The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 21, 1861, Image 3

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.•■IsKaSEH; ByKossns
hi iajrr.iid Operative
niladoljihhi, etc., etc.
rv and distinctive tmlu <
Ik of iimiopvan. Aviattc. ■
icon lUiruee. with' th*c .
and pecnliiirltio* of -■
ascertain hie ogo by thfrl '
'ion of hi* teeth; iUtuten
csol.a-.itarT engraving*- _
* DISEASES . 'v . \v\
Stabling, I? feeding >,
.it in] the general man- '
. with the bet t mode*ol
■ ini-, also. how to troot
ring. shying. (tumbling,
or ris, unit other yiefeekr.
; with timueroß* «x-
■ aiid treetocnt of' •
. a. iii.«tvuiper. o«t«rrb.
[.m uiiiiinitt, pK-urUy,
no- I'i.uiah. rujtrtog-Mxt
vi e month and ujo«r«.
. -i 111 l other dtsoiUed of
iiatory organ*.
ij r.niii and treatment of'
;; .1 Tiprulut i.ou. (tony cou
-1 ike, diarijiuta. junn
1-io.uiy urinef (tone* In
i iijf'. ualimtion ami
■ it..uiach, bowels, liver-
■toms and treatment of V
, spavin, .mveeuio, ring
.ll hii-i-s, wihd gulls.
and gravel, cracked
niter,. Iliiusli.aud cufuip
I.go. ipDcjis}-, (tagger*
if ilii-'-li-ot. leg# and head.
• phiiiis aud'treatment. «f
ro l ls, farcy. .sciirift fa.
1. -kiii ja-.v,.rJieuuiaiUui,
: ■■ of tlie eye jimfheart,
V. to manage castration,
in. i iw-f-ing, firing, hor
.tig. ami -.other surgl-
:..:;.:iiA Jiorai'a fhow to
a Colt how to
’ ■ ’ i-iriVKH n>mid« and
- uiiil.-, ride unit break
tlio turn anil IrtW .of
if the result of •
careful atudy uftha
waiite and wvakutaMM
; ..1 animal
;ii-.ij>natoly illustrated
U is jointed In u
i.i-lu-r to any iiddrcr*-“,
di !• >i:iid/sl,iK>i.'ur t - in
N‘ iniiil*' I*y
:., ii cv*tv wliier« t In
•.; 11 -ut uuifc. Our
_i' liberal. (
to .>scnU,_wltU j
..rn:u, VuMWier. •
t, l'u.
liian-lie*, l.Jiliw
‘ fj. J, 11.1LV1. '
•t’ nieaf. poultry. and
a- ai;.! appro*-
-,i.l ruokimc-
, ..iiiiaU-atav’iiy lit«*U
. 1 ia* NKtnu. .)
: u,.|'i'->vi;l mode* of
■ i.i l1 H mutton, lamb,
- ut' ail Uitiun. u itU
u:.a aluHiugA
. .Tjn • *cnc I'Wt Ilf All
- '..1 ii tviivti taiatoil;
i ia- -.t approved luodea
!i •rent uiva>itiga,'»Aafees tu cacti. [
■ ; ,i| j-f-uiai modes of
ti iii s l;iiiii« of *
' Vegetable .Soup#,
a the Uclultca 4ud
U < rich,
;-;i|iruvaJ /nodc« of
■ i v ckeeriptiutt, also
■ OUSUpe Httcl.GuiTiM
■ Id., Game,JUu«h
moilea of
: kinds c£ Plain aix)
t ‘atclrUcf. KtltteiV,
crVfS. Jellies, «Utl;
■ ' i Ijifinn." . ‘ : I
i ■ i -Yoil niojix of J
M u:l<tic. null
i • in,: cmTee, Chocu- ' •
>. t.i.vk— Syrups, Cor
:> bilid.r. v- : -'
;.l .' ill t<>
i. ! i af Fowl. and
...the wltolo Artof
iiv choi-.-wd l«x«n&» pf ' ■
\ V'-.i'h, "
i oftwePrflliitn
■ ;i:U« ofuctutl experl
i ;• «t!il under tboipar-
Lt In printed in *
| ,:!i it*"' rrnjirUJ* <m- ;
I <!vi<!re4!i. neatly '
>• l! - price, sl.oo,"crla
1 ' • mniie by-'eifterprl
k everywhere. In
1- i.:« tj all-inchljclni
•r r=m;s to agcnU,^
i •'it. J'uhlishsr,
: I’iiii.ujciplila, P«,
i n lian& witk su
it prices that will enit
in tkf»> sccUdji <<f
i'TK-r- stuck of llfto'
;r n> this plßdt!‘Slid
■ :r..rta lopU'ase Ui»lir
-t'-.-k, which wet*K«
i :.v ipneltfoS lu DrtnU
: Uowinjt. ,J - ; 5
. Oriental Lustra, *
.■'iik Brilliants, ;
■uj,lins, Chrne
, % Figured
J rettdi
• .‘f Pom*Btl« and
i-iiniprcs, S«tfn«il£
i •■li’s Clnak>
r ,K-n G'jwi i, Curnnti
.. .Ac., r
■ ; ; ttocl; ot
bo buugbt
■ -r 1-I.rof. ■
Hardware, _
|l. :! \5-orth *a
“Uil cordtatl/ iji*
j. i.owtuEr.
'I \ '
: hu; vicinity that >{•
'• / irTUKK, U always
ti. j-i had, atd iu groat
ill eeiro up 1'IlIiIJ!
3 31 EAT.
V cake*, caDtUtf, iftr
a share of pntflio
i r fiill natiafactiou fo-
Virginia attest, two ’
S.—TliJjj' UNTr
■ uub'le trriai.' All
IN i-'Oil KJCf
!■ r any
U il>e I’ost Offlc«.
f v
I Child Desertion .os the Card The Fri- : ;
I day Express train from Pittsburgh carried to ' i u — r ' ij ' \Tj ~
. Harrisburg;® child apparently about five or six ! ‘ /V.
, , i : j days oW, tyhich'bad'tyeon cruelly deserted by y ** y
-ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE, its mother. It appears that a man and woman ; T fir Yrfefv ’ if"? 00 01 injrt -,°f Consumption, JOS. 1 C*AlPtf? »
ilAlt<B uiiOec. . ■ ■ ■-**■ u. JdADpOhy M. I>.,»ce4 46years. 1 moutlh nuA >- r , a*** r V'* •
Lostorn Wav 716 A Si m company got upon the train .at Tyrone sta-; i!» fr. t - wIV -
>• sA
■- a. »>«». .«.cu.d».bo; 1 CURE
•HoUidaytbnrg...... - 7 30 nlld „ I 0 A . M . i JAdies’car, and at that station she and the man : Ofoimiumption, oh ihebudhut Mr JOrtx !Ü B\r«r 1 V ' . .V
jESSST ? u£®;;;;:z;;;::;:::;;;;;;;:::;:::;;;;;; :: *«■ got out. After the tm„ bad '*> *- •« ?*-. t MppVhi b dJaa ff» A h A
Western Way ...1120 ; proceeded fifteen or twenty miles, a passenger : , : llvl T Uil jlßßTfa 1 i#ll a li i*
TZS, ■ }-*> ' riinc'*
34?.ir» On Sundays, from 800 till ouoa. m. upon the seat* snugly wrapped up. He*ap- ‘ n p a nwaJ iMS °* Altoona Xu--4T3 r O of’
_JOHN 3UOHMAKKi ! .P. I I i pr ; Bed | lr . Solomon D. Crane, the conductor, j <// 1* * OV
RAILROAD SCHEDULE. i wL -° K«‘ ooe of thc .passengers to take aS £ mu ‘ W
£xpreu TrainKa»t arrive* 0,201».51.. leave* 0.10 P. M. ' charge of the child until could be ■ ’ Ilu ' IB ' urt 't - t "' tm-itrr-' •.
“ West “ 8,13 A.M. “ 8.31! A. M. ' , b . . . ° • . That In the death of brother Ako our Lode.. Ml _T3I _ TBl
fMt “ East “ 7,45 A.M. •• S.oo a. M done in tbe matter. Subsequently a lady I *»»« l>«t aju»«-Ful a H d ouaiMeiit niemW. and «,« c .imiua' ffrli & W yTyi ,
« S : E,'rVi :
: 2Z.'l
Train* Etti>t und'West. . llllU been married for eight years and never been W wlom, fia-« W n lit t„ ; ,ai, ct U:c;n iviii vo ctuy thfir 0> J; '" ‘ “> a .v U® prevented; and if lak-n at the
vSSi,;?s;,' tkistk; ;;™ «rss “ •» •w»• «i k-i-j “is:;'4“is 1 :::; S3X“ass Z A " k “ wi "»-
ouid It eat and Uxpi-CHS Train Kiiet and West. stopped lit Harris burg-; but previuuslv to leuv-i V- B Weill the usual badge of mourniitj; luv thirl v ti ~' ' t-ui.u!.
Aov.2C.ISCO. K.VOOII LEWIS. to«T Supt. .- • ~ . , ~, , , * u “- vs - i h J ih.y se.dow tail in rent .ring the .V*te<ca and
. mB tI,C tram child was cunstened Abruhani , AoWt-ed. That a copy »f till** remlution* be forwarded lo " !| a-h female* arc oo aul.jert
’ T " <-.-ono teiccrnulied to tumi^Tllf^oo^r”!- “«-“•*« they be 1 They act p.-ntly upon the bow..U._r*movh,a CMwess.
w „ , ' ;:uLUSu.V. -( i *-r Mtn. KHuttuU, Delicate K.-n»«|e», H n.l all
%nc<,„ ELECTIOH.-Tha following are the ““ I 1 I 1
official returns of the election helddn this bur- * ,C * W ?*“ ° . auested. The child was <1 heal- , tue ori;ni> restoritigthenaturalehuticily and etrength
•ough OP Friday last; ! th - v W. aild its mother an unmarried woman- of JACOB SXYDEK, Deeeaud. . orrl, ° wll ' J l- ".vetem.
Cairr Bcroess. W. W. E. W. N.W. Total W l |( J is Still confined to her room ;n_TyrOtie. lj A, 0U fs NOTICIC. j ilu iIALIC 1 ILLS nro llio result of lorn; I-
John Allison, 7b 7h 4b *2I.J ' I The AmJhi.r«t*-d to hear and deride upon the : tK> " *" d ‘••mduote.l expi-rimeuta. having In-on in
DuvidT. Caldivcli, 64 111 2U 1W i Cockcil Proceedikus.—A stated meeting of
1 2 J ' Council held Feb. 12th ISS I Prevent A A S.V V'dkk. !„.« ■ of Al,!»lJ ln I , °* l-‘“ *»** -ufr^.,,,5
Hcnooi. DIRKCTOna. , , c . ~ • ■ ‘®' ent * A A ,-. »«ti«» to.ail panics cmcerned Unit he will attend*to the *■-■ lLi,r ‘- "I-vlln-r on-tnalmp in mrvous *y»tcui or
liuydeu, By*r« t 1015 87 44 ! feUi 3 «• ‘ Green weod., D. Lnui<bmnn, J. A. duties of Uii tijirioiutmt nt, at otiice in lioni.inysbun; *■^ runi a *•^ ra «g» d sinti; t.f rh»* siumach
Jos. E. Hileman 91 4‘2 HJ6 Council, and Wm. C. McCormick, ■ Tiny,aw entirely ,c«u. i u cmpoeiffon. and
Ldw.ut A. lieck, 2 - 97 90 41 2JH chief Burges.. ( „ ti ., , ’ AU<». S. iiN'DIS, Auditor , -H thm-s with pefvct a«r.., y w.thout
William Dent, 1“ ,S Sti 38 ‘JOT - , ! IK ' n “ian burg. ivb. c, isci.-at ’ ««y chans., of dh.-t. „„J -u,e «6,,, 1rt! of a ,„.
C. C. Mason, s 69 118 40 JiO i of .last read and approved. | rgS7i~j~v^ \*\. r 7d~ ,' , : ! srM tefe m.d,r, it ««y a .l>ai,.i* rr v.Ju, chad.tu
Oeo. W. Sparkt, 3 “ 66 119 42 JIO On,motion; Kttohed. That we now'proceed to ;IV 1 lA li.M h k.S—B'J.UOO : beware of COUXTEityms'
Jacob Wagner, 2 “ 6J IJO 43 Jl6 1,18 of exonerations asked bv John 'r„ fn^dd’^i 1 " 1 ~,i,‘ .! t> 'V"' hoodi Mam.f..ctu r in < ' i 'Hie eetminc have Ave slguuturvs uf ilearv C' ‘’•jalJin*- „
JamvLowthtr, 1- ; .76 120 49 247 ; McClelland, collector for 1801. on deplete of Sr m market. . e “ ch M- ' ; ‘ ‘"b -
Town Coc.vcil. . , that yoaj, and on cxnininntion. exonerations' to wi !‘ io<ri...e the cr..j. unc-tlii.d toVn.I-balf told iy. Druggists Hud nil other Doalrra in Meiticincs
C. R. Hostetler,'. 80 74 H 42 ' JO6 ! U^\ UDt ° fs23 - 04 r 0 L : a l; u x w.a be sent by man prepared on‘receipt of tu.
James Kearney, ‘ ■ 8J- 63 30 'lBl f co 3i7nr°lT W to f x a m,n « ‘1»« «?• , e.-ufafacMry: evidence 4«J full partatalarl. Will hi PRICE (’'pVTQ
*V: J, Jfcn-ine, . 47 118 35 0j.,. CoU ‘* t of Jotili M. Campbell Uiutlc ivpoi t. which : era«*j to any one atMrejts u, 1 1 fe.
J) J Travu 41 up T K - 1 W:l ’ > acecepted, nud an order granted for the i ‘ LuU! -'IAXI’ka- TLTRixo CO.. ! Ail orders should he addressed to
<^ mßU , * , - b< : amount of .$01.62. ' i Fcb.T.lSfcl. Wharves. Hhiladetphia. ' lIENBY O. SIM.I.DIXO,
Joseph K Ely UP T’f r» no.y’ c A b t** WftB P by Wm. AV. Snyder,; J ' Not-is. co ly.| *8 C««l.r Street N.-w V.-rt
John M. Clark, zi ’94 4u ii>6 ; i' up “ rv ,r& f ° r '“ Djcr,:d durinK x,,v ‘ ,m - i ;v Boo2l ' S'HOE EEIABLISHMEJTT 1 :
\ *
I -c
John McClelland,
Joihud Kelley,
AS9tm\T AsitJSOEi
Solomon Boyer,
Jacob llesser,
J. L. Ileifimythr,
Jaakua Hooper,
Acoiiobj. 1
Ohas. J. Mann, 8 y’ra I*o3 70
Alex. McCormick, 1 y’r 102 . 78
J*anc Hooper, 4; }o ; >
Jst unuel Bluet, 4S 121
J- L. Piper...
J• / J . Levant.
Win. Malony
J no. Ilicky...
* Christ- Whistlv
-Jcre. Daly.
ilu-ivo in knowing that ether people admire "the ; f FuV ' 1- * ra
giaccful roununesa of those limbs will never I ’’ ~
compensate you for the anguish «nd watchings ■
which you will experience when he ia attacked > T JjEJJ 1f AS JEST
> wHh croup or the terrible scarlet fever. Strong I v£y C?' "nj T " Uet ° has ! ’ urruaaeJ a
' Eobt McCormick . _ ! aeß fiud U impos-aiblo to spend half their time ' BOQTS &C SHOES
John Condo. ■ tllC I,ea{cJ llouse3 of civ ilizod society, and! 131*0(1(1115 (6aitCL*S X'r *
Citizens’ tiSkot is set in Roman, and the - j with extremi- .h ,« thac.nLs'f A iLn«
Workingmen’s Union ticket set in Italic ~ ; t,ea > without eaten mg all the colds and coughs . 'V ,rimtv u ; ' ‘ l, ' v .t'™-™. iiHvia„^.ur f iv.-m
.will be seen from the above that the successful i Ulßt flcBb 13 Leu * t - one hut a highlander, tiL t“w tt'iom' All -k s ”u’ .tu'S
candidates arc about equally divided between IWCd t 0 tho sky fol \ a can ' J Py»'«d the weather J C f“ ' tnJ I;ii htwk b ‘ ! - w im.-clm.ius
the different parties. ' for a bed, can go barc-legge'd with impunity in ' HOOTS amt SHOES on!?.- on iim mont im-
I • |hc - e -**« -i ohangeful .easmis. I '
A Dbsbbteo Village. —Oat of tho most u.-r fct *' e (,!uly * c< lhtie hoys »nd girls dressed in • Jall ' lSll |- M. TiiDMi-Sjux. Ay^nt..
lercsting incidents in the history of Cambria tL ® shortest clothes, with knees end arms red i .* V»¥r
county Is the settlement of the village ofliculah, ' '■‘ elied 1111 - i chapped by tho cold. Hundreds of j.. . - =" f + '*
n trace of which now rc-wa.ns. It wes lal,cconls yearly die ,froin this cause a£»ne.— ] WAS fi I jI!G ftSAOHiNE.
founded by a body of Welshmen, und lays in a■ U ‘ not Rll who read this, heed the j ri\|J p} j X r D U\ V | V.- •
small valley on the BlaokHck 'Creech, i#. the ' w “ ruin 5- ’ * i' X' imrckapa the ruin c, r BUr rmmtv. ‘
then in s U mor s ; t county J w Mol „ or G ~ French Ve ! Tolhurst’b Improved Machine.
but afterwards included: in - the new county of ~r . i r, : g t , „ noa - . . arc now■ nnienfiiolnrmt t!u-ni at-Altoona. Itn.l inti a,t n.
Cambria Thav i„M; „ n# ~. , . i»rac.u,.i.g .i new method ot grafting, a knowU • TO i'l’ l .v them ». «».«• I „. rso „ s ,i,rtm«li»ut th..- v..ui.ty »-l.h
vamoiia. tney la.Uront strccis, published u ! c -d?c uf which „„„ , v f , , dwi.e a I.AB.jlt-SAVI.NO MACIIIJVK.
newspaper called The Wattrn Shy built aU- i i,•-' • ‘ y P rov s e , ‘ l “ abl * ! to Amer- This «re.<-!ii«e ts B t.t u,>. «h « n ur»ly mwv principle,
bparv and W mln, ~ i ■ . ’ ' 1(1111 ccrtK-n.tunsts, inasmuch as it can be per- 111l 111 *I** 1 ** c 'f 11lt T eJ - ]•>' fl ‘«» w \ l ‘. have »een it- !., u.o
oraiy una seminary, and seemed on tho road to forme inr am- ..« , F b.-st tln.t has ivi-r Wn uioii s Ki Li-r.ire tin- jiutili.-.
■ prosperity, when the efctablkhmu.t „f »| „ . J 1 au >. seaßo ° of ‘H when sound. Among tho .many advantages „f this machine over all
• r , , ‘ e * DIJ 1 ,lt of tLc t(>wn mature buds, can be had w h,,i ie „ e • • may-bcj meninnied the fallowing :
f -«f Lbeusburgh took awny every inhabitaa» anil • n i- - . whethei sap is in Its «ln»blictt.vmf.coiwiir«(ettoii, malting it-almost im-
I „„ w ... * 1 ““ a Oi-wing condition or pot. It is nerformod hv ‘o geffout of m-dor. •
[ ‘ ' tS “ re ° b,Uerattfd ’ * nJ evsr J r ):uu ’' e ; removint: a smaii niece of h,rt r ~ , which astonishes, alike tho curator and
f ex i» >. .k.. ti* , - a email piece of bark anil wood. Iwav- ' tLo looker on.f
i- h>e f . ° ln ®^ as * disappeared. : ing tt smooth Und 'fiat surface to which . K ; m : ! 3rd. pw fooilfty with wliloli It adapts its«U to th. bulk
j 3tl>* county ofCanibria was wild and sontarv . ’’ which a siroi- ior qantity.ofolcihcs desired to he wasim! s
[ enough, with its tnountatr net- ‘ 3 ' ‘“ r lJ,eCe COntalnin ß tbc bud - which is to form J- 11 W;IK! f S *!?««*«> itnei and HcM.-st fahric
[ g , its mountain peaks and lonely wa- the future tree is fittpd j or tl.« coaisasi and heaviest, such as hed-.ju.Us, oomloru,
trsr"“.‘.f ■' d . 1 ; :r- .
p, in!sre . t t 0 impCT>iu „ cmlolßl <[cumA r J J . %.*.(%%»
U , :M- or .. P « a. .ppreoh of „ am , WIU „.,
Ska box or Lest. -Tim season of Lent began |“ d “ Pe^Ct Qui -W‘ a - ■ j
on Wednesday of last week, and will coulinUo | -Old Auk” at the .Capitol.—The President ' v l '^ r, ‘ f ' ,m .' :l, '- <, OuUyVc.Vn^^^^
Jpr fprtjy days, the of its observance ■ elect and suite will leave Philadelphia in a£pf- ; **JOIW w ' ,ch,!l9,
the adherents of the CathoHo|faUb ' «al train, at 9.30 A. M., and Fnd.iymonm.g, «K * JOSBIHI'G^At>T)V3I? >
who have reached Abe age of twenty-bnb years, ; riving at Harrisburg at 1.40 P. M., will be pres- I 1U A ' °' KP°l
rom the rcgubitions are those under twenty one tjto American flag on thts dome of the Capitol*.— j **PPOS|tIOII tllG.LlfC of Trade,”
years of age, tho sick, nursing women, those i The miliUu-y and civic procession vro have no i . ev^ rj b l ns >n™ , i- »nd the subscriber
Who do bal'd luhnr «„.i *u » t I , t . t , / wc " aTe no ■ U ihnt doctHne lm« opened a stun* in the
K[ r » thoao Wl.O tinougb I doubt Will be an irameugevono. riiick’s new braiding, on A'Jrginhi fit*ret, U-Jewdoou be
.■weakness cannpt fost without prejudice to their i i Anulo where luj ban on Imud uflue nxdortuient
health. Tho occasion is ono of much solemnity i *®*Pol. James .M. Swank. Junior editor of 1 TT \ r T«a A vrrv
,- ia > . s th. j0hp.i0,,,. Rite., h». b„„ .pp„ mt . d , 3
~ :• s , of Common Schools for C.imbria BONN ETS ANT') TT A« '«
CjJSCERx—Tho concort giyen its the Presby-' i placo of Thomas A. Maguire, re- I I&H LADIES. MISSES
tenau Church, on Thursday and Friday even- ; B, S» e «*- .A better selection could not have been | Gloves, Eeady-Made Slii'ts
ings of last week, for the benefit,'of its Sab- | i niad «- Gol. S. announces his inieutioa of with-j COW.jIKS GENTS axd bAWBS. *
bath School Library, was, we are pleased to : dra -wipg frbtn the editorial chair, and devoting ! GS| AI\D eot/OX'S OI'ALL KTS’DS,
state, a complete success. Tfe !did not learn ] is to the duties of his new office. ,r e *f K ' / ' £XSL
the amount taken in. -but, judging from the I
number in attendance, they must have netted ®V 4 speo,a| Train wiU lcavc P * c C ? ’ 6O " JOnx McCUSiAiXxD.
. quite a handsome sum. The sineine was most I * b,s at 1;00 o’clock on Friday morning, \nn . v,n n miTl ,
.excellent, ariji everything thc-cuA^ 1, r* Aocommo ' latioh of mUitary companies in- HO . JfOE THE BOLIOAYS !
lirotßatisfactiofi of nl} ppecent -I ■ ten<i!D participate in the fFKHi!I F K Hi!l ANNOUN
‘' ‘ : -“-T ‘, \ • 4 l9 itr Ha t f ShU ? ° n that Returßin S A ;>
Snivo from fheeity- 11 lcftvc M. * Smces
akll'dv oU^^^ ,? ?®•^v b,51,5,l ' tro -^P' ar * 1 Fob Haebisboko.— Mountain Commandary
plaldt enor«'o^ r 0 Kaighls Templar; will leave this (OlhthJ i Pf l’hUn
: the hoot, the next ai i evening, for Harrisburg, to participate! in i LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C.,
| the hip, the fourth fork? :^h ird ? ,^^.pet f emonscs oXrftisiDg the American Flag on ! **<»f «»?■>«***• t
1 /Ways tbeS’Sr7 ■'be accompanied ; 00^6,1^ Butter
these browsers reminded ** A}t9oUa Bra ? 8 0811(1 • W#fm WHEAT FLO (fit,
hole windows in — g l0 ° ? ’ . ■ BCCKtvkIKT i’LOUB, COJtN meal, 4c.,
color is a livL h ,f h ® Pcolton tWyV The i VV* m of tlip trestle work of the -Ty- i ij -throKml foreaiein larfo orsmall quaecl.i™:.
8 a Jtyely bnck dust, arr ed witii orange, j «neand Clearfield Railroad, across the rtyr.a*
■ : ,r-- : - r i rT T~ r T. v Xjrone, was curried away by the high water;
i-Mnricr m* « e two of , the I R flbatln & M ,et». Tuesday of lost ;w&k..l
U them came rf! P r^“®“ adln g Mam street, one'] 0fl ° : of «»• abuimeßts of tbeibridgo atthat iilaoc I
Juimiintr own MH® ?: J ‘ tl, ouBand of ijriok," I w l>s also considerably damaged.
jumping up she exclaimed. st/«o ~n « ..s.Va. ! ' ~ r '‘ -• ‘ *
another Winter I*ll •• Jscr 1 11
Msifldpn:t.» , ABenß tH m^to^ ftng oat 0; ' . 1 MARRIED:
Robt. I’itcuifns
J. K. JJcUi/mti..
I* M. Qraen
Jno. Uuoptr.
-l '-y
98 8G
£4 117
101 72
104 71
03 120
47 120
East jvaeb.
INiiJ'iCTVilS—Wiil WABB.
‘ccember order grunted fori ri M |K pNDEK.SI.GNKi> ANNOUNCE
; The resignation of Win. C. McCormick ns | uf *"•• l} that tu, hare,
, Chief Burges# of the Borough w.i* presented and ■ U/'\ < '\rjp * xrr\ ot , , T T ‘
i 1-tad. to take effect immediately after tli&spriug i if; _ *> IXSHOL SI lOP
; election. Which was, on motun accr&ted and it/' LlA .k l, ‘ l ’- i - 1 - ! uiove Wntei-y Ti., .sv,„p.' Eusi I
;.... xu.„h. . f twi ww ,:,rs S “ :«a
crul gentlemanly deportment to war Is the mem- *,??' given m making ia.Uct- Mott.
hers of Council during the time we- have been : n, h A a '' ll V ,c- " f l'" W: v i--un.icei
i Wt together in transacting ihc business of j SSStfl COB
ihe boiongit. and wo regret exceedingly the : _r
necessity which compels a separation. *” j w»t. scii.iSAEia:. wji r. l.i.vj.
___ Adjourned to meet ngain at the call of the ! SGHOMAKER %3 1 AWP
OUiet burgess. [Extract f,vm d/mid.-*,] -I .nymni\tr\ CA, L.n.rtfk*,;
; 7 ACW r ** C:i:li)uen. T’ue ah- ; AND .COMMISfeIOtf KEECHANTS
surd fashion of exposing children of tender,
years to the'keen out door air with hut half the ! r ; T i TT> *** V ‘ JILL w
necessary, protection whichtheir little arms and ! 1 1 > CHAIN, BACON,
legs require, is so .prevalent as to require a word | Provisions, CIICCSC, Iren,
of comment. It is true, fond mother, that your i Kails, QIdSS, Brooms, Yams, &0
chubby three year oid boy is as finely-modeled 1 ’
as the Cupid of Cunova ; but. the pleasure you I
4o v
21 ft
U J 7
108 ■
CO 1
No, 303 Liberty Street,
liou4e andtttore-.rponi, known os FerreeAMorroi’a
nt 4 11 ‘v/ I>w, is offitteU forr&t
- - ■
TU<-*s. SIcAIM.KV,
Cephalic Pills,
IS \\ ITU IX' Til 1,1 it iti-.ACH
** VsHm-niuh ir ef , uufoliciUJ Ly Hr. fj-ums
ih>j ajurd >O, prvf.f tU tj.eucy ~/ ’
inn c ruUj zandific iiiicoverj.
Mr. spald:.\o,
] have tried } our Cephalic Pills. B „.l / U!. e so mil
(h;it 1 w:,ul you tu H.-li.i two worth niorr
Pan "I. rh—ie an- fur rlj- uriK-hhor.. to Whom J. .•„«»
fr »t •i; i- f t j-* H: ’l Oi*x I £v’l fr< ;:i y ( »u.
ruo l*iiL bv :nh il. an-1 .-LI:
\ uur f 'T - v,?.nt.
Mr. Sx*ali>:ng.
Rfml m « «'•« nit.r? box of t out* r-pbalic
I a;;, 1 /mi-, recttft* u yrtnl dftl <./ brntf.t ,i than.
| Sl-aio-U Cp.EKi-, Ilts-rt.MtDOS Co. IV., JiUl. IS, I.SCI
11. C. 51'vLiilNU. ■ ■
V. o will 1.1.-n-i M-,„I inn two boxes of your Cephalic
t .lif. ..iaU ihcai inumMial-lv.
ItcßpvcUuJiy yoi:iv.
„ * r , . . JOHN li. SIMONS.
'“"‘ 4 wed oa * u/ y ‘ mr iWi - and f LnJ
U.:vr.v C. SPu. W > a . ' OaW - J “ n - IS6l '
. 1V««.- «i.“ im 105.'.! twenty-five r'ntk. f.„ which *.-ml mo
11. r M'Kiui'u,. yisci
l 'Vi-!i rircuiara cr lar R e slii.w [.ills. t<> bi i.,-
vnii, L-.-i, ,;u,c J’iiiMs,u..r.- part ira arly 1,„, v c
unwilling 01 tl.u kind, plvase'seml to
* l ''' Pn ‘' r- *' i rf eui-Jwt to sovcro S>k
‘“f.- =•'•• V' u: ‘;0- two days.) rur. d „j\-.r e i
Udf Ui w« ~01-rty g. iU r f.:u. winch 1«, l,or. ' '
llespccUully yours.
Ucshv c. Spauhno,
No *iSCVil«r Ht„ X. Y.
|>KAB :
Ir>c*(Vs« d find twr v niy*Qr<* c<*nt«,
Ik*, v.i •• C‘*phM)tC rills.’’ («
i i-’nuiklin O
y-*ir i'llU wor.'j Hitt a t/iurnt —<
Mr. Sj‘i!.r>t>Q
Sir .
sxxrLSc iz gas* >5
*-*-'•* *****«* '* £
. I’iwwu tend l.'y return mail. Uiioct to
A. 11. U'KKKI.KR,
. sVjHilunti. Mich.
From the Examiner, Xorfolu, in.
Cephalic I’ills accompli,,!, the object for whichtbev w«rc
maJo, \ ,x.: euro ql headache in ml it* forma. ’
Prrtf T W S _ P.iTII, lStil* ISoJ,
. ifirr o, J * " 4 Co - : Grinds:-*-The kttor I wrote vcti
Ivh m1 b ' c,,l | rßri,{M * r 1 y»« r Jfeir HwtrtratlviJ-*S i
w h'cl ,ou have p.ddislied in (I,is rfeluity Ajatl I
ha!, riven use to Hnml'rous iminirlen touching the fat aVn
l.ecasc. T..,..-m,tflrlw«ro. drat. kVa-Wo™mV MW '
is illrue of ’in*ri “* i‘ a,ftl «»Wmwiteatloh• • w&nij
is t t, us of ulI therein contained; thiul. do,* mv hair still
continue fol-e U 1 * ,,od ord '->- "ml of nhtufnl cohlrff r u “‘
I cun and do answerlnvariahlv vm Afv net,i a *
tor than in any h.„ro
soft, thrifty and getter colored' ffial t* Jilt ™°f*
whiskers. And the only C auß;"wlt; if h |
IS the enbstai ce .Vanished off hy|rrq^nrahlutiJn U of
tlm faco, if rare were by wj|>*o‘ <•!„**
HStir'hn’r «•»
dMh Im.r. 1 hVse been in tb« rocetofc of a irreat immiJl
ot letters Irani all j>ai ts of Xe>v h'cglitjid, asking me if snv
hair still con tin no. Vodin good; as i)i|fo Ipso much fraud
in the manufacture arid sale of ' varied#'ccv)]ibtinii« os wall
as this. It has, no doubt. lic< n basely mjitated andlwen used
not ot.lyw.thouta.iy Rood effect; hhflo .jlhsolute injury _
''''' nc !\,"* e ' ] u ,"- v of your KcstoratUo df niiy account for
some montlia. and yet my half. is as go Mi Sh ever, and hnn
rft^ 5 «! l" V r» e? “ Win ‘lH t V" itK ?i r P riB I»m how 61 years
old i nd not a gray biUr In myrhead OtTon iity &co; and tS
prove, t.ns fact, I a lock of my hair taken off the
past week I received your fevor 6f quart bottlosdast
summer. for which 1 am . very cratefid. .'l : calo It to
friends and thereby induced themtatrij Romany Wereskei£
tical until after trial, aud thenpureh&csrand nwd Itwlth
.universal, success. - I wi|l ask that yotheml
mo a test hy which I- can- discover fhrijfd in'the itotorative'
sold hy many. I fear, without antliorityfrom yon. A nitre
article wlll-insure anccess. end ! belief where good effeefe
do not fo low. thc_ fuilnri;» mused fcyhho l
which curses the inventor of the gooli * deem It my Jntv
as heretofore, to keep you apprised h«ihe cdotinuM eßwt
on my hair, as I assure att who cnqiifre myS
shaken opinion of lu TaWahl# results!? I remain d.w Hr
yours, f , . ; A.
. . V Kto Novi 3n.-»g8.
i, 1 nor. 0. J. WooJ&fJear Slr.-r-I woiud certainiyho dr,i„,
i you great to ttSi y ihl
: „e l, Respected resuik I
from using one bottle of your Ilah- lleatinratlve
everj kind ofßestorativcd extant; htvtfcitW an?cw a ’nSs
finding my head nearly doslituto of hair'T wtoTn«n» to
, dwed to try a hotttoof^nh-ttAl^ni^llkL!™*! ,,1 ‘
toatmodheo to whoevw map
« . | “**ll Irjiot destroy an i say nothin" - .'- -• ~ ?
I-'", “■ - CAITWOM. . ■ . ! Yours, ic. ® : Rev's Alt
-Aticertate ithpt Iticipledtiersdns wAteiptlis* In nalm three sizes,, vipt
th« nnwtoKctlng public.|imitnUan»™r'inv S pit|pA ; pint and
mrnmmtmm swoon #i
f/f’i !■ ■ V . ■ n. ■ .
From the Examine.-, „V -ful!;, Fa,
They have been leered ia more thin a thommnJ case
with entire Buccess, ' uintia ca3L3 i
From tl.e Democrat, SC Cloud,, llintn '
If you are, r.y have been troubled with tbo Wlncho
b.m,J lor a bos. (Cephalic I'ille.) 80 that you ikS
them incase of«tuattack. '. 8
From lheAdvertiser, Providence, if. /.
Jl)p Cephalic Pills arc- said to be a remarkably effective
rumpuj for the headache, and one of the very btst for that
very frequent complaint which has over beeu diacoVereJ
From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chisago, 111 *
C Mr ’ S Pi-' ldill S> ’*** W* unrivalled
From the Kanawha ratify Star. Kanawha, Va
witu thß “^.
From iheJouthem Fath Finder, Atw Orleans, La.
Try them! you that are afflicted, ami we are auro’tlmt
jour can be mldt-d to die already nmnkroui list
tb.dhaa.naa.ived bcbelita,that uo other medicine can pro-
«$. A single bottie of SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE
will eave teu time* its cost annually .■%s
save the mcES!
: . «&. ? A jßmcit ,ix Thu Nt ''
, A‘ 1, P*P*- : «*h in weft regulated ftmi-
T e rjr • dw,, ’abl<!o{ bate so me .clicthi mid ci nve
n lent wAy furrepmri u g Fu ru it u re, Toys, Crockery, 4c.
i ... . QLV.v! '
nJld «“ household qau nObcd to
poiat. Ulq 1 tt ” ** 3 aiw Wf , t“ a 'b'’ un ' l «P to. the sticking
Ifl}.—A Brush nwoniiinuieji each Bottle. - price 23 els
■\ . v y - r -■ <s-~K
I! No. IB'Cectar fltj Jf. Y;
SIASOXVIUK, C ,:.v. Fob. i, ISC]
iUvLßfoiu,, Pa.. C, 1-01
Evil,' Vernon, Wj hikloU Co.. 0
Etvriu,v, Mas*., Dec. 11. ISOI
. (2M for which send C!i'
:•> 4ru«v. Win. C.
•c:£/*c Headache almost in-
Truly your*.
' VriLLion,, Jan. U, IS6I.
,DI C a
: f
SB2 ®fc:2BteEF •
BTew-York Benevolent Infirmary,
. ■' ESTABLISH!;!. mo, s“
An.l devt.-J to The > ’ Erform ;to the Dif
' {«d‘To th Il,e J rf.'xnhm o/Distast.
I , v '■ ‘‘'■f of suffering and afflicted witii CUro
du ami \ irn.ent Dtsu-dera. To thi» end this Infirmary is
r“. d a.T w ' ?* Me , thc " i ‘ ;k a!iil “‘i'frrltw throughout u,«
T, nur hind. to Avoi.i the l\na*nnut
■ ’* Tl ' (‘f prnfesed rtjmiKW.
I . i ‘ h thousands and t.u* of thousands annually
,r '. ol ‘: ,wm S ar » W ' m « the dis-ascs wo enre, not ooi»
' nt 'ln Intumar.v but m all parts of our country : , T
«li? , n* n " , ‘' U ? U, ?"‘ l Pulmonary CtimpUiuts, Fevers, Serof
ula. i)>p r »< j.Kin, i.yo a U fi £a. r Cnticcra nuii otbor
L 1 i t Vero ° inpl ß intr Sr ' minal Weakm-M.
" '; e '“‘(I Sexual Organa, from
.mb \ei can*- or whatever mi tort. UnF object will he to
B oiir’i’i.l!. • , °, !ira r ! * l bV w “t''>ff I" allcases cur”
i m ruk* m Mchiirirt* nothiiiK fur,advico und written ure
;; bn, w.ll furnish when Ireqncstcl the very W
. luydicuies at the lowest rates. J uolt
.ior'.T"' r,, ."* od ,! e! ‘« r » propnrodi iuourown Laboratory, nn-
J r th.’uirt able Chemists ami a.o tho mast reliable
know,, to anoncy. including oil the recent discoveries
1 .ill toldr, smug U by letter.containing f u » account of
kjfinotoiim ,1 ,d appearances of.lisea-e, t.giL
■bo- t’l v ■ S 1 1 1 ? " I,<m wooing for advice will be
; devolcil to Im nieljing medicine for the pimr. In all ca«ca
, medicine ran be smithy mail or express if desired. Send
°l lr (Mid judge for youraelvc*.
Ala,. Pabashed at the 1 nhrunny, to aid thee objects
C. nlmniug ami pie remedifa easily obtained for the cure of
biaeiiaea in atl tts forma, with full explanations of the
causes, symptoms, diet, Imthiog and exercise. Price 5U eta.
,]il nkuccal FRIEND,
A \yi » i kon il.o touiMs avmpimm* and treatment of all
C'tmphui.ts |Kvuii ir to the *m marriage, its duties
nl.ori.wii and ils results. on Children. their ills, and on the
pun-, at.uh of conception with hiviihhilde Instnictiun* to
t e;:i u “ 'UI-jicts <i| u juivate unturu. : 4’rico 25 centH.
Ur Gutlpuii'D s Medical Companion.
. V , , AND I'RIVATK AliVl^Klt.
, k for »ll>l ,V"Ung. e:|ibiuciuß [ha Patkokcv.
1 i ft,Kl L lire ot ail Mswwojl ~f ,l w h t himv ami Sex
uai Oi„aii,. a:ij a warning voire of tnlvice mid eouusehsitcli
aatu be found lu u<> other woik. Price cents.
Felt EVKnr oyi;.
ran CX Jl°* es *" "'f ••ij'ia-Hgi. ami the various Tricks to
; V** iuul «'. 1 • 11 illustrates the plans of ,he
rth .111,1 |(ojiU*-8 to tluj«‘ t*Vi»rv uue. It "'.liiiiM tlm im
u'h ‘‘“r 11 *i f L fc :l " < i l uVl '- v of age.
It hJ»« how ail feimls U. K.oil, ile.lK.imw. Uqilors and
i“'^:. wiiU 11,0
For every family, having over loijll receipts on Cooking,
is'theVioaf i L . leiUllii "’ ic - 'Row to plant ami what
ke .um r. , U,i ", i ' ) ' J " ,e :umuala - vice
knpiis. r,., !,,,., ~ nod OKI liiinua. on hint) subjects of inter
cst. 1 1 ice _,i cents. oilh c,l(j to any one.
t;.k book.
« fulT.V'''UW 1 ' v " IUroM «»i«-»wn,l disea**,
« lull ,1..a,ii,i,0„ O, all the tenn olea used l ur j t , vvi i t . .
Cfielul -.ate.;,"!,; „f t)l e results, ami yther useful informa
u, a. i i let* iii cVaKS.
*if*> not t 0 bo i« any work*
, 1 *i inn "Ii la:;.able lions any, other souri u. Thee*
bial;eS 3r ' ! i ‘ UU, “ lu ' J 0,1 “ uc W»-r, nud buiutiiuily
; A " v " n, ‘* nluiyp ""■'•ks will 1,0 mails,! free, on receipt of
PIKS Hi Maiiips. InoPey ; 1( ,. I[u , W l 11( . e iu „ 1,,
i ~ ‘“'.“V tew«jr should bo willi
' I ‘ •iin-.trated With beautiful engraving,..,
1 c '.Horn ills c..anen;,e.l experience ui rears.
I n .i.'V'iV;* |i,r ‘‘‘° • ,boVc work -> who cun nillltti £luU
■ n month. ten.! ~,i- a (hr agents.
. ‘l' l !’ ,t . tl -*«*» suffer,tig frow secret habits ■
J ..1 null.I; Kiss ol [imvei ; hervous debility, loss
MgIK; wakoliilii.-wi; of solitude; erupt lulls l/u the
.... o. ... ie. h.-j.„ e lt 1S (eo lAtc . b( . fortt tsiiflVi
.ll -oibn* .inning.- i,, both 1.... K and ii.ind
and n„f remtdi,.
;" ‘ Whit-s, iC., solid to us
: I ,' Vl ‘ fl‘at these are milhy parents ofscrofu
-1 u , 1., n.oi.i.piu J and diseased, cmilitioii lowborn a ini
mei ’iis only brings tnillering and poverty. To
. m li HO Hi.K.d say write, aim ive will send information of
; w '‘'•«.l, mol never-failing I'REVCSTiVi;.
>»« wsii ihsitl lr*te. to any one t»»r if,
* ‘J 1 il I . , ' l 'F o b ‘‘ lultifi:l paper, and contains the most
i r aiu.ibie in lurmat ion on Spermatoi beta, or Seminal Weak
-1 I""," 1 Cause. Ollocu and cur?, showing Iho awful of
; IC« I*' > I Hit* UHCSISO,
On 111 ..tiler diseases of'the Sexual Orpins, a full „xnbi-'
and'olll°^ Ilj< ’ Ol ' ls ‘ M ° f tbo means of prsVoution
On Consumption, that fearful disease.
| “ 1<; him. Heart. Stomach and Skin,
i- On female Complaints.
I On the various Schools of Medicine*.
'J 1- 'freatmunt now pCttctlsotl.
%.)n tin* I .use 1
l)u tho viirioji.A Medical llimitmca ’ * ‘ -I
; ( h» th« Fhy»lol«vyr « ; f Mavrin*;*. ‘
On t!io OuitiHi.n soiiao oT Medicine. ;
()n Diet.'Ti !•<•>, and AhUuk»a. 1 j
i Ho>v the Physician Mioiihl bo. ' j
H..W to [Hi’Vciit Pi>,iruaitcv. " I
* Artd many utHer filing, ifcxti for it. 1
i ThU journal Mu-uhl hv iu tho hands oOverr on« S I
I J. Ilossntn. .M. It., A. M„ Chief t'byaiciaii. ’ij. s Morpjs
Surp-mi. l)r. J. Uoylo. Cbemist. Jlorpjs,
OfTice in New Yrjrk. IfilCbaiiiberg street.
I Office iu U illiiimsbinph. South 9th'and sth streets
N- ( .nvspond. nts Will plense enclose two or threo alamos
for return postage, and address • ■ stamps
DK, A. II 1-It A KV. Secretary •
y illianisburg, Now Yol k.
(Rox Ul.)
Kov. 15, ISCO.-ly
j Worshy of any Confidence
I Manv, the flwcovi-rv‘nf n.*,.r u ,
& t,YS«»J§
. —■ AMD- ’
r fH).Tllh (Jli jZi-.iNiS Ul' jNhVV Jiift.
Apotiucjuuu, Ducoowts, Gbooers ARB rXITAI*
WOLFE’S Pure Copnac Brandy.
WOLFE'S Pure Madorie, Sherry and Port Wlm. « ,
WOLFE’S I‘nru Jamaica and St. froiv Bum
WOLFE'S Pure Scotch aud Irish Whisky;.
t, , ' . all bottles. 7
I beg leave to call the attention of thf cllfwtu of the
Omtcu State* to theuboyo Wine* and Liquors, bnnottedh*
Lnotvuo Wolfs. of Net* York," whose qanio ia fitniiliar hi
every nart of this country for Die purity of ht« celebrated
Sciiupam Schnapps, sir. Wolfe, in hi* tetter to me, tMnk*
ms ( >f the purity of hi* Wines Mid Liquors, sayst‘»l srfli
stake my reputation N» m«D. niy standing as n merchant
of thirty years* residence in the city of Niw York, that all
, the Brandy ap'd W fnes which I bottle are pureaaLnnirted.
and of. the best quality, and can ho relied upon byeteVr
purchaser. . Every bottle has the (•niprietor's-narae on tbs
witx. mid a file simile- of h» signature of the certificate.—
The puj.ho are respectfully dnvlted to call Mid examius.Jhr
Usoaas U. Asuros, No. 532 Market Bt,.PbUar r
~ r ,, • , Apent'for PhiladclphUu
Bond the following ft-omtho New Yol k Courier*
Lxokmous Ul-,sixeB ? roa oxnNprr Yobk Wkbciuxt.—W»
are happy (0 mMrm our f.-lUiw-cUisens that tlMni *s rtia
place m our city where the physician, apothecary: and'
countrj ineichaat, can go and purchase pure tWbioa and
Liquois. ns pure as Imported, and of the hestounUtv. We
do not intend to give an elaborate description" of this mer
chant s exleiiMvc business, although it will we|lrepay any
Stranger or eitisei?to vftit Vdolpho Wglfo'a«tU.lVc
liouse. No*. Vh, JO and _A Beaver■ street, and No*. to
"Od .1 Marketfleld street. His stock Of
ready forshipiiiMit could not haver hfren lera &«a"thlrtr
tlioii.euid cases; the Brandy, gome ten thousand cases—Vlti
toges of 183t> to ISSC-, and ten thousand case* of Madeira.
Scoleh mid Irish. Whiskey. JahiiS
an ~t. Croix Kiini. some very old anil equal to any In this "
country. Hu also had three larpo collars, filled witli Hran
o.i. \v me, So., in casks. under Custom-House-key,r<*dy for
iietflmK. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Sehnajqis lastyearaßiouuted
1° """ hundred ami eighty thousand dozen, and we hopo ln
my - b * ***** snccossfol ".«& fetf
Ilw liiiblm-s.s merits the- pntronneo of »very lorer of hi*
species I rivuie luiui'lles who wish pure Whicsauii Llonora
n.|- 11K turn should send li.Mr. \VtiU*,
to dirc.iuMhe poisonous stuff from their sliehol ouil t*.
pise.- it with W olfe’s pure 'Vines and Liquors.' ; • 1
We moh-rstom! that Mr. Wollo. lor lh« »<rcoibmo4«tl6n'
Of smali dealersjii tho count!?, puts up sSßoVted
W iiies Bud I.iquors hitch u mill), and such RtuerclrniiL
shniihl ho Mist, lined nuitiiKt Ills tens of thousand* of CPOO,
litinis m the Lulled bt.ites. who sell nothing bqitoitMbliS?
tuitions alike to iiiiiuuu houlth M d hnppiuft*. “TP
10.-ssJsl.y A. UOLSII. - [Sep1 13,-LSfthOtliJsl
practical CAi.cuLAtatt.\'’ r^ ;
S7s r^Asr-;
Ibis work contains 204 pages, and upwards drCWTßiilas .
mil txampies. entirely andthoroughly prflcticatathfhW
ans? every day m tho common ptfreulbriif
has already piisse.d fhrongh a number pf edltioln In ranld
succession, -and IS pronounced by all ■
men to bo the handiest, bookof reference, pemiidni lb \S»fi
filiations, that, Im* over licon itublislied.
Every example i u the book is wbrki>H outln fulUniitai
tod in a plain manner, so that wlipn a paralhl da»i»rJ«S:
those rc.ernng to the work will And nodiflkulty insdlvfor
" W T' K ,“■« Kcueral arrangement of the CAI.CULA
, is simple, ijiat any one wlio knowsliuw to add-iuler
tmet. multiply and divide, can easily soly.y aiiy
example tty. arises m business, or arrive aV thetruewuit
ol aiij* estimate tvquifcd. ■ , Trw*..
Tin-cliief aim ofthe author has been la -
and idiilosopliy ill figures. aiming only at fnetS Hud dmplb
cttj.beliov.iig tbat business men care"littleabout siienalnc
t mio iu discussing tlif philosophy of rules, of the science of •
figiiiea. dooming it sulhcient.for their purpose todieabledk
UVUXbAIOR diflers in this ixiiqiect from *U other AVllfc
meuc* of tha day mid kindred wmks-it I» I .key to
tieal bneiiiess calculations^—it Kiu the liantouftttfQ&i
ness nmn. what the key to inath'ematlatl works ft inVU*
hands of the teacher m the acfiiikil room—lt TacUlttrfcitliutf
am! insures correctness. f; r y
Mrw urewent of Land. of Lumber, ofW Icic -
s'' "/ B,r ' ne niu ' worTk, of praiiuandcniinHuiJot
coat and coal Mns. of wood, of
lar, square or irregular vessels. of cistai Df raiit vatgr'ofrhot-'
inp. of plasterer s, painter's. gbraicrV,' parer's. plnmMnL?
paper hunger's and upholsterers' W». U trffifX*
rrncy and of foreign and domesticexchange,
{*!;*•,!* } ‘ tcw ; of reduction and its «it<
business, ot sirapls.uiid compooml interest mnd their «n£
tinvappHcatiiiji to husiimas transact ions. wltlitli»law»«w.i
usages govern mg ami regulating the same, tOKBUier-\ri|2
numerous coiamerciai. lonm—-of Ic-jni tendm, ofnartif
payment on iiotep, of banking andluuih disconnt. offwj»Ax
tion of payment «nd of
of taxe,. of areighta awl men»vir«v
mtasuro. of tl>e square root and fits application to boslnW.
nr « •* CiW *Udi». anT of nfnny Otii6r tn^#nt
rar tterS, ‘ 0t l 1 * 0860 !*® “f anodvorttt^di
Fsrmyr, the merchant, the tticchunff. the artizai,. orthe
'“w-proyfii a TalmiWe
tlio la\v\ er, the of 11. o pence., tip ceiivvvaiicer.
aiiU broker; to did assessor tho lMutk*V*W»
fl • ’ n„feo ,vll *»4 the sumjorrtolhecarorih
| er .: • 1 i 1 *s*}*> er t, to the awdtlin iiUrtarer:
fli pnjxr hanger and iipholstetxr. to the liiivet mul live
tiler, *c„ *c£ each ami all will filid; it {o’theft
r u r4w'»'. h ! s than any hook puMitfitil. • ■■
- «s>'“ Mailed 1 (post paid)-to nnypmt of tbe Caited StaiM
up n receipt ot tho money.
TO cent* or-two copies for
fonn, morocco, sX,ofl por copy. ■
■ WiftflaSSag <
Mrs. ' Winslow,
KXCED XBBBR axo m a LB -
W 5"“ 10 °'® Of mother* h*r ■
SOO IT HI N G §Yllute
which greatly facilitate* the process of teethin».Lr soften.'
I°s ft? <P» m » wnifliiwpili and
Spasmodic actum; luia-ie ttu-e to ngulaU VUMnuxu* '
Depirffi upoii itmothcra,lt wiiL^W■
and HrHff and UeaWi towttr InfanU - yoUTHl**,
Wc Imre put np and aoia thta article. for ovortpn jrt&A;
and e-m «ay, hi confident and truth of ft, ’
. r
Wfo.-Jn* an to effect a tlinaiv •
did wo know mi instaltce Of dMMtUfortinnbr •
any 0110 who uswUfc. On/ the contrary,' all- are- delighted
?.»}’ «“• speak In tonne of highest confm«i-.
dation of it* magical effects anil medicnl virtue* W6*n»»V
hi thisi'nat ter '“what m do U,iow;" after tail”
roputatlnu ferthethlfihnentof
fch)*t!s Instance where lha in- •
ftlonlV n al r ,ls ' froJil P° M had exhaustion, reUef wtli h,
or Jwahty «w-;
; This valuablo prejiaratloh l« tho prescription ofonaef
lt C l^i!T reU ? e< '^^ aWn^lu,OTe “ England,
awl has beou used vnth novef-faliHic euccoMhi ttoutcSfc
(y cates, v.; 4 J!P #
t w J lOl r feU«yo» UlO ciiUiis from pain, tut luvlizlrtte
thoeiowncliand bowels. correct* acidity, and
and energy to th,. wlwleayitem Jt «W*J®FuSto«SJ
reltevo Griping ia.lhtSnuicU and Wind Odic, ahdove*
d«th CO , w ol ’! 01 ?!*’ wt l lc)l ; if not rotnedl' thend la
den * h - o helievp-ft- the 6nt nod .ofrerfrcm«f»intha -
wliT-Vt' V*:-' C - Mr J (l - dljaentery aud BiarrhdeA in children,
whcllur it nriscsfrom teething or (Kiln an* other canne;—
We would say to every mother who haa a child
Imt.v Hny ° r V* da uotli-t yourpr£
Juices, nor the pnynrtie.'s of other*, stand between rrnir
suffering thildand Uio relhif tlmt will he oW.
lately sure-—to follow the use of this medicine,, iftknMr
twed. rail direction* far using will accOmpanyvfletrTvai'-
ucnwfvS Re n,li no, uajen* the '.fcslmihiW.OTßTfcKk .
New York. 1* on the ouUido wrapper, ', tf -
B°(d by Dmgciala throughout Ihoworii «ni T hvW&-Wr
Kessler and A. Uotuh, dniggitu, Aitbnua, ■ -
ROHR EE'S r ' ;
1101 l 11 EE’S
■ * ■H' c/'' r <
', t;