•• ■.;: £3 L-r^ky ii the praise of CORDIAL, :■> a fntl ilif.iantatuom t*\.r - • ui'.f by muglc. , .t «Lai. .we«yr la . [0 pa OPIATE - . f\ ivXOa l»T r(mocking tlti tt&Uig !■>' ehcileuihg V s , ■ itVi f .is.tha i-afy «lteU» p»j* .'V.; jt'wtEs 'ii.titnffu, Duhutaa, £■■ ACIJUIT; OF IHB SIOK- -(Bfiv. >. :a>.l Cv-ocp, also, f/tt&mf <#s&,,*■ .-. lily,i. regulating the BouUti ’ . .. n! —li<-inV.nn antirtjxmuHt •.* >- v - iii nil caw# of Cosvuuioiv ,li‘c aril health iin'ii ike.-SsadxindVUghtitijf i i:f result from tlui HU ofsnar fur Infantile OMiplajuft '. ■ «f..tu.v’s 1 M-ANTfLB COUtyUtg ■' - oi iVUIy -liarmlcs#, an^cMs, - 1,.- ; i,: i!»i. i'iice, ih co»td. /-- Vi-cp.-reJ only -rftSV.V I V iiu;;cu k DUi’ONT, - . . -ii.-.i ", j ■h-x. J yzed ,> .. essential ulomeatvaj^,,,' Aailvisa Hi* IMoydof jVin: tivc’r \\ r.u.l in rwy in*tanet4mtni< oliSiuoJ. ,Suj>plytkm» .i.- Wl-l!. Tllf liUiDl) FOOD l» hir.co Its astonlfibin^iSi^' ‘•ASATJONS ■ ■ the Wood Ln different i:t.t)NcHSTis. or an j lUfscßSfe-’ * . m. •. jniliiciiii; OjsSVIfPJXW. !V.f Pv.it.iissios orSrißUjsc*- i •IiUWJ.-' Com'PKMSM. uHilfijf: 4 ,1 :v. m»l Nmivor* . Ri nv3i’twijA,^-u s . . It i- TASKS st'ttwtir il!” circ'.'-'.-itiylv, so tliatvwliifT" ! lor I'liM.ifX . . Six .'pedal ilircctious/oiv Ul-NS. rcnofo-ous, Kni«feir,' / ' '..i. ')'. ]n nil cast** th«4l-,, ■ ii. I’rii-noi tin* rnuiujl it DU’QXT, a liroioUv.iv, XVtr-Ywfc r aujO. H.Kisrsjai, . Murray, llvi’llJaynljuri;; i,: i il.r-Mi d huut the cmmtij Z . 'i FUND,'. .National ISAFETif. ‘5 TRUST 'v' n *> - Company.- NATIONAL ; d AS" V.~CIMHTEBED #*V.’jWl i.riri in any amount,'Urgs i-> ; r.iu for money from tliodkli' ;. I J ..!UcL«., fi c l 4 I . •. • Crrruiirs. ’ i. .Itjlrd lo'iiiirc it in''Ji plfeco'ol. ■,' \ it-; '-fit can be obtained ■ : I f ••■;.■»■••■dejwsiforn' ia InramljgL^. < EEsn, and , ■'...ivi-.-ptlnYCtß. . '■ : iy frrftn 9 till S o’clock, k«ji on-' 1 ; ' • A-Mckia tUe ironlngi l^ < President. ECTORS. f. I n ixci.s I.cr, Jusarn J). Barry, • , ,V*mi Terkss, ■' ■ '.l:**.. . Hlxrt DiriiMtEJunai,; c . W, Corner of Third St. Phffa , \ ApriliUthj ’bplf. FA a la.-ic** 6£-{jtol(S .".■ir'-vri. Lii,ili t 4tl al;tl ytoii linkers, in addition ,t» r n liiiiir ■■• Mi .-ly ‘yii-culiitoil thrd(JglK iat i; i!.- Orc.it Walsj Otfiiwsl i .i-";i.t!i??oriie t uut to l,c foundlu w>J .il for 'vku. tin y rcsidotllalnl/? v. w York l’ol!ccLOj«M!?t*ii. ■Vt» IfarkmS- . JV'jniSYjn the Bccond.llQOt* ■ ■'i goud (Jrdcr. • •w- prembtj) - .!u- Mil/Ycri(n*r. . ~ '.J MAllOIh M. MeCKtSv : —BO,OOO ■ l>.v vhe LoniU I t ;.urchWeM. Tblu to 1 . f.:j worth aw* I • < P fiorii onp-tliird tpf jpflialt I " "'-f'lie curlier, nml, uqWco Pj* j •'iinr land. H JilfniJMlMf) T|r*" 1 I'Mlicuiars, **§£■] ' : ’f A' ■; i':kisg CO4 1 ■ ■-MU Wharves, J if i-Y,,- !l SALE, ( tf. . ■ m.w r. ,afATKKJALS.j^^^ •Mii) :•>!, Carbon 08, - V\'WWS«fe£: UoOOßMiqfc’&jßfc? JA.UCtIt of £^ took “«cWdinif to direction*, !nems Wer# «*«ter oftho Held, the Sut u^^iMiW n & a ) , 2 after a ’brief fo tmi*djl a «, adversary as ~,n Clipper, Deft Uth, 8 'M.CTGBMi Rn pi s prep/iiid and “ li*n vPh Qm - « KEVBEB. —. ; 140 .good street, Pltsburg. Pa. '' ' I ** * " 'f- ' * : ' ' r. : ■' I Mcciftpi & VOL. 6. ef'T r\; ' o a r . S ' >tr S p b ! s■. g .'S S 8 5 O to ’ J I■|- ■ * s .;i i *• 8 | J * ' 1 I* i j s s *■ I 2- 1 I £* ), J* m I INVITE ATTENTION tn'soaa •fib* most axtraordl- Msiynmrssbymy PECTQRAU SYRUP. Thsy are at home and any one who baa doubts can In •mtra of the parsons who have bean cured by it- Dr. KKYSHR 18 PREPARED AT ANY TIME TO EX AMINE LUNGS. WITHODTCHAUGE, SOR ALL THOSE TfUO NEHD HIS MEDICINE. ATTENDTO YOUR COLDS.—A cusef Sts ysaxs stand tag sued br . DR. KEYSER’S PEGTORAL SYRUP. Sb. KrtlZß:—My wife bos been afflicted with a bad ooagh and difficulty of breathing for fire or six years, which fur several years back had gradually increased in violence. The complaint ,baa been hereditary, and alia bad bean treated by soveralfpliysieians without auy relief. In this state of her case I procured soino of your Pectoral Ooaitb Syrup. I bpaght tbs first time a fifty cent bottle. Which relieved her very much; I then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and she has now ne trspe of the former disease, except -weakness. 1 would alio state that 1 used the medicine myself to a cold and eougb. The medicine cured me by taking one dose. 1 ex press my entire satisfaction with the medicine, and you act at liberty to publish this if you deeire to do so. ' WJrl. WILSON, Alderman, filth War'd. •n. Stria—Althongh not an advocate of Patent Medi cine in general, it affords me great pleasure to recommend your Pectoral Syrup. As a medicine it is well worthy the attention ufuiiy person who may in auy mannsr bs affec ted with coughs, colds and hoarseness of any kind, and for the peculiar qualifications for removing all that disagreea ble sensation attending a cold. ■ I bate been mure orl&ss, in my life affected with the severest eulds uf hoarseness.,. At times my throat would become so doted as to -prevent my speaking above a whis per. and by taking a few doses of the above Syrup it would reliefs me entirely. lu recommending this medicine, I must unhesitatingly say that it Is tbs best medicine l ever found, purporting to sure the above; nor should auy family be without this seated/ Ut dissoses so prevalent Tsars, must respectfully, EDWARD J. JONEI, ; Cashier, Citizens’ Deposit Bank. Sixcßixmis, 0., March 14th, 1859. I have used Dr. Keyset's Covfgh Byrap for a bad eougb •f several years standing, aud can cheerfully say it Is the best medlSths tor tbit sane that I have ever taken. J. W. PRICE. WL. PRATT AND DR. KEYSKR’S PECTORAL STU CP.—Dr. Ketser— Dear Sir: Excuse the delay of my ac kuewledglng the excellence of your Pectoral Syrup sootier. 1 take great pleasure in laying that it ii all yon iar it is. IT KNOCKED THE NOISE OUT OP MY COUGH, and the' worst one I .was ever afflicted with; I hare not used ■ore than We half of the bottle, and can and do wish, that all who are afflicted would give It as fair a trial aa I have dene, and they will be!prondi to say, “It Is no quack medh ciae.” I would not suffer another such an attack for any consideration, or Ht any cost. lam confident 1 can breathe ■ore freely than 1 ever did. ■ I shall always acknowledge • debt of grotitudi for inventing so excellent a remedy.— Teii are at liberty to use my uamo In this regard, as you tWak proper. E. F. PRATT. Messenger, Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. PITIUCRO, May 11th, 1859. N. B.—L am no stronger to my fellow citlxens, and all Whs entertain doubts can consult me personally. READ THE TRtiT[I —Da. Ketber : I hare & daughter Who has taken several medicine* for a bad cough, who has taken several medicines for a had cough, without benefit— among them Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from Ton a bottle of your pECTORAL StRtJP, and before she had used half a bottle she was relieved. The second bot tle eared her entirely of her cough. PlTTsrruso, December 31st, 1853. A GREAT CURE, BY DR. KEYSEU'S PECTORAL BTRCP—I live In Peebles township, .Allegheny county.— .1 bad a coughing aid spitting, which .conQneuced about the 4th of February last, Und continued eight months, T employed the best physicians in the country, arid ray cough continued unabated until earlv in October. At that time I was adyised to try your PECTORAL SYRUP, which X did, and after 1 had taken one bottle I was entirely free from the roughing and spitting. I bad dlspatred of ever getting well, and I think it should be known that this valuable 'remedy will do for others what it has done In ray case. JOHN C. LITTLE, Peebles township. Vltnese— H. M. Eere. ' " ; Petros lowxsnip, April 11th, 1857. A ITOKD2KPUI. CCRE.—Some time ago, an old neigh bor of mine was vsry jlll with a had cough which every one’ •opposed to be consumption. Ills relatives told nis Imhad taken every remedy they heart! of without beneflt; his brother came to sue him die,' and all wore confirmed injhe helief that he could not live. I had abont thp-thlrd of a bottle of your Pectoral Sjrap,whteh" I gave him, and It ••tlrely cured him, ;to the astonishment of all. What makes the case morel remarkable, is the extreme age of the man, hebeingiabqut eighty year* old. I imreno doubt the Pestorml saved hla life. JOUh’ M’GINNIS. ,DH. KETSER’S PECTORAL SYRUP IN BLAIRS TILLE.—PIease senjjime another supply of your Talnitble M Pectoral Syrup.” Almost everybody aronnd ns has the cold and are inquiring for “Dr.Reyser’sPectoral Syrup.” Me hart sold sixteen ;bottles last, sreek, and aro now en tirely out. Mr. Alter 1 and Mr.' P. Maher, both of Ulnirs •eltis, Pa., tell us they would no| be without it in their tanUies. In fact, all who use it once want it again. 1 J. B. MATTERSON * SOR’B. January JOch, 1860. NEW; CERTOTCATE—DR. KEYfiER’S PECTORAL SYRUP.—I .have heed troubled with a cough •nd sold for several weeks—so bad was it that I could not Sleep,- Ihsd the advice and prescriptions from three of W»osst nhysicians in the city, whom I could name, but do not drt to. ; i Busily procured a bottle of your Pectoral which cured Ido entirely. Signed, V ! t '■ ■ 'f- w.InaoNTGN, 330 Llberty.St., Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. Oth, IBCO. r ■~ r '■ A 8 D EE - : Prsparodandaoldby , . if' lrhV»»v>' ' : 'm-t '&K'As£'& • v ‘ sa r PimsOßa. Jan. 11th, 1899. Pittsburg, Nor. 18th, 1848. E. F. P. JOHN DARIN, Robison street, Allegheny. SN HEAT ..WORK ON THE HORSE. V)T —THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES: By Rowan Jl.i.Ms(i6, y. S., Professor, of Pathology and Operative Sur gery In theVctcrinary-College of Philadelphia, etc., etc. lira TtU Tau of the Orirfn, -History and distinctive traits of the variousbreedc of European,. Asiatic, African and American Horses, with the . physical fornmtau and peculiarities of the animal, ami how to ascertain his age hy the ' number and condition of his teeth’; illustra ted with numerous explanatory engravings THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES 188 Ml Tea of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, feeding. Grooming. Shoeing, and the general man agement of the horse, with the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat biting, kicking, rearing, allying, stumbling, erib biting, restlessness, and other ricee to which be is subject; with numerous ex planatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES IPS! 2sß Tea of the causes, symptoms, and treatment ef strangles, sore throat, distemper, catarrh, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, brokenwind,obronic cough, roaring and whistling, lumpoa, soro mouth and ulcers, and decayed teeth, with other diseases af the mouth and respiratory organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will nU Jbw of the causes, symptoms and treatment of worms, bots, colic, strangulation, stony cop* sretions, ruptures, palsy, diarrhcea, jaun dice, bepatirrhcca, bloodyurine, stones in tbekidneys aud bladder, Inflammation and .'•r. otherdiseaacs of the Stomach, bowels, liver ! and urinary organs. ‘ THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES W3l of .the causes, symptoms and treatment ef 1 . - ' hope. Wood and bog, spavin, aweenle, ring ■bone. straina, broken knees, wind galls, founder, sole bruise aud gravel, cracked hoofs, scratches, canker, .thrush aud corua; alto, of megrims, vertigo, epilepsy, staggers and other diseases uf the feet, legs and bead. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES IWI AUJlbu of the causes, symptoms and treatment «f fistula; pull evil, glanders, farcy, ecanet fe '■■ ■ Tsr,.qiauge, surfeit, locked Jaw, rheumatism, cramp/galls, diseases of the eye and heart, Ac., Ac., 4c.,aud,ho,wito milpagecastiation, bleeding, trepliinmng.roweliug, firing, her nia-amputation, tupping, and zither surgi cal'operatinns. * THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WUt’JUX'Tou of Rarey’a method of taming horses; how te approach, halter, or stable a colt; how to accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights, and bow to bit, saddle, ride and break him to harness; also, the form and law of Warrantt. The whole being the result of more than fifteen years' careful study of tha habits, peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of this »oble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appropriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be furnished to auy address, postage pald, on receipt of price, half hound, £l,OO, or, in cloth, extrA, (1,24. $lOOO A YEAR can bo made byenterpris v a. ojzixu , ng men everywhere, in felling the above, and other popular works of ours, Our inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. For single copies of thebuok. or fur terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, Nor. S.-flm No. 817 Sansom Street,Philadelphia, Pa. THE«PEOPLE’S cook book. MODERN COOKERY la all its branches, by -Miss 'Eliza Actoh. Carefully revised by Mrs. 8. J. Hal*. 21 X (Us Tou How to choose all kinds of meat, poultry, and game, wltli all the various atid most approv ed modes uf dressing and cooking bfeef and pork; also the bestand simplest way of salt < lng, pickling and curing tbe same. U JWI* Tea All the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning mutton, lamb. Teal, poultry, and game of all kinds, with the different dressings, gravies, aud stuffings appropriate to each. It TtiU Tea How to choos>,clcan, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted; also'all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different dressings fauces . and flavorings appropriate to each. M IUU Tsa All the various and most approved modes of ‘ preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish,, Fowl, Game,, and Vegetable Soaps, Broths, and Stews, with tha Relishes and Seasonings appropriate so each. ‘' It TtlU To* All the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables ot every description, also how 14 prepare Pickles. Catsups and Curries of all kinds. Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mhsb rodlihi, Ac. It JkUt Tou All the various and' most approved modes ef preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and FanCy Pastry, Puddings. Omelettes. Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every (Icatription. If XiUi Thu All the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Biscuit, the best'meihud of preparing coffee. Choco late, and Tea, and. how to nmke Syrups, Cor dials, and Wines of various kinds. It lUU Tou How to set out and ornament-a Table, how to Carve alt kinds' of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest .luxuries of the table within cverybod’s reach; ‘ The book contains 418 pages, and upwards of twelve hnn fdred Recipes, ail of which are the results of actual experi ence, having becn fully and carefully tested under the per ipnal snperintcndeuce of the writers. It' is printed in a clear Mid open type, is illustrated with appropriate en gravings, and will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, pud postage paid, on recipt of the price, $1.69, or in cloth, extra, $1.25. *lOOO A YEAR selling the above work, our inducements to alt such being very liberal. , For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address > ' JOHN JE. ROTTER, Publisher, ■_v ' N 0.617 Sanson Street, Philadelphia, To. ) Kor. f, ’60.-6«i. CONFECTIONERY Aljr> OYSTER SALOON. rpjlE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN -1 !TORM the citizens of Altoona and'vicinity that his CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FBUXT STORE, ip always Supplied with the very best articles to bo had, qnd in groat variety. Us has also an 1 OYSTER SALOON atUchcdtohis slofc,' in which ho willaenre np PRIUJB OYSTERS, In all styles. ! Uo has alwaj-son hand a lot’of CHOICE MINCE MEAT. He is at alltlmesprepared to Supply cakes. candiea, ic., for plc-nles and other parties. He invites a share ofpubUe patronage, believing that'he can render fall satisfaction to •H- v Remember, bis store and’saloon is on Virginia attest, two ddort below Patton’s Mali, : . OTTO ROSSI.' l^e.” This I* tnlb of almost every business, and the subscriber subscribing to that doctrine has opened a storeT in fh* Pluck's new building, on Virginia, street, a few doors be low Annie street, where he baa. on banda flueassortment ia&BB vu of the latest aud most fashionable styie^ T for mop and bqys, BONNETS AND FLATS JTOS LADIES, MISSES JJfO CnJLVREO’, hosiery, Seady-lftde Shirts. Titrimiyos Amy r mTioif&apj&L- ~ ! , BTATIOXA&r, JA’K, PEA’S, «fc, ined,by sclUng at aemall profit and returhfog value for inoney. to merit patrtriafc; Dec, 6, i ; - - JOH!i McCLKLhAND. Boots anj> suoksp-the itn dcrsigned. hal now on hand and will sell ciieap at his store in {he Masonic Temple, V|HI ~ a targe, and complete nsfcrtmeut of BOOTS AND SHOES; ready made, »r made to order, Overshoes, Dadies >< Sandals,Giim Shoes; Cork Soles, and eveiyUiing in his line of business, of the bast quality and on tbs’ most reasonable terms. Al* ettstom work warranted. Jan. 2, ’5O-tf.] J. BAOEMAEEE. STO’S X J REPAItATLON FOR EX fertnlnatiiig RATS, MICE, ROACHES. 'ANTS, add mgs withoht danger in Its nse nnder any clrcnmstan ir sefe-at tlio Drtig Store of Q. W. KESSDEK. -Jan;2A : ■■ AM STOT>AIXiD LATENT i-tf* ■ Mwmm't: ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1861. t * THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. MeCRUM, ......iv. .......n. C. MEN, pbBUBHMts airs ntontmou, ” 2. B' annum, (payable invariably in advance.) $1,50. papers discontinued at the expiration of the time Per Alt paid 4 TEBKB or ISTEBTIgUra. 1 Insertion 2 do. t do. lines o/ less $ 26 $ 37% $ 60 limre, ( 8 lines) 60 78 1 00 “ (18 « ) 1 00 1 60 2 00 " (24 « ) 1 60 2 00 2 60 r three weeks and less than three months, 25 cents juare for each insertion. i ] ' 3 months. 6 months. 1 year. Six llhes or less 4 150 $3 00 $ 5 00. One square, 2*50 4 00 7 00" Two J * 4 00 A 00 10 00" P«fi “ - 6 00 , 8 00 12 Ob" Tour. « a 00 , 10,00 14 00 Haif a column , 10 00 Id'DO 20 00 One column r 14 00 25 00 - 4Q 00 Administrators add KxecuUrs Notices j, 76 Merchants advertising by the year, three squares, .with liberty to change, IQ 00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding S lines with paper, per year..; 8 00 Communications of a political maracteror individual in terest! will be charged according to the ofejpve rates. Adijcrtlaemeu not marked with theluunber of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to the above terms. Business notices five cents per line for every insertion. Obituary notices.exceeding ten linee, fifty cents a square Four, Ones Two ‘ Three Ove per si &tled Jffetrg. OH, BE NOT THE FIRST. Ob Ibe not the first to discover ' v A blot on tho tame of a friend, A| flaw in the faith of a lover, Whose heart may prove true to the end. Vfo none of us kno w one another, .And oft into error we fall;. Then lot us speak well of our brother, |Or speak not about him at>ll. A: smile or a sigh may awaken Suspicion most false and undue; And thus our belief maybe shaken Xu hearts that are honest and true. How often the light smile of gladness la worn by the friends that we meet lo cover a soul full of sadness, Too proud to acknowledge defeat. How often the sigh of dejection Is heaved from the hypocrite’s breast. To parody truth and affection, ' Or full a suspicion to rest. How often the friends we hold dearest, Their noblest emotions conceal; And bosoms the purest siucurest. Have secrets they cannot reveal. 1 ' i Leave base minds to harbor suspicion, And small ones to trace our defects— Let otfrs be a noble ambition, Tor base is the mind that suspects. We none of us know one another, ’ lAnd oft into error we fall; Then let ua speak well of our brother. Or spook not about Mm at all. CONSTANCY. ’Tis sweet to know we have a friend, I Unwavering as the aoa-girt rock; jWhere stormy in rain their fury spend, And naught but waves roll from the shock Unmoved, unflinching, there it stands, Though ocean's waves around it roar; jUnlike the gay, coquettish sands That sparkle on the distant shore. |And such a friend, methinks, is miaa, | As pure as is the morning dew; [Unchanging with the change of time, As constant as the rock it true. Jpmellang. I THE LITTLE WHITE ANGEL. une children stood in. a group before loor of the village school house one ly summer evening, bey were all talking pleasantly togeth roin Kline, the son of the rich and, id HoSmeister, to the little blue eyed" , the only child of the poor baker. ; is ;Very true that Kline wore a velvet et, richly embroidered, while Carl’^ . was old,, and his wooden shoes were" gh enough, in all conscience. But afc of that ? If they were good friends at difference did r/tar make, I should to,know ? Wait till children become irn people, for pity's sake, before you jet to measure each other’s worth by i b they possess or wear.. > “The new schoolmaster* Meinheer derich, comes to-morrow,” paid Otto, am so glad. I was weary of that old ter Hoffman, with his crooked profo und hard lessons.” , the i loyp T er, i prox Garl Fri< “I Mae lent! ;So was I, truly/’ cried Kline, who, ough a good, merry boy, hated his is;as he did medicine. / * I ;A]KJ' like play bet said Max, “and 01. Meioheer I’redfirich will be wise ie keeps thee add ine apart during ! ipl/hosus. Butcpnm—see which', can home 'first—one, two, three !” And y they all scampered, laughing and iifcing as only schoolboys cam | ■ hefollowjng day the-boys were ‘ stand -1 around the school house, when ’ the i’ opened, and MasterFredench' hjlm- I appeared, and cried in a cheery hearty ; Welcome, my children j” r I Welcome, Master !” cried they, i led now they entered , and-took their 13, and were quite'still gpod iter read a short chapter ih the Book Books, and then re.vere»tjy kneeling, ■ed that the good Saviour would guide in his teachings, and bless and I I His holy spirit to watch over them alth hop ing dooi self voii seal . v _ v ■. y &£ tfcumb woija books 1 9 r P»gh,t 011$ j «ie la*y boyi bogan to r [independent in everything, sigh and frown, and wish impatiently for the recess, and wonder why Latin Dic tionaries were ever invented; when as if by magic, they found themselves listening to the pleasant voice of Master Friederich, and actually understanding their lessons —so clear and simple were his explana tions ; and the time for recess came, to their _great*astonishment, long before they had expected. When the studies were over, the mas ter drew from his desk a box, and whilst the children gathered around, he opened it, and drew out charming little white and pink sea shell* pretty pictures, and many other beautiful things, which he gave to the children with loving words. But the most lovely thing of all was a little white porcelain statuette of an angel. She stood—so fair, so pure—with her small white hands folded over her breast, and her eyes uplifted that the children gazed enchanted. “ Oh, the dear angel, the beautiful an gel !” cried they all. “ Wilt thou not give it to me, Mr. Friederich?” But the good master smiled and said : “ The little angel is too lovely to be given to any one without an equivalent.” “ What shall we give you for it ?” cried the boys. “Well,” said 'master Friederich, “he who brings me the brightest thing on earth to-morrow, have the angel.” On the next day, as might be supposed, a motley collection of articles were pro duced. Some had polished upon shilling till it shone like a little crown ; one brought a watch crystal which his father had given him, and which be considered a wonder of transparent brightness ; and Kline, the rich Hoffmeisler’s son. had bought a paste buckle, made to imitate diamonds, than which, in his opinion, nothing could be brighter. All these things were placed on the master's desk, side by side. The shilling shone away famously, the pebbles and watch crystal did their best, but Kline’s buckle was the bravest of all “ Ah, mine’s the brightest!” shouted Kline, clapping his handd. “ But where is little Carl ?” said Mas ter Friederich, “he ran out just now.” All eyes were turned loathe door, when presently in rushed Caff, breathless. In his hands, held np lovingly against his neck, was a poor little snow white dove. Some crimspn drops upon Ithe downy breast showed that it was wounded. “ 0, master,” cried Carl, “ I was look ing for something bright, when I came upon the poor littld white dove. Some cruel boys were tormentinglt, and I caught it quickly and ran here. Oh, I fear it will dje.” Even as he spoke, the dove’s soft eyes grew filmy, it nestled closer in Carl’s neck then gave a faint cry, drooped its little head and died. Carl sank on his knees beside the mas ter’s desk, and from his eyes there fell upon tho white dove’s poor broken wing, two tears large and bright. The master took the dead dove from his hands, and laid it tendcjrly on the desk with the bright things; then raising Carl he softly said : “ My children, there is no brighter thing on earth that* a fender inf) tear” The boys were silent for a ipoment, for they felt that the master had decided that Carl had rightly won the angel; then Kline cried oat: “ My master, thou didst not fairly ex plain to us. I pray thee give us another trial.”! “ Yes, dear master,” said Max, « give us one more trial.” ■“ “ What sayest thou Carl ?” said Master Friedefich. “ Yes, dear master,” answered the gen erous boy. The good master smiled thoughtfully, and his eyes rested for a moment lovingly upon Carl; then glancing around, he said : “He who brings me the loveliest thing on earth to-morrow, shall have the angeL” The children 1 clapped their hands and departed satisfied. . After school the next day, Kline was the srst to run up to Master I?ricderich, and lay upon his desk what he Considered tue loveliest thing in the whole,world, his new soldier cap, with the long scarlet feath er and bright golden tassel* . f . Max came next and placed bcsi.de the Cap a small silver watch, his last birth day gift, with, a bright steel chain attached j Ottb brought a' great picture bookj just sent to hiin by his god motherßudolph a tiny marble vase, Hcbly sculptured; and dest. ■ %liW Then poo* little Carl stepped modestly np 1 and placed in bis'masters hand 4 pare yrlxite lilJy.; "V The rich perfnmo filled ibf bending over the flower inhaling, tKe.de licions tbe master softly “My children, the Blessed Word dTGrod says, Behold the lilies o*f the yalley: they toil not; neither Ho they spin, yet Solomon in all bis glory, was not arrayed lite one of these.’ Carl ha? rightly chosen.” But ipurmurs arosc ; the children yrejre not [satisfied? and *agaio .thoy aslccd another trial; i And as before, gqod Master Friederich inquired. ' ' • “ What sayest tßott CarH” and he an swered as before, vwith generous Baste,* “ Yes, dear master.” ( “Now this is time/* said the toaster “ he who brings toe the Seat thing on earth shall have the angel.” ' “ The very best thing on earth is plum cake,” cried Kline on the third day. as he walked up to the desk, bearing a targe cake, richly frosted, with a wreath of sugar roses round the edge-—this he placed tri umphantly before the master, sura of the prize.. ; . -“Nay, thou art wrpng this time, Kline/’ said] Max, “ I asked my father what was the' very best thing on earth, and he laughed and gave me this golden guilder —the prize is mine.” “Ah, but my father said that, the very best was a good glass of RheinkE wine !” cried Otto, “ and 1 1. have brought a bottle of it, thirty years old. The prize is ly mine.” So they went on, till all had plajcsd their, offerings before their master. “Arid thou, Carl," said he, ‘f.what hast thou brought which thou thiukest the best thing on earth ?” A crimson flush rose to the little boyV forehead, and coming softly forward, he took from his breast: a small worn Testa ment, pressed it to his Upland then fep verently laid it down with the rest —as he said in a slow sweet; voice, “My mother, dear master, says that God’s precious Tes tament is far beyond all earthly posses sions.^ “ ’Tis thine, Carl!” cried the maritor, snatching the boy to his breast. “ The white angel is thine ! for there is nothing in the wide world so previous as the blessed words, of Christ”—and he placed the angel in the hands of the trembling boy. Llinc knit his brows, and gazed with anger and disappointment at IheV. little Carl—and the rest seeing him do this felt themselves aggrieved, but suddenly, the cloud cleared from Kline's face, arid rush ing forward he caught Carl, in his arms, crying, “ Forgive me, dear Carl—mow I am gla?d thou hast won the prize.” Ah I the blessed jeffect of a bright ex ample. Quickly joining hands,; the chil dren danced joyfully around the little Carl, who stood in tpeir midst, the white angel pressed to his heart—-his fair hair falling in curls on his shoulders his blue eyes full of hqlyltears. The good Master* Friederich also wept for joy, and prayed from the depths of his pure and simple heart, that the Saviour would bless this lesson to the children’s everlasting good. He had turned away that none might perceive his tears. Btit One in Heaven saw them. Master Friederich. DEALING WITH THIEVES. ' The following true story is told of Ja cob Shaaf, Esj}., a merchant of Portsmouth in former times: A naan had purchased some prpol of him, which he bad ! weighed and paid for, apd Mr. Sbpaf had gone into the back room'to get change {fo? a note. Happen ing to turn his head while there, he Saw in a glass, which sprung so as to reflect the shop, a stout arpi reach up and takc; from the shelf a heavy cheese. ' Instead of appearing suddenly and rehujcibg the man for his theflfv as another wouldhavc done, thereby losing his oustprn forever, the crafty old gentleman his change, as if nothing had happened, and then, under the pretence of lifting the bag as if to lay | it on Ihe hoMc fof him, took hold of “ Why, bless me, jl must have reckoned the weight wrong I": “ Oh, no,” said the other, "yottlnay be sure you have not/ ibr T ooudted&th you.” “ Well, well, wh won't dispute about : .the matter, it’s so easily tried,^said Mr.' Sheaf, putting the .bag into the scales again. “ There,” siaid told youkb ; knew I was right-- made S mistake pf nearly, twenty pour as ; however,'ff j-pu don’t want the whoh, you neednlt hare it j f’U teke part cut.”;' % 'I “No !” said >tho : other, staying the hands of s|r. Sheaf on vibe way to Strings of the bag, “ I goes* Til'take tire vdrole.” i sd>'ipayipg by receiving the skim imlk cheese for.the price of Tfool. . ■ a - :>. r : . On another ocpasiqp, Mr. . S,, missed* bawel of 'hiijilhs man apked the cpmsqn : ' ’’’ V./ v' A* Did yen ever find out, who took that p<^;iMirSh«af?? ,t ;-; ’ r: was,'ffie reply, «y o u are the fel loy; fpr nope b»t myself hud the thief kpewpf] 03 a”u .The fellojr was detected by the shrewd dealer, l whp:possessed the valuable faculty of knowing wben jto be silent. PaopucnoNs of the Jaw.—Thomus cles’of the human jaw produce a power; ,p>, four hundred and thirty-jour pound#,. is only what science, left} ns A Put WO know: the. jaw ,of some of our fowyenis equal to i v good many tfcousftbd pounds » yaar% thiMpi :; u ~ J irt ’—« EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, IHDIAtf CRUELTIES Ilf TEXAS. ’ The s tory of the horrible treatment inflicted last month in Parker coenty, by a band of sav ages, on the person of the ill-fated Mrs. Sher man, has already been told, but the following narrative of her sufferings from the pen of her sister, Mrs. S,P. Martin, ir absolutely harrow-: ing. It was written to the brother of both sis ters, who resides mfFayetteville, Payette coun ty- Thd letter is dated Parker county, Dee«m her 17.1860. ** My Dow Brother : The Indians hare again come down upon ns, murdering our dear sister, Martha A. Sherman. Her fate and suffering# are too horrible to relate; a thought of the afr fair sinks ipy souk into despair, and you sea that these lines aril nearly obliterated by tears. To sicken and die by ordinary circumstan ces- of Providence is but moderate suffering, ibut to suffer the thousand deaths of a dying one at the band# of the plttiless savage melts the heart to. contemplate. “ The Indians went to Mr! Sherman’s house, shook hands witk all, and asked for something *P® a *- It was dinner time and they gave the Indians the table. Thfy ate and then ordered, Mr. S. to leave the house. Ho did so, taking with luiu big wifg slid three small children'.— They had got off some five or six hundred yards when the Indians overtook them, sister was csr ned back to the boose by them, alone, leaving = Mr. S. and'the children. The heartless wretch- ' es here began their brutal outrages, whipping her all the way to the house, over the face and head, with their whips. After retching tho bouse they took from It;.every article of value; oven to the bod clothing; then took poor sister by the hair of the of the brute* on either side of her, stiil Shipping her. They even stuck pins in and tortured her m o»ery possible manSTr;. finally took off hefr clothing, continuing to whip her till nituf* wao exhausted, she sankunder :tbe 'burthen'ofrow'* lentlcss cruelty. They then foalped bar, in king off every strand of her deaf hair, leaving jthe skull bone bare. And ‘ than, to cap l&e dlt-- ‘ max, they shot her through *tho shoulder,!*™- ing her ns they thought, to die. struggling In her own life’s blood. Hero she wasfoirncfby her husband, trying to drag h|r almost lifoloa* - ,i> body to a mud hole of water near by,' In thl« ' mangled state she Jived four dayf, Bering" more than language earn describe .”—Qa,Uutaft {Tacts) News. I ' ‘ A MDima's Grayi.—-Earth has some sacred spot where we feel like losing shoes from out feet, and treadingwithrev erencc; where common words of soeial converae seem rude, and friendship’* hand* ■" have lingered in each other j where, vown . have been plighted, ‘ prayers offered, And tears of parting shed. hover around suchplaCes/and travel back 1 through unmeasured space to visit them! But of all the spota.on this greeq earth ' ’ none is so sacred as that where rests, wjdV ing the resurreotidh, those 'we have 6nce' loved and brothersi pr ot® 45 \ children. Hence, in all thn -hetfop part of mankind; have, chosen and loved'! spots of the dead, and oh the spots the? have loved to wander at eventide and mod-. itate. But of all places, even among, thh charnel-house ofthedead, none isso sacred as a mother’s graven There sleeps the nurse of infancy, the guide ofoqr-yoqthy the counsellor of put riper y^psr*rdhh : friend when others deserted us j she whoCe heart was a stranger to every otherfeeHhg' hut love-—there she. sleeps, and wh love the very earth for her sake. Working in * iii Garden too B ariy. —Many enthusiasts in>> the gaitdta &te so carried away by {be temptation of fine spring weathejr, that they coinu3enr : Gencral--P]d yqu receive tojhito, mt . y Jndgo-r-¥e^sic... do, you intend to fight \XOO-?; f . ri ~- ,■ -:r - - ■ • ait-; •• >, .. ' • . 11 v^? e * a^TlieD > flir > I consider you i pitiful ctiward. * ■ s ‘ r > Jon knew that very well, p# you never would bare challenged: me.' / . ... . "* ” Parson A. belonged to atemper- OTOe fociety, all tiro members of which were total abstinence men. One of bis iriends bad a strange misgiving of &• minister s cold water propensities. . “ Prayi Mr. A.,”'said he, “what is tb» mewnttg of total abstinence ?” ,* ■ , “Whyj answered the sbrewdolenry, mail with a sly leer,.«it means not to dnnt so' fast as to choke yourself” ’ ’ A . Modest OettD.—Schoofoana— “ Thomas what does B-e-n-c-h spell?*- Tommy—“ Don’t know ma’am ” ~ Schpolmarm Why you little mwfe> skull, ore you sitting, op V’ !, ?„. Tommy (looking sheepish 1-i-lt-e t-o te-1-1 r • - i 1 * * * ■! m ¥ 1,. ; t , !,4 An Irishman, gays the Pittsburgh Post, working on the canal, lately wmjwi into the water, and coming across a large turtle. With head and legs, extend^/e -treated upder great oocitement, to his eompaoforii mat be Wdftmpd oho* foil oif Shake* ■- (I** •-rfi. ftj.^ Vi {■ \ -i- • ’ -» NO. .7