XJTITA3L REPORT 1 ■ ur rax ■■■■ ] a Gas and Water Comply 1 r TBS Aiaooiu \' ’tM&n qf the } Altoma Otu otr a tir‘'compa*. ,ou that the gas and water work* - *** il operation, andthot liW-Sdl* 1 * probability of snob amitu,^!*^ < revenue asto make.ytfraiMwt? 10 •iid satisfactory. pleasure now io announcing j • pcctfttions then held oat ban -Cti. **f ® J ber of consumers of gas baa inorn Uj j] year from 183 to 174; and In addition to Which* tb* il Roail Company lias iuto their passenger cars, o necessary apparatus for tiikStJm / from our works. ■itionsl expenditure has been ineqrr^l ; the improvemeatsat tbegas w,Jjxß ■S the heigfath of the water reaertnH .msidered important in rieir of tSI :ix|, and of the better protection I m the wash of the hill. Nothin/1 now be required to keep'.the W ort I •u condition, unless we except*corer I rroir, which can be conatrucUrf 1 ,4 from $3OO to $4OO Your jw| 1 consider this il matter of Soißebn I order to preserve the fresbnecc and 1 e t. iter, and have only delayed tin, ! until, the requisite expenditure ' ode Without interference with tk, of dividends. There ig -c expenditure can be made durine -.C..SOU. 1 s tsfor the year ending May Ist, are I wate J. and for , vl I- its, making a total ofSfi expenses during the same s. m ; leaving a clear profit of ;; more than 8 per cent,' on the en r e , T™ 1 * 3 -, Deducting the., interest 1 which isat thevrate of 6 percent 1 iM balance would be equal to fit be capital stock. On tbd tnt of ' a dividend,of 3 per coqt.. fra* paid < •ders, ami it is expected that diri- 1 i -creased rate can hereafter be paid • iiuar>-and July of each; jear.- Übt of the Company has beeo set I exception of our note of $860.80 ocr next, to meet which, land. w ij •«••• Tbe only liabilities 'the*tl*. the mortgage loan of slo,Odd ; tor land, which is payable;jn ait 1 •;ts of $lOO each. Owing to c»r -I i mid our control, we axe notion I yiure you. at preSeflt, a dotailci I the accounts, hut we can stall ] a the hands of the Treasurer a j i ot the Company, amonnting to I -io arrearages due, with the#*- j r extensions of gas and water 1 : applied for, by owners of pro , present lines of pip*, gome •to extrusions asked fbr Wonld’ b 'T- •“‘•test «u the investment, ■ tiirectora baa not cobajilered I cur apy expeupe tba* coUld be •■ u , outstanding obligations are f has been tbetsfow, ■V extensions, an leas stock to a i' : tu «ovar the cost iha» beenb will probably bedoncinsomo iie expiration of the tem for '•pcriutcndent of the works wia ~ efficient and economical mode 1 fc:»me a subject of coniridera- was dually adopted, that ■ue Comgirty would be promo 'r a , ; S “P e «ateud*nt-9«t ixed ■ ulti include all expensed for ■ invited, and offers rc uuliviuu:il»4jf JBKTjrn cape animation of the proposition#' |S litUcham, formerly connected 53:11 'i!. S :,s works, wss accepted, m charge in tbe mooth of ■>:uisfactor; ffl'auioer in which ij- en performed, bare proved . >{ inrcctors did net wr In their inUcd onheh.tlfof the Bbftid.br "• H- WILSOK, Pres’t f v " Fort Pickens. following from a letter frus a V-8. Snn» Sr. Locw, V uneda, April 18. 1861. / I>e.\* Sir Ou account of 1 ; -covered among some of the '* c * ie o«, and olber t from thp ship on the night the boats passed eldsCttn t rt -Mcßm, which «in tis • After all their threatsand < »' t fire a gun, thoagb why, aac in■ nor fleet can conjee n ungihat all theircbivalrio * preventing the rein e; elubed to j;rib andhear \t, • JiUt imagine oar surprise Attempted deception of jlrlg >-■ who, when officially in* t saving been reinforced, de -■'■ed it to bo understood that " s the .ißrst new he had of \ he knew all about it at eta tony non- make the best longer any fear for Port 1 w manned by few" short-of --- :t haring been thongkt !■ ■■ least, to attaok it wift a ' ■'•ty men, as long aa those •"ed »ith by,onr honorable, ’•••S what they called a trace. c arrived here twp days ago, ;ite Powhattao yesterday, : nts of flying artil|enr,*ap ■ :er y,' &c„ in oomntanffof ies charge of the depart i=ted by that celebrated en -Meigs. The squadron has >t two days, with the boats, ■ es, and munitions of war ■tl antic. * * » • » Anything of the Southern ce it has been ogared to the li > the South musthe wan- We had g. distressing i'ort Sampter had alien, , but do not Itnow what re e report, as ilt may bare t rebels to dishearten some r * *' * »• fire thooMml meson C <’ D ‘ P/* pron»i ‘jpfederate ennjratui* at Prwtlrf. fv .** Cairo, S»«&st ire-'' aa P»M fr«m XtimMJb' Mia Of V '«§TO : ' ' Ltt him i ■ u right eWe, Itm : ‘ene!i** ? f irwion e4.' •■"■,'■ «ws^®wi: **l*' j b/thehil'lai?' The advertJfLf | A UTHORIZKD MILITARY Boots. the pay o( (he officers and soldiers ofthe "•“" I *»» »-* ** » •evcrahms affection, and That dmad db- | l!!£E?EviSf^ LERY * lunteera. As these, volunteers are to be mns- ] “ f " ““ co M ompUon-4. anxious to make known , 0 hallow I P "^ d by * B * rd Tt * xqX^^ so red into the seiwice of the United States, and ; Volunteers 75,000|«tentl» maani of cars. j,* ' i Cot. 8. Doom, J *na*l7 * 17 **• M* - hcome, for the Ume being, a part of the regular Res-L-tri! for • years’aemoe, 40,000 ) To ail wb* desire Hhe will send .copy oT the prescrip- I Sir:— The Eight Artillery Board assembled byPpectal irtny, rt is (air to presume that their pay inione .. Jf*” serYiue . 25,000 | ttenWffwe or charge,) with the directions for preparing Bp^on,enS e? J^^^* esse will.be the same as in the j ‘‘ . 18,000 -m-ing the «>«. which they wu. hnde *JTcZ% t “ e volunteer soldier, while in < Total *£TT j Gnrmmox, Aamu, Bwurcam& ic. . The o*Jy oVject of WM. U.FRKSCII, Bt. Major the cemte Oi l tlie Govemoient, will t>c entitled 1 Thut i« *7R yiaa 1- i. i * 158,000 ■ the ndrertlser ia. sending tire Prescription la to benefit Ike Captain First Artillery, to the MOM pay, more, as the soldier of how ra£®l k bef ? rc la 3t» and 85*000 afflicted, &dspread information whfch he concrfwa to b* WIUsUM F. BAEKYe the regular army. . ! toe uumbw of invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer wiU try hla XUS^S^S^ST- Now, let uaeeojpJuU the pfij is f of each offi- i wp of rcgiments asked of them. dy, mit will cost them nothing, and may prove a Mowing, j Captain Second Artillery. cer and soldier. What 1 here stated tvfcreacts ! Tiiv °~— Parties wishing tneprescription will please > HARDEE’S TACTICS to that matter is fact, and cannot be contra-,1 0 f U 0 SoSw^^,ta F t ttW -- In M- «»WAIU> A. WIEEON, I Rifle ,nd UgbV In*T “ ?JiS. " the exercise W dieted. In stating the pay, subsistence, forage : iLa Qn,.*i, which have originated m ■ . Wjllianvlmrch, j manoeuvres Of Troop* when acting as Light Infantry or &0. t Of the officer, my facts ore based - unon a i 7° . .t° the contrary, it is now fully un- Oct. 4, m—ly. Klngf County, New York I Hiflemeo. Prepared under the direction of the War Dc time of war, wbioh differs, in some resaecte « e Wt°od that the attempt of the Southern toni- ". V, T"."' —; By Brevet \r. j. hah from what he is now entitled to in time q f V° loan is an eu- ; p C «fd- to Suffering. feS| B i^ae^»^S3S^ Lieutenant Colonel, $270 per month, fort v failure. The whole amount taken, even !. Th r Wm ' Co * g ™ ve ’ wbile lab ® rinB “• miMio “ lr 3 r j School or th» BrrrAuos. Two voU. complete. $1.50. rations per day, seven horses, and four «„/ “ ccord in3 j to toeir beat showing, does not amount “ Ja P* nwlU ’ curod ofeonMnnpdion, when all other means . “An Ad to MaUith an tm-/om mode T vr x*/r they will find thescremedieS asurc cure for Consnmn- I I .. . T, HPjTTPjKS REMAIN liNCr .ion, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever and | Constipation, Hoart Dyspepsia, Keirouii j Boyles, Geo - . Miller. EmMimf IK-WUty, nnd Female Cvmplaint*, and be bor** every one 1 £ ackw !l l^ r ’ A ■ McClellan, Sam’l * CD I f T.“ ClW ’ " “ Wi “ Cmt natl * ine ’ anJ I lsaac ' MccSk ilenry .tooaeawrmg ebouH apply before |t id too kite. Ibe« M,Win - McCartney, A U Ircscriwtiou arc listHl by tbe moet eminent I’byslcmuß in IWv MrDermit. ThOa I iHmdon,Paris, and Sow York. Thi*u wWUng them will Sm c lUiV. DR. CUAApERTsAIN. Crotberfon, LeeO McPherson, Wm Ju>\. 10, 00.-ly. William eburgb, Nrw York. Brown, Wm L O’Frlel. Margery *————— Cox, H rcctcT. Adaline , Velpeau’s Caukerine. (h-ouriiargaret Pakße^sraffi DR. i ELPLAU’S CANKEIUXE cares Putrid Sore Mouth Conrtron* Ellen' .llelgh. Elizabeth Miss DR, VELPEAU'S CA.VKERIXE cures Sore Vimdes • James Robinson, T S DR. VELPEAirS CAXKERfeßcures Ulcerated gp’ros. ) Kuna. Lid. iw^am^C^ 2 DR. S CANKERIXK cunaCuts. Evans, Roht ifinitlu Jno A DR. VELPEAU S CANKEBIXK euros Burns. Smith'Samantha DR. TELPEAU’S CAXKERIXE cares Sores. Gibson, A K Snyder,d'anics DU. "VELPEAU S CANKERtN’E cures Cliappcd jbips Gwlu, ilenry Bbowem, Adam DR. VELPEAUS CAXiOaUXE cure. Vdceratcd Ouits. ““StmaTbos !■ U. VELPEAU S CAXKERISE is tho best Purifier of the I Hansly. Wm ' Shoemaker, Win M Breath of anything known. j Hamilton, U T Turney UW Dil. VELPEAU’S CANKURise: cure. Canker In the UoWn bm! Mouth. Throat, or Stbomacb, resulting from Scarlatina or i Moor/, M M Ward s ,Eben S Typhus Fevers. ; Moms, Dan’l Wagoner, James C Ladies, if you delight in o white teeth a.eiv | Miller, Jno Tnnng, Henry 2 eei-Tvv , T c wnne teeth, use the CAN- Persons coiling tor letters in this list, will please se.v , KI.UJiE, and yonr desires will he realized. Wc pledge i Advertised.” JXO. P. M. y i _ T* ' °‘ ~ j onrword that it is cntirely free /rom acids and all poiso It Railroad ItSJlS.—>Tbe Baltimore and Qiao 0113 substances, and can he given to on infant with perfect A 10 1 9 0m P ar * y bate’ edme down from their ' safety. It Will preservotho teeth and keep tho gums free ; Mt * l a *?®* Go-irnrusnt has laid its ' from ulcers.* It is equally i efficacious for nursing sore , Ty , “ &n^ v^ ll ia \ -95*Tbe Female is often as fh'Jl ft 3 that of 5 Counsel sach loval * 8 * 7 k * nto ; a tender flower. Many of the.sex eutcr i»:to marriage ro liladelphia nnd BaUimord H pn j t °r l latioi)s without being able to:nndcrgo tbe labors tri lomson and Thoa. A Sooit ot t°l P wf maternity. In this country thousamb* ofyoung and i Central, and iva- • beawtlfid women arc sacrificed ijvery year from this canso ading Road. He was soju ; n j la , D , of tll s . ' Uoetetfer’a Cclebntiid Stomach Bitters will eavo [• Garrett and the Baltimoi*#» Can^r^f Ut I , of tiiia clas3 rr ?tn. an untimely grave. This mttli jJroadjchiefs. To-dar I learii *hi *k ; cine has been used with groat benefit by immense num> mnteered tbe use of their macbin l - ■ lM ’ w of throughout the republic, and the proprio grace that would have been tors have received grattful commendations from all eco had been a little less tardy r< * oracclul “ , tions of tbo country. The Bittei-s will be found to bo very ■ pleasant to the taste, even asi a beverage, and prompt and powerful in its effect as a medicine. It Infuses new vitali ty into tbo frame, and strengthens the whole system, ro that women who use it ore enabled to go through with la bors which would, without ItJbc certain to prostrate them. 4^Sold by all druggists. S-UTins, MIKEES, AND I-OXIOXSIES, sergeant. ,§34 per month; corporal, $2O; musicians, 12; private of the first class, §l7: privii.e of thesecond class, §l3. The above is the pay of the officers, &c., of i re B“ lar of the United States; and, as •ie publications referred to are calculated to miJead the public mind in regard to this mat tei. i doubt not a: correct statement in regard to u will he acceptable at the present time ’ More of Massachusetts Shrewdness. ' ~ h »« BI, J do “ b,! ®».' *een the aacc- ! .n ° M““ chusetts solJicr. who stepped Ti rep iired the locontatiTe : Which U himtelf had made. Also of the two : butcher volunteers, who, when their company i as nearly starving, bought .a cow from a Ma ryland countryman, slaughtered it, hung it On a ce and d j it f ? Hffe ; een n„ r^ Ctdoto ’ rLioh thc >’ not have Been. On the same day that the engine waste- i the whole road which it was to runon, i rtn ‘ V be , eQ torn U P b . v traitors, had : It wafil Coln P !ete a single rail, < rer wnf “ gh ‘ n Tai “ • erer T nook and cor- I link wm an “ e’- With eyes and facul- j by JW sud the habit of over- ‘ sidered nmhaWrr 16 sur 'P’ eJ . t!iU ground, con- Thcn ab } bt ics, an d weighed chances.— i „ n ! “ s V nct , S 3 “Wring aa that of an | Wb ° the turning of a leaf the Stream ' °. f * foe ’_* e madc his way to a deep I tream, at som dl3taßcei esamineddts banks, ! Imtt str!p P e f• Three times he plunged to the : sin!° m; ir Pd tbe third time brought up the mis- ' ‘fned,!*. 1 >1 i , am working for my country, not P- he said, when, amid the cheers of the : p‘“ d a mca - one of them offered him a piece of fe 1 ' 11 * TUB ViBCINU MuTtXEEB. _ f r T aea!ilst tbe govcrn >e life 6?*7 d,SS ° 3t ihea: First. J- of their vifct lbo hn ' i < ! la Uhenißn d jr ’ tbe consciousness I ' „ _ . „ cl of “! Q .< 0 command them are eeltine ! * S - T “ osE4t CLo?ms ° Enronicx of the Vxiox.- ■or litt* d O, The Kiclimond i'zuminerot' lx****"* the.mo(t. v taidld Clothing Empo ,o crio’ya! '' e P eak ing in full as to the former i ri ““ in ,ho country - ula •P te * ua « »««*• «“ P»I»- ■other tbns concludes: “Bat there is 1 tla * • t ™owre in which the immense btndnetaof tho cetab- CD wWeh.ff®* 161 e rief in the hearts of okr ■' Ushm,:B, ij oondacuO, and it U 09u.11}- splendid in r<»pect at those »i2* wlu>t9 State Shares with them— j 4O iUI B ?“‘ &ciUtiM rad rut "*»"*•*• But to its pa *»*wba w ■ Bet 40 “ inspect” and rule over. - O,MIU chlof attractions are, flrat, the elegance cess j . - CCS bitterljr opposed to the net of 2 nrcle,lt3 C)r Gentlemen and Souths, umnufactored lh<|»; . now * bu « that just i secondly, the beauty and durability of the materials, and iatcan'h* °/ inevitable consequences the mperlor excellence of tho fit, andhurtly tho moderate «, bear»7«kl opwi ® < ' ,We » who believe’ in > prices at wblch thi> ■ o ° a * ,re *!•“• in tW " *»• erit thTr “r fcey are working treason and i cr1 ‘ ,tiou >*• nene othcr than tho Brown Stone Clothing ■ muter.” 0 , Hall of Rackhlll 4 Wllnon.Noa. 603 and 606 Chestnut St., l- jj ’' ■ ' ■ i °hovc Sixth, Philadelphia. K«w| ” MBS. WINSLOW, e ?®* : thousand An experienced uur»o and female physician, has a soothing [ e guilty] SUfo. /j CD P urc “Med in Canada for | Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the tuined, jg | and Store can bo I process of teething, by eotening; the gums, reducing all in* Wes caa obhi in f the United datamation—wilt allay all pain, and is sure to regulate tho bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will giro root toyour- Ulf( nned° can be spayed ID i selr-ee, and relief and health :toyour infants. Perfectly * safe iu all cases. Sec advcttite&eat in another dpluam ! Tonic. | Fro “ C® l - AJt *rt I’iko, M. C., from Arkansan ! W.ISHJ.IOTON, D. C., Jliuc 11. IMO. i 1 hav’ P ,lrt of ‘he tonnfry (confi dentially) by mail, “ free of postage.” gold also by JOHN j HEAD, Huntingdon, and by one Druggist iu every village 1 town and city in the State. „ S. D. HOWE. ’ 5010 Proprietor, New York. >. The above Pills have been counterfeited, and are offered to Ladies at prices ranging from 25 cents to 75 cts, dear at out for them. The genuine, hereaf ter, Wjll bear thV.signature ofS. D. Hone, sole proprietor. Price £l. Purchase of the above gentlemen, undjonwill gnc JOU m;i * rol >- u i-“- MAILS CLOSE. ~ . n " Department, \\aihm a Um. Keb. 10, TS4I. J®? A M - The /X , ** m “f Cavalry Tactics adapted to the organiza -T-"i "iV „ ~ : «»un of Dragoon regimeuts, having been approved In the . . UA. M. and 6 M P. M. . President of the United- States, il now published fur the Ju P. M. J goTerinieut of tb« sud wrvief. T3O “ ' ! Accordingly, instruction in the same will he given after MAILS AIIKIVM. I tlie methud pufntod out therein; and all additions to, or ITonidaysburg 715* M. And 645 P M I, vY- ure “, *“ u «xeicises and waua>uvres laid down , Western Through .UV...._ 7. 43 A. M.‘ i m th “ afe positively forbidden. 1 Eastern Through ***’*" , 7 *JS *• ,' , -J. K. POINSETT, Sec*y of War. | Bayonet Exercises.. i Office the woek/ te a. H.'tiU if,U 7 30 r. n. On Sundays, from 7 .45 til! 8 45 a. *. ' Capdin Kim . JOU-N SIIUJiMAKKB. P. M order of the IVar BqS“meat &e vol ; RAILROAD SCHEDULE. ITua/iiHdiwt, />. f.,*iDeccLlKr } 1 Express Tram East arrives 5,30 P.M.. leaves 8.50 PM ? Uon. C. M. Bec’y of War. * “ “ West, ** 7,45 A. M, “ Ba»s A. m! I Sir:—Herewith 1 have the lioucr to submit a system of “ East “ 1,33 A.M. “ 1.40 A. M i Bayonet Exorcise, translated from the French by Canlain I We »t “ 8.25 P.M., « 8,40 P. M. McClellan, Corps Engineers, U. S. Army. i Mm! “ East “ 7,00 A. M, « 7.45 A.M. I strongly recommend its being printed for distribution West “ 6,50 P.M., « 7.05 P M tiro Army; and that it bo made, bv refutation a», ir r The nOELIPAYSBURQ BRANCH connects with Ex- o/System of Instruction.” * P West, .and Mail Train East and West. ' The enclosed extracts from reports of the luKnectorGen- IN DIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown : Cl *d. etc., showtho value, Accommodation and Express Train East and West, and ' * have the honor to be, sir, with high respect, witu Freight East. ! Your* most obedient servant Al>r “ IBUI - I 6 ee'y of War WINWKLD SCOTT ' January 3,1852. Kustern Way Western W-oy Uollidaysbnrg Western Through, Kostoru Through. Alivnr ,. , ■ R- JONES. Atijntiuit-Gtiieral. All} of the above works forwarded by mail, free of po»t -1 a V y purt United States, on the receipt of tbo On Tlmrsrtav cronintr Mav 2*l, at the Exchange Hotel, ■t , “n‘n>ued price. Remittances can bo made in cold dollars by Rev. W. Lee Spoils woodMr ~VKCS VAUENXINU to “<> Rnstuge stamps. Address b Sliss SUSAN A. CASSIDY, both ofAi>“- _ , „ J - UXPPINCOTT A CO, Wisloesday, the 24th ult, by G. 11. 11.-.Vr, Ksq„ Mr. amV^t'v ‘ ' Lly,J ' mL : ■* ‘ ‘ FRO** NEW-YORK. p \f' Missouri, by Rev. W. U. I R. A. KERR ! IJ AS FROM GI£JL XAS ZANI)T, of Perry Illinois, formerly of JCe\r- * -d. New York citr w,*‘h a assortment of ton llainilton, Pa. . —■ ' SPRING & SDtoiSER COODS for the ladies, | MAfiHIED: , DIED. At her residence, in Altoona, on Sunday, tho 21*t ulr_ Tod Dt KU, JananeTt. COUXELIA UAKLAN. wife of K. K. Grucgcr, Ei.j.. and I Pdiho Strips, J)t Chccns daughter ofE. A. ami Corn Mia It. Tickioy, ufFcrndale, j Irish Poplins, Ducats near .Tahnatown, in tbo 22J year of her ago.' I Larrllas, Thhtrds, On Sunday last, in Logan lovuslUp, ilrrBEN’J. BAER 1 Grape Dcßcge, Laurns, Silks, t£c 39 years, jmonth*. nml IS day,. | INDIAN SILK SHAWT.s' ' » beautiful article, cheap and fiishiouable, ’ STELL4 AND PRINTED SHAWLS. Alnr K( . assortment of the prettiest PRINTS ever brought to tbo town, so acknowledged by competent judges. ° Ladies’ Trimmings in endless variety. He calls special attention to bis beautiful assortment of QUEENSWARE, which is acknowledged to be the most complete of anv in the town, and sold at prices defying competition. Tea sets, consisting of ,46 pieces, sold at $4 00. ** BOOTS AND SHOES, directly from Now York, and bought from first hands, BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL, INGRAIN, LIST, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS from 1 lo 2 yards wide. His stuck of ■\TOTIGB TO BUILDERS.—SEALED L J i’ r °Ps saJs received by the undersigned. up to the first day of of June, IS6I, for building n school house. In Londonsvillc, adjoining Altoona. Specifications can be seen by calling upon the undersigned. By order of U, ■ S - A - LOCM^^ DR. -CALDEIIWOOD offers his Pro f.‘&iinnal ScfTkes to the citizens of Altoona and ▼icniity. Office on Virginia Street, nearly opposite C. J ilazui fl store. ** references J. B. Lrtcx. M. D„ Huntingdon. Jno McCulloch, M. D., a 11. X. Coptet. “ Pittsburgh. Kt*v. J. B.Cbwt, Birmingham. Rev. Thomas isTtT£.N3oN,'*T%Tono City, Jacob Bcrjlbt. « C. Ovtzr, W. IICBI.Br, “ M. 11. Jolly. « Altoona, May Otli, iS6I-Crn HAT & CAP EMPORIUM, JESSE SMITH, Proprietor. All the latest styles of HATS and CAPS constantly on hand. It ia-the determination of the proprietor o' this Emporiums keep up with the times;and fashions* and to do this he spares no expense. He hotfoot received his supply SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS, among which will be 4buud styles and ties to suit the tastes of old or young, or fashionable.. To give the mimes, colors, qualities and styles of all his good* I'' thh line, would only confoso the reader, and ho trbuy n«t Understand or appreciate the diversity and mngaituoVpf I* ra ” 3 * he aeon to be belio^d.— Go and see /«4»b if you irant to see a live hatter and a fashionable stock. :■ lie lias also a fine assortment of CHILDREN'S HATS andELATS, to which he invites the attention of solidtons mothers. At his store they will find something which will excel all their neighbors in the way of fashion and beauty, (la, mothers, and examine and select from Jesse Smith's stock. Store on Virginia Street, oppoiiU the Lutheran Chvrdx. May O,ISBI. \ Bcsissst EyoßTtKri's Omcf, P R. B. V AUoona, May I*<, 1801. / 3STOTXCE. A LL persons are cautioned against receiving any qf .tho following describe! Check*, which b»vo been lost or stolen on their way to this office—payment having been stopped:— Check of James M. Wheeler, on Uarrisbprg Bank* to J. C. Sharpies* or order (not endorsed) for f£oo. John Wallower d Son, on Ilarriaborg Bank, fo Harris bar* and UanMtr K. K. Co. or bearer, lor $lB7 Do'. 8.0. Patterson, on Ml. Jo; Bank, to -i. C. Sbarplew or bearer, for 410. The following check* of the Pennsylvania K. B. Compa ny, endorsed by 0. C. Frauclscna. mwie payable at the Co lombia Bank, vizin favor of Samnel Laverty for $1250; of J. P. Yanleer for $883; of Samuel Kunnemacber, Oeo. Boylo, and Cyrus Stricter for $5.00 each, awl of Solomon Powers, John Cray and Thomas Williams for $350 each. Also the (allowing checks of Peun’a B. E. Co., endorsed by W. 11. Wilson, made payable at Colombia Bank, vis,:-in favor of George S Crouse for $£8.40, and of Thomas Mixon for $3.19. Any InforraaUorfwhlch nmy lead to the recovery of tho samey will be fchankfiiily 7 roccirc4 by ' W.H. WILSON, EeruUnt Engineer, Msy 3d, 1561.-3 t Boarders wanted.—Mrs. e. M. FLUKE is prepared to accommodate 10 or 13 gentlemen with Boarding, at her residence on Harriet street, East Altoona, in the hones formerly occupied by Mr. laggard. Every attention will bo paid to their com fort and accommodation. [May 3, I*Bl.-31 ENOCH LEWIS, Gcn'l Supt. What’s the News ? WHY THIS, THE SUBSCRIBER >UI fiiocu of 8 UBt recc ‘ vcJ 0113 opened a large and beauti- GOODS among whuh may bo found the following FOB. THE LADIES : =n?i C ,^“[lw P m in a nud l>rilliaut styles of j-pnng Silks, Black Silis, horwich Poplins, Challio Do Chinna Brilliants,french nud English Chintzes, English and American Calicoes, 4c. WHITE GOODS. r^hi a 7 e T, in .^ U . de ?- ar , tm “ , ‘ t ’ LioCDS . tacos. Edgings, Cambrics, Brilliants, Eafnsooks, Jaconetts. Lawns. Moll a ”li n i I ‘ adlM Pino French Collars, Undenrtcevos, 4e ail of Which *0 respectfully ask a thorough "ximSittoS In lowerfn^tton U Se t I?w«E baVe ' W S °° dsbDt * r and Mourning Goods. Tills line of goods is very ample in every department. Hosiery and Gloves. ! | U en e£?. ,toa “i Lkl ™ n « !i tor ladies andgeatle j men, and an endless variety for children Ladies n.Ts iHT i 1 KW ’ Kl e Pitdshca. Silk and I.fsld Thread GlovS] j Call and see our far tamed But* Gloves." ! DOMESTICS. 1 Blankets, and every article in the Do ! mcstic line of Dry Goods, in larger quantity and in more complete assortment than can bo found iu any house in the interior of Pennsylvania. J We bate also a fine assortment of CARPETS and oil cloths, together with a full stock of Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, j and all the et cetoras of a country store. I, May 9,1861. J. B. UILEXIAN. GROCERIES is complete in every respect, and will so sold at as low a figure as any house this side of the city. CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES I* j'V' v< r . Ptices than they can be had elsewhere. Good Mtm w f ° r * 4 ' so, ’ ln ' l s Pt in g Carriages for $5.00, Just ns good as heretofore s„ld for ss!uO. b Woodea and Willow Ware in almost every variety, together with all the outfit of a first class store. [Jlay 0, 1861-tf THE ROOT & HERB DOCTOR, FiBOM PHILADELPHIA, WHO HAS HAD 30 YEARS GON OTACT practice, can bo ionraltod at the Altoona J I “ U 5«V 5 ? J°h“ Wood’s, vit. ;—On the 7th of Jme, the Jf 1 °f oad t*e 7tA °f Atiyutl— he will then vacate for femnnths. Notice will be given in this paper when ho commences his Winter’s Term again. r i u 0 lie treats aU dimases that fleeh is heir to. Ho invites all females who may be suffering with diseases their sex, to rail and examined, new as thousands hove been restored to health who have been abandoned by others. He is in possession of perfect In KmcL/f? nn ? ln 8«“> Ihhgs amPchoetatfffelw fciw able to determine the exact condition of the vital or gmh—Consequently can treat such complaints with greater ufcty and certainty than It is possible for those whlrau ff.Mfc2‘!^ e “ d . # l p * nmcnt &r l,a c o r «- Uebrifeves n%^2iM4 horo f ° Md . tlent ?“ n receive treatment for $5 pe, month, except and Tumors, they vnnr from $lO to »IW. free. DR. W. LRVINGSTON. . 3.—See Handbills. [May 8, T? AfiHIGNABLE MILLINART & J. 1 TKiJIMINO Store, on 'Virginia street, Altoona, op posite J. B. Uileman’s store. The subscriber having par chased with great care, an entire new stock of Ladies dress goods, and Trimmings; also a large assortment of Bonnets and Ribbons, Pine trench Work,~ Shawh, White) Good*, Em * broiaerjc-, IriS. !i Lilians, Linen Handker chiefs, Hoopihirts, Clothes, Cat- . timeret, Kentucky/eads, Prints, Ginghams, ilutlinst Flan nels, Etc., Etc. Boots i Shoes in all their various make and malarial ft;r Men & Boys’ its well as Ladies, Slfcscs and Children. Beady ICade CldtMog', a full assortment to suit the season, irith llats, Cans Dm- Pamsole, Carpets, OB Clotljs, Mitting, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs, Tin W are. Queensware, Hard Wats, Stone Ware, Market Baskets, Zink Robbers. Brushes, Clothes Liue*, «c n with all article* (o up a #-«•» Sortment to luoi't the wants of tho people. - ALSO, a complete FAMILY GROCERY, which will have our special attention, first hi buying and selecting the best, and freshest articles os fell as keeping 11 °P ■* llll times. Coffees of tho very beat: ami richest \ ancuea. TE.A.S, Black and Green of the best and flavor. Sugars good and cheap; common Brown at «. good at Scents common white 10 cents. * Ql * Syrups and Baking jj folates, from the heat Lootings at 62U. to tjbe lowest crado at 40 cents. Cornstarch, Dryod Poaches, Dryed Ahnles, Farrena. Bacon, Drycil Beef, Alaekurel, Herring, Fish, \V mdow Glass; different sizes, fcr., all of which wS bo sold very low for cash, or exchanged lor Produce Always on handy Speer & Halls celebrated Iron Plows fl.!h^^ Itl ? S 7 0Ol(i d 0 - WeU making their selections to call and examine bur stock as we will he pleased to see them free of charge, thank^WSr rCsreCtfc3,y onlul Altoona, April 18th. 1861-tf. > Cheap! Cheaper!! Cheapest!!! Huzza for north ward.— The undersigned would renjcctfnlly inform the citizens of Altoona and the sun-Quoding country that he U“ In 1 !? 1 thc ,tor . 6 roon > formerly: occupied by Jacob Burkhart, on Virginia street, near A. McCbmkkV ,££. whero he is about opening a • * store, Grocery, Flour, Feed and Provision Store , Ho has just reJnrncd from the East where he has i~e„ selecting his groceries with great ££ Slbutf IltHe ?*" d ' cn ,‘ ll ’ le " Wvu to sell as lowvif nota ■ cadl . and his stock before His stock consists of i : ■ Hats and Con Hen and iromn’s Shees, XetHmt o/all lit’ds. ' 1 Extra Family Flour, Superfine,- Corn Meal, Rue and Com Chop, : : »«*--* <• Pennsylvania « « j* « « £ Baking « „ .. White Crush Sugar yi ’ « n Whito .« Jo «lr Refined “ jo ** • « « Best Brown “ M Cuba u 7 u • « a Bio Coffee J 5 to 16 « « « Best Imj»crial Teas on u « i( 2nd quality •* S *• r . « « Black “ SO « « n j VALUABLE property at PRl 'v ATEB ALE.—The property known s». - as the Oreensbimr School Property «{te ate in North ttnd foroh, Kin accordance oHu 11 |Jk with a nsOlntioa of the School Board,' of- JBURiK fered at Private Sale. This is a property, there being two fall lots of gftrand a aod two-sto little expend! the. house can be made to accommodate two femities. ‘ • *m. 1 Match g, 1861.1 m. J’jcr't JttMna PUMPS 1 PUMPS!—THE UNDBR ,nf()rti th «<¥titensof i\- vicinity |h*t he fa pirpawd to pnUn ■ pump stoUkb, length, St short notice, uid Aj rfktAfithffi fp m , a Altoona, March 21,1881-3 m BKWAi F N »cMAH4N. Tl i* hereby Altoona, April 4th, 1881.] - T)Jr. OQOD : J- M. GKMMILL. CJPECTACLBS AND EYE PrEsER. kj vers for sale s( [l-lf.i KESSLER'S. iMiaumutm BOIXijUQ} UlHiii rok SOLB PROPRIETORS, NervousHeadaehe ifeaiiacib** By lbs use of those Pills the periodic attacks of .Vcrroxj or tick Uatdacht may ho prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain aud sickness will ho obtained. They seldom (ail in removing the leased and OeaUadie to which (females aro so subject. , - * They act gently upon the ho«vi«,-removing CbsUtmct : i'uc Literary ilc*. stvdato. Delicate females, and all IKTWus of sedentary Acid., tiny are valuable as a Lcuatic-:, improving the (ippclUe, giving lone ami cigar to the dig,*- Uvo organs, and rcstoringtho uatmarelastiuty and strength of tho wholo system. „ Tbo CEPHALIC PILLS arc the result of long Invest*., tku and carefully conducted experiment*, loving leva in uao many years, during which time they haw prevented and relieved .a vast amount of pain ua.l suffering from Headache, whether originating in tire nervous system or .from a deranged ttate of the stomach. Th.vy.ure culirely vegetable in their composition,-ami umy be taken at all times with pellet safety without mating any change ofdiret, and t!,e absence ,„, 3 disa. ffrceal/le taste renders it easy to udniaiUtr them to children. BEWAKEpp cbl’iiXEiimxa! ' Tlio genuine have five signatures of Henry C. SptUding oa catb fcox. Sold hy Druggists and all other Dealers in Jledicioe*. A Boa will be sent hy mail prepared ou receipt of fh* PRICJ3 95 CENTS. All orders aboalJbc aildifjsed to UESUIT C. SPALDINO, 4S CiJir Strift New Vwk Not. 16, ’CO.-lj.] TUB BO I. LOW I.NO- KSDOiiSEMENTS OV SPALDING’S Cephalic Pills, ViltL COXtINCE ALL WHO SUFFER PROS HEADACHE that a 3 SPEEDY AND SUBE CURB IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. ■lj these Trttimmiah there unsolicited by Mr. SpujiTTn- Vtty afford mp,estimable proof,,/ the efficacy of ‘ ’ thu truly Kteniifc discocay v MißO.wim, Cosx,, Fob. 5,1801, Mn. Spiiuisa, Bib: Ilmro tried jour o|dudic PUU. and 1 like Otm to tceli 30 “ 10 '? I,J ?** two ,lb,lnrß uonh nio i. t . 1 art of these are for tbe neighbor*! to viu>m out of the licet box I got IVum yoi. “““ 1 *" c a Scml the Pills hy mail, uud obligo -V Vom* obvdiuut Servant, JAMES KENEDY. Ur. Sr-dDtxo Bai r;n Wl ? a ioU l ° ~" d mc 0110 “ ori ' box of your Cephalic - r. 113 ,1 have recnved a gnat deato/beneJUfnm thm. *o*ira, Iteapectfullyv MAHY ANN STOIKUOUSE. n. a HraWMU>OK Co -> ri -. •»«. 18.1801. 8w: yKr Ml> ’ MM JUux V*Bsos, Objo, Jau. 15. ISCT. Hkcst C. Spsiwso, Ksn. ' ’ XMa«« find Inclosed.twenty-five cents, for which send ro« / *- Thru art. truly U,i wl FUUI ever tried. Direct J A. STOVER, P. M, Bcuo Vernon, U'yaiiUott C0,,.0. BEVEtiy, Mass, bee. 11, ISBI. n. C. Simipko, Eao. I wtoh for some cireulara or largo show hills, to bring yonr Cephalic Pills more particularly before mvcushe raer*. If yoa have anything of the kind, please »6hd to ? c “‘““ ri « s - who i» rehjcci to screra Blck UeuuUche, (iwaalhr JaaUnn two day*.) mu cured of ten at tack. tit one hour bjfyour Pills, which, I sent her; Respectfully vows, W. B, tTILKKS. Retxoidsbcrc. Fjiasrus Co., Ohio, .Tau. O,IBGI. Uesbt «; SpAt-nryn, N©. 48 Cedar nt, N. Y. ' ' XtautSre:* • * I M(t ocro k?? CeplhiHc BJlfa. Send to mldruM of Rev. Wai* C. Kincr, Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co M .Ohlo. • ilanstr tcw * f**® a cun Headache almost >rt- Truly yours. TrriUMi, Mien., Jan-, u, is*,. Me, Smkdiso. • Bmr rJV* I a«5 I’lcwm seucThy retii-n mail. Direct fa. A. K. WHEELEB, .. . Tpeitantl, Mich. AVoki the Examiner, Xor/M-, Ht. -> Awm the Examiner, XarfoO,-, id. wSS«%*.Sr* ea i “ Aon Me Dewocrai, ,«. C7o.< J£ nn . «MC. a^O^ a^|u , 1 ” nblr ‘ 1 -ijh the headache, them in ca« ofanldtik. that } ' on “nyhara Asm the Advertiser, Providence, It. f. remedy *SSf very trequeatcomplaint which J eter bten dLcovC^j' Fnm tte w a um R. n. aizttu, Chirac, in c^"i 1 il CD[torea Mr - SpaWiu * From the Kanatcha I'affiry .Ste% Kttnaaha, Ta /Win rt« JSwMcrw iVBI fSjtfer, iTne OrfcWj, Za Try them! you that are afflicted, and we nro .nm t>,,i 10 th * "Iready that baa rAclVed benefits that PKEPABED QUJB will earo tea time* Its coel annually SPALDXKQ’a PBEPAHJED GLUE I SPALDISS’S PEEP AEK» CEDE I SPALDISG’S PREPARED OLCJS! untaa Hunt I. WP«cm w A cmes nr Tnci £atxs *Ten fat *dt restated funt- B,eß * w,r tf SPAtBIJiq’S PBKPAIU® OLCKI g^'SWStSS^JffiltSSSa.'; “tMTOiISdsvBHT HOBS* I *' >- # . I . . yp- *M»awr SyK.y, U* Mruin • SSSS 1 ?’ 1 "S#* 4 «“*•«“ •nt^mt»*JSSnSSSr pßtthirtjij, f/ni'wtt that Um Mlwh, -■*?!!. «K.t)PAIDJSO-8 PEEPAEEDGLD*. ' “ out«ire wlndlfes eoou- lUvzefocd, P.l, IVb. 6,1501, MM. C. FlttßJl