JUMP TIMES «■ E EASY! ftoodJßfcwa for tt» Unemployed I pv MOO Chanoas to make Money! i *•• - - , ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF watches, x AND SILVER-PLATED WAKE, BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND i ' ORIGINAL PLANI 2,500 AGENTS WANTED!!! All persons desirous of securing an Agency in this New Enterprise Should Mod on their names at onjco, enclosing -a 3 cent •Uo; iopay pottage, aud receive bjy return of mail A PREMIUM OATALOaUE , Containing OUR INDUCEMENTS,; Which afford MAM E CHANCE to Make M ONLY without risk, together with FULL PARTICULARS Relative to this NOVEL PLAN! To insure prompt and satis dealings, direct all •fderv to GEORGE G. EVANS, MUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, AHD BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, A r o. 64 Market St , Harrisburg, Fa. is chiefly devoted to B the manufacture of Blank Books for jnS/slflH fflDts, County Offices, Railroad Companies, and private individuals. In all cases the very oe#t of stock and workmanship may bo oßnaav relted upon. Blank Books printed, paged and bound to aoy desired pattern. Sheriff's, Attorneys and Justices Pockets of all sizes, made..and i dled to order. Triennial andTearly Assessments, Duplicate*, Ac., for county purpo see, printed or plain, tailed and bound to order.. County Pockets made of the best linen paper. Librarians, and other*, desiring to have their Book.- well bound and at moderate prices, should give us a call. News papers of the largest size*. Harper's Weekly, Gleason'* Pictorial/Ballous, Scientific American, London News, bound toorder, and In any style required. Harper's Month ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and Graham’* Magazines, Qodey’e Lady'* Book, Lady'* Repository, I’uter «oa*a Magazine. Piano Music. Ac., bound In extra styles, or the more plain and substantial half binding. Select Pam phlets, Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound in good Li brary style, at very’ moderate prices. Persons having a number of volumes to bind, will receive aliberal discount'. Bioding can safely be sent to us from a distance by Ex> praaa, and all work entrusted to our care will bo speed dUy executed, safely packed and returned by Express.— AU work warranted. Address F. L. lIUTTER. J&»McCRUM A BERK, at tho Tribune Office, are my agents fbt Altoona, and vicinity. They will give Informa turn in relation to binding, and receive and retum.books Ifree from extra charges, for all who ent.ust their work to my earn, 0 [March 21, 1801-ly TACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, tf The Hero of One Hundred File per Month 1 would respectfully ‘ ■ ■ - forth my claim to pal attention, a» a Faablonai XUtor, a* folloan: Decease I keep a a ext left? assortment of Cl of Cusiineree, Vestings i Trimmings, irblch. wl please Because my work made up In a manner tl i>tw down the count and gires a!t my costcmi a city appearance. Became Xam not infer «& a Cotter to the best beloand anywhere. Became long experlei in my botinesa gives entire control over it. t lamnoi dependant nj 'aoy one tolift me oat thecode. l&Uie I am still on tho Ennny eido of forty, and thcvo teste os a Cutter nnd workman unimpaired. _Call on me, fo the corner room of the Mirant House.” ulto me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May2C-5m JACOB SNYDER. SPRING OF 18G1. ! WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! i Tlio Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices la | FittsburgU, C«mo and see. ITALTEB P. MARSHALL, ' * JS'o, 87, 'Wood Street, {Newt fourth, at the Old Stand,) Hu for sale beautiful French, German & Amer ican WALL PAPERS, for Parlors, • Halls. Chamber*,, _ ~ Churches, j Lodges, 00,000 roll* at 12)£ eta. SO,OOO roll* at 6, 8 and 10 cento. Wlndo» Cuttaiu«,flro Board Print*, - 1 .■■ . Tmict CoTor«, CeUiogs, 4c. Wall Paper ond Border. A N UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK ajl * of the JaA/TEST SFBI&G BTYUSB, bo soli cheaper than ever by March 21.X881.tt, J. * J.LOWTUBB. IP^? E IHIT K LEA© AND ZINC *l{ a Chrotn», Oroea. Tallow, Paris Green, Jr, rta pOßga nil at KJSfiSUSR’d CIPECTAOLBS AND EYE PRBSER- TenJkrgUrU U-tf.j KKBELEK‘2. JEWELRY <439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. HarrUlritry, I\’> PROF. L. MILLER’S HAIR INYICORATORI! A N EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECO 13L NOOTOAL COMPOUND. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to Its original color without dyeing, and preventing the hair from turning gray* ___ FOR PRETEXTING Btf. J. Gr. ADLUM, NOTARY P U BL IG . ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all times be found at tho store of J, B. Hilcm&n. . October 1,1867. TARS. CONRAD & CAMERON RE •■ I f SPECTFULLY offer their professional services to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on-KaUroadatreof, two doors east of tho Bud Lion Hotel, where they may be consulted at all hours, except when profcsaiofirdly engaged. Sept. 6,1860.-tf. ' Robes i Robes i Just received a fine,lot of Buffalo Robes, which wo will sell at from4* toslo apiece. Two doers below the Poet Office. - ?M, THOMPSON, J{tent. Jan.. 8,1891. For sale —a house and lot, desirably located in the Borough of Altoona. Apply to ’ JOHN SHOEMAKER. Altoona, Feb. 0,1860-tf. Hair oils, colognes, pom ades, Shaving Cream, Teflut Soups, Ao. (or sale by 1-U.i G.W. KESSLER. „ A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus scs and Sh >u!dcr Bratea for rule at \sv , . ' O. TT. K£&sZ»£B’£. McMTNN & DERN\ Altoona, Blair aunty, Pa. EMILE TIETZE. TITOS. McAULEV, DANIEL PRICE. MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS and PHCEKIX BITTERS. These medicine haves now been before the public for a ported of thirty years, ana during that time have maintained a high character in almcet every part of the globe, for their extraordinary and Immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suf fering under nearly every kind of .disease to which the hu man frame Is liable. The following axe among the distressing variety cf hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES ore well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and sec ond stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, in stead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Lose or Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, HI Tcmjier, Anxiety. Langour. and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural conse quence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the in testines with d solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu lar circulation, through the process of respiration in such ewes, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruc tion in others."^ The Life Medicines have been known to cure RHEUMA TISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of ail kinds, by freelngand strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on those important organs, and hence Lave ever been found a certain remedy for the wotst cases of GRAVEL. Alho WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimv matter to which these creatures adhere; SCURVY, ULCEUS, atod INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect pnrity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sallow, cloudy, andolhetdiaagrceanleconiplexions. The use of these Pills fora very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a.striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and IN-; PLUENZA will always be cured by ono dose, or by two iu : the-worst cases. . PILES.—The-original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing, by the use of Iho Life Medicines alone. FEVER A AGUE.-—For this scourge of the Western coun try, these medicines will be found a safe; speedy ana certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a re turn of tho disease—a cure by these medicines hi perma nent—try them, bo satisfied, and be cured. BILMOUS FEVERS uno LIVER COMPLAINTS.—Gen eraI debility, loss of appetite and diseases of females—tbo medicines have been used with tho most beneficial results in cases- of this description:—Kings Evil and Scrofula. in its worst forms, yields to the mild' yet powerful action of thelso remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous De bility, Nervous Complaints of all‘kinds. Palpitation of the Heart, Painters 1 Colic, are speedily cured. MJRRCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of More' ry, will find these medicinen a perfect cure, an they never fail to eradicate from the system, all tlie effects of Mercury, in finitely sooner than tho mes: powerful preparation of Sai saparilhu X'repared and, sold For sale by all Druggists. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy . Ev».ry person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap cst putable light within their reach, should call at tbo store v/f'tbo undersigned and examine these Lamp* before purchasing elsewhere, and wc pledge ourselve.* to demon strate : Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive od‘*r whiio burning. 3d. Tiuit they are very easily trimmed, 4th. That they are easily ro&ulated to give more or less light. 6th. That ilwty burn entirely' free from smoke. Cth. That the light i« at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. Thwo lamp* are admirably adapted fun the uao of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls. Churches, Stores, Hotels, and arc highly recommended for family use. The burner vC the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached old side, hanging and table Quid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of u now lunp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction iii all rases. Aug. 19, 18f»8-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- I FORM the public that he has purchased the interest of A. MILLTRON in tho Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them ou below Caroline St., where he .will continue tho business,, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES. DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MQLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery* nnd -Provision Stores, all of which, he receives fresh from the eastern aud western citie.«, ami will sell at the must reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to'sell liquor by whole sale, 1 will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of liquors of the best qualities to be had; 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12,15&0.-Cm. J. BERKOWITZ. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has. just returned from tho east whore he has purchased a very large and line stock of , • HOOTS S c SHOES, Brogans, ©altera, stc., which ho is prepared to offer to the citizens of Altoona nnd vicinity at v ry low prices. Having jvurchaseddirectfrom t\ip lor cash, ho i* prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he &*ks is that tho people will call and examine UU stock before purchasing elsewhere. - 65)» BOOT 3 and SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below post Office. Jan.S, 1861. M. THOMPSON, Ayeni. Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY,' SUGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. rpHE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES to I . keep constantly on hand all the best literary papers and periodicals, daily pajipra from Philadelphia, York and Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All the School Books used in this place and vicinity always on hand. Also, a choice lot of Confectionaries, and knick knacks of all kinds for children. Also tho beat Tobacco A Sogars to be had in town, together with a fine assortinent of Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Kings and other articles of Jewel ry. Gill and examine. 11. FETTINGER. Altoona* July 20, 'OO-ly. No. 1 Altoona House. S&*To Persons out of Employment, AGENTS WANTED, In eve y County of the United States, TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF some of the beat and most elegantly illustrated works published. . Our publications are of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Mer chant : they’ are published in the beat fitytoand bound iu the most substantial manner, and arc wWtLy a place in the library of every household in the land. lp»,To men enterprise and industrious habits, this bmihessuofftTS an opportunity for profitable employment sc-hlum to bo met with. tt‘.sU Persons desiring to aof as agents will receive prompt ly by mail lull particulars, term,*. Ac., bv addressing LEAKY, GETZ k Co., Publishers, No. 224, North Second Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 2oth. ’CO—6m. Lands ! lands i ! lands ! i! The undersigned in prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS in the Omaha nnd Nebraska City Land Offices.— Good srlectionar can uow lie made near tin largo streams and settlements. Tho Lands of this Tciritory, now'in Market, arc of tho best quality. SeWliona carefully made. Letters cf inquiry re quested. alex. p. McKinney, Ontarous, Cass County, N. Ter. July 14,155D.-tf EJSFEr.ZNc.xB: Rev. A. B. Ol&hc, Altoona, Pa. , ■\Vm; M. Liotp A Co., Rankers, Altoona, Pa, McCrcm A Bern. Editors, : ** Tuns. A. Scott, Supt. P. R. R., D. McMdrtrie, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. Great western insurance AND TKUST' COMPANY.—lnsurance on R.-nl nr personal property will be effected on the tnewt reasonable terns by their agents in Altoona at'Ms office in Anna St March 17,1886. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. EVI’S preparation for ex terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, and Bedbugs without duigcr in its übo under any circumstan ce* for R»le at the Drug Store of 0. W. KESSLER. Jan. 24, ,56-tf] OYES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT announ ces to the that he is ready to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. (jtm. 2 ’66J Groceries. —a large and complete assortment of Groceries have Just been re ceived at the store of. J. B. HILEMAN. All the standard patent MEDICINES AT l-tf.-: KESSLER’S. The subscriber informs his customers. and the public generally, that he has fust received a Urge and beautiful assortment of . FALIi AND WINTER GOODS. ■W. 1). MOFFAT, 335 Broadway. New York. [Sept. 13,1800-ly. NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS At HILEMAN’S. which, for magnificence, extent and variety, have never before been excelled in Blair county. Particular attention is Invited to our Block of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as Black and Fhncy Sift s. Challies, Bertges, BrilHantSy Lawns, Delaines, CUintzs, Deßegts, Crapes, Druits, Crape and Stella Shawls, Mantillas, VhdersWve* and Hosiery, Dm nets awl liibbons, Cellars, Hand- , kerchiefs, Kid Glow*, llt>npcd Skirts, Skirt ing, Luce Mitu, dc„ rfc. FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, We have Cloths, Caasimeres, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Ac. Heads of families would do well to call and examine our stock of Winter Goods for Boys. Boots, Shoe*, Hardware. Glassware, Quecasware, Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., in any quantity and at prices that cannot fail, to please. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and N. O Sugars; Green, Y. H. and Block Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candles. Salt, Fish, Ac. thankful to the* public for the very liberal patronage neretoiore received. he hope* by strict attention to busi ness, and au endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. **♦ Country Produce oPali kinds taken in exchange for Goods at m.ukvt prices Oct. 25, IS6O, c* EE AT impkovementin cook \T jnt; smvKS. coyscxrno.y of smoke axd gas axd .sa nyo OF FUEL The subscriber takes pk-asuro in t.flfcrinp to the public Nfcff GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently, pati-nted, which iij UceUncd toiu porccde till others* k-s it requires ■ONE-TIIIKD LESS FUEL than other stoves ami is more c.vrfily, quickly and regular ly heated- No unpleasant smell oi gits arises from this stove from-tin* fact tlwtt it is all consumed ore it can os capo. There is no trouble iVoia smoko us that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of rim s or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by th* gad arising from coal fired. Fersons wishing to purchase-stoves are invited to call at the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stove*. JOHN SHOEMAKER, ; Sole Agent for Blair County. N. B. All tmUd of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves ou hand. [Aug. 12,155(5, FIRST ARRIVAL OF SPRIMG GOODS AT THE “MODEL.” WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN unusually flue Stock of Goods suitable for the Season. No Auction trash, but regular good Goodaat very low prices. We deem it unnecessary to parade the prices of k few articles in an adveitisement, but only say that wo can and will sell goods at as fair prices us any other, house in the place. We have, as usual, u great variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. In this department we think we can say we have the best assortment to be found in the place, consisting in part of Black and Fancy Silks. Poplins. Lustres, Mordlas, Bracks Mozainli'j’i“S. Arabesques, Valencias, Grisailles, Gala- Irian's, Ckcu'Hes, Delaines, Behegcs. Lavellas, Bril- ' Hunts, Ginghams, Laum, Chiutzs, Ih-ints, and a full line of Domestic Dry Goods. Also, Stella and Berego Anglais Shawls, Dusters. Hosiery, Gloves Collars and Cuffs, Magic Kuflliugiaml a full stock of all kinds of notions and Fancy Goods,” Umbrellas largo and somll, Boots and Bitovs, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Win dow Shades. Wall Paper and Border, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, Quceuswaro, [ Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., &c. j We hare also on hands a very largo and superior stock of ! FAMILY GROCERIES ■ at Greatly lieJuctd Prices. Sugars, aud Syrupy by the j barrel at a small advance. I We take this occasion to return our sine, ro thank* t to the people «f Altoona and vicinity .ihr tho share of their | patrpuage heretofore received, and invito thorn to drop iu j and dee our new stock which we feel confident will plfaae. ! Altoona, April 19- J. AJ. LOWTUKII. Stoves, Tm & Siieet ioru Ware, SPOUTING, &C. O lUGG WOULD IIESPKCT-jg^ # fully inform the - citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand aEs&gSJ large assortment <>f J\irlor , Office andy&SSß Shop Stoves, of ali styles and sizes, to suit the wants of all, which ho will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. lie also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Shut- Iron Bare. consisting of all articles for culiuorypurpoaes— Coal Scuttles, Stove Pipe, lie has also purchased the right of sole in Blair county, of It. V. JONES’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs only tp bo seen to be apprccia and'should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in'town or country. Spouting p&nted and put up on the most reasonable terms. jupril 14,1859-ly IV/f ORE GOOD NEWS ! , IT 1 The undersigned has just received from th 6 East a largo and varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, material for FINE AND CpARSE O V E E CO ATS, material for' BOYS’ CLOTHING, GENT’S FUIIN’ISIIIN'G GOODS, such .a? Undershirts, Drawers, Sus penders, Neck-tics, Handkerchiefs Ac., ic.j all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. All work ordered will be made* up iu the verv beet stvlc, according to the latest fashions, on short notice. Nov. I,ISGO-tf THOMAS EIAVAY. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCKIBKR would respectfully in form the public th;\t lift has recently re- A fitted the above II -r >l, md is now pro paml to accommodate Ills friends patrons in d comfortable manner, and will spare no pains In maklngnt an agreeable home for all •Mourners. Uis Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country anJ cities, and his liar filled with liquors of choice brands. UK charges are as reasonable a a those of any other Hotel in the place, and ho feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. .Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, ho throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have Just received a stock of No. 1 french Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses together with a lot of the best old Kyo Whiskey to bo found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1869.-ly] KLAIR POUNTY INSURANCE < AGENCY.—'Th« undersigned, Agent of the Blair County Mutual Fire iutmmnco Company, is at all times ready to insure against lo*p or damage by fire. Build in#*. Merchandise, Furniture orihf Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates ns any Company in the State, Office With Bell, Johnston, Jack k Co. D. 1. CALDWELL, Agent. Jun. 27,-*s9-tf Lycoming county mutual FIRE IMSURAN'CK AGKNCV.—The undersigned agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company.!# at all times ready to insure npainst loss or damage by cVe Jiuildimjf , Merchandise, Furniture and Property of evm description, in town or country, at ns reasonable rate# a» auy company in ttyr State. Wtco in* the Masonic Temple. Jan. 3, ’66-tf j JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. Flour —the best quality of FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale nndßctull. Apply to j. SHOEMAKER,; Ut'c.ll, 185d-tf. Maaenie Temple. Hardware of all descrip. t ions just received and for sale bv OculO-tf] j" B. HILLMAN. \ HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of ITOS TETTEII’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United Stattls, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown- A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than ■volumes of hare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetler's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This imihensa amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the' most ; prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all limes to give testimonials to its clhcacy ire all cases of stomachic derangements and the discascs'vesultiug therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is dostiucd»to bo ns enduring ns time itself. Hostetler’s Stomach Billers have proved a (jodsend to regions where "fever; and ague and Various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To bo ahie to ftate confidently that the “Bitters’* are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloy ed pleasure. It removes all morbid mailer from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparls renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for'thc restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acoudition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions,of nature. J. B. lIILEMAN. Blderly person's may nao tlic Uitlers daily ns per directions ou the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, aa it is pleasant, lotho palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from slomaoh de rangements ami general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have‘abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly 'tested the merits of this article. A few wards to (he gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother ami child is so absorbingly lender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forgot iter own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. fihuuld the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then; is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under ber exhausting trials ami responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Ritters to all other iuvigora lors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste ns well ns certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom wo have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite: and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—Wo caution the public against using any of the many imitations,or counter feits, but ask for Hostetteb’s Cei.Edbateu Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words “Or. J. Hostetler's Stomach Billers” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Te®' Prepared and sold by HOETETTEB 4 SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all dr-Jssriats, grocers, and dealers; generally throughout the United States, South Asm rica, and Germany. For salo by A. TIOCSII, Altoona, Pa. Sopt. 20. ISOO-ly. HO! FOB THE HOLIDAYS! The undersigned announ ces to the citizens of Altoona and \4cialty that bo has 'just received a largo invoices of ' . Fruit, Confectionaries, Nuts, Spices and notions for children A?., expressly for the Holidays. He trill also keep always on hand a good stock of plain; and fancy cakes, of his own manufacture.• • LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C., always on band at all seasons of tho year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGOS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, BUCKWIIKX FLOUR, CORN MEAL, AC, always in store and for sale in large quantities. Call, examine ami prico my stock and von will find it as good and cheap us any in town. Dec. 20, ‘6O-ly.J JACOB WISE. Wsf. ECUOMAKRR. ' w.M p LA>O ; SCHOMAKER &, LANG, WHOLESALE GROCERS 1 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALHR3 IN • FLOLLR, GRAIN, BACON,: Provisions, Ciieese, Iron, Nads, Glass, Brooms, Yams, &c. v No. 303 Liberty Street, Not. 1-Cm PITTSBURGH, PA. : JOUN BOWMAN Blair county daguerrean! ROOMS. Mr. O. W. FISHER, tb } njilidaysburei Aruwt, begn leave to Inform our readers that hd is prepared to taco. . > Photographs of deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at‘the shortest notice and on the meat reasonable terma. He baa Jost received a large stock i of durable and neat case*, of all sizes and Styles, including; a new pattern of Family Case for foar persons, and is pretS pared to flit them with’perfect likenesses. ’ AMBROTYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OB PHOTOGRAPH.; Oire him a call. Rooms on the comer of Montgomery i and Allegheny streets, BolUdaysburg, Pa.; fjnne IT-tf. t Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Faint, Sash and Varnish Broshe* a| ‘ ! ‘KUSSLEB’i. i *TTTM. FLINT I WM. FLINT I WJI. FLLNt VV WM. FLINT! WM. FLINT 1 WM. FLINT! 3io. aw waxes,- . ;• ■»«.«« market [No. 8W MARKET, »0.-«T-JURKr?’ Mo. SOT MABKBT, No. SOT MAEfitT » PHILADELPHIA, , PHILADELPHIA, \ PHILADELPHIA, ' PA PA. PA. TREREXDOCS &ICRJFICR $190,000 POBIU OF JSWIUv • ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH. ’ A Large and Splendid Assortment of Jewelry conrL>»u ; ‘OF CHAINS, BRACELETS, CAMEO SETS, : And all styles of french Elated Chains. Quid and Platt) [Jewelry. a We > Do Ladies* Enamelled and Coral do Tto 30 Do do and Carbuncle do 7tovi Do do and Roby do 7 to So Do Gold Cluster Crape Sotting sets do lOto^o Da do do Vase do * do iy to & Dd do do Jet Sets, do Otol' 1 Dd do | Black Mosaic do oto r DO do « Gold Stone Mosaic do 6to Da do Chlicoßots. I do 6toV* Do Ribbon Twists, with brilliants, do 6 tu IS Do Boquut ■'■Ft b, now stylo, do Sto 20 Da Enamelled Cluster do do 19 to 1) Gold Thimbles, do 3 to 7 Diamond Pointed Gold Pens and Cases, 3 to 6 dox. Silver Plated Spoons, j (.} Silver Plated Mugs; 4 00 Over. ICUO other different slyles Ladies* Jewelry; Miimhrks. Seal all lowers with WAX. as Envelopes sealed with gum or wafers can be easily opened—the consents taken out and repealed. Attend to thb, and we will be respotuibl* for your money. INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. Any person acting Agent, who vlll fiend uaaious lime ; sloo* wo will give a QoUl Uuutlnjr Caao Watch, esirn. $5O, •* “ Oolvl Lever Watch. $25, " ' “ : BUyer Watclv. A Watch trod the articled iwlectud tremthe ahoToListai One Dollar Each. [ Purooui ordering Uy mall muit send |1 and U ccuti in ’ postage damps GIVE US A TRIAL. AU communications must be ;t4drv*}ed to WILLIAM FLINT. No. SOT Market Strict, RhUadclphia, fa Altoona, March 7, 186X-6m. TO THE PUBLIC.—T H E SUB SCR IDEU {.having taken theestublf-shmyntbcrcliifora Samuel I. Frie*,) would respectfully an- nounco-' to the citizens t»f Altoona and vicinity., that h© baa removed hid ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P||| Tjy, SHEET-1 ROlf WARE tC STOVE STORE. 'i' 3 "-* to the new building on. Annie street. Ivetwcen liarrlet arl Adeline street-, East Altoona, where he wjllkcepcnn=U::L ly © ® U 4 a* » i C 2 c ,►S S r-n . m L* i; ,ec g* h e ■*! I g| * p-Sb| C 5 **-• J uX fe I <£ 5 S | gqa" CS.S ■ g • S ,P 5 ““S | pq o s§ £-g cQ ® Q tS, :z -S .. oo s |s il rniiE GREAT QUESTION WHICH 1 now agitates the mind of every person i», whore can I get the 'beat article for ruTweP money * In regard to olhor matters, the sub-18 scriber Would not attempt to direct, bat If you want anything in the line of CV ROOTS OR SHOES 9he Invites an examination of his stock and work. He kecpfl constantly on band an assortment ofCootSyShOv'*, Gaiters; Slippers. Ac., which he offers at fiiir prices. He will give special attention . ta. couom work, aIH wnich will be warranted to give satiataetkm. None but tbs best workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, immedistelj opposite Kessler's Drug Store September 3, 3 0T-tf] Bakery and grocery Store. r pi!E SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON- I STAXTLY on band - v Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, it PEED, BACON, PLOUK, groceries. Nov. 10. BOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. r pilE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCK .1 to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that thej opened a . BOOT AND SHOE SHOP On JVLIA STIIKET\ 1 door tiljovf Winters' Tin JUoonit, where they will keep on'hand a good assorting of Boots and Shoes of their own VKiun/aeturc. K 9“ Particular attention given to making Ladies' Gaiters, tfc. They invite a share of public pa tronage, fe* 1 * iug satisfied that they can rende r entire satisfaction. Altoona, Jau, 10, »6Mf JOHN SIBNh* National police gazktte- This Great Journal of Crime ami Criminals is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated tli roughest the country. It contains all the Great Trials, ■Crimlut Cases. ;and appropriate EdUorialaon the some, together with information on Criminal Matten, not to be found in a»J other-newspaper. «*.Sttbacription» $2 per annum; $1 for six mmitli. it be remitted by subscriber*, (who should write their wmi* tisa the town, cotmty and State where they reside plainly* „„ ' To 0. TT, MATSKLL * Ca. , r Editor k Prop*r. of jiew York Police Gaiotta “ Few York City- Boots and shoes.—the un dersigned ha* now on hand and will -—- sell cheap at hi* store in tlm Masonic TWBpl”, l|A * vnnito s’o COmp J et * °P ortlncl “ of BOOTH AND HHOtS, ready made, or made to order, Vh Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandal*, Gum Shoes, Cork Soles, and everything In his line of businens, of tho host quality and on the most reasonable terns Hi ,e£nBtom work warranted. Jan. 2,’56-tf.] J. SAOEMAKEf Lumber for sale. 30.000 SHINGLES, 50.000 LATHFfi ndd all hinds of BUILDING MATERI ALSTki^th'sn iM lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER' OtNE AND LARD OILS, CAM lan^g-r^ 6 AN hand at McCormicks sw« J-/ —A splendid assortment of Beedy-Hsda clethi"*- Call and eco. » Nov.ffiv 1 ’ WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL, WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. SPECIAL NOTICE. «3»UOW‘TO SEND MONEY-** JOUN 11. KOUERTS. Also, a choice lot of SEQARS and TOBACCO. JACOB KlNK 'Vitginia Street, below AnnU‘ Stree! tit McORDM & DERN, VoL. 6. dIO < 4 c * RdC^OR jjjrjcr free. New-York Benevolent Infimai ESTABLISHED 1859, And devoted to The Qxtue of Jfedi&tl Reform ; to t fusion qf MedfaU Knowledge fur the li-cvetition of j and I 9 tbo relief of those irafforiog and afflicted will nic and Virulent Disorders. To this cod this Inflrt endowed, to enable the aick aud suffering through, length and breadth of our laud, to avoid tire it prMfft, JBc tortitm, and Jffn&rmee of yroftssed Phy through which thousands and tens of thousands at perish. ’ The following arc some of the diseases wo cure, c. «t the Infirmary but in all porta of our country: Consumption and Pulmonary Complaints, Fever*, ttla, Dyspepsia, Eye oud Ear Disease, Cancers and Tumors, Jaundice and Liver Complaint, Seminal Wes ' and aU diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs Whatever cause or whatever nature. Our object wil wive joy to the afflicted by effecting in all coses a speed’ Our rule is to charge nothing fur advice and writ;.’ scriptions; bnt will tarnish when requested the Vet medicines at the lowest rates. These remedies are prepared in our own Latamtos der the care of able Chemists, and arc the most n known to science, including all the recent diafcoverh To all addressing as by letter, containing BUI acco symptoms aud appearances of disease, age, occnpatio we will write a candid r iply, with advice and dire lor euro, Any fees sent us when sending for advice devoted to tarnishing medicine for the poor. In ijl medicine can be mat by mail or express if desired, lor one or more of our works and judge for your* Also published at the Infarmary, tu aid these oljcc THE FAMILY PHYSICIA Orntalning simple remedies easily obtained for the c Diseases m all its forma, with tall explanations < oanses» symptoms, diet, bathing and exercise. Brice i THE LADIES’ MEDICAL FIUE. AND THE PXITBIOLOQY ON MARRIAGE. A work on the cause, symptoms and treatment complaints peculiar to the sex, on marriage, its d abortion audits results, on Children, their ills, and o prevention of conception, with Invaluable In.-drijctio them on Subjects of a private nature. Price 20 cents The Gentlemen’s Medical Cgmpani AND PRIVATE ADVISER.' A book C»r the old and young, embracing the Pathc PreventioU and Curd of all Diseases of the Driiiarv aru ual Organs, and a warning voice of advice ami counsel, as to bo found in no other work. Price 25 cents. THE GUIDE AND GUARD FOB XTBBT ONE. It ezpoMS Bit the Humbugs, and the various Trie •ntlee toe sick nod well. It illostratoa tbc plan* o Quacks and Bounce to dupe every ono. It guides tb TOT through file, and shows up every swindle of llu It snows how all kinds of Food, Medicines, Liquor, Ooods are adulterated, with the means of dctcctim frauds. Price 25 cents. | THE HOUSEHOLD AND FARM, | PLANTATION AND SHOP. I For evtry family, Having over 100 U receipts on C0..l I Preserving, Dyeing, Cleaning, 4c. How to plant and ■ [ U the beat to raise. . How to euro animals, advice to lu I keepers, fanners and mechanics, on 1000 *ubjeci3 of ij Mt. Price 25 cents. Worth $lO to any one. I THE CONSUMPTIVES BOOK. 1 For those who wish to get well from that awful di^i I a full description of all tho remedies used lor it, wi careful statement of tho results, and other usefcl inf. I tlon. Price 10 cents. [ Tho Information in thorn is not to be found in any w published, nor obtainable (Tom any other source, i books are published on fine white paper, and beaut! bound. |\ Any of the above works will WTmoiled free, on reci price, in stamps, or money; or the whole in a hand.-') I bound volume for one doliab. No family should be < I out them. They are illustrated with beautiful eugra > I and contain tho condensed experience of years. Agxxts Wasted for thoubove works, who can make I a month. Send tor a circular for agents. I To tbe young ot both sexes suffering from secret ha | prostration of mind; loss of power; nervous debility; ofslght; wakefnlncss; loveof solitude; eruptions u: face, 4c n Ac, Send before it U too late ; before you a I Incurable damage to both body and mind. . To Females who want safe, pleasant and sure rem for Irregularities, Obstructions, Whites, Ac., send to i PREVENTIVE. I *ps convinced that there are many parents of sc I loua, consumptfvo and diseased condition to whom a I tneroua oflspnng only brings Buffering and poverty. I such we would say write, and w© will send informatio I a sure, well-tested, and never-failing Pustentxve. | We will moll free, to any ono applying for It, THE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL BEFOU3 Ufa s lane and beautiful paper, and contains the i ffaloablo Infcrmatkm on Bpermatortura, or Seminal \( “*■; caoae, effects and enro, showing tho awfo (KM Of toe disease, On all other diseases of the Sexnal Organs, a full ej naHdn of the origin of Syphilis, the moans of pnvur Ana ctn> On Consumption, that fearful disease. On the, Liver, Heart, Stomach and Skin. On Female Conphioto. Oo the various Schools of Medicines. On the inodes of Treatment notr practised. On the False Treatment of Diseases. On the various Medical Humbugs. On the Physiology of Marriaco, On the Common sense of Medicine. On IHet> Exercises, and Ablution. How the Physician should be. How to prevent Pregnancy. Aad many other things. Srcp fob it. Thfa Journal should bo in theliand* of every one. J. BusaiLL, M. A. Chief Physician. S. Mol Btuwoon. Dr. J. Boyle, Chemist. Offlco in New York, 154 Chambers street. Omco in WQHamsbnrgb, South Blh and slh street-*. Oorreqiondents will please enclose twd or three at. ■hr return postage, and address DR. A. BERNBY, Secretary Kot. 15,K1"* Williamsburg, New Vo BEAUMAN’S POCO METAL 1C PAIN PQUAL TO BED LEAP AND 75 ia°d« 900 degree heat—warn water proof and SOI neither tade nor wash. For ST f ,4 ATD PWXS, GAS nOLDE RAID ROAD BRIDGES AHD CA RA T*T 4 err IBOSf Aim DBICK FRONTS TIN FENCES, WAGONS QPLVBBBBS’JOINTS,* IKON FOUND BBS PATIEBNS (fc., (ft*. For graining and Gaining equal to Ji iah Umber. Btodt^^ 8 are Cmber BrOWTI Lake, OUro Indian Re. rvfppnsihle agent wanted in every tow mJty in tho United States. Terms accommodating. -Circulars, Ae, apply to or addnsa ®OTnDH,ora“n'B „ „ , wu - L, HOBPT, No. 138 N. 4th street, Phlladelpl Haroh Jl-dm. . cpHFEGnoam AS? OYSTER SALOO 'pHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD the citfaeos of Altoona and vicinity tbs NUT and BRUIT STORE, is al knrftetWed to be lid, and in saloon *>** »a wm servo op PB foruL^y* ll ?5P P”!*™' l *0 anppbr cake*; candftw forjdc-hicsand Other parties. He Invites a share off patronage, believing that he can render Ml satisthCU A” 4 “loon is on Virginia stteet below Dalton’s HaU. OTTO BOS The n^agfer. w ?' I, l*rfhl article, Jnstrpatented, 1* somethin ssmLKSI?? 1 never before offered to agents, wh. everywhere. Yu|| partlcnlara sent fn». Adi BHAVT S CLARK, BMdlefcrd, Mai TiUANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIO •MJ neatly and executed at this oßke AND