The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 20, 1861, Image 3

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    Sign* the South.
Priet-Currmt, for .
I us, and w its ool«^ tß ,|J™BUt
X except fo* thaw .—«■>!-». v •»
£ Kew Orieana
iete mentioned.
tied shipment of »U the oottSff*
',<9B bales, gouts getltoTu* o
A allowed by our squadron**!!-
» trade issaid to be ‘<at»
There was more aetieltSp””^ B
onfederate States bad tOobhintE 1 ?’
New Orleans, andlarmi «fcu_: h * lr
been made to Richmond.'
had been ‘ ‘no receipts’’ jt.-.n-* l * l *
t was quoted at $25 per ' 9
B.' Of beef there have been ♦S’ 01
whiskey “no receipts." What *'
rates and the Confederate arm»*»*
last named necessary of l|& s/ “ j
fee, the stock on hand wae oal* y ßt
eng this is all of this necesear* ’»
use It used at the South,,that
expect to have till the blockade •
ces had advanced, and the am.n
week ranged from 17 to 20 .... .
» qualityi-itheae, of coarse, '
e prices. Money was quotedat if
t, a month for first class paner • L,.,
it would be difficult, if notitnpoj,:
the most approved sim/ •
■fcnt at 2j,to 8 per cent.’’
icr significant little facts stated in
lowing how New Orleans haabJn
he blockade, even before it has ho.-
nforoed.— JBuUttin. ■ a
. d ' . _ . '\
; of the Revolution.--
Icnhy.—A. correspondent h»g
ains to compile the following
jpg the comparative loeaee of
t(l in the battles of theßevoh].
ays that he may have
i errors, but that the statistics
correct to the figure.
• be preserved for future re-
«o S»
tw s
& &
' r a
«“ 3*
::: l m
. 500 32
27, IT7S 2®
K 79
V';. 1 . 7 ' 8 " 600 -100
"•>*<» ..' W 5 ma
(M. 1. ir50...., ..... BSO - jS
too : : S
15,1781..-. 533
■n* 25.1781..; 400 J®
{.Uaihur, 1781 ifloo- W-S,
(aotU) 7072
.;ia, 1775;.........,
~ 10, i:?a
112* i::c.
* r UBt, 2’% 1775..-.
* r 25, 1776.........
*>'s. 1777...
• 10. 17. mi.
un ir*. 1777.......
: : iW 17.1777
-icr 4. 1777
. 1777, <«*urM.)....,
S r 22 1777...,
2 y ». 177 S
f.ctu-il Commander-in-Chief, the
i of the Army, though as brave ts
sui-eoe as Agmemnon and aspm
v From his youth he'hss beao »
victorious one. He hss rwp
: in any man under hiacomnutnd
r,known to bo disconcerted bv
iot disciplinarian, and something
it was jooosley said of him in
vs, that he would drill a battall
-I'et General Scott is as chart
v; a miser of his gold; andto
f Wellington. He never moves,
it, until he sees not only that ha
a good purpose; but until he
it at the least possible risk of
his svowed bclief that so officer
wps to needless peril is gaify of
.nslaiightcr.. And he not .only
uself as-responsible for the live*
er his command, hut he looks
ii and comfort. '
* or Hiait OaDSAjfct. —At ilia
mu Foundry over two hundred
iow employed in mauu&etariag
nad projectiles for the Goveni
:-.iiMry are now making not oa
huteen-inch shell for mortars,
n-inch columbiada.andahotaad
aad six pounders, with canister
3tn two to three hundred of shot
ide per day, and about twelve
Many persons suppose that
btv ordnance are cast hollow,
«hing, for use; This is »Jals
is cast solid and then bored,
lent inspection is of the ttOSt
and for the slightest deviation,
M'ith part of an inuh, the gnu
!'■ ■ saw one heavy Biae-laoh
;r,u which was cut in threetdMes -
».mply bccanse, in finishing the
t could not be turned, the worlt
-1 off a bit of iron as big only as
, Tho gun was just as good s*
I been made, hut the inspector
iiaper!! ! ?!
;iKd would rapoctfuUy Inform tfca
to the •nrronniling country tfiatb*
room formerly becopietlßy Jfeoofe
s street, near A. McCormick 1 * »h*»,
icing a , ■ _ ; ‘ i
r, Feed and Provithn
Store. •
k! from the &wt Where ha hsabtee
* with great cant Ukd buyingexcle
i ' PiMes him to »B m beyjtget»
> itouse 'in the place/ rßeWWilOt
IV Wiab a good orttehotStmlg^
> -.UI sad examine bib etectc bwbt*
C7, ' i Womn't &tou, fi&gntfaa
o-: Superfine, Corn Meal, Byt
d Com Chop.
rup Molum, ® cents {W^d.
" ■ K « « V’-'
“ ntf ** “
r tin u A .
10 « “ «
10 « " “
9« a a
y -**• • *
15 to 10 < « «
on u V m «
~a.\ it - «
50 t* « m
< •!>, Sutijw, tigf, Atmomi*, >&■
■ Cretin Butt,
* Chsew, ftnd cTarJrtftattt JMt**
sud family sroeenr.. ' ■•T'. 1
j. L »ma»
! ‘.on Viiglaiy gtreH, AlfaoM. «T
ei jrc. Tlie ftubtcriber lift rlMgP'
an entire new fttoclE rtffiHHl*
k “ipi ftI«o & UrceaanHwMf*
l ine frencb lTor)t, Ooll*n «fti V*
twfew*, "tt nrrr ifwi*
ladtet; *flof wltfet wiUh*S®
; 4oa»
S“ mScnKSsm.
L»w* , <«wj
, john moraine
*vti» r«*fc
Iltoim Criimitf.
gwtarn Way
Wtatotn Way
Vciurn Through
tailtrn Through.
HoUldJr* bur e-V 7 00 A. M. ami 0 20 P. M.
WMirru Through 4 40 A. M.
'J£<n Through 7 10 «
SSSwv- - ■
Intern Way 0 *? P. M.
nrnct Boom:— Boring the week. from 8 45 a; u. till
- ui , x On Sondaya, from 645 till 745 a. m.
railroad schedule.
v.nrul Train Eot arrives 4,40 A.M., leaves 4,45 A. M
‘T “ West “ 7,10 A.M. “ 7,50 A. H.
“ East “ 830 P. M. « 8,60 P. M.
" “ West “ 7,66 P. M., •< 8,10 P. M.
“.East “ 11,00 A.M. “ 11,20 A. M.
* “ West « 630 P.M., “ 6,50 P. IJ.
The lIOLLIDAYBBURO BRANCH connects with El
enas Train West, and Hail Train East and West.
1 INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown
Accommodation Trains East and West, Express West, and
put Line and Mail train East and West.
The Comiso Focktu.—While there appears
to be a desire on the part of our citizens to pay
proper respect to the return of our natal day,
they are disinclined to enter into an arrange
ment, which will involve the outlay of much
money, and we think they are right. Just at
this time it would he highly improper to squan
der money in useless demonstrations, Our
brethren and friends now upon the “tented
field,” almost in the face of the enemy, have
need of many little luxuries and comforts which
the money recklessly spent at a large celebra
tion would furnish them, and we think it would
be much more patriotic, and afford much more
pleasure on all sides, to send it to our brave
volunteers than to spend it for fireworks and
ether etceteras. While we favor this disposi
tion of the money that would otherwise be spent
uselessly, we do not wish to see the day pass
unobserved in this place, and from present indi
cations, we think it will not. It will not re
quire the outlay of means to have a general
union of all our citixeus at some given point, in
the morning, have the Declaration of Indepen
dence read, a few national airs by the band, have
an address delivered, and then allow all to
spend the day as they feel inclined. We think
an arrangement should bo made to have all the
hells in town rung atfive o’clock in the morning,
and a salute fired, at sunrise, by the different
companies. We have nothing definite as to whnt
will be done here on the Fourth, but by next
neck we shall probably be able to announce a
I Excitement Among the “Home Gcards.”
| —On Tuesday morning last, quite an excite-
I meat was created among the members of Com -
| panies <‘A” and "B,” of the “Home Guards,” in
this place, by the arrival of Ed. H. Gardner, of
Hollidayaburg, with instructions from the Adjn
tiat General, to col lest and forward to Harris
burg all the State arms and accoutrements in
Blair county. “Company A” is equipped with
tbe rifles belonging to the “Logan Rifle Ran : ,
ger?,” and “Company B” with the muskets of
the “Altoona Guards.” The members of both
companies have gone to the expense of uni
forming, and the Rail Road Company, has had a
man employed for several weeks past in over
hauling and repairing the guns, , and they are
now in first-rate order. It may welt be ima
gined that an order, such as Mr. Gardner bro’t,
ttould not he received with a very good grace
by the Rail Road Company; or by the members
of the different military companies, who have
spent considerable time in brightening up their
pieces, and we ire not sure that some of them
did not swear a little. But to cap the climax,
just previous to Mr. Gardner's departure, a
dispatch was. received by W. H. Wilson, Esq.,
from John A. Wright, Esq., Aid to the Gover
nor, (in reply to a ; letter of Mr. Wilson in which
be eet forth the fact that the Company had
repaired all the guns at its own expense.) an
thoriiing the State arms now in this place to be
left in the possession of the- companies. This
calmed the storm that was rising, and our boys
[can now go ahead and prepare their cartridges
j for a grand salute on the morning of the Fourth;
[and let them remember, also, that this result is
;due to the energy of Mr. Wilson, whose wateh
i ful care of Altoona’s interest would not permit
■ him to see the guns removed and the companies
i disbanded,"without using his endeavors to pre
vent it. '
1 A lIr.A.iTHy Stos.—lt will be seen by rofer
jcacc to the notice of the Treasurer of the Altoo
jni Gas and Water Company, in another column,
jthat a dividend of fonr per cent, has been de
jclared on the capital stock for the six months
lending dune 16th. This is an increase, of one
p 6r ce °t. over the previous sixmos., and equal to
kightper cent, per annum. This certainly exhibits
la healthy state of the finances of that institu
tion, and proves that it pays. With such a
result at this time, we may infer that it will pay
[ at leaBt ‘! n or twelve per cent, within another
bear. Query.—lf gas and water slock, which
r 4B so lustily cried down as a sinking invest
ment while the works were in course of con
jstroction, will pay so handsomely, would not
block in a market-bode and town-hall, which
h ll lkdmit ttat this place greatly needs, pay
■equally as well? Suppose somebody figures yp
| e CoBt of 8 “«h a building, and the income that
pould be derived, and give it to us for puhlica
■TlCin •
, PASiLigso, Volttstskes.—We understand
F 6 udgts and Commissioners of some of the
Bounties have decided that the county in which
[, * oP a T °l<mteer resides, is bound for
[ ' Bu PP® rt °f that family, although the volnn
kn!^* 7 il * Te * )een *n»Ued in a company from
f er county. For example, if a man living
r* Tln B a family in Blair county, joins n
pompany f r ola Huntingdon county, Blair, and'
[ ‘ 5 ® tiag <ion, must provide for the family.
I ether this decision will become a general
. we can’t say. nor have we examined the
b'a !V P °“ **** subject, but it looks reasons.
, ‘PPSws necessary, as soldiers are fre
sft, ,{ C one company to another
ar, tf they entefithe service.
Important Railroad Arrangement. —We
understand that properly authoi ized represen
tatives of tiie Pennsylvania Railroad Company
and of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Com
pany have united in a mutually satisfactory ar
rangement far permanently leasing the work of
the latter named company, in its present in-,
complete and unfinished condition, to the Penn-'
sylvania railroad company. Three millions of
the Philadelphia and Erie bonds are to be en
dorsed by the Pennsylvania railroad company,
which, it is estimated, will realize more than
sufficient to finish and equip the road. Exist
ing contracts for construction, etc, made by the
Erie railroad company, are to be carried out,,
but payments are to be made under authority
of the Pennsylvania railroad company from
the three millions .of endorsed bonds. The
Philadelphia and Erie . railroad company has,
over and above the three millions named, be
tween three and four millions of bonds, the
proceeds of which are to ho applied to the pay-*
ment of the company’s debts. The rent under
the lease is a per centage of receipts. So far
as the negotiations have progressed they are re
presented os entirely satisfactory to the mana
gers of both companies, and be consum
mated by them, but in a matterof so much im
portance it is deemed advisable to have the ap
proval and authority of shareholders, whose
sanction will no doubt be obtained as soon as
meetings can be called for jthe purpose.
10*) A.M.
...,.,7 00 “
7 00 A. M.and 6 00 P.M.
6 00 P. M.
720 “
Good AppoistmkkT.—lV>e . Government has
appointed Thomas A.‘ Scott, Vice President of
the Pennsylvania Railroad CoinpaMr, to the
rank of Colonel in the militia of the District of
Columbia, and detailed him for service as SsUi
tary Superintendent of all the railroad routes
which the government has already taken pos
session of, or shall take .possession of hereafter.
No better selection could have been mads. No
man ip the country is hotter acquainted with
the location'hnd capacities of the different roads
throughout the country, and no one con more
readily put them in good working order.
Look Oct.—We learn that some of our citi
zeus hove lately wakened up to find themselves
without eatables for breakfast—said eatables
having taken unto themselves wings, or legs,
and disappeared during; the previous night.
Thera are still persons in our midst who are
inclined to live at the expense of others; and,
while it should be the endeavor of every one to
ferret out the villians, it would bo well for all
to pay a little attention to their house fasten,
The Great. Battle of the Season
is to conic off on the glorious 4th. The
centre of operations will be at
Literary Emporium, No. 1, Altoona House.
Our old friend, H. Fettinger, of the above
establishment, has gone to the city to lay
in an immense: stock of useful and fancy
articles suitable for the occasion, such as
Flags, Badges, Drums, Guns, &c , &c.—
Materials for making Wreaths and Flow
ere, in great profusion—Fire-crackers and
other Fire-works in great variety. Don’t
fail to call on Felt., on bis return.
In consequence of no paper being issued from
this office two weeks since, a letter from our
welcome correspondent, “W. I. B ,” was omit
ted in oar last issue, for the reason that the
letter of “A J. G.,“ which was of a more re
cent date, embodied the iufqrmation contained
in the letter of the former, together with mat
ters of interest of a later date: nevertheless,
there were a few items in “W. I. B.’s” letter
which we must not -omit, and we give them
below 1 .
After speaking of the; removal of tbe 3d
Regiment from York to Cfiambersburg, he says 1 :
V “Our company, (Company H., Juniata Rifles,)
was very agreeably surprised, last week, at re
ceiving, each one, an institution consisting of
satchel containing two towels, handkerchiefs,
thread, needles, buttons etc., etc., which were
kindly furnished by the ladies of Hollidaysborg,
and for which they will ever be remembered by
our boys.”
In another paragraph he returns thanks to
Mrs. Huff, of this place, for an ample supply
of cakes, pies, etc., by remarking that he could
not do justice to his heartfelt gratitude on re
ceiving such an unlooked-for kindness from one
with whom he was unacquainted.
In speaking of the-hospitality of the people
of Chambersburg, he says:—“But the crowning
feature of nil was the kindness nnd hospitality
manifested to the Juniata Rifles, by the ladies
in the immediate neighborhood of our quarters.
These noble-hearted ladies insisted on numbers
of our company partaking at their tables, and
those who’ were too modest to accept were
abundantly supplied at the quarters. Three
times every day did they famish ns with warm
coffee, meat, pics, etc., and several of them
went so far as'to lodge some of the men.—
Ton may depend, our boys enjoyed themselves
hugely in their ktew quarters. Our evenings
and leisure moments were devoted to them, (the
ladies,) characterized.with songs and dancing.'
Two of our boys played the violin and guitar
each evening, and the lads and lassies led off in
the merry dance. But there is no earthly plea
sure but what is accompanied with painful mo
ments, and so it Was With the “Rifles.” The
order to march come when least expected and
still less desired, and we had to leave the scene
of some of one happiest moments and brightest
recollections, and remove to oar present camp,
which is about four miles from town.”
Is Ciur, sua rcsv'roit.-*, Sin,, 1
vane Ifltt, 1801. /
Missus. MoCira t Daa .-iVe are now to what l.
deemed the enemy’s Country. On Balnrdsy morning we
struck ourtent* and prepared for our march—notice of
Which was given the day previous. The Government hav
ing taken possession of the Railroad between Chambers
hurg and Hagerstown, we wore brought to the latter place
in the care—from thence to our :preeent qnarteie, every:
man was hie own conveyance, , Opr Journey was pleasant
and agreeable, though the weather was very warm. All
along the Cumberland valley we wore enthusiastically
greeted and welcomed by the patriotic .inbabitahte,. At
Oreencastlo, we were furnished with bread, butter, cakes,
pies and other refreshments by the citizens, indeed, every |
kindness that could be ahown us, by loyal men And pretty
women, wan bestowed upon the 3d Regiment, i
Hagantown to a beautiful place, erotaltiicg, I should
suppose, a population of about 6,000. The town la litcr
•Uy covered with the glorious standard of our coon try,
»nd the Union feeling is strong, deep and abiding in the
hearts of the people. Thomas (Union) was elected to Con*
6 roßa » I*** week, in this district, without opposition. The
Regiment halted in one of the principal streets, and we
were gladly furnished with water by the inhabitants. One
gentleman, an engineer from Baltimore, brought round to
the first section of Company K. two quart measures of “Old
Rye,” which eased the weight of our knapsacks considera
bly. In this part of Maryland tho inhabitants seemed
greatly rejoiced at our arrival, and greeted us with the
waring of handkerchiefs, presentation of boqnets, £c. The
only place that I observed any rndicatiou of secession foeb
'ing Is in the little'place close by our present encampment.
»n passing through it, last evening, many of the citizens
manifested patriotic demonstrations, while others were ae
cool aa an iceberg, and looked aa though they could cut
our throats. The Ist Regiment, P. U. V, yesterday cap
tured an old Iron piece of artillery, and some 40 muskets
in the place, and they now remain at their quarters. The
cannon. It Is said, was used in tho Revolutionary war, near
the month of tho Chesapeake bay, while the muskets ore
of recent importation from Harper’s Perry. Tim former is
mounted on an old hind carriage of a wagon, and bos a
very ancient appearance. It has been, but recentlyV put
in a position for mischief, as the now iron bonds around
the breech and the pivots, strapping it to the carriage, evi
dently shows. For tho present we will hold it, and if tho
secessionists wont it they con come and take it.
We arc encamped 13 miles from Harper’s Ferry, a few
hundred yards from the road leading directly thence. The
field contains 100 acres, and belongs too rebel. However,
that makes no difference, for “ Uncle Sam” has need of it
now, and his authority le supreme. It Is here stated, au
thoritatively, thqj the rebels have evacuated the Maryland
Uelgbte overlooking Harper's Ferry, and it is also rumored
that they have retreated ot masse from the place, after
laying one-half the town in ruins, ’ in a few days they
would have been surrounded, and this Is the only reason
I can give for their rumored precipitate retreat.
This morning, at 1 o’clock, heavy reports of artillery
and musketry were distinctly hoard in oar camp, from the
direction of Williamsport, Md, These were rapid in suc
ceseion and continued until about daylight. Evidently a
fight has taken place, for I learn that tho 7th, Bth and
doth Regiments and tho Scott. Legion were ordered down
1 to day from their encampment near Hagerstown. No par
titular'’ have reached us this evening, further than that
Capt. iPoub'.’eday, with his artillery, had crossed tho river
at Williamsport.
The Ist, 2d, 3d o'hd 24th Regiments are encamped to
gether. We are eml’racPd in the left wing of tho army.
The troops in this camp word reviewed this afternoon by
Maj. General Patterson and a taffi and Gov. Hicks,'of Ma
ryland. After the review,Ocn. s’, bri'Oyand patriotically
addressed the soldiers, who expressed him.'«tf highly grab
ifiod at the proficiency of drill they have »JrouJ v attained,
declaring that it surpassed his expectation. Gov. de*
cUned making any remarks, but through the General ex
pressed himself well pleased ot tho bearing, discipline £Ud
conduct of the soldiers of Pennsylvania. Cheers and Uycrt .
were given for Gen. Patterson, Gov. Hicks, Pennsylvania,
and tho loyal men and women of Maryland. I should'
have wished to have given Geu. Patterson’s remarks in
full, but space forbids.
In another place I mention as rnmor the evacuation of
Harper's Ferry, But since panning it, a gentleman re
siding there, was in camp, and confirmed the tidings. lie
says they destroyed the Arsenal and about SO houses be
longing to the Gorornment, and also .the Railroad Suspen
sion Bridge, over the Potomac, before leaving.
Wbat an effect marching produces in men to that when
lying in camp. The former revives the spirits and brings
forth good hnmor and geniality, while the' latter Is only
productive of an accumulation of bile venting itself in 111
humor and wordy quarrels. To the peaceful soldier there
can be nothing more unpleasant and distasteful. I opine,
if they only wait a few days, a good chance will be given
them to vent their bad blood upon an enemy more worthy
than their cbmrades-ln-arms.
TVn have no Sunday in camp, as yon have, doubtless, ob
served before this. Fishing aud swimming were the prin
cipal sports among the soldiers in camp to-day. A large
creek runs to the roar of our camp (Oimcron), which
abounds in eels, catfish, Ihll-flsh, Ac. These are a luxury,
after a long feast on salty epcck and thinglct, (crackers.)
But we lack lines and books, necessary to bo successful in
capturing the finny tribe. But it is now dark, and I must
close. Atirivoirl A. J. Q.
•3- “Tho Mother of States 1 ’ is having an unexpected
visit from some of her children.
■*** Samuel W. Black, Governor of Nebraska, is a true
Dnion man, and is making it all right for his successor.
43* The State Loan.—The Harrisburg Telegraph states
that the Pittsburgh Bank has taken s+oo,ooo of tho State
loan, and the Harrisburg Bank $30,000.
XB' The Ohio .Statesman', says “There are now in the
State Arsenal in this city, 22,000 cap lock U. S. muskets;
1,000 Sharp’s carbines; 1,000 Enfield rifles, and 1,0u0,000
rounds fixed ammunition.
49* Tho U* S. Senate will have 22 vacancies at the ex
tra session In July. Of those in attcndence, 31 will bo
Republicans and IS Opposition ; but of tho latter, proba
bly all but two or three will support tho Administration.
*3-Gen Butler, at the head of the avniy in Virginia,
retains all the slaves that take refuge in bis camp. Oon
eral, if you get any Tennessee niggers, please send us
four or five of them, as indemnity for the damage done us
in the suppression of the Louisville Journal in that State,
by mob violence,—Louisville Journal.
Gov. Yates has, wo are told by talegraph, appoint
ed O. U. Browning, Esq., of. Quincy, to tho seat in the V.
8. Senate, made vacant by the death of Judge Douglas.—
The appointment is i good one. Mr. Browning is a Ken
tuckian by .birth, a Republican of conservative entered
eats, a man of unblemished character, and a lawyer of
acknowledged ability. On the Union quoation and on the
War, ha is uncompromising and sound.— Chicago Tritune.
«a. The manner in which tire war feeling is kept up
in the South is evidenced of the following from tho New
Orleans Craexni. It says: “A Washlhgton letter says Scott
is losing over 1000 men every week from desertion alone,
ns his troops are nsiarly starved and won’t stay. The famous
Sixty-ninth Irish Regiment, from New York, lost 164 men
by desertion in three days, and they Joined the camp of the
Virginia troops, as two full companies, at Manassas Gap
Junction, which is only 15 miles from Washington City.”
43- Shad caught in a Crinoline Trap.—On Friday last,
a lady of Rock Hill, Conn., while passing a brook which
runs into the .Connecticut, saw two tine shadsunning
themselves in the stream. Tho shad looked tempting, the
lady coveted theiA, but had no fishing tackle with her.—
She finally bethought of her bcops, took them off, and
having tied the upper end, set the contrivance in the
brook, and drove the unsuspecting shad into the net, when
they were safely drawn to land, the most recent and the
most cruelly deceived victims of crinoline.
A Card to the Ladies.
Infallible in correcting , regulating, and removing all ob*
siructtom, from whatever cause, and always
successful as a preventative
Thera la not a lady living but what at some period of bar
life needs Ju«t such a medicine as “Dnponco’* ©olden
PUla.* 1 One of the first ladles of Chester ,
there that she bad received so m” A,
of them, eheweuld he “ from 0)0 «-
be without thou- if she ** a box, rather than
credlei.*- i—, if ehe ,ould get them no leu. The In.
1 —JMmpoe.og theea pills are made known toevery
Agent. They will tell yon they are perfectly harmleu
yet will do all claimed for thorn. Toll and explicit
direction* accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box,—
Sold by Q. W. KESSLER, Druggist, aole Agent tor Al
toooa. Pa. ' ‘
lidlea by eeading him $l.OO to the Altoona Post Office,
can have the pills eenttoany part of the country (coofl.
dentially) by mail, “ free of postage." Sold also by JOHN
READ, Huntingdon, and by ono Druggist in every village
town and city In the State. .
a. D. HOWE,
Sole Proprietor, How York.
N. B.—The above Pill* have been counterfeited, and are
offered to fedieaai prices ranging from 25 cent* to 75 ete,
dear at that.) ’ took out Ibr thorn. The genuine, hereaf
ter, will hour the signature of B. D. Howe, sole proprietor.
Price—sl, Purchase of the above gentlemen, and you will
find the genuine article, aud on" vou m»V rf I. unen
January 31,1861— 1 t. ’ ’ r
To Conanmptirps.
And those aflllctedwith
The nndersignad, now seventy-five yean old, has for
years devoted hie time to coring hie Perishonen end the
poor in New York of these dreedfdlcomplaints, which carry
thousands end thousands to an untimely grave; he has
seldom failed to cure ell who have applied to him tor re
lief, and believing it to bo a Christian's duty to relievo
tboo abroad, as well as athome, be will send to those who
require it, a copy of Proscriptions used, (Free of Cbairge),
with directions for preparing and using the same. Also
rules on Piet, Bathing, Ventilation, and Exercise for the
Sdk, they will find these remedies a sure cure for Oonsum
tion, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever: and
Ague,; Constipation, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous
Debility, and Female Complaints, and he bopea every* one
filleted will send for a copy, as it will coat nothing, and
those suffering should apply before it is too late. These
Prescription are used by the most eminent Physicians in
LonotPu, Paris, and New York. Those wishing them will
please aaffrees REV. DR. CHAMBERLAIN.
Nov. IVOu'.-ly- WilUamsburgh, New York.
Dr. Velp'-eau’s Cankerine.
DR. VELPEAU'S CANKEjJINB cures Putrid Sore Month.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERING cores Sore'Nipples.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Ulcsreted Sores.
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Chapped tip*-
DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Ulcerated Quint
DU. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE is the heat Purifier ofthe
Breath ofaoything known.
DK. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Canker in the
Mouth, Throat, or Sthomoeb, resulting from Scarlatina or
■Typhus Fevers.
Ladles, if you delight in e white teeth, use the CAN
KERIN' E, and your desire* will be realised. .Wo pledge
our word that It is entirely free from acids and ail poise
ous substances, and can bo given to an Infant with perfect
safety. It will preserve the teeth and keep the gums free
from ulcers. It is equally efficacious for nursing sore
mouths. In all the thousands remedies that have been put
forth for the cure of the various diseases above, none
equal the Cankerine. Sold by all druggists. Price 26
cents per bottle. J. BURRILL A CO.,
Proprietors, 93 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
For sale in Altoona, by G. W. KESSLER.
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in a
weeks bj a verj simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis
ease consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow
£ 'Offerers the means of cure.
To t?U who desire it he will send a copy of the prescrip
tion .used ( fcc , e of charge,) with the directions for preparing
and the which they will find a euro cure for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Ac. The only object of
the advertiser in pending' Prescription Is to benefit the
afflicted, and spread hJbrmut S OD which he conceives to b e
Invaluable, and ho hopes b*ery su^ erer will try bis reme
dy, as it will cost them nothing and prove & blessing.
Parties wishing tne prescription will pk' H £ e address.
Eev. EDWAKJ) A. vr T LSON,
s «rKb»
Kingfc County; New
Oct. 4, ’«o.—ly
tea. The following is a sample of the numerous lette.'"
constantly receiving for Hostetler's Stomach Bitters.
Cajordaoca, July IS, 1659.
Harrs. RasUttcr <£ Smith, Pittsburg, Pa.;—Gents:—
As we arc strangers, I herewith enclose you twenty-eight
dollars for four dozen Hostetler's Stomach Bitters, which
please forward via Michigan Southern Bailroad, Toledo,
Ohio, and Clayton Station. 1 have purchased several dos
es bottles at Toledo this Summer, but the sale is on the in
crease so much that I wish to open a direct trade with you.
I was induced, to try your Bitters by my physician, for
the Liver Complaint, and received such material aid that J
have recommended It to others and have sold about two
dozen per week for some time. I have all kinds of med
icine in my store, but there is none that lean so cheerfully
and truthfully recommend as your Bitters, for I know they
have kielpod mobeyond my expectation. Yours respectfully.
A Card to thb Suffering.
Tho Rev-. Wm. Cosgrove, while laboring as a missionary
in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all othermeans
had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician ,
residing in the great city of Jcddo. This recipe has cured
great numbers who were suffering from Consumption,
Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility
and nervous depression caused by these disorders.
Desirous of boncflttlng others, I will send this recipe,
which I brought home with me, to all who need it, free of
charge. Addrws
*9- The Qmi Cnonmco EupoaiOH or Tax T.’.-nOK.
Philadelphia possesses the most splendid Clothing Empo
rium in tho country. It is splendid as regards tho pala
tini structure in which the immense business of the estab
lishment is conducted, and it is equally splendid in respect
to its groat facilities and vast resources. But to its pa
trons its chief attractions are, first,'the elegance of the
garments for Gentlemen.and Youths, manufactured there;
secondly, the beauty and durability of the materials, and
the enperior excellence of the fit, and lastly tho moderate
prices at which the goods are sold. We refer, in this des
cription, to neno other than the Brown Stone Clothing
Hall of Rockfaill A Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut St.,
obove Sixth, Philadelphia. '
On Tuesday, tho 11th inst.. at tho Lutheran parsonage.
In Newrv, by tho Rev. Jos. Flchtuer.Mr. GEO. P. LEIGH
Juniata township.
Ossio* Amoobs Gas A Watsa Co., 1
Auoosa, Juno IT, 1861. /
this day declared a dividend of FOUR PEE CENT,
on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State Tax,
payable on and after July Ist, 1861. -
powerffof Attorney for collection af dividends can be
had on application at the office of tho Treasurer.
Transfer books will be closed on the 27th of June, and
remain dosed until the 6th of July, 1861.
June 20, '6O-4t. B. F. ROSE, Treasurer.
ICE ! ICE!!—The subscriber, would
Inform the citizens of Altoona, who desire Ice daring
the Summer, that he will deliver it promptly at their rest
donees and saloons, three times a week, MONDAY,'WED
per pound, or 62Jg cents per bushel, delivered in any de
sired quantity.
Orders left at the Banking House of Wm. M. Hov* 1 s.
Co., will be promptly attended to. - * *
June 13th, 1861-Im d II u MARTIN.
tratlon on the , ••'JJS™*. J£& Jitters of Admims*
'. I ip ®;. EENJAMIJs of Logan
n f,J -.-i/’irSf . oount y, 2«ra, have been granted to the
< -'•toing Altoona. AU persons knowing
inemr v(yca indebted to said estate an requested to make
immediate payment; and thoae having claims will present
them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
Altoona, May 23,1861. —6t]
ISO located permanently In Altoona, respectfully
offers his services In tho. difljront departments of
Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry.
Office nearly opposite C. Jeggard’e Store, Virginia et, Al
toona, Pa. [May 18, ’6l-tf.
DB. CALDEIIWOOD offers his Pro
fMalonal Serricee to the cltlxena of .Aitecna ud
Tlclnlty. Office on fhyinia Stmt, nearly oppoelte C. J.
Mann’s Store.
J. B. Evmtr. M. Dm Huntingdon.
Jho. McCOuoch, M. 8., “
H. T. Cclrrrt, “ Pittsburgh
Her. f. B. Catty, Birmingham.
Rer. Tboius grmiteo;*, Tyrone City
Jnoo* BtJUAT, “
C. Sens, ••
W. Boater, •<
H. H. Jeter,
AI toon*, May Jth. ISM 3m
439, Fulton Avenue,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
All the latest styles of
: HATS and CAPS constantly on hand. It is the
nination of the proprietor o' tale Emporium to keep
np with the Um« and hihions, and to do this be eparea
no expense. Ho had joat rreeired hie enpply Mfem
among which will be round atyles And _
tiee to suit tho toe tea of .old or young.
or fiuhlonable. * ' ■ • ■
To giro theniunee, colore, qualities and styles of all hia
goods in this line, would pnly confuse the reader, and he
would net then understand or appreeiate thodlrnnity and
magnllnde ofhia etoek, Umtßt be lean to be Mmle*
Smbi™ ,0 “ w ‘ a “° *“ * hatter and.
fine aeeortment of CRIUHLEN’S BATS
*¥ W*ron't^a.
Has just returned from
New York city with a haantlhi assortment of
ltd DtJSU, Japontte,
ibAAo Strip), Dt CAerres,
frith JnpUnt, ■ Uncut*, \
LaveOeu, ihtardx.
Crape Dtßtge, Leant, SOkt, de,
a beautiful article, cheap and fashionable,
A large aasortment ofthe prettiest PRINTS aver brought
to the town, ao acknowledged by competent Judges.
Ladies* Trimmings In endless variety.
Bs calls special attention to hia beautiful assortment of
which is acknowledged to be the moat complete of any in
the town, and sold at prices defying cempeUHon.lron
Stone eets for JIAO—Zca Seta for $3,90. i
directly from New York, and bought from first hands,
OIL CLOTHS frbm l (o 2 yardt vide.
His stock of
is complete in every respect, and will se sold at as low a
figure as any house this side of the city. *
at, lower prices than they con be had elsewhere. Good
Carriages for $4iQO and $4.50, aqd 'Spring Carriages for
$5.00, Just as good as heretofore Syid for $B.OO.
Wooden and Willow Ware
hi'almost every variety, together with all the outfit of a
first floss store. , . [May 9, ISSI-tf
McCormick’s Store, In East Altoona !
and complete assortment of Spring and Sommer
Goods, consisting ;of British, French and American Dry
Goods, selected with great care to salt this region of coun
try. In the line of Ladies Dross Goods for quality and
'price, they will surpass.
Mantillat, Hotter), Shawl), While Goode, Sm
broideriet, Irith Linen), Linen Handker
chief), Hooptkirt t, Clothei, Cat
timeret, Kentucky Jean), Pfi'nls,
Oinghamt, Mutlint, Flan
, ndt, Etc., Me.
BnotsA Shoes id all their various make and material for
Men Alloys’aa well as Ladies, Misses and Children.
Beady Hade Clothing,
a full assortment Co suit the season, with Hats, Caps, Um
brellas, Parasols, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Brooms.
Buckets. Tubs, Tin Ware, Qnecnsware, Hard Ware, Stone
Ware, Market Baskets. Zink Rubbers. Brushes, Clothes
■ Llues, Ac., with all articles necessary to make up a full as
sortment to meet the wants of the people.
ALSO, a complete
which wlll.bavo our special attention, first In buying and
sebicting the best, and freshest articles as well as keeping
it up at all times. Coffees of the very Dost and richest
Black and Green of the best quality and flavor. Sugars
good 'and cheap: common Blown at 8, good at 8 cents,
common white 10 cents.
Syrups and Baking Molasses,
from the best Loveriogs at 62U, to the lowest grade at 40
,'ents. Cornstarch, Dryed Peaches, Dryed Apples, Farrona,
Bryed Beef, Mackerel, Herring, Lake Fish * Dry
Fish, Window Glass, different sizes, Ac., all of which will
be vt.w l° w for cash, or exchanged for Produce.
Always on /'ami*; Spoor A Halls celebrated Iron Plqvb.
Persons *’ ou,d do well before making
their selections y> <*• a , nd examine our stock, as we will
be pleased to see tu? I*l 1 * 1 , charge. Very thankful for
past Ikvors, wo roBpeci» r ulij^t>'°** c “ * continuance of pub
lic patronage.
Altoona, April ISHi, 186 t-t» r
liter codplairt,
And the various affections consequent upon a disordered
Snch is Indigestion, Aridity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains,
.nesrthnnr. Lews of Appetite, Despondency! Oosttvsnsss,
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, fiivomatle, and
Neuralcio Affections, It has tu numerous Instances provad
highly beneficial, and In others effected a derided cure.
—i— compound, prepared on strietlw
scientific principles, after ths manner ofthe celebrated
Holland Professor, Bccrhave. Its reputation at homo pr»>
duced its introduction here, the demand commencing wfth
those of tho Fatherland scattered over the {kce of ihi«
mighty country, many of whom brought with thoxu and
handed down the tradition of its values £ U now
lototjUiurtean puttie, knowing Vast its truly womtsHU
wtsdidnal n rtues must be aeknomodgsd.
It la particularly .recommended to tboee peraorj wKqm
may hare been Impaired by the Souti nuoum
fTS”*? 1 * or other forma of dlaslpatfo*. Generali*
Instantaneous In effect, It finds its way dbecttv wTuhTT-J
OfUfe. thrilling And quickening every nerve, VaJ*inr up tba
drooping spirit, and,ln h&singWh; 4lSKJdri^
In the systems
NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a bsvorare «u
he disappointed; but to the sick, weak and knv luirrted. H
JSSTpSISuS* maule SSJ&s
The Genuine highly concentrated Bcarhars’a
gharmaauUsls and (Shcmlate,
For sale bv A. ROUSQ Altoct^.
April 18, 1860-lamly.
JESSE BHITH, Proprietor.
A. Ctentna. Oaten, Tallorw, Parle Oreen. dry
and ground eft at ? [i-tf.’l ;
AJ yen fur tale at (i r ; "KESSEEVS.
consisting la part of
By tha m of these Pills th« periodic ttucll of AersM
or tick Ifeadachqjpej bs prevented; and if taksit at tha
commencement of'an attack immediate relief from paia
and sickness will be obtained.
They seldom (Ul la removing the .Vaueea and *Tr»ifnrftf
to which iemhlae are so subject.
They act gently open the bowels,—removing Oahieeneu.
For Literary Men, Sbuknit, Delicate Females, and all
persons of sedentary habits, they are ml liable as a tonetite,
improving the appetite, giving tone and ryor to the dlgwe
tiro organs, and rostoringtho natural elasticity and strength
of the whole system.
The CEPHALIC PILLS ere the result of long investiga
tion and carefully conducted experiments, having been in
use many years, .during which time they have prevented
and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from
Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or
from a deranged state of the stomach.
They are entirely vegetable in their composition, nod
m*y bn taken at nil times with pefcct safely without
making any change of dlrct, and the atom of any dua.
greeable butt renders it any to administer them to cftOdrsn.
Tha genuine Imre 9re signatures of Henry C. Spalding on - 1
each Box. i
Sold by Druggist* and all other Dealers In Medicine*.
A Box will be sent by mail prepared on receipt of the ■
All orders should be addressed to
48 Cedar Street New York
Not. 16, >60.-ly.]
Cephalic Pills,
At-Aac Testimonials Kart unsolicited by Ur. Sriuiw
they afford unquestionable proof of the efficacy of '
this, truly scientific discot a-y.
Sat ,
1 have tried your Cephalic Pi lie, and lUlct them 40 writ
that I want you to nnd me two dollar* worth more.
Part of theae are for the neighbor*, to whom I gars a
few out of the flrat box I 'got from yon.
Send tho Pill* by mall, and oblige
, Your obedient Servant.
Sl»: - \
wUh you t° wind me ona mere box of year Cepbelie
Pills, I have received agnat deal of betttjU from them
Voers, Eospectfiilly,
Spbccb ClzM. Ucstisodok 00, Pi., Jan. 18,1881
H. C. SPitniMO.
fcox * ofjourc>ph * ii =
.. , JOHN B. BtMOHS.
P. 8.-1 *(IW wed one box of your iW», ondjlnd Um
HIUJ! Vskxokl OUjo, fell. IS, U6l.
Hsubt C. SFILMKO, Eeq. . \
Please And inclosed cents, for which Mid m«
another box of your Cephalic Pills. They art truly'As
6«t JPiUt I ever tried. Dir’jct
H. C. Spauuko, Ek).
I »1* for some circulars or Urge show bills, to bring
year Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo
mers. If yon hare anything of the kind, please send to\
One of my customers, who is subject to aerere Sick
Headache, (usually-lasting two days,) was cured an at
tack in one Aour bifyaur PHU, which I sent her.
Respectfully yours, . -.-.
W. B. Wll-KEB.
IUTKOLMSEKO, Y&umia Co., Owe, Jan. », 16(gl.
Qskst c. Spilmhg, t-' A
No. 48 Cedar at, N. T. W,'
DEa»Bib; W
and twonty-Hre cents, (25,) for which tend on.
box of« Cephalic Mils.” Send to addreas of Rev. Wm. a
Filler, Rcj-noldlburg, Prank tin Co., Ohio.
lottr tcori like a eftam— cure Headacht clmoit tit-
Scan Mr.
Mr, Spalbiko
Not long alnee I «eat to yotj for a hoi of OphaUc Pill*
for the euro of the Nervous Ileadacho »nd Ccetlrenew. and
SSSS^S^S^ 9 ha * "&** ah tStctVlai Zw *
Please send by return mail. Direct tq
A. K. irnEW,EK.
YprilahU. Mich.
.fVeM Ou £xammcr t To,
From the Examiner, Kbr/M, Ta.
wSSttr^sr*^ 1 " “ r# ,h,n
. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Ann.
BaaS3SS*«*»* s«*
From She Advertiser, Emidcna, S. I.
Ccphrfk Pills are said to be a Kmai , ¥sat« <v -
remedy for the headache, Sod one of lhe“e£b~ fcrrtlT
rery frequent complaint which ta. eterbinXSj^ 1
’ feter, ‘•*• *r G»cfte, : /».
Ce^“^.* ndorBe Hr ' hla unrlraXled
Krdm at Kanawha Vallty Star, Kanawha, Va
wW, ‘ ******
Fhm &t JmtOtra Ihtlh Fi/idcr, Sew OrUant, La.
Try them; J 9« that ajj> afflicted) and va are aura that
roar testimony can be added to tha already ndmertdaiiat
that has recetred benefits that no othermedfclae hnSr*.
dues. r
**- A .’i?B l9 bottle ofSPALCINGS PEEPAREDOUJ*
wilt save tan times Its cost annually.-jja
K°H<»nn i mtktea: '
.**- “ 4 s*noi m *«* Sim ■
Bleat vayfcr rSaWag g SSSff £***•
meetsallanoh lia, adWßßllifaliiilil.... ,w i.
N. 8.-A Bra* awompamlaa eiehßottle. Price » eta
' Aecerta - '■- ; - v _ ■ i
•jtSPAtWNO’S prepared si.dr <
Uon the rmisiie wrapper; all other ari mtndllni toon-
Minoavtu.*, Cos*., Fob. 4,1841
UiVMjoEB, Pi., Feb.o, 1891
Ketpoctiuiy yonr«,
Belle Vernon, TVyaniott Co., o.
Birract, lUm., bee. U, ISol
Truly yours.
rniiiiiTi, Mnra., Jah; It, XBU.
i »av« m Pizeu;