The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 07, 1861, Image 1

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p--.:kinp in the praiM of • *Vvw- v, ;H
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:i::; Jluaix-o Acui'mr or- TaEiSlait!
II .a:!, iintl Cm>iir, also, fwjtij/jfa.
M-’-: ffli i utii,n,\reQulalingtht
- —bs|ng«o mt^pSSSm
:'; cusps of OoM«Kj|Sf-.
!••<.• lit.-. life mid health .w
r lin i.i/rniu tkote sad and l&ufiip
i‘> result from-the ute c/%Sr.
remedies /or Infantile. 0/uipjUiit£
.1,/ On. KAToxVjMPAimtiduEsg*
It i* jHift-ctly linanlcßS.uiua oa»‘
:>l i I'ricc, ,2S Oeußg. J--i»
cli bottle. Vropar&l onlylbr
cumicH i- I)Uiio(nt; : ,
Hu. 4«9 Biuudvvay, Naw-YorlL 1
;-;on \
LYZED V-.'-l
‘- imc essentia] elements,
: r ARH. Analyze the Btoud&f
.-nsumpliou, Liver Complaint
'i we dm! in n-cry irtfiante c*r.
d d ules of Blood. Nh/tpiyihtse
made well. The Blood Foot) fr
rt—hence its aelOnUbipg:tM.
■ i- of the fllood in’ different dl*.
illr.c;.vcßira, or any affection
l.fso*. inducing CoxsintnMx
No. fj.r XtomsMatfam-Sn£Si
;i Chl.,;(ic €OMm»SLiMrWnt
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um’i?. No.ffghr DMWPwtit,—
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4 i= fir FehalelJuuOoiUß
-8k special dir«:tloh»for
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No. 5. In all ctwcs thodl
ini. ice of tlie Btoodtiaa
ciicnai i duponov
1. 4. :• !!; uadn-gy, KeW-York.
uitlpiii.i. andO. H.KKTIBE,
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April 14th, 'M-ly. ‘
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■■•>KTCNA7E—i!(o matter
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■• (^quacks—m«iveor*for
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■ -md read .it carefajir. lit
"■ - >”3::ya dollar, yonrhenlth
I on :i(iy of the diSaime* ds
' <;'i-y,iJCo.-110 Spruce St.
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■ 1-t Uiaii;rtojidjr.- '
■ : will bd sold V«y
■V •'■ is the motto of this
1 '/‘l.’ K- BTtOOMALL, ‘ '
, I OKily OoGofirad,
; ‘ .jr-of Quarry, i*imada.
: UK ( iAZETTB.--
C'rimfnaiaU to
; 'y ilironghbWt
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1 -'-’i U. !eonip,tofp«hiortilth
t : :v, not to be fouadjqanj'
ii-ni; $1 for six mouth*, to
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V ork I’nlfcc OnztftiOf . ■ - .
Xi to York OltH. i _
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f CALDWi',X>Xo
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‘ VOL. 6.
1 INVITE ATTENTION to some of the must cstraordl
air; ouret by my
Tboy ara at home and any one who has double can in
quire of Uie persons who have been cured bv it.
ATTEND TO YOUR COLDS—A casooffive year* stand
ing cured It
Da. Kstiek: —My wife baa been afflicted with a bad
sough and difficulty or breathing for five or six years,
which tor sev-ral years back bad gradually increased in
viuleuse. Th. complaint baa been hereditary. and she bad
b«u treated by several physicians without any relief. In
ShUtfsto of hoc case I procured some of your Pectoral
Coast) Syrup. I bought the first time a fifty copt bottle,
which relieved her very much; I then called and got a
dollar.bottle, which cured her entirely, and sba bos mu
no trace of the former disease, except weakness. I would
also state that 1 used the medicine myself to a cold and
•ungb. The medicine cured me by.taking one dose. I re
press my entire satisfaction with the medicine, and you
art at liberty to publish this If you desire to do so.
Alderman, fifth Ward.
PiTTSBtmo, Nov.lStb. IS.'IS.
Da. .KsTStn; —Although not an advocate of Patent Medh
tins In general, it affords me great pleasure to recommend
your Pectoral Syrup. As a medicine if is well worthy the
attention of any person who may in any manner ba aifec
tad with coughs, colds and hoorsanuss of any kind, and for
fht peculiar qualifications for removing alt that disagreea
ble sensation attending a cold.
I have been more or less, in my life affected with the
severest Colds of hoarseness. At times my throat would
besomo so closed os to prevent my speaking above a whis
per. and by taking a few doses of tha above Syrup it would
relieve me entirely.
In roc-'inmendiug this medicine. I must unhesitatingly
•ay that It is tha bast medicine I ever found, purporting to
•ure the above ; nor should any family be. without this
ksaady tor diseases so prevalent.
Tours, most respectfully,
Cashier, CitUeus’ Deposit. Bunk.
I, bare used Dr. Keyscr's Cough Syrup for a bad cough
■fUVeral years standing, and can cheerfully say it is thp
baft tnedisiue for the same that 1 have ever taken.
UP. —Da. Krrsm —Dear Sir: Excuse the delay of my ac
knowledging the excellence of your Pectoral Syrup sooner,
t take great pleasure in saying that It is all you say It Is.
the worst one 1 was over affiicted'rfitli; I hare not used
(■ore than one Ipalf of the bottle, and can and do wish that
all who are afflicted would give It as fair a trial as I have
dene, and they, will ho proud to say, ‘‘ It Is no quack medi
etas.” X would not suffer another such an attack for any
eoiillderulion, or at any cost. lam confident J cun breathe
■ore freely than I ever did. .1 shall always acknowledge
a debt of gratitude for inveuting so excellent a remedy.—
Ton lire at liberty to use my name In this regard, as you
thick proper. E. F. PRATT.
Messenger, Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pmsnqau, May 11th. ISol).
N. 8.—1 am no stranger to my fellow citizens, and all
wbe entsrtain doubts can consult me personally.
READ THE TRUTH—Du. Ketsv.b: I havo a daughter
wbo’his taken several medicines for a had cough, who has
taken several medicines for a bad cough, without benoftt—
among them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from
you a bottle of your PECTORAL SYRCI*. and before she
had used half a bottle she was relieved. The second boi-
Us cured h«r entirely of h«r cough. ‘
Pittsbcp.o. December 31st. 1533.
■TRUE—I live in Peebles.township, Allegheny county.—
1 bad a coughing a id spitting, which commenced ahoat
the 4th of February last; and continued cight-'moutbs, 1
employed th« best physicians in the country, and my
ooagh non,tinned unabated until early In October. At that
tlpseX was advised to try your PECTORAL SYRUP, which
T did, aud after ! had taken one bottle I was entirely free
from tbs coughing And spitting. 1 luul dispulred of rVcr
getting well, aud I think it should bo known that this
valuable remedy will do fkr others what It has done in
■Teas*.' JOHN C. LITTLE, I’eeblos township,
mthess—D. M. Kziut.
Patton township, April 14th, 1557.
A WONDERFUL CURE.—Some time ago. an old neigh
fcer of mint was aery {ll will} a had pouph which every one
■apposed to' be consumption. His relatives told mo he had
taken every remedy they heard of without benefit; his
Vfother came to see him die, and ait were confirmed;!!! the
belief that be could not live. I had abont the third of a
i bottle of your Pectoral-Syrup, which I gave him, And it
entirely eared [him, to the astonishment of all. What
makes the case more remarkable, is the extreme, ago of
The man, he being about eighty years old. ■ I have no doubt
tile Pectoral saved his lib. JOHN ITGINNIS,
THiLE.—PIesfe send me another supply of your valuable
-*< Pectpral Syrup.” Almost everybody around us lias the
eeld and are inquiring for “ Dr. Koyser’s pectoral Syrup.”
, '.lf* have sold. sixteen bottlds last week, and are now en
-1 rtrelyout, Mr. Altar and Mr. P. Maher, both of Ulairs
vUle.Fa., tell us they would not be without it in their
lemUlci. In fact, all who use it once Want it again. \
I . 'I
HCOTORAL troubled with a cough
and eoldloreeveral Tteebe-’So’bad wae It that I could not
1 (Uni. T.had the' iulvlcierteril' prescriptions from three of
the Bert physicians In the efty, whom I could name, hut
de oht do *o.- 1 finally bottle of your Pectoral
•Trap, which cured'meentlroly. Signed,
« STOP THAT CODCIIUSO.”— “How can I do it!”—
41 Oo to Keyset's on Wood street arid get a. bottle of bin
Osueh Pectoral, and if that don’t cure you, your case must
"bis desperate indeed.” This 1* a specimen of the colloquy
on* beam almost *very day In cold cntchiug seasons of the
7W- A« we •au. from actual experiment cheerfully con
ear la the adviser's admonition as above, for wo have tried
lbs “Pectoral” in a’ nioirt; cate; with entire suß
' •*•*. Keat two woeksagowe wfnttoPittsburg with one
•f the. moit distressing contrary, tonlisb; unsubduable
oonjh» we hare ever experienced since buradvent upon
this mundane sphere, wo coughed steadily andlaborons
one whole week, In hopes of, tiring it out/bnt it wM
, facl ; !t seemed rather to- Improve by practice
and to have acquired strengtli, potency and distressibillty
oy the operation. In this shite of thu siege, we coughed
Key set's, 140 Wood street, procured a fifty
••ntbottle of the Pectoral, took it according to directions,
• n d «• wrty?elght honrs we were master of the Held, the
•n*my ha*Ug unconditionally surrendered after a brief
■at unequal conflict with so formidalilo an adversary Os
gsyssr s Pectoral—Brownsville Clipper, Doc. 14th,
sold by DR. GEO, U. KEYSER,
' , , 140 Wood stmt, Pltsbnrg, Pa.
' ..A ‘ SUES Ctf E B.’
Trripved and Sold by DR. tj. H; KEYSER,
Pr*i« os ... . MO Yfood rtnwt, Wttsburg.
*'■ ‘ ■■ ■■■ -• . •,. \ I
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Steubenville, 0.. March 14 th,"1859. i
January Mth, 1800.
PxiTSßUfca. Jan. 11th, 1860,
E. F. P.
Robison street, Allegheny.
Worthy of ainy Confidence
Many, since tE'e great .discovery- of Prof. Woe d, have at
tempted not only to imitate his restorative, trill. profess to
have discovered something that would produce r -suits iden
tical; but they have all come and gone, being c; rried away
by the wonderful results or Prof. Wood’s pntpa -atioo, and
have been forced to leate the field to Its resistless sway,—
Read the following;—
B.vtn, Me.. April If th, 1859.
Prof. 0. •!. Wood A Co.: Gents: —The letter I wrote you
in 18S6 concerning your valuable Hair Kesto -alive, and
which you have published in this, vicinity and elsewhere,
has given rise to numerous inquiries touching the tacts in
the case. The enquiries are, first, is it a fact <}f my liabi-,
tutlon and name, as stated in the conimunicath.ii; second,
is it true of all therein-contained; third, does my hair still
continue to be in good order and of natural color? Xo all
I con and. do answer invariably yes. My hair is even'bet
ter than in any stage of my life for 40 years pist, more
soft, thrifty and better colored; the same is true of my
whiskers, and the only cause why it is not generally true,
is that the substance is washed oil by frequent ablution of
the face, vyhen if'care were used by "wiping the face in close
connection with the whiskers; the same result will follow
as the hair. I,have been iti the receipt of a great number
of letters from alt parts of New England, askirig me if my
hair still continues to be good: as there is so much fraud
in the manufacture and safe of various compounds us well
os this, it lias, no doubt, been basely imitated and been used
not only without any good effect, but to absolute injury.—
X have not tisedany of your Restorative of any account for
some months, and yet my hair is as good ns ever„and hun
dreds have examined it with surprise, as I am now Cl years
old itntl not a gray hair In. my-head or on n;y face;and to
prove this fiict, I send you a lock of my hair taken off the
past week. I received your favor of\ two quart bottles last
summer, for which 7 am very grateful. I gave it to my
friends and thereby induced them to try it, many were skep
tical until after trial, and then purchased and used It with
.universal success. 1 will ask as a favor, that you send
mo a test I)}' which I can discover fraud ia the Restorative,
sold by rpauy, I fear, .without authority from you. A pure
article Will insure success, and I believe where good effects
do not follow, the failure is caused by the impure article,
which curses the inventor of the good. 1 detun it my-duly
as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued effect
on my hair, us X assure all who enquire of me of my un
shaken opinion of its valuable results. 1 remain, dear sir,
yours, A. C. RAYMOND.
Aarons Run. Ky.,’ Nov. 30. 1858.
Pool'. 0. J. Wood : Dear Sir.—l would certainly bo doing
yon a great injifstice not to make know n to.the world, the
wonderful, as well as unexpected result I have exjwrienced
from using one bottle of your Hair Restorative. Alter using
every kind of Restoratives extant, but without success, add
finding my bead nearly destitute of hair, T was Dually in
duced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, can
dor and justice compel me to announce to whoever may
read this, that 1 now possess a new and beautiful growth
of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the
original was. I W ill therefore take occasion to recommend
this invaluable remedy to all who may feel the necessity
of It. Resp’y you a. Rev. S. ALLEN BROCK.
1 P. S.—This testimonial of my approbation for jour val
uable medicine hts you are aware of) is unsolicited , but if
yotr think it Wc>rthy a place among the rest, insert if you
wish; if not destroy and say jiutliing. ■
Yours, Ac.,
The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz:
large, medium and small; the small holds a pint and
retails for one dollar per bottle ; the mediums hold nt least
twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails
for two dollars per bottle: the large bolds a quart, 40 per
cent, moro in proportion and retails for $3 a bottle. 0 J
WOOD i CO., Proprietors. 444 Broadway, New York, and
114 Market street, St. Louis. Mo. And said by all good
Druggists and Fancy Goods De Eeraj [Dec. 6, ’BO 3m
110 H RISK'S
A 8001-rf j’lain Jiulrs and Cuhnlnliom for Business Ope
rations, bp Martin if. liohrer , Practical Surrit/nr and
(hnccyancet. Xcw Edition, published bp Jl B. Lippin
coll t£,Co.. Philadelphia, '
This work contains 304 pages, anil upwards erf 500 Rules
and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, such aa
arise every day in tho common pursuits of Biislucbs. It
has already passed through a number of editions ip rapid
succession, and is pronounced by all classes of business
men to bo thcihaudicst book of reference, pertaining to'cal
culations, thidi has over been published.
Every exmnple in tho book Is worked out In full and sta
ted in a plain manner, so that when a parallel case arises,
those referring, to the work will find no difficulty in solving
it; in n word, tho goucral arrangement of theCAIX.'ULA
TOIt Is simple, that any one who knows how to add, sub
tract, multiply and divide, can easily solve any ordinary >
example that arises in business, or arrive at the true result
of any estimate required.
The chief aim of tho author has been to cschcw theory
and philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts aud simpli
city, believing that business men care little about spending
liriie in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of
figarbs, deeming it sufficient for tlieir purpose to bo able at
a -mdnicnt, by reference, to arrive at tbe true result. The
CALCULATOR differs in’this respect from all other Arith
metics of tl»e day and kindred works—it is tv key to prac
tical business calculations—it is, in the hands of the busi
ness man, what the key to mathematical, works Sa in the
bands of the teacher in the school room—it facilitates thus
nuiTlhsures correctness. ,
Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Eiick and Brick
Work, of stone and stone work, of grain amhgrain bins, of
coal and coni bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of circu
lar, square or irregular vessel* of cisterns aud vats, of root
ing. of plasterer's, painter’s, glower's. pavcr’B.plnmber’s,
paper hanger's and hpholstererso work. It treats of cur
rency and of foreign aud doincstlo-exchango, of the deci
mal system, of reduction and Its extended application to
business, of simple and compound Interest, and their on-*
tiro application to business transactions, with the laws and
usages governing and regulating tbe same, together with
numerous commercial forms—of legal tendei, of partial
payment on note* of .banking and hank 'discount.'of equa
tion of payment and of partnerthipacconhts, of assessment
of taxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic
measure, of the square root and its application to business
of surfaces, of excavatlijin, an i of many other important
practical raattorsnot within the scopo of an advertisement
to mention.
Farmer, the merchant, ,tha mechanic, jtbp nrtlzan. or the
professional man. It has proven a vilqhble anxiliary to
the lawyer, the justice’ of the peace, 1 tho eonveyapter,
and real estate broker, to tho assessor, tho banker,The
citric, to the civil engineer, and tho surveyor, tothecitrpen
ter.and bricklayer, to the stonemason and tho plasterer,
to the paper hanger and upholsterer,' to the paver and the
tiler, 4c.,d:c.; cacli and all will find itsdapted to their Va
rious Wantsbetter tbannny book published. ‘ v
,636' Mailoil (post paid) to any. part qf the Cf,nitj«l States,
upon receipt of the money. Price of a single copy, in cloth,
60 cents, or two copieS for $l,OO. . Bonad in pocket-book
forin, morocco, $1;C0 per copy. v • •
Address,- ' r M. M- BOUBBH,
Dec 6,1861-6m.l Box l9llPhiladelplii» P. 0., Pa.
XT ! Paint, also Cbromo. Green, Tellott, Pari* Green, 3ry
n~gretma ottftt fl-ttl - -
\jr |o q/der l>j *
Rev SAB.
; ***V
Great work on the horse.
J E.VMNOS, V. s., Professor of Pathology and Operative Sur
gery iu the Veterinary College of Philadelphia, etc., etc.
Will Tell Xou of the Origin, liistery and distinctive traits
of the various breeds of European"; Asiatic,
African and American Horses, with the
physical fornintou and peculiarities of the
animal, and how to ascertain his age by the
number and condition of his teeth; illustra
ted with numerous explanatory engravings
WiU Tell Xou of Breeding. Breaking, Stabling, Feeding,
Grooming. Shoeing, and the general man
agement of the horse,"with the best modes of
administering medicine, also, how to treat
biting, kicking, rearing,-shying, stumbling,
‘ crib biting, restlessness, and other -vices to
which he is subject; with numerous ex
planatory engravings.
WIO TeU Xou of the causes, symptoms, and treatment of
' , strangles, sore throat, distemper, catarrh,
Influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy,
broken wind, ihroaic roaring and
whistling, lam pas, sore, mouth and ulcers,
and decayed teeth,' with other diseases «f
the month and respiratory organs.
Wifi Tell Xou of the causes, symptoins' and treatment of
worms, bots, colic, strangulation. stony con
cretions, ruptures, palsy, diarrhoea, jaun
dice, bepatin boea, bloody mine, stones iu
the kidneys and bladder,' iuflaminariou and
other diseases of the Stomach, bowels, liver
and urinary organs.
WiU Tell Xou of the causes, symptoms and treatment of
bone, blood, and bog, spavin, 6\vtH-nie, ring
bone, strains, broken knees, wind galls,
founder, sole bruise and grave), cracked
hoofs, scratches, cauker, thrush and corns;
also, of megrims, vertigo, epilepsy, staggers
and other diseases of the feet, legs and head.
IFiJf Tell Xou of the causes, symptoms ami treatment of
fistula, poll evil, glanders, farcy, scarlet fe
ver, mange, surfeit. locked jaw, rheumatism,
cramp, gulls, diseases of tlm, eyu and heart,
Ac.. Ac., Ac., and to manage castration,
bleeding, trephinning. roweliug, firing, her
nia, amputation, tapping, and other surgi
cal operations.
TT7U Ttll You ofßarey’s method of taming burses.; how tc
approach, halter, or stable a cult; how to
accustom a horse to strange sounds and
eights, nod howto bit. saddle, ride and break
him to harness; also, the form and law of
WAiuiANTt. The whole being the result of
. , more tlmn fifteen years* careful study of th®
habits, pt*c!ilittitries, wants and weaknesses
of this uoble and useful animal
Tin' book contain* 384' pages, appropriately illustrated
by nearly Due Hundred BngraviUKS. It is printed in a
clear and open type, and will be furnished tu »uj address,
postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound, $l,OO, or, in
cloth, extra, $1,25.
d>l A HA' A VT7 A 1? can I>B made by enterpris
-sl- X JjxAXv mull everywhere, in
sailing tho aboye, and other popular works of ours, Our
Inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal.
For single copies of the book, or for terms to agents, with
other information, apply to or address
JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, v
No. 817,Sausom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nov. 8.-Cm
The. -people's cook book.-
MOBKUN COOKJ3RY in all its bmn:hcs, by Miss
Buza Acton. Can-tolly revised by Mrs. S. J. Hale.
It TtiU You, How to ebuosu all kinds of meat, poultry, and
game, with all the various and most approv
ed modes of dressing and cooking bjef and
pork ; also the beat and simplest way of salt
ing, pickling and curing the same.
It Tills You All the various and most approved modes t»fc
dressing, cooking, and boning mutton, iamb,
veal, poultry, and game of all kinds, with
the-dlQcrent dressings, gravies, and stuffings
appropriate to each.
11 Tdls You How-to choost, clean, and preserve Fish of all
kinds, and how to sweeten it w lien tainted;
also all the various and most approved modes
of cookihg, wijth the different dressings,sauces
and Oavoriugs appropriate to each.
It Tills You All the various and most approved modes of
preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat,
Kish. Fowl. Game, . and Vegetabie . Soups,
Urutlis. ami Stews, '" with the Relishes and
Seasonings appropriate so each. ■
It Tills Toil All tin- various ami most approved modes of
cooking Vegetables o( every description, also
how to prepara Pickles. Catsups and Currie*
of all kinds, Potted Meals, Fish, Game, M nsh
. rooms, ie.
It TtUs Tuu All the various and most approved modes of
preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and
Fancy Pastry,‘Puddings. OiudcttysOfritten,,
Cakes, Confectionary, Pa-serves, and
Sweet Dishes of every destrfittlntf.
It Tills Xbu All the various and -most approved modes of
'! making Bread. Husky,;sJ\iign«, - aud lUscnit,
the best method bf Choco
, , , late, dnd Tea, au'd liow‘TQ hiak*o^Mßw£~CQr-,
dials, and Wines of various kianZSt-A,',
It TcIU Tf>u Dow to set out and a Table, hrav to •
Carve all Jtiijils of Fish; Flcah_ or FoWlf and
in short, lio'w to so simplify tha whole-*A*t a{\
; ' Cooking as to bring tlio choicest luxurieB‘'of
the table Within cverybod-BVcach.
The back containa.4lB pages, and upwards oftwelvo hun
dred Rcqjpes. all of which are The re's lifts of actual experi
ence, having been fully ami carefully tested under the per-"
sonal superintendence of the writers, it is in a
clear and open type, Is illustrated with! app'ri&afiate en
gravings} and will be forwarded to any nddfSs.-iicatiy
bound, tmd postage paid, on recipt of Uio price, Sl.Q&'df-iur
cloth, eilru, $1.26. • " ’ j,
Selling tjlid above work, onr Inducements to all such being
very liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents,
with other Information, apply to Or address
f dOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, .
i No. 617 Sansau Street, Philadelphia, Va.
FORM thocitizens of ‘Altoona and vicinity that his
supplied with the very heat articles to bo had, and in great
Variety J 7 1 lie has also an
attached to his store, in Vfhich ho will servo-up PRIME
OYSTERS, in all styles.
Ho basal ways on hand a lot of
Beds: at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies, ic,,
for pic-tiles and other parties. • He invites a share of public,
patronage, bel levipg that he can render full satisfaction to
Remember, his store and Saloon is onYirginiasl teet. two
doors below Pattoii’s Halt. .OTTO ROSSI, i
) dersigned has noyr .on' hand and will .
sell cheap lit his store in the Masonic reuiple, ,13589* i
and complete aMortment’of 'POOTS";wH
'AND SSKOES, ; rc«3y made,;or inniW to order, BH. !
Sandals, Gum .Shoes, Cork ,
.•Soles,and everything in biarline of business, of
the. bsi’q.nSUty arid op the most' reasonable terms. All
vrorfc warranted; '
;■ ■ JattjS; V J, SAOEMAKER. >
The Root and Herb Doetof,
V./ for the Rocky Mountains, for a now supply of 1100 s. I
Ho will return againand can be consulted at John Wood’s i
on the 2Xst day o/ November and on the i
19th day of December. Also,, one diy, in each month for J
several mdhttis thereafter, notiefe of which will be given in \
this paper. V : DB. W* UViNOSTOK.
Sepi SO, 18.00. ; w v.-';
, a id
'f R/ v
Jl- desirably located }ri'tbAßoroii|{h<>r Altoona.": Amity
Altoona, lob. 0.1860-tf.. ;.
j itftrmiimtliig RATB. MICK/ EOACUES. ANTS, at
BoiWiiig? wtthcmi rfuDgtr Wits use under any cfronme'
cea fill* sale at the Drag Store of -' jo> Wi EBSSLI
Juhjgt. , ,
for salei Apply, to ' JOttSf SHOEMAKER.’
uSO.ISCO-tf. : - •' ‘ AtthcTfestOfflof
A :
Per annum, (payable invariably in advance.) $1,60.
. All papers discontinued at the (>xpiraUou of the time
paid fur.
1 Insertion 2 do.
Four lines or less (, 25' $ $ 50
One square, ( 8 lines) : 60 75 1 00
Two " (16 “ ) „ 1 00 ' 1 60 2 00
(Three '• (24 “ ) 1 50 2 00 2 60
: Over three weeks and less than thrco months,'26 cents
per square for each insertion,
’ 3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
jSix lines or less | 1 60 $ 3 00 $ 6 00
One square, ~. 2 60 4 00 7 00
Two “ 1 4 00 6 0U TOiOO
Three “ 6 00 8 00 t2 f OO
Four '*■ 6 00 K) 00 14 00
Half a tulumn 10 00 H 00 20 00
One column. : 14 00 25 00 40 00
Administrators and Executors Notices , 1 76
.Merchants advertising by the year, three squares,
with liberty to change, 10 0b
■Professional or "Business Cards', not exceeding 3
lines with paper, per year 6 00
Cumannications of a political maracter or individnul in
terest will be charged according to the above rates.
Advertisemcti s trot marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued lili lorbid and charged ac
cording to the above terms. -
Business notices five cents per line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten lined; fifty cents a squara.
Jltlfct |]octnr.
A rosebud blossomed in my bower,
A bird sang in my garden;
The rosebud was its fairest flower,
■The bird its gentlest warden.
Andu child beside the linden tree
Sung “Think no more of sorrow;
But let u» smile and sing to-day,
For wo must weep to-morrow.”
1 asked the bird, “ Oh didst thou hear
The song-lhat she would sing thee!
And can it be that thou shonl-ist fear,
What the next morn may bring thee !”
He answered vritb triumphant strain,
Saying,"! know not,sorrow;
But 1 must sing my Lest to-day,
For I may die to-morrow!”
I asked the rose, “ Oh, tell m», sweet,
In thy first beauty’s dawning,
Thou canst not fear, from this I'tetreat,
The coining of the morning I”
She’flung her fragrant leaves apart,
The lovelier for her sorrow.
Saying, “Vet I must bloom to-day,
For I may droop to-morrow.”
I said, “ The bloom upon my cheek
I s fleeting ns the roses;
My voicu no mute shall sing nor speak,
/When dust In dost reposes;
And from these soulless monitors
One lessen I may borrow—
That we should smile and slug to-day,
For we may weep to-morrow.”
Jlried Utiscellang.
Esther McDowell—A Singular Story.
J. F. Meginnis in Lis history of the
North Branchy Valley relates the following
history of a successful imposition practiced
upon, the people of Jersey Sho|e, in<J.§o3.
About the year. 1808, a remarkabl2--cir
(jumstapree transpired at tWiippcr%td' of
thfi-borough pf Jersey Shore, well remam
berefj.hy all the old people living,at that
fim'o. Pino r tree|* in Considerable num
bers/Were the spot; 1
now speak.
MaTjtin Beese, had bpilt
the public road fhp. cabal, pjn"tho
farm now owned •
and rpade some improvements. Rising
very early one frosty morning ;lh Octoberj.'
he\was surprised to find a
■in .a state of nudity, with her hands tied
behind her back, and a gag over : her;
month,- standing in front -of.Jus cabin,
against a tree.: He relieved hsr-Il£pnx her
uncomfortable position as soon
and tendered her the his |
humble cabin She appeared to be com- i
plctely chilled through with cold, and !
could scarcely speak for some time. - On j
recovering sufficient' strength she related
that ho bed been traveling on horseback
from her father’s bouse ih, Montreal,, to
visit an uncle that resided 4 in Kentucky,,
in charge of a young man named Benja
min Connctt who was sent, expressly to
attend her. Bi|t haying a large ainpunt
of gold in her (possession, an evil spirit
prompted him to rob her; and in a lonely
spot near P|ne Crpck, he presented a pis-1
lobto her breast, compelling her to dis-:
mount and deliver up whatmoney she pos
sessed ; when h.e immediately stripped her,.
tied her in this shameful condition, to
starve with hunger or be devoured by wild
beasts. She had remained in that condi
tion nearly all night; when after the'most
despetale struggles, she had released her
self and made her way to the cabin. Af
ter being refreshed, she willingly went
with the family -to the' spot, and pointed
’ out the place where she had been tied, and
the path- she had beaten round the tree
trying to • free herself.
;Thero. was'something artless ip her ap
pearaneej and her modest demeanor.: and
delicate frame, loft ho doubt in the minds
! of those who saw her, that her statements
i were true, and that she had been foully
dealt' ’lyithv . {She appeared . tp ; be over
whelmed wiib . at ihe; thought of
her situation among strapgerp. Stc gave
her name as Esther McDowell. - "
„ . Key. Mr. (Jrier, father of Judge Grier
B of the Supreme Court, resided,
- aud took her into his family, and kindly
■*jj provided for her wants. A greatdealof
sympathy iras excited.’ in hjet behalf, ans
the. neighbors vied with each o&her in
'■making her presents of clothing. Several
gentlemen, now living, presented her with
valuable silk dresses, and other articles,
which she accepted, and- kindly thanked
them for their liberality. £ r ,
Mean while the news spread throughout
the country, and the public indignation
was.highly excited against the villain Con
nett. Handbills, offering a reward fo.r hia
apprehension, were put in ■ circulation,
and the chivalry of the West. Branch
started in all directions, to look for the
scoundrel. He had twenty T four hours
start, however, and being well mounted,
eluded all observations and cftectcd his
11. C, DJ3RN,
The artless girl remained ip, the neigh
borhood, caressed and entertained Ly the
sympathizing people, who could upt do
enough to alleviate her wants. Hor man
ners were so simple, her actions so lady
like and refihed, and her description of the
thief so minute, that no doubt was left of
her being badly treated. Letters in ,the
meantime were dispatched to her father at
Montreal, but weeks elapsed and no answer
caipe. Still the public confidence in her
was unshaken.
The intelligence having spread far and
near, strangers flocked in great numbers
to see her, and load her "with presents. —
Being at the hotel kept by Duffies, at Lar
ry’s Creek, a gentleman nts»ed Hutchison’,
from Milton, called to sec her. She eyed
him closely, and seemed to keep, shy of
him, •which attracted his attention, and he
thought he detected something familiar in
her countenance. He requested, to have
sornp private conversation with her which
sfio positively refused, when he exclaimed,
calling her by name— ‘ I believe you are
the identical voung man that once worked
* C
for me in Milton as a journeyman tailor !’
This was. a poser, and she became greatly
excited; which aroused a suspicion
the people that she might be an iriipostor.
And such she untimately proved to be.—-
The pretty Esther McDowell had deceived
and humbugged them in a shameful man
ner, and never was robbed as she repre
sented. 1 ■
clothinghad also
been found near the spot where lihc" was
found, secreted in a hollow log, which went
to confirm the suspicion;, At length she
confessed that such was the fact —that she
had been playing-the impostor; beingof
a romantic turn of mind, shehad actually
passed herself off as a young man,, and
worked as a journeyman tailor. ,
It was now remeraberea that a young
man, answering her description, had cros
sed th 6 White Deer Mountains into Jsip
penoso Valley, and staid over night with
the family of a farmer. If bo evening of
that day she (he) camp to the ’house of
Joseph Antes; Esq., where Major Me
jtfij?ken now and he ferripd hcr
riyer T when -she doffed her tnalo
atttrp ia the position in
Wlvatevp^ ; of her is not distinct-
Jy known, ■ thptgh it is. asserted that she
left tfirp country soon afterwards, and went
to the West under another name,, where
shortly afterwards married; andbe
baiue’a reshcctahlp woai&Qv 1
amplgiiieot among
_ ttfe-olffpeepte of thp present Jay,
{WSfif is ■jjfct onpo excited ;au<j
they recountthe circumstance of being so
nicely gusto.'
Some of the Institutions of a Print*
■ ing‘Office. '• :
.. _ The # Devil’’ is an institution byand of
himself ,5 go inks thp typo, or. bujhstho
crank, or u lays on ‘ thesheels/l '(Qther
peoplo Sometimes dp 1 this - latter.) If
Wcro .not for him ‘the paper would not
“ come ..oat/* lie svteeps -ohfctiieofiSca;
Ho builds the fireman .appropriate Work
for a fiend—and swears because soiph one
has “ hooked the kindlings!” - He does
tho u chores at the house.” He
the bahy.”.yiet His important duty
is to keep watch on the street corne| so as
to be able to inform the editof whop the
sheriff is after him !< , , \
With all this, the ‘.“ Devil” shoulders
all the bad smutty jokes df the editor.'
When, ibe of thp pph is
ashamed of ah expression, and still desires
to utter it, he says, Devil says; thup
and so/’ and the poor “ Devil” has to
stand it I ""V . / ’
: Nevertheless, the ff Devil” is an impor
tant J. personage in JJc . attends
lectures. He frequents concerts, shows,
Knd tho ppora ; but—l ?ay it itidre ikeot 1 -
fow thaq in seldom attends
church f Ho presents himsjeif the tick
et office of the’ ff show,” ■ his ff iioen'^
teyorsed by way of a (for ho sel-
QOtsx possesses mpfh'.than q’ single shirt,)
’aS'a “ member of the PresS, ,> 'nud so pres
ses his claims that he Is admitted without
the accustomed quarter. Indeed he'gives
the ticket agent no quarter up til he’ it ad*;
putted- without Hho quarter. • Hut our
ydung; friend is not alone.- He is too
.wm~m *M-i|utid Kfe'«
ptsk ic and enjoy e th* ente^pmept,
\V ■ »
which, whatever it may he, fe
in doses alternated With' peanuts and to
bacco. For the- “ Devir*’chews as' troll
as smokes and spits profhsely upon carpet
swhen be gets within reach of . them.
>Tnever heard of a Printer’s Devil who
had “risen in life,” but I do the class
the justibe to say that, to my knowledge,
.none of them have fallen very low. Seine
of these “Devil’s” have decendod to be
mayor’s of cities. Some of them have otren
let themselvesj down into congressmen.——
But ! never knew one to degrade’ himself
so low as to become a President of Bio
United States. , , ; * : ' -
So much for tlie d DeVil" I £how the
“ animal” -I've been there myseai “ Bully
for him.” - • r*
Ne ver do too mCoh at a TiMfc--'Sir;
Edward BulWer Hylton,, in a declare, re-,
i ceatly delivered gave the fotyowing >
tory of his litcraly habits Many per
sons, seeing me so much engaged in active '
life, and-as much about the Worid' as'ifX
bad never been a student) have said tome,-
‘ When did you get time to. write all your .
books? How on eatth do you contrive
to do so much work 1 shall surpmojou'
by the answer I make. The answotis
this:—‘l contrive; to do (to much by not.
doing too much at a time: ; A ntaoj, to got
through work, well, must not overwork) '
bimsolfj or, if bo do too much tbday.the *
reaction of fatigue will come, and bo wilf .*
be obliged ito do too Utile to-morrow; Nowl
since I began really'aucFfcatnestly. to study,-
which was not till I hadleftcollege,aud;
was actually in the world, I niay perhapa ■
say I have gone through as large a equrse T
of general reading as most men of
Ibavo traveled much,and iwSii;.'-
much; I have mixed much in ppliti|s,
an d, the. various business of Ufe j and, ‘ in
addition to all this, I hayci’ polished
about sixty volumes, some iipoh subjectar
requiring much research, -And what tirao '
do yohthink, as a generalrule,lhave
devoted to slgdy—to rcadiugund writing ?
Noftbibu ■ three’ hoarC ? dayf and
when .Parliament is siting, not'always that; ■
But then, duribgthose hoars I-have ghreu
my whole'attention to what I was' about,' ,f
B EAUTiEUii Auswers:—A = pupik of
the Abbe Sicord gave the following ex
traordinary answers: N ,
“ What is gratitude ?”
“ Gratitude is.the Lheheari,-
* “mat is hoper ;. ;
“ Hope is the blossom of happinesdi’ *•
“ What'is the difference betrteienliope
and desire ?” . v 7 ; : i .
- “ Dcaireisu tree ia leaf, hope is a %xqb
in flower, and enjoyment is a
“’What is eternity?” ‘ V ’/_'*/ •*’
“ A day without yesterday 6jf ' td-mot*-
xow —a fine that hasna cnd^.
“ is time. V*
<f-A lute thattwo ■ t
wiiicb begins, hxtbe cradle aim “encfijn
tbo. grave.” - ' r: ” T tf-l N ,
' “What’is God?” V‘
« The neceSttny being, the stth ? i>i eter
nity, the
justice the o? the Universe,
’ : “ Maq jreqsona because ho. dqhbts j ho
dcliberates~he decides- (jbd 14 ' is >
cieul; v He ’’ never therefore
. Qaiajs q,p Evil REPQETjs.xri writer
accounts,’ very’%gQni
busTy andjuistly, for the evil
. arb <drbulated to’the injury of good pdpplo ; '
I ■ seat word
miah. thjit -there were certain’ ropprts in r
circulation pooceraing- him of sib tmfavor
ablo character, Hehonjiah replied, i here
■ard no suedt things done as tbbtt shytiat, •
but thou feignest them-out of thine own
heart.’. How trdly do these words destine
h*nch of the; evil surmising there is in thav
• Sanballat judged Ncbcmlah by
what lie would have been' himself lit Nc«
Kemiah’s position. A drunken than dften
thinks everybody else is drunk. Whirl ‘
yourself around on yonr heel until’ your
brain ijs reeling, and all tbe tyorld will ,
seem to .be whirling around yon.' Just so ■
a corrupt mind thinks everybody ii
corrupt.” :<k. "y - '"J ■‘'
• u.vv ’ k y- ’■i ••• ■;
XlNWisi angry iftan~who
sets his own ’house on fire;iu order .that
to may burp up that orhianpighhor. :
. The envious nian~vrWoannotenjoy
life hpf?aiisppthera dp. , ■
The rpbher—'Whoj ihp consideration
of a few'doUara, giyos the World liberty to
hang him. V - ‘,
This l»ypo9hondriac~^ho^ r ,jhigtieBt
happiness Consists In himself
! WWo. v : W ; -
jmsv „
The jealous rwho jadisdiJS dis own
baMuef *"£■■* ,^ ;u ■■;'■•
The atarfca himself to
death, : in order that hishieir maj^fcaat.
ThO alatiderer—who ictys ial& foftho
sake of gmog his cnemy a
hUh a ; Uar._ ‘ - ' ■'
flay * a fcriuno; «»&#«&
■S'-*, •
■ :r ■;-%,/L : to-
NO. .6 *
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