C FlflSD. - ■ ... ■'fxjsi UJST COMi’ANY.r-CaoiMutf rim. V ' , *fT ' RULES. J * ivpd «ffciy day, and in any interest is paid for money; , [a-always paid bod: iti QOLU, JrhtflMW u srithoot notice welTfd ■ others who desire to haves JtJiui pl*c« .J. iTrJVere interest can I* obtained Ipr k 1 iracdVcd from depositors U lovv«ttod { OBrQAQ£St IiSMS, «£ft Buifc-Othl* ia a* the Charter directs. , —JKvery day from 0 till 5 o’clock’ n*U Qb qftrtay* till S evaaiog. " :NMiK. rrotjdeiit. ; * ’ milKlK. Vice President. tcuiUtry. DIRECTORS, iv- Piumcw Ls*.: «tt, P- Cibkou. Bunraia. is, Jostra B. Bust. o», Jascra Yam, rt>’s, II csbt UimHMCin. . I Sti cet. S. IV. Corner of third StfpMi.. April Uth, !M-{j 5' IN. SEASON 1 ! > : TheundvrftirndU #M customer? and the public generally •turned fn.ni the East with i»li £«Ul«tovk* PAST OF THE KIND thw place, lie haa evorytarietyjj, ifzc anil Quality, «r BK% HATS ■Hi ANj> •aß' C A 3? §5, A and 'Winter Wear: •t% shape/, Mid qualities of Ladle* anj •n> and FLATS, to which tbe want of tfnj thing in Uihlinlla F.UKS ! FURS! - lavgcsji ami hnuctunmcst a»urtaiccl of the iMh.s of All roua, esibri&isg s MCf'fS, CUF fS, that liii*. for Lodicn and Children, of wpfenn immuf icturo, and of erery qu&ii- it of anything in the' nborr He*, niii purchasing tlsfWhare, add im at the very lowest i street, opjjosite iSchutbcraa church im-tf. jfessfi aaitn. PUBLIC—T H E SU B ivinp tak*n the rsHaLlishmeirt heretofore rriCTs.tW 'uhl reyp.-ctAiliyan- jmsr' :e u itf and vicinity, -rALE ANt) RETAIL r bBBL v (tark * sto iv: stork *l^o # .i>n ’Amufl street. W-tw-ponTlntrief end ‘t Altoona, where he will h:n|»t!y jitti-ud.-il tn. ' .patronage is rtHfhvtfuJjysvlicitfld- STLPKKN TC3XTSB&. Hi, 1S«0. LPHIA WATCH m:it"occrpAXT. r jSS&!%&‘ iT'Afet of {Jnarry &;£Jg|y£AflHAL lias leseedthc wBl fceep a larj?c aßsortirietft alfioU American, English !*t cylehrntod maker*-. In *ld|tt|gtv on hand revelry. . r orAltooaa jww aiemily S T) SHOE SKE>6 p r, I door ahpvt Winitrf vciinteep on hr.a.b a good uatrvaa' t >’*ir own manufacture. t ■ i-o*M> given ivjte g Bare ar^6£bf6MNMM^’* M> ' '• onn fsudvr . POLICE of Crime >■-1 to widely i-iins nil tUe Orent-'MjIiMPJSk t IMitanatooa »aal Matter «, not. t».b* H"M(f^s^ #2 prr uiaqni; (I ribnbt, fwlio ahonld tndWfMWJSJI r and B»tevili*iwth^,r«p(gs?F *•■;’>• of K*w Yorfc pits —8O;OO0'^B4&^^' •aide by thi Load! JinroP^WdS* ■ »«tt ponliMcn. 11** I* 552. Ifc't- 43 worth win mnniirotM*? ! tiio from . Tf-tblrd itty«|(a*J.' opt*c>w«t« oarttor.aid, - bo*««dj»or Und. OWSAJjE. Ufii' ■ ! MLKM I ‘M>M* WBifM ■ikM > LARD OH lSm.QukeaO^o L’ WrtBJDOt Of£ ' wm . ' iTyr MoCRUM & w:rn, VOh. o * ■* si .73 l> £ 2 T- r‘ ? I INVin: .ViriiMlUN to sem* cKthc oust extraordi iury cures tv my PECTORAL. SYRUP. Thcr are at horn 1 * an.l any on*.' who Ims doubts can in* • »/» nf !«»*• norstju 3 who li.ivo bi-en cured by it. ' '• 'V.- KKYSE« Is'pBFI’aUES) AT ANV XiMK TO EX- A-' ; NrtUNOS.\VITH.H:rCIUUtSE,FOHALL*tIIOSE VIP 3 NEW) HiS JISMCIXE. AirtND TO VOUR COLDS—A case of utc years stand !2i-vureJUr ' ■ DR. KEY SEE’S - PECTORAL SYRUP. ' riTv?3cno, Jan. lith. 18fr\ KetssK Mt wife hmi been afflicted with a bad • wh aod" ihfflcuUy uf breathing for'five or *lx y«arn> V-Mi f-'r s>rt’er«l veare back’had gradually increased m , i‘ 'i hf fem]dtiiut bw bwn hereditary, and «ln* had > trrUed bv several physicians without any relief. r lu of her case I procured some of roar iVctoral •“~*h Syrup. I bought the fim t'ma r. fifty cent boftle, H- relieved her very much; I then called and got a ; i n-ioLtie. which cured her entirely, and she has wow r ., :i.v;o of the burner disuse, except weakness. 1 would ■: . ut” that I used the medicine myself to a cold and • Tho medicine cured me by taking mio dose. I ex ti.esiav entire siuUfacliou with* the inedkrme. and you to publlfch this if vvu to ( *° tio * WM. WILSON. Alderman, Fifth Ward. .Sa:. kb: PitTSßrsc. Nov. Uth, IS5$. KtTiil'. Although not at* advocate of Patent Medi v . *.; )h p it allurds nu' great pleasure to recommend r ,/ r p t^r ’.r Sir: the d« l*y *»f my ac- ■•;. tne excellence of your Pectoral S\rnp sooner. I LA* gr’.at nlensurr? In saving that it I* all you «iy it iS: if KNOCKED XIIH NOISE OCT OK MY COCUH, an.! vrcrsjt uce I was ever afflicted with; I have not u.«cd s.j:- than one half oflhe bottle, and avti and do wish thm \\ irho ai.-» afflicted would give it as fair a trial as-I have <\ <\i, and 11niv will bo proud to »ay. *■ It i* no cjur.ck medi- I noalJ not nullcr Another .;uch *u attack for any ( r..;Uenlsoy, or at anv cost. I am confident I can breftthe n- r.’ fverlv than I ever dM. 1 slull always at'kuowlwlpc a of gruilnde for inveuthij: so excellent a rcnmjy.— V .-; -.re at liberty to use xnv name in this regard, as'rou E. F. PUATT. Messenger. Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. litT'SCR*!, ,Mnv 11th. IS;VJ. :; 21.—1 am nov'tir.nger t<> b:v f.-U.iw citfcon?, and all w-c» CDtcitain doubts can consult rue p-TSondUy. E. T. V. HEAD Tiin TkCTU—l'r. Kccipt: I liava a»U«y&ter <\ljo !w-i taken *«ver.il mwllciui's for a l>.vJ whv) has ufc*n' the extreme ace ■ fjr one who)* week, In hopv* of tiring tt out- hot It wn* \p. In fact It seemed rather to Improve by practice have acquired strength, potency and dlstrewdbljity *>’• loi * In this state of tha siege, w coughed MUr Wft .v Keyset's, 140 Wood street, procured a fifty -con t bottle of th* l Pectoral, took it according to direction#, ani In fnrtr-eight hours we were master of the field, the 1 haring unconditionally surrendered after a brief unequal conflict with so formidable im Adversary as Oongh Pectoral.—Brownsville Clipper, Dec. 14th, 3>K. KF.YSUE’S -PECTORAL SYRUP is prcWh l '! o”<> ‘■•’“l b, \ DR. 080. B. KEYSEB. ■ 140 Wood street. Pltsburg, Pa. t r JpOOTIiACHE REMEDY.— A .8 URE GUR B. >'i»ia»na»oldby DB. 0. I||. "KEYSER, UO Wood *rw-t, PUtjburg. ! •••: ■CS mom. Ior«»lob, S. W. BKW.FB, %Wvan. rpH E. PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. Jp . MODERN COOKERY m all Its brandies, by Miss Km.vAeTb.v. Carefully revised by Mr*. th J. llale. it, Idh ;!<>« flow to choose all meat, poultry* and game, with all the various and moat approv ed modea oL drucaiug aud cooking .boot and l*ork ; also the beat and simplest way of salt* ing, pickliEg and curing the sarao. ’ It Tell j }cu All the various aud most approve.! modes of dressing, cooking, and boning mutton, lamb, vtal. poultry, and game of all kindsl w ith the different dressings, gravies, and atufßuga each. Tills T'ju How to ciiQoa?, clean, and pi*"*cwt' Fish of all kinds. »mi how to sweeten ir when taiut*d: aUd all lire various and meat approved modes of cooking, with the different tiros-mgs, sauced find flavorings appropriate to each. Jt Tdii t"U Alt Iho various and im>t approved moth's of preparing oyer fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game* um! Vegetable Soujm, Broth*. and Stews, with the Relishes and Reasoning* appropriate so each. I: Jills Tlu All the various and must approved molts of cooking Vegetables ol every description, also how to prepare Pickles,-Catsup.-; and Currio* of nil kinds*, Potted Mcals.Fieh, Game, Mush rooms, Ac. /' Tills I'wi: All the varicu; and iru-et approved nudes of , preparing aiul cooking all kind? uf Main ami y ‘ Fancy. Paltry, Pudding?; Omelettes. Fritters, ’Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves, .Tellies, and Sweet Dishes of every desti option. Ji Jells ih« All the various and must approved modes of making llrettd, Kusks, Mullins, and Biscuit, the best method of preparing colfce. Choco late, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cor dials;, and tViuva of various kinds. Il i«&» Tun How to set out and ornament a Table, how to Carve'All hinds of Pish. Flesh or Fowl, and In short, how to so simplify the whole Art uf Cooking aa-to’bring tbo" choicest luxurU-a of the table within everybody reach. .. The book contains -lIS tragys. ahd upwards oftwelve bun* dred Kecipes, hll of which:aro the result? of actual experi ence, having been fully and carefully tested under the per sonal superintendence of the writer*. It is print' din a clear and. open type,' is illustrated with appropriate en gravings. and will bo forwarded to nny address. neatly bound; an«l postage paid, on rcclpt of the price, sl.oo,\>rin doth, extra, $1.25. $lOOO A YEAB selling the above work, our inducement:! to all cuch being v*rv liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for tonne to agents, with other information, apply to or address No", i, ’CO.-Cxi. riIIKAT WORK ON THE HORSE.- \J —THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES; By Uouebt Jennings. V. S.. Professor of pathology and Operative Sur gery in the Veterinary College of Philadelphia. etc., etc. ■Will lill ion of the Origin. History and distinctive traits of the various breeds of European. Asiatic. African and American Horses, .with the physical -formaton ami p>*cuiiaritics of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the cumber and condition of his teeth; illustra ted with numerous exulanatorv engravings THE HOUSE AND ’HIS .DISEASES Will Te-tl You of Breeding. Breaking. Stabling. Feeding, Grooming. Shoeing, and the general nwn agementof the'horse, with tin* best modes of ' administering medicine, also, how to treat biting, kicking, rearing, shying, stumbling,, crib biting. reetloSsm-ss, ami other vices to which hq is subject; with numerous cx plauatorv ongravingß. . THE-HOUSE AND UIS DISEASES IFiu Till You of the cauai*«, symptoms, and treatment of strangle?.'sore throat, distemper. catarrh, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, broke*! wind, chronto cough, roaring and whistling, laropas. sort* mouth and ulcer*, and decal ed teeth, with other diseases of the mouth and respiratory organs, THE HOUSE AND lIIS DISEASES J. w. mice. n;?i Tr.U Yon gf the causes, symptoms ami treatment of worms, strangulation,atony con* endions, jrupturcs, palsy, diurrheca, jaun c*icc, hepajirrhoea. bloody,urine, stores in kidneys and bUdder, Inflammation and oih-.-r didciwes of the Stomach, bowels, liver and urinary organ*. .THE HOUSE' AND HISDISEASES U7<7 TcJI )V.\ of the canoes, symptomsam! treatment of *■' % bone, blood and bog, spavin, aweenic, rlng strains, broken knees, wind galls, founder, solo bruise Mid gravel, cracked li'»fa. perhtches, canker, and corns: *. , also, of megrims, vertigo, epilepsy, staggers and other diseases of the feet, logs and head. TIIK HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES ir»’f T copies of tlio bo*>k. or for terms to agents, v> iih other Information, apply to or addre«»ii JOHN K. POTTER, PuljlMkt, ■ •>'{,v. Jj.-fm 3*7 ctmß. Phil uldphin.. Pa. POCO METALIC PAINT, IT'QUAL TO TIED LEAD AXE 75 per J edit, cheaper—stands 3CO de-graca heat—warranted water pr«i#»nd will neither lads nor;wash. for STEAM BOILER'S AXP PIPES. CA S HOLE IBIS, MAIL MOAf> BMWGE3 ASP CAM'S PL.tSTEM, IMOXAXD-PHICK PI.OXTS. Tlx LOBE'S HOCSES. BAJtXS. EEXCES U'.UW.XS, SHIM DECKS. PLUM HEMS' AOIXTS, IROX rOUXBEBS PA PIEMXS, i[v.. cfc., rfr. , For graining and staining equal to Turk ish Cinher. COLOKS are I'm her Brown Lake, Oiiro Indian Bed and Black. , On* responsible ngcnt wanted »n every town anti City in tlio 1 United States, terras accommodating, i'or Circulars, ic„ apply •» or Jiaroh dl-din. Xo. 132 X, 4th ,street, Philadelphia. GLEN-ECHO MILLS, ; GERMANTOWN, PA. McCALLUM & CO., MANUFACTURER?, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Carpeting, Dtuggets, Oil Cloths, MATTINGS, &C. WARF.HOUSB, So 500 CHESTNUT STREET, (opposite tho Slate House,JBUILADEU’UIA. [ia*rtl,’ol-ly. I CONFECTION ERV AND OYSTER SALOON. rpilE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN- I FORM tbecitlKrti* of Altoona and vicinity that His CONFECTIONERY, NUT nnd FRUIT STORE. I» always supplied with tho very best articles to bo had, and lu great variety. He baa alio an ( OYSTER SALOON nltarhc-l to liia .loro, In which bo twill servo up PRIME OYSTERS, in all atyUs. He hue always on hand a lot of CHOICE MINCE MEAT. Ho Is at all time* prepared to enpply cake*, candies. A<\, for pic-nlcs awl other parties. He intitc* a share of public patronage, bclleting wat Jie can render full aatlafrctldn to Remember, his slurp ami saloon is on Virginia »tteet,two doors below Paithn's Jlatl. prtQr*(*&- Blanks of all descriptions «npld- ;h‘UBly eaensl. «l at th.B JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, No. Cl 7 Saaaan Street, Philadelphia, Pa. <.f this nobly ntvl usrfn? animal 13 K A U M AN’S ALTOONA, PA., APRIL 25, 1861. THE ALTOOM TRIBUHE. E, B. MjcCRUM IT. C. BERN, PUOUAiIEB* AND PROPRIETORS. Per iianura, (payable invariably iu advance.) $1.50 All papers discontinued at the expiration of the time paid for. Ttr.slS Or At»TSRTISIK(J. 1 insertion 2 do. Z do. Four linos or less $ 25 $ ST.Ja $ Jk> One square, ( S limn) CO Vo 1 00 Two *• (10 *• ) 100 150 200 Three ** (24 ) 150 200 . 200 Over three weeks and less than three mouths, 25 cents per square for each insertion. U months. 6 months- 1 rear. sl 60 $ 3 u.v I'vo roamed for nuny v. lengthy. mile, -Upon the stormy seas; I've seen full twenty banner* float All proudly on tho breeze— That standard, ;too, Great Britain's pride, The boast of England's tars — Yet none could thrill my heart but thee. My Country's Flag of Stars I Brazil's gay flag of gorgeous dyes; Tho banner of old Spain; v E'en Gullltvs banting as it flies, Is not undimm'd by stain; Their lustre has b.oeu sullied oft At home, by deadly jars ; But thy bright azure fields Bre pure, My Country's Flag of Stars! In some famed foreign ports I’ve seen Tho flags of half tho world— To celebrate a gala-day— TUoir bunting all unfurl'd, With, throbbing heart, I glanced my eyo Along the tapering spars, Until my gaze was fixed on thee, My Country's Flag of Stars! And. when thy stripes and azure field First met my eager sight. My bojom heaved, m3' heart it thrilled, With feelings of delight. 1 hailed it as tho oyiK-suro Of our Columbia’s tars; Tho banner of the brave and free, My Country’s Flag of Stars! And where's heart possessing Lut One spark of freedom'* zeal, That would not, gazing on thy fold*, A patriot'll spirit feel? The veteran too, as ne looks down • . Upon hie ancient scar*, That would not hail tlieo with My Country's Flag of Stan# ? 4 ' Select U]is(dlaiij). HOME INFLUENCE. ‘ Wh ‘I know 1 am altered. Ah, Hal, sic transit gloria mnndi.' ~ 1 ■ 1 f Bat Alec/ cried ‘ how is ibis? Why are barel ? H <■ •F ‘ Bam, Hal, wjm I I’m abwitS dpue for. But T waited tp see ytfiji. me y6u livea not for aypy r |p<| t ypWa O*U onpfriend hemps t dttA|;ji. 'fcut Heard you v «» your profession, Alepj EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. ‘So I did veil when I practiced, Ha). I have some picas, bat I hate given op all that.’ ' And your father, whore is he ?’ ‘ Don’t mention him, Hal. We’ve bro ken, I don’t know him ! he taught me to drink ! , Aye, ho taught me I and then turned the cold shoulder to me when ho thought I drank too much. But lam going, Hal—going, going.' Henry Seaburn gazed into the horrible face, and remembered that the owner had been the son of wealthy parents; the idol of a fond mother; the favorite at play and at college ; a light of intellect and ical beauty, and a noble, generous friend. And now, alas! * Alec, can I help you I’ \ ‘ Yes,’ and the poor fellow started high from his pillow, and something of the bid light struggled in his eye. ‘ Pray for me, Hal; pray for my soul; pray that I may 'go where my mother is. She could not have done it had she lived. Oh, she was a good mother, .Hal! Thank God, she didn’t live to see this! Pray for me, pray, pray. Let mo go to her ?’ As the wasted man sunt back* he fell to weeping, and in a moment more one of his paroxysms came on, and he began to rave, he thought Henry wa ft his father, and Lc Cursed the habit that had been fas tened upon him lender that father’s influ ence. With an aching heart he (drned and left the hospital. He did not go home to dinner then, he walked dowu town and got his dinner there, A| night he went to the hospital again. lie Would inquire after his friend, if he did not see / him. ‘ Poor fellow,’ said the physician, ‘he never came out of that fit; he died in half an hour after you went out! It was dark when Henry Seaburn reach ed his home. - ‘ You didn’t toll Bright where to put those demijohns, Henry, said his wife. She did not notice his face for the gas was burning but dimly. ‘Ah I I forgot. Come down with me, Cora, and we’ll find a place for them/ His wife followed him down in the base ment, and one by one he took the demi johns and carried them into the rear yard, and there emptied their contents in the sewer. Then he broke the vessels in pie ces with his foot, and bade Bridget have the dirt naan take the fragments atray in the morning. Not a word had be spoken to his wife all the time, nor did she speak to him. He returned to the sitting room r where his boys were at their books, and took a seat upon one of the tctc-a-tctea.—- He called his wife and children about him, and then told the story of Alexander ■ Lomberg. ‘ And now, my loved ones,’ he added, laying his hands upon the heads of his boys, ‘ I have made a solemn row, that henceforth my children shall find no such influence at thcirhomc. They nevershall have occasion to curse the example of. their father. IVhat say you, my boys, will you join inle in the sacred pledge;?' They joined him with a glad, gushing willingness; for their hearts were full, and their sympathies all turned, by a mother’s careful love, to right. ■ ■. ‘ And you, Cora V ‘Yes! yes?’ she cried; * and may: the holy lessons ot this hour never be forgot ten. ’, Oh, God, let it rest as an angel of mercy upon my boys. Let it be a light to their feet in the time of temptation.— And so shall they bless throughout life the influence they carty with them from their home.' i The neat thing to an Angbi, upon Earth. — A London paper says thatagen tletnan walking over Knightsbridge, -on Sunday, overheard the following conver sation between a man and a woman, who appeared to have returned from a.pleasure trip into the country : Woman —“ Blow me. Bill, how Ido feel, —I am as misera ble, too, as a starved herring. • What a miserable world is this! I wish I’d never been.horh, that I do; and now that Yarn born, I wish myself dead again.” Mao—-’ “Why, Bet, what’s the matter with you now? What arc you grumbling about?” Woman—" Why, don’t I tell yer I’m as miserable as a rat ?" Man—“ Miserable, indeed! Why, what on earth would you have? You was drank on Monday, and you was, drunk' again on Wednesday, and I’m blessed if you haven’t had. pretty near enough to-day. If that aint enough of pleasure for.ycr I suppose you gel We on earth.” . - 1 lat A couple of br&7el«w stopping at the Hotel Fcaoeau, m the c4tj ofCordo va, the capital of-the ArgeptineConfeder alioß,were9ptpr»ed tiding oh. the fetll of |act>,, horseback.” Petemined wow what it meant, the; called for the equestrian dish, when it was steak with twq eggs; on thetop. ' '“'T x .' r fi ; Xvltgmng .‘'jp : 3pea»to ; «£■. Muine: (rfJtlie Q« wqwoU, I pmu im thgw .*w» NO. 13.