mjmmi j vf ■ j Om Mfri ngnifiedtimrw& arm a Compmmjfimm*. entered (heir iwniu t, it teas Resolved., That < be called the “Akoo lards.” or, the Company pro. e election of officers, with iff remit. ' ' Boyce*,-. L—E. H. Tusmat. -Bekjt. F. Bose. I- —Kobt. PITCAHWE. m, the (kvptommdl* appointed a commkkt Sbr. Curtin andetek for >n, Messrs. Maxwell s Boydm, Tumor and rpointed a oommittm to dons andpttfge. \t Messrs. Finite# Me* Hose were withers HaUvn which i Uic meeting on. Friday % for the as desire to Jain the n, adjourned f Lovother’s Hail) dried, a meeting oj toona and vicmtoi oU place this .{Mai ;m otct~—one reelvee yo7cr (hfhUry't \e hour of pent. sj. F. Rose, Stc'y. - m, xj3Pi raw, belong z-*3r ERICA* FLAG. ». I>lll. ota htr mowt.tai a bight, wdsird to the ale, of •»«* eight, » Of glory Quo. b> gr.-geoaa drn _ ofthrAies. ■». nkstiil wbho r Ute Bttraln|li|bt; aioo in the pup, fca*brmr«r do»o, mighty hand, XoMJeea Uad. a* the clovsdp I thy r»g»l Stna attmmplßge bait, 1 Wrlon of Aeetam - |h| Inen drhreD, ►dcr-drum oi beam.— Cotbeetfeghea ■wtcftteint, dphar (woke. hWttealroke, oceablae afar, Ihdoalarnr, If victory: fjthy Add* tball «y, Id triumph high goal troapet tone, ■'tom gleaming co, ji,ntm god wet, iilering bayonet; ■all brightly tora glories bun ; Ut Step* advance PMK* ttnm the gtaacvo am, mouthioglowd, Kfaa the battlc-abroud, aadUl eon ahtaight’i palL , •or glance* glow, wehaßeftrtr beneath hot Mrfltm betov Kigm of death. ex e'er thedaare -a'-"" aiakaHßM '• reeling rack, x of the am 'heaven aadthae, agtaadsma/ rlnalageye. . v« hepeaad heawi xalorgivea, a veelkie dame, . x*w horn la heaves— asdardihcMt >eloebutfcl».hebwma hr Death om hat, attMr atTvamiag Vg» ymf NOT *hn flnffhrliiM, > irtgr ;. mtkrikm *■* , -jgSf - '-’*■‘^l^' m* *** • * 'i , . Dr. Velpeau’* CankeHne. >B. TTtPPAtTS CaNKXKINK cure* Putrid Sort Month. PB. TELPEAtrS CASKERI.VK curt* Sort Nipple*. Bit. VKIiPEAtTS CANKKBIA£ cnrt* Ulctimtad Sort*. Bit. TEiPBAlrg OANUiaKE cnrrt Coti. j». TSLPKATO CANUBINJE eon* Bnrtu. pg. TSLPKAW OB2TKXKIKX earn Eon*, it. tuiuir oaaaakiwt «m» Ometti itj* IB TUPBAtTS (U.VUKINE caraa Clocratad Onus. v» •m.rutrs CAKKEEINE UUal«t ParlSer Of the mMhafaaWtockano. d,TCtl*Ain OASEMUW cm Otbkar in the iadt, Throat, or «thosnac!i, reemlUng frocn Scarlatina or Ijpbae latara. If yoa delight in « while luft, tti CAK UBrU, u<> yomr dachas «UI be raaHaad. We pledge ,« went that It la SMhaly free freot adds ant all polso tac rebalances. and can be glren to an Infant with perfect ■afety. It will praaarre the teeth and keep the puma free fteei nkere. It i« equally etßcaciou fcr nursing core noatha. In all the thousands remedies that hare been put fertb fcr tbs core of the various diseases above, none can •fßSltbe'Cankerine. Sold by all druggists. Price 2S •seta per bottle. " J. BD BRILL * CO, Pro proton, 83 M*Mro Lan«, N. T for Mi« Is AlUuu, b> C. Vf. KB3SLER. A Card to the Ladies. ML DtPONCO’fI GOLDEN PILLS ('OR PFM.4LEB. J.rftiliUt in r orrecting, regulating. ami restoring all ob> tlructioHtf /rata tchaltrtr route, and always sutcfu/td as a pneentaUvt Tb«r« is not a lady Using bat what at ioid« period of h«r Ufe r»#edt Just such a medicine as " Dupooco’s Golden plUs.” One of the first ladles of Chester told the Agent tiers that the bad received so much benefit from the ass „f them, she would bo willing to pay a box, rather than I* without them, If she conld get them no less. The In* fredkots composing these pills are xundo known t<> every Agent. They will tell joa they are perfectly harmless and jet will do all claimed for them. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price $l.OO per box. — SvU by U. Vi. KP.SSLhIt, Druggist, sole Agent for AU. tovoa, Pa. ■' La>iitf« t? sending him $l.OO to ihc AUuoua Porft Office, c*n have the pills vent to any part of the country (confi dentially) by mail, u ffeo of postage/* Sold also by JOHN HEAD, liatitini’v« Pills Lave been counterfeited, and are offered to Ladios at prices ranging from 25 cents to 76 cts, d«ar at that.) Look out for them. The genuine, 'hereaf ter, will bear the signature of S. D. Howe, sole proprietor. Price—|l. Pim.has« of the above gentlemen, and you will £uJ lh*> genuine article, and oue you may rely updo. Jxouary 31,1801. —ly. Drsrn^iA, M:UVO VS DEIULITV. UK ART UKSEASK, FEVER & AGUE, OR n to benefit the kalu^bb^ Information which he concelre. to be I «Ht wil^ d Jj e ,h 0p ** “?. ry 'offerer will try hie rant 'ril‘ th ™> nothing, and may proroa blreihnr jl artierwishing tn. prrecrlptlnn wm ,*,£«. addreS *’ Kit. EDWABD A. WIUJO.N, WilliAnubarch* K*n» County, Kew York ;t. 4, W.-ly, SmVH 1 ' n ‘^ of Consumption, Mrs. [h« 4^• W.colyor, in llAiSth y« r ’ , p a ß U ‘K 9 &‘ n ‘-k, Jj i lUa S ; Ticket in X P^.b ".‘tonCTureh h * r “* tJeM * d U» Almlfhtr *it~nrr if t* our oaei> - •**»<* iwmSt W^“d kJnd “««**«« b«uX 6f I* 11 * " lcf “ l ln **« pr«ent progperotu work »r«d M«^ r: * nd 7 l,oM d “ Creet **“* PhU.«ophlc lift *£& KhS God wh ° >“• <*k" for tho jJ? Lr*fe/ ro ? onr ««* to the «»iu<>ui C |« IlU r kJ‘ **** fcoTO ' *e,of th. who by hit neitJo, b 2““ c * 1 upow to port with I kpooltiou in onr oatitled to a WWU>cU * •“* *•» mdeansd to each * °|W*S££ conhdntd'lf, «[ <>n » to ,*f v "* c * * hnowl- KnSi token ofoqr trtfom - • - ***** Eow “ ,n “ooroln* r '°th«fcaH, , ‘ f < W betan- — **•» c.th ??^oh E e T ,| G( „ i , > . S. D. nOWE, Sob) Proprietor, Jfair York To Consumptives^ Am! thus* afflicted with DIED. I A DIES, \ (HTTitT T tah benutj u/.KK»I«- . n .U± mT J»« 4n»P in «t tb. “ MODEL- on *ll7 fine W ”°~ \ [AprlTlß, IMI-lt FIRST ARH.IVAt OF SPBINQ GOODS .AT THE “MODEL.” TLTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN T ▼ unullj flu. Sleek of Good. euiuhU to tto £rSto. Ko * ,ut "*>* t~*eZ, low pnaoo. wo iVmn It unomn to th. —■- - «*<» h« only toy UMw iftthvDiMl 1 any otter bow* inueptoee. wetete, m ml, * greet teriety of f^P IES ’ goods. ibUift department we think we cm any we tee* the tet teeortmeoC to be foaud in the place, couUtiog in pext of 1 an( f f '<**ey J5Wr«, itpttfu, Lutiru, MortUas, Brocht Mnmbtqurt, Arabaqutt, Valencia!, GrUaUlu, roia- Mm. Ctofbw, Ddaiaa, Htbtga, LaniUu. SriH ioati, on tend a largo iwsortaxeut of Qua OtLT FAAHEB of different size* and price*. w We respectfully iurito the public to call and examine our specimens before going elsewhere. r.toT R,u, «“’;' r ‘to place, Figarfs Budding, corner of Caroline and Tlrglna Streeto. [April tS, 1501.-3 m New and valuable PROP ERTY AT PRIVATE HALE,—The » - - undersigned offers at Private Sale her mBBI lIOLBK and'LOT. sltoale on Harriot Ki-.WMII il* East Altoona, adjoining lota of James HI | W Kearney and (ieo. R. Cramer; a few doors East of SL Luke's Ejiisropal Church. Ths^Bmß^l «fr F&m’k f ffAfwS 11,0 im rrorenient« are a “CCSL.witli tit roe rooms each on first and second Roofs, all finished in good stylo. She also offers for sale her HOISEIIOLD FURNITURE, which fra" SSfJ } wm I?"' 1 m* 11 * U, ” t Tl “' iiouso and Fur niture will be sold separately or together to suit pnreha- March 28. IS6I-2t **** ByEK8 ' VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRI » VATEBALE.—The property known at the Oreenthorg School Property situ -1“ adjoining lots of Wm.^HTT|Ui Uent and W. A. B. Laub, Is, In accordance^^BgllV with a resolution of the School Board, of. feted at Private Sale. Tin's Is a property, there being two fun lota of ground a and two-sto ry frame home. . With a little expense the huuae can be made to McofflimdftU two families For further particulars Inqolra of Oeo. R. Cramer, Wm. Hoyden or John Shoemaker, School Directors. ~ _ OEO. B. CRAMER. March 21. IMI-lm. /W< Altoona Schui Board. TTOUBE AND LOT FOR SALE.— J.l Th« subscriber offers at Private Salo hit house and lot, situate on Emma Street,, North Ward, Altoona, a few doors East of the Methodist church, The House I* a new MSStmLAJ two-story Frame building, 22 by 28 with two rooms and hall on first and three rooms nn second floor, Thera is also a stable on the lot. The lot is SO Act front by 120 feet deep, and It in good order. Any person wishing to view the property or obtain further particulars frill call upon Jacob Hester. April 4,1861-3 t. MICHAEL 8. McCORMICK. House and lot for sale.— The undersigned offers at Private H«l« her house and lot, situate on the comer of Harriett and Alb gheny *tg n .S East Altoona. Tho llouk iia rtory frame building* suitable tor haring a front of 116 fee There is a well of good water la the back yard, and other necessary improvement*. Persona desiring farther InJbr motion will call npon the subeeriber on the premises. April 4, ’gl-lt] ELIZA McPHERRAX. I) ISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby J gtan that the co-partnership heretofore existing ween Dr». Good A OernmUt, In .the practice ofMedl* ci “*» t)iU day dteonttaaed by mntaal agreement. The buoke of the firm are in the bands of Ur. j, 31. Gem* mllb who will continue the Practice of Medicine, and will ocenpy the same office, where he may at all titbec be con* >oltrd when not professionally wusml Altoona, April 4tfa, 1881.] R. OOOP. • - J. m. grmmill. FOR RLNT.—The undersigned offers for Rmt tb« TAVERN STAND, tnonMtke “White BWI," ritwted tvin., Logan toWjuhlp, *4telning «» borough «t AUoon*.' For hither in- 11 IK formation tnoaire of thftawkntand, door to the White Halt Hatrf. OOn MarchZS, |g **“• *»t “d new .tjl. Hammer—s6S. Jio. 3. ornamental bronie, elaes foot “Jit Uomm * r -» 54 - No. S, plain, withhold .tylt U.mmer-tto. 21,1861-t* DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. RA. O. KERR HAS JUST RE a turned from N.w York City with a beautiful a* ■urtmeot of LADIES’ DBESS GOODS. cooibtlug to part of -Fancy H'infcr Silkt, only 65 emit per yard, Black Brets Silkt •• $1,20 per yard. Japanese Cloth —a beautiful fabric for ladiet' dreuct—Mexican Fladt, Poll de Chevres, a most couplet* assortment of the latest pattern* of Delaines. Opera Cloth, plain Delaines only 20 cents per yard, they have always boon sold at 25 CU. iu this market. Also, a beautiful assortment of the challenge Wamautta Prints, now acknowledged to be the best prints In market, and a handsome assortment of fast colored prints from 5 to 10 cts per yard. Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Caps, Woolen Uudersleeves for ladles and children, an unsur passed stock of Hosiery,' together with an abundance and variety of everything in the Notion and Trimming line Ho calls special attention to his beautiful assortment of v QUEENSWARE. which is acknowledged to be the most complete of any in the town, and sold at prices defying competition. Teasels. f consisting of. 46 pieces, sold at $4 00. BOOTS AND SHOES, directly frcm Nt-w York, and bought from firs t ban BRUSSEL?, ALL wool*, INGRAIN, LIST, UKMP AND RAG CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS from 1 to 2 yards vide. IXia stock of ' . GROCERIES ■* complete In every reepect. and will se sold at as low a figure as any bouse this side of tbo city. Oct. 11, 1860. A PAIR OF REAL NOVELTIES, AND ONE WITHOUT A BATS. Ist.—“THE PAPER NECKTIE.” (PATENT APrUZP roa.) This Tie Is made entirely of paper, in 100 different styles, and la perfect imitation of silk and other fabrics. The price is so low that a gentleman may wear a NEW NECK TIE EVERY PAY, and yet not be chargeable with ex* travagance, or one Tie can be worn 9 to C days, If necessa ry to economise. ad. —Xl| E RELIEF TIE. (PATENTED JAK. 29. ’61.) This is duubtless the most perfect silk Tie ever invented, and is Just what the name implies, a perfect “ JUllef” from all farther trouble in tying bows. 3d«—THE L.4€E~EDGE TIE. An exquisitely beautiful article—it has only to be seen to be admired. SMITH A BROCWJSk. Sole Manufacturer*, '' Mo. 36 Warren Street, N. Y. N. B.—W* tall tA WHOLESALE JOBBERS ONLY.— Country Merchant* can order our goods of ANY WHOLE* SALE HOUSE with whom they are dealing. SPRING OF 1861. WALL PAPE*,! WALL PAPER) *"• • ,,d Low " t PHcn In Pittsburgh. Como and ko. WALTER P. MARSHALL, • i '°- 87, I food Street, (Neat fourth, at the Old Stand,) Has for laic beautiful French, Gennao 4 Atoer icou WALL PAPERS, For Parlor.. 1 IU)Ia. Chamber., Churches, Lodgp^ 60,000 roll, at els, 60,000 rolls at «, I ahd 10 cent*. Window CorUiiu, Fire Board Print*, „ _ , . . Tester CoVefi, Coiliogf. Ac. Look for tha Striped Front. * Altoona, March 7, IWI-4m. Pumps i pumps !—the under algned would respectfully inform the citizen* of Al toona and vicinity that he is prepared to put in PUMP STOCKS, of any length, at abort notice, and on reasonable term*. Having had long experience in the buslneH.be warrant* all bis work to give satiaiactiaa. Persons desiring work done can leave their order* with Esquire McClelland, or call upon the (nbscriber at hie rev idenee on Emma street, a few: doors from the Methodist Ch "« h -. . benjamin McMahan. Altoona, Marehgl, ISCI-Sm INCO N, WOOD & NICHOLS, MA.vrrAcrmiM asb Jmnsteu or STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Silk Bonnets, French. Flowers, Panama, Palm lea/, Leghorn and Straw Hale, No. 726 Chestnut Street, Arm 721 Loooc 6smr, March 28.-3 m PWLA DELPHfA. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— JTJI Notice i> hereby given that letten of Adralnlatra riononthe estate of Robert L. Martin, tate of Tyrone Bor- Bair county; Secerned, here been granted to the an denrtgned, raiding a» aforaald. All p-tvon. knowing thomeelree lndebted to eald eetate -are reqneeted to make i ho *' *“ T *«S chtlme wHI preaoht them duly aotheutleetad |br eettlemeot. _ WILBER f. MARTIN. Aim. Tyrone tp, March 7,1W1-6C. i^IAUTION.—ALL PERSONS AKE Altceaa, March I*, ’t; Af vV Apricz rsxx. Bew-Tcrk Benevolent IbUzbatt. ... ' established iss* * 7 And mroM to The CUute of ifatteal Reform: to tkn n»y. aU? 1"? h ? now,,a 0 t J” f>* I of Pitmm, and afflicted withChrm bie and Tlrnlent Disorder.. To tbl. end thl. Infirmary I. endowed, to enable the sick aad raflerins thromihontth. °/_ our '“d. to avoid the/to'Maou ? n V*’•“*“l*?°“’ 4»onrace of prqfaitd Fhotidant. which thotwand. aad ton. oflhoiuand. annually f ,l i >win * V* ° r diseases we curs, not only ot the Infirmary bat in all ports of oar country • Connunprion and PalmonoryCompUinu. Fevers, gerof alo, Dyspepsia, Eye and Ear Disease, Cancan and other Complaint, Seminal Weakness, and all diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs. from whatever came or whatever nature. OunoUsct rath ha to Sire joy to the afflicted by effecting in all qtseehmpehdy cure. oa f ™ le “to charge nothing for advicp and written ora bWwUlfurniah when rsquoSt.,l the medicines Ht the lowest rmtos. ‘ J our own Laboratory, un der the care of able Chemist*, and are the moat reliable known to science, including all the recent discoveries. 1 To addressing ns by letter, containing full account of symptom* and appearance* of disease, age, occupation, he. r,ply - with advice and directions •i n l f “cot us when sending for advice will be devoted to furnishing medicine fur the poor. In all case* medicine can be sent by moil or express if desired. Send lor one or more of our workr and judge for yourselves. Also published at the Inhrmary, to aid these objects. THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, tsosw, symptoms, diet, bathiug idJ exercise. I'ricefiOct* THE LADIES’ MEDICAL FRIEND,’ AM) THE PHYSIOLOGY OX MARRIAGE. A work uu Hie C.UM, symptom, and treatment of all complaint. peculiar to the sex, on marriage, Its dntiea, abortion nod it. result* on Children, their luTand on thl prevention of conception, with Invaluable In.tructioua Yo them on lubjccu of a private nature, price 2S cente. The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion. . . . , ASD private adviser. A book for the old and young, embracing thePatWolnrr Prevention and Cure ©fall Disease* of the Urinary and & *?? a warning voice of advice and counsel, such as to be found in no other work. Price 25 cents. THE GUIDE AND GUARD sea evert one. It expous all the Humbugs, and the various Trick. to ontice tbo sick and well. It illustrate. the uUu of tb. tfuackiland Rogues to dupe ewj on*. It guide, tb* un wary through life, and .bow. up'every .wiudlo of thaws* bow all kind, of food, Medicines, Liquor. snd frwd*s.“pri£ .* ith “*° mC “* of dotitlng tb. THE HOUSEHOLD AND FARM. PLANTATION AND SHOP, for every family, having over 10U0 receipt, on Conking. e . ixl d* Cleaning, Ac. How to plant and what 1« the best to raise. How to cure animal., advice toboiue keepers, former, and mechanic., on 1000 subjects of inter est. Price 26 cents. Worth $lO to any otw. THFa consumptives book. for Uiow Who wish to get well from that awful disease, a full description of all the remedies used lor it, with a UM fU *Pri« 10 ceafa** 1 * ““ 1 ° ,l>cr “sefdl Intorma- The information in them 1« not to bo found in one work, pnhitubed, nor obtainable from any other source. Three bound * fC on w Ute paper, and beautifully Any of the above work, will be nulled free, on receipt of prlco. in .tamps, or money; or the whole in a handsomely bound volume for ox. nouam No family should be with out them. They in illustrated with beauUfltl engraving., and contain th. condotuod experience of years. * Aoxtrrs Waxrm for the above works, who can make 1110 a month. Send for a circular for agents. * To the young ol both sexes suifariag from werot habits; prostration of raiud; lorn of power; nervous debility; low of sight; wakefulness; love of solitude; eruption, on the face, Ac., Ac. Send bejore ii u too laU; before you suffer incurable damage to both body aud mind. To Females who want jo/t, pleeitant and lure remedies for Irregularities Obstructions, Whites, Ac, send to us PREVENTIVE. We are convinced that there are many parents afferent* loos, consumptive and diseased condition to whom a nn m«rou* offspring only brings suffering and poverty. To wr }to, and wo will send information of a sure, well-tested, aud never-failing Putixiiti. n e will mail free, to any one applying for it, THE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL REFORM. I 1 • , "S» and beautiful paper, and contains the most valuable Information on Spermatorhteo, or Seminal Weak fa*oltotaif CU “ 1C ""’ * boWin * U “ * wful Oo all other (Omani oTtha Sexual Organ*. a foil mi*. nation of the origin of Syphillc, the mean* ef arerention ana cure. “ On Consumption, that fcorfui disuse On the Liver, Heart, Stomach aud Skin. On Female Complaints. On the various Schools of Mediciues. On tbs made* of Treatment now practised On the False Treatment of Diseases On the various Medical UumbngdT On the Physiology of Marring*. On the Common sense of Medicine. On Diet, Exercises, snd Ablution. How the Physician should bs. How to prevent Pregnancy. And many other things. Sunt rox it. This Journal should ho In the bands of tvery on*. J. ItcsSKLL, M. D, A. M, Chief Physician. 8. 8. Moult, Surgeon. Dr. J, Doyle, Chemist. Office in New York, 154 Chambers street. Office in Wllliamsbargh, South Bth and sth streets. Correspondents will please epc lose two or tbn* statons for return postage, and address ™ , DR - BKRSKT. Secretary, Nor. 15, ISCO.-^yWliliamsburg. New Y&. EN'CED NURSE AND FEMALE PHYSICTAV preaenu to the attention of mothcra heT SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, * which greatly iacililatrs the process of teething, by soften ing the gum., reducing ail Inflamation, will spasmodic action, and I. « to rrputofc .Ae d Depend upon it, nxntAfTt, it UtiU mVe Text tn imuuuf.— and Rt\icf and Health to you Infant*. ’ Fo*irjef.<#, We have put up and sold this article for over ten Team, and ean say. In confidence and truth of It, what w/havs «.*n3i c “ *J’ !e , t 0 »»y o*l»r medicine—never has it’ mued, in a single Instance, to effect a cure, when timely need. Never did wo know an Instance of dissatlsflictlon bv any one who used it. On tho contrary, all are delighted With its operations, and speak In term* of highest commen datloti of its magical effects and medical vlrtnea. We sneak of this matter “ what wo do know,” alter ten years’ expo rloece, and pledge « ootdde wnqiper. Sold by DrngrfeU tbceogbont the world, end by 0. W. Reeder and A. Ronafa, druggbta, Altoona. Price is cent*. per bottle. fir- Principal Offlce, Ho. 13 Cedar (treat, K. T. July 12, IMO.-ly. Wall Paper aad Border. An unusually large stock of the LATEST SPRING STYLES, Jmt received, which will he eald cheeper than' ever bv March 21, 1881-tt. J. * J. LOWTIIEB. Tike Bodarccr. Thfa wonder (hi article, Jnrt patented. lo aometbing oe- Art/y new, and never before offered to agent* who are wanted everywhere. Ml particulars eenl free. AHam *»r SHAW A CLARK, BMdfeford, MeSaT PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC aMeOvette-Sraen. TeHew, Pa* uk,n “ •» Mm« wiU> pefcct nl„, wi.hon. Duklbc »J»r obango of dlret, and the obtain of any dim. grctabit UuU rendert it eaty to adminitUr then to ehddno. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Th* ganalna hato Dto ilguatoraa of Henry (J, Spalding on each Box! . * Bold by DraggUta and «11 otbn Doaltr. InJlodlctaoa, A Box will bo Knt by mallpropand os rocolpt at On PRICE 35 CENTS. All orders should be addretted to Nov. IS, 'M.-ly.l THE FOLLOWING ENDOBBBMENTS OF ; SPALDING’S Cephalic Pills, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BDFFE* FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AKD SUBE CUBE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH; , JiU<« T'ttimoniaU mrt wuoitcflsd by Mr. gti.LMnt *• fr> * Major vxllx, CtoKK, F*b, 3,1861 Mx. Snuutis. 8n: A 1 *”* tr . leI ' <*» **• U.IMI - p U Y ”s«te&iu , i” bo, “ ° f ”« Chills K**p*clfally your*, „ fl , . . . JOHN B. 813(053. rrfr>,f;~ * ** ombc * ( * «*I jUd Uun llsir* T C. fimmso, °" ,0> Jla ' ls > IM >- Pisan find Inclosed twenty-five cents, for which A. STOTEB, P. M. B«ll» T troop, Wjtndott Co, 0. XI.C Bruin*?, R*q. X wUh Ibraooic circular* or Urn cbow bait t* hpt- w T»ur Ccpbmlie PM. mo„ Wo« n.? ei 2S mjr». If yon h»». •Bythlng of th« kind, pleucMoa u _OMofitt cattomtn. who it tnbjrct to min Sb-k Outtally iutibg two d*ji,) teat ctircrf of an at. UKk in «ttW bjfrmr hi,. which ! tut hZ? f BetpectfaUy Toutt, ■ w- b. yriuu. Bnsouncxo, Yaicixu* Co, Onto, Jan. #, Un. Hxxar c. Spawns, No. fit Cedar at, N.T. Dxax Six: filler, Bsynoldsburg, franklin Co, - Wmo - writ tike a efiann-eure BtadacM ofmon m Ymaart, Micu, Jan. 1«, IMI. M*. Smsuw snt. '»r S £c»pT h ! ZXoVZU&I 555 K«m« Mod by return moil. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, .' rpelUntl, Mich. Frmn the Examiner, Xor/oli, To. Cephetle rilta accomplleb- the object for which they were mede, n».: Core of headache in ell It. farm.. * From Uie Examiner, Sor/cik, la. _.U‘ 3r £* T,b '* n ‘** tw,ln mm *>»b > thoueend ceeee. with entire eucceee. “ Item Ike Democrat, SL Cloud, Minn, If yon ere, or here been troablod with the «nd far . Doe. (Ceshelk MU ,) * the? «? them Inose of enetuck. J ; "*• B * TO . f ' ram <** kdrerfiter, Fmidtnee, fejj; The Crpheltc Pilit ere eeld to be e rcmerkehlT efteie* remedy far the headache, end one of the Tory beet ftwHut eery frequent complaint which fane er,r been^eoTeNd! from the Western fl. B. GattUe, IO Ce^lfcSS. <, ‘* ,r " ” r ? Sp,Jdl,, ‘* * ad ****BoHreSled From tks KanaOrka fthffry Star, JCanaKha, To. We ere rare that prreon. euflerlne with the ht.iierhe who (ry them, will .tick td them. nreoacne, JVoet the JatUkem Btlh Finder, .Vne Orlomr, ta. Try them 1 yon that are eflUcfed, aid we erasure that yonr testimony can he added to the already uanJnmiUrn dhUhaa received bentfltithat noethevmedldneoup<^ ■ m MADE EAST! 1000 CluttOM to mak» ttammfl ONE MILLION DOLLARS woanio» WATCHES, \ " JEWEEBY SILVER-PLATED WARE* to u dutoud o» oa AXUXTISELT NSW ORIGINAL PLAN! 2,500 AGENTS WANTED!!! Alt pinou desirous of Mcvia| u Igntj ii Ak New Enterprise Should wid o« their ns*wi st tMfilndig i|sml itaaip ts psj postage, sod rtctivt bj ntmra of mil A PREMIUM O A O QTJB Coatainlßg OUR inducements, Which afford A i? AA J? CE A NOW TO IUKB MONEY without rlak. together with FULL PARTICULARS Kalatiet tstkla NOVEL PLAN ! To loaqre prompt and aatbthctory dealioga. dinod aU order, to GEORGE G. EVANS, 4JB Chaataat I treat. Ktfladeipkfa. Cheap! Cheaper!! Cheapest!!! Huzza for north ward.— •The undenlgnod would teaMetflOt; infant the ciuaenaof Altoona end the aurronodihg eoeatn that he haa rented the atore room formerly ooewpM by Jecwh Burkhart,on Virginia atreet, near A. KoOte faith 1 ! atora, where be id about opening a Grocery, Flour, Feed and Provision Store. He has just returned from the Eut where he kaa bees •electing hie groceries with great can and buying axctn •lrrly for cub, which enables him to tell aa low. if hot a little lower, than ai y boon in tbo plaoa. Bo would therefore say to all who wiah a good article of groceries and at a low figure, to call and examine hli stock before porebMiaf »U«where. Hli stock couslcts of BaU and Capi, Mm and Hhmm’t dhoti, .Vofcont of ail kindt. Extra Family Flour, Superfine, Corn Moat, Rye and Com Chop. Extra Lorerlng Syrup Molauea, 60 conU per gal. Golden “ « 45 *4 « •*. Rcfltuylta&U “ “ 66 ** « ** Baking “ 37V •* « White Crash Soger « lb* : White * : 10 ** “ «• ItHFiwd “ Jo « •* u Best Brown <* 3 « « * Cube * 7 « mm Bio Coffee ,10to 10 u •* “ Best Imperial Teac to M M M 2nd quality * 73 « m a BUck “ to M " H Rosin and Castile loan, Rigs. Ilmrmdfl fll bortt.EngUah Walnuta, Cream Nets, Laka Trobt. Dairy Salt, Cheeae, and arerythinS that ia noeooaarily kept In a good (bally grocery. AprU*. ’W-tC] ' * J. A. BPBAXKLB. ( BUTTER’S ’ STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, AND B ANK BOOK ■ARUFAGTORT. So. 64 Market St., Harrnhury, Fa. This establishment is chiefly devoted to tho mannfoetere of Bhutk Booki tor eery beet ofatock end workmanship mey be SB7 rehodnpo. Weak PnAa priated. paged aad bound |a AaeeeeiUeiita, tWptteatra. It, for enmity pmo *"* boeind to order, <£mnty Doaiola mad# of tho beat linen paper. Übeortao*, and others, dooiring to hare their Books wall hound endat moderate prfeee, should giro na a call. Kawa- Kg!" °t ‘i",, I "*** afca, Uarper'a Weekly, Gleamtib tnmin , .iuliyy i i htjepMße iaerfiea, Loadoa IVowe^ is£^-.“2r^aS arary atyie, at »oe)ri moderate pries*. Peraoua haring a wimberof roinmeeto bind, wflfrecete*alHiernlSeeSmt. ■ ******* *•« *0 na from a dfrtaaca by Kx> prom, and all twk an true tod toonrearewfflbaonaad* nsszasL ~rt . ft, B9»McOHUM IDERK, at the IVdeai Oflta atony agents for Altoona, aad Tkto»y. Thay erOl gtn hafoema ma In relation to Madtng, and rreeto end return tapha ITee from ektra chargee, for all who esi.net thafrwarkta "*«*** [)to*a.tlW| SSMw rmjtOmtaan AMD