/ NEW STOCK OF PALL AND WINTER GOODS AT HILEMAN’S. The subscriber informs-his customers, and the public generally, that he ba* Just resolved it Urge and beautiful assortment ef FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Whfob, tor magnificence, extent and -variety, hare never b«forej>eea excelled in Blair county. Particular attention U ItftUed to onr stock of LADIES" DRESS GOODS, Atehas Black and Pitney Silki, Chalices, Btrtgts, Brilliants, Lawns, Delaines, Chihtet, Deßeges, Vrapts, Prints, Cnapt and Steßa Shawls, Mantillas, Citdersleeves and Hosiery, Bonnets and Ribbons, Ooilttrs, Hand \orohxoft,Kid moots, Hupei Skirts, Skirt inft Lacs. Mitts, etc., etc. FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAK, "We hare Cloths, Cassimerea, Vestings, Tweed*, Jean*, Ac. Haeda-ef tmiiiM would do well to call and examine our stock of Winter Good* for Boy*. ■' Boots, Shoe*, Hardware, Olaaaware, Qoeeniware, Wood ud Wls* Ware, Oil Cloth*, Carpet*, Ac, In any quantity •lid at price* that cannotfall to pleaae. GROCERIES. Our atoek of Groceries U more extenaive than ever, and consists ofßlo and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and B. 0 Bogan; Green. Y. U. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candle*, Salt, Piah, Ac, * Thankful to the -public for the very liberal patronage heretofbrerecelvcd, be hope* by *trict attention to bosi ne**, 4nd an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the (tune. ' *o* Country Produce of all kinds taken In .exchange for Oooda at market prices. \ 0pt.59, 1800. J. P. TtjILEMAN. A -WAYS IN SEASON! The undersigned wouidinibrm his old customers and the public generally, that ho ha* Just returned frem the East with his fall stock, which is the LARGAST OF THE KIND ever brought’ to |hlt place. Ho baa every variety in Price, Size and Quality, of ME N wm HATS AND ■■ AND BO tS’ GAPS, - For Fall and Winter Wear. Also, aU sizes, colon, shapes, and qualities of Ladies and MlssM ond Children's HATS and FLATS, to which the at tention of those In want of anything in this lino is special ly invited- FURS! FURS! FURS! I have naw the largest and handsomest assortment of Furtivef offered to the ladies of Altoona, embracing CAPES, MUFFS, CUFFS, and everything In that line, ,f»r Ladles and Children, of American and European mannfocture, and of every quali ty of Fun. Parsons In want-of anything in tho above line, will please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, ns I -uu determined to sell at the very lowest possible prices. Btoteon Virginia Street, opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, oct4, 1860-tf. JESSE SMITH. npO THE • PUBLIC.—T HE SUB- J SOBIBEU (having taken tlie estahlishmentherotofore OWnsd byEamnel I. Fries,) would respectfully an- ■■ ' nonnee to tbe citizens of Altoona and vicinity, «|SL that he has removed his Bptfvflfr WHOLESALE AND RET AID «SO| TCY, SBFETIEOX WARE [May 24, 1860. |t|ei7 and Grocery Stope. mjEB SUBSCRIBER KEEPS; CON ' * BTANTLY on hand Vteita’Bakcd Bread, Cafeer, (he - PBEEU BACOW, I%OTJE, Groceries, Alio, | choice lot of BEQARB Md TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Virginia Street, below Annie Street, ' JfoY.lO. S» M. WOODKOK, ATTORNEY At LjfVW, \ ' ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA.,; PRACTICE IN THEiSEVE ■ ■TY RAL Quirts of Blair', Cambria and Huntingdon ‘ Hating bad several years’ experience in U»e ; practico"of tbel>«. be expects to merit public patronage. \ . ■ ' on ANN IK STRBBT, 3 doors above theTost Office. v |topt.B,iBao;-tO ' J. Cr. AI>LtJM, NOTARY PUBLIC. ' ' ” ; , ’ ALTOONA, BLAIR 00, PA, ! < Oaa at aU timcg be found at tbe store of J.B. Hileman. z ■ Saber 1,1867. ' r'” qp ». ROYER, Mi D., 1 11, . otfera hi* professional services to tbe citizens of itStta and virtnityy . „ , . '■'the beStof references can be given if required. 1 Office at »*t Jonob bn Branch street, East Altoon*, three Aoorsabove Conrad’s Store. ~ AprttjiBBW-AT- TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM jRI ades. aharigg Creaa, toilet goai^^^brjtfahy HAIR INVICORATOR!! i N EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECO f\ NOMICAL COMPOUND, , . . . , FOR RESTORING OR AT HAIR to It* original color without dyeing, and preventing the hair frbm turning ypff y pp snrKTfTTJfa BALDNESS, and curing It, when there I* the least particle of vitality or recuperative en- SCURFAND DANDRUFF, and all cutaneous affections at the Scalp. N FOB BEAUTIFYING HIE BLAIR, imparting tost an un rqealledgloes and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its texture and Paneing.it to ctarl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing demand tor this nnMualled preparation, convince the proprietor that one is only necessary to satisfy a diademing public of its .rape*tor qualities over any other preparation at present in me. It-cleanses the head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causes the hair to grow laznrSent ly, and gives H a rich, soft, glossy flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosening and thining, it will give strength uml vigor to the roots, and restore the growth to those (Arts which have become bald, causing it to yield a fresh covering of hair. Tbereare hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New York who have hod their hair restored by the use of this Invigorator, when all other preparations had foiled. L.M. - has in his possession letters innumerable testifying to. the above facts, from persons of the highest respectability.; It will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray until the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair has al ready changed its color, the usA of. the Invigorator will with certainty restore it to its anginal hue, giving it a dark,' glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can be dressed in any required form so as to j)reserve it* place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the ladies a* a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being. ONLY $5 CENTS per bottle, to be bad ot alliespectable druggists and perfu mers. X. MILLER would calj * the attention of Parents and Guardians to tho use of tlie Invigorotor, in cases whore the childrens’ Hair inclines to he weak. Tho uso of it lays the foundation for a yood head of hair, as It removes out impa rities that may have become connected with (ho scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for .the health of tho child, and tho future appearance of its Hair. , CAUTION.—None genuine without tbe fee simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER’S HAIR IN VIGORATOR, N. Y. blown in the gloss. Wlipjesale Depot. 50 Dey St. and sold by all the princi pal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. Liberal discouut to purchasers by the quantity. I also desire to present to tbe American Public my Hew and Improved Instantaneous which after years of scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection: It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to tho Hair or Skin, warranted tho bust article of tho kind iu existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 23, ’OO-ly. Depot, 5C Dey St., Now York. New grocery and liquor STORE.-—Tlie undersigned would bog leave to an nounce to the citizens of Blair county and vicinity .that ho has opened his new Store on Virginia street, three doors below the Superintendent’s Office, where He lios j nst received from the East and West a largo, assortment' of ____ Foreign and Domestic Liquors, consisting as follows; gaSsm French Blard Brandt/, Cognac Brandy, Peach' Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Wine, Old Port Wine, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gins Old Rye Whiskey, Monongahela Whiskey, and Rhine Wine, which ho has himself imported. Retailers of Liquors and Formers will And it to their advantage to buy of him, as lie will sail at CITY PRICES.. He will also keep constantly on hand on assortment of GROCERIES, Such as Flour, Bacon, Sail, Fish, Tobacco, Se gars. Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, sc., All of which will bo sold cheap for or Country Produce. Our friends and the public genedtlly are respectfully in vited to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. LOUIS RLACK. Altoona, May 20,1859,-tf^ GROCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. The undersigned would in form tho public tlmt he has purchased the interest of A . MILLIBON in tlie Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St., where lie will continue tho business, ami will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision 'Stores, all of which lie receives fresh from tho enstcrn.and western cities, and will sell at tile most reasonable pr.ices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale. X will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ot liquors of tho best qualities to bo had. 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12, ISOO.-Cm. J. BEUKOWITZ. Red lion hotel, ALTOOXA, BLAIR COUSTY, PA. This old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars in Altoo na, has passed into the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants me in assuring the travelling public that no pains will be spared to render guests as comfortable os possible while sojourning under my roof. The TABLE will constantly ho supplied with the very best the market affords. The BAR will bo found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of oil kinds, including that choice bevo rage LAGEfi BEER. , The STABLE is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. , The proprietor hopes, by his long experience in the basincs and the facilities at his command, to make the Rod Lion, in all respects, a first class Hotel. The business of the Hotel will bo under my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public Patronage ia kindly solicited. JOHN ». SCUWEIGEKT, Proprietor. May 19, 1859.-tf JOHN BOWMAN. BSTTo Persons out of Employment .*&a AGENTS RANTED, In every County of the United States, TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF some of the best and most elegantly illustrated works published. Our publications ore of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Former, Mechanic and Mer chant.; thoy are published in the host’ style and bonnd In the most substantial manner, and are worthy a place in the library of every household in the land. r ggb-Tomen of enterprise and industrious habits, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be mot With. Persons desiring to actas agents will receive prompt ly by mall toll particulars, terms, del, by addressing LEARY, OETZ A Co, Publishers, No. 224, North Second Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 25th,’60—6m. Lands i lands i.l lands in;- The undersigned i» prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS Intho Omaha and Nebraska'Olty Land Offices. — Good selections can now bo made near the. largo streams and settlements. The Lands of this Territory, now in Market, are ofthe best quality. ' , «». Selections otters ofro daestod) ALEX. F* McRIKNJiYi M ■ ,i ■ OEEAfpUS, CassCotinty, N. Ter. July 14,|j850.-tf W. M. LLOYD & GO., ' ALTOONA, PA n JOHNSTON. JAOlt & GO., UOLLWAYSBXme, (Laljt V BeU, Johntton, Jdik $ Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and SttT«r and Gold for sale. Collections made. Sidneys received on depoatta, payable on demand, wUhoutlnterest, or upon time, With interest at fair rotes. ' Fsb. 3d,18W. ■ PEOF. L. MILLER’S LIQUID HAIR DYE _ RtrZBIMCZS: Her. A. B. Culrk, Altoona, P«. jWk. M. liIATS * Co, Banker*, Altoona, P«. McCook * max, Editor*,, “ Tnos. A. SootT, Bnpt.P.B. K., “ D. McMtotziz, E*q., Huntingdon, P«. WM. 8. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE IN THE MASONIC TEM PM. [Dec. 23, *sB.^ 4&»A Student wanted. DRS. CONRAD & CAMERON RE SPBCIFCLLYoffcr tbclr professional services to the Citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office mi Railroad street, two doors east of tbo Bod Lion Hotel, where they may be consulted at all hours, except when professionally engaged. . Beptf[ ■ QPECTAGLES AND BYE PEBSER. rets fbrsslsit ri-fZJ SySSSMK’S. ■ ■' “"MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS and! PHGENIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINE HAVES NOW beenbeforo the pnblicfot a peried_ of thirty years, and during that tiros have maintained almostevery.part of tho immediate pow of restoring perfect «£ fertng under nearly every kindipf disease to which the hu man frame isliahle. ' : I } . ~ The following are among the distressing variety cr un man diseases in which the i TEGKTABLE DIF? MEDICINES are well known to be infclHHi DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly!cleansing the flmt rad sec ond stomachs, and creatine a flew of pnre, healthy Wle, in stcadof the stale rad acria kind; Loss or Annctite, Heartburn, Headachy, Restlessness, 111 Temper. Melancholy, which are tho general symptoms of Dyspepoia, wiU Vanish, as a natural couse qaooSrra?JKB, by cleansing tho whole length of the ln testinos with a advent process, rad violence, all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring tho blood to n regu lar circulation, throngh the process 1 of respiration in such cases, rad the thorongb solution of all intestinal obstrno 'tion mothers. . known to cure RHEUMA- The Life Medicines hare w ,en kuo..- - - , .... TISM permanently in three weeks, and GOUT In half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. . DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hpneo have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. AIso ‘WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. , SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS tiud BAP COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative-effect upou the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disugreeanlecnmplexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of thfe Bkin. COMMON COLDS and IN FLUESZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two lu the worst cases. ' ... PILES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 36 years standing, by the use of tho Life Medicines alone. * FEVER t AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western coun try, these mcdiciucs will be fpund a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to n re turn of the disease—a cure by these medicines is perma nent—try them, be satisfied, iiml be cured. BILLXOUS FEVERS ane UVER COMPLAINTS.—Gen eraI debility, loss of appetlte'and diseases of females —tho medicines have been used with ‘the most beneficial results in cases of Oils description :-j-Kings Evil and Scrofula, lu its worst forms, yields to tho mild yet powerful action of theso remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats,^ Nervous De bility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters’Colic, are speedily cured. MERCURIAL PlBKASEB.—Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by thp injudicious use of MerCi ry, will find theso medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from tho system, all tho effects of Mercury, in finitely sooner than tho most powerful preparation of Sar saparilla. _j Prepared and.sold by For sale by all Druggists. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. RA. O. KERR HAS JUST RE • turned from New York City with a beautiful or sortmcnt of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy Tfinfer Silks, j only 65 cents per yard, Black Dress Silks [■• “ §1,20 per yard. Japanese Cloth—a beautiful fabric for ladies' dresses-^-Mexican Finds, Poll do Chevron, a most cqmpletn assortment of the latest patterns of Delaines, Opera : Cloth, plain. Delaines only Hu cents per yard, they luive always been sold at Ho cts. in this market. , Also, a beautiful assortment of the challenge Wamsutta Prints, now acknowledged to bo the best prints in market, and a handsome assortment of fast colored prints from 6 to 10 cts per yard, Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Caps, Woolen Dutlcrslccves for ladies and children, an unsur passed stock of Hosiery, together with an abnndanVc and variety of everything in the Notion and Trimming line, lie calls special attention to his beautiful assortment of queilk s ware, which is acknowledged to l;c the most complete of any in the (own, and sold at prims defying competition. Tea sets, consisting of 40 pieces, sold at $4 00. BOOTS AiND SHOES, directly from N«w York, and bought from first ban BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL, INGRAIN, LIST, HEMP AND RAO. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS from 1 to 2 yards wide. His stock of GROCERIES is complete in every respect, and will so sold at ns low a figure as any bouse this side of the city. , Oct. 11,1860. { i T)ATENT KER X OIL LAMPS! , Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy> Every person desiring td obtain the very best aijticheap eat portable light within [their reach, should cal} 'at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamp* before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves ( tt) demon strate ‘ ; Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occnr by explosion. 2d. That they cmitno offensive odor while burning. 30. Tliat they are very easily trimmed. 4th. Thatthcyahe cosily regulated to give more or less light.' „ 6lb. That they burn entirely free from smoke. Cth. That the light Uat least SO per cent, cheaper than any other light now in commbn use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics,'Seamstresses, factories, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Damp can bo attached to old ride, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. The green book, just pub-- DISHED, 160 PAGES, PRICE 25 mfalffkm Cents; On Single and Married life; or, the Institution of its Intent, gallons, and Physical apd Legal Diabnali simmmmßf ficatloiis; the rational treatment of all private diseases m both sexes, 4c. To which is added a poetical essay, enti tled “ fhfhjxictliae:” or the art of having and rearing beau tiful and healthy children, by the late Robert J. Culvkr- WEix,Esq, M. D. Sent free of postage, by the Publishers, Chas. Kuxe & Co., 80x4686,Ncw York,or Dexter rt Co., Wholesale agepts 113 Nassau Street, Now' York. Agents wanted everywhere. Also, Gratis, an'extract and sample of the above cntl titled: Dr. CulverwelTs Lectureon the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generally, detailing the means by which invalids may effectually cure them selves without the use oif dangerous medicines, and at but little expense to themselves. 1 Sent free by mail in a secure envelope, on fhe reccipfcof one stamp, to prepay postage, by addressing, i CIIAS. KLINE 4 CO., Fob. 22,1859. .Box 4586, Now York City. /HANGER INSTITUTE, Vy After many years ’of successful practice, DR. KEL LING still desires to doigood to thoaflllcted. Ho continues to cure all kinds of ■ CANCERS, TUMORS* WENS, SCROFULA, or KINGS EVIL, SORES, SC, if curable, without cutting orpoSanT Ho docs not confine himself merely to the cure of tWiabovb diseases, but will treat all others with success FttionU will bo'visited, if desired, a reasonable distance. Persons desiring to visit Dr. K. will please stop s»t the Railroad Hotel in Mechanics burg, where they will ms directed' to his residence. For all particulars write—state diseases plainly. Enclose a post age stamp to prepay answer. Address Dr. C. L. KELLING, Meehan Icslrarg, Cumberland Co, Pa. Sept. 13, IsSo-flm J Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY 8 If Oft E* rpHE SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES to I keep constantly on hand all the host literary paper* and periodicals, daily paper* from Philadelphia, Near York and Pittsburgh, together With a good assortment of Books. Alt the School-Books useditn this place and vicinity always, on hand, ■ I -Also, a choice lot ofjConfoctionarles, and knick knocks of all kinds for child rep. Also the' best Tobacco A Sogars to be had in town, toother with a fin* assortment of Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Bings and other articles of Jewel ry. Coll and" examine.! • H. FBTTINOBB. Altoona, July 26, ’OOfly. • jYo. I Altoona ffotae'. x>. b, GOOD, m. p.; ; Brs. GOOP INQ entered iA» sine, reippctfallyl in the torerol branches 1 CaUiwiU be anawbteii —which It the tamo (u. 4 Good,—oral tholiofean April 21st, 1859 dm if L_ : ' O YES! O YES I—GENTLEMEN draw nigh andjhcar, JOSEPH P- iIIOtJT innotm eea to the pi-itc, that ha ia ready to dfaphargelda duty aaoa Auctioneer whenever called upon. [Jan. 3 ’59. /"I ROOERXEB.-—A LARGE AND VT complete aaaortment ofQrocaHea hi'ra Juat been cdErod attfi atoraor ; J. Bi UXUSMAN. XT AIR, HAT, TOOTH, SHADING, 1 1;. Flint. Sub 4nA‘-Vtoiirii Prmbea it &EBBLEyB< W. B. MOFFAT, 535 Broadway, New York, [iopt. 13,1860-1 y ,, Goto is me Hktn, and Ci tm, also, for otfUm ing the gums, reducing inflammation, regulating th* Btmdt, and relieving pain. It bat no equal—being an antwpatmodto it is'used with uw/lulmg »««*« In all cksea' of CoitTotSteit > oa or am Fite. Ai you value (Ae lift and htaUhnf your children, and with to tare ihtmfrom Ucot* tad and alighting consequences tehich are certain to result from tit* utt —* *« s S I o § § . I P 3 "/a g'« £2 s 2 n 9 si S"g CO g-*J SKg r - H ax «j i—i a-go * § OO s 53 ITICAL Philadelphia watch and JEWELRY STORE, wa .rtJI O. CONRAD. FORMER OCCUPANT, No. I4S N. 2d St., corner of Quarry The undersigned has loosed premises, where he will keep a Urge assortment of Gold, and Silver M’atches, of American, English and Swiss raaa ufecture of the most celebrated btakers, in addition to. which will be Ibnud always baband (and modem order) on. extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated ware, together with a general assortment of such goods as usually kept in a flnrt-tlass Watch and- Jewelry Store. Tlio patrons of O. Conrad, and those of the subscriber, together with the public generally, ire Invited to cell, end they will receive* good artkl*cC>r their money. As lam determined to ddS cosh business, goods will ha sold vary low. *• Snail Prifilt and Quick .'W« M ie the motto of this Establishment. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, , Formerly O. Conrad, \ No. XiS N. Second St, cor. of Quarry, PhlUdo. ‘ , June 7,1860.-ly. > ! . ■VTATIONAL POLICE OAZKETB This Great Journal of Crime and CriminaU is tn its Twelfth Year, and ia widely circulated 'throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the*ome,togotherwttb information on Criminal Matters, not to be tomdia up other newspaper. ■ U3_Bnbßcilptionel2 per annum; $1 for ux month*, to be remitted by subscribers, (who should wrltotheir mum and the town, county and State where they retiinplainlyj To O. W. MATBELL * O&T Editor * Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette, 15-tf] Atw rorkCUy. House and lot for sale.— The subscriber offers at Private Sale the HOUSE and LOT occupied by her, on the corner of AdaUhe and Julia streets, Ilf East Altoona. The House is a good Two* Story Prune Building, containing a Parlor, Dlnlng-Hoom and Kitchen on first floor, four good sleeping rooms on the second floor, a finished Attic. The lot is in good order. Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain' Anther information will call upon the subscriber. ~ MABQT. M. McCRUM. Altoona, Ang. 11th, 1859-tf. Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair County Mutual .Fire Insurance Company, is -at an times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, Barn tnw, Merchandise, Furniture and Property , of every des cription, in town or conntry, at as reasonable rates a* say Company In the State. Office with Bell, Jbhfntoa, Jack « Co. D. T. CALDWEU* ty** Ju. 27, ’59-tf _ Lycoming county mutual TIRE INSURANCE AGENCY,—The onderslgecd agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company-'* at all timet reedy to Insure against Ices or by ft* Buildings, Merchandise, TVmifttrr and Pioptrt y efewt? description,in town:or country, at as reasonable rats* ** any company in the State, Office in the Masonic Twrr * J«n.3,»86-tfi ; JOHN SHOEMAKER, A*"* National SAFETY TRUST 'V; ‘ ’ ' v'iite’swtfr** ■•‘A 45# iO^ • ' ■.,>»v‘-’ V •v . "’ \ *3r~ , x ** * ‘wBS :\ ' '* i > -«, -*. TfoOßVil •Hi'ssca: J-iOLI-e. ? *' ‘Zy.' X' - • i .§ 9> X g ; .►■■■ .' ’ c 2 - ..■■» • ■ A .'•.'"■•O' ,■• w •a ;> " HI .: S 3 ■‘3 I ' . : - I lISYTTS iTTB Bary cures by my PECT They mat home suits ofthe persons - D». KBYBSHIB AMINB UJNG3, IV WRONKBD HIS M ATTEND TO YO ’ log cured bt - DR PEOT< DjuKetseb:—M} sough and difficult ■vrldeb'fhr savatnl y violence. ‘Che com been treated-by sex-. thUjrtate of her on Omah-Simp. Ibo Which wlleved hsr dollar bottle, which ho. trace of tho form also stats that' I u«< i sough, The medial . press my entire eut sure at liberty to pul Db.\Ketser A 1 cine tu general. It ai ' your Pectoral Byrui . ■■ sttantloo of any pot ted with coughs, co the peculiar quallfli hie sensation attend - X have been mor Severest colds of h, become so closed r,» ■ peri and by taking relieve mo entirely. In'rtoommrnditi, 'say that it Is theta •ore thoabova; nc ramsdy Air diseases Yours, tha>* HasdDt.. efteverai years stn best medicine for tl ; OOL-PRATT A: UPa-fDa. Ketser kaovrtedgiiiß the <■: C * take great pWaou JI KNOCKED Til ''the worst one I wu atora than one ha'.i all who are afflict dene,aniltbur wr xa|ae.* I would ik> eOnsideratlon) or -,l tiure freely than I adebt of gratitude ToU ore at liberty fhlak proper. . v ■ • Messsti , ;pnmrao. Mi ■■ •...•. K- B,—lam no entertain dbu r' ■ - TWE TR - ,4rßo has taken sevi . . token several mod! SHUTS’ them Ayer you aoottle ofyou •ad need half a hot fie otWed-hsr eatir Orh «... , •i#.' . '-'v A QUSAT ct: lfro In X kid A'coathlne the 4th Of ’Februii employed tha I>i»i caqgb continued ut •tlmiiw'M njriawl T 4ia, imd after I h from the cimjlilnu getting well, and ; ▼aloabla remedy v. inycaa*. ' < WltaaaJ—B. M. .•"'V i ~A TfONDSKFtII ■ sfc*r*ftnln*«as vc •nppquedto bo c.v , taken, amy rented . brother came to »"> bellettfcat be cuiil< - ■ bbttleofyour Pert ‘ ’ entirely cured hit ' ■ tttakae the case,in. ■'th« man; he being >,tb« Pee total saved d--- *• V ; * »a. KEYSER’S ▼ILUbr-Ploase se