The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 18, 1861, Image 2

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    C|c IlltDDim Cribime,
IS* Wiiero parties are uaknown to us, onr rule (or ati*
Yertisiog is to require payment in auvaaee. or a guarantee
frotD known persons. It is thereloro nuclei* fer all such
to etnd us advertisement* offering to pay at the entl of three
or six months. Where advertisements arc accx-inpanictl
with the money, whether oao, five or ten dollars, we will
give the advertiser the full benefit of cash rates.
Advertising Agents, 110 Ftreet, New York, and
1$ State stmt, Boston, arc tlic Agruu f.-r the Altoona
Tribune, and the moat influential and largest circulating
Newspapers ia the United States and tbu Canada*. They
are authorized to contract for us a: our lowest rates.
We gave a short account, in our last is*
•ue, of-an engagement between 1500 Un
ion troops and some 0,000 Secessionists,
at Carthage, Missouri, in which it was sta
ted that between SOO and 1,000 0 f the
Union troops were killed, and that the loss
of the Secessionists was between 1,000
and 2,000. It turns out, however, that
lilts story, like many other first accounts
of battles, which the telegraph has brought
us, was greatly exagerated. and we are now
disposed to doubt all first accounts of bat
tles. The truth in regard to the Carthage
engagement is, that there were 8 killed
and 45Vcundeu on the Union side, and
the loss of ths- Secessionists is not over
200 or 250. ‘
The New Orleans Picayune has a dis
patch, dated at Richmond, Va., Sth inst.,
announcing the death of Gov. Ellis, of N.
An article published elsewhere confirms
the account that Gov. Wise has been mor
tally wounded, and, as the report has it,
“ there is no danger of his recovery.’’
. We think it is about time the Govern
ment would pay particular, attention to a
couple of privateers, or pirates, that have'
recently been making rich hauls of United
States merchant vessels. The piratical
vessels referred to are the “ Sumpter’’ and
the “Jeff Davis,” which, between them,
have taken fourteen vessels bearing the
American flag. The “ Sumpter” carried
her prized, seven in number, to Cieufuc
goa, a port in the Island of Cuba, but
whether she will be allowed to land them
there remains to be seen. The Govern
ment of Spain has followed the example of
England and France, and declared strict
neutrality, and any act of hospitality to these
pirates will involve a serious complication
of our relations with Spain, as we would,
in that event, be compelled to look upon
her as an enemy. Quite a number of ves
sels have recently been fitted out and well
manned, at Boston and Now York, to
cruise for these pirates, and it is to be
hoped that they wiil soon be captured.
There are now SO regiments of troops
at'Washington and in the vicinity. There
are 34 regiments in the city and suburbs,
and 46 under Gen. M’Dowell, on the Vir
ginia side of the Potomac. Estimating
each regiment at 800 men, (the most of
them have over 1,000,) we have an army
of 64,000 men near the Capitol, to which
may be. added 25 regiments, or 25,000
men, thaUare to. be thrown into Wash
ington, and thence across the Potomac,
during the present week. This force is
invincible. Ail of this vast force has I
been long enough undef drill to make I
them equal to regulars. 1
Gen. Scott 13 reported to be highly de
lighted with the news from Gen. McClel
lan’s column, advancing from Western
Virginia. The battles at Rich Mountain
and Garrick's Ford were splendid victo
ries on the Union side. A full account
of each will ho found elsewhere in our
columns. Gen. McClellan is winning lau
rels rapidly.
The scouts and picket-guards of the
Union army arc constantly making arrests
of Secession scouts. . The Southerners
must soon become convinced that they
are not able either to measure swords
or out-trick the “detestable Yankees,” as
they style the Northerners.
The statements of Gen. McClellan, in
his official despatches, and the condition
of the command under Col. Pegram, who
asked Gun. Me. to accept of his surren
der, is convincing proof of the destitution Peterson’s Magazine for August
of the rebel army. .A part of the South- came to hand in due time, and, as corre
um horde may be pretty well fed, but as a spondents would say, “ contents noted.”
general thing, wo are inclined to believe The engravings, fashion-plates, embroi
that it is in a deplorable condition, and j dery-patterns, : needle-work, &0., is alone
that Gen. Scott’s delay is actually doing I worth the price of the magazine, and
more to defeat the object of the Confed-| could not be purchased for the same price
crate leaders, than an overwhelming army j elsewhere. The contributions arc well
overrunning the country, could written, interesting and instructive. Price
accomplish. : §2.00 per annum. Charles J. Peterson,
The U. S. Senators elected by the new | Philadelphia.
• Legislature of Virginia have been admit
ted to scats in the U- S. Senate—the Sen
! ate having declared the seats of Hunter ;
j and Mason vacant. Wn. B. Willey takes
i the place of Mason, and John S. Carlisle ,
; the place of Hunter. John S. Clark,
member of Congress from Missouri, has :
been expelled because of his takiner up |
: arms against the Government. The House,
i on the 13th inst., passed a bill for the rc-
I lief of the soldiers who lost private pro
| pertyin the hasty removal from FortMoal- '
I trie to Fort Sumter. The amount was
It is now positively asserted that the
rebels have fallen back from Fairfax Court :
House and arc preparing to evacuate Man- .
assa Junction. They have lately, howev- !
er, endeavored to give our men as much
trouble as possible in following them up, ;
by felling trees across and otherwise block- .
ading the roads leading to those points.
As an evidence that a forward movement
is to be made from Washington towards
those places it is stated that 1,000 axes ’
have been distributed among the first !
three regiments ordered in that direction. :
Gen. Patterson’s column ia still in Mar- :
The Public Debt,
We notice considerable speculation in '
our exchanges, in reference to the loan ;
asked for by the President, and already |
partly granted by Congress. Some of the'!
enemies (we can call them nothing less.) i
of the genera! Government arc endeavor- '
ing to create alarm in the minds of the i
people, by-rnrying oat “direct taxation/ 1 ,
and quoting the opinions of Thomas Jef- I
ferson in opposition to creating a heavy !
National debt. The opinions of Jeffer-j
son are sound, and we heartily endorse i
them, so far as they pertain to creating I
a heavy debt when there is no real ngees- ;
sity for it; but that eminent framer of!
the Declaration of Independence little !
dreamed, when he penned his opinion in !
reference to a national debt, that at this i
early day i,n the history of the great re- j
public he helped to inaugurate, a band of I
wicked men, comprising, as is estimated, i
one-third of the population of the republic, !
would rise up in arms and rebel against;
the laws he assisted in framing. If the ;
Union is to be preserved, men must be i
called out to do it ; and would it be right !
to call out men, and make no provision {
fur paying them for their services ? i
Whether would it have been better to let |
the National Capitol fall into the hands of
a set of villainous, thieving monarchists,
our Union; be dissolved, and all that we ;
hold sacred—our liberties —wrested from |
us, than to : have called men to the defence |
of one and all of these ? There can be i
but one answer. We have no idea that !
direct taxation will bo resorted to, but I
even should it be, would not the payment j
of a few cents, or dollars, as wo may be ;
able, be infinitely preferable to the destruc-;
tion of the, great republic under which wc !
arc boast that we live, and under :
which we- are permitted to enjoy all the i
blessings that can make us happy and con-1
tented. But wc need not argue this ques- i
tion. Every thinking,. calculating man'
can at once see the necessity of creating |
this debt, if rebellion is'to be crushed out,
and the Constitution and the laws upheld;
and even should direct taxation result, the i
-assessment must be very small. The re- 1
bellious States must pay their share in the j
end, if not in the beginning. \
Terrible Gunboat. —Southern papers
give us an account of a terrible gunboat
now on its. way up the Mississippi, from
Baton Rouge. It is said to be iron plated
and is armed with 62-pounders, and is
destined lor-Cairo, to co-operate with the
rebels in their long meditated attack on
that point. Wo have our doubts about
that story. Most likely that terrible boat,
like the taking of Washington city and
the splendid victories achieved by the chiv
alry of the South, exists only in the fertile
imaginations of Southern editors.
* V.
' B©„We have received the August No.
of Godey’s Lady's Booh, and must pro
nounce it capital. Notwithstanding the
depression in the sale of literary publica
tions at this time, Godey keeps up with
his former issues in everything, aud has
dono what but few others, if any, have
done, viz : put down the price of his book
33 per cent. He encouragement
and will receive it. Price 61.00 for six
From the Army-
We are permitted to copy the following ex- j
tracts from a private letter received by a gen- |
tleman in this place, from s member of Company :
I, sth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, .
recently ordered from Camp Curtin to Cumber- j
land, Md. The letter is dated Cumberland'
Heights, July 12, 1861, and says: j
“We are now encamped at the above named ■
place, where Cel. Wallace’s ssouts (Indiana '
Zouaves.) met with such good success in their ;
contest with the rebels. Oar camp is situated :
on the hill directly west of Cumberland and :
East of the Potomac river, giving us a fair view ;
of the town. It contains a great many persons :
who favor the Secessionists. Our Company took ;
one of these persons prisoner, on last Sunday j
evening, at Camp Mason & Dixon. He was ■
held until we arrived at this place, when he was
handed over to the Mayor by the military au- ;
thorities. I have since heard that he was re- ■
leased after giving 82,000 bail, and taking the 1
oath of allegiance to the United Slates. It was i
with some difficulty that he was kept alive i
while held as a prisoner, as the “snjcr boys’’ I
wanted to tie the secession neck-tie on him— '
the knot of which comes under the.butt of the ;
car. He was very much frightened, and he i
had good reason to be, as his conversation oroved
him to be a spy, was only through the i
intercession of influential friends in Cumber- i
land that he escaped so easily. i
This afternoon the orders are, not to allow
either officers or privates to leave the camp. It ;
is generally supposed that the Colonels fear an j
attack, as we have not yet been reinforced.— j
There are only two regiments here, with two i
pieces of artillery. Capt. Campbell is expected
in camp to-day, with his battery of flying artil
lery, and then we will be ready for them. The
nearest Secession camp is at Romney, about tea
miles from here, in which it is said there are
about 5,000 men. The picket-guards, 56 in
number, of Col Kane's Regiment, were driven
in yesterday, by a force of about -100 Secession
ists. To-day there is a large force of scouts
thrown oat, but I have not heard from them.
Our camp has been visited here, as it was at
Mason 6: Dixon, by a woman who pretends to
be insane. I learn that she Las recently been
arrested as a spy. Whilst in camp, yesterday
morning, she visited our quarters and examined
our muskets, and wanted to know if they were
not called Minie Rifles. From conversation 1
have had with her I do not believe her insane.
Since the above letter was written, the troops
stationed at Cumberland have been ordered by
Gen. McClellan to proceed South and cut off
the retreat of Gen. Garnett's army, recently
routed at Rich Mountain and Garrick's Ford,
and it is quite likely that they have, ere >hi"
time, had a brush with the rebels.
A Flag of Truce-
I It is tl|C most sacred symbol of war. It is the
| type of honor, and is respected by every civiliz
i ed She ground which it covers is holy
• ground, and the hand wh;ch a bears it is safe
■ from violence or wrong. It carries with it ccr
; tain privileges, but those privileges should never
jbe abused. It grants certain rights, but the
■ very nature of those rights should prevent
| treachery and espionage. So jealously are the
j privileges of a flag of truce guarded, and so uni
i vcrsal is the feeling of reverence entertained
■ for if, that when, duilng the Russian war,-an
I English truco-bearcr was fired upon before
' Cronsiadt, the whole world cried shame, and
! greeted the authors of the crime with scorn and
j condemnation.
i Wc do not expect many courtesies from the
I insurgents. Men who can lie and steal will not
be particular about obeying the balance of the
'commandments. Cut we certainly did think
they would have paid some regard to a flag of
I truce, and that they would respect a symbol
{ which is sacred under the walls of China, the
! banks of the Danube, and the shores of the
I Southern sea. We must abandon that hope.—
i This insurrection shows that they can not only
i abuse the privilege of a flag of truce, but even
j fire upon thhso who bear It. At Tort Sumpter
; they redoubled their fire when Anderson raised
■ the white flag over his burning citadel. When
: Commodore Sirlngham sent a flag to Norfolk,
■ the battery at Sewell’s Point cannonaded the
I barge on which it was borne. Colonel Taylor
i wishes to inspect our fortifications at Arlington
, and ho brings a foolish message under a flag,
! and almost at she same tbimowe find the same
trick played upon Gen. Patterson,
i It has remained for the Southern insurgents
|to thus violate this holy emblem. They have
| systematized dishonor and treason; they have
! organized piracy, and it is appropriate that
] they should crown their infamy by outraging a
; symbol which is sacred in tho oyes of every
; civilized man.— l'rec r.
From Western Virginia.
Mr. Star, of Mason county, who arrived in
this city last evening, reports that it is reliably
ascertained that Henry A. Wise, if not actually
dead, is so badly wounded that there is no dan
ger of his recovery. Wise and his body-guard,
as before stated, were going to fill an appoint
ment at Sissonsville. Some forty Uuiojx men,
who, not feeling safe at their homes, bad been
spending most of their time in the woods, armed
with ordinary rifies, heard of Wise's coming, and
secreted themselves—ambuscaded in the regular
way—and upon their approach, each man tired
at his man, and then retreated to the top of a
high hill. Wise and Patton, together with about
thirty or forty others, were seen to fall. The
Union men, after reaching the top of the lull,
saw those who escaped carrying off the dead
and wounded.
Several persons recently arrived from Charles
town, say that there is no mistake about Wise
being wounded, and, as he has been suffering
from disease, it is supposed he cannot recover,
There were about 4,000 Federal troops at
Gallipolis, Ohio, who intended crossing the river
soon, in order to fix up things and put the Union
men on their pegs. There wag not a prominent'.
Union man between Point Pleasant and Ilavena
wood, on the Ohio, nor for ten miles back. All
had crossed over to Ohio.— Wheeling (Va.) In
telligencer, 13th inti.
I Geh. Geoboe M’Clellas.— The moat brilliant
| officer now iu the held, of regular military
j training, is a Philadelphian by birth and resi
i dence. Gen. Geo. M’Clollan is the second sou
j of the late Dr. George M’Clallan, of this city,
i and the brother of our fellow citizen, J. H. B.
M’Clelian, M. D., of Walnut street. Gen. Mc-
I Clellan has been repeatedly spoken of as from _
Woodstock, Conn. His father was from Wood- ' A Hdtoltp wmni InvrTn>v,. v
stock, and after graduating at Yale College, in u , ° ’ ICU SoMErni.NQ._Tes
-1815, he settled in Philadelphia in 1817, where I terday ’ ln ,be House, Mr. M demand offered
he resided until his death, in May 1847. n e ' the following:
married into one of the most influential familjos ! Whebeas, A portion of the people of the
0.. Philadelphia, in IS2I, and his second sort isTUnitcd States, in violationof their constitutional
the distinguished General now in command of j obligations, have taken up arms against the
the Western section of our army, of whom cur | National Government, and are now striving, by
citizens will hear farther before long. The ■an aggressive and inquitous war, to overthrow
family is of Scotch ancestry, of martial spirit, i and break np the Union, therefore
and have always been opposed to oppression._ ! Reived, That this House pledges itself to
3 , a . nCBstor f wa3 ”\ he vote for any amount of money and any number
battie of Cullodea, and his great-grandfather | of men which ma y bc necessary to insure the
At fiPn »nr? a el e aD ’ °, f . 1110 Ho TOlutl °n- j speedy and bgeotual suppression of the said
AT-rM ~ y tW . C ?, ty ’ theaa I'outcnant, ! rebellion and the permanent rest»ration of the
M Cielffin went out with the sappers and miners | Federal authority everywhere within the limits
m the Valley of Mexico, m the war of 1846, j and jurisdiction of the United States
which terminated m the capture of the city of -m,. , . ,
Mexico, and the promise of his youth has been ‘ * lon was sd °pt*d: yeas 121, nays
more than confirmed in the successful career of The nays were Messrs. Burnett, Grider,
bis yet early manhood — Phita. Injuirtr. -V-irtou. Hood and Wood,
| Brilliant Victory in Western Virginia!
F.EVEKLT, July 12.—Yesterday morning Gen.
McClellan ordered'four regiments (theSth, 10th
and 13th Indiana, and the 19th Ohio) to proceed
along the iino of the hills southeast of the ene
my’s entrenched camp, on the Beverly road,
where it crosses Rich’s Mountain, two miles
east of the enemy's position, with orders to ad
vance along tho Beverly road, and attack the
east side of the work—Gen McClellan being
prepared to assault the west side as soon as the
Sricg should announce the commencement of
the attack.
The capture of a courier, who mistook the
road through the enemy's camp for the route of
our troops, placed the enemy in possession of
the movement.
When Gen. Rosencrans reached the Beverly
road, at two o’clock, after a most exhausting
march over the mountains, he found the enemy
posted on the opposite side of the road, about
800 strong, with two cannons, holding a strong
position, partially fortified. An engagement
immediately took place, and continued for three
quarters of an hour, when the rebels were to
tally routed, with a loss of 300 including ten
officers aud both cannon. About 75 of the kill
ed and 75 wounded are in our hands, besides
150 prisoners.
The road was between two hills. Our troops,
descending a steep declivity, were greatly ex
posed to the fire of tho rebels, who occupied the
opposite hill and poured their musketry’, shot,
and shell upon them.
Gen. Rosencrans 1 column remained at the
place of the engagement during the night.
Gen. McClellan was in position with his whole
force during the afternoon, ready to make the
assult, but beard nothing from the otberoolumu
except distant firing early in the morning.
He was proceeding to plant his cannon upon
an eminence commanding a poition of the rebel
camp, and preparing to attack the whole nest in
front, when it was ascertained that the enemy
had evacuated the pla«e during the night, mov
ing towards Laurel Hill, leaving a few men with
their sick, and their cannon, camp equipage, and
A rapid march was then made by General Mc-
Clellan to Beverly, passing General'Rosencrans’
command on the road, with instructions to follow;
At Beverly it was ascertained.datq in the day,
that the rebel forces at Laurel Hill had retreat
ed, moving towards Romney. Onr total loss is
not more than 11 killed and S 5 Wounded.
The foregoing report has been approved by
Gen. McClellan.
Washington, July 13.-The folio wing despatch
from General McClellan was received to-day at
the Army Headquarters;
Beakblt, July 12th, 18G1,
Cot E. D. Townsend, Washington, D. C.
“The success of to day is all that I could de
sire. . We captured sis brass cannons, of which
one is rifled, all the enemy's camp equipage and
transportation, even to his cups. The number
of tents will probably .reach two hundred, and
more than sixty wagons. Their killed and
wounded will amount to fully one bnhdred and
fifty, with one hundred prisoners, and more
coming in constantly. I know already of ten
officers killed and prisoners. Their retreat is
“I occupied Beverly by a rapid march. Gar
nett abandoned bis camp early in the morning,
leaving much of his equipage. He came within
a few miles of Beverly, but oar rapid march
turned him back in great confusion, and he is
now retreating on the road to St. George. I
have ordered Gen. Morris to follow him up
“1 have telegraph for the two Pennsylvania
regiments at Cumberland to join Gen. Hill at
Kowlesburg. The general is concentrating all
his troops at Kowlesburg, and he will cut off
Garnett’s retreat near West Union, or, if possi
ble, at St. George.
“I may say that we have driven out some ten
thousand troops, strongly entrenched, with the
loss of 11 killed and 3o wounded. The provis
ion returns here show Garnett’s force to have
been ten thoaaand men. They were Eastern
Virginians, Tennesseans, Georgians, and, I think
Carolinians. To-morrow I can give full details
as 1o prisoners &c.
“X trust that General Cox has, by this time,
driven Wi#c out of the Kanawha Valley.' In
that case I shall have accomplished the object
of liberating Western 1 Virginia.
“I hope the General-in-Chief will approve of
my operations. Q. B. McCr.EX.LAS,
“Maj. Gen. commandisg the Dept, of Ohio.”
Ciscissati, July 14—A special despatch to
the Commercial, dated at Beverly, says that Gen.
McClellan’s advance division is moving rapidly
towards the Cheat Mountain pass. The rebels
burned the bridges at Ilattonsville, and will
bux-n the Cheat Mountain bridge, but thii can
not delay us an hour.
At Rich Mountain 131 dead rebels were found.
Our wounded are doing, well. Ten commission,
ed rebel officers were killed and captured, in
cluding Captain Stepwith, of Powhatan; Capt.
D. E. Langell, late of the United States army ;
Captain Irwin, of Brunswick, dangerously
wounded. Dra. Tyler and Wall, late of the
United States army,areprisoners. Some Geor
gians and South Carolinians are among the dead,
but the dead are generally from Eastern Vir
This morning, Colonel Pegram, who com
manded at Rich Mountain, sent a letter to Gen
eral McClellan, offering to surrender himself
and his command of 600 men. Their surren
der was accepted, and the prisoners will proba
bly maroh ixx to day. They arc much reduced
by hunger.
W.vstnxoxos, July 14—the following despatch
has been received at the headquarters of the
army here;
Report of Gen. McClellan to Lieut. Gen. Scott,
dated Beverly, July 13:—“I have received from
Col. Pegram propositions for his surrender, with
his officers and the yemnont of his command,
say 000 men. They are said to bo very peni
tent, and determined never again to take up
arms against the General Government.
“I shall have nearly 900 or 1,000 prisoners
.to take care of when Pegram comes. The la
test accounts make thelossof the rebels, in kill
ed and wounded, some 150.”
BATTLE AT CABRICK’S pohd. Witt Accipt No Coxpromisk The jpV
i Henry May, representing the fourth Conm.
A WATERLOO DEFEAT f i ioaal Durtriit of Maryland, returned to U a! m
A. rr xi i JiXIX/ Ulhr l . ■ more from his visit fo_ Richmond, Va., cn
. urday last, by way of Winchester andFre-Je^-t
GEN GARNETT KILLED AND HIS i He was detained several days by inflspnsitiL'
FORCES SCATTERED, 1 Mr. May is impressed with the belief that the
1 government of the Confederate States will a:
Ciscivvarl, July 14.—A special dispatcb to i f e P? of J lO compromise which has not for iu,
the “GazeUe ” from the field of battle at Car- i bI3W tbe "“S? 1 * 50 ? of Southern Confcde,.
rick’s Felted the 14th, states that on the
night of the 11th the rebel army, at Laurel Hill b > u mihlar y cunim:il! ' J '
under command of Brigadier General Garnett, ‘.
late Major in the United States Army, wacuat- Reader, have you seen Prof. ;v 00l j.
ed its camp in great baste, on learning of Gen. ' a< j Ten i setnen t in our paper. Head if
McClellan’s approach to Beverly, apparently , "
hoping to pass Beverly before Gen. McClellan’s interest you.
arrival, and tbns escape the trap set for them
by a passage through Cheat Mountain Gap.— I
The evacuation was discovered on the morning
of the 12th, and a pursuit instantly ordered.— ;
By two o’clock the Oth Indiana entered the rebel I
camp, on Laurel Hill, and found a large num- ■
ber of tents, a lot of flour, camp equipage and .
clothing, and several sick and wounded, with a j
note asking us to give them proper attention.— j
The whole road for twenty miles was strewn •
with baggage, thrown from wagons to haetea ;
their retreat. !
The rebel army went within “three miles of ’
Beverly. These met the rebels flying from
Rich Mountain, and finding escape to Huttons- :
ville impossible, all united and relumed towards |
Laurel Hill, and took the road in the direction I
of St. George. General Morris’ division pur- •
sued them for a mile or two beyond Leedsviile j
that night, and halted from eleven till three ;
o’clock in the morning, when the advance re
sumed pursuit and continued it all day, in spite i
of the incessant tain pouring down. The rebel ;
army left the pike, struck Cheat river, and pur- ;
sued the mountain road down the valley. ;
,Our advanced guard, composed of the 14th !
Ohio, and 7th hnd 9th Indiana, pushed on, ;
guided through the mountain gullies by the tents ;
and furniture, provisions and knapsacks thrown I
from the rebels' wagons, to facilitate their flight. ;
Our troops forded Cheat river four times, and ■
finally, about one o’clock, came up with the ;
enemy’s rear guard. The 14th Ohio advanced ‘
rapidly to the ford, in which the enemy's wag- :
ons wero standing, when suddenly the rebel '
army opened a furious fire on them with small i
arms and two rifled cannon from the bluff, on
the opposite side of the river, where they had
been concealed,. The firing was too high. The
| 14th returned it with spirit: meanwhile two
| pieces of the Cleveland aitelery came up and
1 opened on the rebels, and the oth Indiana ad
' vanced in support of the 14th Ohio's left, while
| tho 7th Indiana crossed the river between the
| two fires, and came in on the enemy’s right
j flank. ■ The rebels then fled in great disorder,
j leaving their finest piece of artillery at the nest
I ford, a quarter of a mile further.
Gen. Garnett attempted to rally his forces,
when the 7th Indiana came up in hot pursuit,
and another brisk engagement ensued. Gen.
Garnett was finally shot dead," when his army
fled in wild confusion toward St. George. The
7th Indiana pursued them a mile or two, but
our forces were so exhausted with their forced
march of twenty mites, wiGpbut UttUt rest from
yesterday’s march, that GenTilorris refused to
let them pursue farther.
The results of the whole affair are the cap
ture of tho rebel camp at Laurel Hiil with a
large amount of teats, camp equipage, forty
j baggage wagons, and field and camp chests,
i supposed to contain all their money,, two'regi
mental banners of theirs, that of the Georgia
regiment, four Georgia captains and lieutenant*,
a large number of Virginia officers and the
death of Gen. Garnett and twenty of his men,
and wounding a much larger number. Our loss
J was wholly in the Fourteenth Ohio, two killed
i and two mortally wounded. Our force is now
engaged burying the dead. Gen. Garnett’s
body is lying at headquarters. His body will
be sent to bis family at Richmond.
Along the line of retreat the woods are filled
with deserted rebels, and cur men are ordered
to stop arresting prisoners, because we can’t
fake care of them. There were over 4,000
i rebels on the bluff commanding our position,
who opened fire on the 14th Ohio regiment, and
the distance was little over two hundred yards,
their artillery was rapidly served, but aimed
about two feet too high, cutting off trees above
tho beads of our boys. Our advance, which
alone entered the engagement, numbered less
than two thousand.
It is thought our forces at Eawleahurg .will
cut off the retreat of the remainder, and secure
the few baggage wagons left in the rebel army,
composed mainly of Georgians and Eastern Vir
| ginians. Colonel Ramsay, of the Georgia regi
! ment, succeeds General Garnett in their com
| mand. The Georgians were direct from Pcnsa-
I cola
The same correspondent telegraphs from Graf
ton last night, that coming through the field of
battle on Cheat river yesterday, with Major
Gordon, who had charge of the corpse of General
Garnett, wa learned that the rebel army bad
left the remainder of their baggago train and
artillery at a point about two miles from St.
George. Word was instantly sent back to Gen.
Morris, and all is now probably captured. The
rebels are greatly disorganized, and heading for
Hardy county. Garnett's corpse is here await
ing orders from his family.
Gen. Scott Quiet C.sdeu. Abuse — A cor
respondent from Washington does not coincide
with the opinion of newspaper field-marshals
respecting the dilatoriness of the Comraander
iu-Chief. He says;—“The Lord be praised for
endowing one man in this fast, bustling age,
with the graces of silence and patience. Even
the Homeric Jove is not fnorc sublime than Qen.
Scott at this hour, calmly gathering his thun
der-bolts. Said a gentleman to him the other
Jay—‘General, the people are impatient for
results.’ ‘ Yes, sir, I know it,’ he replied, ‘but
they expect successful results. War ds my pro
fession ; I have made it the study of a life* and
I am now too old to learn. War, air, requires
money, men, time and patience. And,’ said he,
with emphasis, ‘ President Lincoln has assured
mo that I shall, have all these.’ Then,-more
playfully, he continued—‘To march an army
and then consumes shoe-leather, and
that, for the body of men under my charge, is
an important consideration,* ”
. 1 ‘ Culeb Cuniting'' is after “J-.ffrto:: Du
r“;” There are certainly some peculiar coin
cidences in history, but this last is the most
peculiar of nil. No Northern man ever admired
Davis more ardently than cashing. He was his
especial advocate, apologist, and eulogist. He
stood by him at the Charleston Convention,
voted .or him at the Baltimore Convention, and
tried to nominate him at the seceding Convention.
They were the Damon and Pythias of the Demo
cratic party ; they enjoyed its favor, and con
tributed to its ruin. But alas for history and
its changes! Cushing has subsided in Newbu
ryport, Davis is about to subside in Richmond,
and the telegraph Informs us that the revenue
cutter Caleb Cushing has left Boston in pursuit
of tho privateer Jefferson Davit. Think over
the past year and its events, and then imagine !
tho Cushing towing tho Davis into Boston Boy!
What is as Ambulance?— An ambulance is
a light carnage, the body being mounted upon
two wheels and supported by very elastic, light
springs. It is a little over six feet in length?—
There are cots for two inside, with beds, head
p , al “ W3 ' The top is covered with black oil
body and running gear are paint
ed red. The ambulance is intended for one
hope, with a seat for tho driver in front, and
being very light, though strongly built, can be
wounded 0 " 2 Tery r#pidI ' V witbout iejurv to tho
To Consumptives.
And thotfe afflicted with
The un-ler.-igned, now scventy-livo yean old, has f
years devoted his tin:a to curing hi* Pariahcatia
pooriu.New York of these dreadfolcomplaint?. which •
thousands and thousands to an untimely grw...
seldom failed to cure all who have applied to hi:u fer r.
lief, and believing it to be a Christian's duty : j r-li. r .
thoo abroad, a 3 well as alhome, be will send to this* *j. 5
require it, a copy cf Priscr : piios3 u*vd, (Free Chir ..
with directions for preparing ( and u=ing th? tino.
rules on Dittt, Bathing, Ventilation, and Eirrche f., r p
Scik, they will fmd these remedies a sure cur-: f.-rCvavc-.
tioa, and all diseases of the Throat and Lung-, i\v<r ari >
Ague, Co&nipatu-a,' Heart Disease, Dy?pep*U,
Debility. and Female Complaint!*, and he ho*>t-s ew.rv .
filleted will send for *a copy, as it will cwt noth in-, v»i
those hiiould apply before it is Pvi Lite. Ir, -•
Prescription are used by the meet eminent .j
London, Paris, and New York. wL-hic,; ihom u..!
please address ‘ KEV. DU. CUAMBtiiLAIX.
Nov. 10/GO.-ly. Wiliiamshorgb,'New \, r r
Dr. Velpeau’s Caukerlnc.
DR. VELPEAU’S CAXKEKINK cur*.a Sore Xipphs.
DR. VELPEAU'S CANKERINE cures ric r.:-. i
DIE VELPEAU'S CANKEUINE cur..* Cha;*- d li
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKEUINE curf-Vvu , r ,.:0! n- :
DU, VELPEAU'S CANKEUINE is the K*.: IV..ri r
Breath of anything'.tn. -wa.
DU. VELPEAU'S CANKEUINE cures Ciah.r Sr. :
M'.'Uih, Throat. cr'S-thoma;*). resulting from Scarhtiu.i
Typhus PtTor?.
Ladle.*, if you delight ia c white teeth, *.b - - C.\
KEUINE, and your dc.-dres will fc*y realized. WVjlvi,
our word that it entirely fre-j from acids and all .
o;;s .substance-?, and can be .riven loan infant wit!; i-. rf-
s.Uity. I: will preserve the and keep th-» £■
from ulcer?. I; is eqr.nlly dhcacious Lr nu:>
mouth*. In ;ill the thousands r. tnouirs Unit have L ,;i
fvrth for the cmc of lho various dhoasis alxjvc. a- a-,
equal the Caakerine. Sold Ly all Pri \
PrcprU-tors, £3 Maiden LanV V
Tc-r sale in'Altoona. b\ 0. W. KESSLCU.
cents porlof.l
A Card'to the Ladies.
Infj.uih'e in crmxiivjj, regulating, and .
siruciions, from tchatnrr cause, end cltwys
'.ucers.'/uJ as a prtxeulaiix-z
Th.-rr* is nut a laJj livicg bu; wcat at tJornop. ri.-i
I* ixuods just ,'Gch a liv.-dioiuo at i 4 Papon:
Pills/* One of the first iaik* of Chester tol l lb-:
tlu’re that she had received so inuch benefit from uk u-•
of them, she would he willing to pay $3 a box. ndm-r tbr.r.
be without them, if she could get them no loss. Tb : in
gredients compos log these pills are made known to rj
Agent. They will tell yoa they are’perfectly hirr:/-.-
and yet will do all claimed for them. Full and •
directions accompany each box. Price sl.ou p-:rb>v-
Sold by G. W, KLSSLEE, Druggist, ■■ le Agent f jt A',
toon a. Pa.
Ladies by ponding him $,1.00 to the Altoona P-H Oft:-’,
can Invo the pills sent to any part of the Lcumry {c.<v.j
dontially) by mail, free of postage/* Sold also by Joll>
KK.VP, Huntingdon, and by-one Druggist in every
town r.ud city in the State.
Sclc Proprietor, NkwVvrfc.
K. 11.—The above PIU* have been counterfeited, .*hl
offered to Ladies at prices ranging from w cent* to 75 cK
dear at that.) Look out for them. The genuine, L naf
ter, will hear the signature of S. D. Howe, sole f rt yiet- 1
Prlce-“$1. Purchase of the above gentleman, md y>n "•
find the genuine article, and one you may rely upcs.
January 3V, ISCX.—Iy.
EVERY SUMMER rhe demand for Ilrstcttcr's C>ido
ted Stomach increases. It is found to he th? ur.h
certain preservation cf bodily strength during a peri ■ =
when the atmosphere is calculated to induce a fc-.'.in;
Lassitude and indigestion. The worst cuscr cf Dhrni
and Dysentery give way to its potent indncnCe. InuanuM
bio persons, who are now aiivo and well, mu-»t taar.L* ur
discoverer ot this preparation that they hare net teen sw*;
away in the harvest of death. The Bitters is c.5 .;
by the best physicians (n tho land. This is the-Led ca
dence of its real value, because, as a general thine. tt ;
will not speak a word in fcvor of advertised prvpf.nui-jo
They have been compelled to acknowledge the claim- 1
the Bitters upon the comraunitv. Sold by all Jruggiaf
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having restored to health iu a
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered
cral years with a;sovoro lung affection, and tlut hr-; 1 . !
ease consumption—is anxious to make known to hhf.-I
sufferers the means of cure.
To All who desire it he will send a copy of tlsi j-rv-'n.
tion used (free of cliargc,) with the directions for prcjvrir::
nnd nsing the same, which they will find a euro rnre- ■
Conscjtptiox, AsiuiLi, BEOxcnnis, 4c. The •
the advertiser it* sending the Prescription is to benefit t;
afflicted, and epread information which ho
invaluable, and ho hopes every sufferer will ttyliUr-i—
-dy, aait will coat them nothing, ahd may prove a
Parties wishing the prescription will please address-
King*-; County, New
Oct. i,
A Card to the Suffering.
The Rev. Wm. Cosgrove, while laboring as a a—-;
in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when ell at:a r- ~
had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned p'rr-i ■
residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe ire- err •
great numbers who were suffering from Consumption
Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs anti Colds, and the dcUliiJ
and nervuns depression caused by these disorder?.
Desirous of bcncflttipg others, T will scnd’this reed ■
which I brought homo with me, to all who need it, ft '
charge. Address
439, Fulton Avenue.
Brooklyn. N. V
t; o_ The Git hat Clothing Emporium or THI lv V
Philadelphia possesses th* most splendid Clothing Em; •
rium in the country. It is splendid as regards the ;
tial structure in which the immense business of the cii.u -
lishment is conducted, ami it is equally splendid in rep;;:
to its great facilities and vast resources. But to its p
irons its chief attractions are, first, the elegance of t:;•
garments for Gentlemen and Youths, manufactured;
secondly, the beauty and durability of the niiterial.-. an!
tho superior excellence of tho fit, and lastlv tho nied-r,.:-;
prices at which the goods are sold. We refer, iu this J
cription, to none other than the Brown Stone Clotli:
Xlall of Eockhill A Wilson, Nos. CO3 and 005 Chestnut f
cbovo Sixth, Philadelphia.
We invite special attention to the advertisement
Prof ' Wood’s Rtiiuralm Cordial and Stood Senmohr, m
another column. For weakness and general debility th-;
ia nothing like it; it will strengthen, exhilarate, create «•
appetite at once, regulate tho bilious system, aid digest
and in abort; restore tho weakened organa to all their orig
inal vigor and strength. So valuabl,, a Tonic Cor lid
should be in the hands «f every invalid and iu every fts
ily- Reader, trv it.
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