BARD TIMES m4*e® ASY! «bofr*!*«rrtor theVMuidoyaflt make Koney ( OIffiJBILUOM DOLLARS WORTH OS WATCHES, 5 JEWELRY ARD WARE, •so n disposed or or AN ENTIRELT NEW AND ORIGIN A L PLAN! 2i500 AGENTS WANTED I!» Jii ptnMw dMtnw «f Mewing ■» Agent, la thl* New Enterprise Ihinlil ttnl on thalr name* at one©, enclosing a 3 peat Mmj» tepKj postage, nod receive by return of mall A PREMIUM e A. T ALOOUE Containing QUA INDUCEMENTS, \ Which aSbrd A RARE CHANCE TO IUKB MONEY without risk, together with FULL PARTICULARS Relative to thie NOVEL PLAN! to prompt usd, •atbfactorj' do»(ing« r direct all ctdtn to ; 6EORGE C, EVANS. x 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. BUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL ROOK BINDERY, AM) BANK BOOK MANUFACTORY j Mb, 54 Market St., Harrisburg, Fa, Sltifl establishment is chiefly devoted to the manufacture of Blan£ Books for Offices, Railroad Companies, r private individuals. In All cases tbe Very Vest of stock and workmanship may bo WBliv rolfcd upon. Blank Books printed, paged and bound to any doslrod pattern. Sheriff’s, Attorneys and Justices Dockets of all sixes, made and .ruled to order. Trl-euuial and Yearly Assessments, Duplicates, Ac., for county purpo •ea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. County Dockets made of the best linen paper. Librarians, and others, desiring to have their Books well bound and at moderate prices, should giveusacall. News* paper* of the largest sixes. Harper’s Weekly. Gleason’s Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American, London News, bound to order, and In any style required. Harper’s Month- KUagaxine,' Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and Graham’s Magaaloea, Godey’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository, Deter* sou 7 * Uagaxlne, Piano Musk. 4c., bound in extra styles, or the more plain and substantial half binding. Select Pom* , phleta, Law Msgaxlnes, Pamphlet laws, bound in good Li brary style, at very moderate prices. Persons having a number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal discount. Binding can safely be sent to us from a distance by Ex press, and nil work entrusted to our care will be speed dlly executed, safely packed and returned by Express.—’ All work warranted. Address L. 11 UTTER, = - Harrislntry, l\t. faJuMcCRTJM 4 BERN, at the Tribune Office, are my Altoona, and vicinity. They will give inform* tiou In relation to bindiog, and receive and return books firoe firoxoi extra charges, tor all who ent.ust their work to my care. ’ [March Zt, 1861-1 y JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, ThtUero of One Ilundred Fite per Month I I would respectfhU; ferth ay claim to pa attention, ai a Fashlonai Tailor, as'folkura: Became 1 keep an e: leat assortment of Cl< Casslmercs, Testings Trimmings, which, wl please. Becanu my work aide up In a manner t. takes down the conni and gives all my castor a city appearance. Because I am not info, as a Cotter to the best he found anywhere. Because long experiei is my business gires entire control over it, lam not dependant r any one totUt me or thesnds. I am itill on the satiny side of forty, and there' fore my teste as a Cotter and workman unimpaired. Call onme, ia the corner room of the House.’' Hire sea trial and you Will go away pleased. Altoona, May 2ft-5m JACOB SNYDER. A PAIR OF REAL NOVELTIES, A 5» 051 WmfcifA MATS. Ut.—“X'JUUE PAPER KECK TIE.” (PATKTT APPUXD POK,) - *W«Tlefetn*de entirely ofpapor. in 100 different styles, wtA hr perfect imitation of silk and other fkbrica. The wrtoe is ao low that a gentleman m*y wear a NEW KECK TIsSVEftT DAT, and yet not he chargeable with ex* travagaoce, or one Tie can be’ worn 3 to 0 day#, ITueccaaa* iy to economise. M -THE BEuiif TIE. (PATEWTfcD /**. 29, ’61.) Thb to doub t loM the moet perfect eilk Tie erer tnrented, andtojart what the name ImpllM, • perfect “ Heßef from ■B Author tronhto in tying tow*. Wr-WUt LACeIeDCE TIE. taoorty tob«9«D' MUIH * BBOl! WjUt.geto Moia&rtnrert, Wo.WW«moBtre«.N.Y. JNte&iS ■ *° WHOLESALE JOBBERS ONLY— fts^M«r »u cutaneous Affections At the Scalp. FOR BEAVTIFTiya THE HAIR, imparting to it an un* equalled gloss and brilliancy, making U soft and silky in its texture and causing it to curl readily. The groat celebrity and the increasing demand tor this unequalled preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public ©fits superior qualities over any other props ration, at present in use. It cleanses the bead and scalp from dandruff other cutaneous fiismwet, causes the hair to grow luxuriant* )y, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy flexible appeacaace, and also where the hair Is loosening and thining, It will give strength and vigor to the roots, sod restore the growth to those parts which hare become bald, causing It to yield ufresh weering qf hair. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen In Now York who have bad their hair restored by the use of this Invigorator, when all other preparations bad felled. L. M. has m his. possession liters innumerable testifying to the above fects, from persons of tho highest respectability. It will effectual)/ prevent the kir /ran turning prop until the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair basal* ready changed Us color, the use of tho lovigorstoi will with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving Its dark* glossy appearance. As a perfume tor the toilet and a Uair Restorative It Is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and too great lacllitles it affords in dressing Me Sair, which, when moist with the luvigorator can be dressed In any required form so as to preserve Us place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, as tho price places it within the reach •f all, being. ONLY 35 CENTS per bottle, tobq had at all respectable druggists and perfu mers. L. HILLER would call the attention ofPartnts and Guardians to the nee of theluvigorator, In cases where the childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak* The use of it lays the frauds! top fiir a good head of hair, as it removes anylmpn- Htiee that may have become connected with the scalp, the rmovst of which is necessary both for the health of the child, and the tatore appearance of Its Hair. CAUTION.—None genuine without tho lac simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper: also, I, MILLER’S HAIR INVIQOHATOR. N. Y. blown in the glam. ; Depot, 6d Dey St., and sold by all the princl pal Merchant* and Druggists througliout the world. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. 1 also desire to present to the American Public my Mew and Improved Initantaneoas LIQUID HAIR DYE which after yean of scientific experimenting!havo brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly Without: injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted tho best article of the kind in existence. Price, Duly 50 Cents. Aug. 23, Depot, 56 Dey New York. LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. 'fTHB UNDERSIGNED HAVING JL purchased the right for Blair county, ot Toliiarst’s Improved Washing Machine, are nowxmanufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to those persons throughout the county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. » This machine Is got up on ao entirely new principle, and is those who have seen it in use, the best that has ever been brought befrre the public. Among the many.advantages of this machine over all others may be mentioned the following : Ist. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to get out of order. 2d. Its speed, which astonishes alike the operator and the looker on. 3rd. The facility with which it adapts itself to the bulk or qantity of clothes desired to bo washed. 4 t/u It washes equally well the flflest and lightest fabric or the coat sest and heaviest, such as bed-quilts, comforts, blankets. Ac. McMINN * BERN, Altoona, Blair Cbunty, ih. We the undersigned, hereby certify that, we. are flow using Tolburst’s Improved Washing Machine and are ful ly satisfied (hut it Is a very excellent article of tho kind ; combining as it does great speed with little labor, and per forming Us work in tho most satisfactory manner. Wo therefore cheerfully recommend it to nil who desire a real ’abor-savlng washing machine. JOHN WOODS. KMILE TIETZE, . MICHAEL CALVERT. THUS. McAULEY, JOSEPH G. ADLUM. DANIEL PRICE. R. A. 0. KERB. • Bargains ! Bargains ! I McCORMICK’S STORE! NOW IN ORDER TO GET RID of Fall and Winter Goods, to make room for Spring and Summer, they will sell all articles of HEAVY GOODS for cost; such Os Heavy made Clothing for men and boys, with LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, snob as Coburg Cloths. Delaines, Ac., with a variety of Huts, Caps, Bonnets trimmed and not trimmed, with a great variety of goods too tedious to mention; and on or about the 12th or 16th of March, we will Wind up the bah once of all such goods at Auction. All persons wishing to purchase such articles, would do'well to call and examine the stock, before purcluulug elsewhere. Altoona^Feb. 28, ’6l-tf. S. M. WOODKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SKYE RAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Having had several years* experience, in the practice of the Law, ho expects to merit public patronage. Office on ANNIE STREET, 3 doors shore vie Poet Office. Sept. 6,1860.*tf. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA ., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., aotuDATSßtrna, PA n (Late “JStU, Johnston, Co,”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections ovule. Moneys received on deposite, payable*on demand, without Interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. Feb. 3d,1859. GW. KESSLER —PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces to fhe citizens of Altoona and the public erally, that hb still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly on band, for sale. Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS,. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, TARNISH* £8 and DYESTUFFS. 11 By strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfaction to all as regards price and quality, ho hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tt WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM PLE. [Dee. 28, 'SS.-tt A Student wanted. J. G. ADLUM, NOT A RY PUBL I C . ALTOONA, BLAU 00., PA. Can at all tfmcs be found at the store of J. B. nileman. Cctober 1,1857. TVRS. CONRAD & CAMERON RE 1/ BPBCTFCLLY offer their profoulonal Berrien* to the' ettSeiu of Altoona and ricinlty. Office on Railroad street, two doom eaat of the Bed Lion Hotel, where they may be eonenlted at all boor*, except when profowtonally engaged. Sept 6, IMOetf. T>OSES! ROBES! r»i Jnft rrcelred a fine lot of Bnfialo Eobee, which wo will cell et.trom 94 to *lO a piece. Two danre -below the Poet Office. M. THOMPSON, Agent, Jan. 3,1861. 1 IT'ORSALE.— A HOUSE AND LOT, 1 . dctirably located in the Boeg’ffiof^Altodnt** Altoona, Fob. ft IMB-tt a AIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM adee, Sharing (beam, MM Soane. Ac, for eale by J ■ ■ o pledge- ourselves to demon strate Ist, Tliat NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2aid to putting up .SPOUTING, either In town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most reasonable terms. fapril 14, ISolMy ■\,TORE GOOD NEWS ! IT 1 The undendgued has just received front the East a large and varied assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, material far FINE AND COARSE OVERCOATS, H. FETTINGKR. No. 1 AWxma House. ’ material for BOVS’ CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, eticb as Undershirts, Drawers, Bas pendens, Neck-ties,. Handkerchief* 1 *c„ A fitted the nboye Bote), and ia now pre- Mfm pared to accommodate bia (Honda andSSSH3» patron* In a comfortable manner, and will Spare no pain* In making it an agreeable homo for all aojonmer*. Ula Table will always be’ luxuriously anpplled from the markets of tho country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquor* of choice brands. Hie charges are os reasonable Mthoac of any other Hotel In tho place, and ho *>cls satisfied 'they can not be complained of by those who fiivor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws -open his houw to the public and invites a trial , Itmvojust received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for QtaZicloal purposes. Also a largo stock of 'excellent Wines, for medicinal pur po«e«> together with n lot of the best old live Whiskey to be found in tho country. Altoona, SUy 27,18p9.-ly] Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair Comity Mutual Fire Inanranco Company, la at all timea ready to iuanre against loss or damage by Are, Build tno», Utnhandue, Furniture end Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at U reasonable rates os any Company in the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack * Co. D. T. CALDWELL, fiyent. Jan. 27, ’SS-tf Lycoming county mutual RRB INSURANCE- AGENCY.—The umlendgn*' I ■gent of tho Lycoming MRtual Firo Insurance Company. If : ■tril times ready to insure against loss nr damage by fo* .1 Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and Properly of evrn ' description. In town or country, at w rotumnuble rate? mV any company in the State. Office in the Masonic i Jan.VSO-tfj JOHN SHOEMAKER. Agent* ;; Flour —thk best quality of." FAMILY FLOUR for sale, M'hnlrwvTe antlßrtail. Apply to J. SHOEMAKER, i I)ec. 11.186d-tf. Masonic Temple, j Hardware of all descrip tion* Jut received tod for sale bv Oct, IWfJ j: B. HILEMAX. Glass Sxio to ‘20x24, and cut ts orderby G. W.KEELER. OE FUEL. LARGAST OF THE KIND SPOUTING, &C. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of STOMACH BITTERS. Th* proprietors and manufacturers of 1108- TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can.appeal with perfect confidence to tillTbiciaus ana citizens generally of flic United Stales, because the article, has attained ampu tation heretofore unknbwn. A few facto upon tbi, point will speak more powerfully than j volumes of bare assert ion or blazoning pnffery. I The consumption of Hostetler's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to orer a half luillion bottles, and from its manifest steady j increase in times past, it is evident that during | the coming year the consumption will reach ; near one million bottles. This immense amount j could never have been sold but for the rare i medicinal properties contained in the prepara- < lion, and the sanction of the most prominent i physicians in those sections of Ihe country j where the article is best known, who not only recommend tbe Bitters to their patients, hut arc ready stall times to give testimonials to ita efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. ' This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of tbe Bitters, but awolid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to l>e as enduring as time itself. "Hosteller's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague ami various other bilious complaints bare counted their victims hy hundreds. To be able to Mate conthleuliy that the “Billers" arc a certain euro for Iho Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure, it removes all morbid matter from tlie stomach, purifies the blood, and imparls renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone .and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly hm powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of tlie functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitter* Uhily as per directions on the hoi tie, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to I lie palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent ns a lonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have Ibc evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using Ibis preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility: acting tinder the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A ; few words to,tire gentler sc*. There arc certain periods when their cares arc so harassing that many of them; sink under the trial.. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in iter eki rente anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the'summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, ami enable the mother to bear tip under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all .oilier invigora (ors that receive the endorsement of physi cians. because it is agreeable to the Inaie as well as certain (o give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAl’TltiN.—We camion the public against using any {if the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Hostkttkii's Cei,kbiiathi> Stomach Bittkiis. and sec that each bottle has the words “Dr. J. Hostetler's Stomach Billers" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering Ihe cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on tbe label. Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEB A SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., nnd sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Amo rjca, and Germany. For sale hv A. KOUSIL Altoona, Pa. Sept.2o. ISIVMy. HO! FOR THE HOLIDAYS! The undersigned announ ces to the citizens of Altoona ami vicinity that he has just received a large invoices of Fruit, Confectionaries, Nuts, Spices ami notions for rliililn-n *=. oxiircsslj for rite Huliilxy*. Ho will also keep always on liaml a good slock of plain ami fancy cakes, of his own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C., always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, BUCKWUET FLOUK, CORN MEAL. AC., store and for sale Ju largo or email quantities. Call, examine and price my stock' and yon will find it as good and cheap us any iu town. Dec. 20, 'OD-ly.J JACOB WISE. ' W*. »M. T. LA.VfI. SCHOMAKER & LANG, WHOLiBSALtE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DBALSK9 IN FIiOUR, ORAIN, BACON, Provisions, Ctoeese, Iron, Nails, Glass, Brooms, Yarns, dt:c. No. 803 Liberty Street, Nov. 1-Gtn PITTSBURGH, PA. — JOHN BQW.MAX Blair county daguerreax ROOMS.—Mr. O. W. FISHER, tbe Hollidayebarc Artist, beg. lure to inform out readers that he in prepared to take Photographs of deceased jtrrsons, from Daguerreotypes, at sthc shortcut notice and on llic ne*t reasonable terms. He has Jtist received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of sil sixes and including a new pattern of Family Case for four persons, and is pre pared to All them with perfect’ likenesses, AMDKOTYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH.' Give him a call. Rooms on the comer of Montgomery and Allegheny streets, Hollidajshnrp, Pa. fjttnc 17-tf. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Patist, Saab and Ysruislt Bniihcs if HOSTETTER’S WIL FLINT 1 WM. FLOTZ I WM. fujm WM.FUHTI T WM. FLIRT! : WM. FLINT i No. tO! MARKET, *o- «7 UXBKtr, No. «MA»KET, Ko. MT k3xM> No. 8H MARKET, ' No. (0? Suw PHIkiIIRLHUA, ' C; PHILADELPHIA, PHILADELPHIA, ; PA. PA. t PAj TREMESDOVS SACBIFIVK WORTH Of JtffiLKT, ALL POE OKS DOLLAR EACH. A LUS* ADil Splendid Amortawat of J.wtlry, mmi.. Of CHAINS. BRACELET,, CAMEO SCTS, Ant all style* of Irene h Plated Chain* (laid ual tu,. Jewel«. ■ ■ ' * We do not keep or eell any gilt, gift or galvanize.) 00r« H-what aremblby th* bert J»*wl«na* tMd ry. W» receive our good. from Uui beat tfoM Jewelry M, n ufiicturera in the nlatra. WHO ARK FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO BELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO PKIA.. The blluwiug i« only a partial Hat of oar Imafeiuw tt.vh< ij TAKE TOUR OUOICS EOS !< $1 EACH. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR Jet'B*tS, do 5 to if l*>« do Black Mosaic do ft to ij bib do Gold Stone Mosaic do 6to l > I)6' do • Calico bets. do 6to U by-Ribbon Twist*, with brilliaats, do (i tolt Bo«)uel Sets, tww style, do 8 to Mo Enamelled Cluster do do lo to » G*dd Thimbles, do 3 to 7 Diamond Pointed Cold Pens and Coses, 3 to j UduSe Silver Plated Spoons, « Silver Plated Mugs, 4 00 Over IUOO other dltbrcnt slyks Ladies' Jewelry; M«m. lions, *!! styles, patterns and sixes; Lockets of vnry d* scrlptym; Gold Pens, 14 karet, with Silver Exiemi. m Holder!; Gold Pencils, Sleeve Buttons* Studs, Ac., 4«.; Vor al, Jeivva. Cameo and Baud Bracelets; Gents* Vest Chsin), warranted to wear for ten yearn without changing coK*! and will stand the add—they are usually soldby ns soltf gold chains—all made In Paris. You can ut* yunr choice for $1 each. Ladies’ snd Gouts’ Guard $1 each, mindly sold by Jewelers at from to $3O cacti Indies 5 and Children’s Neck Chains, beautiful pattm ArmbijU, brilliant, enamelled and ruby settings; plain Hud enamelled, for $1 each, .retail prices from sio ea|ch. Jlvery stylo.and variety of Jewelry and ble gobils fur $l each, Thtfsulc, at the above prices, will continue Wj to spltioff unr* immense stock. Which was purduM-Un great Sacrifice from MantifoctHrefs who hare failed. 1 : rrjK£ roeu vhoicb you |i each. W-IIOW. TO SEND MONEY-** l«l J Wrifi' ynur name. placa'nf Residence, C*mnij md and duiinci, as wo can make noOung M consent* ukeb nm and rivaled. Attend to tlii* t ami wo will bo rcspooitUi for your mun*-y. INDUCEMENTS TO AQKKTS. Any person acting as Agent, who will send usaUu* time Sl’ifll, wo will give a 0«UI Hunting Oa**o Watch, extra. SoQ, “ “ Gold Lever Watch. siB, Silver Watch. A wfatch and the articles selected fremthe aborcLUltt One &»Ilur Each. ordering by mail must tend |1 and li cent* m noji-igr flumps. IUUHeI 1. Prleji.) rwp'TtfllllVAU- jr nounce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has icmoved hi* ' HgEw WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BjSfc TIX.SIIEKTUiOy WAHK tC STOVE STOVE.' to the new building on Annie street. between Harriot nj Adeline directs Kn.«t Altoona. wherehe willkeepconsioct ly on3i.iml a large assortment of everything in billing which he w ill di>*H»K> of on reasonable terms. HOOFING- & SPOUTING pfit up on short notice, lie also msmnlaecwriM If.ox Spouting, which Ik said to be smell superi-jf Co pi vanized sheet-iron or tin. He ha* also attached n copper-smithing room to hU f* fahliahmeiit and will keep oq hand an assortment yfcop per and bra** kettles, Ac. • AlTkiinU of Job work promptly attended to, A share of public patronage l/resf*eCtfully solicit*! BTKPHKN WINTKUB. Altnoha, Ang.lf»th. ISOO. WATCH AND JL Skwkluy stoiik, aA a (x>n»ad. foumku occupant. JOrr^ N0..14S N. *Jil Si.* corner of Quarry Sr Tlx- undersigned IxEfleanetl the premie*. whore he will keep a large wwortmojit of 0*44 anil Silver Watches, of American. and Swi« wao ufcvclpre of the imwt celebrated maker*, in addition to which will l*c found always on hand (and made to order) »a oxteiudvc variety of Jewelry, Silveraud Silver PUbd win*, together with n general assortment of such goods a* a;® usuntty kept in a first-class Which and Jewelry Store. Tint; patrons of O, Conrad, ahd those of the enlurril*’*. together with the public generally, are incited to call. «nl they hill receive a go**! article lor their money. An 1 «m determined to do a cash hu«ineas. goods will be 10M very low. ;>*s ‘mnU I'ruJiU and Quick £al ot Sr 1 ft « - q fe,- * 2- : *s I »*• «• S: = . # ft ■' 5 « =1 ft 3 sk?{. ft ~ s *:• ► -g= ■ -r. ♦- S ~ - O Z £ .s ft 1 -7. « “ h-J -*• ♦* Mttlgs-g CQ«. where can I gel the !»e?t article fur money? In regard to other matter?, would not attempt to direct, but if you waul anything In tlin-llnv of BOOTS OR SHOES jm invites an examination of his stock and work. Ilq keep* constantly on hand an assortment oflli>*ta,Sbo.% Gaiti't*. support, lc~ which lie offer* at fair prices. He will give special attention to custom work, nil wnkih wilt ne warranted to ({ire satisfaction. NonebulUw best; Workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, opposite Kessler's‘Drug Store September o, V»7-tf) Bakery and Grocery Store. r PHE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON X- - STANTLY .to hand Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, i £ PEED, BACON, PLOUB, OROGBIUES^ Al«i, a clioice lot of SKOAItS and TOBACCO. JACOB HINK, Vhgitiia Wlow Annio K. of New York PoliceQaaetl* !Mf| jlpfc* |hrk’- JUr denigned has now on hand and «01 - his store in the Masonic Temple,l|A uuortawat of BOOTS AJKI> SHOES, reads made, or mad* to order, Oretehoea. Uidtes 1 Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork •*»£ everythin* Itf fa|« Unoofboatoe*#, of the bcatqmUltj- and I 8 - a i- i S '“■a m g 8 • *■ o a i I 3- to a llt > “ I § o tri ® ,g 3 - o .8 5 g s-* 2 5 H 3 2 a o * s * I - g I I IXTITK ATTENTION tu soma of the'mast extraon nary gores by my y< PECTORAL. SYRUP. •re at home anti Any one Tv*ho Uaa doubts can i kdairfc uf the uomuiSt-wUo linvo boon cuntl by it. ■ r Dr.KEYSEU IS PREPARED AT AS\ TIME TO E lamINE UfNOS, \VITIIObTCHAIUii;,.fOK ALLTUO. SfHO NEED HIS MKIIII'IN K. i ATTEND TO VOCK COLDS,—A ciao of flee yenm stun Of cuiinl hr \ DR. KEYSKR’S PECTORAL SYRUP. PtTTSDcaa. Jan. Da. &BTSUR:—Jfy wife has beoif afflicted with u : b Atch and difficulty of breathing for five or six y«#s hkh for several rears back had gradually increased ufouce. The complaint has been hereditary, and she h am treated by several physicians without any relletA its state of Uor ease l procured some of your I’eot-vt >ugb Syrup. I bought the first time a fifty cent holt hlch relieved her rory much;-! then called and got jlUr bottle, which cured her entirely, and sho has n* » trace of tho former disease, except weakness. I won ito state Umt I used tho medicine uiytolf lo a cold u ougb. The medicine cured me by taking one dd*c. I » real my entire satisfaction with the tmdiemei ;:ud>i n at liberty to publish this If you denlro to do M>. J 1 - ' >vm. wiiisir;. - Alderman, Filth. War-1. Dtt. Rbysb&Although not an advocate of iv.n-ut M tine tn general. It affords mo groat pleasure to iw*imn foar Pectoral Syrup. Am a medicine it is well woitliy t ittontlou ofany person who may in any manner he a.:, led with coughi. colds and hoar.semvs of any kind, and s the peculiar qualifications for removing all that dUagi* i hie sensation nUonding n cold. I hate bean more or less, in my life aflech'd with t B(jfcfwet Colds of hoarseness. At times my throat . w:*u become so Clewed as to prevent my speaking above* wh Spcr, end by taking a few doses of the above •'-yrup it wui reiiewi'mb entirely. • la roocraincndlng this medicine. I mihl nnm -dtatiMi: a*y that U la the beet uiediripo I ever found. ;nu}-ovtii>[: cur* thv above; not should, any family to without i» remedy for diseases so prevalent.. Yours, most respectfully, -LmVAUD-,1. JONES, * Cashier,,Citizens’ Deposit. Hank. Stbuusnvillb, 0., March lith. litf'j. Ihareuscd Dr. ReyseVs'Cough Syrup f«r a bad cdw'» of several yean standing, and can cheerfully say it is ll test medicine for thu same Unit 1 have COL. PRATT AM) DU. KKYr-EIVS PECTORAL VP.—-Da. KkHßfc—Dear Sir; Excuse the delay ofsmv kupwledglng the excellence of your IVcloml f'ynjp 1 take great ideunnre in raying' that It id all van s.»y i; IT KNOCKED TUE NOISE OUT OK MVvCuICH, •- the worst buo I was ever afflicted with; I have but * xpors than one half of the l»otth*, ijnd cun and do u '’■ U who are afflicted would give it an fair a trial as I 1 done, and they will be proad-tu Bay. ’* It U no jjuuc.c m clue,” I Wnuldrijotaußer another Vuch an utfcvek f-r consideration', brut any cost. lam confident Ican br wore freely than I ever did- I. ahull always ilfknuul a d*.bt-of gratitude for Inventing so uxc*dJcuttt rvno . Yuu. are at 1 U>cto my uAuie iu this regxd. think proper. U. P* Messenger, Common Council. I’dlsuiugh, 1 PlTTincmi, May lltiu ISSX JC.-U.—l »m m» stranger to my f-lhov eiuz-n-. a. tvho outurtaiu doubts can consult m ; - RKAD TirE TRrTU—Dr, Katssk: f have si thvusi who has taken several medicines for si l«»»l «h-> lalion several im-dicme* fi>r u had cough, vitlma* h-'iivl Among them Ater’i* Cherry Pectoral. 1 imrehe.* d i you a bottle of your I’KCTORAL SVUIJP. ««J before had U*cd half a bottle *he wa* relieved. The socuud * tlb curftd her entirely of her cough PlTTsatad. Pe forj»th-rs whal it In..*d* my case. • • JOHN (J. LITfLE, t** n-i Witness—lEM. Ker.K. Vatto* Tovtssu:?, April llth. 1' A WONDERFUL CURE.—time ago. an *-M n< hot of mine wjus very ill \vltli a had cough which «' vi \ ♦mppownl to bo consumption. Ills relatives toM i! •1. taken every remedy they hoard of 'without b«*n«!it: brother.come t» see him die, and all wvni contain* d • holier that he Coaid hot live. 1 hud about the ihlr.; Bottle of yoar Pectoral , flyrnp, which 1 gave hi;n..r -entfrdly cared him, to the.. astontohmont of nil. \ makes tho cose moro remarkable, id th« oxfrunn- * r the man, he bring about .eightv years i. 1 h..'* »• u.< d ■the Pectoral saved his life. ‘ JOHN M’GINN DR. KEYSER'S ’PECTORAL BAVRU P IN RL \ ‘VILLK—Please send me annth<|p supply of your vui» 44 Pectoral s*yrup,” Almost everybody, orriund us ha, cold ondtre iti emir lug for ,k I)r. Keyset’-i Wo hanreoM eucteeii bottl«s last vrrrk. and nr** n.u tlndyout. Mr.>ltor a.nd Mr. p. Maher, both of It vllle, tell os they- would. not be without it iu families. In fact, all who use it once want it again. J. 8. WATTEU.SON & S'J> January 30th, 1860.. ANOTUBR NEW CERTIFICATE—DU. KEY.- PECXfiOEAE SVUCI*.—I haw been trouble! with u *. and Cold fbr several weeks—so bud was it that I c-mi sleep. 1 baifcth» advico and'prescription* froai tV tho best physicians in the city, whom 1 Could r>a:;u «U> not do so. I Anally Erocnred a bottle of your I’ei fcyrupi, which cured me cutlrclj. Signed, J. W. HI MONTON 256 Liberty St, Pittsburg, Pu., Jau. Ulb, V “STOP THAT COUGHING;*— u Uow cant do i “Oo to Kiser’s op Wood street and g> t a bottle Pectoral, and if that don't cufo you, your case bedwp»ptt indeed.” Tills is a specimen of the o*l one bean almost every day in cold catfhlug>i , siw>n'< year. At wo can, from actual experiment, cheerful'! ♦wl Admonition as above, for we ha' too a most stubborn conea with entu we went to Pittsburg wi °JJ2f nwj distressing contrary, mulish, nnsul" ♦2B? 18 nav« ever experienced since «ur odv- ut tnwmnndaiw »ph«re. Wo couched steadily and h»b ly fur on* whole week, in hope* of tiring it out, but rSM Infoctit seemed rather to improve by pi anq to baveacqnlred strength, potency anddUtres* by tho oporn tkmr In this state of the siege, wo'ec °sf**ytn Kcyscr I *, 140 Wood street, procured s oottld of the Pectoral, took it according to dire.- *22J5 hours wo wore master of the ficb nti^ ■ ttticondltlonally. surrendered after'* Jw