The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 14, 1861, Image 2

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    C|t IpjjflM Crikne.
'■ ■■■■ ALTOONA, TA.
y \-- 7/-. v •
IBPSDAI, ££BSUm «, 1861
Wfr_ Where puthiin frinmn tom, oar rale lor ad-
WtleiiijU to require payment In odTance, oragaerantee
pereona. for *ll *neh
toAaffd pa adTcrUatmenta offering to'pay at the end of three
When adrertiaementa ere accompanied
eJjtM&iohoy, whether one, fire or ten dollen, we will
the fWlbenedt of«Mh (alee.
•AdVartlelug Agent*, H9 ! Na»«u atroet, New York, end,
Ihttate Atreet, Boetoo, ere the AgenU for the Altoona,
fWh«ne,ead the mqet Influential and largest circulating
Jn the Dpltod StateaaOd the Canddaa. They
cou tract for na at our loicut raUt.
di' Tfcp Southern Confederacy.
a confederacy, consisting of the States
ofSouth. Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
' and Louisiana, has beta formed, un-
the “Confederated States of
Kprih, America.” The Congress which carried
gghthls place of business assembled at
pontpry, Ala., opthedthinst. There were
Ain.; 10 ( from Oa.; 6
sft)n jyte J 4 Ofroin Mies,; >from S.,C. Howell
90 . elected permanent President
iClonrention. On the Oth inst., several
j|i|tiilelaof .flags for the confederacy were pro
sentM, oae of < tbs-models consisted of a. blue
Crass field, _ with seven stars op the
cMss. ' A’notber flag had a cross with fifteen
■tan bfr afield of stripes. The President ap
pmotedHa committee on Foreign Affairs, on Fi-
Military and Nasal Affairs, on Postal
btt Commerce and on Patents. The
the*Conniption then proceeded to the selection
6t bfßheta'fojr the new government; wbio{j. re
euitedi as everybody anticipated, in,the election
.of Jefferson Davis, ns President, and Alcxan-
Stephens, as Vice President. A com-.
appointed to inquire and report on
suitable buildings In Montgomery
pp. aeonrod forthe use of the executive do*
I, for tb®-. Confederacy. An ordinance
continuiug in ,force, until repealed
Congress, nlllaw* of tbe .United
Btalwihe'r ln.force,or uso, till the. first of No
-rombfr- It is understood ..tbat under this law
» tariff is to be laid on all goods hongbt from
tbe United States...
. The Supremo Court has refused a new
; trialtp John Cathcart, now under aentence of
deaUt, : ln the Clearfield jail, for the murder of
- its ■‘wife. We learn from the Clearfield
thation Monday morning of last week, the keep
tr'ofthe jail, on entering Catheart’a cell; found
Un weltering in blood, and.upon examination,
dUeovered that he bad attempted to cut hie
' threat. The weapon he had used Cor the pur
s pjse wash .wrought iron spike which hshod
cubbeddow* to a keen. edge on the two oppo
site sides. Medical aid was called in and the
|rei>itd dressed.
President Lincoln is now on Lis way to
JVjkshington city, whioh he expects to reach on
the 24th init It is confidently expeo
ttdftttht «Ul be in Harrisburg on the. 22nd,
the £ay on which the Rational Flag is to be
xtiaeii on the Capitol. If he pursues the route
down, be will be . that* at that time, thus
thpse who .attend ; the ceremonies of
s «u» opportunity of seeing the Fresh
tku<fact will undoubtedly swell the
, JF*o*.
1 to the Tennessee Convention, nailed by Gov.
took place on Saturday. Sufficient re
ikftpts have been vecerred allowing V»at Andrew
, and .the patriots with
Aim in the House, Emeraon, Etheridge, Nelson,
' pflitotyh <)uarip*ind
>, lt do*# w>t fiXjpyt happen
who effigies lof an honest
.jiabUo man do all voting.
.■ s . _ . * '* ■■ "■■■■ A
i ll9* 4U h os\Ua demonBtr»ti<mB ;bjr ;the sepjss
jripniatsngainßt the fort* hold the - , seceding boo
discontinued for the present. TboSecessioDistß
quieted fpr a b’f the poiiyonjipn
anxiously awaiting the inauguration oftjicoln.
he committee
iptlie Tr*ii«pi7 >j.
'^^A]p»|^|»^j^!^oH r |l»y;4jiseoT«t7of dofslcstiphii
jmi robbenfleg amount to over $7,000,000,
' PE«»sYtvANU.—Oar State
tejky now more miles of railway in operation
State in the Union, except Ohio.
hnsB,os7; while we have 2,943, ac
cording to an account published in the United
Economist, a New York paper. The next
ln rank to us in this respect are
TOihoU. wkh 2 ,924, miles in operation, New
_,Vffldt, ! 3.BoB, and Indiana, 2,058. But as regards
ttyatnUd length of lines, of which these miles
■ spm parts, our State is far ahead of all, except
f)hio. We rank thus: Ohio, 4,113; Pennsyl
vania, £,072; Illinois, 3,551; New York, 3,455;
wyliia, 9. fIT.7 ; 2.522. While, therefore, Illi
‘ now very near us in matter of miles in
- - Vfawoa, she will be ultimately distanced
our roads shall have been completed.
Wednesday of last week, in the Uni
ptstff Senate, Mr. Seward, of New York,
.BTtunifd a monster petition, from the citizens
'wtptyYerk for the passage of resolutions, be
■ fyg-katfaaiizUjr .those recommended by the
Bordefßtatve Committee. The petition was
Signed by thirty-eight thousand persons, and is
twelve hundred feet long. At the same time
Me. Upward took occasion to say that onr na
tlaui dHßcaliitf would mod be -abth
peaceably settled.', .' ■
- -;t • -
XKo el
Extract from Annual Report of the
\ Stockholders of the P. B. E.
s ■ - • -~'rr. ■ ■
Tbefonrteeth annual report opens by speak
ing ofithe gratifying fastthat the increased ce
retf ttqpa ortheWeetand of Pennsylvania have
benefited thb ievenaea Of the company. : Up to
December themonthly receipts were in excess
of thepre viousyear, bat in that month the do
nmgebtent of -izebanges .oaascd a deexeaae. —
intreuption to trade cannot but be
temporary, to'be followed by an increased traf
fic, from the healthy demand South and East,
for tb£ products of the West. With increased
business, from the opening of new trunk lines,
the competition between the roads which, con
tend for the trade, of the West has increased,
but negotiations hare been made tending .to
wards :an amicable adjustment of the ra The
company has made a'discrimination in freight,
in favor of |he steamboats running from Pitts
bprg, which serves to equalize the steamboat
and rail competition at-that‘Point,
The operations of ; the company for 1860 were
as follows:
Earnings of She road:
From FasMogers
“ V. S. Mall . - ■
“ Expresses
“ Freights -
“ Miscellaneous sources - -
Expanse* of operating the raul w*rc:
Coat of - • $1,639,361.08
“ Motive Power - - - 970.490.32
*• MaiutenoDce of Cera • - • 360,162.41
“ Maintomincp of Road • • 783,163.81
“ Ueaeral Ezpeakea - - - i 82^31.46
Net <}f the road - - - 3,290,402.40
Showing an increase of earnings of $(570,316, 27
over 1859. Increase from passengers, $33,-
080.34. Number of passengers carried 1,203,-
444. Increase of freight over 1859,
$585,072,82, the larger,part Doing due to in
crease of local freight. The tonnage of the
road in 1860 was 1,346,625, exclusive of 124,-
597 tons of wood, coal, lumjMr and materials
for the use of ,tbe company, upon which no
charge is made. Entire movement of coal 623,-
223 tons, <i& Increase of 101,698 tons.
Four new locomotives have been added, and
copper fit e-boxes have boon substituted for iron.
The report explains the operations of the dif
ferent departments, motive power, repairs of
tracks, &c M and it is stated 'that bat 68 5-10
miles of track are accessary to complete a doa
ble track throughout the whole line, from Phil
adelphia to Pittsburg. By the .completion of
. engine house and machine shops at Harrisburg,
on Aprtylst, an important saving will be effec
ted in the motive power and transportation de
partments, and the management of the road will
be timplified.
About October Ist, the extension of the line
to the Delaware river will be opened. The
bridge over the Schuylkill has been vigorously
pushed, and the western abutment and pier are
nearly finished. The cost of the tnnsonry of the
bridge will not exceed $lOO,OOO. The iron su
perstructure will be built at the company’s
■hops, and will cost about $40,000. The river
front of the Powelton estate has greatly impro
ved daring the post year, and 'it will soon be
valuable and productive real-estate.
The canals owned by the company earned in
1860; r~
Kiuitaro Division , -
Juniata Division
Western Diviiiou
Miscellaneous Iloceljit*
Expense* of canids for (he *ame period: ;
To repairs, renewal* and en
’ Urgoment • • ' • f130,<t9&70
To Stationery
*c. ( Ac., • - • - 24;063.8S
Leaving net earning! canal* • • 64,0*5.20
—being ah increase of earnings for the canals
over the previous year of $22,508.20.
On the canals daring 1860, 514,000 tons of
coal were transported, being a decrease of 1,867
tons. Lumber transported inshme p'eriod was
125,494,299 feet, being an increase of 6,419,-
624 feet. 1
The report further discusses the appearance,
value, &c., of the canals, and tbe ineans taken
to increase their business and income*
The TreasurcrVstatement'abowsAhe receipts
of the company from all sources, shareholders,
loans, bonds, proft aud loss, &0., for!860, were
$32,407,124.14. , ,
Total expenditures, including oost of road,
(less profit of road,) cost of Main Line, cost of
equipment, c»t of telegraph, real estate, ex
tension of the lines, stocks of other roads, bills
receivable, fuel and materials on
hand, &e. - . $31,768,412 33
Balance in hands of agents i 280,835.67
a " of Treasurer - 307,876.14
It is not proposed to lay any additional road
superstructure, during the present year, except
what may he necessary to accommodate an in
creased hfiiilness at stations, and' the extensiou
the the road to the Delaware river above the
Sivy Yard.
The report recites the conditions of the lease
for 999 years of the Harrisburg and Lancaster
Railroad, with which our readers are familiar,
and explains the necessity for that lease.
The sinking fund for the redemption of the
second mortgage bond now amounts to $632,-
491, and it may be-judioiously increased by the
transfer to it of the stock bonds of the Pitts
burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and
other railroads how- held by the company.—
These assets, it Is expected, will, in a few years
be worth the amount they cost the company.—
.!!^'^nidp«^p^.^ l iM> ahnaM.peXhtyit of $460,. the State, on'account of.
principal and interest due for the purchase of
the Maine Limi frptai the profits bf th(fliroad,.wni
extinguish that debt by the year 1899*.
By'steadily pursuing a financial policy calcu
ted to at tain these objects, the entire debt of the
company in 1876 will be. brought; withm* the
amount of itsfgrOss annnallpoome—a condition
of abundant safety to the! shareholders,, and
which coo be obtained without nnyioterniption
to your tegular cash dividends; The means
thus diverted from the net revenue of the com
pany can, whenever the amount will justify it,
and the financial condition of the oountry will
render the measure prudent, bo from time to
time ditided among the shareholders in stock.
Th* ro-organizalioD of the Pittsburgh Fort
Way tie and Chicago Kailroad, after a sale by
the bondholders, aod the appointment of new
directors, etc., to operate the rofld, Is next dis
cussed, and the delay in erecting passenger
stations at Philadelphia and Pittsburg is ex
plained, on tho ground that the erection of ex
pensive buildings at locations which may turn
out to be injudicious, would be bad policy. In
regard to the passenger station at Philadelphia,
the directors were originally in favor of loca
ting the station at Twelfth and Market streets,
but since the street railways have afforded such
great facilities ns wo now enjoy, tho board have
reconsidered their determination, and now in
cline to locate it on the fiats adjoining the
Market street bridge, where the comparatively
small value of the property will justify the ex
penditure necessary to bring the ground to tho
level of -the railway. It was not deemed pru
dent, however, to make the outlay the present
The report closes with the discussion of some
minor matters. Appropriate reference is also
made to the death of Vice President Foster, and
complimentary allusion is made to Thomas A.
Scott, JEsq., who has been appointed Vice Presi
dent since the last animal meeting, and Mr.
Enoch .Lewis, who has been chooseh General
Superintendent, in Ibe room, of Mr. Scott,, who
.formerly held that position.
• $1,453.92«,7T
- - 74,501.34
• - 7i.120.00
■ - 4,181,783.07
• ' 26,180.95
■ 10,003.57
i 7,530.23
<3onT»diiADB. —Inquiries are made'«to the j
nature of the cannon balled Colusebiads. Wo j
find the following description of thme formida
ble gnns in an exchange:
AColnmbiad isaheavygun capable «£?«•-
jeeting aholidsbdt orphell, with alarge charge
of powder, and at an angle of projection from
fife degree* below to to#irty above m :»9«-
son; It may be alald therefore, w combine the
essential qualities of the gnn, the howilaer, and
the mortar, and maybe need & the jilafe or
either one the otber'i oflhesepieces m sea*.
coast defence. It dock not differ In Its external
shape from ordinarysea-coastcannon. - ■
fit present there are two sixes of Colnmbmds
in use in our service, viz; the eight jaeh and
the ten inch. The former' weighs aboutfiOOO lbs,
the charge of powder jlO lbs, the solid shot 64,
lbs, and the shell 48 I lbs. The latter weighs
about 16,000 lbs, theicharge of powder 16 lbs,
god tirt solid shot 128‘lba, and the shell 100 lbs.
. It is understood that a certain number of tan
inch Colnmbiads are mounted en barbette , or
upon the most elevated portionof ’Fort Sumpter;
as the extra range of jthese pieces is abont three
miles, an extent of country about six miles in
diameter will be commanded by them.; this,
however, does not embrace the city of Charles
ton, for that is understood 1 to be about miles
from the fort, Fort Moultrie being only about
a mile distant, and being - without casements to
protect its garrison dr armament, is subject to
the direct fire of the Colnmbiads of Fort Sumter.
A Conflict with a Tiokk. —While Maccomo
was going through liis performance with the
Bengal tigers at Mander’s Menagerie, recently,
a tigress caught his bund in her mouth. Plan
ting bis knee in the small of the tigress’ back,
audpressing her against the bars of the ; cage, ,
then seizing her lower jaw with the right hand,
he held her powerless to do more than-retain j
the loft baud in her mouth. So cool was Mac- ;
oomo in this ,-trying position, that lookers-on
,thought (t a part of liis performance ; but when j
Muccomo called to ope of the keepers, “She has 1
got my hand fast in her mouth ; get a bar of j
hot iron,” the truth Of his' dangerous position I
fiushed through the ininds of those present, and j
created the greatest excitement—one lady fain
ting away, others running from the painful sight
Four or five minutes elapsed before the iron was
ready, during which [time Maccomo stood as a
piece of statuary, not a quiver of lip to show
the pain he was enduring. When ready, the
hot iron was applied;quickly and surely, by one
of the keepers, to one of the large teeth in the
upper jaw; and, as though she hsdboen elec
trified, her mouth sprang open. Maccomo quick
as lightning drew hl| hand away, caught hold
of a thick stick, struck the animal a terrific
blow on tbe skull, brought her down, and forced
her to finish her performance before he left the
cage. When Maccomo came out of the cage,
his bleeding hand testified to the frightful strug
gle which had been going on between man and
beist.— Liverpool Mercury,
What Govxbhob Wna Tukbath*. —Oover-
nor Wise writes to a friendjn Burlington, New |
Jersey, that he is not stirring up rebellion, but j
has been confined to his residence for along,
time by illness in bis family. - lie declares that |
be has not even taken an active part in the i
Convention, (be was very nearly beaten by a '
Methodist minister,) .and -COjuJLemphiTc>r no raid
on the federal capital. He denounces General
Scott in very violent'terms, and winds up w ith
the following characteristic statement:—“A
pretext, is needed to concentrate the army to
establish a military despotism. Scott is but a
martinet and commissary, but his vanity, in bis
old age, stands up like hip bones and withers of
an old horse from which the muscles have fal
len away ; and the .; Second Lientenat-General
aspires to rival the First Lieutenant-General in
being canonized asUbe second saVionr of his
country. Jit had better tqke care, or J trill take
the field and take tl»« feathers off his peacock
pride. Now, you are perfectly welcome to put
this in print, to dispel the apprehensions of all
the grannies in the North, or to put to shame
these who wodtd malign by sfmnderj - one who
never engaged in Secret war, hut who would
claim our capital and our flag as belonging t 6
those wbo have kept the covenants of the Con
stitution, and not to those who have broken
them ; and wbo will fight General Scott himself,
to defend them both."
Fobteess WoakpK.—Fortress Monroe, Vs.,
is a point of some interest now, as being almost
the only one not in the bands of the rebels. If
Virginia secedes, jshe will demand the surren
der of this work, and will probably threaten to
take it, but I should like to see them try. It
is very large. The walls are more than a mile
in circuit, very thick and high, surrounded by
a moat which is' sikty to one hundred feet broad,
with eight feet of water, drawbridge, and outer
batteries. Itmounts some three hundred heavy
guns, has mortars' for trowing shells, furnaces
for heating balls, £c. Nothing could approach
within tliree miles except under the fire of all
these batteries. This is a magnificent place. —l
The walls enclose some aetenty-five acres. In
the centre is the parade ground, and all arounjl
are the quarters fpr the troops. Live oak and
other trees make it very pleasant in summer.—
Outside the' hioat is' a very fide walk, with a
view of the s6a. A
Qcarbei. Between Gbouoia and England.
.—The Savannah Republican, of the dth inst, has
the following mysterious paragraph : Various
rumors were in circulation on Sunday, with, re
gard to an alleged pntrage perpetrated on Satur
day last by parties whose names wd have not
beard, upon the person of Captain Vaughan, of
the British ship Kalos, now lying in cur- port.
The accounts are so contradictory that we for
bear any further refereno® to ihe matter until
the facts shall have befen ascertained.. 'We may
say, though, that if the circumstances,. as re
lated to ns, be true, we stand in a pretty fair
way for a national trouble with the British gov
ernment. I Such things, however, generally
gather as they go: from month to mouth, and we
hope the affair will turn out tic have been great
ly exaggerated. '
Sxcessio* in |*ki.AKo.— IThe 1 The movement for
a separate kingdom j(s' gaining ground mlfeland.
Largeroeetings ip its-favor hayebeon held In
ail parts of ’ the Island, and an address to the
Queen of England, asking for a 'separate Irish
Parliament and 'the privilege- 'of - Self govern
ment, has obtained over twenty thousand signa
tures. The late stand taken b/ the British
Government in |avor of the : right of the people
of Sardinia and of Italy and Sicily to select their
own rulers and ihelr own government, is used
with gteat force In support of their demand by
the people of Ireland. \ '
E*ilho.adTea^etti,es. — AtamonstorChrist
mas entertainment given by the Directors of the
London Northwestern Railway Compony, at
Crewe, to their workmen, on the completion of
a new workshop, about 8,000 persons sat down
to tea in the great range of the company’s work*
shops, splendidly decorated for the occasion, the
tea having been made in two large teapots,'
equally gigantic and original, viz., a conplo of
locomotives, which were employed'on that occa
sion for the making of the “ celestial brew/’
. A StboM AeCument.—-The Nashville Demo
crat talks to the South thus: The taxes wo
now pay as duties to support the Federal Gov
ernment are not compulsory ; we need not pay
one dollar of it unless we choose to do so. But
under the direct tax wo will be eompeUid to-pay
an onerous and ’Oppressive tax, equal to’-throe
or four times what we now pay* lei Tenuessce
ready for it t. We think not.
to Free Col- ! SPECIAL NO
ORRD .PERSdNS.'—r-JChe Kentucky Coloni- 1 —-—
zation Society, in order to relieve the free I A Card to-the Li
people of color initial State from the em- , dr. duponco’S pill?
barrassing position in which they have injaiiibie in eameiittg, rtguiaHyf,
been placed bytbe negro law, which..went j ttrvak^K^^U^^tSi^ *e
into operataon on the ,Ist of- January, Thor* u not a kdy Using bat What
-1861, offer to snob of them as arc 'villing life n*«is just mch • medietas •»
to T » ' <*»*■? passage pilu -" ° n ® “ftha first ladies oC Chsrti
j 1 there that »he had received so ranch ’
i of them, .he woald be wHUng to par
theirafmal. Those having families, are b . without sh«m, ir.h. couia s*t ti
offered, in addition, ten acres of-land as a gradients cbfapo*uig those puisar*
free gift, upon condition they will settle j Agent. They will tell yon thby an perfsctly
on it. Five acres are offered upon the i » nd J et wi “ doa " cUimed for th «“- Juii and
~ , • j j i. ; directions accompany each box. Price $l.OO pel
same terms to every unmarried adult, Bold hyQ w £sA. m , DrugsUt> J, Ag ,7t
male and female. i tOODa , p*.
*V*~* '—— ,| Ladies by sanding him $l.OO to the Altoona Posl
• A .patty ot over sixty boys and ; can h»TO ths pills sent to any part of the country
girls, varying’in age from six to sixteen dontuiiy) by mail, “free of pottage." sold also v
years, a large proportion orphan and dcs- i BKAD ’ Huntingdon, and by one Druggist in seer
titute, left New York on Tuesday, .under j ,ownandcit - T lßa,eStaU
the charge of Mr: H. Friedgen, of the j
I Children’s Aid Society. A more inter- \
• esting company, it is said, has never been !
sent to the West under the auspices of,
j this institution. The Newsboy’s Lodg-1
ing House contributed a number of its in
| mates to this company.
Good Joke. —The city authorities of
Marysville, California, recently passed an
ordinance for the removal of outside stairs
in the city. v While the councils were in
session a few days after, the stairs leading
to the council chambers were removed,
and the dignified members of that body,
according to the Herald, were compelled'
to “shin” down the posts of the
building. *
Bgs„.Tho snow in Vermont has been
five feet deep, deeper than it has been in
the past ten years, and has seriously in
terrupted the mails.
S&" Peru is coming into the world as a
cotton grower; 15,000 bales of her cotton
having just been sent across the Isthmus,
most of it to Europe.
Bgk, The sweepings of Harper & Bro.’s
establishment were, worth, last year, §7,-
360. What must the profits be ?
A Goon Illustration. —The Union of these
States is like a bowl of punch, in which all the
parts ore nmnlgamated, so that yon cannot sep
arate them, though' the whole mny bo dashed
upon the ground and lost. Nothing can be
more diverse than the original ingredients—the
water, the lemon, the sugar, the brandy, and a
dash of old rum. We leave our readers to as
sign localities to the strong and the weak, the
sweet and the sour. Once combined, nothing
can surpass the strength and flavor of the com
pound. Chemistry may indeed devise means to
analyze and dissolve its elements ; but the parts
will be good for nothing but to fling away.
Jolt issued from tho Mammoth Publishing House ami
Original Gift Book Establishment of
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liberty! Being a History of the personal adventures,
RonumUc incidents end exploits incidental to tho War of
Independence. Superbly illustrated, 'targe 12mo. Price,
sl.26,accompaniod with a beautiful Gift, worth from 50
cents ltd $l9O,
that should bo found at the fireside of evsry American
Freemen i 5 It is peculiarly acceptable at the present junc
ture in one National affairs, portraying a* It does the re- x
markable heroism, the noble impulses, and the wisdom
and sterling integrity of the immortet Washington and
his gallnnt cowpati lots, While struggling fbr the achieve
ment'of our National Independence, in those “times that
tried man’s souls”—the days of’“6.
A copy of: either of the above mentioned works, together
with a handsom* present, ranging in value from SOconts to
$lOO.OO, will be sent, to any person- In the United States
who Will remit ns the price, and 21 cents additional, for
postage. Bear in min'd that to, every.purchaser of a book
to the amount of $1.90 or more, we pt're a Choice Gin,
selected from an extensive and varied assortment of Gold
and Silver Watches, Silver Plated Ware, Jewelry, Silk,
Dress Patterns, etc., all of the newest styles : and best
manufacture —worth not less than 50 cents, and possibly
$lOO.OO. ’• ’ ; ;
Send for a complete classified catalogue, bfonr own and
othrr’sPtJBLICATIONS, •which wilt be mailed to yon free’
of expense, make yoor ssleetionJ, and be convinced-that
the moafl Liberal, Hdichlt, and Enterprieina Establish
mentlathe Country to buy books is at the Original and
Papular Qlft Book Emporium of - - ■ >
433 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
..... $35,00 •
. Pays, the entire eost’lSr tuition in ’tjie most’ popular ud
successful Commercial School la the Country. j .UpwanTof
twelve hundred young men from/ twenty-eight different
States, have been educated for business hare ’within the
£ast threeyears, some of whom hard been employed as
Book Keepers ot salaries of ’ : “ ■
$3000,00 per Annum,
immediately upon graduating, -who knew nothing of Ac
counts when they entered the Collego.
49* Mi Dieter's sons half price, Students enter at any
time, and review when they please,-without oxfra charge.
• Por Catalogue ofB4 pages, Specimens of Prof/Cowley's
Jlnsiness'and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large engra
ving of tlm College. Inclose twenty-five cents in Postage
Stamp! to the'Principals,
■ f- i JKJSK.INS ft fiMITU, Pittsburgh, Pa.
a. n. now®,
SoU Proprietor,. New
N. B.—The above Pills hut ba«n counterfeited,
offered to Ladioi at price* ranging from 25 cente ta
(dear at that.) Look out for them. The genuine,
ter, wilt bear the eignature of S. D. Horre, sole pn
Price—sl. Purchase of the abure gentlemen, and
And the genuine article, and on* you maj rely up<
January 31,1801. —ly.
Dr. Velpeau’s Cankeriue.
Drouth of anything known.
Mouth, Throat, or Sthomndi, reuniting from Seal
Typhus Fevers.
Ladies, if you deligUt'in snr into teeth, use
KEKINE, and yonr dceirce will be realized.' V
our word that it ie entirely free' from aefds and e
oua substances, and can be given to an infant wil
safety. It will preserve thetpeth and keep the j
from ulcers. It is equal for nur
months. In nil thtKthonsnnda remedies that hart
forth for the cure of the various diseases aliove,
equal the Caipterine. Sold bjr all druggists
cents per bottle
j. uumtiu.
Proprietors. 93 Maiden J
For «ole In Altoona, br tl. Vi. KKdSLEU.
To Consumptives.
And those afflicted with
The undersigned, now ••venty-firo years ole, lias for
years derated Ills time to curing liia Parlshonei:
jioor in New York of these dreadful complaints. w .
thousands and thousands to an untimely gravi
seldom failed to dire all who have applied to 11
lief, and believing it to he a Christian’s duty
those abroad, as well os at home, he will send to i
require it, a copy of Prescriptions used, (Free ol
with directions for preparing and using the m i
rules on Piet, Bathing, Ventilation, and Exercii
Sick, they will Dipl these remedies a sure cure (bi I
tion, and all diseases of the Throat and hung*, I
Ague, Constipation, Heart Disease, Dyspepsia,
Debility, ami Female Complaints, and be liojies !
, afflicted will send for a copy, as it will cost no l
those suffering should apply before It is too b
Prescription are used by the most eminent Pli
Condon, Paris, and New York. Those wishing
pleas, address KEY. Dlt. CHAMP
. Not. 10,’C0.-ly. Williamsburgh,
Crying Babies! I Crying B:
In consequence of the superiority of Dr. Eat<
til* Cordial over erory other preparation of th
druggist of this town hare almost all ordorod n
a supply of it ; so cheer up, Mother**! No njore cryiug
babies! Don't be put off with any other preparation by
any druggist who may-not Imre received Dr. Kajpn’s lufnn-
tilo Cordial, or who may on account of jotting
less article at a chropeeret® bo more interested in selling
it. Get the beatit is for Nile in town —search till you
Qn<l it.
Dr. Bronson's Blood Food, for diseases of theorjans and
all pulmonary complaints, is also for sale tn t<iwn; and if
any suffering from the above complaints ncglecjt to try this
preparation, they are guilty of auicido. fliero are fire
different Nos. of the Blood Food—all on tlie name princi
ple, but graduated to the different deficiencies of the blood
arising from the different organs .affected. !No. 1 is for
Colds. Bronchitis, Consumption, and other citronic com
plaints arising from over-use, general debility, or nervous
prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints. N'q. 3, for Dys
pepsia. No. 4, Woman’s llestorativo. No. 5, Man.* Re
generator. Ask for the No. you want. vai.Soo 'Adver
tisement. For sale by A. Roush, Altoona, audjC. I>. Gott A
Sou, Philadelphia. - j
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few
weeks by a Tory simple remedy, after havingsuffeml sev
eral years with a severe luug affection, and tliat dread dis
ease consumption—is anxious to make known; to his follow
sufferers the means of euro.
* To all wlio desire it he will send a copy of| ‘the prescrip
tion used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing
and using the same, which they - wilt find a sure cure for
Cosscjcpnos, AsiUMvßßOScniiig, 4c. The pply object of
the advertiser in sending the Prescription U to benefit the
afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to bo
invaluable; and he every sufferer will 1 jtry In's reme
dy. as it will Cost them nothing, and may prerc a Messing.
Parties wishing tno proscrijdion will pieask’address.
' WiUjai&burch,
King- County, NCw Yirk.
Get. 4, ly.
The American Medical anfl Toilet
This book contains ifecfjwsand Direction* for making all
til's moat valuable Mediaai preparations in Suss; also Bo
cipes and fall and explicit directions' for making ail the
most popular and useful Cosmetics, Unguents,
Uair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles.' If. yon hre suf
ering with'ony chronic disease—-ifyouwiali|a beautiful
complexion,'a fine bead of hair, a smooth Cun, a clear skin,
a luxuriant board or moustache—or if you £rish to know
anything and everything in the Toilet and Medical lino, you
should, by all means, peruse a copy of the) book. Tor fu]l
particulars, and a sample of . the work for iterusal. (frris,)
address the publisher, V T. F. CHAPMAN. 4
Not. 1.-3 m . No ; 831 Broadway* Kew Tork»
49. The closing years Of Ilfs sure often ret
ed hy ailments which are trifling in themsej
cured if taken' lit time.’ Affection of the Ij
and other crgaUe concerned in digestion, art
qntnt., They naturally make the sufferer It
ble and. complalulng, and relative* And; hie
to: bear the. brunt of their ill-humor. The
ten Celebrated Stomach Bitten will pro’
remedy for this evil. It’ Wil) not only i
Whole physical ’’organisation, hut entirely:,
obstinate eases of Indigestion, BiarrbceS,]
Liver Complaint. The first physicians lb t
loud in tholr-pralse of this preparation. .
inendntiouof the Bitters is tLst it is so p
taste that It may be used oven a* a beverag
• Sold byalldruggiets.
s' jibs, wiNSLO^
An experienced nurse and female physician, lias a seething
teefhfng, which grea&jf faeilltatee ths
process of teething, by jpims,ip!dndpgaU ih
flammatiou—will allay all pain, and Is winjto regnlatethe
bowels. Bopcnidupou it, niothen, It will give rest toyour
■eqlvev and. reUrf and health to your intkntf. parfeetly
safe in oil cans. See advertisement to an^ereoluran
X*. sos and Shoulder Dreed for sale at
l-4f- V . i”” ’ ’• V '’: O.W.’
In iuuutoin or Ixsooxatz, —There ua growing
tendencytnth* age to
wont* of otherleimaagea.aiid after a Wfaflo to tnpnrparsi»
Uwminto onfownithn* the word Cephalic, whlehicavin
the Greek,lixntfHng “for the head.* *» w»ir beamalim
popularized iu connection with Mr. Sliding?* groat Beusi
' ache remedy, batH wilFnoon be usedtn afour*general
way, and the word Cephalic will become aa common a«
.Electrotype and many other* whose wuctlol a* foreign
.wdtdaha* been, worn awsgr by, comftwt mage until they
'•Cent“native and to the maiior ' r ,- v.
’ardly Realized.
ped Into the-hapotliecarieahand say*Mfethe tfolaJV <Wp
you hease too of an ’eadache ?’* *' It hache’ard.. .ayt
>e. - Uexceedingiy,” sayshi, hand upon that ** •
Cephalic Mil, hand ’pon mo ’onor It cured me *«<|nw* tna*
1 ’urdly realized X ’ad ’ad au ’eadiicho.
[box. —
for Al-
Headache U the farorito sign by which natnr»ntj|*Z
known ane deviation whatever from the natural *t*t*-Of
the brain, and viewed fn thU light it may be looked on_*J
a safeguard intended to give notice of diseimerwhtohtalgJJ*
otherwise escape attention, till too late tp.bereatedied;
and It* Indication* «hould.uever be neglected.
may be classified under two name*, ra: Symptomatic ami
Idouathle. Symptomatic HeadacheU exceedingly. Common
and W thi* precursor of a great variety of dioeMre. among
wh Ich are Apoplexy, Gout, Khenmat am and alt ftbrlto 01-
teasea. In it* nervoua form It is s.ymi»thet«,otdlaeaa* of
the atoraach constituting «<* hwlncht, of hepatfcdtaeaae
constituting bilioiu hfadacht. of worm*, constipation and
oilier disorders of the bowels,'as well aa rwialand uterine
affections. Diseases of tho heart are wry frequently at
tended with Ueodachws Anemia and plethora yaoiao af
fections whtoh frequently occasion headache. Idtopatmc
HeadacheU alsoyery common, being unusually oUtln-
Ruishcd by the name of ticrruiw botdaefie, eotoollmiw com
ing on suddenly in. a state of apparently sound uemtfr and
prostrating at once the mental and physical cncrgte*, and
in other instance* it comes on slowly, heralded uy depr**-
sion of spirits or acerbity of ln moat uuitai»c«»
the fmiii U in the front of the head, uver one or bptn
| and sometimes* provoking, vomiting; Oliver thU’CW*
! also bo named Jc<Hratgiu-> ■' .
\ F\ir the treatment of cither claw* of Headache m# wp¥*
i lie Pills have been found a sure and wife remedy, relief tag
1 the jnont acute pains in a few miimto*, and by Itt/iUby*
I power eradicating the diataacs of which UeadaCM U ttoi
1 unerring index. ' x .
and are
[75 eta,
f hereaf
ou will
or of the
nciOGRT.: —Missna want* yon tosend her * box ®
lie tilde, -no, a bottle of Pre|iared I’ille,-—iHtt Via thinking
that's not jnat it neither ■; but
ins what it {•. Yo nee she’a nigh dead and gone With tbe
Sick Headache, and wants some more of tltat WW a* ro
laircd her before. L...
Jfruf/giit. —Yotunust Mean Spakling’a Cephalic rtU*.
Uriihjet. —Och! euro now and yon’ro led it. ‘
quarther and giro me the I’ilU and don’t bo tttttlj
It ailher. .
in lb*
latina or
’• pledge
II poiao
|)i perfect
EUiua fro
ling sore
boon put
Constipation of Cbstivonesa.
undo can
No one of the “many ills flesh Is heir to* U so prevalent,
so little understood, and so much neglected i>« Coetlvcnau.
Often originating in carelessness, or erdeiitaryhaUt*;-i t U s
relarged its a slight disorder of too littlo CQUSCHUenco ,t»
excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and tom
paiihm of many of tho most fatal and dangetou* abmf**,
and unless early eradicated it will bring Um -an
untimely grave. Among tlie lighter evils ofwhlchoneUre
neas is the usual attendant are Uealiaclifi, Colic. RbeßUlk
tism, Foul llreath, biles and others of llko
a long train of frightful diseases such as MaUgUSht »««»s,
Abcesses. Dysontary. Diarrhoea, Dyspepsias, ApWtexy.Kpl
levsy, Paralysis. Hysteria, Hypoctioadriaal*, Melancholy
and Insanitv. first Indicate their presence lr tho systei* hy
this alarming symptom Not unfret] nCntly tlie dwcaim
named originate in Constipation. hut take on an iudepen
d»»nt uiilom ih« cause i» enulicatitl in an mrty
fit»ge From Ml th<Mo consideration** It fcdlowa ilikl Uio
disorder should n-ceive immediate attention whenever it
occnrsrand no. person shouhl.negb'Ct t*>geta box of Cepha
lic Pills on the first appearance of Tlie cumplajjit, M Uigir
timely use will expel tlio insßluous nppruaeUcS of Olseass
and destroy this dangertmirfoe to human Ufa. , > ’'
l*rice 36
me, X. y.
i nml. tlio
rich carry
9) ho l^a*
im for >o
to rolif'vo
those who
f Charge),
Die. Also
to fur th«
Phyttrian,— Well, Mrs. Jones. itow U that hoadaeha?
Jfrj. Jonci.—done! Doctor, all gone.' the p{Dyrtm.]Mat
cured mo in just twenty minutes, I wbh yon wolDd tend,
more so tlmt I can liave them handy. ■. ■
Phusicimi. —You can get them »hiliyJi«(fflt Osll for.
Cephalic Pills, I find they never Csik and X rsetatmeod
them in all cases of Headaches > . .. „
Mn.Jovc*.— l shall send fora box directly, and shall
tell all my suffering friends, for tlwy aim a Ttul htutiug.
Fevcr and
I Nortons
.every ono
lung, and
,te. These
(sirinus In
them will
Sow York.
Twr.vvr Mu.uoss or Doiahis Satkii.— Mr. Spalding has
sold two inUlions'of bottles of his celebrated PrcparvdUlus
and it is estimated that each Isjttle, saves at least ten dol
lars worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggregate
of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss, by
this valuable invention. Having inadejils illue a ho**e
hole word, ha now proposes to iloT’ie world stdl gwalsr
service by curing all the aching heads With hU Csphalio
Pills, and if they are as good as UU U nto, Headaches will
soon vanish away like spow in July,
i's’s I.vrxx
-9 kind, the
lid received
03* Over excitement, and the mental can* and anxiety
incident to close attention to business or study, are among
the numerous cases of Nervous Headache. The disordered
state of mind anti body incident to this distressing com- •
plaint is a fatal blow to all energy nittl: aUilitioiu Suflsr
ers by tills disorder can always obtain speedy relief from
theite distressing attacks by using one of tbo tk-jilialh; Pill*
whenever the symptoms appear. It t|uietv ~Jtc vvertiukod
brain, ami soouthes the strhiue*! aml jarriha :wn ,u»d re-
Liles the tension of the stomach which alwityn a>ootupae ,
nlos ami aggravates tbe dbordo'i-cd cohdivkm Of the brain.
ime wortli-
Fact Wobth Ksowixo.—S.paldliig's Cephalic pilleara a
certain cure for Sick llcsdaclic, llilwui Hwliiclrt
Ucailaclic, C<>slivouosßanilUciieral DwbilUy.
Crrat Discovert. —Aihong thotnoH important ufaU tha
great medical discoveries or tblsageinsr :ic conshltirofllha
system'of vaccination for protertlonfiuiu ilia
Cephalic I’UI for relief of Heodaehcvand thorite Qnlnlna
for the prevention of Fevers* elthet ol.ytbidh iaa suraspe
cific.whoso benefits will bo experienced by suffering; hu
manity long after their discoverers are forgotten.
I3> Did you tree have the fHck tlOndacho ?: -Do ytju Te*
member the throbbing temples.- the hjw; the
loathing,ami disgust nt the sighjNsf'fimd.' flow bitter un
fit roil were for pleasure, eonveisAtloaftr study. On® of
the Cephalic Pills would have .rjdleved you from, all tha
suffering vfhich yon. their Vxpenc«Si3.‘ Forthla Arid other
purpose yon should always of them on hand
to uie as occasion requires.
' . -- 'rSSJf ■■« -
Nervous Headache
' By-the uso of these Bills the periodic attack* of yUrvout
or tick lUadacht may bo presented: and if taken at the
commencement of an attack! immediate relief'from paiu
and nicknoaa will be obtained. i
idem} wretch
|<res cud easily
|yer, stomach',
9 the most fra-
. They seldom fail In removing tjieAhuaea end Headache
to which females are so subject.
They act gently nj>on the bowels,—removing Qattiramt.
For Literary JWen, Students, Delicate female*, and all
penooa of sedentary halite, they arc valuable na a Isuaiire,
Improvltg the appetite, giving tone and rtyer.te the diges
tive organs, and testorlngthe natural ehiistidtjr uttf Strength
of the wjidto system.■ ' ' '
mrvous, Irrita
hds are forced
use of Uostot
ra’-ra efficient
itrengtben the
‘mire the most
Jyseutery, and
ue’eountry ate
The CEPBAUO ridS are the result of long teres tig-v
-thin and carefully conducted experiments, having been in
nsoioany years, daring which Hfan they bare presented
and relieved a vast amount of pain and »u(fi<rlup from
Headache, >{hetlier originaluigj jn the animus system or
fronraderanged state of tlio stomach. "
They are entirely vegetable in their composition, an*
may' token at all times, with perfect safety ’without
making any change of dire t, and iht aiitntt jaiiy din- |
iatte render* it taty to adiHfnisUr therktot/tSJrct. jt
Thegenuine hare Bra signature* of llenry Q. Spalding'
each Box.
.Sold i>y Druggists and all other Boater* in Medicines .
A BoiirlUTw eonthymaft,yrep«^odo^i||*jpt ) of t*»
: '
i; Ail order* should ho addreat|ej[W T : .
[ ' ■ -.fl : •■jijsjib* ■
1 Sor4vs&,-i T ;j r . **
tnother recom
tlatoble to the
! .
A Beal Blessing.
] IiMIKB 'Wliy
MaMboro (Town
«Ux«n Iron,(cast
goods; referred to t
. On motion of Mi
That the I’residen
to' the appropriate
.Oa motion of Mr
■OFappointed Messi
<Me.) Good, (l>ol.)
certain what Staten
■dais. '
' On motion of Mr
of'lho I‘rcsideut’a &
' liflcal troubles wa
.special committee j
•{Mass.) Bitner, (Mi
t {lawn) Lehr, (Kan.
On motion of Mi
• That tho I‘rcsident
,’nmnlcate to the St
, certain United Slat
■fit the proper nuth>
by Srbat authority
.if. the I
» , jpco<9iy >“» w itcd,by
. and if steps have
On motion of Mr
be appro
■suffering in tho St]
if 1
~ r -.- *
• "A*
..*r-r r
?. lT -
Wm*kb Thronth——
KmVutb HwW
N . ' MAI
MFMMrn through
KMtaru Through
T SMftK»W»y
(Nna Uoc*» :—Durii
7 30*.*- 0« SttiKUyi,
CunwTritln Knot atrtv
“ Vfeit “
tmd' 1 ' u . Ka« “
. «. Went' “
||gt .« Cut “
W«»t “
i«MW»ihHi» Train
«UV«tanil Kxpreo T
following ticket, d«
Democratic Ticket
Dmboeats, to b<
Borough election:
CMtf Burgttt—
JSeKoolDirector t,
. 'V4 ' 1 r « -
It 44
- B. 11.
" -AvtUtort—Thon
•‘".fc-. Santo
*fu4gt of Eteetio
? imptetpr of Elu
41 " ‘ 1
rJar* erom pret
wiU' \
•it wooW’reqttiro
ire to be the suet
■eeceity of t cand
. tickets Sn the i
. that the issue s
. 'baitre heretofore t
b|i(l, : «n(l- all fe
V-Some of those w
.log jibe Isaac, ha
their eh
* bjftnting that ■
fUse tUrn>. A
Am done more
we here,
sAutger that It v
Tub Oil. Exci
iideitißed to be
Si-. th « c * n
wfrf wbieb rugci
In tb
'lorabdYbr the p
einkiogwells in
par t, of t his Stat
NorthwesUru Vi
igijf formed in lb
to bois;for oil u
P^^ nsiBt
profitable strike
ieuw« d °
' , signs, conacque
Iff without our
Iron bur reco
others bare toll
cbnek did not 8
ditionbaait, h
- All we baye to
’. ere think that 1
lowing, serious
jin bis shrewdu
•Stcr, from the
’writing, we be
wral break up,
bis honor os a
Jicewes were
ontltthe Adj
Intael Mill
John Tiller;
Roman Bei
toona Bbroug
Daniel K.
%twQ Aoi
th* line o( t
between tbe
canefc. We b:
that 'Talley ’
. «a&aland be
If eotne assi
Bail RoadCi
be built