,MARD. TIMES V ! .. ••'rf . ■ * X e ; % 9 STenrs for:the Unemployed r ' 1000 "Chances to make Money! OKE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF WATCHES, - SIKYEBrPLATED WARE, TO BE DISPOSER OE OS AA r ENTIRELY NEf ORIGIN A L PLAN! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED!!! All pemnu desirous of wcaring,»a Agenct is this New Enterprise fiU'mU scriil'on tlk’lr uimes at onco: enduing a Z cent •tamp to pay postage, receive by retnru of mail A PREMIUM CATALOaiTE Cuiitaitiing OUII INDUCEMENTS, IVhiclt aJT.i'.i A RARE GRANGE TO Make MON E Y without- risk, together with FULL PARTICULARS Relative to tin* NOVEL PLAN! To infttro and satisfactory dc-aling*, direct .ill orders to if' ~ 'ft CVAIUC ’ I " e *«* un*». £reax spiicd wjtb little labor, and jwr- Sj ) .forming it* work in the mo&t satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully rccununeiMl it to all who desire a real •ibof-savhj;; washing machine JOHN WOOD?. MICHAEL CALVEIM, JOSEPH U. ADLUM K. A. 0. KCUR, / IPJTTEII’S STATE CAPITOL ' BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, .Vo, 64 Market St, HarrUburg, Pa. nhjiifl est.ililishiiifiu is chiefly devoted to lh« manufactory of Blank £k>ok« for Ws frtrt Bank*. Comity llailro;ulfornpaob'S, ; and prlrab) 'individual*. In all cu*** -tlso relied open. Blanl; Ito k-j f.r:ut« I. pared sml bound t-> r.ny desired- pattern. Slmrins, Atronu.-y* and-Ju {;■;•« Docket* of all mad** ami ruled to mabr. Triennial’ Slut ’Yearly Aascs-mcirts, Duplicates. Ac., fore.-unty purpo 904.priutedor plain, ruled ru.d bound..to ord.T. County Bucket* made <»f the best paper. IdbrarlanV anti otV-ra. d&»iririg to hare their Book* we'l hound and at moderate, prices, should gir«- us a call. New papers Of iß* target slzs. Harper's We-ek'y. lileav-u Pictorial* Ballot, Sfcmntitlc Aixifeiic;in. London •■, bound loonier, and in any style Harper’s Month *■» Jy'Majgfazii;*. Knickerbocker, Blaekwood’s and Orah-iru’* <.» >.b.y’s I*a«l£!s Book* Laih*^Repository, P'.tor- Magazine, Biaoo bound in extra &T>l#->,or. the more plain ani| substantial half binding. 'Select £*aui phlets. Law Magazines Pamphlet laws, bound'in giK>A Li- brary stylo. at very moderate prices. Porous having a ansttber of volumes to bmJ, will recoin* a liberal discount, x Bi'idlnig cati.safvly bo sent to m from a distance by l.\- pre-w’, ann all work entrusted tuohrcarcwill be speel]- dilyexecutoth ‘.rifely packed nnd returned bv ilipresd.— All warranted. Address ¥. L. HUTTKK, . ’• Jlurnsbury, l\t, :ItS.McCRnM k BERN? at the* TViVutticOffice. arc* my agents f,« Altoona, and vicinity. They will give inf-rmu , tloahv relation td'blmling, rjm! receive and return bonk** free from .extra charges, for all who ent- u-t their work to .my care. [March 21, ISGMy JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The ifcrorcf One Hundred Fiu prr Jfnntft : I would respectfully *i s>rth xuy claim to p«M' attention. «* a F;i»hionab Tailor iW'folTo'tf*: Because I keep an «cey l«»t of Cloth: Testing* «r Irmimings. übicb. win «fia'rt*»oe‘i.alwftj’! pica**. IVcuune. mjr work made lip in n. manner tin take* .down the caunt't Hint % Ires alimy customc: a ;cHy appearance. ' J*ocmu*e lain not iiifi-r;* to the best be f'Hjpd anywhere. Bmriw long e*|x?riom In ray L*u»lu?a4 g«vt*.n u, eutirv contajl dwr if ftc I Mbiiot dependant u|«. MOT Die oot -lira nu.'" - , Becurne lam still on the sunny of f..rtv, unci tbere- teste as a Cntter noil workman unimpaired. . Canon ine. m the corn.-r room of the ‘-Brant House.” Uire me a trial and yon will go away iilensed. Altoona, May 28-5 m JACOB SNVDER. SPRING OP 1861. W Ai.iL PAP EH I WA LL PAP E RI •Tto Largest Assnrtioant mid howest Prices hi - .»■ . PKtolrargh, Come and sec. ' . . ■ WALTER P. MAKSUAIL, .- i Ala, .87, Wood Street , (Near fourth, at the Old Stood,) Has far ljeatttifnl Preach, German & Amer- WALL PAPERS, forfarlort.'' ■ - ' . . Malta. Chambers. ■ . Churches, . . ■ Lodges, «V>9o.ra|Sat ISJfjctsiy SOfIOO rolls at A Sand 10 cents. _ “tnndoaf Curtains,!?ire Rnordfrlnta, . s.-v Tester Covers,Cmlinef,Ac. h f!^. rr<,ut Vail Paper and Border. A LA3S&E STOCK XJL: of the . J*AT3BBT «PBIHO STYLES, stiff which will bo sold cheaper than ever by Ma«diBl, IWtt J. i d. LOWTHEU. Wtefs LEAD AND ZING as AND EYE PRESER «sJ Vs»6rs»ta»f [l-tt] upjta.n* E AST! JEWELRY AND ASD \ I PEOF. L. MIIXEE’S r -t 1 MoFFvrs.’ ’ ; HAIR INVICORATCR ! i ' LIFE PlLtSanf PIIiKMX BITTERS. AN 'EFFECTIVE,SAFE ANDECO- T? ' ! *». :H.\.VES NOW NOMICAL COMPOUND, -■■■-; i -I b ™ rf - the l*"*die for a iwcied «f thirty war*. FOR JIESTOHIXG GRAY HATH to it* original color ' hish t!S rar,l-r in without dyeing, and prevonling the hair ftm i thi* Rtobe. ftrtooir f-itrMrilnary*tMl gray. - b ““s* l anuag , immediate power of rratormr perfect health to persons suf- FOR Pr.’EVT'STiyr, BARDXFSR. and coring ft. whei ™ r !?i2* dEr T*f! y ew T ki:id °f i ?7 P ® U ' l|fc thoroughly elcauamc the firm and see ks texture am( cumin" itito earl readily “J I ond stomachs, andcrcotinca flow of pare. healthy bile, in- The groat celebrity am! the increashi"- demand n, r this ! ' * ofi, s ri ‘ l . k i? d f «-A'Tn,ENCT. Is*. or ; unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that rue ' H*«thtn». Headache, .KeMkantMe 111 Temper, i trial fa only necessary to satisfy a WZ- mbM h < A *“‘-‘ y - r - which are the g»u!rai raperiof qualities over any oil.W preparation JtpLtt in qS^Sr l ” 11 ' fe “ nisb ’ as « natural cowe lust. It cleanses the head ami scalp from dawlrv’T end i 'oottcv?- , , , , I tiktr eutmumu diitotts. canoes the hair to grow luxarieuti 1 * ,v .l‘ Ni - 5 - b . v cleansing the whole length of the in- Iv.aod gives it a rich. soft, cloc-r flexible amswmnre' ■ wuh a solvent process. and without vi-.i-nr-; all and also where Unr-ta* is LfSiiL mu i ‘ST t' wiM * T’ ‘ ia^ give strength and rigor to tic root*, ihdrratonrtfaegiv.wTli 1 H-i'l V* r, '” torms *‘ ut hta >* t» a pepu to tboeo parts which have become bald, canaiorit to vkhi i if ' T.‘ i e,V A lbr ‘ ,u>; h tne process of respiration in such tLfreßKxxtringflfbair. * ■; ta-ea. .md .ne tliorough solution ot all intestinal ohstruc- Tberaara handfuls of ladies and ganth-men in K«w : I Tt. , “r?c'*3lU- •• . J ark who hare had, their hair restored by VliTmeof thi* ' T! *W t f 1 “ w n »» ™ re RHKUMA- Invigorator. vtheri all other preparations had ihfl-il L 51j o!„ "i . rm: " ,v,l,l > ,D thn.. VA .gg m uud iii.'FT in half tliat has in his poescssion, letters inimmeiat.lo testifsiii" u< tne ! K- 1 J, *oanmiW!»it.a (foot the nrasclrtaiij. above facts, from persons of the highest resnecub litv lt> * VS'e . in*' , , , . will effectually prevent the hair /row tnc^-/. ? ra« lm iil ! kTdn' V^.. r - b?I?J fn "■ ,r ‘P aa ’ J strengtheningthe the tatist period of life; am! in cries where til-’hair lia-si 'Vi D ' a! > bla-ldep, th-v ~p rate most ilbnghttiiilr on ready chafed its color, the UrSr The r M 1! i*T- ,, “' v ' r!: ; u V’ rir ? lw *•* «•»*- «« Islet, found a ! with "tpint, rotor, « U. V,*”? ghosy appearance. A« a perfume t.r the toilet and ill-dr ■: 1. 1 i .n is~ ~T d>»li* cine ft.-ni «h» tumioc; of the hestorativeit is parlicuLiriy r 4m l , U ? ( £ r l W^rP?'!^ agreeable. fragrance; snd the great lacilitte itaironl- inh ,v. r sc t r , u ri,f “jiieh u»P f■ *" drußnn U.r.tajir, which, when moist witli tin- Invigorator | fiomL aLI s|i tic bumora U -MhDiaNts give to toe can be drowsed m any reqmred form eo as to i.t-oc rve its ! cr, i , place, whether plairt orffi c.irtB-hTOcTthe ! ,‘3 r h Jf l 1 T?oN> i M,d EAD CfIMI'LEXIOX?. by S-r It by the la.liei as a tiandar-I Iriflrt Which none d and^hi^T* l^ V f*T‘ “r 'i.’v' l!iat f>>cl ,the rkin, “ t,IK ! Vjll'i for a Ve-rv si».;rt tiiu.-.will ;m i 2d CENTS ' ! cmirfcun^ 1 of .'•ALT EIIEUM. ax>.| a strike): iaipi':»v»;oit a xit : to fao.bad at all perfu- | Childrens- Hair inclines to he weak. Tb- us.-: of it law the i avuitoiT^i^e 0 ’ "" ,wr!! SSaaJ, "S- by,! ‘° uie <* *•“ *•“* ! a A.)r K ._ ? V,r,hi i econrgeof thewesterncoun- ( removal of which M neceesarv both for th- hcaithof the'' r Oll^'r‘. n . M r"‘"‘l f '' n,! ‘' aMf certain chihL ami the future apfasinince of its Hair. turn of the tu a re ‘ r.^3Sftsas^isi£s£ ,^ w “ Liliersl discuttm to purehaaers by the,quantify. its worst forms vvi ii ti ”1, . ‘ -'i,.,. ncrooila. in 1 also desire to present to the American Publican}- these reuiatkaCh ‘Medictn-'- N 1 -hi' *o"' Hew and Improved lostaataneoas waty. xertwi, cbupiuint* of nu kinds PaipitaiioaTf the T it Itn r* : t-'T* ' il'-'i-sTt. Iluiill J> Ct/liC. lire i*]t.‘cOil i* cUf- J LIQL;ID HAIR DIE KKKCPKI.U, DISKAbIS.-peraou,.- ms ' whwb aftt’r ytms ofscU*Mii»c expeniafiiticj I haw br->U'ht W a:r b - v u, ’‘ »ujmlid«us u-v of M.-rci rv. hto pcrfrctiuii. '-It or Brown io.-*SAUtiv without v «»i biiO this-..- mvinemes a cuf ». ili--vu,vpr f.in ttijury 10 llwlßuror Skiu, warraatv-U the UdtarLtcW of the r? 5‘ r 5 ,l:c:Ui * froa * *»«<**J*tnn ai; tin vftl-cu -f Mc-rourv. In kuiti in €Hl3ttrDC-o. un»tely i-wuuer taao the icoet nuwurful prenaratioa o^<{ir « „ , : # §ar-Arilla. r 4 Price, Olljy 50 CeillS. PrerstreJaadsoldby I Aug. 20, -60-ly. liipot. 56 Dey St„ New York. LABOI-SATIM WASHING MACHINE. The undersigned hating purchased the right for Blair county, of Tollairst’s Improved Washing Machine, ate now manufactaring Ihem at Altoona, an,l Intend to supply them to the.*? persona throughout the County who ih-.sre a LAHOREAVI'NO MACUIXE. Tins machine w gut up on an entirely new principle, and U considered, by those who hare seen ib* m ; uae. the Lvat that has a»wr brought before the public. Among tyo- many odv.uitages of thw machine over all other* may he mentioned the following: . IfL It* simplicity of construction, malting, it almost ini possible to get out of order. 2>L lU which astonishes alike the operator and the looker 0:1. * 1 Zrtl. Th«? facility wltlAwhich jt adapt.- itself to Iho bulk ~>T (jantity 01 clothes d«sired to he washed. 4lh. It wa.ih« equally well the finest and' lightest fabric ->r tne heaviest, such as bed-quilhs comforts blanket?, 4c. Bargains ! Bargains I ! AT McCORMICK’S ST 0 RE!■ lyrow IN ORDER TO GET RID Xi of Fall and Winter Good*. to make room for Sprint; and Summer, they will sell all articles of HEAVY GOODS for cost; stidi a* lieavy made Clothing, for men and boys, with s LAD IE S' DR ESS GOOD S, such a- Coburn Cfoths. Debime*. 4c n with a variety of H ib. Cap*. Bonnets triufcnf-d and not trimmed. with a ;r< ar variety of good- t.-> t-dion-i to mention ; and on or about the 12th or loth of March, we will wind up the bal ance of all such at Auction. All person* wishing to I urd.a-ujVuch article, would e!o well to call and examine the atiAch, before purchasing elsewhere. Altoona, Feb*. 2S. ’CI tf. S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOOXA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IX THE SEVE » f UAL Court* of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon Having had several year-’ experience !n the practice cf the Law. he expect* to merit public patronage.; ■; Office on ANNIE S’VItKLTc-o doorsabove the Post Office Sept.u, iseo.-tr. . * • . ■ W. -M., LLOYD & CO., . ALTO OX A, PA.. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., noLUDA y.Sßrrna, pa„ - {Late “Hill, Johnston, Jack § Co ”.) Drafts ox the prixcipax Cities, ami Silver ami Gold for Baft*. • Collection* made. MonejS received on deporfttc, demand, witiH.ut interest, or upon time, with interest at CUr rates. . Feb. &1,1859. ; • jf i W. ’ KESSLER—PRACTICAL [ v_A • DRUGGIST. r#‘3poctfuliv announces ft I to the citizens of Altoona, and the public gen ’ • rally, that he still continues the Drug ; on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly ' on hand, for sale, OV MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- 48-& ES and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to btL-ines?, and a desire sat isfaction to .all as regard* prly and quality, ho hopes to merit ami iwoiv.* a aha.ro of public patronage. * ' Hiy»khins arid merchants supplied on reasonable term*, and all orders from n distance promptly, attended-to. PlirHidan,'} prescriptions carefully compounded. ’ [J-tf. WM, S. BITTNER, DUDGEON DENTIST. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC‘TEM -|7‘S: , [lfcc. 23, 'ts.-tf. A Student wanted. " #. G. ADLUM, NO TARY PUB LIG . ; ’ altoona, blair csj, pa. Cctobc *1 IK? 3 ** fouml tho itoro °* J ' B - HJletnan. TfcRS, CONRAD & CAMERON RE \JLf SPBCTFULLIToi&r their proßssfanal services to-!ih« citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on Railroad street, tw 9 doors cast of the Red Lion Motel, where they may be consulted at ail houre, except when profeaionaliy engaged. Sept 6, ISBO,-tf. T>OSES! ROBES! Jjt/ duet received a fine lot of-Baffalo Robes, which. ™ two doors belovTibe ?%STisa. :. M - ***•: SALE.—A HOUSE 1 AND LOT, JL desirably located in the Borough of.Altoona.; AdiJv to JOHN SHOEMAKER; Attoona. Pcb. 9,1880-tt Hair oils, colognes, pom ades. Shaving Cream, Toilet Soapo. Ac. formleby I ' Q.yr.pSßlXßr A BDOMINAIz SUPPORTERS, Trus jLJl swaadSbouhtar BiMM ftnr'aataat «.W. JtmLSM'B. JOMI.VN i DBR.V. AUrona, Blair County, Pa. EMILE TIETZE. Till)?. Mc.U'I.EV EANIEL EIUCE. Tor Balo by 3,11 Brngta.-t*. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON Oil, LAMPS! UnrUaled in Meant:/, Simplicity Sa/eln.or Eeonamv. person desiring to obtain the Tirv be?t and .-h - est portable light within their reach. should call at re store of the undersigned and examine tlu-se Lan:;.* be?.-’ purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to d*cri -51 rate ?«■ That SO ACTIDSST can „c,.nir by «pl*4o®. , they emit no offensive«>iur while burning ,A. That tney arc very «uilr Afcmaed. 4la - rbrit &ry arc easily rtgufat -J to give mreor b -s light. bib. That they bnrn entirely free from .nv>hc. Glh. Tnat the light is at oO per cent, cln c.uer than any other light now in common u~c. • t adapted for the u^ofSru ,dent.-. Mechanics, seam-tr. Factories. Halls. Svorvo. Hot.-N, nn.l are highly rt-oomm. mled Ihr family is-;-. fhe buriK-T of the Carbon c*il Lamp can Lt-attach—J r-. o.d side, hanging ami table Jluiit and oil. lamp-. at a and will answer every purj <*v* of n new hum. We guarantee j>erfobt satisfaction,iii all . Aug. 10, ISoS-tf.l G. TV. KESSLER. GROCERY, PROYISIOX, AND ■WHOLESALE LiQJJOR STORE. r PHK UNLEKSIvtNKD WOUI.D IN- Jl lJ “- public that he ha-i .pnrchn.ae'l the interest * r„ A. MILLIHOX in theiiiv'cccy and ProTUinn Store h-ro- i toioro kept'by tin m <>u Virginia h.-low Caroline St '• vhiTt! he will continue the ami will t-cp coa itanlij' on baud a large supply of FLOUII. lIAMS. SiIOUJUDKDS. SIDES DRIED DEET. FISH. SALT.-MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA SUGAR, SPICES, COMTECTIOSAKIKS. ami everythin? nsa-illy kept in Grocery and Provision stores a.l of which he receives fresh frotu the eastern ami rp !vud will w-II at t’ e nui»t rerwoualil*; pricts flavin;r recently ohtain-.l license to sell Ii. iU 6r hv whuic *iie. I will keep constantly on hand a. large assortment ot minors of the h-t qualiti'-i to la- !md. ■ 1 resp sttfnlly solicit a share o-f puidic ruitotn. J.ttlv If Ite/i.-Cni. J IIKKK AVTT/ SOMETHING NEW. r r H K SI r.M'iuBKK IIA.S .JUST I fa tnnif d fr-.m th« ax# wlkt. l lie hrn pirdiu-.j a vr; v iart.'’ :n:il fi i- stork'**! BOOTS Sc SHOES, Brogans, Waiters, &t., which he is [,u|.;ircd t« offer to tliPcitlzeiM of Allccna r.n.l Thmiiy at Very low price*. Having ioicllw d direct fr--m th- manufacturer, for cash, die ia prepnred to sell at pric-» thdt will defy o.mpelitiou. All that lie u-ka is that the. people will c.iil and examine UU stuck before purcliasiu;,' elsewhere, - fcil- BOUT.*? ami SHOES mad-* to order on the mo-t n-a bonaLlki term-. Al-o. repairing promptly attends! to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below p.*{ Office. Jan. 3,18ti1. M. THOMPSON, Literary Emporium and News Depot COXFEOTIONARV, SKGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & 'VARIETY STORE. r FIIE SUBSCRIBER COXTIXUESto J h'-ep.cou-'tnntly on hand all the best lit-raf-v piipersaod periodical*. daily pa{tcr* from Philadelphia. New York ami Pitt-dmrgh. u g» tiier with a good ;n*qrt:nent of Cook-*. All the Sc I »ik« Uvd in thi- place and vlcinitv always on hand. ’ *. Al«a. a choice lot* of Omf-vU-mari-ix nnd khlck kn.vks Df all kind* for children, AU» th- T -J>!ncfco k Se<-ars - tu Irf; had in town, together with a fine assort!idiß of Gold and Silver Pencils. (b-M Iliug* and oth-r anicb-s of ry. Call and e*;imm-*. H KETXT.VGKB. i Altoona, July 26, ’CO-ly, .Vo. 1 Allor.va ihni't I V&T’Tj Ptrims Plit of Employment. AGENTS WANTED, In eve y County of tlie United States, KpP ENGAGE IN THE BALE OF . J| some of the b&t ami moat elegantly illustrated works published. Our publications are of tho most Idtoresiinjj cliar.ictor, adapted to the wants of the Farmer/ Mechanic and Mer chant; they arc published in the hurt style and hound in thp most “übstantlAl manner, an l are worthy a place in the library of every household in the land. ®3,Tomen of enterprise and industrious habits, this businessoffer* an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to bo met with. ’ ‘ Fereous desiring to act nAagcuU will recf r ive prompt ly by mail fall partioulars. terms. Ac., by addressing LKARY. OJ2TZ«feCo., Publishers, No. 234, North Second Street, Philadelphia. ’•so—Cm. , •; Not. 25th, JANDS! LANDS!! LANDS!! ! J The tm'!er«lgaed U prepay to locate I, A NT) WAR RANTS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices.— Oood can now be made near ih< iar*re streams an>ots and Shoo-, Care ts. ?Oil Cloth* and Win ; Wall I‘af.or ao*l Border, Wood and Willow Ware. Jl.irdvraro Quecnsware, I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB SCfUBER would.respectfully in | form the public that ho has recently re- AjSi |a*’*‘’VN , fitted the above Hotel, anti is now pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortably ihauner, ami . will spur*: no pains in making it an agreeable home fbr nlj sojourners. Ills Table will always be luxuriously supplied mm* the markets of the country and cities, and bis Bar ; .filled with liquors of choice brands. Uu charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel |n the place, and he «*els satisfied they can not he complained of by those who Ouvor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, ami fully intending to deserve It, ho throws ojjen hl-? house to the public and invites a trial. X have Jttet received a stock cf No, 1 French Brandy for mgdicinal purposes. ' , J ’ Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medielnal pur poses. together with u lot of the test old Kyo Whiskey to be found in the country. * Altoona, May 2ft 1509.-]y] Blair county insurance AGEN'CV.—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair Comity -Mutant Fire Insurance Company, la at nil time* ready to msnre against loss or damage hi Are, Build- > tngs, Mcrcheadttt-, Furniture and Property, of every des- i cnptlon, in toan or country, at aa reasonable niton as any ■ Company in the State Office with BeU. Johnston, Jack * C !jan. 27, - D - *’ ORWELL, Agent. Lycoming county mutdai INSUItA-NCK AGENCY.—The of tho Lycoming Mutual Firo Insurance Com pan v. if at all times ready to itwuri* against lous or damage bv fii e M'rehunnisr, Furniture and Property of Win description. In town or country, at as reasonable rater »§ »wy comra&ny In the State. Office in the Masonic Tonjldc. Jan.3,»&ft-tfl JOHN SHOEMAKER. Agent. Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY JXOUB for via, Wholewlo andßetalL I" J- SHOEMAKER, Dec. 11, Masonic Temple. TTAEDWABE OF ALL FESCRIP- i JL JL Won* jtiat received and for tale by, 1 Oct. 14-tfj J. B. BUEMAS. 1 XEif STOCK CF FALL A.ND WINTER GOODS AT HM. EM AN’S. rpnE-SrBSOUtiKK IN foil M'S HIS cttttume n. asd public gvß"r*nr, that he has just received a largo and bt-auLfu] of FALL AND WLNTKR GOODS, wMiiu for awsnificiincs* extent and variety, bare n*Ter ; before bfj&b excelled In Blair county. Particular mtcntiua >i§ inriipdtu oar stuck of - • LADIES’ DRESS GOODS,! Sush at Stark and Fancy St lit. ClxtUUs. & rtin£s. Tux\Lj. J»uas, Jtc. of TrUixilit-i* Would do Weil to and eXaZHiOC OUF , stix’k of Winter Goods for Bovs. rj :r ILiUiiware. Gloh ware, Qui-tuswaiv. Wood and W allow W ar . Oil Clot!;-. Carpet**. Ac., iu any quantity t and at prices that cannot tail to please. i GROCERIES. Our stock of Grcf-riv* D moreVxtendvo than *rer. and cosi.'Wta of Rio and Java Coffoe, Crushed, Lvtf and X 0 SUirir*; (JrivD. Y. 11. and Block Zr I o<>-.-.U ut pr:o,d. ; Oct. ‘Jj. !s»>.». { 1RH A J ..u i nuVEMEXTIX COOK \ ,* INiisToVKS. \ coyscurnoy or-s.yoKF jxd G.ts.tyo sauxg OF FUEL Tb; sub'.'ril'ir takes pleascrr in nffering In Hr. pul,He XKW O.V.< AND SJftiKE CONj-I'MINi; Cooking Stove. recently patented. which is destined to su perceile nil otlicrs. :*.s it re.jmn s ONE-TiJl];l> J.ESS JTF.L than other staves and is more easily,. quirk! v an.l refrniat ly heated. No unpleasant smell V ga* arises from tj,h sieve fro 1,1 the fact ihatyit is all coa-nme.| ore it can es cape. There is no Ircuhle from -moke as that unpleasant au.l often annoying exhalation is also con-nmed inside>| the stove Neither is there any danger of lin.-s or chim uey- bOconiine clogged with soot or the mortar loosened L.v •he irr.fl anting from i» fires. Person* wi-hing to purchase- ere intifM to call at of the ftub-scriix-r, iu the Mu.-*onic TVnnde.aii'J tx aniiue thoahove staves. JoIIN ‘SHOEMAKER. . & .U/cu(thuut-;. >. H. All kindi cf Air-tight, Parlor Cooking j- ?•* stwV V s on hand. (Ans-Pi. FIRST ARRIVAL OF v SPBI3ST Gr GOODS AT THE “ 310 DEE.” \\ r 1- HAVE JUST RECEIVED AX TT unusually Hu-.- Suck of Good* buitaWe fur the .\]| «•!! goed* at as Dur j.riiv-s ;n anf other house m the place. We have, as usual, a great variety of Childrens vPaney Gigs, &e., &e "" liavt- ai.-./Ou iiau-ls a vary large auJ sciarijr n«k of family groceries of Girulj I'rdnrol Priri l.’iiiTvl str ;i a-.iviimv. an-l Syrups by tho 4 4/,* \V<- tbi>» t » return our sincere than!:* tlo I»«-*•!-I- «f .V’t v.rsjt :u,.] vfcinsttf f-r tlm -harv of :h- ii r> Co Ifo.l. ami invite tii*-m to jj, :uul our ik -,v -t. ck wiiicti \w IVvI c-nfM-.-nt will pt‘.‘.»ae. J. 4- J. LWTIIKR. Alr.v,u;,. Ar,ril 1J Sloves, Tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SPOUTING. &C. Q HTGG WOULD KESPEGT-jn kj, fu!l.v iiif..rni tho cittern* of »gySk and vicinity that hr krej.r con*> k< »:p J °n hand a >t-?ck of Tin c ui sW j.vni ll nr*\ cv»n*insn;r of all article for culiuarvimrijoafa i'‘A‘l ftctflllu, Hii-vt }*!}>'’. dr:. , l J,‘ tilc r -6 ,1t salc Lhur countv. of 11. > , JONhS* . IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an iTitifii which need** only to Ik> •.ecu to. ho appreeia* an«l sii'.MiU by every farmer, butcher or th«*«e rc-< pnnnc; machSn**. .. attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and-.put up on the uio-t reasonable* terms. fapril 14, l^ClMy Moke good news! The underehriietUiai* just tvcehvd from tho £vt a largo and varied abortin' nt of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VJESTING, material for FINE AND COARSE O V EE COATS, material f'.ir BOVS’ CLOTHING, GENTS fUKSISIIINO 00085, snch i\s ’Undershirt?. Drawt-is. cc. GO-lj.j "TM. scnoruKca. WM . p. txyo. SCHOMAKER &, LANG, WHOLESALE GROCERS and commission merchants,. and Dealers in flour, grain, bagon. Provisions. Cheese, Iron. . Fails, Glass\ • Brooms, Yarns, dec. N 0.303 Liberty Street, Not. l-6m - ' PETTSBOBGH, PA. ' JOHN BOWMAN, Blair county Daguerrean b W- FISIIKR ’ tho Hollidays!).in to take 1 1 to ittfbrm our rwulew that he is prepared Photographs of deceased persons, • from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice and on th* 5 C 3!^o ona j le tt,nnB ‘ .He basinet received a largo stock of durable and neat case* of all sizes and stvfea a new pattern of Family Caae *lo. perfect “ *** DAOCHSKEOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH. Hoon» on the corner ofMontgomerv and Allegheny ptreeta, HoUldeyaburg. Pa. fJtmalT-tt 7 Hair hat, tooth, shaving, famt, Soah fluid Tarufcsh Brushei ftt • USSLER'3. HOSTETTERS W M rusn jk. m; «» STOMACH BITTERS. We proprietors and manufacturers ofr 1103- TF.tfEU S CELEBRATED STOMACH JSIT TEBS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the Dnited States* because the article has attained a repur union heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point "will speak more powerfully than TolntuOß of hare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostel ter'a Stomach Bit ters for the last rear amounted to over a half miHion bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in limes past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near otic million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained iu lhe prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians' du those sections of the country where the article is best known, alio not only recommend the Bitters to their patieulu, but at e ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in till cases of stotuaciiic derangements' ami the disease* resulting therefrom. This is r.otafemporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of: trum peting the qualities of the Billers, but a solid estimation of an invahiahlo medicine, which is destined to he ais enduring as lime itself. l!o.■■letter's Stomach Filters have proved a ('•‘idscnd -t of regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaint? have counted their yicUms hy hundreds, |To be alAt to state cpuffdcutiy that the * BUteis’* arc a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like discuses, is to tho proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morhidituatlcr fro.tn the stomach, pmilics the hlooil, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, g.vtng it that June ami energy indispensable lor the restoration of health. It operates.upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly hm powerfully, and'voim restore? them io acomiilion essential to the hcahhy discharge of ihe fund ions' of nature. . Idderly persons may use (he Billers dia'ily as per directions on the bottle, ami they will tinj in it a stimulant - peculiarly adaplcd'to comfort declining years, as ii is pleasant lo the jialale, invigorating lo (he bowels, excellent as a tonic, anil rejuvenating generally. We have l|ie evi dence of thousands of aged men and women win) have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; aciing under tlie advice of physicians, they have abandoned ail deleterious drugs and fairly tested tbe menis of this article. . A few words do the gem let- sex. There arc certain periods when their cares are so harassing fhnfinany of them tins under the trial. The relation of toother and child is so absorbingly tender, that llic mot her, especiaiiy if she be young, is apt to fuigel her own health in her extreme anxiety tor iier iutanl. Should the period of maternity arrive during the Hummer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated.! Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the'energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibUitres. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tes that receive the endorsement of physi cians. because it is agreeable lo tbe taste ns well as certain to-give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons,'to whom we have particu larly referred above, lo wit: sufferers from lever ami ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, tyul all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare i>y giving to Hos tetter hjAVlebratcd Stomach Bitters a trial. CAtTION.—We caution the public against lining any of the many imitations or counter foils, but ask for llosstktti.us Cei.kobatkd Stomach lin rmis. and see that cadi bottle has the words' “ Dr. J. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters'’ blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic 'cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH £ SMITH. Pittsburgh. Pa., and sold by nil druggists, grocers, and dealers generally •throughout tho United States, South Am* rica, and. Germany. P*r •*.tit* !>y A. IIOLVII, Altana., IN. S-pt. ‘X\ IsilWy HO! FOR THE HOUDATS! | So. SO? MARKET, ' SouttT «i»* No. SOX MARKET Xa jS I ?. , f So. B Of MARKET. . JftfcT I>XnEAD£U*HIA. ! PHILADELPHIA, i i»Hrr.Atit:i,pHT > . : r.t. ! PA. : , ■! , : pa. , ' ! m.aa&'irocs sAciuht^ | siao,ooo woriu op JSSEijr |i] AIA. FOIT ONE DGIXAK EACH. « ’ A tarA ami ?i*cdiA Aworbmnt of .T-welrr lii . Ot-CIIAJ-SS, tEACEI,Br e ,CAMtt»S^? , " ti «S i : Je^“| ****** <***««* Piatttl Chains, Gold aid IV ( I’> A *«* '“TP «•»»•«* &*■ gift or^alrani.... . f I OBr.u.:wS a tar»«a i.,a, 1 bwt i •**«•« «** from tt»B but CuW >■_-. V. I; UiaCturers IQ the Malrj, • | | w ay ARE FORCED TO SELL. M -- "ItO AKE FORCES TO SELL. | : ; . ■, ,'v uo Aias forced to sell. Tue Ldtowiili; ifApjirlial Uit tfi'our . h take tocu choice roa w j: i $1 EACH. 1' , • • TAKE TO CP. CHOICE FOR ,41, Large ?*io and Splendid Cameo Sets,-General £..1*0 IViCeS, • k . P° . do ' Lara do j! ’ Do do Carbuncle d u t\ -Do Ladies* Bnoweliedand Coral ,i* :; v * ; , p«: do, and Carbuncle do -, f i • Do do and Kuby <»o . -* I Do Ould Cluster Crape Settingi.-ts Aj :jij ! ho ; do d-» Vase do do Do do do Jet Set*, do Do do Black Mosaic do i r Do' do Gold Stone lioaalc do [i Do’ do Calico St-u. d 0 j l Do Jlibbon Twists. with briliiaotsj os., U DoiVmuet Seta, new styl*», do if IKj Ktnuotdled Cluster do do h Gold Thimbles* do • | Diamond ivlaud Gold Pens and (Ws, y. <|v& Silver Plated iiiwas, Mlver l’h*tci Mu^^, Over pKW Oliver difierciil alyles Louie-* v V‘ !:• u£*t.vl.T*. patient and slaps; XovLcts of *crli»t»uJi: tSuld Pen-*, 1-4 tatvl, with fciUi-r L. v , ft ,i " i; Holder ; Gold Pencils. Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ac., ,*c •(• .** i ; ai. Lav;t. C auieo and Baud Bracelets; Grots’ V*>; Ch, *!, !; warranted to wear £--r ten years without fJ and wilS rlrttid the acid—they axe usually sold bv t ;» to solid igpM clutitts—all made in Pari*, \o;\ :;n . ‘ •I your choice for §1 each. Invites' and Gents Ginr.j f ssl each* usually svM by Jewelers at from t<* >.;«, Ladies wild Children's Neck Cliaius. beautiful !j Armlet*, brilliant, enamelled and riiby setlii)>- *_■■' ,? j.i.tiu uijd enamelled, f< rsl each, retail prio.-» }>».•*,V 7 } s•*) each. Kvory stile aud variety of Jewolrv j! L*i-f pi»a;is iuf $1 ouC?). . ThU !uO*,at thd abuyo prices, vm-cootiuue W r. a .-,..,v ; ti> sell our immense slock,. which was ■ great Siirnfi>*c fruta Mauufi*crurers who hare fai'-d * * TAKE VOL’# CaoWE ioR $1 EACU. SPECIAL NOTICE. &HOW TO SEND MONKY_J*» l’t- place of Rushltucc, C-iiu.tr Suts, jfiiitt autl -iuhrM, a* we can make wan.j'-*i"’ i.* iW iruirlx. Seal all letter* will* WAX, jwKntelopcs wt.iK-j whfc ur waft-v* can I*.* curily ojn-iu>l— ih*i ats ;ui-l AtteuU tu Uii.*, and wo will be !s for yoaf money. m>n;EMKNTs to agents. Auy gernou acliu -ai Agcul, who will hrs-I • Uino - •?" slOQ*wc will iziro a add n ttnt |ns Cwm.Watch, P.! ,** *’ *h>M I>tit Watch. | $-r».; « Silver Watch. A Waich uu-i iho article* selected fremthe al- m L •• y ; Oae U>lUr Kaoh. ' ’ P'-*rso;n ofilciius hy mail mtui sr>ui $1 aai li , r 'po^ZtsUimps, GIVE US A TRIAL. Ail coiuiuuoicatiou* mu-t b*» aUctfully au- M , aouacc to tljt.- of Altoona air-t Ticicitv. ' that he ha.? :»*nu>y(.-4 his 3 WHOLESALE AS'D retail n.v, sifZET-niojr ir ahb <£ stow stoke, totht* now feuiWiox on Anuk* street, bctwpvn Aiklinc -tr_vt-. Kvt Altoona. where he wilike.-p, lyoxi iunJa large of every&ing miliar, wmch he r.hltlkp-aFv u fon reasonable tvrtus. ROOFING & SPOUTING put np i>n short no:i«x'i li»* also xuanufai’tuiV' I»vdvd Iron ?>>utmg. which is said to be much eaitcrk-r t» Y.iui7.rtaae&i •■! • • per »!iil-br.wi kettles, .tc. ‘ AH kinds * ij.-h work promptly nttemW to. A «:uir* of public iwtron.ifcv i* r-s*»>‘ctfuiJj^i- l >-i StKVIWS Wi.Vrm Altoona. K.rh. T^.\ PHILADELPHIA WATCH A.VD .IfcVKtnvJsTOitK. !j;U- Cj>SlU D, EK OCCUPANT. j;: The '.lKlrr.i-::-,! !i:e. ii'a.,ei the a hoVv (■T™?* '\r T. 1 '” wiil k ”l> “ Jorge OfKirtottt .;UioluUinent. , LEWIS K. BKOOMAI.L, i • _ , _ formerly O. C-nra.l, ; J ao. IvS a. Second St, cor. of Qoarrv, PLthtli June 7i ISCO.-ly. co £ i W 3 St g.s './-a s OW• es 5 fc* o . S & t S "3 ■• S P o S; r-r'' -., a A *&< X sin J S- t- ;£ 22 <+ O , - y $ 2= -a o=l g f>' ! ! 3 , J'K *j S’". s '—r' S i a ■ > g *-|a|J rv-s --: f—* - 25 ■—,*S 5 <-i tm & *2? S ■** * ■“3 5“2 2 a ii PyHE CHEAT QI7ESTIOH WHICH i:._t tlis mind of -pterr no not) :ia. where can t get the best article for rnyfifi iincuoy? In regard to matters, the sul>-■■ •b'-nltr wmiM not attempt to direct, hut if you KI anything iu tfco line of * Wk. i .BOOTS Oil SHOES \ l>c iJ«itljt‘re they vrfll keep on hand a pood iP* ami Shoes of their oven nuiHujfaciurc. ■ j Particular attention given to making Ladies Sh&i’ jpuiterr, - W PrerahoCT. Ladim* &nTiu!~l OTwytliWft il> j t j e | b ?‘_ <> "‘i l >nd °° moat >r»"« Al 1 wdrk wnrrantod ,u w •! Jmn.VS6.tf.] T U3VIBEB FOR SALE. • <: «■ r w*” l - 4wfr to joh»shoemaker jlpW A3SL LAKD OILS, CAM ■I jjf|N HAND AT McCOBMICK'S Store itif T 4 »pJ»wiia »«orta»nt of ei.nWH- * KoY.Sva* tlon. Price IQ cents. The Information in them la not to lie found In an jar pnldlahed, her obtainable from any other aource. T hooka an pub) Idled on ado white paper, and beailli bound. Any of the above works will be mailed free, on reen price, In atampa, or money; or the whole in a haudan bound roliima for on noixan. Ho fondly ahoaM be ' oottkaaa. n»j are illoatrated with beautiful oograv and contain the condeneed experience of years. AQattnWaann for the above work*, who can mak> a month. I Bend for a clrcnlar for agent*. To tha young ol both texea aaOerlug from accnt Ik proatratloß r return pottage, andaddreaa DR. A. BF.RNEY, Secretor Nor 16,9$ Williamsburg, New Y< HEAUMAN’S POCO MET ALIO PAIN T7QCAL TO BED LEAD AND 7S Aji eent.cha*per—stands sto degree* bent-wan »f? :wP! ‘ ;: *** faSS^M^tibrii, AND