The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 25, 1861, Image 1

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    C FlflSD.
- ■
UJST COMi’ANY.r-CaoiMutf
rim. V ' , *fT
' RULES. J *
ivpd «ffciy day, and in any
interest is paid for money; ,
[a-always paid bod: iti QOLU, JrhtflMW u
srithoot notice
welTfd ■
others who desire to haves JtJiui pl*c« .J.
iTrJVere interest can I* obtained Ipr k 1
iracdVcd from depositors U lovv«ttod {
OBrQAQ£St IiSMS, «£ft Buifc-Othl*
ia a* the Charter directs. ,
—JKvery day from 0 till 5 o’clock’ n*U Qb
qftrtay* till S evaaiog. "
:NMiK. rrotjdeiit. ; * ’
milKlK. Vice President.
iv- Piumcw Ls*.:
«tt, P- Cibkou. Bunraia.
is, Jostra B. Bust.
o», Jascra Yam,
rt>’s, II csbt UimHMCin. .
I Sti cet. S. IV. Corner of third StfpMi..
April Uth, !M-{j
5' IN. SEASON 1 ! > :
#M customer? and the public generally
•turned the East with i»li £«Ul«tovk*
thw place, lie haa evorytarietyjj,
ifzc anil Quality, «r
■Hi ANj>
•aß' C A 3? §5,
A and 'Winter Wear:
•t% shape/, Mid qualities of Ladle* anj
•n> and FLATS, to which tbe
want of tfnj thing in Uihlinlla
lavgcsji ami hnuctunmcst a»urtaiccl of
the iMh.s of All roua, esibri&isg
s MCf'fS, CUF fS,
that liii*. for Lodicn and Children, of
wpfenn immuf icturo, and of erery qu&ii-
it of anything in the' nborr He*, niii
purchasing tlsfWhare, add im
at the very lowest
i street, opjjosite iSchutbcraa church
im-tf. jfessfi aaitn.
ivinp tak*n the rsHaLlishmeirt heretofore
rriCTs.tW 'uhl reyp.-ctAiliyan- jmsr'
:e u itf and vicinity,
v (tark * sto iv: stork *l^o
# .i>n ’Amufl street. W-tw-ponTlntrief end
‘t Altoona, where he will h<Hq»ertli«lanu
n=*.K Uncut »f in-rything Ifrfeaijne,
of on r asuti&Lh* tvruw-
•Leo. lie h1j»o JJttcri'
ch h* ».iid to be nnich eiipytidt to cab
■: ffh.
s»n*d a eoj»]*rr-«mirhmg room tofcfe w
”|) uu-lmiul h;i assortment
ji.'Jtc. • ’■
ivrk i»n>:n|»t!y jitti-ud.-il tn. '
.patronage is rtHfhvtfuJjysvlicitfld-
Hi, 1S«0.
m:it"occrpAXT. r jSS&!%&‘
iT'Afet of {Jnarry &;£Jg|y£AflHAL
lias leseedthc
wBl fceep a larj?c aßsortirietft alfioU
American, English
!*t cylehrntod maker*-. In *ld|tt|gtv
on hand
revelry. .<l l ver a n«l SXI T*r £}sfcd\*arr.-
herst ttßuoriniWit os" FUch jrpo&ite an*
tfit’tilufM Watch uud Juwclry Sfeiia.'
! . Com Ail. and tif the 3nbacrih*r.
tthlfe genially. ajo unvit< d to eafirant
ftrtii;!* tor their money. Afl «fn
lajsijmil bceoUTrrr
f* t’lid Snh:s" in the motto of this
J’oruirvly Cf. Conrad.
I Second St.-, ccr. cf siuarrjVPhiiid*.
the .blind of every jotkoh
Sfet tl»s best arUrkvfbr
■q/tirhrr Mutter#.'
to direct, hut if
! OR SIIOKH - ■-■ _;;
raadnatlon of hfs
if on ImhJ bj; HHv'irtmont of
••' which lus ofTv:vs nt fftir priCtJU; -
o::il attention to cn tkun J \rqck, all
l"ted to giro eaUrfaclion. XbMfrWTffa*
- _ '.
h?i* on Viijpoia fftrrrl, irnnntrdi* 1 * 1 ?
Store. - . .
p] JO-UM IX. feimBRTS,.
pad Cirocerj-Store.
<-a Bread, CaURjM, *«
lot of SfCAJtS and TOBACCO.
Jbjjini* Stroct. }k'low Aonj*^fy.
*;KSIOXEI) ANN.btf#> r
orAltooaa jww aiemily
r, I door ahpvt Winitrf
vciinteep on hr.a.b a good uatrvaa'
t >’*ir own manufacture. t ■
i-o*M> given
ivjte g Bare ar^6£bf6MNMM^’* M> '
'• onn fsudvr
of Crime
>■-1 to widely
i-iins nil tUe Orent-'MjIiMPJSk
t IMitanatooa
»aal Matter «, not. t».b* H"M(f^s^
#2 prr uiaqni; (I
ribnbt, fwlio ahonld tndWfMWJSJI
r and B»tevili*iwth^,r«p(gs?F
*•■;’>• of K*w Yorfc
pits —8O;OO0'^B4&^^'
•aide by thi Load! JinroP^WdS*
■ »«tt ponliMcn. 11** I* 552.
Ifc't- 43 worth win mnniirotM*?
! tiio from . Tf-tblrd itty«|(a*J.'
opt*c>w«t« oarttor.aid, -
bo*««dj»or Und.
Ufii' ■ ! MLKM I
‘M>M* WBifM
L’ WrtBJDOt Of£
' wm .
' iTyr
MoCRUM & w:rn,
VOh. o
* ■* si .73
l> £ 2 T-
r‘ <j.
£ O K
3 .tc
S y -
c? 2
i.s > ?
I INVin: .ViriiMlUN to sem* cKthc oust extraordi
iury cures tv my
Thcr are at horn 1 * an.l any on*.' who Ims doubts can in*
• »/» nf !«»*• norstju 3 who li.ivo bi-en cured by it. '
AirtND TO VOUR COLDS—A case of utc years stand
' ■ DR. KEY SEE’S -
' riTv?3cno, Jan. lith. 18fr\
KetssK Mt wife hmi been afflicted with a bad
• wh aod" ihfflcuUy uf breathing for'five or *lx y«arn>
V-Mi f-'r s>rt’er«l veare back’had gradually increased m
, i‘ 'i hf fem]dtiiut bw bwn hereditary, and «ln* had
> trrUed bv several physicians without any relief. r lu
of her case I procured some of roar iVctoral
•“~*h Syrup. I bought the fim t'ma r. fifty cent boftle,
H- relieved her very much; I then called and got a
; i n-ioLtie. which cured her entirely, and she has wow
r ., :i.v;o of the burner disuse, except weakness. 1 would
■: . ut” that I used the medicine myself to a cold and
• Tho medicine cured me by taking mio dose. I ex
ti.esiav entire siuUfacliou with* the inedkrme. and you
to publlfch this if vvu to ( *° tio *
Alderman, Fifth Ward.
.Sa:. kb:
PitTSßrsc. Nov. Uth, IS5$.
KtTiil'. Although not at* advocate of Patent Medi
v . *.; )h p it allurds nu' great pleasure to recommend
r ,/ r p t^r <y r up. As a medicine it U Wwll worthy the
of any person who may in any manner bo afiVc*
wjth coughs coldaund hoarsened of any kind. ami fur
:h.- peculiar qualifications for rcmovWig all that disagreea
lU‘ I'.cndtttlcn attending a cold.
I have b'.‘en more or loss* in my life affected with the
.-.•v-.rfat c<nds of boarsouees. At times my throat would
c.-.cic sj closed as to prevent my shaking above,a whis
• j.r, and by taking & few doses of the abovo Syrup it would
rilicvoint; entirely. 1
!a reC’jiniiiejiding tbiii medicine,-1 must unhesitatingly
that it is the best mcJicina I ever found, purporting to
the above; nor should any family bo without this
s.ia-.Jj for disc-aatfstso prevalent.
Yours, must respectfully.
Cashier, CitU'ens’ Deposit Bank.
• Srr.rcsNvsu.r-, 0.. March lUh. ISSO.
* u-od Dr. Kcyaera Cough .Syrup for a bad cough
L : :.-,- r jal year* standing, and cun' 'cheerfully say it is the
lot medicine i x r the wnie that 1 have ever taken.
p —Pa. Krista-—D>’.r Sir: the d« l*y *»f my ac-
■•;. tne excellence of your Pectoral S\rnp sooner.
I LA* gr’.at nlensurr? In saving that it I* all you «iy it iS:
vrcrsjt uce I was ever afflicted with; I have not u.«cd
s.j:- than one half oflhe bottle, and avti and do wish thm
\\ irho ai.-» afflicted would give it as fair a trial as-I have
<\ <\i, and 11niv will bo proud to »ay. *■ It i* no medi-
I noalJ not nullcr Another .;uch *u attack for any
( r..;Uenlsoy, or at anv cost. I am confident I can breftthe
n- r.’ fverlv than I ever dM. 1 slull always at'kuowlwlpc
a of gruilnde for inveuthij: so excellent a rcnmjy.—
V .-; at liberty to use xnv name in this regard, as'rou
Messenger. Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa.
litT'SCR*!, ,Mnv 11th. IS;VJ.
:; 21.—1 am nov'tir.nger t<> b:v f.-U.iw citfcon?, and all
w-c» CDtcitain doubts can consult rue p-TSondUy.
E. T. V.
HEAD Tiin TkCTU—l'r. Kccipt: I liava a»U«y&ter
<\ljo !w-i taken *« mwllciui's for a l>.vJ whv) has
ufc*n' < rni-lidiu 1 ? for a ixnl ♦•ough. without benefit—
uiuvvz them Aver'* Clu-rry PertJral. -1 imrchw**!, ffbin
y\i a*bottle ofyour PECTOKAh SYUUI’, «tul before she
}.i.ii;toil half ft hattk site w.-i* r-H«w<!. Tier *rcou»l bot
wr -d h'-r entirely «-.fhcr coital
, - jonx datu.v,
fi-Anwi strict, AlU'fehvny
PmfiTH’RO. 15^
a cur.r. nv mt. ki:vsku*.s pectoral
.'•V P.CP—I live in bnvhship. Allegheny county.—
H Vvl a cough lit,*-aid spitting. which commenced about
iiiv ith of February lout. and continued oight mouths, I
r.;.pUved the best’ physicians in the country. and my
continued ua&bated until early in October. At that
c'rr.e J was .vlvieod to try your I’F.CTOK A L S.YHI-I*, xyhlch
: iMJ.-an-l after I bad Ukcn one bottle I wa* entirely free
f: ci the comrhlug and spitting. ’ I had disptired of ever
*ni-,gwdh *nd I think it should be known that thw
valuable r*m«*v wtttdaibr others what. it hn.< ilonq In
r:y caw. * JOHN 0. Liri’LC, Peebles township.
vr:tm*a~.r.. 51. kebk. ,
Patios April lUh,
A VrOVflF.UrrL CUJlß.—Home time uga.iin old neigh
bor of mine was very 111 with A bad cough » h Wi crery one
*u;rpwsed to be consumption. 11 in relative* told me ho had
T\ken cverv r-nudv they heard of without benefit.; his
brother earn* ti see him die. and all worn confirmed in the herald »ni live. I had about the third of a
tottle of yoor Pectoral Syrup, which I gave him, amt it
vr.Prv'v chred him, to the astonishment of all. AThat
•r.ukiH the ca«o nunc remarkably. i-> the extreme ace <pf
rann, h'» being About eight v Tear* pW. 1 havejno doubt
the iV'Mrsl saved bis life. JOHN M’GINNIS.
VlT.LF..—Plrrwe send m». another supply of your valuaMo
'• PtJ.'tonl Svnip.** Almost everybody around u« ha* the
■c-M and are inquiring f**r ,4 Dr. Kcyaer 3 Pf*ctoral-Syrap.”
'Tv hart add *U!een bottle* last -reek, and are now e«-
i.rdToot. Mr. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both of KlaiK
n!h*. Pa., tell ui they would not he without It In their
in fact, all* who u-' it once w.unt it again.
•tinur.ry 30tU, ISCO,
AiotiiEii. ;;r.w crjinncATK-nit. keyser's
SYRUP. —1 have been troubled wiili a cough
and cold for several wi»elcs— fi'i b;id was It thr.t, I could not
«de-.p. I had tho ftjricn ami pres -riptiona fsimi three of
the best physician* in tii« city, ’fchoin I could name, but
not de eo. I finally procured a bottle cT your Pectoral
rvrup, which cured mo enllrdj. Signed.
233 Liberty St., PitUburg, P.v. Jc.n.-Glh, ISCO.
-TOP THAT COta<IIXG. ,, -* a How cm. T do it?"—
‘ Oito Kerwr'f on Wood'street and get r bottle of hi*
<V.!;;h Pectoral, and If that don't euro yon, your cat** mn*t
desperate indeed.” Tiiln i« a specimen of the colloquy
■••" o hear* almost every day In cold catching wTaTfirm* i<f the
T -'*r. At w* can, from actual experiment, cheerfully con
.'-«r in the adviser** admonition as above,; for v* 4 hate tried
t-»a “ Pectoral” in a must stubborn coney with entire sne-
Near two week* ago we went to Pittsburg with one
' f the most distressing contrary, raatlah, unaubifaablo
have ever experienced since our, advent upon
t..U mundane sphere. We canghed steadily and laborons
!>■ fjr one who)* week, In hopv* of tiring tt out- hot It wn*
\p. In fact It seemed rather to Improve by practice
have acquired strength, potency and dlstrewdbljity
*>’• loi * In this state of tha siege, w coughed
MUr Wft .v Keyset's, 140 Wood street, procured a fifty
-con t bottle of th* l Pectoral, took it according to direction#,
ani In fnrtr-eight hours we were master of the field, the
1 haring unconditionally surrendered after a brief
unequal conflict with so formidable im Adversary as
Oongh Pectoral.—Brownsville Clipper, Dec. 14th,
3>K. KF.YSUE’S -PECTORAL SYRUP is prcWh l '! o”<>
‘■•’“l b, \ DR. 080. B. KEYSEB.
■ 140 Wood street. Pltsburg, Pa.
>'i»ia»na»oldby DB. 0. I||. "KEYSER,
UO Wood *rw-t, PUtjburg.
! •••: ■CS mom. Ior«»lob, S. W. BKW.FB, %Wvan.
Jp . MODERN COOKERY m all Its brandies, by Miss
Km.vAeTb.v. Carefully revised by Mr*. th J. llale.
it, Idh ;!<>« flow to choose all meat, poultry* and
game, with all the various and moat approv
ed modea oL drucaiug aud cooking .boot and
l*ork ; also the beat and simplest way of salt*
ing, pickliEg and curing the sarao. ’
It Tell j }cu All the various aud most approve.! modes of
dressing, cooking, and boning mutton, lamb,
vtal. poultry, and game of all kindsl w ith
the different dressings, gravies, and atufßuga
Tills T'ju How to ciiQoa?, clean, and pi*"*cwt' Fish of all
kinds. »mi how to sweeten ir when taiut*d:
aUd all lire various and meat approved modes
of cooking, with the different tiros-mgs, sauced
find flavorings appropriate to each.
Jt Tdii t"U Alt Iho various and im>t approved moth's of
preparing oyer fifty different kinds of Meat,
Fish, Fowl, Game* um! Vegetable Soujm,
Broth*. and Stews, with the Relishes and
Reasoning* appropriate so each.
I: Jills Tlu All the various and must approved molts of
cooking Vegetables ol every description, also
how to prepare Pickles,-Catsup.-; and Currio*
of nil kinds*, Potted Mcals.Fieh, Game, Mush
rooms, Ac.
/' Tills I'wi: All the varicu; and iru-et approved nudes of
, preparing aiul cooking all kind? uf Main ami
y ‘ Fancy. Paltry, Pudding?; Omelettes. Fritters,
’Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves, .Tellies, and
Sweet Dishes of every desti option.
Ji Jells ih« All the various and must approved modes of
making llrettd, Kusks, Mullins, and Biscuit,
the best method of preparing colfce. Choco
late, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cor
dials;, and tViuva of various kinds.
Il i«&» Tun How to set out and ornament a Table, how to
Carve'All hinds of Pish. Flesh or Fowl, and
In short, how to so simplify the whole Art uf
Cooking aa-to’bring tbo" choicest luxurU-a of
the table within everybody reach. ..
The book contains -lIS tragys. ahd upwards oftwelve bun*
dred Kecipes, hll of which:aro the result? of actual experi
ence, having been fully and carefully tested under the per
sonal superintendence of the writer*. It is print' din a
clear and. open type,' is illustrated with appropriate en
gravings. and will bo forwarded to nny address. neatly
bound; an«l postage paid, on rcclpt of the price, sl.oo,\>rin
doth, extra, $1.25.
selling the above work, our inducement:! to all cuch being
v*rv liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for tonne to agents,
with other information, apply to or address
No", i, ’CO.-Cxi.
Jennings. V. S.. Professor of pathology and Operative Sur
gery in the Veterinary College of Philadelphia. etc., etc.
■Will lill ion of the Origin. History and distinctive traits
of the various breeds of European. Asiatic.
African and American Horses, .with the
physical -formaton ami p>*cuiiaritics of the
animal, and how to ascertain his age by the
cumber and condition of his teeth; illustra
ted with numerous exulanatorv engravings
Will Te-tl You of Breeding. Breaking. Stabling. Feeding,
Grooming. Shoeing, and the general nwn
agementof the'horse, with tin* best modes of
' administering medicine, also, how to treat
biting, kicking, rearing, shying, stumbling,,
crib biting. reetloSsm-ss, ami other vices to
which hq is subject; with numerous cx
plauatorv ongravingß. .
IFiu Till You of the cauai*«, symptoms, and treatment of
strangle?.'sore throat, distemper. catarrh,
influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy,
broke*! wind, chronto cough, roaring and
whistling, laropas. sort* mouth and ulcer*,
and decal ed teeth, with other diseases of
the mouth and respiratory organs,
J. w. mice.
n;?i Tr.U Yon gf the causes, symptoms ami treatment of
worms, strangulation,atony con*
endions, jrupturcs, palsy, diurrheca, jaun
c*icc, hepajirrhoea. bloody,urine, stores in
kidneys and bUdder, Inflammation and
oih-.-r didciwes of the Stomach, bowels, liver
and urinary organ*.
U7<7 TcJI )V.\ of the canoes, symptomsam! treatment of
*■' % bone, blood and bog, spavin, aweenic, rlng
strains, broken knees, wind galls,
founder, solo bruise Mid gravel, cracked
li'»fa. perhtches, canker, and corns:
*. , also, of megrims, vertigo, epilepsy, staggers
and other diseases of the feet, logs and head.
ir»’f T<il Ib« of the cause?, symploras at;d treatment of
fistxtlrv, poll evil, glanders, farcy, scarlet fe
ver, mange, surfeit, locked javr, rheumatism,
crumji, galls, diseases of the eye and heart,
Ac.. Ac., Ac., and how to manage castration,
bbjcdiug. trephinniDg. rowel lug, firing, her
nia, amputation, tapping, and other snrgi
-1 < :il 05V»ratk»6S.
Will Te!l Ton of Karev's method of taming horses; how to
' approach, halter, or Btftldo ft colt,; how to
ac-.uritom ft horse to strange sounds and
bights, and how to hit. saddle. ride and break
liini to hfti uesi \ nl c o. t!i“ form and luvr of
. V* Aftr.Axry. The whole being the revolt of
more than fifteen year s’ cartful study of tha
h;iuits. peculiarity, wasts And .weaknesses
Tfi.s contain* SS4 appropriately iliwdratrtl
by nearly Onu Hundred KnprAvlrip*. It is printed in a
cleAr an*4 open type., and will be frtrtn.lhed -to any address,
■postage paid, on receipt uf price, lull'bound, $l,OO, or, in
doth, extra. •
selling ilKMibove. ami otlier popMlpr works of cure, Our
tndnC'-monlr. to nil suth an. 1 exceedingly \d«'rid.
IVr hin”l > copies of tlio bo*>k. or for terms to agents, v> iih
other Information, apply to or addre«»ii
■ •>'{,v. Jj.-fm 3*7 ctmß. Phil uldphin.. Pa.
J edit, cheaper—stands 3CO de-graca heat—warranted
water pr«i#»nd will neither lads nor;wash. for
i[v.. cfc., rfr. ,
For graining and staining equal to Turk
ish Cinher.
COLOKS are I'm her Brown Lake, Oiiro Indian Bed and
Black. ,
On* responsible ngcnt wanted »n every town anti
City in tlio 1 United States, terras accommodating, i'or
Circulars, ic„ apply •» or
Jiaroh dl-din. Xo. 132 X, 4th ,street, Philadelphia.
Carpeting, Dtuggets, Oil Cloths,
tho Slate House,JBUILADEU’UIA. [ia*rtl,’ol-ly.
I FORM tbecitlKrti* of Altoona and vicinity that His
supplied with tho very best articles to bo had, and lu great
variety. He baa alio an (
nltarhc-l to liia .loro, In which bo twill servo up PRIME
OYSTERS, in all atyUs.
He hue always on hand a lot of
Ho Is at all time* prepared to enpply cake*, candies. A<\,
for pic-nlcs awl other parties. He intitc* a share of public
patronage, bclleting wat Jie can render full aatlafrctldn to
Remember, his slurp ami saloon is on Virginia »tteet,two
doors below Paithn's Jlatl. prtQr*(*&-
Blanks of all descriptions
«npld- ;h‘UBly eaensl. «l at th.B
JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher,
No. Cl 7 Saaaan Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
<.f this nobly ntvl usrfn? animal
13 K A U M AN’S
ALTOONA, PA., APRIL 25, 1861.
Per iianura, (payable invariably iu advance.) $1.50
All papers discontinued at the expiration of the time
paid for.
1 insertion 2 do. Z do.
Four linos or less $ 25 $ ST.Ja $ Jk>
One square, ( S limn) CO Vo 1 00
Two *• (10 *• ) 100 150 200
Three ** (24 ) 150 200 . 200
Over three weeks and less than three mouths, 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
U months. 6 months- 1 rear.
sl 60 $ 3 <KK $6 00
2 50 4 00 7 00
Six lines or le«g
One square,
Two “ 4 00 C 00 10 00
Three ■* 6 00 8 00 32 00
Four 6 00 10 00 14 00
Half a colamu 10 00 U 00 ' CO 00
One column 14 00 «£ 00 .40 00
Administrators mid fcxtcul.»rn Notices 1 75
Merchants advertising by the yew, thved square*,
with liberty to change 10 00
Frofunsioual or llusiuess Curds, not exceeding 8
Hues'with piper, per year 5 00
Communications of u political wiiaractoror individual in
terest will bo charged according to the above rates.
Advertiscmon * not marked with tho number of inser
tions desired, will be continued tiil forbid 'and charged ac
cording to the above terms.
Businc-ss notices fivo cents per line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten liinso, fifty cents a square
Dr u.utav rivers, a ror.ETor>u.v
I'vo roamed for nuny v. lengthy. mile,
-Upon the stormy seas;
I've seen full twenty banner* float
All proudly on tho breeze—
That standard, ;too, Great Britain's pride,
The boast of England's tars —
Yet none could thrill my heart but thee.
My Country's Flag of Stars I
Brazil's gay flag of gorgeous dyes;
Tho banner of old Spain; v
E'en Gullltvs banting as it flies,
Is not undimm'd by stain;
Their lustre has b.oeu sullied oft
At home, by deadly jars ;
But thy bright azure fields Bre pure,
My Country's Flag of Stars!
In some famed foreign ports I’ve seen
Tho flags of half tho world—
To celebrate a gala-day—
TUoir bunting all unfurl'd,
With, throbbing heart, I glanced my eyo
Along the tapering spars,
Until my gaze was fixed on thee,
My Country's Flag of Stars!
And. when thy stripes and azure field
First met my eager sight.
My bojom heaved, m3' heart it thrilled,
With feelings of delight.
1 hailed it as tho oyiK-suro
Of our Columbia’s tars;
Tho banner of the brave and free,
My Country’s Flag of Stars!
And where's heart possessing Lut
One spark of freedom'* zeal,
That would not, gazing on thy fold*,
A patriot'll spirit feel?
The veteran too, as ne looks down •
. Upon hie ancient scar*,
That would not hail tlieo with
My Country's Flag of Stan# ? 4
' Select U]is(dlaiij).
‘ Wh</s that, I wonder,’ said Mrs. Sea-
Uurn, as she heard a ring at the-basement
‘ Ah, it’s Marshal,’ returned her hus
band, who had looked out of the window
and recognized the grocer’s cart.
‘And what have you-sent
Henry ?’
But beforo:}lr. Seaborn could answer,
the door of the 'sitting room was opened
and one of the ’domestics looked in and
‘ What’ll I do wid the demijohns, mum !'
‘ Demijohns V repeated Mrs. Seaburn.
•' Let them sit in the hall, and I’ll attend
to them/’ interposed the husband.
‘ Henry, what have you sent home now,’
the wife asked, after the domestic had left
the door.
‘Some nice old brandy,’ replied Henry.
y Cora Seaburn glanced at the clock and
then looked dowu upon the floor. There
was a cloud upon her fair brow, and it
was very evident that something lay heav
ily upon her heart. Presently she walked
to the wall and pulled the bell cord and
the summons was answered by the cham
< Are- George and Charles in the room V
i Yes, ma’am.’
1 Tell them k is school time.’
The girl went out, and in a little while
two boys entered the sitting room with
their books under their anna and their
caps in their hands. They were bright,
happy, healthy little fellows, with good
ness and truth stamped upon their rosy
faces, and .the light of free consciences
I gleaming in their sparkling eyes. George
was thirteen years of ago, and Charles
.eleven, and certainly those two parents
had rejason to bo proud of them. - The
boys kissed their mother, gave a happy
good morning to their father and then
went away to school.
‘ Cora/ said Mr. Beaburn, sometime af
ter the hoys had gone, ‘ what makes you
look so sopor ?”
‘ Sober/ repeated the wife, looking up.
‘ Yes. You have Ken sober and mute
lever since the grocer came/
i ‘Do you want me to tell you why V
1 ‘Of course I do/
* Well, Henry, I am sorry you bare had
] that spirit brought into tho house/
i * Pooh! What's the use of talking so,
Cora? You wouldn’t have me,
would you ?’ *
‘ Yes.’
‘ Why ?’ What do you-piean V
‘ I mean that I would cut clear front
the stuff now and forever.’
‘ But-—Cora—you aro wild. What
should we do at our dinner parties with
out wine ?’
‘ Bo as others it not.’
‘ But—mercy!—what would people say ?
Are you afraid I— but no— l Won’t ask
a foolish question.’
‘ Ask it Henry. Let 113 speak plainly
now that we have fairly commenced/
‘ Well, I was about to ask if you were,
afraid dint I should ever drink too much V
‘ That is not a fair question, Henry. I
was not thinking of that at all. Hut I
will answer it by ancj by
fixed appetite for it now ?’
‘ Of course not.’ ■
1 Then it would not cost you any effort
of will to abstain from its use.’ - ;
‘ Not a particle.'
‘ And you only have it in your house,
and serve it to your friends, and drink iti
yourself because it -is fashionable, or in'
other words, you do it because others do it.’
* I do it because,’ said Mr. Seaburn,
hesitating some in choice of language—
‘ because it would appear very odd and
niggardly, and very fanatical without it.’
This last was spoken emphatically.
‘ But,’ pursued Mrs. Seaburn, with the
calmness and assurance of one who feels
the sustaining influence of right,‘you
would not do what you were convinced
was wrong out of respect to any such con
siderations, would you V
‘ You know T would not, Cora. This
quest ion of temperance, I know, is a good
one in the abstract, and 1 am willing to
live up to it as I understand’it; but I am
no tec-to-tal-ler.’
‘ Henry,’ said his wife, with an earnest
look into his face, ‘ will you answer me a
few questions, and answer them honestly
and truly, without equivocation or eva
sion ?’ .
‘ Bless me ! how methodically, you put
it, Cora; but I will answer.’
‘ Then, first—Do you believe you or
yonr friends are in any way beuefitted by
thd drinking of intoxicating beverages at
your board ? That is, do you derive any
real benefit from it 1’
‘ No; I can’t say that we do.’ i
‘ Do you think the time has ever been,
since wo were married, when wo actually
needed wine in tho bouse, either -for our
health or comfort ?’ ■ . =*
Why, I think it has administered to
our comforts, Cora.’
‘Why the enjoyment of our guests.’ ,
‘‘ Ah ! but I am speaking of ourselves,
Henry—of you and me and our little fam
ily. Has it ever administered to our com
forts ?’
‘ No, I can’t say that it has/
‘ And if it tfas banished from our house
to-day, and forever, as a beverage, would
we suffer in consequence?’
‘Certainly. What would our friends — r
‘ Ah ! but stop ; I am only speaking of
my own affairs, as shut out from the
world by our bedside. I want all extra
neous considerations left out. Should we
as a family, suffer in our moral, physical,
social or domestic affairs in the total ab
stinence from this beverage ?’
‘No; I don’t know that wc should.’
‘Then, to you,, as a husband, and a :
father, as a man, is it of any earthly use ?’
‘And it would cost you no effort, so far
as you alone are concerned, to break clear
from the habit ?’
‘ Not a particle.’
‘ And now Henry,’ pursued the wife,
with increased earnestness, ‘ I haVe a few
more questions to ask. Do you think the
drinking of intoxicating beverages is an
evil in this epuntry ?’ .
‘ Why, as it is now going on, I certain-
ly do.’
* And isn’t it an evil in society ?’
‘Yes.’ ■
‘ Look over this city and tell me if it is
not a terrible evil!’
‘ A terrible evil grows out of the abuse
of it, Cora.’
{ And will you tell me what good grows
out of the use of it?’
‘ Beally, love, when you* come down to
this abstract point, you have the field.—
But people should govern their appetites.
All things may be abused.’ i
‘ Yes. But will you tell mo the uso—
the real good-—to be derived'from drink
ing wine and brandy V
‘ As I said before, it is a social custom,
and has its charms/ ‘
‘Ah .’there you have it, ;Hcnry. It
does have its charms as the deadly snake
is said to have,, and as* other vices have.
But I sec you arc in a hurry/
‘ It is time I was in the sto^re/
‘ I will detain you but a moipenl longer/
‘Henry. Just answer mou few mote
questions. How call to mind alj thej fam
ilies of your acquaintance ; thlnjc of all the.
domestic circles you have . known from
your schoolboy d*ys to'the present. Run
your thoughts through the varioushouiaa
' where you have been ihtimatc. Dq this,
‘ HowT
‘ Oh, in many ways.’
‘ Name one of them.’
and tell me if in any one insthnbe yon
ever knew a single joy to. be; planted by
the hearthstone by the wine ; cup ? Did
you ever know one item of good to flow to
a family from its use ?’
‘No; I cannot say that I ever did —not
as. yon moan.’ . *. , ■
‘ And now answer me again. Think of
those homes once more. Call toithemory
the playmates of your childhood,: think of
other homes,'-think,of-the firesides where,
all you have know|n them dwell,; and tell
me if you have seen any sorrow flow from
the wine cup. Have you seen any griefs
planted by the intoxicating bowl upon the
hearthstone I’
Henry'Seaburn did not answer, for
there passed before him such grim spectres
of sorrow and grief that shuddered at the
mental vision. He saw the youth cut
down in the hour' of promise.;; he saw
hearts broken ; he saw homes made deati
late ; he saw affection wither up and die;
and saw noble intellect stricken down !
Good Heavens ! what a sight he saw when
Jic unrolled the canvass of his memory.
‘ Henry,’ whispered the wife, moving
to his side, and winding one arm gently
around his ricck, ‘we have two boys They
are growing,to be men; they are noble,
generous and warm-hearted; they love
their home and honor their parents; they
arc here to form those characters, to re
ceive those impressions which shfill be the
basis- on which depends their future weal
or woe. Look at them ! Oh, dhink ol
them. Think of them doing battle in the
great struggle of life before then;. Shall
they carry out from their home one evil
influence? Shall they,’ in the time to
come, full by the wayside, cut down by the
demon of the cgp, and in their dying
hour curse this example whence they de
rived the appetite ? Oh, for our children
—for those two hoys—for thq memories
■we would have them cherish of their home
—for the good old age they may reap, let
us cast the thing out now and forever.’
Cora kissed her husband as ceased
speaking, and then he rose to i his feet—
but he made no reply.
‘ Henry, arc you offended ?’’ i
‘ No,’ tic said. Ho returned her kiss,
and without another word, W left his
house and went to his^storc.
How strangely did circumstances work
to keep the idea his wife'had given him,
alive in his mind. morning he
met a youth, the son of one of hia wealthy
friends, in a state of. wild intoxication ;
and during the afternoon ho bcatrd that
young Aaron G had died at sea.—
He know that Aaron had been sent iaway
from home, that he might be reclaimed..
You have no
After the bank had closed, and as Hen
ry Seaburn was thinking of going to hi is
dinner, he received a note through the
penny post. It was from a medical friend,
and contained a .request that he “would call
at the hospital oh his way homc. ! It'was
not much out of his way, and ha stopped
‘ Therc-is a man in one of ■ the lower
wards .who wishes do see you,? said the
doctor. !
‘ Does he know me ?’ asked Seaburn
‘ He says ho docs.’
‘ What is his name?’
‘He won’t tell us. He goes by the
name of Smith, but I am satisfied that
such is not his nameH He is in the last
stage of consumption and delirium. He
has lucid intervals, but they do not last
long. ..He has been here a He
was picked up in the street, and brought
here. Ho heard your name, ajod said he
kpew you.’
Mr. Seaburn went to the ropm where
the patient lay, and looked at him;surely
he never knew that man ! * Thete must be
some mistake,’ said be.
Tho invalid heard him, and Opened his
eyes— such blood-shot, sunken dyes !
“ Harry,” he whispered,' trying to lift
himself upon bis elbow, ‘ is Harry
Seuburn ?’ :
‘ That is my name.’
‘ And don’t you know me ?’ ;
‘ I am suro N I do not.’ And Harry
would have said that ho did not wish to,
only the man seemed so utterly;miserable
that he would not! wound bis feelings.
‘ Have you forgotten your old playmate
in boyhood; Harry— your friend in other
years—yourchmU in college?’ ;j
< WhatT grasped Seaburn, starting back
aghast, for a glimmer of the truth burst
upon him, ‘ this is not Aleo Lomberg 7’
f All that there is left of him; my Hal,’
returned the fellow, putting forth his
wasted skeleton hand, and smiling a quapt,
quivering, dying smile. ‘Apl
‘ Alexander Lomberg!” said Parry, ga
zing into the bloated, disfigured face be
fore him. ;!'
‘ You wouldu’t have known me* would
yoajlol?’ H
‘ Good heavens h no I’ >
‘I know 1 am altered. Ah, Hal, sic
transit gloria mnndi.' ~ 1 ■
1 f Bat Alec/ cried ‘ how is
ibis? Why are barel ? H
<■ •F ‘ Bam, Hal, wjm I I’m abwitS dpue for.
But T waited tp see ytfiji. me
y6u livea not for aypy r |p<| t ypWa O*U
onpfriend hemps t dttA|;ji.
'fcut Heard you v «»
your profession, Alepj
‘So I did veil when I practiced, Ha).
I have some picas, bat I hate given op all
' And your father, whore is he ?’
‘ Don’t mention him, Hal. We’ve bro
ken, I don’t know him ! he taught me to
drink ! , Aye, ho taught me I and then
turned the cold shoulder to me when ho
thought I drank too much. But lam
going, Hal—going, going.'
Henry Seaburn gazed into the horrible
face, and remembered that the owner had
been the son of wealthy parents; the idol
of a fond mother; the favorite at play and
at college ; a light of intellect and
ical beauty, and a noble, generous friend.
And now, alas!
* Alec, can I help you I’ \
‘ Yes,’ and the poor fellow started high
from his pillow, and something of the bid
light struggled in his eye. ‘ Pray for me,
Hal; pray for my soul; pray that I may
'go where my mother is. She could not
have done it had she lived. Oh, she was
a good mother, .Hal! Thank God, she
didn’t live to see this! Pray for me, pray,
pray. Let mo go to her ?’
As the wasted man sunt back* he fell
to weeping, and in a moment more one of
his paroxysms came on, and he began to
rave, he thought Henry wa ft his father,
and Lc Cursed the habit that had been fas
tened upon him lender that father’s influ
ence. With an aching heart he (drned
and left the hospital. He did not go
home to dinner then, he walked dowu
town and got his dinner there, A| night
he went to the hospital again. lie Would
inquire after his friend, if he did not see /
‘ Poor fellow,’ said the physician, ‘he
never came out of that fit; he died in half
an hour after you went out!
It was dark when Henry Seaburn reach
ed his home. -
‘ You didn’t toll Bright where to put
those demijohns, Henry, said his wife.
She did not notice his face for the gas
was burning but dimly.
‘Ah I I forgot. Come down with me,
Cora, and we’ll find a place for them/
His wife followed him down in the base
ment, and one by one he took the demi
johns and carried them into the rear yard,
and there emptied their contents in the
sewer. Then he broke the vessels in pie
ces with his foot, and bade Bridget have
the dirt naan take the fragments atray in
the morning. Not a word had be spoken
to his wife all the time, nor did she speak
to him. He returned to the sitting room r
where his boys were at their books, and
took a seat upon one of the tctc-a-tctea.—-
He called his wife and children about
him, and then told the story of Alexander ■
‘ And now, my loved ones,’ he added,
laying his hands upon the heads of his
boys, ‘ I have made a solemn row, that
henceforth my children shall find no such
influence at thcirhomc. They nevershall
have occasion to curse the example of.
their father. IVhat say you, my boys,
will you join inle in the sacred pledge;?'
They joined him with a glad, gushing
willingness; for their hearts were full, and
their sympathies all turned, by a mother’s
careful love, to right. ■ ■.
‘ And you, Cora V
‘Yes! yes?’ she cried; * and may: the
holy lessons ot this hour never be forgot
ten. ’, Oh, God, let it rest as an angel of
mercy upon my boys. Let it be a light
to their feet in the time of temptation.—
And so shall they bless throughout life the
influence they carty with them from their
home.' i
The neat thing to an Angbi, upon
Earth. — A London paper says thatagen
tletnan walking over Knightsbridge, -on
Sunday, overheard the following conver
sation between a man and a woman, who
appeared to have returned from a.pleasure
trip into the country : Woman —“ Blow
me. Bill, how Ido feel, —I am as misera
ble, too, as a starved herring. • What a
miserable world is this! I wish I’d never
been.horh, that I do; and now that Yarn
born, I wish myself dead again.” Mao—-’
“Why, Bet, what’s the matter with you
now? What arc you grumbling about?”
Woman—" Why, don’t I tell yer I’m as
miserable as a rat ?" Man—“ Miserable,
indeed! Why, what on earth would you
have? You was drank on Monday, and
you was, drunk' again on Wednesday, and
I’m blessed if you haven’t had. pretty near
enough to-day. If that aint enough of
pleasure for.ycr I
suppose you
gel We on earth.” . - 1
lat A couple of br&7el«w stopping at
the Hotel Fcaoeau, m the c4tj ofCordo
va, the capital of-the ArgeptineConfeder
tiding oh. the fetll of |act>,,
horseback.” Petemined wow what
it meant, the; called for the equestrian
dish, when it was steak with twq eggs; on
thetop. ' '“'T x .' r fi ;
Xvltgmng .‘'jp
: 3pea»to ; «£■.
Muine: (rfJtlie Q« wqwoU,
I pmu im thgw .*w»
NO. 13.