The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 06, 1861, Image 3

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    returned, and the fire waa .baSS 55 ;
tides fur abopt an hour. Three
beifl were.wounded, bbite OO
icotttßicnoeaient of tbe,ft>l.t t ®»«jd
b abaudo>i*d bj :tbeJ(iKBßfcaJr. W
apt to ctttftire it « *h«l
9m -=—■ -pji -jßj *r
sards, iiliiriinT ‘iWllTai i "*V
n Il |7' °S »l
w "d-
■JI Card "to -.the" Tihdfiasr ~'
jr. tweeting, rrpulajinj, <UW'
iu'aifts, *B «b
susrs/s/al as a pnsaUatnt • ■ -
ggtalad; jlvini-- but vrhatat,«mp f » T ■,■.
Just such * mediciae oa
f if t!ia first ladia of Chestertefcitffci V*“
'.i:- KaJ recefre*! W-m<rcß l>*Se6(rs|p|^^^^ lc ' i
* »vu ; a b. wilUng'tOjinj; |5 a fitac, '
it rho coaltl get tfiwn mo !«,.
aajvifog tWi pills on 1 - made’tooßn s,
V IVI U tell Jtu .t! f ej are ■p«tftcll>--t. ]
I detail cUixtied fer tUfem. Fall j
kiumpMiy mch bp*.
V-' R-KisL'ER. «£• fc r
. - .*: * * V
sending him SI.OO-ta-tLe Altoona q_
b pills rant to aar part &f tb>MijWs«a ,
uiopfca; «ai &J oft* DrasaUthjj^L^
if in the Stilt.’ ' s >-iJ-.V■ u *** 1
„ 8. ». HQWjs.
atoTo Pills hare b&*a , ‘
ohra at ,pr;,f« ranging f^ l
I. v iiok set &t them. Thu
- tti» ngcature of S. I>. llnwa-astayf.^^
raicfcasu of the above,
s To? art id a, aid oat von may reiyuner ''
i> l£w.— lj. . . •/ ’ ’"
Velpeaus Csn3oaadi&
AC'S C-OiKljlllyiE rntv*X»« jfrtyiflu
i?:‘S fASKKBWE.cnMjeiB^•
'.v SCA >KERI.VE ,cure* Chapped LJp,.
-!'■■- '-.‘.XEEBIXi: li tis.tort PortOef o<t4.
kiiovu. 1 1 \ ■. ,
CA.VEEBDiS care« Culur ia ii,
rasßliia* from Bcm4m6^ ( .
• u.-ifeh: i? c V)eth, \is*th6Cl>
-7" <fcir« wJB M'nktMb.
.: c-tUMv ftei frota eetie poi»
ic; -I Coa be <i« aa lafiatviltJi p«fe;
-■ taa t«Hta aadkeepflajgnuudni
’• 5 « e-lttsEe «j8p«Btoly ftj efirehig-r-,
>- 1!i - ik.-aafialiiaaeSi* tbetMretoeßpii’,
a. eof rariciaa diteoea* «ioto,noo» ckt
; r:a;, Sold fc; KI dmjjiw. Pn t . 5
■ 1 :;~p: totea. M Maideo L&aa, *i. T,
Altcjsa. ! r O. W. KESSLER,
?o Consumptives. -
Ami thoso afliclod with
■„.* umn •-> ccrtog iitnwt^ —m jLf ,j„
iV oi itbicktvrj
-Vssaada to an ymaa^litiui
to curt ail -who Sara qpglfed 40.hi8 far rt
fca “«l»*
s ™i u atbasM > <M,«diatariitßiliMi wtc
;>■ ■-.' Imctipdoos,om4, 9m JtQaiqp:.
if t:i-fiiiag and tka ,twa iUy
Bu.,iug. Te#o}ufott, - # aa Jai U:»
2**! these itsn»lb« *-TTir“ fMitirfi nnm
»*»»»*■ Iht
"t-o-- Vtata*«, : '^jMg^^': ; Jiirmi
camiitomfi, «
»'- te- a copy, a* it wUt aaJ
Shtuld apply
a ■Q*a<i by tin In
*=<! S«» To*.; Tli mu tjjMjfpftliwjw >l‘l
|To ConsumptiTM; ,
IT. luricy htta teaMti lb !tw
} tmtrdj. »!Ut »»
•»»«*»?» longOirnUaß, ux) tintitaifo
•■---■is .tuxiuar to Odksfcsows td'bStftUar
stai of core. : i . I
will erad iu oop.T of-’tka proen;'
if <*«•*«,) with g* einesi^rj^tj^Upe
i’A. -chieli they yntTflnfi It me car* fr
.Br.Krcam*, ic. o.'
- r-e-u«;cg m Preacrlptwa th«
:ni ip'ina««oß whfcbhe eow*H« toti
i ■_« ;k>t>m (inf mSferer will ay W»Wc»
» aotUag,,»Ba as»y
i>f will plouc aMrtatv
>■ . \
b~t<2 to theBaffqring.
. L**grore, mliTTi Itlß«fii|il ■ inliiiiiirir
i: ed v' CoMtunpdon, -w&in^aUitrinu 1
fobtained fir cm a ImtnlKl pbjtinit
i ’. cay of Jecldo. TW» ne^tiat «w?-i
'> were «a£crir,g Horn O^wobfUo 5 -
3 b'riut,. Cvagliit mJQ»Ws »»l
-xoicd ty
iv-- ! -:ng othem, I wlii
I*' itl) mb, ** all’ who Beea'fttt* 4
iirr. wm. coscts^^-t:.
!r,i?rg»niij»ti=B It often 1!
-fan* of 4» »* outer'litominkg* f*
f.r.j: ahkio undergo thelabors andh’-
'r. lain cctpitry vhwaa»&Ml(^g l,lll
£.-■• avary-’yW fro&W* «“•*
Chuhratcd Etomaeh
• .Vrai
S with *«*t boaeflt 8 '
*i&ivX ihe rejn*a^j«^ft«lf» rfc '
3>al»<U * eC "
t;-Y Tti'ii nil'; w» ■jii >f ”*
di. CTcn st a bei«r%4*'>(*'p™ 0 *P t , * d
'■ •-) a* a medicine. It Inflow* now -
and isfrtj*tßea* tbe w bol* **
L-' ft aroiuahijd 4 go through w|*>*'
without <w4l» tOptOOtXjd*.*! l ? s
i. nggitt*; • " ■ ' i%_...
.cv.-tmas .xxMofcK. qt v/f -jtK&r
>zia tiio in bn splendid Clothln* J&WO
- is splendid «« regseas*tt« ; l^'
svd- rf
[;e» nod nst rsurtrocs. Batfe**?*
'niioas •», first, the
i*aod(tarsli(ilifj of Ssiiw|yBfcp
' ■«?*»*• •&'■-,&• re.fcMndW* *•
ipier tKl# we Brown gtqce
sva« o .-j{ o .r B^^4! ,i
|t-;piii». ■ : . ’ ,; J ,»3 ,
?s. WIW9LOW, ,
i: rfimj
which iiinHj ft'i
is? rutcniac -
lujr -I 1 nir'
Eastern Way ,
WKti-rn W»y .'
Western Through...
£s r.crn Through...
Haid3ysharg-.-...A.......—•••• 7 00Xif. and 6 «.E,M.
Western Through ..;. 4 40 -A. M.
2u»«d Through-... •• 7 10 «
Western May - 1X OOA, M.
Way « 90. I*. N.
OfTICK Hut»3:— Luring the week. froA 6 44 a. u. till
- p v On Sundays, from C 45 till 745 a. as.
•■ ...r.xa Traill East arrive* 4,10 A.M., Irate* 4.45 A. M*
"‘.I “ Wat “ '7,10 A.M. “ 7,00 A.M.
.... •> '(But “ 8,30 P.M. *■ 8,50 P. M.
*< West “ 7,66 P.M., “ 8,10 P. M.
~ ~ /< East » IT,OO A. M. “ 11,20 ATM.
e<.. West H 6,30 P.M., " 6,60 P.M.
iioLIiILAYSBUR® BRANCH connects with Ex
. rcse Train West, and Mall Train East ami West,
r INDIAN A BRANCH TRAINS counoct with Johnstown
A -conm likitiuu Trains East and West, Express West, ami
Fast Lin-j and Mail train East and West.
Muras. HoCatJi 1 Dras—Cents since my laat yon
sre aware that our Encampment has been changed from
Yo.k, to this place. Wc arrived hero on the 23th Bit, and*
wore quarted ia the Court House where wo remained
ti! the Saturday morning following, when tve took upciir
lias of march for our present quarters, situated three miles
from town. .1 cannot. In this oonuotion, pass by the hand
some and kind treatment received by the members of
Company B. from thoclttonsof Chamhershurg whilothey
were stationed there. Indeed, the ladies excella«l them
selves, in providing for their wants while they were detail
el as a.picked guard, through townrfojkoep down dUtnrb
aacoa. ami soldier*, Ac. The boys were In great
On,the 2nd lqst, Lieut, GaXMR was teutout with a squad
of men, to capture & supposed spy, who had been prowling
about the different Camp* for several days. The Lieutenant
dorrbuaded ahousein tho expedition with tho impression
that he was there; but tho bird had flown. After chasing
him through the country for some time, he was finally cap
tuiwl by Lieut. Class, and three of Copt. StiNSS-men.—
H« was. then takpa to town, since then I have hoard u»th^
lug o? him.
On Tuesday.the 4th iait, the Scult Lc£iop arrested two
a-:?: belonging to Company £., U. S. Cavalry, new Qreart
costlc, some seven miles from this. Th*y were out on
picktt. The men in question wore quartered In Camp
McClure, and having pass ouno town,
off their uniform, put oh citizens* dress,.and made
;rw:k£ fir the South. They wera taken to town ondlodgod
tin Saturday the Ist an aCrity took placo in tli#
puhurU of town, between two' ooldiers and a negro. It
app.-rs that the later kept a low ‘-whiskoy mill,” and the
L;-ra-?r want there to rofrssh thems-Ivrs with “KHI-niv-
and v ere refused admittance. 1 hoy then brukc'
.•o«a the door, when they were fired upon by the negro.—
Ti.o shot took effect in their legs. The news of tho scrim
•:oage reading the oars of then Company, thodaikey was
nu:vuou auC killed. Upon h.j>gsl vertexi examination five-
Ul> were extracted from hie bo-ly. He was also rpn
tbivugb with a sword; A private of the 2nd Regiment
icceived a shot in the thigh while tho tragedy was being
exacted. ,/
■-There L*s bc-jn eeveraj cases of eputtc-d cr inalft
rioua ftf«r alc&Dg thc : <>f tiii. 10th Regiment. eU\-
1-cuvJ at Camp Slifcr. 1 Lave been mfu;uied,
farriai thevlcUmoff la abaut. twenly-four hour*. The
however, have been few, pot ao extensive
r«}- jiitrs have mad'.'lhcia. '•"Thcreiiro several of our Com
ply tick ; but ccce Of then 6:riouC.\ mj. Tue chaago of
I’.!-: brj much to do with these illnees.-s, end are to be *x
j.-*.s;t€d to r certain digrt*. Dissolute habits ami exposure,
qave their result In cH.-eta&'es of v. more serious nature.
Yesterday ruornfag til's first divsion of the troop sta*
tbned{at Cwnp McClafce ' marched south. It van compos
ed of feet Companies ofjC. S. l’hUadclphi*
Companies of regular artillery, acting as :u
-fictryj ucdtr thr commind <?f Oapt. Doubleday -tho Sixth
Col. Davis regiment, and another, th* number
ef whjcb Ido not renumber. Tfc* two Companies of reg
ulars were la Fort Sumpter, when in was assaulted by the
rebels! This morning the third division marched In the
same diretion. It consisted of the Vth, Sth, and 10ih, lieg
imonts encamped at Cazup SUfor• and the Scott Legion.
The 2nd Division consists of the Ist. 2nd, and Ord Regi
ments and tho Irish Brigade, I think the beginning of nfe?t
week, \rtll suffice for our present quarters, and we will fol
low tho advanced columns. There aro now In the borders
of Franklin County, and close up.on the Maryland lino, be
tween 16,000 and 17,000 troops, and from what I can learn
an 4rmy of not .leas’than 20.000 men will move upon and
currcund Harper's lorry.. The troops oreall eager to have
u brush with tha oneialte of th j Ucpublifl. and your read
ers may be assured, that the sous. of the Keystone fctato
v. ill acquit thcraselvta on the HaM of tattle.
Our present encampment i* heated in a wosl '.Willful
section of this county. Ca every .hand, the eye rest upon
richly cultivated .Saida, hußa with tho various cereals, and
promising an abundant harvest. The bulldiuge, houses
endfraeaspore neat and well,constructed, giving every ev
.-cace of wealth, contentment and happiness. The people
are loyal and patriotic, and are kind to the soldiers. Tn our
Campiwe are bountifully supplied with a stvwun pf pure
limestone Wnteri, sufficient for cooking* drinking and
aquatic There is a largo creek, a few. hundred
yards from uy bearing some outlandish. Indian name,
which cannot t-pell, ur*d fcaarly pro
iiouuc*) where the regiments can wash. The only
method I can adopt to give you some elm, as to spelling
aud pronouncing, this name, is to write, u C^nicm-go-jig-''
1 regret exceedingly to mentiop the fact, that riandcrous
reports have reached your placenta regard, to Capfc. Slant
uad Lieut. Qaftiwcs, relative tu the distribution of certain
pressa s sent by* tho citizens of your place, for tho benefit
of Company B. and K, These eloricr are a weirof false
hcod* from the centre to circumference. Beth gentlemen
ore too high minded andjiouorable to b« guilty of any
misapplication •£>? tho gifts of a Lind and loyal people.—
Iha person who invented ami put them Kalb in your
u>wn,will shortly reap the fit at .of bis evil speaking.
, Out company now practise* fjr\jtg : once a day, with ball
carttldpee, distance 100 yarje. Crj *. Wayne,
randc the best Shot having put eue buckshot la the ’
j and tb« ballet a little to the kit of it. The shooting, the
Caplaia eaid, trail'very good lor the finite time. It was
mostly (n line. 1 '
In behalf of the officers and members of Company 1 B.
1 acknowledge the.receipt of several Invoices of creature 1
comforts, tern the patilotic la.Uea of ytor town. Imliy
we received a box of “Havelocks," (hr^Companics B. and
E. from the “Patriot Daughters" of Altoona. They have
been divided, and distributed to the members. They are
a comfortable iustUuti ,n ia the broiling sun, amt their up.,
.rival was timely; and the gift very acceptable. The Bor
ongh of Altoona, I have no feat in Baying, has surpassed
any other town In the Juniata Talley, in its attentions to
the wants of those whoTiaftrTju home uni] friends, to bat
tls for the “gorgeous ensign of the Republic,” and for the
perpetuity of the beet Oorernjnentdhe world has ever seen.
That they are held in grateful remembrance Ly. it. Would
scarcely convey tf them an idea of the feeling animating,
“or hearts. In memory they shall ever retain a place, and
mdeed, we should!* recreant to every principle of honor
did we not hold your citixene In high esteem. Thoy hgve
treated thsij: soldiers as gentlemen, and not as pauper* and
the offsconring of the earth. I wish 1 conhi say as much:
for same other pieces along the Juniata.
Ah ths traepe hera,will move down upon Harper's Perry
e* week, and the robots wtli find in the iron men of
worthy of their steel," They have
.*he Pretensions and military sagacity of Gen.
, cerr, but they will find ore 1 long, that venerable and il-
J«t.kms e oij ;er haa completely circumvented them The
'. C viiloil^ sts have played the game of brag all along, and
Vena P ' **** tbal fabric not lit the constitution of
t, J ' ontl *™ tnenj and that they will realize this fact to their:
* >rr< >' r i wili he evident to the whole .country in low than
• fortflight. rf_. '•‘ -' '• ' -
Yonrcopoeppndiit is Indited to Col. McCtusr'a cetltha '
, la<l T*>r an India rupbet blanket and>'^arttock:’’
sets'!, f l . 'it®*®*®* Editor's dd friend Hrs.6caV fiwfcisiy
»««nr*tedut, f ? ,i**, aß.Jnnftrta
'I +*
i• tf'
Atena fribme.
S< J/' • •
lO 40 A.M.
700 “
iTi“rf..r... 'T'6O A.AJ. and 6 00 P. M.
n. 800 P. M.
720 *■
C i«p Cra*b*m, \
Cnaaßißssuon June 8,1861. j
nniemltttnglnttolr elution.) to those who hall from'
thalr itaXMpodhiiaiawt delightful m. 1 ,
idtaw, abrif atjio from town, which ho k cow beautify- The following table wiH be found to be wry
&l d interesting, an showing U» relative strength of
honaebold. But haii! •A.J. o. | «\* free aod bond population in the slave
Puraiiant tp a oftU, a Urge and cuthualnstlc meeting of
thti citizens of Altoona and vicliotj assembled at Lowther’a
UaU ou Tluwitiay eveirtng, the 4& iabL, for tbe purpose of
tiding -some action ijfrelationtp thi» proper celebration of
the coming anniversary of our National Independence.
.Geo. fc. Cramer, was called to the chair, and S. M.
Woudkok wai chosen Secretary. v
Mr. Cramer, on taking the chair, pitted the object of the
meeting, and urged!the present liecesmUy of a “Grand
Union .Celebration,! irrespective ojf parties, either reli
gious or political. , ' .
s. W. WoodkoL; mads some remarks. He thought the
present deplorable condition of ourcauntry demands that
tho people, from every hUI and valley throughout the
land, should: assemble, on our Nation's Birth hay, and re
new, again, our fidelity to the Constitution aud tho Union.
On motion of Dr. Wm, K. Findley, the Chair, John Shoe
n»ker,,LewUVmck,kpd Jacob. Good wove authorised to
appoint a Committee of Arrangement, constating of 34
persons chosen from AUooitaanti Heiiidaysburg boroughs,
aud Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties; and that
they report at our next meeting.
Meeting held snnij Stb, ISfll. Pco. B. Cramer in the
chair, reported the flowing Committee of Arrangement;
Altoona— Alceuruiict, John Hickey,'C. Joggaid,
C. G. Mason, ti.o. It. Cramer, James Kearney, V, m. It.
Findley, J. O, A ill u ul, Jacob Hesscr, Jacob
Good, James Lowthor, H. C. Dorn, M. T.; Ijilll, Alex. Ug,
Gdrmick, howls Flack aud Joseph B. Smith. Hollidays
hurg and Gaysport-rO. A. fraugh, J. Venn Jones, and D.
Caldwell- Tyrone—J. p, Stewart oml Caleb Guyur, Tip
ton—George Herrick. Klirabeth Furnace—Martin Bel).
Logan Tp.—J udge James Gwiu, Martin itunyan aud Jus.
Hutchison. Huntingdon—Oraffius Miller and P. M. Con
fer. Ebenabncg—Hegskiah Hughes and Alex. Mulliu,
Wilmore—Wm. K. Hughes.ppalliuia—K. Nutter.
Thp Chclnnau asked leave to amf nd his report.'by add
ing the names of .B. F. Bell, Samuel Milrlkcn and Dr. It.
Clati. U f Ball's Mills.: . I
Tho report as Amended was adopted. *
On motion*,M. T. Dill, Joseph 11. J. O. Adluta
were appointed a Committee to Wait on the Burgc-ss and
Town Council of A,ltopna,'for an appropriation of $lOO.OO
pot of-'the Borough Treasury, to assist iu defraying the
expeuws «f the Cidebrntion.
DrSVm. R. Findley submitted a number of resolution*.-
relating to PrcgrkSUDl*, order of tho day, Ac,., which were
read and adopted. : j ✓. %
On matio'u, That the proceetings of these
meetings bb published ip all tho newspaper* or the county.
On motion, adjourned tb -mrot on Friday eyeiJtug. June
ITtbi at B.o'clock.* UZO. B. CRAMER, Prta*!.
S. Mi, Woodkox, 3ec J y. -1
Proceedings of Council.
Regular meeting Juno jith, 1601,
Present—A. A. Smith, pgjsident • R.’ Greenwood, C. It
Hostetler, Daniel LaughmUn, and K, J. ifervlae, Cbuncu’.
The minutes of last meeting were approved.
A bill of Hall i J7eff, for services rendered, was taken
up, and, on motion, an order was. granted to L. YT. HhII
for $lO.OO, fur furnishing writtdh opinion, a« per* special
The following orders were also granted:— to F. Me
-i CVuiloy. for s*.s£; to Ji ll McT>owi|ll, for to J -bn
j Shoemaker, for $15.25; to W. W. Snyder. to
l Daniel Coyle, for g22da;jto John Haney, for $22.60; to
John McCulloch, fir $2D.7£; to John Maloy, for 22215.
A paiitiuu cf the making of certain
fitresta, was taken up, and, ca motion, vfcui laid on tho
The bonds of Daniel L&ughinan, .Treasurer, and Joseph
K. Ely, Collector, were read and approved.
* Cln motion, adjourned to meet op the firs; Monday in
July, IS6I, at 7 o'clock, IVM.—ih-trac/ J\(** h*ic HinuUs.
I Ltcicax.—On the ovening of tho 21s: ulr., James 2.
j Giffin, A. ?d., Into of th©' "Cheater Valley Type,’* delivered
I a leciuro M. E. Church, cl- :ho educational, moral,
j political and mUitaxy. condition of i-ur c »untry. Tho at.
• tendance was not as lorg.- a-* it should have bee’i, but
j those who were present gave gaoj attention to ti.o 'o
[ markfi cf the speaker, wheiee effort w?.-> directed to i:u; res
j slcg upon the minds of ;hi3auji- nee the uf giving
I to the rising |,e,nor&twn A f -od ed«cati-;a,’morally and
j phy>:c-;Ily, iw wi-llas muslivlly. for purp, G.
j lut-nula opening a school m this place, if suiucicnt vncctir
agymeat te given. We hope our cltirer.s wi»l not let bia
effort© tb, open such prove a failure.
&*L- A'trcmoadons resh of job work which could not be
pcetponed prevented th,b tehisuf our paper.last Wink, con
srqueatly the date is wrong cn out outside, aqd a portion
. of the war hews published' tvlllbc rather-old tu lh» readers
| of daily papers, nevertMoas the most part of la interesting
f and will be new tothoae who arc n»t sohlghly favored a*
I cur town readers, The of the 'Rs *re have fro
• qaeutly said heretofore y 6nr own and will be made up
: hereafter, we ttr.r likely tofcave some itqperiar.t war news
‘ this week, and if jo, will Uy it bcfoio our xcftd-jrs iinmo
plainly. | '
Tpk B|2nfE»\ n --0f courco every per
son lias seen.the “Star-Spangled Banner” circular, issued
by ifeasre. ilhrphy A SlpPjke, who have just opened out,
In I’erreo & |stand, recently* occupied by J.
Law. They have bought a; stock of most excellent gioodr*,
at T?J:c.t la now styled “vriar prices,” which means very
cheap. Brora the manner In which the people have beef: upon thorn for the past few days, we think
they must be doing a rushing business, and all because
tb«y 801 l “cheap for c*j*h ;or approved country prodace.”
We knew Me Pike to bd one of the most accommodating
men this side of eandoWn. (
I Mow Solwzm. —WlthfQ tbe part week two roqimenU
1 ,pf troop* baVe passed i&st over tjia Pennsylvania R. R.
1 vix.*2d Michigan *D<i Ist WlHcCnnin Regiment*. The
I Michigan R*giuJM?t was commanded by Col. Richards, and
{ numbered 1,065 men. They equipped in the vary
; best stylo. The >VUcon»in Regiment won composed of
; 1,000 of the hardiest inen wt have yet seen. They.left
Milwaukle at 2 o'clock ou’Sunday afternoon and arrived,
;in this plaro al 3 I*. M. on {Tuesday—just 4i& hours lat'-r:-4-
j Pretty ejotek transportation of troops. Great institutions
are railroads in time of wir.
Altoona .June 11.1561.
Ilcsgr* Ediiort :—ll hat been reported In tl-J.i place, that
tbe nnderdothing made «p some time rtnet 1 , by the ladles
of Altoona, and forwarded, to our bravo voluntoersf was
voturnad to me Uy thoie to whorti It was sent. This
it not correct. Th* clothing was nicely made by the ladies,
and promptly forward**! by me to onr men at York. It
-was moat thankfully received by them, and nine cheers £
were given tor tha ladieaof Altoona. i Lost.— A few evenings since, between Mr. Loudon's
Truly aujl Respectfully, 1 store arid Mr. Kunyan’e, hi Londonsville, a silver pen-
GKO. B. CRAMEK. : holder with gSld pen. The flnder will confer a favor
if J ! upon a lady, by leaving it at this offlpe, or giving infurrna
. rtiOEir iMrokrasr.-eXhe continuance of the war most ; tioujwliero it may be found,
create a great demand, In various ways, for well 1 qualified | ~
young men, and as the Iron City Commercial College of j
Httsborgh, BO extensivelyikuownthronghoQttbo country I
, for tho superior it affords contiauesita ««arluu» \ At tho PreabyfrrianParsoDage, in this plsce/on the ere
j without Interruption |hrj>ugliout the y«ir, young'tnen 1 S
wonlddo well to prepara themadres at one® tor bualmn, cioarflddftoJ'epn^
Ly a conns of training in thin popular. UuUtaUon. ■ On the 6th Inst., at tho rcaidenp ni John d.MiIM,Em.,
[■• I"" — I In Huntingdon, by tho Rot. Mn Sahnizct, Mr. WEOT*
I, Alex q«rk, editor of tho Sunday LKY M. UOLMEfi to Mis* CLAiULLA T. MILKS, alt of
.■ Visilor t will give a.u Entertainmcu t In ■ Huntingdon.
! Lovrther’s Hail Ihis (Thuiaday) evening. lie promises } Here ia our 4®- West, and *• hearty welcome to the
i something amt&ti£<al£d: those who knowthe man and hare : honorable walks of matrimony. ,Wo thought yon had al-*
: heard him lecture are Wall aware that bo oau entertain, j decided^to squander your beat days amid the cold
and instnici any a«dU*uco. A small. admmiUapco ! co&forU nf Single inis, but are happy to.noto r that betto*
! fee will likely be changed to defray expenses. \ counsel, or something more potent; hi* lured you into tho
i v'-: ' I path of duty.- We hope that boforejyou and yours them
ptolanfor member irf the firm down «biirs.hai Jnit.j Is a clear highway to prosperity* and that all the talked
ratnrnwl from the east wlih aaotbsr, fine stock of summer ■ of, imagined and realized bliss of true hearts united may
goods which make Stored look bright and at- faU to your lot throughout a loug life. Thanks for your
tractive, but what is stiUibctter , tlu.-y have been low ; kind remembrance of j iho printer.
and are being sold at p-anip prices. &tep in ladies, quick, I
before j JOB 4 ICE ! !—Tho; subscriber wou|tl
!" A new ahadal* nreht intooperatk-non the Penn'a IJL inform th»ciliaona «f Allcwnn, who drain ica during
„md.p number : of Want
h In the rpnjyng of;tho ptSeuger traips, of which NEBDAT and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS. Terms, \ cebl
iravelerskhouldreake a;note. Sea Railroad and mall per pound,or cents perbnsfcsl, delivered ia any de
- schedule in another column. -I aired quantity.
I i ; Ordini left at tha Banking Houm of Wjn.M. Lloyd A
1 Upn-Ektmrfe Wi T. B’s. letter will be rnbliAed 1 Ck>..wßl be promptly afft»nde<i to/ J F
ratTOt. i J.un»m>.JWl-l*- n. E MAfcjlN.
Interesting Comparison
States, by the increase and decrease it makes
.front to year. Jibe tgures were compiled
N froSh bfficials ourcej, and are worthy the study
of political economist. v i
; census or isoo comp abed with isso.
raat. ■ sura.
_ ; Inmate. Ikcreate. Inmost. Dtertatt.
DeUwars, 21,178 198.
Maryland, 107,180 8,180
Virginia, 156J063 57,467
North CaruUoa, 81.195
South Carolina, 17,748
Gooigia, 170,504
l'!.;.rkln, 30,651
Alabama, 100,383
Mississippi \ 68,051
Louisiana, , 163,060
Texas, 206,220
Arhausaa, 101, 520
Tennessee, 70,805
Kentucky, ■ 158.799 85.491
Missouri, 463,780 27,543
t These figures show that in Kentucky, Mis
souri, Deleware, Maryland and Virginia slavery
is gradually on the decrease—but the increase
in the other states far exceeds the decrease in
the first named states, which of course, can not
affect the aggregate .of slavery itself. The in
crease of free population in several of the
states, docs not exceed that of the. slave, while,
the difference in none of the cotton states is
very great.
H. Fettikqeb, of No. 1 Literary Emporium
b(%a leave u announce to the citizens of Altoo
na and vicinity, that he baa now, and will con
stantly keep, a full supply of all the School-
Books used in this and adjoining districts, which
will be sold at from ten to twenty five per cent,
less than they can be bought anywhere else in
the county. Everything used in the Schools—
si|cb as Slates, Pencils, Pens, inks, Copy Books,
Charts, Cards, Rewards of Merit, &c., dec., can
always be bad at his place of business. “A
word to the wiso is sufficient.”
Col. Ellswouth’s Last Speech —At
nine o’clock in the evening, on the 23d of
May, having marshalled his Zouaves in
iiue of battle, before marching for Alex
andria, our Colonel, sajs oae, thus address
ed us;
“Boys, no doubt you felt surprised on
hearing my orders to be in readiness at a
moment's notice, but I will explain all as
far as lam allowed. Yesterday forenoon
I understood that a movement was to be
made agatost Alexandria. Of course I
was on the vive. I went to see Gen.
JJansfield, the Cohsmacder at Washington,
and told him that 1 would coosider A. as a
personal affront if he would not allow us
to have; the right of the lino, which .is our
d'uc, as the firsfvoiunteer regimeut sworn
ia for the war. All that I can tell you is
to prepare yourselves for a nice little sail,
and at the end of it a skirmish. Go to your
touts, lie down and take your rest till two
o’clock when the boat will arriyc, asd.we
go forward to victory or death. When we
reach the place of destination act as men ;
do nothing to shame the regiment; show
the enemy that you are menas well as sol
diers, and that you will treat them with
kindness until they force you .to use vio->
leiice. . Ih. factj, 1 want you to kill them
with kindness. Go to your teut aud do as
1 cell voa."
vVi-at Secession Has Dona Tuxes.
Extract of a letter written by a Marylander to
fair father in-law, residing in Bidtiir.ore county,
daßj 6ua Autouia, Texas, April 12. !£?G1;
“I arrived here last uight fr mi the Kio Grande,
to which place I had lieea with a voinntccr
Company ,to protect the families on the frontier
from the Indiana, who have literally desolated
the entire State, from San Aatonia to the fron
tier. Every family that has bad the means of
escaping has fled precipitately, leaving every
thing behind, and such as were poor and with
out means of escape, have sought refuge in tho
fort formerly'occupied by tho United? States
troops. "This part of Terns, by the withdrawal
of government protection, is now overrun by
lawless bands of Indians. Mexicans,' and prow
ling American vagabonds, ruin etaryg th»
whole country in the face, and, unless the United
States come to our aid. the country is utterly
worthless, ns stock raisers cannot protect them
selves. Alas for secession ! Texas, is any event,
in this section is .done for,”
Quesr Suehb at a Flint ---The boarding
house of a Mrs., Uobinspn at Chicago, Illinois,
was burnt last week, and ns the firs caught be
low, the boarders above had to resort to tho
roof The Times says: Four dr five wosnen
climbed through a chamber window, upon a
aide roof which joined the house, and ware
followed by some men, the whole party being in
their night clothes, and presenting a decidedlv
picturesque appearance by the lurid glare of the
flames, j The ladies succeeded in performing a
precarious toilet on the ridge of the roof, hut
the? other individuals retained their primitive
costume, and pranced about on their elevated
and airy platform in a manner quite affecting to
behold. They were no bettor off bn' the roof
than in the house, for the flames were fast Ap
proaching them, and they had no earthly means
of descending the three stories wich separated
them from'the ground. At this juncture, a po
liceman came to their relief and lowered them
down, one by one,, with a rope- The male in
lijvidaals, who stood there tarn culollt. were not
thus favored. They had to wait until it grew
hot upder their feet: and after a great fright a
ladder from the truck relieved their fears,' aid
they were safely landed.
Volume—alatoat new—will bo sold at low price, t - . " UO ' B . * nX^nmnn
Snail,' Apply to THO 3. P. SARQENT J \\J HY , Til Uv THE SIyUfSCIIIBER
—' : T ~i, YY bwJHevnoelved andfopeßol :»UrgeandI«mO
ALTION.—AU persona, are hereby • lui stock of , 5 ■
csntkmsd not ;» charge anything to my account,; ■<Str A QAM A TIT .Tv', GOODS
on and after tlih date, as 1 will pay. no debt! bat thoeoofj ‘ •
my own contracting. lam compelled to take this conrae j among whah may be found to. volwwagi
te conacqnencSof my wife's FOR THE IaAAZDIES =
Fancy and Plain, magnWcejst and «tylea cf
Serin* Silks, Black SUka, horwichPoplins, ChalhsEe
colo%d and famed Brilliants, French andEngUsh
Chlntaes, Bnglish and American Calicoes, fer.
We hare In this department Linens, peat, Edgings,
Cambrics. Brilliants, Nainsooks. Japnnetts, Epwmt Mull
Unslins, ladies Fine French Collars. Caderaheves, sc-, all
of which we respectfully ask » thorough, examination In
order to satisfy ladies that weihare those goods better and
lower in price than the lowest,!
Mourning CtoodA
This line oCgoods is aery ample in every department.
Hotter# a n:rf Q lot cs.
Altoona, May 23* ISCl—Btj
The best Military Book ever Published.
In the School of the Soldier and Squad, given in
the moil simple ttyle,
Aai all the information necessary fbr the farming of
Corps of Home Guards,
Showing the different positions in the
Pacing and Manual of Arms,
And ccmpletodirectloni relative to
Scott’s System of Infantry Tactics,
And in conformation with the
Lt. Col. D, W. C. BAXTER,
or ins
This Book ia Officially Approved Of
The instructions given arc of the greatest importance to
the new volunteer, and should bo thoroughly understood,
being Indispensable to the instruction of a company.
Bound in onevilume, 12mo v 62 Paper cover, price
35 cents. Flexible cloth, 38 cents.
k The Same Work
at the some price, and Is the only
to pn«aw <n Ifce Sale cf this Work, iu every City,Town
oiul Villas in thd country.
Price per VQz*3 Copies,..»
“ Zhrty »*
” Hundred”
All orders accompanied with the despatched
Immediately, titlior by post or express.
If ordered by post, eumpe must b'e < *•? P a 7
postage. Zf by express, the freight con bo paid oa£W*^ Ter y
A new and' original collection of military and patriotic
p jnpe, adapted especially frr the campaign. One
T-»l. 12mo. With illastr.itlcT.u.
Pei>ei' caver, 15 cents.. Flexible cloth, 25 cents.
copies of the above books MAILED FREE OF
POSTAGE, to any addrets in the United Status, upon re
ceipt of the price, hy
KI.N'G A EAlKDfPrlaters and Aibllshpr.- 1 ,
GOT *&,, Philadelphia,
To whom all orders should be addressed.
DR CA7< ,i ) E i iWOO.D offers Lis I’ro
frauinnal Stirvi'-i-e • t-> the citizens of Altoona and
vicinity. Office on Strut, nearly opposite C. J.
Manu‘s iat^ra.
J. B. Lrtis. M. 1).. Huntingdon
Jifo-McCcLixa, M. D.,_ ••
U. T. Coffey. ' l Pittsburgh.
Rut. J. B O-ist, Birmingham.
lUv. Thomas SxavsKaoii, Tyrone City,
JAC9B Bukuy, *»
C. Qctcr, “
W. Bubleyv «
M. tl. Jout, •*
Altoona, May Olh. 1861-Sm . .. -
JESSE SMITH, Proprietor
All the latest styles of
HATS and CAPS constantly on band. It is tho
determination of tho proprietor o' this lo koep
up with the time* and fashions, 'and to do this ho Shares
no expanse. He has joat received hie supply nHBMg
•Among which will betfound styles and
ties to suit tho tastes of did or young,
or fashionable.
Tn give nice, colors, qualities and styles of all his
gocKts in this line, would only confuse the reader, and he
would not then understand-or appreciate the diversity and
magnitude of hip stock. It must bo seen to ho believed.—
Go and s>e Jesse if you want to see a live hatter and a
fashionable stock.
He has aUoa flno assortment of CHILDREN'S HATS
and PLATS,. tH'tofaicli he invites tire attention of solicitous
mothers. Atihis store they will find something which will
excel all their neighbors in the way of fashion and beauty;
0«» mothers, and examine and select from Jcaso Smith’s
slock. . v \
atm m Virginia Street, ovpotiit the Lutheran Church.
Mav 0,1561. ,
▼ y BTANT practice, can he cowpnlted at the Altoona
House, Sir. John Wood’s, ri*.« —On ike 7th of Jtmt, tht
bih tf July, and the 7th of August —he will then ' ncste for
3 months. Notice will be given in this paper when he
commences his Winter’s Term again.
Up treats all diseases rhot flesh is heir to. Ho invito* all
females who may bo suffering with diseases peculiar to
their »:fi, to call and examine his new mode of treatment.
RAth\>hy«nds have been restored to health who bars besn
abandoned by others. He is In possession of perfect In
struments for sounding the lungs and chest aut! Is there
fore able to determine the exact condition of the vital or
gans—consequently can treat such complaints with greater
safety and certainty than ft is possible for those who guess
at the disease and experiment’for Its rare. He believes
that for every malady, there is found in our soil a sure
and never-fatl ing remedy.
Patfosts can receive treatment for $5 po month, except
in coses of Cancers and Tumors. thev van' from $ l .O to
$lOO. Examination free.. DE. W. LEvIiS’tJSTON.
H. B.—See Uandb&la/ r May 9
Jj. KoUe* i. horehr gireo, tb- t letter, of Admlnta .
tration on theeetato of DEKJiiiIN BA HE, feta of tana
°£’ been granted to §m
uMerdpied, wf2io|' to" Altoona. AH persona knowing
themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment; and those hiving claims will present
thorn, duly authenticated, for settlement.
~ . „ ' THOS. ELWiX
Altoona. May 23.1861 .--fit.]
fj - IXQ located permanently In Altoona, respectfully
offers bi« eenicca In the different department* of '
Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry.
Office near); opposite C. Jaggard’j Store, Virginia at., Air
toena. Pa. ' [May 16,’CT-tf
Notice to builders—sealed
proposals will be received by tbo undersigns&'np
to thofiret day of of Jane. 1861, for building a schom
house, in Loudousville, ftdjoniiug Altoona. Specifications
can be soon by calling upon the undersigned. By order of
the Board.. 8. A. LOUDEN, Sc c»y.
May 4, lSfilr3t.] t • - , •
Boarders wanted—Mas. e.
SI. KtUKE is prepared fe accommodate 10 or 12
goutiomita with, Boarding, at her rceidence on Harriet
street, JSast Altoona, In the homo formerly oecnpied %
MrJeggard, -Beery attention will l<e paid to their com*
fart and accommodation. ■ ; [May ?, 1861 .-St'
jL Apr A* i V: '.sons' attoaMAKra. 1
Published in the United States.
Silk. Woolen Cotton and Linen Hoc* (hr Indies and gen tie
men, and an endless variety for children: Ladies and gen
tlemen's Kid,* Kid Finishes, Sisc and Liolf-Xbread Gloves.
Call and see onr fitr fiuued ** Bock Gloves"
Muellna, Itadhels, a|hd every article Id the Do>
mestic line of Jpry Goode, in larger -quantity and In more
complete assortment than can -be found : in any bouse in
tho interior of Pennsylvania*
,Wo have also c fine assortment of ’
i *
< together with a jfull stock of
Groceries, Queeimpare, Hardware,
and all the et cot eras of a country store. -
May 9,1661. J. B, UTLEMAX^
Has just , returned from
New York city beautiful assortment cf
fob the Ladies, v
I couvbUug in part of
•3b U Be BU, Japanese,
Pthho Stripe, pe Chetrts,
Irish hptins, DOaalsd
Lavellae, loiardl,
Crape Deßtgei iaieas, Sdke, ‘Oe
a beautiful article, cheap and fashionable,
A Urge assortment of the prettiest PRINTS aver brought
to the town, so acknowledged fey competent Judges.
Ladles’ Trimmings in endless .Variety.
He calls special attention to |tia beautiful assortment of
which is aclrni wl “lgej to ho tlie most complete of any in
the town, aud sold at prices defying competition. Iran
Stone sets for s4£Cb~Tca Sets for $3,00. :
BOOTS ANO snois, %,
directly from Now York, and boavhtjrom first hands;'
OIL CLOTH-9 from: 1 to 2 t fetrdt wide,
Hia stock of
is complete in every respect. aijd will so s$U at os low a
figure us spy house this side ofdhe City.
at lower.prlces than they can' be bad elsewhere. Good
for s4.<v aud,’and Spring Carriages for
$6.00, jfibt as good as heretofore a Ad for $&00.
Wooden and pillow Ware
ia oldest in-cry variety, together with all - the outfit of a
■first clam stare. [SI&j ?, 1661-lf
McCormick’s Store, In East Altoona !
■?f and complete assortment; fif Spring and Summer
/Goods. con-ittmg of British, french and American Dry
Goods, selected with creel cape tv suit this.* region of coun
try. In the line of Ladies Ilrdsa Goods for quality and
, price, they ivilcßCftata. x , .
Mantillas. Dustin. Shavsls, White Goods, Em-
broideries, Irish Linen's, Linen Handker
chiefs. Boopskirts} ; Clothes, Cas
hmeres. Kentucky Jeans. Prints,'
Ginghams: Muslins, Plane
n els, Etc., Etc
BooU A Shoeti ia a:i their varf ua make and material for
Men & Boys’ us well as Radios, SlRses oadjOMldrcn.
a full assortment t.» suit the with Hats, Caps, Um-‘
brollas. Parasols. Carpels, Oil iCloths, Matting, Brooms)
Buckets, Tubs. Tin Ware, Quetpawaro, Hard Ware. Stone
Ware, Majkot Baskets. Zink Rubbers. Crushes, Clothes
Llnsa> 4c., with all articles to make up a full as
sortment to meet the wants of Cha people. '
'ALSO, a complete f
which Will have bur special attention, first in buying and
•electing the hsat, and freshest Articles as ; well as keeping
It up at all times. Coffees of ih o very best and richest
varieties. i <
Black and Green of the best quality andflavor. 1 Sugars
good and cheap; common Broim at 6, good at 8 cents,
common white 10 cents. ■ -
from tbo beet Loveriugg at to; the InWest grado at 40
cectt.*.;Qprcatpvch, Dryed ft-iicpcs, Dryed Apples, Farrenm
Bacon. Dryed Beef. Macknrcl. (Herring, Lake FRh A Dry
Fish; Window tilnsii. different plzes, Ac.. all of which will
bo soW very IoW for cash, or exchanged fat Produce.
Always on hand. Sp.-or A Halls celebrated Iron Plows.
Persons visiting town would do well'before making
their selections to call and. examine our stock, a? we will
h* ple«?cd to sec them free of etiafge. Very thankful for
past tavors. wo; respectfully solicit a continuance of pub
lic patronage. ; [ -
Altoona. April ISfli, ISSI-tf. 1
Cheap ! Cheaper 1! Cheapest!!!
Huzza for north ward.—
Tito undersigned would respectfully inform the
citijen* of Altoona and the surrounding country that he
has rented-the store room fof|m«riy occupi-d by Jacob
Bnrkbart. on Virginia street, bear A, McCbrmickV store,
where ho is about opening a |. a-
Grocery) Jt'lour, Fosd and Provision
He baa just returned from tic East whore-he has beau
selecting his groceries with grtot ears arid baying exclu
sively for cash, which enables him to sell as low. if not a
little than abw house tin the place. -He would
th-ieJ\uVHi»y 10'aUwho wish i good artible of groceries,
and at it law figure, to call and [examine hfc stock before
purchasing elsewhere. f ; 1
His stock consists of
Oats amt tops, ILn. and Wvwti«n’» Shoo, tiailotu of aU
■ % ' kindt.\ V
Bxtr, Family Flcur Superfint- Corn 4W Rue
and CQmfihof. W
r syrup
j.WPenusylranU •; « jj „ „‘
: Swing - «■ <■ « .
Whit. crush Sugar ; 11'“ « Ih.
>: White “ i 10 < r “ «
BeOned *• :Jo “ <• «
Best Brown “ i . 8 “ “ .«
.Cuba “ ' f a it 4i
EloCoffee - . 15to 10 A « .«
Bott Imperial Teas n • “ “
2nd quality “ i 75 t> « “
‘Black “ H . « u
Basin and Castile Boip, Raisins, Pigs, Almonds, Fil
bert., English IValouts, Creanf Bats, Mackerel. Herring,
Lake Trout, Hairy Salt; Choeai, and everything that ft
necessarily kept in a good family crocrry.
■ ■ - Aprild, ■dl-tT.f ■ - ~3: A SPRANKI.H,
JL TRIMMING Store, on Virginia street. Altoona, op
poeite J. B. HUemaii’s store. Tbo subscriber haring pur
chased with great canj ; an tatire tfawjMocfc ofladlae
oreSs goods, and Trimmings; also a large assortment of
Bonnet* ang Ribbons, Fine Frcfoch Work, Colfcts and H*.
dhwsleorei id set*. Gloves, Hosiery, drifts, Ac., allof
the latest stiles; and in great Vsrtefiee, ape jiow onenfor
the examination of the Udtw; fall of wbicfc wilFb**Sd at
the lew.evt cash prices;. Ladies desiring goodSof tbeabov©
named-should call on the uudemfgued andhault thomaeiwe
before purchasing elsewhere. • | ’ • ■ <r
Altoona. April 26. EABT.^
-1®!? ™" IJ respeetfHlly Inform tho cltlzens of Al.
w> “* and vicinity that ho is prepared ip• T
™ J *f 4 ♦^W!«lwl}[»xe«t(lA»-iJt j this ■
R«aiLy Made i Clothing,
Syrupj and Baiting ifolema.
b M$%
Nervous Headache
By the use-of these Fills the periodic attack* of Sirvou
or sick Headache may bo prevented; and If taken at the
commencement of an attach Immediate ‘relief from pa hi
sickness will bo obtained.
They seldom &Q in removing the Aauiva aud /feudarA
to Which females are so subject, , .v
They act gently upon the bowels,—removing CUfivewf •.
Far .Literary Men* Students, Delicate Fcmal-s, and ait
persons of sedentary habits, they arc valuable a* ajkuaih .
improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the dig***-
tiv© organs, and rcstorfr.gthe natural elasticity aacl strongt l t
of the whole system.
The C£PHALIC FILLS are of long i
tlon and carefully conducted having Kvu i.i
use many year*,, during which: time they Lava prevents*
and relieved a vast amount of pain ami suffSring fnm»
Headache, whether originating in the* nervous sytUai <
from a deranged state of tho stomach.
They are entirely vegetable in their cbnip&itljn, and
may be taken at all times with pefect safety withc-u:
making any change of dlret, and the absence any
grttabU taste renders U eos.v to aJnumrte)- them to diildn .<.
Thcgenuine have five signatures afllvary C.Spahl.M- i.*
each Box.
Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Mr
A Ba* will be sent by m»il prepared on receipt of tbs
All order* should bo addressed to
48 Cedar Street New VorJ.
Not. 15,
Cephalic Pills,
Ai these Testimonials nr re unsoficitid hy Mr. ?pali';v '
they afford unquestionable pro.if of the ejficccy vf
this truly sckht{/l.c discovery.
MiscKvait, Coxx., FcL. 5,1 Sol
Mn. Si'A^nca.
1 havo tried your Cephalic Pilto. ami I like them so v. < 7
that I want you to send me two oof tors worth morn.
Part of these are for ilw neighbors, to whom 1 gsvo ,v
faw out of the first box I got from you.
Send tbd Pilb by mail, and übligo -
Your obedient Son-ant,
lUviaroas, Fa., Feb. 6, isci
Sia; N
I wifh you to aond me one-more box of your Cephalic
rill*, I have nctii'tdugrtiU tyalof btneJU from fAm.
Yours, Kuepectfully,
Spare* o**2l, Ucmisudok Co., Pa., Jan. 18,1SS1.
U. C. SrALDitia.
, Sin:
Ton will please reed me two bases of jour Cepbape
Pills. Scnd'tbem immediately. d
Respectfully. jours, . ~‘
P. B.—l haze toed one box of your VCllt, and And flew
Eztiz Teesok, Onto, Jaa. 1515*31
Iteoit C. Spauuso, Esq.
Please find inclosed twenty-five cents, foe which send tp
euothcr boJSpf your Cephalic Pills. They an truly lh
tfjt i iter Iritd. Direct
iT - A. STOVER. PI Jj.
Bella Teraou', IVyaodott Co., O.
Biverit, M.iss, 1>Ec.11,166i
n. C. iuuut, Esq.
I wish/or soma circulars or Urge show bills,'to brlng
your Cephalic Pills more particularly Aie/cro ciy cii»i ” >
mere. If you hurb anything ot.'tho'klud, please euud to'
me...- -r v
Ope of my . customers, 1 who is euWect to severe Slch
Headache, (Penally lasting two daya.T recj cural of an at
tack in one hour bfadur'PiUa, which I sent her.
\ Respectfully vome,
‘ W. B. VVILKES. '
Errsoi-tsBCKO, Pbakkub Co., Onto, Jaa. 0,1?G1
Upset c. SPitnrao, , ; T
So. iS Cedar sh, N. Y.
Inclosed And twenty-fito cecta, (25.) for which rend one
box of “ Cephalic Pills.” Send to ml drew) of Her. Wm.C.
Filler, Eeynoldjburf:, Franklin Cu., (Jhin. f
Four Pills ifcfcfc I/ie% rtorm— utre Ueudacke clmos ik
Truly, yourt.
V'rsiEA-Mi, JUax., Jaa.-UjlSti.
Mr. Spalbino
Sir .
Not long since I tout to yon for a bos of GcvUalic I'ilU
for the core of tbe SorronsiHeßdaobc Bad Ooßtlvonrtj, an.)
received tbo same, and ihiyhad so good an thot lulu
maucoa to said for iwn.
Plettso oemj by return nail., Pirect to\
; ’ VpOlanti, Jiii h.-
fSumincr. A’or/oai, Va.
OrpluUie P1II» arcomplWt the object for which thowwoi*
Coro of hesdtebo'ta alt Its foriaf. ’
•Rm* the Summer, Korfolk, Th.
fto* te ltooerat, i'L Cloudy Jf+mr,
p'KSSw JS&f* Js?s &^£? wWcd ***** 'too htaMH*i
-1,0 “
./• . -1 .’“
3Ch»C*pl«ltc Pilliluo wld to bo a Ycrotrifubly dffoefiv*
reaucj for the headache, and 000 of the very best for tVar
Tory frequent cylnplaiitl which has ever boon diecOTOre^i
*w» ft* n*ftm B. Jt. GautU, CTacap), tli.
C^lTrai 0^ 8 * Bp,lJioe ’ 2«l»unriv»lJ«t
JVom the Kanawha Valley Stan Knnan:ha,Ta: '
We are sure that pmons roffarlng with the headache
who try them, will stick to theni. - ■ .. ~
Awn theJaulhem thith Kindi * ‘
!<r, A'cw* Organs. La.
Try them I you that are afflicted, and We are pure that
your testimony can be added'tetHe already numoroua H«t
that bu receive^benefit* that no other pro-
*9- A single bottle of SPiieiNOS PREPARED GLUE
A' wBl «t» ten times ft* eost.-ajmtiAlly^*:,;
bat* fas mnsi
ntent w »y for repairing fjiirMtnrei ’
KPALPIMES rfiJU>AEEDau;i«- -•■——
: -*■ ®P •jkk|* ) K
; |f«Rr Hotrser* ;**_ /■
" A ■ ...
~ j cxxmos.
■UijfeiU, .'• ~ >'■' i ... - ■■{■“,. r-
■svii. c. rxixEi: