The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 02, 1861, Image 2

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    C|e |Utona Crilmne.
Wh«»i»rHe«»r»:ußlino*nto us, our role lor««•-
in advance, or a guarantee
frcun knoirn persons. It. 1« therefore useless fur all sncti
to KOfi oa advertiMioents offering to pay at the end of three
or six months. "Where advertisements arc accompanied
with the money, whether cne, frve. or ten dollars, we will
grvt the adror tirer the fail benefit of cash rates.
«. 11. PETTIHCiUtL &CO.,
Agent*, H» Nassau street. New York, and
Id street, Boston, are the Agents for tfio. Altoona
Triiunt, and the most Influential and largest circulating
Hewspwara to the United States and tho Canatlas. The;
arc authorised to contract for us at our lowest rates. '
B®, We have so much of interest to publish,
in cur limited space, in relation tho movements
°f tbs opposing forces, that we cannot find room
to note everything that transpires about home,
excepting only those items which arc important
or are'particularly requested. We have the
promise of a regular correspondence from the
®* TO 7i aß d we give place to' it to the exclusion
of other matter, believing it will prove general
ly intsrestipg to our readers. TVe hope none
will take offence at our seeming want of atten
tion to homo matters at this time. As soon as the
excitement subsides, which we think will be ere
long, vwe.ahall again give special attention to our
Usal columns.
An Armed
If ever there was a transparent humbug, this
is one. It is something like the cry of “good
Lord,” “good devil,” in the same breath,
afraid to take sides with cither, but wishing to
be on the side of the victor. Those States, how
ever, that have proclaimed for an armed new-"
Utility have not even the-esc use of cowardice to
plead; ash is evident from the actions of their
' leaders that they are against the legally consti
tuted authorities, but they hope, in tbe event,
of being- successful' in getting their States
armed for howo'brotection, as they call it, that
they can then precipitate all into the so-called
Southern Confederacy, and make a bolder stroke
fof the overthrow of the best form ofgovern
aeent the world has ever seen. What would be
thought of a-son who could stand calmly by and
permit bis brother to insult and abuse his fatb
pflf The dottier might have the excuse of a
harfy; ungovernable temper, or of being impo
sed upon, but the other could have nothing but
Stolid indifference, which is far more culpable.
'Just in tbls position stand those States which
have refused to take part or lot in this question
°f the supremacy of tbe la ws and the preserva
tion of our country, apd they thereby wink at
and silently encourage those who are endeavor bring disgrace upon and blqt out several
azure field of our fair escutcheon.
But,WjiUe these same States refuse, officially, to
fnndsh pica to assist the Federal authorities in
protecting D. JB. property, they do not prevent
their subjects from allying, themselves with the
detpoilers. - Yea, they even deny the right of
tfw head of the general government to call upon
them, its lawful 'subjects,' for help in the hoar
of-neod. Why this denial? Simply to gain
time, by<quibbliag, to effect their traitorous pur
But there can be no neutrality in this contest.
It is one ‘in which every man, woman and
child in this country is interested, no matter
whether they live North or South of Mason and
Dixon’s line. It is a question of liberty or an
archy. It is a solution of the question “is man
capable of self-government?” It is a question
of Union or disunion. It is a question of loyal
ty, andbytbc answer made at this time we de
termine who are and who are not the friends of
civil qnd religious liberty, and on whom we
may rely for help when help is wanted. , All
those States that had not passed the ordinance
■of secession, at the tiine the requisition for
troops was made by the President, were bound
to respond to the call, or pass over to the ene
my; If they did not desire the success of the
general government then they desired the suc
cess of its foes, for the reason that from the na
ture of the}r position they would be much more af
fectedby thercsultthan the more northern States,
We cannot call that man, our friend who will
arm himself and stand between us and the man
Wh° is robbing ns of our property, neither can.
those States that are now clamoring for an arm
ed neutrality, the object of which is to prevent
the general government from protecting its own
property, be considered friends of the On ion,
and the sooner we know who are our friendatbe
OiiMt Ssmopii.—A large and varied as
sortment of these handsome enclosures, for let
tcrs of friendship or business, may be found at
Cangblmg's Boob sad Music store. He has
just received a large invoice, bottrof envelopes
and paper, which be sells at the-lowest possible
in order to accommodate all; Prop-in ■
nnd gel a pack. ■ i'
We Would say a word to our readers, in
themidst ofall this military excitement, and
it iS tlfis:—Don’t forget that J. B. Memanhns
just jpeturaed from the city with a Urge stock
-of gmtfafwr Spring and Sommer sales. Let
.everybody goand see his goods and compare
9&* R. A. 0. Kerr has just returned'from
,*l“«h tpr quality and beanty are not ex
low and mnstinanre thn spaedy saleof bis en
tirp stosk.
pile. - ;; ■ '
I Patriotic Sxbmoh.— We had intended, last
| week, to. make mention of a truly patriotic ser
j mon the M. E.
°“ S '|~ ay by Rev. Wm?l«|^Sirood,
f 5P> •« words* “Praifip' ye the |«rd ifor the
offemel.'Wbtn tho people willingly
tfernT themeilves/’—Judges, v. 2. ; The re
«nark*;piade thereon suited, the times.
In the contest between Canaanites and Is
ratfiiw/ to mhUh to tKr&zt has refefencq, and
in which the latter were contending for their
country and for liberty, there were some of the Is
raelitiah tribes that refused to take port—
Among those tribes which refused to furnish
their quota of men, was Meroz, and every Bible
reader will remember tbfe curse pronounced by
God upon that people therefor. The compari-|
son drawn between these Israelitisb tribes and 1
thosoStates which have .refused to respond to j
the *oaU of the President fortroops, was at once t
striking. The wiUingbess with which our pep- ;
pic are offering- themselves for the defence of
our country and her flag of stars, whs fitly con
trasted, with thfe conduct of those referred to ig
the tent Throughout; the sermon wan replete
with words of . encouragement and patriotic sen
timents. The entire congregation seemed to ,
catch the spirit which pervaded the heart of the |
speaker, and when allusion was made to the
stars and stripes, it appeared as if all were?,
ready to spring up and give vent to their feel
ings in demonstrations of applause.
tSP We arc pleased to observe tbe Press, of
, various parts of tbe State, of all parties, speak
in the highest terms of our Senator, Mr. Hall,
add, approve the choice of the Senate in ele
vating him to tbe position of their presiding
officer. We feel prond of our Senator, edd look
forward to a brilliant future for him, should life,
and health be his lot. This District has been
peculiarly fortunate in having her sons elevated,
to the position of Speaker of the Senate. By
die calling of the extra session, (now sitting,)
Mr. Hall has been called to the chair
than he anticipated, no doubt; bat that be will
discharge the duties with entire satisfaction to.
his brother Senators, wc full well .know. 1
Wc have no idea how long tho extra-session :
will last. Those are trying times—days of tbe
Republic’s danger. \V« believe firmly in the
capacity of man for self-government, and we
doubt not that the present however
bloody it may be; will clearly establish this;
and that all will work to extend the cause of
civilization, Christianity, and freedom through
out ’the world. Our Union will stands—our
“Stars and Stripes” float proudly in every
clime ns before—our hallowed Constitution be
preserved inviolate—pro )f against the covert
attacks of traitors, and as long as liberty is
appreciated or felt throughout the globe the
United States Constitution will exist as a bar
rier against oppression and tyranny.
Home Guards.— Last week we published the
proceedings of meetings held in this place for
the purpose of organizing a Home Guard. - The
number of members enrolled at the time of per
fecting the organization warranted tbe election
of four Captains to take charge of the same
number of companies, each company to be com
posed of 78 men. Already every company has
been more than filled, and the organization of
the fifth'company is necessary. These compa
nies are drilled every- other evening in their
different armories. Men who never before
thought of acquiring a knowledge of military
tactics, may now he found in the ranks of the
Home Guards, readily receiving the instructions
of the drill officers and endeavoring to perfect
themselves in the various manoeuvres belonging
to tho science. A night patrol of 31 men is
furnished by each of the companies, in regular
order, viz:—Company A to-night, company B
to-morrow night, etc. These men stand guard
from 10 o’clock P. M. to 4 o’clock A. M. The
authorities of the borough have accepted the
guards thus furnished by the different compa
nies, and clothed them with power to arrest per
sons found on the 'streets, between the hours
named, who con not give a satisfactory account
of themselves. Every member belonging to the
Home Guards is alloyed' to take bis guh home
with him and keep it in order for immediate
service. . Thus it will be seen that Altoona has
not be.en unmindful of her own intereats-
“Pathiot Dauoutebs OF Altoona.”— The
ladies of this place have orgaixed a society to
which they have given the above title. The ob
ject of the society is to provide for the wants of
those who have gone from' onr midst to defend
the honor-of onr country's flag. They have al
ready, in anticipation of a battle, provided a
largo amount of lint and bandages with which
to dress the wounds our friends may receive.
We sincerely hope they may never be needed.
It is their intention to provide various other
articles for the comfort of the soldiers, and for
this purpose they have appointed committees in
each ward, to solicit donations. We hope all
who are able will contribute cheerfully. We
can do much to cheer and encourage our friends
who have forsaken all to defend onr rights, by
remembering them in a substantial way. The
ladies, God bless them, have led off in the good
work; let the men sustain and help them.
Altooka, April 29, 1861.
Manus. Editors.— The current report here
is, lam told, that Mr. Jackson Kelly, of this
place, who enlisted in the Logan B,ifl» Bangers,
deserted that company in Harrisburg, on Sat
urday the 20th of April. By request of hi*
father 1 contradict this report by stating that I
mot and conversed with him in Camp .Scott, at
York, on Wednesday, April 24th, We left him
in Harrisburg on Saturday nigbt, but he, like a
true soldier, followed up the division, and join
ed us against Little York.
■ According to call, the ladies of Altoona
assembled in Lowther’s Hall, Friday, April 26,
4 P.M., and organized an association Vo ! bo
known as the.“ Patriot Daughters of Altoona,”
for the purpose of providing lint,- bandages,
Ac., Ae., for the use of those who have left our
town and vicinity, ~to defend the Stars and.
Stripes; A vote of thanks was tendered ,to Mr.
Lowther, for the nse of the. Ball; alto, to
Hours. Mfiprum & Dern, for printing bills, Ac.
v 1 MRS. A. B. CLABK, PreS’b
Eaib E. Gwxkk, Seo’y.
ZfOtter from Harrisbw^
Messes. Editors r-^mealjefe^apProcla
mation of Governor of. the
General Assembly oT'"this. State .mek in their
respentiro Halls at IS e'cbok im
mediately prooeeded'to organize, to the Sen
ate, the young and taltoted Senator frAßlair,
Hotu L. W. Hall, wkoset
tlemanly manners have w|wfofln» the Morite
ism of the entire the
Senate, an appreciafmllinihase w*ll*36tjtefl
favoritism and
by the members in the unanimous vote given
himior the Bpeakership|rw*-iiW»-oleee«ed»4he
regalar session, called the Senate to order, and,
upon assuming the responsibilities afitfee Chair,
delivered the following well-timed remarks:
Fzjtators— The occasion of onr convening bo booh after a
final adjournment is an extraordinary one,and Is calculated
to diminish those pleosuiahlc emotions which wo Wbnld
bare in re-assombijng as and friends,
i -The reasons impelling .tho Executive to convene the Gcu-
I era! Assembly of the Commonwealth fn extra sifißte fit
j this time, (as indicated in hit? Proclamation,) commend
j themselves to onr serious attention. In vi*w of the pves
; conditiotTof the country, and the duty Pennsylvania
! owes to the National Government, the impracticability of
our present military system must be obvious to All, and
tho Legislative power of the State is proparly callffoocto
render it available and effective. The statutes regtßbting
and organising the military forces of this State weruadopt*
ed In u time of peace, when there wok no immediate wnre
tension of war—csrtainly none of civil war..
not, tberefor*, receive that careful and earnest coastdeca
! tion which would be likely to make their practical work
: ing effective in times like these.
| Our people have evinced the* most intense order iu the
j service of the State, and a general and irrepressible desire
to be called into the field in defence of. the Government*—■
Thousands of brave and hardy volunteers, emulating each
other lit the race of honor and glory, who tendered their the. Governor in answer .-to the first call of the
President, have not yet been accepted, as the number re
quired .wo* before made up. At a moment's warning they
will gladly rally around their country’s standard, .tot
prompt and energetic measures bo adopted for tbe equip
ment and organisation of ns many of oar citizens as offer
their services. Let them not moot the foe on an unequal
footing. We shudder as wc think' that port of our mh
armed troops might have been cut to pieces marching
through the streets of Baltimore, thronged with the re
bellious mob thirsting for their blood. The stern necessity
of providing promptly for any emergency commends itself
to our immediate Consideration. Now Is the very crlafV of
our National fate. - The border States seem to be preparing
for the dork plunge of secession. Wc conn >t, with any
degree of confidence expect anything but opposition from
most of them. u The fires of revolution are raging to
windward.” “Its sparks are borne on the breeze.” A
decisive and overwhelming blow struck now, In the begin
ning of this conflict into which tho Federal authority has
been forced—such a blow as th&gre&t North, teeming with
its free millions, is capable of inflicting—may decide tho
contest forever.
I have been unexpectedly called -upon to diacharae the
dutiee of the poeition your kiudocs* elevated me to before
our adjournment, and I am not nmuiudful of the difficul
tics of the place.
I am encouraged, howovor, by reflecting upon the can
dor, dignity and decorum, which bare characterized your
deliberations during the late session. Nothing could tend
so much to relievo my mind from the embarrassments of
the office, as a continuation of tho same happy and con
genial temper, nud the same attention to the rules and
order during the time vro may be here.
Mr Hall's remarks were listened to with
marked attention, and the business of the extra
session actually commenced. The usual com
mittees to inform the of the organi
zation of the Senate, and to inform the Gover
nor of the organization of both Houses, were
appointed, and, immediately after the Secretary
of the Commonwealth being introduced, pre
sented a message from the Governor, which was
read—giving tbe reason for the call for the
present extra session; in order to appropriate
more ample means for the support of our troops,
and to provide a more complete organization of
the militia of our State.
The message is spoken of as a very able docu->
ment, and. meets with general praise and favor.
Ten thousand copies of it were ordered to be
printed for the use of the Senate.
A resolution passed the Senate, confining the
business of the extra session to the subject
matter contained in the Governor's message,
and to the currency of the State, The message
was referred to a select committee, after which
the Senate adjourned till 11 o’clock to-morrow.
There are about five thousand troops in Camp
Curtin, and more arriving!)/ every train. Three
thousand ore expected to be sent from here to
morrow. A very great pressure is being con
■ tinually brought to bear upon the Governor to
accept the thousands that are tendering their
.services; but to fill up the few regiments that
ore yet wanting, they are trying to favor those
counties from which none have yet been ac
cepted and are offered. Then of course little
Blair wilLnot corns in, as she already has fur
nished a lion's share, although many more com
panies are pressing their claims to be accepted.
A slight row took place among the soldiers at
a hotel on the way-out to Cainp Curtin this af
ternoon, in which several of them were pretty
badly wounded. This is the first disturbance
which has yet occurred among the soldiery.
The news from Camp Scott, at York, is quite
favorable. The troops are receiving every at
tention, and are in fine spirits;
The extra session may not last over this week,
although no Ume as yet is talked of for final
adjournment; but all are knisious to get right
into work in earnest, so as to finish up the busi
ness as soon ns possible, and rctufn to their'
homes. And with a Speaker possessing the effi
ciency manifested by the one now occupying the !
Chair in the Senate, it is not to be presumed i
that it will be in the least behind the House of I
Representatives in business, and prepared to ad- !
journ at any time. More anon.
Yours, &c. f
For the Altoona Tribune.
Sixteen miles North-West of Altoona, at the
confluence of Clearfield Creek and Beaver Dam
Branch, an ancient salt-mill cxistp, which for
want of means to erect Suitable works was aban
doned with the expectation that at some future
day the work would beresumed. Tbetimeforre
opening the mill is now at hand, as it is believed
the dark-looking fluid which at the the mill
wfis worked was so objectionable was nothing
else than the genuine rock oil.
Throughout the whole of' this country we
have the finest quality of white pine and oak
timber, and our bills abound with bituminous
and cannel coal in large workable veins. The
cool is of such superior quality that it is be
lieved it would displace much of the ooal in
I market, if a railroad was constructed from-the
mines to Altoona, and on which the vast quan
tity of white pine and oak timber that abounds
in oar forests would be carried to market.
The veins of eahnel coal, which it is believed
extends throughout the whole of this part of the
country, was discovered while sinking the Elk-
Liok Salt-Mill. It is about five feet in thick
ness, and at a depth of fifty-three feet below the
surface. A vein of copper was also penetrated
through at great depth.
Altoona is greatly interested in the improve
ment of this section. The trade that whirls
past that town in long trains of cars can be of
little use to it,-but a neglect to open the book
country may be fatal to her interest. Amboy
was settled before New York,and large ware
houses were erected, but a neglect to opeu roads
to the interior, and make other facilities for
transportation, gave to her more liberal rival
the trade that a wise policy might have given to
her and made Amboy what New York is now,
and Which is fast becoming the first commercial
city in the world..
Bed Bank was settled before Philadelphia,
but the advantages of the navigation of the
Schuylkill, and an open -communication with
ihc Susquehanna gave the latter such a start
that she swallowed up her only rival.
Let Altoona construct a railroad to the coal
mines and timber lands of this i%gion, and she
will secure a trafio which will build her up to
be a mighty inland city. But if the railroad
should be built'from here to Osceola on the
Tyrfone A Clearfield Railroad, it would secure
to Tyrone a trade fhieb rightfully belongs to
Altoota. EDWARDS.
' Forks or Cx.xaami.o, April 25, 1861.
About 5 o’clock on Monday evening the Ist
Regiment of P. V. were ordered to march to the
station at Ashland furnace, Md., there to em
bark for Little. York.; the other two Regiments
following. After some two hours of delay on
the Pikedcading from Ashland to Baltimore, we
were cbmmrtably seated in the cars of the North
ern CentralUL R., bound for Harrisburg. But
on our way \hrough the town of Little York
the citizens requested that we should encamp
in the Fair Ground, n short distance from the
town, which we accordingly did, and up to this
date have been hospitably treated by the citizens
of York. We have not been treated better by
any citizens of Pennsylvania than by the citizens
of this patriotic community. The officers and
men who left Altoona are enjoying good health
and remain in good spirits J, S.
Camp Sco*t, \
York, Pa., April 23, 1861. /
Messrs. M’Cbum & Derm;— You trill, no
doubt, be somewhat surprised on receiving a
letter from me, as I gave you no promise to
write, on my entering the C. S. service. Our
gallant Captain handed me this sheet of paper
to-day, asking me if I did hot wish to write to
my friends, so I embraced the opportunity, and
accepted his kind offer.
As you are aware, we left the town of Altoo
pa on Thursday, the 18th inst, under command
of Capt. A. M. Lloyd, of. the' Juniata Rifles,
1 Company H, 3d Regiment Pennsylvania Volun
teers. Since my connection with the company,
I have found Captain Lloyd to be not only a
strict disciplinarian and thorough-going soldier,
but a kind, affectionate gentleman—not a man
of the company but esteems him highly. We
arrived in Harrisburg on Thursday afternoon,
and took quarters at one of the principal hotels
in the city. We enjoyed ourselves to our ut
most while there, and the next morning started j
for Caifap Curtin, about a mile from the cityf I
There we pitched our tents, and took our first j
lesson in tho life of a soldier. Camp Curtin !
consists of the Fair Grounds, and, at the time i
of our departure, on Saturday, contained about
8000 or 9060 men. It was indeed a sight to
inspire a patriot heart with true devotion, to
see the marej/ng and countermarching within
that enclosure; not a heart among us but was
’ Camp Scott, 1
Tour Pa., April 24, 1801 . {
Messrs. RniToma; —Thinking that a history
of our march from Altoona, would interest some
of yonr naders, we will give it briefly, as fol
As you know, we left Altoona on Friday, the
letk dv/# April, f° r Harrisburg, and arrived
at the Capiat on the afternoon of the same day.
AfWrour arrival in Harrisburg, we were order
ed taiha ßrady House, and there partook of
supper; supper being over, we were again
marched to the Pennsylvania Hotel, and quar
tered for the night.
On Saturday morning at about 8 o’clock, er
ders were issued that the companies quartered
in the town, resume a lino of march, for Camp
Curtin, which is situated a half a mile to the
West of Harrisburg, to report ourselves accor
dingly, and were then sworn in to support the
Federal Government of the U. S., by.Copt. Sim
mons, of the U. S. A. After-all the companies
bad taken the oath of allegiance,
oar arms, bat no accoutrements, none-could be
furnished ( with the exception rounds
cf cartridge.) Again returnjng-fo our quarters
at the Camp, we partook of the first meal pro
vided by Uncle Sam, and of which we cat hear
tily, and did ample justice. We . then had a
short recess granted us, and after (hat resumed
our former position in the IGth division, 3rd
Regiment, and Company E , composed of 10 fine
companies, numbering 70 men in each. The
Brd Regiment is composdd of the following com
panies;— ■
Two from Holljdaysburg, one under command
of Capt. Lloyd, and tike other, under the com
mand of Capt. McFarland.
One company from Tyrone, under the com
mand of Capt. Bell; 1 from Pittsburg, comman
ded by Capt Irving; companies from Johnstown,
one under the command of Capt Powers, (Capt.
of the Zouaves,) the other by,Capt Hinton; one
company from Williamsburg, commanded by '
Capt. Neff; 2 from Altoona, the one by Capt. H.
Wehn, and tbo other by your humble correspon
dent, Capt. J, Szink, I
On Saturday evening, about 8 o’clock, private
orders were issued, that S Regiments bo ordered
to receive their rations, to proceed forthwith,
(destination not being mentioned.) Aboutthree
o’clock Sunday morning, the three Regiments
were ordered to march to the Station of the
Pennsylvania Central Bail Road. The regi
dientß were ordered in the cars, and after being
comfortably seated proceeded over the York and
Susquehanna R. R., through a portion of the
State of Maryland, cn route for Washington citr.
While on our journey, we learned to our as
tonishment, that communication between Balti
more City and I‘enn’a bad been cut off from the
troops, by some of the citizens of Baltimore by
| cutting down telegraph wires, and the burning
jof the Railroad Bridges on the North Central
IR. U. Not being able to proceed further, we
I were commanded to halt at Ashland Furnace, a
j small settlement situated 14 miles to the West
jof Baltimore. Consultation was then held by
j the officers in command. After the conference
' between them, wc wore again ordered
to a very reliable position about half a
,»Bnle to the right of Cockeysville. After arri
ving at the above place, wo were drawn into a
lino of battle, to repel any attack which the en
emy might make upon us, and it was hourly ex
pected by us all that such an attempt would be
made. Our position was a grand one, for from
it we would have been enabled to have repelled
any invasion which the enemy might have made,
with the exception of Artillery. In
case they should have opened their batteries
upon us from a high elevation to the West of us, i
they could have cut us all off, and there would i
have been a man left to relate the fate of;
bis comrades. Or l Sunday night we were cou- i
tiuually kept in a lino of battle. Thft enemy !
arrived until within a half a mile of Camp Cock- i
eysville, and the utmost vigilance exerted on I
our part to watch the actions of the enemy.— !
You may imagine, kind friends, that our |
situatiou was very critical 'one, causing
us to sum up to our -, assistance, all the
fortitude we could, lu order to receive them.*
Our men, (now known as Company E ) stood
firmly to their posts, and the citiiens of Altoo
na may he proud of those men who left their
vicinity in vindication of their Country’s insul
ted flag. They stood firmly forward to meet I
the contest. The night, , indeed, was o night '
of terror to some. One poor,soldier in the at
tempt to rise at the call “ to Arms,” bursted a i
blood vessel and almost instantly expired. Wc ,
left him at camp, where his body, was decently '
interred by the company of which be was a
member. \
We remained at Camp Coc&gysvillc the bal
ance of that night, and not mor
ning about 11 o’clock were wc to
change the position of our Camp" fSjTrmuch
more pleasant situation, toward the left of our
former camp. It was a beautiful grove on the I
farm of Mr. Green, the manager of Ashland j
About 3 o'clock, news were received, that we
were to take up line of march again for Pcun’a,
and in the meantime, there came a dispatch to
the effect citizens of Little York, hear
ing of our deplorable situation, sent provisions
to ns, which provisions consisted of fresh beef
and bread, which news was received with joy
by all hands, as we had not tasted meat for two
days. ;■ ■■■,
; big with enthusiasm at the sight. .We practiced {
j marching and countermarching on Saturday, j
I and in the afternoon oar .company were sur
: prised at receiving a lot of mwkeU, instead of
; rifles, as' we all expected. We naturally ob
-1 jected to this,"bat our Captain assurdMis that,
on our arrival in-Washington City—cite place
.of destination—we would be furnished, with
j lilies; that it was not deemed advisable to
send as through BaitidWe to Washington, un
! armed, and there was no; rifles at ijurriebnrg.
• In tbe evening we received each a haversack,
j supplied with provisions, and about 12 o’clock
on Saturday night, 2500 of us embarked on the
North Central Railroad, for Washington, liu.
j Baltimore. We arrived at Ashland Station,
; about fourteen miles from Baltimore, on Sun
day morning, and found that all the bridges
I between there and the city had been burned
■ down by the Baltimoreans. We then started
; for the city on foot, and about three-fourths of
; a mile from where we landed from the cats, wo
' were informed that about 10,000 to 15,000
’ troops well supplied with cannon, were in Bal
j timore, ready and waiting to pitch into us. Wo
; then formed in a large field on a hill overiook
; ing the Station, in order to deliberate on-what
, course to pursue, and soon after, were informed
■ that tbe enemy were approaching in order' to
! force us from the State. And to give credence
i to the report, scveral.emissnries were observed
j about our camp, supposed to be investigating
i our condition and probable strength. Your
humble servant conversed with two diflTorent
: ones—one of whom told me that we would
; meet with a warm reception on to morrow, (Mon
i day.) I am perfectly satisfied that those two
| persons were spies in our camp. We then
j formed in battle array, expecting, as our Cap
i tain said, an attack every moment. Our com
• pany, with several others, occupied tbo outside
j Hne, and had there been an attack we would
i have came in for a pretty good share of the
destruction of life. Tbe position we occupied
was a most beautiful one, on the brow of the
; bill, tbe moon looking down upon us in all her
I brilliancy, as though about to witness a. san
| guinary struggle between brothers, as it most
surely would have been. We were supplied
I with straw under our feet, and ordered to lie
i on our arms and be ready for action at a mo
j meat’s notice. You may rest assured, Messrs.
Editors, that there was little sleeping done
i that night. Some of the pien did not lie down
, at all, but the roost of us did, and that from
! sheer exhaustion. It appeared to me that about
every five or ten minutes we were called up in
n line, supposing the enemy were upon us.—
The anxiety in regard to the expected conflict
was truly astonishing, for such a set of raw
recruits as we are; although Lieut Potts tells
me we are becoming quite proficient in the art
of war. One cause of alarm was thh accidental 1
shooting of one of the Altoona Guards named !
George Amhiscr. One of the members reclining ■
behind him accidentally struck the trigger of;
his gun, which was lying on the ground, when
it exploded, entering the young man’s feet, inju- ;
ring him severely. This very naturally aroused ;
us again to our feet. .A short time alter this i
alarm died away and we once more sought a 1
little recreation, wo wcre_ again alarmed. A
member of the Washington Greys, of Ucthle- ,
hem, Pa., named Kiper, it is supposed through !
the excitement of the, hour, dreamed the enemy !
were at hand, and actually stabbed himself with I
his bayonet, and died almost instantly. This I ‘
have from a member of the company, who heard !
him cry out, “I’m stabbed.” - The poor fellow ;
was hastily buried, as soldiers always arc, the *
band accompanying him to bis rudely eon- i
structed grave; and shortly after wo embarked ■
on our way back to Harrisburg, to await further j
orders. I had forgotten to mention' that the
good and patriotic citizens of this town sent us
provisions sufficient for our whole force previous
to returning, and invited ns to partake of their
hospitalities on our retain, which we are now j
enjoying to ouy hearts’ content. We arrived i
here at 10 o’clock to-day, and arc quartered in I
the Fair Ground, 2500 men in all. Our men )
all enjoy good health, and are in fine spirits,
anxious to have a brush with the enemy. Tell
all correspondents with oar company, to direct
their letters in the name of their friend, Com
pany H, Captain Lloyd, 3d Regiment Pennsyl
vania Volunteers; and if we are not here when
tbe letter is sent, it will then follow us up.
Vours very respectfully, W. 1. B,
! Bull's Mills, Blair Co , Pa., 1
April 23, 18dl. /
A meeting of the citizens of Antes township,
Blair Co., Pa., was held at Bell's school-house
on the 23d inst., for the purpose of expressing
their views on the rebellion of the South, and
for forming a Home Guard. The meeting was
organized by appointing Wm. Pp Dysart Presi
dent, Geo. W. Young Vice President, and Sam
uel Millikcu Seretary. The following resolu
tions were unanimously adopted;
Resolved, That wp, the citizens of Antes town
ship, assembled in mass meeting for the purpose
of giving aid and comfort to families left, with
out any one to provide for them, do appoint a
committee of six whose duty it shall be to soli
cit means and distribute the same to them as
may seem necessary, and in a business way.
Resolved , That we will organize a company,
to be called., the “Home Protective Guards,”
who shall, when they number twenty-five mem
bers, choose from among themselves, officers to
command and make rules for their discipline id
military tactics, that they may be an efficient
protection in case of a required emergency.
Resolved , That those owning fire-arms be re
quested to have them in order for duty if called
upon, nnd not to have less than twenty rounds
of ball and powder on band at all times.
Resolved, That, forgetting all political differ
ences, unmindful of party lines nnd distinctions,
remembering that we are fellow citizens of one
beloved country, and that country in. danger,
we hereby pledge ourselves to use all our in3u
cnce to strengthen the hands of government
and cheerfully to bear our share of the sacri
fices and perils of the hour.
■The following persons were appointed the
Home Belief Committee:
Martin Bell, John Elliott.
John Campbell, . Thomas Shaw,
Dr. Rowan Clarke, ' Samuel Milliken.
At the close of tho meeting, one hundred
names were enrolled as a Home Guard.
For the past, few weeks our town has
been one of unusual excitement. The “war”
has been the all-absbrbing topic, and a martial
spirit pervades the whole community. Numer
ous events have transpired, which will serve
to be memorable in the history of our country;
but since a Home Guard has been organized
here, we may consider ourselves quite safe, for
the presept, and again resume our usual occu
pations. As the painting season is now fully
.on us, it may be Well to.say, that, it is a matter
of great importance to those who contemplate j
doing, or having something done in this line,
to know where they can obtain the best and
cheapest materials Such can be obtained at
Roush’s Drug Store, where they are constantly
kept, and whoso stock we can safely recommend
to the public.
£a?“The guards who patrol our town atnigfat *
meet with some rough weather occasionally, !
such weather as is likely to damage their hats '
and caps, but they can easily have these re
placed by calling at Jesse Smith’s Hat and Cap
store, where they will find, a fiuo assortment of
the Articles, just received from the East, Jes
se has all the latest styles, and sells at living
'Muster-Bou. or ihk Looah farts Rtn am
—The following is the muster-roll of the
Bi?e Rangm* Company E, Third Kegi me „
Pennsylvania VolnnSirs: ' ’
&y>Uin~~jACo9 *
MtjtotffWfßrt Richafr# Crosier. «\ .
$L U T —Fre<lt*ttlkfihUlingwf.
Ut&rgcaiU-&,. Manafell HeaoiuWr. . w
•2ti •• i—David OMPtimau. - »
3tf “ —A. 11. Sfcvort. ■
4*A •■•« —T. v,'
Irf . ,v“ , _
2£ ■ '•* -■***
3SI w FouaV”
4IA w —~Ju9rj»h,Noel.
■ JTriraUs.
. AmJci {•»•!! U N
Akin Matthew
Attick Jacio* II
| Bu»ti Jobu U
j Beuly Kninkllu
■ Darker (■ Ait
Deals Jncob R
, R»«r Harr (hod D
: Bar|ow Thumu*
; Boyles William T
! Bri&ner Frederick
• Cutter William B
! Cru-se Oeorge
| Kccktrr Jgnatus
| Plchel Pad
i KryßoWt. _
| Vay Andrew
I Kinney Vrnncla
; (Siena William
(HbSer David .
1 Oardeu Rolhtl B
ilrimth N B
. Otmklu Joseph
| Hubert John
j llaiumonil James
j IseiiiKTj; Daniel
I sett Wjoddnpton
{ Inherst Charles
J Kell)' John A
* Mustkr-Uoli. ok tiik Altoona Guards
i The following is the muster-roll of the Altoon»
j Guards, Company 8., Third Regiment, p eBB .
| sylvan hi Volunteers:
j Ofjitain— Hesay Watxb.
irf Lieutenant— Joseph W. Gardner.
; 2rf “ —John M. Clark.
I Irf &rcFC(inr~Johu 8. Calbert.
| “ —Thomas L. McObthorv.
3d —J«wj»h W. lafforu. ’
I 4fA; “ —Wm. 11. Wilgls.
! Isl Chrporal —Harry M. Sholz.
j 2d- *• —Thos. C. Ylugliiig.
1 Sd “ —William Hook.
** —WiiliumW. Uectl.
William Rees,
G»o W Houseman Andrew
ArMd .lames II Hull Adolphus
Bo vies Wni ' ■ Johnston Samut-I
UarUfchaogh David S James .lew* T
Barker .Samuel Kelly Leonard K
John A Lehr Jolm A
Boyle* Guorjrc Miller Ileory A
Jhiytca 31artin Mather* James
AhrMtam 31 organ Thomuu >V.
Cotcnlun Thomas L Miller John
L’ufliier John 3loor David A
Carol L I* Nixon Alban Harvey
Cunn.iu J \V " • Rood Wm AD
Oahq David ileinkait Samuel W
Clark BoWi t J • X
Payday Sol-ajiou Sholo Won ■'
11-avia AVIUU’a Stephens Wm
D;/ti£horty John Stuap Samuel
DeiaUj Daniel Trout James
Etiifield Tvtwiler Goo \V
E.'torJinc JuliuM Tipton foeo 31
Krly Jow ph v Tiiuiupsou David
Fr.itx 3Vm D Thoinjoon 3Vm
Fink John Jl Treax James C Uoniy B Plumbc. Henry £
Hamilton Georg')
Mustek lit ill of the Jlsiata Bin. es.--Ilia
following is the muster roll of tbe Juniata Ri
fles, company H, 3d. Ucgimcnt, Pcnnsyltanij
Captain —A. M. I.t-om.
\*t Luutauxnt —C. N. Snider.
.. —S.C. Potts.
\J. H Uxm-I Wingate, Com’y of Sub. Sd Regiment.
Iri Augustus Button.
2 '( ** —Frank Vogel.
3*l “ —Simon D. Carr.
4/A u —Nicholas Stephens.
50 : “ —James Cnuge. '
Iri o»7»raJ—David K. Yoder.
2d « —C. 31. Kephart.
** —J. T. Pendergrass.
40 44 —David Barr.
John Miller. Jr., Geo. WcighamaD. ‘
Edward Keogh.
Ales. McClure.
J K Thompson
Charles Keem
BenJ White
Robert Mtuou
TUos Maloj
J C itw
Thomas Green
Abraham Qralfiuo
Jolm Sellers
John U Oanlen
John T Beiils llenshy
Joseph Gates
Titoiiiu* llenshy
Charles M Fenton
Harry Roell
Wilfimn Iknll
1 M IJo wo
Walter P Byers
William C fWscy
TillinjHmrt Welds
Jacob Voglo
W J main
William Hicks
(J IV Black
W J HriuJl-y
Frederick Shrader
John Gates
Bdvnird Whito
Joseph Erech
G W Croao
John Piirry
Bill Blackstone
John \V Loath
Benj Coojwr
James Barr
George Miller
Daniel Ullery
Joseph Hughe*
George Sellers
I) P Kinkuad ,
John Murray .
John B Ling' •
Wilfion L«»r
John Clark
- John Lano
George Lane
George Spade
Wm Mrllvafn
Thog M Burr
George COarbor
William lineman
MU-hl lloloran -
O W Hawkesworth
Harry Itrynu
CharloA W Curry
II B Huff
0 G Krcsf
It P Unmkor, officer* boy.
11 Carr col) Servant
WikAT 13 Mauh.vl Law T—At the present
crisis, the significance of a term so .much used r
and with so little accurate sense of k»mesning r
becomes unusually iipporfant.
Boiivier defines martial law aa a “code estab
lished for tho government of the army and nary
of the United Slates,” whose principal rules are
to bo found in the articles of war, prescribed by
act of Congress. But chancellor Kent says (his
definition applies only to tu Hilary law, while
martial law is quite distinct a thing, and is foun
ded-'-bn paramount necessity, and proclaimed by
a miJitnry chief.
i Mwrtial law is generally and vngnaly held to
be a suspension of all ordinary civil rights qni
process—and as such, approximates closely to
a mijitary despotism. .
It |s aa arbitrary law, originating in emer
gencies. In times of extreme peril to the State,
either from without or from within, the public
welfiire demands extraordinary measures. And
martjal Inlr being proclaimed, signifies that the
operation of the ordinary legal delays of jus
tice, is suspended by the military, which bus
for the time become supreme.
It suspends the operation of the writof Aaiw-J
corpus; enables persons charged with treason to
be summarily tried by Court Martial Instead of
Grand Jury; justifies searches and seizures of
private property, and the taking possession of
publfo highways and Other means wffßbmmnni'
cation- Involving the highest exercise of sove
reignity, U is, of Course, capable of great abuse,
and ik only to be jnstifiod on emergencies of the
most imperative and perilous nature, such as
now appear to exist in Baltimore" and Wash
ington. ■ -
BSL.Dr. J. W. Cameron can be found at
Roush's Drug Store at all times daring the day,
and at Mrs. Ripg’s boarding-house at night’
except when professionally engaged. Those
who desire his services should note the change
of boarding place.
The doctor requests ns to state that he wilt
give gratuitous medical attention to the families
of all those who have enlisted In defence Of the
Flag of our Country.
. Gratuitous Attekdasce upon VotcsTEEßs’ -
Families.— 7b tht Tyrant and Altoona Ecli'f
Commute*' thSt in the
present crisis it behooves all true patriots to
willingly make sacrifices ipsupportoftwr Onion,
and in encouragement of those- who have so no
bly rallied to its defence, l herewith offer my
professional services, free of chaise* to all who
may stand in need of asqistaiyte.
Da. A. P. Calujuiwoop, Altoona-
{<*>aJ«n David
' Xyn4e Ka • ■ ‘ ;
Myera J ,>seph
Marshall A W
MoMnlwu Mttrdieai
Montgomery Robert
Marshall William II
Miller Gabriel
Miller 8w»«el
N Ightwim* Jaibes
Orork Richard
Price WlUmb H
Parker Joseph ¥
I’a*ker Samuel D
Ottlnlin Patrick.
Reeves Patrick
‘Kook Joseph If
Stoddard Thomas
Sehindlcmeyer Jacob
£tuck»U>#rr l»ote r \y
Srhicdoagte Amhvhr
Snyder Juan-* u
Smith Wiiiiaia
Tipton Samuel B
J®*Burns John, deaeitoU,
W**BU«aW«. April 26. 186 h—It is state.
h» Umi boot Mtfaprity, thot Lord Lyons, U
S&Jlv minister, sent » special messenger
jiTSa th# stsamer P*nia at Now York uni
ftilldW*«ehw coaid bo forwarded by him
,1:. Homo Government. Lord Lyons is advise
l understand, to proffer to the United titAti
Government, for the euppwssien of the Slat
state rebellion, arms, ammunition, and trooj
i from England and Canada. By the I\rtia I
nt onieik for three hundred thousand of U
JmßfOted Sllaio musket, and for a east numb
of the celebrated rMod cannon Orders in ft
two aw not to bo 6lled in England for tl
Roipl Oorornmont for arms, or ammunitUn, t
I Sh U S is°beHewd that an English and Frent
[fleet will bo seat to the Southern ports at «
I carty day, «° with tbo United Stati
1 fleet in the blockade of-Secession pons.
I Louis Napoleon has joinedjsilli
I suppress tbo Slate-State rebellion. Id is state
I that his offer* of sertico to President Linco)
law now on their way to, Washington.
I It is hoped here that Yancey and his confei
lerate traitor* will be seised by France and Kn;
I land and sent to the United States to be Irii
[and hung under the extwditiou treaties.
Orders bate been issued, it is reported, to tl
Governor-General of Canada, to offer to U
United States men and urns.
| indescribable consternation has spread throng
: Virginia because of the arrival here of the U
mom General Lane and Captain Montgomery (
Kansas.. They have with thent nealry two hut
dred of the desperadoes of the civil wars of th:
Territory. They are to act tis an indepeude:
corps of scouts'for dangerous and forlorn sd
vico. j
Thaw aw now twenty-five thousand troops i
this city. The Capital and the Treasury or
most effectually barricaded with barrels of ct
meat, fiour, and the cast-irow plates intendc
fof the ebmplotion of the Great Dome of th
Capitol. Martial-law has been proclaimed ove
the Capitol. Sixteen thousand barrels of fluu
are stored in the crypts, together with thousand
of byrele of bacon, hogsheads of molasses, am
tierces of rice.
Tbe people of Cliamborsburg bare organize!
a mounted patrol reaching clear to the Maty
land tine. They make returns every morning
Batteries of artillery nro . being formed a
Cbarabcrsburg and ether points of the interior
to protect any forward movements of the I'eiin
sylvabia volunteers.
Baltiuore. April 20.—Secession may be con
sidered ns defunct in this city. Tbe Union sen
timent is again triumphant, and but few mci
1 are willing to announce 'themselves to day «■
IScccsiomsts. One week’s experience of the
I deadly contagion has overwhelmed the couspi-
Irators, and the Union feeling is n(»w stronger
land deeper than ever. The reaction has been
I overwhelming in all parts of the State, and we
[are prepared to meet the issue althc ball'ot'boi.
A grand spontaneous Union mooting was held
to night in East Baltimore. Great entliusiastn’
was manifested ami the strongest kind of strait
■out Union resolutions were adopted, liegttlar
communication with I’hiladclphia ds now re-es
tablished. - ,
The Legislature of Maryland, which mot af
Frederick city, refused to acknowledge’scees ;
Scion by the decisive vote of 53 yeas to 13 nays.
txEci'Tivr. CnAMßre. )
Harrisburg, A|iril OUt, ISf 1./
Tv the Senate and House o f Representatives
of the fiiimuionuxaUh f>f l\nnsylvmin:
[ OsttTijtlllx—Tin l present unparalleled exijrcney in ilia
I affairs at oar country, has induced n.e, to call you together
lat this time. With an actual amt nntirtl reWlliia, ip .onto
[of the Staton af the VUion, iWilnelltous quention.s have he*ll
[thrust upon us whlcli call for year deliberation, Mini that
[you Bho.ld devise menus by legieiution for the m-iinteiumct
[of the authority of rite General (toveriinn-ur. the honor and
[dignity of our State, the protection of our citoo-io, end the
hearty establishment of peace and order throughout tin
On theday of my induction into the F.xecniive office, I
Soek ocewwn to uttar-tbe following Heiitiinent*:
I “No one who know* (he history of Pennsylvania* and
['understands tit* opinions and feelings of her people, ran
Uustly charge-nurlth hostility to our brethren of other
[States. tVeiroflfcr&'tchrm as friends and fellow-country-
Km*u, whose w*dbin*nvoifot*l a kindred interest; mid we r* •
|y*ipdtoe,tn their broadest sense, all our constitutional ol>
[tigathms to them. These we are ready and willing t«
kfemrre gen»roiuly and fraternally iu their letter am:
Uplrit. with mnweiuttiif: fidelity.
| is a National Government It has within tic
[sphere of its actum afi tie attribute* of (=ov*r/.igut>. an l
[among these are the right and dnty of sclf-pfewcrvation.—
lit Is based upon ft aa|b4Hu£ to which .'ill the pe<>|4« of yh,;
[United States aropartles. ft-is the result of mutual cmi-
Icetftiona, whk'h were mode trtp the pur(x»ee of securing re
ciprocal bettefita. It aoUHSToetly on tin* pimple, and tlu/
[owe i| a per****! oßignnce. No part of the (ample, u
j Kioto nor comhtnftticm of States, can. Voluntarily *ve<b
[from the Union, nor absolve from their obliga
jtlcbcu to IL To a State to withdraw at pleasure
[from tho Uninn,witbacft the consent of the rest, is to o.n
|foss that oor Goeeraamftt w a failure. Pennsylvania ran
never acquiesce fo sock a anjtspiracr, oor absent {« a d>» •
Urine Which tavolvoe the destruction of the Government,
pf the Government Is to exist, all the roquiremen U of rh*.
ICiUfctitution.inu*t-be obeyed: and it must have ;mWvi
ladequnleAo tho eiiforeement «f the supreme taw in everv
iStute. It is the first duty of tire national authorities i«»
Isuy the progress of anarchy and cniurre the low-, and
IPennsyljaulA. with a united people, will give them an
Ihonest, fiiithful and active support. The people in.-an to
pireccrro tho integrity of the ootioual Union at evt rv h;:z
It coohl scarcely have been atiticijstted at that time,
that we shouldxo soon l»o calletl ujwn for the
pileaitkm of these truths iu connecth-n with their shppoit
Mii arm of military power. \
L Tiio aj*exampled promptness and enthusiasm with wldWt
Pennsylvania and the other loyal States have responded
|l»o call of the President, and the etitire nnanlmity with
which our people demand titst the integrity of the Gov
trnment bImU be prc&ervetl, illustrate the duty of the seve-
N State and National Government* with a distinctm-s*
fhat cannot be disregarded. Tl«e blaughter of Northern
iTonps in the city of foi the pn*t< k nded off-*nce
bf marching, at. the call of the Federal Government; jvwiee
bb|y»: over soil admittedly in the Union, and-, with llnfeulir
mate object of defending our commeu Capital agninst ;m
armed and rebellious invasion, together with the ohsfne*-
lion of our Pennsylvania when dv«pateheil on the
kathc patriotic mission, impose new duties and responsi
bilities upon ottr Statu adiiil.iistruthni. At hist atlvice-
Ihe Genarnl Govertinient had military iKwsessron of the
nmte to Washington through Anna|>olis; !«ut the transit
bf troops hmt!H*en greatly eiidanget'til and delayed, and
the safety of Washington Itself imminently threatened
This cannot be submitted to. Whether Maryland may
profe«>s to be loyal to tho Union or otherwise, there can &
permitted no hostile soil, no obstructed thoroughfiire, be
tween the SUtca that undoubtedly arc loyal uml theirW
llonal scut of government. There is reason to hope that
the route through Baltimore may be no longer dined
kgaihst the peaceable passage of-our people l«
Uje service of the Federal Government. B«t we mast l>e
fnlly assured of this, and have the uninterrupted cnj.*y
lueut of a passage to the CanUol by any and every nmte
restntial to Ihe piirpomm of the Government. This must
I* attained, peaceably if iKWsible, but by force of' arms if
pot accorded.
L Pl?T time \* I*®* 4 for temporizing or forbejirinr wilh this
rebellion ; the moat causeless in hUtnry. The North has
CntiSrSSi *^s. «>«ri»t to Invado a single
E!!oi r jS >^f <l 5?.? 0 ? >th ‘ ...° n t. hc contrary, all political
Codin!r*e^L have fhlly TecoguUed.thc
of the great
CnZ States, and regardless of our views of State
WS!Sb havo respected them. To •
JWHwn, thereforh, upon any alleged wrong inflicted or
l^ ictcd U P° U the South is to offer W«-hoo.l
IshiraklSH SS trt ®s° n - 80 the clvlUzcd World and
BKSt* thMin !¥ ,eibrt t 0 ov "throw.U.o most bo
»«crui wucturo ol human government ever devised by
r .'^, li f n io thr C<>ttnn States, which
« fc * li * hn >ro« of a provlsonat orgnai-
Eontal^^L~^.!l a I* e th j ! of govern-
pW'Otnfroßr the investment and bombar<!-
N*»eyi»Sn 2 1 v5wl? land ® r { 1, 8 ° r ° ur
ft the NnSo2flsS? w 2L ,uld now «* the posseeal *u
pot by S?* 1 ®“ insumerion must now be
hpon In . <ln< * *° the government
P re-hosseL tki ? *?•** b3f ai, “Otting its entire supremacy.
MawfullTa«i>!Lf ort "i e D< J , otllcr goverameut properly >o
knit Knfels^t^.y l H ‘ ( : *0 ®“*nro personal freedom
Ktt *“S Pe°rla nuit cmmusrcj of the Union in
kith on« pe°pl« of the loyal Stttee demand, as
fad contend for, a* with one heart;
answer UoT^Tn. * mnllon «f. faniisylvania's son* will
»*hJ anticipating that mefo