■• /%*:' if - ■ 1 fhx|ti|Nm4iv tU© Unemployed! -:J-it--. gS-i i: : 'I „ . IOQd Ohancee-t* make Money v ONE MILLION DOLLARS •*OKIH OF WATCHER, JEWELRY SiLVERrPLATED WAKE, TO BE DISPOSED OF ON - - AN ENTIREL7 NEW ( i ’ ORIGINAL PLA N ! 2.500 AGENTS WANTED ML Alt penona duvirous of securing an Agency In this New Enterprise Should aend oa thtir nnmo« at once, enclosing a 3 cent •IjUßp topay postage, end receive by return of mail A PREMIUM C -A. T AL OQUE Containing - r ■ OUR 'IN •' Which afford A J? AB E CHA N C E 70 MAKE M ONLY without together with FULL PARTICULARS Relative to this NOVEL PLAN! To insure prompt and ' Mtiafactorj dealings, direct all eintara to. GEORGE G. EVANS, BUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL book Bindery, AHD BLAMK BOOK MANUFACTORY, No. 54 Market Sl. t Harrisburg, Pa. Stbia establishment is chiefly devoted to : .Ibe manufacture of B)ank Books for ks, County Officer, Railroad Companies, aud s privale individuals. Tfi all cases very beat of stock and workmanship may be mmsmamF relied upon. Blank Books | printed, paged aiul bound to any desired patters; .Sheriff’*, Attorneys and Justices Docketsof oil slzos, made ami ruled to order. Triennial and Yearly' Assessments, Duplicates, Ac„ for county pui-po , eee* printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. County Do&ete made of best linen paper. % J4Utarians»andjothors, desiring to have their Books well bound and at moderate prices, should give us a call. News* paper* of the largest sites. Harper’s Weekly, Gleason’s Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American, Loudon Nows, bound to order, and ia any stylo required. Harper’s Moiith ly Magazine. Knickerbocker, Blackwood’S and Graham’s Magazine*. Godey’s Lady’s a >„k, Lady's Repository, IVtcr son’s Magazine, Plan ' Music, ir.. bound in extra styles, of <be more plain and substantial half binding. Select Pam phlets, Law Magazine*, Pamphlet laws, bound In .good Li brary style, at very, moderate priced. Person* having « number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal discount. Binding can safely be sent to us from a distance by £x pteSß, t»nd all work entrusted to oar care will be speed dlH- executed, aafcly packed and returned by Express.— All work warranted. Addresa F. L. II UTTER* Jlarrislury , Fu, & BERN, at the Tribune Office, are mv agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will give lufbrma iWttrln relation to binding, and receive and return books freeßram extra charges, for all who ent.ust thoir work to xnyxwre. [March 21,186 My JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, Tht Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully set * /*s - forth my dabs to paid'* attention, a aTashiocaHi Tailor, M follows: Because! keep an excel lent assortment of Cloth* Cacsfmeres, Testing* ax Tftaftniogs, which. vrbej ar«aioed»aiwajB pleads Because my work made up in a manner tha takes I down tfao comitr and Rives all m> canonui 4 city appearance. Because I am nut Infer*’ m Cotter to the test bcJohnd anywhere. .. Because long Cxperfeac* in my business gives m entire control over it. an- I am not dependent upoi any one toUft me out o] the fads. nra <tSJI na the sunny side of forty, aud there- LntttJr ami workman unimpaired. on me, in t&o corner ru«>m of the “Brant House ” 1»ito me a trial am? you will go away pleased, May 2d-5m JACOB SNYDER. SPRING OF 1861. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPERI X!w LargMCAwortment oud Lovett Btiece la Pittsburgh. Como' and 100. MA&TE'BI P. MARSHALL, _ . A'o. ®7, Wood Slreet, Saxmß, «t the OltPSund,) for «*> beautiful French, German & Amir icau papers, V . Hell*. . ;■-■.■ Chamber*. Cbonbec, ■ ■ ■ Lodge*,' M. 069 roll* at ct,. 50,000 roll* at a, 8 and 10 cent*. Board .Etinta. WaH Paper and Bonier. A NUNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK , of, the ' I^TteTfPBISOSTYIiES, . till, :be' Sold cheaper than e-ver bv ' *■.» j J. * J: LO\TTUEK." IlffiaE FHITE LEAL AN» ZING TILANK&OrALL UESCRIPTIONS executed at this o® o. \ ' —N# ASD AND i 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. PROP. L.MILIEB’S HAIR INVIGORATOR !*! A n Effective, safe and ego- XjL woKicax, oetrPODND, *- coier Mg Hmwaf B> Mf from tnrnlw|» I&LDJfESS, tod enrtugft, when tt * r *nlsS£? , * rtW * rf,iUli *7 '*» en iffisiatov3ra sctnir jam njatostiv, and an eataaeagaaaCtetkasattte Beals. . BSAIfTIPYIffO TBJSBAIII, imparting toil an un etiaalledglsw and brilliancy. waking l&ofi andsilky in texture and caoslng U to curl readily. The great celebrity and the hiereasiqg demand tarthls eopTiaee the proprietor that'one trialis only neceoeary tosStfaly a discern tog puMlc of its supeiior qualities orcrany ether preparasion at present in nee. ■ It cleanses the head 1 and scalp from- dandruff and other ratomai dimta, caneea the hair togrow Iniurient ly. and giro* It a rich, toft, .glossy flexible appearance, and .also where the hair is loosening and thlning, it will tire strength andrlgortp the roots, sod restore the grewth' to those puds which hare become bald, canting it to yield a/nth earning of hair. ; There are hundreds of ladies and : gentlemen in-Kew York who have had their-bair restored by the use of this Inrlgoratur, when all other preparation* had tailed. L.M. has inhls possession lettersinhumerahlo testifying tu the shore Crete, from persons of the highest respectability. It will eflectuaily prerent the hair from laming gray until the latest period of life; add in cases where the hair has al ready changed its color, the use of the Inrigontoi will with certainty rettorc it to itt onyinalAa«, girlngita dark,' glassy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and allair Kestoratire it is particularly recommended, haying an agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities italßmlaln dretting the hair, which, when moist > with the Inrigorafor can be dressed in any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—bence the great demand for it by tbe ladies os a standard tuiiet article which none Ought to be without, aa the price placcs'tt within the reach *f all, being.. ONLY 25 CENTS per bottle, to bo had at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. . & L.M.ILLRR would call the attention of Port-ms and Guardians to the use of the Inrigorator. in case* where flic childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a pood head of hair, as it removes anyimpu rititw that may Imvo become connected with the scalp, the. removal of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and the future appearance of Its Hair. - CACTI ON,—None genuine without the foe simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; alto. L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGtIHATOK, N. Y. blown in tlte gfa&m. Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey SL, and sold by.alii the princi pal MerclmnU and Druggist* throughouttheworld. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. I also desire to present to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID HAIR Dins which after years of scientific experimenting Thavc brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown Instantly without injury to thollalror Skin, warranted the Lest article of the Lind in existence. f Price, Only 50 Cents. Ang. 23, ’(iO-ly. Depot,'s6 Dey St, X*w York. LABOR-SAVING, WASHINC_MAeWNE. THE ■ UNDERSIGNED HAVING purchased the right for Blair county, qt • Tolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine, are now manufacturing them at Altoona, and Intend to supply them to those persons throughout the county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. This machine Is got up on an ‘entirely now! principle, and is cynswUTcd, Ly those who have seen it in use, the beat that Lis ever been brought before the public. Among the many advantage* of this machine over all others may be mentioned the following; Ij£, Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to oat of order. 2d. Its spued, which astonishes alike the operator and ; the looker on. 3 rd: The facility with which it adapts itself to tho.bulk or qoutity of clothes desired to be washed. ■Wu It wash casually well the finest and, lightest fabric or the coai seat and heaviest, such as bed-quilts, comforts, blankets, Ac. We the undersigned, hereby certify that we are now using Tolhurat’s Improved Washing Machilfe ami are ful ly satined that it la a v«ry excellent article of the kind ; combining as it doca great speed with little labor, and per forming its work in tho moat satisfactory finer. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real ’abor-saving washing machine. " JOHN WOODS. EMILE TIETZE, MICHAEL CALTBBT; THOS. McADLEV, JOSEPH G. ADLUM, R. A. 0. KERR. Bargains ! Bargains ! / McCORMIGK’S STORE! TCTOW IN ORDER TO GET -RID A. s of Fall and Winter Goods, to make room for Spring and Summer, they will soil alt articles of HEAVY GOODS for coat; such aa Heavy mode Clothing for men and hoy*:,' with LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, such as Coburg Cloths, Delaines, Ac., with a variety of Hats, Caps. Bonnets trimmed ami not trimmed, with a great variety of goods too tedious to mention ; and on or about the 12th or 15th of March, we' vflll wiud up the bal ance of all sd£k goods at Auction. All persons wishing to purchase such .articles, would do well to call and examine the sb-ck. before- purclut-siug-elsewhere. Altoona, Feb, 2S, ’dl-tf. S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., TXT'ILL PRACTICE IN THE SEYE ▼ f HAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and. Huntingdon counties. " < Haring had several years’ experience in the practice of tlu' Law, he expects to merit public patronage. Office on ANNIE STREET, 3 dcoraabovfc the Post Office. Sept. 6,1860.-tf. • W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOSJ, PA, JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., HOI.UDA PSBPRQ, PA, S 3 sy ass™xfraiß» {Late "BM, Johnston, Jack Co;”) Dr af t s on the principal Cities, nnd Silror nnd Oojd for sale. Collections -nude. Moneys r- '-ived on d-po^ite, payable 04 demand, iritii.-.nt interest, or niiou time, with interest at Stir rates. Fob. 3d. 1829.-. ry W. KESSLER—practical V.I • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces tf to the citizens of Alt<x>ne, aud the public erally. that he still continue* the Drug on Virginia Strict, where ho keeps constantly on hand, for Sale, Who! ewJe and Retail. DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, OILS, VARM3U KS and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to business, and a desire tortnddr sat isfaction to al! aa regards price nnd quality. ,ho hupeato merit and receive a share of public patronage; ■■- Physicians and merchants supplied on rensbuohle terms, and al! orders from a distance promptly atteofdcd to. Pbyelciosa prescriptions carefully compounded.’ WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST. CkFFICE INYHE MASONICITEM f PUB, . [Dec. 23, '58.-t£ A Student wanted. J. <3t. ADLUMi n NOTARY P ÜBLI C . AtTOoVA, BLAXh «X), PA. s O«Mt at) times be (bond at tic store of J. B. ISicman. October 1,1857. ■ " TV*S. CONRAD & CAMERON RE JLF offer their profiwlonAl'fenicco to the qtizeiw of Altoona abd vicinity. Office on lUll raid street; «MnlS?^?in ftho *** lloo HoM * wtoSSwbe isoo*.Jf except irhen engaged. ROBES! ROBES ! JiTtSS! I ** to *, of n “jw° »hich ** T EVTS PREPARATION FOREX-' ?«t Offlre. * ** * P j. JLitormlmitUig RATS. MICE, ROACHES. AXTS, amt i Jan 3 ISGI Spent, Bed-bogs without danger in Its ri« onfler any clrramsun- ; ' ’ ■ - ■ ees-fcr sale »t the Drug Store of i O- \V. KESSLER. 1 Jan. 24, JW-trj ■ i For sale .--a house and lot - dwirabl; located in tbeßorongh nf Altoonsj ' Apj |y YES; O YES !—GENTLEMEN | “Altnnn. p.i. a icm.« '30031 SHOEMAKER. \ / draw Uah and hear. JOSEPH P. tKOOX mnoau- ; * - * * . | ! cos to tlie p’ivilc, Uiat be i« ready to discharge hi* duty ; J — : as an Auctioneer whenever c*nednpcn. [Jail. 2 ’66. j AIR OILS, COLOGNES, t>OM-, adw, Sharing Cr»am,T»Oet Boa^m . f.rf ,ate by [ RQCERIES.- A LARGE AND : ** 0. KESfttEK. { VJT complete assortment of Groceries have jnst been re i ‘ j wired at the store of - J. B. HiLBMAN. A BDOMINAL SUPPOKTEES, Trus- JL; SV>nVUr ‘ 1-tf* K O M’ Klsssl*Uß’S. McMINN 4 DSKN. Altoona, litaiif Cvunty, l\t. liANIEL PRICE. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS and PHOiLNIX BITTERS. These medicine haves now heca before the public for aperkd of thirty yea re, and during"that time haw maintained a high character in almoet every part of the globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of watering perfect he<h topcrsoneruf fering under nearly every kind of dleeaao to which the bit man frame la liable. The fo Bowing are among Uka diatreeeing variety rf bn* man dleeasee In which the VEGETABLE LITE MEDICINES are well known to be in&lUbka DTBPJSPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the .first and sec ond stomachs, and creatine* fictfr of pure, healthv bile, in* stead of the stale and acrid IXATTJLFNCY. Loss or Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, HI Temper. Anxiety, Langour. and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Lyspepaia, will vanish, as a natural conse quence of its cure. / COSTIVENKSS, by cleansli. length of the in testine with a solvent process, mt violence; all violent purges leave the bowr* lintw/days. FEVKKSof all kinds, by i doocVto a regu lar circulation, through the ■ piratfoo In sucii caret, and the thorough sob <estinal obstruc tion in others. Th* Life Medicine* have been known to cnceRIISUMA' TISSI permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half that timo, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. / DROPSIES of all kinds, by freoingand strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate most /delightfully on these important organs, and hence have over been found a certain remedy for the woi st cases of GRAY EL. Also WORMS, by dislodging from th»» turnings of the bowels the slimy mutter to which the*© creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS. and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFJS MEDICINES give to the blood, nod *ll the humors.- - SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS And BAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the lluuia that fivil the skin, ami the morbid state of which occjisions all eruptive com* plaints, sallow, cloudy, and other di«agreeaDlec ,mpl< xioin*. The use of the&o Pills for a-Very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT Rli£UM,and a tU'ikiup improvement ijj the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and IN FLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst peases. \ PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, wim cured of Piles, of &> years standing, by tho use of the Life Medicine* alone. ' FEVER k AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western coun try, those medicines will be found a safe. sjKi-dy aim certain remedy. Other medicine* leave the system subject to a re turn of the disease—a euro by thc-ae medicines ir perma nent—try them, bo satisfied,anil be cured. BILLTOtTS FEVERS n>i* LIVER COMPLAINTS.—Gen eraI debility, loss of appetite and diseases of fun,. 1 os—tho medicines hare been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this description:—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mil j yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats. Nervous De bility, Nervous Complaints of nil kinds. Palpitation of the Heart, Painters* Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mern ry. will find these medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from-the system, all the.efibcts of Mercury, in finitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sar saparilla. Prepared and sold by For sale by all Druggists. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! L-.JiTtßdlidin Beaufi/y Simplicity Safety or Economy. person desiring to obtain tho. very best a::.! cheap ost portable Jijrht within thtir roach, should call at the store undersigned Anil examine those Lamps Uibiv purchasing ehewberc, and vso pledge ourselves to denu-a btrato That NO ACCIDENT can ocour<hv explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive oiler while burning. 3d. That tiuyarv very o.ioily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated tu give more or Ic=s light. sth. That they burn entirety free from FtnoUe. Cth. That the light at least 30 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common uso. These lamps are admirably ailaptoj for the use of Stu dents. Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories,Halls,Churohee. Sturts. Ilobds. and are highly recniumendod f.r family use. The bupier of the Carbon Oil Lamp- cau be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and, oil lamp.-*, at a suiuli expense. and will answer Vvcry purple of a aow lanp. ■\Vo guarantee perfect ■iatisfuctiou in all oases. Aug. 19, ISuS-tf.j O. W. KESSLER. «KOC£B¥; PROVISION AND. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. The undersigned would in- FORM the public that ho hys pnrch,w*od th/s interest of A. MILLIRON m the Grocery dud Provbion Store here tofoi* kept by them on Virginia street, below Curollue St., wluro he will continue the busiaess, and will kvvx> con stantly uu hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH. SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES. CONFECTIONARIES, and every thing usually kept in ; Grocery* and Provision Store*, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern aud .western cities, am! will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained lictn-e to noli liquor by whole sale. I will keep con.-l.mtly on hand a assortment ui liquors of th>* best qualities to be had. 1 reVjv-ctfully solicit u share of public custom. J u!y 12, ISGO.-Cau J. RERKOWITZ^ SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returned from the cast ivhero he has purchased a very large ami fine stock of BOOTS &c SHOES, Brogans,, Waiters, Set., which he is prepared to oiler to thecitlxi-ns of Altoona and vicinity at very low price*. Having purchased direct from the manufacturers for rash, ho jfc.prepared to sell at pric-'* that will dify competition. All that ho a*kg is that the n 111 call and examine hi* stock before purchasin'’ elsewhere. BOOT;? and to ord-T on the me-t rea sonable t»*nii3. Also. repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors b.-h,w IV-t Office. Jau. 3, Ibul. 11. THOMPSON, Agtni. Litex-ary Emporium aixd News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. The subscriber continues to keep constantly on bond all the best literary paper* anti periodicals, daily papers froth Philadelphia, New York and Plttsbhrgh, together with a good assortment of Cooks. All the School Books used In this place and vicinity always on hand. Also, a choice lot of Confectionaries, and knick knacks of all kinds for children. Also the best Tohccco t Sugars to bo had lit town, together with a fine assortment of Cold and Silver Pencils, Gold Rings aud other articles of Jewel ry. Call nnd examine. H. PETTI VGER Altoo no, July 26, ’CO-ly. .Vo. 1 Altnma Ihmt. BSP" To Persons out of Employment: AGENTS WAITED, Inovoy County of tile United States, 1R). ENGAGE IN THE - SALE OF pomo of the lv.-t aud most works pabli%lnßj. - Our publications arc of the mon-interesting duiracter, adapted tu the wants of the Farmer, Mt-ch.vuie am| Mor chayt; thcy'nro publnhod in the ln>«t style and bound In most substantial ibauiier, and aro worthy a place In the library of every household iu the land. ff!s»Toiaeu of entvrpfisM aud industrious Jrabibs. t’ai* business offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. Persons desiring to act as agoftts will receive prompt* ly by mall full particulars, terms. Ac., by addressing LEAHY, GETZ & Co., PulUshfr*, No. 221, North Second Street, Philadelphia, •r Nov.* 25th, ’CO—fira. Lands i lands i i lands :: i The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND ‘WAR RANTS in the Omaha ami Nebraska'City Land Offices,— Good selections can uow be made near tin large streams and settlements. The Lands of this Territory, now In Market, arc of the beat quality. •; - , ft?- Selections carefully mode. Letterb of Inquiry re quested. alex. t. mckinney, Obxa polls, Cass County, N. Ter. July 14, 1859,-ff ; amansexs: Bev, A. B. Clark, Altoona, Pa. Wm. M. Llotd A 00., Bankers, Altoona, pa. McCucsr A Derr, Editor*. *» Taos. A. Scott. Sopt. P. K. R., “ D. McMukTrie,' E*q., Huntingdon, Pa. Great western insurance AND TKtJST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Pea! or ; personal property will bo effected on the most reasonable ; terms by their agents la Altoona at bis office in Anna St 1 March 17,1859. JOHN SDQEMAKEfI, Agent. ; All the standard patent! METICIKES.AT l-tf, KEESLEE'2' W. p. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway. Now Yurk. [Sept. 13, 3560-IV, NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT HI LEMAN’S. The subscriber informs ms cnstom«-n«, and the public generally, that be has just received a large and KantLfuT aa>«u uncut of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for magnificence, extent and variety, hare'never before boon excelled m Blair county, DarticuUr iUcctiju la invited to our stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such of Btaci end Fhncjt SUks, Chatties, Bc’coc*. Brilliants, Lavntt, Detainer Cftiniz*. JPeßeyes, VrajKS, Ennis, Crape and Stella Skatcls. if-Jutillas. Vndcrsheres and Hosiery, B>mnetj and Kiltbons, Collars , Hand kerchief i, Kid Gloves. Hooped Skirts, Skirt ing, Lace Mills, cfc« <Cc. FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, We have CloOta, Caseimeres, Veatings. Tweeds, Jcnns, Ac. Head* of families would do well to call and examine our stock of Winter Ooois for Boys. Boots. Shoes. Hardware, Glassware. Quecnsware, WooJ and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths. Carpet*. 4c n in any quantity and at prices that cannot fail to please. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries Is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and N. 0 Sugars; Given, Y. 11. and Block Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candles, Salt, Fish, Ac, Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage Heretofore received. Ire hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an €*ndoavor to please, to merit a continuance bf the same. *♦* Country Produce of all kinds taken In exchange for Goods at market prices. Oct. 23, 1800. J. B. MILKMAN. ( ' REAT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK \T ISti STuVES. cojyxL'iiri'wy of smoke axd gasaxd sawg OF FUEL. The e»u*'-:cril'CT takes pleasure iu offering to the public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cocking Stovo. recently patented, which is dostineJ to su porcede all others, us it ifoquirt-s / ONf.-TIItRD LESS FUEL than other stoves ailu is more easily, quickly and regular ly hcatrd. No unpleasant smell of g:w arises from this atov-> fj-nm tiie fact .that it is all consumed ore it can es cape. There.- is no Ln-übl** from smoke as that unjdc:i>ant and often annoying exhalation is al-.o con-Cmird inside oi the stove Neither is there any danger ci iho-a or chim neys becoming clogged with tout or the morhu* loosened by the gas arising from c<*al tiivs. < Persons wishing to purcha*** stores are invited to call at the store of the subscriber, in tli»* Masonic Temple, pnd ex amine the above atoves. JOHN SIIoKMAKEU, N/e Agent fvr Llj'ir Couuly. - N. kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves on, haud. fAug. lU. 1?50. FIRST ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS AT THE “310 DEE.” YlfE. HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN T r unusually line Stock cf Goods suitable lor the Season. No Auction trash, but regular gud Goods ut --«.-rv lew prices. We deem it unnecessary to parade the prices of a lew articles iu an lulvuitiscmcnt, but only say that we can and w*ll sell goods at as fair prices a a any other house iu the place. We have, as usual, a great variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Intbis department vc think wo can say we. have the best assortment to be {bund.ln the place, con&hiing iu jiart uf Mack and Fancy Bilhs, R-plinf, Lustra, ilordkis, Broche 1 M' t za,iibi'ju‘-s. Aruf‘rsq:ttx; Valencias, Gnsaid-ss, (Ida-j ■I l-rians, CfiajWcs, Vduina, Ddcjes, Liii\iUis,'.Bnl- Wants, Clnyh'tms, Laiuis, ChinUj, I\i7ils,and a full Xincjf Domestic Brj Gjods. Also, Stella and Gloves Collars and Cu 2». Made RutHin? and a full stock of all kinds of notions and Fancy Goods. Umbrellas largt? a’ld tonill, Bunts and Shoes. Carpet?, Oil Clvihs and Win dow Shedes, Wall Paper and Border, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware. Queenswarw, Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., &c. We hare ahoon hand* a very largo and superior stock uf FAMILY GROCERIES ut Cr-Mlj Hcduzcd Prions. Sugar a and Syrups hy th lu.rrcl at a ? null I advance. £'■&* *- l - 4 ke this omisioii to return our sincere thank* to tlie j'fvj'lo wf Altoona and vicinity f*r the shSri* of th.-ir {•atiMiiag.-hervtofm* ivc iv. J. ai;-l invito them Jo drop in and .!«■ our now stuck which we Lei gonfiiTont will please. Altouna, April 19. J. LOWXIIEK, Stoves, Tin & Sheet lorn Ware, SPOUTING, &C. Q RIG G WOULD RESPKC.T- - K_y • fully iuTa-m the citizens of SgQfc|f*\. atsd vicinity that ho keeps constantly on hand ;» largo a-'ur:ni'*nt of Cm,Ling, Parlor, O'/L- S!f.p Slav's, of all styles and sires, to snit tho wauls of.ill, which ha will sell at low prices, ou reason aid*- tern:*. 110 also Ue«-ps on hand a largo stock' of 2V;t and £/;»■.:<- Iron Tt. ?v. c 'D.-istiug oi all art 5 lup culiuorvpurpose*— C*<tl Sciifdts* Xidvt it''. lit- has :.ls. purchased the r'ght cf file in Blair oountv. of K. \ . Ji'N-BS’ IMPROVED SV£SAOE STUFFER, an invention which needs on])' to ho. *■'»»» to h,* appreci.v au<l should he posr-efsed by cvi ry fanner, 1 uichor or these requiring such a machine. Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, cither in town r-r country. Spouting painted anil put up oa, the most reasonable terms. Tapril 14, 18S9-ly - A f ORE GOOD NEWS ! -i,* JL The amlcraigncJ has jn>t reejivtd from tho East a and varied assortmt-at of FALL AND WINDER GOODS, Counting of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, material for FINE AN'P COARSE OVERCOATS, material for BOYS’ CLOTHING. GENT’S Funsismxo GOODS, pucb 83 Unde'fSJilrta, Drawers, Sus* leaders, Neck-tic*, HumlUercbiofs _ Ac., all of which will bo soM'at the lowest priors. All work ordered will be made ap in the’t»tv best ttyl according'to the latest imtir#. y " ’’ Not. I.ISCMf THOMAS EIiAVAY. Exchange hotel.—tiie:sub- SCRIHKK would respectfully in- '•} ! form the public that he ha* recently re- k i 'fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro- I pared to accommodate Ids friends and|B : patrons in a comfortable manner. will eparc ao pains inuuiking U an ogreeable home for all sojourners. His Tabh»will alwaysbelaxnriouidysupplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his liar filled with liqnors of choice brands. His chargis are ns reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and li»> ‘fVels <e>t{sfiod they ran not be complained of by tju.*e who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a sdinre of public jjatronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws oj>cn his house to the public and invites n trial. I hare ju«t received u stock of So. 1 French Braudv. for medicinal purposes. ' Also a largo stock cf excellent \Vines. for ovilwinal pur poses, together with a lot of'tho heat old Hyo Whiskey to bo found in the country. - ■ Altoona, May K, 18S9;-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. ' Blair county insurance AGENCY.—TIir- midmigned, A Rent of the Blair County Mutual Fins Insurance. Company, i» at all times ready to insure against loss or damage hy fife, Huitd tngt, Hcrehandist, Purniitirt and ' Pmprrig, of etery des cription, in town or country, at aa reasonable rates us any Company in tile State Office with Belli Ji.lui-‘cm, Jack k ‘Vt.f.’atMf Lycoming county mutuai AGENCY.—The «tnltoisu« ( ,> : agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Crnnpniv.f. S ** iGI-times ready to insure against loss or damnce t.y ate i BuiUmft, tferehamlue, Fnnnturr and P,r,verta Jjfcvrr, description, in town .or country, at as reasonable: rates is 1 statl> - 01Mce >“ the MtwonfcWrie, Jan. 3. 50-tf| JOHN SHOEMAKER. Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY FLOUK for sale, Wholesale 'andKetalL— I A tw ra-a.., J. S&OEMAKTIt, j Pec. 11, IBog-tfs MaßonicT«nj»l*. I Ol ALL DLSQRIP- , TXAIR, HAT TOOTIT SH a vtv/i lipiu just received tod for enlt> lijr rl ’ E ,V , ’ I V, _“> OMAV lAG, yet. 15-tf; J B.Hnttuv • runt. Sub aua^Arui»hßru<hM»t KESfl.tß'Jr HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and mnnfnetnrersor ncje- TETTEKS CELEBRATED STOMACIf «*T TERS can appeal with perfect confidence! k, physicians and citizens generally of the Cni|«d States, because the article has attained a refu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully Ulan volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters for the Wt year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never hare been sold but for the rim .medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians: in these sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only /recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to giro testimonials to its eificacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, wbiojt is destined to be as enduring ns time itself. ' Hosteller’s Stomach .Bitters have preyed a Godsend to regions where fever and ajjuo anil various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To; bo able to slate confidently that the “Bitlejrs" are a certain cure for (he Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to tho proprietors a source of |in nlloycd pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purities the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous syatinn, giving it that tons and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to ncoudition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions'jof nature. Elderly persons may use the Billers daily as per directions on the bottle, anti they will find it, it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant Ip the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a topic, and rejuvenating generally.' We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using thig, preparation while suffering from stomach [de rangements and general debility; acting nnidcr the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs aud fairly, tested ihe merits St this art icle. A few words to ;lhe gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so. harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly lender, that jibe mother, especially if the he young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, tho wear of body and nTiad is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity- for a .stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and cnablelho mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer tho Bitters to all other iuvigdra tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians. because it is agreeable to the tuatq as. well as certain to give a permanent increase of budiiy strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly'referred above, to wit; sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, wifi consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the hinny imitations or counter feits, but, n»k for IlosnaTEit’s Cex-eerajcu SioiiAwn Hitters, and see that cash bottle }ia3 the words J. Hosteller's Stomach i>itlc^rs’ , blown on the Side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe’thaL our autograph signature is oniiho label. A?*)* Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER £ SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by jail drugfrsts, grocers, and dealers generally throughout- the United States, South Aih9 rica, and Germany. Ifor >»uh‘ by A-KOUSII, Altoc-ca. Pa. • Fe-pt.!2o. ISGh-ly. ' HO! FOR THE HOLIDAYSj The undersigned announ cesfo the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that hv has just received a large invoice® of ‘ * Fruit, Confectionaries. Nuts, Spices »n i notion. fir rhildrrn exyrossly for tho Holiday.. Hr will also keep always on hand k good siook of plain 8“U fancy cak-.-«, ofLi. on manufiirtare. * LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS 4»C., always on hand at all seasons of they- ar. 1 Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Moiasscs, Butler, EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOGIi, • BUCKWIIKT l-LOUR, CORK MEAL, AC., ■ always in atura and for s.xk- in larnc or small «nantili.«. it ?=““•>“ !,n ' 1 I** - ** ">o *<** and you will fed ji a<» and cheap us auv m town. 800, ‘.g, ’Ca-ly.) JACOB WISE. xnr. scnoM.vcKx v*. p. la*i. SCHOMAKER & LANG, WHOLES!LE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN ! FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, Provisions, Cheese, Iron, » Naih, Glass, Brooms, Tarns, &c. ' No. 303 Liberty Street, Not. l-6m \ PITTSBURGH, PAj Blair county daguekrean ROOMS.-sMr.G, W. FISHER, tbe UcllSaydrW’ tcan > to inform our readers that he fa prepalred Photographs of deceased persons, * front Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice and on il,c cest reasonable Jle has just ivcaTed a Inrcy st*cli of durable and mat rases, of an sixes and style«,,indtidfD2 a new jmtteni of lamfly" Caae for four persons, and is pared to fill them with perfi’et r .pAGCiRKi'OrVPiiO? niOTOORAIH ft »s An U R 001118 on tile corner of Mention* ty and'AHegb<»ny streets, Hollidarsbnr}:, Pa. WM. FLINT! WM. FLINT! WM WM FEIST! '«ly. f mi. FLINT] ffii, FLINT! Ho. 807 HAHKET Xo- »7 VAHV ; No. 807 MARKET, Ho. SOT M4K’ Ho. SOI MAKKJ£r > | - . No, SOT MAW. ran.ADELpmi, PHIT. A DELPHI A, •. puiL-ujiapuiA, i ■ PA- Pi. ! PA. i TBSKKXVOZX SACK inn: SI,O«,OCiO WOBTU OF JlfllST; 4ii p6e one dollar each. | A Large aadSpiebjid Assortment of Jewelry. co**L,»* ....J! OF BBACKUuTS.I’AMtU StTS, Ac And all style* of French PUtod Chains OoIJ and putt'd Jewelry. j } We do not keep sell any gilt. gift or galrantawi j Oars id what ax« wfd by the best Jowulwsos ihld Jewel-' ? W« receive our Jwd* from the best Gold Jewelry Man. | ulactuxcrs iu ___ * WUd Uie FORCED T*> SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. ( WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. 1 Tho following I* only ft partial lint of oar tnuaeoM stock - TAKE TOVM CHOICE FOR . * ’ SIEACIf. i TAKE YOPR CHOICE FOB iU Largo Sloe and Splendid Coatee Sets, General Retail Price#, - I * w )*• ■’ * Do do i XftTft do 10 k) JO Do do Carbtmclb do 2*^?^ Do Ladlor Enamelled ami Coral I tSj do andOubnucle do wso j Do do j . and Ruby d° , \ *** Do Gold ClttttJerCrapo SettingKts do J 2 f° Sf Do do I .*>&**>* ' d« ,W to » Do do do Jet Sets, - do w *\ Do do Black Mosaic do - »1C Do do . Gold Stone Mosaic do Dd'".''- do * Cftlico Sets, do > *4^ | Do wlUi brilliants, do JjfT' 1 Do Boquet Vtiriny tfUiVi V f Do Enamelled Cluitci Jd - ,! *" flo il Z'[ j Gold Thimbu's, do *-!' I Diamond Pointed Gold Peas and Casts, J , 1 • }A doz. Silver Plated Spoon#,, '•] \ I Silver Plated Mugs,- 1 Over IyOO other different slylea Ladle*’ Jewdrr; ,) lions, air«t>K«. pattern* and sizes; Lockets u f r '- T h scriptioa; Gold Pons, 14 karvt, with Silver Kx.^ IS j Holder; OuM Pencils. Sleeve Duttons. Studs, Ac.. \‘Z til, Lava, Cameo and Knud Bracelet#; Gouts.* Ve t clc; - I w arranted to wear for ten years without cliatiyi..- i dad will stand tho acid— they are usually .sold i.'v ’ ; I as solid gold drains— all made in Pari*. >’ca ca-i t-j* f your choice for each. Ladies' and Gents-' OurirdiW-? jsl each, usually sold by JcueU/Ts nt from £i> t.> v V.t‘ ! Ladies’aid Children’# Neck Chains, beautiful* ruiu% 1 Armlets, bdllhtnt, enamelled and rurby settings; Crc^' S plain and Ci.anicHcd. each, retail price* free: ?i* I $2O each. Every style and variety uf JcHadry. auj d^. | tie good# for £1 each;. j This sale. at the.aboTO prices, will continue !<•! g rr-.u.k I to sell off our immense stock, which was u. [ great Saciifi'e who ha\c i\ Lj TAKE XOCJi CHOICE FOH $1 EACH. ‘ ; ‘ SPECIAL NOTICE. I • to send money..*# , let*. WriU your name, place of Residency, Cv-antj m; ; State, plain and dutisict, oa wo can uAv.^' ! mdAs. ' * j Seal ail loiters with WAX. hs Envelopes seab-l I or wafer* cau be easily opened—iho iJU-rT. C | iuiJ re-st-alcd. ’ Attend to this?, and ve will bo rwyoav/i i furyour mouev. j - tXDCCEMKXTS TO AUE.NT3. I Any p-r*->u fitting us who will MaS -i> , 1 timo. j SVjO. wv will give a o<*ld Unutiucr ein* { ’•* , *• (JoU .Lever Watch. [ stio, ' u Silver Watch. . A Watch and the articles selected frern the at-jv? La: I On-? Poliar Each. ' Persons ordering by mail Miui tend £1 aal li ..cl. r, •JOcLiSi’ sfawpj. fITVE U 3 A TKTAL. All c<>:a:auaicati«>iis>iatut b»* aiMi-e***! to WILLIAM KLIM, Nw. Jh-7 Market Srrwt. rbil:iji;ii'L..i. 14. Altaona, March 7, l-’GI-Cm. i rpo TUT']' PUBLIC.—T H E SUB -1 SCillllEU 'havingtakc-u the<*e:abltski£;. L’t;;t;;;..l,. owned by iaiuuvl I. Fries.) vrciiM rt*p-vu'aliy ,;n ’-uounce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. aJKTG that he has icmovud h!a ’ |S£*i£x , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL gji : TIX, SIfEET-IROX WAKE J STOVE StO.'!E. ;to* tha ik'W building on Auuu» street, between U-rr.tW Adeline .streets. Hast Altoona, where he wiilkti.-'j }y on- h ind u largo u.<>orttnvut t>f everything which he will dispose terms. : ROOFING- & SPOUTING 1 put up on short notice. lie also munu£ficturt.3 Liiie I Jeo.v Spoytiue:, which is said to bo much superior v.tv | vanized slicetdron or tin* j Ho l*u> also Mllachetl a copjier-JsDiituiDg rcea •j taldisLmpfit end will hoop on baud an .f ] per and brass kettles. Ac. All kind-* L/jub work promptly hUcu-lal lx A alnre of public palitmtijjo la rt’.sp*H-tfu!;v sr£i»nE:v wi.vm ■Altvoaa. An- Kth. 1500. Philadelphia watch and 11. COSKAD. fOKMEU OCCCPAKT, \0.14s N. :\1 St'., comer of Quarry. yt proniireeA. whero ho will keep u ftssQrtintn; o*.l jijsii silver \\ niches, of American, LusH-sh and s:v utj.ctv.ro of the mest celebrated Dicker-'*, ia rvi-jkii'a *: which will 1 A-, found always ou hood (uui nude u> ni-; •; extorsive variety of Jewelry, Silt .'rand Silver t.'-cother with a ‘jrvaeral &ssorth;»»nt of such ■’ v a. usually kept in h Vnt ch and Jtw.’hy Tj: l -patrons t.f 0. Conn d, and of rx, t* pother With the public ge hvra*!y. r.re invirrd I they will I'ocriT.j a £•*•-! urtide f>V fhefr mu!;-v. A* l' v ; iieten:.iu.-d to d<> a cash business. j'.VhL* will !.•■ I.J • •* S/’U.U }and the u: ~ -. a Establishment. LEWIS K. BKuoM.il i„ KurrccrlyiO. Ccnr;;. Xo. 14S A’. Second St., cor. of \-dam. i ~ Juno T. IbOo.-ly. ‘ V > i) 3 V W ■■ s: « ‘ u —• • _a o £T • iy 3I- . « ‘w »-* si H'. [• ?|; s PJ i | 3 <5 'JI. _■ i « o *_*■!§? J 5 -< •£ 2- *3 " S Si l 3 ° 23 -* rpilE GREAT QUESTION, WllKil •J_ Dow the mind of evttry per.<''n is, wlm-o cau I pH {be ben Mtfcle for ploui-y? In rt'jtanl to other matters, the «ub- ?S| fcril.er wmi! j not attnnpr to direct, but if vou tS* want anytliirs in the Hue of * gff&e roots or shoes 8 rK O \iT* O s . a -i> PS x =s S|a »— -i »• -i" * -r* .S ; o H«' y fc *■* m<?o 3 ; s 5* r-2 s;£ t: £ «"t? C- a Q £ =^if <-A 3j O ;a H—' —• *-3 op knov .*• *5 ►h “ «:S h- inviVs no es.immstion of hN etoclr arj.J v ■ : !JekcH‘pscon>taiulyoahrmdai;xwwTftiCT'.totßo-1 *• •Gailer*. he oilers »t f*ir rric- ♦. . Tie will jnvc special attention to cu«to:u »\. ;>roK*li will be warranted to giro- eati>-fhctU.n. j- i. ■ -best workmen are employed Kemc-min-r mrahnp Ls*ou Tltgiuia street, it-.z.-.'-ii* •? .'opposite. K' fs Ding Store * Septombcr 3; Bakery and Grocery Store. Tue subscriber keeps atf ST A N’T LT on baud rresh-Baked Bread, Cakes. i f FEED, BACOl?, FLOUR,4 groceries, AUa, a choice lot of SEG Alts and TiiDACCO JACOB RINK. Virginia Street, below Anni. is-'- I Xov. io, BOOT & SHOE ESTABIISHHENI rpHE UNDERSIGNED ANNUr.M'i 1A citizens of Altuoua ami that tbc) fyiou'Hj & BOOT AND SHOE SHOP JULIA STKEE7 r 1 <2i*>r cOovt Winters* Tin j ALl*mo, \vhere they will keep on luurf a uuoJ assort®** 1 cf Boots and Shoes pf f.Vir own imrnn/iTc/u/v. • «• Particular attention given to making ’ Gar/m, tfr. They Invito a share of public patronage. fc* tng «j»r«fir<j.thafc they can render entire .-itisfaJiion. : Altoona, Jaa. IX '6l-tf JOHN SIDNEY XTATIOXAL POLICE GAZETTE -| A TWs- Croat Jmmml of’CHmc and Crimi^i-- ; as Twelfth and is widely clrctHsM thrc.wh ; Hie country. If emtaius all him Oroat Trials, r - Prrf^ r . mt ? »K‘««b0B dfceome.tl'sctlwt »'’! “W ■» ft****: I*” 1 *««ftnns $1 for tu m.anh?/ 1 nfj Ti*.*"* bT m!wrn *‘"'. (wb» fhoold wHtttlieir mb* “ e *“» n . county and State whore they reside nlaic; ■ | „ ; To O. IV. MATSKXL i C<J . IS-tn RII1 ” r 4PrO P r. of New York Polke qizeise- j Xi>^‘t JTno m r. V IJOOTS AND SHOES.—THE UN dei'wfeftcd has novr on haoA*Ll *4ll N ?!™ ?ap f h,s Btore ,a the M*»on|c lifi -V-N I> SllOt.B, rcndjr made, or m«(te to bnW Bb (frenboea, Ladies’ f!«mdaLl«,Omn Show. p,,tv - : 2. ’M-tf.] ' T UMRKII FOR SALE.. : lowwt, lor-Cttn.- Apply la JOUJS SIIOEMARK* AN I) LAUD OILS, CAM- () V H AND AT McCORMICK'S Store QOJ »ni tr? 1 * aiKUaa ' Dt of »e#4ysta*> cHh« Kerr. Cv.-* k x JOHN IT. KOEI7.T: •»; SAOEMAKii" i"i4 O'fk-o.'.r •v»K if #•**** £J»> • ■ ->V, <v MeCRtTM * PEHN, VOL. 6. 4 C v ■pijß- J.DVICX FREE. Bew-York Benevolent In JJL ESTABLISHED 18*6, JtMftbToted to Thi CUtue ttf JMieot Rtf* Mmtrt Pm Md to tha reMaf of thoee auffucingand am ate |a4 ylrao(ii ZSeordera. To this end t •athnrod; to enable the tick ud tattering l«tCtk aad breadth of our labd. to aw £rtortu«, and Ignmtiw </ pro/ii through which Utoiuanda and ten* of tout pariah.' . hdlowiog arcaome of the dbea.es w at tholohnnar; but iu all partaof our co» OptunxmpUon and Pulmonary-Complaint* Dyipapala, Eye and Ear Dhioaiio. Can TMtna, dauadlso had Livor Complaint, Sen and aU.dweaeee of the Urinary and Sexual whatever cante or whatever nature. Our a »*»«Joytotbo aflicted by effecting In all caae OwnOa ir to charge nothing for advice a acriptj*n» ; but wUI furcleh when redueeto* medtetneant the lowoat rates. Theatj remciiloeore prepared in our own I dar the care of able ChemUls. and ate tb ’ •“•"“.♦O Mienee, including all the recent t \ To all addreuiug n* by letter, coniaiuinc •ymptomaaud appearance* of dlaeasc, age. t wj win write a candid r.ply, with inlvleo ' “t *•“> Any reea lent un when .ending ft davotad to furuiehing mediclnu for the poor, medicine can be cent by mnii or exprene" if * for one or room of on* workaandJudee Al*o published at the Inhrntery, to aid tb THE FAMILY PHYS Containing elmpio remedir* eaail'y obtained Dieoaeee In ell it* forme, with fell exulai eeueea. eymptome, diet, bathing end exercise TUB LADIES' MEDICAL 1 AND THE PHYSIOLOGY OS MAPI Aworkonlue cause, itmptom* and tr« Complaints peculiar to tl>e eex, on monio abortion and it* result**, on Children, their ‘II prerenUon, of conception, with Invaluable in then oosnhjettt of a private nature, price The Gentlomen’s Medical Coi *wv r „ AS ?, PJUTATE ADVISER. A Dock for tuo old and younc, embracing ti Prevention tod Cure of ttU Liiwaaes ofthrUr. ®*i A wftruiag voice of advice and mW bo found tu no other work. Price 25 C“ *' THE GUIDE AtfD OILS Fun eviht on*. .dL?.b*n It, i?' bus9 - nna the Tarim entice the tick and well. U Ulnatnitea the Quactoaa* Rogues to.dupe escry one. it -u y’* l ? through Ufe, and chows Up eTery.cn Imll '“‘T I ' ai * ti, ia» of Food, Medicine-, ,iic mc “* uf - THE HOUSEHOLD AND FA I ■Mr- , waxiiTios dxii suoi*. r , ,°f T erT n,“ii y ’ ~ Tt “« ' ,rcr 10to receipts £*S7S?V? Jre . r ° R 9« a,n S. *c. How tophi . How to cure animals, adv “A Mechanics, on 1000 .uOJa ■ Pri ? ?* c ®“ w - WorlL JlO to any one F nE consumptives boo _ Pr^eTo'feuU 016 attd •“» t,lom 19 not lo he found in Duld.ialied. nor obtainable from any ullwr sou lookJttM published oa.flne white paper, a£d .Ji? 3r . 0f £° »l»vo works will 1)0 ma|i-.l free, o “ ’ Um P*. <•*. money; or 11)0 w.*S„ in it ; tanaTvomoje for bwilu. No family s b..„ TOtth«6. They are Illustrated with beautiful ana contoin the condensed experience of rear* 'o AtI JV 11,0 «'«™ works, wlio c«. a Send for a circular fur agents. r 1 , W ’! h *•“* rnfferltigfrem ». u , r 0f , ’ uwcr: nt-irous d. loTouf onipt. n* &nd HL on i‘ UtM laU • Lefor,.- tacoroble damage to botli body and mind. To Females who want ta/t, plauant and - i t>r Irregularities, Obstructions, WMtm, tc., s~i preventive. I Jl a *** convinced that there aro mane parent t%£T*S*“l 0 "*? d , l ’ < i“ c<l conditi™ to *1 8 °"Jy brings sugaring and j o ‘“.I*"" «»«Id iay write, and we will send info. W »dil I nn!n t ? d ’ “°‘ l ncvcr - fnili1 '); PItKTEXTKI w« will mail free, t 0 any one applying for it, THE JOURNAL Of MEDICAL UEI Vain mm and beautiful paper, and contain.: ln&rmntlon on Spermatorhcea, or {kini • ? 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