* ? «u.; ho pralee of OKDIAIg^ y fvrd inflanlaneotu ro i if ty magic; uo4,on#. r La*, we say h triif. ,lt'. a OPIATE ’ Tawing tlu mfltr- ■ ■Jtning its ttnUbiUmt. the onlyftliaiUp&p- Ti:tTl3 ih«i, Oumukki, f •Al'HilTl OF SHS eTOH- I CiiotP; bl*o, tor iq/mn- J, regulating Ou Benefit, . tniiiK an anti-jyatmaitt uil cum of \ ami kiaUM nf yettr : . t'.cse tad and lUgkttng idt from the UK not ■r Infantile Qmfiamt* jv's ImfastiUOvrdui^. . tly ImrmleM. nod on* • I’rlce* 2$ c«atn. Full - >. I‘rojiurcil only by; - Jim it iuu*ojrr, roadway, Now-TotkV ,b K D Dti«^*lMn«nK -Vijnljz# tbe Blood. #f i.m, f.irer Compiling-; in every inrtanot cats . nitxxi. S*pplyibtm' 1. 'Hie Blood Foo»i jb u Its oJtonUhiut «,B%> 3* ' loss - ' • .i. ,v i * 1 idood'in different d£. us. or >'. 3 for DTSt-smLc-r i it is TAKS.tOr miction, eo thstwhoi r KI.HiU-. lKSWOti*^ ■ special din-ctlunejor i-Cr.O7I'LOCB, Kidkit, In nil cn.v* thsdi-. 'rice of tbr//fond Ahsß ten .t DUPONT, cidvntv, New-Ybfk. , ■ i, audXi. 11. KKY^iBII^_ n ir. llollidayslnK-gf ughout the country. > UiMD. National c AFETY TRUST" oiupaity.- • XATRIXAI. C.IA»TZBK> nr pm iii aaj' ant-rant, large mc-cey from Mie&y :> sc-tn, wbenruw.'lt }. f i'it!. Adminittriflon. . A 1 have (t in 0. pli«*of lie r.btsincdfcrlL ' tutors Is ißTWlftl.-Si zxes, ud BobwbfWr > ■orts. .. til! 5 wi s iu the c rentes- ' ';A leut. 1 «cts her.. ■ IHRULL ItRMTKM, I - MI 11. ll VRRI, ?n Yjssw. . m nirrE.HDiOti'iot. im- of Third St. Phlia- Jtpril 14Ui, ‘59-1 y. .. :-being a' i | , lt^ •Unit -ill tho new dtv ii ijlisli language, bV 'Tiluhlilo and inter, snguagc for Uu< geiis ii.nu« Engravings.—c contemplating mart nut !» ’ '••-.-ortment of Doi* -‘■if* and Swiss man* i.'ia, in addition to md made to order)*!! ,d .Silver plated war«, s Mich goods as are i Jewelrr'Store.' " f " of the ciil.jcrjber. > a invited to call, and ” r ni ; In- found lu any for mx mouths; (e I.; write their names reside plainly,} ■miLLACO, • t: Police fiazelte, '<• <0 }ort: City. OR SAXK.~ . s ;h Ur, | ! evcjiid floor, ic H obtain further it-.-r n. M. McCIICM XSTKANCK 01, of tlia Blair jr. 7,aJiy, Us a ( aH Ijy tire, DaiU >j:n-;y, of ovyry dae rat?* u tMf • Jack t Agtnt, ■ MUTUA-t' —Toa nndetv%af£ ■< or ilumsgnklff f /Vru/fy ofVrcr* r’-itetiHlrtß juWlju Iviai, ‘AfinlT MoORUM & BERN, YOL. 6. 0 § I K g . * s Hrl ► ' § g « g r-i R © fs. “ C 1 . g S *< _. z ■ a T co r S 8 k O tea a■-b • g & ■»■ ><• “ 4 2! - oo 1- 8 O S C 3 S ‘ I i I CO I INVITE ATTENTION to Mine of the most extraordi nary cutes by my - PECTORAL SYRUP. They Art at home anil any on« who bo* donbu can fa quir* of the person! who bare bun cared by-it. Dr. KEY9ER IS PREPARED AT ANY TIME TO EX AMINE LONGS, WITHOUT CHARGE, FOR ALL THOSE WHO NEBDJUI3 MEDICINE. ATTEND TO YPUR-COLDS. —A com of five yean (land ing cured bv DR. KEYSER’S PECTORAL SYRUP. Frtsbcro, Jan. Uth, 1800. Da. Kcnn:—My wife has been afflicted wilti a bad cough .and difficulty of breathing for fire or six years, which fur wrerat yean back bod gradually Increased in violence. The complaint ba« boon hereditary, and ebe bod heen treated by several pbyiiciane without any rollef. In this stats of bee case I procured some of your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought the first time a fifty cunt'buttle, which relieved. her very much; I then called and got a Uullaf bottle, which cured her entirely, and she bas.no w no trace of the former disease, except weakness*. I would also state that I need the medicine ,myself to a cold and tough. The medicine cured me by taking one dose. I ex press my entire satlsCuitiou with the medicine, and you ars at liberty to publish this if you desire to do so. WM. WILSON, Alderman, Fifth Ward. Dn. Kitszr s— Althongh not ah advocate of Patent Modi clue In general, dt affords mo great pleasure to recommend i your Pectoral Syrup. As a medicine it is well worthy the attention W anyperson who may in any manner be affec ted with coughs,-colds and hoarseness of any kind, and for the peculiar qualifications for removing all.that disagreea ble sensation attending a cold. I hare been more or less, in my life affected with the severest colds of hoarseness. At times my throat would become so closed os to prevent my speakfng above a vth le per, and by taking a few doses of the above Syrup it would relieve me entirely. In recommending this medicine, I must unhesitatingly say that it Is the best medictae I ever found, purporting to care the above; nor should any family be without this - remedy for diseases to prevalent. Tours; most respectfully, EDWARD J. JONES. Cashier, Citizens’ Deposit Bank. BncDZ.wiLLt, Or, March 14th, 1889. 1 have used Dr. Keyser'e Cough' Syrup for a bad cough qf several years standing, and can cheerfully say it is the fcsSt.aedleine for tha jams that 1 hare ever taken. J. W- PRICE. COL. PRATT AND DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYR t P.—D*. Kituk—Dear Sir: Excuse thedelsy of my ac knowledging the excellence of your Pectoral Syrup tooner. I take great pleaeuro in saying that it b ail yon say it Is.. XT KNOCKED TUB NOISE OUT OP 3IY COUOU, and the wont one I was arer afflicted with; I hare not need more then one. half of the bottle,, and can and do wish that aH who are afflicted would glre it ns fair atrial as 1 hare done, and they will be proud'to say, “ It Is no quack medi cine.” I would not suffer another such an attack for any euhsideralioh. Or at any cost. lam confident I can breathe more.freely thou I srer did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing so excellent a reitiody.— You are at liberty to use my name in this regard, as you think proper. £. F. PRATT, Messenger, Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa, Pittsbcko, Slay 11th, 1859. If. B.—l am no stranger to my fellow citizens, and all wbe entertain doubts can consult mp personally. SCAD Tire TRUTH—DI. Knsn: I havo a daughter who has taken several medicine! Ibr a bad cough, who hoe tokehraeveral medicine* for a bad cough, without benefit— among them Ayor'a Chen? Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle of your PECTORAL STRCP, and before she had used half a bottle she was relieved. The second bot ,tle enred her entirely other cough , Pittsbcm. December Slat, 1833. A GREAT CURB BT DR. KEYSEH’S PECTORAL' SYRUP—I live in Peebles Allegheny county.— 1 had a coughing aid' spitting, which commenced about the 4th of February last, and continued eight months, 1 employed the best physicians in the country, and my oough sontinued unabated until early in October. At that time I was advised to try your PECTORAL SYRUP, which l-dld, and after I had taken one bottle I wag entirely free from the coughing and (pitting. I bad dispaired of ever getting well, and I think it should bo known that this valuable remedy wilt do for others what It has done in my Case. JOHN C. LITTLE, Peebles township. If lines*—B. M. Knuc. Pstto* townsnip, April Uth, 1867. A WOROBKFUL CURB.—Some time ago, an old neigh her of mlpo wasvsry Ul with a bad congh which everyone supposed to be consumption. Hi* relative* told me lie had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit; hi* brother cam* to *oe him die, and ail wore confirmed u. the belief that he could not live. I had about the third of a .Vottl* ofyOur'Pectoral Syrup, which I gave him, and it entirely ctfredhlm, to the astonishment of all. What , make* the oaae mor* remarkable, 1* the extreme ago of ’ Ah* man, he belng abont eighty years old. I have no doubt the Pectoral •eavedWslifc. JOHN M’OINNIS. DR. KETSER’S PECTORAL STROP IN BLAIR - flLLK.—Please send me another supply of your valuable Pectoral Syrup." Almost everybody around us has the .sold and are inquiring for “ Dr. Keyset-’* Pectoral Syrup,’’ .Wabavs sold sixteen bottles lost week, and are now en tirely out. Mr. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both of lltairs (Tille, Pa., tell us they would not be wilhqut it in their families. In fact, alrwho use It once want it again. J. 8. WATTEHBONI SON’S. January 30th, 1800. ' i ANOTHER NEW CERTIFICATE—DR. KEYSEE’S PECTORAL SYRUP.—I hava been troubled with a cough and add for several wseks—so bad wasit that I could not sleep. Ihad tho advice and prescriptions from three of. the Wt physicians in the- city,- whom'l could name, but do not do so.- '2 finally procured a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, which enrOd-meentlrely. Signed, ' '• J. W. SIMONTON. *M Liberty St, Pittsburg, Pa, Jan. 9th, 1860. "STOP THAI COUQUmO.’'—“How uni do it I” “Go to Keyser’i os' Wood street aod got a bottle of his Cough Pectoral, and if that don’t cure you, your ease most ba deaperata Indosd,’’ This Is a spceltnen of Uia colloquy ona bears almost every day in cold catching saasons of the ysar.Asweean, from actual experiment, cheerfully,con cnr in tbe adriser’s admonition as shore, for wo hare tried the“Pectorat” in a moat stubborn case, with entire suc -v ««.. Near two weeka ago we went to Pittsburg with one '®» the moat distressing contrary, mulish, nnsnbdnable coughs we have, ever experienced since onr advent upon tato mundane Sphere. We coughed steadily and laborons ijr lor one whole week, in hopes of tiring it out, bnt it was .* u “ ct *1 seemed rather to improve by practice ana to nave acquired strength, potency and distrceslbility i py tha operation. In this state of tlm siege, we conghod . "WO Wood street, procured a fifty **°, , e Pootoral, took it according to directions, •Odin forty-eight hours wo wtra master of the field, the .haring unconditionally surrendered after a brief “"JOeel conflict with so formidable an adversary as Keyset • Cough Pectoral.—Brownsville Clipper, Dec. 14th, PECTORAL SYRUP is prepared and ?R- QEO. It. KBYBEH, , ■ ■ Xd® Wood street, Pitsbnrg, Pa. *JM)OTIIA.CHE REMEDY A SURE CUR E. Prepared and eold by DR. a. It. KF.TgEn, Pricers , , street,Plttsbmg. •' SEND FOR'A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Order any book that you may want, remit the retail price, together with the amount required for postage, ami one trial will assure yon that the best -place In'tho country to purchase books Is at the Gilt Book Establishment of * GEORGE O. EVANS, Originator of the Gift Bock Enterprise, I ' No. 439 Chmtuct Strut, Philadelphia. AGENTS "WANTED, To whom greater inducements than "ever grp offered. Any perron, either male or female, who is desirous ofen gagtng in an V ’ ' ' -9' HONORABLE ASP PROFITABLE BUSINESS; Requiring bat little time and no ontlr of money, and by which they can' obUin gratis A VidwMe Library, A Fine Gold Watch and Chain, , A Uandtonu Sehdhe of Plate, An JSUgann Sxtk mas FaiUrn, A Splendid Set of Jetedry, Or any other choice articles enumerated In the List of Gifts can do so by acting as an Agent for tbls establishment. "Any perron, In any part of the country, can be an Agent simply by forming a club, sending a list of Books, and re mitting tbo amount of money required for tbo same. Send for a catalogue, which contains all the desired in formation rotative to agencies and the formation of clubs; and to insure prompt and honorable dealings, address all orders to _' TUB HEAD QUARTERS OF GEORGE Gr. EVANS, PKOPMxroa or ra> OLOBBT um LARGEST GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE W TSIWOHV, FermanenUy located «t No. Chestnut Street, PRilada. 6,1680.-« m. I ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1861. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. i IRUM, E. B. M( yCDLISUIBS AND PEOPRIZIOM. Per annum, (payable invariably in advance,) $1,60 All papers discontinued at the expiration of the time paid for. HEMS OP ADTXRTISIMQ. 1 insertion 2 do. 8 do. Four linesi or less $25 $ 37J4 $ 6O One square, ( 8 lines).. 80 to 1 00 Two “ i (16 “ ) 100 150 200 Three (21 “ ).....; 1 50 200 260 Over three weeks and less than three months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. . I 3 months. 6 months. 1 year. Six lines or less .$ 150 $3OO $5OO One square,..'. 2 50 4 00 7 ,00 Two “ 400 600 WOO Three ** 5 00 8 00 1? 00 Four « ; 600 10 00 14 00 Half a column 10 00 14 00 20 00 One coluh(n 14 00 25 00 40 00 Administrators and Executors Notices 1 75 Merchant* advertising by the year, three squares, with libbrty to change, 10 00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 linos with paper, per year... 6 00 Communications of a political character or individual in terest will be charged according to the above rates. Advertisemen t not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to the above terms. Business notices five cents per line for every insertion. Obituary notices exceeding ton lines, fifty cents a square Hflect JPfletrg; I THE LIGHT AT HOME. The light at homo, how bright it beams, When evening (hades around us toll! And from the lattice, far it gleams To love, and rest, and common call. When wearied with the toils of day, Ajnd slrifs for glory, gold or fame, How swoet to seek the quiet way, Where loving lips will lisp our name, Around the light at homo. ' When tlirough the dark and stormy night Tfie wayward wanderer homeward flies, How cheering is that twinkling light Which through the forest gloom she spies I It if the light at home—he feels That loving hearts will greet him there; And softly tlirough bis bosom steals The joy. that banishes his care, Around the light at Some. The light at home! whene’er at last It greets the seaman through the storm, Us feels no more the chilling blast That beats upon bis manly form. Long years upon the sea have fled Siifjis dear ques gave a porting kiss, But tlie sod tears which then were shod Will now be paid with rapturous bliss, Around the light at home. The light at hums I how still and sweet It peeps from yonder cottage door, The weary laborer to greet. When the rough toils of day are o’er Bad is the soul that does nut know The blessings that the beams impart— The cheerful hopes and joys that flow, And lightens up tbe heaviest heart, Around tho light at home. COMMUTATION OF THE TONNAGE DUTIES. The Coinmittee on Ways and Means has reported the following bill. It will be seen that the tonnage duties are not actually repealed,' but that the payments of the same are shaped differently than they wjiire heretofore. We have not been able to read tho bill carefully, and there fore commend the same to the careful at tention of our readers. We shall, how ever, analize the bill shortly and give our opinion of it- AN ACT for the commutation of Ton nage] duties. Whereas, By a provision of the Act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad company, approved the thirteenth of April, eighteen hundred and forty- six, i and a supplement thereto, approved the twenty-seventh of March, eighteen hun dred aiid forty-eight, a tax or duty was im posed 1 m all tonnage loaded or received at Harrisburg, Pittsburg and intermediate Sts, and carried or conveyed on the read of the said Company more than twenty miles, which said tax was intended to compensate for any probable, dinmnitipn in the receits of the Main Line of the Public Works, (then owned by the State,) by reason of the construc tion and operation of the said Railroad. And. Whereatj It was provided in the third, isection of the Act for the Main Line of the Public Works,, approved the sixteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, that if the Pennsylvania Railroad ..company 'should become; the purchasers of the said works; the said company, in addition to the sum of seven millions five hundred thousand dollars ($7,600,000), the price limited by the stud Act should pay the sum of one mil lion five hundred thousand dollars ($l,- 600,01)0), in five per cent bonds of the company, and that thereupon the said compeny,ahd the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Moupt' Joy and Lancaster Rail Road Company should, in consideration thereof) be discharged by the Commonwealth for ever from the payment of. all taxes upon tonnage or freight carried over said rail roads, and the said Pennsylvania Railroad company should be released from the pay? ment of all. other taxes of duties on its capital stock, bonds, dividends or pro perty.’ ; ,/■ '' f And Whereat, 1 It was subsequently de cided by tho Supreme Court of this Com monwealth, that while the Legislature had Tull authority to repeal the provisions of the said; Acts, yet, inasmuch os part of .the last mentioned section in the Act for the the sale of the Main Line placed all [.INDEPENDENT -IN EVERYTHING.} ■ ’ ,H. C. BERN, the property of the taxing power, it was therefore, to that extent, unconstitutional and void. And Whereas , It was the clear inten tion of the Lcgislature r by the said Act for the sale of the Main Line, in case the Pennsylvania Railroad company should become the purchaser of the same, to ex hon orate and release the said company from further liability for the payment of said tonnage tax, and for the additional consideration therein named, all other taxes; and as the tonnage tax now falls indirectly on flour, grain, cattle, iron, minerals and other domestic products transported on one line of improvements, while similar products transported on other lines, are exempt from the same; and as a reason for the imposition thereof ceased to exist on the sale of the works it was intended to protect, the right of the State any longer to demand the pay ment of the said tax is denied, and said demand has led to litigation between the State and the company, and will probably involve the parties in litigation with the citizens of other States, to tfee injury of our internal trade and commerce, which is the duty of the government to encourage and protect, by all lawful means. And whereas , The said company has proposed a compromise and final settle ment of the question, by paying into the Treasury, in commutation of the said tonnage tax and in discharge thereof, such additional sum semi-annually, over and above the instalment of principal and the interest on its debt to the State, as may be required to make said payment amount to four hundred and sixty thous and dollars (8460,000) annually, until the year eighteen hundred and ninety, at which time the entire balaqce of the prin cipal and interest shall be paid in full; and by paying, also, in addition to the said semi-annual instalments, all other taxes on their property to which they may hereafter be made liable under the general revenue laws of the State, and agree to make reductions for transporta tion of local trade, as hereinafter pro vides, and to aid, also, in the construction of certain lateral railroads, the comple tion of which is essential as a means of facilitating the settlement and improve ment of valuable districts of the Com monwealth yet undeveloped. And whereas , In the opinion of this Legislature, it is expedient to accept the said proposition, and to relieve all agri cultural, mineral, and industrial products, and other property passing over any rail road, canal, or slackwater navigation in this Commonwealth, from the payment of tonnage tax or duty to the State j there fore, Section 1. . Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met and it is hereby enac ted by the authority of the same, That if a majority of the Directors of the Penn sylvania Railroad company, who, for the purposes of this act are hereby vested with all needful authority, shall at a meeting called for'that purpose, resolve to accept tho provisions of this Act, and shall authorize the execution of a written contract under its corporate seal with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to pay into the State Treasury on account of its indebtedness to the Commonwealth, by reason of a purchase of the Main Line of the Public Works, oU tho thirty-first days of January and July in every year, until tho thirty-first of July, eighteen hundred and ninety, inclusive, such sum, in addition to the interest on its bonds owned by the State, and in addition to its annual liability to the State on account of purchase money for said line of improve ments, as will increase each semi-annual payment on account of said debt and, in terest to. the sum of two hundred and thirty thousand dollars, ($230,000,) and the aggregate of all such payments to the sum of thirteen millions five hundred and seventy thousand (513,570,000,) and shall agree to pay, on the said thirty-first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety, into the Treasury, the balance then unpaid of the principal and interest of said bonds, and shall further agree to reduce its local charges for the transporta tion of grain, flour, cattle, iron, minerals and other property, as hereinafter provid ed ; and if the said company shall, in the manner aforesaid, on or before the first of July, make and enter into, with the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania a written con tract to that effect, and shall on or be fore the said day deliver the same to the Commonwealth, by depositing the Same in the office of the Auditor General, then and in such case, and in consideration thereof, the Commonwealth of Pennsyh yania shall not at any time hereafter lay, impose, levy, or collect any tax or duty upon, or in respect to freight or tonnage passing over the said Pennsylvania Rail road,. pf the Harrisburg, Portsmouth Mount Joy and Lancaster Railroad, or any part of them, or either Of them, un less a . like tax shall at the same time bo imposed, laid or levied upon all other railroads or railroad companies of this Commonwealth; and all laws imposing taxes or duties upon freight or tonnage upon the. railroads, canals and slack water navigation companies, for the use of the Commonwealth, be and repealed, and no further lugs shall be had or talc* the Commonwealth to c tiou of any tax or do given tlierefor, or judgn obtained in pursuance laws on. tonnage ca: on the railroad of said roa,d Company, or on ;: company incorporated b the said companies fchal' officers of the Common ;ed, released and relieyi and liability to the thereof. Sec. 2. That from; and after the pas sage of this Act, all i lilroad, canal and slackwater navigation oc mpanics incorpor ated by this State, and 1 able for the pay ment of taxes and duties on tonnage, im posed by' any laws heretofore enacted, shall make the reduction of their charges for transportation on i heir local freight, as fixed by their respective toll sheets, on the first day of one thousand eight hundred and sixtj-one,equal to the full amount of the taj; or duty chargea ble upon such freight )r tonnage by the laws aforesaid ; the pn isent winter rates between the first day of December and the'first day of May, shall be considered as fixed at 90 cents per 100 lbs, for first class, 75 cents per 100 lbs- for second class, 60 cents per 100 lbs. for third class, 40. per 100 lbs. for fourth class, on 1 all trade carried between [Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and a failure on the part of either ot said Companies to make such re duction, shall render the company so ne glecting liable to the Commonwealth for double the amount of the tonnage tax heretofore chargeable agaipst them upon such trade—and every such Company shall, within thirty days after the passage of this Act, under a like penalty, file in the office of the Auditor General, under the oath of the President or other officer, a toll sheet of their rates of charges for transportation of locat freights, upon the first day of February, ojnc thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, [accompanied by a statement of the reduction; td be tqade in pursuance of this Act, |md the said rates as so reduced shall bej the highest rates that can be charged forlthe transportation of such freight and tonnage by any com pany accepting the provisions of this Act: Further, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany shall not at any time charge or col lect rates on any description of freights from any eastern or sea-board cities to Pittsburg, higher thafi the gross rates charged or collected by the same route from same points to |ny point west of Pittsburg; nor shall thjo said Pennsylva nia Company jit any time charge or .collect rates on any description of freights from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, Baltimore or New York* or other seaboard cities higher than the gross rates .that may be charged by the same route from any point west of Pittsburg to the same points on the same description of proper ty.. The local rates from Pittsburg or Philadelphia to stations on the lido of the Pennsylvania. Railroad shall at no time exceed the gross rates charged through between Philadelphia jiud Pittsburg ex ceed the through rates jas made from time to time under the provisions of this Act, nor shall the rates charged to any 'points exceed those charged | to any point of greater distance in the same direction from the place of Jshipment: And further , all shippers off western products, under through bills ;oft lading, from any point west of Pittsburg, to the seaboard cities, shall have the Privilege of dispos ing, of their property at Pittsburg, by giving ti&cly notice, b; fore its arrival at that poibt, to the trac sfer' .agents of the Pennsylvania Railroad" Company,andby delivering up their through bills of lad ing? thus ’ releasing be Pennsylvania Railroad Company frqm all liability on account thereof. ; If ti e property is not sold at Pittsburg, the qwncr, consignee or shipper of said property shall have the right to deliver the ssjnie. to the transfer agency of the Pennsylvania Railroad company at FittshurgJ and forward the same within ten days; after its arrival at Pittsburg, under the conditions and rates of tho original though bill of lading. Sec. 3. That tbe Pennsylvania Rail: road company shall bo liable to taxation for all State purposes,, and the said com pany shall pay the sane rate of taxation which is now, or may Hereafter, be impos ed by any general law operating upon all other Railroad companies incorporated by this Cdmmonwealtn. {:, Tho semi-annual installments of the .said sum of thirteen millions fire hundred and seventy thous and dollars, and the bal ance of the said debt and interest so to be paid into the State'Treasury as.is hero in provided, are hereby pledged ; to, and the same shall be applied only to the pay ment and extinguishment of the princi pal and interest of the funded debt of this Commonwealth, and to no other pur pose whatsoever. ; ’ Seo. 4. That, for :the purpose of de veloping the resources of the State, the Pennsylvania Railroad company is hereby authorized and required to ex pend the sum of eight hundred and fifty, thousand dolla/s in aid to the Cbartiera they are hereby or other proceed n on the part of iforee the colleo ty, or obligation tent recovered, or of any existing ied or conveyed Pennsylvania Rail hat of any other f the State; and be, by the proper wealth, exhonora -4 from every lien tate on account EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Valley Railroad company; the Pittsburg an d Stubenville Railroad company; the F ayette Conner Railroad company, (be tween Greensbarg and the Youghiogheny River;) the West Pennsylvania Railroad company, (between Blairsville and Sut ler; the Ebensburg and Creseon Railroad company ; the Bedford Railroad company, (between Hopewell and Bedford;) the Ty rone and Clearfield company, and the Pbilipsbnrg and Waterford Railroad com pany, (between Tyrone and Brookville;) the Tyrone and Look Haven Railroad company; tho Mifflin and Centre County Railroad company, (between Lewiatown and Reedville jf) the Chambereburg and Allegheny Rmlroad company, (between Chaihbersburg and the point of connec tion with the Bedford Railroad near Hope well ;) or their successors or ensigns, in sums proportionated to their respective lengths be tween the above designated points, purchasing their bonds respectively from said Companies, payable in twenty years, with interest, payable semi-annnally, secured by a first mortgage created for. the purpose on their property, real and personal, and franchises acquired and to be acquired, and the said Companies are hereby respectively authorized and empowered to cre ate and issue such bonds, and secure the pay ment thereof by such majority of their respec tive stockholders present at a meeting to-be called for that purpose, of whioh notice shall be giten, as provided by .their chatters or by laws, respectively; said bonds, and the mort gages given to seoure the same shall not exceed in amount the sum required for the cost of the supersilcaoture of bridges, the. rails, cross-ties, tffo chairs and spikes, andj laying the track of the said roads, required for the cost of said roads, respectively—and the proceeds of all the said bonds, so securedj shall bo exclusively applied to the said purposes—-and the said pur chases of bonds, shall be required to bo made of each of the said companies in installments, after sections of said roads, respectively of the length of five miles from each end, os herein before designated, shall have been duly and properly graded and the masonry completed, and after the said grading and masonry shall have, been approved by'a competent civil engin eer, appointed by the Governor for that pur pose—and who shall ,be paid for his services by the said companies receiving aid under the provisions of this Act—and when each section of five miles so graded from each such end of the said roads respectively, shall have been so completed and such certificate so given, then the pra rata proportion of the said bonds shall be purchased, and so continued from time to time-until tho amount payable to the said com- ' panics shall be exhaused—and the sum psid upon the completion of tbe said section as aforesaid respectively, shall be exclusively appropriated and be used for the purposes above mentioned, upon the section for and in respect to. which .the purchase is mode—and for no other purpose or portion of said road what soever—provided, however, that if either of the said companies shall fail to grade and prepare for bridges, snpentrnotnre, and laying of track at least one section of five miles at each of such tend of Us road within one year—or the whole of their respective roads within three years from the;passage of this act, any such company, so in default, shall no longer have any right to demand or require any further purchase of their bonds as aforesaid, and tbe sums which any such defaulting companies would have been entitled to demand in payment of their bonds , shall be added pro rata to tbe purchase' to be made of such of the said companies as shall comply with the provisions of this sec tion. Sic. 5 That if any stockholder or stock* holders of any railrokd, canal, or slaokwater navigation companies shall bedissatisfieilwUb, or object to any of the provisions of this Act, to apply by petition to the Court of Common Pleas of the eonnty in which the chief office of. the companies, may respectively be held— to appoint three disinterested persona to esti mate and appraise the damage, if any, done to each stockholder or stockholders, and whose award, or that of a majority of them, when confirmed by. the said Court, shall bo final and ■conclusive. 1 And the person so appointed shall also , appraise the share or shares of said stock holders in the said company at the full market value thereof, without regard to any deprecia tion in. consequence of the passage of this Act. and the said company may, at its election, either pay to the said holder the amount of damages so found, or the value of tbo stock so ascertained, and upon payment of the value of the stock as aforesaid, the said stockholder shall transfer the stock so held by him to the said company, to bo Imposed by directors of said company, or be retained by them for tbs benefit of the remaining stockholders. Ask! all "V* inconsistent with the provisions of thin Act, be and the same are hereby repealed. A StBSTCHin.—IVo once heard an old follow, famous all over tho country for bis tough yarns, tell the following: He was telling what heavy wheat be had seen in New York. My father,” said ho, “once had a field of wheat, the heads of whioh were so close to gether that the wild turkeys when they bomb to eat, could walk.around on tho top of It any where.” 1 , We suggested that the turkeys attest have been small ones. . [ “No,-sir,” continued ho, “they were very large ones. . I shot one of them one day* and when I took hold of bis legs to carry him his bead dragged in the snow behind roe.” “ A carious country you mast hare bad, to hare had sno w in harvest time. 1 ’ ' “ Well, I declare, 1 ’ said he, looking a littln foolish, “ I reckon I’ve got part of two stories mixed I” A Dooms Husband. —ln Portland, Oregon, there is a man who lived with his wife several years, and they had several children. At last she got tired of him, and proposed that they should get a divorce. lie stud he had no ob jection if she would support him.® She agreed to do so, and they were divorced. She is now married to another man, and supports her for mer husband by retaining him in the family at, a servant, AST If the spring brings forth no blossoms,, in summer there will bO no b<*teW,, arf. to,- autumn no fruit. So If youth bo'Wde4.avrn| ,r without improvement ripeir -year* vraFjto temptible, and old age mlsyjmble. ' ‘ ; I m-4-