• j- to&rTgu-^&i- Sslss • J-, Wtomya, and the publte generally, tteffee Las just r«celroi«rlarfs»*nd beautiful assortment of '*■** FALL AND WINTER GOODS, WbtebtCl extcar and taricUS. «*ceU»Hn Ulftir c(muty>V*rt!ciaßtrattcntion stock of , |L HESS €^&DS, O/,Aiikt, Chi nut, JUtßeges, Cntpcs, Prints, (WWtf j&iJSteSa Shawjs, UanUUmt, WgtmjJßeimeU anti It&U>ns t Ci>U&t,nM! ': : kMXid GUntt. JloowUSkirUJ&tri- y'ii] %ng, Late Miiu, - JL ‘-JfCßlflEß'fliatdrig taken the establi*!iraentheretofore osßsB?p#sioun6i'l. FricsA would respectfully nii- wn uouhco-to the citizen* olrAltooaa and vicinity, rfdjiQ. ithat he has temoved his: *■ • * Ktyijgrt' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' t%PSj| ■Tiy, swszriaoN H-tA-iw sto rt: sto'bk, 1 1 the hew building on Anui/ street, between Harriet and AjdsUuo streets, EiMt Altuon\_ where.he will keep constant ly on hand a Targe assortment of ; everything in lies line, whlch he Will disyoso of on reasonable terms. & SPOUTING put iip on ehoKt notice. 110 manufactures Lkaold T xxoy lB Haiti to bo much smicrior to gal ■ tin. , - n«'hi» ais6 attacheda copper-smithing room to his ea toblUlmieiit and will keep on Unml an assortment of con r 4«^r.Wtto»«cttTwi J to, jMI wbrlt promptly attnndud to. - * m pobllc pnt rounge is respectfully solicited. „ , , , , STEPHEN WINTKK3. Alljrftfl^Aug.lWi.lSCO. Stom,Tiu & Sheet Iron Ware, - j&C. yVGULD RESPECT- - Juiprm’ . the citizens of Altoona constantly on hand aBBSSt of (Poking, J’urlor. OJi.ce mid ' S flppSifrees, pfall styles iiuttsizes, to suit tho - >r * wan»f)(.*ll,'..wbicU he trill sell at low prices, on reason- ' ■ J jjw itso keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Shcct irmt'llftrttonslstiiig of all articles for culinary purposes— Pipe, cfe. purchased the rglit of sale in Blair county, ■■ ■IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, atV&vgiiilbn vr!»icli ijootle unlj to be semi to be appret-m -apdfliouW' ’ ■■■•' *' " * NjSf r9gttlfinK.su‘e{i ajoincliisie. ,4$U J’prtJcular attention paid to putting up SPOCTUCO, jnlownorcouutr.v. Spouting painted and put up oil tltetriost reasonable terras. fapril 14,1853-ly *OXCHANGE HOTEL,—THE SUI - woujfl riispoctfiilly in- ' formjbo h o lans recently re- A lit tetTthe ftbQVd'.Xlotul, aml .is now pro- WaSSfcZjJ liis friends anil B I*Wa«l2H_ asjoiu fur tab 1o manner, npd ■will spare no paiiis in making it on agreeable homo for ail ■ ijoaraeis. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of j the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands," XIU charges; are ns reasonable imtliosc "of any other Hotel in the place, and ho fjfls gatlMfcd they can not be complained of by those who furor hUhwitb their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, ho throws open Ills house -to tlio public and invitesit trial. I havejuit received a stock cf No. 1 french Brandy, for medicinal pprp\«e»., Alsoajarge stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Ryo Whiskey to be found iu tiie oouittvv, lBs3 . rly] ti&;jG&E£T QUESTION WHICH nowagitatcs the miud of every , tlftrtcahlget tlie best article for my VMM “jrjrregarll to other matters. thosuh-KB sfe»ffbor arfctfldiiot attempt to direct, hut if vAhtariytlrlng ili theliiieof OW, anVgiaiiimntiQU of his stock and work, on hand as assortment of Boots, Shoes, CUlt£r*£ sVlrt>«r», Ac., which' lit offers, at fair prices. He jsfll; ilyo special attention to custom work, all of yrarranted to give sat is taction. yiopelmt the employed l&initTOrorrayshdjtta on Virginia street, immediately oppowe Kessler’s Dmg Store.' •; ■ Septembers, ’57-tf]' * ■ TiIGMiTJJD!! ; jvOtJLT) IN _< _ VESTINGS, SUMMER CLOTHING. wh|phs&lElll hUkoAtt order on short notice andrrasonabio term*,andw»rrtint« to give satisfaction. Persons inwant nf aartlil'ig lin.U'f Uiio eui.rclv noon J • JOHN,O’HONNEL,';; ' 4&>Bhop«a Mainj3t,nfew doors below ilie “ Red Won -HoteL? ■ • - - [May24,lB6^ Bakeryand Grocery St wc. SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON 'JPJWAJJTLYtm liand ':\ r • Bread, Cahcjj, BACOitf, FIiOtTE, groceries; ■ ■ ■; /»«, a clioico lot of SEOAUS and TOBACCO. . V;,vV;;;-; JACOB RINK, - -.ybvKlO. . ■ ...;-• .Vlieiuia below Annia Btrect. * i M l . WOODKOKi ATTORNEY AT L^W, s jtfM)6s£iiLAlß CO., PA., ~ mILL i*IIACTICK IN THE SEV$# . , The bnt of reference* can bo given if required;', ‘Offlce*t.naldeuco \ door* aboto Oonrad’a Store. April SB’69-lr. J. B. lIILEMAN, JOHN BOWMAN. JOHN n. ROBERTS j - % ;-♦ -.vj*-, ': ?B the mw of tho luvigonitor, in cases where tiio childrens’ flair iholmes to ho weak. Tho use of it lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it removes any impu rities that way liave become connected with the scalp, the removal of which is necessary both for tho health of the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION.—Mono genuine without tho fac similo LOUTS M ILLKU being on the outer wrapper: also, L. MILLER'S ilAlit IN VIGOR ATOR, N. Y. blow* in the glass. Wholesale Depot.: 50 DeySt.. nnd .Bohi by all tlia princi pal McrclinnUaml Druggists throughout the world! Liberal discount to purchasers by.the quantity. 1 also desire to present to the American Public my New and Improved Instantaneous LIQUID lIAIR DYE , - which after years of scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection. 11 dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the best article of the kind in existence. Price, Only 50 Cents. Aug. 23, ’6O-ly. IVTEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR JL v BTOKE: —The undersigned would beg leave to an nounce to thc-citizens ofllfair county and vicinity that he has opened his new Store on 'Hrginia street, three doors below thc\Stqierintendeul’s Office, where he has just received from the East and West a large assortment of Foreign and Domestic liquors, jj|p|| consisting ns follows; aaKiSSS \ French Olard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old . Burgundy Wine, Old Port Wine, Jamaica Rum , Holland Gins Old Rye Whiskey , , Monongahela Whiskey, and ' Rhine Wine, which ho has him Rolf imported.' Retailers of Liquors and Farmers will find it to their advantage to buy of him. as h<^will sell at CITY PRICES. He will ulaokoej) constantly on hand an assortment of GROCERIES, Such as Flour, Bticou, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Se e/ar.%, Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, £c., sc.. All of which will be sold cheap for cash orCountry Produce. Our friends and the public generally are respectfully in vited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Altoona, May 26. X650.-tf GROCERY; PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- J FORM the public that he lias £tircWed the interest of A. MILLI RON tu the Grocery ami Provision Sturphere tofore kept by thorn on Virginia street below Caroline St., whore ho will continue tiro business, rand will kicp con stantly on hand a huge supply of . FLOUR, HAMS, SHODIBBRS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CON EJECTION ARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives .fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the must reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale, I will keep constantly dn hand a large assortment of liquors of the best qualities la.be had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July h», ISGO.-Cm. J. BERKOWITZ. Red lion hotel, ALTOOKA, BtAIR COJJXTi\ PA. This old established turd popular HOTEL, located nearly ojipOßUe the place of stopping tile passengcrcars in Altoo na. has passed into the hands of tho present proprietor. Long experience in the bnsincss'warrants me in assuring the travelling public that nb pains will be spared to render guests as comfortable as possible while sojourning under my roof. The TABLE will constantly bo supplied with the very host the market affords. The BAH will be found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice beve rage LAGKR BEER. . ■ The STABLE Is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. ! Tho proprietor hope®, by his long experience in the buxines and tbo facilities at his command, to make the Bed Lion. W alf respects, a first class Hotel 1 . The business of tho Hotel will bo under my own personal -supervision. A liberal share of public •'atronagb is kindly solicited. ■ JOHN it. SCIIWEI GIuitT, Propyitfor. May 19, X859.-tf , * j£S*To Persons out of Employment .-^gqn AGENTS WANTED, In oyeiry County of tlLd United States, TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OP ,Borne of tho host and most elegantly illustrated works published. Our publications arc of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the fanner, Hechauic and Mer chant ; they uro published In the, best stylo and bonhdin tho’raost substantial manner, and aro worthy a place in the library of every household Intho land. , j£B,To,men of cnterprjseanj industrious habits, this business ofibra nn opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be mot with. ' ; ' .839- Persons desiring to act os agonbnvill rccoiveprompt ly bymaH/all particulars. terms, Ac, by addressing t ' , LEAKY, : OETZ * ;Co,- PuilisJiers, Nb. 22f,_North Second Street, Philadelphia. Nov.23tb,’Op-Om: 7? • •• ; - ■ V , Lands i lands i I lands i« i Hie undersigned Is prepared !® locate‘LAND WAR RANTS in ’ this OmahaAhd Nebraska City land Offices.— Good selections can how..bo made near jlm largo streams and settlements. This Lands ,of this Teiritory, now In Market, are of the host duality;' - 1 muxdully madof-. -Lbltcrs of Induiry re inestpa. f ■ ■■■ ••' •• ‘ ' AiEX. 1 Y- McKINNH.VV . V "• OeeapolSb, Cass County,'" Nailer, July M, 1859>tf •' =• -- • Ber. A.JB. Cuu t J?«;' , > . TVM.,M.ItotDAC» n ' Altoona, Pa. x . M«34CV*DHwi Editor*/' ' . . TOoaf. A.Scbrr, Snpt. P.Jr. B„ " •> . p. - W. IjLOYI> & CO., : * ; ' 4iTdo4rj, /*j, JOHNSTON, JACK & GO,, b noLLwArmma > A**» • fate “ jiell, '£ &s)?'.-'■ ?■: •DS^a 8 0N THE principal XJ vjtiee, and Sliver and Cold for cate. Collections received ondoposite, payable on demand, «r npon time, with intcrcsTat *dr rates. WM. S. BITTNER, SXJH&EON DENTIST? n®OE' IN THE MASONIC TEM • O' A Student wanted. >• [Pop. 23,. DRS. CONRAD & CAMERON RE nfn?4u Ft, i jLY 5 l^ r i U f ir I >ror “ flioU ' vl *e^lco«totho wizens of Altoona and vicinity. Offlce on Railroadetrect. two dooM cAßtof thoßpdLfon Hotel, where tfo^ffayiw Ky TcrafoVauloal 'CL-tfcj- ' ,r ‘ : "KKSUilVs.'"' Depot. 66 Dey St., Now York. LOUIS PLACE ' 1 ; T iVK»f-^’SSi^^*ir»«CW^v^-XW«=Jfca««i*'.“-»*--'-*»-.*»-*-»' mHBSjB i MBBXGInB 1 been l>efore.tho iv pe|4e A. O. KEBK HAS JUST RK- X V' • turned from New York City with a beautiful us sortmeut of j LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy Winter Silks, only C 5 cents per yard. Black Dress Silks !“ SJ ,20 per yard. Japanese Cloth—a beautiful fabric for ladies' , dresses—Mexican Clads, Foil de Chovrcs, a most complete assortment of the latest patterns of Delaines, Opera Cloth, plain Delaines only 20 cents per yard, they have always been sold at 2d cts. in this market. Also, a beautiful assortment" of the challenge Wamsntm Prints, now ackii iwledgurt to be the best prints in marvel, and a handsome assortment’ of first colored prints from d to 10 cts per yard, Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Caps, Woolen Dndersleevcs for Indies and children, an unsur passed stock of Hosiery, together with an abundance arid variety of everything in the Notion and Trimming line. Ho calls special attention o his beautiful assortment of QUEENS WARE, which is acknowledged to hi the must complete of any in the town, and sold at priced lefying competition. Tea ecu, consisting of 40 pieces, sold it,s4 00. BOOTS SHOES, directly from New Voifcl and bought firm first ban BRUSSELS, ALL WOOL. J S'GEAIN, LIST, HEMP AND ' KAO dAtIPETS, OIL CLOTH#from 1 to 2 yards wide. Uis^tockof QROCjERIES is complete in every respect.) and will so sold at as low a figure as any house this side) of the city. Oct. 11,1SC0. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMI'S! ! , ■ Vnr.'naieditt Beauty, Siikpliay Safelyor Economy. Every person desiring to (jhtair. the verv beet and cheap est portable light within their roach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps lu-fu-e purchasing elsewhere, and lire pledge ourselves to demon strate , , Ist. That ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 23.' 'That they emit no offensive odor xvhilo burning. 53. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they art easily) regulated to give more or less ' ' light. ) • Stic That they burn entirely free from smoke. Cth. That the light rs-afe least 50 i>er cent, cheaper than any oilier light flow in common use. These lamps are admirably” adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Scmnatril mm.' Factories. Halts. Churches. Stores, Hotels, and are higl iy recommended for famiiy us-. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached'to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. TVo guarantee perfect satis faction in' all cases. Aug.la, 1858-tf.j t 0- iv. Kessler. THE GREEN ] LISIIED, J5O PAQI Cents; On Single and Man Institutioil'of Marriage; i Rations, and Physical and] tlcntious; tlie rational trcti liotli sexes,'4c. To which tied tl fhllijmeiliae or the tiful and healthy children, Witt, Esq., M. D. Sent free of postage, by the Publishers. CnAS. Kuxs & Co., B°x4sS6,New York, or; Dexter d- Cb., Wholesale agents 113 Nassau Street, Ned' York. - Aynite wanted everywhere. Also, OIIATtS, an extroqt ami sample of the above enti titlod: Dr. (.nlvenoelCs Lecture on the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generally, detailin'* the means hy which invalids may effectually cure therm selves without the use of dangerous medicines, and at but little expense to theinselve i. Sent free hy wall in a secure envelope, on the receipt of one stamp, to th-epav postage, hy addressing, / i CHAS. KLINE i CO.. Fob. 22,1850. Box 4086, New York City. /CANCER INSTITUTE. ' ~ 7 oflsncceSsful practice. DR. KEL "WMW 1 desires to do got dto thcafllicted. Ho continues to euro all Inmls of ' CANCERS, TUMORS, -WENS, SCROFULA, or KINGS ~ EVIL, }CKES, &C., ' If curable, without cutting orpdison. He doesnot confine himself merely t 6 tiro curd of the abnro diseases, hut will treat all others with succeed. Xhttlents win ho visited, v if desired, a'reasonable distSacb. Persons desiring to visit Jr. K. will please stojuit fre-Kanrond Hole) in Mcclranics burg, where they will bo directed to his residence. For aU particulars writo—stato diseases plainly. Enclose a post age stamp toprepay nnsyrcrl Address Dr. C. L. KELLINO, Mechanlcaburp, Cumberland Co., Pa. ■ * Sept. 13, 1860-6 m il liitgrary Emporiu confectionary! JEWEiMyI rpHESUBSGRII J; keep constantly oh hap' periodicals, daily papers free Pittsburgh, together with id the School Boohs used in'th hand. ,<■ v j. - Also, a choice lot! of Conf Of tall kinds for children; tp be had in town, together and; Silver Pencils, Gold lUji ry. Cali end examine. - Altoona, July2o, ’OO-ly.H n. jt.oooD, k. ». • ;|", ;vj 'q j.ii aK^MtiL,K.> ■fYRS. GOOD >&■ GEMMILL HAY ■i f IKG entered' Into iPtartncrsltip in the Practicod’f Medicine, respectfully tender their sendees to the Pahllc in the Severn! branches of tlieir Profession. ' : v : Calls will Ixj answered either day oivnlehtat their office —which is the same tas heretofore occupTcdby Drs. JUlrst k Oped,—or at the Logan House. - 1 - ... v .v.v April 21 st, 1860 3m !■ -yeii draw Hindi and hear ces tp tlie public, that bo; es an Auctioneer -whenever i; .-r complete assortment oelred atlhcatoro of !. Li-: ... '. j- > , ... ,-,-i. prAiiirmv^ X-JlAMtat, EaiiU'ahd Va BOOK. JUST PUB ES, PRICE 25 wsiSk. fled life; or, the //ff/F/jS ts Intent, OWi--4s33HfHBJ { Legal Dishmili itment of all private diseases in ; is added a poetical essay, enti ■ art of having and rearing heatt , by the late Robert J. Cclver- m and News Depot SEGARi TOBACCO, . & VARIETY 5 'R; E !feR CONTINUES ;to daU the best U terary papers and im Philadelphia,-New York an'd [good assortmentof Books. *ll Lis place and vicinity always on fecUonaric«,nnd knick-knacks II Iso the, heat TobiwepArSogers with aAne assortment oftJotd bgs and other articles of Jewel- I n. PJSTTINOEB. - AVI Altoona Biritu. S'^GENTLEMEN JOSEPH P. TROUT «monh ready to discharge his duty died upon. • : ; fjnn. 2 ’56. -A LARGE AND of Q recedes have jtast .been re- J. B. HIuaJAN, i itlah Brushes at t ■ Kiissjaars. An aperient and stomachic preparation of~Tron purified of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion iu Hydrogen. Sanc tioned by tlie highest Medical Authorities, both iu Europe aud the United States, and prescribed lu tiieir pi act ice. • The experience of thousands daily proves that no prepa ration of Iron can bo compared with it. Impurities of the bleed, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity iu almost every concei vable case v .. . In Debility, j\'ermns Affections, Emaciation, Pysfirpsia, Constipation, Diarrhaa, Dysentery', Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, Hismcnstruation, Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Complaints, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, Intermittent levers, Pimples on Vie Face, rfc. lu cases of General Debility,' whether tlie result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and. mus cular-energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this re storative has.proved successful to an extent which uo de scription nor written'attestation would render credible.— Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their own have suddenly re-iippe»red in the busy world as if just returned from a protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of tills kind arc attested by Female siilUTrrs, .emaciated victimsol apparent marasmus, sanguineousVxhaiistion, critical changes, and tlie complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air mid exercise, for which the physician has no name. In Nervous, Afflictions of all kinds, and for rettsnus fa miliar to medical men, the operation of tills preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old ox ides, it is vigorously tonic, witiiout being exciting anp overhoutingr-aiul gently, regularly aperient, in tin most obstinate cases of cosUrcuuSs without ever being a gastric purgative, or Inflicting a disagreeable m‘libation. it io chid letter property, among others, which muki* it fo remarkably effectual un i permanent u remedy lor J*iUs. upon which it also appears to exert a distinct aud specific action, by dispersing tho local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as aro its canted, a single box of tlioso- Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the most habitual cum*, including the attendant Costiveness. In unchecked Diurrhu’a. even when advanced to Dysen tery, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, the cJTccU have been equally decisive and artlonUblng. In the local pains, lo#b of fiesb .and strength.debilitating cough, ami .remittent hectic, rduch generally indicate In cipient Consumption, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instances. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, thN mpdicated iron has had far more than llto good effect of.the most cautiously bal anced preparations of iodiue, without aay of their’ well known liabilities. The attention of iemnles cannot be too confidently invi ted to this remnhj and restorative, in the cuacs peculiarly afilicting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and Inflammatory—in the latKr, however, m*>iv decidedly—it has been invariably well reported, both us alleviating the pain uud reducing the swellings and fctiflnc.vs of the joints and muscle?*. In interin it tent Fevers If must necessarily be a great re medy and energetic i >:ptoralive,and its progress in the now settlements of the West', will pcobuby be one of high re nown and usefulness. No remedy has been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, and fully re storative effects. Good'appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition of’Strougtb. with an nnn.-ual disposition for active uud cheerful,exercise, immediately ‘allow its um*. Put up in flat nuial boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cent.- per box;, for sab* by drnggisbs and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, otc., should b-* jiddn ssod to \ D. F. LOCKE A Co., fiKXEttAL Agents. July 10, ISOO.-ly. 20 Cedar SK, New York. Salt River Passengers, Ho! AS THE SUBSCRIBER WILL BE under tho nccus.-«y of leaving early iy November for tho bead iraliri of Halt-Hirer, in the ship UNION, which will jm.thity sail about that time; am! knowing that many of my friemls will go along ami will want an outfit, X take this opportunity of. informing them as well as all my old friends and ci|stomers, that I have j :ist re turned from the East, where 1 purchased a large slock cf Hoods, which. I am now opening at my itore in North Ward, to which 1 invite inspection. It is tho LAKOEST AND HANDSOMEST ns well as the CHEAPEST lot of Goods brought to the town this fall. The reason why I say the C!le.U'i.M is ob vious to every n fleeting mind, because as tho season ad vances 'the merchants in the east say) prices decline, there fore I have an advantage of from 20 to 2o per cent, over those who purchased early la the season, and 1 can and will sell cheaper than any other house in the place. Pm chasiirs will thus.at once see the propriety of at ka.-t ex amining ray stock before buying elsewhere. My stock consists of all the newest styles of SADIES’ DRESS GOODS f-»r llio u full assortment of GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, L.ADIES’ SUiKEK 'BOJVNKTS, s Ic u and S7r.m’ Hats, and everything hi the line of Dry Uuods and Not lorn which it is uiiuecesa.iry to uimm.-rat-jJ All of which will be sold for cash, or to prompt paying monthly customers, or ex j-V : ■■■’:'' i4 ' oct. js-tf] |- > :■•. -w. 3vi>. TIUEB WHIT®. LEAL ,AND,/Z|NQ Owen, n : ground oljUt p-*f.j ‘ KKSSJWB^'S A. M rf--r.MICK OF .FUEL. e - HOSTETTERS v'. SIWftGH BITTERS. The proprietors and.manufacturcrB.of JIpS TF.'l'TEft'H CELEBRATED STOMACH [IfIT TEUS cun appeal with perfect coitfidetjef to * phy sieiunsfiiid citixenigeneiitUy of the? ijititfid Slates, because tho,article haaattained tf lutiuu heretofore unknown. A few fneta • tiiis point will-' speak more powerfully*"than, 'volumes uf bave assert inn or blazoning The consumption of 11 OS I otter's Stomach Bit iers for the last year amounted to over a tialf milliop bottles, and from its manifest Steady increase in (hues past, it is evident that during ' the coming year the consumption will-teach:, near one milliuu bot ties. This immense amount could never have been sold but for this jraro medicinal properties contained iu the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where ihe (article is best known, who not bnly recommend tlie Bitters to I heir patients,] but are ready at all times'to give testimonials to Its clltcaey in .-J! cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is notii temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of tho Bitters, but a Solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, is destined to be ns enduring as lime itself. : Hostetler's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend (o regions where fever and jvguo. and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims hy hundreds. . T|o ,bo able to state conlidcntly that the “Hitlers” are a certain euro for the Dyspepsia and; like diseases,-is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purities the blood,' and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system; giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It Operates ppon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores 1-hcui to a condition essential to the healthy discharge . of the fund ions of nature. ” Elderly persons mas- use the Bitters da ly as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to co pi fort declining.years, as it is pleasant to the pt.late, invigorating to the bowels, excellent ns ft Conic, and rejuvenating generally. We have tin; evi dence of thousands of aged ntoir and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering fjom stomac i de rangements and general dehiliiy ; acting Under I lie advice of physicians, they have ahum uned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few wonts Ip the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares arc so harassing that many of it hem sink under the trial. , The relation-of mbrher and child is so absorbingly, lender, tbait the mother, especially if she he young, is akit to forget her own health in her extreme anptiety for her infant. .Should the period of maternity arrive din ing tiie suniiper season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated, llerc, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and ccabfu the mother to bear tip under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other iuv tors that receive the endorsement of cians. because it is agreeable to I lie la: well as certain to give a permanent ini of bodily strength. , All those persons, to whom wo have pn> larly referred above, to wit: sufferers fever ami ague, ‘ caused by malaria, dian tlyscut cry. indigestion, loss of appetitt all diseases or derangements of the eto: superannuated invalids, persons of sedc occupation, and nursing mothers, will ci their own physical welfare by giving I teller’Celebrated Stomach liiiters a tri CAUTION.—Wo caution the public aj using any ot' the tunny imitations or oo] feiit-. Inn ask for llo.stkttkii’s Celkim SroM.u-ii l!rm:ns, and see that eaclt bolt tlio words C I'' -J- lloatettcr's Stomach 111). blown on ibe side of tiro bottle, and ai on tire in etui lie cap covering tfre coil observe linn our autograph signature is label .‘*ar Prepared and sold by HOSTETT SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold I druggists, grocers, and danders gen throughout the United Stales, SouU£ ; rica, and Germany I'••v «,!- hy A. ROUSH, Ailooua, Pa 5,-pt. 2>b ISOU-ly. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, f./ The Hero of One hundred Fits jiff 1 would respectfully set for th my claim to pul tion, as a Fmdtionrtblo Tailor, as folio ,v«: Because I keep an excellent assortment of Clot meres, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when 1 ’ i always please. Because ray work is made up in a mauner-tl down the country ami gives alt my customers a pearance-Si- ' Because I aur not iuforior as a Cutter, to tho found anywhere. Because long experience in my business gives ( control over it. arid I am not dependant upon ai Uft me out of tho suds. ' -.-; Because I am still on the snn.dy side of forty, it fgre my taste as a Cutter and workman unbnpair CaU on me, in the comer room of the ‘•Braqt Qivc mo a trial and you >vi!bgo away pleased. Altoona, May 26-5 m JACOB SN Blair county dagger] ROOMS.—Mr.' O. W. FIS HER, tl.c llofli Artiste bega fetve to inform onr readers that he id to take Photographs of deceased per so from Daguerreotypes, at" tlio shortest notice ai meat reasonable tetijw. Jlehagjust received a. la of durable and neatcascs.of atleleesandstvles. 1 a new pattern of Family Com for four persons, n pared to fill them with perfect likenesses; - ■ AMIiKOTYPE, DAGEEJiKEOTYPE Oil RIIOTC Give him a'call. Rooms on ! the coriier' ofMoi and Allegheny streets, liollldaysbnrp, Pa. fjnt GW. KESSLER—IPI* ACT IOAL • DREGfItST, respectfully announces » to the cittons of. Altoona and th* pnldlo gein|SH|BDb. orally, that he stillcontinuestbc,Drug on Virginia street, where lib keeps constantly oh hand, for salc.WhotegaJe ahdlletaO, DREGS. MEDICINES. CPEMICAI.S, pifA MUL i strict'ittotfronllD business; and a desire tori hder sat- UCiction to all a* retards prjeo And quality, ho hopes to merit and.receive ft spare of public patronage,a : Physiciaha and shßpUod dn wnsohat lo terms, and all ordcra from:lt dl#tanto pTOmptly attended to. Physicians prescriptipta rairetejiy compounded. [J-tf, PINK* ; ANj? LARD OILS, CAM n«ia, carbon on, f •' 4 jan. a.’SO-tf]- ■ y;-- • KKSB iER’S., (TW m4cotoickt ist™ §xlA TO 2Qs24; ; AN VA to order by ’ *" , r ' ’ "q-2''W.oc»nge it never, fails toajfbrd inetantdnmaers iii/whun given in tims," It tcU Ulf by magic, and, OM. 'Arialdlone willconTinoe you that whStwessyis:fetid. .it coulnius , ' f : - -i K NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, arid thereforareHeVes_by rmwiiy the tafia* ings of your chilli, instead of by deadening its iiiiii'WWli s ; or Huh rqnspn, ilcotmmmdsitsetfa* th« OHlyretiahieptfep station now known for Onnmt&s Tsktoins, Duajmss, Dtskitkbv, aforiNo r» ios-Bowels, Aasrrr or tu Biti»- ach, Wi.xn, Com w tbs Hint), and Qbo**. wlso, for nam ing the gums, reducing inflammation, rrg tdating Che Bate* lt, and relieving pain, Itlms no equal —being an anti-spasmedth ' it in used with unfailing sueecu in kl) cures of CoHTUUMX . on other Fits. At you rttlue the life ami health o/ytetr \ children, and wish to lave them from, those sad and b&gitina cont&iuences which ate certain to resultfrom (As ms if not-, ‘ edict of which all other remedies for Infantile Omplnimh are composed, take none btU Dr. llato.v’s IsrAJiTtuOokSUX, , this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless,’ and Cktr ■' \ not Injure the most delicate tnfont. Price, ‘Ji cuts. Full directions accomnany each bottle. Prepared only by ' '• CUDHCU 4 DHPOOT, •' No. 409 Broadway, New-Tork. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED . .0 always presems us with the same essential elements, and gives of course tho Turn Standard. Analyze ths Bloeiw a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Cine plelXi Dyspepsia, Scrofula. io., nud we find in every instance see tain deficiencies in tho risl globules of Blood. Tbjppfo Ihise dcftciencies, and you are made well. The Btooizrooji n is founded upon this Theory—hence ita oslonislliDg sa» cess. There aro rrrs prsparatioss. . adapted to flu deficiencies of the Blood in different oases. For Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, or anr affection w baf'ever of tUo Thuoat or Lcncs, inducing CottlVMFno*. nsu No. 1. which ia also the No. for Depression. OF Snusa Loss OF Appetite, ai>il tor all Chronic iCOMPLAt.YT*, arUiog from Ovee-cse, General Braaixy, nhd Neevoc* Pnoms tios. No. i for Liver Coxplai.vts, No. S for Iking already prrparid/or absorption- it Is TAKES or f and carried immediately jnto the circulation, so,that what y» u gain yon retain. The No. 4ia for Temale lUMtuhi' ties. Hysteria. Weaknesses, 4c. Sec special dlreetlnneftir tliis. For .Salt Khkim. Eku-tipss, SceofpuiCS,Ku>«EE, nml Bladder (.omplaists, tnko No. 5. In all casea tha ¥t ?l|a;r bottle, sold by CUORCU 4 DUfONT, No. 4W) Broadway, Now-Yor*. s T. W. DYOTT A SONS, Philadelphia, ahdO. U. KBTiBB, riltslmrgh. Wholesnle Agents. ". ; -- Ity A. Itv-Udi, Altoona; W. T. Murray, HoUldayshorg; and by nil r.-»pecfnblu druggists throughout tho country. March S, ISOO.-ly. ■ . , ’ gor.i hy si te as Cuinpany. Q A V 1 S G FUND. NATIONAL O SAVKTy TUt'ST COM I’AMyCoAftTZUb BT par Stvti; of I’l.'ijsylvanu. , r • reaso llCtl- rom lioca. , anil aath, lit ary nsult Hos- 1. Money U roceiwd rcry d.vy, aml ia any araennl, Inrgv oi Mnail. 2. Five ter cent, intercut is paid fof nroeej from the day it is put in.' 3. The money is always paid back is soils whenever it i< called fur, and without notion. 4. Money in received t-«.n Ezeadot), Adminiitrahn, Guurdfom, and others who desire to hato'V in » piece cf perfect safety, and where interest oofi be oUtajpod for it. a. The n.nu»y received from' dSpe>H&iA' r VrTnir«me4 tii Itr.u. I'stvr'E, Moetoaois, fir.oc*p sect*; and such other first cln*;> securities as the Charter directs. ■ ;ainst inter- .ATI: I* :1c lias it levs’’ mped ft. union Honrs—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock, arid o» Mondav> alnl Thursdays till S o'clock in the ercuirik. IlOS' It. 1.. UEXNHR, President. ROBERT SKI.ERIDGE. Vico President; W. J. REED, Secretary. , v : DIRECTORS. . ami m the |EE & by- all icrally Hksrt L. lirtcyKn, Ek.vscts Lev. KnwißP I/. C.utro, F. Cahrou. IIKBvtSTZt, •. UIIBEUT bmiUDOK. JoHm B. BA«RT,i ■Sample. K. Askto.v, Josnpn Yiohchk-c .. : -a ; C. I..iyDUKTn Mcsss. Hk»rt DiFFEKDjErr*. onicb : tValuut Street, S. W. Corn*? of Third St; PliHa delphia; April, 14th,’MM J. Marriage guide—being ;a private instructor for married persons, or tliosii almnt to Ist married both mala female, in every tiring concerning ihephy gy ami rvlatiuiu of our system, arid thc,.pro dnetion or prevention offspring, including all tho new m cowries never before givun in the English language, riy IVM. YOUNG, M. U. This is rcallya valuable and inter* esting work. It is written in plain languagefor tUegoad nil reader, and is illustrated with nuprerows Engravings.—, All young married, people, or those contemplating mart riage, apd having tho least luipcdimont loi marrled Ufa,- slioulifread this book. It discloses secrets that every one should bo aupuinted with -, still it la a I«iok that must he locked up, and not lie about the house. It will boaent to any one on the receipt of twentv-flve cents in specie or in , postage stamps Address mt. WM. YOUN«, lfo74l6Bprwi4 Street. Philadelphia, Pa. -f . . - ♦S'AEFUCTED AND UXFOETfINkTN~N* wliat tuny bo yourdisease,before you placeyrinraelfnndar the carccf any one of tho notorious quacks—native or for eign—wliii advertise in this or nriy other a conv ■ of either of J)r. Yoting'sUooka, anipreadlt.earofriUy. . It wilt be the means of saving you rijanJfadriHar, 1 youfhealtl* and possibly your.life. , - - i. ; ' ' Dlt. YOUNG can bo consulted on any of tho diseases d»v scribed in his publications, at his Office, N0.,410 Spruce 81. “hoyfc Fourth. , [AprJ2,’CO.-lyeoir. - CQ £ V A c 35 1 oO o M. 2 w O pj N-e £<: S « o 55 r . -w , v o , S S 2 rh S- 5: id s rt o i -3 Q ~|l. O " -I .2 1 £ "So .2 o fa ♦-* O a> 3-. h •s -« tj 22-S<| m < =c - 2rp Q S s*j , *1 •—» 3-V o of M!“S o £ W 3 CJ 2 {6 O o a .s| 51 PII Hi ADER-Plli A .-WATCH AND U, COX RAD. FORMER OCCUPANT. No. 14S X. £1 St., conier or Quarry The undersigned has leased the preiiiises, where lie: Will keep a large assortment of’Gold and Silver 'Watches, of American, BngUsb and Swiasrimiri ufactiire of tho most celebrated makers. In addttioiTto which will be found always on hand (and made triordrirVria extensive variety Of Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated ware together wRIk a general assortment of.such gobda tu 'aris usually kept in a first-class,Watch ami Jeweler Stored ’ The patrons: of 0, Conrad, and those ofthe subscriber together With the public generally, are invited to calhrind they wfll tCcciro a gw-d article for their money. Aa l am determined to dp a cash business, goods will be sold verr low, u Small I'rofiti.itnd Quick Satet” it the motto of Am Establishment. LEWIS It. BROOjUth, V- S.OXI o ’ ■ Formerly O. Coritad, t . - Sccond ht.j cor. of Quarry. Thaada.' June 7,1800.-sy. Month! itc attori- t is. Cassi ; camined, mt takes City ap- !St to 1)0 to entire y ouo to ]>JATIONAL POJiICB GAZETTE.— Croat .Journal of Crime and Criminal* is in its Twelfth Tdar, and i* widely circulated throughout the, country. It *li thar. Orest Trials; CrlnfoO information on Crimlnai 51a t ters. not toite found in anv other newspaper. - ; TrauSnhMHptibns $2 'per annum; $1 for six mouths, fe bet-emitted bysubserllteT*. (whoahoutd writetheiraame* aud the town, county and State where they retiduplahAyA . ! • To OW. MATSBM. ACOi 1 ~ Editor & Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette. . 15 -tn l . iVrts rorECTfrr.-^ nltlicro tl. House.” n»EB. IE AN iaysbure prepared’ d on the •go stock Deluding id is pre- TTOUSE AND .LOT FOR SALK— XX The subscriber offers at Private Sale «? - tl.eUOpSßftnai^now^pWbVw-^ajL. , ®« ,rncr pfJ Ldnlin “ a “ ,i J ulia streets, flnlTiUt. xUiat*Attobort* Tho HoqVo in’ a gootl Two* Hnlftiff- 1 ' Story h rams building, containing nHalhJßHftlß Parlor,, Dining-Room and Kitchen on tho®“SSSSBBB ™ 1 o«?? 0r i’ S»r Btijd sleeping rooms on tho SMondfloer. V a finished Attic. Tho-lot is in good order, . j-- .Jfo? 0 "* wish . i . , Js the premises and ohtoiiifcrtUer {information will call upon the-subscriber. r ’- 3RAPII. tgnniery o 17-tf. Bit AIR C OUNTY INStIRANGE undersigned, Agent ' of the Stair Uounty Mutual Fire Insurance Coitit&nr is afldt tirnggrsadytUrinsure againstloss or damage hr fire, Suitd '***> fwniturt and Property, ht every des cription, in town or country, at as', taafditahfe rahisS ai Company in tho State.- Office with Mi. dZste™JMci ian.2VKh.tr D. l. CALDWELL. ,igrirt. LYCOMING COUNTY JVIUTUAL JNBOTASCR AGENCY.—The andsrahmfcf Pjn* Instance OomSSji atnU Umes ready to Insure again* lossV dam^Wfo? dfeexiptitmito town Wcounlfy, at as any company ip the State. Office”in dan. 3, 68-tfJ JOHN SIWESAKIt^d^T. GUT &&r: SAVING FUND. RULES. Altoona, Ang. llth, 1850-ff. ,4 ■ s.t.i National SAFETY TRUST MARQX. M. McpKCM.^ > . • U\ . '7 - - - •v,\. ■». :i * i , y.: MoCRUM & VOL. 0. ‘‘ : 'o W 3 P. . r g v : ; f ; i . - •* : W ’ -Hi' § .-s I ;;_.-;vy2v P ■ s i .It *“ . ♦• • • 1- . • - ■V• , / I ISTKTKATTIN Sary cuts# by my . PECTC no/SItM home a •alt* of Um persons w Dr, KBTBKRI3 VI AUWK LUXO3, \VH WHO NMD UIS ME ATTEND TO-,TOUR Eng cured bv DR. PECTC Da. Keren:—My Cough and difficulty whm.fut savsral yea violence. The compli been treated by seven tbUtt ate of her case Cough Syrup. I %htch reU*Ved her v. doUa£hOttle, which c m trace of the former also state that I need tough'. The medicine ' prees my entire ‘ satis ate at liberty to publi Da. KlimAlt) ciim in general. It aifo . year PertoralSyrup. attentioii of any pereu ted with coughs, col at liberty t< think proper. Meeeeng< PITTSBCSO, Mnj amno vi Wirt entertain douh ■ ft- V. lUO Tire TRC Who hM taken eerei jiUDMlhwkaral medici abiOni them Ayor’« voo a Dottle of your tad needtalf abott AJAennd bar entire A ORKAT COTII •TRUf-Mlr. In P llwd teaching * tba 4tb ofrebruarj employed the bent .. floagfa odotlnaed uai - tin* Ivu adriieil cl 1 did, and after I bai from the coughing * m wrtl’and'l valuable remedy wl i' «y-cau. ■ Jt WUmm-B. u. k. *r.r if ■■ A WOSDBKFUL twofmte* »u w euppooi J to bo com Ultn orory tomedv Mdthor aim* to «o« rboilcf that bo could Jwttteot your Poc to oWlrily cnrod him 'stakes thoc&oo mot 4m man, ho being • the Pectoral oared I DA. KBTSKE’3 TltLK.—Pl«uo nc -V Factors! Syrdp." •old and ar* Inquiri ' Wohari sold-tixta . tbaly out. Mr. Alt aiUa. P*l tell n« tl bmllleo. In bet, a Jkouarr 30th. IS 1 ANOTUER NE PECTORAL SYRU . and told for utond Sleep. 1 had tho at thsosst phyaiclana donsjtdeso. .1 Bn syn»p* which cunt “STOP THAT ( fflstoKijMr't oi XBU&Pscteral, at - tndee Mara almost < ' :yMr. ’’ Asws«an, . surtetth* advlaer’ li#'?*ls^etoral• , In -i. ssm. {tew two w sT tha most di«tt AWMfeva hare o wk aaadane iph< • V *7 forooe whole a «o go. . In foot it and to have acquit hy the operation. «mr way to Keys, ssatbottla of the AM in forty-eight ■ sastay haring un •A* unequal contll ICsyaer'a Cough P t>». KEYSER’.' fsH-hy IjOOTHA v... Altoona, Jon. 3 -v MtUbc