C|f sltwma Crikiw. J' . ALTOONA, PA- FRIDAY APRIL 19, 1861. fiM-Wbarafattfoaan nakMwn to os, our rale lor ad vartblp lato m*uwat in advance, er a guarantee fooeekaowaparaobe. ’ |t it fknkn uclaat tor *ll iCch foa*udu**dvtvtfo<***at«ctfeW»gtop*y*ttS«eadoftLr»» Of lU wwUrt Whan advert laeiamto an accompanied with fit* money, whether one, fire or tan doDon, «e will •too the adlertfoer tin foil benefit of cub rate*. i. h. pmiseiu. * co., advertleing trauta, US Naamn meet, Maw York, and U State street, Boaton, are tin A font* for tin JUoona trtmnt, aad tin awe* influential and largeat circulating Menpeper* In tha Called Statea aad tba Canada*. They an authorised to con tract for |gjet ear lowttt rater. 8®“ We bare tired In (he midst of exciting timaa, bat the Stents of the hut fire days hare sufficed to contince os that wo never before knew what excitement meant. On Saturday last we reeelred intelligence of (he bombardment of Ft. Sampler. This, of course, created seme excite ment, although it h&i been expected daily for the last two or three montbe. On Sunday we Yeeeitcd word that Uij. Anderson had surren dered. This was discredited by many, although the eequel proves it only too true. In this case the American Flag was hauled down and the Secession Flog ran up in its stood. Here was an open insult to end defiance of the glorious ban ner under wfaieb we bare thought ourselves proud to lift, and that insult wasgirenby those -whom we, a few months since, regarded as broth ers and friends. Could the patriotism of loyal Citixons brook such an insult? No, Sirsl Had our ensign of liberty been disrespected and tram pled upon by a foreign foe, the indignation of our people, and their determination to wipe out the insult, would not have run so high ; bat to have It Urns dishonored by those who hare been made all they are under its ample folds, was al most too much to bear, and the word “TBA1T OBS” ilily expressed tber contempt for the as sailants of Somber. On Monday morning, tha President issued a proclamation wiling for 76,000 men—lo,ooo of whom were to be furnished by Ibis State. Sev eral companies from this county haring hereto fore tendered their services, they received no tice to proceed to recruit their ranks immedi ately and report themselves as soon as possible, at Harrisburg. Recruiting was forthwith corn* menced in earnest, in this piece, by Captain Ssink, of the lioju Rifle Rangers, and Captain Wayne, of (be Altoona Guards. They are to loam for Harrisburg this (Friday) morning, having eash obtained their full complement of men. Oft yesterday morning, the Juniata Rifles, of HollHaysbnrg, Capt. A. M. Lloyd, pitted throng this place on their way to Hamibarg. In theranks were quite a number of our young townsmen, (two of whom had been engaged in our ofice,) and the scene at the depot, where they parted with their relatives and friends, was truly affecting. The erowd which had as sembled to witness their departure, was very large, and cheered them loudly as they started. This company was accompanied by Gol. Jacob Higgins, J. C. Osterloh and Gen. William Williams, who- go to take their places in the ar my, as-designated by their titles. Dr. Wm. K. ffindley, of this plaCe.-left in the same train r to take the position of Surgeon of the Regiment, in room of Dr. R. W. Christy. longing to th» Regiment - lidafls»^^£ , fr j beetr ac oepted and are now recruiting, and win likely be in the field inside of two weeks Frevions.to the bombardment of Ft. Sumpter, there were those in oar midst who were opposed to anjfeattempt to subjugate the South, or re take tin forts which had fallen into the posses eion of the secessionists, but now that desire for peace and- longer indulgence to those who are ■o wantonly endeavoring to destroy the country. Has given way to one of patriotic vindictiveness Which promisee to meet out terrible retribution npon those who have stirred it up. Heretofore men openly proolaimed open the etreets their sympathies, if they Had any, with the seces sionists, but now the man who dares to do so is scarcely sore of bis life. One week einee we could net Have, believed that npsn our streets would be enacted;, if opportunity offered, the scenes whioh have characterized many of the Southern cities, wherein men were tarred and feathered, or beaten by mobs, for expressing their Kerthen sentiments or love for the Union; but now wo believe snob would be the ease Here, were any man bold enough to proclaim for se cession or for the South, and the verdict would be “eervedhim right.” The secessionists have invested a mode of checking free speech, which H seems hi dee lifted tn return to plague the in ventors. I From almost every business place ja (ha town, tba American Flag u displayed, tad we learn that a raty large one is shortly to be pat up on tha Company's shops. From the fact that no flags ara to be had in tha cities, msrfy places that intend running them out have not yet been able to get them monufactarcd. We azpeat Mon . to sea flags fly ing from almost every house ® evidence of tha ■ loyalty of our citisans to tha Constitution and the flag of our country. Soma of our citisans deserve a oommaadatory notice fortfae maaner ser which they hare eon teilmtod to the comfort of those who havecnlii ted te I|m regular service. Mr. C. Jeggard Jws baa» naspariag in his liberahty, haring stosy anatobar of savolvan, thraa boxes °* of underclothing different ean>paaiaa. ba ■ F*?** wntiftoiliiig to-money. Mr. C. J. Sfaaa aably aaotribntadta tharetiafri thoaa ara about to supplying them with under-clothing and other needful articles. Others may have contributed, but we have not learned their names, but will be glad to add them to thu poll of honor if we can obtain them. P. 8. 4tth fThwodoy) evening, two more twapnnloe from thlenenoty, the HoHkfoyeburg Fendblen, and thu Wayne Guards, from Wil namehurg, peaecd dirsugh tide place, curate for Harrisburg. The lattcr eoapnoy numbered 80 men. - ; A Sfumdio Exhibition Coxino to Altoona. We are pleased to annonnee to our leaders, that Morrison’s Grand Pan-tec-na-tbee-a, one of the largest and most splendid exhibitions in the world, will visit this place and exhibit at Logan Hall, for three nights, commencing on April 23d. We copy-the following description of this ex hibition from tbs New Fork papers. It will be seen that the attractions offered surpass any thing ever yet brought to Altoona : This Great Exhibition eonaists of five splen did Panoramas, painted in a new and novel style, with Dioremio effect, on a scale of mag nificence never before attempted. They present to view as distinct and plain aa though one stood on the spot represented in the following scenes: The city of Washington—the Capitel, with the new Dome and Marble Extension—the in side of the Capitol—the new Senate Chamber, with its gorgeous decoration—the Halt of Rep resentatives—the Public Buildings at Washing ton—the Patent Office—the C. 8. Treasury— the President’s House and Grounds—the Smith sonian Institute—and the famous East Boom in the President’s House, where all the Levies are held—showing all its furniture, marble mantles, magnificent mirrors, and glittering chandeliers, even to the colors and pattern of the two thou sand dollar carpet that covers the floor. Then comes five splendid views of Niagara Falls—shewing them in every aspect, in Sum mer and Winter—the Lake of a Thousand Isles on the River St. Lawrence—the Hudson River —and the entire scenery of the White Moun tains, from the snow covered dome of Mount Washington to the Old Man of the Mountain magnificent scenes in New England, Virginia, Minnesota, and California, with three beautiful views in Mammoth Cave—showing the great Gothic or Arched Gallery—Echo River—Lake Lethe, and the Fairy Grotto with its Starry Dome, magnificent columns and limpid waters, making the scene one great resplendency of Gem-work, biasing Carbuncles, Rabies and mol ten Gold. But the great feature in this Exhibition is the Voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to Liverpool, with a Storm at Sea, in which all the incidents of three thousand miles travel on the water ore presented to view, with a distinctness and vividness mocking reality, and leading the spectators to believe themselves on the briny deep. The great phenomena of the Moon Rising from the Sea, is to be witnessed by all, while in the Sconn at Sea, all the elements in their ma jesty are to be seen and heard with such start ling reality,.as to cause old men to shirer, and the young children to elingolose to their parents. Arriving at Liverpool we have a view of that city—then a splendid view of the great City of London—with the River Thames end Bridges new Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Church. Leaving London, .the beautiful , scenery of the River Rhine, is presented to view—the Swiss Alps—Scenery In Italy—Ruins of Pompeii—the whole exhibition concluding with a grand view of the Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, os it appeared in the year ’7O, when it destroyed the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii This Magnificent Entertainment was first ex hibited in London for 280 consecutive nights, and was visited by more than half ajnillion of people. It has recently been brought to Amer ica, and exhibited in the Hew England States, where it has been visited by admiring thousands.. The Exhibition will be shown in this place precisely the same as in London, and all who visit it are guaranteed two hours of amusement, wonderment and delight. Soldiebs’ Exemption. —The patriotic men who have enrolled their names as volunteers, and are about to enter in the service of their country, will perceive from the following section of the Act of 1822, that in their absence their property will be fully protected. The Act says: No execution ot other process shall issue against any officer, non-commissioned officer or private of the militia, when sailed into actual service, under a requisition of the President of the United States, or in pursuance of the orders of the Gov ernor of this Commonwealth; nor shallany such process issue against him until thirty days after he shall iavo returned from duty, to bis usual place of residence, or until forty days after he shall have been discharged ; and the Court, al derman or justice of the peace from which or from whom any such process shall have issued, shall quash the some as soon as the fact of any each person being enlisted on public duty shall have been proven, and all the eo|ts which shall have accrued in commencing or conducting any such process shall be paid by the person or per sons who shall have’ applied for the said execu tion or other process. Tan Kiobt Feklixo.— We stated yesterday, says the Pittsburgh Chronicle of Wednesday craning, that the Democratic in am bars of our Legislature, who rotad against tha State mili tary bill, ara now anxiously eo-operating with their former antagonists in an effort to place Penneylrania in her proper military position. A resolution of Mr. Hill, pledging,the faith, credit and support of tha Commonwealth to the General Oorernmaut, was retrod need for tha purpose of enabling the Democratic members to place themsalras right before the eonntty. A despatch says the heat foaUag exists between Eepabtieane and Democrats, sH bring ready to serve in a common causa. This is aa it should to*. We want no divided counsels far Pennsyl vania. This is thb hour forpa triotiam, and sot for partfamahip. Apr We leara that «mr 8,000 United States twope win pass aaatwardevar thaPenaqrlvaaia Xallnafl between this aadCgtariap right Altoona Faib View Cemetery Association. —A special meeting o? the Altoona Fair View Cemetery Association was held in the Council Boom on the 11th instant President Clabangh in the chair, and a’quorum of members present The President stated the object of the meet ing to be the election of officers to serve for the ensuing yew. J, K. Bellman moved that we proceed to the election of officers. Carried. The following n omianti oes were then made; For President—Michael Clabangh. Vine Presidents—Geo. R. Everson, £. A Beck. Secretary—Jamus Lowtber. -B. F. Rose. Executive Committee —George Hawkesworth,- A. A. Smyth, Fred. Shillinger, E. B. McCrura, J. K. Bellman, Daniel Price, G. W. Kessler and Daniel Laagbman. On motion, the nominations were closed, a ballot was bad and the several nominees de clared duly elected. On motion of B, F. Bose, A. A. Smyth aad James Lowtber were appointed a committee to audit the accounts of the Treasurer. Auditing committee report that they have'ex amined the accounts of the Treasurer and find a balance in bis bapds of one dollar and sixty six cents, ($1.66.) On motion. Resolved, That the meetings of this Association be held on the secondTbnrsday evening of each month. The Secretaryjvas instructed to notify those indebted to the Association and request pay ment of all balances due the Association. \ On motion of A. A. Smyth, the thanks of the Association was tendered the retiring Treasurer, C. C. Mason, for bis valuable services. tyi motion of A A. Smytb, the proceedings of this meeting was ordered to be published in the Altoona Tribune. On motion, adjourned. JAB. LOWTUER, See'y. Severs oh Dibuohibt Railroad Employees, —A bill tot the punishment of railroad employ ees, whose perception of the difference between strain and teum may not be of the clearest, has passed the Senate. It provides “ whenever any person in tbs employ of any Railroad Company, whether snob Company is incorporated by this or any other State, shall fraudulently neglect to cancel and return to tbe proper officer, compa ny, or agent, any eonpqn or other railroad tick et with the intent to penult tbe same to be used in fraud or iqjory to any company, or if any person shall steal or embeule any sucb coupon or other railroad ticket, or shall fraudulently stamp or print or sign any sucb ticket, or shall fraudulently sell or pat in cirtulation any such ticket, any perabn so offending shall, upon con viction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollar*, and to undergo an imprisonment by separate or solitary con finement at labor, not exceeding five years.” In -the midst of the present excitement, people are likely to forget many things which should be attended to, but %one are likely to forget that they must have clothes to wear, if they can get them, and they can get them on reasonable terms, made up in the best and la test style, by calling at the Merchant Tailoring Establishment just opened in Mr. Flower's Building, on Virginia street, opposite Jaggard’s store, where our old friend D. W. A. Belford, one of the best and most fashionable tailors in the country, will take pleasure in accommoda ting all who may call. He has a epleudidstock of goods from which to select. Just call and see him. Messrs. Wm. H. Duff, and C. C. Coch ran, two of the most accomplished business and ornamental penman in the United States, will hereafter be the associate professors of Penman ship in Puff’s Mercantile College. On reference to our advertising columns it will bcseea that they propose to test their title to Otis claim by .comparing their writing with that of any other .penmen in America. This enables persons in all parts of the country to see at once where the best penmen in the country are to be found. Iboh Citt Comtar. —We take pleasure in again calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement of this widely celebrated Institu tion. Within a few years, many young men have laid the foundation of substantial fortunes, and hundreds are now engaged in business at salaries which they never could have secured bat for the advantages afforded by this School. Every yonng man who can, should pursue a course of stqdy in this Institution; it will prove Of untold advantage to him. Col. L. W. Hall.— Wb learn from Harrisburg that the Republican members of the Senate met in caucus on Tuesday evening last, and unani mously nominated Col. L. W. Hall, member from this district, for Speaker daring the re cess. This is a deserved compliment to a faith ful and efficient Senator. We are rejoiced to witness this evidence of the popularity of onr townsman, and congratulate him upon his pro motion. Communion. —The Communion of the Lord's Sapper will be administered in the Presbyterian Church, in this place,- on Sabbath next The preparatory services will commence on Friday evening at 7} o'clock. The Rev. George Elliott, of Mifflin county, will assist THE LATEST. Baltimobe, April 18, 2. SO F. M. Fennsylrania Volunteers far ns Baltimore. No molestation offered. Hearty reception from the Union men. A large police force escorted them, and at many points they were cheered by Union men who followed them in large numbers to Washington Depot. Streets thronged this P. M. Considerable excitement, but thus for no violence has been offered. SECOND DESPATCH. Baltimore, April 18, & p. M All reports about seirure of Harper’s Ferry are false.' Latest despatch says all quiet there. There is a full company of U. S. Artillerists stationed there, and a strong Union population. A party of eaeesaionista in Baltimore raised a seceesion flag at noon and commenced firing a salute with a cannon, when the working men from tha foundries in the vicinity hearing the report rushed on the traitors, tore down their flag, spiked their gun and threw it in the river. The secessionists fled (n great consternation and their flag was torn to tatters. Enthusiasm for the Union waa untvareal—not lose than 6,000 persons were promt. WAR NEWS. REQUISITION FOB VOLUNTEERS. Washwotos, April 16.—Th» following ii the form of the call on ,tfce respect!re State Gover nors for troops, issued through the War Depart ment to-day. B»; Coder the act of Coagnaa far the call ing of the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, repel invasions, ate-, approved February 28th, 1795, 1 have the honor to request your Excellency to cause to be Immed lately detntebed from the militia of your State the quota designed in the table below, to serve as infantry or riflemen for a period of three months unless sooner discharged. . Your Excellency will please communicate to me the time at which your quota will be expec ted at its rendezvous, as it will be met as soon as practicable by any officer or officers to mas ter it into the service and pay of the United States. At the same time the oath of fidelity to the United States will be administered to ev ery officer and man. The mustering officers wiH be instructed to receive no man under the rank of commissioned officer, whose years arc apparently over forty - five orl under eighteen, or who is cotin physical strength and vigor. The quota for each State is as follows: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Is land, Connscticnt, Delaware, Arkansas, Michi gan, Wisconsin, lowa and Minnesota—one regi ment each. Massachusetts, North Carolina and Tennesse—two regiments each. New York—seventeen regiments. Pennsylvania—sixteen regiments. Ohio—thirteen regiments. New Jersey, Maryland, Kentucky, and SKs souri—four each. Illinois and Indiana—six each. Virginia—three regiments. x It is ordered that each regiment shall consist, in the aggregate, officers and men, of 780. The total thus to be called ou» is 73,301. The re mainder, to constitute the 76,000 under the President’s proclamation, will be composed of troops in the District of Columbia. SEIZURE OF ARMS AND PROVISIONS. Cincinnati, April 17.—Chief Police Dudley this morning seized thirty boxes' of guns on the steamer Ohio No. 3—twenty-three marked “Q. T. W., Little Rock,” and seven marked “L. R., Memphis.” Also, jßve boxes for Memphis on the steamer Glendale, reshipped from the steam er Fauuy Mcßurnie. There is a great crowd on the landtag, and the excitement high. The guns were shipped at Parkcsburg, Va., and were supposed CO have come from Harper’s \Ferry. A heavy shipment of powder has also been stopped\ All steamers have been prohibited from ta king provisions South, and two steamers hare been chartered by the oily authorities ro act as police boats, tborongbly armed, and will stop and search nil passing steamers. Three companies leave to-night for the’ren desrous at Columbus. The Home Guard is rap. idly filling its ranks. The enlistment at Newport. Ky., barracks is very active. Over five hundred men are now in the garrison. A large consignment of bacon, for Charleston, via. Nashville, was taken from the steamer Glenwood this morning. The ex citement throughout the ciiy is on the increase, and the volunteer companies are all full; more men offering than can be accepted. The volunteer companies are all full, and more men are offering than can be accepted. STRANGERS PREPARING TO ARM. Hon. J. H. Lane, Senator from Kansas, has had an interview with the President, and pro posed to organize a company to be ready for active duty when called upon, to consist of strangers at the hotels aad boarding houses who propose to remain some time in the city. They ask the privilege of organizing and being sworn into service, with permission to carry the arms to their rooms. They will have a rendezvous, where they will assemble at stated periods. Th.e company will be formed. ARMS FOR VIRGINIA, ' The Wheeling Intelligencer says: “We are in formed that -the government is prepared to dis tribute arms in any quantity to those willing to enroll themselves into Union organizations mid take the oath of fidelity. Companies in West ern Virginia will be supplied direct from Har per’s Ferry, by obtaining an order from the Sec retary of War.” UNION SPEECH OF GEN. WOOL. Trot, N. V., April IG.—General Wool made a patriotic speech in thfs city last night. He closed by saying; “My friends, that flag must be lifted up from the dust into which it has been trampled, and placed in its proper position, and again set floating in triumph to the breeze. 1 pledge you my heart, my band, and nil my en ergies to the cause. The Union shall be main tained. lam prepared to devote my life totbe work, and to lead you in the straggle.” RESPONSES TO THE CALL FOR TROOPS. Offers have been received at the War Depart ment at Washington of over 150,000 men, and the number is being swelled every hour. While it is the prayer of every loyal citizen that this strength may not be requlred, it is, at the same time, a source uf the greatest gratification and strength to the Executive to know that the re sponse is so emphatic. MASSACHUSETTS, Bostox, April 16.—About thirty companies, "numbering 1,700 men, have already arrived in the city and are quartered at Franklin Hall. Their outfits have also commenced to arrive, and to-morrow each man will be provided with the necessary articles for active service. All are eager to hasten where their services are required. CONNECTICUT. Norwich,' April 16. — Gov.' Buckingham has Just issued a proclamation, calling on volunteers to rendezvous at Harford. The Thames Bank has tendered $lOO,OOO, and the Fairfield County Bank $50,000, to the Gov ernor. SOUTHERN VIEWS. Prominent Southern men in Washington openly say that the Confederacy committed a serious mistake in opening the fire upon Fort Sumpter, as it will cause a reaction against them by the conservative, Union, and peace men of the South. UNION SENTIMENT IN MONTGOMERY. Parties in whom the fullest confidence is placed, who arrived here to-day from Montgom ery, say that the Union sentiment is general and strong there, but that a feeling of awe compels silence, though hope, in conflict with despair, is still in the ascendency in the breasts of thousands in Montgomery and vicinity. UNION SENTIMENT IN MARYLAND. A large American flag is suspended across the street at Havre de Grace, bearing the motto, “By the Eternal, the Union must and shall be jtreServed.” A native and resident of Cecil county assures os the Union feeling in that county is intense and unqualified. FORT PICKENS Gen. Scott remarked yesterday that if an en gagement took place at Pensacola, they Would find it far differentfttnn attacking a starved com paayof seventy-five meh with a force of 7,000. He thinks eg attack ea Fort Pickens may prove toecessfhl in the end, but nyrif the fleet, reinforcements, arrive, it will he one ofthe blood iest engagements ever known on this Continent. He has an opinion that they will hesitate long before attacking it FT. SUMPTER BOMBARDMENT, Nsw Tobk. April 17.—The £xprtm of this evening, say* it hs* reliable infortaadoa that forty-nine were killed, and mi hundred sad thirty wounded, in Feck Übultrie. ANOTHTE CALL FOR TROOPS. Habbibsttbo, April 17.-rlt is reported to night that the President has made a requisition upon the Statee for 76,000 additional trosps, and that Governor Curtin will at onee call an extra session of the Legislature for a special purpose. TENDER OP MILITARY COMPANIES. We subjoin a list of the military companies which have tendered their servlets to Governor Curtin, under the call of the President, and been accepted: ALLEOHENTCOCSTT Monoogahela Artilleiy—Cap. B. F. Cooper. Ncgly Zouaves—Capt. O. M, Irvin. Washington Artillery—Capt, J. D. McFar land. Washington Infantry—Cap. Thomak A. Hus ky- United States Zouave Cadets—Capt ffm, O. M’Creary. Scott Legion—Capt. O. H. Ripley. Pittsburg Turner's Rifle Company—Csptr'H. Armstrong. State Guards—Capt. B. P. M'Dowell. BEBES. Ringoid Aartillery—Capt. 11. A. Lasts. bl.ub. . Ist. Reg., 4th Brig., 16th, Div.—Col. J. Hig gins. Hoilidsysbnrg Fencibies—Cant. F. P. Miner, Logan Rifle Rangers—Capt Jacob Slink. Altoona Guards—Capt. Henry Wayne. Juniata Rifles—Capt. A. M. Lloyd. Tyrone Cavalry—Capt Jhn-. Crowther. Emmeh Guards—Capt. P. T. Keys. Wayne Guards,- and a company from Freedom. CAHBRIA. Johnstown Infantry—Copt. F. 11. Lapsicy, CARBON. Anderson Grays—Capt. Eli. P. Conner, CENTRE. Centre Battalion—3 Companies—Major Ghas. H. Hale. * Third Brigade—Kg. Goa. Jonathan Wolf. Cameron Infantry—Capt. Robert M’Farlaud. SMC, Elk- M’Sean Cavalry—Thos. L. Lana. FRANKLIN. Uniformed Militia—Capt. F. P. Stumbaugh, Jefferson. Brookviile Rifles—Capt. A. N. M’Knight. JUNIATA. Juniata Cavalry—Capt. J. J. Patterson. lehigb. Allen Rifles—Capt. T. H. Good. Allen Infantry—Capt. Thos. Yeager. Joidon Artillery—Copt. W. H. Gassier. LUZERNE. Cattosnoqua Rifles—Capt H. P. Hart. Pittstou Artillerists—Capt. Sol. Stainer. Lackawanna Blues—Captain Helf. Shultzer Guards, Montgomery Guards and Lackawanna Yeagers. MIFFLIN. Mifflin County Cavalry—Capt. Q. V. Mitchell. KoarnAWPTo.v. Capt. Yoke—tender of tixeu-wnd money PHILADELPHIA. First and Second Regiments—Washington Guards—GenT Wm. F. Small. Washington Blues. Light Artillery—Capt. Max Einstein. Young Men—John Birkinbine. First Regiment Artillery—Lieut.. Col. D. P. Burney.-,- First Rifle Battalion, Ist Brigade, Ist Divi sion—Major Com. Jboi T. Ballier. Philadelphia Guard? —Capt. J, F. Staunton. SCBCTLEtLL. Port Clinton Artillery—Capt. D. B. Kauffman. National Light Infantry—Capt. E. McDonald. Washington Artillery—Capt James Wren. Marrion Rifle Company, Sixth Division, at Port Cabon—Major J. H. Siegfried. TIOGA. ' Uniformed Mnlitia—Maj. Gen. Harding. WASBIHGTOW. Lincoln Invineibles—Maj. A. G. Williams. Monongabeia Artillery—Capt. Potter. New Congressional Apportionment Bill. The following is the Congressional Apportion -meut Bill, ns reported to the Legislature, from the proper Committee. It will probably become a law in this shape: Ist Second, third, fourth, fifth sixth and eleventh wards in the city of Philadelphia. 2d. First, seventh, eighth and tenth wards of the city of Philadelphia. 3d. Twelfth, thirteenth, sixteenth, seven teenth and nineteenth wards in the oity of Phil adelphia. 4th. Fourteenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty first and twenty-fourth wards in the city of Phil adelphia. 6th. Twenty-second, twenty-third and twen ty-fifth wards of the city of Philadelphia, Bucks county and that part of Montgomery county embracing Moreland, Abington, Chsltcbam, Horsham, Upper Dublin, White Marsh, Spring field, Montgomery, Gwynned, Hatfield, Towam assing, Franconia and Lower Salford. 6th. Delaware county, Chester eonnty Upper and Lower Marion, borough of: Bridgeport, in the county of Montgomery. 7th. Berks county and the balance of Mont gomery. Bth. Lancaster county. 9tb. Lebanon and Schuylkill counties. 10. Lehigh, Pike, Monroe, Carbon and North ampton counties. 11th Susquehanna, Wayne and Luzerne con d ties. 12th. Bradford, Montour, Columbia, SulU* va« and Wyoming counties, and the balance of Northumberland county, not included in the 18th District. 13tb. Dauphin and York counties and Lower Mahoning township, in Northumberland county not included in the 12th District 14th. Union, Snyder, Juniata, Perry and Cumberland counties. 16th. Somerset, Bedford, Fulton, Franklin and Adams counties. 16tb. Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon and Mif flin counties. 17 th. Tioga, Potter, Lyconing, Clinton and Centre counties. 18th. Jefferson, Erie, Warren, McKenn, Elk, Cameron, Forreet and Clearfield counties. I9th. Crawford, Mercer, Venango and Clari on counties. 20th. Indiana, Fayotte and Westmoreland counties. 21st. Allegheny county south of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers S2d. Allegheny county north of the Ohio sad Allegheny rivers, and Bader and Armatvong counties. • 2M. Lawrence, Beaver, Washington find Owens counties ' CITIZENS ATTEND ! A meeting of Oitmne/xvoralle to organizing a Campon* far fa protection (f/dmim*id property on Wednesday evening, J?liI inti. On motion, Ghat. AMmnn was j chosen Chairman and JSt f. Hott. ■ Secretary. Those present signified fair toil ling ness to form a Company imm*. diately and entered their noma on a roil. On motion . it teas Resolved, Thai the company be called the Altoo na Home Guards.” On motion, the Company pro ceeded to the election of officers, with the folloibing result. Captain — William Boydek. Is£ Lieiit. —E. H. Tdbmeb. 2d Lieut. — Benj. F. Rose. O. Sargt. — RoßT. PITCAIBNS. On motion, the Captain and I#/! Lieut, were appointed a committee to mail on Gov. Curtin and ask for arms. On motion, Messrs. Maxwell, Shoemaker, Boyden, Turner and JRoqe mere appointed a committee to draft regidaiions and pledge. On motion, Messrs. Findley Mc- Connell and Rose were appointed to procure Lowthers Hall in which to hold a public meeting oh Friday evening next, for the purpose of en rolling such as desire to join the Company. On motion, adjourned. | The use of Lowthers Hall hav | mg been obtained, a meeting of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity will be held at that place this (Maday) evening. Turn out—one and. all and show yourselves your Country's friends, in the hour of peril. i Benj. F. Rose, Stcy. IDEI.rVTBm UPI JSOTICE.—AII persons l«aviuc_Mui kets or other Anus, belong to tho united States Government, arc raquijvdKMjd* liver them to-the subscriber itMSMMIv. J. K. ELY, GondSm Altoona* April 18th, 1861. IKE AMERICAN FUG. II J-. I. «lits, When freedom, from her ej'rn.Uiti bight, • Unfurled her sfemforff to tlrealr, Bho tore the robe of UQn night, , And set the stare of glory _ She mingled with lu gnrgeota dyes The milky baldric of ihrokiese Aud stripped its pare, celestial white With streakings of the morning light Then from its mansion in the eun. She colled her cegle-brarcr down,* And gave into Ui» mighty bend,- The symbol of hot chosen land. Majestic monarch of the clouds* Who rears! aloft tby regal form To Lcsi the tempest-trumping* loud. When strive the warriors of the And see the lightning lancre driven, And mil* the thumlcr*dmm ol heaven,— Child of the *un I to thro ’tie given ; To guard (he banner of the free, Te hover in the sulphur smoke. To ward away (he bsttle-strohs. And bid its blendings shine afar. Like roiutx.wg on the cloud of war. The harbingers of victory 1 ring of the hnee I thy Mill shall fly. The sign of hope and triumph high When speaks too signal trumpet toot, And the long line comes gleaming 60/ J Ere yet the life*bloud,.wiism> Dud wet. Has dimmed the glittering bayonet; Each soldier eye shall brightly torn To where thy oky-bom glories burs; And as his springing steps advance Catch wai and Tengeance from tbs And when the cannon, mouthing load, Uearc in wild wreaths the And gory sabres rise and fail Like shoots of flame on midnight's pall. Then shall tby meteor glances glow, : And cowering foes shall sink beneath Each gallant arm that strikes below That loee|y messenger ef death. Flag of the Seas! on ocean ware. XJ»y stars «hall glitter o’er thaArars t« • when death, careering on the gala, Sweeps darkly round the beOfed sail. And frightened warsa nab vfldly back Before qm broadside’s reelinpraek, fiacb dying wanderer of tbs sea Shall look at onca-to beaten and the*. And smile to see thy sph adore fry In triumph o’sr his closing eye. Flag of the fret heart’s bops and beaut By angel hands to Valor giro, Thr stars bare IU the welkin dons. And all thy boss were bom in heaven ■ Forever float that standard sbestf Where breathes the toe but Utebifotw. With Freedom's soil beneath mtmT And Freedom's banner streaming o*sr nsf SPECIAL NOT Oust CLOTKiao Enrcanrw or tan cnes.— Philadelphia poeseases the moat splendid Cfethisg Bwpo rinm in the country. It is splendid as regards (ha pals* fcial structure in which the Immense business of the sstob* Ushmcnt Is conducted, and it m equally epleodldto rmgirt to its great facilities and vast resources. But Id its pm tronsitii ‘chief attractions are, first, the sUgsaos of the garments for (Jantiemen and Tooths, nsashdoial theta; secondly, idle beauty and durability of the materials* bad the superior excellence of the fit, sad lastly lbs amiprala pricey at which tfae-goods are Sold. Wa refer, toiWs 4«S cription, to none other than the Brown Ball of Roekhill k Wilson, Kos. 003 and 60b Omfenat St., ebove Sixth, Philadelphia. A Card to the Sttflbring. . The br. Wm. Coefrere, HhUMi| aaaaiMoaacy In Japan, m cwed ofOoaasmptfam, when ail otbumaaaa had fcitod, by a recipe obtained fro* a leaned pbyahdaa nakUaci* the giaat city af Adda. TUa iac*a ha* evad eraat nomben who arara 6«* QgaMapttM, Branebltidi Sore Throat, C««a er am wx*K4m> d a «pa lW n»daaaaaaod*«rta^ t ah«,iaaba«f«H lynehraUUnaMhia^WhMsnatlyhaiiMMjU procaaaef»aartla«.hy l ilMli t th.c. l ,ailWi^^ «.—u— I, | Mhraa, aad railafaad haaUk tayaar MMk T-f**? •a* b*B eaaar bee al i utiimaict ta thdflwradNEa -Dr. Telpeaa’i Cankerine. TXtnttirS CANKXUSS cum Potrid fSofeb PS. T*LP RAITB CASKJtIUN* curca Sue Mippka. ytIiPBAD'S CANKKURX cumJClccnM Box miMiutvcuiannnmCcii. as. vnftUV» CAMKSXntB cum Bwui. fm WfijiAOt CAXKSKHdr Infant with p mtltf U 'will twtb cad bmp the gum ft«u uiectc. ,»trb eqaally cfiicacioa* far uaraing BMtbc. Id all the tlmunufc remediea that ban bee |Uth Ibr tm cur* of the various dimama above, auo ayl ■>. rbnkarlne. Sold by all druggist*. Pri pax bottle. J. BURRILL A CO. Proprietor*, 93 Maiden Lana,! gm gala la Altaoaa, by 0. W. KESSLER. MU BCPOSCO'S OOLDEN PILLS PoR PEJU JVUIItb *» rorrerfinp, rryu/ufiup. and rvnevtag v ururdMU. /rom whitlcttr route, unit otoujrt ruccexiful as a prccvnluCtm Thar* 1* not a lady living bnt what at acme period > ilia nmda Just soch' a medicine aa •* Dupouco’a ti. PlUa.** One of thfc flrat ladlm of Cheater told tha A lhara that aha had received to much benefit from th ' of I bam, the would bo willing to pay $3 n box, rather ba without them, If aha conld get them no lau. Th gradkata-eompoalug thorn pllla are undo known m. Afoul. Thaj will tall you they nrn perfectly bars v—f joy arjll do alt claimed for them. Pull and ex| dlrectlona accompany coch box. Price fl.lw per b. Sold by 0. W. KESSLER, Drujglat, aole Agent lor toooa. Fa Xjolke by striding hint $l.OO to the Altooua Post O can hare lb* pill* sent to any part of the country (■' dsntfolly) by mail, 4 * free of postage.’* Sold aleo by .K ttCADv Huntingdon, and by uqq Druggist In every til tv«a aud city in the State. \ ; D. HOWE, K. B.~Th«* abut# PUle have beeu counterfeited, an>l offered W LaUioe at prices ranging from 25 cents to 75 dear at that.) Look eat for. them. The genuine, W ur, will bear the signature of S. 1). llowo, cole prwprfc Price- $l. Purchase of the aboTSngentleiucD. and you' Hud the genatne article, and one-you may rely upon. Jxouary 31,18C1. —ly. XiTSPKPSIA; i NERVOUS DEUIUTV; i lIKART IUSEASE. • FEVER & AGUE. OR CONSTITATJO XL* oudsrslgnod,' now terouty-five years old. has yoofi derated iis tkus to caring his ParUhuncr* ami poor In York of those dreadful complaints, which cai thousand* and thousands Co an untimely grave; be 1 •eidom foiled to cure all who bars applied to bint.for lief; arid believing it to be a Christian’* duty to relit ihoee abroad, a* well os at home, he will send to those w require U, a copy of Prescriptions nant, (Free of Cltarg I' with directions/or preparing and using the same. A rule* on Diet, Bathing, Ventilation, and Exercise (l.r t Sick, they will find thesereravdlee &aarvcureforCoo«un I tlou, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever a Ague, Constipation, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, .Nervo i Debility, and Female Complaints, and he hopes every o afflicted will ssnd for a copy, as it will cost nothing, a | those suffering whuuld apply before It is too late. The : Prescription are used by the most eminent Physicians LoMon ; Paris, and New York. Those wishing them n : fdsue address DEV. DR. CHAMBERLAIN’, : Nov. 16,’60.-ly, WHUamsburgh, New Vor . Chills and Fever! Chills and Fever I Om of the greatest remedies that has over been laid h for* the public; for Fever and Ague, and which hare r CeiTtd the highest enconiums from the presa and the pe, pie, I* Dr. IloetcUcr'o Celebrated Bitters. Who would ei 4»Pi the torture* arising from (lie terrible disease, 'when «»o lie to eahity cured f Who would endure aleeplcs Bl|bu, burning fevers and icy chills, alternately, when remedy een be obtained for a mere trifle r Aud yet h many tunilies linger oat a painful existence under tb deadly.hlight, and do nothing but gulp down lafeutiU Cordial it remarkabli: for it* woi awftil banafleial effect* la the treatment nf children. Pi **'9 n P» dyimttrj, ,ml teething, it hu neret been niriwiiet »nl Bother* ahobld at all lime, be p tor bled with a mppl; “ ‘hay T » la * the Urea amt Use eomfort of their little one The preparation* of Blood Food are among the moat in portent dlecoterle* of tfaa ag*. They are not mcdi'lnu hat bod for tht Wood: already prepared for abeorptlof plaaaant to the laita, and natural In action; and tehal on gala*, he retaiue. The Blood Food ii aactcntificdiecovery differing from all patent medicine*; aiid for conwmptioL throat dieeatea. Beer Complaint*, dyspepsia, and other dit aaaee Incident to tha human frame, 1» uneijnalied br It .healing and etrengthenlng qualitlee.—Coiarniia. Ohio, Oa «a* Seeadrertiaamect. Tor aale by A- Bou*h, Altoona. Pa. To Consumptives. Tha adrettiaei).baling been reetorwi to health in a fee weeki by a eery aßnpto~reinedy, after liaeiog talfcred eei eral yean with a eeeere long affection, and that dread die j**** consumption—is anxious to make known to faisfailu* issflersrs .the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescrip t on used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing »nd using the same, whicli they will find a sure cure I" CoKacupitojr, Aarnur, BaoitcHrtli, *c. Ihe only object o nßUeb? e^t 1, *“ 11,0 Prescription is to benefit lb Inridimhi J i’^ ea i ,orurn ' l,tion ''hkh he conceives tub. dr sufferer will try his rein. ' iwt!* * U * them nothing, and may prove a blessinv 1 artlee wishing the prescription will please address. K*t. EDWAIID A. WlMios, WiUlaouburph, Ku»g» County, N*tr y->r| <“ «>• 29th jtw «*»-«»*• 4- »• cum, rfttuUK *i?: n w T: SK^Ss* 1 Cha ''" l [ JSBI k H ‘* £be “* l >««. AprU9th, A G!! ”““ r J *“" *■ btiog >» I*™*. a» following pfmobl, «jj Munition. » cr . Ell^^!V b " inS W '“ d ** OBr f d ‘ t “““«*«««in«dUrotfaci C« «.bT?A, b '* > Wl " ‘ Ud 00,1 co# cili»tia* ooorw t of s " ftU *“ Mw P”*™* pnwperoos wort h^“ri^7 h^ ducr * t XStlcS? t ‘" -i— i iS! S?SS? I »ttE 6 wee top™?eitii pSaS^^^aaggja * on « *° • J ™"« * kDOKP K ‘. n “»* *■?»«■« Mri Accopt«l I ;: A - l8BP | k):««h fc A Card to the Ladies. Sols Proprietor. New Tot To Consumptives. And those Afflicted with DIED. i