The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 14, 1861, Image 3

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;e j?
& oV
periodic attacks of AVraour
rented: and if taken at tho
! mined lot* relief from pain
the JVdigMa and Etadat/t* ,
wels,—removing Oatlitintu.
JMlcatef Pennies, a*(jd all
■y are valuable as a tazativ€ r
:ori' and rii/or to the digest
aturaUlnsticity and strength
the result of long tnvestiga
xpei iments, having been la :
time they liare prevented '
■f pain and suffering from
K in the nervous system or
omach. ■
in il»**ir composition, mttd
•villi pfiVct safety without •
■•d the- absence of any i di9tU
--••I minister them to <AOdtm~
s of lU'ury C. SpoMiag
Inr Dealers In
repared on receipt ortUe
<1 to '
Cedar Street New Tort. -
:i 12 REACH. \
•iHritid ly Mr. SfauiMj
),onf of the ej/icacy vf
' diianery.
i-ls, Co.n.t., Fell, i, ISfil,
.i«. amt I lil t Oitm u smK
riollnrs worth mor», ;
hliors. to whom 1 g»T»*.
mi you.
‘•P" '
-nt Sorrant, f, ~
Pa., F»b.B,lMl.
>re box of your o«pbalU
rf benefit from Owm.
Co., Pa., Jan. 18, 1861...
four". ,
ycur andfiyd (Acm
tox, Oaxo, Jan. IS, 1881..
r for which Mld mi
-II"- 'Tkty art truly £\j
■eet '
trnon, i£jrapdott C<y,o.
•i. bee. IJ, 1891.
nrge «how hillj,‘obrlnJ
■u!.ir!y before my eueto
th* kind, pleaasseod t*
5 subject to tercre {3UV:
dlys.) truj cured ofan vi
liich I *e.n: he!-. . < •
tfiilly youn,
C:., Omo, J»u. 9, 156 T. -
• '
Ifor which tend oa«
o uiidren3,of iter. Wm.C,
'» . Ohio.
■ure iltadaeht edman in-
wm. c.nusp.
.V- 1
i, SIjCH,
>r a box ofCephaljo PRl#
u.lie«nd OostWMMa.
tjfict that /if**. -
iroct to
YjMilantl, Hl«h;
Uj wrt for which th»rw*t«
ill in forms. *• -
:'orfo&,ra. ■ ",
than a thousand' 84iM| 1 J ''
. Cloud, Minn.
!*'l with tha hradaeba.'
you mrny^u^i*-
■ ?/■,
nidenet, S. I. '
t a remarkably aff«jtfWT.
of-thu rery beat ferlSifc'-'
as »rcr bt-ra dlsoorarsd. ,
■ ■’i'liftrf':'..
-vift, Chicago, lU. ■ •
“Mfe nnrlvaUiWb
Kanawha, Ta.
*V«> Oritatu, Z*.
I and w» VA jifdM'lbAt - ' '
<• already muneronaJJrt
other medicine tan ptiy ■
/ ■■
CM I i
rt) Xm.”4y "'
in well wmUted famß
'oiHßhaMeaii afford**-
nu j UP to the ttlrUng - •
h Bottle. Price v
" SPALDIN'O. , >
”• *3 Ccdnr Ht, S. s ' l
«r» attempting to hg&r. ' • i
ifcatloni of ror PSEEtr
jto ex»mloe Mbps - ‘
»>■■• .»* -i
■ uuudcaeiaLi'- ■ ’
Eastern Way: ..a../.....:.... VK A. M.
■Western ifsys* •»*.*..*»«.. -7'16 ■
Boliidaysburg ..............1..;...;;.; 7'lfi andltOO “
Western Through. T OO P.M.
Ho*tcrn Tbr0ugh...........
> HolUdsyiburg, 7 -30 and IVlh A. M.
Wastern Through HSfMS*<MllfVtll>SSS«»SSSS«S|aeSStsn 7 « “
Eastern -Through’.. • 813 “
, Western: Way 11 20 .
. Baetern Way P. St
OrnoK Boons During; the week, from 7 00 a. u. till
90 r.U. On Sundays, frdm 800 till 0. 00 a. u:
Express Train East arrives 0,20 P. 31., leaves 0,40 P. 31.
■’V “ West “ 8,13 A.M. “ 8.33A.M.
PMt ; « iKa»it « ,46 A.M. « A.BO A. 31
“ West “ -8,65 P. 31., » oaS P. M.
Mall “ East « 11.20 A. M. “ 1135 A. M.
“ West “ 130 P. 31., “ P. 46 P. 31.
The nOhUDAYSDUIta 1111ANCU connects with all
Trains East and West.
INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown
Accommodation Train East and West, Mall Train East
' and West and Express Train East and West.
Nor. 20, 1860, ENOCH LEWIS, Gtn'l Si<pt
Who Shah de Post-Master T —This appears
to be the great question of the Jay among some
of our 'citizens. There arc some four candi dates
in the field and iall of them putting their bes^
foot foremost to distance their edmpetitors.—
* Thus far no one of them appears to have the in
uide track and-there is-no certainty who the ap
pointee A strenuous effort is being
made by the friends of some of the town candi
dates to prevent the appointment being given
to the. applicant from the country. Among
hands it is likely that .Mr* JJlair, Congressman
from thisdlstrict, who has the recommending
of applicants to the Post Master General and
the President, is likely toj be placed in a rather
delicate position, and it bos been intimated that
h* would refcr the matter to a vote of the peo
ple. This course has been pursued ii} a number
of places of the size of Altoona, and it really
appears to us that it is the proper way of finding
out who the people desire to fill the office.—
Should Mr. B. recommend this plan of settling i
the dispute, in-order to relieve himself, we pre- j
same the candidates could not seriously object,
as aome of them would desire to hold the office j
contrary to the,wishes of a majority of those j
who receive mail matter through It.
, Cots ik a Fix.— On Sunday week, a half
dozen of boys, of this place, between the ages
of ten and fifteen years, affected an entrance
into a freight car loaded with cigars, crackers,
Ac y which was standing in the yard in this
place, and took therefrom a Supply of the arti
cles named, sufficient to last them for several
day*. But their enjoyment of these -luxuries
of short duration, as on the same evening
information ofthe transaction was .communica
ted to the officers of the road, who put Joe Ely
■on the track of the boys, anJ ere tUc shades of
evening closed in, he had “ pulled” four or five
of tbqm and closed them in the “Lock-Up.”
'On Monday morning they bad a hearing before
£sqnire McClelland, who bound them over to
appear «t"thfr nekt term of Quarter-Sessions.-
The ,boys now stand a very fah- chance of dis-'
covering that they would have Vm ployed their
time more profitably had they attended Church
and Sunday School on that day.
How it js Dqse,— All' Who hare travelled at
nightNp the cars of the Penn’a R. R . and toost
of our citizens, know that they are lighted with
gas, but few are familiar with the manner of
its introduction into the different cars on the
trains. With a view to enlighten them on this
subject’ we may state that the Company have a
building adjoining their shops.iu this place, and
convenient tp the depot, in which are twenty re
ceivers, each ten feet long which will sustain a
pressure 900 pounds to the square inch. By
the .aid of a.gas pump, the gas received from
the gas work* in this place is forced into the
receivers to a pressure of 600 pounds. By
means of pipes it -is conducted from these re-
ceivers to the receiver on* each car, which is'
seven feet six inches high, fourteen inches in
•> diameter, and which, with a pressure of from
600 to COO pounds, contains sufficient to supply
two six foot burners and one three foot burner
from btxteen -to eighteen hours, or one round
Bar. S Attest Cesightos.—This gentleman,
who, for the past two years has hod charge of
the Methodist . congregation |n this place, de
livered his farewell address before tie Sabbath
. School and a large audience, on Sunday after
noon lost, and on Tuesday morning left for Con
ference, which met at Ghatnbersbnrg yesterday.
According to .the economy of the Methodist
can not bo returned to this charge,
the itinefant system requiring a change every
two years at most. His labors here have been
«*°!<: n ed with snoceaB, and So icavesthoohurch
, e WM*t. of s spirited revival. He takes
vitS him the best wishes .of his congregation
and acquaintances for Sta ifatnra welfare. ‘ As
«n evidence of the substantial manner in which
T* 8 «PP r eciaWd, we may add that a few days
previous .to hie departure a party of young per
sons coiled upon him and presented him a purse
containingSi2s. In .times like these, such evi
dences of gddd will speak louder than words.
Daily Telegram, pub Springfield, Ohio, contains an account
of the fifteenth' Anniversary of jthe Excelsior
P'ace, from which 6 copy the following com
plimentaiy notice;— /' J
t were closed with the oration of
tb/rr?I l ‘ ° f £J tOODa » Pa- Subject, “ Man,
thoCrownme .Work." It this a Mr uni
«S with eirof .- th ® Sort of br&tive
«‘®u‘ ar "fewnc® -to man, Ms
a «nbute9 and character.. His
Jeet wSr« *“l° h «n»ooy with the sub
jtet, and made a good impression. ~-
L*crv*f,~yfe,*re pleased to be a,)ble to ah
nounoe topur oitijens that Miss Louise k
Vicltroy, the poetess, Will deliver a lecture in
Low.ther’s Hall, this (Thursday) evening, on the
And Poetry of Arnica " f Miss V. is
ner-being herself one of the best writers in the
A good
k~-. ' ■■ .
W atck Tbesrotation.— On ; Saturday even-;
ing last, the 'citizena of,} HolUdaysburg met at
the Exchange Hotel,:in presen
ted to Capt. Jas. IL Cratper, the “ model con-*
doctor,” a handsome gold: watch - and chain.—;
The watch bort the following inscription •
Presented to Capt James H. Cramer, by the
citizens of HbHidaysburg, as a token of regard*
for bis gentlemanly conduct as Conductor of thw
BAnchTraini'March 9, 1&61.” It was a valu
able present and. it was bestowed upon a wor
thy man. The kindness and courtesy of Capt.
Cramer tfre proverbial. None who bare ever
traveled with him have failed to recognize the
perfect -gentleman in bis conduct. We ac
knowledge the receipt of an invitation to be
present at the supper served upon the occasion,
but circumstances would not permit us to be
in attendance* -
Pushing Along.—Wc mean owr neighbor
down stairs, .A. Itonah. He does not boast of
what cab be done,, nor does be by any foul
..means, try to get the advantage of other men,
but by strict attention to bis business, and es-*
ertion to satisfy the wants of his, customers, be
tries to gain- a share of the public peonage.—
The last three years have proved that be baa
“hit the nail on the head.” He has, in that
time, built np a trade which would astonish
many an older hand, and speaks well in his fa
vor. Give him a call.
BQL. Rev. Lloyd Knight, pastor of the Luther
an congregation at Hollidaysburg, in a commu
nication in the Register , in reference'to a dona
tion visit, says that during the eleven years
which he has bad charge of that congregation
be bos baptised 540 children, attended 1200
funerals, preached nearly 2000 times, solem
nized 210 marriages and admitted 440 members
into church communion. Evidently ho is a
faithful pastor.
To the Ladies.—Our young friend, B. A. O.
Kerr, has been appointed agent for Blair county,
fof the Sale of Wheeler .& Wilson’s Sewing-Ma
chines, -samples of which can be seen by culling
at his stot-e, in this place. Tliese machines .are
numbered among the best in the country,—
There are a number of them in use in this
place, and all give perfect satisfaction. Theja
i dies are invited to call and examine these ina
Accidksts.— Martin Lewis, an employee of
the Company, at the depot in this place, had
his left arm bSilly fractured whilst engaged in
coupling cars, on Tuesday of last week.
On Sunday night-last, Michael Cine van, en
ployed in the -round house,. had his right leg
broken about threeJnches above the ankle by
a fall from a locomotive which he was engaged
in cleaning. ;
i ,
SSS* Wy copy the following from a late num
ber of thci Tyrone Star :
Da. A. P.C alder wood —We regret that this
gentleman intends leaving us on the first of
April,- for the purpose of locating in our'ncigh
boring borough of Altohna. There is an old
French saying that “no man should ever re
commend a cook or a physician.-” In spite of
this adage, however, we have no hesitancy in
recomendlng Dr. Calderwood to the citizens
among whom he intends locating. He has been
ouf family physician during our residence in
Tyrone, audit is with sincere regret that We,
must part with him. lie carries'with him to
hihnew home the good wishes of.a large por
tion-of our community, who have every confi
dence in his ability as a skillful practionef.
Messes. Bditoes:— Through the columns of
your paper J desire to return a token of grati
tude to the .people of Altoona for the kindness
and hospitality extended to mo during my visi
tation with the publications of the American
Tract Society, ;My sales were much larger
than I anticipated, and the kind receptions I
received .enabled me to work, in faith, with the
assurance, that hundreds and thousands will re
alize the worth of the publications I sold, and
will speak in volumes of truth in saving and
converting sinners. The people of Altoona will
long be remembered by mo for their kindness.
. Colporteur American Tract Society.
liocal tT. S. Senate.
Senate Chambeb, March Bth, 1861
Senate called to order by the Vice President.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved. 1
Mr. Moore (Iowa) offered the following:
Resolved, That the. Sergeant at Arms be re
quested to collect the amounts due from mem
bers, and report at next meeting. Passed.
The peace Conference Resolutions were then
taken up.. Mr. Lehr{ Kansas) concluded his
speech. ’ The Resolutions passed, to' a'second
reading by a unanimous vote. ' They were dis-
further by Messrs. Moore, (fowa) Mc
(Minn.) Adlum, (Mass.) Good, (Del.)
and Teach, (Ind.). ’ v - 1
On motion adjourned until Friday evening.
March 15th. " • *
Senators are requested to attend at next meet
ing, as it is expected that the Peace Conference
Resolutions will come up on third reading, and
bo finally disposed of
At the Rniherad Parsonage, Altoona; Pa., Starch 10th,
1861, by the Rev. C. ivNbrinfeW, Mr. WILLIAM BHOM
BKRG toJXlsa LOUISA A.MJSLI A, HSESS, both of Altoona.
In WilUamsbnra,. Pa- oh the :7th Inst., by Rot. 8. I,
Berlin,: llg. ANDREW J. R£Ep to SUSAN AH
On the morning of Oio SUi Inst, In DancansviUfc MAtt
aged three 3 you*' andlo - ' ™
For rent.—the bbilding on
Virginia Street now occupied btD, Lanzhinazi auk
A l>P*ytoa.W;Ke«ler. ;
▼-T _ Ir|RSTAND3 gardenrug und can miiko himsalf
generally useful about a farm. Steady employment arid
giten. Por particnlm address P. 0. Box*
Ac. 13Q, Altoona, or appear in person to tbeundersljrned.
March 14,1861-lt
\_S hereby notified and warned against purchasing the
fallowing described promissory note, drawn by Joseph
Hutchison, payable to Bryen Kelly on or obont the Its of
April or Way, 1861, ns I Imre already paid the amount
of said note to “HutchisonA Co,” at the special request of
Bryen Eally, In part payment of a debt du« said Company
from said Kelly. Ho has now no interest whatever in It
Joseph mjTcmsojr.
Altoona, March 14, ’6l-4t*
1/ BUCKO PIIICKS.—Iho undersigned,
mannlactnrcreof Hr . |
Chairs & Cabinet PT
in Jnnlata eonnty, wishing -
to close btnfoess'dn the Ist of April next,'
hereby notify the public that they will sell
their, entire Stock at greatly reduced
prices.' Call, early far bargains..- 'JqHsIkSPH
MarvW.lf l Jlfsl-Ct’
ABTKUAL statement
or coustt, Norths xajAEiseo. u *
\.~bs. ■ = ..
cub from CkmutT- Commiglonerav :
bon Jt. Uctiraw(Bto«Crt<) bring money ; v
received by Ulm for <J *p. { 81J-bn* raised on thefarm thesame year, and iberawere “ David Galbraith, “ ” ...... 100
Hammer. i SfO bn« consumed in-the Blair connty Alma llmim airing For labor on streets in AprH SI 78
fttnn li. UcGiav (Stewart) lor cloverseed the year, and 104>tf bqg used for seed; 1661 Ibs flour sold to T«> Wm C McCormick, for wheelbarrow 400
_ : ~“ Henry. . ; : :;12JS7 .ferm hands, and 6751b* |tfren as outdoor relief hvlhotol- “ Henry Foust, interring dead 0arcaa5~...~....- fiO
Jain 1. Bolance due Treasurer at settlement, iBS.M: JowingfamiUes, viz: Brjner. FUher and filler fiunUiee. For Labor on streets in ;...„ ;.. 163 36
, mi. ■■. * tS
- - *howe«,lT MUeh <»ar», Stock cattto—o tero year old “ McCrum A Detn, printing for council 0M859 35 00
iil46 i * n * 13 42 he4d Of tbeep. And. 36 he*kd of «tock Fftr Labor oft street* in June 168 60
T • I***? * I? 0 B nails, nfaes and p\apk for 18» 7T3
. Balmuce dne Treasnrcr at lost eetttaneat,
' Haute Expenses
Amount paid—
IcFaddpn 4Co. for groceries.., ..182,40'
loyd t Henry, for groceries 192.54 '
Uomton BiurnM, groceries iW.9K
4 groceries ... 101,40
jw. Couaron, tuerclutodtse 80.35
.M. Hewlt, do.— 50,9t4.
ohn Lmgafelt, d 0............... m»
!■Patterson, groceries......;,. — 11.00
J. «3. Price, merchandise.... '. 13.10
faith t Caldwell, do. -l£S i
Jartin Carney, tobacco, Ac 8.06
Vim Anderson, honey.... 5.70
. Vowinkle, candles ; 37.23
M Kiuporte, clothing.-..,., 31.00 J
Goldman, clothing 12.75 !
J. Boliugcr, tin ware. 12.64
if. Osterluh, hardware........ 15586
cLauatian k Stone, tin- ware 3,32 f
ibt. ¥ oust, cost ; 18.40 i
irfor, Miliikcu k Co., c0a1... .; 18.00'
•garot Bucket, kitchen labor .'..... 22.00
G C. McKee, beef in 18$9
Do. beef iu 1860
John B. Biddle, beef
Geo. Wearer, beef
Peter Good, beef
: | Farm.
Win, McGinnis, labor on brm„... 119ju
mn.McOraw, , do 9680 r
Jrtnos Long, i jdo 7ia
,| 2121-R6
Crawford & StorJj .bhfoksinlthing 73.04
Mirtin k S terry. rep. wagon Ahlackami thing 23.00
J. p/ Starry, repairing wagon 4.26
Dajrid McCleary, dressingharness'...l3.77
Beki. Lewis repairing threshing machine... 2.62
Bjh|. Size, post fence "8,06 ,
Wju. Lane, repairing cistern.. ‘ 1.00
! 125-73
p. Delaney, bull & Heifer....,
bcrt Reeder, sheep
p. McKee, sheep
. 36.00
■ 104.75
inel Shriver, director, for 1809 60.25
. Weaver. do for 1860 40.60
in B. lUddle do 30.0&
erGood do ‘ 30.62
. Weaver, clerk , .... 16.00
Mc&raw, Steward, on arc't... ............. 270.00
k. Laudia, physician 160.00
0. A. Trangli 16 jOO
George Raymond ..j... 16.00
McCrum A Dorn...' 15.00
M.. 11. Jolly i 16.00
J. If. Jones 16.00
t_ 75 - 00
Out Boot- Relief and Expense*.
lue Son ; 48.00
i Wingerd ’.l - CO.OO
laugherty, 20.50
Dougherty.' . 15.00
an Smoltr . 21.68
ine Justice 11.00
luntzi. -15.50
nton 15.47
a Forrester ; 16D0
sth Carls ; ;. 18.00
Busan Baugh ; 8.00
Catharine Wearer 16 00
Mrs Conner ; o&SS
v T °r°SS AV+V 1 15.00
JiHDby M’Ginnis , n^oo
Katmnli Ayres .'. 10.00
Jan# Stonebraker 9.75
WnU Leonard • 7.50
Marir Sweeny sm
Wmf Gordon 3^
Coffin for J. Laiintz. ..; 5 00
Funeral expenses of James Court 7AO
Funiral expenses of E. Good 6-00
Isadj: Cromer, for coffin, Ac g-Od
Kelt* Dnu, digging grave 1.00
Charles Kean, for Coffins ........ C3AO
J. Af Wier, State Lunatic.Asylani, for Mary
States J.
' UcGraw, removing Mary States from
1 Asylum .7 16.65
"■ T. Coffey, medical attendance on-out
door paupers
W. Smith, do
toss A Fcay, d 0......
G. Uloom, do
M. Ucmmill, d 0...
T. Chri-ty, d 0...
A. Landis, do,
Wishart, do
Dr. (
Drs. ;
Dr. 1
Dr. J
Dr. J
Dr. J
Dr. if
i/- „ ' 737 ‘ 82
it, White A Co;, drug 5....... 3&01
s Funk, Sheriff, purchase money for S.
toyer’s interest in farm. 62.76
toidrige, X’roty. fees in £yßo 8.40
S- ■ v,- ——-100.16
Justice and Constables' Fees.
John Cox 9 20
John Corley ' »nf>
J. Mi Cherry , 4^
Jbs. (Conrad M<t - IJ2D
Jus. McPherson.- ' 12 m
f Wn •»:: mo
Jamßi Williamson 400
Mich) el Hetrick. 4.10
WmJ E.Brldenthall ...„ 440
AJexitort™...... ....i...... B jo
Simollsett ...... ion
, t u -Jt ltcr -a....; mS
1 Wm. '.iaken ..... 400
Isaac? Tingling
Treasurer's percentage.
Q 1
.. Tf?’ % undersigned Auditors of Blair County, dbcert'ifr
that wefcaro examined, audited and adjusted the ibrceoino
county, and that we find It to bo correct
assisted, and that there is a balance of olgthr-flve dollars
and ninety-fuur cents' duo the said Treasurer. Wltnesi
cuf hands and seals, this Sth day of January, A. 1) IS6l^
‘ JOS. R. ÜBWIT. 9
V Auditors
' • i ' the Blair County Poor House, f
88. To cash. (See. Treasurer's Beport.) *270.00
To caahlreeeived of—
HJV Moore for rent of the Doctor property.. 20.00
Jacob, Hammer, for srappp ort of tils fattier , 62.00
C a^nd^r r So^ r 0f C,Unbria 005 f ° r BUpport * forth my cbSTto
7 lBi naW
Frederick Widely, in exchange of Hop. 6$
fssr 1 i-: •;•• ;SiSSsasg!r«;
’ a j sKtesrag
; and gives all my. customer;
| ,a city appearance.
! . Because lam notinferir
i ■ Cutter to Hie best -
be foandouy where. '
. Because lougeaperiem
in tty' business gives w
entire control oyer it. am
l am notdependknt upoi
aby one toflft me out
tbo ?*>*•
I . X »m still on tliesnnny side of forty, and thore
t fere rty Jasto '* 8 Cntter and workman unimpaired.
{J= Call opmo, In the forper room of tho ‘•Brant House.*’
' jyvo rpo a trial a«d you wlij jo away pleased.
Altoona, May 26-6 m JACOB SNTDER. >
CB. By cash ptlih* ■
JamosJtodg, tor hanging
algfe d 0,..
lorrelgf . - U«W
OotineUy, do. >v~
"W Meuenwaand others,for farm Jabor, 12.75
UargMet Bnrjset, fiir v kitchen 1ab0r.... ' 16145 ‘
CathMOne llbodes do do 21.75 :
*" ■ ji l . . — O3 2q
Jano tondon, for t0i1.,. ’ ■ - lioe
malciogfenco - «6
Shfpplu, PaoponL....
sm> outer incidental expoMss-V.
Self onaefonut of SU«ry^.,uU.i«;,...V..v
’Proceed* of the Blair; Co. Aims Bout* Farm for
t ■ !' the year 1860.
~pbnthel* of Whea* 337 of Ry‘o; SO4O of Corn (in oar,)
310 of Potatoes; 45 of Beets; 18 of Onions; 2of small 0n
*0n9;.2 oflßcanu; 64 loads of Hay ;20 loads of Corn Fed
der, 2430 liends.of Cabbage, 3 hbir. Cucumbers, 97 lbs.
Wool. Meat fed and slaughtered on the farm during the I
7201 lbs Pork, 5608 lbs. Beef, amU-tO lbs. Mutton;
128 lbs. Lard sold for cash, 135 lbs. Lard exchanged with
McFadiicit for Groceries, 020 lbs Beef hides s«ld to David
wUdwcll, 215 lbs Beef bides exchanged with Reeder for
Beef, 3 Sheep skins to David Caldwell.
n f farming —-including farm bands, chopping wood'
making raile and fence, blacksmith and wAgon makcra
bills, farm implements and all other bills pertaining to !
farming—iFlvo Hundred and Forty-Four Dollar* and Be v* !
enty-Ona Cents, ($844.71.) r-! ro;
of Farm on hand JanudryltilSGt. ;
•a bn did* of Wheat 317 ofUjafl lOlo&kirn (InUrV 3)'•
's'-' \
......... 36.20
I 11.85
" - 14;56
receipts. .Am
ot Att<Jd»A BOBOtJOH ftrWtt^
BoorKront, 2 tibia Cnauaaber PkUrev B bbltOider Tin*. ' oM>nt&BlUJnißw
gar; * For Labor on street* la month of March...... |M #ft
There wore 531 bw of wheat oar hand: Jan lit. 18S), and !®> Thoe McHinn, auditing Borough account...... 1 Oft,
1 Ararhorso wagon. 1 two horso wuoat 1 one homo wag
on. 1 cart, 4 plows, 2 harrows, 2 above! plows, 1 cultivator,
1 two horse sled. 1 threshing machine, 1 com sheller, 1
portable cider mill, 2 windmills, 1 horse rake, 1 hav eleva
tor, 4c., 4c. -
Article t manufactured in the Haute.
10 corn baskets, 6 hand baskets, women’s dresses, 26
children’s dresses, Ci shirts, 40 smocks, 76 skirts, 8 aprons,
15 pair o f pants, 20 haps, 28 «h«eU. 7 feathe.” ticks, 12 chaff
timer, 10 pillows. 20 pillow cases, 7 shronds WO gallons
sort soap, so lbs hard soap. ISO lbs candles, 1170 IN putter,
« gallons apple butter, 5 bos dried apples.
Sr' •i • i g
» ;sss'B
JnSi i ™ * 0 1 32 22 21 76
* ? 1 0 1 1 30 18 16 63
Anin,t> \ 0 0 1 29 18 16 63
August, ~ 6 10 0 0 0 27 17 IS S 9
0 0 0 ,1 2S 16 W 61
? , 8 2 1 0 jO 30 20 18 68
November, 14 13 0 0*23721 18 76
December, 13 4 2 1 039241 s 79
Number of inmates. Jan. Ist, 1860, go
“ admitted during the year,.... 86
born “ « .
Total __iso
~ 88
Dle>b » « o ®
*•« 'J. m
Remaining Jan. Ist, 1861 7B
Males cj ■
Females. ■ 5?
Total ® ™
Bound out —. re,
Insane ' 1
idiotic ; •; ®
»fnd...... S
C010red..... v- . , i
Dumb....... f
Of the above number admitted there wire 26 A merle.,,.
66 Foreigners, and 4 Colored.
Ont door pnnpcrs Jan. Ist, 1860 , ‘so
Taken charge of during the year... .. .. jo ,
Total _ go
Discharged during the year,........ „ 24 '
Bled- i _ ' is
T <> ,a «:- ; ....... “ 34
Remaining, Jan Ist, 1861..... 32
There were 1095 travelling pa opera accommodated with
anpper, lodging and breakiast.
K tmthelrt day of
it™..- for “ nr,CM M steward of the Poor
House. Mrs McGraw as Matron, and Albert McGraw for
!abor for the yrere 1862.-^,*4,’65.-56. *67.-68
We, the undersigned Directors of the Poor in and for
said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing state-'
ments are correct. JNO B RIDDLE,
March 14,18C1-3t ” B ° KLl Editor..
Dissolution. — hereby
given that the co-partn»rship heretofore existing
netaeen the undersigned, trading under the name of Dill
, I f ke9 > m ‘ he mcrcaiitile business, was dissolved by mu
tual consent on the 12th day of March, 1861. 3
r^‘ r . inK ri ia n 0! S d °f my I “ tereBt ln the firm of Dill A
Ickes to jgseph K. lekes. I respectfully recommend him
*“ ,i !i . and £Q !i om . erB 9 f th e firm for a Continuance
of their pati onage. Mr. Ickes is authorised to collect the
accounts of the firm and settle all hilts against it.
,V. 3 ,T in . g . p V rcll «-*ed the interest of M. T. Dill, in the firm
continue the business nnder the
nine«° f r to eph Ic^e “\. ftnd rcB P ec MuUy solh it a contin-
UAuce of the patronage bestowed.
* ba ™ °“ !'. nnd at present a general assortment
of goods adapted to the season, such as are generally kept
in a country store, with groceries of the very best Hnnl
ware Qneensware, Glassware, Butter, Eggs Potatoes
ret° Ur fcaS^d C -’ Whi h 1 Wlll >» r - cheap S S’th P eTheap- !
0 "8 Md “ d
March, 14, 1361—3 t. J- E. ICKES.
that letters of Admlnistra-'
tlon on the .estate of Bobcrt h. Martin, late of Tyrone Bor
ough, Blair county. deceased, hare been granted to tbe un
dersigned, residing as aforesaid. All knowhTtr
themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and flu sc having claims will present
them duly authenticated for settlement. ”
iw~a.Wt.oSE* 1 *
■ ber will sell By public outcry, at bis residence in
neasant Talley, near Altoona, on - ,n
Thursday, March 14 th, 1881,
the following Personal Property, to wit:
H ea* of Young Cattle, 4 Hogs. A
Lot of Hay, gaming Utensils,
together with a great va
riety of Household and
Kitchen i Furniture.
to fommence Alo o’clock A. M. of said day, when
1 ™b. aLiMflJto* by david sell.
Executors sale or real es
tate !—The undersigned will offer at Public Sale
on the premises, in Altoona- en Friday, e - ’
Marcli 16th, 1861. all the right, title, mid mdSBBL
01J AMES CONRAD late of Blair RA
Blair County, deceased, In WMB iijag
Northern part iff tot No. 4, sHHbAIK
fronting on Branch street; Block
containing abont tliirty-three feet in front, more or Inn
raJrst£l£ "
ntday of April next'. Sale to commence at one o'clock
P A{toona, Feh. 28, >63-31. °’ HAOAN ' *«“*"••
JLvJL private inetruetor for married persons..,
or those about to be married both male and everything concerning tho
;Bf relations of onr 'system, and »-*r
, ma r ne(1 l w> l' lp - or those contemplating mar
rljsgft,, and having the least impediment to married Hfe
sbonld read this Imok. It discloses secrets that every one
should be acquainted with; still it is a book that nmst Be
locked up, and not lie about tho house. It will bo sent u
any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents Jn specie or In
“•™ YOUNt1 ’
what may be yonr disease, before you plnce yonrself undor
the care of any one of the notorious quacks— native or fnr
eign-who advertise in tins or any other geta
wm i^° f Dr - Boolcs, Md
lf fc “ Ylneyou yourfiMia
**." bp eonsnltod on any of the diswisea
Form Implements.
Monthly Report for 1860.
'£Saßs» S * « h
11 -*■' J f I f
“ McCnun A Dern, printing...... . 10 75
“ Philip Dempsey, hauling...'. .25 00
u JamesKorns. battling .21-00
, “J A McDowell, “ ; 3000
“ John Smith, ditching alley . TOO
. For Labor on street* in Jn1y...7....... '.. ISt 75
To J i McDowell, hauling- 43 00
“ TJWUUams, “ 32 60'
“ J A McDowell, “ ‘ 13 76
i For Labor on streets InAugust—lo2 38
, • To J M Campbell, stone, sand. lime end banting TT 40
’ 44 JA J Lawttm, sborels, spikes mad blinds...... 042
Wm C McCormick. Chief-Burge*#, fees paid
Protbonotary and Recorder.... .....„...V
J A McDowell, ter plank.siilsand hauling for
sower and potting plank on sewer,...., 24 60
James Hooper, blacksmithing- 4.3 a
* Jolm Allison, plank deltvereil...... ' lido
44 Jatuea Kearney, making culrert, pert... t........ UO 00
44 C*«s A Water Oo n semcc pipe for Connell room 6’oo
* lawyer fepe goo
“ Hack, debt contracted for in 1868.—.... 40 83
For Labor oa Streets In 5eptember..................... 47 25
To John ShoeL-'aaer, lumber nud,5pike5,,.,........ 83 61
“ Thomas McAu’ej. for 1umber........ 2 88
“ Janies Übsoer, 257
Shoemaker A Irons, .measuring "wall 1 00
“J A McDowell, stone an 4 * carpenter w0rk...... 300
“ Philip Dempsey, hauling... 15 25
“ Miller B Knott, " ! 300
44 Martin Dinner, mason We'rk 10 76
| “ Clement Jaggard. lumber —... 4 28
41 1111 McCormick, bill per former 4OB
“ “ 44 lumE£ «43
44 James Kearney, balance due on sower-.- .V JW 28
44 Gas A Water Co 60
For Labor on streets in October 43* 60
To Stewart A Long. Gas Arturos for Council room IS bT*
44 James L Gwlnn, surveying and plots 10 00,
a Biasing-,.. ..........J 1 00 !
f Penn's It H Or, Ties....; ....]. 1........ a7O
For Labor on Streets in November 04 00
To Altoona Gas A Water Cp, fire-plugs arid water
4< « s??* of lag 00
? y bUnkets;for Lock-up ' 360
* John Shoemaker, lumber, hauling ami uaUs~. 13 62
“ J A McDowell, battling,;* 6 76
U llJlcCormtck, lumber and nails, g ai
John Hooper, blacksmithing for 1859..........”. gn
“ Gm A Water Co, water rant lot quarter com* i
meociug December 15th, 1860...... 20 00
“ Altoona Gas A Water Go, Gas used Council gg
“ Robert Greco, crossing stone ' gO6
-J K Ely, services as Borough Constable, 1860 35 00
For Labor on Streets in October and November... 61 62
To John McClelland, services os Clerk toCouncU.
making put duplicate for ’OO and stationery 45 40
Josso Groves, labor on streets **
“ Wm Walton, hauling
CR. -■ 12100 73
By amount roc’d from J K Bly,’ eolieotor- ■ 344 u
“• “ ‘‘ D Price, former Treasurer.. 200
‘ „■ John McClelland,collector 1689 62
Edward Cossiday, for pave- •
mu*it .. 0 03
u u u A A Smyth, building per
mit*... 5 qo
“ “ “ Burgess, for fines 800
. , II llaupt, for pavement 00
Amount of excess over receipts... .„ 28 98
$2106 72
D. R. MILLER , Treasurer, in account with
Altoona Borough.
To am’t rec'd from D Price, late Treasurer «a 00
‘ “ “ .J K. Kly, collector for. 1860 344 11
„ J McClelland, collector for 1860 108 U 62
‘ “ £ Cassiday, being one-half of
making pavement in front of
Lot Ao. 9 pO3
- M ‘ u A A Smyth, for building per
. mils granted. 5 ob
“ “ Wm 0 McCormick, Chief Bure
, gess. fines collected. $OO
‘ " " Wm C McCormick, Chief Bur
gess, being arn’t rec’d from
U Uaupt, for putting down
' pavement in front of tots core
_ , , . ner Harriet A Catharine sts.. IQ 80
To balance duo Treasurer per 50ntra....... 17 27
Bx OuoEsypAinix rivoiiflrr
-1860. D Galbraith and T Mcjlinn, auditing acc’t; $2 00 1
Apr. Sundries for labor on streets 24 78
May. Do do do 85 25
July. Do do do ; 77 75
Aug, T J Williams, for 1859...... : 99 90
Do do interest bn same 1 4 48—101 38
T J Williams for 1860.... .1 26 00
I, W Hall, for I 860:... ~..1.. 75 &)
T 3 Williams, for 1859..„ ' oo
Do do jdo ... : $lOO 00
Do do interest 6n same.,... 4.07—104 07
Do. do for I8&9.. ;; 76 00
■Do do interest on 5ame.....; V 73 78 73'
Do dd for 1860 - 2*Bo
5° <Jo do .; 28 00
Do do do ~ ...; 32 53
CD Sink for 1809. j.... 7 73
Sundries for labor on streets... 220 00
8° _ do ;do 276 25
Jamea Kearney (2 orders) Hn lull for sever
contract ...7..... 3*o 28
®ept. A A Smyth, attorney’s fees to Wtt Boyers.. 600
W C McCormick, Court foes and statement
, 'e—l 6 20
3 A d towOicfr, tool* and spikes 0 42
, Sundry Orders for labor on streets.-;.,........ 80 88
Oct- Gas * Water Company, Oas used. 50
;R U McCormick, lumber, Ac..; 49 52
John Allison, do ; 11 00
J Hooper, blacksmithiiig. „ 4
Miller Knutt for 1869...;..„... 4 60
Do 'do 1860..;...J....; 8 oft
JasJlooper, blacksraithiog (20rder5),....,... > 9 p.
£.4 McDowell, fob hauling (2 orders) 3I T 26
lumber. S
Philip Dempsey, u......... 'isis
u ; do do 32 Oli
; D * Lataghman, blankets for Dock-up......,L ‘ <* m
' C Jagganl far lumber „ 2SJ
McCrnm A Dern, printing for former Coon,.
cii in 1859 35 oa
Martin Qinner, mason-work " Syt
Jno Cunningham, carting .'...!.. "* 4
. Dewis Piack, foi-1869, (2 orders) .......sJ'S
JobnHooperfor " £*
J A *toDowell, hauling.
■; Wm C McCormick,wheelbarrow... “ son
) John Shoemaker forn*jg.
j ‘ Robert Green, crossingstooe...^..,..’HlS
_ Sunday orders for inbor onAfreet. JjJJj
B cror atTpS. W**.
•••••• *1 51
1801, Feb,X». duaTroagaMr ’ •*!s'2?
The undersigned, Auditofe'rnr •(.» « 17 27
that wfhare examined the
account: of D K Miller, if n< *
ja due the l?®o**® 0 ** **»
Twenty-Seven CcntB, (fl 7 27.) 1 »»»te«n.D6llar«
jonii vQWram.l '
Altoona, Feb. 10th,
STA TESUZNT qf Vamagtx -t
/or (A’e purpose; vuuif,
■Am —
<> *m*- S Simon Clonaer.i.. ... i M w
“ A Cherry, {tow WiUtanr
« *ti • 176 00
® * ¥an*l»m»tt h**6o
• $176 09
« *
D I 1AU8haiu,......, g
_ . . 516 $S
Amount due and'unpaid.... loxiTor
fc **"
, 72 so
Amount Unprovided f0r.... ...J,
Hie above amount, Which V
cnrred'throogh the potl H •'•main* unprovided tor, be-
Court alter them*- < -‘“P* of certain individuate to the
were orderv'* I. I *?*- for redactions which'
Atwoe-’ .i- oy “»e Court; to wit : - ■■ -
a SJ
BarwmlKurte...... .< . Sr?
Unavailable awendmout..,.. ® M
STA TEMEKT qf Liabilities and Jfaottreei ofthtßar--
£>R. :
.180°. To Sundry order* onbrtanding *nj rmnuld
_ »ST;;rfsB. IWolnd lX «40G 65
To ortfc* tofcto*;U wraitafto (ftowvrm * 55
T,J .Wlliamx (now A
: U 100 0Q
Jg g
QTf ’• $1232.45
ft li
.> -•* ‘ V
ly wrtMwifcHw* UgaTaa certain lota fee
1M7.18M and H 59 : ot» ]a
“ “ doe hr Altooo* Q«» * Water Co, u *
pec MSI rendered
“ “ m fbrbaUdtog permit*
ISB V, M). 35. By th£» amount of resources orer^ 3 ** 46 ‘
liabilities op to this date $366 63
PTpyx.—The Borcngh’s properties, with the Penn’s R.
R. Co. of cost Of patting In Rw lings sewer slang Brunch,
street, of $679.95 Is not taken Into the statement for 1860,
being payable, according to contract, eat of taxes for I8«l
and 1862. • •
c advice free.
New-York Benevolent Infirmary,
And devoted to, The Outst of Medical Hefom ; to tbs Dif
futvmof Medical Knowledge for the Prevention of Diteatt,
and to the reliefof those suffering amt afflicted with Chre-
Bio *od Virulent Disorders. To this end tbi* Infirmary fa
endowed, to enable the tick and suffering throughout tba
length end breadth of our laud, to avoid the Jiusotmue
and Ignorance of pnfustd Phfxieiuut,
through which thousands and teas of thousands annually
perish. c '
4 30
The following are soma of tbs diseases wo euro, not only
as Me Infirmary but in oil parts of our country •
Crasamption and Pulmonary Complaints, PcversJSsteA
uls. Dyspepsia, Eye and £w Disease, Cancers and other
nmors. Jaundice and Liver Complaint. Semlual Weokusa,
and all diseases of tba Urinary and Sexual Organs, from
whatever cause er whatever nature. o«ir ohjeot will bs to.
girojeytptboafflictod by effecting in all cases a speedy euro.
“ techarw nothing for advice and written ■re
mind' I** 1 ** J'Sf T '[ ill ■htnlsh when requested tbs vary last
medicines at the lowest rates.
Rl e P Rrea la our own taloratory, an
**i e Chemists, aud are the most reliable
>■ oowo to Bclanro, including all the recent discoveries
' ’4- “* by lot ter, containing full account of
ippofiraom oftllsoiwe, Ae
wo wIH '■' r . w a candid r «ply. with advice and directions
lor cure, *. n Y mnt U« when Bending for advice will be
devoted to medicine for the poor. In all coses
medicine con be .""nt by moil or express if desired. Baud -
for dtroxoig'niots . onr works and judge for youmlvm.
Also published attb' Inhrmary, to old these objected
Containing simple remedies easUj* obtained for the cute *f
Diseases ia all its forms, with fu -, 1. explanations of the
ssoses, symptoms, diet, bathing and Price 80 ib.
A work on the cause, symptoms and trcatmei;*- of aIL
e »!I U Ji!* 1,t * to t|,e ®° x > on marriage, its du'tieo, -
abortion and its results, on Children, their ills, and on thb
prevention of conception, with Invaluable Instructions t»-
tbebt ou subjects of a private nature. Price 26 ceaUT* '■
The Gentlemen s Medical Companion^
A book for the old and young, embracing the Patkolrrv. --
Prevention and Cure of nllbisoasos of tbe Lirinnrv and -
nal Orgaow, and ayrajningvolcooradviceaudcottMal.wofc
Mto bo found in no other work. Prico 23 cent* 5 -
wB XVCBT o.\B. - ,
It exposes all tbe Humbugs, and tint rarioiu TiMn to •
ontico tho sick and well. It illustrate* the plan* of <U*
Quacks and Rogue* to dupo every one. It guile* tboun- -
wary through life, and show* up every swindle of tb* ui .
It ..hows how all kinds of Food, Medicines, Liquors and
&"pri^23S. WUU of
Mentation AND SllOl*.
For every family, having over 1000 receipts on Cdokfnt ,
Traorving Dyelng, Cleaning, Ac. How to plant anil Able -
U the best to raise. How to cure animals, advice tohouse- -
keepers, iarmert and mechanic*, on lobo subject* of lalwr
mt. Price 2& Cent*. ; Worth sl<) to auy one.’ "
For those who wish to get well from that,awful dltott*. .
a fall description of WI too remedies used tor it, with' a
ttom^rk^ToTenu! 110 r “ u,t “> al ' d «»«■'«• awful info™*-.
The information la them 1* not to bo’fourid in any work* -
published, nor obtainable from onT other source These
Uks aropublUhed on flue white
WOrka wln b « ntrrUed free, on receipt of
I P ?’ nion,y: or «>a- whole in a handsomely
™fOC os * No fsmilysb-.nld bb wllk--
2«rt t^n?.'ii.^^’*r^ U,U *i "ith. beautiful engraving*,
and contain the condensed experience of years, *
& mniotf* for 3 be ab, -> v e works, whoenn makeklti}
a months Send torn circular for agents * ■
D™imlbm°nr.f i °nH bot . h ***? taßvrin £ from secret habit*;
£f uihi ’ lo “» of tKiwer; nervous debility; lods- .
’^* a * te s?jr C i*3 b,ve °f solitude; eruptions on the
'' e ,c '» too late ; before you auMc
hf-th body and mind. - ™
for lrro^U?ifl^*^ r ’ and sure remedies.:
for Irregularities, Ob structions. Whites, 4c., send to« ”
• preventive.
iJZ**™.' o **?'* Bmt there ore many parent*ofierofh-
Rni ) diseased condltkm?to whbm'V nt*.-
Swo w f ?^^d“i* OU,; !^. brln^, BnCr *' ri "B ai *d imverty. Tb ,
“ y write > Bn< > »e will send Information of,'
we win ip ail free, to any one applying-lbr it;-
Yftlnal>i« beautiful paper, and contains th« riioet •
TsOuabW information on Spermutorboea, ot ScmioJibWJaks
and curc> “ howin « *•“;
•?* other diseases of the Sexual Organs; a fall «sU*
c "° c f owor gin of 8y P bllbl » *•># mean* of |m^'
l)n Consumption, that fearfnl diseaso.
On the Liver, Heart, Stomach and Skin.
Ou Female Complaints.
On the various Schools of Medicines, .*- K r
On tbfemodwof Treatment now practised* : ■££ .
On the False Treatment of Disease*. f T \
On the various Medical Uiimbug*
f; On the "Physiology of Marriage.
On the Common sense of Medicine
On Diet, Exercises, and Ablution.
, How the Physician should be.
• How to prevent Pregnancy.
Aud many other things. fe«a>roß rr.
This journal should he in the hands ofeverVAr-* 1
„ J- Rl'eteu. M: D., A.M., Cliien-hv.irLn e'e*'*.-^
I! wm- Y 154 Cbaln be«i street.
, gj “igrt.
tor return poetage, and address * ° or -*WSR.|*W»
fitav in i DK - A.bern-ky, Secretary.
Nov. 15,1860.-ly Williamsburg, jf*w Fork.
$2096 02
I• • •
'W-tKegnm* KducfiigInU 1 nU uiaamalhm wn't'^P bjr
action, a „d i* JSte mSJi a i, lAJr P al “"4
'uSi'Zm.:,’}“,( <x “e*"**
Med, in a«ingl» inrtance cffJct'a lC,ne ~ n v TOr i,#lt
«*»• Never did we know kn°S- C ,T' **«“ «*«*
•ny one who u» t d it On tho . ’■' of Jlß eatis faction by
With its e,- :.' „ un th p contrary, all are delight*!
of I-™!" •* in terms of highest common
of tV- *!? OiagicAj effects and medical yitUie*. Wc sneak
'* ,ia matter “ what wo do know,” after ten years’
Hence, ami pledge onr reputation for the fulfilment of iSst
weherededare. In almost every instance “ 6
£° V^rin S fr T ail<l relief
S.^ fl af CCUOr tWU ‘ lty “*““■* aft « tie syr^aS
the\"o o mnch y andTo C 4el cornctnV^W
Como coavulnofna which it n Colic, aud over
death. We it ,hi f tpe f ily re '«cdied, endln
world, in all cases of rmea 9 ta «»«
Whether it a m. t^,m ° Dil * rrh «* In cliildrwa.
Wo would«»S-“ r Iran any other cause.-.
PERK’vq l n t f * 'l° fa
o,| V' rv ew Nurk. b» on the outside wrapper.' •■■ -■
® r ' ,c K |,t ' l throughout the world, am) by O. W.
'hrittlo A ‘ I ‘ o ‘ u1 ’’ dru Ke»>», Altoona * )*rfeo 85 trots
' * ' *T.
*163 85
Xo. 13 Cedar etrccl, .V.t
July 12; 1800.-Iy, - “ ■
Tbe Bodosger. -
wonderful article,' jut patented, I*. smaetbbig
iirr/jr now, and oerer before offered to a&uito ‘it6» £i-
€r> v
• 2!HiS
•• 175
u: '
■ v >Aii