saturday evening last, having partially recov
ered from an attackof typhoid fever, with which
he was prostrated for some three or font- weeks.
A couple of members of Capt. ’Wayne’s com
pany—Andrew Houseman and David Cahoe—
returned home some two weeks since. Both
had been prostrated by sickness, and were coni
scqucnlly discharged from the service.
A Shrewd Kehaek.—Barnum lays it dowu
as a rule, in his work on “The Art of Making
Money,’’ that “ the proper lime to advertise ju
diciously is when others don’t.’’ It strikes us
that Barnum is very nearly right, and his words
wo commend to our business men at the time
they seem in most need of encouragement.
Examination.— The examination of teachers
trim arc applicants for the public schools of our
borough, came off in this place on Monday and
Tuesday last. There tvorc but throe applicants
in addition to the old teacher-:;. The Board of
Birectors meet on Saturday to make selections
of teachers
A. ROUSH, Practical Druggist
Altoona, July 18, 1801.
President Lincoln's Message,
Vs antis Mori: Troops. —Three citizens of Vi- •
enna, who took refuge at Camp Hamlin, at Falls
Church, state that Gov. Letcher has issued a
proclamation requiring the counties of Fairfax, ■
I'rince William, Loudon, Fauquier, Orange,
Stafford, Culpepper, and Rappahannock, to fur- '
nish 1,000 men, with such arms and equipments
ns they hare at their command, within two days.
If the number called for is not forthcoming, 1
they arc to be drafted. The Viennese, being :
good Union men, preferred to seek protection ;
within our lines. They say that many of their :
neighbors will follow at the first opportunity. ;
& rebel spy was arrested at the Relay 1
House on Sunday. He had come from Rich- 1
mond by way of Winchester, Strawaburg, and •
the Point of Rocks. A German woman was *
also arrested at the Relay House. Upon her
being searched by a committee of females at •
the station, a number of letters aud other docu
ments for prominent rebels in Virginia were
found secreted in her chemise.
its* Good fur ovC'-'-snoniats, and other vamin—l.yonV
TiS-The only lbs the Rebels find it difficult manufac-
the Lnitrd State? Arsoual at there are
60,000 Minic-rifle bullets end 70,000 caxtridsjw made daily.
i. Lyon has ordered the Missouri river blockaded,
and boats bound down arc now stopped at Leavenworth, j
thth- There are now five hundred females employed bv
tho Government in Cincinnati in the manufacture of tents
fur the array
Ci“On Monday last, C-d. John W. F»*rnry wai elected
Secretary <>f the United States Senate, in ph-co of Mr.
Anburv Uickcn-u
£3* Gen. Lyon has chased Gen. Jack son in Missouri,
and Gun. Patters'*:) has chased another Gan. Jackson in |
irginia. The blood of the Gen. Jackson's is degenerating-, j
The IS-tJ moved halfaround the sun in ten I
and a half hours, with a velocity of 1.000,000 miles an hour \
—al >nf eighty times faster than Prof. Morse can dispatch
his lightning.
fciy. Jeff David has had the credit of b-.lng rather smart,
hut he is evidently uualdo to comprehend the strength of
the Federal Government,or he would know enough Coc-cnc
ivhai if
tiaUAn “old soldier’’ write." that, in the War ol ISI2, !
ov» ry s.ddjvr wad advised to curry a string, to be tied round :•
a binding limb and be twisted tight by a slick or ramrod, >
until a surgeon could be procured. •
-Cxi* The declaration of grievances toned by the people j
of Fast Tennessee, in the Convention now Hitting, recites i
among other atnviti-"*?. tho “shooting of women and chil- 1
dreu by a merciless soldiery.'' I
jC-js'-A beautiful young lady, named Araminta Wilhcmc- |
nia Smith, was found in the camp of the ICth Indiana !
Regiment, at Indianapolis, on Friday, ia uniform, ready to ?
march to Virginia. She was discharged. i
The market prices at Dubuque, Tnwa, Juno £Jd. !
were as follows: —Eggs, thro:- c-*nt? per dozen; new but- 1
ter, five cents per pound; strawberries, four cents per ‘
quart; meats'average six cents per pound.
Gov, pierj-ont, of Western Virginia, has toued a ;
proclamation, ordering an electioa for Jadgo to bo hold to !
fill the vacancy in the twentieth district, caused by the ■
refusal of Judge Thompson to t&k-> th*' required oath. j
£ss'“ Tli-“ MihraukiZouave? have been presented with ;
$l,OOO in gold by tho several banks and bankers of Mil- 1
waukiv«« a testimonial of the approbation of their per*.l
vie--? in quelling the late riot.
The Treasurer of Dubinins county, lowa. advertise* i
{o tb-» extent of five png?.j» (twenty columns) in the Du-,
‘•Herald,"' describing real citato to b» sold at ruc* |
tiou. far, tl
;e payment of delin<pa*ut taxes,
X-V?»A southern paper says that Hast Tennessee was
never anything nv-re thin the tail of Tennessee. If that '
t 5 tho case, perhaps Tennessee's tail is broad enough to 1
give licr Jit-ad and shoulders a good switching.— Prcniict. i
Charleston Courier ?ays that South Carolina is S
ns true to the Southern Confederacy as flint i-i to steel.— |
Perhaps it would bn better to say that ahe is as true to it ;
ns the hammer is to the percussion caj^—ready to burst up t
the whole thing with one blow
t3U Th''number of robe! tro<ip hi Virginia, cx.Tuaire !
«»f those nt Norfolk and Richmond ia stated to be about ;
■17,000. Travelers in the interior of the Slate declare that 1
hardly a whito nmu i.s to be seen, the male population kav- j
ing been pressed into the military pervire. }
-C^For starching muslins, gingham.* and calicoes, dU- |
solve a piece cf n\um, the size of a sheilbark, for every ;
pint of .-larch, and add toil. By so doing, the colors will |
keep bright for a long time, which Is very deiirablo when 1
drcs?t? must be often washed; and the cost is but a trifle, j
J?y*Tho House Judiciary Committee hare instructed >
their Chairman to report a bill authorising the President, j
in c.aso of rebellion or insurrection, to call out the militia ;
f?r such a period jus ho may think proper. The present I
law only permits thy President to call thna out for three I
mouths. !
XP3_Thc general belief at Washington is thatGcu. Scott'd
huge army is about to get in motion and lake its winding
way through Virginia. The paper? cull it “ the anaconda. 1 ’
But tho Virginians need not be afraid that it will bile them;
the anaconda always “ swallows itsyictitne whol*.’*—JVcrc
Sugar.—Extraordinary cxrrtb'n will bo mvl« in
the ’Western Skates this fall to manufacture sugar from
sorghum—partially with the object of evading the pros
pective heavy dutlcn on imported sugars, and to supply
the deficiency caused by thfl loss of Uia crop in Lettish
i «S»A Southern M. E. Church is so financially embaf
! rtasvti that the drafts against th.s Missionary Society
j unable to b? mot. An appeal has bocu recently Issued,
: calling upon the Church to raii«? immediately $lO,OOO to
* pay a bonk. debt. Their note; against tho book concern
are protested. •
&S- Kcceut experiments mada in England prove tho
; utter worthlessness of iron-clad voxels. A 126-prunder
• Armstrong gun shivered a ton-inch plate to pieces at 600
' yards. It would appear,that a naval engagement is never
! likely to tako place, as tho gnu-makers havo gon* ahead of
i the ship-builders.
, lotca V-illrj Democrat promise* to give lbs prcal
■ dent’s message an airing in its next issue. Mr. Lincoln
| should prevent it, if possible. It might damage him for
i lilo. Hold I Messrs. Editors. Are there no Itouto Agen
; cies in Iswa that nave not vet been filled by the new Ad
-1 ministration ?
Southerners will not come North thN year, aa usual,
to uimport theraselr** at cur charming summer retreats,
Saratoga. Newport, etc. This, we thick, must result from
a conviction oc their part, that Gen. Scott will provide
them with a great cany nice retreats at heme.
Some of the bombs fired by the Federal troop* were
found filled with raw dust; but the rebels have some of tho
Fame kind. One fired from the rilled cannon at Big Bethel
vrhfi sent to the U. S. Ar?e’;:;' at troy, whore it was found
Thcro must bo a little treachery on
to be filled With rice.
Loth side's.
Retaliation.—Tt r.-perted from Richmond, by the
way of Charleston, that the Ccnfedez-ati* Government have
ordered Colonel Bowman and another prisoner of war into
custody, and have given notice to the Government at Wash
ington that if any harm is to one of the crew of the
Savannah, it will lo immediately fullowod by retaliation.
even to hanging.
■S9-A Wife's Imrsvrs.—A married man failing into
misfortune is mure apt to retrieve Ills situation in the
world than a pingle one. chiefly because his spirits are
soothed and retrieved by domestic f ndearments, and bis
self-respect kept alive by finding that although all abroad
h«* darkness and humiliation,„yvt there is a little world of
love at homo-, over which he is a monarch.
£s*Mrrn John Slidell and is said, have
hern and are now residing in in the vicinity
of the White House. Mrs. S. has many highly respectable/;
connections living in New York City,, where she
vj-as. It is quite probable that it was this lady to whom
Wigfall paid his sr.-re: visit not long'since, and that she it
is who keeps a table constantly Set in waiting for Bcuurc
feß-Census.—A pr-.. tninrni Southern editor, fays the
Louisville Journal, charges the whole Northern popula
tion with being Infamous ruffians beat upon overspreading
th* South with rapiua and ravage and murder, and do
ncutiCcs us as a traitor, and calls upon the Vigilance Coiu
miueos of :be South to suppress our paper as an incen
diary sheet, ak-o keeps his wife in tho North and a>ks us
to be tho medium for the iuterch.ujge of letters between
lur and himself! \
ft-. 5- The Mobile Et.jifPr* in its commercial report of the
loth ult., gives the arrivals of cotton a: 143 bales, against
I.OSO fvr the corresponding week I*?: year; stock on hand
and on shipboard, not cleared, b.C-u Inks, against 6C.300
bales same time last year. Eacou, clear sides, 17c.; sucar
cured hams. 3f>c—stock hTnr.ll; bu-tcr, oac., for choice Go
alien; coffee, Coo.; flour. SS.3O to $lO per barrel; cornel
tosl.lo;.pork, mcs?. £27; rump. $22 per barrel; rice's to
r s>]-\ per pound.
fc«.To have delightfully hard butter in summer, with
out ice. the plan recommended by the scientific American
U a good one: Put a trivit. or any open flat thing with
leg*, in a saucer; put on this trivit the plate of butter; fill
the saucer with water; turn a common flower-pot upsilo
down ooer the butter, *o that in edge shall be within the
saucer and under the water. Slop up the whole of the
flower-pat with water, set ia a cool placo until morning;
or if done iu the hioruiug, tho butter will be very hard by
A Trro i:* Wor.— A, poor editor out West somewhere
f«-d into the hands of tho Philistines, and brake forth in
the following gizzard-moving appeal:
Sheriff, spare that press!
Touch not a single type ;
■ Don't put me in db-tre-s,
To stick me all through life. ✓
It waa my daddy's hand
Th.\t reared it in this town;
Then, Sheriff, let it stand—
Obi please don't take it down.
’TU all in all to me;
If lost what shall I do?
Then why not let it be?
O, Sheriff! boo! hoo! boo!
Os the 2J:h inst.. by John McCHlar.d. Dso.. Mr-FRAN K
ZEEK trt Miss CATHARINE SWISHER, both of Altoona.
OuthelCth inst., by the .«anre, Mr. CHRISTIAN SFH
OKRto Miss MARGARET FECCHTEU, both of Tyrone
o republish the following to correct a mktalro in
the name of the brick:
On tho 27th nlr.. bv the Tlnv. Wm. 7>e Mr.
IPSTRAY COW.—Strayed away from
_J the ro-ddence of t;;6 sub-cribor, in Altoona, on the
lit!; ult.. a middling Hized Dark Briudlo about five
years old, with a white stripe aero.-? her f.-roh-'-a-i. woll
t-har-cd horn-?, end of tail whit - *, also mark cf cut on tail
fi-r wolf di^-a??.
A suitable reward will be pal-1 for the delivery of the
Cow. or for information where she mav be ff-und.
OTORE FOR SALE, —The subscriber,
KJ7 de-irou«_of going out' of business on account of fail
ing health, oiiora tor sale, at a bargain, the entire stock of
goods in his S*or->llo<un. on rim corner of Branch and
Annie .-tree;-?, Ean Altoona, together with a Mase cf the
Store-Korun for a term of front tuie to ten years, a 5 mav bo
desired. Tho b:cation i« cue of th.» best in the town.'and
the stock of p iCds flr.-t-c'av. Tm-y will ho sold by the lot.
or a*. Philadelphia cost price-—carriage cfT. Call’inirv;
atclv, or applv bv letter to J. E. ICKES
Altoona, July 11, ISOI.-Ut.
Cheap ! Cheaper 1! Cheapest! 1!
Huzza for north ward.—
Tho undersigned ww.H respectfully inform the
citizens of Altoona and tho surrounding country that ho
has rented the store room formerly occupied by Jacob
Burkhart, on Virgin!;', street, near A. McCormick's store,
where he is about opening a
Grocery. Flour , Feed and Provision
Ke lifts ju a t returned from the East where ho has co:ti
selecting his groceries with groat care and buying exclu
sively Mr cash, which enables him to soil a.s low, if cot a
little lower, than any hou<o in the plan*. He would
therefore «ay to all who wish a good article of groceries,
and at a lew’ figure, to call and examine his stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
His stock consists of
Ilaimnd Ozr.; } Men end ITT .men's nf nV
kinds .
Extra Family Fleur, Superjhic, Corn Jfcal, Fuc
and Corn Chop.
Extra Loveriag Syrup Molasses, CO cents per gal.
<*ohlen 43 “ '*•
Pennsylvania “ ir - 55 li **■ “
Taking 57}4 u “
White Crush Sugar 11 “ 44 lb
White " 10 u “ “
Best Brown “
Cuba "
Rio Coffee
Best Imperial Teas
2nd quality
Black 41
Borin nml Coatilo Sojn, Rfusin*, Figy, Almond;?, Fil
berts, English Walnut*. Cream Nuts, Mackerel, Herring,
Lake Trout, Dairy Salt, Cheese, and everything that is
necessarily kept in a fiuaUv grocery.
April i- ’l'l-tf.; * J. .V. SHIANKLE.
| WWat’s the Sews?
kaajiut received and opened a largo and beanti
| fal stock of
j among whuh may he found the following
; Fancy and Plain, magnificent and brilliant styles of
i spring Bilks, Black Bilks. Norwich Poplins, ChaJlioPo
! Lainef, colored and figared Brilliants, French and English
. Chiatres, English and American Calicoes, 4c.
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colloky Pains,
Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costlranas*.
Blind and Bleeding Files. In all Nemms, llhetimatit, aml
Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and in others effected n decided cure..
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, after the manner of tha celebrated
Holland Professor, Ikerhavc. Its reputation at homo pro
duced its introduction here, the demand commencing with
those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of thla
mighty country, many cf whom brought with them and
handed down tho tradition cf Us value. It it note erfrred
to the American public, l-notcing that iit truly i*onJerfid
medicinal virtues mustlcacknowulffed.
It is particularly recommended to these persons whoso
OPOftitutiona may have been impaired by the oolitic uotu us*j
of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the sent
cf Ufo, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up tho
drooping spirit, and, iu fact, lufuaing new health and vigor
la the system.
NOTlCE.—Whccvcr expects to find tbu? a beverage wi.l
be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, ft
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, rosscacesl cf singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated Barhave’g Holland
Dittoes is put up ia half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
Ojts Dollar per bottle, or sis bottles for Five Dollars. TLo
great demand for this truly celebrated Metlicina has induced
many imitations, which the public should guard against
4®- Beware of Imposition. See that our homo is on tho
label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally. It can bo IbmaUd
by Express to most points.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in all part* of tho world testify to
the cillcacy of Prof. .0. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, and
gentlemen of the Press arc unanimous in its praise. A few
testimonials only can bo here given ; tee circular for more,
and it will Le impossible for you to doubt.
47 Wall street. New York. Dec. 20,15 C-8.
GExmiMIX; —Your note of the loth inst., hen been re
ceived, j-aying-thac you had hoard that I had been bone
fitted by thr use of Wood's Hair Restorative, and request
ing my certificate of tho fact if I ha-1 no objection to give it,
I award i: to you cheerfully, because I think it due. My
age Is about nO years; the color of my hair; auburn, and
inclined to curl.. Some five or six yc-ars.since it began to
turn gray, and the scajp on the crown of my head to
Its sen.dbility and dandruff to form upon it. Each of those
disagroeabilitks increased with time, an.d about 4 months
since a fourth was added to them, by hair falling off the
top off my head and threatening to make me bald.
In thi/nnpkosant predicament, I was induced to try
Wood’s Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the fulling off
of my hair, for I had really no expectation that gray hair
could ever be restored to its original colot except from
dye.?. I was. however, greatly surprise,i to find after tho
use •"'f two bottles only, that not only was the fulling off
arrested, but tho color was restored t<* the gray hairs and
son>ibility to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my
head, very much to ?he g-.atification cf lay wife, at whose
solicitation I was induced to try it.
For this, am-ng the mr.nv obligation?.! owe to her sex,
1 strongly recommend all husbands who value the admi
ration of their wives to profit by my example, and use it if
growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully,
To 0 J Wood i Co., -lid Broadway, New York.
My family uro absent fi ora tho city, and X am no longer
ft! No. 11 Carroll Place.
Tv Vr\f. O J VTo&l: Dear Sir —Your Hair Restorative
has dene my hair «o much good sine'' I commenced tho
use rd’i:, tlr.t I wish to make known to the PUBLICof its
cIV-.cts on tho hair, which are great. A man or ■woman
may !>*? no.arly deprived cf hair. and by a u -art to your
** Hair llestriratiro.” the hair will return more beautiful
thaue- r; at !oa-t this i» mv exterior,re. Believe it all!
T-'urstriilv, ‘ WM. 11. KES'KDY.
P. 5?. —Vo:; can publish the abo"c if you like. Ey pul>-
in our Southern papers you will. jp:t raoro patron
ai:c south. I see - -vcia! of yonr certiorates In the Mobile
Mercury, a Southern paper. __ _ TV_lt KE!>’ED~
Pr>->f. OJ W(&1: Dear Sir—Having had the misfortune
t 3 10.-e the best portion of my hair, from the effects of the
yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1651. I Wr.« induced to
make a trial cf yonr preparation, and Sound it to answer
an the very thing needed. My hair i? uowthiek and glossy, words can express mv obligations to von in saving
ti> tHu afflicted such a treasure. KINNEY JOHNSON. ‘
: The Restorative is put up in bottles of three size?, viz :
Irirge. medium, and small; the small holds ]4 a pint, and
mails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least
twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, retail?
f>r two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per
cent, more ia proportion, and retails for $3.
{ O. J. WOOD A CO.. Proprietors. 4U Broadway, New
i York, and Hi Market Street, St. Louis-,'Mn.
j ' For sale in Altoona by A. ROUSH and «. W. KESSLER.
; Agents, and all good Druggists and Fancy Good? Dealer?.
| July Ist, ISGI-lyeow
/"'IELEBRATED lor its medicinal and
V_y K-no£cS;U qualities J as a. l genuine Stimulant, Tonic.
Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi*
cians, an d some of the first families in Europe and America.
£ U U ((
7 “ “
to Id “ “ “
. 90 “ “ “
75 «
M “
is net a mixture ox nnnuracturvd article* hut is pure, from
ccltivatod Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists Tuid
Physicians as possessing medical tic? superior to any
OtLef \vinc-3 In use, and'an excellent article for all weak and
debilitated person?, and the aged and infirm, improving the
appetite, and beuefilting ladies and children.
the celebrated Holland remedy fob
And the various affections consequent upon a disordered
pharmaceutists and Chemists,
Fit sale by A. ROCSII Altoona,
April 18, LS^O-larnly.
Universal Confidence and Patronage.
Siamaston, Ala.. July 20th. 1550,
hrcau-e it -will not intoxicate as other wines, as it contains
no mixture of spirit? or other liquor?, aud U admired for
its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting
a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft
and healthy skin and complexion.
None genuine unless the signature of
ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J.,
i* over the cork of each bottle, ’■
A.; SPERR, Proprietor,
Office 205 Rroviwav, New York.
jKy-Fer sale bv A. ROUSH, Altoona: GEO. W. PATTER
SON and -GEO. A. JACOBS, Hollidaysfcurg; and by W.
NOWLIN* «s CO., Tyrone. [jeSMy
TRIMMING Store, on Virginia street, Altoona, op
posite ,T. B. Hilcman’s store. The subscriber barbie pur
chased with great care, an entire new stock of Ladies |
.drew good*, and Trimmings; also a large assortment of
Bonnets and Ribbons, Fine French Work, Collars and Un
derelcoves in seta. Qlores, Mitts, Hosiery, Skirts, Ac., ajlof,
the latest stiles, and in great varieties, arc now open for
tbo examination of the ladies; all of winch will bo sold at
the lowest ca?h prices. Ladies desiring goods of thenbnv*
named should call on the undersigned and ndt tbetaselvcn
before purchasing elsewhere.
Altoona, April 25, ISCI-Sra.
COAL! COAL!—Having taken the
Coal-Yard of ¥. Nothwang. at the upper end nf tho
Altoona Yard, wu are prepared to fordteh tlio public with
a good article of Bslnminons Coal, either At the Yard
at their residences—as may he desired. Cash,
Call, on V. N'othwang. JAS. M. COOPER St CO.
July it, 1861.*-tf, r :
I Icrfalu. *t. r )r 1.7 JOHN SHOEMAKER.
S«pt. IMO-tf At the Test o®r>
“They go right to the Spot”
PI-RIFT vorr. breath:
strengthen tour voice:
Throat Confections,
s3**Thor relieve a Cough instantly.
-55P*Thpy clear the Throat.
giro strength anil volume to the ToiV.r
impart a delicious aroma to the breath,
45**They aro delightful to thc_ta*>.
aro made of simple herb*, anil can harm no on 4
I every one who has a Cough, or a llueUy Voice,
or a. Pad Breath, or any ‘litlicuUy of the Throat, to get *
pachupu of my Throat Couf'ctious. they will relieve you
instantly, ami you will agro: with mo that ‘‘they g> fight
to the spot.*’ You will find them very useful ami pleasant
while travelling or attending public meetings for stilling
your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one park -
ago I am safe in flaying that you will over afterwards con
sider th ; ru indispensable. You will And them at lh*
Druggist:* ami Dealers in Me.Jiein-:*.
My .signature is on each pachago. All others are Ci-nr
A package will bn s«nt by mail, prepaid, on receipt of
Thirty Cent?. Addrcsi,
No. -43 Cedar Street, N«w York
, ,
By the use of these the p-mifftic attacks of .Vcm:-'
or tick H-'odache may be prorentvd: and if tuk-m at
commencement of an attack immediate relief from j ain
and .dckneM will he obtained.
seldom fail in removing the ami Ila*ffoc\c
to which Amialos are so subject.
• They net gently upon the bowel- - ,—-removing jiJvh’rcnjJt.
For Literary X'ar, Students, Delicate and all
persons of cedcnfnry they are valuable as a L-isati w,
improving the appetite, giving t>n>: anti vigor to the dig**»-
tivc organ 2, and rocturingthe natural elasticity and strength
of tho wholo system.
, The CKPIIALIC FILLS are the result of long inrcMigi
• lion and carefully conducted experiments having been In
use many years, during which time they havo prevontM
-and relieved a amount of pain and sufWiug from
Headache, whether originating iu the nervous system or
from a deranged state of the stomach.
They are entirely regetable in their comport too. dnd
may be taken at all-, times with pefoct safety without
making any change of dirct, ovd ii< c obrenr?. r\f any /J«>u
grccaiU taste raiders it ca"j to culrxinirirv thtm try chiicirer.
The genuine have Arc signatures of Henry C. Spalding on
each Rox.
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealer* in Mcdhim*.
A Box will bo sent by mail prepared on receipt of the
All'crders should be addressed to
Not. 15, ’CO.-ly,’
Masonviil!:, Conn., Feb. 5, 1?61
Mr. Staldino.
X hare tried your Cephalic Pills, and Inhr Mem jo t cdl
that I want you to send me two dollars worth more.
Part of those arc for the neighbors** t*> whum X gate a
few out of th<* first box I got from you.-
Send the Pills by nail, and oblig*
Your obedient Serraul.
IIAVERrcRb, Pa., Vob. 0, ISCI
Mr.. Spau-int.
I wish you to send me ono mere box of your Cephaha
Pills. I have received a xrrajt dml of bairfit from them.
Yours, Ucspcctfullv,
mauv'ann stoikuouse.
Srr.ccr Carts, Ilex
11. C. Sr.itni-vo.
. Von will please rend me two boxes of your Cephalic
Spillj*, Send them immediately, ’ ■
Respectfully rmirs.
E- S.—7 hat: n*:d one hex rf your PiUt. and (jtem
cxceUertl. ' ' \
*■■■ Freni the Examiner, XorfFr. Hr.
Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which the* 'Tore
made, tie. : Cure of headache iii all its forms.
From Me Ex a miner, Xorfotk, IT?.
They hare been tested in more than a thousand ca-c»
with entire success.
From the. Democrat.
If you are. or have been troubled frfth the headache
send for a box. (Cephalic Pif!*.) ao that inar Kara
them in case of an attach.
From the Advcrfircr, Providence. i?. 7.
The Cephalic Pills arc said to he a rcmarkahlr effrt wo
remcc-y for the headache, and cue of the verV |***t for tha*
Yery frequent complaint which has ever been discovered
Freni ilte ft. I!. Ca:<t‘e,.Chv''i~e< lU.
Wo heartily endorse Mr. Spal ling, ard his ucriraliod
Cephalic Pills.
\ r ron :7*e Ka:icv:ha TaV-y Slur, juipzil'/k:, V<t.
TVo are Sure that persons suffering with tho headache,
■who try them, will stick to thorn.
Freni th c Jnuthrm Pith Finder. ,V; Orleans. Li.
Try thorn! you that are afflicted, and we are Mire that
your testimony can bo added to the already mtmcmi* list
that has received benefits that nc <£her medicine cod pro
will eavo tcu times its cost a:;:;uallv.~va
tOi. “ A Sfiicn in Time Saves Ifts*.'V£|r
Aa accidents will happen, oven in vdl regulated fumi
lie-, it is very desirable to hare soma cheap and c< nte
nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, 4c.
meets nil sneh omcrgenciea, ao4 so bouaelioM can afhrd to
be irltfaoiit it. It it at nays ready, and an to the sticking
S. B.—A BiUib accnb>T»afe* each Bottle. Price 2»cli
A! cerUio anprinciplri nelsons ere attempting to rmim
off on the unsmpciTlißg public, imitation* of my PREPA
RED OLUK, 1 would cafutfon ail perwna to examine before
purchasing, end see that the Rail name,
it m tbs out<Ho wrapper; «1) other ere leindlißg 'ou"
tsrisit*. , - '
48 Cedar Street New Yorl;
.bbv.v Co,, Pa.. Jan. 18,150!
.Si. Croud. hEnn