I -Wii ijirf illSitJMtt takrac. ■ •■'. N N \- ALTOONA,/ PA. ‘ FEBRUARY 21,1861 'jf: mjftiWhero partiesaro /£Uhbwn to n*, our rule ior ad rtiflng isto require pqyfnofit 1 n-ltd vance, or aguarantoe lstSerebirb useless for all such of three Where advertise meals are accompanied ouo, five or ten dollars, we will ;i;^^«tlio^«drcrlisertUe : ni!l benefit of cash rate*. ' IW ■ , -■ I ■ ■■■ ‘ ■'' '" 1 ' " ; pEifi'sxmiaL & c«., . - .Advertising Agents, 110 Nassau street, New York, and <>lb£t4ta afreet, arotho Agent* fir the Altoona Tribune,pud■. the most luflucnlinl and largest circulating United Statcsand. the Canadas. Tlirjr 'laarbOasatlsOrlsctl tp contract for as qt oar lowest rata. ■>' rikthon't'Ladies' National Hagatine, fur ■.March, ■ualready upon our table. It is n most number, and every have it. r .JThe lending engraying, BtySd •■.Christ, j;sttlc Children,” is a beautiful one. j per year, ijii.QO ;-three copies ■fprs&(lO. Address Chas. J-. Petorcon, No 80G fChesthttt Street, Phi la. , ~ T ■> * J- r ' " • . . jLadt’b "Book.—The March number before us. This popular is pronounced by everybody to be the nnd iiiost usaful in Ilia world/ fushiourplate isa mag -ptQwat. thing,.and the other plates are of the It is ’ t ruly the model magazine. L. A. G0dey,,823, Chestnut St., jit s3.(K),per Tear, or two copies for one ■'m&k'-y' , , »- - ■ Secretary of war, lad a salary ipiqh&.wfienfio.entered office. He field rbe place :nbdtit lfiree years and :sis months. From fils shipped by Express to Ins ■i°n pf U. S. properly. .Stanton, (Chairman of the Committee on Mili < .fIP ieln.bpwtn and /croißle speech.— I' The debate which followed, was very exciting. Stantoudeclared that the incoming adniinisti'a . tiofTjriU'euforpSV jlje. revenue law, even if the tphoiejSoutbern. army oppose. The Force Bill . lbd|Mreß* ovfer- till to-morrow. , v ii?pRTAXT IK fntt llousK.—On morning last, ,m the House of Ropre sentatires, this BUI .for the Commutation of the on the PennsyWunia Railroad' --; jf;jbjtbd, yotc: v ? Abb-Qt*. Aofeer, Asheom, Aujt- Rresskr, Rrewa - P jnglnss,. Uuntup.Eilenberger, Cask ill. , ilaryeyypitUunn, l Koch, Lcisenfing, . tawyence; S- J J oyther, ,M’l>odough, Jdprsjiftll,, -id’o<}mgftj, ‘Mpvmon. Mui 1i n, Ober, Osteiliout, f tug%;r Randalti Keityj Ridg w;ap’, ; Jtoljie?!* ■ Seltzer, 'Shafer, Sliep- Tell^-, - Thomas, .Wttlkefj iYjidej, White, and Dayis, JSfeakp~QOS ■ ' Alexander, Armstrong, An dersoii, ißarrislej, Blscl, Bixler. Blanchard, ~ ' iClafckyi ‘Coiling, Cope, V 4 ' Elliott; -J?iia3tie£’ _ 'Bill, lryin.Kliuo, Plcuten i\;':-wiAu'e jrMiniifuhl; Alters, T’altcisoti, ft e iff, , j IScbrock, ’ Smith, ;fßcrUs,J ,Btohnian; t , SfwfiflfiaPS, 'Stntugj ‘TViov, -'Wißlupia nud Wil-^ • " ■ • ■ ■; iftw BIU to change the name, and for.the tie hef df .tho - Sunburj? ana Erie Rail Road also he. House finally,- by a Tote of-72 to 26 -f& rr ——r-r— - y Independent tKo'lr libnda .of union between -the • '/ • trade binds them;, mutual wants and necessities bind them : ~ibe. ; '-laws f hill-posttug, who was worth $70,000 two ago. Hum was his ruin. . tES- There isa trod In IVilliamstown, Mas*., so situated tlial it draws nourishment froni Massachusetts. New 1 ork and Vermont It stands on the spot where three States join. • E®. there are nearly aoventcou tflotisanii' deaf and dumb persons In Great Britain, of whom about $6O are fe males, the greater portion uneducated. and without means of self-support. i fj The recent census returns ehovf that thc-jsmount of money invested .u agricultural implements in Lancaster County alone exceeds considerably that of the States of Delaware and NSW Jersey. Mrs. Mury-Currau gave birth to an infant at Jersey City, a few nights since, Vvliil« in Mcep t she was only Wakened by her husband, wild was aroused by the cries of the new comer. 1 Major Kayue, of -South Carolina, lias lately pur chased in Cincinnati and St. Louis foity-neven thousand barrel? Of pork, four thousand bbU of bacon gud several llamsaud bushels of corn for the use of the Carolinian army. \ ‘ ■Kip-TUe Cincinnati Times says that a few ceilings' since, while n party of gentlemen w< re playing billiards, in ;hai city, a • rtm v was made by one of the gentlemen. (an ex-Judge,) of Thirty-*tee hundred and tisaity-eight points IVho will beat Ibis playing ? ffw. In Montreal the skating ipojul or ring is roofed over, so as to prevent its lining cover.-d with snow. It is lighted at night, and the band of the Canadian Iliflcs gtbe of thjrty-isix degrees thirty nvinulee nortlTlntitade; involuntary servi indcr except in punishment of .cringe, r us p.rahibi ledwbilst it shall beuuder’a Terri tori al G pVern - 'mertt i; rtnd'yu all the tejrrit’ofyiemth 6f said liue the 'status of-persons owning-’service or iabor ua ; it now exists - shall not'be changed by law while , BUeU terrUory shall be uiuler teriitprial Goyeru meiib; apt! qeithor Congress nor the Terriroriitl .Government shall^have'potter to fimd&|’or ! pre vctii the biking to said territory of personn held to labor or,invtilttutary servide within the United. Slates. accprdiug to the laws or. r *BBge> of any i State front which such , persons may,, be taken, nor tO |inip«lr the rights bfiabig out nfsa?d rego- \ which shall hi&-Jiject to jn^ioiu 1 Ciigni- . ziCiice in’ the federal i-inoh law : and ■ when ;apy territory Writf-of-paid | line, with in suhb tfUnroJary as ; may ; i 'pnwr|l!e,i aball-' : et^l%ip/il|ti[p)>pit^i9n. ieqt|iil| i for a taember accord ipgWtJietedV f eral rafiq of rcpreirtptAlion..it shall; if it* ■ i otJGovernment be .B^^biicnn, t jpd fnitj.J: i the tJn ion on an equal footing : with the .original i States, with or without.i«v«ifontary service,or i labor, ,as t}ie’ Constitution oflsuob new. State. ■ may provide. \ ,• ; AW' 2 shall jthf be. acquired by. i the JJnjte(| stdtij,B nor,' except 1 /OT &aVdl.BxrEl cbiptotfroial -dlationd l anddopdts,. 1 •y&.j .fi ( i "fi ~ tV WS, <«fV. 5 ~~ y., “ unless such trcntj sl>«l of 'aiV flit- iii*-mbets’ i)t ; akt. 3. 'SI-itheir th; i amendnieut tlitretif-ali ! Congress power to;«6each a large scope of fertile territory uncultivated iu Texas, and may have erelong the silver |fiines of Arizona, and the teeming States of Mexico, to populate and re duce to agricultural productiveness—it seems to us shortsighted. >feak and sentimel to pre elude foreyer. by fundamental enactment, the adoption of a policy ithat may become essential to our appropriate growth liml expansion, and 'to our successful cnjijipefitioa with the llypocrit ipitl notions of Europe , But the Conßtitutibn, ns adopleJ, is‘only pro visional tiud temporary, and may, therefore, be excusable on that. aobtHint, ffe hope the per manent bo nmdeand establish ed speedily, and without reference to anything going on outside of the Confederate States Tiiese have coinplete sucoeßs within their grnsp. if they will only act- fearlessly, and with the confidence of then who are competent to control their desrinfes. ; Ton great a deference and de: fay for the Bdinfer S; ntes still in the Union will only encourage ftheji • dilaforiness and prolong their stay, • Let the Confederate Statoa biit per form their d,u.ty,; and their whole duty to them selves, irrespective if the others, and we will answer for the i ; esul ‘in u final Confederacy of all the Slave Status. - . Parsos Bkowslo i the last issue of tiii Bvownlofr- say's f — . .W’e ayeJnforrnedi 1 1 civil dißvfict of KnO company hi uiir tinK hang Urc tditnr'of.titi Monday as a simul Union friends to ntf< t ion,! propose ; t gul 1 nws. and tofreVa There’ will be n innkf on lltalylaj'v' nnd tin Brownlow” the occasion! iV '■■ , v A ytoLT BT tu«; [l‘AJt —WJhjlc.skating neaijJ :§ti "J.oSepji, week, James G rah am! caught sight of u wcjlf turning down the:river, j ;und infltiratly'gnre [chase; just oh the eve of j bejng &uuglit. tiie affrightcd lirnte jumped into : hn opou;6tn>toh ; flf rv| it ter. followed by-tbe eager ; hunter, wb t seized |hi s gn me by, jthe -tnih"' • got [ suTely ij'heistfcil by some friends, and fin* I , lUciwofF.-‘ i . < ; .> • 1 V s . estimated that 0/ the four hiru4re.il nnd‘ forty Southerns .officers 'bUIT in the army, fully four hundred ,in the service; let Wbnf'wiH-Ttakfi (ilace. Even- adding to .the lift;of yegultiy in jthe linji of ,- the Ufest £oiot Jeft tb,etnBgl,wB - ce?biepßd,‘. tbMgjal n wdl malconteu (a i^,uW I bftW»s«r Ibe > Starvation in Kansas. , | lie Sr»)#te ".■ . ' vSfciA 'K ; '~ ■ . ■ s’ C n'itituiicp »«r Tbe Bu£Ferlng,ih Ka«s»s is ssiid to be without ill be, const ,vo‘gjvo . ft-pavallil-iaVliis cotHfcrv, 30.000 or-lO.ono per- » Kfa#;|tay■■'• -»ou€' being without iibe means of eUbatefonce relation estabUsbpd;, or ,•* • ..-ft - . .-i . ■ r -. , ; thereof iQßChktg person* !' Thero-js » proposiUim before our Legislature fur )ati^|!V«^i#: ‘ relierto shat jdeaftiutp people, whipb. wie tbiak abolish atr- j shoald-be immediately passed.' "V. •' •' with out it* j Tbe f„iw%ing stntctoMit is from N. B. dlaii undwjt|i'outdbc>;coiis?ut * s ~ - • * i ]|jg : :tlm oWntm; who Jo ' Stilts *V4U* intuition; übr. : lbe power who.resides in* Humboldt, Allt-u county, on ! . • ; j c */ , . want ol grain to haul heavy loads iousr dis- ; gla casetdf distress, shall * *-» . J . „ , v *V i , * | bmces—unless relict can be sent to our suucr e s avepowe.r 9-fttlt tou i • people ywuy down iu the tar distant couu uxes ou persons bound jjj they perish by whole cotnuiuuit.es— : New Constitution. W Firm to tub Eso — ln e Ku'oxville Whig Parson ihat Mr. —of tire ninth has proposed to' join it to come tn Ktioxville and kit» paper. We propone next hletlay, and we invite our Emil find witness tl.e cseeu :b make a speech - under the de bur pollticul expui-ieiice. f meeting of'the part f here | hanging of th’eWiotoriijus itljr add to the interest of I? y.f-r* *** -**» pCi w ( they cannot live—and it costs ouo half of every i Dr. Velpeau’s Canksriiio. ’* j loud to feed Ehc starvuigteams p;:. TKI.PKAfS CaNKEUINK cures fiitiij SornMouth I 'About a.tnouth ft go, one of my neighbors, a i>R. ysU’hAU’S CANU£UIN£ cures Sore Nipple*, j Mr. Da . Witt, left Alchisou with 18 sucks of UK. VKI.I'KAC’S CAXKERINE cures Ulcerated Sore*. : meal. When 'he reached home lie hud hut 8 DR. VKll'£AU*S CAXKLIUXE cures Cato., left; his team had Fftteu'up the rest! Vthal ; hit. VKI.t'KALs CAXKKRIXL cures Uurus. remained did not half supply the famishing. I DTI. VKU’EAU’rf CANKEHIXE egres Sores. Among the sufferers,' when I left, was u widow j DR. VELPEAUS CAXKERTXE cures Chapped hfp». with nine children, mostly girls. This broke.:- | Dli. Vi;i.I J tjfL"S CANKEUIXE cure* Ulcerated* Gums, hearted mother had literally nothing to fecd,her ! DR. VKLJ*kAU*S CAN KKRI.nI U the best Purifier of tbs I luaiishing family with not ,a mouthful! 1 sent 1 Dreatli of anything l:n ova. i her over to the next township to borr -w a tern I D' . VELPEAU'S CANKEUIXE cures Canker ia th» j ponipy supply until our relief tenuis should get ! Mouth. Throat, or Sthoroac.i, resulting from Scarlatina or in; but the poor woman was unsuccessful ; all Typhus K-vers. j were destitute ; the teamsof that township were ; Laa;,-*. if j u u delight in « white teeth, use the CAX i still absent ;.ithey too were anxiously counting Kutix:-;, and jour desires will be'p-alUcd. We pidge j the hours UtDil food should arrive! But the .ur uonl that it is eutirelyjrco from acids'iind alj ikiUo j ten ms could hot get i.l. for si severe snow storm <.as substances, and can bo given to.au infant with perfect j had rendered the loads impassable,’' and ibcre sr.icty. 11 will pu : -c?vc the teeth and keep Abe gums free ; they were ; tin* poor tarnishing people watching from ulcrs. li n equally eilictccmns for uursing sure’ [ anxiously and in agony nl i.omeg the husbands, unaitlis. In aii liio thousands rcmc-dios tlußbave bee-u put , and parents w eather-oound upon liie snow d;ilt- f for tiie cure o; the various diseases above, uoiie cau ,ed prairies, witn loet frozen So.;d To I unit' ato; ,lv- ; equal the Cankcriue. Sold by uii price gei | the supply diminishing boty- by hour {„ s..vo the 1 cents per bottle.' ' .1. m’Kltlhf. A ca. ; • teams upon Which >:U their lives depended : iu;d Proprietors, U 3 .Maiden Lane. N. V 1 Thus suffering in the cabins nnd stiffen: g„u the ' * jr 3ti '“ * u ltolJ , lia ’ by t». \\. KhS3l.hU. , way-side, with starvation settling steadily down | . 'upon both rnati iinil beast, arid a hidrou; death , closing in upon them t.li h ' 1 1 Bneh is cur unhappy condition— my heart 1 beats with anxiety to gel back to my poor fain; | Iv. \\!:t.thur I bhi|ll find them ai;\e. i cannot j ' tell, or whether I'shall find them, -with my poor | ■ ne\ghbois. all aslehp within the grim embraces 1 of a terrible death, I cannot tell; but in-either J event. 1 am impatient to bo with them ; if htinir, to share their sorrow ; jif dead, to lie down be side them in the same odd sic pi ; : But as things now' are. yet worse even is pos- 1 ; ethic; for prompt and judicious effort nine yet ; reach and save a multitude. But the fuelling I snows of February will soon N bc upon ns; our streams and rivers, will then overflow; the roads, 1 in every direction will be heavy and formidable to even strong nnd well-fed teams; what they will be to ours, f need not say. Belief then will be almost impossible. As I was joining here I met poor old father Whitten, one of 'the Arkansas exiles, and a Metli .Jist preacher; he had been up to Atchi son and obtained a supply ; but the sinw.st rm ovcitoak him on the prairie, and there I found him between Atchison, and Dskaloosa, weather bound and frost-bitten ; iicenty seven days since be had started from his home ; h:s (eel frozen! his nose’and ears badly bitten by the fio-t; his son's feet wrapped in old meal sacks, also frost bitten: neither of them with sufficient gar ments;_ half of his load already eaten up Uv his wrath and famishing cuttle, and a full (<» ih y.,' journey yet before them with the best kind of luck ! , Ami this instance is one of many. ‘AH air,up the road I njet poor lycst-tiiften, tgumster, seme wholly nimbi* *n.«e fheir feet. others hol.bliuc along iu jo, in ; some 'with frozen oars; and oil hulking proper clothing to shield them from the inclemency of the weather. Puch is the frightful condition of our people in the distant settlements—such the- jmnuMi.i-.c prospect before them. What is to be the cad el it all, God alony cun tell. (Signed 1 A Pj.ea run Mykcv. —The following signifi cant paragraph appears in the advertising ooi uiuns of the Charleston Mercury of Friday. The dame attached to it is that of the President of the South Carolina Collegeand who. about the •imo that the Brooklyn was first rumored to he preparing for n visit to Charleston, published n pamphlet/imploring the authorities and citi zens of that city not to oppose her entrance to the harbor, and avoid thus the responsibility of initiating civil war ; JTOHT SUMPTER. The time is approaching whoa Fort Sumpter will pmbilhly be attacked-. Let the assailants romember that the garrison are, in the main, poor hirelings, bound To obey the orders of their superiors, add doubtless, not disposed fought if they could avoid it. That they are not res ponsible for the acts of the, president, or of the United States, and that not one of them should be put to death, hut ns a necessary measure to secure the fort to South Carolina. Let not one be killed after the fort is>ijsurrendered; let as little blopd be shed as possible. A. B Lokgstkebt. The Wilu Best A etch OrriOE.— The mem bers from one of the Congressional Districts in the Mississippi convehtioii ..retired to nil ante ,ronm Tn the capitol to nominate a delegate to the Montgomery Convention ‘' After several ballots it was found that they were all candi dates, and no ono received more than rue vote. At length the name of an unpretending outsider was proposed, and, ns no one supposed that he could.ho Successful, they nil voted fir him. and to the iiitenbw flisgiist of tbfcambitious patriots, be yvaa clectjed unanimously. ■ KQ&. A. pljiiin, hard fisted old mhn called upon Gey. Cuytiij> of I’ei.nsylvunia, the other-day.— the Gorerripr, supposing, of course, that the man wanted ft place 'somewhere, expressed his appreciation' of his past services, .and said he was sorry he couldnot reward him- with tin office. I’Btit I don't want? an office/’ said the old in an, *•! merely called to see if yon didn’t want to buy a good dog,’’ S P EC lAL. N O T lOES. ■ To Consmnptives. The lnlying been restorrd to health In a frw hiringrtife'i'd'aev- ! fT|»p :Di«|f fin'll'' >Sfin4K ISAfif eraiyear*vrltKaaaveroaJfeet}o d«art tfto- ! JMJ?. ”, ;W®s| eaßecousumpilon—is anxious tumuhe known, to biafelluvr 9 •*■ luilUCj Ijtv U, Ia,IJAB Jjilji’ 1 nuJTorera tiin ihVtuui efeuro. ' '' tJ}Z}3 i* oek ? Ro-rta. « il«i *' - ■ 1 v “ .-••*- f , He/will ogAln anrtauv bo cmmiltM q t John Woo«Va • «o ttU Who wilt send a copy of the prescript tion used(frenhTcharge,) With'tlio airoccion* foV proparlnft ■. 19th flay «f TK‘«ciiil»V, -'Alimi* ooedny fitmeh month fur onre to OiNßOwPTioN.iAsthma. ic. The only object of , - Srpt.’2<>! 1860.'' : ' •’WVJNfISTOJf. the artvortibC£j -Sending the lYeaCTiptioii |« ; t<) tlie : •■:-"• ■• ■■' 1 l! T7*.MU HpUSiS AJjp.lOr, friyajuabTo, hopes every ' sufferer.wilt, try his rerao- 8' desmihlylocnted In tho BoroOßlr of AJtoqna. Anply dy ia lt irtll c«'«t them nothing, and mny iirdvi ft btWjW. i J** \ - >* . i’; > ; SJfOSMAIOiR. v * *>mie».*ishtog> prcicrlprinnajl! ploaab arfdrew. ' * j' A>teow. RK g .Mto«f. y , - ' J ' , Ret. J£DIYAIU> ; < - -•■■■-■• r JVflUoap.hpi^- Oft. ep t;r Jy. -- Grouty, itor ZtA. N. B. BE'dNTtjN. A Card to the Ladies. mi. mii'ONC-rs ooLDii.N pills kok females. . InJiiUih:t in cormffnp. rrgitUttiug, uml r?r'i l oh itructiuin. /runt io-’ncttrer.tai&e. OinTufwilysj at jfe- T t There Is not a lady 1i v iairline-WSatat life needs Jort «uch-a inprtkinorjM « Pills '’ Oiie-ofth® first' ladle*ot' idfd tin-re that bcncfltfi of them, eltfwoiilAihe wilH'iijcio J(ilT $5 n N>x k ; lit- \> :.r.„ut-them, if aUo cintld; grioheiibt com;.o-‘!ni; these jdlls afa made knie Agouti They will tell you they are perf-ctl, and jet will do all claimed fur them. Kelt c directions accompany each box.. Pxico- ifel.Oi) Sold by O. W. E.ES3LEII, Druggist; sole is 10011:1. Pa, l.a.lii'o by Heading bim Jl.OO to the AUnmti cau have the [nil.-* sent to any part of.tlie'iom dintiuliy iby malt, •• free of postage."’ Hold al* ItLAD, Huntingdon, nini by one Druggist in ei town and city iu ths State. , s. d. uowa. i (' ' Sole Proprietor, Now'fork, i’ i N. B. —The above Kills hare been counterfeited,'; md aro uttered to Ladies at prices ranging from "Jo cents to 76 cts, (dear at Hull) , leaik out fyr them.' The genuine, hereaf ■ ter, will hear the sigil&turj’of S.. D. Howe, sole proprietor. ; Price—sl. Purchase of the above gentletuenyaudiou wtU tiud the genuine article, ami one you may rely:upon. J muary 31, ISol.—ly. , , 1 .’A ►•«■»* » : To Consumptives. And tlutiu tiUlictvd with DV snips'! A NEU-VOUS DKIULITV, iiIEAUT DISEASE, FEVER k AGUE. OR 1 , CONSTIPATION, The midoralgatd, now seventy-five vouph old, has for yosir* tlfvott**! his time to curing his Buri.-diouero.itnd. tho poor in .No Von: uf thpse.dreiulful couq.hunts. which curry Umu->?uidii tu an uuUmeiy grwvo; ’no has HcM'jtii fail dto cuiV&ll xvlu» h-ve s\pjnl:-I iu him I»ef. ami bvliwiiij; j; jo be a Christina'* duty to relieve those abroad. a- wall as at horn©. he will send to tb'W* who require it. a copy of Pichcrplion* used. i Froe of Char;:*;, with*direction* for preparing and tflifc Alsu lull-sun Diet. Ventilation, nml Exercise for the they will find thesei-.outdit s teurc* cureibrOonsuiupv Cion, ami all of the Throat ami Lung-, Fvver ami Debility. ami Fts’nale C onpl»int3, and lu htq>oa every oy© afflicted will ft-ml for a copy, as it will co*t nothing, N and th«»se sufiVring apply before it b too lute. These Proscription are by the inoit eylinoni riiy-sicintis in London, Pan*, and New York. Those wishing them will piva-e mldreH* KEY. DU. CHAMBERLAIN. Nov. 16,*iX).-ly. \VTUiamsbi;.T,*i, Xew York. Crying Cables! ! . Crying Babies !! 1 a n;x for thl Limit; om;s, In cuna-. queue:* of the superiority of. Dr. IhiTos’b Tiu; CouMAb over every other preparation of the kind, the druggist of thici l«i\vu have almost ail vnlorvd and received a supply of it; so duer up, .Mothers! No more crying Lttbies! Don’t bf put c.ff with auy ntbor pr»*:>;ua;L.n by any druggist who may not have received Dr. i nfau tile Cordial, or u h » may on account of get*. me worth ier* ui tide at a c.ie-apei iaU* be a*vro mlerc-dcd i:i ‘•oiling it. Let the best ; it is lor trfd'j iu town —nil you find it. P;*. Fror.souk ni.ioiT Food, far diseases of tlifc organs and all puiumimiy c« mplainrs, is also frr in towb ; and if at:v MjfiVfin*: 1.-mi ihc almve Complaints neglect U* Uy this i-. - i-t; a;iv-u, Uk y itro gnil’.y uf sintidc. Xboro. una five uc .W n, ol tlic blood Food—as u:t the smiki j riuci j»l *, Lot graduated to the different of the blood ihu diEVi *.-ut organs affected, ,Kj. 1 is for Ft. ociiiii.s, C\;:i?u:i.puon. and other chronic com plaint.- a:j»ing from overuse, general debility, or a«i veils prooti atioii. N\i. E. fin* Laver Complaint*. No. f«-»r Dys pepsia. No.-i. Woman’s Jlcbtoratlvo. No. 5. Man. 3 He generator. Ack for the No. you want. Advcr tiiuavur. Fur ha!& by A. Rouoh, AUu&ali, and C. D. GwLt & Sou. PliiUuk-IphljAi. 1 closing years of lifts are often reidtml wretch ed l*y ailrneuU which are trilling in thcnntelYfc* ami easily. cured if rakou in time. Affection of the* liv<»r, stomach, and oilier organs concerned in digestion; are thoiuust fro qu -ut. They naturally’ make the sulfepsr nervous, irnta bk 1 and complaining, and relatives and friends iho forced lu b- ar the brunt of llieir.illdmmor. TUo use pit*, Hostet ler* Colcbiat d Stomach Bitters will prove an efficient' n im-ily for this evil: It will not only strengthen the whole physical organization, but tnoiit obstinate cases of Indigestion, Duir.rhu.ni, Dysentery, and Livt-r Oniiplaii t. The first physic in the country are K ud in (lo ir praise of this*preparation. Another recom mendation of the fillers is that it is so palatable to.the that It may be used even as a beverag^' Sold by all druggists. ; • MBS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse an i ;Vnmk» physician, basil fioothlug Syrup for children teething, which facilitate* the process of tfcthing, by potening the gum*, reducing all in flamnmtion—will pllay all pain, and i* eure to regulate the bowels. r Depend upon it. mothers. U will givere.-d tnyodr selves, and relief and health to your infants. Perfectly safe* In all ca*es. Soe advertisement in another column @35,00 r ■ P.vya tho entire cost for Tuition in iho most popular nnd successful Commarcinl School In the Country. Upward of j twelve hundred young mcnr from twenty-eight different ; , States. hnv«i been- educated for businoM here within the pan three year* mnif of whom have been einplolfcd-a, Book Keepers at salaries of , $3000,q0 per An mi nr; Immeiliatf-ly uiKin pradnhtlnj;, who Tuicwr notfiiDs ofac counts when they eilierod'flioCoJlcCo. ' v '' :.T -\ t£g- •in inter’s sons lm!f price.'’ Students enter at any tiniu, and review when they, pleaae. witliant extra charge; Kit Cetalopue of 84 pages. :S|oeinuaia of Prof.-C(iw|py , » liusiuesx and Or ammrtsi I‘enmenship, and engrn vin; of the lnclosA twentj-fivo cents Jit Postage Stamps to the Principals, ■ j f ■ j K?f KXA J 3 & SMITIf, Pittsburgh. P*. Altoona. J,an. 24. ’dl-lyt. i . ■ Ttus- XjL ew is ad Sfcoulditfßrac**; fcr sale at ? l-tp‘ - . <£ ■'Br.’ SEjgi.UE'S. '. r i HEAT’ WORK ON THE HORSE. \ T —TUKHDKS nift DISBAdBS; Syßowaw jKjfSixGs. of g-tv Vfl|Brinory J Amert#n libra*. with tlw. n* fj-j' . ; ; i'physicaifcmifttou and p«cnlinritioe of tb» ; .' 4 Hnbnol.aniU how to seeortaln hie ago by the '■■!■' ;;nnniberrinKl couiTitito of b|> teeth; lUluUa- of her: laid t-n AgtSiV He na«: ../uu>«tVH VI UWKVUI', ted tritlvnituii rous explanatory engrartugt- TH£ HOKSJt'AND UIS DISEASES .IRJtißdt XoU-if Ere.-dlug,' Brooking, feeding,. ' - ) '-Orwuniag. Shoeing,' and the gnnsrrd nuui agomunt'uf tUu hoife, with thb lwt|Baitsftbt , administering medicine, also, host tolfoht. biting, kicking, rearing, allying, stnmbUug„ crib Citing, rcitlixwuees. aud otter trios* M> - ' which honreubjact; with mnwHxmsssx.' . plaimtory engravings. v• • , * THE HORSfcA.ND UISDISEAaESv^ Mill Tull I'm of the cairns, symptoms. ami" tSrwatment of strangles, aore throat, distemper,catarrh* Influent, bronchitis, pneumonia, ptitlrUy,' broken wind,, chronic eongb, roartpgand whistling, lumpas. sore month antfAUesr*. and decayed with otherdiabaSCooC the mouth and respiratory organ*., • THK HORSE ANDHIS. DlSE^Bftfa^"V ; Will HU You of tho ctiuaoa. symptoms and tiCattnentof worms. huts, colic, strungnlatiutKstonycou crctions, ruptures* pul*y,diwr|t(*a,.J*iin dice. hepatinhucu. bloody stones In. the kidneys and. blmldey, inflammation anil other discascs of the Stomach, lk>weU,liTor and urinary organs. THE lIOUSK AXD HIS DISEASES • rttigUi he in- ivcry ulcsa tplicit (ox.—- >r Al- Office, Voljfl rotks Uuigo n'ili Tall You of the causes,., symptoms and treatment or bone, blood uml bog, spavin, swoenio, ring bone, strains, brukuuikiKJes, wind galls, founder, Bole.bruiso and.gravtl.qraeked buofc,. scratches, canker, UtruaboSndcsirns; also, of inctrrlms, vertigo, epilepsy* stajjjura and, other diseases of tHtf fiict, legkMidhead.. THE HORSE ANB HIS DISEASE in;; Tail You of the onuses, symptoms nod trqatnieut of fistula. poll evCl. ("landers, larcy. scanot 6s . »ver, malice, nurfcii.-locked jaw.tbpuiuai’Uut, \ crump, galls, diseases of the eyeand heart, | ic,. Ac., Jtc., and how to managoiawU'a.tlou, ' bleeding; trephinuing; rowelihgifirlng. her | nia.' amputation, tapping,. aud ,bther surgi ' cal Operations. ' . j THE HOUSE AXP illS DISEASES^ ini, Tn'i Ibu of itarey's meilitxl of tnmluahorsisi; how to uppruach, halter, or stable it colt; how.to I ' accustom a horse to strange sounds and | sights, and how to bit, saddle, fide andbreuk . him to harness; also, tho form and law of )■ M .tr.itantt. The whole bimiir tho. result of | ' more titan ctfraiyil study of tha ! habits, pectilhiiities.'waiits ttitif .wvakuOaacs of this noble and useful li'ultngU t;.. ; c . The book Contains . SSt pages, ” pptopriit tbly;Ultt»t«d«d i by neat ly One Hundred KiiaiatTugs. It is prluted, lft u i clear mill'open type, and will be furnished IK'stage paiil. on receipt of price, hellhound, cloth. cNira,cl,tlo ~ ■ '7,. ' ... i£ I (Hlli A ' V"l7 AT? CIUI be.uiadeby ehterprU- TpiUUU IV 1 XVillV muu every whew, la .selling the above, and other popular works, Qur ■ inducements to aU such tpxs exceedingly ;ÜbcCsUf ■■■?■■ . lor single copies of the hook, or for terms to agents, w(lh ! ether information, apptv to or address i ' ' JOHN E. VOTTEB, t Nov. S.-Giu No. 817 Sansom Street, b)illndelf>hlit, P«t rpui:.PEOPLE’S CUOK'V | MOBlvli'N COOKERY in 'nit .its Eliza ACto.*,. Carefully revised by Mw. 8. J^XutS&p;V’.' It Tells You How ta choose ail kinds Of meahTwiiltty, and pCUlie. with nil the cd inodes of . dressing iMKif and pork; also mio best and simplest Vftty ofetdt jiii/!, pjcklinit and.cueing .11 Telit I'ou All the virion* and most approved mod** of diseasing. cooking. anil boning nmttdn.Uiab, veal, poultry, and gaum of all kind*, With the diJ7erent dii-s-ilnga, gravies.aud stuffings appropriate to ea*h. i It Tells You How to cliooH-, clebUj mid pieaerve Jls?l of*U ' i kinds, and bow to.sweeten dt wbett.tetotsd; I also nil the yariuna and mint Hppct'Willniodßa i! of cooking. with the different dXESsinj{»i*«ae«s 1 ’ ‘ and flavorings approprlateto e«olr.:r ; . i R Tell i Ibu- All the various and moat approved- nodes of preparing overtlfty. different Itlode.df ilrmt, " Tieb. Yowl. Ommv.aud Vegetable -Soap*, Broths, and Stem!, with. the Relishes and tseasouings 'appropriate so «-ach.' V,V'h, ' Jt Tells Tou All the various cndniostapproved mode* pf cooking Vc-geUblesrit everydescription, yUo . bow to prepare IMeUles. Catsup* and Currios of all kinds, rutted Sleats.'PijiU,(iante,Jdu»h ro-tos, Ac. ' . . Jt TiUs Tou AH the. various and most' approved modes of pvetv.i in.; ami cooking all kiuiid o*'riala and fancy IV, try. puddings, Omelette*. fritters, ■ Cakes. Confectionary, Preserves! Jellies, and Sweet llisle-a of every'li slription. •„ It Tells Tou Alt the. various and most approved.modes df making Bread. Rusks Muffins, and Biscuit, . the best method of preparing coffer; Chdco i late, ami Tea. nml how to makeBjrupe, Col> " ciiais: and Wines of various IfiHits; " -V>! ' It Tells You How to eel out nnd.Af..v« ■' . GKEAT ! ■■' ■ •'at tub ' "'l’ <;k “ MODEL stotie sv WE ARE HaP#£ our friends that’ we ary again’oa' haai' V.ii *u unusually large stock of . . . ' ' T , FALL GOODS, which we think have Tjcon bought at pricesn*-' hie n.vhi compolefwilh ‘any otherhdnw inthlVeeftlonof country! ’ \fu have mjw on, hands a larger "rtoCk 'of Goods thttn'Ms liorcttftore Veen brought hv t hl» b "thU vp liopothaladicrvrill appreciate oiir ciToH» tbpW»ert»lr tastes by callin': and looking at take p)easnis in' sliVhviiig. ’!VVV. liaVij many hovDrei* Goods, Wool Delaines, -Mohair Mixtures, -Oriental Bustres, i’aleslors, Brocade Mohairs, Silk Brdlidntt- p r • Silk Poplins, Brocade VopUnOOKMi I ’^., ' Valencies, Rep Poplins, FigursU'-ii^ Cashmeres, j Mottled Merinos, Wool Plaids. Fig.-Preach ; ' ■ Merinos. PlavySa,- ;, Together with a full stock of all kinds of J)rawt|l,kJiil Staple Pry-Goods, Cloaking, TwePtlsl Sc. bailies. SlisSea 'ana Cloth pustirw. Uasiery.orflvc*,'Woolen Oil Cloths, Bed ’ IVo ask particular attention, to bar presetui oIm&oI. ■ ANP SHOES, * which \vc Ipel safiiarwchbaper can''ib# ;Iswght elsewhere. TVb hare'also our usual'sappiybf ‘i' ; ' ‘ Groceries, (fceen&ware, Ha*dw«:e, Wooden and IFfiVowHurt. ' In a word, wo thlnk-our prbscut stock ofGoodsWjortH »» exiniilnailon by personarwißhing to bur, and cotdl»Uy to- Titoonr friends to drop luaudsceus. » ur, Oct. ■i. ISCO. .•• - 3. *J. IOWtIIKB. AND OYSTER SALOON. ;£I^iiSoSM X 1 YOJW'tfio citizens ftf Altoona 'and xiclnltrtbat W» SiW and «UJMf BspiJ£|yalw«j* applied with the efery best artiolesto ha find, and in aroat-. Satiety.' Uafiaa also an . ■- S; .; OYSTER -.SALQQN^S attached to Ills afore , in which ho Will serve on fftlMl' OVSTiJSS; in nil style*. ' 116 hug always on handnlotof -. CHOICE MINCE MEAT* ■ He irfhttill times prepared IWsitpfdy enkos; chidttW'ic., for pie-uieg nndbther parties. lie invites a than Oftthhlio patronage, hoUevingthat Tie caif render full satl^etterto . * B«m«mbef, his store and saloon is on Virginia stieet, two dews halpW I’Wion’slUll. Boots and sho^s.—tlie mj dprstgned has now on fisM tnd will - .- • sell cheap at fils store in the Mngbhic Te'mple, MSI . a Hrgd and complete assortment of BOOTS > nS* AJIjD SHOES. ready made, nr mode to order, BBS Overshoes, Ladles’ Sandals. Onm Shoes. Cork Baa. Soles; and everythin g-i uh Is line ut ImgJnoea, of ’ tfie best quality ahet on the most reasonable terms;* All custom work warranted. i 1 ■ ; Jan. 2, ’6V. UKSShKR, , ■- a«n.%i^erfti,,v'j 7 <. - • . • ' T'VO SMALW HOUgRS^&y&& X foreala. Apply to JOUY SUOEMAJCRTI.i Sept; ■■..,», a - A^thej^te. A BL: THU JX.n»Mpn»£9 & v ? '. cosFEcrriox eiii* ! . WMtero WSy ■i* " 4EoUkl»7«bQrK- :Wuterki Through . .Ifawtent Through JW««nffvr. : Xtotara Wiijr - ■ ;-o)rnc« Qouttt;—Dn f 90iv .il On S and*; . -V ??■■* V, r ' ■-• ■i . - . s» •■■.IIAH. fl 4«m«W Sait nr. ■ J 7* 7 - w»t ■ IWV.vS Sait West ■ . M -K*« « \v««t HOftunAvsß and Wwi. , lUUXCI \ j Aocottttitvijfotinii Trait - MilfM and Exui'cx.'i • Kov.. i», 1800. :.:- : g||£GV «ugh -«n Friday ta 0«i» Bcmiss. Jubu AUt«ou, ■ jDsfvii T. Caldwtll, Poalttriug, Jicmot. SiMctom. WillmmUoydeu, 8 jo». P, UUcman, SilvioA. Iteok, 2 William Debt, 1 ■0» C u JUaton, . 8 &»<>* IK Spark$ f 8 1 ' /aeoi Wagner, 2 JvnttLotclhtr, 1 ,- • . C./& Hostetler, Jwtf** Pitney, jVy J.Mipint, ■ j>. J.Travit, ■ Joseph K. Ely. ' Clark, {-ii&avn./ ' . John SfoCloH&uJi t - Autftttir* Amwoiu, [ Solomokßo.y er, . L " * ■• J. * JwAifa Mwjier, Chat. J. Mann, 8 MoCuriuick, 1 Itqaf'lboptr, &unutl Black, ......... V. Jp. Levan..... Jno: i' , /' » , -Jem. 5t10...... . -, ‘ . : wsr«ct Bobi.Pitcnifne...... Ji K. Heilman....... D iLQreen.......... Jno..Hooper ,**■» -C. *• * **■ ■ **' J out Condo... -, - - CiUie^’llcket Workingmon’aUiH .wililbo sjscn from ti are übo , fU« par lit j A,Dk»**ti» Vu ' j incid«a(B countyl«th«sotticr ■ ■ of v • found'd by a body I'v on ib , towrilbip of Cnnibri but afterward* incl i. Cambria.' Xbey lot 'called 2 byafjf and maitoury, wh«n tb pf Bbtusbargh took now thoetreets are t except aehoky wood' !Tbe county of Cum I euougb, with it* mot ter courts, but lb# logo adds a still m it* scenery. m vli • ■ V ‘i'r-4 V v'l *fcU -Jkk offt V Bkasoh or List. I of Us f for foitj tbe o restlng ppon the adl • who Ifare roochod tl Jm froto thfl xoguklions jcara pf age, tho sit who' do bard labor , weakoesßcanoot fast | health,. Tb« occasic | intbo Catbolio Chur r >|* . Coxcsat —TLe c< ;:ieritmChurch, op ' *»#l - ; week, :both School Librar iatate, a complete » ■. atnount . taken - i number., in attendan quiw a bandsome st and eyerj | 'or u • -Fashions •Imtfjooi, The ■ Pjjeid |u enormous - e the next a ithe bip, tbe fourth f yPrttt Bays the logs these reini, |olp Windows "iff i« l* liyelj brie ALTOON -Jfooii or £ IST Ap eschanjr liter sex were pit (bent came down toping up B he es. 9tl?er Winter I’ll *****