& adache (U<£ .j "* n. periodic uttiiclti otXtrtffgf :ateU; and If mured late rtllif lWm^ th« .Vau«M And rels,—removing . Delicate female*, Mg aj| y are valuable u a XcMaffc^ tone and vigor to rural elaaticity and »tr«ym ho malt of long inveatlgv tperlmenta, hartitg been Jq t ime: they bare >f pain aerrj taSirtlaf fr^ ; in the uorvoureyrt**'*, ‘UIACh* * in their eompoefUon, «u ith pefect aafetv ■ the absent* of nny^ «i;tiim»ter **»» ** .NTIiRFEITSI ' ' ? of Unary C. Spaldiog •r Dealers In — f . pared on recaipt CENTS. NKT C. UPAUJWa, Cedar Streat Naw T«k, >ORSEMBNTS Of NG’S P i lls, HO SUFFER FROM .CUB, 3UEE CUEJP IR '• naUd by Mr. SrUMM, roof of Uu tfwmejf ljr ■ discovery. -it, Coss., Fab. I, MIL oat Hike UmnMwM dollara worth lihurn, te whom :fp(T«• m toil. r ngn ‘ nt SerranJ, JAMES KBKXSBT. •rone, Pa., Fab. S, JMI. re bo* of your OaphaSa ANN BTOIKHOCU. Co., Pa., Jao.lt, XML boxaa of jour Caphahi ’onra, ■■ JOHN B. sutoxa tour Pint, and JtmdVtm is, Ohio, /.o'^TlBL I cent*, for whiakeeMna ill*; They antnSylla *kct . A. STOVER,"P jit rr.en, Wjundott (h,O. t. Mobs., Baa. Xl r XMi: lr it° show billa, tebrtic Jlurly befora jny cyrta the kind, please oufiLfe. subject to serara fltak b>y«.) trot curtdi/ MO* neb I seat har,' ' fully yoora, ‘ ■ W. B. WILMA Ooi«, Job. S, IML «o.'i far r whleh Mlw »'ldrtM of JU». Wm.O. , Oliio. " : . urt Iltadaehtoh nra. wm. c. nuu. , MicH,jr«a. >r a box of Cephaiiem* and CoetiTMManM fact to ’ , - .JI.WUKKI.ER, i iorfotk. To. j-ct for which they f«* 1 its foniu. ra. than a thotuaadnniw. aoud, Mitm: tn-with the > that you i»ii£, ini hi* nnHrsJM ir, Kanawha,' Fla." ’■■ g with the heeds****' •, Xt%o_ OrUenu, X#., : , and We areeareth*t > already numetxmeW ether medicine eaa J*r OS PREPARED QhV* i annually„ ■£D OLCBi ■KD CLUB t tIED GLUE! MBPATCHt .vrs sprr. i:l »e|| rsgnUted fuM' «omo cheap and cent* ,r u;d glubj ‘ household can afford mid up to tba (tloUtif r HOUSE." ;h Bottle. Pries tf.st* SPALDDfO, \ • i 8 Cedar St, J. f. ire attempting to pal* tatlon* ofmjr PlUtp*- son* t* examln* MS** ID GLUE, 4BT «* era ewlafifiagfisW* ps«a Cntet ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE. . maim closbJ - Hfr£ r£ ** «mm* ZST” * fett*o»targ ' T 7 OOP M Wes«ra Thro**b..— | —I——7 imim Tbroop «• 1 w HAILS AEBITRj ri 7 4 I? A « M ’ W»t*rn Through..... T "V i „ « Xtftern ThrongU ° £ « ffwkri. Way— - J - M KMtnm W.y 1 « « Orftes Hocbs During the week, from 700 a. if. till toSaadays/from 8 00 till P 00 a. m. wu oaauaj , JOHN SHOEJIAKKR, P. 51 RAILROAD SCHEDULE. •*-. : :: »«•:•■ : Sft-lfr ttfati « ' £ut tl 1 ll|2o A. M. 11 11,35 A. M. « «• Went “ 1,30 P. M.. “ I,M P. M. Tb* lIOLLIDAYSBUKQ BRANCH i connects with all *tr*in* East and West. INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnitown Accommodation Train Kaal knd West, Mail Train JEaat ■ad Watt and Express Train Kast and Weat. Nor. 20,1860. > ENOCH Gen’l Supt. It r RowdtiSM. —Rowdyism is fast on the increase hi our borough. For some time past, our streets have nightly been made to resound with yells, as though his sntanic majesty had turned loose upon earth a few of the jinmates of his habitation, who, .reselling in .riot and drunken ness. piake night hideous with; their yelling, profanity and blackguardism, rendering them selves ridiculous and almost unendurable. We have always boasted of the quiet of our town in this respect, and the high moral character of our citizens, but we are led to fear that our boasting will soon be turned to censure if this state of things continues. The “ turbulcets” generally are young men who have just arrived at the age at which they take their places in the world on their own responsibility; Their char acters are now being formed, but alas ! we fear for anything else than useful lives. We think it high time that steps were taken to initiate a I reformation in this matter, that our youths, j with dignity and pride, might walk the paths of I rectitude, sobriety and virtue, thus crowning l ! ■ themselves with honor, and fitting themselves to fill, in future life, the various positions which must necessarily fall to their lot, when those who now hold them shall have gone on that -journey “ whence no traveller returns.” Re formation is needed, but how shall it be ac complished, so long as parents w,ill allow their children the liberty of prowling the streets at unseasonable hours 1 So long as parents per mit this breach of trust which belongs to them, and for which they will bo held accountable by a higher than human tribunal, so long will moral suasion prove ineffectual and sink into in significance when the" allurements of night, to vice and immorality, are ever spread before the unwary. We wish that we could say something which would induce parents to look after their boys when they are not found around the hearthstone at homo at the proper retiring hour. I Could we do so, wo feel sure that we would j have accomplished a work equal to that of the i greatest benefactor of the human race, for the j reason that thereby many boys Who are now forming habits which will result in their ulti-1 mate-misery and ruin, and bring their parents ' In sorrow to the grave, would be .save! to use- j fulness and happiness, not -only to themselves, ! but to all around them. But this rowdyism, which we noticed at the Lead of this article must be stopped. If o.qe police officer is not sufficient to check it, more should be appointed. -It is not to be presumed that peaceable citizens are to, be annoyed Ut all . hours of the night, by a band of outlaws, apd . have no redress therefor. Some of the young men who have made a practice of misbehaving upon the streets at night, may yet find thfem *slves the tenants of the “ Lock-Up.” The As.nuax. Crisis.— The first of April is near at Land. Already jR elongate counte nances. pallid cheeks, quivering lips, and bur ned steps of those we meet in our walks, are manifested the indubitable tokens of that rapid ly approaching crisis which will test the capaci ty of pockets, and try the depth of purses. Complaints arc many and multiplying of scarci ty of the ready pewter wherewith to satisfy duns and compose creditors. Our household gods, look desponding and afflicted in view of approaching trials; while s tho housekeepers, *ho are easy and amiable eleven months in the year, are relentlessly touting cracked crockery *«m corner cup-boards, and banishing to back boudoirs the boots and beavers of better days. Oar county officers, lawyers and scriveners are taking early breakfasts to meet the increasing demands upon thoir time and services—money lender* are pouring over their bond's and! bank, ooks, figuring up the amount they will .have on! I *' 0T accommodation of their needing and numerous fnends—borrowers are as busy *» eea, coking out in time for the wherewithal to meet their various engagements—while busi ness people generally .gre stirring about with more than usual energy and activity, “ getting * y for the first.” May all be prepared for the crisis! istakes—Mistakes are one of the severest'. ■f sgaes a printer’s life, for the reason that uybody gets to see his mistakes, and evaty o y thinks that he or she has a certain inalien • e right to say or think whatever he or she 1 J*"” about Bach mistakes Printers, to a y**' " c . privileged characters, and their weotera ahd faults appear, to be the privilege wi fr bul the J Jon’t take half the liberty i thi* 6 v U:tB ° f othfe ” which others do with I tinr • I Wy we find, after bur edi f writu ° .F«1»d po!it n D ’- wt or mlB P la< jed by the com -4e cl h^ USt */;* w ***re the sense would dr h*! O.f.coor«e we have then no reme one - t0 0 jv? at Be * t W*ek, and ton chances to , t ' “ to fa 9 s* n ’ * nd passed on from week to aid*’ r comotBd - our compositors V * * Pwnvioos mistake in our article on the «su»°n -McCrca, last week, by leaving •i ■ sentence should have read: I t *’v aB a womftn of robust iand healthy and, to human observation, bid iw to liT * uu* her three-soorei years . c^^** hs rd of those by whom she was eur- LOCAL ITEMS. The Printer's Estate.— The printer's dol larsl Where arr they ? A dollar here and a dollar there, -scattered oyer numerous small towns, all over the country, miles and miles apart—how shall they be gathered together ? The type founder has bis hundreds ef dollars against :theprinter ;'the paper maker, the build* big owner, the journeyman compositor, the grooer, the' tailor, and „01l assistants to him in carrying on his business, have their' demands? hardly ever so small as a single. But the mites from here and there must be diligent* ly gathered and patiently hoarded, or the where with to discharge the large bills will never be come bulky- We imagine the printer willhave to get up sn address t o his widely scattered dollars, something like thetollowing : “ Dollars, halves, quarters, dimes, and all manner of fractions into which yo are divided, collect yourselves and come home! Te are wanted! Combinations of all sorts of men, that help the printer to become a proprietor, gather in such force and demand with such good.reasons your appearance at his counter, that nothing short of a sight of yon will appease them. Collect yourselves, for val uable as you are in the aggregate, single you pill never pay tho.cost of gathering. Come in here in single file, that the printer may form you into a battalion,'and pend you forth again to battle for him.and vindicate his feeble cred it.” Reader, are you sure you havn’t a couple of the printer's dollars sticking about your . clothes? Maoic, Ventbiloqdism, Etc.—Our exchanges throughout the country, wherever Prof. H. Sands, the world renowned Magician and Ven triloquist, has performed, are loud in their com mendations of his skill in all he attempts, and ho attempts and completes successfully every feat ever performed by a magician. One of our exchanges says of him that be is o' Ventrilo quist, Magician and Humorist of the first water, and advises All who are suffering with the blues, all whVsjrish amusement, all who wish to “laugh and grow fat,” to attend Prof. S’s leo j tures. He exposes spiritualism and table turn- I inga. Of. one thing we are well satisfied, and | that is, that ho is one of the best slight-of-hand performers with whom we have ever met. He igave us a few demonstrations in our office yes terday (Wednesday) which perfectly convinced us that his entertainment, to be given at Lo gan Hall, this (Thursday) evening, will well< repay the attendance of all our citizens. Ad-' mittance— gentlemen 25 cents—gentleman and t lady 36 cents. By all means go and see Prof. Sands.' Pleasant—the weather and Ronsh’s three cent ci gars—Tribune of lari teeek. The weather clerk, came well nigh getting ns into a scrape that time, the proprietor of the cigars mentioned above having threatened -to indict us for slander. Verily, the weather at this season is as fickle as" the fair sex. Now, when we penned that article, the weather teas pleasant. Just so it is with the so called angels of this mundane sphere; about the time a young man thinks he is going to make a capital “ hit,” the object of his affections is off with some “other dear charmer.” But a truce to soliloquy—let the weather and the girls prove fickle if they but Roush’s cigars are \pleasunt at all timei. of.the day and seasons of tho year. s Haro Times asd Wasts. —Virtue wants more admirers; Vice more opponents; Truth more real friends ; Falsehood fewcr..repcater3; Wis dom more suppliants ; Honesty more practition ers. The trade wants more profit, or less envy of his more fortunate neighbor. Religion wants less said about the theory and more done in the way of .practice. Philanthropy wants a residence and Fidelity an asylum. Love, Chari ty and our Banks Want to be iL better credit. Pride wants to bp discarded and modest diffi dence introduced. Every old Bachelor wants a wife, and every girl of sixteen a husband.— Every Creditor wants his bill paid, and every Debtor wants money to pay it, and,' finally, ever/body is wanted to mind his own business and let that of his neighbor’s alone. Dealers is Straw and Millxxrcy Goods.— When your object is tO purchase the finest, best and most varied .assortment of goods in your lino at-the lowest rates; visit the establishment of-Messrs; Likcols, IVood ANichols, Ho. 725 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. We refer to their card; in our columns, with pleasure, and do not exaggerate when we tell you that this is one of the most extensive bouses of its kind in the United States. Do not fail to visit these head quarters of fashion before purchasing stale goods from third prices^ A good namc; s ?ttSliyto be remembered, heads the firm: •> Just keepa thlnkin' 1 Of “Uncle Aho Lincoln,” When you 1 wantloknow Where to mode. New Route Aoksts. —The work of decapita tion goes bravely on ajt-Washington, and the heads of Democratic officials ore constantly roll ing off the block. The heads of Messrs. Sar gent and Kaey, Route Agents between this place and Harrisburg, have felt the power of the official guillotine, to make room for our townsman, {Seorge C. Feme, Esq., who takes the place of Col. Kacy, and for our young friend So). Books,' of Mifflin to w.n, Juniata county, who takes the place of Mr, Sargent. On the ground of services to,patty, the hew .appointees deser yed their places and will make efficient agents. E. R, Express Train East, on Wednesday night last, ran over some cattle which were on. the track between Petersbnig and Huntingdon, throwing the baggage-ear down an embankment and upsetting the stove, thereby setting fire to the mails, and baggage therein, most of whiph were burned before they coaid be gf>% out. . The mails from this place were horned. - Fisix or Apkil Changes.—Those of our subscribers who intend rcmovhigthoir pluses of residence about the first of April, and desiring the places of sending their papers qhanged, trill be good enough to give ns timely notice of their in the scatter. Early attention .to tills matter trill save trouble, abd prevent the loss of •■v ■ * PAU( StTKD I day, thwart 1 j bo called in i Christ; into , | Vent forth to | of palm in hie Proteetant oh« led Holy Week end death of t obsenredin all day the chord til .Snnday, -wl nemorated by iTAWD HoiT WEEK—llast Sun «fore Easter, was Palm Sunday, lommemoratioh of the entry of 'erosalem, whoa the multitude Met him and strewed braoebeß liray. It is observed by peculiar the Catholic and in some of the rehea. The present week is cal in .oommemofation of the passion i ie Saviour, and each day will he the Catholic churches: On : Fri es will be clad in mourning un en the resurrection will be com a religious jubilee. , Abkested.- man, named ] Co.’a Planing rested on a a |on Tuesday morning last, a Ger jtitzel, living near MoAuley & Will, in -North Ward, was ar r rant issued at She instance of charging him with stealing lum iuses of Stitzel were searched, I of the .lumber found. On the of,Stitzel that his boys had sto- ] r * 'Mr. McA. did.not proceed pd the case was compromised ng five dollars for the lumber ction. Mr. McAnley, ik ber. Tbo pro| and a quantity representation it len the lumbei against him, at by Stitzel payi and costs of ae I®* We have received the following with the request that we should give it a place in our columns:— j On the 25th |nst., I received from the Rev. .J. Twigg ten dollars as due tci me from some unknown soucch. MAR If SHERMER. Altoona, Marich 25, 1861. MARRIED: Evangel Hotel. Altoona, Pa., March 2tst, 1801. sev5 ev - C - L - jEhrenfold, Mr. ISRAEL GRAZIER of CHOLINE BECK of Canoe Val ’ rV*. J - N B “cket, Mr. MI- Smin ° f ,9‘i! übna Co- t 0 Mias NANCY J. HANNAH, of Clearfield Co, Pa. f * BeV - KbldoV, Mr. tp ” co -’ 10 P^fWKT 1 *!? Mb, B1 ’ M^rr^li 88 , Dell > Mr. SAMUEL to “ i “ MATIU > A USWIS. all of Clayeburg, DIED. °, n fril,fty last > Mr. FREDERICK SINGLING, to the) 83rd year of his age. f. Ip FraakitowntiwMhlp. on tho 20th ln«t nvvvrr 3 t e "• Uc&m *> S* orW^’*K^r b ;^5 h > N - HUYETT. daugh ter ofl' m. G. t lluyott, to Uw 16th year of her ? n d th “ Btern messenger came fr ° m OUr “ IJit one **« liittle dl l the writer think when ho began the service.. chi. t l« a A? , m r ,^* bb ‘ th CT «»ing, that should com ctode, one of the most attentive of his audience wouldouit thoprison house of Way and become the conn»nion of epmu in an cternal world. Bat before the cioXg had died aw|. there was one less worsK/on ■ deceased-had. |aft home in the evening apparently in RtteUd ** "*»tar -errfoS to toe cußtomed Sf" U ! e firat s,le »«* ber ac- the introductory serriccs were al- wltht’ t^“ rO3 i 0 ""<* P""*! out of the house m l n *L lw,y llvin 8 in her family. Tho m,nda of ‘he audience rid doubt Supposition had caused her to re aaagffip&sag*' Several persons passed out and tho minds of all became somewhat excited with the idea that something unusual Pi Pf!. U Pbu-'o- CinseouenUy the services wore rendered possible arid the congregation dismissed. What was oar surprise when at that moment a messen ger brought the tidiriga that the vital ajwrk had Hod He have since learhed from the_ female companion who muchilifnenn er ’ l j rf “ a t' r le^i n « ■ lhc church door, with much difficulty, and >y the aasiitanco of her friend, sho reached theJioiiso pfjMrs. C'offman, near by, to which place Doctors Christy and Findley and her family were sum moDcd, who du.all that could btf doDo to alleviate her tuif fonngs. But hurtau skill and; sympathy could not stay the shaft, and in about half an hour after ihe loft the church her soul had taken its flight. Bho retained her reason and was able (jo converse With those around her al most to the moment hf hor dissolotioo. It is the opinion',of|at least the Physician with whom wo conversed on the subject, toat het death was caused by disease of the heart, ; which may perhaps have been making its inroads for mouths past unknown to the deceased or nor friends. I Thus suddenly from this world of care has been called one who was esteemed by all. In her death the poor have lost a benefactor, the| friendless a , sympathizer, and her now bereaved companion one who was all a wife should the other’ 6 eI " mo *H* r * OS4 children may well say each to Come nearer, brother, nearer. And sit bpsideine hero. The day is slowly fading, And twilight's shade* draw near.- The cloud orgiipf Is keeping Its shadows on oujbrow, o’er our heart*; ffe have no mother now . 'I ; : -Vo mother now to bless ok; ■ Wehre latd.her down to rest, i And all our joys seem buried, 1 Close folded to her breast. Ths vacant chnir upon the hearth. The hours that come and go, ' All seem to whisper sadly IJ% have rid mother now. Altoona, March 23,1861 At a stated meeting of Auooru Division, S. of T., the following preamble and . resolutions were unanimously adopted. ' - ; 1 . ' J WntasAs, It both pleased Ood in the afflictive dispen sation of his providence, to call suddenly from onr midst, Mrs. Mary Ann McCrea, an esteemed “ Lady Visitor,” of Altoona Division, No. 311, Sous of Temperance, a lady whose social anjl moral virtues have won for her the con fidence and esteem of all who hod the pleasure of her ac quaintance, and Wuebzas, Imringhcr continuance with our order as a “ Lady Visitor” alii (jins evinced by precept and example, the most lively hitorest in, and zealous devotion to the cause of Temperance! Therefore, ilnoicd, That whilst we deeply- deplore the loss of a worthy triend and co-laborer in the Temperanco’refdrm, Ws cherish the earnest hope, that' l she has gone to enjoy that •better land, where, toil and .sorrow,! pain and death are forever excluded. ' . - That we heartily sympathize with brother McCreaand.lamily, on account of the sad andsuddeu be reavement they have been called upon to experience;. the former the loss of an amiable and affectionate wife: the latter the loss of a kind and devoted mother. Jfcsofued, That we profit by this impressive admonition oiuotTs providence, and prepare for that solemn tronsi lien, which, sooner or later, Inevitably awaits ns. . JtUoletd, That the above preamble and resolutions bo Pdhltahcd in the Altoona JVitene, Hollidayabnrg iiejiricr and Democratlo jSlandard, and that a copy be sent to the Shhily Of the deceased. —[Extract frrnn Minuta}. : LINCOLW, WOOD & NICHOLS, MASOTACTDiItIISiJtD iMFOBTJCasOr STRAW ASD MILLINERY GOODS, Silk Bonnets, French. Flowers, • Panama, Palm Leaf, Leghorn and Straw Bait, Wo. 726 Chestnut Street, Ann 73* JiOpofi Stbket, Maroli 28.-3 m | PHILADELPHIA. New and valuable prop erty AT PRIVATE SALE.—Tho P, IT Undersigned offers at Private Solo her PA HOUSE and JAW, situate on Harriet St., b 2 iIA East-Altoona, adjoining lots of Janies c£l IK Kearney and Goo, B. Cramer, a few doors JlnaeK East of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Lot is SO feet front by; 120 deep. The improvements are a new FRAME HOUSE, with three rooms each on first and second floors, all finished In good stylo. She also offers for sale her HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which is ail nearly now and of the latest styles. The Uonso and Fur niture win bo sold separately or together to suit purcha **Altoona, March 28. ? 801.2t JANE BVEl ‘ B * p’OR RENT j—rHE BUILDING ON J>y Di lisughmah as a »i3K«!£gT"- MADE EASY! Good News for the Unemployed 1 ■ •/ jIOOO Chances to* make Itoney I - ONE MILLION DOLLARS WATCHES, ! JEWELRY SILYEErPLATED WARE, ORIGINAL PLAN 2,300 AGENTS WANTED!!! All persons desirous of securing an Agency in this New Enterprise Should Bond on their names at onco, enclosing a 3 cent stamp to pay postage, and receive by return of mail G -A.T ALOGXJE A RARE CHANGE FULL PARTICULARS To inspro prompt and satisfactory dealings, direct all orders to STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINOERY, AHO blank book manufactory, ■; Ao. 64 Market St , Harrisburg, Pa. This establishment is chiefly devoted to the manufacture of Blank Books for jsm- Banks, County Offices, Railroad Companies, and private individuals. In all cases toe 4SsSSS4Br very best of stock and workmanship may be relied rippn. Blank Books printed, paged and bound to any desired pattern. Sheriff’s, Attorneys and Justices Doclmts of all sizes, made and ruled to order. Triennial and Yearly Assessments, Bnplicates, ic., for county purpo ses. printed or plaid, ruled and bound to order. County Dockets made of the best linen paper. - Librarians, and others, desiring to have their Books well bound and at moderate prices, should give ria a call. Nows °. f t ' ,o „ lar S c *‘ ?>*«. Harper’s Weekly, Gleason’s Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American, London News, hound to order, and in any stylo required. Harper’s Month ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Biackwpod’s and Graham's Magazines, Godey’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository, Peler son s Magazine, Piano Music. Ac., bound in extra styles, or .'L. r r e pla i? tt "d substantial half Binding. Select Pam phlets. Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound In good Li “rar? f*? ,» Ter 7 moderate prices. Persons having a number of volumes to-bind, will receive a liberal discount. Binding can safely-be sent to ns from a distance by Ex press, and all work entrusted to our care will be speed ally executed, safely packed and returned bV Express.— All work warranted. Address F. L. HUTTER, Bdrrisbwry , Pa, & DERN, at the Tribune Office, are my agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will give Infonria tlon in; relation to binding, and receive and return books free from extra charges, for all who onfrust their work to m ? car *- ' [March 21,186 My ■\r ALU ARLE PROPERTY AT PRI v VATE SALE.—The propertylcnown as the Brecnsburg. School Property, Situ ate in North Ward, adjoining lots of Wm. USSm S I IfA W. A. B. Lnub, Is, jn accordance WM S i with, a Resolution of tha School Board, of fered at Private Sale. This is a dcslrable®BSSHM J|* ,crB being two, full lots of ground a and two-sto hOUTO - l Vlth “ lmu expeSco the huiwe can* be made to accommodate two Bundles. use can os Marcjh 21,1861-lm. FretHMlLw &h£i JWrf. a. n. s, T-T URNITUUE AT GREATLY RE -1028 Chairs & Cabinet Fnrniturei I*^*l in Mifiiihtown, Juniata county, wishing to close business on the Ist of April next. hereby notify tho public that they will sell their, entire stock at greatly reducod fjCSOTS prices. Coll early for bargains. ligßfeafjMffi March 14, 1801-3 t, PUMPS! PUMPS!—THEUNDER signod would respectfully inform the.dtizens of Al toona and vicinity that ho is prepared to pntin PUMP STOCKS, of any length, At short notice, andonreasonahlo terras. Having had long experience in the business, ho warrants all his work to give satisfaction. Persons desiring work dono can leave their orders with Esquire McClelland, or call Upon the subscriber at his re* Idonce on Emma street, a few doom from the Methodist Chnrchl BENJAMIN McMABAN. Altoona, March 21,1861-lm. ' . ■ ’ /FACTION.—Au, PERSONS ARB hereby notified And warned agajfist purchasing the following described protnlssoMr note, drawn by Joseph Hutchison. payable to Bryen Kelly on or abont the Its of Aprlloi- May, I8«l, as I hare already paid the amount of said note to “Hutchison 4 Co, 1 ’ at the special request of Bryen Kolly.Jn part payment of a debt due said Company Bora scad Kelly. He has now no interest whatever in it. 1 j , 1 JOSEPH HUTCIttSONi Altoona, Marsh 14, A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE— jLJL- Notice Is hereby given that letters of Administra tion on tho estate of Robert L. Martin, late of Tyrone Bor ough, Blair county, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned, residing as aforesaid. All' penons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present thsm duly authenticated for settlement. WILBER F. MARTIN. Adm. Tyrone tp., March 7,1861-6 t. Wall Paper and Border. A N UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK jtA- of the LATEST SPBINO STYBBg, Just received, which will' bs sold ehssper than ever bv j.Tvioyrmn/ BARD TIMES WORTH or TO BE DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND A PREMIUM Containing OUR INDUCEMENTS, ' Which afford TO MAKE MONEY without risk, together with Relative- to this NOVEL PLAN! GEORGE G. EVANS, 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. HUTTER’S BANDOE, BOOKS A CO. WHEELER fit, WILSON’S SEWING T i i MACHDIBS, I jb. R. A. O. KERR, g J ALTOONA* PA.,|g! gfe Agent for Blair County, g. S.NOSIIM U3I33HM These machines are admit to be the best lever offered to toe public, and their superiority la satisfactorily established by the bet tbit in the lost eight years, ■ ■ ' ; Over 14,000 More ’ | Sr- t^**^ laeh . i,le " haTe b ««4»oW than of any other man ufactured, and more medals~have been awarded thonro pric tora by different Fairs and Institutes than to any Oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that U claimed . Th “y *** now In use In several ftunliies li> At to2!£’ “ nd ‘ n Wff «se they give entire satisfaction* The Agent refers those desiring information as the to rsss n ,he M^ ch, s ea ’ *° Tirot?&^ rge HaWkeiWottbi •» thestoj^of BtWe I <^f ch ‘?°> * i,w P latod . glow foot and new style Hemmer—sos. No. 2, ornamental bronie, glass foot Hornmer $55. No, 3, plain, withhold stole Hammer—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK; RA. o. KERR HAS JUST RE ao. iui*nt‘of UCl * fr °“ NeW Y ° rk CHy *« h »l>^utifulu LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ‘ consisting in part of Fancy SHks t oiily 65 cents per yard. Black Dress Silks “ $1,20 per yard . Japanese Clolh~a beautiful fabric for ladies' dresses—Mexican Flads, Poll do Chevron, a rilost complete assortment of the latest patterns of Delaines, Opera Cloth, plain Delaines onto S»< cents per yard, they have always been sold'at 25 cts. la this market. Also, a beautiful assortment of the challenge Wamsutta Prints, now acknowledged to be the best prints in market, and a handsome assortment of last colored prints from 610 10 cts per yard, J 4 Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Caps, Woolen Underslceves for ladies and children, an unsur passed stock of Hosiery, together with an abundance and variety of everything in the Notion ami Trimming line. Ho calls special attention to his beautiful assortment of QUEENSWARE, which is acknowledged to bo the most complete of anti In the town, and sold at prices defying competition. Teasbts consisting of 4G pieces. Bold at $4 00. ‘ ’ BOOTS AND SHOES, ■directly from New York,and bonstht from firs t ban BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL, INGRAIN.- LIST, HEMP AND BAG CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS from 1 to 2 yards vide. - His stock of GROCERIES is complete in every respect, and will se sold at as low a figure os any boose this side of the city. Oct. 11,18C0. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fit lt per Month ! I would respectfully set forth my claim to public attention, as a Fashionable Tailor, as foil oars Because 1 keep an excel lent assortment of -Cloths. , Cossimcres, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when, examined,always please. Because my work is made up in a manner that takes down the country and gives all my customers a city appearance. Because I am not inferior as a Cutter to the best to bo found anywhere. Because long experience in my business gives me entire control over it, and I am not dependant upon .any one tolift me out of the suds. Because l am still on the sunny side of forty, and thero taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of tlio “Brant House.” piyc me n trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May aj-5m JACOB SNYDER. DISSOLUTION. —Notice is- hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, trading under this name of Dill f I 9 ko '*' ln “« mercantile business, was dissolved by mu tual consent on the 12th day of March, 1861. * MATTHEW T. DILI* JOSEPH E. ICKES. Having disposed of my interest in the Arm -of DUI A fr J °*u. ph 1 recommehd him *!i fr i n t ds ftnd ca *tomcrs of the firm for o, dontinttance of their t»ltonago. Mr. lefies is authorized to collect the acconuts of the firm oind settle all bills against ifc - 1 MATTHEW T. DILL,, r?*n i 'L g , t ’? roh t* ed ., t l io tofcrot of M. T. Dill, in the firm ?Ii »» c k®®tJ yjU continue the business under tho stylo of Joseph E. Ickcs, and respectfully sola it a contin uance of the patronage bestowed. JOSEPH E. ICKES. N. B- X have on hand at present a general assortment or goods adapted to pie season, inch as are generally kept in a country store, with groceries of the very best. Hard ware Queens ware, Glassware, Butter, Eggs,* Potatoes, Flour. Peed, Ac., which I will sell as cheap as the cheap est. Call and See me, one and all, autt you: shall beat f aiCßs. SPRING OP 1861. , WALL PAPER! WALL BA>ER Tho Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices In Pittsburgh. Como and see. • Walter s, marshals, ’ -Ho. 87* Wood Sfrttfy ■ (hcar Fourth, at the Old, Stand)) Has for sale beautiful French, German & Amcr ioau' ■ .1 ForParlo!^ ALllk Units. Chamber?, Churches, “ ,00 °«. Window Cttrtalas, Pirn Board Prints, ST »«* * *»• Altoona, March 7,.186t-Ain. - \ :■ . ■; ; POCO META L lie PA IN T T7QUAL TO RED LEjAD AND 75 per JL-4 cent. BOO d«%r«o« heat— warranted' water proof and willneitlier lade npr wash. For. STEAM PIPES, OAS HOLDERS. RAIL ROAD IR S*LiS D DRI P* ROOFSr’ BARNS,’PENCES WAGONS,' ~ SHIP DECKS, PL EMBERS' JOINTS IRON POONDERS PATIERNS, dfc., 4 . ■ For graining and staining equal to Turk ; ' ish Umber. " are Timber, Brows Lake, OUreZadias Bed and . ASP One r«poD«lble agent wasted In ererr town and r fi. rt l the . Pp>ttyl 1 stt>teg - Tersu McomaoSktlog. Far deeply to oraddapa ■ ? ‘ ‘ Maroh 31-om. 80. 188 N. 4thrtwe%.' GLEN-ECIJO mills, germanto wn, pa, McCALJjUM & CO., : manufacturers, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Carpeting, Druggets, OU Cloths, MATTINGS. &C. N ,° 500 CHESTNUT STRERT, (opposite . theStateHome.jpaiLADELPiliA. {mar2l,'6l-ly. 37 OR RENT.— THK DWELLING i ■ house and store-room, known as Fcvreo ft Morrow's occupied by Joseph Law. is offered for rent n?«vi * tt* °C April next. For particulars inquire at tbs Banking. House of Wra M . Lloyd ft Co. “ Altoona, Jan. 24,’61-tf. JAS. MORROW. ®LANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS h*ty Mi #*p«(iietott»Tjf swntsj at this ejfet. ,v AD nos rsss. New-York Benevolent Infirmary, - ESTABLISHED K 56, # And devoted to The Oiuse of Medical Reform: to tit* Sit fusion qf Medical Knowledge for the Prevention of JXimSn. uid to tho relief of those suffering and afflicted with Cm nic and Virnlont Disorders. To this end this Infirmary la endowed, to enable the sick and suffering throughout th* length and breadth of our land, to avoid the fbi'innims Drugs, Extortion, and Ignorance of profused Phgtieio sl through which thousands and tens of thousands annually perish. ' The* following are some of the diseases wo cure, not only at tho Infirmary but in all parts of onr country :: Consumption and Pulmonary Complaints, Fever*, Sera* wla. Dyspepsia, Eye and Ear Disease, Cancers and other Tumors, Jaundice and Liver Complaint, Seminal Weakntm, and all diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, hem whatever cause or whatever nature. Our object will be to give joy to the afflicted by effecting in all coses a speedy cur*. Onr rnl* is to charge nothing for advice and written Br»> script ions; but will furnish when requested tha vary bast medicine* at the lowest rates. J These remedies are prepared in our own Laboratory, an. der the care of able Chemists, and are the roost reliable science, including all the recent discoveries. To all addressing us by letter, containing full account ad symptoms and appearances of disease, age, occupation. Aa we will write a candid rtply. with advice and direction! for cure. Any fees sent us when sending for advice will be devoted to tarnishing medicine for the poor. In all --ri medicine can be sent by mall or express if dhaired. |»-if tor ona ; or mote of our works and jndgs for vourstlvao. Also published at the Inh rmory, to aid those ohjeoto, THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, Orniainfng simple remedies easUy obtained for the cur* of Disease* in all its, forma, with tall explanations of the causes, symptoms, diet, bathing and exercise. Pries SO *ts THE LADIES* MEDICAL FRIEND* AND TUB PHYSIOLOGY ON. MARRIAGE. A worn on the cause, symptoms and treatment of a!C complaints peculiar to the sex, on marriage, its dntlaa, abortmn and its results, on Children, their ligand o uthi prevention of conception, with Invaluable Infractions to them on subjects of a private nature. Price 25 cento* The Gentlemen’s Medical Companion, . ANp j PRIVATE ADVISER. . nol Organs, and a warning voice of adviafandcouneaLoaoh. as to be found in no other work. 'PriceaS oenti. - THE GUIDE AND GUARD M roa BVXET OXB*. • It expotM all the numbusii, and the Tarloßß truka entice the slcb and well. tfc? Quacks and H<«n Attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, hr softsa i^^J UmiK .i cdßci s K "N will «lUy S tfpwnndle action, and is lure lo regulate ihe Etncfls S?*r -r other te < '* to effect a enre, when timely Med. New did we know an instnn'ceof diasatisfliction hv wlth u? “■ ? n tl ’,° “atra'ry, ail are delighted datton Of T’ ? n i p rrak in terms of highest cotnmea- At m magical efTtictA and inodicnl Tirttics ”• .-a. of thiamntler “what wo do know,-' Xr ten 0 ? 7 " "» ,utati <'“ for the fqlfllnienVof what ■S32&T e,,or twcnty “ Inn “-» a. o/ UMdWith g " uceeM ♦ki* ??* oT> x7 re j*?™ the child from pain, hut inrlcoratM~ the stomach and bowels, corrects ncidlty, and rirw tona «liZ* r £w «>* » •yrtem. It will tln.ost InSaS* rellero Griping tn the Dowds and Wind Colie, and orer oome conrnleolns, which. If not spuddy remedied, end In < W n b