The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 11, 1861, Image 1

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' No. 807 MARKET, \ i
No. 807 MAKKn,
No. 807 MARKET,
tmeot of JcwaliT, conaiatlar
Sated Chains, Gold and Plated
I gilt, gift or galvanised good*,
beat Jewelers aa GUI JaweL
I tlio beat Alfdd Jewelry Man-
j \
lal list «f our immense stock: 1
seo Sets, General Retail
- - - $8 to|i.
ta ; do 10 to 20
rbuucle ... do 8 to 80
sd Coral- do 7to 80
irbuncle do 7to 80
nty do 7 to 30
Sotting jets do 10 to 80
•do do o 10 to 30
Sets. do 6 to 12
Fosalc do 6 to 12.
>ne Mosaic do 6 to 12
feta. do 5 to 12
hriilvuit?, do 6 to 15
Jo, do 8 to 20
■> do 10 to SO
4 - V do i! to i
Lins and Cajetrj 3 to G
bond, 2 00
4 00
lyles Ladies* Jewelry; Modal
d sixes: Lockets of every de
toret, witli Silver Extension
■ Duttons, Studs. Ac., Ac.; Cor
racelcts; Gents’ Ve»t Chains,
ears without changing color,
yore usually sold by Jewelers
tdc -in Paris. Yon can take'
dies* andUeuU* Guard Chains,*
refers at from $5 to $3O each ;
k Chains, beautiful patten;*
it and ruby settings; Crowes,
uadi, retail prices from $5 to*
variety of Jewelry and detdru^
zv9, will continue long enough
i, which was purchased tt a'
rtnrer* who have failed.
tW£ FOB §1 EACH,
-ice of Residence, County and
vrc cim moke nothing out qf
. m Envelopes scaled with gum
li- d—the consents taken out
Is. and wc will be responsible
■at, who will send us atone
'hunting Case Watch, extra,
l:**ver Witch,
r Watch.
selected frcmtlie above List at
iftnst tend *1 and 15 cents in
b.> address**! td
No. 807 Market Street, i
Philadelphia, Pa.
i‘i\ the establishment heretofore
. aid respectfully an-.
itroua and vicinity,
and retail HE
i. street, between Harriet and
ut. where ho will keep constant
tent of everything m hUiiae,
reasonable terms.
L« aUo manufactures Leaded
t to be much superior to gal-
>ppvr*smithing room to hU ea
rn baud an assortment of cop
iptty attended to.
» is respectfully eolicitesl-
j*p a large assortment of Gold, English and Swiss QtQ*
brated makers, in addition' to
i on hand (andmode toordcr)na
ry, Silver and Silver Plated ware,
toortment of such {mods «s sro
» Watch an*l Jewelry Store,
d, and tho*? of the subscriber,
morally, are invited to call, and
ticl* for their money. As lam
udnc*s. govds'will be sold very
Xi,'/;" i>s the motto of thU
Formerly 0. Coqtad,
.4 St., cor. of Quarry, Philad*.
dud of every person • -
.--it article for
*«-r matters, the
iu dhtef, hut if yon
ti.m .of his stock and work,
t..! an assortment of Boot*. Bbo*J*»
h ho offers at ftfr prices,
h-otum to custom work, all ol
satisfaction. Nottebttt th®
Virginia street, Immediately
Grocery Store.
Iread, Cakes, *c.
ta Street, below Annie Street
f. oa» and vicinity that*#
sr above Winterf Tin SkepfJßsMt
:t**p on hand a good aIMCnMA*
; own -manufacture.
» given to making Ladia? Bygfi
i shore of public patron*®#*
render entire aatisfactioß. •.
J of Crime and Criminal*
» widely circulated thr<m*boo»
all the Great Trlih.
tturiale on the «gne, togetherwitr
Matters, not tobofiijtdteW
ir annum; (1 for »i» nuwrtfcMJ.
l (who (tumid writetheiy *■**•!
Vdatewhere they rrdill pUifllJr
0 fl. W. MATSKLL * CO,
of Kow York Police Gazette
JCcte YorkOfy-
r on iiaoU and will
the Maaonio Temple,
eortawnt of BOOTS
h or made to order,
fttOtun Shoes, Cork
iJßlineof bmintfSJi, of
moat reasonable temMU A»*
m MATERIALS, lower
'4, Cuban 00, *c~**
VOL 6. >
X> lc A^
% *V
New-York Benevolent Infirmary, '
AaJ devoted to The Oiuic of Jl&lical Reform; to the Dif- 1
fusion or Medical Knowledge for the Prevention of Disease,
nnd to the relief of those suffering and afflicted with Chro
mic ami Virulent Disorder*. To this end this Inftrmarv is
endowed, to enable tl*& sick nod suffering throughout iho
length and breadth of our land, to avoid the Poisonous
JJrufj!' Kxtoriiou, aud Ipnortaice nf jtnyfessed Physicians,
‘through which thousands and tens of thousands annually
perish. ‘ ,
The following are some of the disease* we cure, not only
it slio Infirmary hut in all parts of our countrr ;
Consumption and Pulmonary Complaints, Fevers. Scrof- 1
nix Dyspepsia. Eyo and Ear Disease. Cancers and other
fumow, Jaundice and Liver Complaint, Seminal Weakness,
tad all diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organ*, from
whatever cauao or whatever nature. Our object will bo to
jive joy to thoaflljcted by effecting in all cases a speedy cure.
Our rale is. to charge nothing fur advice and written pro
icriptious: but will furnish when requested the very best
ajedicines at the lowest rates.
Tlieso remetfics are prepared in our own Lahoratorv, tm
jer the care of able Chemists, and are Ibc most reliable
kr.owu to science, including all the recent discoveries.
To all addressing, u* by letter, containing full account of
symptomi atid appearances of disease, age. occupation. Ac.,
wo will write ft candid rtply, with ndvlco and directions
l„r cure. Any fees sent fis when sending for advice will bo
devoted to furnishing medicine for the poor. In nil.cases
medicine can be sent by mailer express if desired. Semi 1
Ivr cue or morn of our works andjudge for yourselves. I
Also published'at the Infirmary, to aid these objects, 1
Containing simple remedies easily obtain'-d for the euro of
X'li-jasoa in all its forma, with full explanations of the
Muses, fivruptoms, diet, bathing and exercise. Price 50 cK
and the riiysioi.ooy on makkiaoe
k work on the .cause, symptoms and treatment of all
Cfioplaititu peculiar to the sox, on marriage, if* duties,
abortion and Its result*, on Children, their ill*, and on the
prevention of conception, with Invaluable Insli notions to
tbcm on subjects of u private nature, price 25 cerflf*.
The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion,
A book for the old and young, embracing the Pathology,
Core ©fall Disease-; of the CrinAry andScx
u»l Organs, and a warning voice of advice and counsel, *uch
ui te be found in no other woik. Price 25 cents.
It expoecs all tho Humbugs, and Urn various Tricks to
,entice the nick anil wall. It illustrates the plan* of the
tp-jocks and Rogues to d.upo every ou°. It guiJ*-s the un
wwy through life, and shows up every swindlo.of the age.
1: ehjWK how all kinds of Food, Medicines,
G ods are adulterated, with the means of detecting'the
frauds. Price 25 centf. ' -
For every family, having over KwO receipts on Cooking,
Pruerviug. Dyeing, Cleaning, Ac. ll. nv to plant and what
is the best to raise. How to cure animals, advice tohous**-
ke-rars. farmera and mechanics, sn IWO subjects of later-'
fsi- 26 cents. Worth $lO to any one.
For those who wish to get well frsm that awful disease,
- e hill description of all the remedies u~ed for it. with a
careful statement of the resdlU, and other useful iufonna
tUu. Price 10 cents.
Tli« iafermatlon In them Is not to be found in any works
jmMUbo-I, nor obtainable from .any other source.
I'juki are publUhed oh fine white.paper, und beautifully
biflud.' ,
Any of.tbo.abovo works will ho mailed free, on receipt of
i-ike, in stamps, or money; or the whole in a handsomely
louad volume for ose dollah. No family should he with
o«t thorn. They are illustrated with beautiful engravings,
tad Contain the condensed experience* of years.
Agents Wanted for the above works, whocan makeslso
» month. Send for a circular for agents.
To the young ol both sexes suffering from secret habit*;
prostration of mind; loss of power: nervous debility; |d*i
of sight; wokefolooss; lore of solitude; eruptions W the
fvs, jfce., ic. Send hejore it is too laic; before you suffer
inrafablo damage to both body and mind.
To V-malefl who want safe, pleasant and turt remedies
fjr Irregularities, Obstructions, Whites, dc., tend to m.
We are convinced that there ar<* many parents of scrofu*
! ’U?. caa«omytivo and diseasedcondition to whom u nu
merous offspring only brihgs suffering and poverty. To
«ocli v* would say write, and wo will send information of
4 Mira, well-tested, and never-failing Preventive.
We will mail free, to any one applying for it.
Il ls a large and beautiful paper, and contains the most
Tjluabk* information on Spermatorhoiu, or Seminal Weak
ness. TUa cause, effects and cure, showing tlio awful cf
ficts of the disease,
On all other disease* of tho BexoaTOrgno*, a full evpla
ration of the origin of Syphllfc, tlie means of prevention
find care. .* 1 ; s
. On Consnmption, that fearful dlse***.
Ou tho Liver, Heart, Stomach mid Bkin.
- fin Female Complaints.
■On tho various Schools ofMediciuc«.
Oa the modes of Troatmopt now practised.
Oo the Fulso Treatment of I)i«*qas*s.
ri u the various AfedJcal Humbugs.
On the Physiology of Marriage.
On the Common sensouf Medicine.
On Diet, Exorcises, and Ablution.
How the Physician should bo.
How to prevent Pregnancy.
Ami many other thing**. Send for ir.
This journal should be iir the hands of every on*.
•J- lU‘3ittu M, D., A. 31,, Cl»kf Physician. S. S. Morris,
Surgeon. Dr. J. Boyle. Chemist.
Oiffice in New York, 154 Chamber* street.
Office in Williarasbargh, South Bth and sth streets.
Correspondents will please enclose two or three stamps
*--r return postage, and address
Dll. A. BEIINEY. Secretory.
Williamsburg, NewYoik
(Box 141.)
Nor. U, 1800.-ly
cent, chwijper—stands r.OO degree* heat—warranted
water proof and'will neither lade nor wash. For
cfc. 1( <fc., do.
For graining and staining cquai to Turk
ish Umber.
COLORS are Timber Brown Lake, Olivo Indian Rod and
Black. - ...
*»■ One responsibly agent wanted in ercry town and
city in the United States. Terms accommodating. For
Circulars, Ac., apply to or addsesa
No. 132 N. 4tlr street, Philadelphia,
Maroh 21-6 m.
The subscriber would in
tl»° of Altoona nod vicinity that .hia
uonFECTIONERY, NUT and TiIUIX STORE, in always
'applied with the very best articles to be had, and in great
nrlity. ISc has also an
niwSS2i oh “ in *hßh ho will serve tip PRIME
0181888,10 011 stylos. . „
f time* prepaid to supply cakes, candle?, Ac.,
• pie'Dln aodother parties. 110 invito* a share of public
p wonsge, believing that be can render fall uttsfoctloo to
saloon is on Virginia two
g -g T * below - OTTO KOBSI.
Tbe Boduggcr,
wonderful article, just patrated, Is xotnethlng «t-"
* n( * oerer before offered to agents, whn are
\J~'”?rywherß. Fullparticular* sent fnt. Address
SHAW A CLARK, Biddleford, Maine. |
' ®**tjy and cxpedicloosly executed it tfcVj office.
Mbs. winslow, an expert,
presents to the attention of'mothers her
which greatly facilitates the prpccasof teething, by soften
ing the gums, reducing all infiamatkm, will allnv pain and
spasm-olic action, and is sure-to regulate ihc
Depriul upon it* makers. it will give rest to your selves,
Relief aud Health to yon la fonts. :
We have put up and sold this"article. for over ten rear*,
and can say, in confidence andfctruth of it, What we have
never been able to say of any other medic ine—never has it
failed, in a single instance, to effect a cure, when timely
used. Neverdid we know an instanceof dissatisfaction bv
any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted
with its operation-, and speak in terms of highest common
dation of its magical effects and medical virtueB.%Ve speak
of this matter *• what wo do know,*' after ton years' expe
rience, and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what
we hero declare. In almost every instance where the in
fant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will’bo
found in fifteen or twenty minutes after tlie syrup is ad
ministered. 4
This valuable preparation i* the prescription of one of
the most experienced and skillful nurses iu New England,
and has been used with never-failing success jn thousands
of cases.
It not only ret loves the child from pain, hut invigorates
the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, apd gives tone
and energy to the. whole system. It will* almost instantly
relieve Griping in the Bmcels and Mind Colic, anti over*
come convulsoins, whlcdi, if not speedily remedied, end in
death, It o In-Imre* it the. 'hf’it and surest ranedi/ in the
world, in all cases of Dysentery nnd Dmrrhr.ea in children,
whether it arises from teething or from am* other cause.
We wouh\ say to every indthtr who Ims a child suffering
from any of the foregoing complaints—do nut lot your pn"
jmlices, nor the prejudices of others. stand between vour
.suffering child and the relief that will be Hire-Ves, übso
lutcly sure—to follow tins use of this medicine,* If timely
used. Full directions for using will accompany mch bot
tle. None genuine witless the fuc-slmilo of Ct-llTIg &
PKRKINS. New York, is on.tho outside wrapper.
Sold by DniggHN tbi'onghdnf the world, and by fl. "W.
Keeler and A. Ibmdi. druggists, Altoona. Price 25 cent- 1
Principal Office, No. ,13 Cedar street. N. Y
July 12. IsUH.-ly. ; ;
— &
S R. A. O. KERR, g
p Agent for Blair County. g
I to be the best. over oflered to the public, and their
superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that in
tiic last eight Years, '
Over 14,000 Moro
of these Machine* have btecn'aold than of-any other man
ufactured, and more medals have Imx-ji awarded the pro
prietors by different Fairs unit Institutes tfrhn to any oth
ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is c laimed
for them. They are now in use in several families in Al
toona, ami in every ca*e they: give' entire 'satisfaction.
The Agent refers those desiring information ns tho su
periority *>f the Machines, ,M Cob Jehu L. Pip- r. Rev. A.
11. Clark. George llawkeswonth, Rcnj. F. Rose, and K. il.
Turner, ,
Tlie machines ran be r'c-on And fxamined at the'fdorcof
the Ag-rit, at Altoona. .
Pric* • <.f No. 1 Maohitfc. siltorijdated, gin** foot. and new
style IL-mmer—so.’,. No. 2. ornhpr ntal biMtiZ'*, glass fsit
and n-nv style Hummer— No. 3, plain, with *dd stvb*
Ilcmmcr—s4s. ' [March 21, ISOI-tf.
Pay* Urn entire for Tuition in the most popular and
successful Commercial School in the Country. Upward of
twelve hundred young nien; . from Twentykdght different
Staten. have been edueatM for lidro within thb
past three years, some of employed ns
Hock Keepers ot sahiji.'H of rrQfjKm \ _■!
$3000,00 per AAnum,
immediately upon graduating. who km. w nothing of ac
counts when th<*y entered Ijv Colic;,*. 'V ' •
Minister’* sons lialf price. Students enter at any
time, ami review when they please, without extra charge.
For Catalogue of SI pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley**
P.ukuk«w and Ornamental penmanship, and n large engra
viiri of the CollegK Incloso twenty-live ctSits in Postage
Stumps to the Principal*. «
JKXKIXS & SMITH, Piti-«l>nrgh, y ra,
Altoonn, Jan. 24.’C1-l^v
FORM the public that they have fitted up a neat
On Comer of ChraUne c£ Tlrginia. Sts., Mttona^T k. f
whore they nro prepared to take tho host PltO I’OG !IAPHS
over token in this part of the country, and on the most
reasonable terms. IVc mako any kind of a picture from a
painted in OH, IF icitr Color or India Juki, and also tho
MINIATURE. Every typo and large site Oil Painting on
Canrao, Entire, satisfaction given or uo rJuirsc- ‘We have
also on hand a largo assortment of fine CULT FRAMES of
different Sixes and prices.
We respectfully invite t|jc pnblic to call; and examine
our specimens before going elsewhere. i
Remember tho place, Pig art's Eut!<Mng, corner of
Caroline and Vlrglna Streets. [April 10,1861.-3 m
Carpeting, Druggets, OH Cloths,
• the State House,) PHIL ADELPUT A. [flmrtl.’Ol-ly.
TiiAhmak V. .....GiAnt.cs Saiwk.
(late eagi-e HOTEL,)
Third Street, above Kcc,
RUOAOS & SAILOR, Proprietors.
TERMS, $1.25 PER DAY.;
. March 7,1601-ly i ' ' '
jUiforictciiaia asp or ;
Silk Bonnets, French Flowers,
Palm Xm/, Leg Urn aniiStraw Hata,
ifo. 725 Oh.Oftnut Street, ,
Arm 721 ikiau Shimt, ■
March Us.-Jim
Per annum, (payable invariably in advance, 1 ! $1,50
All papers discontinued at the expiration of the time
paid for. ‘ \
_ 1 insertion 2 do. S do.
Four lines or less $25 j 3715- « 60
Otto square, ( S lines) 60 75 1 00
Two “ (10 “ ) 100 150 200
Throo " (21 .« ) Iso 200 250
Over throe weeks mid loss than three months. 25 cents
per squaro for each insertion.
c . 3 months. 6 months. 1 vear.
bix lines or loss $l5O $3 00 s's 00
Ono square,, 2 50 4 00 7 00
T'™ “ - 400 ' 600 4 10 00
£ hree “ 600 800 12 00
f F 01 S , C 00 io 00 14 00
mif a column 10 tK) U 00 20 00
One column , 14 00 25 Q 0 40 00
Administrators and Executors Notices 1 76
Merchants advertising by the year, three squares,
with liberty to change, 10 00
Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8
lines with paper, per year 5 00
Communications of a political character or individual in
terest will be charged according to tho above rates.
. Advertisemen t not marked with tho number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till fdrbhl aud charged ac
cording to the above terms. \ .
■Business notices five cents per line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten line**, fifty cents a square
Select Ulisfellang.
The Watervleit Arsenal, situated at West
Troy, New York, is, as you doubtless know,
the largest arsenal for the construction
and fabrication of military implements,
other than small arms and cannon, in the
country, and a visit to its workshops at
the present time powerfully impresses one
with the strength and resources of our
Government. Everything is at present on
a war footing, and from three to four hun
dred hands directly, and as many more in
directly, in the neighboring fouaderics,
arc kept busy night and day. A large
number of hands arc engaged in the pre
paration of ammunition; sixty thousand
ball are made daily; most of
these arc intended for the Minnie rifle,
but large niuubcrs of the old-fashioned
round*!)!® chrfndgcs are also manufactur
ed. The rapidity with which a cartridge
is made is wonderful. A boy : sits at a
counter’with a cylindrical stick—a pile
of greased balls and one of prepared pa
per before him—a simple roll of the pa
per and stick—a jerk and twist at one end
—a twist ofa string, and the cartridge is
ready.for filling in less time than it takes
tb read -this description.. They arc then,
taken into another room, placed open 'end
up in shallow boxes, and a man, by means
of a simple instrument, fills thopi with an
equal and specific amount of powder, at
the rate .of thirty a minute. A twist at the
open ami, and tbc cartridge is complete.—
The manufacture goes so fast that it re
quires nearly a dozen men and boys to
pack and move the finished cartridges.—
In another department a number of men
and girls are employed in the manufacture
of cannon cartridges of all sizes, from the
mightiest columbiad down to a six-pound
er. The material of which they arc made
is a kind of woolen goods (moreen) im
ported from England especially for the
purpose. Thousands of yards of this ma
terial were in process of being cut up and
manufactured. Cannon cartridges are not
filled hero, but at the place where they are
intended to be used. Instill another de
partment grape, canister and strapped am
munition. arc hi) course of preparation,
while huge cart loads of bomb-shells and
spherical shot arc hourlj-arriving from the
neighboring foundcries. The grape shot
arc larger than I supposed, and might,
more properly be called peach shot than
grape shot. Some six pr more of those
arc packed in a sort of wire cork-screw ar
rangement, ancPfitted into a tin case, and
when thus finished have much the appear
ance of jars of preserved meats or fruit.
The manufacture of bomb-shells is also
a matter of much interest. The prepara
tion of those I witnessed is briefly as fol
lows: —The shell is first filled full of
old-fashioned round leaden bullets, melt
ed sulpha* is then poured in to fill up the
interstices and bind the bullets in one solid
mass; the ahpU is into a kind of
anil acylindricalholo of the exact
size Of the orifice of the shell is bored
through the bullets and sulphur; this cav
ity is filled with powder, even with the in
terior edge of the orifice, a six inch shell
of the kind here described holding about
half a pound; the fuse fitted into the ori
fice, is a recent Belgian invention, made of
pewter, and resembles tbc screw-cap used
for the patent fruit cans. An examina
tion of this pewter cap shows, however,
that it is made of two hollow disc of
metal screwed together andi filled with
meal powder; a number of fine holes arc
drilled in the lower disc, while the outer
disc is entire, and marked with figures in a
circle, 1. 2,3, 4. In this state the shell,
is weather and water proof. When taken
for use the gunner by means of a small
steel instrument scoops out a portion of
the outer soft metal surface, and lays bare
the charge of composition powder below
it. If the shell is desired to explode in
one second after leaving the gun , the scoop
ing is made on the .figure one; if in two
seconds, bathe figure two and so on; the idea
being that the shells of this description
shall first strike the object aimed'at and
execution as a’.ball, and then explode,
[independent in everything.]
sending the ballets forward as if from an
other cannon located at the precise point
where the flight of the shell is arrested.
Large shells of eight or ten inches, are
with powder only, and bursting do
execution by means of their fragments.—
These large shells are generally fired by
means of a fuse of meal powder extend
ing through a brass plug screwed into tho
mouth of the shell; in both cases tho fuse
is fired by ignition of the charge in the
■H. C. DEF.X,
At a flag raising at North Plato, Kane
county, Illinois, after the Stars and Stripes
had been duly hoisted, the assembly ad-
I journed to the village church, where some
j speeches were made by patriotic gentlc
( men, and an opportunity was offered for
young men to come forward and enlist—
the company at Plato not being quite filled.
Not a man went up. This aroused the
patriotism, as well as the “dander” of the
village school-mistress, who, with many
other ladies, Was present, and she walked
boldly forward to the Secretary’s desk
and headed the muster-roll with a name
rendered illustrious as having been affixed
to the Declaration of Independence, with
the pre-nomen Mary. She was followed
by another lady—and lo! and behold!
the Plato company was not long in filling
its ranks! The muster-roll, bearing the
names o 4 the spirited young viyandiers,
has been sent to head-quarters, : and the
company accepted by “the powers that
be.” Since that date four flag raisings
have, come .off in that portion of Kane
county, and “Mary" and “May’’—the
soldier girls—in uniforms of red, white
and blue, have attended all of them, at
the request of the officers, marching as
pioneers at the head of their company.—
The Captain says he could not get along
without them, and after the flag has been
sent up he allows them each to fife three
guns in honor of the Union, the Stars and
Stripes. Whether lie will deprive the
place of the valuable services of a good
teacher, and a lover of a pretty sweetheart,
by carrying his Joan of Are to the war
with him, remains yet to be seen. Much
of the success of tho recruiting service,
and the patriotic fire burning now in Old
Kano, is attributed to the gallant conduct
and bright eyes of these young ladies.
Attached to thc ap
my, there is a troop sailed “The Amazon
Guards.” The Wcst African Herald thus
describes them:
“ The Amazon Guards, as they have
sometimes been styled, arc the most ex
traordinary troops that wc have ever heard
or road of. They are 3,000 in number, all
females, and display such a degree 1 of fero
cious blood-thirstiness and hardihood as
to bear a greater resemblance to a host of
mad tigresses than to human creatures.
They utterly despise death; they show no
mercy to any living being in war; they
are mad after blood, and, seem not to know
what fear means. They arc in fact a troop
of devils, so to speak, whose hideous wild
ness of manner, and the savage madness
of whose demeanor in times of excitement
are so appalling and inhuman, as to have
led many well-judging persons to opine
that these dreadful creatures are periodi
cally subjected to the influence of some
species of drug which has this effect.—
The dress of the Amazon consists of a
pair of loose trowsors, an upper garment
covering the breast, and a cap. They are
armed with a gun, knives, and daggers;
some have blunderbusses; others long ele
phant guns 'whilo thc-Tomaindcr carry the
ordinary musket. In their military exer
cises they display good discipline, as well
as wonderful dexterity and agility.
Migratory Habits of the Buffalo.
There is a feature in the migratory char
acter of tho Buffalo not generally . known,
except to hunters, and that is that the vast
body of tho herd is never found in the
same district of country two seasons in
succession. Tho Buffaloes of North Amer
ica form an marching in
one continuous circuit, but perhaps, three
fourths of the entire number of which arc
found within range of from two to three
miles. Thus, where buffaloes arc abun
dant one year, they are fewer the next,
until the great body haying completed its
circuit, again makes its appearance. The
circuit is completed in about four years.
Its western limit is the eastern pari of
the Rocky mountains, and its eastern is
boundcdjiy a marginal outline of civiliza
tion, extending from the British settle
ments on the North, to northern Texas on
the South. The range of latitude tra
versed extends from the Cross Timber of
Texas to the tributaries of Lake Winnc
peg on the North.
Some years ago, it is said, a party
was Sniveling in a stage through the Jer
scy pines, and saw iu the distance what
they supposed was the frame of a log
house. On approaching, they found k
was the skeleton of a mosquito which had
starved to death the flesh having fallen
from the bone?. -
Child. —Mother I want a piece of cake.
Mother.—! haven’t got any; it’s all gone.
■, C. —I know there’s some in the cup
board'; I saw it when you opened {the door.
4^l- —Well yotrdon’t need any now, cake
nurts children. ; <?
‘ C.—No it don’t (whining.) Ido want
a piece, mother, mayn’t I have 'a piece ?
M.—Be still, I say! ~ I shan’t give you
a bit if you don’t leave off crying.
C. (still crying.)—l want a pieco of oato.
I want a piece of cake. ;
M—(rising Hastily and reaching a
piece.) There, take that, and hold your
tongue. Eat it quick, I hear Ben; coming.
Now don’t tell him you have.had any.
(Ben enters.)
G.—(to Ben?) —I have had ia piece of
cake you can’t nave any.
Ben.— Yes, I will. Mother give mo a
piece. ;
M-—There, take that. It seems to me
as if I never could keep a bit of anything
in the house. You sec sir, (to the child)
if you gct.any thing another time.; .
(Another room.) C—l have had a picco
of cake. ■ '
Younger Sister.— Oh ! I want some,
too. > .
C.—Well you bawl, and mother will
give you some. I did.
Camp Cakeros, \
Fusxsxowk, Md., June 22, 1861, /
Messrs McCrum & Bern . —Since my
last, we have had a foretaste of the “pomp
and circumstances of glorious War.” On
Monday night an alarm was sounded in
Camp, and in less than fifteen minutes the
whole Brigade, composing the Ist, 2nd,
3d, and 24th Regiments were formed up
on tho parade ground, and ready for any
thing that might turn up. The'hour was
12 o’clock,3l. and of course all, except the
guard and those having business at that
time, were locked in the arras of Morpheus.
A messenger from Gen. Cadwalador, at
Williamsport, Md., brought intelligence
to Gen. Wynkoop, that fears were enter
tained that the troops thrown across the
Potomac, at that point, into ; Virginia,
would be attacked by a body of rebels 10,-
000 in number, who, it 1 was rumored,
were advancing from the direction Of Mar
tinsburg, Ya., After , a consultation be
tween the. Corlonels of each Regiment and
the-officers of the
were marched back to our quarters with
instructions to lie down with oiir belts on
and be prepared to march at a moments
Another call was sounded, and at 1}
o’clock. A. M. the Ist and 2nd loft Camp,
at 2i the 24th, and tho 3rd at ,3 o’clock.
This latter regiment did some tall march
ing that morning. Though we wore late
in taking our departure, yet we reached
Williamsport, in; company with those who
had tho advantage at the start, -and then,
too, after having travelled six miles more
than wc should have done. By the most
direct rout it is only about 7- miles to
Williamsport from our present encamp
ment. Our gait was quick time, and ten
miles was made ■ without commanding a
halt. To green hands, carrying a heavy
knapsack, six pounds of amunition, hav
ersack, canteen holding three pints of wat
er, (in the absence of anything strong,)
musket and overcoat, you may opine .that
it was rather trying upon the pluck and
patriotism ofo the boys. However, we
stood it nobly, expectation of soon hav
ing a brush, with the traitors of ;our coun
try. But disappointment marked every
face, pfhen the fact was announced that no
enemy was on hand to bo slaughtered.-
Shortly before sundown, wc took up our
line of march for our Camp neat this place
where we arrived in good order and at a
reasonable hour, none the worse for bur
tramp, except being tired and kith vora
cious appetites. The dilapidated Wil
liamsport had been completely eaten out,
and nothing was to be had even for love or
money. The town has a population of
about 1500, and the buildings- look old
and rickety. The Washington Co. Bank
has been closed for some time; and tho
valuables removed to Hagerstokn, to pre
vent their seizure by the rebels in case of
a foray from tne Virginia side.
Our return march was saddened by the
death of Mr. Milton Berlin of Tyrone.—
the circumstance occurred nearly as fol
lows: A halt was made about two *milos
this side of Williamsport, when a sergeant
of the 24th regiment, following ours, in
taking off the- cap on his musket accident
ally discharged Jus piece, the shot taking
effect in his thighs and passing up into the
abdomen. He died in a few miputca af
terwards. > He was walking past the ser
geant at the time, having got behind his
regiment by stopping at a house' to pro
cure a piece of bread and butter. He be
longed to company H., Capt Bell. I
An important ar-est was made at Ha
gerstown, a day or two ago, in the person of
Richard Alvey, a prominent and
lawyer, in the interest of the scCaesionista.'
A picket oi the Federal forces arrested s
man one night,; who, upon searching, was
lung found to be |n accomplice of givey's,by
1 a letter which hs was carrying t4'hlm The
picket pat on,the prisoner’s clothes and
repaired to the Headquarters of Gcn. Pat-'
tenon, showed the document and told
what had been done. Ho was then sent
to Alvcy’s house with the instructions to
.request replies and draw out all the infor
mation he could, which duty he faithfully
performed, and returned to Gcn. P., who.
ordered the treasonable scoundrel to be
arrested. Upon scorching his person and
premises, drafts of the various Gamps,
located in this part of Maryland, tho roads
leading thereto, tho nature of the country,
and at the same time conveying to the
rebels in writing, all necessary instructions
and information, for them to make a suc
cessful attack upon our troops, which ho
urged them <lo do immediately, was found.-
He was lodged in the Hagerstown jail, and
from thence sent to Washington, to be tried
for his oifence. If all that X have learned
upon the subject bo true, ho should re
ceive, what ho so richly deserves, a felon’s
doom I,
June 27,1861.—0 n Tuesday, the 25tb,
we broke up our camp, where I first com
menced this letter, and took up oar much
for our present encampment, which is
named “Gamp Speilman,” in honor of a
widow lady, on whoso property we are
quartered. The distance is about twelve
miles from Funkstown, and fifteen from
Hagerstown, and only two and a half from
the Potomac river. Our march was per
formed much easier and morO pleasantly
than the one I have chronicled elsewhere. v '
This lame our knapsacks wore hauled by
the Company’s wagon; consequently, wo
had nothing, except our ammunition, to
pull us back while our purpose was for
ward. There is. but little more than three
weeks remaining until the expiration of
the term of service of those who have en
listed for three months. Whether we
shall ever tread the sacred koil of the P,
F. V.’a, in that period, it is. difficult for
your correspondent to determine; but,
from present appearances, the prospect is
not flattering. However/wo arc neat the
enemy, and we cannot tell “ what a day
may bring forth.” •'
Since our arrival hero, nothing of in
terest has occurred worthy of record.—'
W c are almost as good as out of the world,
for we are destitute of news, newspapers,
and almost communication with friends at
home. But do not understand that we
arc in'an unproductive and unhandsome
country. Perhaps there is no section bet- ■
ter cultivated, or that (at this season of
tnd y&tf) pT€3€*fe-sadi Vhewlifolaapeet
as that from the Susquehanna tq the Po
tomac river. Everywhere the eye rests
upon fields laden with what promises a
most bountiful harvest. In this part of
Maryland the wheat crop is unusually fine,
and some of it is npw ready for the sickle.
The same may bo said of the opposite sido
of the Potomac river, in the same latitude.
The Union men there have been pleading
for protection, by the Federal troops, while
they gather the standing crop. Virginia,
by her miserable and insufferable pride,
and rash insanity, has transferred to her
own soli the whole brunt of the war, and
hence all its horrors and terrible desola
tion must fall upon her. Every day’s hia %
tory must convince even the Secessionists
themselves, the utter impossibility of mca
surin" swords with the Federal power.—
The longer the Government holds the
rebels at bay and in check, the more
straightened will become their means to
carry on their rebellion; hence, this se
cession bug-bear will collapse in infamy, die
an uuhonored death, and the villains who
have fomented it meet the fate of Hainan ?
Wo all feel that wo arc not in Pennsyl
vania,xas we miss the home comforts to
which we have been accustomed since oar
advent to camp-life—and the gift, for the
most part, of the good people of Altoona'
These, in connection with onr regular
army rations, made our fare very good,
and abundant.- Still wc have plenty of
shoulder, flitch, moss pork and beef, and
occasionally fresh beef. The four former
articles might be taken for the pillar of
salt Into which Lot's wife'was transformed-
The coffee is of the most wretched char
acter, and, once made into that favorite
and popular beverage, ii man blindfolded
and ignorant of the draught about to be
administered to him, could hot tell, upon
his oath, whether it was an extract o/to
bacco or a tincture of burnt cork! It
has neither the taste, smell, aroma, nor,
ingredients of the coffee wo are accus
tomed to drink at home. Wo also reeciyc
rico and bean soap, which is scarcely any
bctttr than swill. We have no bread, ex
cept pilot-bread, which is a cracker about
six inches in diameter, and so hard Tpa
to require thq uae of an axe, ahatehet
or stone to break it They are very try
ing on bad teeth... But still wc are hearty
and look well. One of the bestthinai we
have had since our arrival in this State,
has been ah'abundance of pure, good jrs
- This is one good feature, though &c
eating arrangements are a little rough.—
The weather has been very warm for sev
eral weeks hast, and there been vipry.
little raip doling the two tfiat ffp
have beenenoamped ifrthis-loeality. !£hc
com is the only crop that enoweu&rinp;
in consequence. . ;
The sword presented by the citizen* of
your place, to Lieut. John ?!• Clark, bf
" NO. 23.