— ——-rr-r: . --- _l_ __ » »■ i Charleston and the Savannah river ate eipar .*. :wt inn j WAB H»wa l:^,»;,s2Sa^SW day morning, two extra pMsenger drains | Tkc Washington correspondent of the .Now j Camp Scott. > I , Missouri Militla.tO natal officers, iimlodtngaeveral passed, throWgh this place, having on j York “Evening Post” renders a just tribute to ; York, Pa- May 9th, IS6I. / ; SurreStates Troop*, i captains, whs, during the flratpants, resigned board a regiment of soldiers from Michi- j CoL Thomas A. Scott, Vice President of the Messrs, McCecm & Dras,-C«ii«: Permitj —_ _ their commissions, bare applied to bereinstaUd, Thor*, am. 1 000 men in the reci- Pennsylvania Central Ball Road. Wc quote: — jme through the columns of ydur paper, to ao- . g Lo CIg jjay 10.—General Frost a brigade their appmls have been and wiUeontinas 9?; fnn *”! ’ theJLi® L i “U is almost impossible to over estimate the i hnowledg” in behalf of the members of oompa- j of >Lsonri rill*. encamped at j otent, 800 ofwhom were on the trains, the ; YttU B< f ßegj tLe reeeipt rf boxes, conuining lon the western outskirts ofthecuy. «™ d £ | *£***■WSt remaiSing 200 having been detained to ; Pennsylvania Railroad, to the I { „ Patriot DaU ghters” and ed “^ c Q °f commander of the Uni- I ernment. hav^placed on duty aa aeTnd bHng on (lie park of Artillery, belonging j r^pbU«Wp^ 1 citizens of Altoona, for their use. The con- “ d sut e s t this city. _ - } lieutenants, aa no higher stations under the to the regiment, consisting of 100; horses 1 apolis in good order. He found, upon arriving ! tents have been distributed according to the j * Captain Lyon marched on Camp Jackson wUh ( r re Ben t circumstances can now be assigned and ten guns, two of which are rifled. —■ ‘ at Annapolis, that the terminus of the railway ! wbjb and desire of your, ami our patriotic citi- gJ, d emi- j * Th' e earnest effort of the Department is to Taking L m atogalte, .hi, re gi»a.. >SfiS!••••■ '»“» J 5T ’ ,1 J ... I •&**** «*——*• **“ was composed of tl.e finest set of men we i.E<« were obliged to carry their baggage, or get; Those manifestations of kindness The following lett« was sent frotn Capt. 1., - , posajWe time : to g 0 , mi .. it earned, the whole distance oy hand. This have left behind, creates joyful exclamations on to Gen 1 frost. } 4 Many oi. i K » F* B b have yet seen. They are all young men, i ’ j 7ih tegiiaeat .n, encMiptd i. each laving «a c.oplalo clangs ofj i -T- *— nasalUad .G.v.ra- 1 TauS. 4 ?«5 VSSS clothing a rifle musket, canteen, haver- ! ’ ? Z *Z he S«««-“. »J>ose prosperity has been the wonder « E°‘"S ! “ t0 ou r T , 80 „n constructed'a railway down to the steam- and admiration of the civilised world. I tiUty to the GoveramMt, Miinavc ning . s Bridge, and in the neighborhood of the sack, and everything necessary for the | y . j The sentiments contained in the lefter of the ; 8 Yo“ “h, eom-1 Congressional burying TUBFUL campaign. After packing of breakfast .Up to this time the Government had . run J „ p atriot D(lU g bter3 of Altoona.” bfentbc the : ullicution w itli the so-called Southern Confe.l- j “ d .» to ”“ e New Jersey tth en at the Logan House, they were loud in , wa“ I *ue -Pirit. and are imbibed freely, not only by j eracy.wMehi- «» i camp on Meridian bill, near Ow. Sew York 7th. praise of it, pronouncing it ithc best meal j that the mails were always detained and the 1 your own citizen soldiery, butbythe Regiments, ; b tatc »i a “u ? , , uuder j ta flag, I The Pennsylvania Ist artillery go immediately hey bud received since leaving homo ; j trains were so mixed up together that collisions | generally, composing Camp Scott. To uphold, ! of war, most It I into enmpi “J » U «». BN d.»C.I > notwithstanding ! I« d ‘‘f * : to be the properly of thein.tcd | R| . XT Xf„ ti -a rs .t 1 j o. n ,s Gwnni.Kirtmrf.miUr im!ii« The mail the universal feeling here. Ana ; Status. , .. ‘ . 1 There Uno truth whatever m Ibe Baltimore Mr Miller, the proprietor of the house, .j cTnnd must bo s with'a determination to secure its respect from | , Jort that the steam gun was taken out to the Uad only lour hours notice to prepare it. j c -j precision. The more regularity in the : and traitor, ill the dastard foe be met j r _ prnoP Q f .ku Stale * under whose or- ! R«l»y House for practice. It was drawn out to Previous to the departure of the last train, I trains. tL greater capacity of the road with a » - f c ; uragc and brttvcl „ thats hall t^uTrT^and ! i-• oh.c of the officers was called up toyf j N ° r,1 ‘’ I S , v . fi , upecch. He returned thanks for thakfnd i wanted their “military road” ran entirely at T b e rc : arc nov concentrated here, probably, 1 having *.m indirect; ing. reflects no littie credit upon Capt. 11.11 IV «OKC, IV nok-0.-VV.. niortiSod i. .lid, W | ‘ S “rJStf'S ! 4"."-.” ...U -(t Sfiffi&JS' *uand, one bait hour s time before doing so will , ‘‘Uo.aa g I ( ■U r%T7*\ nrmnanA ♦lionv All : Soutli Were dctcrumied tp tear it asunder, , a jj e y fl j u Borough, and to asseas tho damn- ; i a concJusioD, iu behalf of tbe membersof zny >bo allowcil for ycut compliance therewith. j 1,13 authority lor ta ig p P \ 3? J may hcretofo e have opposed them. All ; (ho the starg and iye | ge / and advautags 6 s t 0 tbe 69vtrul lirup( , tJ . . 1 return' to the “Patriot Daug/ ; S |vob, l" vo # lmVo hi. arc, or should be, brethren in every sense , .... , . rpi,„ i holders. i ters” and citizens of Altoona, our most grateful ; Cnpiain Second-inlnntry, replied me tnpta.i g Tr..onashort nC’tbo wnrd Cannot our brethren bury * iC ll6 train moved , Regular meeting. May C, 1861. i thauks, for the liberal gifts they have bestowed j Commanding the Troops. ■ head. The oat ;g v - . ’ ,_ d '• '• . . off amid the cheers of tho soldiers and I Present—A. A. Smyth, 8.-Greenwood Daniel : u j )on „s. Trusting that we / mny never prove , It i= uuderttood that General Frost says this |)y and bo p the hatchet, if not forever, at least until . „ f.iv Laughmac, C. R. Hostetler, and others. unworthy of their benevolence, or ungrateful of | letter was not received by him until his camp, mules wero taken to tKo ,h- B iv nrls WO have passed from under the cloud that thc crowd fair proportion of j o^otioß> Ruolvedi That Joaepb K. Ely bo I their kindness and sympathy. I w 's surrounded by United States troops. _ HeJ Massachaset.s cu 7a , 0 lnnanolia . -r, j ' which was ladies. And here permit us to . and ho hereby is appointed tax collector for the 1 remain very truly yours, i then replied that tho encampment was organized Vancrs were cn> y , _ Bihern Central Ttxil now nation. “Beat and i, d : oa , an * w „ii. n ;-h l ; 'Borough, for the year 1801. UENKY WAYNE, i under tlo law of the State simply for orgam- | The compleitip:u of thi#3Sort!icrn I^tralßa forbear’'should bo our motto. The peo- tl,lt B(jme . ! On motion of Daniel Loughman, Rttolvcd, Co}-t. Company B, 3rf Regiment. ; z i n g and drilling the volunteer militia of this j way has been lepoi e< a .. . . -,4 forbear suoma DO our motto, x pe , bve wi& the boys. ; lbttt two found*, one iu the East and one in the 1_ y | district. Not expecting any demon- j and tomorrow P«»W“ d pic have arisen in their might, to crush x-ounn-da'tTv so cntuelv 1 West Ward, should be erected for thc purpose Oampscoti, 1 ; stroiion of this kind, be was entire!y unprepared | comraeiice ruuniug bet S out rebellion, and it is necessary that they ' lis ] hat OU , C >°“?S B °. ® ntUClj . iof impoundiig hogs and other animals running Vv,». fa. May to. l«« > , 7 B “ c ° c a e3 ° sCully mis ’ t ,he attack. He the.cfore favorite rout. “. ■ ' ~ » , , ,„ n ; a ! captivated, or pleasantly engaged,'one of; a} i ar^e . . M;«r.s McCxvm & Pzm. :_Ve.terday afternoon iSun- j ” tcJ tbe terms specified and surrendered his i oh* route will, however, be the favorite route act in concert; therefore let no meddlers tb a t he forgot: On motion of R. Greenwood, the following | day.) Ooy. cratts vwt«i tkb encampment, «id reviewed , P 1 with a very large proportion of tbe travel. interfere to distract them from the one: Vv -x 1 ° x>;--orders iwere granted for services rendered on i the troop.. Th« l»t, ai, jm, 12th, and loth Kegimeaw, -t. Meilojr, $70.00; John McCullough, $70.00. up and down the imo hattAhcns, he was* cniim- escorted to the city as prieouera of war. ! tiug forth that insurrection exists in the bluto ... X „_;x„ I .Minn Xhx. clrnffcxlo imm-! clue& t 0 the eoldlerS- IhOSC men will ro- On motion, of Daniel Laughman, an order i siak.ically choercd by the soldiers. Afterward, be aasumad 1 please on parole was tendered to the offi- iof Florida, by which the lives, liberty and pro- Wltnout unitca action tne struggle is ua- , • A j t a> .. rwan granted to R. E. Crneger for $3.00, for | a ataudiag poatlon, near the edge of the parade grauud, , ce ‘ s and troo * providing they would lake oath j party of the.loyal citizens are endangered, and certain. Let no one seek, by picking [‘‘copying plots of East and West Wards. ; closely waida-d the mwvmeut of the troops, as they \ t 0 la^e UT) arm 3 ngainst the United Sthtes iasit is deemed proper that all needful measures Xi,„ «Mina» of 'hi« nrixriibor to ■ ' ****** ri A petition from certain citizens, asking the I nxarclud t>y,bim. Tha whole display was grand and v.-ry | (Tyrgrpment, which they declined doing, on thc : should be taken for the protection of such citi naws in, tue tvune ui uu> ■ uu b uwu , J uilgiug from the appearance ut i Cotiueil to construct all Hie pavemepts on Clara ! impi.ssive. and was witnessed by thousands from all parts 1 nJ tbat ;t ; ml ,|- e j lba( tln-y had already zeus, and of all officers of the United States m build up his business to thc injury of th ? , Michioun men. who oassed through ! -street, was read and laid on the table for fur- |of the surrounding country. ' . . ! taken uv> arms against the Government, which j ihc discharge of their public duties in that State, ntbpp All man do wot see and think • , ~ . .’ c , . v tber consideration. i Wlwa wc- shall take our departure from here, it aim- •, b disclaimed. I the President directs the commander of the ■ j here, we think the Southern rebels Will Q a motion, adjourned to meet on the first 1 possible to tell. Kmnor lias ns marching hem,-..* daily, but i Eovi Q May 10—Midnight—Jli't before ; military forces of tho United States on the alike, and if. one err, in our judgment, we I j tlicm tbc j r equals, if not superiors I Monday of June, 1801. ;as oft is Madame put hort Uu cp m bat. W« arc nearly j t j o st’arted for the city, and while the ! Florida coast to permit no person to exercise should endeavor to correct with kind words i . . .. ... ? „_x *U«;w »»«•» «t re-. gtate ITO0 _ g werc j raW n. up between two lines i any office or authority upon the blonds of Key . . , .j in strength and Vigor, and their Ooa steu , • , quirisd to pat us-on perfect war footing, and then we m ' o f b s volunteers, several “ rocks” \vcre thrown ' \Vest, the Tortugos and Santa Rosa, which may arguments, not With muendops and . cbiva ] ry wd j f a y withstand the s turdy i ~p Tib i prepared to march at a moment-, warning. Various arc , at and a few pistol shots fired by Ibe inconsistent with the laws and Constitution threat*. Wc would not intimate that CO- c.„. ~e .v- M.»rtK Thewnro n fine sot of ! w «• r., no rilst- ; the cmij -ciurca a. to our destination. ,&.me«y Baltimore | c; . c;te j parties in tbe surrounding crowd, which ;of the;United States, authorizing him at the 1 Id 1 ‘did Tbp Sons 01 the riortn. dney aiC a nnc SO OI ..-Shining Mineral on Clearfield Creek. ; or Western Virginia, and others Harper. Icn-y. I!ul W as composei of u large uamber of citizens, in- same time, if he shall find it necessary, to EUS vevt treason should be indulged, xnc m and are universally admired; as are i ~ . j specuktions on these matter, aw at an alarmingdUcount. ■; c j ud i ng mftny women. ■ pend tberc the writ of Auira* eorput, and to ro authorities can check a mana-uvre in that T? , , j pnnßisfinp nf ; •ooking over thc columns of the Harrisburg , On Friday evening Inst, wo had two ihooting and stab- ' Quo shot took effect in the leg of Capt Rian- i move from th? vicinity of the United States for . f ■ ' s • x -XT x "“U 3ll - nt ' w goous, xuuoißii e ; l AVccklv Patriot Union, of tho 2d instry I no- i Ling affrays between soldh-rs—the natural result of a too j owsby and as he fell be gave the word to fire, ! tresses; and all dangerous or suspected forces, direction much sooner anu more ce ile( ]; clnoSj Chemicals, Patent. Medicines, j ticc an interesting art i o i o on the-Oil a»4«aU 1 f«c use of wretched bad ono or thowo occurred , w!lich ;. ns obcyCtl by . 80me two or tbrcc compa . ; biltimoek May K) This Morning a snspi u«U, lb.. . m.l .....ppor o.„fc Oil and lamp.. P.i.tt, Djc-Sl.e., j c1.„«.1d and C.a.bri. .....1.., ..d ; 1 i'.SrlT.'.S; i are DOW one in heart and hand for th ! p cr f U iacry/ articles usually kept in especially the description of the salt null, at the; a rl . volvcr auU ,hot hu assailant in «i.« head. Kortuuatoiy . ebib j r j n Vud badly bounding several others. , going out on tbe Frederick road from Bal.imo. .Stars and Stripes; and, for tbe sake of- Storc , all ol 4 ic E he * confluence of the Beaver Dam and eastern branch ; u.v-vmMd the most .crion. our country, our posterity, and the honor | of prices. i i 1 i H ° dT the craft, let us not dtnde- or distract; a caH —!! Se I **' thcm - . - company in raising means to prosecute their j Among tho flno-hxddng uflieen. and ..uidi.-rs conn-ctcd ! ,n ?- .-V i nt’ th« smlsh- I Dlcke . cson s stcam . Gu "> which obtained soma ' ..►X- -- - - a®. Attention is requested to thc den- i work under tho indefatigable leadership_of Mr. : with Camp Scott i 5 Brigadier General James s. .Mx.Ltt— | j*“„ s "„ Bket 9) breaking limbs, and okierwise i the Iffthult °t«7wa“rorafrw daj^ The AVab.-Wc. felt sure, from the ; tal card of j: J. €tC eJ, in another column. 1 S-'G. Wilson toe a “ d “* “T""" ! wounding the soldiers! while others assert the j „ e c L t odJ of the city authorities. It was being . • , , W . ! ; - t P’lneer WUO had the work 111 charge. Mr, »>U- ; all lbt» men composing tbe Jd ore ftequAiutcd . ° . « rte ,rsrw.»«Wl/» iaULynra . atll | nvn irir. lu uic.iwu; ui afAv v C 5 movemenU, being made last week, that crc - Thogo wbo bavc aching voids they wish j a ’ on is perhaps too modest in expressing his be- ! with him, and have the utmost coniidu.cc iu him, both... J^ o s j fcw feet behind tho^troops I bfoulht the'guu to thii lime WC would have had other urfqr- j relUove d and their room filled-with sub- |:UcfU»t the ore or metal muse b«. eoppen It - a brave soldier and a «ci*bic and affable tbat firedi 6tntcs positively that no rocks wore j tbc J Ufebiy Rowe. The prisoners, one o' whom ■ . ' . . j ‘ , .»» • * • ! evidently was not cooper, as ita bright, Shining UaTing nmdr military uftdirs almost Ihc study oi lu-* life* , • «. w i IY/V Tvioinia Vvv iU und lllu *l* s - “ .♦ .. Af ,i 0 mation than what we now give our r artibcials, will be waited upon po- r appflarauc e aid not bear a-resemblance to cop- - v , lh n V , t there uno turn in the state who is S r. fully ; that oul rrovoc . it ion gWen. wus the abu- to‘\unlpolis nU the government labors has compelled it to , Steel, at his room, next door to Mrs-. | T « e augcl . first lhrough quartz : of i« var trim. a S Gen. Nkout.. au who ! tL firine wmncTt' shJta ;hncnt of Uhiladelpbia volunteers. Sherman^ keep everything secret until the act pr ; Couch's store. rook would indicate that this would be thc pro- | know ibeCencrai grwitly him, ami tho reason is ; * returned bv nartie* hi tho crowd and sev- I celebrated baftci-y, and several companies 01 ‘ ' n i 'fo nA«pni.m/w1 Prnm thn varnti- 1 . tm - - {-per locality for gold to bo found. | obviow. Thcr«» is no haughty or despotic military pride I . , wo mulp n ASPS ._ llttp pening iu at Taylor’s ; j and have beci received most cordially, it afford, the ; «d Shiltaerf- the Third aiera-witl. pleasant sm.les-nad waving handker aded, and the shipment of provisions from J SalooDi next 'door to thb Bank, a few days since, ; l.vtebi fbom Edeopk.—Tbe steamer Great : members of Company It extreme gratification to clasp the ! aud Fwurtb Regiments of the United States Re- i < h J?» - .. h tbe d|voftWg formtda-' the West to thc South has been stopped. [ we f oun( j that that favorite resort had changed ! Eastern arrived at New York on Sunday oven- : hant -» of familiar faro, from home, a. it revive, plowing . st-rvo CJorps (formerly Hoi/c Guards,) under b P; - f cil.dicipuncdBoidiershaBStr«ugth * ° ” M i inn- Sho loft Milford Haven on the even n" Of rccolh-ctions and association.. Your citizens have Loon ; rll .[ v c| ,i . [ld Browi Cabt. Lyon was i ulc ‘ Neithcir munitions of war or provisions . hands. Instead of one of (the Tayler brother*, , | ast f, an d bad a passage of nine «?ars • very kind and Uhcmt to their eoaa af Camp Scott, ia the Bcr i oUa i v ; b Jt net dangeruusly injlired by being l'en«d:the Lwpn cause here. , art UOW allowed.to enter thc South through ;we found our clever and ever pleasant young j ond lbirteen boura tP tbe Bar- sbo encountered way of a bountiful supply of provisions and other nccce- kickcd by a fractious horse-on the camp ground. • Hahrisbcbo, Slay 10—An application, rauo ... nrta t, ie c-nil 11.-xt tho South friend, Joshua B. Williams, behind tho counter, | a tremendous gale on thofith iust., during which ; sary article the receipt of which have been duly ac- The United States troops are now iu posses- j from private parties inthe Eastern any of It* ports. It IS said that the booth- ; • do blot 0 aU wbo caU at j Bbe ro i,ed heavily, though no sea went over her j knowted by <*t. Watw., through you, to the “ft.rmt sion of Camp JacUBoll> wilh all tho equipage j Gov Curtm, to’ ern army is provided with provisions, but / , g ... . , ~ . . ; lofty sides, ! Uaughter.” and to the pa.tor. of your several churches— j tcntSi provisions, &c The Pacific and North | blacks to pass through Pennsylvania, has m , i j£ . U • that establishment. Ilia shoUes are well stock- Tho Commifiaioucrs of thc Southern Confede-i which lutten aro to be r««i in the coDgrcgotlona. Missouri Railroad depots arc occupied by the j. witb his unconditional refusal, that the people are deficient. How l jn c| cdw ith confectionaries of every conceivable rae _ ba j rcachodEngland, 1 Our member., generally, retain good health. John I.xmn YO i ull t ccr3 . Much excitement exists in the j ! Great satisfaction is expressed hero With tho they will submit to this state of affairs rc- - kind together with fruit, nuts, cukes, pies, ci- ] Sir. Gregory’s motion in the House of Com- i. the only one of our company-in thehospital. All have o - but owing to Ihe efficiency of the military | Refusal . la.hiß to b. sen. ■ w «k»w--w m*. | keeps always on hand a fresh supply of Mmcr- i to ' rucgtion £ J BoMe 0 f Lords, on i thi. mono., ha. taken a turn about every other'day. Arsenal. | Habmsbubg, Slay 13.—A .person empl >ycd al water, Sarsaparilla, and other drinkables.r— i tbg 2g tb u j t 1 Lord' Woodhouso stated that the 1 On Sunday evening a number of our member, visited j ou g p cc - la i service, who visited Harper’s Ferry Ice cream that cannot be excelled-wiU be daily j Government’recognized no right orobligation to - tj.c M. li. Church in tow,,, and heard quito a patriotic .er last week, reached Chambereburg today, and . T T„o„ r ,u. «i.i_e in the conflict unhappily commenced ; men from the pastor. Uis text wm, • In tho name of our reports that there were then about 6,000 troops served up during t 8 * .®I in ihe United States, citffcr diplomatically or j Gwi will wo,»vt up our banner*.*’ The subject wns troau-i altogether. About three-fourths of them of Williams tho ialoon will retain its popularity, j 3 j in a spiritual««well as a civil k'two. lie remarked tliat ho wero armed, but thc balance were without arms and those who call will bo waited upon eatisfad- | English papers continue to discuss Ameri-.j was southern bom and reared:’««d had interests there; Only 200 Kentuckians were there, and but one torily Call and give Jos a bumper. j can affairs—the entire London press, except the 1 but rather than the star Spangled Banner should be di.+ company of South Carolinians. The resident I Times, sympathizing warmly with the loyal S gracefully trailed in 0»c duxt, he would anennee them au mililhi of Harper’s Ferry wero very restive un- States, and anticipating an early triumph for !in it« defence. lie justified tho potion of the Government der ; the existing circumstances. They bad only the Government. j in Its present movement, and believed that u was rijjht, one day’s provisions on band, their supplies cx -1 and God would sustain that right. His remark* wert on- pected from Western Virginia being cat off by 1 rti,puudwl to by ”‘‘ mbc "’ y rt ' l ’ ea,wl the stand Taken by the people of that section of But I mast close this hasty skctcli. From some one of the State. It Was thought that the supplies our eompany, wo will endeavor to keep you posted, while anyVfherc within reach in theeOlTOUDdiflgCOUD m™“ Within two weeks 8 It is positive that not more than 1,000 stand of arms were gii oujt of tho wreck of-the arsen al buildings, and Some of these were in bad condition; Not’more than twelve rifles can bo manufactured per day in thc shops in operation There are only '6OO men on the Maryland side of the Potomac; they have not eneted any bat teries oh this side of 'the river, and show no disposition to erect any. must retreat or be provisioned. This, however, does not cod tradict the probable advance of the mein Con federate army on the Southern Pennsylvania route, when: Jeff Davis discovers theimpossibil ity -'of breaking General Scott's lines around Washington. ®je' Critarat. ALTOONA, PA. .J&WJSDAY MAY 16, 1861. W!i«tb pMtioi are unknown to ns, our rule lor ad vertising is to roqoiro payment in advance, or a guarantee from known person". It is tlieretorc useless for all such to scud us advertisements offering to pay at the cud ef three Ot-Six months.-- Whore adrertiacuum Is are accompanied wilhthc money, whether one, live or ten dollars, we will gate the advertiser, the fnll benefit of cash rates. $. M. PCTTINCiILL & CO., Advertising Agents, 118 Susan York, and ID State street, lloston, are tho Agents for the AUoona IrtZunc, and the most influential and largest circulating . Newspapers in the United States and tho Canadas. They are authorized to contract for us at our tot east rotes. Godcy’e Lady’s Book, for Junc, is | a beautiful specimen of that periodical. — | Although other and more important mat-1 ters than those of literature have lately i claimed the attention of our people. Go- i dey Iolock) for the pur p o » e of will let us hettf from them as regularly as 9lecting officera for uc ensuing term. A full i possible. . Tty your hands,-boys, your attendance ia required, as business'of impor friends are always anxious to read your ttmcc will be transacted. "letters. . IVM. A. BOVMS, Sci/ ! Choice Cuts.— There can be choice cuts of j ; more things than one, but it is generally sup- j ; posed that the term refers to the best part of a ; beef; but we think that cute from almost any I part of ten head of fat cattle which our enter | prising butcher, Runyan, drove past our of -1 fice, one day last week, might be styled choice i cuts. He has brought In and slaughtered some of the best cattle to be found in thecountry.but none better than Jhose now on hand, one of which is served out to his customers every mar ket morning. He stops not for expense to ob tain the best cattle the western country affords, and b is customers get just as good meal as is ! i served out'in the best city markets. ! Parson Brownlow’s Pajper.— Knoxville Whig has been presented by a Florida Grand Jury as a nuisance and an incondiaryfsbeet.' Hear what tjie Parson ' says on the subject: —We look with scorn and contempt upon bis effort to .proscribe us. by the secession rebels of Florida. — We call attention to it with a view to il lustrate the vile spirit of the Southern Confederacy. Any journal that dares to expose their usurpations of power, tbeir i arrogant claims, and their refusal to let tbe j people have a vo£e upon going out of the ■ Union, is “an incendiary sheet.,’ Drunk 1 on mean whisky —resolved on repudiating 1 tbeir honest debts, and hopelessly insol . vent, many of these Southern leaders in | the wicked work of secession, desire to get ;up a war of plunder, in the vain hope of i bettering their condition. And any pa ! per daring to expose their loose code ol ‘ morals is an incendiary sheet! Gratuitous Attendance upon Volunteers’ Families. — To the Tyrone and Altoona Relief Committee*. Gentlemen—Feeling that in the present crisis it behooves all true patriots to -willingly make sacrifices in support of our Union, andjn encouragement of those who have so no bly rallied to its defence. I herewith offer my professional services, free of charge, to all who may stand in need of assistance. Db. A. P. Caldeewood. | J. W. Cameron can be found at I llouah’a Drug Store at all times during the day, and at Sirs. Kigg’s boarding-house at night, except, when professionally engaged. Those who desire his services should note the change of boarding place. The doctor requests us to state that he will givo gratuitous medical attention to the families of ail those who have enlisted in defence of the 1 Flag of our Country, Special Dispatcher to the Philadelphia Press. Washington, May 12.—The preparations for 1 the effective blockade of the Virginia waters having been completed, Gapt. Pendergrast has given the precautionary notice of fifteen days for all vessels to leave the port of that State, j cither with or without cargoes. Several of the , foreign ministers and some of our own country- j men have asked for an extension of the time, j but this, in every case, has been refused. The i order will be impartially adhered to. ; Certain parties, though representing them- i selves as Union men, have been denied the privi lege of forwarding locomotives to Tennessee, for the reason, among others, that such neces sary railroad machinery might be used in the transportation of hostile troops. The Government also takes care that coal, so ; desirable for steam purposes, shall not be trans ported to the disloyal States. . information having reached the Navy Depart ment, late last night, that several small vessels ! had been fired at from the Virginia shore, and an effort made to detain them by the Alexan i dria authorities, in order that their cargoes of ; fish, instead of being brought to Washington, : might be secured to the rebel troops, the Secre i tary promptly ordered the steamer Pawnee to I stop the lawless proceedings. In addition to -the national vessels, about 20 armed steamers from Now York,. Boston, and Philadelphia, have been or are being put in readiness for blockading purposes. The Secretary, of the navy is assiduous in j hurrying forward the measures of the blockade, 1 and he informs his friends that by this time Plain talk by the'Wlnebestpr Jfationai Union. “Berish UigoSa, unless be apeedily changes bis conduct, will find that he bis Us*' passed Ms far on the patriotic forbearance of »p outraged people, and wilt base tbe notoriety cf bciihg tbe first Governor' of a state hanged 6* treason.’' v; 7niontown ’ Md- jri * BiT«n»AT, May 4, 1861. . .>,• d*T was one of the most m- pass jeer, and it *aS not ea- Oeo would be any meeting at a«, ", S?A**&**■+*•* ■ ss : *. ®°d M*w»edieel and Washington Son- gnj and J. H. Christ. Seoreta- ; out . 1, ohnnk, J. 11. Christ, Robert Piper, por 0J p ß Sh*pherd, Isaac Wright, and Granville veil '• F .. «rc appointed a committee on Keso- , den * lllC The committee retired and m a short 'van !*£j the following resolutions: ‘ Eight of the Southern States of our ; passed ordinances of srecessiou-un- . he “llv the Forts, Fortifications and ,aU . belonging to it-fired uponan inofieusixe.-i.it i freighted with provisions for Fort Sump '.hfeked and nearly destroyed it-,andnow lot r .nraeed in raising an army with the dm rodpwposc of taking the Capitol at Wash- , »>« “a* Whereas. The President of the Culled cs has called upon the Governor ot ' ftU thl ' .hat have uot passed ordinances of scccs m furnish their quota of troops for the sup- ,v.i L „: on cf rebellion, &o. Therefore, ;tv Mi.’vcd That the Union,' the Constitution , rr , ,he Laws should be faithfully maintained : t vt ‘ h!v tv all means if it can be done, if not IIC ,ur Governor responding to the call ot ibc v i, lideut for the necessary military forces cal- CI , fbr ’ - mi .soKcd, That the honor as well as the In- so Ist of our State is in tlic Union wheie our al , icrs placed us, and there wo will stand with ( ; ( un Ji'idrdfrc;,l, sustained hy the proud c--n- j„. ausuc-s of Justice and ftiyAt. . •. ■< ! [.•solved!. That in our opinion Secession is v .-i ftuolher name for Rebellion and Trtov.n and warn our brethren of our beloved Statu to A lid being drawn within its terrible vortex. an tesolvcdi That seituro® of b»tn public mu -.-I rate property, and threats of violence upon s 0 unoffending citizens -of our sister State ot i.j ninia, particularly to those who have cm;- ! co ted'from the North, causing them to flee pt . in the land of their adoption, hastily gutlur- i„ , aa a biingins with them what effects they a t ild‘ leaving the halauee to the cupidity ol , ■ir enemies, should bo a warning, to us to he ro of the Serpent that would spread its vtu- , j( i amongst us. tl Resolved. That we arc grieved that apparent tensity required the Governor to call together . . . Legislature in extra session, whose deliber- ; ; on can result in but little if any good—the ; tibablc consequences of which will he the call , a Convention, which we regard as utmccces!.- : ‘l . and involving our State in debts that must paid hy the people. !■ I Resolved. That the election for members of ! e Legislature in the City of Baltimore does 1 t represent the true sentiment of its-people, ( d being'unconstitutional void, we do nut rcc- “ u : ti any acts of theirs as legal and binding. -’’ Resolved, That we regard the proposition of r. Vellot in appointing "a committee of Safe for the State of Maryland” as infamous ami 'grading to the freemen of the State, and as . r uciug in the hands of an irresponsible body of en the power to bind us hand and foot in S!a- j 1 try worse than any syett in of tyranny ever J •aolicod by any Despot in Europe j Resolved, That in our opinion the propositi' n f Mr. Urunc to appropriate two millions of doi-. - re to be expended under the direction of the i cacral Assembly ns unnecessary, unwise and t Ppressivc, and that wo condemn if in the rongest terms. . , ■ Resolved, That vre will oppose with all thu J institutional means in our power the proposi- . i on of Mr. S. Teakle Wallis to legalize the acts ! i 1 the authorized ami unauthorized mob of Cal- 1 t more in the late riots. - i Resolved, That « recommend a Grand Mass o looting of all the Eiiends of a United Country, i bo held in this place on Wednesday next at a 0 o’clock. ■ ’ I I'mos Fkklinq in Tensf-ssei-:— A New V< rk Tmtt corrcspondeut writes from Tennessee: "On the 22d iust., Hon. A. U Neli,u>, our longrcssinaa' from Hie upper district addics-el he people of this county at Knoxville. He slid, if worst cornea to/v.orst, and fight I must, i will tight for the/Constitution mid the Stars »ud Stripes of pur Union," and solemnly called nn Ida Maker to witness the declaration. He is » great Union man, and of the first talent in the 'date: and move than this, he is a devoir ! dbristian, and has the confidence of every man ■hat hears him. On Saturday, the dTlii inst., Andy Johnson. iur Senator from Hast Tennessee, also addressed the people of this county at Knoxville; he had » largo crowd to hear him. He made a great Union speech, and declared that he would fight for the Stars and Stripes, aud spill his last drop r! blood for tho Union. lie is a man of bull dog persevrrence, of great energy,- and will slick to his position, and die in the cause he has espoused. Ihe leaders of the Union party in Kast.Tcu neasce have about come to the conclusion, that if the Legislature voles us out in defiance of "ur rights, East Tennessee will rebel, secede Irani the Slate,.jiiid slick to the Union. This Will only bo hindered from the want of gnus and pewder. Tub Ukios Fceusu in Kiistoky. The vu- Hag in Kentucky last week, for delegates to a Border Slate Convention, was almost unani mous for the Union candidates, la many coun ties they received the entire vote, aud this in the heaviest poll ever cast, not excepting that Ul t * lc laatT’rcsidential election. From the re turns received, it looks as if the whole vote cf 'he State was about 150,000, and of the these not less than 1-10,000'arc for the Union. Vet, notwithstanding this extraordinary tho'.v of the popular devotion to the Union, there is danger hat the traitors Mange Ifni, Breckinridge it C 0... and the majority in the Legislature, may pass howarraiitablc act declaring Kentucky out 0 o Union, just-as Was done in Virginia. Ten nessee and Arkansas, after the people had do eided in favor of the Union. The,waiters'are ngaged in a deep game and a wide spread eon T r “. y : antl ‘key do not scruple to trample on •SaTto‘scorn P °° l,lC ’ nmi la ° eU thcir Footing inn Btu.—Tho patriotic cor.tr hu tbreo I t P ” P,e f° r tUo Wnr ’ d "i»Z the last S‘>3 r>rfn an J,° aut *° tho >«»euse sum ci . r f>“ 77 .’P° o ; Pennsylvania heads the list with ha^i’? ° f - SW OOO - New York and Ohio e'vcn $3.000,00° : Connecticut awl Vernon, * ach , s J* 000 ’ 000; Mnlnc, SI.3W.tDOQ rment and New Jersey, each $1,000.000■ Jaw ” T 1 “ t , M “'. s«“ f odS°”C; .wv3“ u ,'? «£ w'-.nri'" " n,,kl '"’ * :50l!0 troit I’so 000 ; °^ : £ u » c,n *» , '« 5280,000; Do > ow.OOO; Hartford, §04,000. JO T OM S vnf«rf~ pco l' ,c ’ 'T 1 ma Jority cl ’ Tote ..“Satnetaconxcution—and yet tbs the Ukajhat of Maryland, would vote onlin* ** ou * fifth® Union, and have passed an aml l hßt effect ' Hon. T. A. B. Nelson •* ~,„£■s* Jchbson gay thdy wilt fight again* “* stripe* “pin af ,°f for th* Union. The leaders if tlio o. n l° n P art J in East Tennessee say that ♦nrej. r * secedes, the eastern part will rebel «dt from the State, and stifk to the Union