The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 27, 1861, Image 3

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    tare you teen Prof. Wood's'
oilpaper; Read it; it wiif
«• ‘
too Itadioa. ”
oobdkn fobJ Mjuugg
W. t«W<S ai*f, «** ******* M u.
aas*alCT*rr“«“i awfoltwtyr ■
no m a prhtnbithe
Urisg but what at some period of her
» medicine na Doponoo’a
i»t iadkaof Cheater told t^o-Agent
Itoired ao much benefit from the nee
e.wlttfue w par $3 » box, rnOrtr than
fce oonld get them naiew. %h« In.
•thee*: pills are made known So nny
etl join the; are perfect); hartaleta
claimed ter them. Fall and explicit
I? each box. Price $l-00 per hiaii~-
HLKBj Drngsiat! *ole Agent fcr Al-
himJl-Oaio the AltoonaPoat Office,
Bit to any part of the country (confl.
;,&eeof,iK»t»ge.” Sold also by JOHN
and by one Druggist in erery riiiegQ
State. - - t-
' Side Proprietor, New .Xork.
PiiSa hare been counterfeited, and are
trices ranging from 25 cents to 25 ctr,
tout £>r them. The genuine, h»r»«r
nature of S. D. tlowe, sole proprietor, --
o of the abuts gentlemen, and yon will
■cte, and one yon may rely upoii..
nd thne afflicted with
now «er«aty*flvo ycor« old, bs for
ic tp curing Lid Pdrißbouejg tod tb*
Jicso dreaiifblcutajptaintfl, which carry
to au uotimely grav«; t« has
■e oil who have applied to him ibr re*
to be a Christian’a duty to relievo
o« atbom<*, be will scud to those.who
used, {Free of Charge),
rvjtaring and nuqg the same. Also
Exercise for th©
ic«e rvmodiea * sure core far Co&sum* *
if thoThrafct and Lu&gs, Fever and
IHser-sc. I)y«pei«»i&, Nervous
c .uiplaiut*. and be bojx* every one
n copy, as It will cost nothing, and
a apply b*. fore it is too late. These
l y. the nu*t eminent Physicians in
cv 'York. Tlioffe wishing them, will
New York.
pefeu’a Cankerine. %
NIyBUIMK L'u’s= Puti U 1 bo-.cMouth
LMvEIUXE cures Sops Nipple*.
LNEEHIXE cures Ulceratedßores.
.h&KRUTE elites Cuts.
KKKISL cures Burnt.
XKBHlN&cura* Sores.
SKJBELNU cures Chapped Lips. .
,XKBIU>iK cures Ulcerated Borne.
NKJSEI.NE U the beet Purifier of the
.SKUKLNE puree- Caokcr is the
smaeh, resulting from Scarlatinaor
s', is c whit“ teeth, use the CAS
lisiros will he realized. We pledge
r. ; ujy free from acids and all polls -
an bb given lo an infant with perftet
rve the teeth and keep the gums free
family efficacious for soralng sore
ooussoda remedies that hare been put
the various diseases above, none can
Sold by 'all droggiots. Price ii
Proprietors, S 3 Malden bane, ?t. Y.
lug bt-cn re-stored t«> Ucsdthin v&W
■to remedy, r after ha v Log aoffw?4*cr»
re long affe.’iioo, and tb*t4r«ul 4to cake kaowa lo hUltOow
kare. •..“••■■
he will aeßd a copy of the pre?crip-
*ith Uio directions for pffpirlng
Whfekfhpy willfiftd a~vuro .cufeifcr
L itoosorms. Ac, The only object of
tag the prescription U, to the
ftfuromtion which ho to ty
every sufiVrer will try IjiW to*®*-
r ami may prove a IdfcMtng.
1 rttecriptirn will pleas? *ddr«M.
Kin,; Connty, NeXT York
a sample of the imiueroiM letters
R.r Iloslottor’fi Stomach Bitters.
C\SASi>a&UA, July 15,1859. , .
P &>&&> Pittsburg, Pa Ooi»to:
t herewith enclose yon
Huifcilto*** Stomach Li:ter», wWch *
U.-igan Souther? Railroad, Toledo* '
u. I hare purchased ecreraldoc-''
ila Summer, but iheaafo ifoutheln*
v. to.opeii a direct trade with you • '
f ur Biiterg by my pbyvklau, for
i-:. rt-ccivt u *udi material aiditlml I
, 1 other * und have solu about two
ne time.; 1 have all kind* of toad*
i’A*rc is none tbatjc&n eo chcerfhlljr
i i,l as your Bincrg, for Ikuowtfcry
.v;y i cx'{Hcte.tinn. You vrwjwtotfoily
while a
■v <rwnjnpt;op, wbouall othpraacao*
obtained from a learned
jyofd&lda. This recipe But. cured
tre suffering from
u Cough* and Celtic *uid thfidcbihty
i -anscdhy th'(^toordere.' :
g.-oUtens, I Will scnd Gli* focip**
v. ith me, towll who need it> M
f’iS ’ * .
431>. Fulton Avenue. ,
* I BrajklySj>V •V‘ n
t :r» ; c or .tss rijjacj-r
tW mwt *slrndld Cloth&V Z&P 0 ’
I*. is aplcnjld as regards tin
the immense business of the ©•**&*
i :nl it is eqjuilly
uu4 vft**«Mirc'.-i., B«t Id iWP®’
ems arc, first, tUo clegoijet. iJMSMJ..
n and Youths, manufactured *
U durability of the cnatcHftlpf
■ 'ft- the fit,.and lastly the
‘t-are sold. We thi*
than the Brown Stone .Clothfaf
008 ud QOi
attentSoato the advertisement^
K and JSlood
?Tcakaeeß «ud4 gencnU debflity.|jiflj|fc.
«i I strengthen, exhiWmba. grcMjjj|fr-\
McO» Ijfciouasystan, «orf digestion,
bt ««sdt©«wd organs to all their ov£'
So vuioable a Toijip
> uf evtrrinraJid and in «verf tMD c
pi Jtanalc plijiii'MDj.liejt a ‘
haj, »Ju?b great], facilitate* tfcj
plenty;-the ewoa,
Ml ,»iD,«il ta»cro to rpguUtea,
if. tjwtHww, (twill gif* rMit uyag^
licalih lu jftur
l»wun*B!f«U teeaplbcr coJwW f
Ipwma Crlbunc.
HcJt«n Way
HollUaytbnrg .....
'Vci^r l3 Through
intern Through.
rhlluidysburg- - 7 (X) A. 31. ami 0 20 r. M.
WctlfrnThtough .... 4 40 A. 51.
Eaawta Through v "10 “
Western Way 11 00 A. 51.
tuOT Way 0 30 P. 51.
(IrricE“Hsß»s:— During the week. from 0 45 a. ji. till
. ,i u a . Oh Saudaye, from 645 till 7 45 a. m.
railroad schedule.
i iiirM* Train Eaaj( arrives 4.40A.31.. leaves 4,45 A. 51‘
.: ■“ West 7.10 A. 51. o 7.30 A. 51.
“ East “ 8,30 P. 51. 8,50 P. 51
•« West “ 7,55 P. M, “ PilO P. 31.
East “ 11,00 A.M. « 11,20 A. 51.
'.. J‘ West “ 6,30 P. M., “ 0,50 P. 31.
,H,» HOLLIDAYBBUUO BRANCH coim.rts with Ev Train West, anti Mall Train East ami West.
INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS c.mnect with Johnstown
Accommodation Trains East ami West, Erprcss West, amt
fast Line anti Mail train East anti West.
Troops ex Route.— On Saturday last, tbe
Second Regiment from Wisconsin passed thro’
this place en rooto for Washington City. It
numbered 1,050 men, under command of Col. S.
Park Cook. They were uniformed in substan
tial gray cloth suits, with knapsacks, haver
sacks, and fatigue caps complete. This regi
ment was organized from the most stalwart men
of the Badger State, must of them being from
tbe mining and lumbering regions, and well
able to bear fatigue and privations. They arc
well disciplined.
On t Tuesday morning, tire First Regiment
from Jilinnesota passed East over the Peun’a R.
11., enj route for Washington city. They were
a beai|hy looking body of men, such as wo
might (expect to find on the frontiers. Some of
them looked as* if there might bo more Indian
than Anglo-Saocon in their composition. They
were uniformed in good light-blue cloth suits,
with arms and all necessary camp equipage.—
Tbe regiment numbered near fifteen hundred
Tub Foceth. —There has been no regular
. programme of operations adopted for tbe cele
bration of the glorious Fourth in this place. So
far as we ate advised, the arrangements are as
follows:—Our Catholic citizens connected with
dt. John’s Church will celebrate the day in
McCartney’s woods adjoining town. The Ger
man Catholics will hold a celebration in Beales"
woods. A social party, composed of quite a.
number of families of the place, will spend the
Jaj in theV grove adjoining West Ward School
property. The scholars connected with the
public schools, and their friends, will spend the
Jay in a grove adjoining town. Those not in
either of the above rings will spend the day as
beat suits them. Divine service, appropriate
to the occasion, will be held in St. Luke’s ppis
copal Church, at 8 o’clock A. M. of the Fourth.
Catholic Celebration. —Wc understand that
the Catholic portion of our citizens intend cele
brating the coming Fourth in their usual man
ner. If ec tie rightly informed, the committee
ha?o this year selected McCartney’s Woods, at
the West end of Loadonsville, for the occasion,
lie ladies are making extensive preparations
to have plenty of the nice and good things of
the season. Those who wish for fun and frolic
on the Glorious Fourth will find all in McCart
ney’s Woods on that day.
Uo to ahe Corner.—Go the corner of Main
»aJ Annie streets if you wish to get a' supply of
fire-crackers, of every description, with which
(o celebrate the coming Fourth. Also,-if you
wish choice confectioneries, good segars and
tobacco, letter or note paper, nationally plain,
envelopes of all kinds. Also, a fresh,stock of
lemons, oranges, &c.. just received. Go to
Clabaugh’s, on the corner, if you wish nice
tbipgs for the Fourth, or any other time, i'ou’ll
gel the worth of your money there.
ArroinitD.—We are pleased to learn that
cur young friend, P. T. Keys, has been np
pointed a First Lieutenant in the regular army,
and assigned a position in the IGth Regiment
'•f Infantry, tire rendezvous of which is at Chi
cago. We understand that Pat. leaves for Chi
cago this week. He will make a good looking,
popular and.brave officer. Success attend him.
J'ur the Altoona Tribune.
J/jejrj, Editors. —The scholars of school No 1
><esl I\ard, Altoona, desire to return, through
toe columns of tho Tribune, their thanks to
ilie:r friends for the aid rendered them in pre
paring for their pic me held to-day. Also, to
Uie manuy young ladies for their encouraging
.presence and 'assistance in serving tip the good
things of the occasion. k
What the scholars of this school undertake,
’'nether it bo the ennobling of’human nature
6t ?nng the minds with useful knowledge,
or getting up entertainments of pleasure, their
•eachers finds, must prove successful
Altoona J.uuc 20, 1801
We learn from tboao who participated in the
fcatmtrea of the above occasion, that it was
indeed a rcchnchc affair. The supply 0 f good
things were without end, and {mirth and pleas
ure ruled the hour. The managers have our I
thanks for a couple of cxcoleut cakes. /!
More Rifled Guns ft-ojn Phamixville i
A Washington dispatch to the Time* says- i
for .h!° ntraCt fiiVCn ° ut wUhout advertising j
CSfi’l'i 1 hUDdred cannon at |
iect nr » . Rnd of o»c form, is the sub- •
I inccmpr"h e u"b,f”- ThePhTd r , e 'fi lrk , ablc I
6ats further ■ mv. i*’ The Philadelphia Prat ]
'iorernmcDt has aJnlf tbe Unitcd Slates |
hundred ,„!! awarded a, contractfor six
the Phcenii Irn^r f Griffin r ‘fie.d patent to
guns C l, Cp °W' sfthisS These I
aaater General rCco “‘ mc “ (lc d by Quarter- ;
taanufacturedih n ? t S n- The Griffic ri fle gun ia |
oered lik e the A & r °. lng mill - 11 is not ham- i ,„
is Tolled Lol,or tr ?f\ andWh:t r- tb gun ' 1 The law tinder which the buccaneers of
f ted . and we unaeralantfiw «?" th,>r " u K h fe ; f*»«> privateer Savannah will be* tried,! was passed ,
t° Waba » C in April, 1790. It declares thaf:
etrfDgth bronze cun wUh ! f ‘ h ? ' CTcry c, I t,zcn of 11,0 United Elates, 'who commits i
not possosMd h ? r - ! ‘ l ad- , any robbery or nqt of hostility against the j
if eix ‘Pounder Griffin can win ( r oU] l ,o " l * lo '‘- ! United States,!or any citizen thereof, upon the I
of the IS orShwe The ' *&. “*?• is *«* d *>™ d » A and. on |
!»s« V;? tisastr i Ul ° «»»"■- :
'!‘! vc suns- xtey Mu" B '■'. “!®E>cat pistol shooter, is
" 15 riv of two Wcciu * Jvlrveiry leaching (be Mississippi volunteers.-(bow to use
; KS - » )I he pistol and rifle ;
I Important and Interesting from Har
per’s Ferry.
A special correspondent .of the Washington
j Star under,date of June 20th, gives the following
account of the finishing pp of things at Har
per’s Ferry:
iesterday,(Wednesday)afternoou, at 3 o’clock,
| 1 crossed over to Harper's! Ferry, and found
1 every thing prettymnch as the Secession troops
j had left it. Such a scene of utter desolation
; and destruction never before met my eyes. I
| retained back to Sandy liook, one mile below
; Harper's Ferry, on the Maryland side of the
| Potomac, to rest for the night. After an early
: breakfast I returned to the Maryland end of
I I*l® Harper’s Ferry bridge over the Poto
j mac, and ascended the mountain heights there, j
! the condition of the works on that I
j B ‘ d « the enemy had abandoned. At C A.M. 1 !
discovered a picket or advance mounted guard j
of about a dozen wending their way into Uar- |
per’s Perry dowu the Charlstown road. j
After making a,: circle through the town, they
returned out upon, the Charlestown road; anil
in an hour afterwards I saw a force of about
three hundred foot and sixty horses enter the
town by the same road. On their appearance
on the outskirts of the town there Was a gener
al stampede of the citizens who had remained
there or ventured to return there after its late |
evacuation by General Johnson’s array. They j
mostly rushed into the river and made for the
Maryland shore by wading and swimming.—
Some put off in small boats. The Secession
troops hurried to tho water’s edge after them,
and fired at tho poor defenceless creatures so
lung as any of them were in lange of their
pieces. Not one of them, (abbut fifty in num
ber,) however, was cither killed or wounded.
The disunion troops immediately afterwards
recommenced tho work of destruction. I saw
them set fire to the fine bridge over theShcnan
doah—a costly uncovered structure, built about
two years ago. They completely destroyed it,
though it all ou Virginia soil. They next
went to the Potomac (Baltimore and Ohio Kail
road) bridge aiid threw into the river a fine and
very large 'locomotive, that had been left (bo»
cause too large to be carried off upon the Win
chester Railroad,) when Johnson’s army retreat
ed, oii the only span of tho bridge work that
was not burned'on the morning of the evacua-
being an iron span, it will be recollect
ed. They accomplished, that work of destruc
tion—throwing the locomotive into the river—
by the use of crowbars, So. They next arrest
ed Mr. E. 11. Chambers, surrounding his house
and ordering him to surrender; whicii .be re- !
fused to do. An order was then given to shoot i
him; and then he surrounded and wag taken off
on horseback, without eved permitting him to i
get his hat. ■ ' ■ |
They next wont to tho residence of Nat Alii- i
son, and arrested him, pretty much in the same i
way, and. afterwards Mr. John Chatman, Arm- j
stead Roderick, .Adam Ralemau, and Mr. Abram '
Herr, who owns and carries on tho great flour- ■
iug mills there. All these gentlemen are high
ly respectable citizens and strong Unionists.—
In all, they arrested and hurried off about
twelve. They next went to the Hall’s Rifle
Works and removed the gunstocks that had !
been left there understroyed; they were worth
about $25,000; and it was understood they were
preparing to send them to Richmond via tho
Winchester Railroad. I remained watching
them, from the mountain, until 1 P. M., .up to
which time they were engaged in securing the
gunstocks and had fired one of the rifle shops 1
- before I left my position.
from some of tho citizens who escaped their
clutches by swimming the Potomac 1 learned
that they avowed that they bad orders to burn
every house ic the town ou which a Union flag
was-found hoisted; and also to barn the bridge
and all the remainiu,? rifle and arm works.
I teamed from the svimmer, that Johnson's
army is understood at Harper’s Ferry to have
’gone in different directions; a portion remain
ing at Bunker Hill, eighteen miles from Harper’s-
Ferry and nine miles from Charlestown; some
lO 40 A.M.
7 00
7 00 A. 51. and C 00 P. 51
' 6 00 P. 51,
: 7 20 “
going further down towards Manassas; soine
stretching along between Charlestown, Winches
ter, and in the direction of Martinsburg; an
other portion was said to have gone to Romney.
That our readers my see how the recruiting
service was conducted-some sixty years ago,
and the spirit which animated the soldier at
that time, we copy herewith an article from the
A T ew Jersey Gazette, of July 30th, ! 1798, This
old valumne contains many curious articles and
advertisements, but probably none more curious
or appropos 10 the times, than the following:
The undersigned, recruiting sergeant to the
honorable ensign Boote, of the brave and glori
ous third United States regiment of the infant
ry, begs leave to hare the honor of informing
tueyouth of New Jersey in general, and the
lads cf the counties of Middlesex and Somerset
in particular, that the .rendezvous is still con
tinued at New Brundswick, for thej reception of j
such young fellows of spirit as :may wish to
acquire the erect attitude, manly! deportment,
genteel address and warlikd whiskered phiz of
■a regular continental toldier. Nothing need be
advanced to induce theyuung men Who,disdain
ing on inactive life, and nobly preferring a
musket to inglorious rustic implements, have
served a campaign with credit to themselves nmT
commanders, to re-enter'the service, when they
learn that they will he commanded by the brave
Gen. Washington. To those heroes who have
never seen the- world, or heard the inspiring i
heart cheering sound of the drum and trumpet, i
he begs leave to address a few words.! I
Your country, lay boys, is threatened’ with
invasion! Tone homes and farms with tire,
plunder and pillage! and your wives and sweet
hearts with ravishment and assassination by
horrid outlandish sans-eulotte Frenchmen ! The
time is now arrived when every man must con
vert his ploughshares'into swords and his pru
ning hooks into spears, or bo torn limb from gut
and devoured alive by blood-thirsty ferocious
cannibals. t
But you will say, why mention these things
to hearts of oak, to whom the knowledge of the
critical situation of their country, with the
honor of being permitted to fight her battles,
and the glory of receiving scars in her service,
would be sufficient indikcincnt lo yally around
her standard! To arms, then, my dear brave
boys! leave your lonesome cottages, and repair
to tbe drum-head at New Brunswick, where Von,
wilt find me and my comrades (al( true soue of
thunder) prinking bowls of cool grog, to tbe
honor of Congress and dnr noble President. ;
You shall there receive a handsome Bounty, i
with five dollars a month until promoted, an i
elegant suit di'aw daily rations that ■
might tempt an epicure, and be treated with 1
kindness and attention by ' • !
Your loving friend and well-wisher,
Jab, Hamilton, llocruiting'Scrgcaut.
The Recruiting Service in 1798.
nr. Cm beats to.akms.
An Explanation,
We regret the necessity for ihe publication of j BLOOD RENOVATOR.
anything like the following at this tithe* and T s precisely whal its name indicates, for while pleasant to !
ft, fl n . Maa ; fw *_ , - , „ . ’ the taste, It is revivifying, exhilarating and strength
ne necessity arises only from the fact that ; *niDp to the vital powers. It also revivifies,reinstates and
falsehoods are much more readily circulate,) I ‘ h . e w «>d In »u it* original parity, and thro re
. . icauiij circulated stores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of
toon contradicted. Were it not that creat and * disease. It is the only preparation over offered to the
Katina •«: i*u j a « T ; world in a popular form so as to be within tlio reach of all.
. mg injury might be done to Captain Szink, ' So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the most
should the report he allowed to n ftß « »ifKr.«V ' p<,l^LfQl ton ] c ’ aDd ye * 80 verkctly adapted so at to act in
\ . 10 P aBS Without perfect accordance \cith the laws of nature, and hmcc soothe
this public contradiction, we would rather let it • weakest stomach and tone up the digestive organa, and
dii> without •* » s". . allay all nervous and other irritation.- It is also perfectly
uio wunout glTlDg it SO much importance: ; exhilarating in its effects, and yet it is never followed by
Camp Chambers •> I lassitude'or deprcMon of spirits. It is eompoeed entirely
Near Chambersbure Junelo W.i f ‘ of-’Vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful
Guo n ('mwa r* J •' ; tonic and soothing properties, and consequently can never
‘ A<r;—Your letter of tho : injure. As a sure preventive and cure of
* 11 u t., was received on the Slat uIL, and the -contents • Consumption, Bronchitis, Indigestion, Btspkmxa, loss
duly noted. I received it when the company was making ! 09 Appetite, Faintness, Nervous Irritabiutt,
o^i*°J!r e : { ™ ch,otiheaun r : • v “3^£M^ r »s?’6iLs*iS^ , • , ■
g d, t ireo miles from Chambcrslmrg, and, under the cron, Giddiness, and all that
circumstances, was not ablo to reply until this time. class op cases so fearfully
bj all the men, who were surprised to find that regularities.
the human mipd could bo so base, and degraded os to ! THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL.
atlastordly falsehood as did private Furguson, j Also, Liver Derangements or Tsrpidity, and Liver Com
p . »V ayne a company. j plaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any general derange*
With regard to the wiling of the underclothes by Lieut I went of tho'Uriuafy organa. .
Gardner and mvwlf as rennrtrwi i.v* r , * I 11 w »b aot only cure the debility following CHILLS and.
u er aoa »*«■«»•■ reported bj Jurgeson, I Lave to j PKTKK, but prevent all attacks arising from HiasmaUl
saj mat it is a false fabrication. The shuts which ypit influences, and cure tho diseases utonce, if already attacked,
seut me wore not sufficient in number to supply all uiv Travelers should have a bottle with them, as it will in-
Dien and tah thprMnro i.,ff ,y.„ J fallibly prevent any deleterious consequences following
mui, amt you therefore loft the pUn of distribution op- upon change of climate and water.
tiotml with n»e. Knowing that tlio men did not need any i As it prevents costiveuess, strengthens the digestive or*
of tliem at present, I stored them away in a large box, j he in the hands of all persons of sedentary
where they .till remain, ami where they will be kept until j ilSfe, not accustomed to much out-door exercise ahonld
they are needed, and then they shall be distributed cheer* I Always use it.
fully and freely. I should not, under anv circumstance- 1 Mothers ahouW use if, for it is a perfect relief, taken &
~ « * , . ’ month or two before the final trial, she will pass the
take from tho men under my command, but dreadful period with perfect ease aud safety.
would Father give th«m anything which I have. Ood for- There is no mistake about it.
bid that I should ever bo guilty of doing anything like. TIIE T«r C |7V/ M IT!
that charged by Furgesou. I love and respect those un-~ And to you we appeal, to detect tho illness or decline
Uer my command, who have left their firesides and homes not only of your daughters before it be too late, but also
to defend the Constitution and flag of their country and * our 8008 au(l husbands, for while the former from false
I feci assure*) rhatl have their entire confluence. " »«Tn^
Furgesou is uow under arrest, and will undergo a court- *o mixed up with the. excitement ef business, that if it
martial for his unmanly conduct in this instance and will were uot for >’ ou * tho J *°° 5 would travel in the same down
r««r*irn ti> i .. j , . t wurd until it is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But
p hmont which will learn him a useful lesson j the mother is always vigilant, and to you wo confidently
in future. Tho men under mv command are preparing a appeal; for we are sure your never-failing affection will
card for publication, and you will oblige me by having 'iTn KcpSS™ KJ2STOBATIVE
till* st<if«ni< r»f >*nri n j »i» i. j . » „. , ® CUKDIxLL AND BLOOD RtNOVATOE as the remedy
tliir stat.mcnt and trie card published in the Inbimc. which should always be on hand In time of need. ■
Yours Respectfully, 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and
*ZI\K 114 Market StreotrSt. Louis. Price $1 per bottle.
‘ . Fqr sale in Altooua by A. ROUSH, Agent, and all good
' Cil^L U°- •» M Ke g* ' • Druggists. {June 17, ISOI.-lycow
A , Card to the Public.
\ - Camp Cn.vMßUta, 1
Near Chambcraburg, Juno 10, ISivi.j
We, tho undersigni-d, a committee appointed by the mem
bers of Company B, 3d Beg, P. V., formerly known as tho
“Login Klflo Bangers, of Altoona,” take this method of
informing CcvTjge B. Cranicr,EBq n and tho citizens of Al
toona, donators of underdosing to sold company, that the
report circulated ay priv&ro Wm. . v urgesun, of Captain
Wayne’s company, charging Capt. Bzluk wJS soiling the
underclothing, is a base falsehood, gotten up to injure
reputation of our worthy Captain at home. W« take plea
sure in shying that iu Cupt.Bziuk wo find an efficient and
generous officer, and we feel fully assured that ho will do.
everything iu his power to make ua comfortable.
Private JAMES 11. ATTICK.
“ WM. U. PRICK. Rook, Si.-c’y.
Visit to Military Camps.
2he Camp at Cairo , JU.—lts .Situation and Batteries — Fire
of a Columbiad, and Alarm of SecttnonUU—Spriiwfteld,
\ ® im P late*—The Original Ellsworth Zouaves—
Jiriyadt Encampment at CUtaae Grove, Chicago—The
German itegimeut and Sturgesß\fies—Camp Dtnnisorr,
?! l \^7r fsCrl V t f cn , and timber of Men in Chinn—Mai.
Triers— J\lt3burgh—JU Cbvuon Foundry — Gimps
and }Vnght—Departure of Steamers.
Hatuuancno, Pa., Judo 25,15C1.
Messrs. Editors; — l have just arrived hero after'a very
pleasant tour West of the Alleghenies; and, haringTisited
many of jthe camps of the Western States, I thought that
perhaps 1 few military items would ho of Interest to your
readers—especially during war timos, as people want nc
thiug now hut nows of a military character to Interest
On Friday two weeks since, I left Chicago on a visit to
tU« comp at Cairo. It was tlio day of the funeral obse
quies of tho late lamented Stephen A. Dquglas of Illinois;
j and, after teeing tho imposing ceremonies, and his body
j laid In the tomb at Cottage Grove, 1 took tho State street
I ears for the Illinois Central K. R. depot, and at 6 o’clock
i was en rottte for Egypt. At a o’clock on Saturday'l nr
| rived at Cairo, and with a pass courteously tonderod by
I General Prentiss, I entered the lines. About 4,000 troops
j were encamped on the hanks of tho Ohio and Mississippi
J rivers, while five heavy batteries of 4‘J pounders and co
lumhiods command the various points from which an ene
my might approach. During Saturday a ten-inch colnm
biad was allotted and fired down tbe river, creating a heavy
report and sending a solid shot for two miles crashing
among tho trees, and (ns wo were told afterwards,) (light
ening the rebels at Colnmbiis, twenty miles below Cairn.
One night was sufficient at this point, so leaving the rough
soldiers’ hire, which our friends kindly divided with us. \
and bidding farewell to the huge mosquitoes which had j
toimented us all night, we (that is another typo and my
•elf,) left fur Springfield, the Capital. At Springfield my
ft iend left ine, sud I went up to Camp Yates, where I saw
three fine companies of tho original Ellsworth Zouaves,
ucarly every officer, of whom visited tho East with the
lamented Colonel last summer. From Camp Ynten I pro
needed to Chicago, where I found a brigade encampment
of accepted troops, numbering several thousand, who were
encamped at Cottage* Grove, opposite the lot where Judge
Douglas lies buried. These bad received orders to put
themselves at once in- readiness for marching, and among
them was a German regiment of rifles armed With sword
bayonets. Tho justly-celebrated Slurgcs Rifles, armed and
equipped through tho liberality of Cob Sturges, of Chi
cago all “crack shots”— attracted much attention.
At 7 o'clock P. AS., I left for Cleveland via. Crestline, hut
at Crestline 1 took tho C. C.iC. R. R for Camp Dennison.
Ohio, stopping for an hour at Comp Jackson, Columbus'
where 5,000 men are encamped. At 4 o’clock P. M. w e
arrived at Camp Dennison, 17 miles north of Cincinnati.
Thiacamp coven over 150 acres of land, and is situated on
a beautiful plain, surrounded by higli bills, with the little
Miami river on tho southern line. The C. C. iC. it. R.
j passes directly through the eentro of the camp, which
contains three brigades of troops under tbe command oi
Brigadier General Cox, the senior officer in command.—-
Fifteen thousand troops are quartered hero, uniformed and
well armed, and the officers are very competent, most of
them having been. In service or graduated at #est Pbiut
and this being a camp of i-tiuction, tho
pliue is p W \ . , -mtCfl. OISCI
, -«un.d. Eight nuudred men compose the
•'gimemal and picket guards, tho latter of whose lino ext
tends over two miles. Cob.DeVlUiers, a French Zonnve,
who first taught Colonel Ellsworth tho Zouave drill, is the
acting Brigade Major of tho 3d Brigade, and is said to bo
a superior drill officer. There are also about two hundred
D. S. regular troops encamped at Camp Donnison. j
Returning to Creetliuo, we took tho Ft. Wayno X. R. to
Pittsburgh, and stopped for a while at tho “Iron City” to
view the celebrated cannon foundry of Knap, Rudd A Co
Here wo saw lingo cdumbiads, heavy eight-inch mortaro
and howitzers, and piles of solid shot and shell of all cali
bres, including some of tho immense 15-inch shell used
for the great Union gnu. The foundry is in operation
day and night, and is turning out gnns very rapidly.
Pittsburgh is alive with the war spirit. Uniforms arc to
he seen on every corner of tho streets, and the noise of
tho drum and fife resounds on every aide. Camp Wilkins
(the old fair-ground,) is filling up fast, there being some
Km companies in Camp, wldlo Camp Wright, eleven miles
up tho river, has over 5,000 men ready for duty.
Twenty-two steamboatsof light draught were despatched
by Government last week, down the river-supposed des
tination, cither (ho Kanawa or this Cumberland river.—
More anon. W B K
•S'Tho departure of the Secouion troops from liar
per-s Kerry was a subject of ridicule and derision, in n»l
-timore. Aborlosquo report of* rar-., with Jeff, Daria,
Oun. Beauregard, etc,, as leader,, was posted tu front of
the Clipper office and excitod pinch attention. ' ,
*3.000. Scott opposes tho appointment of civilian,,
when capable men in the regular service can ho eekciod.
i- imi«.r!ißUßd poSiij.,,l, in the army
CELEBRATED for its inedicinal and
beneficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic.
Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi
cians, and some of the first families in Europe and America.
is not A mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from
cultivated Portugal EUlqr, recommended by Chemists and
Physicians xu» possessing medical properties superior to any
oilrnr wiues in use, ***** an excellent article for all weak ami
debilitated persons. nmUri* acd Infirm, improving the
appetite, and children.
because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it cni,^. a ’ ns
no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is admired fur
its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting
a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, «R'ft
and healthy skin and complexinp.
None genuine unless the signature of
ALFRED SPEER. Passaic. N. J.,
is over the cork of each bottle.
A. SPEER, Proprietor,
Office 208 Broadway, New York.
4^-For aalo by A. ROUSH, Altoona; GEO. W. PATTER
SON and GEO. A. JACOBS, Hollidaysbunr: and by W.
NOWLIN * 00., Tyrone. _ [j«27-ly
Wliat’s the News?
hn* Just received and opened a large and beauti
ful stock of
among whiih may bo found the following
Fancy and Plain, magnificent and brilliant styles of.
Spring Silks, Black Silks, Norwich Poplins, ChallioDo
Lames, colored and figured Brilliants, French and English
Chintzes, English and American Calicoes, Ac.
fff have in this department, Linons, Laces, Edgings,
Cambrics, Brilliants, Nainsooks, Jaconetts, Lawns, Mull
Muslins, Ladies Fine Trench Collars. Underskeves 4c all
of which we respectfully ask a thorough elamination in
j order to satisfy Ladies that wc have these goods better and
lower in price than the lowest.
Mourning Goods.
This lino of goods is very ample in every department.
Hosiery and Gloves.
Silk; Woolen Cotton and Linen Hose fur ladies and gentle
men, and an endless variety for children. Ladles and gen
tlemen's Ktd, Kid Finishes, Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves
tall and see our far ihmed “Buck Gloves.”
Muslins, Flannels, Blankets, and every article in llto Do
mestic line of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and in more
complete assortment than can bo found in any house in
the interior of Pennsylvania.
We have also a fine assortment of
together with a full stock of
Groceries. Queemware, Hardware,
and all the et evteras of a countrv store.
May 9,1801. ‘ J. B. HILEMAN.
STANT practice, can ho consulted at the Altoona
"° us * '^ r - Wood’a. Tiz.:-On the Ith of June, the
SiA of July, and the ,lh of Minutt—ho will then vacate for
3 months. Notice will’bo given in this paixjr when he
.commences his Winter’s Term again.
lie treats ull diseases that flesh is heir to. Ho Invites oil
lorn ales who may be suffering with diseases peculiar to
their sex, to call aud examine bis new mode of treatment
ns thousands have been restored to health who have been
abandoned by others. He is in possession of perfect in
struments for sounding the lungs and chest iind is there
fore able to determine (ho exact condition of the vital or
gans—consequently can treat such complaints with greater
safety and certainty than it is possible for those who guess
at the disease and experiment for its cure, lie believes
Uiat for every malady, there is found in our soil a sure
and never-failing remedy. '
Patients can receive treatment for $5 n-- mont j. CICCl) ;
in coses of Cancers and Tuu»~- *, moniu, except
*lOO Exomln-w- * u AU they vary from $lO to
*iw. free pft. W. LEVt*,*GaTUN
R. Sco Handbills. [MayVM.'
Omct Altoona Gas i Water Co,, )
Altoona, June 17,1601. j
-L l k's day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT,
on tho Capital Stock of tho Company, clear of State Tax,
payable do and after July IsLiWOl.
Powers of Attorney for collection af dividends can bo
had on application at tho office of tho Treasurer.
Transfer books will bo closed on tho 27th of June, and
remain closed until tho Gth of July, 18C1
June 20, ’6O-41. B. P.ROSE, Treasurer.
ICE ! ICE!!—The subscriber would
citizens of Altoona, who desire Ice durini:
the Summer, that ho wiU dolir# it promptly at their resi
dences and saloons, throe times a week, MONDAY, WED
per pound, or 62J£ cents per bushel, delivered In any do
Orders left at tho Banking House of Wm. 51. Lloyd £
Co., will be promptly attended to.
JuitolSth, 1861-lm
Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of BENJAMIN BAER, late of Logatt
township, Blair county, dec’tl, have been granted to the’
undersigned, in Altoona. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate aro requested to make
immediate payment; and those having claims will present
them, duly authenticated, for settlement
Altoona, May 23, ISdl.—6t.] ?
ff * INO loc&tod poranaocntly id Altoona, respectfully
offei* iii» »cn'tce«iu the different department* of-
kSmgical and Mechanical Dentistry,
Offi. ' nearly orr-i-i'- C. ?to n-. Virginia si., A\-
«w»o». r». : 'lav I«, Ri if
Has just returned from
New York city with a bdautifW aanrtmcnt cf
Tcil D*. Ete, Japanese,
l\hho Strips, Dt Chccref,
Irish lX>pUrtS, Ducalff
LordUis, Awards^
Crape Dtßegty Latcns, Silks, dtc
A large assortment of the prettiest TEHtTS ercr brought
to the town, so acknowledged by competent Judge*.
Ladies* Trimmings in endless variety.
Ho call* special attention to his beautiful asscrtmrnt of
winch b Acknowledged to bo the most complete of anv in
the town, and Mid at prices defying competition. Iron
Stone seta for s4.So—Tea Sets for $3,00.
directly from Sew Tort, and liongKt from first hands,
OIL CLOTIIS from I to 2 yards aide.
Uia atock of
is complete in every respect, and will ee aold at aa low a
figure as any house this tide of the city.
at lower prices than they can bd had elsewhere. Good
or and $4.50, and Spring Carriages for
so.oo, Just as good as heretofore for $B.OO.
Wooden and Willow Ware
in almost every variety, together With all the .outfit of a
first class store. [May 9, WOl-tf
McCormick's Store, in East Altoona !
f j and complete assortment of .Spring and Summer
Oooda/consisti ug of British, French and American Dry
Gooda.selected with great care to suit this region of couii
try. In the line of ladies Dress’Goods for quality and
price, they will surpass. .
Mantillas, Dusters, Shawls, ■ White Goode, Em
broideries, Irish Linens, Linen Handler
chif/s, Hoopskirls. Clothes, Cas
simeres, Kentucky Jeans, Erin Is,
Ginghams, Muslins, ffan
nels, Etc., Etc.
Bnols & Shoes in all their varions make ond material fur
Men & Boys as well as Ladies, Misses and Children.
Ready Made Clothing,
a full assortment to suit the season, with Hats, Caps, Dm.
brelias, I'arasols, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Brooms
Buckets, Tuba, Tip Ware, Queeuswato,;Hard Ware, Stone
Ware, Market Baskets. Zink Rubbers. Brushes, Clothes,
Lines, 4c., with ail articles necessary to make un a full as.
sorUnent to meet the wants of the people;
ALSO, a complete
which will have our special attention, first in buying ami
selecting the best, and freshest articles as well as keening
varieties* Coffws of tlle very best and riches*
Black and Green oXthe best quality .and flavor. Sircars
good and cheap; common'Brown ; at G, good at 8 cents
common white 10 cents. 6 ’
Syrup* and Baking Uulamet,
frura tlip best Lovorings at 62U, to the lowest grade at 40
coals. Cornstarch, Drycd Peaches, Dryijl Apples, Famine,
Dacon, BO M Bccfj Mackerel, Herring, Lake Pish & Dry
Fish, window Glass, different size#, ic., all of which will
bo sold very Jew for or exchanged for Proeduco.
Always on baud* Speer & Jlalls cdebrattfdiron Plows.
Persons rfcltiug town would d$ well before Disking
their selections to call and examine our stock, as we win
be pleased to sco them free of charge. ..Very thankful for
past favors, we respectfully solicit a continuance of pub*
lie patronage. *
Altoona, April 18th, ISGI-tf.
Cheap { Cheaper!! i Cheapest!!!
Huzza for north ward.—
The undersigned would rospcctfnily inform the
citizens of Altoona and the surrounding ‘ country that ho
lias rented the store room formerly occupied by Jacob
Burkhart, on Virginia; street) neat; A. McCormick’s atom
where he is about opening a ; 1
Grocery, Flour, Feed and Provision
He has just returned from the East urhero he has been
selecting his groceries with great care and buying exclu
sively for cash, which enables liimj to sell an low, if not a
little lower, than any hbnso in the place. He would
therefore say to ail who wish a good article of grocerlM.
and at a low flgnre. to cull and examine: his stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
Ills stock consists of
Hats and Caps, Hen ami W.mni's Shoes, Xotions of all
' ' kinds. ■
Extra Family Flour , Superfine, Coin Jlfeal, Rye
and Corn Chop. I
Exipi Levering Syrup Molasses, CO cents per gal.
Golden a \45; *< <* b ti
Pennsylvania “ ;55 « « «
Baking .t 37 w ti u
~ White Crush Sugar > 11- *4 »».
White , M 10 • u • h '
Refined *‘ . jq 44. ,< 4i
Beat Brown :<i 3 u *»• u
.Cuba *• 7: “ « .<
Kio Coffee , li to 16 « “ <i
Best Imperial Teas . 90 u «
2nd quality 4i ;"5 <i « <4
Black :« so it .4 «
lieri^Vnwlifvr 1 F!««. Almonds, tll
berts, English Walnuts, Cream huts, Mackerel,'UeAinc.
lake Trout, bairy Salt, Cheese, and everything that is
necessarily kept in a good family grocery. S
April 4, *6l-tf.j A . SPRANKLE.
JESSE SMITH, Proprietor.
A I L T ¥ latest STYLES OF
WATS and CAPS constantly on..hand. It lathe
wT^th^m 10 proprietor o' this Emporium to t^P
Up with the times and fashion*, audio do thin, ho snaros
no expense. iie Las just received bis supply
among which will be found styles aud
ties to suit the tastes of old or young, plain*^Hlßp
or fashionable. • ■
To give the names-, colors, qualifies and styles of all his
goods tr. this line, would only confuse the reader, and ho
would no. then understand or appreciate the diversity and
magnitude of his stock. It must ho seen to U teUeZd “
&nS J s r k ! f yUQ *» * livohaUerami's
Ms store they will find something which will
Jjj t,lelr neighbors Ja the way of fashion and beauty
Godmothers, and examine and select from Jc., S e S&
MayVlSO^"' 114 slrei:l ’ o W >o *' i! t ,, ‘f lutotran CSttrc*.
DR. CALDERWOOD offers his Pro*-
feSsional Services , to tl.o cititena of Altoona and
Maml y stOT? C6<m l,r3 ' nxa ■**”**> nearly opjwalto C. J.
J. B. Lvdes.M. D„ Huntingdon.
Jno 31cCruocn, SI. 8., x
11. T. Corixt, “ Pittabßrnb.
Hev. J. B.Cbibt, Binninghaiio.
Kot. Thostas SIETES3O.N, Triune Citv.
Jacob Bubh{t, ‘ n
C. Given, , "'•s-try ,
W. BURIET, ‘i f
M. H. JOELT, ’ !•*
Altoona, Jl»y 9th, 1861-3 m
-A- fy> Tc f oD Virginia street, Altoona, op
cha«r(J vith greatcare, an cntlrenewttock of Ladies
dross goods, and Trimmings; also a largo assortment of
Bonnets and Ribbons, Fine French and Bn
dortleeres in sets. Glares, Mitts, Hosiery Skirft. r* _»» »
«>o lat«t and In g WiJSSE* SS%fZ£t£
the examination of the ladlee; Ml of »hleh ,rtn,e wldht
the lo»’Mt cash prices. Ladies desiring goods of thesborfl
r^r er3i w • wt
Altoona, April £ABY ;
"‘WfM'otice, and an r«a»n2lo tcfms
Chn”b nß “ mn * treetl “
r<*n>«. Apply m .’OUJf PIIOEMAKKIf.
,it> i, :At th? r-'i-t offict
a beautiful article, cheap and fashionable,
Nervous Headache
jousting itt part of
By tho UK Of these Pills the periodic attacks of Mrsoo
or rick Headache may bo presented; and it taken at Dio
commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain
and sickness will bo obtained.
They seldom fail in removing tho A'ausca and UeadocU
to which femaloe aro BUbje« t.
They act gently upon the boweK-removidg fbsf.Wj
For Literary Jkn, Students, Delicate Females, and all
persons of sedentary habits, they nro valuable as a iaaaiice,
improving the appetite, giving tone and Tiger to the dign
tlvo organs, and restoringthe natural elasticity and strength
of the whote system.
The CEPHALIC PILLS .Vo iho result of long investigv
tiou and carefully conducted experiments. having been in
use many years, during which limb they have prevented
and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from
Headache, whether originating in tho hcmUs system er
from a deranged state of tho stomach. \
They are entirely .vegetable in their composition, and
may bo taken at all times with pefect safety without
making any change of dlrot, and the absence of any due.
grceable taste renders it easy to administer them to ehddri-
The genuine have tiro signatured ofllenry C. Spaldioj on
each Box.
Sold by Bragg is u and all other Dealers iu Medians.
A Box will b« sent by mail prepared on teccipt of the
AH orders should be addressed lo
N'ov. It, ’OO.-ly.] 48 Cedar stmt j, ew Y ork
Cephalic Pikes,
, . , . THAI A
-Is Hirst; IMimaniaU were t imot'eltiJ by Mr Sfitnj'o
iltrj afford unquestionable jiron/o/ the efficacy of '
this truly scientific discovery, '
Mu. SpAlmsa.
I hare tried j our Cephalic Pills, and I like them so i- u
that 1 want you to send me two dollars worth" more.
Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom" 1 gar. «
few out of the first box I got from you b
Send the THU by mall, uud oblige
Your obedient Sorrant,
Mb. Spudixo
I wisliyou to Bi-ml too ona more bo* ot your Conlialw
I’illa, I hare meind a went drdl of benefit from them.
Yours, lieapectfully,
Pi'iccE Cbeik, Ucnunodon Co., Pa.. Jwi. 18 IBfli
11. C. Spalding. *
, Sib:
piL oo ji" d bo^s ********
Respectfully jours,
p Q , . , , JOHN B..SIMOSS,
txc'lf'T 1 H U “ d ° >K b ° X yWr r,lU ’ * nd
„ Beu.e Versox, Ohio, Jan. Is, IMi.
lICSST C. gP.UDIMO, Esq. ■ ’ '
PICMe find inclosed twenty-five Mats, for which wad
Tkpj an
„ „ „ Bevebit, Uasb., Dec. 11,1861,
11. C. SPAtwxa, Esq. r
I wish for eome circular* or largo show, bill*, U> brine
your Ceplmlic PUU more particularly before my cu«t*J
mere. If you have anything of the kind, pUWwfldlo
me. 4
Oao of my customers, who Is subject to severe aick
Headache, (usually lasting two days.), was cured at an at
tack in one hourifyour Pith, which I scnt lwn —~—
Kespcctfutlv years,
Revkoidsburo, Krarkua Co,, Owe, Jen. B, ISOI
Uesbv c. SPAtDi.ya,
No. 48 Cedar et. If-Y.
’ Dear Sir ; x-
Inclosed find twenty-firo cents, (Si.) r.. r which mo.l
FlHer f Re* l^!^' t RHia.” address of 4’ev.i Wm. G
Filler, Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co, Ohio.
ettCifTr. r ‘ lh Wrt U> ' ° charm — <uri Headache almoa in
SStoM/wi or?'* had msmd an^ct Ma ' 7
Please send by refaru mail. Directly
A. R. 'rt’HEEI.EE.
' Ypsllantl, With.
From the Examiner. dtor/olk, Va
Front the Examiner, Xor/oik, Va 1
Ji7n^^r teai ° m ° re ; ,iwa a thousand cases,
_ From the Democrat, &t. Cloud, Minn. •]
if you ore, or have been troubled with «... . /
send &r a box, (Cephalic Pills. ,iTi. „ hu “WVrvfJ
them in cose ofan ittack. ■ ' y «P»y fcafls
' _ •• f*** *** j&erh'Kt, PmridtHce, B.
*w thmhSdL'te, and
rerj* frequent complaint w(,i c J, has erer i^n^iscS
From the llcstern Jl. It. ductile, Chicago JU
******’“ d
From the Kanawha VaUey Star. Kanawha, i'a.
Wo ato Bare that persons' «nffoHii S with Iho headache
who try them, will stick to then,. ’
From the Jovihem luth Kinder, ,VrM' Orleans, Let
try them! you that ore afflicted, and Wo oro-rtre that
.vourtMtJmonj can be added to the already rmmeroos l£t
h" tteeiTcd >«*««* OM nocWher prt
*a-A ringle bottle of BPALPINGS PREPAKKDuHjK
will aare ten times its cost ansnally.*^£
If ECONOMY! DlfiPilt U'
Q. “ A Stitch I-Vlxxe Saves V.vr »»
ni«ut way for repairiap; P. l rnrtm- 0 ,“^ 3 ,^o?| (^^* W
jar l *
“ osarui xs every hocse."
N. C—A Brush »Wojßpupi'o» each Bottle.price «8 on
• Adofflo, ■
No. 4S Cedar St, X. y.
ij or the ouidM* vrr»f.prr; all oltirr ire sivia.illn.. r., u i.''
tcrnfift*. r~
Mafoxviux, CoxS., Fob. S, ISiH
* lUvxsrcED, Tjl., Vch. 6. IS5i
Belle V ernon, Wyandott Co., O
Truly yours.
Yi-sihsti, Micm, Jsn. 11, lb6l