The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 01, 1861, Image 3

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    Reader, have you aeen Pro£~W^",
icqiept ia our paper. Bead it : it ° d ,fj
jrou. wu 'j
A sard to the
rtgvkUing, and remfleL- ,
riicm, frvm \9haUver cattu, anda&wa& a ** «£
sw-cetr/ul as a prtvirdatitt - -
i not a lady Ur>qg but what ataome Jv,
just such V medicine as “Dupouco** 6oU
lie of first Wits of Cheater Md
ihe h,ad ropoivihl bo much’.benefit from
fcv would be Willing to pay $5 a ***.
t them, if the could get them no lewl
jumjKViin" these pills are made k#>wn to * **’
tioy Kill tell yon they are perfectly hata'T'
11 doall churned fur them. Full C i L .i
accompany each box. Price $l.OO per il™' 1
, .W. KESSLER, Dralgiet, «ole Afuit fc,*^
r sending liim f 1.00 to the Altoona I*o«t Offi/
iv pills scat to any part of the country fa *’
1,.y mail, •• free of postage.” Sold aUo b j J 0
mtingj-jii, and Uv one Druggist in every vm..
rt» in the State. ' “*
s. D. uowr
Soie Proprietor, Now Y otk
lie above Pill* have been counterfeited
, .I*l "Wt|
.twite at prices ranging from 25 cents to 75 * *
it.) Look out fur them. . The genufe^, hernA
ar the uignaturo of S. D. Howe, sole propt-fc^
■ Purchase of the above gontlomcn,_*rjd J |{ '
mine article, ami one yoa may rjply upon.
»1. 18G1.—ly.
To Consumptives.
afllicted wllh.
■ugneJ. now eovehty-five ycari ok}, baa f„ r
■J bis lime to curing li>Bl‘arinhoncrs ana the
York of tlu-so ilrcaijfulcomplaintu, which carry
r. 1 thousands to an untimely grave; he h u
•i to cure all wbu have applied to bim forre.
eviug it to bo, a Cbiistian’s.duty to relievo
us Well as athome, ku win send to thoao «i 0
ropy of rrcscrj.tioiis used, (Free of Chnrje.i,
ns for preparing uud using the earn?. Abo
. limbing. Ventilation, and Exercise for tiro
il find these remedies a euro coroforCunsnm.
liseases of the Throat and Lungs. Vever anl
ipatiun. Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous
I'euiale Complaints, and ho hopes every on,
-■■ml far a copy, as it vyill cost nothing, airj'
g'should apply before too lato. Tbcsa
ire used by the most eminent Physicians ia
and New York. Those wishing them will,
-!y. . Williameburgb, New York.
Velpeauls Cankerine. -
VS CANKERINE euros Putrid SoroSloutlj,
vs CANKEUINEdiros Sore Nipples.
i a CANKKIUNE cures ElCerateASoreF,
VS CAKKERINE cures Cuts.
VS CANKEKINE cures Burns.
l"S CANKERINE euros Pores,
■VP CANKERINE cures Chapped Lips.
VS CANKERINE cures Ulcerate.! Gunn.
VS CANKEftINE is tiie best Purifier’oftU
rr lug known.
VS CANKERINE cures Canker in iio
’• C T Stbubaieli, reselling from Scariotinoor
r. ifcjigbj Hi c white teeth, use the CAN
your desires will be realized. Wo pluljs
it is entirely free, from acids and all poiso
, and can be given to sn infant pith perfect
I preserve the teeth and keep the guma fra
It is equally efficacious lor nursing wro
I tiie thousand* remedies that been pur
Ire of tiie various diseases above, none can
erinc. gold by ail druggists. Price -■
le. J. BDKRILL Jt CO.,
Proprietors, 03 Maiden Lane, N. T,
Utoota, by Ci.,W. KESSLER.
To Consumptives.
**» haring been restored to health in a few
y •impurenM>dy,*
i a severr lung affection, and thaC dfttri dt
k>n—i* ansfotu to make known ito fefefellvff
tans of cure.
fisiro It he wtil send a cq»y of
cfcharge,with tho direction* for
fticue, which they will find a Bttfo cure fcr
LgrnxA, taoxciiiTis. 4c. ‘ Tho only, ottfcct
:• sending the Prescription is. to-benefit the
luforiJUtiou which be eonceirc® to t'a
I he hopes every sufferer will try Ulsje^ 6 *
st them nothing, and may prove a.l>U ; sl !i S‘
Mg tac pmcrtptjo.Q will picaaeoAlrca*.
y/ . ' .King County,
wring is* sample of the nituerop*-letter*
hiag for tlosutur’* Stomach Bitter*.
'Caxamjagca. July 15,
jttir *€ SmiOij Pitteliurg, Pa. t—Gent*:—
£e>n>,l berotrith enclose yon
lorxea Uoafetter** Stomach El ft era, -which
in Michigan Southern Ballroadj
>n Station, Xibarc pnrehaaed several dei
tnio this Summer, bat fhc*al4 to on Oiein*
bat 1 vtob to open a direct trade frith y<?«*
>tryyour Bittera by my physician, &r
lint, and received such material aidth** *
led it to other s ami .bare sold about I*" 0 •
craome time. I havo all wed*
iJbat there is none tliat
commend as your Bitters, for I know they
pyesdicy expectation, Vourerespcct&Nf.
rd to the Suffering.
Ckwgrovc, while laboring «a a misoonary
rod of ConsruTiptiDD. when all ether
Pcfjfc obtained from a learned phys Irian
eat «Hy of Jeddo. This recipe ha*
bo were suffering fiwn ConfWOp tfo!! »
”i. roat, CoogTss and Cobb, and the debility
pS ’k»o caused by these disorders..
fitting others, I will acijd tW* rcctF*
Inrac with me, to all who need Uj
439, Fulton Avenue.
Brooklyn, S'*-
Ctmmsa T.trrotwn or tn* HsW*-""
«ee* the most splendid Clothing Bop*'
y- It is FplomJiJ aJ regard# tbo
biph the lomu-nsc Imglnee* of tbo
toiL and it» equally splendid in
U« and vact resources. But to M» P*’
ractioM afo, fireq tho elegance of t thc
l*>inen and Vonths. mannCsctnvoO ti&rt'
*y and durability of the material**
rnceof thefit, amUaatlytbe mode** 1 *
■ joada aro Bold. W% refer, in lbi» **'
stlier dhnn tho Brown Stone CWkW
Wtlapo, Stm. 603 and 60i Ch«(oot SV
fxtehl attention to the adaerttM>9«*{
raOtx Citrdial and ISUrad ffll|lnijH r *V *°
?or weeknr-t* Wad general
it - f - ■ **
agnlatr th - system, aid dttfW^° B
f» *• organs Soall
frnjtb. Bo valuable a Tonic
Mid* of every invalid and in avs«#•»•
i. WlSBLqw.
»o and female physician, baa • aeOtbM*
‘•"tWhS. which greatiy 'fadllM* •*
by aofeoiDg the gmas, redaghifiP
llayall pain* and ia
aw mothers, it
t"d heaUb to yonr
*e adTcriieeoitui in acotbegv^l IjS^S..' 1
lltoto Crilmnc.
pastern Way
Western Way
Western Through.
Eastern Through.
Western Through
Raalern Through
Western W’ay ......
Eastern Way 6 3i) P. M.
OrriCE^Tloclls:— During the week. fromG 45 A. M. till
» SO p. 51, On Sundays, from C 45 til ft 45 a. h.
Ftrresa Train East arrives 4,40 A.M., leaves 4,45 A. M
“ W«St<“ 7,WA.M. 7.30 A.M.
e.„( “ East “ S.3OP. M. “ 6.50 P. M
“ West “ 7,55 P.M., “ 8,10 P. M,
Mlit “ Hast “ 11.00 A.M. “ 11,20 A.M.
“ West “ 0.30 P. M., “ 6,60 P. M.
Tire HOLLIDAYSBURO BRANCH enmiects with Pi-
Train West, and Mail Train East anti West.
* INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown
Aceoinni relation Trains East and West, Express West, and
Past Line and Mail train East anil West.
Arrangements for the Fourth. —Up to Ibis
time the following arrangements have been made
for tbe observation of tbe Fourth of July in this
place: ■
between the hours of three and fire o‘clock in
the morning, 31 rounds will be fired from the
6K ivd. under the manngement of the Fire Zou
aves, (Company D.) Capt, A. A. Smyth; also,
31 rounds by the Riflemen, (Company A,) Capt.
Hoyden, from the top of the hill above West,
Ward. At 7 o'clock in tiie morning, Company
11, Capt. Turner, will meet at their armory,, nud
from thence proceed to the Episcopal Church, in
compliance with an invitation extended tothem,
to attend the services to bo held there at eight
o'clock. . ■ ■
The Catholic pio-tiicS will come off at the
places named in last week’s paper, viz: in Mc-
Cartney’s Woods andßealcs’ Wood's.
, The Select Club jkiil hold their pic-uic
grove adjoining West Ward School property.
We have bad intimation that Capt. Crissman’s
company, of “Homo Guards” from Sinking
Valley, will pay the “Home Guards” of this
place a visit on that day. Hope they are still
in the notion of doing so.
Arrangements are to be made to-day, '(Sat-u’r
d-ty,) which may lead*to a meeting of the Alle
gheny Cavalry, of Duncansville, and the “Home
Guard” Cavalry of Logan townsh’tp, at this place
on the Fourth. If (bathe Accomplished, we may
expect quito a.military display.
Another Scott. —Our cotciaporury of the
Eric City Dispatch pays the following just anti
iscr i ted compliment to Col. Thos. A. Scott, Lae
General Superintendent, now Vice President, of
'.Le Pennsylvania, Rail Road, and also General
Manager of all the rail roads under the control
if the General Government. The Dispatch says;
--When the history of the present war shall bfe
written, it will show that more than one Scott
deserves honorable mention. When the first
rush of soldiers found their way to the Penn
sylvania rail road at different points, all eagerly
clamoring to go immediately forward, Thomas
A. Scott, having first erected a telegraph line
into the Governor’s apartment at Harrisburg,
sat, with watch in hand, telegraphing to all
points to prevent trains from interfering with
each other. While those around him were aux
iOus and excited, fearing accidents from the
great rush, he was cool and collected as if no
business was on his mind. But he kept his
post, day and night, tiring out those who fan
cied they had great powers of endurance. And
during that unprecedented rush not a single
accident occurred to life or property. We do
not believe there is another man in the country
..ho could have accomplished so much business
m so short a space of time, without accident.
-Mr. Scott’s abilities were appreciated at Wash
ington, and , we now find him in charge of all
the rail roads loading to that city.which arc in
possession of the Government. Mo man is ren
dering more important-service, and none could
be found so admirably adapted to tbc place
How to Product. Civil War among Rats
—As there are any quantity of these "shaved
AaiP quadrupeds m these “dlgg'nia,” the follow
ing manner of producing civil war among them,
might be tried with amusement and success;—
Take a barrel with one head oat, put in water
of sufficient depth to drown the rats. .Fasten
over the top somethin elastic covering—a dront; [ friend Joseph
head or sheep-skin with the wool off will: do.— Ir> tv,,. ~ ,~7 \ : °. p
Whntt ♦!.«*.; ~ ~ . . *■ * Trout, or Uuclo Joe,’ as be is familiarly
aeu they have git well baited, sht the cover called, has been appointed High Constable of
f*’ B *° *?* r, th ° * 4 Town da Sol:!
b„ set on its end in tT™ A 6h ° U ** j U3t is ? ucJ a “ oticc tb the ci “ zc ““ to pen up
set on its end m the water or soma solid .* ♦ , . ... * - F
substance of sufficient height i 0 allow of one i f T *** T, * U
w ‘ 0»«y to stand upon it. When ail this is I "°r . ‘ ,° con3 | ables lkc “ 0M Jt>o ” «<>
rightly prepared, the rats as they -o on the! “ . A. * : e J hmk th, ."» Wlll bc kc P‘
barrel will be let down by the trapdoor into I*”'? T'f ' ° f their b “ iU ’
the water. A struggle wili commence to ohl k for-the two-.Joes.-
l.ossess.on of the island. Their cries for help
b -v other rats about the premises,
they will rush upon the top of the barrel and
be precipitated into the witter together, and a
regular ktlkcuny fight will ensue.
B®. The editor of tho Cambria Tribunt, who
is well acquainted with Messrs. Murphy & Me-
Tike, |he gentlemen w-ho have opened a store
m Ferroo & Morrow’s ofd store-room, pays them
«ie following compliment, which is well merited:
Gci^vn;i ohn J nM urphy ’ latc of tbo fir “ of
Of apT P J’ and v, A ’ McPik «- latc Junior
mcrcanfto ! a - TC CStabh3 , Lcd *ooiselves in tho
name m °TT V, t 1 undcr lho fi ™
name of Murphy & MoPikc. We wish them
cver e3 ifTh P n . end ? ey . a ! e aaro t° “ttain, how
au * i ® a . n Ut induce the good people of
ter sale,™ cu! . tlvat o tbeir acquaintance. A bet
datine Mhirpby, or a more accommo
to fi u j. ° t IUD MoPikc would bo hard
" ° ISSU ° our P a P er this week consiJcr-
S m advance of our usual day of publication,
°r cr to give all hands a chance' to-get a lit
iD'i rCC ? ntlon anJ en j° y themselves as they fool
timerivs 0 ! 1 ! 10 g ' ori ? us Fourth, and at the same
8 T « out subscribers their paper.
arade.— Company B. will meet at their ar
f y a * “ 0 olook P- Mi, on Wednesday next,
nieini! rai !? and dr *'l- It is desired that every
■o Mteu'ha'j 0 b ‘“ unifonn b J that time, and be
lO 40 A. M,
7OO «
7 00 A. M. and C 00 P.M.
G 00 I*. M.
720 “
7 00 A. M. and C 20 P. M.
4 40 A.M.
7 10 “
ll 00 A. M.
The Eetuiin,—- The return~of a friend, after
an absence of months, is always hailed with de
i light; so likewise is the return of Fettinger
| hailed with delight by the boys, because he al
! ways brings the Iloliday'nnd Fourth of July
I articles that please them. lie has just re
turned from the;East with a large stock of eve
rything necessary to celebrate the Fourth
such as flags, varying in price from one cent to
one dollar, roman candles with from one to six
teen balls, flower pots, chasers, sky-rockets
and everything in that line, together with drums 1
of all kinds, from the very best down to 12,’. |
cents; a choice lot of lemons,"branggs, and con- i
fectipnaries, and, we , had almost forgot to no- 1
tice, miniature guns for ; th,c children. Fet’s is '
the place to find your Fourth of July fixin’s. I
Hurt— On Monday last, Tobias Kreider, a
fireman on one of the freight trains between
this place and Harrisburg, was seriously injured
by jumping from his engine, in the vicinity of
Blair Furnace, a short distance below this place.'
It appears the train was running at full speed
when one of the guagc-cecks blew out, and after
it camo a stream of hot water which struck him
on the back.and legs, scalding him a little.
Not knowing exactly what was the matter, and
thinking the engine was about to blow up, bo
jumped off, falling on his bands and face, and
badly bruising himself. X u bones were broken,
but ho was hurt inwardly. ’
Soldier Hurt. —We learn from the- papers
down the road, tlpvt one of the soldiers in the
Second Regiment from Wisconsin, which passed
this place on Saturday week, was knocked off
the top of the car by a bridge, at I’errysvillc,
and, one account ?ays, intantly killed, and an
other, badly injured. We have been fearful of
on accident of this kind, from the fact that
many of the soldiers take their positions the
top of the cars as soon as the train pulls out,
and as there are so many bridges, and some of
(Item quite low, an the line of tho road, the
only wonder is that a dozen, instead of one, have
nut been hurt. '.
How TO Preserve Strawberries—A co
temporary giyes the following receipt for pre
serving strawberries— To two pounds of fine
largo strawberries add two pounds of powdered
sugar, and put them in a preserving kettle, over
a slow fire, till the sugar is melted; then boil
them precisely twebty minutes, as fast possi
ble; have ready a number of small jars, and
put the fruit in boiling hot. ' Cork and seal the
jars immediately, and keep them through the
summer in a cold dry cellar. Tho jars must be
heated before the hot fruit is poured in, other
wise they will break.
j Go to tub Cok-keh. —Go the comer of Main
and Annie streets if you wish to get a supply pfj
firc-crackcrs, of every description, with which I
to celebrate the coining Fourth. Also, if you I
j wish choice confectioneries, good segars and
! tobacco, letter or note paper, national plain,
; envelopes of all kinds. Afso, a fresh stock of
I lemons, oranges,,-&c . just received. Go to
Clabaugh’s, on the corner, if you wish nice
j things for tho Fourth, or any other, time. You’ll
| get tbc worth of your money there.
Kkick-K.vacks fob tub Fflurxii. —A general
assortment of fire-crackers and fireworks, such
as are usually exploded by the juveniles on In
dependence Day, may be found at Weis’ estab
lishment on the corner above llileman’s store,
lie has also a full stock of more costly firework,
such as rockets, roman candies, etc., together
with a fine selection of the richest confection
eries, fresh fruit and nuts, all kinds of cakes
for pic-nics, pies, crackers, cheese, and a large
supply of groceries. Give Jacob a call.
Dkowked Himseefl— Cornelius McConnell,
of ffewry, in this county, left his residence
; some time during the night'of Tuesday, 21th,
j,and drowned himself in a stream near the town.
!I* i® s »id that a close watch lias beet/ kept on
i him for some time, fears being entertained, from
the disturbed state of his that bo intended
‘to destroy himself. In his intercourse with men
ihe was considered a clever neighbor.— Whig.
Brig. Gen. llqbert Anderson, the hero
of Fort Sumpter, is hot at Altoona, as many
papers have published, but at the Cresson.Hquse,
up oq the mountain. He was invited to that
place by Mr. Mulliu, the new lessee of the house.
He arrived there on. Wednesday last, anil will
remain during the heated term, with a view of
recruiting his health, which is said to have been
impaired by his olosedonfinemcnf at Fort Sumter.
WST’On Wednesday evening last some twelve
or fourteen officers heretofore connected with
Col. Wallace’s Regiment of Indiana Zouaves,
passed through this place on their way to their
State to recruit new companies. They hod with
them a secession Sag and a lot of .pistols, guns,
&c., captured in the skirmish at Romney. The
flag is Sjaid to have been a rather sorry looking
u flair. ,
Tho reetrvoir Jb beidg ’coverptf vnt|i 3
fcufceffiniial rotff.
[ B@*The coming “Fourth” bids fair to be a
grind gain day.all over the loynlportion of tile '
Union. Take up any paper, and you will find !. crops,
accounts ofigreat preparations for pic-nica, fes- I nlmhn :
«• • ,i ’ ■ „ * f I ** General Dembriiuki. a diatincuiah'-i Polish officer
Uve gatherings, &c., for that day—the dearest offered his services to the goeernmen'
to American hearts,-the mention of which f Piece. of the pUnking * the rtnirwa. of the M.r
fills every heart With patriotism and devotion; ■ * IMIU lloU3l h Alexandria, are soiling in Chicago, 111., at $1
and brings forth, in tones of eloquence, the ; p * rsqnaro lnch
tales of history that are gathered around it. ! **"Shdor Winthrop’s fuoeral in Sew Haven. Conn, on
‘Altoona will not be behind other places; wc’ f “ of ocer one
notice quite extensive preparations going on.- j«. Whit the Southern Con.odcrac, ashed .hrsciacn.hs
At this time it IS very important to'mention to I ago-“ Let us alone.” What tho Southern Confederacy
the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that it will | asks now—Giro us a loan.
b e qoit® profitable for them to nurchnsc their i *S- OoT - Morgan, of Indiana, has contracted with par
paints, oils, drugs, medicines, perfumes &c at ■ ties uow in Europe fur tLr «‘ thousand Enfl. id rides, which
Roush’s cheap drug store, afew doors above ’the I ' n * Unni in Jnne -
Advices from the interior of Virginia represent the
people o« despondent, and poorly provided. Gen.
Scott-s delay, which hritales us, consumes them.
Governor has fixed the Cih of St-pteinbor for
tho*e*ocntjon of WVatcr,' convict***! tt t the April term of
the Ferry county court of tbe murder of hi.? wiiV
The New 1 ork Firo Zouaves, encamped n< ar Alex
andria. have been running a mill, where they founia largo
quantity of wheat. They proved theinaeUes good millers.
Thirty-four companion of bona jid<- Kentuckians
have been tendered to the Guv.mnmtVfut the They
will probably be formed Into regiments and mtHi.-red into
O-Gov. Robison, of Kansas, has issued a proclamation
calling on all good citizens to organize military companies
for the purpose of repelling attacks from the rebels in
■ft*.The latest from Europe i« very encouraging. From
inent Englishmen write tlmtthey have nolonger any doubt
that the Confederate rebellion will be crushed. Lord Ly
ons expresses such confidence.
*d*Wigfall, disguised ns a cattle-drover, is said to Imre
! beoh'in s Washington lately. Not. at all likely. If, howev
er, he had disguised him-lelfas a gentleman, he might have
passed unchallenged anywhere.
tkS. lion. J. R. Edie, of Pennsylvania, (member of tho
34th and 35th Congress.) has been appointed a Major in
the army, and is assigned to tho Fifteenth regiment ~i i u .
fantry, head quarters at Annapolis.
«3rAn exchange paper, spooking of-Governor Jieksoii,
of -Missouri, says that, if his.fifty thousand volunteers are
to rendezvous where their commander is to ba found, they
will have to belong to the flying artillery.
'Oa-The graduating class at West Point, whose teim
expired cm Tuesday, numbers forty five, and they will bo
promptly divided out among tho various regiments of the
regular service, where such lieutenants ate rc-ry mmll
The number of troops tendered by responsible par
ties to (he President is 575,000 men. It is believed thAft
w ould bo no difficult matter for the War Department to
put an additional force of 100,000 men in the field iu thir
ty days from tho date of the order.
D3L-John Minor Bolts, Just from Richmond, says that'
Gen. Beauregard has sent a circular South from which the
following is a quotation:—“lf tho Colton States do not
raise and equip one hundred thousand men in sir uierhs, me
are ruined.' 1 Their ruin is inevitable.
t£s- In reply to tho instructions of the Governor ot t ,r
-ginia, forbidding anyxmoro Hour from being shipped fiom s
\ irgiuia to the North, the citizens of Ottawa, 111., at a
meeting bi-ui on tho 2Cth ult., resolved that 111 inoij w tii
not furnish Virginia with any more tobacco!
fia. An affray occurred in the streets of Leavenworth,
Kansas, on Thursday week, between D. R. Anthony, pro-
i prietor of the Dnihj (’mserealiie, and U. 0. Sstetlee, of
f the Daily Herald, in which several shuts were exchanged.
,b'aterle» received a ball in l,is right side, and di.-dintw-u
brother of Jackson, the man who shot
wori'h. was recognized and captured in the enmp of the
Eighth New York Regiment, on Tuesday mortdng last, at
one o’clock. At tho timo of his arrest he was making in
quirios, and had Just been asking a guard to toll him where
to find Gen. McDowell’s head quarters.
ttß-Hle Louisville Democrat ray* that inßutler C >„
Ky., whichu in the southern part of th« State, close on
the Tennessee line, there wan cast the most overwhelming
rote for the-Union, of any county in tho Slate. Southern
Kentucky has beaten Louisville. They aro in sight of the
armed mob of Tennessee, yet strong for the Federal Gov
The; Ninth rennsylvanlit Regiment wrta tho first
that forded the Potomac, waist deep, at Williamsport. ft
is said they daubed in with a whoop, and as they struck
Urn hank on “old Virginia’s shore," they raised a musing
cheer, making the welkin ring. The buglers and lifers
played and the men sung *• Dish'," as they passed tin ..ugh
tho town.: t
Ko'X maiden lady in Bopton, on reading the account of
tho marriage of Miss Ueor£mtm Ives. at Chicago, t,, youa*
Bentley, who saved her from drowning at the sinking of
the ateamei; Lady Elgin, said: "It’s a wery romantic af
fair, no doiibt, hut I would rather he drowned any time
than to sit'half tho night with a young man. on a e o f
a wreck, in jny night-gown!"
AS" A majority of the Southern daily papers have re
duced their dimensions one half, nliil,i many others have
been suspended entirely. The New Orleans papers are
Buffering kreatly in curtailed advertising and diminished
subscription patronage. All the result of Secession, yet
these aro tue Journals that have been for years,boasting of
tile benefits to bo derived from disunion.
43-The Bethel affair was not the only instance which
has occurred of the Federal troops firing into each other.
A correspondent of tho Cincinnati Gasstlc writes that
“portions of the two attacking columns at Phillippi ac
tually fired on each other, precisely as the Federal troops
did at Bethel, and Hie fact that they wore over half a mile
apart was all that prevented a terrible slaughter.”
»a.Thu Committee on Foreign Affairs, of tho p.ehcl
States; in a rocturt labored report, perpetrated the follow
ing riob official joke: “Our late associates in the govern
ment of thoUnitcd States have soiled tho whole of the
United States Navy, ouc-half of which belongs to us, and
design using it against us.” Tho United States Govern
ment is actually charged with having seized Its own ships!
411 - The Ames Company at Chicopee, Massachusetts, are
turning out seven brass cannon—one more tlian a battery
—every week, and old smooth-bore guns, including colum.
biads, are being rifled for tiio use of tho James conical hall
and shell. The company are also turning out four hun
dred shot and shell.doily, and thrwWousand swords and
one thousand sword bay onets for Sharpe’s and Colt’s rifles,
*3- Just .before starling for the battle in which ho was
killed, Lieut. Greble wrote on a piece of paper, in pencil,
for his wife: “May God bless you, my darling, and grant
you a happy and peaceful life. May the good Father pro
tect you add mo, and grant that we may long live happily
i together. God giro me strength, wisdom and courage. If
j I die, let me dicas a brave and honorable man; lei no stain
of dishonor hang over me or you.”
93T. A French engineer in New Orleans offers to destroy
the blockading steamer Brooklyn for twenty thousand dol
lars. Another ambitions individual is willing to under
lako the job for silty thousand dollars, and a third propo
tea to do the work nicely for one hundred thousatid dol l us,
payment to ho made when the job is finished. The job is
about as likely to he completed as the Confederate Treasu
ry is to contain that amount of money.
«S-At one time during the fight at Booneville, when
bullets were flying thick, and Gen. Lyon was at the head
of the column mounted, he undertook to dismount, that
hie position might ho a trifle loss conspicuous, when his
horse suddenly jumped with fright, throwing the General
lo the ground, but without injuring him seriously. The
rumor suddenly spread through the ranks, that General
Lyon had been shot from his horse, and the indignation
nud C( ies of vengeance were terrific.
AST - A SociHtnnta's One
'Heath a ragged Palmetto a Southerner sat,
, A twisting the hand of bis Panama bat.
And trying to lighten bis mind of a load,
By bumming the words of the following oda;
‘‘2s iS® * nl Kg°G and ehlfera whip: '
Oh I for a oocktail, and oh I for a nip; f.
Oh! for a shot at old Groely and Beecher;
■ Oh! Ibr a shot at a Yankee school-teacher;
Oh t (hr a captain, and oh! for a shin;
Ob! dor a cargo of mggers each (rip."
And so he kept oh-iog (hr nil he had not,
I,'ot contented with owing P r all be had .got
Universal Confidence and Patronage.
, and Gentlemeu, in all parte of the world testify to
the efficacy of Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Restorative, and
gentlemen of the Press are unanimous In its praise. A few
testimonials only can bo here given; see circular for more,
i and it will be impossible for you to doubt. '
j 47 Wall street. New York, Dec. 20, ISOB.
j Os.STixjtEv;—Your note of the Isth iust., has been re
! cejved, saying that you had heard that I had been bem>
! “*i e d by tho usf of Wood's Hair Restorative, and request
| mg niy certificate of the fact if I had no objection to give it.
j 1 award it to you cheerfully, because I think it due. My
age is about 00 years; the color of my hair' auburn, nud
j inclined to curl. Some five or six years since it began, to
[ f ,,rn gray* and the scalp on the crown of my head to lose ;
ild sensibility and dandruff to form upon it Each of these
dwagreeabilities increased with time, and about 4 mouths
j since a fourth added to them, by hair falling off the
j top ofl my head and threatening to make me hold.
I ,_ lu unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try
I Wood’s Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling off
i of my hair, for I hud really no expectation that gray hair
could ever b« restored to its original color except from
dyes. I was, however, gredtly surprise.! to find after the
use o* two bottles only, that not only was the falling ofl’
arrested, but tho color was restored to the gray hairs and
sensibility to the sculp, and dandruff ceased to form on my
aead, very much to tho gratification of my wife, at whose
solicitation 1 was induced to try if.
>or this, among the many obligations I owe to her eex,
1 .strongly recommend all husbands who value the admi
ration of their wives to profit by xny example, and die it if
glowing gray_oi‘getting bald. Very respectfully,
P J Wood A Co., 441 Broadway, New York.
My family are absent from tho cirv, and 1 am no longer
at No. 11 Carroll Place.
Siamaslon, Ala., July 20th, ISofl.
J ro/. O J Wood: Dear Sir—Your Hair Restorative
has done my hair t»o much good since I commenced tho
use ot it, that I wish to make known to the PUBLIC of its
effects on the hair, are great. A man or woman
ma, b. neu r ly.dep r ived of hair, and by a resort to your
•‘Hair Restorative,” the hair will return'more beautiful
than ever; at least this is my experience. Believe it all I
Yoursi truly. WM. H. KENEDY.
**. can publish tho above if you like. By pub
lishing in our Southern papers you will got more patron
age south. I aeo several ol your certificates in tho Mobile
Mercury t a strung Southern paper. W II Kenedy
ir<f.OJ Rood;,Door Sir—Having had the misfortune
to lose porliun of my hair, from the effects of the
yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851, I was induced to
make a trial of your preparation, aud found it to answer
fis the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy,
and no words can express my obligations to you in giving
to tho afflicted such u treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON
The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz •
large, medium, and small; tho small holds a pint, aud
retails fur one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least
twenty pur cent, more in proportion than the email, retails
fur two dollars per bottle; tho largo holds a quart, 40 per
cunt, more in proportion, and retails for $3.
O. J. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New*
xork, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis. Mo.
Fur sale in Altoona by A. ROUSH and G. W. KESSLER
Agents, and all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ?
July Ist, ISGI-lyeow
f IELEBRATED for its medicinal and
ibeticficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic,
Diuretic anil Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi
cians, and some of tho first families in Europe and Atnerica.
is not-a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from
ccUivßtifcl Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists and
Physicians aa possessing medical properties superior to anv
other wines iu use, and an excellent article for all weak and
debilitated persons, ami the agqd and infirm, improving the
appetite, and benefiting ladies and children.
because it will not Intoxicate as other wines, as it contains
no mixluru of spirits or other,liquors, and is admired for
K.s rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparling
a healthy tune to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft
and healthy skin and complexion.
None genuine unless the signature of
ALFRED &VZER, Passaic, J.,
i 3 over tho cork of each bottle.
__ , A. SPEER, Proprietor,
Office 208 Broadway, J»cw York.
£s~For aalo by A. ROUS*!, Altooaa; GEO. \V. PATTER*
9S2* A * jA COfiS, 110 l today aburg; and by W.
LIN & CO., Tyrone. [ j027-l v
What’s the News?
h»a just received and opened a largo and beauti
ful stock of
among whish may he found tho following
Fancy and Plain, magnificent and' brilliant styles of
Spring Sillts, Black Silks, Norwich Poplins, Challic Do
Lames, colored auiHTikred Brilliants, French and English
Chintzes, English ninJAmerican Calicoes, Ac.
We have in this department. Linens, Luce*, Edgings.
Cambrics; Brilliants, Nainsool*!, Jaconctts, Law n-. Mull
Muslins, Ladies Finn French Collars, Underal(cv«),ic.,all
of which wo respectfully ask a thorough examination in
order to satisfy Ladies that we have those goods better and
lower in price than tho lowest.
Mourning Goods.
This line of goods is very ample in every department;
Hosiery and Gloves.
bilk, Woolen Cotton and Linen Hose for ladies audgontle
mcn. and an endless variety for children. Ladies and gen
tlemen’s Kid, Kid Finishes, bilk and Lisle Thread Gloves
Call and see our far famed “ Buck Gloves. 1 '
Muslins. Flannels, Blankets, and every article in tho Do
mestic lino of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and in more
complete assortment than can bo found in any house in
the interior of Pennsylvania.
We have also a fiuo assortment of
_ together with a full stock of
Groceries, Queemware, Hardware,
aiitj all the ct cetoras of a country store. ' '
May t>, ISO I. ’ J. J; , HILEMAN.
WHO has had ao years con-
HmJo Mr T lol, T c “" 1,0 ronsu,,c d at the Altoona
House, Mr. John U ood’s, viz. :—o,i the 7 th of June the
of July, end the 7th if August—ho will then vacate for
i> luontliH. Notice Trill to given in this paper when ho
commences his Winter's Term again.
lie treats all diseases that flobh is hoir to. Ho invited all
females who may he suffering with diseases peculiar to
tucir sox, to call and examine hU now mode of treatment
ns thousand* have been restored to health who have been
abandoned by others. lie Is in possession of perfect in
struments for Bounding tho lungs and chest and is there
fore able to determine tho exact condition of tho vital or
gans—consequently can treat such complaints with greater
safety and certainty than it is possible for those'who guess
at the disease and experiment for its euro. Ho believes
that for ctery malady, there is found in our soil a euro
and never-failing remedy.
. iatiouts can receive treatment for $5 po: month, except
meases of Cancers and Tumors, they vary from $lO to
*lOO. Examination free. DR. W. LEVI NO STUN.
N. B.—Soo Handbills. f May 8, *6l.
Omen Aitoona Gas i Water C 0.,)
eweTTTv Aitooka, Juno 17,1661. f
JL t,lis day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT,
on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of Slate Tnv,
payable on and after July Ist, 1601.
Powers of Attorney for collection af dividends can bo
'had on application at thoofilce of the Treasurer.
Trjinsfcr hooka will bo dosed on the 27th of June, and
remain closed until the sth of July, 1801.
June 20, ’op-4t. B. F. ROSE, Treasurer.
ICE! I(JE!!—The subscriber would
inform the citizens of Altoona, who desire Ico during
the Summo}*, that he will deliver it promptly at their resi
dences and saloons. three tiroes a week, MONDAY,' WED
per pound, or j cents per bushel, delivered in any dc
.sired quantity.
Orders left at the Banking Hout,o'of Wm. 51. Lloyd &
Co., will bo promptly attended to,
June Ifltb, 1861-lm
Noticoid hereby given, that Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of BKNJAMJN BAJSJt, late of Logan
township, Blair county, UeeM, have been granted to tho
undersigned, residing in Altoona. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to said cstuite/are requested to make
immediate payment ; and those h wing claims will preeent
them, duly authenticated) for settlement.
Altoona, May 23, ISfil.—fit.]
ff • INQ located permanently in Altoona. respectfully
offer* bin services iu the different department* of
Surgical aud Mechanical Dentistry.
Ofltcansariy ojM'o.iito C iJ!"r«..Tirglni» »t Ad
twna, !>*, ;-M»y W, fit if.
Has just returned from
Now Turk city with * beautiful ausortmcnt of
consisting iu part of
Toil A* £t(. Ji!pan<tC'
Pchh* Strips , , \ i) t Cfttvrer , , .
In&JhphnSi it Ducalit
■Lavdlo*, ;I - Jlifcmfc,
Crape Dtlkfac, Lxuns. SUks, (fc
a beautiful article, cheap and fashionable,
A large assortment of the prettiest PRINTS brer brought
to the town, so acknowledged by competent judges.
Ladies' Trimmings in endless variety.
Ho calls special attention to his beautiful assortment of
which is acknowledged to be the most Complete of anv in
the town, and sold at pricea defying competition, iron
Stone sets for—Tea Set, for $3,00.
directly from Now York, and bought from first hands,
v OIL CLOTHS/rok X fo 2 yard* vide.
His stock of
is Complete m every respect, and will so sold at aa low a
figure as any house this aide of the citv.
at lower prices than they can be had elsewhere. Good
for nrifi fLW, ami Spring Carriages for
So,OU, just as good as herotoforoe-ld for $B.OO.
Wooden and Willow Ware
in almost every variety, tegotllor with all the outfit of a
K first class store. lBOMf
which will have our special attention, first in baying and
selecting the best, and freshest articles as well as keeping
it up at all times. Coffees of the very best and richest
IHack and Groan of tho best qualify and flavor. Sugars
good and cheap; common Brow/ at 6, goo'd at S cents,
common white 10 cent*. •
from the beat Lovcrmgs at KU, to tho lowest grade at 40
cents. Corusjarch, Dryed Poaches, Dryed Apples, Farrena,
Bacon, Dryed Beef, Mackarel, Herring, Lake Fish 4 Dry
Fish, Window Glass, different sizes, 4c., all of which will
be sold very low for cash, or exchanged for Produce
Always on hand, Speer 4 Ua(la celebrated Iron Plows
Persons visiting town would do well before mating
their selections to call and examine our stock, os we will
bn pleased; to tee them free of charge. Very thankful for
jutst favors, wo respectfully sol Wit a continuance of pub
lie patronage. *
Altoona, April 18ih, XSCI-tf. :
Cheap ! Cheaper!! Cheapest!!!
Huzza for north ward.—
The undersigned would respectfully Inform the
citizens of Altoona ami the surrounding country (hat be
has rented the store room formerly occupied by Jacob
Burkhart, on \ irgiuia street, hear A. McCormick's store,
wnoro he is about opening a '
Grocery, Flour, Feed' and Provision
Ue has jufct returned from the East where be has been
selecting his groceries with grejtt care and buying exclu
sively for him to sell as low, if not a
ll J^i' OHer ’ rhaß ah * botJif « m the place. lie would
loan who wish a good article of groceries,
and at a low figure, to call and examine! his stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
His stock consists of
Uats und Cap;, Men and Sction* rfall
kinds. '
Extra Family Flour , Superfine, Corn Meal, Rye
and Corn Chop,
Extra Loverifig Syrup Molasses, CO cents per cal
Golden 45 .* •• 0
Pennsylvania ‘ %i “< 55. si
Baking , ZVA
M hit© Crush Sugar 11
Whit© ' •• ig . «
Refined ‘ * 4 . 10
Best Brow “ g “ *« •»
Cuba . ' 7• •< w
Bio Coffee i|s to 16 “ ♦» 44
Best Imperial T»*aa 90 “ “. «
2nd quality “ 75 n ~
- Black . 50 “ “ .*
Koain and Castile Sotp, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Fil*
r ? fc V Eu6 ] IB JJ }J' al ««ts, Cream Nuts, Mackerel, Herring,
Lake front. Baity Salt, Cheese!, and everything that is
necessarily kept in a good family grocery.
April j, ? 61-tf.J j. x. SPJUXKLE.
JESSE SMITH, Proprietor.
All the latest styles of
HATS and CAPS constantly on hand. It is the
aeiermuiation of the proprietor o' this Emporium to keep
up with the times and fashions, iind to do this ho spares
no expense. Ho has just received his supply
among which will he found styles and
tit's to Hint tho tastes of old or vounc,
or faHbiormMo. te ’ ‘
To giro tbo namos, lolora. qualities and styles of all his
goods m this hno, wofild only coufueo tho reader, and he
would not then understand or appreciate the diversitvind
magnitude of hu stock. It mnstibo seen to be believed
tahKS.US' - V ° tt ™ t *“ a live hatter and a
,„!lCT'?i?l S ? a «»»,«f»°«-fmeiiti«f CHILDREN’S HATS
and FLAPS, to which lie invites tho attention of solicitous
mothers. At his storetlioy will find something which will
caccl all their neighbors in Ihe why of fashion and beauty
st«k OtU " 6 ’ and ‘’ tami “° and “ Clcct from Jciso Smith’s,
MavV Sn(t ’ "WM «c Lutheran Church.
Dll. CALDERWOOiD offers his Pro
fcMional Services to the citizens <if Altoona and
vicinity. OfDco on 1 irginia Streep nearly opposite Ct J
Manus More. * ■*
J. B. I.tDF.N. Jl. n.. Huntingdon.
Jko. McCmoCB, M. D., i«
11. T Coyrtr, “ Pittsburgh.
Jf e T* BirnuDgjhtu.
Rev. Thomas Siivtssox, Tyrone City
Jacob B ester, ..
C. Ontr.B,
W". BeRtSYi
M. 11.,
Altoona, May 90t. IS6I-3m
s . toro > on Virginia etrrpt, ATtoon*. on
[tomto J. B. HUeoian a store. Thet subscriber having mir :
chased wjth great care, an entire new stock of Ladies
Altoooa. Aprtl j}, BABY -
Penona dnirlng work Aoao esui j<*»o nnb _. -.m,
Bapiin JfeClellood, or cm npwllv*
WOTc.On*«tfol»,j tre ot, a
vOurtQ. .i s SyT3P?
AHowrt, Wrfrrfi at. mt-im W 1 ***!» XeMABAJT'
hr nlf Apply to • . TOHJf ■wftaftMWtewr
E«ft I*', If MU. T
McCormick’s Store, in East Altoona !
anil complete assortment of Spring and Summer
Goods, consisting pf Britisl., French auS American Dry
Goods selected with great bite to nit this region of conn
try . In the line of Ladies Dress Goods for qualify and
pneo, they will surpass. * J
Mantillas, Dusters, Shausls, H'Aifc Goods, Em
broideries, Irish Linens, Linen Uandkcr
chiefs, Hoopskirts, Clothes, Cas
simercs, Kentucky Jeans. Prints,
Ginghams, Muslins, Flan
nels, Etci, Etc.
M™T« x- 0 ? iU M U make and material for
Men L Boys as well aa Ladas* Muses and Children.
Beady Made Clothing,
a full assortment to suit the season, with Hats, Caps, Urn-
I; 1 ’ 1 ' 115 ’ 1 ot-aMs.Carpets, Oil; Cloths, Malting, Brooms,
Duckets, Tubs, Tin H arc. Qnecnsware, Hard Ware, Stone
VV are, Market Baskets, Zink Rubbers, Brushes, Clothes
Lines, 4c., with all articles necessary to make up a full as
sortment to meet the wants of the people. 1 "
ALSO, a complete
Syrups and Baling Molasses,
n. c. ImoStS" I*’ 1 *’ c?-. V*-. J«a-18,1801.
You will please send mo two boxes of vour Cerhali-
Ptlls. Eend them immediately. 3 wepnaUc
Respectfully yours,
pc - , . , - JOHN B. SIMONS,
czeelUnT 1 °" e 6 “ 3 " mr PiWs ’ ani fi ni "'em
„ „ „ Bru.K Vnttios, Oaio, Jan. IS, ism
UtsßV C. Spjidi.mj, Kf(). ’ * *
i Please find inclosed twenty-five cents, for which tend m»
aa.xherhoxofiourCoiballc Pills. Thiy art t ri/iS*
hat fill: 1 ever tried. Direst , . . ,
4* «*
Fro*n Vu Ezamimr, yor/ofk, Ta..
accomplish the object for which thee TC,.»
made, viz.; Curs of headache in all its (brurt. * ‘
From Me Examiner, Xar/otk, To.
wilb entire in ,“ orB * »«*«* ««.,
iVont Oic Ecfiocrqt, at. Cloud, Mikn. . .
If you ure, or have ltodWinl »■»!> *i,. t~» , ■
.end for* box, (Cephalic Kitaj» th“t
them mouw of an attack. 7 * * oa
FVow Me /VowrfcfieJ, i?. /.
Pills arc Mid to be a rfma*' a*
remedy for the headache, and one of
very frequent complaint which hoe ev,jt££dtasj.£V,
from Ot Wtotm S. R. Gauth, CMcee^m
We heartily endorse Mr. Snaldin* aud hI.S >i>
Cephalic Pills, aud hie uanvalled
. From the Kanawha ValUy Star, Kanawha V*
2m S’ 8 witb ,h 8
from ike Joutlurn fttt Finder, ,\cw Orleans, U
Try them! yon that are afflicted, and wo ai-o rar« .fc.*
: a
I tt.=“4tBmcn is Tuu!Sat**'
nim WrSSS^^S^i;?"-
ww#**i wp«^ : •.
V > . “ jH pirgßT ifotft*,"
* »-•* malßM*
By tho uu of these Pills the periodic attack* of .V ran,
or net Headache may be prevented; ami if taken at the
commencement of an attack immediate relief from nan,
and sickness will bo obtained.
They seldom Ihil in reacting the .Vans,* and tfeadacV
to which fcmalo* arc bo subject. '
They act gently upon tho bo«-ele,_ner*nviug Chstheness
Tor Litemry .Wen, Students, Delicate, females, and all
persona of serfatfcgg hMts, they are valuable as a
improving the appetite; giving tone and rigor to the dig,-*,
tire organs, and restoriugthe natural elasticity and strenrit
of the ~hola systei.j, * J
- me CEPHALIC PILES are the result of long investiga
tion and carefully tmnducted experiments, having been in
use many years, during which time they have prevented
and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from
Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or
Horn a deranged state of the stomach. ,
. Theyare entirely vegetable in their composition, and
may b» taken at all times with pcfect safety without
making any chango of dirct, and the absence of any disa.
greeablt fails renders it easy to administer them to children.
The genuine have 4vo Signatures ojf Henry C. Spalding on
each Box.
Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers its Medicines.
A Box wiil he sent by mail prepared on receipt of the
Alt orders should be oddreisod-to
Nov, la, ’fiO.-ly ] 48-Cedar Street New Votk
Cephalic Pills,
is Within their reach.
Ji Testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. Spaloi.v,
V«y afford unquestionable proof of the eificaey of ’
this truly scientific discovery.
Mitosvun, Cox.v., Feb. 5,1801
Snt :
I ha™ tried your Cephalic Pills, and lUkt them, so well
that I want yon to send toe two dollUra Worth acre.
Part of theae arc for the neighbors,- to whom I care a
few out of the first box I got from you. "
Send the Pill* by mail, and. oblige ,
Voir obedient Servant,
lUmm», Pai, Feb. 0,1861,
Mb. EpiiDUto,
I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephalic
Pills, I have received a great deal of benefit from them.
Yours, Uespectfully,
■ • „ A. StOVEB, D. M.
Bella Vernon, Wyaudotl fo, 0.
Bevnar, Mam, bee. XI, 186;
11, C SrAT.mN», EeS.
I Buhroraomt. cuc.iUra or l»r S e show billa. to brink
yoUr Cephalic Pills more particularly before mf enato- ~
mars. If you have anything of Hie kind, Clearest ad to
.Odd of In , cu. tomere. who is subject to sews Sick
Headache, (usually lastinß two days,) vxu cured of an at
tatk »ti one aour.bfyour £*iUs, which leent her,
lltfepectfully vauis,
Kifkoldsbcka, Fea>kun Co., Ohio, Jiu. {►, jso|
No. 43 Cedar ex., K. Y.
Dfiin Sir .
Incloswl find twenty-five c*uta, for- m*r>A A --
ft* 0 /" Ceph ,* rill V *■>*
Filler, Eeynoldaburft, Franklin Co, Ohio.
jfoidcr! Pt/ “ “ 3ri ( ‘ Ve “ cAar *~‘*r« 'J&ulatSe almas: in-
Truly yours,.
VtilUiTt, Mich,, Jan. 14,1651.
** «««*«w
Fleaso send by return mail. Direct to
■ Ypailanii, Mich.
*®- A stage hcttlo nfgrALWNOS, P&EPABEBOLJ7K
will «avo ton time* tu coat *
»ate tbs tiicaji