% fajita Crltent. ALTOONA, PA. y .i . IHDBSDAI, MAKCH 14, 1861. fl®. Where perttw ere unknown to as, oar ralo (or ad- wCWUgfoto reqnlrwpnyment In adwmoe, or«gnarant«e from known parson*. It is therefore tueles* for all inch ■ *ot»nd uiedrortleemenUofferlng to pay at the epd of throe •r «|x moothi. Wbare /adrert (semen ts are accompanied with the money, whether oat, flee or ten dollar*,«» will fire the adrertfrer the fall benefit of cash ntn. 8. n. jpEnrTiscixisX. & ’ . -AdTertUlngAgeaU, 110 Nassau street. Now York, an<{ Ift State atpeet, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona YHhtots, and the roost Influential and largest circulating ; Newspapers In the United States and the Canadas. They are .authorized to contract foment our (merit rate*. SupPEEsgioN OF Fortune Telling.— The bill for -the. suppression qf fortune telling, etc., has passed the House of Rep resentatives, and will no doubt go through the-Senate. It provides that any person who shall pretend, for gain or lucre, to future events by cards, tokens, the inspection of the head or hands of an/ person, or by any one’s age, or consulting the movements of -the heavenly bodies j dr who shall pretend, for gain or lucre, to effect any purpose by charms, nec romancy or incantation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable -by any Court of Quarter this Commonwealth, with-fine and The first offence shall be punisned with not more than years imprisonment, nor less than fifteen days, a fine of not more than SJLOO .nor,leak than 810; the second offence with any term of imprisonment and fine exceeding the above that the Court may deem proper. That any person or persons who shall advise the taking or administer ing.of what arc commonly called love or portions, or who shall prepare -the same to be taken or administered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he punished as above provided. ■■&SF John Covode, representative in from Pennsylvania, had a nar row escape from death a few days since. One of his ftionds, a distinguished mem ber .of Congress from Pennsylvania,, hap pened, by accident, to examine a beauti ful Weapon of war, of Sharpe’s invention • and] in making the experiment of trying the trigger, the rifle went-off, and the hall pierced through the door of one room, .passing into.an adjoining apartment, and -catting its way through the rail of the bedstead upon which the honorable mom was seated at the moment. The' ball passed ’within about a couple of inches of his penson. A dozen persons, at least, were in the same room, and by the great est good luck in the world, nobody was hurt. SonijeDj—The Governor has signed the bill ior the commutation of the ton nage tax on the Pennsylvania railroad, and also the bill affording relief to and ‘changing the title of the Sunbnry and Brie railroad Company; The latter com pany .mil henceforth be known as the Philadelphia and Erie railroad. By the pjbsago of the bill in reference to the railroad, the litigation pend ing between it and the Commonwealth is at an end, the company being relieved, as we informed* hot only of farther OhaitTgep j«jiaccount 'of tpnnage, but also of the judgements of $265,000, which the State has recovered against It. Latest.--A telegraph despatch, dated Washington, March lltih, says An official, letter from Major Anderson, re ceived pa- Saturday,' says he had only fifteen days subsistence and wood on band. Theques- UonJjißa arisen with tb« administra tion whether rpinfpreeinents shall be attempted, or the fort abandoned. The latter morse, it Is thought, will be adopted, from inevitable neces sity, by. the advice of Lieut General Scott however, a conflict. of opinion ,among tty .Republicans on this question: and no eon- been arrived at in the Cabinet xsb'ahcMl , ,n r rkr We hate npthing later to contradict or * SPECIAL, NOTICES. A Card to the’Suffering. The Rev. Wm. Cosgrove, while laboring as a missionary ,i|> Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured (treat numbers who were suffering from Consumption. Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs aud Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I will send tills recipe, which I brought home with me, to ail who need it, free of charge. Address EKV. WM. COSGROVE. 439, Fulton Avenue. Brooklyn, N. T. Dr. Eaton’s Infantile Cordial. ' Dr. Baton's InEsutile Cordial is remarkable .for its won derful beneficial effects in the treatment of children. For •roup, dysentery, and teething, it lias never been surpassed, and mothers should at all tinifi be provided with a supply, as they value the lives and the comfort of their little ones. The preparations of Blood Food are among the most im portant discoveries of the age. They are not medicines, hut food for the blood : already prepared for absorption, pleasant to the taste, and natural in action; and what one gains, he retains. .The Blciod Food is a scientific discovery, differing from all patent medicines; aud fur consumption, throat diseases, liver complaints, dyspepsia, and other dis eases incident to the human frame, is unequalled for its healing and strengthening qualities.— Columbia, Ohio, Ga zette See advertisement. For sale by A. Roush. Altoona, Pa. Chills and Fever! Chills and Fever!! One of the greatest remedies that has ever been laid be fore the public, fur Fe&r and Ague, and which have re ceived the highest enconiums from the press and the peo ple, is Dr. Hostetler's Celebrated Bitters. Who would eu dure the tortures arising from the terrible disease, when it can he So easily cured? Who would endure sleepless nights, burning fevers and icy chills, alternately, when a remedy can be obtained for a mere trifle? And "yet bow many fiimilics linger out- a paiuful existence under this deadly blight, aud do uofhing but gulp down quinine, un til it becomes as, common os their dally meals, and yet they are uot relieved. None but the foolish and weak would hesitate to procure these valuable Bitters, and save themselves Intense agony. Sold by druggists and dealers generally everywhere. See advertisement in another col umn. Dr. Velpeau’s Cankerine. DR. VELPEAU’S. CANKERINE cures Putrid SbreMdnth. DR. VELPEAU’S CATHERINE cures Sore Nipples. DR. VELPEXU'S CANKERINE cures Ulcerated Sores. DR. VELPEAU’S CANItERINE cures Cuts. DR. VELPEAU S CANKKUINE cures Burns. DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE cures Sores. DR. VELPEAU’S CAN KERIN£ cures Chapped Lips. DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERJNE cures Ulcerated Qumo, DR. VELPEAU’S CANKERINE is the best Purifier of the Breath of anything known. DK. VELPEAD’S CANKERINE cares Canker in the Throat, or Sthomach, resulting from Scarlatina or Typhus Fevers. Ladies, if yon dplight in " e white teeth, use the CAN KERINE, am) your desires will be realised. We pledge our word titiit it is entirely free from acids and all poiso ous substances, and can be given to an inCxnt with perfect safety. It will preserve the teeth and ko,ep the gums free from ulcers. It is equally efficacious lor nursing sure mont|is. • In all the thousands remedies that have been put forth for the cure of the various diseases above, none can equal the Cankcrine. Sold by \all druggists. Price 25 cents per bottle. J. BURRILL & CO., Proprietors, 93 Malden Lane, N. V. For sale in Altoona, by G. W. KESSLER. , A Card to the Ladies. ) DR. DDPOXCOrs GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. > Infallible in correcting, regulating, and removing all ob structions, from whatever caute, and alwtj/t successful as a preventative There is not a iodiy living'bnt what at some period of her life needs jnst slich a,medicine as..“Dnponco’s Golden PUU.’’ One of the first ladies of Chester told the Agent there that she had received somnch benefit, from the nse of them f she. would bo wiiling to pay |5 a bps, rather than be without them. If she could get them no leer. The in gredients composing these pills are made known to every Agent. They will toll you they are perfectly ! harmless and yet will do all claimed for ihom. Full arid explicit directions accompany each box. Price sl!fiO per box.— Sold by 0. W.:KESSLER, Druggist, sole Agsnt for Al toona, Pa. f v ; ■' V’ •, Xjuliea by tending him $l.OO to the Altoona Poet oOee, can liavo the pillss sent to any par* of the country (confi dentially) by mail,‘‘lj^ofpo«tage.’’ ; Soldalsoby JOHN BEAD, Huntingdon, and by one Druggist In eirery Tillage town and city In the State. ' I , S. D. HOWE. |j Sole Proprietor, New Pork. Jf. B.—The above Pills bare been counterfeited, and are offered to Bodies at prices ranging from 25 Cento to’Scts, (dear at that) Look out for them. ,The genuine, hereof tier, will bear the signatnre of 8; D. - Howe, sole proprietor. 'Purchase of the above gentlemen, and yod will andone you may rely upon. - ] ■ MBS. WINSI.OW, jMtgjgperienccd none and female phTsleimn.li«« 's& ru P tor children teething, which greatly faciUtatwthe of teething, by eotening the gnus, reducing all in. flammation— will allay all pain, and is ‘rare to regulate the bnpreto. Depend npoh lt,;nH*here, it Will health to ymir jnbnial! Perthetly m* Peeadwtleement in ujetbvwiarfj?: To Consumptives. And thorn aßicted with DYSPEPSIA. “ NERVOUS DEBILITY, 3. * HEART DISEAg. - i *-.’i FE^ER^AGCEfe oi t ; ■ ,f|f. : iONS«PA.KI)N. ■ The undersigned, now years ‘y»tl, jjpa for yoarf devoted hie time to carta*_hte,;Parishoui(tt» gw the poor in New York ef thw dreadful egjtoplalnte, whieijjaarry tlioneamls and thousands to an untimely gists; he has seldom foiled to cure all who have applied to hbn .for re lief, and believing it to be a Christian’s duty to fetieva those abroad, as well as at home, he will send to thotja wh* . require $, a copy of PreacrtpUons nsedi'fFree of Charge)!, with directions for preparing and using the same, j *i«« rules on Dlqt, Bathing, Ventilation, and Exercise (or the Sick, they find these remedice a sure cure for Consump tion, and ail diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Fever and Ague, Constipation, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, and Female Complaints, and be hopes every one afllicted will send- for a copy, aa It will coat nothing, and those suffering should apply before it is too late. These Prescription are used by the meet. eminent Pbysicidus in London, Paris, and New York. Those wishing them will please address KEY. DR. CIIAMBERLAJN. Nov. 15,’60.-ly. Williamsburg!,, New York. To Consumptives. Tke advertiser, having beeb restored to health In a fow weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sev eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis ease consumption—is anxious to make known to his follow sufferers the means of cure.' To all who desire it he will send a copy of the proscrip tion need (free of the directions for preparing and,using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Cosscmptiojt, Asthma, Bboxcrris. Ac. Tho only object of the advertiser 1- sending the Prescription is to benefit the afllicted, and spread information whicli ho concvivoS' to bo invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tne prescription will please address. R*v- EDWARD A. WILSON, _ . . , WiUiamsburgh, ffst.i, *».—ly. King County, New Tirk A aU#£RLATTVt ; TONIC,DIURETIC, DYSf — AMD — y IHYORATIHa CORDIAL r | H) T 1 i K cm '/. fcNB OF i\RW JRR- J. SEY AND PENNSYLVANIA, . Apothecaries, Drurkists, Grocers aed Phvasi Families. WOLFE'S Pure Cognac Rrandy. WOLFE’S Pure Maderle, Sherry and Port Wins. WOLFE’S Pnre Jamaica and St. Croix Hum. WOLFE'S Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. .’ ALL IN BOTTLES. ‘I beg leave to eall the attention of the citizens pf tbs /Cnited States to the nltove Wines and Liquors, imported by Udolpho Wolfe, of New Tork. whose uaine is familiar in every part of tide country for the purity of his celebrated S(jhikd\« Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, iu his letter tome.ipeafc ing of the purity of his Wines aud Liquors, says: ,1 1l will stake my reputation as a man. my standing as a merchant pf thirty years’ residence in the city of Sew York, that all the Brandy and Wines wliirli 1 Untie are pure as imported, and of the b-st quality, and can be relied u]«in bylevery 1 purchaser.” Every liottle has the proprietor!* name bu the wax, anil a fac simile of his signature of the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine ibr themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries aad Grocers in Philadelphia. j George U. Ashton, No. 832 Market St.. Phila. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New Yo Chroma. Preen, Tellwr, 4 PaHe OMMLfArv endfrotmd oilat v-. ■ p-tt] Nervous Headache Headache. '• By. the u« of these Pills the periodic attack* ofAirsoai or tick Headache may be prevented; and if takfnat the commencement of aa attack- immediate relief from pain and «ickne*3 will be obtained. , ’ * ' . They seldom fiill h» removing, tbs A'OHMa and- gsadaifli to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowel*, —removing Cbttioenets. For Literary J/en, Student*, IMlcateFemaiea, aijd all person* of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Zara ties. improving tbe appetite, giving tone and vigor to digee live organs, and restoringthe natural elasticity and Strength of the whole system. r ; ' C Tbe CEPJiAUC PILLS are the re«nlt of long)bvestigy tion-and carefully conducted experiments. having; been in nse-many years, Coring which time they have presented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the sionach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may bo tpken at all times with ppfcct safety without making any change of diret, and tlu absence qfemydita. greeabU taste renders it easy to them to chddrto. BKWABB OF OOUNTEJUTKITSL The genuine hare Are signature* ofHeniy C. Spalding aa each Box. Sold bj-Tmuggirtr and all other Dealorria VadleiaM. A Box will bo tent by mail prepared on receipt of the PRICE 95 CENTS'. All orders should bs addressed to '■ ’f* ITENBT C. SPALDIKO, 4S CetUr 6tre«tKn» Twk Not. 15, TUB FOLLOWING 1 ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING’S Cephalic Pills, WILL CONVINCE ALL WUO SUFFER FROM ZEiE-A-ID^OI-CEL, THAT A SPEEDY AND SUBS CUBS 13 WITHIN Til Kill UKACtf. At ihrsr TfslinUmiols were unsolicited by Mr. SPAUDW, they ajfurd unquestionable proof of the (Jfcacy qf this truly seunttlie discovery. - J*r* ■ MAeoßviu.*, Cork, ISCI. Mb. Spaldixo. SIBJ I have triocl your Ceplmlle Pills, and I lilet them M smS that I want yon to send me two dollars worth, mors. Part of these wtv for the neighbors, to whom 1 gar* a few ont of the. first box I got from yon. Send the Pills by mall, and oblige m . Your obedient Sormnt, JAMES KSMNSDT. Mt. Spau>ix« 8»: • I yrlnlt jron to send m» one mor« box of your o«ph*U* I*lll*, f havt rtcrhtd afpyntdeal tyf benefit fron (Ami. -I Your*, itespcotfally, S MARY AKa BTOIKUOCSB. • j ' Braces Cam, Hcjmsocoii Co, Pa, Jan. IS.IUI. H. C. SrAtoixo. i • Sir: Too will please send me two boxif. at nu Ctßkklla Pills. Send them immediately. ' t Respectfully yours, s „ e r , . ' . JOHN B. SIMONS, r. S.—/ ware uud on* box of your Pitt*, andjtaiihrm txtelUnt. ' ' ; Bnut Tk*ox, Ohio, Jan. Jfi, UBl. Herat C. Sm.wso. Esq. \ - Plenso find inclosed twenty-fir* cent#, forwhtch mod me another box of jour Cephalic Pill*. They an truly Va bat IHU J ever tried. Direct ” ■■ A-STOtBR, p.M. . Bella Temon,T£yandptt{!o., O, H. C. SrALMxa, Esq. to “ T ‘ M *“- / 1 wish for eome circulars or large chew ÜBi'tp b>in: your Cephalic Pills more particulax’y- before' myiuati mers. If you bare anything of the send t» One of my customer*, who Is. subject' to Sever* Biut Heartache, (usually lasting two day*.) wateuttdofan ct lack in ont hour 6j£your Pill*, which Iseat her. Respectfully yonts, w. r mijfßSc RETSoinßßrso, Fmsius Co,, Omo, JaU. t, iS6l' ‘ Hesht o. Spaldiko, \ No.« Cedar *t,N.V. ’ V Dai* Sir: • Inclosed find twenty-fire cent-, (15.) for which send oa« , £?„* of “Cephalic Dill*.’’ Send to address ofßer. Wtn.C. tiller. Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co-, Ohio. Jontcr * Cort “ Utadach* almaa tn- Ma.SpALssxo, , : 1 8a: *• „,, i \ v-J. - V Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Mia for the cure of the Nervous "--i-lTirlilrani rtwWfojMr Ajd received the same, and thtyhad to (toed an tlTtct that I Mta> -- tndueed to tend for more, ' j- Please send byreturn mall. Direct to - . "V' A.K. WIIMDEIt, - Ypsits»;U, Iftoh; Prom the liedmthtr, Xorfolk, To. V Omphalic Pills accomplish the object for which *Wwwe made, viz,; Cure of headache Ip all ttq forms. .. Vie Examiner t ybrfdtf:, Vo. ; They hare been tested in more than a with entire success. ■ From the Democrat, «, Cloud, Xnn. - If you are, or have been With tba headache, send for a box, (Capitally Pill*,) eo that yuu nmytiiv* them in ease of an attack. - From the Advertiser, Protidenet, J£. 7. The Cephalto pilbi are said to'bo a remarkably ef&ctivs remedy for the headache, and one of the wy W& ttrtbat very frequent complaint which s has ever be* adisootsrtd. Firomthe mttern R. R. tiattUt, Chicago, a, . l^W*h*Bs4 From the Kanawha Valley Star, T already DOMBd benbflt» tluit no oth«r tD^Ud^^pt^ I®-A •jpgle bottle ofSPALDXNOS PREPABEDQLOM ; will eere ten time* itc'coat toamUly.«S|i; •- SPALDING'S PREPARED QLCK t 'X,s BPAUMSQ* PREPARED GLUE j ■■: ; .’; v ’; ■ ; •■ 19U “AStucn at Tons ':l . ( *lll happen, even lu lie-, itfeVeryd&rfrableto hirer wmi* ‘ nlentway far repairing Furniture, Toyt,Cw*S2? -• •i. SPALDING'S PKKI'AtIKD '■*> gJWMMtit. It laaUnyya ready, anj uptnthaatffi^ 'V “USETOI. IN EVERT HOUSE” i ;# ’ -K, B.—A Brail* acenmpinlM rich Bottle. PrlWlßeti ..• ■« HHNRT O. SPAtBKJO. f A N’o. 48 Cedar St, »*<». ■„•» SrALDIXG'S PKKPARED QtCSJ «*T« thi ntoxy) I / P*® l * B - <»lt*tioni *fe* fail B«a< ; " mm* lUtaryorii, Pa, Tab. S, IMI, Truly -your*. . ', ’ WU. 0. RUBB. Trutasn, Mica, Jan. 14,1161 CAUTION; r,t !\' i i j ;.|| l .Wao Shaii b ‘ Whethe great i of ooreithens. lathe field and i foot foremost to Thus far no one -aide track and t) jpointee .w{ll bo. Bade by the fti< dates to prevent to the applicant hands it is likely (keav.thU.dletrict of applicants to i ; the President,, is : delicate position, he would refer th " pie. This course of pieces of the si “ appears to us lha who the peop Should Mr. B. re the dispute, in or sumC the Candida as nome of them contrary to the wi who receive mail' fv? w in \ a The boy* now stu v coveting that the ' iithfi moreprofitu find Sanday Scbot f "■ * the at 4 of agas p fa* work# in 1, *fid«iy«r* .to a pr meant of pipes it ■fifiiTera to the! rec . WW ffifi.t aix incl W ••diameter, and wh ?■*' 400 to, pounds 'H two aix foot burnc 'J| frott kbttfifitt to ei M otri *- Saxoxi. C I who, for the past coi litiad hi* fare we School ahda large . ■' noohlaat.and on ' ferenoe, which me! ’ According to the ! Ohttreb t h« onn no th«ltinerant aystty iwoyeara at most. suoe In mWat of a , with him iho bes 1 . and :«B «yldfineo of tbo pmions to hia dep dim upon bi I * pf- good will ■ •V*VV ; ."- ■ ’ • m|ji|id ; jtt Springfiel : 'A i«*y. o which . pumentary notice: : smuts', genioa. with, panic djfitinguiahing attr manner v jew find made a g ( h' y s?f?**-~ TYea :■ -e*“i . -J|Sp«r. poete: **s««:* Hall,,tin ■ ' - of treating Stff, XLto IJlitet*. •'fjar .•?.•••• HoHidayaburg Weetern Through.. nurnf Through.. BotUAtyibarg. ■VTeatern Through. Battera Through', Weetern Way. Kutern Way Onto* anew WM. CM> Baa RAI JUbiw Train Enat '« ■ *■ Wet • ffMt't « . K AMommodation Ti :,r tM WMt and Kx>'t Nor. 20,1800. * i ' LO Bot» nr a Fix doxxnof boya, of of ton and. Iftecu ‘ Intoafreight car which «aa . placo, and took tl cla# namod, auffii days. But their waa of abort dura information of tin tad to thkofficers -on tli evening closedin of them and close 'Onblonday morn Baqnirx McClellni appear attbenei - How ii.it Dom Bight ill the care ' of our eitizena, k . gai, bat few ere Itf introdaetlau it train*. With a v ahbjeot we. may. s .. bttUding fionnnient to the eeitfmra, each ten . prennre 900 pout