to the Xiadies. GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES, *W, rufatatina, and r rt»tmnz aU 06. S»j* w|oftrer but what rfvwow period of her jp» ntedkino *a f Papoaco’s Golden |r»t tedfe* of Chester the Agent {gelMr> mtich benefit trom thetuo bewitthls to W t*«rt»i,*«hetthan ifc.VOoU get them in. jthete pills arc made kDMnk tell yon they are perfectly haralew Claimeil for tin'jn. Fall aod axpliclt (re e»eh bos. Price ?LOO perlman— BSLER, Dnisglit, sole ARwrt tjr ai. him $l-00 to the Altoona PoatOflfee, rnt to any part of the toon try (cosfl < ftce of postage.” Sold alaoty JOHn ,mid by ouc Druggist in every village ►State. S. D. HOWE, Pole Proprietor, MmrVatk. rPilts have been counterfeited, and are price* ranging from 25 cent* to 75 cts, k out lor them. The genuine, hereaf {nature of 8. D. Huwe, sole proprietor. Ml oft he above gentlemen, and yon will Iclc, and one yon may rely, open. -*• _ ■■ Consumptives. ►Ting been restored to health ina lew (pie rein 'ily, after having suffered test. stgre ln;ig affection, and that dread fe anxious to make known toUtfefiow cure. It’be will semi a copy of the preterig. Rrge,) with the dircctiona forprepaLTing . which tiny will find a. sure ctßefer HA. Baoxenms. \tc. Tho only ohfeEt ol ►ding the Pixscription is to benefit the t information which he conceives to h e ippes every sufferer will tryhisrerne em nothing, and may prove n blessing, »e prescription will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, William* bnrrh, King County, Kow Yjrit I to the Suffering. Kgcove, while laboring as a missionary I of Consumption, when all other means obtained from n learned t city of Jctldo. This recipe fans cored were sufil-nii" from Consumption, -oat. Coughs and Coldy, ami thtdebUlty niqri cau*cd by these disorders, ting other*, I will send tbis reefre, bsowiih me. to ull who nccd-it,freeof ulrei*.’! ■ 11KV.WM* COSGROVE. / ■m, Fulton ATennc. , jf,.T/ EttPonivu op tnfi Cjtjox.— ma?t feplcmikl Clothing Bmpo» . -It' U as tke pala* ch the irameuse bu!sine«B of tlreotab' d. mitl it in tonally eplcDditl in respect * ami T.ak resourced. Bat to lts pa rtloos p.n\ first, tho elegance of the rvitm tmU Te nths, therc; f and durability' of the materials, and li- o of Hie fit, am\ lastly tlvo moderate -•.•VN arc Suld. IV u refer, intbis dea der than tho Brown Stoao GJotWnff Vilsion. Xos. CO3 aaU Gos Chcfttntrt SI” f/lphfc*.- •/Xi! attention to the rulvertiwmentof •'-'rc OmUal and Stood Senocater, In •r \rtukiicjw«»d general debility thcr* • ’ill exhilarate, PKftto &n {«! ite the bilioqsfystcin, aid digestion • th* weakeated orgaas to ontbeir orlg- So TaJaable a Tonic Cordial da of otoj invalid and iu Mery tun- stheSews? IS, THE SUBSCRIBER fciv*l and : o*enjKl » Urge apl bcauli- f SABLE GOOES {■■unit the fadgwlog HEL.API3E^: mnsnificPdt anti brlllUutjtVle* of Silks, Nuntleh Poplin*, Cwllie Du Atarvd Brilliant*. Fwrt«iwß|l>t Oil American CttlicoeVltc. ’HITE OOOVS. " |2-l>artmc«t, linens, Tacos, Edging*, i, Naiuaooks, JacuneMs, ; Lainn, Mull e French Collars, Ciu)erstuires,ie,oU fully «sk a thorough examination In Its that we burn these goods bettor soil thu lowest. Goods. Is very ample In every deportment, y an d ’■G lov e s. n and Uncn Hose for ImJleanadgeotle vurfety for children. Ladlessßdssjfc uilsbee, Silk smi Lisle Thread Olovcs. Limed •' Buck Li loves.” ; DOMESTICS. ' liuukuts, ami every, article in thepe rsefe, in larger quantity and In more i than con be foanirVhanyilOO* la lylranhi. it assortment of . 1 i AND OIL CLOTHS, VTihlu full stock of 'weemvcat% Bardvoarc, i of a country store. . J. B. Itn*KMAK. P & HERB DOCTOR, PHILADELPHIA, B HAD 80 TSARS CON t'iu:c, canbe consol tod at the AllOOfla witfe. t! zi—Onihe “tk qf ©Miwitti—lie will ti»<» Tucate for M I* pres in thii paper when n® M>-T«rm win. ' M lUat fleih id heir to. lie iowJto**** wiring'with d lucaaes pscaßw *° f-xftmloe hi-H new mod* of tresttßJjw ten restored to health irto tofioff 3 : - lie is *4o possession ofpwfi** lo ' ng ihs lungs and chest and Is te the exact condition of tbo viwc r ‘ mb treat such compWntewltilgrt*JJ* than it is possible for those V-eninenf for its cur*. He b«K h there is foufid In LHJTv. „-l. . . = __* *• treatment for $5 perTnontnt wgfr; ad Tmnors., they wary frOjMKr Ires. DU. W. LOTDlt*®®' ik . - . * - v cataerJ.^- net Altoosa Gas t A L7OOJCI, June Tf»JS!k J J) OF »IREGTG^h*« pa * divideud of tacit rm cesj of the Company, clear of BW® ***> duly Ut,ISCT. r (or collection af dividend* e»n M [ the office of the Treatnref. ' , I he dosed on the 27th of JnWi hoSthof Jnly.iSdl. p.F.RQSE, .jHaWtW!*- I— The. subscriber atnt Altoon*, wbo AT • ATCKRNOOXH. TertaA*®? 1 mt« pw.lwAel, SeUrerod lo" ' of Wm. 4 » ’ -■■ ~ ' n. J Mtfttpp, HATOK’S NOXl#i^ -MIN BAER, laCb -- Joe’d, bare been encMd tap” { in Altoona. All p«HSßPkli«ff>®£ i> oAfate are Mirf, for settfoacn^^. ' l 'A.-' l ' f ' j :i.—Ct.j mSTR^* TEsh 9. D. S,“ ■rrmtaUr In AUoon* ••* ttogWetaDt-deprotii^'' C. JtjsffiTd’iSiore. Uteraa Crtee. Eastern Way Western Way Ilollidaysbnrg........ Western Through—.—.a.™.. Eastern Through t IloUidsysburg - 7 00 A. M. and 6 20 P. M. Western Through - 4 40 A. M. ►astern Through ..—A 7 10 “-»* Western Way ...» i ; I .. 11 00 A. M. Easurn Way .y....;.... 6 30 P. 31. Otfici: Hours During the week, from 645 a. 51. till • sup si. Ou Sundays, from 0 43 till V 45 \. u. ‘ JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. 31 RAILROAD SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861. vjrrees Train East arrives 4,40 A. 51., leaves 4.45 A. SI .I “1 West “ 7,10 A.M. “ 7,30 A.M. “ East “ S,3OP.M. “ 8,50 P. 51. .. “ West “ 7,55 P. 51., “ 8,10 P. M. Mail “ East <• 11,00 A. M. “ 11.20 A. 51. ‘.l “ West “ 0,30 P. 51., “ 0,50 P. 31. The lIOLLIDAYBBURG BRANCH connects with Ex press Train West, aud Mail Train East and West. INDIANA* BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown Accommodation Trains East and West, Express West, and Vast Lino and Mail train East and West. LOCAL ITEMS. Proceedings of Council. Special meeting, Jane 7, 1801. Prescntr—A. A. Smyth, R. Greenwood, Daniel Laugbmao and C. R. Hostetler. On motion. Retained, That Dr. Wm. R. Find-' ley, Dr. J. T. Christy, C. J. Mann and Lewis Flack, be, and they ace hereby, appointed a Hoard of Health for the; year IBGI. Special meeting, June 19, 1801. Present—A. A. Smyth, R. Greenwood, C. B. Hoatetter, and N. J. Mcrvine. /' On motion. Resolved That each occnpnnt of property; in the Borough be and is hereby re quired to sprinkle lime in their cellars, cesspools, and guiters near their premises, to prevent all impure, offensive, and unhealthy effluvia arising therefrom. The following preamble and resolution was read, and, on motion, adopted, viz: Wukbkas, A petition was received from sund ry citizens of the Borough of Altoona, /asking the town council to appropriate the sum of one hundred dollars ont of the funds of the borough for the purpose of aiding in defraying the ex penses of celebrating the coming 4tb ofJuly in an appropriate and becoming manner, And Whereas, A petition was also received' (tome time since from the Members of the “Good Will Fire Engine Co.”, asking a donation from the funds of the borough to aid and assist them in liquidating the debt, of the said campany: therefore, Resolved— That tho Borough Council after due consideration, believe it to he out of their power legally to grant the prayer of tho petitioners in the first case, and as to the second they consid er it inexpedient at the present time to grant the prayer of the petitioners, as it would serve to embarrass the treasury withidebt, not con templated when the taxes were assessed for the present year—and would hare a tendency to cripple their efforts in discharging debts of long s, standing, and contracts wliich must be promptly met. ‘ i Special meeting,'June 24, 1861. Present—John Allison, Chief Burgess; A. A. Smyth, R. Greenwood, C. U. Hostetler, Daniel Liughman and N. J. Mcrvine, Council. The resignation of Joseph K. Ely, High Con stable, was received, and, on motion, Joseph P. Trout was appointed and duly constituted High Constable for the remainder of the year, at the usual salary. 1 On motion, adjourned to meet on the first Monday evening of lB6l. Regular meeting, July 1, 1861. Present—A. A. Smyth*, C. It. Hostetler, N. J. Mervinc and Daniel Laughman. Two bills from the Gas and Water Company, for rent of water-plugs, were read, and, on mo tion laid on the table until a settlement could he effected with the Company. On motion, A. A. Smyth and C. R. Hostetler were appointed a Committee to wait on the Gas and Water Company, for the purpose of affect ing a settlement. The following orders wpre granted, vie: Ope £o Daniel Laughman, $20.71, for plank, fur nished the Borough: one to the ap pointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions, to view and lay out streets and alleys, for $15.00; one to Wv W-. Snyder, $30.00; to Daniel Ccylc, $23.50; to John Haney, $21.00; to Charles Maloy, 23.50; to John McCulloch, $23.50, for labor on streets; one to James Gwinn, lisq., $B.OO, for making, drafts of the Borough. The Supervisor was instructed to repair Grant street, immediately: On motion, Retolved, That the Gas and Water Company be nnd is hereby requested-to put in two water-plugs on Adaline street, east of An nie, and one on Rebecca strpet, east of Annie. On motion, adjourned to meet on the first Monday evening in August, 18C1. —Extract from the Einuta. Sgt, We have received lately a pamphlet writ- ten by Hon. Geo. Connell, member of the State ' Senate from ihi Fourth District of Philadel phia, and addressed to his constituents, entitled “A Brief Notice of what was done at Harris- burg during the Regular and Extra Sessions of 1801,” in which Senator Connell, in referring to the Speaker of the Senate, Hon. L. W. Hull, from this District, pays him the following pretty compliment :, It requires not the gift of prophecy to fore tell, that those who read these pages will here after become familiar with the name of one eminent in the service of his country, and cov ered with her most distinguished honors, who began hia early career in public life as ‘Hhi' Senator from Blair," 1 History or Bail Road.— James E. Giffin, A. M-, who visited this place a few weeks since, for the purpose of opening a select school for instruction in all the higher branches and also in military tactics, is, we learn, about to write a.history of tae Pennsylvania Bail Road. He has the ability to get, up a readable and valuable work of this- kind, and as all-the needed information can be readily, obtained, he can have it ready for the press in a short time. Exmmbatiok or Teachers. — The examina tion of applicants for the public schools of Al toona will be held in one of the school rooms m West Ward, on Monday July 15th, commen Stahely Martin L, Frankstown Shifller Wm, Taylor Shink Joseph, Snyder GRAND JURORS. Oeeglo Dreniol, Allegheny Cyphers Moses, Altoona Crawford Armstrong, Tyrone tp Hilling Isaac, Huston Deader David, Taylor Dodson Samuel, Greenfield Henchcy Henry, Tyrone bor Hart Ellis, Allegheny Holder William, Snyder Isetl E B, Snyder Kelley George P, Juniata Kennedy William, Woodberry Loudon William, Logan Lingenfeltcr David, Juniata Martin Henry B, Hollidaysburg Marks John, Tyrone bor McClelland John, Altoona McFarland John R, Hollidaysburg. Pruner E J, Tyrone bor Reed Joseph, Hollidaysburg Rolamer Wm, Altoona Stiller Jacob H, Allegheny Tussey Samuel C, Tyrone tp Wertz John, Blair MARRIED: On the S7th nit, by the Rev. W. Lee Stntstood, Mr. DAVID HART to Him SARAH McPHERREN, both of this piece. There ere exceptions to ell grtwral roles, bat it will be found that there ere es few exceptions to that rule which makes a remembrance of the printer, on occasions like the above, the forerunner of future happiness, as to any other, consequently we may predict for our young friends a hap* py journey through life, and express the hope that they may be long spared to eqjoy each others society. They hare our thanks for that beantilhl and excellent cake. • On Tuesday morning, the 3d instant, by the same, Mr; samuel Caldwell to Miss Caroline brother* TON. „ On the 4th instant, by J. M. Cherry, Etfq., Mr. DAVID ! BURNS, of Antis township, to Miss LYDIA A. HOUSE* MAN, of Logan township. Our friends above named have chosen a very fortunate and auspicious day for the celebration of their nuptials* They could not have taken this important stop under hap pipr auspices. May the day which commemoiates Die birth of the American Union, prefigure a long and pros* . perous union to the happy pair. We wish them a success* ful voyage .over the stormy sea of life, with all the Joys and raptures incident th the marriage relations in full fruition* J. M. COOPER - J. MILLIKEN-, CIOAL! COAL !—Having taken the J Coal-Yard of F. Nothwang, at the upper cad of. the Altoona Yard, we are prepared to fnruish tho public with a good article of Bituminous Coal, cither at the Yard or at their residences—os may be desired. gA. Terms Cash. Call on F. Nothwang. JAS. M COOPER A CO. July U, ISCI.-tt E STRAY COW.—Strayed away from the residence of tho subscriber, in Altoona, on the 11th ult., a middling sized Dark Brindlo COW, about five years old, with a white stripe across her forehead, well shaped horns, end of tail white, also mark of cut on tail for wolf disease. A suitable reward will bo paid for tho delivery of tho Cow, or for information where site may be found. July 11, >B6l~St PHILIP UALTON. STORE FOR SALE.—The subscriber, desirous of going out of business on account of fail ing health, offers for sale, at a bargain, tho entire stock of goods in his Store-Room, on tin* corner of Branch and Annie streets, East Altoona, together with a lease of the Store-Room for a terra of from one to ten years, af may bo desired. Tho location is one of tho best in the town, and tho stock of goods flrst-clas*. They will be sold by tho lot. or at Philadelphia cost prices—carriage off. Cal! Immedi ately, or apply by letter to J. E. ICKES, Altoona, July 11, 1t>61.-3t. List of letters remaining ia the Altoona Post Office, July 0, IStil, Ambrose, Chas Jones, Chas H Amhisor, Q W 3 Jenkins, Isaac 2 Anguish, Jacob Johnston, Catharine Ackers, R A Jeffery, Key C Ahisbaugb, M E Jettemy. Mary B Ball, Charles Kelly, John Boodey, J W Klotz, Leah Bailies, Fannie S Lyons, James Bush, A Lcymon, A J Beiard, Ann Iate Hcnsbey, M Wilkox, Jacob R Hips, Miss F Warren, Lewis A Ilayotton, Doyle P Wolfi Rev OTB Heacbcoat, George Wakefield, Geo M Henderson, Mary Wertz, Tobias U Herell, Mr Williams, J Haky, Susan, 09 Persons calling for letters on this list will please say “ advertised." July 11.-11 G. W. PATTON, P. M. PROF. O. J. WOOD S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR. TS precisely what its name indicates, for while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating and strength* cuing to the. vital powers. It also revivifies,reinstates and renews tho blood in all its original purity, and thus re* store* and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to tho world in a popular form so os to be within tho reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined os to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted so as io act in perfect accordance to ith the laws of nature , and hence soothe the weakest stomach and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all nervous and oilier irritation. It Is also perfectly exhilarating In Its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of those thoroughly combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and consequently can never Ipjme. As a wore preventive add cure of ~ Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Dvspemi.v Loss o# Appxttt*, Faintness, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia* Palpitation op the Heart, Melancholy, Night Sweats, Lan guor, Giddiness, and all that CLASS UP CASES SO FEARFULIT FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND IR REGULARITIES., THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com plaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or soy general derange ment of the Urinary organs. It will not only cure the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic influences, and euro tho diseases at once, if already attacked. Travelers should have a.bottle with them, as It will in fallibly prevent any deleterious consequences following upon change of climate and water. ' As It prevents costivonews, strengthens the digestive or gans, it should be in the bands of all persons of sedentary habits. Ladies not accustomed to much out-door exercise should always use it. Mothers should use it, for it is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before tho final trial, sho will pass tho dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. There is no mistake about it. THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT! MOTHERS THY ITU And to you wo appeal, to detect the illness or decline not only of your daughter* before it be too late, but also yonr sous and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition bo known in time, the latter arc often so mixed up with the excitement ef business, that if it were not for you,Jhcy too, wAultl travel in the same down ward path until It is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you wo confidently appeal; for we are sore your never-filling affection will uherringly point vou to PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which should always be on hand in time of need. 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and’ 114 Market’Street, St. Louis. Price $1 per bottle. For sale in Altoona by A. ROUSH, Agent, and all good* Druggist. [June 27, IWI.-lyoow LADIES’ WINE. SPEER’S SAMBUCI WINE, OF CULTIVATED PORTUGAL ELDER. EXCELLENT WINE FOB FEMALES. EVERY FAMILY .SHOULD USE . SP-EBE’S SAMBIJCI WINE. CELEBRATED for Us medicinal and ' beneficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, Dinretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, and some of the first families In Europe and America. SPEER’S SAMBUGI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is pur?, from epltivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists and Physicians ss possessing medical properties superior to any other wines in use, and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated persons, and tho aged and infirm, improringthe appetite, and benefltting ladies and children. A IsADIES’ WINE, becanie it wilt not intoxicate as other wines, as it contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy sUn and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J. iaover the cork of each bottle. MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WIFE. , A. SPEER, Proprietor, Office SOS Broadway, New York. ■a-For sale'by A. ROUSH, Altoona: GEO. W. PATTER SON and OEO. A. JACOBS, Hollidaysburg; ami by W. NOWLIN 4 CO, Tyrone. [jsSMy DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. R. O. A. KERR Has just returned from New York city witfr n BenatUU assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR THE LAOI|EB< ' eooiUtlng to jwrt of IM De. He, Japanese, Dthha Strips, ' De Ckexeer, Crape DtStge, ■ ■ Lomu, AStts, etc, INDIAN SILK SHAWLS, a beautiful article, cheap and fashionable, STELLA AND PRINTED SHAWLS. A Urge assortment of the prettiest PRINTS ever brought to the town, so acknowledged by competent Judge*. Ladies’ Trimmings in endless variety. He coll* special attention to his beautiful assortment of QUEENSWARE, which is acknowledged to be the most complete of any in the town, and sold at prices defying competition. • Iron S tone sets for s4Jo—Tea Sets for. $3,00. ‘ BOOTS AND SHOES, directly from NewTork, and bought from first {lands, BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL, INQRAIN, LIST, HEMP AND KAO CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS front 1 to 2-yards tcide. His stack of GROCERIES 1. complete in every respect, snd will so sold at as low « figure as any-house this Side of the city, CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES at lower prices than they can be had .elsewhere. Good Carriages for $4.00 and $4.50, and Spring Carriages for $5.00, just ns good as heretofore for $B.OO. Wooden and'Willow Ware in almost every variety, together with all tho outfit of a first class store. (May 9,1861-lf AUCTION GOODS VERY CHEAP AT ; McCormick’s Store, in East Altoona ! JUST OPENED A VERY LARGE and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of British, French aha American Dry Goods, selected with great care to suit this region of coun try. In tho line of Ladies Dress Goods for quality and price, they will surpass. v Mantillas, Dusters, Shawls, White Goods, Em broideries, Irish .Linens, Linen Handker chiefs, Hoopskirts, Clothes', Cas ting ret, Kentucky Jeans, Vrints, Ginghams, Muslins, Flan nels, Etc., Etc. Boots & Shoes In all their various make and material for Men A Boys’ us well as Ladies, Misses and Children. Beady Hade Clothing, a full assortment to suit the season, with Hats, Capa, Um brellas, Parasols, Carpets, Oil Cloths, MattiOß, Urooma, Buckets, Tubs, Tin Ware. Quecusware, Hard Ware, Stone Ware,'Market Baskets, Zink Rubbers, Brushes, Clothes Lines, Ac., with all articles necessary to make up a full as* sorlinent to moot the wants of the people. ALSO, a complete FAMILY GROCERY, which will have odr special attention, first in buying and selecting the best, and farthest as well ns keeping it up at all times. Coffees of the very host and richest varieties. T E A. s, Black and Green of the beat qualify and flavor. Sugars good and cheap? common Brown at: 6, good at 8 cents, common white 10 dents. ■ - Syrupi and Bating Molautt, from tho boat Lovoring* at C2U, to tho lowest gnxlo at 40 cents. Cornstarch, Dryed Peaches, Dryed Apiilia. Karrcna, Bacon, Dryed Beef, Mackarel, Herring, Lake rfah k Dry Pish, Window Glass, different sizes, 4c., *ll of which will bo sold very low for cash, or exchanged for Produce. Always on hand. Spoor 4 Halls celebrated Iron. Plows. Persona visiting town would do well before making their selections to Call and examine one stock, as we ■will be pleased to seo them free of charge, Very thankful for past favors, we respectfully solicit a Continuance of pub lic patronage. Altoona, April ISth, ISOI-tt Cheap! Cheaper!! Cheapest!!! Huzza for north vward.-^ Tho undersigned would respectfully inform tho ctfcizoQfl ofAltooua; and tho surrounding country that ho has rcutedth© atom room formerly occupied by Jacob Burkhart, on Virginia street, near A. McCormick’s store', where he is about Opening a Grocery y Plour, Peed and Provision Store. lie has just returned from the East where be has been selecting his groceries with great caro and buying exclu sively fur cash, which enables him to sell os low, If not a little lower, than any house in the place. lie would therefore say to all rho wish a good article of groceries, and at a low figure, to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. His stock consists of Hats and Caps, J ten and Women's Shoei t yuiom kinds , Extra Family Flour, Superfine, Com Meal, Rye and Com Chop. Extra Loveriug Syrup Mulassce, 00 cent, per ml. Gulden •* •» 45 »« « •> Pennsylvania 44 44 55 44 . 44 44 Baking •* 37U *« 44 White Crush Sugar it * 4 44 lb. White « 10 44 44 44 Refined 44 10. M 44 , 44 Best Brown 44 8: “ 44 44 Cuba 44 :7- 44 44 •» UioCoffeq 15 to IS 44 44 44 Best Imperial Teas 90 44 44 44 2nd quality “ 75 a «« u • Black 44 60 « 44 “ Rosin and Castile Sdip. Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Fil berts, English Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Mackerel, Herring, Lake Trout, Dairy Salt, Cheese, and everything that la necessarily kept fti a good family grocery* April 4, ’6l-tf.J J. A. SPRANKLE. HAT CAP EMPORIUM, JESSE SMITH, Proprietor. All the latest styles of, lIATS qn4 CAPS constantly on hand. It la the determination of the proprietor o f this Emporium to keep up with the time# and fashions, and to do ibis huspares no expense. He bos Just received his supply SPRING AJID SUMMER HATS AND CAJfS, among which Will be found styles and ties to suit the tastes of old or youngs or fashionable. ' - To give the names, colors, qualities oind otyles of all his goods in this line, would only oonfttso the reader, and be would not then understand or appreciate the diversity and magnitude of bis Stock. It must ho seen to b* believed.-* Go and see J£sse If you want to see a ttvo hatter and a fhchionnble stock. ■» He has also a fine assortment of CHILDREN’S HATS andFLATS, to which ho invites the attention of solicitous mothers. At his Store they will find something which will excel dll their neighbors in the war of Bullion and beauty. Go, mckjiers, and examine and select from Josse Smithrs stock. - Store on-Virjinfa Street , opposite the Lutheran Church. May 9,1861. DR. CALDERWGOD. offers bis Pro fessional Services to tho citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on Virginia turret, nearly opposite C. J. Mann’s Store. REFERENCES; J. B. Lena*. H. D., Huntingdon.' Jtio. McCtftinOß, M. D, “ 11. T. Cornr, “ Pittsburg!;. Rev. J. D-Ceist, Birmingham. Rot. Thomas Stxvxxbos, Tyrone City. Jacob Bcioit, “ C. Germ, “ W. BcEtxr, “ M. H. Jollt, “ Altoona, May Oth, 1801-Cm 1 FASHIONABLE'MILLINARY & ' TRIMMING Rtore, on Virginia street, Altoona,op poeito J. B. HUeman'e store. The subscriberhating pur chased with great care, an entire new stock of Ladies dross goods, and Trimmings; also a large assortment of Bonnets and Ribbons, Fine French Work, Collars and Un dersloeres in sets; Glares, Mitts, naslery.Skirts, ic., all of the latest stiles, and In great rarietiea, are now open for the examination, pf the ladies; all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Ladies desiring goods of theabore named should out on the undersigned and suit tbetaselvoO before purchasing elsewhere. MRS. ELIZABETH EASY. Altoona, April 25,18614 m. - PUMPS !: PUMPS I—T#E UNDER signed would reopectf&lly inform the clifsehs of Al toona and vicinity that ho Is prepared to put In PUMP STOCKS, of an j length, at abort notice, and onreasonable terms. Haring nod long experience ia thebufiiness.beVarranta all bis work to giro aotUfeotion. v Persons desiring work dono can lepre their orders with Ssqaire McClelland, or call upon the tuheerCtar at his roe* Idenco on £mnutstreot,_a few doom Item the Methodist Church. “ - JIKNJAMIN McMAHAN. Altoona, March 81 v IB6l-3m : • • ■ ■» TWO SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS for sale. Apply to JOIHC BKOEMAS2R. - . At the Post Office. NervousHkdache leaiidfe By the use of these Pitta the periodic attacks of Skrron or tick Headache may be prevented; ami if taken at the commencement of an attack' tamed lata relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fall in remoTiog Xko Skueca tad J7«k laete to which females arc so snhfect. They act gentlyupon the bowels, —removing Cbsfr'eeiiesi. For Literary ifen, Belleato Females, and «U peraona of sedentary habUt, they are valuable as a ttwati’w, improving the appetite, giving tone to the diges tive organs, and restoringtho natara] elasticity andstrength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS art the result of long iaveatigs tloh and carefftlly conducted experiments, having been in use many years, daring which time they have prevent*! and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, amt nt»y bo taken at all times with pefcct safety without making-any change of diret, and Ou ahtenct qf any di*u gntaUtUuU render* it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I The genuine have Are signatures of Ik-tury C. Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines, • A Box will be sent by mail prepared on receipt of the PRICE 35 CENTS. AU orders should bo addressed to HENRY 0. SPALDING, Nov. 15, ’00.-ly.j 4S Cedar Street Now York THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING’S Cephalic Pills, WILL CONVINCE ALL WUO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CUBE IS WITUIN TIIEIU REACH. As these Testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. Spuding, they afford unquestionable vronfof the efficacy qf this indy scrffitijic discovery. Mxsoxville, Coxa., Feb. 5,1801 Mb. Spudxnq. SMt I Imre tried your Cephalic Pills. ami I like them so well that'l waut yon to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these arc for the neighbors, to whom X gavc a low* out of the first box I pot from you. Send tho Pills by mail, and oblige Voar obedient Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. llavebpoxb, Pa., Feb. O,ISCI. 31b. Spaihing, Sib: I wish you to send me one more your Cephalic Pills, / have received a threat ileal of benefit front them. Yours, Respectfully, MARY ANN STOIKUODSE. Spruce Cbcbs, Uusnsanos Co., Pa., Jan. 18,1801. U. C. SfALDtXQ. 1 Sib; You will plcoso send mo two boxes of your CepliiHc Pills;. Send them immediately. Rcspecthilly yours, • JOHN B. SIMONS. P. S.— l have used of your JVU, and And them excellent. Urn* Vkikcw, Omo, Jan. 1,% 1861. Il.ixar C. Spalding, Rmj. Please find Inclosed twenty-five cents, for which send ms another box of your Cephalic Pilla. Thty art truly the btst PUU J ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P.M. Bello Vernon, Wyandott Co., O. BcTB&Lr, Mass, bee. 11,1861, 11. C. Esq, I wi*h for some circulars or largo show bills, to bring your Onhalic Villa more pohicularly before my cunto mcra. If you bore anything of tho kind, please send to me. One of my customer*, who U subject to ecTcfe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two Jays,) t vat cured of an at tack in one Aour tjfiyour nils, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, , W. B. WILKES. i'c-isma Co., Ohio, Jan. 0,1861. UCSBT C. SPALDISO, No. 48 Cedar at., N. Y. Dsau Sm: nebbed find twenty-five cent", (25.) for which send ono ■c (ft ** Ophallc Pilf*.” Send to address of Rev. TVin, C. sitter* RpysoUsburg. Franklin Cou, Ohio. Tour JVOs work litx a fiAarw—care Ucadacht almost m* skater* Truly yours. Ypsiujoi, Uico, Jan. U, 1861. Hm. Spau>l!w. Bir Not Ion; since I sent to you for a bos of Cephalic Pills for tho cure of the Nervous Headache and Costivenesik and received tho same, and they had to good an effect lhai I tout induced to said/or more. Please send by return mall. Direct to A. B. WHEELED, TpalUqtl, Mkh. From the Examiner, XorfoUc, Va. Cephalic Pills occompUkb the object for’which the. were mode, Tte.: Coro ofheadache lo all Its torus. From the Examiner, Xor/oik, Va. They bare been tested ia more than a thousand coses, with entire success.. ■ - -WQI; From at Democrat, St. Cloud, jcnn. If you are,'or bare been troubled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that jod nttfati them Incase of an attack. From the AdverUxer, Providence, 72. 1. • The Cephalic Pills arc said to bo a remarkably effect ire remedy for tho headache, and ono of the Very host \lbr that Tenf frequent complaint which has error been discovered. \ From the WeitemS. X. Gazette, Chicago, XL Cn his unrivalled tVom the Kanawha Valley Star, Eanawka, Va. We *re_Bnre that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. ’ Pnm Uic-JoulAcm JR Uht\ndir, JVew Orttmt, Za, Try them! yon that arc afflicted, and ire am tore that yonr testimony can ho added to tho already namarona Hat that has received hoaeflts that no other medicine can pro duce. ... *3. A single'bottle of SPALDINGS PREP ABED GLUE - will sere ton ttniee Ha coat ann«aUy.*BS , - 3PALDINO’B pSFaBED QUJB 1 SPALDING’S PEEP ABED, OLD* I . . SPALDING’STgtPARZt QuJSI ' .. .. Sava thb men! •n;/'” ECONOMY 1 DISPATCH! «-“ A Sntcs w Ttm Sara* Nna?Ver Aa accfatenta wiU happen, even- ih well regelated fcm 1- 1 le«, it Is Tory desirably to have some fflMeto cenve nient way for repairing PnrnHnrO) Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING’S PB£FAKX3'e|iD|ll ' " meets all such emergencies, and no hoheotmtodko aiford to be withont ft. IHeidways ready, and"hgMf W fiaijiSg Pbtat ' IN EVERT lIOtTHI w ’ S, B.—A BiraiA itcMmpaniee each Bottle. : Prko gg cfo CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the nnsnspeeting pnnHc, HnitatllmwaraitorUtPA TTTTTt GTTTP T TrnnW rinttnn etl liliwwihi i SnnrffiftYisiriil ir purchasing, and eee that the (tail naWtc .-■ ■lsjjU SPALDING’S P®TOAlti|!i ' wrapper; in” other ato;a^tts^Hg(rfePC- WM. 0. lULEK.