EO u.—There-la. • growing it© theaio*M»i«rr*alT<* r a whfla tp tnoorparau Cephalic, which ia ftym to new beeeetog , SpaldtngW groat Bead, med in a aum general I 1 become «• common a* ; ,e-j distinction aa foreign . mradn usage until they . ■*• !U.” > izod. mfi.;riioon. liaml I at«p nail to the iftau. Cah - n ."* it bathe'ord/'W* ni iifon that '• gave Ui»* - it cured me M quick that "-■lie. ' ;n liy which nature waka* imii the natural slat* af i it may he looked on a* ■■ of ilievaee which JD^bt ..... into to lw remedied; c neglected. Headache* ... viz: Symptomatic and it-is exceedingly common riuty of iliacaae*. among n.it am and all febrile 41- •yiii|iatliotic of tUaeaa© of il.ichf, of hepaticdUeiuo u'.iniia. cunetipatldn and veil renal oud uterine iir»! very frequently at mid plutliora are alao af n iKiuluclie. Idiopathic being uniiMwily dialln- I'nUichf. fKiroiitiiuea.com* ireiitly sound health and mi phvaicnl ciicrgiea, and wly, hvriddtlh by deprea iper. In input inatancta id . over one or both eyea, ng; under tliii claa* may ; s of Ifemlachc thaCepb** niKKil't* romv'lv. rclioTiDif imlor, :ni ,l?> • tho precursor audtuui ji'l ilnugeMm dieeoww, 1-i inC l|w sufferer tu an it evilsof which costiva nilmcho, Colie. Kheuma : s of like nature. %hu« ir.ii ns Malignant Payers, ispepsia, Ajioiilexy, Kpl li-.mjiinsis. Slelaueuoiy u seiico ir tho syatem by :iier|Uently the dktawe ■u take on an iudepen ■ ra.lic.itisl ill nn enrly it. follows that tho attention whenever it . I lo a' t a box ofCcpha- I the eoiii|ilaint,as their * suffering 1m- li.l‘ men. t t!<:nd.idi«? Do you till' fevered hnjw. t|wi riinii. nVtdnosday. ; n»ls tunnel U through Bergeii lliU, : The Jtotid cost of the tunnel'ap proaches, and long dock, whs $1,700,000. It Is the east ern terminus of the Slew lork and-Eris Bailroad. ,j> As ap cridaocc yftbe strong Vulon sentiment pre —-a Tailing In Baltimore, the American, which, from, the start, has sustained Gorernor Hlcks-and fought the Secession* ists, has more than doubled Us clrcsdatkm lithe Ustfeight weeks. : ; V ; I, R3-The: Rational Intelligencer advocates a Conrention of all the States to revise the Opnstltntion. lt advises that the Peace Conference recommend tills instead of ac tion by Congress, which it thinks cannot behad and would be less effectual. gp*_ A Palmctno flag made its appearance at Glaaebw, Kentucky, the other day. tit was treated with Httle re sport.' A ct?wd took it In charge, and aßor dipping-it In a barrel of tar, burned" it; The picture of Gov. Pickens and W. L. Yancy didn’t save it. " v The effect of, climate on the human system is slmwu in a striking manner, by the inhabitants of .'Aus tralis, who in the course of two or three generations, losu the corpulent character of' Englishmen, and become a tall gaunt, raw-boned race, iikejtho inhabitants of our Southern States. Asp-The Macon, Oau, Telegraph isnys:—Kov. Mr. War ren of the Baptist Church of this 'city, in his sermon last Sunday, stated that a negro preacher in Georgia, one who had been trained by his master to assist him in his law oQice, had written a work in defense of African Slarery, width was now in course of publication at Atlanta. PASSPORT PRECEDENCE. Much honor io Sweoden, whoso land ns an Eden, Where passports, those nuisances, now are unknown; More honor to Norway who previously sow way To abolish such trash, that stops good men alone t Most honor to Bonin irk, who, first, with one pep mark Bashed down the wholu system of folly and 11 am ; And may spies, thieies, and traitors, and such agra valors, Still bailie all rulers who keep up the sham. CONSTABLE. I offer myself to the citizens of Altoona ns a candidate (or the oflicj- of BOROUGH CONSTABLE, pledging my self, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office with out fear, fuvojr or affection, and offering my former conduct as a guaran tee of the future. Jan. 24, 3tJ JOSEPH K. ELY. 7 I -* To the Citisefis of -Altoona : i I offer myself as a candidate for CONSTABLE. If elected, I will discharge thy duty to the best of my ability. Jan.24,3L JOHN M. CLARK. MARRIED: At tlio hnnso i>f the brides father. Feb. 5, 1861, by the Bev. C. L. Elirenfeld. Mr. A. C. WKNBEL to Miss S. K. PERCH 14V, both of Alti-oua, Pa. i On tiie Slat ult., by Rev. 8. L. M. Conser. Mr. THOMAS KKVSART tif Blair county, to Miss REBECCA P. GIVEN, of Huntingdon county. Near Sewipkloyvillo, on Wednesday, January 6th, SAM UEL KIDBLK.SIcKINNEY, infant child of Kef. David and Sarah Elizabeth McKinney, aged 2 years and 2 months. Of Consumption, Feb. 6,1861, Mr. JOHN lIAKNIBII, of the Loup, Franlcstown fp., Pa.—aged 62 years, 7 months, and 29 days; In this place, on the 2d iust,, PETER 84 years, 8 month and 18 days. At a stated meeting of Altoona Lodge No. 473 I. 0. of 0. F., the ’following preamble and resolutions were adopted: llVtcicai. Bv a dispensation of an all wise Providence 1 we ore called upon to mourn the loss of our much estrem i eply. with -advice and directions (or cure, Any fees'sent us when sending far advipe will be devoted to furnishing medicine for tjie poor. In all cases medicine can be sent by mail or;eipyesa if doeirod. Bead tor one or more of our works and Judge for yourselves. Also published at tho Infirmary, to aid these objects, THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN, Cmtnining simple ridnedits easily obtained for the cure of Diseases in all its forme, with fujl explanations of tha causes, symptoms, diet, bntlilug andiexereise. Priceso sis. THE LADIES’ MEDICAL FRIEND, AND THE PHYSIOLOGY OS MARRIAGE. - A work on the cause, ay mptbnis land treatment of oil complaints peculiar to the sex, on marriage, its duties, abortion and its results, on Children! their ills, and on the prevention of conception, with Invaluable Instructions to them on subjects pf a private natural Price 25 cant*. The Gentlemen’s Medickl Companion, AND PRIVATE ADVISER. ■ A book for the old and youug, embracing thoPatkolrgy, Prevention and Cure of all Diseaeea of the Urinary and Sex ual Organs, and o-warning voice of advice and counsel, such as to be found in no oilier work. Price 25 cents. TIIE GUIDE AND GUARD ' VOR SVIRT 03% It exposes all the Humbugs, and (the various Trieks to entice the sick and well. It illustrates the plans of tbs Quacks and Rogues to dupe every one. It guides the un wary through life, and shows up every swindle of (he age. It shows how all kinds of Food, Medicines, Liquors and Goods are adulterated, with the means of detecting Iks frauds. Price 25 ccuti. i THE HOUSEHOLD JKD FARM, PLANTATION ANWSHOP. For every family, having over loop receipts .on Cooking, Preserving, Dyeing, Cleaning, Ac. flow to plant and whit it the best to raise. How to cute animals, advice to house keepers, fanners and mechanics, op 8000 subjects of- Inter est;. Price 26 cents. Worth $lO to lany one. THE CONSUMPTIVES BOOK. For those who wish iq get well fni>m that awful disease, a full description of all [the remedies used lor it, with a careful statement of the results, ana other useful informa tioa. Price 10'ceuts. f The information in them i| not td published, nor obtainable from an! books ars published on Rue whits i bound. Any of the above works will be mailed free, on receipted price, in stamps, or money; or tho whoie in a handsomely bound volume for one hollar. Nolianfily should be with out them. They are illustrated wim beautiful qugravinge, and contain tiie condensed experience of years. Agents Wanted for the above vyclrks, who can make (150 a month. Send for a circular fur agents:. To the young ot both sexes suiruijiug from secret habits; ■ prostration of mind; loos of power;! nervous debility; lots of sight; wakefulness; love of solitude; eruptions on tiie face. Ac., Ac. Send before it is too late ; before you suffer incurable damage to both body andjmind. To Females who want safe, pleafant and sure remedies for Irregularities, Obstructions, Whites, Ac., send to us. PREVENTIVE. We are convinced that there are many |>arents of scrofu lous, consumptive and diseased condition to whom a nu merous offspring only bripgs suffering and poverty. To such we would say write, and we wfill send information ef a sure, well-tested, ami never-failing Preventive. We will mail free, to any one applying fur it, THE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL REFORM. It is a largo and beautiful and contains the most valuable information on SiK-rmatochoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Tha cause, effects and cure, {showing the awful ef feels of the disease, I On all other diseases of the Seznal Organs, a full expla nation of the origin of Syphilis, the moans of prevention and cure. On Consumption, that fearful disease. On the Liver, Heart, Stomach and Skin. On Female Complaints, Ob the various Schools of Medicines. On the modes of Treatment now'practlsed. On the Folse Treatment of Diseases. On the various Medical Humbugs. On the Physiology of Marriage.;; On the Common sense of Medicine,. On Diet, Exercises, and Ablution. ' How the Physician should he. (; How to prevent Pregnancy. • i ’ ■ And many other things. Send pen it. This Journal should be in tho handsdf every one. J. Russell, M. D., A. M-, Cliicfphyslcian. 8. 8. Uearns, Surgeon. . Dr. J. Boyle, Chemist. • Office in New York, 154 Chambers street. Office in Williamsburgh, South Bth and 6th street*. Correspondents will please enclose two or three stamp* for return postage, and address ; DR. A. BERNKY, Secretary, fßox 141.) WllUamsburg, New York. Hov. 16,1860.-ly T H « ONLY DISCOVERY Worthy of any Coufldence ,*OB. «£STOBIJiO THE BALD AND GRAY, Many, si[£e the great discovery or Prof; Wood, hate it- UmpUa not only to imitate hie jrestorative, but proffU* to u&Ye discovered something that would produce ntnito iden tical; bat they have all come and gone.beingcarriedaway by the wonderful results of ProiC Wood's pnpa&tion, And have been forced to leave the field to its resistlessstrayl— Read the following:— ■ j j : i l4 , Bath, Mo..' April 18th, 1?5» i Prof. O. J. Wooi> A Co.: Gents:—The letter lArrdtoglen in 1856 concerning your valuable Hair Restorative, and which you have published in this Vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to numerous inquiries touching the facts in Ithe case. The enquiries aw, firit. is it a fact of my habi- Itation and name, asstatodin the communication; second, is it trne'of ail therein contained; third; does my hair still continue to be in good order shd of natural color! To ail I con arid do answer Invariably jrss. My hair is even bet ter than in tuiy Stage of sty l|(b for 40 years post, more and better colored; the same is true of mr raw?*!, and Uie Only cause why It is not generally true, is that the substance Is washed off by frequent ablution ef tbo face, when ifearo were used by wiping t lie fixe* In close connection with the whiskers, the earne result will follow as the hair. 1 have been in thc yoceipt of a great number of letters from .all parts of New England, asking me if my hair still continues to be good; fas there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt, heenbaioly imitated and been need notoniy without any goodcifect, but to'nhsoluto injury.— I have not used any of your Restorative of any account for 'some months, and yet my hair i» as good ns ever, and hun dreds have examined it with surprise, as 1 am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my face; and to prove this fact, 1 send yoh a luck of my hair taken off the past week. I received your favor of two quart hottiss last summer, for which Tam very grateful. 1 gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try it, many were skep. tical until after trial, and then purchased and used it with universal success. I will ask As) a favor, that yon send me a test by which 1 can discorer.fraud in the Restorative,, sold by many, 1 fear, without authority from yon. A pure article will insure success, and 1 believe whore good effects do not follow, the fkilure is caused by the Impure article; which curses the' inventor of the good. 1 deem it my duty at heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued effect oh my hair; as l assure all whp enquire of me of my un shaken opinion «f its valuable results. I remain, dear sir, yours,' " A. C. RAYMOND. - ' Aisoks Rck, Ky., Nov. SO, 1868. ■ P*or. O. J. Wood: Dear Sir,—l would certainly be doing you a great injustlconot to make known to the world, the wonderful, as well as unexpected result 1 have experienced fhtdn using one bottle of your Hair Restorative. After using •very kind of Restoratives extsnVbnt without success, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was filially in duced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, can dor and Justice compel me to announce to whoever may read this, that I now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounco richer and handsomer than the original.wav Iwili thcrofore-takeoccnsionto recommend this invaluable remedy to all who may feci the necessity of it. Rcgp'y you s, Rev. S. ALLEN BROCK. P. B.—This'testimonial of nvy approbation for joiirval uahle medicine (as ydn are aware of) is unsolicited, but if you think it Worthy a place among the rest, insert if yon wish; if not destroy an I say nothing. ' _ „ tours, Ac„ Rev SAB. The Rostorntivo is put up in bottles of three sizes, vis: large, medium and. small; the small holds l{ a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the mediums hold at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two doliara per hotthv; the large holds a: quart,; 40 iter cent, moroiin proportion and retails for *3 abottle. <> J WOOD A GO; Proprietors, 441 Broadway, New York, and 1U Market street.- St. - Lou it, ;Mo.' And raid "tv att jttkx) Druggist* and faaeyr Good* {tellers. {RBgi ■ AND I Ibe found in any werkt f other source. These |ap«r, and beautifully A SUPERLATIVE i TON IC, DI UR ETICj DYSPt^J§T CORDIAL TO THE CITIZENS OF NEWJEU -BKY ANP PENNSYLVANIA. Aroiuciiun, DBcaatsva, Obocbbs aso Pwcaib FaXIUES. WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy. WOLFE’S I’nre Madorie. Sherry and Port Win*. WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Hum. WOLFE’S Pure Scotch and Irish, WUtiity. i ALL IN BOTTLES. ? ~f| 1 beg leave to call the attention of the citterns of tliduj j (Jutted State* to tbe above W iucs ami Liquors, tmportodhy L’neLPBO Voitl, of New York, whose Bum* b fomlUar in evorypart of this country for the purity of bte*» leUrated ScaunAX Scustapps. Mr. Wolfe, in bia letter to me, speak* tag of the parity of bis Wiiie* and Liquors, says: ** 1 will •take my reputation aa a man,my standing as a merchant of thirty years’ residence in the chy of New York,, that all the Brandy and Wines which Lbottle are pure as imported, and of tbe best quality, and can be relied u|mn by every ' purchaser.’’ Every botlle-bas tlie proprietor’s tuvmu on the wax, and a Ike simlla of hif signature of the certificate. — The public invited to call ami examine for themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia.. Gbobob H. Asmoit, No, 883 Market St., Pbila. i < - .Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following (bora the New Yoik Courier: Esobmocv Uusixzss toe oxe New Yobk Mi»ciiast.—Wq are happy to iuforra our Wloyr-eitizena that there is one place in our city where tire physician, apothecary, a>ht > country merchant. Can go and purchase pure Wines and } Liquors, as pure aa imported, ami of tba heat qwaUty. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this mer chant’s extensive business, although it wil( welt repay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe’s extensive wnre bourn. Noa.lB, SO and 22, Beaver street, and Noe, 17, 19 and 21, Marketed street. His Stock of Schnapps on hand | ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty f thousand cases; the Brandy, aonio ten thousand cases—:Viiy> / tages of. 1836 to 18&6; and ten thousand cases of Msrtei" • / Slierry and Port Wine, Scotch ami Irish Whisker. Jam-' ' / and St- Croix Hum. some verr old and eqnnl to any V f eountiy. Ue also bad three large cellars, filled witli\ \ ' , dy. Wine, Ac., in casks, under Custom-House key, r»«d\ V / bottling. Mr. Wolfe’s sales of Schnapps iont-year amount \ / to one hundred mid eighty thousand dozen, mid see lioihA leas than two yean he may he equally successful with hut. 1 \V Brandies and IVinca. - \ , His business merits the patronage of every lover of his \ \ species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquor* \ \ fprmodical uso should send IbeirordentllrecttoMr.Wolfk, \ ‘ until every Apothecary In the hunt make up their mind* ' . to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and re- \ place i t with W’olfe’a pnre Winee and Liquor*. ' Wo understand that Mr. Wullo, for the sccommodatioe / of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted eases of Winsa and Liquors. Buch a man, and such a merchant, ~/ should be sustained against his tens of thousands of oppo neuts in the Vnilcd States, who sell nothing but imitation*,. , ruinous alike to liqman health and happiness. -* \ ' i For sals by A. UOCBU. [Sept. 13, IMCUteulm \ | i HouuEU'S ! ROHRBR'3 ROtIRBB‘B ROHRBRS /; ' .UOIIRER’a PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ; PRACTICAL CALCULATOR, PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ’ , PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. , PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ROIIKEK’S P-RAGTIOAL CALCU LATOR, t. A Book of Plain ItuUt {oid-OileuUitimnfn Butinnttip*- ratiom, by JJitrtin Jf. 80/m*, Praditpl AW'rtyarttaif Omveyaneer. Acre Edition, jfubUßttd byj.li. Bipput eott 4 Cb., PhUafilpkia. This work contains 304 pages, nodupwards of 500 Boles snd Examples. entirely and thoroughly practical, such ns arise every day lu tho common 1 pursuits ofßaidues*. It. has already pasrcd through a number of editions In rapid succession, and is pronouusod l>y all dosses ufbusiueM men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaihlag to cal culations, that has ever been published. . Every example In the book la worked out in (UU and sta ted in a plain Wanner, so that trhenr a parallel case arise*, ' those referring to the work will And no diffleal ty in solving it: in a word, the general arrangement of the CAI.CB f.A TOll Is simple, that any one whoknowshoa; toatW,sah trnct. multiply and divide, can easily solve any.ordluanr example.that arises lu bushiest, or arrive at thetmemalt of any estimate required. • ' The chief aim of the author baa bee I* to- eschew theory ■ and philosophy In figutes, aiming only at fects and sinipll- ' city, believing that business men caro Kttle about spending time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures, deeming it «nflic}ont for thoir purpose to bo ahle.il a moment, by reference, to arrive at the Into result. The CALCULATOR differs in thls respect from all other Arith metics of the day and kindred works—it is a key to proc tical business calculations—it, is, in the.hands of thehueV ness.Wan, what the key to mathematical works Is in the hands of the teacher In the school room—ltfacilitates time and insures correctness. TUB WORK TREATS OF TUB Measurement of iamd, of Luubor, of Bi ick and Brick Work, of stpno and stone work, of grain and gmio hint, of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids, of circu lar, square or Irregular vessols-of clstei ns and vats, of root ing. of ploSteret’Sj painter’s, glazier's, paver's., plumber's, • paper hanger’s and upholsterers’ work. Tt treats of cur* • rency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the deci mal system, of reduction and its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, aud thelr en tire application to business transactions, with tho laws and usages governing and regulating, the same, together with J numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, uf eqna tlbn of payment and of partnershipaccuunts, of assessment taxes, of weights nud measures, of square and cable measure, of the square root and Us application to business of surfaces, of excavation, an I of many other important practical matters pot within the scope of an advertisement t« mention. IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOR TItB , fanner, the merchant, the mechanic, the artUutit. ortho professional man. It has proven a voidable auxiliary to. the lawyer, the justicoof the peace, the ctmrejaheejv and real ostate broker, to the assessor. tb«) banker, the eUrk,'to. the ctril engineer ami the surveyor, tothecarprt- . ter and bricklayer, to the stonemason ami the plaateper, . to the paper hander and upholsterer, to the paverwnd the’ tiler, 4c., 4c.; cach and all will find it adapted to their va rkmswsnts better than any book published. ' , JtSr Mailed'(post 'paid) to any part of the United State*, upon receipt of the money. Trice of n single copy, in cloth, , 00’cents, or tno copies for $l,OO. Bound in pecket-bocit ‘ form, morocco, sl,oopcr copy. - "'•'*’* ' Address, . ‘ hi. M. ItOHRER. : Bee 0, ISfll-Om.] Box 1011 Philadelphia i’.O;, Fa. : lifRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPERI. -LtJL KNCED NURSE AND FEM AI.BTUYSIdANi pnm kente to the attention of mothers her ... . SOOTHING SYRUP; FOR CHILDREN TEETH INI}. ; which greatly facilitates the process of teething, be soften ing the gnms redwing nil inllnmniatiop will allay pain and spasmodic nrtion.ami in tit re to rtnulatt Vtt lituZtu. Depend npon ft mothers, it will give rest to r^—isM and liftitf rtifti Health toynur Iti'frtnlt. Wo have put np and sold tills article for over UttdrT and can say, in confidence and truth of it, never been able to say of any other mcdicimS*{, e , Y( , r . j )as •, failed, in a single instance, to effect a cure, w>^ n ,j m( ,, used. Never did wo kno'iv at) instanced \, Y any one who used it. Ou the contrary, all are dclighfefe with its operations, and speak in terms of highest common, dation of its niagict.l effects and medical virtues. We speak In this matter “What we do know,” after ten yenrs’ vxpe rieace, and pledge onr reputation for the fulfilment of what wc here declare. In almost every instance whefc the in fant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is ad ministered. . This valuable preparation is tho prescription of one of the most erperirtitcd and skillful nurses in New England, Wbd has been used with iicvcr-faiUug success in Motitandi of crises. It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tons and cnetpy to tho whole system. It will almost Instantly relieve Griping in tht lloiotU and IFYnrf Coh'c. aud over come convulsoins, which, if not tjxtdiiy remedied, end in death. Wo believe it the btst and rurett rrmtefy in the Vvorld, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in children, whether it arises from teething or itom nny other cause.— We would say to every taetlier who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let your pre judices, nor tho prejudices of others, stand between v«r suffering child and the relief that will be sure—yes, abso lutely sure—do follow the use of this medicine, If timmy nsed. Tull directions for using will accompany esclt bot tle. None genuine unless the' facsimile of CURTIS * VERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. ' i Sold by Druggists throughout the world, and by G. Jf. Kessler and A, Roush, druggists, Altoona. Price 25 cent* per bottle. * Principal Office, N 0.13 Cedar street, N. I. July 12, IMO.-ly. : L. . . / Blanks of axi. atatiy #nxfedictmr»iv easrintad at’