MAUD TIMES MAD E E A-SY ! Good News for the Unemployed ! 1000 Chances to make Money! ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OP WATCHES, -AND SILVEBrPL ATED WARE, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED!!! All p«rK>n»deßiroßa of .(-curing an Agcney in this New Enterprise Should send bn their names at once, enclosing a 3 ecu t stamp to pay postage, and receive by return of mail A PREMIUM CATALOGITE Containing OUR INDUCEMENTS, Whhh afford ft ’ v RARE CHANGE TO MAKE SI O N E Y without risk, together with ' FULL PARTICULARS Relative to this NOVEL PLAN! To memo prompt and satisfactory dealings, direct all orders to “ GEORGE G. EVANS, HUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, No. 54 Market St, Harrisburg, Pa, rrihis establishment is chiefly devoted to g the manufacture of Blank Books for WSJRjg jiS&t, County Offices, Railroad Companies, £jMIsS& End prirato individuals. In all msos the ▼cry boat of Block and workmanship may bo Tidied upon. Blank Books printed, paged and bound to any desired pattern. SherlflTs, Attorneys and Jmtices ttocketo of all sizes, nftde and ruled to order. and Yearly Asscwmcnts, Duplicates, for county purpo sea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. ‘County v Dockets modo of the beet linen paper. . ■ , Librarians, and others, desiring-to have their Books well bound and at moderate prices, should give ns a calk >ews papers of tho largest sizes, Harper’s Weekly, Gleason s Pictorial. Ballotis, Scientific American. Loudon News, . bound to order, and In any style require! -Harper a Month ly Mazazinc. Knickerbocker, Blackwoods and Grahams Magaalnes, Gotley’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository, Peter son’s Magazine, Piano Mode, Ac., bound m extra etylea,or tho more plain and substantial half binding. Select Pam phlets, Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound in good Li br&rv style, at very moderate prices. Versons having a number of volumes to bind. will receive alibcral discount. Biudin” can safely be sent to, ns from a distance by Ex press and all wnrlc entrusted to onr carc will be speed dlly executed, safely packed and returned by Express.— All work warranted. Address F. t. lIUTTI,R. Sitmsiury, «*.McCRTJM i DERM, at the TrSnme OClce, are my agents for Altoona, and vicinity. They will give informs, tion In relation to binding, am! receive and rctnrn books free from extra charges, for all who their work to my care. . ' [March 2i;iS6l-ly JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Bero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I weald respectfully forth my claim to pa'* attention, as a Fashion? Tailor* a* follows: - I keep an ex< lent assortment'Of Clot Csasimeree, Vestings i Trimmings, which, wl •xamtoedjslwttys'plcaso. Because my work made up in a manner tl takes down tho connl and ores all my custom* a city appearance. pgeqiyft I am not lafei as a Cotter to tho best be found anywhere. x Becaoso long expenei in my business gives entire control over it, ' I am not dependant nj any one toUfl me coot the sods. ‘ Became I am still od the sunny side of forty, and there* Ibpe my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, fn the corner room of the * Brant House,” Glee me a trial and you will go awav pleased. Altoona, May 26-5 m . JACOB SNYDER. SPRING OF 18G1 WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! TUq Largest Assortment and Lowest Priced in Come and sec. WALTER I*. MARSHALL, >. -iVb. 87, Wood Street, (Near Fourth, at the Old Stand,) lias for sale beautiful French, German & Amer- WAU PAPERS. for Parlor*. Ualta. Chambers. Churches, Lodges, 50,000 rolls at 1314 cte. 50,000 roll* at 6, 8 and 10 cent*. Window Certain*, Firo Board Printa, Tester Cover., Ceilings, Ac. for the Striped Front.. Alto«oB,Jlareh7,lSBt-lni. Wall Paper and Border. A N UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK uSL ortho ' LATEST SPRING STYLES, Jint received, which Will be sold cheaper than ever by Starch 21,18«l-tf. J. A J. LOWTIIEK. T>URJS WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Pafatt, also Ovrotne. Green; Tcllow, Paris Green, dry [t-tf-1 M8831.E8-a CGPfiQTACLES AND EYE PRESER jSJtftnfauli st [l-tf] KESSLEVS. JEWELRY 439 Chestnut Street, c Philadelphia. icon PROF. L. MILLER’S HAIR INYIGORATORI! AN EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND eco nomical compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its original color without dyeing, and preventing tho hair from turning PREVENTING and curing It, when there is the least particle of vitality qt recuperative en ergy remaining. / FOR REMOVING SCURF JAV) DANDRUFF, and all cutaneous affections at the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, imparting to it,an un equalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its texture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and tho increasing demand tor this unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial id only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation at present in ueo. It cleanses tho head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causes tho hiiir to prow luxuriant ly, and gives it a rich, soft* glossy flexible appearance, and also where the hair Is loosening and thinlng, it will git© strength and vigor to the roots, snd restore the growth to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield o.fresh.covering qfkafr. . , There are hundreds of ladles and gentleoiefl'in New York who have had their hair reetored by the use of this Invigorator, when all other preparations-had failed. L.M. has in his possession letters Innumerable testifying to tbo above facts, from persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of life; and in cases where tie hair has al ready changed its color, tho use of tho Invigorator will with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, doMty appearance. • As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the groat facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with thcTuvigorator ; can be dressed in any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence tho great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to bo without, as tho price places it within the reach of all, being. ONLY 25 CENTS per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. ‘ ‘ • , L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to .the use of the Invigorator, in case* where the childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it removes any impu rities that may have beComc connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION.—None genuine without the fac simile LOUIS MILI*KR being on tho outer wrapper; also. L. MILLER’S HAIU INVIGORATOR. N. V. blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey St., and sold by all the princi pal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. 1 also desire to present to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE which after ycarsofscientificcxperimcatiuglhavobrought to perfection. It dyes Clack or Crown instantly without injury to tho Hair or .Skin, warranted the beat article of the kind in existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 23, ’OO-ly. Depot, 50 Dcy St., New York. LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. The undersigned having purchased tho right for Blair county, ot Tolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine, aro now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to those persons throughout' tho county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. \ This machine is got up ou an entirely new principle, I and is considered, by those who have seen It in use, the best that has aver been brought before the public. Among tho many advantages of this machine over all others may ho mentioned.the following: lute Its simplicity of construction; making it almost im possible to got out of order. 2d. Its speed, which astonishes alike tho operator and tho looker on. Zrd. Tito facility with which it adapts itself to tho bulk or qautity of clothes desired to be washed. . 4t/i, It washes equally well the finest and lightest fabric or the ccaisest and heaviest, such as bed-quilts, comforts, blankets, &q. McMINN k BERN, Altoona, Blair Cbnu/y, Pa. We tho undeteigbed, hereby certify that we aro now using Tolhurst’a Improved Washing Machine and aro ful ly satisfied that it is a very excellent article of tho kind ; combining as it doe* great speed with little labor, and per forming Its work in tho most satisfactory manner. Wo therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real ‘abor-saving washing machine. _ JOHN WOODS. EMILE TIETZE, MICHAEL CALVERT, THOS. McAULEV, JOSEPH O. ADLUM. DANIEL PRICE. B. A. 0. KERR. Bcirgaias I Ba rgains !! j McCOE MICK’S STORE! TVTOW IN ORDER TO GET; RID XI of Fall and-VTinter Goods, to make room for. Spring aud Summer, they will sell all articles of HEAVY GOOES for cost; such as Heavy made Clothing for men and boys, with LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Coburg Cloths, Delaines,’ Ac., with a variety of Hats, Caps, Bonnets trimmed and not trimmed, with n great variety of goods too tedious to- mention; and on or about tho 12th or 15th of Morch, we will wind up the bal ance of all such goods at Auction. All persons wishing to purchase such articles, would do well to call and examine the stock, before purchasing elsewhere. AUoonaj Feb. 28, ’6l-tf. S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE RAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. - , . Having had several years’.,experience in tho practice of the Law, he expects to merit’public patronage. : Office on ANNIE STREET, 3 doors above tho Post Office. Sept. G, ISOO.-tf. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & GO., UOLLWAYSIiUBG, PA., [Late “Bell, Johnston, Jack $ Co.”) B RAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on payable on demand, without Interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. Feb. Sd, 1359. G W. KESSLER PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces to tho citizens of Altoona and tho public £ cn ~wßlßS} orally, that he Still continues the Drug business, -on Virginia street, where ho keeps constantly on hand, for sale, Wholesale and Retail, DRUG.*?, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. ' , By strict attention to business, and a desire tnrender sat isfaction to all as regards price and quality, ho hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all order* from a distance promptly attended to- Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded, 11-ti. WM. S. BITTNER, DENTAL SURGEON. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM PLE, next door.ln tho Podt Office. A Student wanted; [Dec. 23, ’SS.-tf. J. G. ADLUM, NO T ARY PUBLIC. ALTOONA, BLAIR C0 n PA. Can at all times bo found at tho store of J. B. HHcmaa. October 1,1857. T\RS. CONRAD & CAMERON RE XJ SPECTFULLY offer their professional services to tho citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on RaHroadstreet, two doors east of the Red Lion Hotel, where they may bo consulted at all hours, except when professionally engaged. Sept 6, IWOs-tf ROBES! ROBES! Just received a ftno lot of Buffalo Robes, which wo will soil at from $4 to $lO a pietfe. Two doors below the Post Office. M. THOMPSON Jffent. Jan. 3,1861, 17 OR SALE.—A HOUSE AND LOT, desirably located in tbe Borough of Altoona. Apply to ’ JOHN SUOEHAKEIL Altoona, Fob. 0, ISGO-tf. TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM- I 1 mice, Sharing Cream, Teilet Soaps, Ac. tor sale by 1-ri.) > G. W. JCESSLEE. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus scs cvnd Shoulder Braces for pale at lAf- 4 0. W. KESSLER’S. MOFFAT’S 1 LIFE PILLS' \i PHffiNIX BITTERS. * , an_ _ These medicine haves now been before tbo public for a ported of thirty years, and daring that time have maintained a high character in almost every part of the globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suf fering under nearly every kind of disease to which the hu man frame is liable. . , > The following arc among tho distressing variety cf hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to bo infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first ana sec ond stomachs, and creating a flow of pore, healthy bile, in stead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCE. £os« or \ppetite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, HI Temper, Anxiety, Langour f and Melancholy, which arc the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural conse quence of its care. ... COSTIVENESS, by cleansing tho whole length of tbo in testines with a'solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within twq^days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring tbo blood to a regu lar circulation, through tho process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruc tion In others. . Tli£ Life Medicines have been known to core RHEUM A TISTf permanently In three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of tbo joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by frooingand strengthening tho kidneys and bladder; they operate; most delightfully on these important organs, and hence bnvo ever been found a certain remedy/or the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of tbo bowels the sllmv matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SOKES, by tho perfect purity which,these LIFE MEDICINES give, to the blood, and all tho humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS ami BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and tho morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sallow, cloudy, andothcrdisagrecaolc complexions. The. uso-pf these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of tho skin. COMMON COLDS and IN FLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in tho worst cases. PILES. —Tho original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of C 5 years standing, by the use of thvLife Medicines alone. FEVER & AGUE. —For this scourge of tlic Western coun try,’these medicines will be found asafo, speedy ami certain remedy. Other mediciues leave the system fmbjcct to a re turn of the disease—a core by these medicines is perma nent—try them, bo satisfied, and bo cured. BILLIOUS FEVERS ane LIVER COMPLAINTS. —Gen- eral debility, loss of appetite and diseases of females —the medicines have boon used with the most beneficial results in cases of this description:—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild! yot\powcrful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats. Nervous De bility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitationof the IL-art, Painters’ Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASE^. —Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of M*;rci ry, will find these medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, in finitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of gar saparilla. ■ ' X’vepurcd and sold by v W. B. MoFFAT, 3So Broadway, New York. [Sept. J3,18G0-ly. For sale by nil Druggists. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unritalcdin Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap cat portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examino those Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to .demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they aro very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give mere or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. Cth. That the light u at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. . These lamps arc admirably adapted fur the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, Stores. Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of tho Carbon Oil Lamp can bo attached to old side, Inuiglng and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a ucw tanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. IP, 1858-tf.j 0. W. KESSLER; GROCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOB STORE. The undersigned would in- FORM the .public that ho baa purchased tho interest of A. MILLIRON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them ou Virginia street, below Caroline St., where ho will continue tho business, and will keep con stantly ou band a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SLICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from tho eastern and western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale, I will keep constantly on baud a large assortment of liquors of the best qualities to bo had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12,1860.-Cra. . J. BERKOWITZ. SOMETHING NEW. THE SUBSCRIBER (HAS JUST returned from the oast whore ho has purchased a very large and fluo stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, Brogans, ©alters, &r., which l»e is prepared tO;offor to tho citizen* of Altoona and' vicinity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, ho is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. AU that ho asks is that tho people will call aud examine hia stock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS and SHOES made to order on tho most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended .to. Don’t forget tho place, two doors below post Office. Jon. O,ISGI. M. THOMPSON, Agent. Literary Emporium and Hews Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR,’ TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY S TO R E. rpHE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES to | keep constantly onhapd all thebcstlitcrary papers and periodicals, daily papers from Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All the School Books used in this place and vicinity always on hand. Also, a choice lot of Confectionaries, and knick knacks of all kinds for children. Also tho best Tobacco k Segars to be had In town, together with A fino assortment of Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Rings other articles of Jewel ry. Call and examine. 11. FETTINOER. . Altoona, July 2d, ’CO-ly. JVo. 1 Altoona House. jggy»7V> Versons out of Employment AGENTS WANTED, InaVe y County of tho United States, TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF somo Of the best and most elegantly illustrated works published. Our publications are of tho most interesting character, adapted to tho wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Mer chant ; they are published in tho best stylo and bound in the most substantial manner, and arc worthy a placo in the library of every household in tho land. $31,T0 men of enterprise aud industrious habitn, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. * . . Persons desiring to act as agents will r*c No. 224, North Second Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 25th. ’GO—6m, LANDS! LANDS!! LANDS!!! The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS in tho Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices.— Good selections can now bo made near the largo streams and settlements. Tho Lands of this Teirltory, now in Market, are of tho best quality; * . . ww, Selections carefully made. Letters of inquiry re named. ALEX. P. McKINNEY, Oreapous, Ca=a County, N.T^r. July 11,1600.~tf references: Rev. A. B. Clark, Altoona, Pa. Wm. 51. Lloyd & Co., Bankers, Altoona, P.r McCrum k Deex. Editors, u Tnos. A. Scott, Supt. P. R. R., “ D. McMcrtuie, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their agents in Altoona at his office in Anna St March 17,1559. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR Ex terminating KATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and Bed-bugs without danger in its nao under any circumstan ces for sale at the Drug Store of O. TY. KESSLER. Jan, 24, t 56-tf] OYES! 0 YES!- —GENTLEMEN draw nigh nnd hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT announ ces to tho i.n„llc, that he la ready to discharge hi. duty os an Auctioneer whenever r:.f!cd upon. [ j H:I ■ 2 ’sB* piROGERIES.—A LARGE AND vT complete assortment of Groceries havo just been ro ceivod at the store of J. B. lULKMAN. All the standard patent MEDICINES AT l*tf. KESSLER’S. KEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT/HILEMAN’S. The subscriber informs his customers, and the public gPDCTiHy, that bu htu jost received a large and beautiful assortment of ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for magnificence, extent and variety, have n*rer before lH.*on excelled in Blair county. Particular attention is invited to our stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as Black and Fancy Sills, VhaUics. Ikrcffes, Brilliants , Lawns, Delaines, Clarify, Dtßrges, Crapes, Prints, Crape and .Stella Shawls , Mantillas , Undersltrves and Hosiery, Bonnets and BH/bous, OMars, Hand kerchiefs. Kid Gloves, Hooped Skirts, Skirt ing, Lace J lilts, <£c., cfc. FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, We have Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings. Tweeds, Jeaps, Ac. Heads of families would do well to call and examine oar stock of Winter Goods for Boys. Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Quocnsware, Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, £c.,iu any quantity aud at prices that cannot fail to please. GROCERIES. Oar stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed. Loaf and N. 0 Sugars'; Green, Y. IX. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candles, Salt, Fish, ic. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage ncretotore received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. *** Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for market prices. Oct. 25,1800. f i EE AT IMPIIO VEMENT IN COOK \ T 1N« STOTKS. coysvMrnoy ofsuoku axd gjs axv sauxg OF FL’KL, The subscriber takes ph-ciMire in offering to the public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su percudc all others, as it requires-. ONE-TIITIO) LESS FUEL Ilian other stoves and is more easily, quickly and regular ly heated. No unpleasant smell of gas arises from this stove from the fact that it is all -consumed ere it can es cape* There is no trouble from smoko as that unpleasant and often annoving exhalation is also consumed inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by the. gas arising from coal fires. Versons wishing to purchase stoves arc invited to call at the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Sde Agent for Blair County. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [Aug. 12,1556. FIRST ARRIVAL OF sPKiisra goods AT THE “ MODEL.” WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN unusually fine Stock of Goods suitable for tho Season. No Auction traMi, but regular good Goods at very low prices. Wo deem it unnecessary to parade the prices of a few articles iu an advci tisemont, but only say that wo can and w gut, gift or galvanw*! Uit coming j car . Lm««cn nmnnnt 'Quid Is what aro sold tho best Jcwelcrsaa Gold j ew ,j. near one million bottles, jliis immense amount ] could never have been sold but for the rare I W'erecoive our goods from tho best Gold Jewelry Uj a . medicinal properties | FORCED TO SELL, lion, and tho sanction of the most prominent I v(HO are FORCED TO .SELL, physicians in those sections of the country ( WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL, where the article is boat known, who not only j The- following to only ? partial fist.ofonr.immune stK t : recommend the Bitters to their patients, but i ji each. are ready at all times to give testimonials to its ; take your CHOICE FOR $l.. efficacy in all coses of stomachic derangements j ; Large Sire and Splendid Cameo Sets, General Retail and the diseases resulting therefrom. j: j V> 1 ’ rlce %,* * V This is not a temporary popularity, obtained i*, o duster Crape Setting gets do io to declined lobe as enduring ns lime itself. Do do d . Vase do ■ do bit.,:;) Hostellers Stomach Bitters Jmve “proved ; {£ £ a Godsend to regions where fever i>o do Odd Stone Mosaic do and various oilier bilious complaints" have x> a do Calico Seta, do stoi; counted their victims by hundreds. To bo Do Ribbon Twists, with I brUUiuite, do tJioio unuiau ■ , *i. A »iT>;»»APa n Do Roquet acts, new stvle, do Rio' 1 ') able to Plato confidently that the. Bitteis j. p a Enamelled cluster do do 10t..;,.) are a certain cure for the liyspepsia anu like ; Gold Thimbles, do ;;t.» : diseases is to tbc proprietors a source of uu- i Diamond Pointed QoM Pen* sadCasis, ' St., a alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter j, Spuou,s ;£ from the stomachy purifies the blood, and j. over IWO other different styles Ladic*' Jewclyy; iuinarlsrencwed vitality to the nervous system, jhm«r all styles, patterns oud size*; Locket* of every «i L . giving it .hat lone and energy lor the restoration of health. 11 operates upon at, Lava, Cameo ami Band Bracelets; Gents’ \ c=t Cliin-. the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, warranted to wear for ten years without changing color, iuil*s kettles, ic. *ll kinds of job work promptly attended to. A eharo of public putrouugc is respectfully solicitol STEPHEN WINTERS. Altoona, Aug. IClh, IS6O. Philadelphia, watch ash JEWELRY STORE. 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, JSjFZSffI Xorl4S X. 2d St., corner of Quarry The undersigned has leased the premises, where ho willjiecp a large assortment of Gold and SilvefWatchcscof American, English and Swi*< n&ctnro of tho most celebrated makers, 'in addition ;* which will be fonnd always oh hand (and made lo order 1 ' extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silver rbted war-, together with a general assortment of such ru usually kept in a first-class Watch and Jewelry j-’torr. The patrons of 0. Conrad, and thoso of the ,r. together with the public generally, are Invited to call. -»r- i they will receive a good article lor their A- 1 at. determined to do a cash business, goods will be sold \-ot iow. u Small Profits end Quick Salts” is the nv-tto nf th:i Establishment. LEWIS 11. Sit COM ALL, Formerly 0. Conrad. No. 148 K; Second St., cor. of Quarry. PUiU h. June 7,18G0.-ly. CO i K> o « 'Z H 5 -2 P5-.S m-5 i 014 5 « ■ n g* s . pc:« a opened a BOOT AND SHOE SH< On JULIA STREET, 1 door above Winter*’ Tin .*>/•; Mtoona, where they will keep on hand a good a#.- of'Boot a and Shoes of their own manufacture. , i#s* Particular attention given to making Lt'-ilc.- Gaiters, rfe. They invite a share of public . log satisfied that they can render entire satisfaction. Altoona, Jan. 10, ’Ol-tf JOHN SH» • National police gazett. This Great Journal of Crime ami Crimm? its Twelfth Year, ami is widely circulated thi •' tho country. It contains all tho Great TriaK C Cases, and appropriate Editorials on thcsome,tw f , irifomiatlon on Criminal Matters, not to be fouu • : other newspaper. tSb-Suhscriptlons $2 per annum; $1 for pis Tu be remitted by subscribers, (who should write the;: and tho town, county and State where they rcai-le 71 To G. W. MATBKLL A C Editor £ Prop’r. of New York Police G c 15-tfl iftto-Tor. Boots and shoes.—the i demigned has now on hand ind will Mil cheep Bt hit store in the Mawnlo Temple, MBP— a.largo and complete assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order, Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Hum Shoes, Cork Sole*, and everythingjn hl» line of trainees, of * the best quality and on tho ino»t reasonable ter: * custom work warranted Jam VSMf.J Lumber for sale. <50.000 SHINGLES, 50,000 LATHT'. nail Ml kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, lower (1. " lowest, for Casli. Apply to JOHN SHOE.'!.' K< <■ PINE AND LARD OILS, 4V:' ! phene, Banting Fluid, Carbon Oil, Ac., nt : Jan. 3, 'iO-tf 1 : ON HAND AT McCOKMICK’S ff —A splendid assortment of Ready-Made ciy Call and see. Nev. MoOBUM & DERN, OL. 6. advice free. Kew-York Benevolent Infirmary, established isao, . . tn The Cause of Medical h'cjonn; to the lnj~, o/MeMad Knowledge for tie IrcvepUon of *1 *1 the relief of thow roflerinK ami uQlictcd w* »tli Chro* l ;\„Vviru'eutl)i-."ravr B . To this cud this ternary 1 . “' i t,, eDa blo the aide and euffennß thTOttghout the "* th ami breadth of our land, to ovoid tholWrofwus "* « KeiortiM. .ud fenonmcc of pro.fated Fhyt.aaus. and tens of thousands annually fthi fallowing are tome of tin- diseases we erne, not oul> . Ihtf Inirmnry but In all parts of our country : ■ ft’ .Snuuprton' aud Pulmonary Complaints, Pevo-ra, fccrof- IV d,s,“ paia. Eye anJ Ear Disease, Cancers and other t ',om Ja'uufflc/andLiverComplaint, Seminal M cakm-n, iialMiseases of the Urinary and Saxual Organa.-from liitplor «>uao or whatever nature. Our object »ill bt to 1,7 ,Vv to the afflicted by effecting in all cases aupcedy cure. I «r rule is to charge nothing for advice and written pre- I nioiis; bnt will furnish when requested the very best I at tho lowest rates. , I these remedies arc prepared in our own Laboratory, un- I-the care of able Chemists, and arc tliosim'St reliable L.iwn to science, including all the recent discoveries. Fro ali addressing ns by letter, containing full account of ■•nvtams a id appearances of disease, age, occupation. 4c.. I ,vi; 1 write a candid r .ply. with advice and iluvclioiis t cur „. Any fees sent ns when sending foradvn.i; will he Iv Ue lto furnishing medicine for the poor. In all cases I iicine can be sent by mail or express If desired. Send I one or mote of our works and judge for yourselves. I use. published at the Infirmary, to aid these objects. In IE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion, AND PRIVATE ADVISER. A book for Hie old mid young, embracing the Pathokgy, prevention and Cure of all Diseases of the Urinary ami Sex ial Organs, and a warning voice of advice and counsel, such [a to be found in no other work. Price 2j cents. - FOB EVERY* ONE. It exposes airthe Humbugs, :vnd the various Tricks to ntice the sick and well. It Illustrates tho plain of the buiicks and Hogues to tlupo every one. It guide* the mi* k-.wv through life, and shows up every swindle of the age. it idWs bow all kinds of Food. Medicines, Limo-rs and 80- nlk are adulterated, with the means of detecting the B auds. Price 25 centt. PLANTATION ANI> SHOP. . ' For every family, having ovoT 1000 receipts on Cooking, Preserving. Dyeing, Cleaning, Ac. How to plant and what t> the hv-st to raise. ,*How to cute animal*, advice to home* teep'-r*. fiinuera on IOuO subjects of inter* •st. Price 25 cents. Worth $lO to any one. I Tho information in them is not to be found in any work- ; Imldbhed, uor obtainable from any oilier source. Tins l Looks ore published oa fine white paper, and beautiful) v bound. .5 [ Any of the above works will be mailed free, on receipt «>f price, in stamps, or money; or the whole In a handsomely Lound. volume for one dollar. No family should, lx* with* liut them. They are Illustrated with beautiful engravings. Kind contain the condensed experience of years. [ Agents Wanted fur the above works, who can make $l5O L month. Send for a circular for agents. I To the young ot both -sexes suffering from secret habits; (prostration of mind; loss of innvfcr? nervous debility; l<»*s Kof "ight;wakefulness; love of solitude; eruptions on the ■ace, Ac., Ac. Stnd hejore il i* too lute r before you suffer pncurablo damage to both body and mind. I To Females who want pl&isaiU and sure remedies Bor Irregularities, Obstructions, Whites, Ac., send to as. I Wc-are convinced that there are many iiarohts of «crof«- Bans, consumptive and diseased condition to Whom a nu- Erueroos offspring only brings suffering and poverty. To puch we would say write, and wc will scud information of [a sure, well-tested, aryl never-failing Preventive. I Wc will mail free,to any one applying for it, TUE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL REFORM. I It Is a large and beautiful paperaind contains tbe most I'Muiible Inforulßtion on or Seminal Weak- Iness. Tim cause, effects and cure, showing the awful cf- Ifrcts of the disease, I On nil other diseases of tho Sexual Organs, a full expla- Ir.ation of the origin of Syphilis, the means of prevention land cur?*. • j JOHN H. KODhivl- 3. SAOE3IAS atto pIC H And c w» v ■ .mining simple remedies easily obtained fur the cure of Ueases in all its forma, with full explanations of I lie [uses symptoms, diet; bathing and exercise. Price Wets. IHE LADIES’ MEDICAL FRIEND. AND. THE PHYSIOLOGY ON MARRIAGE. K work on the cause, symptoms aud treatment of all nnplaints peculiar to the sex, on marriage, its duti-s. is'i tie'll aud its results, on Children, their ills, and on the retention of conception, with Invaluable Instructions to hem ou subjects of a private nature. Price 20 cents. THE GUIDE AND GUARD THE HOUSEHOLD AND FARM, THE CONSUMPTIVES BOOK. For those who wish to get well iroui that awful di-oas.*. i full description of*all tue remedies uhcJ tor it, with .1 Mux’ful statement of the results, and other useful ii.forma ;i OYSTERS, in ail styles. - He Is at Ml times prepared to supply cakes, candies, t jorple-nlcs and other parties. He invites a sliara of pub Patronage, believing that he can tender full satisfaction Remember, bis store and saiaSn Is onVirginiastteet.ti doors below Patton's Hall. OTTO ROSSI The Bodugger. yJS l ** waa dertul article, just patented, is something ITS new, awT never before offered to agents, who a van ted everywhere. Full particulars sent ftt&. Addr Mar 7,-lyls SHAW ft QjARK, Biddleford. Mglne • Thanks of alVPescriptioj * • neatly and expedicionsly executed St this office